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Expository Essay Prep October 13, 2009
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Page 1: Eng092 Oct13 09

Expository Essay Prep

October 13, 2009

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1. Expository Essay Prep2. Grammar Quiz: Pronouns and Modifiers

(30 minutes)

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Everyone understands without saying it or expressing it.

Examples: Her tacit approval of his lifestyle came at a

cost. She tacitly acknowledged his temper


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Expository Essay

Expository writing: exposing your reader/informing your reader

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Expository Essay

Includes: Process Classification and division Cause and effect Comparison and contrast

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Your Assignment

Due: In-class, October 15 Expository Essay

Classification Compare and contrast OR Cause and effect

600 words

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Topic Choices

Cause OR effect: something causes something else because of 3 things

pollution causes more damage than other environmental problems because of illness, global warming, and depletion of resources Your own Success/failure in school, business, relationships Too much coffee/TV/junk food Marriage breakdown Stress Procrastination Losing/getting a job Drug/alcohol dependancy

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Topic Choices

Classification Your own choice (different from paragraph,

though) 3 types of students/teachers/parents 3 types of friendships/relationships 3 types of jobs (as opposed to careers) 3 types of vacations 3 types of diets 3 types of bad habits

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Topic Choices

Compare and contrast Your own 2 cities or places to live in or visit 2 different types of people 2 schools/stores/restaurants 2 different ways of doing something (eg formal

learning vs learning on the job) Life before and after

marriage/divorce/children/new job Cars, bicycles, computer games, etc. Big screen movies to videos

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Expository Essay

Start with an outline Five paragraph model Introduction

Remember in-class practice introductory sentences Thesis in last sentence, previewing the three main

points Body

Topic sentences Details Concluding sentence


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Expository Essay: Format

MLA top left corner:

Your NameInstructor’s NameCourse NameDate

Essay Title

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Thesis Statement

“one or more sentences that clearly and concisely indicate the subject of your paper, the main points you will discuss, and the order in which you will discuss them.”

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Thesis Statement

Subject Link Main PointsThe most prolific producers of unnecessary jargon

are politicians, sports writers, advertising copy writers, and educators.

Fad diets are not the quick fix to weight problems that they may appear to be. On the contrary, yhey are often costly, ineffective, and even dangerous.

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Thesis Statement

Subject: no announcements Subject: needs an angle (not just a topic) Subject: cannot state the obvious

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Thesis Statement

In this essay, I am going to discuss violence in hockey.

Violence in hockey is misunderstood by the nonplaying public.

This paper is about Canada’s multiculturalism policy.

Canada’s multiculturalism policy is neither practical nor desirable.

I am going to examine the influence of Wal-Mart in Canada.

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Thesis Statement

Main points must be parallel Of the many qualities that combine to

make a good nurse the three most important are strength, intelligence, and she must be compassionate.

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Thesis Statement Exercises

5.1 (62). Just do 1-35.2 (63). Just do 1-3

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Grammar Quiz: Tuesday, October 13 Pronouns Dangling Modifiers