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Chris Llewellyn Smith Director of Energy Research Oxford University President SESAME Council The Energy Challenge

Energy Challenge

Dec 10, 2015




Document revealing the Energy challenges in the current world and what are the possible impacts of lack of energy and how to mitigate these challenges
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Page 1: Energy Challenge

Chris Llewellyn SmithDirector of Energy Research Oxford University

President SESAME Council

The Energy Challenge

Page 2: Energy Challenge

■ The biggest challenge of the 21st century

- provide sufficient food, water, and energy to allow

everyone on the planet to live decent lives, in the face

of rising population*, the threat of climate change, and

declining fossil fuels

* Today nearly 7 billion, over 50% living in big cites

Later in the century 9 to 10 billion, 80% in big cities

Introduction 1

■ Energy is a necessary (but not sufficient) means

to meet this challenge

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Introduction 2Scale of challenge

• International Energy Agency ‘new scenario’

- assumes successful implementation of all agreed national policies and announced commitments designed to save energy and reduce use of fossil fuels

Projections for 2008-35:

Energy use* + 35%, fossil fuels + 24%

- almost all from developing countries

* nuclear + 79%, hydro + 72%, wind up 13-fold , …

• BP thinks energy use will rise 40% in 2010-30

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Talk addresses global situation, but note special problem in UK where

44% of current electricity generating capacity is due to close by 2020:

Note:Graph = capacity

Average output ~ 44 GW

Output (2007):

Gas 42%

Coal 35%

Nuclear 16%

Hydro 2.3%

Bio 2.0%

Wind 1.3%

Oil 1.2%

Waste 0.8%

Introduction 3

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� The world uses a lot of energy, very unevenly

at a rate of 16.3 TW

Per person in kW: World - 2.4

USA -10.3, UK - 4.6, China - 2.0, Bangladesh - 0.21

Note: electricity generation only uses ~ 35% of primary power

but this fraction can/will rise

� World energy use expected to increase ~ 40% by 2030Increase needed to lift billions out of poverty in the developing world

� 80% of the world’s primary energy is generated by burning fossil fuels (oil, coal, gas) which is

- causing potentially catastrophic climate change, and horrendous pollution

- unsustainable as they won’t last forever

Energy Facts

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1.6 billion people (~ 25% of the world’s population) lack electricity:

Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2006

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For world energy use per person to reach today’s level in

• The USA - total world energy use would have to increase by a factor of 4.3 (5.9 when world population reaches 9 billion)

• The UK - total world energy use would have to increase by a factor of 1.9 (2.6 when world population reaches 9 billion)

This is not possible

There will have to be changes of expectations in both the developed and the developing world, and we must seek to use energy more efficiently and develop new clean sources

Energy InequalityResidential consumption of electricity: 790 million people in sub-Saharan Africa (excluding S Africa) use about the same amount as 19.5 million in New York State

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Sources of Energy

���� World’s primary energy supply:

Approx. thermal equivalent: Rounded:

81.3% - fossil fuels* 77.7% 80%

10.0% - combustible renewables & waste 9.6% 10%

5.8% - nuclear 5.5% 5%

2.2% - hydro 6.3% 5%

0.7% - geothermal, solar, wind,... 0.9% 1%

* 42% oil, 33% coal, 26% natural gas

Note: energy mix very varied, e.g.

In China: Coal → 64% of primary energy; gas – only 3%

This is (part of) the explanation for the very large number of premature deaths caused by

air pollution in China. Annual figures (WHO 2007):

Globally - 2 million deaths, China 650,000, India - 530,000, USA - 41,000

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Timescale for the end of fossil fuelsSaudi saying: “My father rode a camel. I drive a car. My son flies a plane. His son will ride a camel”. Is this true?

� Peak in production of Conventional oil is ‘likely to occur before 2030’ and there is a

‘significant risk’ that it will occur before 2020

Production will then fall ~ (2-4)% (?) p.a.

• ‘Unconventional’ oil (heavy oil, oil shale, tar sands) → 2% today → 7% (IEA) 2030 →

could produce a second oil age

Extraction currently expanding too slowly to significantly mitigate a post early-peak decline in conventional – but this could be changed by new technologies, e.g. in-situ production of hydro-carbons from shale oil

→ serious environmental damage

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Timescale for the end of fossil fuels (cont)

■ Gas – conventional gas estimated to last ~ 130 years

with current use (73 years with [IEA] 1.5% growth)

but huge expansion expected for unconventional (shale, tight, coal-bed methane) gas adds ~ 130 years, and has transformed world gas outlook & markets

■ Coal – “enough for over 200 years*” with current use

(83 years with [IEA] 1.9% p.a. growth)

*being questioned (see Nature 18/11/10, page 367)

Note: 1) Growth in gas and coal will increase as oil become scarce 2) Huge quantities of methyl hydrates

Conclusions:• Need to prepare for increasing oil price

• Fossil fuels are able (and likely) to continue to play a dominant role for many decades

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Fossil Fuel Use

- a brief episode in the world’s history

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Timescale to avoid climate change� If CO2 emissions stop

Huge uncertainties, but some recent work → new ocean/atmosphere equilibrium at 20%-40% of peak in a few (tens of?) centuries. Then uptake as calcium carbonate (thousands of years) & igneous rock (hundreds of thousands of years)

Most of the remaining fossil fuels will be burned in ~ 100 years unless we can develop large-scale cost-competitive alternatives

Meanwhile the only action we can take to avoid climate change:

� Carbon Capture and Storage**capture and burial of CO2 from power

stations and large industrial plants, which

must stay buried for thousands of years!

should be developed as a matter of urgency and (if feasible and safe)

rolled out on the largest possible scale (easy to say, but harder to do as it

will put up the cost)

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� Carbon Capture and Storage (if feasible and safe)

� Reduce energy use/improve efficiency

- can reduce the growth in world energy use, and save a lot of money, but unlikely to reduce total use, assuming continued rise in living standards in the developing world

� Develop and expand low carbon energy sources

- need everything we can sensibly get, but without major contributions from solar and/or nuclear (fission and/or fusion) it will not be possible to replace the 13.3 TW currently provided by fossil fuels

� Devise economic tools and ensure the political will to make this happen

Necessary Actions

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Use of Energy, Demand Reduction &

Energy Efficiency■ End Use (rounded)

≈ 25% industry

≈ 25% transport

≈ 50% built environment ≈ 30% domestic in UK(private, industrial, commercial)

■ Demand reduction - better design & planning, changes of lifestyle

■ Substantial efficiency gains possible, e.g.

- raise world average thermal power plant efficiency from ~ 33% to 45%

- better insulated buildings

- more efficient lighting

- more efficient internal combustion engines → hybrids → batteries → fuel cells

Huge scope & considerable progress but demand is rising faster

Efficiency is a key component of the solution, but cannot meet the energy

challenge on its own

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Key Role of Regulation

End of mandatory Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards

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Low Carbon Energy SourcesWhat can replace the 13.3 TW (rising) from fossil fuels?

Maximum practical additional potentials*(thermal equivalent):

• Wind 3 TW (50 x today)

• Hydro 2 TW (2x today)

• Bio 1 TW (2/3 of today)

• ‘Enhanced’ geothermal 0.9 TW (70 x today)

• Marine 0.1 TW (500 x today)

We should expand these sources as much as we reasonably can

- easy to say, but harder to do as they are more expensive than fossil fuels



But they cannot provide enough to replace fossil fuel

Will need major contributions from solar, nuclear fission or fusion

* very location dependent: the UK has 40% of Europe’s wind potential and is well placed for tidal and waves; there is big hydro potential in the Congo;…

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Solar - today → 0.54 GWe out of 2,270 GWe total

Enormous potential, but needs cost reduction, storage, and transmission in order to be a big player

� Photovoltaics (hydrogen storage?)

Currently* $25c/kW-hr

→ 5 in 2050 (IEA)???

� Concentration (thermal storage + fossil- or bio- fuelled furnace)

Currently* $20c/kW-hr

→ 5 in 2030 (IEA)??

*large scale in very

good conditions

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Nuclear- should be expanded dramatically now

■ New generation of reactors

Fewer components, passive safety, less waste, more proliferation resistant, lower down time and lower costs

■ Looking to the future, need to consider

• Problems/limitations

- proliferation: mainly a political issue

- safety: mainly a problem of perception → next slide

- waste: problem technically solved – issue is volume

- uranium resources: think (?) enough for 475 years with current use + today’s reactors: 80 years if nuclear → 100% of today’s electricity

• Options → later

Aims: less waste, prolong nuclear age (more energy/kg of uranium or use thorium as fuel), greater proliferation resistance,...

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Nuclear Safety Record

• Three Mile Island (1979) – no deaths

• Chernobyl (1986)

134 suffered high radiation doses. 28 died in a few months. By 2006 19 more had died – from ‘causes not normally associated with radiation’

In ‘contaminated region’ (in Belarus, RF, Ukraine):

Increase in thyroid cancer in children (6,000 cases 1986-1991: could have been prevented by taking iodine tablets): 15 deaths up to 2005

Because of ‘uncertainties in the predictions’ the UN Committee decided not to project numbers in populations exposed to low doses*, BUT

average dose (from caesium-137) was approximately equal to that from a computer tomography scan

Major social and economic impact + great stress (‘paralysing fatalism’)

* But some ‘predictions’ given earlier using the (discredited: see W Allison, Radiation and Reason) Linear No Threshold assumption →

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With Linear No Threshold assumption

• IAEA (2006) stated* in relation to Chernobyl

“This might eventually represent up to four thousand fatal cancer deaths in addition to the approximately 100,000 cancers expected due to all other causes in this population”

*although according to ICRP (2007) “calculation of the number of cancer deaths

based on collective doses from individual doses should be avoided”

• 1 GW coal power station in W Europe kills (10 year loss of life) ~ 300 pa: in 40 year life time → 12,000 deaths (LNT OK?)

For comparison:

• Official coal mining deaths in China* ~ 6,000/year (~ 80% of world total)

• Per kW-hr, on average hydro (breaking dams) kills ~ 2.5 times as many as coal mining (Data for 1976-1992, compiled by WNA)

• Bhopal (1984): 3,800 deaths

• Road deaths: over 1 million deaths p.a. globally (per 100,00 population: 3.6 – UK, 6.9 France, 12.3 USA)

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Fukushima (March 2011)

Too early to draw all lessons and assess full impact, but

1. Precautions could have been much better, but seems accident will not cause many, if any, deaths (how many killed by burning oil refineries & leaking gas?)

2. No long-term effects on the surrounding areas, provided the government takes appropriate action to clean soil and groundwater; no long term effects in the sea; immediate site at plant essentially unusable site, possibly for decades

3. Disruption and stress caused by over-reaction

4. May change attitudes: anti-nuclear surges in France and Germany. But recent poles suggest no change of attitudes in the UK, while G Monbiot: “Fukushima made me stop worrying and love nuclear power”

5. Causing a pause in nuclear plans pending safety reviews

6. Likely to put up the cost of nuclear power (additional safety measures + maybe cost of borrowing)

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Future Nuclear Options• Recycle in conventional reactors

+ 30% more energy/kg + reduce waste volume by factor 2 or 3

- slightly increased risk of proliferation & from waste streams

• Fast Breeder Reactors – burn Plutonium ‘bred’ from 238U

[238U constitutes 99.3% of natural U: not major energy source in conventional reactors]

+ 100xenergy/kg; less waste + can burn waste from conventional reactors

- less safe; more expensive; large Plutonium inventory

To breed enough Pu from one reactor to start another takes ~ 12 years

• Thorium - burn 233U bred from thorium

+ lot more Th than 235U; less waste + can burn waste from conventional reactors and Pu stock piles; more proliferation resistant

- cannot breed enough excess 233U from one reactor to start another: need PU, highly enriched U core, or accelerator driven system, for start-up

Should develop fast breeders and thorium reactors now (before they become mandatory)

Expect a ‘Mixed economy’: conventional reactors + burn waste by having some Fast Breeder or Thorium reactors, or Accelerator Driven waste burners

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FUSIONpowers the sun and stars

and a controlled ‘magnetic confinement’ fusion experiment at the Joint European Torus(JET in the UK) has (briefly) produced 16 MW of fusion power

so it works


The big question is- when can it be made to work

reliably and economically, on the scale of a power station?

First: why is it taking so long?

Technically very challenging → why bother?

Cannot demonstrate on a small scale; inadequate funding

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Basic Fusion Process

Deuterium from water

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� Raw fuels are lithium and water

Enough lithium for millions of years (water for billions)

� Lithium in one laptop battery + 40 litres of water

used to fuel a fusion power station

would provide 200,000 kW-hours =

per capita electricity production in the UK for 30 years

in an intrinsically safe manner with no CO2 or long-lived waste,

at what appears will be a reasonable cost

Sufficient reason to develop fusion power, unless/until we find a barrier

70 tonnes

Why bother?

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• Aim – demonstrate/test integrated physics and engineering ( tritium generation,

power conversion,…) in a burning plasma on the scale of a power station, with energy out at least ½ GW= 10x energy in

• Construction beginning

• Operation should start in 2019. Burning plasma ~ 2027

Next Step: Build ITER (2xsize of JET)

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Timetable to a Demonstrator Power Plant (DEMO)

• Build ITER ~ 10 years + Operate ~ 10 years

• In parallel*intensified work on materials work for walls + further development of

fusion technologies + design work on DEMO:

• Assuming no major adverse surprises, ready to stat building DEMO in ~ 20 years

• Power from DEMO to the grid in ~ 30 years

• ‘Commercial’ fusion power (cost projections look OK) ~ middle of the century

* This work is currently not being funded adequately so, like previous timetables, this one looks set to be wrong – for the same reason

Conclusions on fusion• I believe it will be possible to make a fusion power station, although I’m not sure when/whether it will be possible to make it reliable and competitive (with what?)

• I am absolutely certain that the world must pursue fusion development as rapidly and effectively as reasonably possible (no point doing it badly)

- the potential is enormous

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Could what is available add up to a ‘solution’?


- Demand reduction (better design and planning)

- Increased efficiency: most obvious steps save money (see next slide)why’s it not happening?

- Technology development

- All known low carbon sources pushed to the limit (including much more nuclear)

- Public willingness to pay more before the lights to out in order to reduce CO2 and prevent lights going out

- Political will globally to put up cost up through carbon tax or credits + impose strong regulations

+ While we are willing/able to use fossil fuels

- Carbon capture and storage (if feasible) pushed to the limit


- Lots of (advanced) nuclear, solar and fusion (if feasible)

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Final Conclusions■ Huge increase in energy use expected; large increase needed to lift world out of


■ Challenge of meeting demand in an environmentally responsible manner is enormous

■ No silver bullet - need a portfolio approach

All sensible measures: more wind, hydro, biofuels, marine, and

particularly: demand reduction, increased efficiency, more nuclear, CCS[?]

and in longer term: more solar, advanced nuclear fission, and fusion [?]

� Huge R&D agenda - needs more resources (to be judged on the ~ $5 trillion p.a. scale of the world energy market + $400 billion p.a. subsidies for fossil fuels)

� Need financial incentives - carbon price, and regulation

� Political will (globally) - targets no use on their own

The time for action is now

Malthusian “solution” if we fail?