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[ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Dec 26, 2015




[ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs
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Page 1: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs
Page 2: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs
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By Thomas Hunt

Page 6: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

INTRODUCTION .......................................................3

THE CHAOS DWARFS .............................................4

HISTORY OF THE CHAOS DWARFS ...................8


A LEGACY OF CRUELTY .....................................24

EVENTS .....................................................................30

CHAOS DWARFS BESTIARY ...............................32

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers .................................36

Chaos Dwarf Warlords .................................37

Chaos Dwarf Warriors ..................................38 Chaos Dwarf Stormcallers ............................39

Immortals ......................................................40

Acolytes of Hashut ........................................41

Slaves ............................................................42

Hobgoblin Wolf Riders .................................43

Daemonic Engines ........................................44

Daemonic Upgrades ......................................48

Daemonic Constructs ....................................50

Bull Centaurs ................................................51

Mortal Engines ..............................................52

Palanquin ......................................................53 Black Orcs .....................................................54

Ogres .............................................................55

Petrified Sorcerer ..........................................56

CHAOS DWARFS BESTIARY ..................Continued

Altar of Hashut ..............................................57

Bull Centaur Doom Harness .........................58

Ghorth the Cruel ...........................................60

Zhatan the Black ...........................................61

Astragoth .......................................................62

Lord Bhaal ....................................................63

Hothgar Daemonbane ...................................64

Rykarth the Unbreakable ..............................65

Volgar the Mad .............................................66 Ghuz Slavetaker ............................................67

Gorduz Backstabber ......................................68

Ancestor Golem of Thagg-A-Durz ...............69

THE LORE OF HASHUT ........................................70


AMASS THE COHORT ...........................................74

CHAOS DWARFS ARMY LIST .............................92

Lords .............................................................95

Heroes ...........................................................97

Core Units .....................................................99

Special Units................................................100 Rare Units ...................................................103

THE DAEMONSMITHS' ART .............................105

SUMMARY ..............................................................112

Art: Apricotsoup, Baggronor, Forgefire, Grupax, Thomas Hunt, Ishkur Cinderhat, Igorvert, Marcus Leitdorf , M3lvin, Skink.

Book Design: Thomas Hunt, based on original work by the Games Workshop Design Studio. Figure Painters: AngryBoy2K, Arekarkadiusz, Kris

Aubin, Baggronor, bas_2312, Bassman, Adam Benesz, Blackgonzo, Borka, Dino, Exquisite Evil, GeOrc, Ghrask Dragh, Ghost, Grimstonefire,

Hammerhand, Thomas Hunt, Ishkur Cinderhat, Kendert, Kubasa, M3lvin, Malcolm Neill, Obsidian, Skink, Slim, Snotling, Spiky James, Tjub,

Ubertechie, Veski, Vexxus, Warh, Xander. Previous Editions of Chaos Dwarfs By: Allesio Cavatore, Ricky Priestly, Jake Thornton, Grant Williams.

Special Thanks to: aka_mythos, Baggronor, Cornixt, Galadorn, Grimstonefire, Hashut's Blessing, Karmilis, klemanius, Servius, Slev, Spartacus,

Willmark, Xander, zobo1942 and everyone at Chaos Dwarfs Online, without whom this book would not have been possible.

Games Workshop, the Games Workshop and Warhammer logos, Chaos Dwarfs and all associated imagery and background thereof are ®, ™ and/or ©

Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2010, variously registered in the UK and other countries in the world. All rights reserved. 'Volgar' is © Dwarf Tales. This

is an original non-profit work intended for entertainment purposes only. No challenge is intended to the trademarks of Games Workshop Ltd, Dwarf

Tales, Chaos Dwarfs Online or any other company or organisation. While every attempt has been made to secure permission for the use of artwork and

any other original work not credited to the author, there are some instances where this has not been possible. Please contact the author through the

appropriate channels to register an objection to the inclusion of any credited or non-credited work, and every attempt will be made to either amend or

remove the offending piece. The author is not responsible for the distribution of this document or for earlier versions of it that may contain copyrighted

or other removed materials. Thomas Hunt identifies himself as the sole author of this work, with all rights and responsibilities thereof. Please do not

attempt to sell or copy this document in whole or in part for anything except personal use without seeking permission. When distributing this

document, please leave it intact as far as is practically possible.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy this book and that it inspires you to not only collect and play with your Chaos Dwarfs, but also try your hand

at creating content of your own. The Chaos Dwarf community is one of the most creative and friendly gaming communities in the hobby and each and

every member of that community has contributed in ways small and large to the creation of this book. I would strongly encourage players of Chaos

Dwarfs to seek out this online fanbase and make use of the resources it offers.



Page 7: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

The Chaos Dwarfs are a race of cruel and psychotic engineers who are most infamous for the

creation of foul engines and artefacts for the mortal servants of the Dark Gods, but they also

have their own evil ambitions. Demented Sorcerers brood in citadels of black obsidian while

their warriors make war in the name of their evil god, Hashut: the Father of Darkness.


ARMY? Chaos Dwarfs are as vile and black hearted a race as

any in the Warhammer world. No other army holds the

rest of the world in quite the same contempt, and so

Chaos Dwarfs will appeal to anyone who likes to play a

true villain. There is almost nothing admirable about the

evil Chaos Dwarfs – their society is built on misery and

cruelty, kept afloat only by the slavery of thousands of


A Chaos Dwarf army is unlike any other in

Warhammer. Not only do they possess huge blocks of

elite infantry in the form of Warriors, Stormcallers and

Immortals, but also more unusual troop types like Bull

Centaurs and Hobgoblin Wolf Riders. But the real

strength of the Chaos Dwarfs lies in their mastery of the

arcane, for they can field hideous monstrous troops in

the form of Daemonic Constructs as well as terrifying

Daemonic Engines.

HOW THIS BOOK WORKS Warhammer Armies books are split into sections, each

of which deals with a different aspect of the army.

Warhammer: Chaos Dwarfs contains:

The Chaos Dwarfs. This section describes the history

of the Chaos Dwarfs – their twisted society, the blasted

hellscape of the Dark Lands in which they make their

home, their most notorious leaders and the cataclysmic

wars they have fought.

Chaos Dwarfs Bestiary. Each and every unit type in

the army is examined here, with a full description of

each entry, alongside its complete rules. This section

also contains the unique magical artefacts available to

Chaos Dwarfs and the powerful Lore of Hashut.

Amass the Cohort. Here you will see photographs of

the range of miniatures available for the Chaos Dwarfs army, gloriously painted and converted by passionate

gamers from across the world.

Chaos Dwarfs Army list. The army list takes all of the

troop types, war machines and infamous Dawi'Zharr

individuals presented in the previous section and

arranges them so you can choose an army for your

games. Units are classed as either Characters (Lords or

Heroes), Core, Special or Rare, and can be taken in

different quantities depending on the size of game you

are playing.

FIND OUT MORE While Warhammer: Chaos Dwarfs contains everything

you need to take your Chaos Dwarfs army to the field of

battle and play a game, there are always more tactics to

use, different battles to fight and painting ideas to try

out. The quarterly magazine Word of Hashut contains articles about all aspects of the Warhammer game and

hobby and you can find out more at Chaos Dwarfs




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DWARFS A pall of acrid smoke hangs

over the bleak realm of the

Dark Lands where, in the

depths of the ruinous Plain

of Zharr, far from the

knowledge of Men, the

Chaos Dwarfs make their


Phalanxes of soldiers clad in

black iron march shoulder to

shoulder with hulking Bull

Centaurs, masses of cowed

and defeated Slaves and,

behind them all, the

brooding might of the

terrifying half-sentient

Daemonic Engines.

For centuries they have been

content to wait out the ages,

but these are the End Times

and as the Realm of Chaos

waxes strong and vomits

forth its fell legions, the

Blacksmiths of Chaos have

come to make war. Ruin and

hatred is their birthright

and, holding all other

creatures in contempt, they

will not baulk at reducing

the entire world to desolation

and slavery.

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The wind howled across the bleak, featureless expanse of wasteland. From horizon to horizon there was nothing but barren steppe, relieved only by the occasional patch of

scrubland. For the men of Captain Grüber's expeditionary force, this was surely the end of the line. Their supplies were almost exhausted, their horses near death and they had become

hopelessly lost several days ago. Here in the Dark Lands, there was no way to gauge the passage of time, no landmarks to help them navigate out of the wastes. This foolish

adventure had ended in disaster.

All Grüber had been searching for was a passage to the east that avoided the heavy levies the masters of Pigbarter extracted, but what he would find was a slow death from exhaustion or

starvation beneath the leaden, polluted skies.

But worse was to come.

Sergeant Heldvelk was the first to hear the distant sound of drums. Captain Grüber was quick to form up his ragged line, presenting whatever enemy came out of the wastes with a wall of halberds. The brave men of The Empire, alone and far from home, prepared to die bravely

against this new terror.

But this new horror did not come to take their lives. It came to take them, for nothing happens in the Dark Lands that goes unnoticed by its masters. A dark smudge on the horizon

soon resolved itself into rank upon rank of black-armoured warriors. They marched in silence, only the rhythmic beating of the drums marking their steady progress. Grüber's men

steeled themselves anew, but when the attack came, it was not from the front. Dozens of greenskins mounted on howling wolves came hurtling from the flank, whooping and

sneering. The soldiers held, but the sudden attack had shaken them, and they were not prepared when the armoured might of the Chaos Dwarfs crashed into them.

They held bravely. They fought like Sigmar Himself. But it was not enough. The Chaos

Dwarfs pushed forward, cutting them down like wheat in a field, slicing with daemonic axes and smashing with hammers alight with burning fury. Grüber fell back, forming a ring of steel with his best men, but then a beast of flesh and iron plummeted from the skies with a feral roar. It landed in amongst the Imperial soldiers, belching fire and slashing with rune-

etched claws as long as a man's arm.

It was a rout, but the casualties amongst Grüber's men were surprisingly light. The Chaos Dwarfs had not come to slaughter: they had come to enslave. Those unlucky ones that

survived awoke in chains. Their fate was more horrific than they could have imagined for, in the Dark Lands, there are always fools who dare to stand against the Dawi'Zharr. There is no shortage of unfortunates to labour in the soul forges of the Chaos Dwarf slavemasters, and so

the lives of those pitiful captives are always short and painful.

You see, they do not want your land. They do not want your gold. All they want is you.

And they don't stop. Ever.


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Page 12: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

The Chaos Dwarfs are a cruel and industrious people. Like their kin in the Worlds Edge

Mountains, they respect age, wealth and invention. But unlike them, they are a bitter and

twisted race, their values a mockery of the respect that Dwarfs have for ancestry and artifice.

Their history is a holocaust of suffering and destruction, and it has warped them into a vile and

demented society, paradoxically obsessed with both order and anarchy. Once, the Chaos Dwarfs were just like their cousins

who make their homes in the Worlds Edge Mountains,

and the two peoples share much in common despite

their ancient sundering. Both respect wealth, age and

prowess in battle, and both lust for the mineral wealth

of the earth. Both races are masters of cunning artifice

and engineering, producing machines that seem

wondrous to less skilled peoples, such as Men and Orcs.

However, this is where the similarity ends, for the

Chaos Dwarfs are a dark and twisted parody of their

western kin: their sense of honour and racial pride is warped into slavish devotion to their society and

xenophobia, their craftsmanship is turned to the

construction of engines bound with the souls of

Daemons and their strength and martial prowess is used

to enslave anyone who dares to cross the lands they

claim as their own. The Chaos Dwarfs – or Dawi'Zharr

as they call themselves, meaning ‘Dwarfs of Fire' – are

utterly evil, and despise all other living things. It is

fortunate for the rest of the Warhammer world that they

live in the Dark Lands, surrounded on all sides by

desolate wastes and towering mountain ranges, and

their desire to conquer and subjugate all other races is mediated by the presence of vast mineral wealth in their

own lands.

The origin of the Chaos Dwarfs lies in the same place

as their kin, for once they were a single people. The

Dwarfs rose in the Southlands when the Old Ones still walked the world, and slowly migrated north along the

Worlds Edge Mountains, becoming a hardy people with

a great love of mining and craft. In these early times the

Dwarfs were guided to their eventual homelands by the

Ancestor Gods, and they were guided well for it took

only a relatively short time for them to conquer the

mountain lands and found holds below the peaks. The

Dwarfs fought against the Orc and Goblin tribes that

infested the caverns and they became the mortal

enemies of these creatures, but they never posed a

serious threat to the intelligent and powerful Dwarfs in those days. For the Dwarfs, this would always be

remembered as a golden age, a time of unsurpassed

glory and wealth, before the terrible and destructive

wars of later ages.

THE EXODUS Though the Dwarfs had travelled far and fought hard

for their new homelands, there were still those among

them who were not satisfied. These brave – some would

say foolhardy – individuals argued that the Ancestor

Gods had led them this far, yes, but why stop here?

They broke from their kin and journeyed north, passing beyond the Worlds Edge Mountains and onto a vast and

desolate northern plateau. This land was barren and

cold, lashed by bitter winds that prevented anything but

sickly, stunted thorns from growing. The bones of

primordial monsters that littered this region caused the

Dwarf explorers to name it ‘Zorn Uzkul' – the Great

Skull Land. The explorers kept in contact with their kin

in the Worlds Edge Mountains all this time, but years

began to pass as they crossed Zorn Uzkul, surviving as

best they could, and eventually it became impractical to

send messengers so far. The explorers began to build their own settlements, making the best they could of the

poor land, but it was a meagre and hard existence, and

they became an increasingly tough and embittered

people. But all this hardship was as nothing compared

to what would follow.

THE COMING OF CHAOS Unbeknownst to the lesser races, the polar gates of the

Old Ones were about to collapse, enshrouding the world

in the tides of Chaos. No one knows what caused this

cataclysm, but it altered the Warhammer world

completely, forever polluting it with the unnatural taint

of Chaos. This was the darkest time any of the young

races had ever experienced as the winds of pure magic

engulfed their lands and they were assailed by the

monstrous Daemons of the Chaos Gods. Many creatures

were mutated and warped by the power of Chaos, and it

was during this time that many strange beasts such as Chimera, Griffons, Beastmen and Skaven were created.

The Dwarfs proved resistant to the taint of Chaos and

remained secure in their mountain homes, waiting out

the storm of magical energy. However the Dwarfs of

Zorn Uzkul were not so fortunate: exposed on the great

plateau, they had nowhere to hide from the warping

tides, and Chaos began to visit terrible changes on

them. The unfortunate Dwarfs were mutated, slowly at

first, but then more and more, until fully a tenth of their

number sported some example of the curse of Chaos.

Some of the Dwarfs even turned to worship of the

Chaos Gods themselves and migrated further north to join the growing hordes of the Dark Gods. Most of the



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Dwarfs of Zorn Uzkul simply tried to survive.

Abandoned by the Ancestor Gods, whose voices were

silenced by the tides of Chaos, they called out for

salvation, praying for some deity or hero to save them

from the mutations and the daemonic attacks.

HASHUT Their call was answered. What Man, Dwarf or Elf can

say who Hashut truly is? Tales abound in ancient

tomes; some say he was once a Bloodthirster of Khorne

who rebelled against his master, and grew in power in

his prison below the earth, mastering fire and rock.

Others say that he is the spirit of a mighty volcano,

given life by the power of Chaos. Others claim he fell to

earth in the heart of a huge meteorite – the very same

that created the Plain of Zharr – and that he is some

disgraced Chaos God who once haunted the black orb

of Morrslieb. The truth will most likely never be

known, all that is certain is that, in their time of need, Hashut came to the Dwarfs of Zorn Uzkul and offered

them an alternative to death and suffering. Hashut is a

god of fire and darkness, and he came to the Dwarfs in

the form of a mighty bull whose hooves sparked

thunder: at first they were terrified of this Daemon-lord,

but his promises were their only hope of salvation. No

one knows the true nature of that terrible bargain, and

what the Dwarf explorers had to sacrifice in the name of

their new god, but when the Time of Chaos ended they

were changed forever: their mutations had stabilised,

but they still bore the taint of Chaos on their bodies. Many of the Dwarfs bore long, snarling tusks, and their

overall complexion and demeanour was more dark and

glowering. Their beards, previously lustrous and

brightly coloured, were now bristling and black. Some

of their number sported small vestigial horns, or even

hooves, and some were mutated even to the point of

becoming a new kind of creature: the monstrous Bull

Centaurs, who had the upper bodies of the Dwarfs they

had once been, but the lower bodies of fearsome, red-

skinned bulls. The explorers were Dwarfs no longer: they had become the twisted servants of Hashut and

named themselves ‘Dawi'Zharr' – the Dwarfs of Fire.

To the rest of the world, however, they would become

known simply as the Chaos Dwarfs.

THE FIRST KINGDOM Hashut told the Chaos Dwarfs that he would lead them

to a promised land of great riches that was just beyond Zorn Uzkul. Speaking through his envoys – Chaos

Dwarfs with whom he imbued some of his dark power –

he led his people on a second exodus through the

desolate lands to the Falls of Doom in the foothills of

the Mountains of Mourn. There, they followed the

River Ruin south until they came to a vast crater that

had been created in some primordial impact thousands

of years ago. The crater was rich in minerals, gems, oil

and other things the Chaos Dwarfs needed to survive in

the harsh lands and the only inhabitants were Orcs,

Gnoblars, Goblins and a sub-race of greenskins that would come to be called Hobgoblins. These creatures

were primitive and savage, and were unable to make

use of the mineral wealth of the crater, so the Chaos

Dwarfs had no compunction about driving off or killing

them all. In time, they spread across the area, which

they named the Plain of Zharr, or 'Zharrduk'. The Chaos

Dwarfs had abandoned all their old ways, just as they

felt the Ancestor Gods had abandoned them, and cast

aside their runic heirlooms. In giving themselves over

to Hashut, they had given up their ancestral magic, but

gained something powerful in return: sorcerers of their

own. The envoys of Hashut were able to use the magic of their god, whom they now called the Father of

Darkness, to hurl flames and shadows at their enemies,

and a certain percentage of the Chaos Dwarfs who were

born each generation had the same powers. These

individuals quickly became a separate group in the

fledgling Dawi'Zharr society, held apart from the rest

and keeping their own counsel. They lived in their own

walled communities and emerged only rarely to offer

advice to the Chaos Dwarf Warlords who were

beginning to grow in strength.

This period, beginning some three thousand years

before the birth of Sigmar, was known as the First

Kingdom. The Chaos Dwarfs were ruled over by


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powerful Warlords who commanded armies of their

own kinsmen. Amongst these kin were also numbered

the dreaded Bull Centaurs, who were still being born to

ordinary Chaos Dwarfs at the time: they formed their

own units of shock cavalry, and revolutionised the way Chaos Dwarfs made war. Unlike their western kin, they

did not rely on stalwart defence, but developed a style

of warfare that relied on fast moving chariots pulled by

boars and devastating charges by the Bull Centaurs

using arcane engines known as Doom Harnesses.

Ranging across the Dark Lands, the Chaos Dwarfs

began to subjugate and massacre the greenskin tribes,

sacrificing large numbers of them to Hashut.

For four hundred years, the First Kingdom was

unopposed, but eventually a coalition of greenskin

tribes joined together and defeated the Grand Army of

Lord Khrazathk in the Howling Wastes and drove them

back to the Plain of Zharr. Emboldened by this victory,

the greenskins started to fight back against the Chaos

Dwarfs and eventually forced them out of the Dark Lands, but stopped short of advancing into the Plain of

Zharr, which was now choked with fumes and pollution

from the furnaces of the Chaos Dwarfs. The power of

the Warlords was finally shattered, and the Sorcerers of

Hashut emerged from their isolation to usher in the next

period in Chaos Dwarf history.

THE RISE OF THE SECOND KINGDOM The Sorcerers were the Priests of Hashut, and promised

to lead the Chaos Dwarfs to glorious victory. They told

the warbands that the Dawi'Zharr were not destined to

rampage across the land like the hordes of the north, but

instead must organise themselves so they might become

a force to be reckoned with. They began to reconstruct Chaos Dwarf society with themselves at the top, housed

in a great city which they built with their sorcery from

black obsidian. The mighty tower of Zharr-Naggrund

was large enough to house all the Chaos Dwarfs, but the

Priests demanded more, and all the labours of the

Dawi'Zharr were bent to constructing the vast edifice.

They strip mined the Plain of Zharr, turning the ground

into slag and building thousands of acres of workshops

and factories. When the demand for labour outstripped

what the Chaos Dwarfs themselves were capable of,

they began enslaving the tribes of greenskins. Now

possessed of a dark purpose, the Chaos Dwarfs were once again expanding. This time they didn't travel far

from the Plain of Zharr at first, but instead expanded

their sphere of influence steadily so that the greenskins

could never unite against them again. The furnaces of

the Dawi'Zharr burned bright with the fires of industry

and the city of Zharr-Naggrund grew larger every day.

The Sorcerers began to wage wars of their own in

parallel with their people: they scoured the Realm of

Chaos, using the magics granted to them by Hashut to

summon and enslave Daemons. Although the artefacts

they created by these means were primitive and unstable, they would continue to perfect the technique

in the coming centuries.


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By this period, the so-called ‘Sorcerers' Curse' was

already well documented. The magic of Hashut wrought

terrible changes on its practitioners, gradually

subverting their Dwarf nature and transforming them into solid stone. This limited the lifespan of the Priests

and meant that no single Sorcerer was ever capable of

wielding too much power – invariably, they would turn

into stone and their own followers would outlive them,

so the Priests were forced to cooperate with one another

to run Chaos Dwarf society. All this changed with the

birth of the mightiest Sorcerer of all: Zhargon.

ZHARGON THE GREAT Fully nine hundred years before the birth of Sigmar, a

Sorcerer of rare power entered the Priesthood of

Hashut. His name was Zhargon, and he swiftly

outstripped his masters in knowledge of the rites of the

Father of Darkness and magical potential. Within a

century, Zhargon was ordained as the High Priest of

Hashut and began introducing sweeping reforms to

Chaos Dwarf society. Inspired by the ziggurat shape of

Zharr-Naggrund, he codified the system of Castes that restricted certain professions to certain layers of the

city. Highest were the Priests, who lived in the Temple

of Hashut atop the city and they were served by the Bull

Centaurs, who now began to breed true, becoming an

entirely separate sub-race of the Dawi'Zharr. The

warriors lived in the level below, followed by smiths,

masons and other craftsmen, then finally the labourers.

The numerous greenskin slaves occupied the very

lowest levels of all. Under Zhargon's direction many

fortresses were built along the River Ruin and the Dark

Lands were utterly subjugated by the Chaos Dwarfs. To

celebrate this conquest, the Gates of Zharr were built as a demonstration of power: alone in the most desolate

part of the region, serving no purpose and hundreds of

miles from any other Chaos Dwarf enclave.

Zhargon was obsessed with one thing. He knew that all

his labours would come to nothing in a few hundred

years when his body was transformed into stone. With

this in mind, and the Second Kingdom at the height of

its power, Zhargon locked himself away in his inner

sanctum and began researching methods to stave off the

Sorcerers' Curse. The realm of the Chaos Dwarfs continued to expand, and untold millions of slaves were

brought to the Plain of Zharr. The Chaos Dwarfs began

trading with the Goblin tribes in the foothills of the

Worlds Edge Mountains and, through such means, first

came into contact with their estranged kin at first as

prisoners which they took into slavery and then in small

groups ranging from their strongholds. These early

meetings were not civil, for the western Dwarfs

immediately identified their cousins as corrupted by

Chaos and the Dawi'Zharr still remembered their

ancient abandonment by the Ancestor Gods. The two

races would always despise one other, and attack each other on sight in every future encounter.

In the far south of the Dark Lands, a new threat arose.

The degenerate ghoul tribes lurking below Cripple

Peak, the descendants of the ancient tomb-scavenging

servants of Nagash, united for the first time under

Vorag Bloodytooth, the first and only Ghoul King.

Vorag made war on the Goblin tribes of the Worlds

Edge Mountains, and several bands of Chaos Dwarf

slavers also became involved in the conflict. Vorag was

victorious in his wars, and enslaved the Goblin and

Chaos Dwarf survivors, forcing them to build the Fortress of Vorag in the Plain of Bones. This affront

made the Chaos Dwarfs furious, and they called upon

Zhargon – who was now the undisputed master of

Zharr-Naggrund and Dawi'Zharr society as a whole – to

declare a campaign of genocide against the ghouls.

Zhargon had not been seen in public for over a century,

and many assumed he had succumbed to the Sorcerers'

Curse already, but he proved them wrong and emerged

from his isolation. Zhargon had not been turned to

stone; indeed he appeared remarkably hale and healthy

and was encased in a suit of golden Chaos armour. It was clear that Zhargon had used some powerful

enchantment to preserve himself and now led the armies

of the Chaos Dwarfs atop a huge golden altar carried by

dozens of slaves. Zhargon also went to war

accompanied by a bodyguard of elite veterans he called

the Immortals – perhaps showing the depth of his

obsession with maintaining his own life.


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The greatest army of Chaos Dwarfs ever assembled

marched across the Dark Lands, led by Zhargon on his

golden altar. The great volcano Azgorh was especially

active that season and shrouded the host in roiling clouds of black ash, which Zhargon called a sign of

Hashut's favour. As great as the army was, however,

they were far from home and not equipped for a siege.

They attacked the Fortress of Vorag, but were repelled.

The force was too large and unwieldy, and they had too

few supplies. Zhargon refused to retreat and the ghouls

took their toll on the Chaos Dwarfs. Despite Hashut's

alleged favour, the Dawi'Zharr were defeated and

forced to flee back to the Plain of Zharr.



The Chaos Dwarfs were embarrassed by their crushing

defeat, and blamed the arrogance of Zhargon. He was forced to put down rebellions using increasing force,

and began to rule Zharr-Naggrund with an iron grip. He

suppressed the advances of Chaos Dwarf technology,

strangling progress and stagnating his society.

Eventually this policy became too much for even the

Sorcerers to take: the Dawi'Zharr had become the

dominant force in the Dark Lands thanks to their

superior weapons and technology, and now they were

forbidden from researching further to reclaim what they

had lost. Finally, the new laws became too much and

the Chaos Dwarfs rebelled en masse, beginning a devastating civil war.

At this time, Zhargon was pursuing rumours about a

prophecy regarding the Everchosen of Chaos, a

champion of great power who would lead the hordes of

the north in open war against the rest of the world. Zhargon hoped to become the Everchosen himself, but

he would need to stave off the Sorcerer's Curse for

several more centuries in order to fulfil the conditions

of the prophecy. The rebellion of his subjects infuriated

him – he required absolute loyalty and unity in order to

bring his plans to fruition. As the battle raged

throughout Zharr-Naggrund, Zhargon hid himself in his

chambers again and prepared a great enchantment that

would turn the tide of battle in his favour.

The Chaos Dwarf rebellion was, ironically, led by the

Immortals, who had suffered the greatest in the ill-conceived war against Vorag, but had received little

sympathy from Zhargon who blamed them for the

defeat. The Bull Centaurs, on the other hand, remained

loyal to Zhargon and defended the Temple of Hashut

with their lives. In the final battle, the Immortals fought

the Bull Centaurs at the iron gates of the Temple and

finally broke through at the cost of many lives. To this

day there is still a fierce rivalry between the two groups

of elite warriors.

Lord Khal Drakaz, the leader of the Immortals, led the charge into the Temple wielding the magical Hammer

of Zharr, but Zhargon was ready for him. The High

Priest emerged from his inner sanctum and faced down

his former lieutenant. Drakaz made to strike off

Zhargon's head, but the mighty spell that Zhargon had

prepared was unleashed at that moment. What that

terrible enchantment might have done can never be

known, though Drakaz was vaporised instantly by its

power. However, any further effect was prevented as

the spell backfired and caused Zhargon to lose control

of the wards that protected him. In one horrifying

instant, the ravages of time took their toll on Zhargon and he was transformed into stone, which then

crumbled into a dry pile of lifeless dust. Zhargon's reign

of terror had ended, but the Second Kingdom was in

ruins, and the Dawi'Zharr would take many years to

recover from the effects of the civil war.


Chaos Dwarfs do not use that name amongst

themselves, but instead refer to their people

as the Dawi'Zharr. Other races associate them

with Chaos because of their obvious mutation

and corruption and because they have common

cause with the worshippers of the Dark Gods.

The Chaos Dwarfs are well aware that Hashut

is part of the pantheon of Chaos though, and

that is why they use some of the iconography

of Chaos. The Chaos Dwarfs believe that

Hashut is more powerful than the other Gods,

and hold the worshippers of the supposed

lesser deities in contempt. This is why they are

so willing to use Chaos for their own ends,

treating Daemons and magic as another

resource to be ruthlessly exploited.


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THE MODERN AGE After Zhargon's death, Chaos Dwarf society was in

turmoil. Zharr-Naggrund itself was heavily damaged,

with fires raging on every street and fully half of the

population killed. The Priests of Hashut began to

coordinate the repairs as soon as possible, and the Bull

Centaurs, despite being on the losing side, put themselves at the Temple's disposal once again: their

first loyalty had always been to Hashut, after all. In

order to repair Zharr-Naggrund, the Priests ordered the

acquisition of tens of thousands of slaves and bands of

Chaos Dwarf warriors scoured the Dark Lands for

captives. Though there were already numerous slaves

working in the mines, forges and workshops of the

Plain of Zharr, from this point onwards the Chaos

Dwarfs themselves were outnumbered by their slaves

and their society became completely dependent on

them. Within fifty years, Zharr-Naggrund was restored

to its former glory and the Dawi'Zharr were ascendant once again.

Zhargon's legacy was to convince the Sorcerers that no

one of them should ever rule Zharr-Naggrund

unopposed again, and they began to govern as a

Conclave, each with their own followers and armies

drawn from their own kin. These ties of blood and

honour meant that Chaos Dwarf society became divided

into many disparate realms, each of which occupied

different areas of the city, but they were nonetheless

unified by the same broad aims: the maintenance and construction of Zharr-Naggrund, and the empowerment

of their twisted race. Though Zhargon had made many

mistakes, most of his reforms were kept in place, most

notably the strict Caste system. Even now, Chaos Dwarf

society is divided both vertically down the terraces of

Zharr-Naggrund and radially by the dominions of the

Sorcerers. The Bull Centaurs continued to guard the

Temple of Hashut, serving at the command of the

Priests, while the Immortals remained an independent

unit, deployable only by a majority vote of the

Conclave, made up of veteran warriors and serving for a strictly defined period of seven years before returning to

their previous masters.

Most importantly, however, the Chaos Dwarfs began to

research technological advancements. They blended

their skills as craftsmen with the dark magic of Hashut

and created Daemon-engines of terrifying power. Their

increasing reliance on slaves also led them to research

magically-aided breeding programs so they could create

an improved variety of slave that didn't squabble in the

manner of other greenskins. The results of these

experiments were the Black Orcs, a new race of Orc that was hardier, stronger and less prone to infighting.

Unfortunately for the Chaos Dwarfs, the Black Orcs

rose to their natural position of leaders over the other

greenskins and their ability to plan and coordinate their

brethren led to the largest Orc and Goblin rebellion ever

seen. A second civil war engulfed Zharr-Naggrund not

two-hundred years after the end of the first one, and it

seemed that the Chaos Dwarfs would be exterminated as they fought further and further up through the layers

of the city. Finally, salvation came from an unlikely

source: the Hobgoblins, who were intelligent enough to

see that the Chaos Dwarfs could potentially reward

them in a way that the brutal Black Orcs would not,

switched sides and helped to defeat the other

greenskins. The rebellion was ended and the

Hobgoblins were indeed rewarded by their masters;

though they remained slaves, they were no longer

required to work in the mines and forges, and instead

served in Chaos Dwarf armies as warriors and as

overseers for the other slaves. The Black Orcs were driven from the city and out into the Dark Lands. Chaos

Dwarfs no longer use Black Orcs as slaves, but they did

leave several tribes roaming the nearby lands so that

they could recruit them into their armies in the future.

Groups of Black Orcs are still found in the warbands of

their creators, though they are rarely slaves, but instead

paid mercenaries.

The Chaos Dwarfs were even less numerous after the

rebellion, and so the lust for slaves to work in the forges

and pits became even greater. The Chaos Dwarfs expanded their influence, mining deposits far to the

south at Gorgoth and building a great fortress there.

They also established colonies near the Flayed Rock

and at Daemon's Stump. They quarried stone from Gash

Kadrak, the Vale of Woe, and recruited the vile Sneaky

Git tribe of Hobgoblins into their armies. Increasingly,

the Chaos Dwarfs became the masters of industry, and

built massive engines of war as well as huge ships that


Page 18: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

began to ply the River Ruin. They excavated a great

tunnel beneath Zorn Uzkul – a labour that took almost a

century and claimed the lives of millions of slaves – and

built Uzkulak on the coast of the Sea of Chaos. This

gave their fleet an exit to the north, so that they could plunder even further. They also began to trade with the

Ogres in the Mountains of Mourn, and established ties

with many tribes that benefited both races.

Now, the Chaos Dwarfs only care about acquiring more

slaves so that they can mine more mineral wealth from

their lands. The Chaos Dwarfs are outnumbered many

times over by their captives, but the Hobgoblins are

loyal to them and keep the other slaves in line. By this

method, the two races have evolved a symbiotic

relationship, as they are both dependent on each other to

survive. The disparate nature of Chaos Dwarf society means that they never unite in wars of conquest as they

did in the past and each Sorcerer Lord plots against the

others in hopes of increasing his influence. Chaos

Dwarf society has become a self-sustaining nightmare

of consumption, greed and service to the all-powerful

state. Individual Chaos Dwarfs are not expected to have

their own ambitions outside of what is proper for their

Caste, and they are bound by blood and unbreakable

tradition to their Sorcerer Lord masters. Only the

Warrior Caste has hope of wielding true influence by

securing promotion through feats of arms and demonstrations of unswerving loyalty to their masters.

Because of this, the Dawi'Zharr are deadly on the

battlefield, fighting with merciless hate, unleashing

years of repressed fury. They also have to constantly

make war because of the slaves required by their

industry; without slaves, the Chaos Dwarfs' empire

would grind to a halt, and so the cycle of violence,

captivity and cruelty continues with no end in sight, save for the distant time when the resources of the Plain

of Zharr are at last exhausted. Then, perhaps, the world

will tremble as the Chaos Dwarfs surge out of the Dark

Lands searching for wealth and slaves.

In recent centuries, the most powerful Sorcerer has

become Ghorth the Cruel, whose increasing influence

has begun to alarm the other Sorcerers. He has placed

his own loyal servant, Zhatan the Black, in command of

the Immortals, and so now wields power almost on a

par with Zhargon millennia ago. He has already begun

to subtly influence the outside world, increasing his people's trade with the Warriors of Chaos, in particular

providing Archaon the Everchosen with batteries of

fearsome Daemon-cannons with which to invade the

Empire of Men. The influence of the Chaos Dwarfs is

greater than ever, but they are too divided to threaten

the Old World yet. Ghorth may have greater vision even

than Zhargon before him, and perhaps perceives the

eventual end of the Chaos Dwarf way of life. Those

who know of such things may suspect that he is laying

the groundwork for an expansion that will prevent his

society imploding when they finally finishing ravaging their homeland. If so, he is more dangerous than

Zhargon ever was, for his ambition will bury the entire

world under foul mountains of ash and slag.


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The Dwarf chuckled a dry, humourless laugh. ‚You wish to know of the Dawi'Zharr, of the people who are called, by the ignorant softlanders, ‘Chaos Dwarfs’?‛


‚To know the Dawi'Zharr, you must know the land from which they come; the land beyond your pitiful hills that you call mountains. Your home, this ‘Empire’, is a place of forests and meadows: a weak, green land. My home, the Dark Lands, is a realm of black earth and dead things. It is a realm that would swallow up your Empire a dozen times and where, from horizon to horizon, there is nothing but bare rock, spewing forth the raging fury of the world’s molten heart to bubble across the dead ground. It is a realm of wolves and wind, where no rivers run, and no trees grow. To see it would break your Human mind: shatter it into a thousand thousand pieces.‛

‚I find your land to be highly dubious. Such a waste would appear on every map. I have heard of the Dark Lands, yes, but they are merely unexplored wilderness, not a desolate hellscape as you pretend.‛

‚And why are they unexplored, manling?‛

‚They are rife with tribes of greenskins – another reason you are lying. What Dwarf could stand to live in a land infested with such creatures?‛

‚The greenskins are our slaves. Tribe after tribe of Orc, Goblin and Hobgoblin bound to our servitude. All across the Dark Lands the influence of the Dawi'Zharr is felt, though our true homeland is in the far north of that realm.‛


‚Yes, manling.‛ He beckoned Otto closer. ‚Imagine for a moment the dark, pulsing heart of your Empire. The greatest city, in which your foolish clockwork machines are invented, and where your little workshops and factories produce the children’s toys that you call guns.‛

‚You are speaking of Altdorf...or perhaps Nuln.‛

‚Maybe. The names of your dwellings do not interest me. But still, fix in your mind the image of the Empire’s industry: the clouds of smoke and chemicals, the effluence of progress staining the earth with its foulness.‛

‚The scars that our technological advances wreak on the environment are often regrettable, yes...‛

The Dwarf laughed. ‚‘Regrettable’? What a mannish thing to say... But you know of what I speak – the scars, yes, that is the word. The scars of industry. You know of that bleak place in your cities where factories ruin the air and earth. Well, my homeland is that ruin multiplied untold thousands of times, stretched over an area a hundred leagues in every direction from our great capital. The very earth cries out in agony as we tear it apart with drills and blades. Every hillock is studded with a chimney belching forth black foulness and every valley is sluiced with thick tar and oil. Our kingdom is built into a great crater where the dark orb you call Morrslieb smote the hateful land in hopes it would be destroyed forever. Instead, it unearthed all the wealth of the earth’s bosom for the Dawi'Zharr to claim. And claim it we have, using gold and iron and obsidian and the lives of millions of slaves to build the great tower of Zharr-Naggrund that sits, squat and evil, glowering at our empire of suffering and hatred. And all this misery sits beneath a pall of black smoke that prevents the light of your precious sun from ever even touching our lands. What would you think if you could see that place, manling?‛

Otto considered his words. The strange Dwarf had indeed painted a hellish picture, but he just shook his head. ‚It is a good story, and you tell it convincingly, but there is no truth in – there is no such place as ‘Zharr-Naggrund’ and the Dark Lands are nothing more than an unexplored foreign clime.‛

‚What makes you so sure of that, manling?‛

‚Why would such a powerful empire, capable of such intense industry never have been heard of in The Empire? Why have your people not come marauding across the mountains?‛

‚What need have we of coming to this weak land? You have nothing here that is precious to us. We have no interest in you.‛

Otto scoffed. ‚How convenient...‛

‚Yes, for you. Your Empire is weak and ruined after this war – but one day you shall recover, and your technology will improve and your industries will grow. One day, you may be a power worth conquering. That is when we will come for you, to learn the secrets your engineers will discover, and enslave your people and machines to serve our ends. Archaon’s war will look like an insignificant skirmish compared to the storm the Chaos Dwarfs will unleash upon you. The Dawi'Zharr do not know defeat, and we do not understand mercy: when we come for you, it will be in such force that the very earth and skies will tremble in fear. And we will come for you, manling. We will come for you.‛

Otto shook his head. ‚You were right, Captain. He is insane.‛

‚Told you.‛

The Dwarf slumped back down against the wall, closing his eyes. Wordlessly, Captain Gozzadini took the lamp down from the hook and led the way out of the cell, barring the door behind them and leaving the prisoner in darkness again.


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The Chaos Dwarfs are as much a product of their foul homeland as they are their bloody

history. A harsh realm breeds a harsh people, and no realm is harsher than the Dark Lands, a

place where nothing can survive for long.

The seemingly endless waste between the Worlds Edge

Mountains and the Mountains of Mourn is unlike any

other land. It is a barren, desiccated realm that takes its

name from the omnipresent black soil that covers everything. There is almost no water beneath the earth;

instead the ground is a fragile skin that covers vast

magma ducts beneath. The Chaos Dwarfs believe that

the Dark Lands' location between two great mountain

ranges means that it is a particularly weak point on the

world's crust. Doubtless it was further weakened by the

ancient impact that created the Plain of Zharr. Whatever

the cause, the Dark Lands are a region of extreme

volcanic activity, where boiling tar pits, exposed

mineral seams and rivers of smoking lava pockmark the

landscape. It is these features that make the Dark Lands so useful to the Chaos Dwarfs, as they can easily find

the minerals that they covet and plunge mines deep into

the bowels of the earth.

THE PLAIN OF ZHARR The heart of the Chaos Dwarfs' empire is the Plain of

Zharr. Thousands of years ago, a meteorite descended from the sky – perhaps it was a chunk of one of the

moons that orbit the Warhammer world, or just a

nameless wandering lump of space debris – and blasted

a vast crater in the earth. It pulverised the very rock,

creating in an instant crystals and ores of immense

value. They were left lying there, exposed to the

uncaring skies for millennia until the ancestors of the

Chaos Dwarfs discovered them. Since the coming of the

Chaos Dwarfs, the Plain of Zharr has been changed


Now, it is an immense network of factories, mines,

smelting plants, workshops and forges. As far as the eye

can see, chimneys pump out clouds of multicoloured

smog and rivers of tar and ooze snake their way through the maze of stinking industry. Slaves in untold millions

must live in this hellish warren, their lungs clogged with

foul vapours and their eyes never knowing anything but

the pallid sunlight that peers wanly through the smoke

and the ruddy infernal light of the soul-forges.

ZHARR-NAGGRUND The capital, and the only true city of the Chaos Dwarfs'

empire, is the obsidian ziggurat of Zharr-Naggrund. It

rears up like a lonely mountain from the flat blackness

of the Plain of Zharr, utterly singular in a way that

warps perspective so that it is not clear until one

approaches the enormous gates of beaten gold and iron

just how immense it truly is. Rearing thousands of feet

into the sky, and populated by hundreds of thousands

of slaves and Chaos Dwarfs, Zharr-Naggrund is not

really a city in the way the term is used by Men, but

instead a single building that is equal parts fortress, factory and temple. Within its red-lit depths, the Chaos

Dwarfs live and work, creating arcane machineries.

They have harnessed both the energies of the earth and

the empyrean, making slaves of both fire and Daemons

to fuel their awesome engines. The River Ruin flows

through Zharr-Naggrund and the Chaos Dwarfs make

use of it in their forges and factories. Its waters are

pumped throughout the city, flowing into every

workshop, and then join together before the great

southern water-gate, out of which they flow, now

polluted with tar, chemicals and all the effluence of industry. The River Ruin makes its way sluggishly

through the Dark Lands after this, staining its banks

with vibrantly-coloured toxins and choking all life that

attempts to drink from or live in it until it finally washes

into the ocean in the distant south.


The true story of the construction of Zharr-

Naggrund has been lost to the mists of time. It is

known that the Sorcerers were the ones who

ordered its creation, and that they used magic

to build it, but it is clear that more mundane

methods must have been used, especially since

much of the city is built of magic-resistant

obsidian. Hence the legend of the Hammer of

Zharr, which was once an ordinary workman's

hammer and, it is said, broke the ground when

the foundations of Zharr-Naggrund were laid.

This holy weapon is given to the Lord of the

Immortals as a badge of office, and is currently

held by the Banelord Zhatan the Black.



Page 21: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Disposition of Zharr-Naggrund,

circa IY 2500

The Temple of


Warriors' barracks

and armouries


workshops and



factories and

slave pens

Sorcerers' quarters

The Tower of Zharr

The waters of the

River Ruin are

pumped throughout

the city, providing

water for the

forges and factories

- Ghorth - Brungha

- Astragoth - Dolzak

- Zakhuun


Zharr-Naggrund is a city at war

with itself, divided as it is between

the ambitious Sorcerer Lords of

the Temple. Each Sorcerer Lord

claims dominion over certain parts

of the great ziggurat, usually held

by his Clan since time immemorial.

Chaos Dwarfs are great traders

and merchants though, and

workshops, factories, barracks

and slave pens frequently change

hands in exchange for slaves,

gold, iron and mining rights

elsewhere in the Dark Lands,

altering the borders between the

realms of the Sorcerer Lords. The

balance of power has mostly

remained unchanged though until

recent centuries when Ghorth the

Cruel's expansionist activities

across the Dark Lands have won

him such wealth that he has been

able to expand his territory so

that it now encompasses most of

the city. There has not been open

fighting in the streets since the

Black Orc rebellion, but it is

surely only a matter of time until

Ghorth begins to use force rather

than wealth to acquire the

property of those that still oppose


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Though the Chaos Dwarfs only have one city, they have

built fortresses throughout the Dark Lands that enable

them to keep watch over their realms. The largest of

these is the Tower of Gorgoth in the south. The way is

marked by the Gates of Zharr, an awesome edifice that

serves no practical need equidistant between the Plateau

of Gorgoth and the Plain of Zharr. It was built in the

time of Zhargon the Great as a warning to the greenskin

tribes that the Chaos Dwarfs were mighty beyond their

reckoning and able to find them wherever they might

hide. Gorgoth itself is a black tower that pierces the grey skies, clogged with the output not of Chaos Dwarf

forges, but by the fires of the earth itself: the great

volcano known as Azgorh lies just to the south. Gorgoth

is rich in mineral deposits and the whole plateau is

highly volcanic. The Chaos Dwarfs have dug a vast

network of mines beneath it and Gorgoth is populated

almost entirely by slaves. Their misery contributes to

the growth of the Chaos Dwarf empire as endless

columns of steam-powered Land Trains carrying the

coal and precious minerals that they mine travel across

the Dark Lands to the Plain of Zharr.

THE ENCLAVES To the north of the Dark Lands is the windswept plateau

known as Zorn Uzkul, or the Great Skull Land. It was

named thus by the ancestors of the Chaos Dwarfs

because the barren, lifeless region was littered with the

bones of primeval beasts, who perhaps died in the

aftermath of the impact that created the Plain of Zharr. Unlike the Plain of Zharr, Zorn Uzkul is completely

without value, and the Chaos Dwarfs have no

settlements there. Instead, they watch over it from the

fortress of Uzkulak which sits at the mouth of their

great underground canal, stretching from the Falls of

Doom to the Sea of Chaos. Here, the Chaos Dwarf fleet

– a mighty armada of ironclad steamships – musters so

that it can raid the shores of distant lands in their search

for more slaves. The fleet also cruises the River Ruin,

the ships' metal hulls being the only ones that can resist

the corrosive waters, ensuring that the Chaos Dwarfs always make their presence felt to the south. Their other

fortresses, Daemon's Stump and the Black Fortress, are

havens for their ships and allow them to guard over the

Howling Wastes, which are traversed by caravans

seeking trade with the Ogre Kingdoms and distant

Cathay. The Chaos Dwarfs suffer the trade routes to

exist because they have a vested interest in keeping

their hulking and dim-witted neighbours powerful so

that they can trade with them and even use them as

slaves. However it is not unknown for a caravan from

the Old World to run into a slaving band of Chaos

Dwarfs, and in that case they rarely complete their journeys.

THE WASTES The Dark Lands are not entirely uninhabited for, while

almost nothing can grow there, there is enough

sustenance to support scavenging creatures such as

wolves and greenskins. Across the great moors of the

Wolf Lands, huge packs of ravening beasts, warped by

the power of Chaos in ancient times, hold sway. They

are captured and tamed by tribes of Hobgoblins – a

form of steppe Goblin native to the Dark Lands and the

lands to the east – who ride them into battle, usually in

the service of the Chaos Dwarfs. The Blasted Wastes

are home to more greenskin tribes and especially Black Orcs who were created by the Chaos Dwarfs as a race

of super slaves many centuries ago. The Black Orcs

rebelled and were driven from the Plain of Zharr, but

the Chaos Dwarfs still allow tribes of them to roam the

Dark Lands so that they can be recruited into their

armies as mercenaries. Far to the south, beyond the Ash

Ridge Mountains, is the haunted Plain of Bone where

an area larger than an Imperial province is carpeted in

the bones of mighty dragons from ages past. Here, the

carcasses of more recently killed monsters are picked

clean by degenerate Ghoul tribes who gather on the shores of the Sea of Dread, drawing power from their

terrible master, Nagash, supreme lord of the Undead,

whose lair is close by.

Though the Chaos Dwarfs claim lordship over all the

Dark Lands, it would be impossible for any race to

actually govern such a vast tract of land. Instead, the

Chaos Dwarfs rule by fear, constantly raiding from their

fortresses without warning so that the greenskin tribes

always know they may be brought to heel. The Chaos

Dwarfs extract a tribute of slaves from the tribes that

live under their shadow, exerting control over thousands of leagues of territory as the greenskins capture Men

and Dwarfs to sell to their distant masters so they can

avoid the fate they so readily thrust upon their helpless



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THE MOUNTAINS OF MOURN To the east of the Dark Lands are the vast, primeval

peaks of the Mountains of Mourn. This is the largest

and most impressive mountain range in the Warhammer

world, stretching untold leagues to the borders of Grand

Cathay, the mysterious human empire of the distant

east. The Mountains of Mourn are home to all manner

of dangerous creatures, but the only intelligent beings

that truly call it home are the Ogres. These hulking

beasts are both the Chaos Dwarfs closest allies and their

most bitter foes, for they are a race of mercenaries

owing loyalty to no single ruler. Some Ogre tribes trade freely with the Chaos Dwarfs and even fight in their

armies in exchange for food (i.e. slaves from the Chaos

Dwarfs' forges) and equipment. The most stalwart allies

of the Chaos Dwarfs are the Ironskin tribe, led by

Ghark Ironskin, whose lust for metal goods has led him

to form a long-standing agreement with various Chaos

Dwarf factions. In exchange for Ogre-sized suits of

armour, Daemonic artefacts and the fearsome "Iron

Rhinox", Ghark has provided Zharr-Naggrund with

thousands upon thousands of Gnoblar slaves. These

diminutive greenskins are a kind of hill Goblin that live in the Dark Lands and occupy the lowest social strata

wherever they go – it is no different for these pathetic

creatures in the hands of the Chaos Dwarfs, and though

weaker and more cowardly even than normal Goblins,

their sheer numerousness means they necessarily make

up a large amount of the Chaos Dwarfs' slave


In the north of the Mountains of Mourn, almost due east

of Zharr-Naggrund, lies Gash Kadrak: the Vale of Woe.

This grim and foreboding valley is hundreds of miles

long, and it is the home of the Sneaky Git tribe of Hobgoblins. Even amongst the Hobgoblins, the Sneaky

Gitz are reviled as untrustworthy backstabbers. For their

part in helping to put down the Black Orc rebellion, the

Sneaky Gitz were rewarded with sovereignty over Gash

Kadrak and the opportunity to act as overseers of the

labour camps that the Chaos Dwarfs built there. Like

the Tower of Gorgoth, Gash Kadrak is really nothing

but a vast slave colony, and the huge amounts of stone

quarried there contribute to the huge building projects

that take place all across the Plain of Zharr.

THE SOUTH Where the River Ruin sluices into the Sea of Dread, the

coastline is choked with thick, subtropical forest. The

air in this part of the world is thick and cloying, and the

growth of the forest is strangely unwholesome, with

thick, gnarled branches twisting in all directions to form

grotesque shapes, black-flecked fronds drooping overhead and huge patches of bloated fungal growth

underfoot. No animals except those warped by the

power of Chaos live in such foetid climes, and the only

inhabitants are tribes of primitive Beastmen and ever-

present greenskins. The monsters that plague these

dense lands are especially foul, including poisonous

Green Dragons, stinking Wyverns and the repulsive

Jabberslythe. Even Chaos Dwarfs rarely attempt to

penetrate the fecund jungle, though they can be rich

pickings for slaves and war beasts for modification into

Daemonic Constructs. Furthermore, the deepest groves hide lost treasures left behind by the Old Ones, for these

are the ancient realms of the Lizardmen, and these cold-

blooded warriors occasionally raid the coast from the

Southlands. Especially opportunistic Chaos Dwarf

warbands will sometimes trek into the depths in search

of magical artefacts, though such a quest is rarely worth

the potential danger.

Around the River Ruin's delta are leagues of marshland

and, in the midst of this bleak, fly-choked maze of bogs

and waterways is the city of Pigbarter. This foul den of

brigands and thieves was founded centuries ago by human traders from the Old World to act as a vital port

on the passage to the east. It was quickly overrun by

Gnoblars and has remained a foul, stinking monument

to Mankind's greed ever since. Pigbarter still flourishes

in its way, forming the only even partially reliable route

into the Mountains of Mourn for merchants, but it is

little more than a sprawl of decrepit hovels held above

the swamps by stilts and willpower. North of Pigbarter

are The Sentinels, a natural rock formation around

which has formed a permanent campsite of trader

caravans. At the confluence of the major trading routes to the east, The Sentinels is another vital lynchpin in the

road to Cathay. Chaos Dwarfs also trade there, seeing

the advantages in keeping the passage to the east open,

but should they desire to descend upon these enclaves

in their homelands, there is no doubt that they would

easily sweep all resistance before them.


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The vast expanse of arid land stretched on for a hundred leagues to the north and another hundred leagues to the south. This place was nowhere; the heart of the bleakest land on the face of the world, which was precisely why it had been chosen. A team of groaning slaves laboriously dragged a block of stone across the desert floor until it was in the marked position.

"We have laid the foundation stone, Lord," Drakaz said, his voice muffled and hollow behind his iron skull-mask. Idly, his armoured fingers ran across the haft of the Hammer of Zharr that he held close to him at all times.

"There is much yet to do," Zhargon said, his voice as quiet and calm as ever. He was shrouded in black robes, his face hidden from his followers, though none were in any doubt that the High Priest was amongst them. Reclining on a palanquin of black Gromril borne on the broad shoulders of four mighty Immortals, he could be no one else.

"This task may consume generations," Drakaz continued.

"Is it not written in the Tablets of Law that the Father of Darkness's task will take our lives, the lives of our descendants and the lives of all our clans in perpetuity?"

Drakaz shifted his shoulders uncomfortably. One did not need to be reminded of Lord Zhargon's knowledge of the Tablets of Law, but the way he recited the exact wording and always seemed to know how to use them to answer any doubts chilled the Banelord to his bones. He was as devout as any Dawi'Zharr, but even he wondered if Zhargon was descending into madness with this project.

"Think of it, Drakaz: an arch of such colossal proportions that it will strike fear into the whole world. Massive beyond any obvious need, vast beyond the imagination of anyone save a Dawi'Zharr, it will survive as a testament to the power of Hashut for a thousand thousand generations and perhaps beyond. These columns will be of such girth, cemented with such materials and constructed with such skill that they may outlive the foundations of the earth. Mountains will fall before the Gates of Zharr even tremble."

Drakaz lifted his gaze skyward, trying to envisage the arch that Zhargon described. He could not begin to image how it could be built, nor how long it would take. Surely it would, as his master said, consume them and all of their descendants and, while it would no doubt be an object that inspired terror in lesser races, he wondered at the price they would pay for that. To build a huge stone arch in the middle of nowhere, with no wall and no gate, was surely madness...

The slaves that had positioned the first block were driven back to the great pile of stones that were waiting for them. More gangs of captives toiled to move the blocks onto rollers along with the dozens of other logistical tasks that the construction effort required. Though there was already a huge pile of blocks ready, they would need many hundreds of times that number to build what Zhargon had devised. And so much more material required thousands more slaves – the Plain of Zharr would be emptied.

"Drakaz, I have a further task for you."

"Yes, Lord?"

"I will be returning to Zharr-Naggrund soon, but you must remain here."

"You wish me to oversee this project? Do you not think I would be able to serve you better in command of your armies, Lord?"

Zhargon chuckled, a dry, papery sound from within his dark cowl. "No, Drakaz, it is not as an overseer that you will serve me. I wish you to take a detachment of Immortals south from here."

"To what end, Lord?"

"To take slaves."

"But we have slaves already..."

"We require more for this task. Thousands more. Millions more. I wish you to scour the Dark Lands for them and bring them back here in chains. I wish you to bring all the tribes between here and the Desolation of Azgorh to heel."

"Such a mission..."

"The purpose of these Gates, Drakaz, is to symbolise our lordship over all these lands. If we do not have such lordship, they are merely arrogance. I wish them to be a demonstration of fact. We will enslave every greenskin within three-thousand miles and put them to work in our service."

"So we enslave so that we may boast of that enslavement?"


"But that serves no purpose, Lord..."

Zhargon's tone grew dark. "I told you earlier what the Tablets of Law say, Drakaz. Hashut has commanded that we labour to His glory until the End of Days, and so shall it be. We will reap the glory of the earth for Him, we will take captive all the creatures of the world for Him and we will make war for Him. We will do these things to sustain further labour so that all of creation will be consumed by the Dawi'Zharr and remade by our hand and the lives of our slaves into a form more pleasing to the Father of Darkness. So I have commanded, and so shall it be."

Drakaz nodded and bowed low so that his beard touched the ground. "Yes, Lord. I will leave at sunrise."


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Over the past few centuries, the Warhammer world has been gradually industrialising itself. Black powder weapons have been a feature in the armies of the Empire of Man for hundreds of years, and in Dwarf throngs for even longer. Already, steam-powered devices are becoming commonplace in the Old World while, beneath the surface of the earth, the magic-powered war machines of the Skaven do battle with the runic engines of the Dwarfs. But though the Skaven are masters of invention, their society is too anarchic to support true industry. Similarly, Mankind is just beginning to industrialise itself and has not yet reached the point where it can mass produce mechanical marvels. As for the Dwarfs, their realm is in decline, their infrastructure crumbling into ruin, and they must hold onto what secrets and traditions they can. Dwarfs are conservative, and fear innovation, even as they must experiment to survive. So it is not surprising that the only true industrial power in the world is located in the midst of the Dark Lands, where the Chaos Dwarfs have choked the Plain of Zharr with their rampant mining, smelting, quarrying and manufacture. The Chaos Dwarfs have the resources and the stability to build huge factories in which thousands of slaves labour, producing standardised equipment. Through these methods, the Chaos Dwarfs can churn out hundreds of suits of Chaos armour every week, which they trade to the Warriors of Chaos in the north for gold and even more slaves, as well as issue to their own troops. The Chaos Dwarfs are fabulously wealthy

because not only do they have total dominance over the mineral-rich Plain of Zharr, but the weapons, armour and machines they manufacture are also sold to anyone who can pay their prices. The most common recipients of their favour are the Chaos Warriors, Ogres and savage tribes of Orcs and Goblins. Chaos Dwarfs have many trade routes that criss-cross the Dark Lands, and they travel many leagues to sell their wares, often within huge armoured Land Trains, driven by powerful steam engines. These fearsome machines are often fitted with pens for holding slaves to drag back to the Plain of Zharr, but they can also be equipped with monstrous artillery batteries or fighting platforms so the trade caravans can defend themselves if attacked. The Chaos Dwarfs are not content to simply grow fat on the gold of their allies though. Innovation is part of the character of the Dawi'Zharr, and they nearly ripped apart their society with a devastating civil war when denied the opportunity to advance their twisted technology. Like the creations of the Skaven, Chaos Dwarf technology is most dangerous when it blends science with dark magic. For the Chaos Dwarfs this takes the form of mastery over the daemonic. For the Chaos Dwarfs, Chaos and the servants of the Dark Gods are just another resource to be exploited, and they forge Daemons as Men forge iron. A Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer thinks little of enslaving a mighty Daemon and making it part of the mechanism of his latest invention and in this way the Chaos Dwarfs have created whole batteries of monstrous Daemonic Engines. These beasts of living



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iron are unnatural abominations, flesh melded with metal to create sentient creatures bound into the hulls of fearsome cannon or tanks. Some Daemonic Engines are relatively mundane: they may simply use Daemons as a power source, or to instil the ammunition with sentience to make it less likely to veer off course, but others are towering behemoths that resemble no war engine that an inhabitant of the Old World would recognise. They may float on water, fly through the sky on eldritch wings or, most terrifyingly of all, tunnel deep below the earth, only to emerge from the ground in the midst of a battle like some hideous giant termite, belching fire and fury. Experiments have also been made in other fields. The Chaos Dwarfs managed to breed the Black Orcs using a mixture of science and magic, for simple selective breeding would not have produced the desired results – at least not in the available timescales. The willingness to use Daemons in their experiments of course extends to mortal slaves and though the Chaos Dwarfs will never be able to approach the insanity of the Skaven fleshmoulders of Hell Pit, they have produced impressive results with the mutated denizens of Zorn Uzkul. These beasts, dating back to the Time of Chaos, are believed to have once been Chaos Dwarfs just like the Bull Centaurs but the careful attention of the Dawi'Zharr has transformed them into vicious fighting beasts which are frequently augmented with mechanical and daemonic parts, making them even more deadly. The art of alchemy has not bypassed the Chaos Dwarfs either. They are masters of the Wind of Chamon, as Men know it, and the transmutation of base metals into gold is one of the first cantrips learnt by Acolytes of Hashut. Such parlour tricks do not amuse the Chaos Dwarfs of course, for the effort and material costs required to bring about the transmutation is far higher than the amount of gold yielded and, besides, ordinary metals are often far more valuable than gold for the technically minded Dawi'Zharr. Nonetheless, familiarity with the earth's minerals has brought the Chaos Dwarfs great knowledge of the physical world, further enhancing their weapons of war. Blunderbusses are an obvious manifestation of this particular skill: firearms that are known in the Old World, but which the Chaos Dwarfs have perfected and turned into a weapon that is uniquely theirs. Similarly, the rockets and shells launched by their Daemonic Engines are frequently packed with dangerous chemical explosives that are harvested from the detritus of their industry. The Chaos Dwarfs have discovered many unique properties in the substances left over from their myriad production processes, such as weirdly glowing rocks that appear to have no magical properties and yet leave burns when touched, and have caused slaves quarrying them from the slag heaps to sicken and die. Experiments into the

unusual nature of these materials are still ongoing, and fortunately there are plenty of slaves remaining. Indeed, it is most frequently the slaves who bear the brunt of the Chaos Dwarfs' more dangerous experiments. Quite apart from the horrific conditions in their factories, mines and forges, their sheer numerousness in the Plain of Zharr means they are inevitably the ones most often killed in industrial accidents. One memorable experiment was the Hammer of Hashut. This was a rocket the size of a fortress tower built by the Sorcerers in an attempt to devise a new method of assailing their foes. The feared Death Rocket was already an established part of the Chaos Dwarf arsenal, whether delivered by a Daemonic or Mortal Engine, and there seemed to be no reason that the sound principal of a rocket packed with chemical explosives fired into the air could not simply be scaled up to more devastating effect. Technically, the Hammer of Hashut was a resounding success as it killed hundreds. However, these were almost entirely Goblin slaves living on the edge of the Plain of Zharr itself, as the vast rocket was incredibly unstable and its flight became erratic just a few seconds after launch. The devastation wrought and the ensuing mushroom-shaped cloud was highly impressive though, and the Sorcerers have not given up the dreams of a Death Rocket able to fire across continents. Rumours abound of a particularly ambitious Sorcerer Lord, known to work with the pirate captain Ghuz Slavetaker, who has already begun construction on a second Hammer of Hashut, and of his intention to guide it with powerful Elven magic to avoid the disaster of the first version.


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The Chaos Dwarfs have a history of warfare and slavery stretching back for over six thousand

years, but their battles have never been more cataclysmic than in recent centuries. It is only in

modern times that the Chaos Dwarfs have begun to expand outwards from the Dark Lands,

visiting their particular brand of savage cruelty upon an unsuspecting world.

THE BATTLE OF UZKULAK The great Chaos Dwarf fortress of Uzkulak has long

stood guarding the entrance to the sea tunnel that passes

below the plateau of Zorn Uzkul, the Great Skull Land,

connecting the River Ruin to the icy Sea of Chaos in the

north. From this basalt-walled fortress, the Chaos

Dwarfs' fleet of ironclad warships sallies forth, raiding the costal realms of the Old World at will. Sitting as it

does in the midst of the northern lands, its defensive

position, high walls and the access it grants to the Dark

Lands have been coveted by the Marauder tribesman for

centuries. One such tribe lived just a dozen or so

leagues up the coast and had suffered slave raids by the

Chaos Dwarfs for generations. Their chieftain, a Norse

Jarl named Ragnar Ragnarson, grew tired of this and

resolved to take Uzkulak. No Marauder tribe had ever

dared to attack the Place of the Skull before, and

Ragnar's people were reluctant to join this foolhardy quest, but the Jarl paid proper tribute to the Gods of

Chaos, called in ancient oaths from his neighbours,

brokered alliances by marrying off the daughters of his

loyal Thanes and eventually amassed a great army of

Norse warriors, the like of which had never been seen

outside of a full Chaos incursion.

As chance would have it, much of the Chaos Dwarf

fleet was occupied far to the south in the Sea of Dread,

fighting off Lizardmen raiders from the Southlands. Jarl

Ragnar was able to sail up the Sea of Chaos with his

horde in dozens of dragon-prowed longships virtually

unopposed. They landed before the gates of Uzkulak and began their assault. Ragnar quickly realised that it

was impossible to besiege the fortress because it had

direct access to the sea tunnel and hence Zharr-

Naggrund, so he determined that only a direct attack

would work. Ragnar summoned his húskarls, his

personal bodyguard of elite warriors, along with the

great mass of young men who had flocked to his banner

hoping to make a name for themselves. These warriors

had dedicated themselves to the Wolf-God – another of

the names attributed to Khorne, the Chaos God of war –

and worked themselves into a savage frenzy before the battle. They were known as the berserkjr and, clad in

bloody wolf skins, they hurled themselves at the great

walls of Uzkulak. Their frenzied attack succeeded in

overwhelming the sparse defenders and they spilled

over the outer defences and overran the first level of the

fortress, but at a tremendous cost in lives.

Ragnar and his húskarls opened up the outer gate from

the inside and the Norse army surged through, but then

found themselves up against the even more formidable

defences of Uzkulak's inner keep. The artillery on the

battlements now rained down a constant hail of fire – both mundane and daemonic – and the Norse knew they

could not batter their way past a second gate. So,

dismayed, Ragnar ordered his warriors back to the shore

to make camp and consider their next move. He left

guards on the outer walls of the city though to ensure it

could not be easily taken back and so Uzkulak was

divided between the Norse and the small number of

Chaos Dwarf defenders. As Ragnar's Marauder horde

began to construct earthwork defences and raise a

wooden palisade to protect their camp, the Despot

Ghorak Firesoul who commanded Uzkulak sent messengers to Zharr-Naggrund asking for a relief force.

There, the news of the great fortress's potential fall was

met with a stony silence in the Conclave of Sorcerers.

With the fleet still many hundreds of miles away, there

was no way to dispatch a relief force that would reach

Uzkulak in time, for surely tales of Ragnar's success

would spread across Norsca, attracting more Marauder

tribes to his banner, and the city would eventually fall.



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There was only one solution: to amass an army of a

kind never before seen fighting in the name of the


Gorduz Backstabber, the mercenary chieftain of the

Hobgoblins that served the Chaos Dwarfs was

summoned. He quickly used his influence to hammer

together a loose confederation of Wolf Rider tribes.

These fast moving troops could cross the Great Skull

Land and reach Uzkulak in a matter of days, but they

would not be enough to break the Norse horde alone,

and so they were led by the only troops in the Chaos

Dwarf army that would be able to keep pace with them:

an awesome phalanx of the mighty Bull Centaurs

supported by a few precious Doom Harnesses. No such

force of these elite shock troops had been gathered in over a thousand years, and only one creature had the

will to lead such an army: Lord Bhaal, Eldest of the

Bull Centaurs, the Death of Worlds himself. Bhaal

careered across the desolate plateau at the head of this

highly unusual force and, as they came through the

mountain pass, they looked down upon the massed

tribes of Chaos waiting in the valley before the gates of

Uzkulak, preparing for the final assault. Ragnar's force

now numbered in the thousands, and the Bull Centaurs

were only a few hundred. The treacherous Hobgoblins

were already starting to slink away, seeing that the odds were against them, but Lord Bhaal cowed them with a

single snarled command. He raised his huge rune-

encrusted axe and gave his only order of the battle:

"Crush them!"

Ragnar saw the Chaos Dwarf relief force high on the

rise as a dark smudge of indistinct shapes and, as their

charge threw up a great cloud of what he assumed was

dust, he gave orders to form a shieldwall. The Norse

slammed their shields together and presented a thousand

axe- and sword blades, forming an impenetrable barrier

of unyielding steel. Such a defence was enough to repel even the most determined charge, for no cavalry mount

could be induced to charge towards such an obstacle,

and even a well-trained warhorse would shy away at the

last moment. But these were no mere cavalry: they were

Bull Centaurs, Hashut's most favoured sons, and no

shieldwall could instil anything but outrage in their

furious, hate-filled minds. Roaring their defiance,

charging through their own wall – not of steel, but of

smoke and flame – Lord Bhaal and the Bull Centaurs

crashed into the Norse lines, setting fire to their shields

as they made contact and scattering them almost instantly. As the charge hit home, the hundreds of Norse

Marauders that made up that shieldwall immediately

quailed in stark terror as their arms and armour were

melted by the blast of heat and their fellows in the front

rank were simply burned alive. Then the axes began to

fall, and the fire turned to blood and gore. The Bull

Centaur charge was like a scythe cutting through wheat,

and it was not so much a fight as a bloody and terrible

massacre. The Norse broke and ran, all the fight beaten

out of them within minutes, and only the hard core of

the barbarian army continued to fight on, a few hundred

of the hardened berserkjrs and húskarls, led by Jarl Ragnar himself.

Ragnar knew he was defeated as the Wolf Riders picked

off his fleeing men, but the eyes of his gods were still

firmly upon him and he knew he had to die with

honour, his axe in his hand, meeting this awesome foe

in person. The Jarl stepped forward and bellowed a

challenge in his native tongue. Lord Bhaal did not speak

the language of the Norsemen, but he recognised what

was happening even so and, gesturing for his Bull

Centaurs to back off, he galloped towards the Marauder

Chieftain, axe raised. Jarl Ragnar was a mighty warrior, blessed by the Dark Gods and a veteran of many battles.

Taller than even a tall Norseman, his barrel-like chest

was corded with thick muscles and he bore tattoos and

scars to the Wolf-God. In his hands was an ancient axe

and upon his head a helm in the image of a snarling

wolf. The pelt of some mutated hound that Ragnar had

slain with his bare hands was across his shoulders and,

even as the great form of Lord Bhaal thundered towards

him, Ragnar Ragnarson knew no fear. The two great

warriors clashed in the centre of that bloody battlefield,

surrounded by charred corpses and Jarl Ragnar, to his credit, struck several furious blows upon the Bull

Centaur Lord before, with a single mighty swing, Bhaal

cleaved him in twain from head to crotch.

The battle had been over with the first charge of the

Bull Centaurs, but now that Ragnar had been killed, the

few remaining Norse gave up the fight and retreated

back to the handful of longships that the Hobgoblins

had not set alight. Uzkulak had been saved by the

timely intervention of a wholly unconventional relief

force. When the Chaos Dwarf fleet returned, they

scoured the coast and found Ragnar's kingdom. There, they threw down his palisade, burned his hall to the

ground, tortured to death all of the remaining warriors

and took the women and children as slaves. The name

of Ragnar Ragnarson became a curse amongst the

Norse – a byword for foolish endeavour.

It is said though that the children of Jarl Ragnar

survived the slaughter, for they were grown and fighting

in far off lands. His firstborn son, Ulf Ragnarson, also

called Ulf the Tall and Ulf the Fearless, heard of the

fate of his father and his people and swore revenge against all Chaos Dwarfs and especially the Bull

Centaurs and Lord Bhaal. Most laugh at such a hollow

threat, for what can any man do against such a monster

as the Death of Worlds? But Ulf is wiser than his late

father, and will not be taken by surprise as he was.

Rumour has it that Jarl Ulf Ragnarson has now returned

to his homelands, and he is sharpening his axe and

looking at Uzkulak with thoughtful eyes.


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THE YOUTH OF GRIMGOR IRONHIDE The Old World knows all too well the name of the

Black Orc Warboss Grimgor Ironhide, the mightiest of

all greenskins and the scourge of civilisation. All know

his tale, of his siege of Karak Kadrin, of his invasion of

Kislev, of his terrifying ordeal facing down the Skaven

in their own subterranean lairs. But of his history before he staggered out of the Blasted Wastes, no tales are

told, save in the Plain of Zharr, where the name of

Grimgor Ironhide has been known for far longer than in

the west. Grimgor originally hailed from a non-descript

Black Orc tribe in the Mountains of Mourn. When

Grimgor was barely full grown, a Chaos Dwarf slaving

party cruised down the River Ruin in their ironclad

ships and made landing near his tribe's camp. They

attacked by night, catching the Black Orcs unaware and

vanquished them easily. Chaos Dwarfs do not often try

to enslave Black Orcs, but this warband was led by

Lord Zhurduz the Slavelord, a vicious Warlord who fervently desired to take captive anyone unfortunate

enough to cross his path. He chained the Black Orcs in

the belly of his warship, reasoning that their strength

and stamina would make them ideal as labourers in the

engines. Grimgor spent years below decks, chained to a

Daemon-powered engine, piling coal and corpses into

the furnace. Under the lashes of his cruel masters he

was never allowed to cease work while the ship moved

and he grew stronger and tougher by the month. When

all of his fellows had died, Grimgor lived on, the

memory of freedom burning like a brand in his mind.

His opportunity for escape came when Lord Zhurduz

and his fleet came under attack by Skaven raiders. They

rammed the ship containing Grimgor with one of their

ramshackle plague barges and though they were unable to sink the mighty ironclad, they did open a rent in its

hull. Water gushed into the boiler room, shrouding the

entire cavernous chamber in boiling steam. As the

Chaos Dwarf overseers choked on the fumes, Grimgor,

with his iron constitution, rose up and strangled them to

death with his chains. He broke free and went on the

rampage, fighting his way up the decks with a

plundered axe – the very axe that would one day

become known as Gitsnik – and was able to slaughter

the distracted Chaos Dwarfs single-handedly. The ship

was leaning erratically into one of the banks of the

River Ruin as the Skaven bombarded it with warp lightning and Grimgor was able to leap to the shore and

make a dash for freedom.

His years of toil had made Grimgor truly mighty. Orcs

need combat to survive, and Grimgor had been denied

this in his formative years. His natural urges had

festered away dimly and now he had a lifetime of pent

up aggression to unleash. The Chaos Dwarfs were his

first natural targets and he began hunting them through

the Howling Wastes, taking them on one small slaving

band at a time. He favoured the full-frontal assault, simply charging in, swinging his axe with a hideous war

cry. Despite his lack of subtlety, Grimgor prospered

through sheer savagery. As he fought and word of his

crusade spread, other greenskins began to flock to his

ragged banner, sensing a growing Waaagh!. It was

during this time that Grimgor seized his armour from a

Chaos Dwarf Despot. Legend has it that it was forged in

Daemon blood. Grimgor's burgeoning Waaagh! took

him and his growing warband across the Dark Lands, to

the very edge of the Plain of Zharr, but even he could

not penetrate the heart of the Chaos Dwarf empire.

Concerned by the growing power of this new leader, the Conclave of Sorcerers dispatched a force of Immortals

led by Rykarth the Unbreakble to destroy him once and

for all. The two armies met at last on the edge of the

Blasted Wastes, Grimgor now at the head of a

considerable army of Orcs and Goblins, and attended by

a cadre of elite Black Orcs.

The battle was brutal. Neither side gave any quarter,

and the Orcs fought to the heart of Rykarth's line,

Grimgor personally slaying dozens of the elite warriors.

In the end, with the ground stained red with blood, only a hard core of Immortals remained but, in turn, only the

Black Orcs survived from Grimgor's army. Neither side

was willing to yield and the Immortals slammed their

shields into place, forming an unbreakable wall.

Grimgor prepared to throw himself upon it, but then

Rykarth lowered his shield and met the warboss's eyes.

He saw then the culmination of selective breeding, the

pinnacle of Orcdom made flesh.


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Grimgor was fated to do more than die on the axes of

the Immortals and Rykarth knew that the best he could

hope for was to kill him, at the cost of more of his

warrior's lives. So he gave the unthinkable order to

retreat, leaving Grimgor and his handful of followers battered and bewildered. Grimgor had earned the

respect of the Chaos Dwarfs that day and, in turn, he

realised that his business with them was done. When he

saw the carnage the Immortals had wrought he was also

impressed enough to take their name for his own

bodyguard – those few who survived that nameless

battle in the Blasted Wastes would ever after be known

as 'Da Immortulz'. Sensing his time in the Dark Lands

had come to an end, Grimgor turned west and the rest is

a history etched in the blood of Men and Dwarfs.

THE WAR OF THE AUTOMATA Hothgar Daemonbane is a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer of rare

creative ambition. Most Sorcerers are concerned only

with increasing their own influence within the Temple

of Hashut, and usually make war with only this end in

mind. They build or commission machines of war to

supplement their armies, which can then take slaves in

order to generate income and allow them to buy their

way to power. But for the renegade Hothgar, arcane

engineering is an end in itself. He was cast out of Zharr-

Naggrund for his dangerous experimentation, but he

was unperturbed and continued to labour in exile, finding a home in the fortress of Daemon's Stump. It

was Hothgar's dream to create a Daemonic Engine of

such size and power that it could take on an army by

itself. Such an endeavour would require the binding of a

Daemon so powerful, or a multitude of lesser Daemons

so numerous, that it would take an actual army to

subdue them, which rather defeats the purpose of the


Nonetheless, Hothgar has continued to pursue his

fevered dream of building the machine he calls 'The Kolossus', and has created any number of prototypes

that dwarf any engine previously constructed by a

Daemonsmith. Hothgar's creations command vast prices

in the markets of Zharr-Naggrund, even when he was

still an outcast, but they are most dangerous when

Hothgar himself brings them to battle, for no one knows

his war machines quite as well as their insane creator.

Hothgar's greatest glory came in what was known as the

War of the Automata. Hothgar had assembled his entire

stable of Daemonic Engines, intending to march west in

order to find a worthy foe. Hothgar knew his devices

would only find their match against the foremost engineers of the Old World – the hated cousins of the

Chaos Dwarfs from the Worlds Edge Mountains.

Hothgar's bizarre army was made up of only a handful of mortal warriors, backed up by masses of slaves from

his Daemon forges. The core of his force were his

beloved constructions: in place of flesh and blood

troops he had ranks of iron Daemon-Golems, and

behind them came towering siege engines, each one

bound with one or more daemonic spirits. The greatest

of all of these was a vast, bull-headed monstrosity that

shook the earth when it walked. This was Hothgar's

latest version of the Kolossus, and the largest and most

destructive to date. This terrifying force of Daemonic

Engines made its way across the Dark Lands,

unopposed by the greenskin tribes who fled before it in fear. The host climbed its way slowly into the

mountains where word of its coming reached the ears of

the Dwarf Lord Dobbi Fletchhelm. Lord Dobbi was a

proud Dwarf, but even he could see that his warriors

stood no chance against such an enemy. In desperation,

he appealed to the Guild of Engineers who jumped at

the chance to test rediscovered and recently refined

technology. What better to defeat the God-Engines of

Chaos than a God-Engine of their own? From the

deepest vaults were unearthed the ancient Automata,

forbidden machines from the dawn of Dwarf history, said to be imbued with the power of the Ancestor Gods.

Hothgar and his Daemonic Engines marched through

the passes of the Worlds Edge Mountains, scattering

Goblin and Skaven before them, until they reached Lord

Dobbi's territory. There, a thin line of Dwarf warriors

awaited them. They had cannon and Organ Guns, but


Page 32: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

such pitiful devices held no fear for Hothgar. He

laughed and ordered his Engines to advance, laying

down a hail of Daemonfire. The Golems came first,

their bodies clanking and hissing and their souls calling

out in murderous rage. The Daemonsmiths goaded their charges forward and, as they picked up speed, their

bladed limbs began to spin and whirl like no creature in

nature. The Dwarfs stoically held their ground, daring

the Daemonic Constructs to attack them and, as they

reached their hastily-erected barricades, the ground

beneath their feet suddenly gave way. The Golems were

thrown back and the Daemonsmiths reeled in confusion

as, from below, huge steam-powered machines crawled

up to the surface for the first time in millennia. They

were wheeled marvels, festooned with hammer and

cannon and their hulls were mounted with the

thunderous images of the Ancestor Gods. Something primal stirred in the hearts of the cruel Chaos Dwarfs as

they set eyes on machines that had been holy to their

ancestors, the dim racial memory sowing confusion in

their twisted souls. The distraction was enough for the

Dwarf Automata, acting with some machine-guided will

of their own, to seize the advantage, churning the

Constructs into scrap metal. As their black hulls burst

apart, Daemons escaped into the æther, letting out

keening calls of triumph.

Hothgar was astonished at the appearance of the Dwarf God-Engines, but he rallied quickly, ordering his larger

machines into battle. In that high, narrow pass, a

cataclysmic battle was fought, a mechanical replay of

some ancient conflict from the Time of Chaos as

Daemon fought God again, but this time bound in iron

and Gromril. The Kolossus gave a good account of

itself, smashing several of the Automata, but in the end

it was undone by its inherent instability, rent apart by a

barrage of cannon balls, allowing the Daemons to

escape their imprisonment. In the end, all the Automata

were destroyed or their ancient workings seized up, but

by that time Hothgar's army too had been almost annihilated and he sounded the retreat.

Though Lord Dobbi's army survived the day and

counted it a victory, the priceless Aotomata had been

reduced to scrap, their noble spirits at last vanquished.

Hothgar saw the day as a great success, for he learned

much from the failed experiment. Like any good

scientist, he would glean new knowledge from his

mistakes and improve his designs next time.

Furthermore, the Conclave of Sorcerer Lords was so impressed by Hothgar's creations that they welcomed

him back into Chaos Dwarf society with open arms,

promising more resources should he ever wish to

attempt another assault on the strongholds of the


THE BATTLE OF THE SLAVE-TAKERS The Chaos Dwarfs rarely trouble the races of the

uttermost west, but their paths occasionally cross those

of the Dark Elves of Naggaroth because they often have

like cause. These two spiteful peoples have never been

known to make an alliance though, for they both share

an attitude of absolute contempt for all other races. A

particularly infamous story in the history of the Dark

Elves concerns the fate of the Dreadlord Ai'keneth.

Ai'keneth was a skilled naval raider, commanding an

army of vicious Corsairs who would attack settlements

across the world in the dead of night to take slaves. Their raids took them as far as the Sea of Dread where

they engaged their hated High Elf cousins near the

Tower of the Sun before striking north. They were

pursued by High Elf mariners and were just in the

process of fending off their latest attack when the sound

of an unfamiliar war horn made Ai'keneth turn.

To his horror, another fleet was surging out of the north

– but not a fleet of graceful, sailed Elven ships, but

hulking Chaos Dwarf ironclads, belching smoke into

the air. A fierce bombardment began, and the High

Elves broke off almost instantly, leaving the Dark Elves

to their fate. Ai'keneth brought his ships around, using

their mobility to their advantage, but their Reaper Bolt

Throwers were unable to penetrate the iron hulls of the

Chaos Dwarfs' ships. They tried to escape, but

daemonic beasts descended from the turbulent skies: Daemonic Constructs ridden by savage Chaos Dwarf

warriors that landed on the decks and set about the Dark

Elves with claw and fire. With his fleet burning,

Ai'keneth attempted a desperate ramming manoeuvre,

but it was a forlorn hope: his fragile skiff was shattered

into kindling by the mighty prow of the Chaos Dwarf

flagship, The Bull's Fury. It was the mercenary fleet of

Ghuz Slavetaker that Ai'keneth had been unfortunate

enough to encounter and he knew he was doomed as he

clung to the wreckage. He considered surrendering

himself to the waves, but he was yanked away from any

hope of suicide by strong arms and dragged onto the deck of The Bull's Fury. Ghuz laughed to see the

bedraggled Elf lord and, though he wanted to keep him

as a pet, he couldn't resist the gold such a prize would

fetch in the markets of Zharr-Naggrund.

So it was that the Dark Elf survivors of that sea battle

ended their lives in the same manner to which they had

condemned so many others. It was a bitter irony not lost

on the proud Druchii as they laboured in chains deep in

some nameless pit below the earth, but they had little

time to contemplate their fate – there was work to be done.


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Chaos Dwarf society has been largely isolated from the events in the Old World throughout its existence. Only

rarely has the outside world been unfortunate enough to have contact with the cruel masters of Zarr-Naggrund,

but they have left a lasting impression on their enemies, who still curse their names. The Chaos Dwarfs have their

own complex dating system, but the Imperial Calendar has been used here for clarity.

IC Events

-4500 The time of the Ancestor Gods. No written

records of these times survive although legend

tells of the gradual colonisation of the Worlds

Edge Mountains.

-4300 The most adventurous Dwarfs journey across

the barren upland regions north of the

mountains which they name ‘Zorn Uzkul', or

the Great Skull Land.

-4000 Contact is lost between Dwarfs of the World's

Edge Mountains and Dwarf settlements in

Zorn Uzkul. The Dwarfs of the west believe

their eastern kin have perished, destroyed by

the tides of Chaos from the north.

-3500 Abandoned by their gods, the Dwarfs of Zorn

Uzkul turn to the worship of Hashut, the Father

of Darkness.

-3450 Hashut leads his worshippers to the Plain of

Zharr, where they begin to build mines and


-3400 The Chaos Dwarfs drive the greenskins from

the Plain of Zharr and begin their expansion outwards. The beginning of the First Kingdom


-3273 Lord Khrazathk's host is defeated by a

greenskin coalition in the Howling Wastes.

Emboldened, the greenskins force them back

to the Plain of Zharr and prevent the Chaos

Dwarfs from expanding their influence further.

The First Kingdom falls.

-2821 The Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers emerge from their

isolation and begin to institute the reforms that will save Chaos Dwarf society.

-2745 Construction begins on the City of Zharr-

Naggrund. The industry of the Chaos Dwarfs

is increased a hundredfold as the building of

the city requires stone and rare minerals. The

Second Kingdom period begins.

-2600 In order to work the new mines and forges, the

Chaos Dwarfs begin enslaving the greenskin

inhabitants of the Dark Lands.

IC Events

-933 Zhargon is born.

-901 Zhargon enters the Temple of Hashut as an

Acolyte. He soon surpasses his teachers.

-824 Zhargon is ordained as the High Priest of

Hashut. He begins instituting the Caste system.

-785 The Gates of Zharr are built.

-761 Great Tauruses are first discovered roaming

Zorn Uzkul, they are brought to Zharr-

Naggrund and stabled below the Temple of

Hashut. Soon after, the first Lammasu is born.

-714 Zhargon goes into isolation, seeking the secrets

of immortality. During this time, he first

discovers the prophecy of the Everchosen of


-650 The Chaos Dwarfs begin trading with the

Goblins of the Worlds Edge Mountains.

Through them, they first encounter their distant

western kin, whom they take as slaves.

-601 Vorag Bloodytooth unites scattered tribes of Ghouls that lurk below Cripple Peak,

becoming the first and only Ghoul King. The

Ghoul army all but destroy the Red Cloud

Goblin tribe and their Chaos Dwarf allies, the

survivors are forced to build Fortress of Vorag

to the east of the Plain of Bones.

-600 Zhargon re-emerges and assembles a vast host

of Chaos Dwarfs to destroy Vorag. They are

defeated and return to the Plain of Zharr in


-598 Continuous uprisings eventually result in

Zhargon declaring increasingly draconian

laws, restricting even the freedoms of his

fellow Sorcerers.

-595 The Civil War begins, shaking Zharr-

Naggrund to its foundations. After over a year

of fighting, Zhargon is killed when his

devastating spell misfires. The Second

Kingdom period ends.



Page 35: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

IC Events

-545 The Sorcerers finally succeed in restoring

Chaos Dwarf society to its former status. Tens

of thousands more slaves are acquired from throughout the Dark Lands.

-150 Experiments on captive Orc and Goblin slaves

by Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers result in the

creation of the Black Orcs.

-100 The Black Orcs prove unruly and difficult to

control. After leading an armed revolt that

ravages the lower levels of Zharr-Naggrund

they are purged from the ziggurat when the

Hobgoblins turn on the other greenskins.

Fleeing Black Orcs escape to the Worlds Edge Mountains and the Mountains of Mourn.

500 Rich volcanic deposits are first mined at


624 The fortress at Daemon's Stump is constructed.

781 Black Fortress is built to guard against

marauding Ogre tribes moving west.

1000 The great sea canal is constructed, linking the Falls of Doom with the Sea of Chaos in the

north. The fortress of Uzkulak is built on the

coast to act as a gathering place for the fleet.

1119 The Trails of Hashut. An expanse of volcanic

wasteland to the north of the Plain of Zharr is

the target of a warband of Chaos Warriors who

attempt to release a Daemon Prince imprisoned

below it. They are successful despite the Chaos

Dwarfs' opposition and free Abbadon the

Destroyer, first Daemon Prince of Khorne. The

lava fields dry up, leaving the northern Dark Lands open to attack – and trade.

1301 Azgorh, the great volcano in the south of the

Dark Lands, enters a phase of activity, spilling

ash into the air and covering the Dark Lands in

a thick pall of smoke for over three years. The

disruption temporarily grounds winged

Tauruses, forcing increased reliance on ships

to carry messages.

1392 Lord Harkoth the Vile attempts to subjugate the Kurgan tribes of the eastern steppes, but is

ultimately betrayed by his Hobgoblin allies

who poison his blood ale. In reprisal, the

Sorcerer Lord Varkhak has a thousand

Hobgoblins put to death, but no further serious

attempt is made to conquer the Chaos

Marauder tribes.

IC Events

1550 A Chaos Dwarf fleet raids the Lustrian coast,

taking Lizardmen as slaves. The Chaos Dwarfs

find these creatures strong and resilient, but they do not last long as slaves in the bleak

Dark Lands.

1720 The Banner of Gods is forged from

Daemonbone in the depths of Zharr-Naggrund

for Lord Gorespyne of Chaos Undivided.

1841 The Warpstone War. The Skaven make their

first and only attempt to infiltrate the Plain of

Zharr. They open a tunnel directly into a

subterranean factory, alerting the Chaos

Dwarfs to their presence. Over the next decade, the Chaos Dwarfs take the fight to the

Skaven, battling them in their warrens.

Daemonic Engines and Constructs face down

the hideous creations of Clan Moulder and the

arcane engines of Clan Skryre in the darkness

below the earth.

2099 Aekold Hellbrass, Champion of Tzeentch,

seeks out the legendary forge known as the

Volcano's Heart. His path across the blackened

wasteland of the Dark Lands is to this day marked by the trail of unnatural vegetation that

sprung up in his wake.

2148 Astragoth becomes High Priest of Hashut.

2218 Ghorth the Cruel enters the Temple of Hashut

as an Acolyte.

2296 The Battle of Glacier Peak. The Chaos Dwarfs

face down a mass migration from the Ogre

Kingdoms in the high passes of the Mountains

of Mourn. So much blood is spilled that the heat accelerates a glacier's melting. The Chaos

Dwarfs install engines to harness the vast

primeval forces of the gargantuan river of ice.

2387 Zhatan joins the Immortals where he gains the

attention of Ghorth and soon becomes his

protégé and bodyguard.

2452 Zhatan becomes the Lord of the Immortals.

Ghorth's power is unmatched.

2515 The Great Hobgobla Khan becomes overlord

of the Hobgoblin tribes of the steppes. He

sends envoys of friendship to Zharr-Naggrund.

2523 The Storm of Chaos erupts. Daemonic Engines

along with mountains of arms and armour are

sold to Lord Archaon, the Everchosen of

Chaos, to fuel his war.


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The Chaos Dwarfs army

contains some of the most

unique and diverse troops

in the Warhammer world.

Blocks of elite, armoured

Warriors march alongside

teeming hordes of pitiful

Slaves, all supported by

towering Daemonic Engines

and unusual units like Bull

Centaurs and the Altar of

Hashut. No two Chaos

Dwarfs armies need look or

play alike.

In this section you will find

details for all the different

troops, heroes, monsters

and war machines used in a

Chaos Dwarfs army. It

provides the background,

imagery, characteristic

profiles and rules necessary

to use all the elements of the

army, from Core troops to

Special Characters to the

Lore of Hashut.

Page 38: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

On this and the following page, you will find all of the rules that apply either to the entire army

or to several units in the army. These rules are integral to the way that the Chaos Dwarfs army

works on the battlefield. Special rules that apply to just one or two units are instead covered in

the separate Bestiary entry for those units.

UNYIELDING Chaos Dwarfs are completely without mercy, refusing

to give ground to any creature they think of as a lesser

being – which is everyone. They will hold their

positions until the end, even if would be tactically wise

to press a pursuit or abandon their fortifications.

When a unit with the Unyielding rule makes a flee or

pursuit move, they subtract 1 from the total roll. This

normally means that they will flee and pursue 2D6-1"

instead of 2D6".

BONDAGE OF HASHUT Chaos Dwarf society is completely rigid, and a Chaos

Dwarf warrior is defined by his position within the strict

hierarchy of Zharr-Naggrund. They are owned, body,

mind and soul by their Sorcerer Lords, and they will

follow the orders of their masters no matter how suicidal. For their part, the Sorcerer Lords and those

who serve them directly are completely confident of

their own superiority. Those weaklings who flee

deserve no pity: only contempt.

Units that contain at least one model with the Bondage

of Hashut rule do not take a Panic test when a unit

without the rule is destroyed, breaks or flees through


BLESSING OF HASHUT The Father of Darkness has as His chief province the

infernal energy of the earth: He is the master of molten

rock and fire. His most powerful followers share his

affinity for fire, revelling in its power thanks to their

master's Blessing which makes their flesh proof against

the flames.

Units with the Blessing of Hashut rule have a 2+ ward

save against Flaming Attacks.

CHAOS ARMOUR The Chaos Dwarfs are rightly known as the blacksmiths

of Chaos, for they produce much of the arms, armour

and machines of war used by the followers of the Dark

Gods. But by far their most important export are the

suits of magical Chaos armour, each of which is imbued

with a portion of the very essence of Chaos. The protection this armour offers is almost unmatched.

Chaos armour grants a 4+ armour save.


All Dwarfs are naturally magic-resistant – being

creatures of stone and mountains, their physiology, as well as their stoic (some would say downright

stubborn) temperament, means that only powerful

battlefield magic can slow them down for long.

However, because Chaos Dwarfs have embraced the

dark arts and their leaders saturate themselves in

magical energy, they no longer have the same

psychological aversion to magic and cannot rely on

their natural abilities to protect them from it. Chaos

Dwarfs are therefore an exception to the rule on

page 35 of the Warhammer rulebook that allows

Dwarf armies a +2 bonus to dispel attempts, even if your army does not contain any Wizards.


Some rules in this section and in the Creations of the

Cursed Forges section make reference to 'Daemons'.

This should be understood to refer to all models

from Warhammer Armies: Daemons of Chaos, the

following units from Warhammer Armies: Warriors

of Chaos: Daemon Princes, Daemonic Mounts,

Juggernauts, Steeds of Slaanesh, Discs of Tzeentch,

Palanquins of Nurgle, Hellecannons and the

Verminlord from Warhammer Armies: Skaven. In

addition, any unit with the Bound Daemon rule from

this book counts as a Daemon too, should two Chaos Dwarf armies meet in battle!



Page 39: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

DISPOSABLE The Chaos Dwarfs use masses of slaves for labour,

sacrifices to Hashut and as part of their armies. The role

of slaves in the army is principally to blunt the enemy's

attack – they are driven forward in great herds, and the

assumption is that they will die horribly simply to

expend the foe's ammunition and clog up his battle line with bodies. Similarly, Chaos Dwarfs think little of

their mercenaries, for they are a wealthy people and can

always afford more hirelings.

Units with the Disposable rule do not cause Panic in

other units due to being destroyed, breaking in combat

or fleeing through them, unless the affected unit also

has the Disposable rule. In addition, standard bearers

from Disposable units do not confer any additional

victory points due to the Last Stand rule or being killed

in close combat. Disposable units cannot benefit from

the Bondage of Hashut.

Hazkath Grimbeard, master Daemonsmith of the House of Kath, ran a mailed hand down the black iron hull of the machine that now occupied pride of place in his workshop. It was festooned with spikes and blades, bound with heavy rivets, but its soul-forge was silent. That would come soon – very soon. Off to one side of the workshop was a rune-inscribed chamber, the floor of which was engraved with an ancient eight-pointed star: the symbol of Chaos. At each point, a bound and hooded slave knelt, trembling. Most were Goblins, but there were two Humans amongst them and one of the rat-things from below the earth. A handful of Acolytes would assist with the ritual and their jagged blades were already unsheathed.

"No need to wait any longer," Hazkath growled, "this isn't religious – just spill the blood and we'll capture the thing."

Some of the slaves tried to fight back, but their chains made them easy prey and, as their hot blood spattered onto the device in the chamber's centre, fell energies began to surge. This was a place of pain and suffering, and many Daemons had been drawn to its evil scent before. The proper spells had been spoken long ago. There was ritual, yes, but this was principally an act of simple manufacture. To Hazkath, it was no more arcane than casting the barrel of the cannon or hammering the rivets into place. A shape was already starting to coalesce and the inexperienced Acolytes stepped back warily. Hazkath just sighed and beckoned them out of the chamber. As soon as they were clear, he pulled a rusted chain that hung down from the ceiling and a portcullis carved from a single block of obsidian slammed into place with a groan. The shape of the Daemon, becoming more solid by the second, whirled around, its glowing eyes going wide as it realised it was trapped. Hazkath simply turned back to the Engine itself and started to plan exactly how he would finish the task. The spectral howls of the confined Daemon fell on deaf ears: it was just another slave now, no more worthy of the Daemonsmith's attention than a Goblin.

BOUND DAEMONS Chaos Dwarfs make use of Daemonic entities bound

into the hulls of living machines. These creatures are

driven into an unstoppable rage by their

confinement, making them especially dangerous, if


Units with the Bound Daemon rule are Immune to

Psychology and are subject to the Rampage rule, as described below. In addition, all of a Bound

Daemon's attacks – including any ranged and special

attacks it may have – are magical.

RAMPAGE Bound Daemons constantly strive to break from their bonds. At the beginning of the turn, if a unit

which contains at least one model with the Bound

Daemon rule is not in combat, take a Leadership test

using the highest Leadership value available – you

may not use the General's Inspiring Presence rule, or

re-roll the test using the Battle Standard Bearer's

Hold Your Ground rule. If it passes the test, the unit

may behave as normal. If it fails the test, the unit

may not shoot but gains the Random Movement

(2D6) rule. Pivot the unit to face the nearest enemy

unit before moving it.


Page 40: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

The undisputed rulers of Zharr-Naggrund are the Priests

of Hashut, more commonly known as Chaos Dwarf

Sorcerers. They form a Caste unto themselves, living

and ruling from the Temple of Hashut at the peak of the

great obsidian city of Zharr-Naggrund. Each Sorcerer

Lord rules a part of the city and all the Chaos Dwarfs

and slaves who live in those areas. All Sorcerers are

incredibly ambitious and they seek to undermine each

other at every turn. In a very real sense, Chaos Dwarf

society is really just a loose alliance of rival nations each headed up by a powerful Sorcerer Lord.

Only one thing keeps the relentless power-grabbing of

the Sorcerer Lords in check. As a Sorcerer grows older,

the corrupt magic he casts beings to wreak changes on

his body. What once was flesh magically transmutes

into inanimate grey stone. Starting from his feet, a

Sorcerer gradually begins to literally turn to stone, until

his entire body is consumed and he becomes a lifeless

statue. This terrifying metamorphosis is known as the

Sorcerers' Curse and aged Sorcerers become increasingly immobile and must be carried around by

their followers. The more powerful and reckless a

Sorcerer, the faster his transformation occurs, and so the

most ambitious and destructive Sorcerers rarely remain

in power long enough to upset the status quo. Once a

Sorcerer has become a statue, he is taken from the

Temple of Hashut to the long highway leading to Zharr-

Naggrund where he is lined up alongside his fellows,

staring sightlessly down on all who approach, a grim

reminder of the Chaos Dwarfs' dedication to Hashut.

Nonetheless, Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers are powerful

magic users. They are empowered by the Father of

Darkness and have mastery over fire and stone.

Acolytes of Hashut, the youngest members of the Sorcerer Caste, learn transmutation and harmless

pyrotechnics as some of their first cantrips, gradually

mastering the Winds of Aqshy and Chamon. Later, as

full Sorcerers, it is usual for them to favour pyromancy

over other forms of magic, blasting their foes with

eldritch flame and summoning up storms of blazing

lava. Other Sorcerers instead turn their twisted minds to

arcane engineering. These individuals, properly called

Daemonsmiths, are usually minor members of a

Sorcerer Lord's House raised from the Artisan Caste,

toiling away in virtual anonymity to produce Daemonic machines and artefacts for their master, but there are

some more experienced Sorcerers who have retained

their love of dark alchemy and use their skill over metal

and stone in their offensive incantations, melting their

enemies' weapons in their hands or causing their crude

war machines to rust and collapse. Only the ancient

Sorcerer Lords, steeped in the dark power of Hashut,

are capable of blending these arts with the summoning

of Daemons to produce the fearsome Lore of Hashut, a

form of magic unique to the followers of the Father of



Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Lord

0 4 3 4 5 3 1 1 10

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer 3 4 3 3 4 2 2 1 9

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Character).

MAGIC: A Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer is a Wizard.

Sorcerers may generate spells from one of the

following: the Lore of Fire, or the Lore of Metal.

Sorcerer Lords may also use the Lore of Hashut.

SPECIAL RULES: Unyielding, Bondage of

Hashut (Sorcerer Lords only).

Sorcerers' Curse: As Sorcerers age, their bodies begin

to turn to stone. While this will eventually immobilise

them, it also offers a degree of natural protection.

Sorcerers have 6+ Scaly Skin and Sorcerer Lords have

5+ Scaly Skin.

CHAOS DWARF SORCERERS The Priesthood of Hashut


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The Warrior Caste is privileged and influential

compared to the lower Castes because they alone have

the opportunity to rise to positions of genuine power in

Chaos Dwarf society. A loyal and skilled Warrior can

rise up the hierarchy and emerge as a great leader. A Sorcerer Lord will recognise such an individual

amongst his followers and reward him accordingly

before his desire for power begins to make him too

ambitious. Buying him with titles and honours, the

Sorcerer will ensure he has a steadfast lieutenant at his

side instead of a potential threat to his position.

Captains amongst the Dawi'Zharr are known as

Despots, for they are often the right hands of their

masters, enacting their will amongst the common Chaos

Dwarfs. Despots rule with the same iron fists as the

Sorcerer Lords, and their authority is just as absolute. Gifted with artefacts of terrifying power and ancient

provenance by their masters – often bound with

daemonic spirits enslaved to their will – they are

extremely dangerous foes in battle and always lead

from the front, seeking to capture the attention of their

Sorcerer Lord so they can rise in his estimation and

become more powerful still.

The mightiest Despots eventually ascend to the rank of

Warlord. Each Sorcerer Lord normally only has one

Warlord serving him, and he acts as the commander of his armies. A Warlord is a terrible, inscrutable foe.

Unlike the Despots who crave greater influence, a

Warlord has reached the apex of his career – indeed, the

apex of his very existence – and has nothing to prove to

anyone. Supremely arrogant and cruel, Warlords often

ride mighty daemonic creatures called Great Tauruses,

leading by example as they plunge to earth on their

winged beasts, scattering the enemy. They are the

greatest warriors and leaders in Chaos Dwarf society

and, like all of their Caste, are utterly loyal to the

Sorcerer Lord whom they serve.

Of course, there are always renegades, even in a society

as rigid as the Chaos Dwarfs'. As Sorcerer Lords age,

they begin to transform into stone and become

increasingly feeble; they can no longer coordinate their

forces, and the Warlord will begin to set his own

agendas. Eventually, they become almost completely

autonomous, spending longer and longer away from

Zharr-Naggrund. The Sorcerer Lord may succumb to

the Curse in his Warlord's absence, and then the

Conclave of Priests will summon the errant commander

back to the Temple to renew his oaths. Most obey, but there are a few who forsake their duty and remain in the

wastes, their only objective to sow destruction and take

more slaves.

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Character).

SPECIAL RULES: Unyielding, Bondage of



Chaos Dwarf Warlord 3 7 4 4 5 3 4 4 10

Chaos Dwarf Despot 3 6 4 4 5 2 3 3 9

"do you really want to give up your

life for 'the Order of Things'?"

"it is not my life to give up,

manling...and it never was."

warlord dhurzhan to tzar petyr at the battle

of farside, when ordered to make a suicidal

last stand

CHAOS DWARF WARLORDS Captains of Zharr-Naggrund


Page 42: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

The bulk of Chaos Dwarf slaving bands are composed

of members of the Warrior Caste. These disciplined and

loyal soldiers are all bound to a particular Sorcerer

Lord, with whom they share ancient bonds of kinship.

The Warrior Caste are the only Dawi'Zharr permitted to

wear the suits of enchanted Chaos armour, and when

they march to war, standing shoulder to shoulder, they

present an unbroken wall of nigh-impenetrable steel.

Chaos Dwarf Warriors carry the traditional armament of

their people; broad-bladed axes that can cleave a foe in two. Some they wield in one hand, using them in

combination with heavy round shields, and others are

large enough to be used with two hands. These heavy

axes make Chaos Dwarf Warriors excellent defensive

troops, and they are usually deployed in large blocks by

their masters, daring their enemies to charge them.

Within the Warrior Caste there is a many-layered

hierarchy, and each Warrior in the cohort knows his

place and his role. Foremost amongst the soldiery are

the feared Ironguards, Warriors possessed of particular skill and cruelty. Chosen as much for their loyalty as

their experience, Ironguards ensure obedience to the

Order of Things and also lend their considerable

abilities to the fighting. Often, they sport one of the

symbols of Chaos Dwarf authority: tall, ornate helms or

grotesque skeletal masks forged from blackened iron.

Unlike their western kin, Chaos Dwarf Warriors are not

bound together by oaths and camaraderie, but by

unspoken and unbreakable bonds of blood and Caste. A

Chaos Dwarf Warrior serves his Sorcerer master with

unthinking loyalty, and to disobey a command from him

is utterly inconceivable. They are wholly devoted to war

and the acquisition of slaves for Dawi'Zharr society, and

do not baulk at even suicidal orders. A Sorcerer Lord

thinks nothing of pouring out the blood of his Warriors

like water if it benefits himself, and the Warriors accept their place without question. To a Chaos Dwarf,

obedience to their leaders and conformity to the norms

of their society are the most important things in their

lives. Without it, they are nothing.


Chaos Dwarf Warrior 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9

Ironguard 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9

TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES: Unyielding.


Although deviation from the

accepted norms is strictly forbidden

in Chaos Dwarf society, this is much

harder to enforce outside the

confines of Zharr-Naggrund. On

campaign, Warriors will adopt

particular fighting techniques,

styles of arms and armour, and

develop specialities depending on

which enemies they face. As with all

things for the Dawi'Zharr, these

tendencies have become exaggerated

and formalised over the centuries,

so that now there are several

distinct Warrior Cults that

transcend divisions of Clan. These

include the Embersworn, who

specialise in hunting and capturing

Daemons, the feared Blackguard of

Uzkulak who crew the mighty Chaos

Dwarf warships and the psychotic

Infernal Guard of the Black

Fortress who are made up of

disgraced Warriors driven out of

their own Clans. Long ago, the

Stormcallers were a Warrior cult

of their own, but over time the

popularity of their armament lead to

it being adopted by almost all Chaos

Dwarf armies, and they can no

longer properly be called a cult.



Page 43: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Though Chaos Dwarf society is dominated by tradition

and order, it is not beyond them to develop new

methods of war that take advantage of their advanced technology and murderous innovation. While most

Warriors march into battle with broad shields and

wickedly sharp axes, there are those amongst the

Warrior Caste who have the honour of being trained

with the Chaos Dwarfs' most unique signature

armament: the feared blunderbuss. These soldiers are

known as Stormcallers because of the thunderous noise

made when their weapons are fired. The blunderbuss is

an extremely dangerous firearm, with a wide flared end

which produces a highly unusual effect when fired.

Instead of using solid shot like the primitive guns of the Old World, the Chaos Dwarf blunderbuss fires razor-

sharp shards of iron that are loaded into the muzzle. The

black-powder propels the ammunition at high velocity

and the shape of the weapon causes it to spread out,

filling the air with spinning pieces of red-hot metal so

that even enemy cowering behind defences cannot

escape the effect – stone walls are bypassed, whereas

lesser fortifications are simply shredded by the

devastating blast. Stormcallers thus make excellent

assault troops, in contrast to the defensive Warriors, and

Stormcaller regiments are frequently made up of some

of the most savage members of a Sorcerer's retinue, which is appropriate given the experimental nature of

their main weapon. To enhance their ferocious nature,

some Stormcaller regiments affix curved, hooked blades

to the end of their weapons, enabling them to function

as a kind of crude polearm. These blades are an ancient

Chaos Dwarf design and are known as sappara.

Accuracy is almost irrelevant when firing a

blunderbuss; instead weight of fire becomes the most

valuable asset. Blunderbusses are long enough that

warriors in the rear ranks of a regiment of Stormcallers can push the muzzles of their weapons past their

fellows, contributing to the devastation wrought by the

volley. Rather like a formation of bowmen, the rear

ranks are thus able to shoot too if they take the time to

position themselves properly. This advantage also

allows Stormcallers to form into blocks just like their

Warrior fellows, because the larger the regiment, the

more deadly their blunderbusses become. In this

fashion, Stormcallers are able to blast advancing foes

with their guns and then absorb the charge of any that

survive, unsheathing sharp axes and deadly curved

swords to defend themselves, or simply cleaving them in twain with their sappara.


Chaos Dwarf Stormcaller 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9

Stormguard 3 4 4 3 4 1 2 1 9

TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES: Unyielding.

EQUIPMENT: Blunderbuss: This is a weapon unique to the Chaos

Dwarfs that uses the following profile:

Range Strength Special Rules

18" 3 Armour Piercing,

Ignore Hit Modifiers, Volley Fire

Blunderbusses never count bonuses or penalties to hit

when shooting, regardless of the source of the modifier.

Note that the Volley Fire rule represents the effect of

their massed fire; they do not literally fire in an arc.

Saparra: Some Stormcallers fit their blunderbusses

with these wicked blades. A Stormcaller unit with

saparra counts as being armed with halberds.



Stormguard zaghaz blackheart



Page 44: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

The Immortals are an elite military formation in Chaos

Dwarf society. They are drawn from the Warrior Caste,

but do not serve a particular Sorcerer. Instead, veteran

Warriors may be volunteered by their Warlords for

service in the Immortals. They are taken to the Tower of

Zharr, an annex of the Temple of Hashut itself and

given more training and better weapons. They are

transformed from ordinary soldiers into fearless,

faceless figures of awe and dread. Immortals are

charged with the defence of the Sorcerer Lords and it is their solemn duty to preserve the leaders of their

civilisation. Any Immortal would gladly sacrifice

himself to ensure a Sorcerer Lord's survival.

Immortals are clad in the same impenetrable blackened

Chaos armour as other Warriors, but theirs is more

ornate, bedecked in unholy icons and vile totems and

they bear monstrous axes that are covered in foul

daemonic runes. The Immortals have never been known

to take a step backwards, save to bear an injured

Sorcerer Lord away from battle, and when they form up around one of their charges they will defiantly stare

down any threat, fearlessly ignoring even the most

terrible foes.

When an Immortal is recruited, he serves in the

formation for a fixed period of seven years. Though a

Warlord loses a capable Warrior by volunteering him

for the Immortals, the price is worth it as the Warrior

will gain valuable experience – many Despots and

Warlords served in the Immortals during their youth.

When an Immortal's service comes to an end, or he dies in battle, he is replaced and his arms and armour given

to his replacement. In this manner, the Immortals are

always kept at full strength, adding to their dark

mystique amongst their enemies. The only exception to

this strict rule regarding service length are the mighty

Baneguards, who are traditionally Immortals who have

survived when the Sorcerer Lord they were protecting

has fallen. Such Immortals have failed in their first duty

and must serve until death as a penance. They are cast

out from their former warband, mourned as if dead, and

must bear the awful knowledge of their failure. Their

extended service and desire for redemption makes them formidable foes and, though they are considered

disgraced by their peers, they are given the honour of

leading from the front.

Immortals are some of the deadliest troops available to

a Chaos Dwarf Warlord and though their numbers are

limited, it is a rare Chaos Dwarf warband that does not

include some of these formidable warriors.

TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES: Unyielding, Hatred,


Indomitable Defence: Immortals are excellent

defensive troops, presenting their foes with a wall of

impenetrable steel. If an Immortal unit did not move in

that turn they increase their parry save to 5+ instead of

6+ when using their Cursed Axes and shields.

Oathsworn: Immortals are sworn to defend the masters

of Zharr-Naggrund to the death. If a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Lord joins a unit of Immortals, they are

Immune to Psychology.

EQUIPMENT: Cursed Axes: Immortals are armed with a mixture of

axes and great axes, all bearing foul daemonic runes.

Cursed Axes count as magical hand weapons (including allowing a parry save) and grant Immortals +1 Strength

in close combat.


Immortal 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 1 9

Baneguard 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 2 9

"You are the immortals. You are

without pain. You are without fear.

You are without death."

baneguard h'zharkh



Page 45: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

The ability to manipulate the Winds of Magic arises at

random, paying no heed to geography or wealth or, in

the case of Chaos Dwarfs, Caste. Sorcerers are born to

Chaos Dwarf families of all social strata and once their

abilities are recognised they are brought to the Temple

to begin their training. Eventually, they will become true Priests of Hashut but until that time they will serve

in the Household of the Sorcerer Lord to whom they are

bound. They are known as Acolytes at this stage in their

fledgling careers, and their training is mostly concerned

with the religious rites of the Father of Darkness.

Gradually, they learn to master their natural skill with

magic, first with prayers and later with a form of

arrhythmic hymnals known as Dirges. These Dirges are

disturbing and chaotic: they make a listener's skin crawl

and fill their minds with strange, grotesque images.

They are not truly random, but in fact follow a complex mathematical formula connected to the geometry of a

ziggurat. This encoded pattern, said to have been

handed to the first Sorcerers by Hashut Himself,

resonates within the Realm of Chaos, calling up the

Winds of Magic to endow those who intone it with

daemonic powers.

Acolytes take to the battlefield cloaked in heavy robes,

their faces obscured by brass skull masks. They march

in awful silence, keeping perfect step until the time

comes for them to unleash the Dirges of Hashut. At this

point they let up a resonant chanting, and the Dirge

begins to grow in power, surrounding them with

tortured spirits. Soon, magical energy plays in the air

around the Acolytes, granting them daemonic boons.

Individually, each Acolyte is as yet unable to perform even the simplest cantrip, but together they are capable

of considerable magical feats. Once they reach the lines

of the foe, they attack with methodical precision,

cutting their enemies down with ceremonial glaives,

normally used for herding sacrificial slaves into

cauldrons of molten gold in the Temple of Hashut.

Acolytes who are almost ready to be raised to the status

of true Sorcerers are known as Khazn. These dour

individuals lead the Dirges, controlling the form that the

incantations take. This mastery leads naturally into true spell casting. Khazn are furious fighters, but as they

start to use their own magic the Sorcerers' Curse takes

hold and their youthful exuberance soon fades.


Acolyte of Hashut 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9

Khazn 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9

TROOP TYPE: Infantry

SPECIAL RULES: Unyielding.

Dirges of Hashut: At the start of the Chaos Dwarf

Magic phase, Acolytes of Hashut may select one of the

following Dirges to sing, the effects of which they

benefit from until their next Magic phase:

Dirge of Battle: All friendly units within 6", including

the Acolytes themselves, cause Fear.

Dirge of Defiance: All friendly units within 6",

including the Acolytes themselves have Magic

Resistance (2).

Dirge of Power: The unit adds an additional power dice

to the Chaos Dwarf pool in this Magic phase, and an

additional dispel dice to the pool in the enemy's next

Magic phase.

In addition, Acolytes of Hashut units always count as

including a musician.

Sorcerer Caste: A Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer or Sorcerer

Lord in an Acolytes of Hashut unit gains +1 to all

channelling attempts.



Dirge of battle



Page 46: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

The Chaos Dwarfs who inhabit the Plain of Zharr are

outnumbered many times over by their wretched slaves

who labour in the depths of Zharr-Naggrund. Chaos

Dwarf society would not be able to function without its

slaves, as it is their suffering and toil that makes their industry possible. Because the Chaos Dwarfs' empire is

constantly expanding, they always need new slaves, and

most of the captives who work under the lash of the

Dawi'Zharr are captured in raids and battles. Most of

the slaves are greenskins, usually Goblins and Gnoblars

as these are the weakest and most numerous inhabitants

of the Dark Lands. Hundreds of thousands of these

miserable creatures are worked to death by their cruel

masters, labouring in the forges and factories to sustain

the dark industry of the Chaos Dwarfs.

Some Slaves are of a larger and burlier kind: Chaos

Dwarfs disparagingly call these slaves Brutes, and they

are used for the most dangerous and backbreaking tasks,

where resilience and ferocity are more important than

malleability. Brutes are heavily scared from alchemical

accidents, mutated from work in the Daemonic forges

or even modified and mutilated by their masters for pit

fighting. The majority are Orcs captured in battle or

bred in the pens, along with brawny human Chaos

Marauders from the north, a smattering of wretched

Dwarfs and a few more unusual creatures like Skaven

Stormvermin, Beastmen, Lizardmen or cyclopean bog-

dwellers from the marshes along the coast of the Sea of

Dread. Brutes are ideal for use in battle, where their

superior constitutions ensure they stand a chance of

making it to the enemy's lines before being killed. Chaos Dwarfs sometimes arm Brutes with weapons as

large and unsubtle as themselves, such as huge two-

handed axes or wickedly hooked flails. With such tools,

Brutes are able to take out their aggression at their ill-

treatment on the foes of their masters, thoughts of true

rebellion long banished from their damaged minds by

years of suffering and degradation.

One race enjoys special favour even as slaves; the

treacherous and conniving Hobgoblins. These

unpleasant greenskins are a kind of tall, rangy Goblin native to the eastern steppes. Chaos Dwarfs found them

mildly useful as slaves in ancient times but when they

turned on their fellow greenskins during the Black Orc

rebellion, their future was assured. Since that time the

Chaos Dwarfs have used their Hobgoblin slaves as

overseers and warriors in their armies. They are not

forced to perform labour, and instead enjoy relative

freedom. Hobgoblins even have their own tribes like

other greenskins. The most well known Hobgoblin tribe

are the Sneaky Gitz, vile and black-hearted traitors who

are reviled even amongst their own treacherous kind.

They fight in battle with pairs of long, venom-coated knives which they use to stab enemies in the back. When Chaos Dwarfs go to war, they often have

Hobgoblin Drivers herd their slaves before them, driving them forward with whips in great packs of

wailing, chained individuals. In these disorganised

mobs, Elf and Dwarf rub shoulder with Man, Orc and

Goblin, racial and societal divisions – so vital to Chaos

Dwarfs themselves – ignored for their wretched

captives. In this manner, slaves participate in the

acquisition of more slaves, who fuel the evil industry

that produces weapons of war to take more slaves. The

cycle perpetuates endlessly, serving no purpose but

itself: an irony only the broken and defeated slaves can

understand. M WS BS S T W I A Ld

Slave 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5

Brute 4 3 2 3 4 1 2 1 5

Hobgoblin 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 6

Driver 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 6

TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES: Disposable, Poisoned

Attacks (Hobgoblins only).



Page 47: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Beyond the wild peaks of the Mountains of Mourn are

the vast windswept steppes that stretch thousands of

leagues to the Far Sea on the other side of the world.

This seemingly infinite wasteland is, against all

probability, populated by many different peoples. The

Chaos Marauders of the Kurgan and Hung tribes roam

the steppes on their horses, constantly striking south to

raid the more civilised lands, and there are even foolish

merchants and caravans that try to cross the great

distances to reach fabled Cathay and Nippon. However, there is only one race that is truly native to the steppes:

the Hobgoblins.

How Hobgoblins became divided from the other

greenskins is lost in the mists of time, but they have

grown to be a race apart with their own customs and

languages. Their hegemony is the dominant force in the

region, raiding and marauding at will, presiding over

tracts of land that dwarf the human nations of the Old

World, and even mighty Cathay. The Hobgoblins have

mastered the giant wolves that are also native to the steppes. These beasts, warped in ancient times by the

power of Chaos, can grow to gargantuan sizes, but even

the smaller specimens ridden by the average Hobgoblin

warrior are larger and fiercer than any wolf of the

western lands.

Long ago, several Hobgoblin tribes migrated across the

Mountains of Mourn into the Dark Lands. When the

Chaos Dwarfs arrived in the Plain of Zharr, they

enslaved them alongside the other greenskins they

found there. It was only later, when the Hobgoblins turned on the Black Orcs, that they were given such a

relatively privileged position. At the same time, the

Chaos Dwarfs began trading with the Hobgoblin

hegemony across the mountains and formed a lasting

alliance with them. In exchange for a tribute of slaves,

the Chaos Dwarfs agreed to respect the borders between

their two nations and not raid their territory.

Hobgoblins are naturally treacherous and

untrustworthy. They are divided into many warring

tribes and though the Great Hobgobla Khan claims to

lead the entire race, they are actually just as fractured as all greenskins. Often, tribes will migrate to the Dark

Lands en masse and are sometimes enslaved by the

Chaos Dwarfs if they begin raiding – Chaos Dwarfs do

not suffer such things in their own lands. On most

occasions though, Hobgoblins from the east will offer

up their services as mercenaries, putting their

considerable skills as light cavalry at the command of

the Dawi'Zharr. They often serve as scouts and outriders

for Chaos Dwarf armies, and many a foe expecting to

face a force of stalwart Dwarfs has been taken by

surprise by mounted greenskins attacking their flanks, assailing them with a barrage of envenomed arrows.

Whether mercenaries or slaves, Chaos Dwarfs know to

expect little from their Hobgoblin allies. They are

backstabbing and unreliable troops, but they depend on the Chaos Dwarfs to survive when they cross the

Mountains of Mourn, as they are universally despised

by all other greenskins.


Hobgoblin Wolf Rider 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 6

Wolf Rider Khan 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 6

Giant Wolf 9 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 3

TROOP TYPE: Cavalry.

SPECIAL RULES: Disposable, Fast Cavalry,

Poisoned Attacks. Late as Usual!: When scouting for their masters,

Hobgoblins have a habit of going missing, not showing

up until they're sure their side will win. Up to half the

Hobgoblin Wolf Rider units in your army (rounding up)

may deploy using the Ambushers rule. Characters with

this rule may always be held back as Ambushers and

may join a Hobgoblin Wolf Rider unit before

deployment, in which case they are rolled for together.



Page 48: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

The Chaos Dwarfs' ability to work magic is linked to

their predilection to enslave Daemons: like all Dwarfs,

they make use of any tool or material they believe will

benefit them and, for Chaos Dwarfs, magic and

Daemons are no different from iron or coal. It is also

true that Chaos Dwarfs are supremely arrogant and have

many thousands of slaves that toil for them in their

mines and forges. Why should a Daemon be any

different from a Goblin? To the Dawi'Zharr, the

servants of the Chaos Gods are not objects of fear or veneration, but another resource to exploit for their own

vile ends.

Chaos Dwarfs bind Daemons into many artefacts, such

as weapons and armour, which they use themselves or

sell to Ogres, greenskins and the Warriors of Chaos in

exchange for slaves, gold and other more esoteric

goods. The most horrific application they have

discovered for bound Daemons though is imprisoning

them inside great engines of destruction. In this manner,

the Daemon's infernal energy acts as a power source for machines that would be impossible to build with normal


Daemonic Engines are extremely dangerous. The

Daemon is kept in a state of torment and agitation, so

that its rage can power the machine. They must be

chained into position so that they do not rampage out of

control. Like all Daemons, they must be fed souls to

survive, and the Chaos Dwarfs shovel living captives

into the Engine's flesh furnace. As this horrifying fuel

burns, it feeds the Daemon inside, placating it for a short while. The Chaos Dwarf crew, made up of

members of the Labourer and Artisan Castes, can

control the Engine by measuring the amount of corpses

they feed it, ensuring it does not rage out of control.

However, sometimes it may be advantageous to allow

the Engine to break free of its bonds and hurl itself

towards the enemy, snarling and snapping, to slake its

thirst for flesh and blood.

Daemonic Engines are built by a specialist group of

Sorcerers known as Daemonsmiths. Sometimes the

Daemonsmiths take to the field in order to join the crews of the Daemonic Engines. Their mastery over

their creations enables them to better control them and

ensure they fire more reliably – or, occasionally, goad

them into rampaging if it serves their ends.

Daemonic Engines can take many forms, and

sometimes all they have in common is the general

method of their manufacture. The most common form

of the Daemonic Engine is a huge cannon; a baroque

artillery piece taking up position at the rear of the Chaos

Dwarf line, firmly staked into place by its crew. But equally common are metal behemoths with scythe-like

limbs and maws that belch walls of flame. Rather than

acting as artillery, these monsters are instead driven

straight into the teeth of the enemy to sow destruction.

No two Daemonic Engines are the same, as each is

individually designed and built. They have many

different traits, such as obsidian hulls, noxious

emissions or razor-sharp barbs to make them more

deadly. They fire different kinds of ammunition, such as

erratic rockets, huge shells which cause the earth to tremble when they land or bolts of pure hellfire.


Daemonic Engine 6 4 3 5 6 4 1 3 5

Chaos Dwarf - 4 3 3 - - 2 1 9

Daemonsmith - 4 3 3 - - 2 2 9

TROOP TYPE: Monster.

SPECIAL RULES: Bound Daemon, Terror,

Large Target, Stubborn.

Living Artillery: Daemonic Engines are living

weapons of mass destruction that launch a variety of

ammunition into the skies. They may fire with the same

effect as a stone thrower. A Daemonic Engine may not

move and fire in the same turn.



Page 49: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Chaos Dwarf Crew: A Daemonic Engine is attended to

by a small crew of Artisans and Labourers who

constantly feed the flesh furnace that placates the entity

within. The Engine and its crew are treated as a single

model. If the Engine is removed as a casualty, the Chaos Dwarfs are removed along with it. When

moving, the model always uses the Movement

characteristic of the Engine. The Engine and crew use

their own Weapon Skill, Strength, Initiative and Attacks

when they attack. Each can attack any opponent that the

Engine model is in base contact with.

All hits upon a Daemonic Engine are resolved against

the Engine's Toughness and Wounds. In combat, enemy

models attacking the Daemonic Engine use the Engine's

Weapon Skill when rolling to hit. As long as there are

any crew alive, their Leadership is always used.

A Daemonic Engine is treated as a monster in all other

respects. If it is used as a mount for Hothgar

Daemonbane (see later), resolve shooting attacks as

normal for a ridden monster, hitting the Engine on a 1-4

and Hothgar on a 5+.

Daemonic Upgrades: A Daemonic Engine may take

Daemonic Upgrades as described in its army list entry.

However, to represent the unique nature of these living

weapons, no two Daemonic Engines in the same army may take the same combination of Daemonic Upgrades.

Daemonic Backlash: Whenever a Daemonic Engine

misfires, roll on the following chart:

1 Destroyed! The Daemon with the Engine

breaks free, tearing apart its mechanical cage and killing the crew. The model is destroyed.

2-3 Munch! The Daemon lashes out at its own

crew, gobbling them up into the flesh furnace.

The crew are destroyed and their

characteristics may no longer be used by the


4-5 Rampage! The Daemon goes wild after

firing. After resolving the Engine's shot,

move the unit as per the Rampage rule

described above.

6 Boom! The Engine fires a spectacular blast.

All hits from the shot are resolved at Strength

10, but the Engine may not fire next turn.

Daemonsmith: A Daemon Engine with a Daemonsmith

in its crew may re-roll the Leadership test to determine

if it Rampages or not (note that it can re-roll a passed

test too). In addition, the Daemonsmith allows the

artillery dice to be re-rolled in the case of a Misfire. A

Daemonsmith otherwise counts as crew in all respects.


Hothgar cast his gaze over the workshop, tuning out the droning of hammers wielded by hand and pistons wielded by machine for a moment. To the eyes of anyone else, the vast, red-lit chamber would have appeared completely anarchic, but Hothgar saw each project unfolding under the hands of his subordinate lesser Daemonsmiths and Artisans and how they came together to form a whole greater than the sum of their parts. He could see his latest creation taking shape in fragments around the workshop, and only he had the vision to see how they were related. A weapon here, a new kind of hull compound there – it was all part of the same great task. A robed figure approached, bowing his head respectfully. "Master Hothgar...the chamber is prepared..." Hothgar ran a hand down his beard and nodded to his assistant. All these things; machines of metal, cannons of fire and iron, they were the least of his achievements. What mattered, as with living creatures, was the soul of the creation, and what a soul this thing would have! The rituals were ready, and the cage was waiting. Now he just had to ensnare its occupant. Rubbing his hands together and with a slow smile creeping across his face, Hothgar hastened to the specially prepared chamber.

* * * The first sign was the ground starting to shake. Kogan Thundergut looked around in confusion, expecting to see some huge monster approaching, but the horizon was clear. His Ironguts tensed themselves instinctively, wrapping their meaty hands firmly around their clubs, but still nothing happened – the earth beneath them just kept shaking. After half a minute, Kogan straightened; sure that it had just been a tremor. He nudged his lieutenant in the gut plate and laughed conspiratorially. That's when the whole world exploded. The Ogres were thrown backwards, and were barely able to stumble up to their feet as a vision from some nightmare burst out of the ground. It moved like a living thing, but its flesh was blackened iron. As it turned, Kogan looked into a maw of living drills, spinning and whirring with a sound like the mountains breaking. He could only watch in stunned horror as it pushed itself onto the surface with insectile legs and then arched its iron-bound back to deploy a cannon mounted like a scorpion's tail. Kogan lifted his club and prepared to charge, but a wall of flame had burned him to a crisp before he had taken a step. From the back of his latest creation, Hothgar Daemonbane laughed manically.

Page 50: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

STRUCTURAL MODIFICATIONS Not all Daemonic Engines take the form of artillery pieces; some are built to resemble something far more monstrous or

bizarre, fundamentally changing their nature in key ways. A Daemonic Engine can take one of the following Structural


DEATHGRINDER A Deathgrinder has a huge spiked roller fitted to its

prow, allowing it to mercilessly crush anything in its

path. The advance of a Deathgrinder is utterly


A Deathgrinder has the Strider special rule. In addition,

any obstacle it crosses over the course of its move is

destroyed – remove the obstacle model from the table.

All Impact Hits and Thunderstomp hits inflicted by a Deathgrinder have a +1 Strength bonus.


Hellbores are usually designed for tunnelling work deep

underground, with a menacing array of drills and

cutting saws mounted on their armoured prows. Such a design all too easily finds a use on the battlefield, as

Hellbores surge out from beneath the very feet of the

Chaos Dwarfs' terrified foes.

A Hellbore has the Ambusher special rule, but when it

enters the battle in the Remaining Moves sub-phase, it

does not move onto the board as reinforcements in the

normal way. Instead, place a marker anywhere on the

battlefield, but not in impassable terrain or within 1" of

a deployed unit. Roll a scatter dice and an artillery dice.

If you roll a Hit on the scatter dice, the marker stays in

place. If you roll an arrow, move the marker the number, in inches, shown on the artillery dice in the

direction shown. If the marker is under a unit (friend or

foe), impassable terrain or a building, place it 1" away

from the closest edge of the unit/terrain. Once the final

position of the marker is established, place the emerging

model so it touches the marker, facing any direction. If

you roll a misfire, the Engine takes D3 wounds with no

saves of any kind possible, but does not scatter. The

Engine may act normally on the turn it emerges

(remember that, as it is the Remaining Moves sub-

phase, it cannot declare a charge).


A Hellbound Locomotive was once a mortal engine of

steam and pistons, used to drive the huge Land Trains.

Now it has become something far more terrifying.

A Hellbound Locomotive may begin the game with one

or more Mortal Engines, chosen as normal from the

army list, coupled behind it in a line like a train. Deploy

the whole train at the same time as you deploy war

machines, with the Mortal Engines lined up behind the Locomotive, each in base contact with the Engine in

front. In the Movement Phase, the whole train moves at

the speed of the Locomotive (even if it Rampages),

treating its unit type as Monster. In all other respects,

the Locomotive and Mortal Engines are treated as

separate units – they must be targeted individually by

shooting and spells, and attacked separately in close

combat, even if the Locomotive charges. If any of the

Engines in the train are locked in combat, none of them

may move away, except by de-coupling as explained


Any of the Mortal Engines can be de-coupled at the

beginning of the Chaos Dwarf turn (before Rampage is

rolled) – move them so they are 1" apart from the rest of

the train. They can act as normal in the turn, but always

count as moving. You may not reattach any Mortal

Engines that have been de-coupled in this way.

If the Locomotive charges while it has any Mortal

Engines coupled to it, all Impact Hits and

Thunderstomp hits inflicted by it in the first round of

combat have a +1 Strength bonus.

SKYSCOURGE A Skycourge is borne aloft on wings or floats using a

lighter than air balloon, enabling it to rain death upon

unsuspecting foes from high above their heads.

A Skycourge has the Hover special rule. If it Rampages,

it ignores terrain. If the Skyscourge is destroyed it will

crash to earth, moving 3D6" in a random direction and

inflicting a Strength 8 hit on any model under its final



A Warbarge has been modified to cruise the polluted

waters of the River Ruin, enabling it to emerge from the

water and unleash a devastating barrage or lurch onto

the land and deliver a relentless assault.

A Warbarge has the Sea Creature special rule.

Designer's Note:

The intention of Structural Modifications is to allow

players with more esoteric models to field them and to enjoy some benefits for their building efforts.

Players should use these rules in the spirit that they

are intended – as fun, interesting ideas that do not

offer much advantage on the battlefield, but do

allow for some interesting surprises! In this spirit,

players using Structural Modifications should

always field appropriate models rather than just

using the rules with their 'ordinary' Daemonic



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Certain units in the Chaos Dwarfs army list may take Daemonic Upgrades as described in their Army List entries.

COLOSSAL The creation is a towering monstrosity that looms over the battlefield.

The model has +2 wounds and changes its troop type to

Monster if it is not already. Daemonic Engines may

take this Upgrade twice, increasing the Engine's

Wounds characteristic to 8. Daemonic Constructs that

take this Upgrade gain the Large Target and Terror


DAEMONIC BARRAGE The Engine hurls masses of ammunition at the enemy,

drastically increasing the chances of destroying them

through sheer weight of fire.

The Engine may re-roll failed rolls to wound when it

uses its stone thrower attack.

DEATH ROCKETS The Engine fires rockets which are controlled by

chittering Daemons, causing them to spiral

unpredictably through the air.

If the Engine rolls a Hit and a Misfire while firing, do

not roll on the Misfire table, instead the shot scatters

4D6" in the direction indicated by the arrow on the Hit

symbol and is resolved there instead. No damage is

done at the original target point.

DIABOLIC SENTIENCE The Daemon within the engine (or its ammunition) is no

mere beast, but an intelligent creature able to aim its

shots at enemy warriors.

When the Engine fires, it may re-roll the Scatter dice.

DOOMFIRE The Engine fires not solid ammunition but pulses of raw

daemonfire that rend apart targets with their infernal


Hits from the Engine's stone thrower shots are resolved

at Strength 5 (10).

ERUPTION CANNON The Engine does not blast its ammunition into the skies,

but instead belches forth a great gout of flame,

incinerating its foes.

Instead of firing as a stone thrower, the Engine's shots

instead follow the rules for a fire thrower.

FEROCIOUS The Daemon is a barely-restrained, enraged monster

that constantly fights against its bonds.

The model has +2 Attacks and –1 Leadership. If the

model Rampages, it has Random Movement (3D6)

instead of (2D6).

FIENDISH BLAST The creation is able to expel a wall of deadly fumes,

flames or ichor which engulfs its foes.

The model has a Strength 3 Breath Weapon.

FLAMING HIDE The creation's hull burns with terrific intensity,

immolating foes on contact and rendering it proof

against fire.

The model (and rider, if it has one) has Flaming Attacks

and the Blessing of Hashut.

FOUL EXCRETION As part of the creation's function, it exudes a vile acidic

ichor that melts armour and burns flesh.

The model has Poisoned Attacks. Note that this applies

only to its normal close combat attacks, and not to any

Impact Hits, damage from Breath Weapons, Stomp, etc.

GREAT HORNS The creation has the likeness of a bull, the chosen form

of Hashut Himself, complete with a mighty set of

fearsome horns.

The model adds +1 to its Strength characteristic.

The Realm of Chaos

Daemons hail from the Realm of Chaos, a

parallel dimension of pure energy that is

given form by the powerful emotions of

mortal creatures. Only in the uttermost

north of the world, where the ancient polar

gates of the Old Ones collapsed, can Daemons

freely cross the barrier into reality. In order

to summon them elsewhere, dark rituals must

be performed. Chaos Dwarfs are experts in

these rites and have researched the Realm of

Chaos, which they call the Empyrean,

extensively. The shifting nightmare dimension

of Daemons holds no fear for the arrogant

Dawi'Zharr, but even they must be careful

when they barter with the dread spirits of the

Dark Gods. Capturing a living Daemon is

fraught with danger and uncertainty, and

binding it once it has been summoned is, if

anything, even more difficult. Cages of

obsidian are the favoured method of keeping a

Daemon prisoner while the incantations

necessary to join its spirit with that of a

powerful machine or artefact are performed,

but many inexperienced Daemonsmiths have

found their wards failing under the

onslaught of a particularly powerful and

furious Daemon. When this happens, they and

all their followers will be dragged

screaming into the Realm of Chaos to be

tortured for an eternity. It is a testament to

the short-sightedness of the Chaos Dwarfs

that these occasional mishaps do not

discourage their efforts in the slightest.



Page 53: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

IMMORTAL HUNGER The Daemon within the machine is possessed of an

unquenchable thirst for blood and flesh. It gorges itself

on the living with ravenous delight.

The model has Hatred and, furthermore, is affected in

every round of combat, not just the first.

INFERNAL SHELLS The Engine fires huge shells that cause tremors where

they land, shaking victims off their feet.

Any unit wounded by the Engine's stone thrower attack

when it fires may not march in the following Movement

phase, and counts as having moved for the purposes of

shooting missile weapons. A unit that declares a charge must take a Dangerous Terrain test. War machines

wounded may not move and may only fire on a D6 roll

of 4+ in their next turn.

IRONCLAD The creation is bound with mighty iron plates. The model has a 4+ armour save. If the model is a

mount for a character without taking the Colossal

Upgrade, instead increase the rider's save by +3 rather

than +1.

OBSIDIAN FLESH The creation has obsidian built into its hull that wards away enemy spells.

The model has Magic Resistance (1). This Upgrade may

be taken a second time, giving it Magic Resistance (2).

RAZOR CLAWS The creation is festooned with wickedly sharp blades

and spikes that can cleave a living creature in two with ruthless efficiency.

The model has Killing Blow. Note that this applies only

to its normal close combat attacks, and not to any

Impact Hits, damage from Breath Weapons, Stomp, etc.

SMOG The creation belches forth great clouds of foul-smelling

fumes, partially obscuring it and also choking any foes

who try to attack.

Missile weapons targeted at the model suffer a –1 to hit

penalty. Models that target it in close combat are at

-1 WS.

TALISMAN OF HASHUT The creation is etched with runes of the Father of

Darkness, invoking His divine protection.

The model (and rider, if it has one) has a 5+ ward save.

THUNDEROUS CHARGE The Engine hurls itself into combat with terrifying

force, scattering foes before it with sheer weight.

The model has Impact Hits (D6).

UNNATURAL RESILIENCE The power of Chaos is strong in this Bound Daemon, and when it is damaged its iron flesh seems to knit back

together before the eyes.

The model has Regeneration.

WARPFIRE The Engine's ammunition is imbued with the mutating

power of Chaos, warping its victim's bodies and minds as it lands.

Any unit hit by the Daemonic Engine's shooting attack

(including a Breath Weapon, if it has one) must take a

Panic test with a –1 Leadership penalty.

WHIRLING BLADES The creation is bedecked in scything blades mounted on Daemon-powered pistons so that it slices its foes apart

in a whirlwind of blackened steel.

The model has Random Attacks (D6).


HELLFORGED ARTEFACTS Some wealthy Chaos Dwarfs are able to afford the

services of a Daemonsmith Sorcerer to forge them

weapons of hellish provenance. Such items may be

wrought from metals found only in the Realm of Chaos,

heated in forges lit by flickering deamonfire or quenched

in vats of foul daemonic ichor. Hellforged Artefacts, as

these are called, are dangerous things, for they corrupt

their bearer in physical, mental and spiritual ways. One

who carries a Hellforged Artefact for long enough develops a dark symbiosis with it, and begins to take on

aspects of the daemonic himself. In time, he will become

more Daemon than Chaos Dwarf. Some Chaos Dwarf

characters can upgrade mundane items of equipment to

Hellforged Artefacts. The item retains all of its original

rules, but now counts as a magic item for the purposes of

the Balance of Power rule (so if you upgrade a weapon to

a Hellforged Artefact you may not also have a magic

weapon, for example) and for spells or special rules that

affect magic items. It does not however count against the

character's points limit for magic items. A model with a

Hellforged Artefact has the Bound Daemon special

rule. Hellforged Artefacts are unique and unpredictable

in nature: at the start of the game, after all units have

deployed but before the beginning of the first turn, roll

a D6 on the following table for each Hellforged

Artefact to determine which Daemonic Upgrade the

model benefits from:

1 Great Horns

2 Ferocious

3 Foul Excretion

4 Smog

5 Immortal Hunger

6 Unnatural Resilience

Only mundane weapons, armour or shields may be

upgraded to Hellforged Artefacts – magic items and

mounts are already unique and powerful enough!

Page 54: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

When the Chaos Dwarfs combine their talents for

engineering, Daemon-binding and flesh-crafting they

are able to produce horrific results. Hideous monsters of

living iron and brass are caged in the pits of Zharr-

Naggrund, serving as beasts of burden or mere scientific

curiosities. Sometimes, the Sorcerers create vicious

monsters to serve as mounts for Warlords, Despots or

themselves or band these beasts together in packs that

are sent hurtling towards the enemy.

A Daemonic Construct is a vicious beast; part Daemon,

part living creature, part machine. They come in many

shapes and sizes, with many different traits. Some have

hides of scalding iron, and their artificial veins pump

molten fire around their metal bodies. Others breathe

out sorcerous fumes that protect them from harmful

magic, or are clad in great plates of steel or Gromril to

protect them. The mightiest specimens are borne on

sweeping pinions that allow their master to fly high

above the battlefield and frequently take the shape of a

huge bull, the chosen form of Hashut Himself. Another common type of Daemonic Construct is the fearsome

War Golem, a hulking, Dwarf-shaped machine powered

by fire and molten metal. The art of creating Golems is

truly ancient, and their iron shells were once bound with

Ancestor spirits, but now they have proved a perfect

match for the arcane technology of Daemon binding.

Not all Contructs are artificially built. In ancient times,

a breed of monstrous bull known as the Great Taurus

emerged from the Time of Chaos alongside the

Dawi'Zharr themselves, and later begat the twisted

Lammasu. Along with the Bull Centaurs, the Chaos

Dwarfs believe that these semi-daemonic creatures are

mutated from Hashut's followers. These blessed beasts

are stabled beneath the Temple of Hashut and selective

breeding as well as the liberal use of mechanical

enhancements has turned them into enormous and ferocious monsters. M WS BS S T W I A Ld

Daemonic Construct 6 4 0 5 5 3 3 2 8

There are two kinds of Daemonic Construct in the army

list – Daemonic Constructs that can be fielded in units

or as mounts for some characters, or Greater Daemonic Constructs that can be used as mounts for Lord

characters. Both follow the same rules, but have access

to different options.

TROOP TYPE: Monstrous Beast.

SPECIAL RULES: Bound Daemon, Fear.

Winged Taurus: Some Daemonic Constructs are built

in the form of a huge, winged bull. A Winged Taurus

can Fly.

Daemonic Upgrades: Daemonic Constructs can be given Daemonic Upgrades as described in their army

list entries.

Chaos Dwarf Mutations

Dwarfs are naturally resistant to the

warping influence of Chaos, but even

they were affected by the energies

sweeping down from the polar gates.

Mutations are most common amongst the

Sorcerer and Warrior Castes, with

most of them sporting long tusks. Less

common, but by no means unusual, are

horns sprouting from the brow and

even hooves. Members of lesser Castes,

particularly those who work with

Daemonic artefacts, also occasionally

display similar mutations. The Bull

Centaurs are another manifestation of

the mutations inflicted upon the

Dawi'Zharr and the Chaos Dwarfs

believe that Great Tauruses and the

Lammasu are also further evidence of

the ancient Chaotic strain in their race,

and that these creatures' ancestors

were Dwarfs like them.



Page 55: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

The mightiest inhabitants of Zharr-Naggrund are not the

Warriors or even the Sorcerers, but the awesome Chaos

Dwarf sub-race known as the Bull Centaurs. In ancient

times, when the Chaos Dwarfs were first transformed

by the power of Chaos, some of their number were mutated into a form more pleasing to the Father of

Darkness, part Dwarf and part ferocious bull. The Bull

Centaurs have remained apart from their brethren ever

since, forming their own society, separate from the

Castes and other divisions of Zharr-Naggrund. They are

an elite force, blessed by Hashut, and are given the

sacred task of guarding His Temple.

Bull Centaurs are not bound to any Sorcerer Lord and,

indeed, bow to no one but their own leaders. They

instead take responsibility for maintaining the sanctity of the Temple of Hashut and have an important role in

some of the darkest rites of the Chaos Dwarfs' twisted

god. Bull Centaurs are extremely arrogant and cruel,

and they see themselves as living vessels of Hashut's

power. Indeed, there may be some truth to their

egotism: their hides burn with infernal rage and, as they

march into battle, their hooves throw up sparks. As they

pick up speed, smoke begins to billow and they are

wreathed in flames and steam. By the time they reach

the enemy lines, the Bull Centaurs are engulfed in

raging fire, rearing from great black clouds to strike

down the enemies of Hashut.

Rarely do the Bull Centaurs leave the confines of the

Temple of Hashut, and they fight only in the name of

the Father of Darkness. They do not involve themselves

in the petty squabbles of the Sorcerers, and the

accumulation of slaves holds no interest for them. They

march to war only when they believe it is required by

Hashut, when the omens favour them and when they

can be spared from their primary duty. On the rare

occasions when they do take to the field, they pay little

heed to the orders of the Chaos Dwarf leaders, and usually keep their own counsel. Such rebellion would

not be tolerated in any other follower, but the Sorcerers

know that not only are the Bull Centaurs blessed by

Hashut, but also that they are amongst the mightiest

shock troops in the world. When the Bull Centaurs

charge, they are capable of breaking the enemies' lines


Bull Centaurs are led into battle by their Guardians, the

veterans amongst them who personally watch over the

gates to the Temple of Hashut. Above these awesome

individuals are the leaders of the Bull Centaurs, the Elders. These creatures are terrifying monsters in their

own right, the equal of any Warlord, but even they pale

in comparison to their ultimate master, the Last

Guardian, Eldest of the Bull Centaurs: Lord Bhaal, the

Death of Worlds.


Bull Centaur 8 5 3 4 4 2 3 2 9

Bull Centaur Guardian 8 5 3 4 4 2 3 3 9

Bull Centaur Elder 8 6 3 5 5 3 4 4 9

TROOP TYPE: Monstrous Beast.

SPECIAL RULES: Blessing of Hashut, Bondage

of Hashut, Flaming Attacks, Immune to Psychology,

Fear, 6+ Scaly Skin.

“Enter? Your profane feet are not fit

to stand upon these flagstones. Your

accursed, misshapen body not fit to

walk beneath this sacred arch. No,

weakling: You will not pass these

gates. Not while I draw breath.”

Bull Centaur Elder Kronos



Page 56: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Not all Chaos Dwarf war machines are powered by

enslaved Daemons – there is still a call for mundane

cannon and other weapons of death. These relatively

simple engines make use of physics and chemistry to

fire shells and rockets at the enemy. The most common

Mortal Engines are bolt throwers; braced frames that

fire enormous spear-sized bolts into the ranks of the foe,

punching through armour as if it were paper. Also

common are bazookas which launch explosive rockets,

shooting them into enemy formations and acting on the same principle as bolt throwers. Sometimes Chaos

Dwarfs also employ devices like mortars, small cannon

that launch shells or petards into the air to fall amongst

their terrified targets. While Daemons are not used to

power these devices, some Sorcerers cannot resist

imbuing their ammunition with bound Daemons or

other arcane technology.

Because most Mortal Engines are ordinary devices that

do not involve Daemons or magic, the Chaos Dwarfs

trust their slaves to operate them. Even relatively slow greenskins such as Orcs or Gnoblars are able to load

and fire a bolt thrower, though they are not often

accurate with them. For more complex machines,

Hobgoblins are employed but for anything that involves

daemonic forces, Sorcerers will trust only Chaos

Dwarfs of the Artisan or Labourer Castes.


Mortal Engine - - - - 7 2 - - -

Slave 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5

Chaos Dwarf 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9

Ogre Loader 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 7

TROOP TYPE: War Machine (Bolt Thrower).

SPECIAL RULES Mortal Engine: Mortal Engines follow the rules for

bolt throwers. A mortal engine upgraded to Artillery

counts as a stone thrower with a maximum range of 48". Mortal Engines upgraded to Artillery use the Black

Powder War Machine Misfire chart.

Mixed Crew: Mortal Engines often have a crew made

up of models with different profiles. When a crew

member's characteristic values must be used, always use

the highest available. Crew use their own Weapon Skill,

Strength and Attacks characteristics in close combat.

When removing casualties, Slaves are always removed

first, followed by the Ogre Loader and finally any

Chaos Dwarfs. The war machine will not benefit from

the Chaos Dwarfs' armour save until only Chaos Dwarf crew are left.

Ogre Loader: Particularly large war engines require

more brute strength than goblinoid slaves can provide.

For heavy guns like these, Chaos Dwarfs use enslaved

Ogres to haul the ammunition. An Ogre Loader counts

as part of the Mortal Engine's crew in all respects, and

adds 3 to the model's Wounds characteristic.

Daemonic Upgrades: Mortal Engines upgraded to

Artillery may take a single Daemonic Upgrade as described in their army list entry.


Because the Chaos Dwarfs' outposts are

spread so thinly across the vast wastes of

the Dark Lands, travel between them can

take weeks or months and even the tireless

Dawi'Zharr could not march for that long

unaided. Instead, they travel in mechanised

caravans made up of huge, steam-driven

machines that pull along cars loaded with

slaves and raw materials to trade. The Dark

Lands are criss-crossed by a network of

ancient trade routes that these Land Trains

ply and the sight of the great machines

crawling across the barren landscape is a

common one. Land Trains are all unique and

take many forms, but it is usual for them to be

festooned with batteries of weapons to deter

attacks from marauding Ogre and greenskin

tribes. Whole clans of Chaos Dwarfs make

the Land Train caravans their homes, living

and working on the steam-powered

behemoths, returning to the Plain of Zharr

only to trade.



Page 57: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

As Sorcerers transform to stone, they gradually become

more and more immobile. Their feet are the first parts

of their bodies to petrify, and slowly the change works its way up their bodies. Before long, they cannot move

at all, and are obliged to find new methods of

locomotion, either riding on a Daemonic Construct, or

borne by their followers on a Palanquin. Traditionally,

Palanquins are carried by Immortals. From their perch

atop the shoulders of these elite warriors, the Sorcerer

Lords are able to command their troops and cast their

destructive magic.

Palanquins are ornate, armoured thrones. As well as

serving a practical purpose, they are also a symbol of high status – wealthy and powerful is the Sorcerer Lord

who can rely on the services of four Immortals to bear

him aloft on their broad shoulders. Palanquins have

been used by Sorcerer Lords since the time of Zhargon

the Great, who rode atop an elaborate golden throne

carried by dozens of slaves. Modern Palanquins are

rather more sedate than that, but are nonetheless far

more than simple chairs: a Palanquin will be custom

built for, and possibly by, its occupant, and will be

marked with the personal sigils of his house, as well as

runic emblems particular to his rituals so that his spells

can be empowered.

Truly ancient Sorcerer Lords ride in Palanquins that are

more like mobile altars, fitted with scroll alcoves or

bookcases, with enchanted cages for captured Daemons and an icon-etched slab of obsidian for grisly

ceremonies. Eventually, a Sorcerer Lord will be so

immobile that he will spend most of his time in his

Palanquin, so it makes sense for it to be comfortable.

When he finally succumbs to the Sorcerers' Curse, he

may continue to be borne aloft on the shoulders of his

followers – Palanquin and all – as a Petrified Sorcerer

before finally joining his fellows lining the road to



Palanquin 4 5 3 4 4 1 2 4 9

TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES: Unyielding, Magical Attacks.

Iron Bound: A Palanquin is a solid construction of

braced iron and is carried by Immortals encased in suits

of Chaos armour. It adds +2 to the rider's armour save

instead of +1.

The Sorcerer Lords are the masters of

Zharr-Naggrund, but invariably there are

lesser Sorcerers who must serve them. Each

Sorcerer Lord has a Household of

Sorcerers, Daemonsmiths and Acolytes:

Chaos Dwarfs born amongst those

Dawi'Zharr who belong to him that were

discovered to have the ability to manipulate

the Winds of Magic. It is the dream of all

these lesser members of the Sorcerer Caste

to one day become a Sorcerer Lord, but most

of them are fated to serve like every other

Chaos Dwarf. When a Sorcerer Lord

succumbs to the Sorcerers' Curse, it is part

of the Order of Things that he will be

succeeded by the eldest Sorcerer in his

Household, who will thenceforth be the

Sorcerer Lord and the master of all his

former kinsman's assets – including the

Chaos Dwarfs that were bound to him.

However, in practice there is usually a

violent power struggle as the Sorcerers'

ambition bubbles to the surface and they

each try to ensure that they are the oldest

surviving Sorcerer in the Household. This is

generally achieved by the simple expedient of

being the only surviving Sorcerer in the




Page 58: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Thousands of years ago, the Chaos Dwarfs bred Black

Orcs as a grand experiment to create a race of super

slaves. The robust physiology of greenskins proved a perfect testing ground for all manner of dark

experiments, and what emerged from the pits of Zharr-

Naggrund was indeed a superior kind of Orc. These

creatures were larger, stronger, tougher and more

intelligent: in every way they were the natural superiors

of their forebears. The Chaos Dwarfs had dreamt of

creating slaves that could toil for longer, withstand

greater punishment, lift greater loads and understand

more complex instructions, and that was exactly what

they got, but they also underestimated the potential of

their creations. It wasn't long until the Black Orcs had 'persuaded' the other greenskins to start a rebellion and,

one moonless night, the slaves of Zharr-Naggrund rose

up en masse, sweeping their captors before them in a

tide of blood and fury.

The rebellion nearly destroyed the Chaos Dwarfs.

Under such powerful and oddly charismatic leaders, the

Orcs and Goblins burned and pillaged at will, fighting

their way up the layers of the city until they reached the

very top. However, the tide turned at the last moment:

the Hobgoblins decided that serving the Chaos Dwarfs

was not such a bad idea after all. They turned on the other greenskins, unsheathing poisoned blades and

stabbing them in the back even as the Chaos Dwarfs cut

them down from the front. The rebellion fell apart

almost instantly and the Black Orcs and made a fighting retreat down the ziggurat and out into the Dark Lands.

In the coming years, the mass migration of Orcs and

Goblins from the Dark Lands would cause havoc for the

rest of the world. They had a new breed of leader in the

form of the Black Orcs, and their tribes attacked with a

new fervour. They assailed the lands of the fledgling

race of Men in such numbers that only a great hero –

Sigmar Heldenhammer – could deliver them from the

darkness, and in doing so he forged the Empire itself.

Many Black Orcs remained in the Dark Lands and the Mountains of Mourn even after they won their freedom.

Like the Ogres, they are a natural source of troops for

Chaos Dwarf armies, though no Chaos Dwarf would

willingly enslave a Black Orc again. For their part, the

Black Orcs do not hold a grudge: as long as the Chaos

Dwarfs offer them a good fight, they'll happily join their

raiding parties. That said, they still hold a special hatred

for Hobgoblins and, when their employers backs are

turned, they often amuse themselves with a captured

Sneaky Git or Wolf Rider, seeing just how much he

likes being stabbed in the back instead.


Black Orc 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 8

Black Orc Boss 4 5 3 4 4 1 2 2 8

TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES: Disposable, Immune to


Choppas: Orc weapons are considerably cruder and

heftier than those of other races. Black Orcs have +1

Strength in the first round of each combat. This Strength bonus is in addition to any other bonuses for

weapons, magic items, spells and so on.

Fool Me Once: Black Orcs always go into battle

absurdly overburdened with weaponry of all kinds –

they don't intend to be caught unawares twice,

especially by the Chaos Dwarfs! At the start of each

combat, Black Orcs can chose to fight with a single

hand weapon (in case they have shields), two hand

weapons or a great weapon.

“Let bygones be bygones iz wut i

say. „cept wiv dem hobgoblin gitz...”

Boss Grimskull



Page 59: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Ogres are giant, monstrous humanoids with an

insatiable appetite and a savage temperament. They are

found almost everywhere and frequently hire their services out as mercenaries. Ogres come from the

Mountains of Mourn, where their tribes hold sway, but

they possess an insatiable wanderlust that causes them

to travel all over the world, fighting and eating. For

Ogres, eating is a religious experience, the focus of their

culture and society, which revolves around the worship

of their ravenous god, the Great Maw. Chaos Dwarf

territory borders with the realms of the Ogre Kingdoms

and, as such, the two races frequently trade and fight

with one another.

The Chaos Dwarfs find Ogres useful as mercenaries in

their armies. When the Ogre tribes migrate from their

homeland, often the Chaos Dwarfs' empire is the first

foreign nation they encounter, and so it is natural that

they offer the Chaos Dwarfs their services in exchange

for food and plunder. Still other Ogres, vanquished in

battle, are sold to the Chaos Dwarfs by their fellows as

slaves. Ogres make excellent slaves because of their

strength and endurance, and the Chaos Dwarfs use them

for tasks that require brute force, such as working

massive engines and dragging war machines into battle.

Ogres do not enjoy captivity, but they are easy to placate by offering them the opportunity to inflict

violence and eat anything they can kill.

Often, service to the Dawi'Zharr represents the first step

for Ogres on the road to true Chaos worship. While

fighting for the Chaos Dwarfs they sometimes receive

suits of Chaos armour, giving them a taste of the

daemonic. When the urge to wander takes them again,

they head north into the Chaos wastes, destined to join

up with a warband of Chaos Warriors or Beastmen.

Khorne, the Blood God, is the most popular patron for Ogres who are seduced by the lure of Chaos, and it is

not unusual for them to walk down the path of the

berserker, becoming consumed with a frenzied

bloodlust in battle.

There are many Ogres who remain a permanent part of

Chaos Dwarf retinues though, serving as fully

integrated members of the warband. Ogres naturally

take up the customs of their adopted cultures, and with

Chaos Dwarfs it is no different – they may attempt to

grow beards which they curl into the same exotic styles

as their masters, and some even don the fearsome iron masks or ornate helms that are so characteristic of the

Dawi'Zharr. There are many such Ogres in the Plain of

Zharr, living and working alongside the Chaos Dwarfs.

Ogres being such robust creatures, they do not mind the

choking smog, and there is always a plentiful supply of

food around in the form of slaves, making life amongst

the Chaos Dwarfs a very viable alternative for Ogres.


Ogre 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 7

Ogre Berserker 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 4 7

TROOP TYPE: Monstrous Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES: Disposable, Fear.

Lord Karzagh Stonegaze was known for

making heavy use of Ogres in his warbands.

He saw them as a convenient alternative to

Bull Centaurs, and employed regiments of

the armoured behemoths to cover his

flanks, trusting to their value as shock

troops to break the lines of his foes.

Karzagh led his army eastwards,

eventually taking them as far as Cathay.

On the way, he accumulated more Ogre

mercenaries until he was leading an army

that was more Ogre than it was Chaos

Dwarf. Inevitably, the Ogres realised that

Karzagh needed them more than they

needed him and they turned against him,

making a lavish feast out of the Chaos

Dwarfs and their slaves. To this day, the

Chaos Dwarfs have a bounty on the heads

of those Ogres, but it is not pursued with

much enthusiasm – any Dawi'Zharr who

allows his followers to rise against him

deserves everything he gets.



Page 60: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Once a Sorcerer has succumbed entirely to the

Sorcerers' Curse and has become an immobile statue he

is placed along the road to Zharr-Naggrund. Here,

serried ranks of lifeless stone Sorcerers stare down at

travellers; their sightless eyes a haunting reminder of the power of Hashut. The Chaos Dwarfs treat these

statues with the utmost respect, leaving them to be

weathered by the elements over the ages. However, the

petrified Sorcerers retain a portion of the power that

they had in life, and a miasma of dread and dark energy

surrounds the statues.

Sometimes, as a demonstration of devotion to their

transformed ancestors, Chaos Dwarf armies will carry a

Petrified Sorcerer into battle, borne on a dais in a manner not dissimilar to the way in which a Sorcerer's

Palanquin is carried while he lives. The Petrified

Sorcerers are transfixed at the final moment of their

horrifying transformation into stone, and their faces

betray their terror – most Petrified Sorcerers have faces

frozen into a rictus of pain and dread. As such, they are

a grotesque symbol of Chaos Dwarf devotion to the

Father of Darkness and enemies baulk when confronted

with them.

Immortals commonly carry Petrified Sorcerers in

imitation of their role as bearers of the Palanquins of living Sorcerers, but Acolytes of Hashut are also often

given the honour due to their standing as part of the

Sorcerer Caste and their magical abilities which are

only enhanced by the presence of one of their

transformed masters.

Petrified Sorcerers are not always taken from the roads

leading to Zharr-Naggrund. There have been occasions

when an aged Sorcerer Lord on his way to lead his

troops into battle succumbs to the Sorcerers' Curse

before the fight is joined. In this case, his loyal soldiers will bear his stone corpse both as proof of their

dedication and to protect it, lest it fall into enemy hands.

TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES: Bondage of Hashut, Blessing

of Hashut, 4+ Scaly Skin, 4+ ward save, Fear.

*Fell Icon: A Petrified Sorcerer is carried aloft in battle

by a unit of Immortals or Acolytes of Hashut. The

Petrified Sorcerer may not leave its unit for the duration

of the game, and is always placed in the front rank like

a member of the command group (which it will displace

if there is no room). A Petrified Sorcerer uses the Weapon Skill and Strength of the unit carrying it,

follows any movement rules they may use and counts as

being armed with the same weapons. While there are

rank and file models left in the unit, always remove one

in preference to the Petrified Sorcerer taking a wound

(it is assumed that if one of the bearers falls, another

rank and file model steps in). Only when the rest of the

unit has been killed does the Petrified Sorcerer start

taking wounds, even in close combat. Any unit with a

Petrified Sorcerer has the Blessing of Hashut.


Petrified Sorcerer 3 * 0 * 4 6 2 4 9

The Blessing of Hashut

The true nature of the Blessing of Hashut is

unknown even to the Chaos Dwarfs

themselves. Unlike the other Chaos Gods,

Hashut does not bestow his Mark upon

favoured followers – He takes a less direct

interest in those who worship him, which is

perhaps why only the most powerful Chaos

Dwarfs benefit from his Blessing. Hashut,

like His people, is arrogant and

contemptuous of the weak. Lesser servants

hold no interest for him, and he cares not if

they burn.



Page 61: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

The fell rituals of Father of Darkness that are performed

in the Temple of Hashut are unspeakable acts of

bloodletting and torture. Like all Chaos magic, the

spells of the Dawi'Zharr must be powered by death, and

it is always prudent to pay proper obeisance to Hashut by sacrificing a number of slaves before a battle.

Sometimes though, the Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers decide

that they need more direct access to Hashut's favour

and, for this purpose, the Altar of Hashut was created.

An Altar of Hashut can take many forms – a cauldron of

molten lead or gold, a towering brass effigy of a bull or

an anvil of blackest obsidian, etched with twisted runes.

Whatever form it takes, its purpose is the same: death.

Chained slaves are kept nearby and herded towards the

Altar by Chaos Dwarf or Bull Centaur handlers where, over the course of the battle, they are gruesomely

murdered in whatever manner is appropriate to the

Altar's form. They may be immersed in molten metal,

imprisoned within the stomach of a blazing icon of

Hashut or simply bludgeoned to death by a burning

forge-hammer. However they die, their blood powers

the evil magic of the Chaos Dwarfs and the power of

Hashut waxes strong. It is always a Daemonsmith

working exclusively at the Altar who completes the

ritual and, in doing so, he summons up daemonic spirits

from the Realm of Chaos. Drawn by the bloodshed,

they are immediately trapped and bound and then sent hurtling across the battlefield by the Daemonsmith.

The spectral Daemons let up a hellish cacophony as

they fly and, where they land, they sow terror. But a

cunning Sorcerer can use the Daemons to power his

own magic, and loyal Chaos Dwarfs who hold their ground will find themselves empowered by daemonic

boons. As for enemies unfortunate enough to be in the

path of the enslaved Daemons, their fate is much

simpler: they will be rent apart by dozens of ethereal

claws and, if they happen to be a Wizard, the Daemons

will gravitate towards them, focusing all their energies

on devouring such a bright soul.


Altar of Hashut - - - - 7 9 - - -

Daemonsmith 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9

Slave 3 2 2 3 3 1 2 0 5

TROOP TYPE: War Machine.

SPECIAL RULES: 3+ armour save, 4+ ward


Sacrificial Altar: Throughout the battle, the

Daemonsmith will perform sacrificial rites, ritually

murdering slaves that are chained to the Altar. The

Slaves function as part of the Altar's crew but they do

not operate it in the conventional sense. Instead, in the

Chaos Dwarf shooting phase, the Altar may be 'fired'

once if one of the Slaves is removed as a casualty. This

means the Altar will suffer a wound as normal. Resolve

the shot following the rules for stone throwers. If a Misfire is rolled on the artillery dice, the shot simply

has no effect (but the Slave used to fire it is expended

nevertheless). When the Altar takes wounds as normal,

always remove a Slave rather than the Daemonsmith.

When the Altar runs out of Slaves to sacrifice, it may no

longer shoot. In close combat, the Daemonsmith may

fight but all attacks are resolved against the Slaves until

he is the only crew member left.

Summoned Daemons: The Altar of Hashut does not

fire ordinary ammunition, but instead is used to summon shrieking Daemons that fly across the

battlefield to assail foes or grant boons to friends. When

firing the Altar, do not follow the normal damage rules

for stone throwers, instead the effect of the summoned

Daemons depends on what kind of unit is hit by the

template. Do not worry about how many models the

template hits; simply resolve the effect against the

whole unit. Note that it is possible for several units to

be affected at the same time (particularly if a Wizard is

in a unit and both are hit by the template) in which case

simply resolve each effect against the appropriate


Unit hit Effect Non-Wizard enemy unit The unit takes 2D6 Strength

3 hits

Enemy Wizard The model suffers a single Strength 6 hit with Multiple Wounds (D3).

Non-Wizard friendly unit The unit gains magical Flaming Attacks and causes Fear until the next Chaos

Dwarf Shooting phase.

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer or Sorcerer Lord

In the following Chaos Dwarf Magic phase, the Sorcerer may cast any one of his spells as a Bound Spell with power level 4.

Any unit hit by the template (friend or foe!) must take a

Panic test. Note it is perfectly acceptable to nominate a

friendly model as the intended target or even to fire at a

unit engaged in close combat.



Page 62: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

A Doom Harness is a hideous, clanking machine of

pistons, wheels and gears that forms a kind of living

battle-suit for a Bull Centaur. Etched with foul sigils to

attract Daemons and ensnare the Winds of Magic, the

wearer of a Doom Harness becomes mentally and physically fused with the machine. Driven into a

berserk rage, the pilot – if such a term can even be used

– drives the Harness forward into the ranks of the

enemy, whereupon they are sliced into pieces by a

variety of hooks, barbs, chains, mallets and crushing

pistons with which the Doom Harness is festooned.

Once a Doom Harness begins moving, it is almost

impossible to stop. Only a Bull Centaur has the physical

and mental fortitude to control the semi-sentient

monstrosity, but even his strength is rarely enough to keep it under control. Being willing to take on the

mantle of a Doom Harness pilot is essentially suicide,

as even should the Centaur survive the battle, it is likely

his already tenuous sanity will be shattered, and his

body irreparably damaged by the unnatural energies and

crushing pressures of the machine. The number of

Doom Harnesses is continually decreasing as they are

destroyed in battle – either brought down by enemy

artillery (one of the few ways to reliably stop them) or,

more often, torn apart by their own gears as they go into

a blood-fuelled rampage. Despite the dangers, those

Bull Centaurs who take the terrible risk are afforded much honour, their skin ritually tattooed and branded

with the most favoured runes of Hashut. In this way,

they are able to ensure their precious lives are expended

in the sight of the Father of Darkness, doing His great


All Doom Harnesses are unique, but the most common

kinds are nicknamed the Whirlwind – so called because

of its wheeled mountings that are fitted with dozens of

chains that spin around at breakneck pace to entangle

enemies – and the Tenderiser – named for the huge mallets and pistons on its prow which deliver blows

with crushing force as it crashes into the ranks of the

foe. While no Daemonsmith has ever managed to build

a Doom Harness in thousands of years, experiments

have been made towards the same basic machinery

instead mounted on a steam-powered carriage, crewed

by ordinary Chaos Dwarfs (who are much less willing

participants than the Bull Centaurs piloting true Doom

Harnesses). These vehicles more or less replicate the

effect of a Doom Harness, but they are looked down

upon by more traditional members of the Temple, and

the Bull Centaurs especially hold such trinkets of steam in contempt.


Doom Harness 2D6 - - 6 5 4 - * 10


SPECIAL RULES: Immune to Psychology,

Random Movement (2D6), 3+ armour save

*Unstoppable Force: If a Doom Harness's move brings

it into contact with another unit, it moves straight through instead of stopping. If its move would end

within a unit, it ploughs through it – place the Harness

1" beyond the unit, in the direction it was moving.

When a Doom Harness moves through a unit (friend or

foe) it inflicts 2D6 Strength 6 Armour Piercing hits. All

hits from a Doom Harness are also magical.

*Immovable Object: A Doom Harness cannot be

charged (its whirling parts discourage any determined

advance upon it!), or engaged in combat at all. Models

can move into contact with it but any unit that does so immediately takes 2D6 Strength 6 hits (which are both

Armour Piercing and magical). If the unit remains in

contact, they may attack the Doom Harness in their

close combat phase, hitting automatically. If the Doom

Harness survives, it will move again in its next turn as

normal, and will inflict further hits on the same unit if it

moves over them.

Torn Apart: Doom Harnesses are so unstable that they

often tear themselves to pieces if they go into overdrive.

When rolling for the Doom Harness's Random

Movement or to determine the number of hits it inflicts, if a double 6 is rolled then it has been destroyed in a

spectacular catastrophe of whirling gears and Daemonic

energy! Finish the movement or resolve the hits as

normal, but any unit damaged by it before it is removed

takes an additional D6 hits. Further double 6s have no

additional effect. Remove the Doom Harness as a

casualty afterwards.

Crash!: Doom Harnesses must take Dangerous Terrain

tests if they move over any of the following: Forests,

Marshland, Obstacles or Mystical Monuments. If its move would take it into contact with a Building,

Impassable Terrain or off the table edge then it must

take a Dangerous Terrain test and will stop 1" short of

the obstruction.


Whirlwind: The Whirlwind is a Doom Harness

fitted with wickedly barbed chains that entangle

foes. Any unit attempting to attack a Whirlwind in

close combat suffers a -1 Strength penalty.

Tenderiser: The Tenderiser has an array of huge,

mechanical mallets on its front. Its hits are resolved

at Strength 7.



Page 63: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

No Household has had such notoriety in recent history as that of Krunngar Blackhand, a dangerous Sorcerer Lord known for his unusual physical vitality and skill with binding Daemons. The Sorcerers of House Blackhand had long preferred to enslave Daemons captured in battle rather than summoned into their hell-forges, believing that such creatures, already given the taste of blood, prove more vicious and powerful. House Blackhand had enjoyed a long and fruitful relationship with Hothgar Daemonbane, and provided many of the Daemons bound into the engines that he constructed and eventually sold to Archaon the Everchosen. It is even rumoured that Krunngar was part of the delegation with Rykarth that brokered the original deal with the Lord of the End Times. When Archaon marched to war, Krunngar went so far as to provide him with Chaos Dwarf troops and, in what some in Zharr-Naggrund considered a fit of sudden madness, joined them too. He was never heard from again. However, his sons succeeded him and, though House Blackhand was now without a Sorcerer Lord to lead it, they had other resources.

House Blackhand's lust for fresh Daemons to enslave had for generations led to them contributing their Warriors to the so-called Embersworn Clans. These elite Chaos Dwarf Warriors specialise in hunting Daemons, travelling many hundreds of leagues in search of powerful entities to bind in obsidian cages and bring back to Zharr-Naggrund for the Daemonsmiths to use in their dark experiments. Many members of the Embersworn go on to serve in the Onyx Guard, Immortals trained and equipped to destroy Daemons. The two sons of Blackhand, Kromlek and Marrog, are both captains of the Embersworn, and it is rumoured that Marrog may possess the spark required to one day become a Sorcerer, and that Hothgar Daemonbane has taken a special interest in the son of his old ally. The two brothers are currently somewhere at large in the Dark Lands at the head of a band of Embersworn, allegedly in the service of Ghorth the Cruel, but doubtless with some aim of their own in mind. Marrog Blackhand is known to harbour the ambition of a true Sorcerer, and seeks to restore House Blackhand to its former glory with the aid of his Daemon hunters.


Page 64: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

The balance of power in the Temple of Hashut has been

carefully maintained for untold centuries, the Sorcerers'

Curse ensuring that no one individual ever becomes too

dominant in the affairs of the Priesthood. The High

Priest of Hashut, the eldest of the Sorcerer Lords, holds

ultimate sway as he is invariably the mightiest Sorcerer:

although age and power do not correlate, and a Sorcerer's strength with the dark arts wanes in later life,

precocious young Priests burn out all the faster,

transforming into stone before they can threaten the

status quo. Lordship belongs to the eldest and most

patient Sorcerers.

Ghorth the Cruel has proven the exception to this rule.

For some unknown reason, he has managed to stave off

petrification despite his near-reckless abuses of his

magical power. Through complex machinations and at

times blatant backstabbing, he has risen to a position of

absolute dominance within the Temple, and none have the strength to oppose him. His sponsorship of the

savage Zhatan the Black has bought him the loyalty of

the Immortals, and through his politicking he has come

to claim ownership over much of Zharr-Naggrund.

Ghorth is not immune to the effects of the Sorcerers'

Curse though – there are dark whisperings amongst his

enemies and even his followers that much of his body

has now turned to stone, and that he goes to great

lengths to conceal this, lest a rival attempt to overthrow

him. There are mutterings too that the mysterious golden mask that came into his possession centuries ago

now never leaves his side, and that this holds the key to

his longevity. In what may be the waning days of his

domination, Ghorth is now even more active,

safeguarding his realm and crushing rumours about his

potential demise. With Zhatan at his side, he is borne

into battle atop a Palanquin bedecked in twisted runes

and sigils that assault the eye and the mind. Now at the

height of his magical power, Ghorth manipulates the

Winds of Magic with contemptuous ease, blasting his

enemies with the infernal magics of Hashut.

In the darkest corners of Zharr-Naggrund, rumours have

begun to circulate that Ghorth has plans that outstrip the

ambitions of even his mighty predecessor, Zhargon the

Great. They point to his bartering with Archaon the

Everchosen to supply his hordes with fearsome

Daemonic Engines as evidence, and believe this

indicates that Ghorth's attentions have turned westward,

towards the Old World. What is clear is that whatever

his physical condition, Ghorth is all too ready to

demonstrate the depth of his power, both in arcane lore

and over the Chaos Dwarfs' empire.

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character).

MAGIC: Ghorth is a Level 4 Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer

Lord. He always uses spells from the Lore of Hashut.

SPECIAL RULES: Unyielding, Bondage of


Sorcerers' Curse: Like all Priests of Hashut, Ghorth is

afflicted with the Sorcerers' Curse. He has 4+ Scaly Skin.

The Black Throne: Ghorth rides atop a Palanquin

etched with daemonic runes. The Black Throne causes

Fear and grants Ghorth a 5+ ward save. Like a normal

Palanquin it has the Iron Bound rule and magical

attacks, but is also a Large Target.

MAGIC ITEMS: The Mask of Zhargon: Talisman. Long ago, Zhargon

the Great wore a suit of golden Chaos armour that, it

was rumoured, staved off the Sorcerers' Curse. Ghorth

recovered this mask from the Temple of Hashut's

deepest vaults which he believes comes from that very

suit of armour. Whatever its provenance, this item of

dread power offers unparalleled protection from hostile

magic. Ghorth has Magic Resistance (3).

Daemonic Familiar: Enchanted Item. Ghorth may cast

one random spell from the Lore of Shadow as a Bound

Spell with a power level of 4. Roll to determine which

spell he may cast at the start of each Chaos Dwarf

Magic phase, just as if generating a spell as normal,

however the spell cannot be exchanged for Steed of


The Book of Hashut: Arcane Item. Zhargon's

masterwork was the Book of Hashut, a tome in which

he recorded all the incantations of the Father of

Darkness. Ghorth is now the keeper of this dangerous text and uses its forbidden knowledge to his advantage.

Ghorth has Loremaster (Hashut).


Ghorth the Cruel 0 4 3 4 5 4 1 1 10

The Black Throne 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 5 9

"Let it never be said that I have been lax in my

duties as a Priest of Hashut. All my labours

have been towards the glory of the Father of

Darkness. If those efforts have led to your

ruin, I cannot be held answerable for that.

Now die."

- Ghorth the Cruel

GHORTH THE CRUEL Supreme Lord of the Conclave, Master of Zharr


Page 65: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Zhatan the Black was once an ordinary member of the

Immortals until one fateful day. He was charged with

defending the Sorcerer Lord H'Kul Firebreath during

the Fourth Battle of Daemon's Stump against a band of

marauding Ogres. The Immortals protecting H'Kul were charged by a ferocious group of Maneaters who

barrelled into the Chaos Dwarf lines, knocking H'Kul

from his Palanquin. Zhatan stepped in to protect the

fallen Priest and took on a huge Maneater in single

combat. Zhatan, though young and relatively

inexperienced, proved a match for the mighty Ogre and

assaulted him with a ferocious savagery unusual in a

Chaos Dwarf. Zhatan was unrelenting, and single-

handedly reduced the Maneater to a mangled carcass,

soaking his Chaos armour in dark Ogre blood.

Unfortunately, in his savage frenzy he had forgotten his

first duty and the almost totally petrified H'Kul was cut down while trying to stand using his own power.

Zhatan became a Baneguard, serving as an Immortal

from that day onwards. Despite his failure in his duty,

he continued to fight with unrelenting fury, ferocious

where his fellows were stoic and disciplined. Such was

his dire reputation that he eventually drew the attention

of a young Sorcerer Lord named Ghorth the Cruel. He

saw in Zhatan a protégé – not one who could follow

him down the path of the Sorcerer, for Zhatan had no

skill with magic, but rather one who could emulate the

dark and terrible acts that had brought Ghorth his

standing amongst the Conclave of Sorcerer Lords. He

nurtured Zhatan's cruelty, involving him in the darkest rites of the Temple and his bloodthirst was well satiated

by what he saw, and his gloating laughter as helpless

captives were sacrificed to the Father of Darkness in

increasingly brutal ways became a familiar sound.

As Zhatan's reputation grew and he rose to become

commander of the Immortals, so too did Ghorth's

power, until the entire warrior elite of Zharr-Naggrund

served at the Sorcerer Lord's beck and call. Ghorth

reached heights undreamed of, his influence becoming

greater even than the High Priest Astragoth himself.

Thanks largely to Zhatan, the balance of power in the Temple of Hashut was changed forever.


Zhatan the Black 3 8 4 4 5 4 4 4 10

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character).

SPECIAL RULES: Unyielding, Bondage of


Reckless Hate: Even amongst the Immortals, Zhatan is

renowned for his savage loathing of all non-Chaos Dwarfs. He is subject to Hatred, but continues to be

affected after the first round of combat, so he may

always re-roll misses in close combat.

MAGIC ITEMS: The Hammer of Zharr: Magic Weapon. This huge

two-handed warhammer is a mighty relic of ancient times, dating back to the founding of the Chaos Dwarf

empire. The Hammer of Zharr is a great weapon that

ignores armour saves.

The Ring of Unmaking: Talisman. This ring of smooth

obsidian reduces the enchanted weapons made by other

races to ordinary steel when contact is made between

blade and the black stone. The Ring of Unmaking

negates the power of any magic or runic weapons

carried by models in base contact – treat them as non-

magical weapons of their type.

The Black Mantle: Enchanted Item. Across Zhatan's

shoulders sits a cloak stitched from the skins of slaves

tortured in the Temple of Hashut. Blackened by the

fires of the Father of Darkness, this terrible object

radiates an aura of dread. Zhatan causes Fear.

ZHATAN THE BLACK Commander of the Tower of Zharr, The Banelord


Page 66: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Astragoth is the current High Priest of Hashut and therefore the oldest living Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer, for

Chaos Dwarfs respect age as much as their western kin.

During the height of his powers, he was the most

powerful Sorcerer to walk the Plain of Zharr in a

thousand years. Now, however, his petrified body can

no longer master magic as it once did, for Astragoth has

almost entirely turned to stone. He must be carried from

place to place by his followers, and his underlings must

perform many of the more complex rites of his spells. In

an effort to overcome these disabilities, Astragoth

ordered the creation of a special device blending sorcery and technology: a mechanical body grafted to

his stone limbs that enables him to move and cast spells.

Where other Sorcerers must rely on the help of their

servants and become increasingly feeble, Astragoth can

now take part in battles, lending his considerable

magical talent to Chaos Dwarf slaving parties, as well

as using his mechanical might to physically pummel his


Most Dawi'Zharr consider Astragoth quite mad, but

while he lives he is still the High Priest of Hashut and

they must accept him, mechanical body and all. There is growing rebellion in the Temple though in the form of

Ghorth the Cruel, who has now surpassed Astragoth in power and influence. Astragoth still maintains a power

base of the more traditional Chaos Dwarfs, especially

the zealous Acolytes of Hashut who revere him as befits

his station, but it is only a matter of time until matters

come to a head.

Astragoth takes great delight in joining his followers on

the battlefield. His mechanical suit means he is actually

somewhat faster than the rest of his army. It is often all

his bodyguard of Acolytes can do to restrain him before

he strides ahead of the main force, blasting the enemy with gouts of boiling steam and cackling madly as he

unleashes the dark power of Hashut.


Astragoth 3 4 3 5 5 3 3 2 10

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character).

MAGIC: Astragoth is a Level 4 Chaos Dwarf

Sorcerer Lord. He may generate spells from the Lore of

Fire, the Lore of Metal or the Lore of Hashut.

SPECIAL RULES: Bondage of Hashut,


Sorcerers' Curse: Almost all of of Astragoth's body

has now succumbed to petrification. He has 3+ Scaly


Steam Attack: Astragoth can switch the pistons that

drive his limbs around and blast his enemies with a gout

of scalding steam. He has a Strength 3 Breath Weapon,

but he may not use this if he has moved that turn.

MAGIC ITEMS: Hammerhand: Magic Weapon. Astragoth's semi-mechanical body incorporates a piston-driven hammer

which sometimes goes into overdrive, bludgeoning

enemies into a bloody pulp. Astragoth has Killing


The Rod of Obsidian: Arcane Item. This short

volcanic glass staff forces the Winds of Magic to bend

to the will of its holder. The Rod of Obsidian allows

any Dispel attempt to be re-rolled.

The Rune of Hashut: Talisman. Astragoth's forehead is marked with a burning Rune of Hashut, placed upon

him by the Father of Darkness as a symbol of his

favour. Astragoth has the Blessing of Hashut and a 5+

ward save.

ASTRAGOTH High Priest of Hashut, Old Rockbeard


Page 67: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Few creatures can match the strength, speed and

ferocity of a Bull Centaur. Half Chaos Dwarf, half bull,

they are some of the most feared shock troops in the

Warhammer world. Their commanders are even more

dangerous, the mighty Guardians and awesome Elders

able to single-handedly break a battle line and slay great

heroes and ferocious monsters. Like other Dwarfs, Bull Centaurs become more powerful and skilled as they

age, and so the title of Lord of the Bull Centaurs is

given to the oldest and therefore most awe-inspiring

specimen of their race. Currently, this is the terrifying

monstrosity known as Bhaal.

Lord Bhaal is as fierce and arrogant as any of his race,

but the strain of ancient mutation is especially strong in

him. He is a huge, glowering beast, and wide horns

sprout from his brow. His flesh burns with terrific

intensity, glowing with the heat so his hindquarters resemble a living furnace. In his hands, he carries a

huge daemonic axe, encrusted with ancient and terrible

Chaos runes.

Bhaal leaves the Temple of Hashut very rarely. As the

Eldest of the Bull Centaurs, he has a vital role to play in

the rites of the Father of Darkness, personally casting

captives into cauldrons of molten gold or iron. Because

the heat does not affect Bull Centaurs, they are necessary to ensure the slaves are fully immersed,

plunging them into the scalding depths where their

screams are swallowed by liquid metal, which fills their

lungs and hastens their demise. Above these horrific

screams can be heard the gloating laughter of Lord

Bhaal, who takes particular delight in the suffering of

lesser races.

On the occasions when Lord Bhaal does take to the

field of battle, he shows little regard for any plan a

Warlord or Sorcerer Lord may have devised. He is utterly contemptuous of non-Bull Centaurs, and kneels

to no one. The Priests have little choice but to allow

Bhaal to do as he wishes, because to cross him means

certain death: a Sorcerer Lord may be more powerful

than any other Chaos Dwarf in Zharr-Naggrund, but the

Bull Centaurs are the chosen creatures of Hashut, and

none would dare raise a hand against Lord Bhaal were

he to take exception to a Priest and cast him into the

cauldrons with the slaves.


Lord Bhaal 8 7 3 5 5 4 5 5 10

TROOP TYPE: Monstrous Beast (Special


SPECIAL RULES: Blessing of Hashut, Bondage

of Hashut, Devastating Charge, Flaming Attacks,

Immune to Psychology, 6+ Scaly Skin, Terror.

Fury of Hashut: Lord Bhaal is a furious, unstoppable

force. He is subject to Frenzy and extends this to any

Bull Centaur unit he has joined.

MAGIC ITEMS: Dread Axe: Magic Weapon. Lord Bhaal bears the

Dread Axe, a weapon of ancient and terrible provenance

that is covered in vile Chaos runes. The Dread Axe is a

great weapon that wounds automatically. Armour saves

are modified by Bhaal's Strength as normal.


Lord Bhaal at the battle of uzkulak

LORD BHAAL Last Guardian, Eldest of the Bull Centaurs, The Death of Worlds


Page 68: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

The most talented and powerful Daemonsmith of the

current generation is Hothgar Daemonbane. He is

accomplished enough in the magical arts to be a

Sorcerer in his own right, but he has chosen to use his

abilities to perfect his daemonic machines. He serves no

Sorcerer Lord – the products of his soul-forges being

valuable enough that he can play members of the Conclave against each other – but most of his work is

done at the behest of Ghorth the Cruel, who knows well

the value of having powerful Daemonic Engines.

Hothgar built the Hellcannons that were eventually sold

to Archaon the Everchosen and, before that, constructed

the Doom Engines for Lord Mortkin.

Hothgar is a dangerous and driven individual. He has

pushed the boundaries of Chaos Dwarf science almost

to breaking point in his efforts to create larger and more

dangerous machines of war. Some of his experiments have caused large scale destruction and many

casualties, leading to his brief exile from Zharr-

Naggrund. Hothgar's greatest invention was a huge,

bull-shaped machine called the Kolossus which proved

too unstable to be useful, but his long-standing dream is

to recreate it in an even grander and more spectacularly

destructive form. Each day, he nears his demented goal.


Hothgar Daemonbane 3 4 3 3 4 2 2 2 9

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character).

MAGIC: Hothgar is a Level 2 Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer.

He always uses spells from the Lore of Metal. In addition to his other spells, Hothgar always knows the

Bind Daemon spell.

Bind Daemon Cast on 8+ Hothgar is uniquely talented in the dark art of binding

Daemons into his arcane machines and is even able to

muster the requisite concentration on the battlefield in

order to bind escaping Daemons into their iron prisons.

Bind Daemon is an augment spell which can be used

on a friendly unit with the Bound Daemon rule within

18" of Hothgar. The affected unit immediately recovers

D3+1 Wounds lost earlier in the battle. Bind Daemon

can restore slain models from the unit, representing

Hothgar binding new Daemons into the shattered hulls

of ruined Constucts.

SPECIAL RULES: Unyielding.

Sorcerers' Curse: Like all Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers,

Hothgar's body is partially turned to stone, although he

has avoided the worst effects by using Daemonic thralls to do his bidding. Hothgar has 6+ Scaly Skin.

Sorcerer of the Forge: If Hothgar is mounted on a

Daemonic Engine, it benefits from the Daemonsmith

special rule, just as if it upgraded one of its crew to a

Daemonsmith. In addition, if Hothgar is in the army,

you may add or subtract 1 from the result of the dice

roll to determine the effects of any Hellforged Artefacts.

MAGIC ITEMS: Rod of Daemon Binding: Magic Weapon. This arcane

staff that is bound with enchantments designed to suck

the souls from living creatures. It is especially powerful

against Daemons and other creatures of magic. The Rod

of Daemon Binding grants Hothgar Killing Blow. When

used against a Daemon, it grants Heroic Killing Blow.

Soul Armour: Magic Armour. Hothgar wears a suit of rune-encrusted Chaos armour that is specially warded

against the attacks of Daemons. Hothgar has a 4+

armour save and a 5+ ward save. Against close combat

attacks inflicted by Daemons, the ward save is increased

to 3+.

HOTHGAR DAEMONBANE Sorcerer of the Forge, Scourge of the Empyrean, The Soul Slaver


Page 69: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Rykarth the Unbreakable is a prodigy of the Warrior Caste. As a young Chaos Dwarf, he was responsible for

some of the great victories in Warlord Ulzuth's

scourging of the Blasted Wastes. He was elevated to the

rank of Ironguard before he even came of age and

proved an inspirational leader to his troops,

commanding absolute obedience from them. He was

lauded throughout the Plain of Zharr as an exemplar of

Chaos Dwarf toughness and stoicism. He was on course

to become the youngest Despot in history when a

directive came down from a mysterious source in the

Temple of Hashut: Rykarth became the first Warrior ever to be commanded by the Conclave of Priests to

join the Immortals.

As an Immortal, Rykarth continued to excel, never

failing in his duties and possessing courage in excess

even of that usually demanded by the Immortals. After

seven years had passed, Rykarth prepared to return to

his warband but the Conclave intervened again: they

requested that Rykarth remain with the Immortals as a

captain within their ranks, leading as only he could. His

Lord had no choice but to agree and, even though he

was not a Baneguard, Rykarth's tenure with the Immortals was extended indefinitely.

Rykarth never questioned his orders, for he was

unflinchingly loyal to his masters, but Zhatan the Black

marked well how Ghorth took an interest in the young

Immortal, sending him on missions that benefited

himself and recruiting him for secretive tasks. In time,

Rykarth became known as the Hand of Ghorth for,

though Zhatan was the Sorcerer Lord's most trusted

bodyguard, it was Rykarth who was most often seen

enacting his will outside the Temple. It was Rykarth who brokered the deal with Archaon the Everchosen to

supply him with batteries of Hellcannons and it is said

that when the Lord of the End Times visited the hell-

forges below Zharr-Naggrund, Rykarth alone was able

to meet his infernal gaze.

Rykarth leads his own unit of Immortals, an elite formation known as the Granite Guard. His prowess

grows by the year, and Ghorth grows ever more pleased

with his young protégé, giving him more and more

authority and autonomy, grooming him to perhaps

become his Warlord, a position he has always left



Rykarth the Unbreakable 3 6 4 4 5 2 3 3 9

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character).

SPECIAL RULES: Unyielding, Hatred,

Bondage of Hashut, Unbreakable.

Granite Guard: The Granite Guard are a unit of

Immortals with the Unbreakable special rule. Rykarth

must set up with this unit and may not leave it. No other

character may join the unit.

MAGIC ITEMS: Cursed Rune Axe: Magic Weapon. The Cursed Rune

Axe is a larger version of the Immortals' Cursed Axes.

It is a great weapon with Armour Piercing.

Guards of the Tower

The Immortals are divided into a number of

different formations, known as Guards, each

housed in a different barracks within the

Tower of Zharr and each having a different

area of responsibility and expertise. Rykarth's

Granite Guard are paragons of the Immortals'

fighting style, specialising in unyielding

defence, but other units include the Obsidian

Guard who hunt enemy mages and the Basalt

Guard who are masters of siege warfare.

There is a fierce rivalry between the

different Guards, with each seeking to outdo

the others and gain the most glory. Different

Sorcerer Lords favour different Guards, but

they also play them against each other for

their own benefit.

RYKARTH THE UNBREAKABLE Captain of the Granite Guard, The Hand of Ghorth


Page 70: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

All Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers seek a way to halt the effects of the Sorcerers' Curse, but Volgar was more

obsessed than most. He spent years researching

different possible solutions, most focused around

alchemical transmutation. Volgar reasoned that if it

were possible to transform base metals into gold, it may

also be possible to transform stone into flesh.

Unfortunately for Volgar, who had no test subject save

himself, his final experiment horribly backfired: the

stone parts of his body were indeed transmuted, but

they turned into amethyst crystals rather than living

flesh. The natural growth of the crystals actually accelerated the process of the Sorcerers' Curse, causing

Volgar to transform even faster – though now it was

into amethyst rather than ordinary rock. Before long,

Volgar had become a hideous grotesque, his flesh rent

by crystal growths that pushed their way through his

skin, causing agonising pain.

There was also a strange side effect to Volgar's bizarre

transformation. Amethyst is naturally conductive to

magic, and considered by scholars to be the polar

opposite to obsidian in that regard. It is particularly

attuned to the mysterious Wind of Shyish, or Death magic, which is often called Amethyst magic for that

very reason. Volgar found that his body had become a living conductor for Death magic and that, as the

crystals worked their way into his brain, he was able to

see the Wind of Shyish and manipulate it as easily as a

warrior wields an axe. Of course, the saturation of

magic along with the changes being wrought on his

tortured body have sent Volgar quite mad. The more

magic he uses, the more likely he is to be driven into a

fit of madness, charging across the battlefield, blasting

his foes with eldritch bolts. Ironically, Volgar has a

unique mastery over magic, but it is exactly this that

will eventually lead to his death.


Volgar the Mad 3 4 3 3 4 2 2 1 9

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character).

MAGIC: Volgar is a Level 2 Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer.

He is unique in that he can use spells from multiple

Lores in the same battle. Volgar can use both the Lore

of Metal and the Lore of Death. When you pick your

army, you must decide whether he will use one Lore

exclusively, or take a spell from each. He benefits from

both Lore Attributes as appropriate to the spell being cast.

SPECIAL RULES: Unyielding.

Sorcerers' Curse: Much of Volgar's body has been

turned into amethyst. He has 5+ Scaly Skin.

Crystal Resonance: Volgar's crystals are attuned to the

Winds of Magic, allowing him to draw power through

his own body. He has a +1 bonus to all channelling


Living Conduit: Being a walking magic conductor,

Volgar is not exactly stable. If he draws in too much

power he will temporarily be overcome by horrifying

visions, going into paroxysms of madness. If Volgar

ever miscasts, he will become subject to Frenzy in

addition to any other effects.

© Dwarf Tales

The House of Gar

Many say that the House of Gar, to which

Volgar the Mad belongs and of which his

distant cousin, Hothgar Daemonbane, is also

theoretically a member, is cursed. Its

current Sorcerer Lord, Thrungar the

Unlucky, has seen his realm diminish to less

than a quarter the size it was under his

predecessor, Lorgar the Foul. Perhaps this is

due to no less than two promising young

Sorcerers following their own paths rather

than working towards increasing the

influence of the Household.

VOLGAR THE MAD Shattermind, The Living Conduit


Page 71: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Though the Chaos Dwarfs' empire is essentially

landlocked, they nonetheless have an infamous history

of naval warfare. Their fearsome ironclad warships are

able to ply the seas of the Warhammer world thanks to

the polluted River Ruin that runs through their realm and sluices into the Sea of Dread, and the great sea

tunnel they carved centuries ago between the Falls of

Doom and Uzkulak that gives them access to the Sea of

Chaos. By such means they are able to travel across

oceans and capture slaves from nations that have never

even heard the name of the Dawi'Zharr. But amongst

the many pirate captains that serve the Sorcerer Lords

of Zharr-Naggrund, one name stands out: that of Ghuz

Slavetaker. Ghuz is unique in that he is bound to no

single Sorcerer Lord. Instead, he has carved out

influence of his own as a mercenary captain, serving in

exchange for gold and slaves. He has been allowed to continue to live outside Chaos Dwarf society because

he is so successful, so ruthless and so completely cold-

blooded in his dealings.

As much as Zharr-Naggrund needs slaves to power its

foul industry, Ghuz's ships' need is so much more

immediate – after a particularly bloody sea battle, many

of the slaves who toil in the bowels of his vessels will

have drowned, and Ghuz will need to replace them with

new slaves taken from the vanquished foe right away.

For this reason, Ghuz is an exemplar of the Chaos Dwarf ideals of greed, consumption and the need for

instant gratification. He is short-sighted, boisterous and

rude; a vile, black-hearted pirate covered in ritual

brands and tattoos, face hung with piercings, flesh

embedded with runic talismans, who is most often

found at the prow of his flagship, The Bull's Fury,

gesticulating wildly and bellowing angrily at his crew

and slaves to bring him to the enemy faster. In short,

Ghuz is everything a Chaos Dwarf could ever wish to

be if liberated from the strict bonds of their society.


Ghuz Slavetaker 3 6 4 4 5 2 3 3 9

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Special Character).

SPECIAL RULES: Unyielding.

Slavetaker: Ghuz's hunger for slaves is unusual even in

a Chaos Dwarf, and he and his crew of rogues will

always try to capture the enemy instead of simply

cutting them down. Ghuz and his unit pursue only 1D6"

after winning a close combat as they stop to subdue and

bind the fallen foe, but any unit caught in this manner is worth double victory points.

Crew of The Bull's Fury: Ghuz always fights

alongside the crew of his flagship, The Bull's Fury, a

band of ruthless sea dogs. The Crew of The Bull's Fury

are a unit of Chaos Dwarf Warriors armed with a brace

of pistols. They may not take any other equipment

options except a magic standard, and may not benefit

from the General's Inspiring Presence or the Battle Standard's Hold Your Ground! abilities. Ghuz must set

up with this unit and may not leave it. No other

character may join the unit.

MAGIC ITEMS: Daemonscourge Pistols: Magic Weapon. Ghuz carries a pair of matched pistols that contain the bound essence

of a Daemon, its soul magically torn in half and split

between the guns. They grant Ghuz the Extra Attack

and Flaming Attacks rules in close combat, and have

the following profile when shooting:

Range Strength Special Rules

12" 5 Armour Piercing, Quick to Fire,

Multiple Shots (2), Flaming Attacks

GHUZ SLAVETAKER Plague of the Seas, Captain of The Bull's Fury


Page 72: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Hobgoblins occupy a relatively privileged position

amongst the hordes of slaves that serve the Chaos

Dwarfs. They are allowed to keep their own customs,

their own tribes and their own leaders. Nonetheless, it is

rare indeed for a Hobgoblin to achieve a rank of any influence in the armies of his masters. Naturally servile

and cowardly creatures, they are largely incapable of

making use of the even the meagre advantages the

Chaos Dwarfs give them. However, there is one

Hobgoblin who has risen to a position of power – or at

least notoriety – in the armies of the Dawi'Zharr.

Gorduz Backstabber has the dubious honour of being

the Chieftain of the Sneaky Git tribe, the vilest and most

loathsome of all the Hobgoblins. These treacherous

greenskins inhabit Gash Kadrak, the Vale of Woe,

where they oversee the great quarries that provide stone

for the Chaos Dwarfs' building projects. There, millions of lesser slaves toil under the cruel whips of the Sneaky


Gorduz is a traitorous as all his kin, and thinks nothing

of betraying his fellow Hobgoblins to his masters in

exchange for their favouritism – hence his epitaph.

Unlike in almost any other species, this does not lead to

him being despised, but in fact admired and respected

by other Hobgoblins. In a race that has evolved a bony

hump on their shoulders due to their predilection for

clandestine assassinations, Gorduz stands as a paragon

of those dubious Hobgoblin values. When called upon

by his Chaos Dwarf masters, he is as likely to be

mysteriously absent from the battlefield as any Hobgoblin, but when he does finally show up, his good

fortune and sly cunning mean he has a habit of turning

the tide.


Gorduz Backstabber 4 5 3 4 4 2 3 3 7

Giant Wolf 9 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 3

TROOP TYPE: Cavalry (Special Character).

SPECIAL RULES: Disposable, Late as Usual!

(see page 39), Fast Cavalry, Poisoned Attacks.

Git: Fated...lucky...sneaky: call it what you will, but

Gorduz has an unnatural instinct for survival that has

allowed him to emerge unscathed from multiple

assassination attempts by his rivals. When Gorduz is reduced to his last Wound, he gains a 4+ ward save.

Hobgoblin Chieftain: Gorduz is the chieftain of the

Sneaky Git tribe of Hobgoblins. Gorduz has the

Inspiring Presence rule, but it may only be used by

Hobgoblins and Hobgoblin Wolf Riders.

MAGIC ITEMS: Black Bow: Magic Weapon. Gorduz carries a bow that

was a gift from his Chaos Dwarf masters after his

service at the Battle of Uzkulak. The arrows are tipped

with shards of obsidian and the bow itself is fashioned

from Daemon-bone. The Black Bow is unerringly

accurate as if guided by some animalistic sentience, and

its shots can hammer through almost any armour. The

Black Bow counts as a bow and grants Gorduz the

Sniper special rule. Any model hit by the Black Bow

must re-roll successful armour saves.

Wolf Pelt: Magic Armour. Gorduz wears a thick wolf

pelt across his shoulders, taken from one of the savage

Great Wolves that roam the Dark Lands. These beasts

were warped by the power of Chaos in ancient times

and possess unnatural resilience. Gorduz has a +1

armour save bonus against shooting attacks.

"Stick 'em wiv arrers. Stick 'em wiv

knives, an' swords an' spears. Stick 'em

quick and stick 'em where it 'urts. But

most of all...stick 'em when they's

lookin' the uvver way."

Gorduz backstabber

GORDUZ BACKSTABBER Hobgoblin Chieftain, Sneakiest Git


Page 73: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

The most ancient tales of the western Dwarfs tell of the

dark citadel of Thagg-A-Durz and of a terrible siege

fought around its gates. If this myth is based on a true

story, it was a battle fought long before the Goblin Wars

or even the War of the Beard, for it was already a half-

remembered tale when the Elves and the Dwarfs ruled

the Old World together in peace. The name is remembered by the Dawi'Zharr too, but they know

enough to recall that it was one of their earliest

settlements in Zorn Uzkul, abandoned during or after

the Time of Chaos. They record no battle against their

cousins there – indeed, it was many centuries later that

they first encountered the western Dwarfs again after

their sundering – but they do know it was lost to Chaos

and the earth's rage long, long ago.

Only one Chaos Dwarf has been foolhardy enough to

make a serious attempt to find and explore the ruins of Thagg-A-Durz. Kromlek Blackhand, aided by his

Daemonsmith brother Marrog, dared to lead their

Embersworn Daemon-Hunters into the unexplored

depths in search of the means to return their House to

prominence. In the darkness beneath the earth they

found shadow and flame, and the secrets they unearthed

may yet have the power to shake Chaos Dwarf society

to its foundations. Thagg-A-Durz was long buried,

overrun by Goblins, Skaven and even the living dead,

but the sanctity of its inner keep was preserved by the

ancient automatons of the Dawi'Zharr's ancestors.

Whether these Dwarfs had given themselves over to Chaos at this time is not known, but it was the spirits of

their dead that they bound to their Gromril guardians.

These Ancestor Golems were the earliest precursors of

the Daemonic Constructs of the modern age,

conceptually similar but fundamentally different in

many important ways. The Embersworn brought one of

these monstrous machines up to the surface and rumour

has it that Marrog has discovered how to operate it and

that it now fights at the behest of House Blackhand.

The Ancestor Golem is a god-machine of living metal, with molten iron instead of blood and a heart of burning

flame. It is slow to be roused, capable of understanding

only simple commands, but once it begins moving it is

all but unstoppable. With its mighty fists wreathed in

flame, it is capable of ploughing through entire

regiments of enemies and after long centuries defending

Thagg-A-Durz from greenskins, it has a special hatred

for Goblins. Inured to fear and pain, invulnerable to

most weapons, the towering Ancestor Golem of Thagg-

A-Durz may be the Chaos Dwarf's ultimate weapon –

the rest of the world can only be thankful that just one

has thus far been rediscovered.

TROOP TYPE: Monster (Special Character)

SPECIAL RULES: Large Target, Terror,

Stupidity, Unbreakable, Unstable, Hatred (Goblins),

Impact Hits (D3+1), Flaming Attacks, Magical


Invulnerable: The Ancestor Golem is proof against

almost all attacks. It has a 1+ armour save, and can only

be harmed by magical attacks and spells.

Rage: If the Ancestor Golem charges into combat and

the enemy unit subsequently fails its Break Test or is completely destroyed, it will immediately gain the

Frenzy and Swiftstride special rules and is no longer

affected by Stupidity. The Golem will remain in this

enraged state until the end of the next Chaos Dwarf

turn, unless it manages to break or destroy another

enemy unit during the same turn. As long as the

Ancestor Golem continues to break or destroy units, it

will remain enraged, but it will revert to normal at the

start of the next turn if it doesn't.


Ancestor Golem 6 4 0 6 6 6 1 4 10



Page 74: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Lords may choose to

generate spells from the Lore of Hashut as

described in the Warhammer rulebook. They

can swap one spell for their signature spell,

Flames of Azgorh.

Flames of Azgorh (Signature Spell) Cast on 4+ The Sorcerer Lord expels a wall of daemonic flames

that engulf his foes in the volcanic fury of the great mountain of fire, Azgorh.

Flames of Azgorh is an augment spell cast on the

Sorcerer Lord himself. He has a Strength 4 flaming

breath weapon for the remainder of the turn. The

Sorcerer Lord can increase the breath weapon's Strength

to 5. If he does so, the casting value is increased to 8+.

1. Storm of Ash Cast on 5+ The Sorcerer Lord summons forth a roiling cloud of ash that enshrouds his enemies, causing them to choke and

stumble as the searing dust fills their eyes and lungs.

Storm of Ash is a hex spell with a range of 18". The

target unit cannot march in their following turn and

reduces their Weapon Skill and Initiative characteristics

by 1 until the start of the caster's next magic phase. The

Sorcerer Lord can choose to expand the cloud and have

it affect all enemy units within 18" instead. If he does

so, the casting value is increased to 10+.

2. Magma Pool Cast on 9+ The bodies of the Sorcerer Lord and his followers

transmute into molten rock and seep into the ground,

only to coalesce elsewhere on the battlefield.

Magma Pool is an augment spell that is cast on the

Sorcerer Lord's own unit. The entire unit immediately

makes a move using the Fly special rule as if it were the

Remaining Moves sub-phase.

3. Soul Reavers Cast on 10+ The Sorcerer Lord reaches into the Realm of Chaos and

drags forth a gaggle of screeching Daemons which fly

towards the enemy and attack with their spectral claws.

Soul Reavers is a magic missile spell with a range of

24" that causes 2D6 Strength 4 hits with no armour

saves allowed. The Sorcerer Lord can summon more

powerful Daemons, in which case the Strength of the

hits is increased to 5. If he does so, the casting value is increased to 13+.

4. Shadows of Hashut Cast on 10+ The Sorcerer Lord calls up the terrifying form of a daemonic bull which charges towards the closest

enemy, goring them with horns of pure shadow.

Shadows of Hashut is a direct damage spell. Every

model in the front rank of the nearest enemy unit to the

caster within 18" suffers a Strength 4 hit. If there are no

enemy units within 18", the spell has no effect. The

Sorcerer Lord may summon a more powerful spectral

bull by increasing the casting value to 13+, in which

case the second rank of the target unit is affected as


5. Bullroar Cast on 13+ The Sorcerer Lord unleashes a furious bellow that

reverberates through the Realm of Chaos like the

Dirges of Hashut. All Chaos Dwarfs that hear the sound

are filled with the fear of Hashut and His fiery wrath.

Bullroar is an augment spell. All fleeing friendly units

within 18" immediately rally. The Sorcerer Lord can

choose to emit a louder and more powerful version of

this spell that affects all friendly fleeing units within 24". If he does so, the casting value is increased to 18+.

6. Fury of the Empyrean Cast on 15+ The Sorcerer Lord tears a rift in the very fabric of

reality, opening a gateway into the Realm of Chaos

itself. Daemons surge from the crackling vortex to sow

destruction and the pulsing hellmouth moves erratically

as the material world warps around it.

Fury of the Empyrean is a magical vortex that uses the small round template. Once the template is placed, the

Sorcerer Lord nominates the direction in which it will

move. Roll 3D6 to determine how many inches the

template will move. In subsequent turns, the template

moves 3D6" in a random direction.

Any unit under or passed over by the template is

assailed by ravening Daemons and suffers 3D6 Strength

4 hits with no armour saves allowed. If three 6s are ever

rolled for the template's movement or hits, the rift

collapses – all units within 12" must take a Panic test as the wailing Daemons are sent flying in all directions

and the spell ends. The Sorcerer Lord may tear a larger

warp rift so that it uses the large round template instead.

If he does so, the casting value is increased to 25+.

HELLSHRIEK (Lore Attribute) Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Lords dare to contend with the

Realm of Chaos, dragging Daemons directly from their

home dimension to do their evil bidding. Such

Daemons manifest as screeching spectres, so abruptly

have they been torn from the Empyrean. Any unit that

suffers any Wounds from a Lore of Hashut spell

(including Flames of Azgorh) must take a Panic test regardless of the number of casualties caused. Units

which contain at least one Daemon are unaffected.



Page 75: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

The doors to the chamber were opened by attendants, and the warrior walked in. He beheld a grim scene within the long hall. The walls, illuminated by guttering torches, were lined by great statues of ancient heroes. The former Lords of the Immortals, represented in stone relief, watched him with sightless eyes as he passed beneath their awesome gaze. At the end of the room was a throne carved from a single block of obsidian by the most talented slaves, scored by evil designs and foul runes that caused he who sat upon it to be protected by magical wards. No one could harm the one who presided over this empty court. The visitor dropped down to one knee before the occupant of the throne, bowing his head low.

‚Rise, Rykarth,‛ a hoarse voice bade him. Slowly, he stood, unperturbed by the massive weight of his Chaos armour. Watching him was a second figure standing beside the throne, dressed in the same manner, but far grander and with a massive hammer in place of Rykarth’s less ornate axe. However, all his attention was occupied by the shrunken figure who watched him from the throne. He wore black robes, and no tall helm adorned his wrinkled brow. Long, snarling tusks protruded from his lower lip, framing his long, hooked nose. His eyes blazed fiery red. His beard, curled into rings in the fashion of Zharr-Naggrund, was entirely white. He caressed a golden object in his lap. Rykarth tried not to look at the Sorcerer's feet, which had been transformed into dark grey stone.

‚It is long since you have graced my court,‛ Ghorth said.

‚I come only when I am bidden, Master.‛

‚As it should be. You have kept a keen watch over the forges. Your reports have been prompt and concise.‛

‚It could not be otherwise, Master.‛

‚No indeed. You have proved yourself valuable to me many times, Rykarth the Unbreakable, not least in brokering such a favourable deal with the Everchosen. Our pens are full; our forges glow brightly, staining the heavens with their industry. It has pleased me to aid his endeavours.‛

‚The soft lands of the west have suffered under his onslaught, Master.‛

Ghorth nodded. ‚And yet, it has not been enough. The great Empire of Men has withstood his assault. Their country still stands, and Acrhaon has failed. Even with the help of our mighty Hellcannons, it has not been enough. This...disappoints me.‛

‚His failure casts shame upon the name of the Dawi’Zharr.‛

‚Yes. It does. So often the Everchosen overreach themselves. They burn brightly, but not for long.‛ Ghorth picked up the object in his lap and held it before him. ‚Even those who seek the mantle are doomed to destroy themselves.‛

Contemptuously, the ancient Priest cast aside the object – a golden mask – dropping it to the floor with a clatter. It lay to one side, forlorn and forgotten on the flagstones.

‚Those who truly know what power is, who are not seduced by its promise, but who see its real worth, are willing to wait. They are content to remain in the shadows, and are not discouraged by the failures of their agents. Archaon’s defeat was a failure for the Four Gods, but not for their forgotten brother. The routing of Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh is the rallying cry of Hashut. The Hellcannons were but our first tendrils.‛


‚The Empire of Men has trembled at the sound of our voice – at the bull-roar of mighty Hashut – and so they will again. Even now, more Daemonic Engines are being built in the forges and we will sell them to more Lords of Chaos in time. But this is only the beginning. Long have I prepared my machines and my armies for my greatest task. It has taken decades, but at last I have almost total control over Zharr-Naggrund. A thousand thousand warriors swear fealty to me and me alone. The time of our coming approaches.‛

Rykarth shifted uncomfortably in his heavy armour. ‚You intend to march upon the west in force?‛

‚You object?‛

‚I do not see what the lands of the Manlings offer us. Their iron is soft and impure, their gold cut into useless discs and their people are so battered by war that they will be good for little more than fodder.‛

‚Iron of any quality can be put to good use. Gold can be melted down. Their flesh will feed the many more slaves that we will take for, though the Manlings have been hurt by Archaon’s war, there are those in their lands that thrive on battle. Greenskins in endless numbers still roam the wastes, followers and beasts of Chaos still haunt the forests. All will be taken as slaves.‛


‚Rykarth,‛ Ghorth leant forward in his throne, moving slowly and carefully, ‚when we descend upon the West, nothing will survive. My armies will make Archaon’s storm look like a passing rain cloud. I will empty the slave pens, the Warrior’s barracks, the Taurus stables and the Tower of Zharr itself and we will march across the mountains. Already I have heard from emissaries I dispatched to the Hobgoblin Hegemony and they have promised ten thousand spears for our armies. My slaving bands scour the Dark Lands for more captives for our armies. The time is ripe...‛


Page 76: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

This section contains the rules and background for some of the most infamous, powerful and

iconic sorcerous items crafted by the dark magic of the Dawi'Zharr. These may be used in

addition to the magic items found in the Warhammer rulebook.

DARK MACE OF DEATH 100 points Magic Weapon

The Dark Mace of Death contains the bound essence of

the mighty Daemon Prince Dra'heth'k'negh, captured

centuries ago. One who knows the secrets of the

weapon may unleash the enraged Daemon, whereupon

he will lash out at anything within range before

returning to the Realm of Chaos. A skilled

Daemonsmith is required to locate and bind Dra'heth'k'negh again, for the Daemon Prince's fate is

inextricably intertwined with that of the Dawi'Zharr,

and it is always possible to lure him back.

The Dark Mace of Death counts as a hand weapon, but

once per game you may release the bound Daemon in a

devastating magical attack. Instead of attacking

normally, place the small blast template anywhere in

contact with the bearer. All models beneath the template

suffer an automatic Strength 5 hit with no armour saves

possible. After this, the Dark Mace of Death counts as

destroyed and may no longer be used during the game.


Magic Weapon

The Black Hammer of Hashut is a weapon blessed by

the Father of Darkness Himself. Shaped in the form of a

smith's hammer, it burns with terrific intensity and, can

heat metal to melting point almost instantly. Armour is

no defence against the Black Hammer and only makes

the wearer more vulnerable to its scalding touch.

When attacking with the Black Hammer of Hashut, the

bearer's Strength is ignored. Instead, the To Wound

score is always equal to the unmodified armour save of

the target, up to a maximum of 2+ and a minimum of

6+. For example, a model with light armour and shield

(5+ armour save) would be wounded on a 5+. In

addition, attacks from the Black Hammer ignore armour

saves and count as Flaming Attacks.

ARMOUR OF THE FURNACE 50 points Magic Armour

The ensorcelled iron of this ancient suit of Chaos

armour has been further tempered by the infernal

breath of Great Tauruses. The Armour of the Furnace is

thus proof against even the fiercest flame.

The Armour of the Furnace grants a 3+ armour save, a 5+ ward save and the Blessing of Hashut special rule.

AMULET OF AZGORH 50 points Talisman

Forged in the heart of the great volcano of Azgorh, this

ruby-red amulet generates a flickering aura of fire

which surrounds the bearer. Initially a blazing inferno,

the protective miasma from the Amulet gradually cools to a cinder over time.

The Amulet of Azgorh grants a ward save which

decreases with each turn of the game. In turn 1, the save

is 2+, in turn 2 it is 3+, in turn 3 4+ and so on until it

drops to 6+, where it remains until the game ends.

Furthermore, any Flammable model that successfully

hits the wearer of the Amulet of Azgorh in close combat

will take an automatic hit, the Strength of which is also

determined by the game turn: on turn 1 it is Strength 6,

on turn 2 Strength 5, on turn 3 Strength 4 and so on

down to Strength 1 where it remains for the rest of the game. Finally, the bearer also has Flaming Attacks.



Page 77: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

BANNER OF ZHARR 50 points Magic Standard

This mighty banner is the standard of the Immortals,

usually kept secure within the Tower of Zharr unless

sufficient numbers of Immortals take to the field at one

time. This only occurs once every few centuries, but the

Immortals have never known defeat when gathered en

masse. After each battle is won, the Banner of Zharr is

soaked in the blood of those the Immortals have slain so

that now it exudes an aura of pure fear.

This Standard may only be taken by an Immortals unit.

The unit carrying it causes Fear and, in addition, all enemy units within 12" of them reduce their Leadership

by 1.

BANNER OF OBEISANCE 50 points Magic Standard

This fell banner is sewn together from the skins of

slaves tortured to death within the Temple of Hashut.

Their sightless eyes still stare out from its rippling

surface and etched into their flesh are dark runes of

Hashut. To the ears of those who still serve the Chaos

Dwarfs, it sounds as if the disembodied voices of the

dead constantly whisper details of their horrific fates.

Any friendly units with the Disposable rule within 12"

of the Banner of Obeisance may re-roll any failed Fear, Terror or Panic tests.

EMBERSWORN BANNER 35 points Magic Standard

The Embersworn Clans are the servants of the

Daemonsmiths, and it is their duty to catch and bind

Daemons in battle. To this end they are given

equipment that makes them dangerous to Daemons and other entities of magic, but none more so than the

Embersworn Banner, a creation of the Sorcerer

Krunngar Blackhand that has bound Daemons woven

into its very fabric. These fell entities suffuse the attacks

of the Daemon hunters who march beneath it with

shadow and flame.

All attacks (including ranged attacks) made by a unit

with the Embersworn Banner count as both magical and

Flaming and the unit is Immune to Fear. In addition,

any Daemon unit that the unit destroys completely in close combat or runs down in a pursuit is worth double

victory points.

ZIGGURAT FOUNDATION STONE 50 points Enchanted Item

Thousands of years ago, the Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers

used magic to raise Zharr-Naggrund in the midst of the

Plain of Zharr. Their enchantments have been lost to

the ages, but some sorcerous items they used have

survived, such as this simple block of obsidian. When it

is planted in the earth and the right incantations spoken over it, a mighty obsidian ziggurat will burst from the

ground, forming a strongpoint around which a stalwart

defence can be mounted.

After deployment zones have been agreed, but before

the armies have been deployed, place a ziggurat in your

deployment zone. The ziggurat counts as a hill, but any

unit positioned on it benefits from Magic Resistance

(1). Chaos Dwarf units on the ziggurat also have the

Bondage of Hashut rule.

If you do not have a suitable ziggurat model to place,

you may not use the Ziggurat Foundation Stone.

The Chaos Dwarfs have developed their own

system of numbers based on the geometry of a

ziggurat. It is unwieldy and almost impossible to

use, so there are whole chambers full of

Acolytes within the Temple of Hashut who

spend pointless hours inventing new numbers in

a vain effort to sustain this arbitrary system.


Page 78: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs
Page 79: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs


COHORT The sight of a well-painted

army arrayed for battle on

the tabletop inspires any

Warhammer player or

collector. Those looking to

amass their own Chaos

Dwarfs force should be

prepared to face a unique

challenge. Chaos Dwarfs

are a highly diverse army,

with many different models

available, but they truly

reach their full potential in

the hands of a skilled and

imaginative convertor.

It is a varied and

interesting force, with huge

opportunities for creating

unique models. This section

presents a showcase of

some of the fantastic

miniatures in the Chaos

Dwarfs range. It is an

inspirational guide for

those starting, or adding to,

their own Dawi'Zharr


Page 80: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Astragoth, High Priest of

Hashut. By Thomas Hunt.

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer.

By Baggronor

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer.

By Hammerhand.

Sorcerer on Winged

Taurus with Colossal and

Obsidian Flesh. By


Volgar the Mad.

By Kubasa


Page 81: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Chaos Dwarf Warlord on Winged Taurus with Colossal,

Ferocious, Fiendish Blast, Flaming Hide and Great

Horns. By Ishkur Cinderhat.

Battle standard bearer.

By Kris Aubin

Chaos Dwarf Warlord.

By Snotling.

Zhatan the Black. By

Adam Benesz.

Chaos Dwarf Warlord.

By Malcolm Neill.


Page 82: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Chaos Dwarf Warriors. By

Ishkur Cinderhat.

Chaos Dwarf Warrior. By

Exquisite Evil.

Chaos Dwarf Ironguard.

By Snotling.

Chaos Dwarf Warriors. By Bassman.


Page 83: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Chaos Dwarf Stormcallers. By Tjub.


By Grimstonefire.


By Baggronor.

Stormcaller. By Snotling.

Standard bearer. By Bassman.

Chaos Dwarf Stormcallers. By Ishkur Cinderhat.

Stormcaller. By Skink.


Page 84: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Slaves. By Snotling.

These Slaves demonstrate some of the variety

possible for your own Slave units. Slaves can be anything from greenskins (above) to these

twisted, tottering Daemon-Dolls (below).

Slaves. By Tjub.


Page 85: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Brutes. By


Hobgoblins. By Ghost.

Hobgoblins. By Xander.


By Arekarkadiusz.


By Warh.


Page 86: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Immortals. By Slim.

Immortals. By Baggronor.

Rykarth the Unbreakable.

By AngryBoy2K.

Immortal standard

bearer. By Grimstonefire. Immortals. By Malcolm Neill.


Page 87: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Bull Centaurs. By Tjub.

Bull Centaurs. By Bassman.

Bull Centaur Elder. By

Ishkur Cinderhat.


Page 88: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

The Black Bow.

Gorduz's banner,

showing exactly

what kind of ally

he is.

Gorduz Backstabber.

By Ishkur Cinderhat.

Hobgoblin Wolf Rider.

By Ishkur Cinderhat.

Wolf Rider standard bearer. By Ishkur


Hobgoblin Wolf Riders. By Bassman.


Page 89: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Ogres. By Spiky James. Ogre. By bas_2312.

Black Orcs. By Kendert.

Black Orcs. By Ubertechie.

Black Orc Boss.

By Veski.


Page 90: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Mortal Engine. By Ishkur Cinderhat.

Mortal Engine with Death Rockets. By Bassman.

Mortal Engine with Eruption Cannon. By

Ghrask Dragh.

Mortal Engine with Death

Rockets. By Tjub.

Chaos Dwarf crewman.

By Obsidian.


Page 91: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Altar of Hashut. By Baggronor.

Bull Centaur Attendant.

Molten gold, into which unfortunate slaves are cast.

A terrifying effigy of the Father of Darkness



Page 92: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Daemonic Engine with

Doomfire. By Thomas Hunt.

Daemonic Construct with Ironclad and

Razor Claws. By GeOrc.

Daemonic Construct

with Ironclad and

Fiendish Blast. By



By Dino.


By Warh.

Daemonic Engine with Infernal Shells and Warpfire. By Tjub.


By Skink.


By Snotling.


Page 93: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Daemonic Engine with Infernal

Shells. By Borka.

Daemonic Engine with Ironclad

and Thunderous Charge. By

Bassman. This Daemonic

Engine has additional Chaos

Dwarf crew armed with


Hothgar Daemonbane.

By M3lvin.


Page 94: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Daemonic Engine with

Infernal Shells.

By Ishkur Cinderhat.

Daemonic Engine with Daemonic

Barrage and Doomfire.

By Xander.


Page 95: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

Daemonic Engine with two levels of

Colossal, Ferocious, Fiendish Blast,

Ironclad, Great Horns and Thunderous

Charge. By Ishkur Cinderhat


Page 96: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs
Page 97: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs



The Chaos Dwarfs need no

encouragement to gather

together in preparation for

a slave raid to gather more

unfortunates to labour in

their forges and mines. As a

commander of a Chaos

Dwarfs army, you'll no

doubt be keen to get your

twisted legions into battle as

soon as possible.

This section of the book

helps you to do just that.

Here, you'll learn how to

turn your collection of

miniatures into an army of

cruel Dawi'Zharr ready for

tabletop battle.

Page 98: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

USING THE ARMY LIST The army list is used alongside the 'Choosing Your

Army' section of the Warhammer rulebook to pick a

force ready for battle. Over the following pages you

will find an entry for each of the models in your army.

These entries give you all of the gaming information

that you need to shape your collection of models into the units that form your army. Amongst other things,

they will tell you what your models are equipped with,

what options are available to them, and their points


UNIT CATEGORIES As described in the Warhammer rulebook, the units in

the army list are organised into five categories: Lords,

Heroes, Core Units, Special Units and Rare Units.

ARMY LIST ENTRIES Each army list entry contains all the information you

need to choose and field the unit at a glance, using the

following format:

CHAOS DWARF WARRIORS 10 points per model Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Chaos Dwarf Warrior 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 Infantry

Ironguard 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9 Infantry Unit Size: 10+


Hand weapon

Chaos armour

Special Rules:



Upgrade one Chaos Dwarf Warrior to an Ironguard .................................................................10 points

- May take a pistol ........................................................................................................................2 points

Upgrade one Chaos Dwarf Warrior to a musician .....................................................................10 points

Upgrade one Chaos Dwarf Warrior to a standard bearer ...........................................................10 points - May have a magic standard worth up to ..................................................................................50 points

The entire unit may take great weapons .......................................................................1 point per model

The entire unit may take shields ...................................................................................1 point per model

Name. The name by which the unit or

character is identified.

Profiles. The characteristic profiles for

the model(s) in each unit are provided as

a reminder. Where several profiles are

required, these are also given, even if they are optional (such as unit

champions, for example).

Troop Type. Each entry specifies the

unit type of its models (e.g. 'infantry',

'cavalry' and so on).

Points value. Every miniature in the

Warhammer range costs an amount of

points that reflects how effective it is on

the battlefield. For example, a Chaos

Dwarf Warrior costs 10 points, while

the mighty Ghorth the Cruel costs 500


Unit Size. This specifies the minimum

size for each unit, which is the smallest

number of models needed to form that

unit. In some cases units also have a

maximum size.

Equipment: This is a list of the

standard weapons and armour for that

unit. The cost of these items is included

in the basic points value.

Special Rules. Many troops have

special rules that are fully

described earlier in this book or

in the Warhammer rulebook. The

names of these rules are listed

here as a reminder.

Options. A list of optional

weapons and armour, mounts,

magic items and other upgrades

for units and characters,

including the points cost for each

particular option. Many unit

entries include the option to

upgrade a unit member to a

champion, standard bearer or

musician. Some units may carry

a magic banner or take magic items at a further points cost.


The Chaos Dwarf Warrior

on the left is armed with a

hand weapon and shield,

and wears Chaos armour.

As you can see from the

profile above, he will cost

11 points to include in your

army. A unit of ten

Warriors armed like this

would therefore cost 110


The Chaos Dwarf on the

left is armed with a great

weapon, wears Chaos

armour and costs 11

points. The Chaos Dwarf

on the right also has a

great weapon, but carries

a shield in addition to his

Chaos armour. He costs

12 points, paying extra for

his increased armour

save, although in close

combat he will be on

equal footing because he

must use his great


2 3















Page 99: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

LORDS GHORTH THE CRUEL 500 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Ghorth the Cruel 0 4 3 4 5 4 1 1 10 Infantry (Special Character)

Black Throne 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 5 9 Infantry


Ghorth is a level 4 Sorcerer Lord. He uses

spells from the Lore of Hashut.


Mask of Zhargon

Daemonic Familiar

Book of Hashut

Special Rules:


Bondage of Hashut

Sorcerers' Curse

The Black Throne

ZHATAN THE BLACK 320 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Zhatan the Black 3 8 4 4 5 4 4 4 10 Infantry (Special Character)


Chaos armour

Hammer of Zharr

Ring of Unmaking

Black Mantle

Special Rules:


Bondage of Hashut

Reckless Hate

ASTRAGOTH, HIGH PRIEST OF HASHUT 440 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Astragoth 3 4 3 5 5 3 3 2 10 Infantry (Special Character)


Astragoth is a level 4 Sorcerer Lord. He

may generate spells from the Lore of Fire,

the Lore of Metal or the Lore of Hashut.



Rod of Obsidian

Rune of Hashut

Special Rules:

Bondage of Hashut


Sorcerers' Curse

Steam Attack


If Astragoth is taken, Acolytes of Hashut are Core Units instead of Special Units.

LORD BHAAL 400 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Lord Bhaal 8 7 3 5 5 4 5 5 10 Monstrous Beast (Special Character)


Chaos armour

Dread Axe

Special Rules:

Blessing of Hashut

Bondage of Hashut

Devastating Charge

Flaming Attacks

Immune to Psychology

6+ Scaly Skin


Fury of Hashut


Page 100: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

LORDS CHAOS DWARF SORCERER LORD 190 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Lord 0 4 3 4 5 3 1 1 10 Infantry (Character)

Palanquin 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 4 9 Infantry


A Chaos Dwarf

Sorcerer Lord is a

level 3 Wizard. He

may generate spells

from the Lore of

Fire, the Lore of

Metal or the Lore of Hashut.


Hand weapon

Special Rules:


Bondage of Hashut

Sorcerers' Curse

Iron Bound (Palanquin Only)

Magical attacks

(Palanquin Only)


May upgrade to a Level 4 Wizard .............................................35 points

May be mounted on one of the following:

- Palanquin ...............................................................................50 points

- Greater Daemonic Construct .................................................50 points

May upgrade one piece of equipment to a

Hellforged Artefact ...................................................................50 points

May take Magic Items up to a total of ....................................100 points

NB. A Palanquin is mounted on a 40 x 60 mm base.

CHAOS DWARF WARLORD 145 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Chaos Dwarf Warlord 3 7 4 4 5 3 4 4 10 Infantry (Character)


Hand weapon

Chaos armour

Special Rules:


Bondage of



May be armed with one of the following:

- Great weapon ......................................................................................................................6 points

- Additional hand weapon .....................................................................................................6 points

- Pistol .................................................................................................................................10 points

- Brace of Pistols .................................................................................................................20 points

May take a shield ...................................................................................................................3 points

May be mounted on a Greater Daemonic Construct ...........................................................50 points

May upgrade one piece of equipment to a Hellforged Artefact ..........................................50 points

May take Magic Items up to a total of ...............................................................................100 points


Daemonic Construct 6 4 0 5 5 3 3 2 8 Monstrous Beast

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon



Upgrade to a Winged Taurus ...............................................................................................50 points

May have any of the following Daemonic Upgrades up to a total value of 100 points:

- Colossal ....................20 points

- Ferocious ..................20 points

- Fiendish Blast ..........20 points

- Flaming Hide ...........10 points - Foul Excretion ..........15 points

- Great Horns ..............20 points

- Immortal Hunger ......25 points

- Ironclad ....................10 points

- Obsidian Flesh .........15 points - Razor Claws .............25 points

- Smog ........................20 points

- Talisman of Hashut ..30 points

- Unnatural Resilience 50 points

- Whirling Blades .......25 points


Page 101: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs


Rykarth the Unbreakable 3 6 4 4 5 2 3 3 9 Infantry (Special Character)


Cursed Rune


Chaos armour

Special Rules:




Granite Guard


If Rykarth the Unbreakable is taken, then you must include a unit of

Immortals in the army, chosen at additional cost from the Special Units

section of the army list. This unit must be upgraded to the Granite Guard

(the cost of the upgrade is included in Rykarth's points value). You may

still take other Immortals in your army if you wish.

HOTHGAR DAEMONBANE 220 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Hothgar Daemonbane 3 4 3 3 4 2 2 2 9 Infantry (Special Character)


Hothgar is a Level 2 Sorcerer. He uses

spells from the Lore

of Metal.


Hothgar knows Bind

Daemon as well as

his other spells.


Rod of Daemon Binding

Soul Armour

Special Rules:


Sorcerers' Curse

Sorcerer of the



May be mounted on a Daemonic Engine (see page 103 for points

and options, but count the cost

against your allowance for

Heroes rather than Rare



If Hothgar Daemonbane is taken, Daemonic Constructs are Core

Units instead of Special Units. You

may also take Daemonic Engines

with up to 50 points of Daemonic

Upgrades as Special Units rather

than Rare Units.

VOLGAR THE MAD 180 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Volgar the Mad 3 4 3 3 4 2 2 1 9 Infantry (Special Character)


Volgar is a Level 2

Sorcerer. He may

generate spells from

the Lore of Metal, the Lore of Death or

have one spell from

each of those Lores.


Hand weapon.

Special Rules:


Sorcerers' Curse

Crystal Resonance

Living Conduit

GORDUZ BACKSTABBER 135 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Gorduz Backstabber 4 5 3 4 4 2 3 3 7 Cavalry (Special Character)

Giant Wolf 9 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 3 -


Hand weapon

Light armour


Black Bow

Wolf Pelt


Giant Wolf

Special Rules:


Late as Usual!

Fast Cavalry

Poisoned Attacks


Hobgoblin Chieftain

Note: If Gorduz Backstabber is taken,

Hobgoblin Wolf Riders are Core

Units instead of Special Units.


Page 102: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

HEROES GHUZ SLAVETAKER 130 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Ghuz Slavetaker 3 6 4 4 5 2 3 3 9 Infantry (Special Character)


Hand weapon

Chaos armour



Special Rules:


Crew of The Bull's




If Ghuz Slavetaker is taken, then you must include a unit of Chaos Dwarf

Warriors in the army, chosen at additional cost from the Core Units section of the army list. This unit must be upgraded to the Crew of The Bull's Fury

(the cost of the upgrade is included in Ghuz's points value). You may still

take other Chaos Dwarf Warriors in your army if you wish.

CHAOS DWARF SORCERER 80 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer 3 4 3 3 4 2 2 1 9 Infantry (Character)


A Chaos Dwarf

Sorcerer is a level 1

Wizard. He may

generate spells from

the Lore of Fire or

the Lore of Metal.


Hand weapon

Special Rules:


Sorcerer's Curse


May upgrade to a Level 2 Wizard .............................................35 points

May be mounted on a Daemonic Construct (see page 102 for points

and options, but count the cost against your allowance for Heroes).

May upgrade one piece of equipment to a Hellforged Artefact 50 points

May take Magic Items up to a total of ......................................50 points

CHAOS DWARF DESPOT 70 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Chaos Dwarf Despot 3 6 4 4 5 2 3 3 9 Infantry (Character)


Hand weapon

Chaos armour

Special Rules:


Bondage of



May be armed with one of the following:

- Great weapon ......................................................................................................................4 points

- Additional hand weapon .....................................................................................................4 points

- Pistol ...................................................................................................................................7 points

- Brace of Pistols .................................................................................................................14 points

May take a shield ...................................................................................................................2 points

May be mounted on a Daemonic Construct (see page 102 for points and options, but count the

cost against your allowance for Heroes).

May upgrade one piece of equipment to a Hellforged Artefact ..........................................50 points

May take Magic Items up to a total of .................................................................................50 points

BULL CENTAUR ELDER 80 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Bull Centaur Elder 8 6 3 5 5 3 4 4 9 Monstrous Beast (Character)


Hand weapon

Chaos armour

Special Rules:

Blessing of Hashut

Bondage of Hashut

Flaming Attacks

Immune to



6+ Scaly Skin


May be armed with one of the following: - Great weapon .........................................................................10 points

- Additional hand weapon ..........................................................5 points

May take a shield ........................................................................4 points

May take throwing axes ..............................................................4 points

May upgrade one piece of equipment to a Hellforged Artefact 50 points

May take Magic Items up to a total of ......................................50 points

BATTLE STANDARD BEARER One Chaos Dwarf Despot or Bull Centaur Elder can carry the Battle Standard for +25 points. He may carry a magic

standard (no points limit), but if he carries a Magic Standard he may not choose any other magic items.


Page 103: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

CORE UNITS CHAOS DWARF WARRIORS 10 points per model Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Chaos Dwarf Warrior 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 Infantry

Ironguard 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9 Infantry

Unit Size: 10+


Hand weapon

Chaos armour

Special Rules:



Upgrade one Chaos Dwarf Warrior to an Ironguard ...........................................................10 points - May take a pistol .................................................................................................................2 points

Upgrade one Chaos Dwarf Warrior to a musician ...............................................................10 points

Upgrade one Chaos Dwarf Warrior to a standard bearer ....................................................10 points

- May have a magic standard worth up to ............................................................................50 points

The entire unit may take great weapons .................................................................1 point per model

The entire unit may take shields .............................................................................1 point per model

CHAOS DWARF STORMCALLERS 13 points per model Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Chaos Dwarf Stormcaller 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 Infantry

Stormguard 3 4 4 3 4 1 2 1 9 Infantry

Unit Size: 10+


Hand weapon

Chaos armour


Special Rules:



Upgrade one Chaos Dwarf Stormcaller to a Stormguard ....................................................10 points

- May take a pistol .................................................................................................................2 points

Upgrade one Chaos Dwarf Stormcaller to a musician .........................................................10 points

Upgrade one Chaos Dwarf Stormcaller to a standard bearer ..............................................10 points

- May have a magic standard worth up to ............................................................................50 points

The entire unit may take sappara ...........................................................................1 point per model

The entire unit may take shields .............................................................................1 point per model

SLAVES 2 points per model Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Slave 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 Infantry Brute 4 3 2 3 4 1 2 1 5 Infantry

Hobgoblin 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 Infantry

Driver 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 Infantry

Unit Size: 10+


Hand weapon

Special Rules:







Upgrade the entire unit to Brutes ..........................................................................2 points per model

Upgrade the entire unit to Hobgoblins .................................................................2 points per model

Upgrade one model to a Driver ...........................................................................................10 points

Upgrade one model to a musician .......................................................................................10 points

Upgrade one model to a standard bearer .............................................................................10 points

The entire unit may take one of the following: - Spears .................................................................................................................½ point per model

- Bows ..................................................................................................................2 points per model

- Great weapons (Brutes only) ...............................................................................1 point per model

- Flails (Brutes only) ..............................................................................................1 point per model

- Additional hand weapon (Brutes and Hobgoblins only) .....................................1 point per model

The entire unit may take shields ............................................................................½ point per model

NB. Slaves do not count towards the minimum Core choices of the army.


Page 104: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

SPECIAL UNITS IMMORTALS 15 points per model Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Immortal 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 1 9 Infantry

Baneguard 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 2 9 Infantry

Unit Size: 10+


Cursed Axes

Chaos armour


Special Rules:








Upgrade one Immortal to a Baneguard .....................................10 points

- May take a magic item worth up to ........................................25 points

Upgrade one Immortal to a musician ........................................10 points

Upgrade one Immortal to a standard bearer ..............................10 points

- May have a magic standard worth up to .................................50 points

A single unit in the army may include a Petrified Sorcerer ....100 points

ACOLYTES OF HASHUT 13 points per model Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Acolyte of Hashut 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 Infantry

Khazn 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9 Infantry

Unit Size: 10+



glaive (counts

as halberd)

Heavy armour

Special Rules:


Dirges of Hashut

Sorcerer Caste


Upgrade one Acolyte of Hashut to a Khazn .............................10 points

Upgrade one Acolyte of Hashut to a standard bearer ...............10 points

- May have a magic standard worth up to .................................50 points

A single unit in the army may include a Petrified Sorcerer ....100 points


Petrified Sorcerer 3 * 0 * 4 6 2 4 9 Infantry

Special Rules:

Bondage of


Blessing of


4+ Scaly Skin

4+ ward save

*Fell Icon


NB. You may only include one Petrified Sorcerer in the army. A Petrified

Sorcerer is mounted on a 40 x 60 mm base and counts as part of its unit in

all respects.


Page 105: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

SPECIAL UNITS HOBGOBLIN WOLF RIDERS 13 points per model Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Hobgoblin Wolf Rider 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 Cavalry

Hobgoblin Wolf Rider Khan 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 Cavalry

Giant Wolf 9 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 3 -

Unit Size: 5+


Hand weapon

Light armour

Special Rules:


Fast Cavalry

Poisoned Attacks

Late as Usual!


Upgrade one Wolf Rider to a Wolf Rider Khan .......................10 points

Upgrade one Wolf Rider to a musician .....................................10 points

Upgrade one Wolf Rider to a standard bearer ..........................10 points

The entire unit may take any of the following: - Spears .......................................................................1 point per model

- Bows .......................................................................2 points per model

- Shields ......................................................................1 point per model

OGRES 35 points per model Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Ogre 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 7 Monstrous Infantry

Ogre Berserker 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 4 7 Monstrous Infantry

Unit Size: 3+


Hand weapon

Heavy armour

Special Rules:




Upgrade one Ogre to an Ogre Berserker ................................10 points

Upgrade one Ogre to a Musician ...........................................10 points

Upgrade one Ogre to a standard bearer ..................................10 points

The entire unit may take one of the following:

- Additional hand weapons .....................................5 points per model

- Great weapons ....................................................10 points per model

The entire unit may take Chaos armour ..................5 points per model

BLACK ORCS 12 points per model Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Black Orc 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 8 Infantry

Black Orc Boss 4 5 3 4 4 1 2 2 8 Infantry

Unit Size: 10+


Heavy armour

A huge array of


Special Rules:


Fool Me Once


Immune to



Upgrade one Black Orc to a Black Orc Boss ............................15 points

Upgrade one Black Orc to a musician ......................................10 points

Upgrade one Black Orc to a standard bearer ............................10 points

The entire unit may take shields ..................................1 point per model


Page 106: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

SPECIAL UNITS DAEMONIC CONSTRUCTS 50 points per model Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Daemonic Construct 6 4 0 5 5 3 3 2 8 Monstrous Beast

Unit Size: 1+


Daemonic claws

(hand weapon)

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon



The entire unit may take any of the following Daemonic Upgrades

up to a total value of 50 points per model:

- Ferocious ...............................................................20 points per model

- Fiendish Blast ........................................................20 points per model

- Flaming Hide ...........................................................5 points per model

- Foul Excretion .......................................................10 points per model - Immortal Hunger ...................................................15 points per model

- Ironclad ..................................................................10 points per model

- Obsidian Flesh (may be taken twice) ....................10 points per model

- Razor Claws ..........................................................15 points per model

- Smog ......................................................................10 points per model

- Unnatural Resilience .............................................20 points per model

- Whirling Blades .....................................................25 points per model

NB. Daemonic Constructs can be taken in units

of 1 or more models unless they are taken as a character mount, in which case they must always

be fielded as a single model.

MORTAL ENGINE 25 points per model Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Mortal Engine - - - - 7 2 - - - War Machine (Bolt Thrower)

Slave 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 -

Chaos Dwarf 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 -

Ogre Loader 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 7 -

Unit Size: 1 Mortal


Crew: 2 Slaves

Special Rules:

Mortal Engine

Mixed Crew


Hand weapon

Heavy armour

(Chaos Dwarfs



Include an additional Chaos Dwarf crewman ...........................10 points

Upgrade Slaves to Chaos Dwarfs .............................................10 points

Upgrade to Artillery ..................................................................35 points

Artillery may include an Ogre Loader ......................................35 points

Artillery may take one of the following Daemonic Upgrades:

- Daemonic Barrage .................................................................25 points

- Death Rockets ........................................................................10 points

- Diabolic Sentience .................................................................25 points

- Eruption Cannon ......................................................................5 points

- Infernal Shells ........................................................................30 points

You may take 2 Mortal Engines for each Special

Unit choice allowed in your army as long as

they are not upgraded to Artillery.


Chaos Dwarfs are notorious for their unusual

headgear; namely their large and elaborate

helmets that in some extreme cases actually

double the height of the Dwarf wearing them.

These strange items of apparel have earned

Chaos Dwarfs the derisive nickname 'big hats'

amongst their enemies. The history of the

infamous helmets is convoluted but, to the ritual-

obsessed Chaos dwarfs, quite logical. At the

beginning of the Second Kingdom period the

Warriors had already established themselves as

a distinct population, even before the Caste

system was formalised, and they were noticeably

larger, stronger and fiercer in appearance than

their fellows. The Sorcerers, wishing to make

their newfound dominance clear, donned tall

helmets in order to disguise their diminutive

stature beside their followers.

The helmets soon took on a life of their own,

growing in size and becoming more decorative to

denote a Sorcerer's allegiance or speciality. In

time they became fashionable throughout Chaos

Dwarf society until Zhargon made their wearing

compulsory. After the end of the Second

Kingdom, the helmets fell out of favour, but

some traditionalist Dawi'Zharr still wear them,

particularly those who come from Zharr-

Naggrund itself. The wearing of a tall helmet in

battle is largely down to the personal taste of

the warband's commander – some Sorcerer

Lords insist on it, while more practical Warlords

eschew them entirely because they are

cumbersome in combat. The Immortals in

particular almost never wear them, save as part

of their dress uniform in the Tower of Zharr.


Page 107: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs


Ancestor Golem 6 4 0 6 6 6 1 4 10 Monster (Special Character)

Unit Size: 1

Special Rules:

Large Target





Hatred (Goblins)

Impact Hits (D3+1)

Flaming Attacks

Magical Attacks



DAEMONIC ENGINE 155 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Daemonic Engine 6 4 3 5 6 4 1 3 5 Monster

Chaos Dwarf - 4 3 3 - - 2 1 9 -

Daemonsmith - 4 3 3 - - 2 2 9 -

Unit Size: 1

Daemonic Engine

and 3 Chaos Dwarf


Equipment (Chaos

Dwarfs and



Hand weapon

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon


Large Target


Living Artillery

Chaos Dwarf





Upgrade one Chaos Dwarf to a Daemonsmith ....................................................................60 points

May take up to five additional Chaos Dwarf crew .............................................10 points per model

- All Chaos Dwarf crew may take blunderbusses .................................................3 points per model

May be upgraded to one of the following:

- Deathgrinder .....................................................................................................................30 points

- Hellbore ............................................................................................................................50 points

- Hellbound Locomotive .....................................................................................................25 points

- Skyscourge .......................................................................................................................30 points

- Warbarge ..........................................................................................................................15 points

May take any of the following Daemonic Upgrades:

- Colossal (may be taken twice) ..........................................................................................30 points

- Daemonic Barrage ............................................................................................................25 points

- Diabolic Sentience ............................................................................................................25 points

- Ferocious ..........................................................................................................................20 points - Fiendish Blast ...................................................................................................................20 points

- Flaming Hide ....................................................................................................................10 points

- Foul Excretion ..................................................................................................................15 points

- Great Horns ......................................................................................................................20 points

- Immortal Hunger ..............................................................................................................25 points

- Ironclad .............................................................................................................................10 points

- Obsidian Flesh (may be taken twice) ...............................................................................15 points

- Razor Claws ......................................................................................................................25 points

- Smog .................................................................................................................................30 points

- Talisman of Hashut ...........................................................................................................30 points

- Thunderous Charge ..........................................................................................................25 points

- Unnatural Resilience ........................................................................................................50 points - Warpfire ............................................................................................................................20 points

- Whirling Blades ................................................................................................................10 points

May take one of the following Daemonic Upgrades:

- Death Rockets ...................................................................................................................10 points

- Doomfire ...........................................................................................................................30 points

- Eruption Cannon .................................................................................................................5 points

- Infernal Shells ...................................................................................................................30 points


Page 108: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

RARE UNITS BULL CENTAURS 40 points per model Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Bull Centaur 8 5 3 4 4 2 3 2 9 Monstrous Beast

Bull Centaur Guardian 8 5 3 4 4 2 3 2 9 Monstrous Beast

Unit Size: 3+


Hand weapon


Chaos armour

Special Rules:

Blessing of Hashut

Bondage of Hashut

Flaming Attacks

Immune to



6+ Scaly Skin


Upgrade one Bull Centaur to a Bull Centaur Guardian .........10 points

- May take a magic item worth up to .....................................25 points

Upgrade one Bull Centaur to a musician ...............................10 points

Upgrade one Bull Centaur to a standard bearer .....................10 points

- May have a magic standard worth up to ..............................75 points

The entire unit must have one of the following:

- Great weapons ......................................................5 points per model

- Additional hand weapons .....................................5 points per model

The entire unit may have throwing axes .................2 points per model

ALTAR OF HASHUT 170 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Altar of Hashut - - - - 7 9 - - - War Machine

Daemonsmith 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9 -

Slave 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 0 5 -

Unit Size: 1 Altar of


Crew: 1

Daemonsmith and 8 Slaves

Equipment (crew):

Hand weapon

Heavy armour

(Daemonsmith only)

Special Rules:

3+ armour save

4+ ward save

Sacrificial Altar

Summoned Daemons

BULL CENTAUR DOOM HARNESS 175 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Bull Centaur Doom Harness 2D6 - - 6 5 4 - * 10 Unique

Unit Size: 1

Special Rules:

Immune to


Random Movement


3+ armour save

*Unstoppable Force

*Immovable Object

Torn Apart



Upgrade to a Whirlwind .........................................................25 points

Upgrade to a Tenderiser .........................................................15 points

NB. A Bull Centaur Doom Harness is mounted on a 50 x 100 mm base.


Page 109: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

The Chaos Dwarfs army list contains several units that

have the option of being given Daemonic Upgrades. While this allows Chaos Dwarfs players an unparalleled

opportunity for customisation, it can be quite daunting

for newcomers! In this section of Warhammer: Chaos

Dwarfs, we have complied some ideas for units you can

create with the rules for Daemonic Upgrades; these can

be used as they appear below, or provide inspiration for

your own foul creations. Some of them are 'classic' units

and creatures from older versions of the Chaos Dwarfs,

others are inspired by some descriptions earlier in this

book and a few are completely new. Each unit is

presented as a full Army List entry like those above,

and can be used exactly as they appear, with the actual

Upgrades and other options used to create the unit explained below. This demonstrates that players do not

have to take Daemonic Upgrades literally – you can

easily use the rules to 'count as' something else. For

instance, the Great Taurus has a fiery hide that deflects

attacks. In game terms this is represented by the

Ironclad Daemonic Upgrade, but the Great Taurus is not

necessarily covered in armour plates, it just benefits

from a similar effect. Most of the other units below

contain something similar, so players needn't feel

constrained by the descriptions in the Daemonic

Upgrades rules.

GREAT TAURUS 200 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Great Taurus 6 4 0 6 5 5 3 4 7 Monster A Great Taurus may be taken as a mount for a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Lord or Warlord.

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon (3D6



Large Target


4+ Scaly Skin

S3 Flaming Breath Weapon

Blessing of Hashut

Flaming Attacks

LAMMASU 150 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Lammasu 6 4 0 5 5 5 3 2 8 Monster A Lammasu may be taken as a mount for a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Lord or Warlord.

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon


Large Target


Magic Resistance (2)

The Great Taurus is an awesome monster that was once native to Zorn Uzkul, but is now bred only by the Chaos Dwarfs who stable it beneath the Temple of Hashut. They believe that the Great Taurus is the Father of Darkness's sacred creature, and that it was mutated from Chaos Dwarfs in the Time of Chaos. The Great Taurus, also called the Red Bull of Hashut, is a towering monstrosity in the shape of a massive bull blazing with infernal power. It can soar through the air on its vast, membranous wings and is capable of breathing a gout of flame like a Dragon. When it charges, its hooves spark lightning and flames wreath its entire body. The Great Taurus is such a fierce and dangerous creature that it is only usually used a mount for very influential Warlords. The Great Taurus is a Greater Daemonic Construct upgraded to a Winged Taurus with the Colossal, Ferocious, Fiendish Blast, Flaming Hide, Great Horns and Ironclad Daemonic Upgrades.

The Lammasu is a naturally occurring mutation of the Great Taurus that is occasionally born. Like the Great Taurus, it is a huge monster with great leathery wings, but the Lammasu has a leering, humanoid face with a beard like a Chaos Dwarf as well as foreclaws that resemble hands more than hooves. The Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers believe the Lammasu is a throwback to the Great Taurus's Dwarf origin and though it doesn't burn like a living furnace, it has a sorcerous exhalation that protects it from enemy magic. For this reason, and because the Lammasu is quite intelligent, it is a favoured mount for Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers. The Lammasu is a Greater Daemonic Construct upgraded to a Winged Taurus with the Colossal, and two levels of the Obsidian Flesh Daemonic Upgrades.



Page 110: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

BRASS BULL 75 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Brass Bull 6 4 0 6 5 3 3 2 8 Monstrous Beast A Brass Bull may be

taken as a mount for a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer or Despot.

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon


Killing Blow


OBSIDIAN BULL 70 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Obsidian Bull 6 4 0 5 5 3 3 2 8 Monstrous Beast An Obsidian Bull may be taken as a mount for

a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer or Despot.

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon


Magic Resistance (1)


BATTLE CARRIAGE 90 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Battle Carriage 6 4 0 5 5 3 3 2 8 Monstrous Beast A Battle Carriage may be taken as a mount for a Chaos Dwarf

Sorcerer or Despot.

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon


S3 Breath Weapon



Brass Bulls are relatively simple Daemonic Constructs – mechanical beasts constructed from gears and pistons and clad in heavy brass plates, as the name suggests. A ferocious Daemon is imprisoned inside this machine and, suitably broken by captivity of sufficient length, it serves as an excellent mount for a Sorcerer or Despot. Brass Bulls have broad, wickedly sharp horns, allowing them to decapitate an enemy warrior with a single flick of their great metal heads.

A Brass Bull is a Daemonic Construct with the Great Horns, Ironclad and Razor Claws Daemonic Upgrades.

The Obsidian Bull is a variation of the Brass Bull that replaces its brass-bound hull with heavy obsidian cladding. Though this makes the beast less dangerous in combat, it provides it with a degree of protection from offensive magic. An Obsidian Bull is a Daemonic Construct with the Ironclad and

Obsidian Flesh Daemonic Upgrades.

A Battle Carriage is a clanking, hissing machine that uses Daemons as a power source in place of the more traditional steam and is constantly shrouded in a pall of black smoke. From his seat atop the bouncing vehicle, a Despot or Sorcerer can benefit from the increased protection its thick hull provides, as well as use the cockpit-mounted cannon which projects a torrent of Daemonic ichor at enemies.

A Battle Carriage is a Daemonic Construct with the Fiendish Blast,

Ironclad and Smog Daemonic Upgrades.


Page 111: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

WAR GOLEMS 65 points per model Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type War Golem 6 4 0 5 5 3 3 2 8 Monstrous Beast War Golems may be

taken in units of 1 or more models as a Special Unit choice.

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon


Blessing of Hashut

Flaming Attacks

4+ armour save

IRON DERVISHES 95 points per model Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Iron Dervish 6 4 0 5 5 3 3 D6+2 7 Monstrous Beast Iron Dervishes may be taken in units of 1 or

more models as a Special Unit choice.

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon (3D6



Random Attacks (D6+2)

SHEDU 70 points per model Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Shedu 6 4 0 5 5 3 3 2 8 Monstrous Beast Shedu may be taken in units of 1 or more models as a Special

Unit choice.

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon


Magic Resistance (2)

War Golems are some of the most common Daemonic Constructs – squat, powerful machines in the shape of armoured Dwarfs, inhabited by fierce Fire Daemons. They are methodical and dangerous in combat, hammering the enemy with claws, fists, maces and oversized axes, all of which burn with sorcerous flames. War Golems are Daemonic Constructs with the Flaming Hide and Ironclad Daemonic Upgrades.

Like all Chaos mutations, the Lammasu is not entirely stable. Not all of the Great Taurus offspring that carry the traits of the Lammasu develop properly – some unfortunate creatures are born stunted and malformed, half-blind with useless, ragged wings and flesh marred by deep, painful fissures. These deformed infants, which the Chaos Dwarfs call Shedu, cannot breathe out the Lammasu's powerful anti-magic vapour, and instead their sorcerous power literally leaks from their bodies, slicking their mottled black hides with the very stuff of the Empyrean, mutating them even further. Even though they are racked by constant pain, the cruel Chaos Dwarfs will not put Shedu out of their misery and instead use them in battle, driving them forward in screaming, confused mobs. The Shedu are destined to die on the swords of the enemy, but they are strong, dangerous creatures despite their deformities, and make for effective war beasts. Shedu are Daemonic Constructs with two levels of the Obsidian Flesh Daemonic Upgrade.

Iron Dervishes are strange creations that resemble a series of nested rings, fitted with many blades and barbs. At rest, an Iron Dervish resembles a thick, rounded metal disc, but when the Daemons bound to its many surfaces by etched runes are awakened, the rings begin to spin around at such a rapid pace that the Dervish looks like a rippling silver sphere. In this agitated state, the weird devices roll and spin across the battlefield before colliding with the foes whereupon they slice them to shreds with their razor-sharp spinning edges. Iron Dervishes are Daemonic Constructs with the Ferocious and

Whirling Blades Daemonic Upgrades.


Page 112: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

HELLCANNON 285 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Hellcannon 6 4 3 5 6 6 1 5 4 Monster Chaos Dwarfs - 4 3 3 - - 2 1 9 - Daemonsmith - 4 3 3 - - 2 2 9 -

A Hellcannon may be taken as a Rare Unit choice. Unit Size: 1 Daemonic Engine and 3 Chaos Dwarf crew

Equipment (Chaos

Dwarfs and Daemonsmith


Hand weapon

Options: May upgrade one Chaos Dwarf to a Daemonsmith ......60 points

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon (3D6 Rampage)


Large Target


Living Artillery

Chaos Dwarf Crew

Daemonic Backlash


S3 Breath Weapon

4+ armour save


BILECANNON 220 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Bilecannon 6 4 3 5 6 4 1 3 5 Monster Chaos Dwarfs - 4 3 3 - - 2 1 9 - Daemonsmith - 4 3 3 - - 2 2 9 - A Bilecannon may be taken as a Rare Unit choice.

Unit Size: 1 Daemonic Engine and 3 Chaos Dwarf crew

Equipment (Chaos

Dwarfs and Daemonsmith


Hand weapon


May upgrade one Chaos Dwarf to a Daemonsmith ......60 points

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon


Large Target


Living Artillery

Chaos Dwarf Crew

Daemonic Backlash

Poisoned Attacks



The fearsome Hellcannons are one of the most common kinds of Daemonic Engine, although each is unique and those produced by different Daemonsmiths have subtle differences. A Hellcannon is a heaving monstrosity of brass and iron, bound with the essence of a mighty fire Daemon. It belches warping daemonfire into the sky and some are also able to project a stream of Daemonic ichor – a side effect of the machine's ravenous lust for souls, as the remains of victims that have been shovelled into the flesh furnace at its rear are projected out in a jet of rancid gore and bone. A Hellcannon is often the centrepiece of a Chaos Dwarf assault on a fortified position, and their reputation has travelled far beyond Zharr-Naggrund because of this. So impressed have the Warriors of Chaos been with the power of the Hellcannon that they often purchase one or more of the terrifying engines for their armies. The Chaos Dwarfs are happy to take the Chaos Warriors' gold and slaves in exchange for such a boon, but they always ensure they send a crew of Chaos Dwarfs to work the Hellcannon, lest it be turned against them some day. A Hellcannon is a Daemonic Engine with the Colossal, Doomfire, Ferocious, Fiendish Blast, Ironclad and Warpfire

Daemonic Upgrades.

The Bilecannon is a disgusting variant of the Hellcannon, which replaces the enslaved fire Daemon with a foul servant of Nurgle, the Chaos God of plague and decay. Only a truly perverse Sorcerer would build or use a Daemonic Engine so capable of corrupting its surroundings. Indeed, anything and everything around a Bilecannon soon begins to rot into a foetid mulch, and even the Chaos Dwarfs who crew it bear foul lesions and other disfigurements. The only Sorcerer Lord insane enough to use Bilecannons in any numbers was Dorgor the Twisted whose army of masked Warriors and mutated Slaves carved a swathe across the Eastern Steppes some centuries ago. It was said that Dorgor was finally defeated when one of his Bilecannons exploded, releasing the Nurgle Daemon inside and triggering a full scale Daemonic incursion. Despite this, Bilecannons are still built by some determined Daemonsmiths and they are formidable engines of destruction. Bilecannons are constantly surrounded by a miasma of diseased smog and flies, exude a disgusting poisoned ooze and their corrupted ammunition has the power to mutate and disfigure anything it doesn't kill in the initial blast. A Bilecannon is a Daemonic Engine with the Foul Excretion, Smog and Warpfire Daemonic Upgrades.


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DAEMONHAMMER TRI-CANNON 240 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Daemonhammer Tri-Cannon 6 4 3 5 6 6 1 3 5 Monster Chaos Dwarfs - 4 3 3 - - 2 1 9 - Daemonsmith - 4 3 3 - - 2 2 9 -

The Daemonhammer Tri-Cannon may be taken as a Rare Unit choice. Unit Size: 1 Daemonic Engine and 3 Chaos Dwarf crew

Equipment (Chaos

Dwarfs and Daemonsmith


Hand weapon

Options: May upgrade one Chaos Dwarf to a Daemonsmith ......60 points

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon


Large Target


Living Artillery

Chaos Dwarf Crew

Daemonic Backlash

Daemonic Barrage


SHATTERBEAST 370 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Shatterbeast 6 4 3 6 6 8 1 5 4 Monster Chaos Dwarfs - 4 3 3 - - 2 1 9 - Daemonsmith - 4 3 3 - - 2 2 9 - The Shatterbeast may be taken as a Rare Unit choice.

Unit Size: 1 Daemonic Engine and 6 Chaos Dwarf crew

Equipment (Chaos

Dwarfs and Daemonsmith


Hand weapon


May upgrade one Chaos Dwarf to a Daemonsmith ......60 points

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon (3D6 Rampage)


Large Target


Living Artillery

Chaos Dwarf Crew

Daemonic Backlash

S3 Breath Weapon

4+ armour save

5+ ward save

Impact Hits (D6)

The Sorcerer Lord Xandor Bloodbreath ordered the creation of the mighty Daemonhammer Tri-Cannon by his Daemonsmiths. This devastating machine is a highly unstable creation bound with the warring spirits of three Daemons. Kept in a perpetual state of agitation by their confinement alongside their rivals, the Daemons generate sufficient energy to power not one but three spasming barrels, which hurl Daemonic fire across the battlefield. The barrels are fitted to a huge wheel towards the back of the machine which spins around so that the Daemonhammer's blasts saturate a huge area with a barrage of magical flames. The Daemonhammer Tri-Cannon is a Daemon Engine with the Colossal, Daemonic Barrage and Doomfire

Daemonic Upgrades.

The Shatterbeast is a massive and terrifying Daemonic Engine that came out of the twisted imagination of the Sorcerer-Artisan Ishkur Cinderhat. A rival of Hothgar Daemonbane, Ishkur sought to create a machine even larger and more dangerous than the famous Kolossus – The Shatterbeast was the result, a towering bull-shaped Engine that shook the ground as it walked and crashed into the ranks of the enemy with the force of an avalanche. The Shatterbeast was eventually destroyed at the Battle of Rhinox Pass, and it took the efforts of three Slave Giants to bring it crashing to the ground whereupon it was overwhelmed by a tide of thieving Gnoblars who swiftly stripped it off all valuable metal, much to the delight of Ogre Tyrant Horgus Stonegut. However, Ishkur would have the last laugh as the corrupted iron induced a sense of unnatural avarice in the Ogres and their servants, and Horgus's army tore itself apart several weeks later, fighting each other over scraps of now worthless metal. In his laboratory, Ishkur Cinderhat now plans his latest hideous invention, and rumour has it that it will put even The Shatterbeast to shame. The Shatterbeast is a Daemonic Engine with two levels of the Colossal, Ferocious,

Fiendish Blast, Great Horns, Ironclad, Talisman of Hashut and Thunderous

Charge Daemonic Upgrades. It also has three additional Chaos Dwarf crew.


Page 114: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

SKULLCRACKER 280 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Skullcracker 6 4 3 5 6 6 1 D6+2 5 Monster Chaos Dwarfs - 4 3 3 - - 2 1 9 - Daemonsmith - 4 3 3 - - 2 2 9 -

The Skullcracker may be taken as a Rare Unit choice. Unit Size: 1 Daemonic Engine and 3 Chaos Dwarf crew

Equipment (Chaos

Dwarfs and Daemonsmith


Hand weapon

Options: May upgrade one Chaos Dwarf to a Daemonsmith ......60 points

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon (3D6 Rampage)


Large Target


Living Artillery

Chaos Dwarf Crew

Hellbound Locomotive

Daemonic Backlash

Eruption Cannon

Random Attacks (D6+2)

Impact Hits (D6)

4+ armour save

THUNDERFIRE ROCKET BATTERY 215 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Thunderfire Rocket Battery 6 4 3 5 6 4 1 3 5 Monster Chaos Dwarfs - 4 3 3 - - 2 1 9 - Daemonsmith - 4 3 3 - - 2 2 9 - The Thunderfire Rocket Battery may be taken as a Rare Unit

choice. Unit Size: 1 Daemonic Engine and 3 Chaos Dwarf crew

Equipment (Chaos

Dwarfs and Daemonsmith


Hand weapon


May upgrade one Chaos Dwarf to a Daemonsmith ......60 points

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon


Large Target


Living Artillery

Chaos Dwarf Crew

Daemonic Backlash

Daemonic Barrage

Diabolic Sentience

Death Rockets

The Land Trains that snake their way across the Dark Lands carrying goods and slaves between the far-flung enclaves of the Chaos Dwarfs see plenty of combat and must be well armed in order to fend off raids from greenskins and Ogres, but they are primarily machines of industry and commerce and not manoeuvrable enough for use on campaign by Chaos Dwarf warbands. Nonetheless, many Warlords have sought to capture the raw power of the Land Trains' steam engines for a machine of war and the Skullcracker is the result of this. Essentially the front locomotive car of a Land Train, a Skullcracker is powered by Daemonic energy in order to both increase its speed and remove the logistical problem of having a ready supply of coal to keep it functioning. Of course, the sacrifice is reliability, as a Skullcracker is as likely to suffer a catastrophic magical backlash as any other Daemonic Engine. The front of a Skullcracker is fitted with a fearsome array of hammers, drills and spikes that pulverise the ranks of the foe, as well as a monstrous Eruption Cannon that saturates victims with Daemonfire. A Skullcracker is a Daemonic Engine upgraded to an Infernal Locomotive with

the Colossal, Eruption Cannon, Ferocious, Ironclad, Thunderous Charge and

Whirling Blades Daemonic Upgrades.

Thundefire Rocket Batteries are massive platforms fitted with several rows of Death Rockets, each as large as a Hellcannon's barrel and bound with a Daemon that guides its flight. Unlike most Daemonic Engines, the hellishly imbued ammunition of the Thunderfire Rocket Battery is not powered by an enslaved entity, but by one induced to inhabit the rocket by bribes and pacts. These Daemons are willingly imprisoned, knowing that their destructive steeds will cause untold horror when they land, and that they can then return to the Realm of Chaos, gorged on suffering and death. Thunderfire Rocket Batteries are popular armaments for Chaos Dwarf battlebarges where they frequently take up the entire foredeck of even a large ironclad ship. A Thunderfire Rocket Battery is a Daemonic Engine with the Daemonic Barrage, Death Rockets and Diabolic

Sentience Daemonic Upgrades.


Page 115: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

DEATH ZEPPELIN 354 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type Death Zeppelin 6 4 3 5 6 8 1 5 5 Monster Chaos Dwarfs - 4 3 3 - - 2 1 9 - Daemonsmith - 4 3 3 - - 2 2 9 -

The Death Zeppelin may be taken as a Rare Unit choice. Unit Size: 1 Daemonic Engine and 8 Chaos Dwarf crew

Equipment (Chaos

Dwarfs and Daemonsmith


Hand weapon

Blunderbuss (Chaos

Dwarfs only)

Options: May upgrade one Chaos Dwarf to a Daemonsmith ......57 points

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon


Large Target


Living Artillery

Chaos Dwarf Crew

Daemonic Backlash

Daemonic Barrage

Infernal Shells

4+ armour save


DAEMON TOWER 330 points Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type

Daemon Tower 6 4 3 5 6 8 1 5 5 Monster Chaos Dwarfs - 4 3 3 - - 2 1 9 - Daemonsmith - 4 3 3 - - 2 2 9 - The Daemon Tower may be taken as a Rare Unit choice.

Unit Size: 1 Daemonic Engine and 8 Chaos Dwarf crew

Equipment (Chaos

Dwarfs and Daemonsmith


Hand weapon

Options: May upgrade one

Chaos Dwarf to a Daemonsmith ......60 points

Special Rules:

Bound Daemon


Large Target


Living Artillery

Chaos Dwarf Crew

Daemonic Backlash


4+ armour save

Impact Hits (D6)

The Chaos Dwarfs have made many experiments with creating flying machines to supplement the abilities of Great Tauruses and other Daemonic Constructs, but the dream is to create a machine of sufficient size and power to transport warriors to the battlefield or to mount an artillery piece. The closest they have come is the so-called Death Zepplin, an airship that levitates with the aid of a lighter-than-air balloon. The western Dwarfs have made similar strides in airship technology, but these have proven unstable. With the help of Daemon-forged materials, the Chaos Dwarfs' Death Zeppelin is less liable to crash or burst into flames, but with the usual caveat that daemonic technology carries its own unique risks. Even so, the Death Zeppelin is very much a prototype and has yet to prove itself in war. It carries a crew of Stormcallers who provide close-range fire to protect the Zeppelin and a massive payload of heavy shells to rain down destruction on unsuspecting enemies. The Death Zepplin is a Daemonic Engine upgraded to a Skyscourge and with two levels of the Colossal, Daemonic

Barrage, Infernal Shells and Ironclad Daemonic Upgrades. It also has five additional Chaos Dwarf crew armed

with blunderbusses.

Along with Hellcannons, Daemon Towers are amongst the most commonly seen Daemonic Engines. They are a simple concept: a siege tower driven by a Daemon-powered engine rather than needing to be pushed by soldiers or slaves. Chaos Dwarfs have no shortage of captives to haul a siege tower into place of course, but experience demonstrated that this made them too vulnerable, as their enemies learned to neutralise the labouring slaves and leave the towers stranded in the open. Chaos Dwarfs use Daemon Towers to storm enemy fortresses and they mount a mortar to hammer fortifications during their inexorable advance, which is made possible by the huge spiked roller mounted on the front of the Tower. This fearsome Deathgrinder makes a mockery of any fortifications placed around a castle and is equally effective at crushing enemy troops in its path. The design for the Daemon Tower has arguably been perfected by Hothgar Daemonbane who built two awesome edifices he called Doom Engines for Lord Mortkin's Chaos horde during his brief exile. These huge machines were taller than most fortress towers and although relatively primitive so that they could be operated by their human owners they nonetheless proved extremely decisive weapons in Mortkin's invasion of Ostland. The Daemon Tower is a Daemonic Engine upgraded to a Deathgrinder and with two levels of the Colossal, Ironclad

and Thunderous Charge Daemonic Upgrades. It also has five additional Chaos Dwarf crew.


Page 116: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs


LORDS M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type Page SPECIAL M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type Page Astragoth 3 4 3 5 5 3 3 2 10 In(SC) 62 Immortal 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 1 9 In 40

Ghorth the Cruel 0 4 3 4 5 4 1 1 10 In(SC) 60 - Baneguard 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 2 9 In

- Black Throne 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 5 9 - Acolyte 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 In 41

Lord Bhaal 8 7 3 5 5 4 5 5 10 MB(SC) 63 - Khazn 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9 In

Sorcerer Lord 0 4 3 4 5 3 1 1 10 In 36 Wolf Rider 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 6 Ca 43

- Palanquin 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 4 9 In 51 - Khan 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 6 Ca

Warlord 3 7 4 4 5 3 4 4 10 In 37 - Giant Wolf 9 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 3 -

Zhatan the Black 3 8 4 4 5 4 4 4 10 In 61 Petrified Sorcerer 3 * 0 * 4 6 2 4 9 In 56

Black Orc 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 8 In 54 HEROES M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type Page - Black Orc Boss 4 5 3 4 4 1 2 2 8 In

Bull Centaur Elder 8 6 3 5 5 3 4 4 9 MB 51 Ogre 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 7 MI 55

Despot 3 6 4 4 5 2 3 3 9 In 37 - Ogre Berserker 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 4 7 MI

Ghuz Slavetaker 3 6 4 4 5 2 3 3 9 In (SC) 67 Daemonic


6 4 0 5 5 3 3 2 8 MB 50

Gorduz 4 5 3 4 4 2 3 3 7 Ca(SC) 68 Mortal Engine - - - - 7 2 - - - WM 52

- Giant Wolf 9 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 3 - - Slave 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 -



3 4 3 3 4 2 2 2 9 In (SC) 64 - Chaos Dwarf

- Ogre Loader





















Rykarth 3 6 4 4 5 2 3 3 9 In(SC) 65

Sorcerer 3 4 3 3 4 2 2 1 9 In 36 RARE M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type Page Volgar the Mad 3 4 3 3 4 2 2 1 9 In (SC) 66 Altar of Hashut - - - - 7 9 - - - WM 57

- Daemonsmith 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 - CORE M WS BS S T W I A Ld Type Page - Slave 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 -

Warrior 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 In 38 Ancestor Golem 6 4 0 6 6 6 1 4 10 Mo 69

- Ironguard 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9 In Bull Centaur 8 5 3 4 4 2 3 3 9 MB 51

Stormcaller 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 In 39 - Guardian 8 5 3 4 4 2 3 4 9 MB

- Stormguard 3 4 4 3 4 1 2 1 9 In Doom Harness 2D6 - 0 6 5 4 - * 10 Un 58

Slave 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 In 42 Daemonic Engine 6 4 3 5 6 3 1 3 5 Mo 44

Brute 4 3 2 3 4 1 2 1 5 In - Chaos Dwarf - 4 3 3 - - 2 1 9 -

Hobgoblin 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 6 In - Daemonsmith - 4 3 3 - - 2 2 9 -

- Driver 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 6 In

DAEMONIC UPGRADES SUMMARY Colossal: +2 Wounds, Large Target, Terror, troop type becomes Monster. Daemonic Barrage: Stone thrower hits may re-roll failed rolls to wound. Death Rockets: Stone thrower shots scatter 4D6" if a hit & misfire is rolled.

Diabolic Sentience: Can re-roll scatter dice. Doomfire: Stone thrower shots are Strength 5(10). Eruption Cannon: Shoots as fire thrower instead of stone thrower. Ferocious: +2 Attacks, -1 Leadership. Has Random Movement (3D6) when Rampaging. Fiendish Blast: Strength 3 Breath Weapon. Flaming Hide: Flaming Attacks and Blessing of Hashut.

Foul Excretion: Poisoned Attacks. Great Horns: +1 Strength. Immortal Hunger: Hatred in every combat round. Infernal Shells: Stone thrower shots gain movement disruption effect. Ironclad: 4+ armour save, or +3 armour save for ridden Daemonic Construct without Colossal. Obsidian Flesh: Magic Resistance (1). Razor Claws: Killing Blow.

Smog: Enemies have -1 to hit with missiles and -1 WS when in close combat. Talisman of Hashut: 5+ ward save. Thunderous Charge: Impact Hits (D6). Unnatural Resilience: Regeneration Warpfire: Units hit by stone thrower attack take Panic test with -1 penalty. Whirling Blades: Random Attacks (D6).

Troop Type Key: In = Infantry, WB = War Beast, Ca = Cavalry, MI = Monstrous

Infantry, MB = Monstrous Beast, MC = Monstrous Cavalry, Mo = Monster, Ch =

Chariot, SC = Special Character, SW = Swarm, Un = Unique, WM = War



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Page 118: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs
Page 119: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs
Page 120: [ENG - 6th] Warhammer Chaos Dwarfs

A Warhammer Armies supplement for

The Game of Fantasy Battles

You will need a copy of Warhammer

to use the contents of this book.

6 5316266 443210 >


The Chaos Dwarfs are slavers and industrialists without compare.

From their foul and polluted realm in the Dark Lands they plot the

eventual overthrow of the Old World using their legions of heavily

armed and armoured soldiers, their hordes of wretched greenskin

slaves and their half-sentient Daemonically possessed war machines.

Combining the unyielding character and cunning artifice of the

Dwarfs with evil sorcery and numerous expendable troops, the

Chaos Dwarfs are a threat – and a challenge – like no other.

Inside you will find: A bestiary describing every unit,

monster, hero and war machine in the


An army list to arrange you collection

of miniatures into a battle-ready force.

A showcase of the expertly painted

range of Chaos Dwarfs miniatures.

Warhammer: Chaos Dwarfs is one of a series of

supplements for Warhammer. Each book in the series

describes in detail an army, its history and its heroes.