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Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang

Jul 06, 2018



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  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang




    Retention management remains one of the most relevant and significant topics in

    international Human Resource Management (HRM). The most common explanation for 

    such a significance is that excellent retention management has become a major source of 

    competitive advantage in the modern and rapidly globalizing business orld.

    !t just simply costs too much money to replace even one valuable employee.

    Hence" the main tas# of retention management is tofold. $esides applying the correct

    motivation techni%ues to retain its top talent and maintain a competitive advantage" the

    organization also has to reduce the replacement cost and especially its &soft' component

    (the cost of losing employees' experience" professional expertise" #ey customer 

    relationships" etc.) if or hen an employee does decide to leave.

      Most of the academic literature on retention deals ith general and

    unspecific preventive strategies pertaining mainly to industrial companies. This paper 

    concentrates particularly on the retention techni%ues designed to project the important

    tacit #noledge in rofessional ervices *irms (*s) hich ould help them reducetheir overall replacement costs and increase their competitiveness in the mar#et place.


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  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    H/M01 R23/R42 M01052M21T

    Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function ith in an organization that

    focuses or recruitment of" management of" and providing direction for the people ho

    or# in the organization" human Resource Management can also by performed by line


    Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals ith issues related

    to people such as compensation" hiring" performance management" organization

    development" safety" ellness" benefits" employee motivation" communication"

    administration" and training.

    0dministrative activities associated ith human resources planning" recruitment"

    selection" orientation training" appraisal" motivation" remuneration" etc. Human Resource

    Management aims at developing people through or#.

    • 3rganizations are not mere bric#s" mortar" machineries or inventories. They are

     people. !t is the people ho staff and manage organizations.

    • HRM involves the application of management functions and principles. The

    functions and principles are applied to ac%uisitioning" developing" maintaining"

    and remunerating employees in organizations.

    • 6ecisions relating to employees must be integrated. 6ecisions on different aspects

    of employees must be consistent ith other human resource (HR) decisions.

    • 6ecisions made must influence the effectiveness of an organization. 2ffectiveness

    an organization must result in betterment of services to customers in the form of 

    high7%uality products supplied at reasonable costs.

    • HRM functions are not confined to business establishments only. They are

    applicable to non7business organizations" too" such as education" health care"

    recreation" and the li#e.


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    I&'()*+,')& )& E./) R'&')&

    2mployee Retention involves ta#ing measures to encourage employees to remain in the

    organization for the maximum period of time. 4orporate is facing a lot of problems in

    employee retention these days. Hiring #noledgeable people for the job is essential for 

    an employer. $ut retention is even more important than hiring. There is no dearth of 

    opportunities for a talented person. There are many organizations hich are loo#ing for 

    such employees. !f a person is not satisfied by the job he's doing" he may sitch over to

    some other more suitable job.

    !n today's environment it becomes very important for organizations to retain their 

    employees. The top organizations are on the top because they value their employees and

    they #no ho to #eep them glued to the organization. 2mployees stay and leave

    organizations for some reasons. The reason may be personal or professional. These

    reasons should be understood by the employer and should be ta#en care of. The

    organizations are becoming aare of these reasons and adopting many strategies for 

    employee retention.

      0. 4ompensation

      $. 5roth

    4. upport

    6. Relationship

      2. 2nvironment

    A C)./&56')&

    4ompensation constitutes the largest part of the employee retention process. The

    employees alays have high expectations regarding their compensation pac#ages.

    4ompensation pac#ages vary from industry to industry. o an attractive compensation

     pac#age plays a critical role in retaining the employees.

    4ompensation includes


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    salary and ages" bonuses" benefits" prere%uisites" stoc# options" vacations" etc. :hile

    setting up the pac#ages" the folloing components should be #ept in mind;

    S66( 6&* .)&'7 6 !t is the biggest component of the compensation pac#age. !t

    is also the most common factor of comparison among employees. !t includes

    $asic age

    House rent alloance

    6earness alloance

    4ity compensatory alloance


    5roth and development are the integral part of every individual's career. !f an employee

    can not foresee his path of career development in his current organization" there are

    chances that he'll leave the organization as soon as he gets an opportunity.

    W)(: /(); The or# profile on hich the employee is or#ing should be in

    sync ith his capabilities. The profile should not be too lo or too high.

    P(5)&6 ()'7 6&* *(6.5 2mployees responsibilities in the organization

    should help him achieve his personal goals also. 3rganizations can not #eep aside

    the individual goals of employees and foster organizations goals. 2mployees'

     priority is to or# for them and later on comes the organization. !f he's not

    satisfied ith his groth" he'll not be able to contribute in organization groth.

    T(6&& 6&* *

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    • 4ommunications s#ills

    • Technical s#ills

    • !n7house processes and procedures improvement related s#ills

    • 4 or customer satisfaction related s#ills

    • pecial project related s#ills

     1eed for such training can be recognized from individual performance revies"

    individual meetings" employee satisfaction surveys and by being in constant touch

    ith the employees.

    C S+//)('

    =ac# of support from management can sometimes serve as a reason for 2mployee

    retention. upervisor should support his subordinates in a ay so that each one of them is

    a success. Management should try to focus on its employees and support them not only in

    their difficult times at or# but also through the times of personal crisis. Management

    can support employees by providing them recognition and appreciation.

    2mployers can also provide valuable feedbac# to employees and ma#e them feel valued

    to the organization.

    The feedbac# from supervisor helps the employee to feel more responsible" confident and

    empoered. Top management can also support its employees in their personal crisis by

     providing personal loans during emergencies" childcare services" employee assistance

     programs" counseling services.

    2mployers can also support their employees by creating an environment of trust and

    inculcating the organizational values into employees. Thus employers can support their 

    employees in a number of ays as follos;

    • $y providing feedbac# 


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    • $y giving recognition and reards

    • $y counseling them

    • $y providing emotional support


    ometimes the relationship ith the management and the peers becomes the reason for an

    employee to leave the organization. The management is sometimes not able to provide an

    employee a supportive or# culture and environment in terms of personal or professional

    relationships. There are times hen an employee starts feeling bitterness toards the

    management or peers. This bitterness could be due to many reasons. This decreases

    employee's interest and he becomes de7motivated. !t leads to less satisfaction and

    eventually attrition.

    0 supportive or# culture helps gro employee professionally and boosts employee

    satisfaction. To enhance good professional relationships at or#" the management should

    #eep the folloing points in mind.

    • R5/,' ;)( '7 &*

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    dissatisfied. 2mployees should #no hat the organization expects from them

    and hat their expectation from the organization is. 6eliver hat is promised.

    • P().)' 6& ./) =65* ,+'+(  The employee should #no that the

    organization is there to support him at the time of need. ho them that the

    organization cares and he'll sho the same for the organization. 0n employee

     based culture may include decision ma#ing authority" availability of resources"

    open door policy" etc.

    • I&*6')& &

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    • 4ulture

    • Aalues

    • 4ompany reputation

    • Buality of people in the organization

    • 2mployee development and career groth

    • Ris# ta#ing

    • =eading technologies

    • Trust

    T/5 ); &6')&

    • L6(&& &

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang



     2mployers have a need to #eep employees from leaving and going to or# for other 

    companies. This is true because of the great costs associated ith hiring and retraining

    ne employees. The best ay to retain employees is by providing them ith job

    satisfaction and opportunities for advancement in their careers. The saying" food help is

    hard to find" is even truer these days than ever before because the job mar#et is becoming

    increasingly tight.



  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    • T7 C)5' ); T+(&)

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


      rimary data is collected through a ell structured %uestionnaire circulated among

    sample respondence and through personal intervies ith them.

      ersonal discussions ere held ith the folloing officials to elicit relevant information

    for the purpose of the study.

      S,)&*6( *6'6;

      econdary data as sometimes collected from more than one source.

      The secondary data is collected from the official records of the company" through

     journals" ebsites etc."


    +. tudy is mainly based on corporate data it may not full fill the need.

    ,. =imited #noledge about the study

    -. hort duration of the study" the data presentation may not give the true picture.

    . The data may not be accurate


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang




    Mar# arrott (,@@@) believes that" there is a straight line beteen employee satisfaction

    and customer satisfaction. He believes that today's employees pose a complete ne set of 

    challenges" especially hen business are forced to confront one of the lightest labor 

    mar#ets in decades. Therefore" it is getting more difficult to retain employees" as the pool

    of talent is becoming more7and Fmore tapped7out. The research belo" hich focuses

     primarily on employee retention through job satisfaction" supports this contention.

     2very person ill have his or her on definition of hat it means to be satisfied ith

    their hobs are more productive" creative and be more li#ely to be retained by the



  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


     The second goal of this research is to help readers find his or her definition of job

    satisfaction. ! believe that this compilation of data ill educate and inform the or#ing

    masses to see the benefits of creating or# places that derive more job satisfaction"

    retaining employees and in turn" #eeping our economy healthy and our society happier.

    There is a definite need to analyze the elements of employee retention through job

    satisfaction. 4onsidering the positive effects on the economy that can be derived from

    satisfied7happy employees. romotional materials for presentation can be created" high

    lighting these recommendations for employee satisfaction practices for both employers

    and employees.

    2s#ildsen and 1ussler (,@@@) suggest that employers are fighting to get talented

    employers in order to maintain a prosperous business.

    R'&')& ;6,')(5

    R6&: R'&')& I'.5

    + 4areer groth" learning G development.

    , 2xciting or# G challenge.


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    - Meaningful or#" ma#ing a difference G a


    5reat people

    8 $eing par of a team

    9 5ood boss

    < Recognition for or# ell done

    > *un on the job

    ? 0utonomy" sense of control over or#

    +@ *lexibility7 for example" !n or# hours Gdress code.

    ++ *air pay and benefits.

    +, !nspiring leadership.

    +- ride in orgn" its mission G %uality of product.

    + 5reat or# environment.

    +8 =ocation.


    E./) R'&')&


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


     R'&')& C)./''

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang



    E 7143/R052M21T 016 2I24T0T!31

    T % R0!1!15 016 62A2=3M21T

    A - 11/0= R2A!2: 44=2

    I 7 1*3RM 016 !1A3=A2N -/RT/R2

    S'(6'5 '76' )(6&>6')& ,6& +5 ') ./()

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    F6,')(5 I./6,'& - T6&' A,+5')& 6&* R'&')& J)=5:(5 /(5/,'

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    F6,')(5 I./6,'& - T6&' A,+5')& 6&* R'&')& O(6&>6')&5 P(5/,'

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    R'&')& S'(6'5 T76' O(6&>6')& U5

    4ommunications 7 5etting our eople to 4are

    et 4lear 2xpectations

    W76' ./)5 )):& ;(). '7( ?)=5

    4hallenging or# 

    =earning oriented relationship ith superiors" subordinates and colleagues.

    4ompetent =eadership

    S6'5;(5 '76' ./()

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    4hallenging or# 

    =earning oriented relationships ith peers" subordinates and superiors.

    Measures that organization can use to improve retention rates

    4larifying 2xpectations

    Recognizing 2mployees

    Hire the Right eople

    :al# the Recognition Tal# 

    ho them you care

    *ight attrition ith smart training

    6evelop ea# performers


    ride in ones or#

    C6(;& E/,'6')&5

    5oal tatements formalize the folloing;

    :hat is to be accomplished

    :ho ill be involved

    :hen the activity ill be completed

    Ho much it costs and hich resources ill be used

    2valuate your or# against measurable standard

    SMART- B65* P(;)(.6&, S'6&*6(*5 " G)65

     Specific F 6etailed and clear.

     Measurable F Buantity and unit of measure stated.

     Attainable %  4an be performed by the team member.

     Results-Oriented  F 0n output is produced" not an activity.

    ime-!ramed   F 4ompleted by a definite time.

    H( '7 R7' P)/


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    Ta#e the time to do it right (planL)

    6etermine desired competencies" job s#ills and characteristics

    /tilize behavior based intervieing techni%ues

    Train staff in hiring procedures

    0ssess ne employees during probation period

    2xamples of good and poor hires

    R,)&>& E./)5

    4ertificates of RecognitionN

    tic#ers and ins

    :all of *ame

    Recognition Aoice Mail

    Than# a *amily MemberN card

    Than#s for a job ell doneN card

    Ta#e a person to lunch

    4andy" $alloons" opcorn" Movie Tic#ets

    W6: '7 R,)&')& T6: 

     1othing can replace than# youN

    *ind out about hobbies" sports" family

    6evelop an attitude of gratitudeN

    Recognize everyone

    Ma#e it sincereCtimely

    O+'5'6&*& 6*(5 ) )+' ); '7( 6 ')

    =))5' '7 5; - 5'. ); '7( /(5)&&

    I; /)/ =&

    76' '7 ,6& 6,,)./57

      Sam "alton


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    T7 B6* B)55 V(+5

    G(6' /)/ 5'6 & =6* ?)=5 '7 (6' =)555

    G(6' /)/ 6

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    $rings to your organization leading7edge organization7development best

     practices to effectively and %uic#ly build a retention7rich culture.

    The 2mployee Retention trategies nesletter" hich gained this ebsite the 1o. +

     positions on 5oogle and ahoo during its publication in the early part of this decade" as

    a nationally noted source for research7based" fact7driven guidance on enhancing

    employee retention. ($ac# issues still are available). *rom that research come approaches

     built on a solid foundation of hat or#s (and hat doesn't) to gain the commitment of 

    employees in all industries and economic sectors.

    0dded to this base are leading7edge organization7development methodologies to bring

    your organization's strengths to the fore" to re#indle the dynamic potential of your 

    company to meet today's challenges and to rebuild or#force commitment to the heart of 

    your organization's mission.

    pend time reading the topics on this site. /nderstand more about hat truly contributes

    to employee engagement and retention. Then" call for an individual discussion of your 

    organization's uni%ue retention agenda.

    E./) R'&')&

     1oadays" people are getting smarter. :ith various options available to them they can

    shift their jobs very easily. The employee turnover rate is increasing. Thus" the employers

    are alays orried about retaining their valuable employees. Human resource is the most

    vital resource for any organization. 3rganizations should practice the human resource

    management principles of motivation" performance appraisal" training" reards" etc. to

    retain their valuable employees.

    E;;,&' R,(+'&

    3rganizations must select committed human resource. They can go for psychometric tests

    such as personality tests" ability tests" etc to #no more about the candidate. These tests


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    ill help the recruiters to judge the candidate as an individual and hisCher personality

    traits that are li#ely to affect the job behaviours. The recruiters should select candidates

    ho are really interested in joining the organization. This can help the organization

    reduce the employee turnover.

    C)./&56')& P6,:6

    2mployees join or leave the organization for a good salary pac#age. 3rganizations should

    offer a handsome competitive salary pac#age #eeping in mind the industry standards. The

    employees may be given other benefits" such as medical reimbursements" insurance

    coverage" travel alloances" mobile alloances" company's vehicle" company's

    accommodation" etc.

    T(6&& " D

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    riting. Their salary can be increasedP they may be provided incentivesP they may be

     promoted. !f the employees are developing themselves ell in the organization in all

    respects (social status" #noledge" compensation pac#ages" etc.) then they ill not be

    leaving the organization ithout any serious cause for complaint.

    S),6 T(6'.&'

    2mployers should treat the employees" as they ould ant themselves to be treated. They

    should give credit to the employees herever desired. 0ll the objectives and outcomes

    should be clearly explained to employees.

    A+'7)(' " D6')&

    The employees may be empoered and given authority to ta#e their decisions

    themselves. The level of control depends on the nature of or#" organizational policies"

    etc. /sually managers do not ant to delegate the authority to their subordinates" but at

    times it becomes very difficult for the employee to or# ithout the authority to ta#e

    decisions on their on.

    uccessful organizations realize employee retention and talent management are integralto sustaining their leadership and groth in the mar#etplace. $ecoming an 2mployer of 

    4hoice by retaining high7caliber employees in todayDs labor mar#et should be the highest



  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    T) ./()

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    . P(;)(.6&, B65* B)&+5 0 provision of performance lin#ed bonus can bemade herein an employee is able to relate his performance ith the company

     profits and hence ill or# hard. This bonus should strictly be productivity based.

    8. R,(6')& ;6,'5  Recreational facilities help in #eeping employees aay

    from stress factors. Aarious recreational programs should be arranged. They may

    include ta#ing employees to trips annually or bi7annually" celebrating

    anniversaries" sports activities" et al.

    9. G;'5 6' S). O,,65)&5 5iving out some gifts at the time of one or to

    festivals to the employees ma#ing them feel good and understand that the

    management is concerned about them.


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


     Retention Model #iagram


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    E./) M)'

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    T7 M)5' I./)('6&' M6&6.&' S,('5

    our expectations of people and their expectations of themselves are the #ey factors in

    ho ell people perform at or#. Jnon as the ygmalion 2ffect and the 5alatea

    2ffect" respectively" the poer of expectations cannot be overestimated. These are the

    fundamental principles you can apply to performance expectations and performance

    improvement at or#. =earn more.

    C=(6' A&&+6 H)*65 ;)( M)'

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    W76' M6:5 E./) L6

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    • N ?)= );;( 0n attractive job offer hich an employee thin#s is good for him

    ith respect to job responsibility" compensation" groth and learning etc. can lead

    an employee to leave the organization.

    E./) R'&')& S'(6'5

    The basic practices hich should be #ept in mind in the employee retention strategies are;

    +. Hire the right people in the first place.

    ,. 2mpoer the employees; 5ive the employees the authority to get things done.

    -. Ma#e employees realize that they are the most valuable asset of the organization.

    . Have faith in them" trust them and respect them.

    8. rovide them information and #noledge.

    9. Jeep providing them feedbac# on their performance.

    . Jeep their morale high.

    ?. 4reate an environment here the employees ant to or# and have fun.


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    T75 /(6,',5 ,6& = ,6')(>* & 3

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang





  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


      1irmal $ang ecurities vt. =td

    eople are 3ur greatest asset. 6ran from a diversity of professional bac#grounds" their 

     blend of experience" s#ill and dedication is shared ith all our clients.

    !nnovative and enthusiastic. :e emphasize ade%uate" thorough research local and orld7

    ide developments" balancing these ith the astute discovery of intrinsic values"

    synergies and groth.

    imply to help you maximize your returns. our interests no matter ho big or small 7

    come first.

    4omprehensive and available to meet every investment financial need.

    To provide service" par excellence and become your spirit of change.

    4ompany 3vervie 1irmal $ang *inancial ervices vt =td is a R$! registered 1on

    $an#ing *inance 4ompany hich offers margin funding facility to its clients. roduct

    3vervie Margin funding allos the investors to ta#e leverage positions in the stoc# 

    mar#et" client has to pay margin of -8 E to 8@E depending upon the scrip and rest is

    funded by us. To put it simply" for example in case of scrip prescribed for -8E margin" if 

    client pays cash margin of Rs.-8"@@@C7" he can buy shares of Rs.+@@@@@C7 and funding byus ould be of Rs.98@@@C7.Margin can be provided in cash as ell as approved securities.

    crips; *unding only against approved securities as per the list approved by the

    management from time to time. 4lic# here to Aie the 0pproved =ist.. $enefits

    • 4orporate 0ction benefits li#e bonus" dividend etc continue to accrue to the


    • 0ny appreciation in the value of the ecurities given as margin ould

    automatically allo enhancement in draing poer.

    • !nterest ill be calculated on the amount utilized G the actual period for hich it

    is utilized.

    • 4lients can vie their financial statement and holdings online.


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    Ris# Monitoring ystem !n case of shortfall in the margin the client has to follo the

     prescribed norms and replenish the short margin or else the shares ould be li%uidated to

    the extent of the shortfall. 6ocuments Re%uirement 0) !ndividuals

    +. 4lient has to open a ban# account ith 0xis $an# and 6emat account ith

     1irmal $ang ecurities vt =td both under 30 ith us.

    ,. =oan agreement to be duly filled up and signed therein.

    -. 4opy of 01 card

    . 4opy of 0ddress roof 

    8. To passport sized photographs

    9. 4opy of latest to years !TRs

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    ortfolio Management ervices (M)74ultivating a taste for success !nvesting is no

    longer a means to save the extra income earned" but has become an essential ingredient of 

    high living. M" as a product category" is designed to help clients navigate the

    increasingly tough and uncertain terrain of the investment orld ith total ease and

    e%uanimity. 4oncentrated calls ta#en by professionals" ho have the experience of 

    negotiating a number of mar#et cycles over the years" help investors both defend their 

    investmentsCsavings and consistently perform better than the mar#ets. Thus" 1irmal $ang

    M offers the vehicles for a comfortable and smooth journey to ealth creation in the

    investment arena. :e have plans for a range of products" occupying various positions

    along the ris#7return matrix" thus catering to the needs of clients ith different

    approaches to investing. !n continuation ith the tradition of delivering %uality ith

    sincerity at 1irmal $ang" this mar# yet another step toards becoming a complete

    financial solution provide !nvesting in the stoc# mar#et re%uires in7depth analysis of the

    scrip and the companies and the business that they are involved in. Retail investors

    seldom have the time and expertise to analyse stoc#s.

    !n !ndia" Mutual funds come to the rescue of such investors. 0ll ary investors #no that

    the best ay to ma#e money is to involve in stoc# mar#et investing and buying !ndian

    mutual funds.

    Mutual *unds in !ndia comprise of a group of investors come together and create a

    corpus hich in invested in the stoc# mar#et by a fund manager. Thus" the investors can

    depend on the expertise of the fund manager in order to maximise the returns on their 

    mutual fund portfolio.

    !n !ndia" Mutual *unds invest in different securities subject to the investment objective as

    set forth in the prospectus. The prospectus is a legal document under 2$! las and

    contains a lot of information about the mutual fund.

    !nvesting in mutual funds in !ndia has many benefits;


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    o The expertise of the fund manager of the 0M4 that manages mutual funds money

    in !ndia helps the investor to maximise the profits on the amount invested in the

    mutual fund.

    o !ndian Mutual *unds invest money in a idespread bas#et of shares and e%uities"

    depending on the nature of the *und and sitch investments to different securities

    depending on the 2%uity mar#et conditions

    o !n !ndia" Mutual funds are an easy and cost efficient ay of investing along ith

    tax benefits.

    There are many #inds of mutual funds available for the investors to choose from.

    ector pecific Mutual *und

    =argeCmallCMid F cap Mutual *und

    !ndex Mutual *unds

    Here is some information on companies that ould enable you to invest in some of the

     best mutual funds in !ndia;

    o $! Mutual *und

    o *ran#lin Templeton Mutual *und

    o Reliance Mutual *und

    o Tata Mutual *und

    o undaram $1 aribas Mutual*und

    o *idelity !nvestments Mutual *und

    C)..)*' M6(:' & I&*6

    0 commodity may be defined as a product or material or any physical substance li#e foodgrains" processed products and agro7based products" metals or currencies" hich investors

    can trade in the commodity mar#et. 3ne of the characteristics of a commodity is that its

     price is determined as a function of its mar#et as a hole. :ell7established physical

    commodities are actively traded in spot and derivative commodity mar#et. 4ommodities

    actually offer immense potential to become a separate asset class for mar#et7savvy


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    investors" arbitragers and speculators. Retail investors" ho claim to understand the

    e%uity mar#et" may find commodity mar#et %uite tric#y. $ut commodities are easy to

    understand as far as fundamentals of demand and supply are concerned. Retail investors

    should understand the ris#s and advantages of trading in commodity mar#et before ta#ing

    a leap. Historically" prices of commodities have remained extremely volatile.

    The gradual evolution of commodity mar#et in !ndia has been of great significance for 

    the countryDs economic prosperity. The commodity futures exchanges ere evolved in

    +>@@ ith the sole objective of meeting the demand of exchangeable contracts for trading

    agricultural commodities. *or example" the cotton exchange located at 4otton 5reen in

    Mumbai (then $ombay) as the one of the first organised commodity mar#et in the


    0 commodity mar#et is a mar#et here various commodities and derivatives products are

    traded. Most commodity mar#et across the orld trade in agricultural products and other 

    ra materials (li#e heat" barley" sugar" maize" cotton" cocoa" coffee" mil# products" por# 

     bellies" oil" metals" etc.) and contracts based on them. These contracts can include spot

     prices" forards" futures and options on futures. 3ther sophisticated products may include

    interest rates" environmental instruments" saps" or ocean freight contracts.

    4ommodities exchanges usually trade futures contracts on commodities" such as trading

    contracts to receive a particular commodity in physical form. peculators and investors

    also buy and sell the futures contracts at commodity exchanges to ma#e a profit and

     provide li%uidity to the system.

    The !ndian commodity mar#et offers a variety of products li#e rice" heat" coal"

     petroleum" #erosene" gasolineP metals li#e copper" gold" silver" aluminum and many more.

    There are some commodities such as sugar" cocoa" and coffee" hich is perishable" so

    cannot be stoc#ed for long time. These days" a ide range of agricultural products"

    energy products" perishable commodities and metals can be sold under standardized

    contracts on futures exchanges prevailing across the globe. 4ommodities have gained

    importance ith the development of commodity futures indexes along ith the


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    mobilization of more resources in the commodity mar#et.

    !ndia has around ,8 recognized commodity future exchanges including three national7

    level commodity exchanges. They are;

    +. 1ational 4ommodity G 6erivatives 2xchange =imited (1462I)

    ,. Multi 4ommodity 2xchange of !ndia =imited (M4I)

    -. 1ational Multi74ommodity 2xchange of !ndia =imited (1M42) 0ll these

    exchanges are under the control of the *orard Mar#et 4ommission (*M4) of 

    5overnment of !ndia.

     1ational 4ommodity G 6erivatives 2xchange =imited (1462I) located in Mumbai is a

     public limited company incorporated on 0pril ,-" ,@@- under the 4ompanies 0ct" +?89and commenced its operations on 6ecember +8" ,@@-.This is the only commodity

    exchange in the country promoted by national level institutions li#e !4!4! $an# =imited"

    =ife !nsurance 4orporation of !ndia (=!4)" 1ational $an# for 0griculture and Rural

    6evelopment (10$0R6) and 1ational toc# 2xchange of !ndia =imited ( 12 !ndia). !t

    is a professionally managed online multi7commodity exchange. !t is a technology driven

    de7mutualised on7line commodity exchange ith an independent $oard of 6irectors and

     professional management.

    Multi 4ommodity 2xchange of !ndia =imited (M4I) in Mumbai" is also an independent

    and de7mutualised exchange recognized by the 5overnment of !ndia. This commodity

    exchange hich started operations in 1ovember ,@@- has above @ commodities on its

     platform and has a mar#et share of around >@E in the !ndian commodity mar#et. Jey

    shareholders of M4I are *inancial Technologies (!ndia) =td." tate $an# of !ndia" /nion

    $an# of !ndia" 4orporation $an#" $an# of !ndia and 4anara $an#. This commodity

    exchange facilitates online trading"  clearing and settlement operations for commodity

    futures mar#et across the country.

     1ational Multi 4ommodity 2xchange of !ndia =imited (1M42) is the first de7

    mutualized" 2lectronic Multi74ommodity 2xchange to be formed in !ndia. 3n ,8th Quly"

    ,@@+" it as granted approval by the 5overnment of !ndia to organise trading in the

    edible oil complex. !t started operating in the commodity mar#et from 1ovember ,9"


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    ,@@,. 1M42 is the only 2xchange in !ndia to have investment and technical support

    from commodity relevant institutions li#e 4entral :arehousing 4orporation =td." 5ujarat

    tate 0gricultural Mar#eting $oard" 1eptune 3verseas =td" 1ational 0gricultural

    4ooperative Mar#eting *ederation of !ndia (10*26)" 5ujarat 0gro7!ndustries

    4orporation =td. (50!4=)" 5ujarat tate 0gricultural Mar#eting $oard (50M$) and

    the 1ational !nstitute of 0gricultural Mar#eting (1!0M).

    0s compared to other mar#ets in the last ten years" commodity mar#et has performed

    relatively better than other mar#ets li#e bonds " e%uity or currency. Hoever" the

     participation in future trading in !ndian commodity mar#et is very lo as compared to

    other countries as there is lac# of #noledge about this mar#et to the investors and

    traders. !t is not for mere trading purposeP commodity trading is also used for hedge

    against inflation" price discovery of the commodity and also as a sound investment.

    N(.6 B6& S,+('5 P

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


     1irmal $ang caters to the need of customers across !ndia through a netor# of offices

    encompassing almost every !ndian states. ou can locate branch near you...


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang






    !. :hy have you chosen to remain employed ith the 1irmal bang securitiesS


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    0. 4areer advancement opportunities

    $. 4hallenging or# 

    4. alary

    6. 2mployee benefits

    2. =ess travel

    *. upervisionCmanagement


    0 4areer advancement opportunities -- ,>E

    $ 4hallenging or# +? +9E

    4 alary , ,@E

    6 2mployee benefits , ,@E

    2 =ess travel +, +@E

    * upervisionCmanagement > 9ETOTAL 120 100


    *rom the above table it is interpreted that ,

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    !!. lease rate the folloing items regarding your employment ith the 1!RM0= $015


    +. ositive or# environment (relationships" values and culture)

      a) 2xcellent

     b) 5ood

      c) 0verage

    d) oor

    e) Aery poor 


    0 2xcellent 99   88E

    $ 5ood-?


    4 0verage +   +,E

    6 oor + @E

    2 Aery poor @ @ E

    TOTAL 120 100


    *rom the above table" it is confined that >>E of the respondents said that there is

    healthier or#ing environment (relationships" values and culture) existed. +,E of the

    employees said that the or#ing conditions of the organization are average. These

    employees have to be given proper guidance and have to be encouraged by the superiors.


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    ,. 2%uitable compensation

    a) 2xcellent

     b) 5ood

    c) 0veraged) oor 

    e) Aery poor 


    0 2xcellent > @E

    $ 5ood 9 ->E

    4 0verage , ,@E

    6 oor , ,E

    2 Aery poor @ @E

    TOTAL 120 100


    *rom the above table" it is interpreted that E of the respondents fully satisfied ith

    their compensation. ,@E of the respondents are said that e%uitable compensation is

    average. These employees have to be given fair compensation to their or#.


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    -. 0ppropriate balance of or#Clife issues

    a) 2xcellent

     b) 5ood

    c) 0veraged) oor 

    e) Aery poor 


    0 2xcellent +> +8E

    $ 5ood 99 88E

    4 0verage -@ ,8E

    6 oor 9 8E

    2 Aery poor   @ @E

    TOTAL 120 100


    *rom the above table" it is confined that +8E of respondents said that 2xcellent" 88E

    respondents said that good" ,8E of respondents said that average in balance of or#Clife

    issues. 8E of respondents hadn't satisfied. o that organization needs to provide

    appropriate balance of or#.


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    . *lexibility in or# scheduleCtelecommuting

    a) 2xcellent

     b) 5ood

    c) 0verage

    d) oor 

    e) Aery poor 


    0 2xcellent > @E

    $ 5ood 9@ 8@E

    4 0verage 9 8E

    6 oor 9 8E

    2 Aery poor @ @E

    TOTAL 120 100


    *orm the above table" it is observed that ?8E of the respondents are satisfied ith their 

    flexible or# schedule. 8E of respondents are not satisfied. These employees have to be

    given proper guidance and have to be encouraged by the management.


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    8. TrainingCeducational opportunities

    a) 2xcellent

     b) 5ood

    c) 0veraged) oor 

    e) Aery poor 


    0 2xcellent -9E

    $ 5ood > @E

    4 0verage ,> ,E

    6 oor @ @E

    2 Aery poor   @ @ETOTAL 120 100


    *rom the above table" -9E of respondents said that excellent" @E of respondents said

    that good" ,E of respondents said that average on training opportunities. 0ll

    respondents ere satisfied ith their training opportunities given by the organization.


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    9. 3n7the7job training and developmental experiences

    a) 2xcellent

     b) 5ood

    c) 0verage

    d) oor 

    e) Aery poor 


    0 2xcellent -> -,E

    $ 5ood -> -,E

    4 0verage -9E

    6 oor @ @E

    2 Aery poor @ @E

    TOTAL 120 100


    *rom the above table" -,E of respondents said that excellent" -,E of respondents said

    that good" -9E of respondents said that average on 3n7the7job training and development.

    o finally all of the respondents satisfied ith their 3n7the7job training and development.


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang



    6 oor @ @E

    2 Aery poor @ @ETOTAL 120 100


    *rom the above table" ,9E of respondents said that excellent" ,E of respondents said

    that good" -,E of respondents said that average on 3pportunities for advancement.

    3rganization need to provide career advancement opportunities to employees.


    O//)('+&'5 ;)( 6*

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    >. 0ppropriate resources and e%uipment to perform the job

    a) 2xcellent

     b) 5ood

    c) 0verage

    d) oor 

    e) Aery poor 


    0 2xcellent ,> ,-E

    $ 5ood > @E

    4 0verage -> -,E

    6 oor 9 8E

    2 Aery poor @ @E

    TOTAL 120 100



    *rom the above table" ,-E of respondents said that excellent" @E of respondents said

    that good" -,E of respondents said that average on 0ppropriate resources and e%uipment

    to perform the job. 8E of respondents did not satisfy. 3rganization need to provide

    appropriate resources in or# environment.


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    !!. lease rate the folloing statements regarding supervision received;

    +. ets clear goalsCperformance expectations

    a) 0lays

     b) ometimes

    c) 1ever 


    + 0lays >9 E

    - 1ever @ @E

    TOTAL 120 100


    *rom the above table"

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    ,. 6istributes or#load e%uitably

    a) 0lays

     b) ometimesc) 1ever 


    + 0lays 8 8E

    , ometimes 99 88E

    - 1ever @ @E

    TOTAL 120 100


    *rom the above table" 8E of responded alays" 88E of responded sometimes on

    distribution of or#load.


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    -. rovides information needed to perform job

    a) 0lays

     b) ometimes

    c) 1ever 


    + 0lays @E

    - 1ever @ @E

    TOTAL 120 100


    *rom the above table" 9@E of responded alays" @E of responded sometimes on

    information provided by management.


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    . Recognizes employees for their achievements

    a) 0lays

     b) ometimes

    c) 1ever 


    + 0lays >- 9?E

    , ometimes -< -+E

    - 1ever @ @E

    TOTAL 120 100


    *rom the above table" 9?E of responded alays" -+E of responded sometimes on

    recognizing the employees by management for their achievement.


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    8. :elcomes suggestions and encourages feedbac# 

    a) 0lays

     b) ometimes

    c) 1ever 


    + 0lays 9> 8

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    9. !s accessibleCapproachable

    a) 0lays

     b) ometimes

    c) 1ever 


    + 0lays ? +E

    , ometimes 9 8-E

    - 1ever < 9E

    TOTAL 120 100


    *rom the above table" +E of responded alays" 8-E of responded sometimes on

    accessibleCapproachable supervision by management. 9E of respondents not satisfied.

    3rganization need to adopt motivational aspects to satisfy maximum employees.









  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    >. !s trustorthy

    a) 0lays

     b) ometimes

    c) 1ever 


    + 0lays 9 8-E

    , ometimes ,- +?E

    - 1ever -- ,>E

    TOTAL 120 100


    *rom the above table" 8-E of responded alays" +?E of responded sometimes on

    trustorthy of management. ,>E of respondents not satisfied. Management should

    maintain co7ordination ith employees leads to increase the trustorthiness among



  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    4 lease rate the folloing statements regarding the leadership to the 1irmal bang


    +. ets clear goalsCobjectives for the organization

    a) 0lays

     b) ometimes

    c) 1ever 


    + 0lays 9> 8

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    ,. 2ncourages cooperation and teamor# among staff 

    a) 0lays

     b) ometimes

    c) 1ever 


    + 0lays >@ 9

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    -. Aalues employee contributions

    a) 0lays

     b) ometimes

    c) 1ever 


    + 0lays 9< 89E

    , ometimes 8- E

    - 1ever @ @E

    TOTAL 120 100


    *rom the above table" 89E of responded alays" E of responded sometimes on

    employee contributions


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    . Ma#es an effort to hear employee concerns

    a) 0lays

     b) ometimes

    c) 1ever 



    + 0lays - -9E

    , ometimes

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    8. !s responsive to #non employee concerns

    a) 0lays b) ometimes

    c) 1ever 



    + 0lays >- 9?E

    , ometimes -< -+E

    - 1ever @ @E

    TOTAL 120 100


    *rom the above table" 9?E of responded alays" -+E of responded sometimes on

    responsive to #non employee concerns.


  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    9. 2ncourages open communication

    a) 0lays

     b) ometimes

    c) 1ever 



    + 0lays ,8 ,+E

    , ometimes ?8

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    , 9>E

    , ometimes -> -,E

    - 1ever @ @E

    TOTAL 120 100


    *rom the above table" 9>E of responded alays" -,E of responded that they are rarely

    treated ith respect.

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    >. :ould you recommend the job to your friend at 1irmal bang securitiesS

    a) es7

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    ?. !f you left the job ould you live rejoin future groupS

    a) es78

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang






  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang




  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    >8E of responded that they are allotted sometimes on distribution of or#load.

    >@E of responded that there information is considered by the management in

    decision ma#ing.

    >9E of responded that they are recognized by management for the

    accomplishment of tas#s.

    9>E of responded there suggestions are ta#en into consideration and organization

    encourages feedbac# of employees.


    2mployees have to be given proper guidance and have to be encouraged by the


    3rganization need to provide appropriate balance of or#.

    3rganization need to provide training opportunities to employees.

    3rganization need to provide career advancement opportunities to employees.

    3rganization need to provide appropriate resources in or# environment.

    3rganization should facilitate an opportunity in ta#ing employees expectations

    into consideration.

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    To recognize the employees by management for their achievements.

    Management need to adopt motivational aspects to satisfy maximum employees.


    The organization has to facilitate the employees ith better 

    challenging or# so that they can retain them in their organization.

    $y careful planning and implementation of motivational and

     personality development programmes the organization can retain

    valuable employees.

    !n organization every recruiter and manager should be concerned ith

    retention from the start of any recruiting program.

    Hiring top7performing and enthusiastic employees re%uires a certain

    #nac#. $ut #eeping those employees in an art.

    Ma#ing the ne employee aare that the intention is to #eep them as

    long as possible encourages the employee in committing to long term

    goals and planning ithin the organization.

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang



    ersonal and human resource management

    Himalaya publishing house 7 . /$$0 R03

    Human resource and personal management

      7 J. 0:0TH00

      Human resource management

      7 Mirza s saiyadain

    Human resource management



  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang





    esignation5 ualification5


    $%&  have you chosen to remain employed ith the Nirmal bang securities?

    Career advancement opportunitiesChallenging or!"alary#mployee $enefitsess travel

    "upervision&management4ther 7777777777777777777777777777777777 

    PLEASE rate the folloing items regarding your employment ith theNIRMAL BANG SECURITIES?

    #)cellent *ood air +oor  +ositive or! environment 9relationships: values and culture;

    #o$ training and developmental e)periences

    4pportunities for advancement

     Appropriate resources and eo$

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    PLEASE  rate the folloing statements regarding supervisionreceived5

     Alays sually "ometimes .ever "ets clear goals&performance e)pectations

    istri$utes or!load eo$

    Recognizes employees for their achievements

    ?elcomes suggestions and encourages feed$ac!

    3s accessi$le&approacha$le Addresses pro$lems promptly

    3s trustorthy

    PLEASE rate the folloing statements regarding the leadership of theNirmal bang securities?

     Alays sually "ometimes .ever 

    "ets clear goals&o$>ectives for the organization#ncourages cooperation and teamor! among staff 

    ,alues employee contri$utions

    @a!es an effort to hear employee concerns

    3s responsive to !non employee concerns

    #ncourages open communication

    Treats employees ith respect


    $%AT  do you en>oy most a$out or!ing ith the Nirmal bang securities?

     $%AT has $een your greatest challenge or!ing here

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang


    $O'L( you recommend the  job  to your friend at .irmal $angsecurities


    IF you left the >o$ ould you live re>oin future group?



  • 8/18/2019 Employee Retention- Nirmal Bang
