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Pez-Rez 10 Day Energy Challenge! Lacking the energy you need to live the life you want to lead? Get Your Va Va Voom Back!

Energy Challenge! - Lani · 2015-04-15 · foods serve ‘empty’ calories. They contain very little nutritional value, vitamins, minerals or fibre. • Caffeine: I don’t

Jun 03, 2020



Welcome message from author
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Page 1: Energy Challenge! - Lani · 2015-04-15 · foods serve ‘empty’ calories. They contain very little nutritional value, vitamins, minerals or fibre. • Caffeine: I don’t


10 DayEnergy Challenge!

Lacking the energy you need to live the life you want to lead?

Get Your Va Va Voom Back!

Page 2: Energy Challenge! - Lani · 2015-04-15 · foods serve ‘empty’ calories. They contain very little nutritional value, vitamins, minerals or fibre. • Caffeine: I don’t


© L




Hi Everyone!It’s Lani here welcoming you to my Pez-Rez™ 10 Day Energy Challenge.

Many of you may already be enjoying the feel-good effects of my Dynamised Pez-Rez™ Resveratrol, but did you know

a short, simple, booster course can put a spring in your step this winter?

I’m guessing here, but I’m almost certain you’d agree that that’s something a lot of us sorely need when the

temperature drops. In the pages ahead let me outline the simple guidelines of the challenge for you.

Trust me, you won’t find it too much of a chore. All you need to do is arm yourself with a couple of bottles of Pez-Rez™, some nutrient rich foods, a little exercise and

put some tools in place to encourage good quality sleep.

Page 3: Energy Challenge! - Lani · 2015-04-15 · foods serve ‘empty’ calories. They contain very little nutritional value, vitamins, minerals or fibre. • Caffeine: I don’t

1 = not so good

10 = feeling fantastic!


© L




This challenge is 10 days dedicated to upping your energy levels. I’ve designed the programme to arm you with plenty of get-up-and-go and help prevent exhaustion. A lack of energy can be due to all sorts of reasons: not enough sleep, overwork, burning the candle, too much alcohol, a nutrient deficient diet, and that modern day malady - ‘burn-out’*.

Energy is a one of life’s essentials. When you’re lost your oomph it can feel like a rapid downward spiral, and if it’s the precursor to exhaustion that’s exactly where the roller coaster will take you. Down. The good news is you can keep that sort of disaster at bay. Conquering a loss of energy and – ultimately burn out - reduces your risk of heart disease, obesity, insomnia, anxiety and an impaired immunity that can cause months of nose-dripping colds and flu.

Directions for the Pez-Rez™

10 Day Energy Challenge

Take three capsules in the morning with or without food for the next 10 days. Enjoying your energy? After 10 days you can take one to three capsules as needed.

NB: For optimum absorption, Pez-Rez™ is best taken in the morning before breakfast, but if you forget don’t panic. You can still take it at anytime through the day or night.

Each day, write down your energy level on a basis of 1-10. To get the best out of the challenge follow my simple tips on eating, exercise and sleep.

ResveRaTRoL 125mg

What is thePez-Rez™

10 DayEnergy Challenge?

Burn-out (noun)

Exhaustion of physical or emotional stress or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress, overwork or frustration.

Page 4: Energy Challenge! - Lani · 2015-04-15 · foods serve ‘empty’ calories. They contain very little nutritional value, vitamins, minerals or fibre. • Caffeine: I don’t


© L




How Does Pez-Rez™ Support Your Energy?My formulated double-dose Resveratrol comes from a naturally occurring polyphenolic compound called trans-resveratrol found in Japanese Knotweed. each Pez-Rez™ capsule contains 125mg of Resveratrol.

Trans-Resveratrol supports our energy levels. It gives the mitochondria – the battery packs of our cells - the support it needs to function. We need the va va voom to do more and rev up our energy output and endurance. Energy has the added benefit of assisting our metabolism and weight.

BoNUs: The antioxidant power of the green tea, Chinese hawthorn and turmeric within the blend adds to our energy levels and buoys up our circulation, heart & liver function support.

TIP: Take a break. It might seem like basic stuff, but how often do you soldier on getting the job done? Goodness knows, we’ve all been guilty of it at some stage. The irony is, if you take a mini-break, get up, stand up and walk around for a few minutes – walk for a break or to the letterbox – you’ll come back and be more productive. It’s about moving and giving your brain a wee rest stop.

Page 5: Energy Challenge! - Lani · 2015-04-15 · foods serve ‘empty’ calories. They contain very little nutritional value, vitamins, minerals or fibre. • Caffeine: I don’t


© L




Eat For Energy...

Nutrient lift Supply your body with extra nutrients to help with detoxing the liver and improving energy levels.

DRINK: Take these in addition to your breakfast.• 1 glass of fresh vegetable juice

(carrot, celery, spinach, or fruit juice (cranberry, grape, pear, pineapple).

• Or add 1 tsp of Spirulina to vegetable or fruit juice

• Or take a multivitamin, mineral formula.

EAT: • Fresh (organic if possible) vegetables and fruit, especially citrus fruits that supply vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Try three pieces of fruit and 2-4 cups of vegetables daily.

• Breakfast alternative: Blend 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder with 1/2 a banana, 1 tsp of flax oil, 1 tblsp of LSA powder (crushed linseed, almond and sunflower seed available from health food stores) and 1 cup of soy, almond, rice or low fat coconut milk.

• Protein: Consume adequate amounts of lean protein either from defatted meat or vegetable protein. Aim for 100-150g of protein three to four times per day. To avoid having excessive amounts of animal protein in your diet try grains (rice, chickpea, couscous) or beans. Halve the meat quota and add refried beans to mince meat for a Mexican dish or chickpeas to a tuna casserole and dhal (legumes) to a chicken meal for tasty dishes.

Good nutrition is a fundamental tool for optimum health and energy and I always suggest some basic recommendations. However, if you find yourself filing that in the too hard basket I suggest you begin by trying just one nutrition principle, and then increasing it to two and so on. For example eat breakfast and don’t miss that 3pm snack either. They both help with your energy levels. Pretty soon you should be feeling an increased sense of wellbeing, have lost excess weight and have a lot more energy.


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© L




Eat For Energy...• Starchy carbohydrates: Choose 150g three times daily, or a mixture of either; Bananas, beetroot, bulgur wheat, carrots, corn, couscous, kumara, legumes, lentils, pasta, peas, potatoes (avoid green potatoes), pumpkin, rice (brown, white, wild).

• Breads: Two toast size slices of wholegrain bread

• Cereals: Half a cup of rolled oats, or two wheat biscuits, or one cup of cornflakes or bran flakes.

• Crackers: Four crispbreads, rice cakes, Ryvita’s or Vita Wheat’s or one cup of popcorn (no butter).

• If you’re iron deficient add liver into the diet or an iron supplement.

• To help increase Omega 3 levels eat oily fish daily including salmon, tuna and sardines.

• Include healthy fats and oils avocado, olive, flax and coconut oil and reduce saturated animal fat.

• Eat small meals five to six times a day: three main meals and two to three snack size meals.

Eating this way makes you feel satiated, and helps avoid cravings, bad choices, binging and also maintains a steady source of energy through blood sugar balance.

• Consume 8-10 glasses of water daily. Water is the basis of life. It hydrates all of the cells of the body and keeps everything moving. Dehydration depletes energy.

• Whenever possible use fruit and vegetables that are fresh and organically grown, and organic grains and meats. Sometimes that can be difficult, but pesticides, herbicides and food stabilisers are likely to put extra stress on the body.

• For best results I recommend eating raw foods or using steaming, pressure cooking, flash stir-fry cooking, broiling or baking.

• If you’re not into cooking, or are constantly on the run choose a protein bar or sushi over a high sugar muffin, or high fat snack.

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© L




• Refined carbohydrates, sugar, white rice and white flour: these foods serve ‘empty’ calories. They contain very little nutritional value, vitamins, minerals or fibre.

• Caffeine: I don’t just mean coffee here, caffeine is also found in black and green tea, chocolate and cola. It prolongs the action of adrenaline, increases pain and stimulates the action of the heart muscle. I use coffee as a stimulant when I’m tired but try not to become addicted to it. If you must have coffee every day drink a maximum of one to two cups made from ground coffee beans.

• Soft drinks: carbonated drinks are usually high in sugar. I avoid diet drinks as well, but it’s my naturopathic opinion. Try diluted fruit juices instead or as prescribed by your doctor if you are diabetic.

• Alcohol: is part of many people’s lifestyles but offers little nutritional value, in fact it depletes vitamins and minerals robbing the body of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid, calcium, magnesium and zinc. It slows down the brain, nervous system, heart, liver, stomach and kidneys. It increases urination, acting as a diuretic, depleting electrolytes and in the long term can cause the liver to become fatty leading to poor liver function, high blood pressure and high cholesterol and can lead to diabetes, psychological dependence and alcoholism.

• Processed foods: limit your intake of these types of foods. Try to prepare meals from whole foods starting from scratch. Processed foods include processed meats, cheese and artificial components that have been added to foods.


The No-No ListWhile You’re on thePez-Rez™

10 DayEnergy Challenge

TIP: if you’ve overdone the alcohol take two capsules of Pez-Rez™

before bed and two capsules in the morning on waking.

The No-No List!

• Refined carbohydrates,

sugar, white rice

and white flour.

• Caffeine

• Soft drinks

• Alcohol

• Processed foods

Page 8: Energy Challenge! - Lani · 2015-04-15 · foods serve ‘empty’ calories. They contain very little nutritional value, vitamins, minerals or fibre. • Caffeine: I don’t


© L




I love exercise, for me the day doesn’t go as well if I don’t move my body with some form of work out.

Whether it’s pounding the pavement or swimming amongst the waves in the sea, it’s guaranteed to get my heart rate pumping and the blood pounding through my body. It feels wonderful and guess what? It leads to more energy!

Exercise also helps maintain a healthy weight, improves sleep and increases our body’s basal metabolic rate (BMR). It also has powerful feel-good benefits and decreases anxiety and stress. Exercise keeps us fit, strong lean and toned while decreasing the risk for cardiovascular and diabetes disease. It’s really a no brainer isn’t it? If we’re physically capable of exercising we should take advantage of it.

Move it or lose it as they say.

Move Your Body The Next 10 Days: Exercise For Energy

• Do 20-40 minutes of cardiovascular exercise (walking, running, swimming, cycling etc.) on day’s 1,2,6,7 and 8.

• Do 40 minutes of resistance exercise days 4 and 10.

• Use the other days to rest.

• You can resistance train by using free weights, machines, body weight exercises (press ups and lunges), a swiss ball, pilates and yoga.

When your goal is energy it’s all about increasing your metabolism. As you increase your lean muscle mass by weight training, your BMR (Basal metabolic rate) is boosted. Great news! As you increase your lean muscle mass your body burns more calories without having to exercise so you get multi-benefits: energy and weight control among a bouquet of other health and feel-good wins.

Page 9: Energy Challenge! - Lani · 2015-04-15 · foods serve ‘empty’ calories. They contain very little nutritional value, vitamins, minerals or fibre. • Caffeine: I don’t

© L





Four Ways To Enhance Your SleepGetting a good night’s sleep is crucial for your energy and wellbeing. To sleep soundly and wake less often you need:

1. a sleep sanctuary: the bedroom is for sleep and loving only. No TV, laptops, tablets or any gadgets, these prevent our brains relaxing into slower sleep ready cycles.

2. sleep staging: keep your bedroom quiet, dark and at a comfy temperature. If you don’t have black-out curtains, use an eye mask.

3. A sleep routine: establish a restful routine to go through nightly before bed. Use deliberate relaxation, slow your breathing and calm your mind. A few long slow stretches and deep diaphragmatic (this happens when your stomach fills with air) breaths are relaxing.

4. sleep schedule: go to bed when you feel tired. Leave the dishes until the morning, sleep should be a priority.

Sleep For Energy...

Most of us have suffered from insufficient sleep at some stage along with its unpleasant effects such as fatigue, and headaches. Us research estimates that one in five adults have difficulty sleeping and Massey University in Wellington’s Sleep Wake Centre tells us that 37 percent of Kiwi’s rarely or never get enough sleep.

Did you know? If the body doesn’t get enough sleep it can start micro sleeping. This is when the brain goes to sleep without permission or warning.

Sleep’s Most Common Enemies:• Alcohol

• Drugs

• Medication

• Illness

• Sleep apnoea (pauses in breathing)

• Bladder and bowel

trouble (night-time

toilet need)

• Shift-work

• Noise

• Sleep-walking

• Stresscontinued over...

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© L




How Much is Enough?Sleep time begins when we close our eyes and try to sleep, and ends when we wake and get up in the morning. There are various stages of sleep and about half of that time is spent in lighter sleep stages. It is normal to take 30-45 minutes to fall into deep, restorative sleep.

Different people need different amounts. On average children over five sleep eight to nine hours a night, adults seven hours a night, and by the age of 80 many of need as little as five to six hours a night.

Don’t worry, Pez-Rez™ isn’t like some energizers that come in supplement form. It won’t adversely affect your sleep as it doesn’t stimulate your adrenalin. By switching your cell battery packs on you just make energy as you need it.

Sleep For Energy...Good Sleep No-No’s:

• Alcohol, coffee, tea or other

stimulants 4-6 hours before bed.

• Smoking before bed or at night

• Big or spicy meals 2 hours

before bed

• Strenuous exercise just

before bed

• Don’t stay sleepless in bed,

get up and repeat your sleepy

schedule. Don’t work or

watch TV.

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© L




Congratulations!Thank you for signing up to my Pez-Rez™ 10 Day Energy Challenge. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, or don’t feel the programme has upped your energy levels, just give me a call and I’ll give you your money back*.

If you need any support during the Pez-Rez™ 10 Day Energy Challenge don’t hesitate to reach out to me by phoning: 0800 114 115 or (09) 378 8334, Mon-Friday 9-5pm.

You can write to me at PO Box 147-428, Ponsonby, auckland 1144, NZ or email me at [email protected]

I’m here to help.


10 DayEnergy Challenge!

Lani Lopez BHSc, Adv. Dip Nat.

New ZeaLaNd’s favourite Naturopath

*REFunDS & RETuRnS offers a 90-day money back refund or replacement if you are not fully satisfied with Pez-Rez. In order to receive such refund or replacement you must return all unused or partially used products or used containers and the receipt for such order within 90 days from receipt of your order. This refund policy only applies to individual purchases and reserves its right to refuse such refund or replacement if it, in its sole discretion, considers that you are abusing this refund policy. is proudly New Zealand owned and operated by Lani Lopez’s company Healthy Insight Limited.