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GT-0071-a-12-1-o Examen VMBO-GL en TL 2012 tijd Engels CSE GL en TL Bij dit examen horen twee uitwerkbijlagen. Beantwoord alle leesvragen in uitwerkbijlage 1. Maak de schrijfopdracht in uitwerkbijlage 2. Achter het correctievoorschrift is een aanvulling op het correctievoorschrift opgenomen. Dit examen bestaat uit 29 vragen en een schrijfopdracht. Voor dit examen zijn maximaal 48 punten te behalen. Voor elk vraagnummer staat hoeveel punten met een goed antwoord behaald kunnen worden. tijdvak 1 dinsdag 22 mei 13.30 - 15.30 uur

Engels CSE GL en TL - Examenblad · to mass fitness for little outlay (£5 buys a decent rope), but a new place for Britain’s young athletes in a growing international sport that’s

Jul 11, 2020



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Page 1: Engels CSE GL en TL - Examenblad · to mass fitness for little outlay (£5 buys a decent rope), but a new place for Britain’s young athletes in a growing international sport that’s


Examen VMBO-GL en TL

2012 tijd

Engels CSE GL en TL

Bij dit examen horen twee uitwerkbijlagen. Beantwoord alle leesvragen in uitwerkbijlage 1. Maak de schrijfopdracht in uitwerkbijlage 2. Achter het correctievoorschrift is een aanvulling op het correctievoorschrift opgenomen.

Dit examen bestaat uit 29 vragen en een schrijfopdracht. Voor dit examen zijn maximaal 48 punten te behalen. Voor elk vraagnummer staat hoeveel punten met een goed antwoord behaald kunnen worden.

tijdvak 1dinsdag 22 mei

13.30 - 15.30 uur

Page 2: Engels CSE GL en TL - Examenblad · to mass fitness for little outlay (£5 buys a decent rope), but a new place for Britain’s young athletes in a growing international sport that’s

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Let op: beantwoord een open vraag altijd in het Nederlands, behalve als het anders is aangegeven. Als je in het Engels antwoordt, levert dat 0 punten op.

Tekst 1

1p 1 Wat vindt Katie het engst aan de gebeurtenis die hieronder beschreven wordt?

A dat er mensen zijn die haar bang willen maken B dat het horloge na een jaar opeens weer opduikt C dat het kennelijk echt spookt in hun huis D dat hun huis inbraakgevoelig blijkt te zijn

You share your chilling - and true! - stories Be afraid - be very afraid!

“A ghost stole my mom’s watch!”

“My family had just moved into a new house, and I had heard all these creepy stories about it. Supposedly a 12-year-old boy named Fred had died there years ago, and he still haunts the house. But why would I believe those stories? I convinced myself that people were just trying to freak me out. Then, one day, my mom went out for a few hours and left me home alone. When she got back, she came into my room and asked, “Katie, did you borrow my watch?” “No,” I said. She looked confused. “I left it on my bureau, and it’s gone,” she said. We searched everywhere, but the watch was nowhere to be found. But I knew no one had been in the house but me - so where did it go? Exactly a year later, Mom walked into her bedroom - and the watch was sitting on her bureau! There was a note beside it that said, “Sorry about your watch. I never learned to tell time.” Here’s the scariest part: it was signed, “Fred.” Now I know all

those scary stories about my house are true!” Katie, 17, Ontario

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Tekst 2

1p 2 Waarvoor maakt deze advertentie reclame?

A een abonnement op een sportschool B een caloriearm dieet C een cursus zelfverdediging D een gezondheidsproduct



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Tekst 3

Skipping your Way to Fitness The playground sport is right back in fashion, reports Nicholas Roe

1 A rope screams through the air at 200 revs a minute, energy is burned at the jaw-sagging rate of 1,300 calories an hour and miracles of physical activity are performed in front of cheering crowds. Welcome to the new, super cool world of … skipping. Once considered childish, this ancient playtime skill 3 . And what’s emerging is not just an effective route to mass fitness for little outlay (£5 buys a decent rope), but a new place for Britain’s young athletes in a growing international sport that’s intriguing to watch.

2 Fiercely competitive, hugely intricate and physically demanding, skipping – also known as rope-jumping – also shows signs of being, quite literally, the new rock ’n roll. Singer James Morrison recently featured a team of competition skippers in his music video You Give Me Something. 4 , Britain’s best skippers returned from the World Rope Jumping Championships in Canada this summer with a creditable fourth place.

3 Four years ago the British Rope Skipping Association (BRSA) started trying to raise the profile of the sport, persuading television shows such as Blue Peter to focus on the subtle complexity of rope work, which can involve 200 different kinds of ‘jump’. Directors loved the fancy footwork and youthful profile. Huge efforts were also being ploughed into getting skipping back into the playground. This year saw Britain establishing a new world record when 7,632 children skipped continuously for three minutes in 85 locations, backed by teachers who consider rope-work to be a great way to improve youth fitness.

4 “Skipping went out of fashion because video games and PlayStations came along,” says Sue Dalem, secretary of the BRSA. “But teachers are now pushing to bring it back.” Dalem says that young people are instantly amazed at what is possible with just a simple rope. Her own daughters, Beci, 18, and Rachael, 17, started as seven-year-olds and now skip for Britain: “We skip four or five times a week for two or three hours at a time,” says Rachael. “It’s fun.”

5 And this is the key. 6 basic skipping is simple, and almost anyone with five square feet of free space can do it, there’s a genuinely attractive art to higher-level work. Half a dozen clubs in Britain regularly compete.

6 In speed contests, the world record is 188 jumps in 30 seconds. More creatively, rope-jumpers use one or even two long ropes held by team members to perform cartwheels, push-ups, handstands and aerial leaps while avoiding a rope spinning at 200 rpm. Skipping for 10 minutes is said to be the equivalent of

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30 minutes’ jogging, and it tones the upper body as well as the legs. The truly extraordinary thing, perhaps, is that this antique pastime ever lost its mass appeal in the first place.

7 Although the trend has been reversed, one remaining challenge is that many young men still consider skipping an off-puttingly girly activity. This is surprising, given that boxers rely on skipping for endurance training. And when was Mike Tyson ever a sissy?

1p 3 Kies bij 3 in alinea 1 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden. A has become dominated by professionals B has now been fully developed C is making a comeback D is now being overvalued

1p 4 Kies bij 4 in alinea 2 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden. A For that reason B However C Instead D Moreover

2p 5 Wie of wat heeft/hebben zich ingezet volgens de alinea’s 3 en 4 om kinderen meer aan het touwtjespringen te krijgen? Schrijf twee antwoorden op.

1p 6 Kies bij 6 in alinea 5 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden. A Even though B Knowing that C Provided that

2p 7 Geef van elk van de volgende beweringen aan of deze juist of onjuist is op grond van de alinea’s 6 en 7. Omcirkel ‘juist’ of ‘onjuist’ in je uitwerkbijlage. 1 Bij een half uur joggen verbruik je meer calorieën dan bij een half uur

touwtjespringen. 2 Bij touwtjespringen worden alleen de benen goed getraind. 3 Touwtjespringen is volgens veel jonge mannen typisch iets voor meisjes. 4 Sommige vechtsporters trainen ook door touwtje te springen.

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Tekst 4

1p 8 Waartoe roepen enkele ‘groene’ Schotse parlementsleden precies op?

A bedreigde diersoorten uit de buurt van olietankers te houden B bewijs te leveren van illegale olielozingen op open zee C de marine te helpen bij het opsporen van vervuilende vrachtschepen D te helpen bij het schoonmaken van met olie vervuilde stranden en dieren E te melden dat je bepaalde diersoorten hebt gezien



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Tekst 5

1p 9 Je gaat begin maart een weekend naar Londen, samen met een vriend/vriendin.

Jullie willen graag om een uur of zes ’s avonds naar de London Dungeon. Kan dit volgens de folder? Antwoord met ‘ja’ of ‘nee’ en verklaar je antwoord.

A 19th Feb - 30th March B 31st March - 15th April C 16th April - 25th May

B 26th May - 3rd June C 4th June - 13th July D 14th July - 2nd Sept

n.b. dates subject to revision if school holiday dates change. Closing times stated are admission times. A 10.30am - 5pm B 09.30am - 6.30pm C 10am - 5.30pm D 09.30am - 7pm

Tooley Street, London SE1 2SZ Rail/Underground: 100 metres from London Bridge Station: Rail and London Underground (Northern and Jubilee Lines). 400 metres from Monument/Bank Station: Docklands Light Railway, London Underground (District, Circle, Central and Northern Lines). Buses: 21, 35, 40, 47, 48, 133, 141, 149, 381, RV1 Parking: NCP: St Thomas Street and Upper Thames Street. Coaches: Euro Car Park - Tower Bridge Road. Open seven days a week excluding Christmas Day. Typical length of visit is 90 minutes.

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Tekst 6

Big Kids on the Block

Johnny Dee

1 Last Saturday, an account manager from south-east London spent seven hours sitting in her Vauxhall Zafira parked outside the house of a stranger she knew only as the Giraffe. “It was,” she says, “one of the most exciting things I've ever done.” The woman, who would like to be known as Agent Squirtel, in order to protect her identity from rogue commandos, was taking part in StreetWars Killer, a water-pistol assassin game that has turned 150 Londoners into paranoid snipers with super-soakers. At about 8am her target emerged from his house and she gave chase down the street, successfully aiming her gun at his upper torso. It was only then that she realised she had squirted the wrong man: it was the Giraffe's flatmate, Dave. “He was OK about it,” she says. “It was a hot day, he said he would dry out.”

2 StreetWars is just one of many large-scale urban games being played in cities all across the world. All of them are similar in that information spreads via the internet. To anyone who chances upon them on the street, they seem like surreal, random events. All of them also utilise wireless technology such as GPRS1), use real streets rather than boards or computer screens as their game's grid, and all resemble childhood games in their simplicity.

3 “They definitely appeal to people with a Peter Pan complex2),” says Yutai Liao, a San Francisco graphics designer whose alter ego, the Mustache Commander, is behind the StreetWars craze. “Where's the law that states that once you get to a set age you can only have fun by going to dinner parties with other adult friends?” The average age of competitors, says Liao, is 25.

4 Frank Lantz, a US college lecturer who encouraged his students to play a human game of Pac-Man, believes the social aspect is the main reason why urban games are becoming a trend. “A lot of these games use new technology but they're also about a return to the classic values of pre-computer gaming: face-to-face social interaction,” he says.

noot 1 GPRS = General Packet Radio Service, used by GSM mobile phones

noot 2 Peter Pan complex = when you suffer from this, you don’t want to grow up

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“I also think there's something appealing about 14 to run around public space creating a spectacle.”

5 Indeed, not everyone can be good at football or kung fu, 15 we're all pretty good at hide and seek.


Pac-Manhattan Human-sized Pac-Man game Players:10

StreetWars Killer Water-pistol assassina-tion Players: 150

BotfightersRobots in disguise Players: 40.000+

1p 10 Which of the following is true of paragraph 1?

It describes A a day out for office workers. B Agent Squirtel’s job. C an appointment with Dave. D a police squad’s exercise. E a specific part of a reality game.

1p 11 Which of the following is not true about StreetWars according to paragraph 2? A It is a city outdoor event. B It is played worldwide. C It started out as a children’s game. D You need the internet to take part in it. E You play it with the help of technical appliances.

1p 12 What is true about Yutai Liao according to paragraph 3? A He dislikes dinner parties for grown-ups. B He is the initiator of the StreetWars games. C He says that people under 25 do not like playing this game. D He would like to be known as Peter Pan.

1p 13 ‘urban games are becoming a trend’ (alinea 4) Wat is hier volgens Frank Lantz de belangrijkste reden voor?

1p 14 Kies bij 14 in alinea 4 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden. A being forced B having an excuse C pretending D refusing

1p 15 Kies bij 15 in alinea 5 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden. A because B but C therefore D unless

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Tekst 7

My Son, the Chimp

British teacher takes him toys, watches TV and has a laugh with him

By Marie Woolf Political Editor

1 A British woman has launched a court challenge to become the legal guardian of a 160lb chimpanzee in a test case that could confer basic rights on apes across Europe.

2 Paula Stibbe, 38, a teacher who lives in Vienna, has applied to the Austrian courts to take legal responsibility for a 26-year-old male chimpanzee which, she fears, could be subjected to laboratory tests if he isn’t given legal ‘rights’. Animal-welfare organisations see it as a test case that would give special legal status to the great apes. It comes as Members of Parliament make a fresh attempt to ban animal testing on primates1) across Europe.

3 Ms Stibbe, who is originally from Brighton, befriended Hiasl the chimp eight years ago and now visits him every week, bringing biscuits and his favourite Viennese pastries, clothes, including Wellington boots, and art materials. The ape, which has lived in an Austrian animal sanctuary2) most of his life after being rescued by customs officials as a baby, is facing an uncertain future after the sanctuary ran out of cash.

4 Ms Stibbe, who spends hours with Hiasl each week, says she regards him as a ‘friend’ and is horrified about the prospect of him being transported to a laboratory. If her application to become his legal guardian is successful, she would be responsible for making decisions about his welfare.

5 She told The Independent on Sunday she plays hide and seek and watches wildlife programmes with him. “He likes being tickled and he likes dressing-up clothes,” she said. “He is especially fond of Wellington boots…. He likes drawing with coloured chalk, mostly scribbling. He laughs a lot and is very gentle with me, even though he has the strength of seven men. He has a special greeting for me and tweaks my nose between his middle and index finger when I arrive. He enjoys watching TV, and is specially fond of wildlife documentaries. I showed

Hiasl the chimp likes ‘dressing-up clothes’ and enjoys watching TV

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him a video of gorillas, and when two gorillas were mating he was completely fascinated by them. I want to make sure that he has a fully secure future, and does not end up in a lab abroad.”

6 Hiasl was captured as a one-year-old in Sierra Leone and smuggled to Austria, where he was bound for a vivisection lab. He was found by customs officers after surviving the journey to Europe in a box, and was taken in by the sanctuary.

7 20 he is granted basic legal rights, he could be sent abroad to a laboratory when the sanctuary closes. Paula Stibbe’s case follows moves in New Zealand and Spain to give rights to great apes. These apes share about 98 per cent of their DNA with humans.

1p 16 Why has Paula Stibbe ‘launched a court challenge’ (first sentence) according to

paragraphs 1-2? She wants to A be given legal permission to perform tests on a group of Austrian apes. B get a licence to set up a developing project for primates in Europe. C officially become responsible for a grown-up chimp to protect him.

1p 17 Why is there a chance that Hiasl may soon be transported elsewhere according to paragraph 3? A According to the rules he is no longer allowed to stay in Austria. B He needs a health check because of his age. C His behaviour is making him difficult to handle. D There is no money left to take care of him.

3p 18 Geef van elk van de volgende beweringen aan of deze juist of onjuist is volgens de alinea’s 4 en 5. Omcirkel ‘juist’ of ‘onjuist’ in je uitwerkbijlage. 1 Paula vergelijkt Hiasl met een lastig kind dat haar aandacht nodig heeft. 2 Paula doet allerlei spelletjes met Hiasl. 3 Paula is wel eens bang voor Hiasl omdat hij zo sterk is. 4 Hiasl heeft een speciale manier van afscheid nemen van Paula. 5 Hiasl is enorm geboeid door tv-beelden van andere apen. 6 Paula wil zeker weten dat Hiasl uiteindelijk naar het buitenland zal gaan.

1p 19 De rechtszaak van Paula Stibbe in Oostenrijk is niet de enige actie die op dit moment gevoerd wordt. Citeer (= schrijf over uit de tekst) de zin uit de alinea’s 6 of 7 waaruit dit

blijkt. Schrijf de eerste twee en de laatste twee woorden van deze zin in je uitwerkbijlage.

1p 20 Kies bij 20 in alinea 7 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden. A Although B Because C If D Unless

noot 1 primate = (mens)aap

noot 2 animal sanctuary = dierenopvang

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Tekst 8

2p 21 Als reactie op onderstaande oproep besluit je een verhaal in te sturen

Welke twee mogelijkheden heb je om te bewijzen dat de heldendaad uit je verhaal echt gebeurd is?

Are you our Hero/Heroine of the Year?

Calling all superstar brothers and sisters! The search is on to find the pluckiest Mizz reader on the planet… We know you lot are all ace in your own right – but now we’ve decided to give one lucky reader an extra-special pat on the back. We’re launching our Mizz Hero/Heroine of the Year Award. Do you want to know more? Read on. THE RULES Okay guys, we’re not looking for just anyone because this reader has to be 100% hero/heroine. Maybe you’ve raised tons of cash for someone who really, really needed it or given a total stranger the ‘kiss of life’. Perhaps you beat a serious illness or were a little angel when your best mate was sick. We’re looking for the most amazing act of bravery and courage EVER! So, if your story made it to the local paper, make sure you send us a clipping. If not, get an adult to prove that the story is true by signing the form below. 1st PRIZE The winner will be whisked off to London on an all-expense-paid trip and given a VIP day of five-star treatment. You’ll be pampered from head-to-toe in a top salon and, because you deserve it for being so ace, we’ll let you bring your best mate along too. You’ll also be the star of a feature and get to tell your inspiring story to the rest of us. We’ll invite you to a glamorous photo shoot where you’ll have your own make up and fashion expert and photographer on hand to turn you into a celebrity for the day. 2nd PRIZE Four lucky runners-up will also get to share their story at an all-expense-paid Mizz photo shoot in London.

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How to enter Closing date for entries is August 26th! You can nominate yourself or put your mate up for a reward if you reckon he/she deserves it. Tell us why you think this is a hero/heroine story which deserves to win, attach a picture and any newspaper clippings too. Just remember, our judges will be looking for that extra-special something that makes a person 100% hero/heroine. Readers abroad may also compete. Send your entries to: Ms L. Bennett, Mizz Hero/Heroine of the Year, King’s Reach Tower, Stamford Street, London, SE1 9LS England

Name…………………………………….. Age………………………………………. Best Mate’s name………………………... Your address…………………………….............................................. Adult’s signature………………………….

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Tekst 9

Can she fix it? Yes she can! As Julie Bindel discovers, female builders are in huge demand – but can they ever compete with the tea-slurping boys?

1 Of all the construction workers

employed at London’s Wembley Stadium, what percentage would you guess are women? Five? Ten? Twenty at a push? How about 0.05%? “Out of 10,000,” notes Karen Procter, director of the national organisation, Women and Manual Trades (WAMT), “between three and five are women.”

2 It’s a statistic that seems even more shocking when you consider that, in the run-up to the 2012 Olympics in London, Britain is short of 350,000 builders. Across the building trade, women account for fewer than 1% of workers, making the building site still very much a man’s domain – what Procter describes as ‘the last bastion of sexist discrimination in the workplace’.

3 The government belatedly seems to have taken notice. Education Secretary Alan Johnson recently reserved £20m for training women in construction. Whether this will be enough remains to be seen.

4 Amid all this bad news, though, there are a few success stories. Plasterer Janet Shelley says that she has always wanted to “do things that people think are impossible”, and so set up Women Builders, a company that now employs the UK’s largest female construction workforce – 14 full-time builders. “We have no problems filling vacancies,” says Shelley. “There are lots more women wanting to work in the trade than there are jobs.”

5 So I set off for Milton Keynes, where Women Builders set up three years ago. Women Builders are renovating a local village school, ripping out kitchens and rebuilding walls. I meet Louise Horwood, a 20-year-old carpenter. “I always wanted to be a builder,” she tells me, “but my dad, who is in the trade, was dead against it.” After leaving school, Horwood briefly tried hairdressing college, but hated it. “I had never been so bored in all my life,” she says, “and my dad’s pressure on me only made me more determined.” She entered the world of construction aged just 16 and at first struggled to cope. “Men would harassingly say, ‘Don’t break your nails on that, love, it’s too heavy.’ But I kept going and now I’m one of them.”

6 Janet Shelley works closely with WAMT – which represents and supports women working and training in skilled manual and craft occupations – to try to establish better working practices and reduce discrimination. When WAMT

‘We get a lot of respect’ … builders Louise Horwood and colleague at work in Milton Keynes

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began in 1975, small numbers of middle-class, white, educated women entered the trade partly to protest at women’s exclusion. Today, however, 60% of members are black, and have similar class backgrounds to their male counterparts. “Most of these women are moving out of manual jobs like cleaning and catering into trades where they can earn four times as much,” says Procter.

7 Women Builders is never short of work, but there is still the occasional customer who does not understand the kind of firm they are. “Sometimes you turn up for a job at someone’s house, or business, and the highly surprised client will say to us, ‘Oh, you really are women!’”

8 Shelley and Horwood say that when they are on a building site, people will stop and openly stare at them. Some will shout and ask what they are doing. “We are at the stage with women construction workers today that we were 25 years ago with male nurses,” Procter believes. “In a few years, it will be far more common to see women in hard hats up on scaffolding.”

9 If women in building are to really flourish, organisations such as WAMT say, it is crucial that the opportunity offered by the 2012 Olympics isn’t wasted. “We will see how keen the government is to end the extreme levels of sexism and discrimination in the building trade,” says Procter, “and we expect to see many more women encouraged and trained to work on building sites, alongside men who treat them as equals.” A tall order, maybe, but these women certainly know how to stand up to the big boys.

1p 22 According to paragraphs 1 and 2, what is meant by “‘the last bastion of sexist discrimination’”? (end paragraph 2) A London’s Wembley Stadium B the building site C the Olympics D the WAMT

1p 23 Which of the following is true for Janet Shelley according to paragraph 4? A She has to put great effort into finding suitable workers. B She herself also works in the building trade. C She is not a very enterprising person. D She is struggling to make her company profitable.

1p 24 What becomes clear about Louise Horwood from paragraph 5? A She had to work very hard to be seen as equal by her male colleagues. B She had worked as a hairdresser for years before she took up building. C She only started on a building course after the death of her father. D She still has a problem with some of the remarks made at work.

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2p 25 Geef van elk van de volgende beweringen over de organisatie WAMT aan of deze juist of onjuist is op grond van alinea 6. Omcirkel ‘juist’ of ‘onjuist’ in je uitwerkbijlage. De organisatie 1 zet zich ook in tegen discriminatie van vrouwen in de bouw. 2 ondersteunde helemaal in het begin alleen laagopgeleide vrouwen. 3 vertegenwoordigt op dit moment voor het grootste deel zwarte vrouwen. 4 helpt vrouwen meer te verdienen dan ze in de schoonmaak of horeca doen.

1p 26 “‘Oh, you really are women!’” (end of paragraph 7) What does this reaction point out about the customers of ‘Women Builders’? A Not all of them realise that ‘Women Builders’ employs only women. B Some of them refuse to believe that women can build houses. C They have made clear they strongly prefer men to do the job. D They think the female builders employed by ‘Women Builders’ look a lot like


1p 27 ‘…can they ever compete with the tea-slurping boys?’ (introduction) Karen Procter answers this question in paragraph 9. What does her answer come down to? A In future men and women will definitely work together as equals on building

sites. B The 2012 Olympics will hopefully function as a positive turning point. C The government is unwilling to change its policy to achieve this equality. D Women will always be discriminated against in construction work.

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Tekst 10

1p 28 Wat wordt in dit artikel onder andere duidelijk over politieagenten in

Bedfordshire? A Ze hebben een tekort aan goede computerapparatuur. B Ze hebben te weinig tijd om alle politiegegevens digitaal te verwerken. C Ze hebben weinig mensen met goede computervaardigheden. D Ze spelen te veel spelletjes op hun handcomputers. E Ze worden met behulp van computers getraind voor praktijksituaties.

Computer Police By Richard Edward Crime Correspondent BEDFORDSHIRE Police issued 1,000 front-line officers with BlackBerry devices so that they could spend less time at their desks and ‘more time deterring and solving crimes’. However, the force has moved to disable the game options such as ‘bat and ball’ on the gadgets after officers were caught playing with them in meetings. Police officers have been rebuked for playing games on the newly issued hand-held computers which were championed by Gordon Brown1) for allowing police to spend more time on the beat.

The devices were issued nationwide this year to enable officers to access the Police National Computer (PNC), briefings, intelligence and warrants databases. About 10,000 of the devices were sent to 27 police forces, costing £50 million. The Prime Minister claimed they could cut average paperwork by 99 minutes a shift although some officers complained that the devices were less efficient than a notepad and pen. Bedfordshire Police were unavailable for comment.

noot 1 Gordon Brown = toenmalige premier

Page 18: Engels CSE GL en TL - Examenblad · to mass fitness for little outlay (£5 buys a decent rope), but a new place for Britain’s young athletes in a growing international sport that’s

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Tekst 11

1p 29 What reason did Maimie Meakin’s mother have for saying ‘no’ to her daughter’s

relationship with Frank Walker? She did not like Frank’s A age. B character. C family background. D line of work. E looks.

Octogenarians Rekindle their Wartime


Stockport A couple forced to part during the Second World War have rekindled their romance after a break of more than 60 years. Maimie Meakin, of Glasgow, was 19 when she fell in love with Frank Walker, two years her senior and an RAF tail-gunner, in 1942 – but her mother put an end to it because she feared her daughter could not cope if he was killed in action. They went their separate ways; both married after the war, and both recently lost their spouses – before Mrs Meakin, 86, tracked Mr Walker down in Stockport. “The spark is still there between us,” said Mr Walker, 88.

Page 19: Engels CSE GL en TL - Examenblad · to mass fitness for little outlay (£5 buys a decent rope), but a new place for Britain’s young athletes in a growing international sport that’s

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13p 30 Inleiding

Je hebt op school tijdens de les Engels de oproep voor de ‘Mizz Hero/Heroine of the Year Award’ gelezen (tekst 8). Jij wilt een van je vrienden voor de Mizz Award opgeven. Hij/zij heeft iets zeer heldhaftigs gedaan: een buurjongetje van drie uit het water gered. Jouw vriend/vriendin vindt zelf niet dat er iets bijzonders gebeurd is. Jij vindt van wel, want het was heel moedig om in het koude, diepe water te springen en andere mensen stonden alleen maar toe te kijken. Je hoopt dat ze je vriend/vriendin kiezen, want hij/zij verdient het echt. Het is een grote wens van hem/haar om eens naar Londen te gaan, omdat hij/zij gehoord heeft dat het zo’n geweldige stad is, waar je ook goed kunt winkelen. Je besluit een brief te schrijven en een krantenartikel over deze heldhaftige redding mee te sturen. Richt je brief aan: Ms L. Bennett, Mizz Hero/Heroine of the Year, King’s Reach Tower, Stamford Street, London SE1 9LS, England Opdracht Schrijf de brief. Maak gebruik van de informatie uit bovenstaande inleiding bij het uitwerken van de volgende punten: Stel jezelf voor: naam, jongen/meisje, leeftijd en land. Schrijf waar je de oproep gelezen hebt en waarom je schrijft en wat je vriend/vriendin gedaan heeft. Schrijf wat hij/zij zelf van zijn/haar daad vindt en leg uit waarom jij het niet met hem/haar eens bent. Vermeld wat zijn/haar grote wens is en waarom (noem twee dingen). Leg uit wat je hoopt voor je vriend/vriendin en schrijf wat je meestuurt. Sluit op passende wijze af. Aanwijzingen

Maak een logische alinea-indeling en sla na elke alinea een regel over. Denk aan je eigen adres en dat van Ms L. Bennett, de datum, aanhef en de afsluiting. (Om je te helpen staat op de volgende pagina een lijstje met adresconventies.) Gebruik minstens 100 en niet veel meer dan 140 woorden: datum, adres en aanhef tellen niet mee. Noteer het aantal woorden van de inhoud van de brief links bovenaan de pagina. Beoordeling Bij de beoordeling wordt er niet alleen op gelet of je correct Engels gebruikt hebt, maar ook of je brief een goedlopend geheel is. Verder wordt beoordeeld of je alle (10) elementen van de opdracht hebt uitgevoerd. Je mag ook best zelf iets (zinvols) toevoegen, maar let op het aantal woorden. Succes! Let op: de laatste aanwijzing bij deze opdracht staat op de volgende pagina.

Page 20: Engels CSE GL en TL - Examenblad · to mass fitness for little outlay (£5 buys a decent rope), but a new place for Britain’s young athletes in a growing international sport that’s

GT-0071-a-12-1-o 20 lees verder ►►►

Voorbeelden van conventies voor een ‘formele brief’ (let op: ook andere uitwerkingen zijn mogelijk!) [adres afzender (je eigen adres!)] bijvoorbeeld: Pinksterbloemstraat 63 6845 SR Barendrecht The Netherlands [datum (Let op: de datum van vandaag!)] bijvoorbeeld: 23 April 2012 23rd April 2012 April 23, 2012 April 23rd, 2012 [adres geadresseerde] Ms L. Bennett Mizz Hero/Heroine of the Year King’s Reach Tower Stamford Street London SE1 9LS England


Een opsomming van de in dit examen gebruikte bronnen, zoals teksten en afbeeldingen, is te vinden in het bij dit examen

behorende correctievoorschrift, dat na afloop van het examen wordt gepubliceerd.

einde einde


Een opsomming van de in dit examen gebruikte bronnen, zoals teksten en afbeeldingen, is te vinden in het bij dit examen

behorende correctievoorschrift, dat na afloop van het examen wordt gepubliceerd.