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Discover yourself Introspect & Transform Emotional Intelligence
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Discover yourself Introspect & Transform

Emotional Intelligence

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Title of the Paper:--

Gita -- Sacred book of Indians has the first effective and powerful communication on Emotional Intelligence.

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Hypothesis:--“Emotional Intelligence ---new management mantra is not new concept to Indians”.

Objectives:--To find whether Emotional Intelligence is all together a new concept

To draw similarities between Indian school of thought to the western

To find out reasons why Emotional Intelligence could not receive due recognition in India.

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Rationale of the paper: --

Is to emphasize that Emotional Intelligence is not new concept. The first communication occurred long back and the traits and qualities of emotionally Intelligent person are taught for first time by Prakrithi ---Supreme self (Lord Krishna) to Purusha ---Inner self. (Arjuna).

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Emotional Intelligence is a way of recognizing, understanding, and choosing how we think, feel, and act.

Emotional Intelligence shapes individuals ---their interactions with others and their understanding of themselves. It defines how and what one learns .

Emotional Intelligence allows every Individual to set priorities; it determines the majority of daily actions.

"Emotional intelligence is the ability to sense, understand, and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions as a source of human energy, information, connection, and influence."

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There are four parts in Emotional Intelligence:

1. Perceive or sense emotions,2. Use emotions to assist thought,3. Understand emotions,4. Manage emotions.

“Emotional intelligence is the capacity to create optimal results in your relationships with yourself and others.”

Emotional Intelligence is an art of using the commonsense in understanding oneself and also feelings of others.

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Emotional Intelligence leads to over all Individual Transformation.

In today’s world, people who do not change may find themselves headed for extinction.

At the same time, every person should realize what his strengths are, what his capabilities are, where he should go and how to go.

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Curiosity and passion across world to know more on Emotions started 2,000 years ago when Plato wrote, “All learning’s have an emotional base.” Since then, scientists, educators, and philosophers are working to prove or disprove the importance of feelings.

The first article on Emotional Intelligence appeared in 1990 by Peter Salovey and John “Jack” Mayer “Emotional Intelligence”. The article defined EQ as a scientifically testable “intelligence.”

There after Daniel Goleman drew on the research of Salovey and Mayer, as well as several other key researchers and practitioners, for his bestselling book,

Emotional Intelligence.

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However, In the 20th century, the momentum on emotional intelligence picked up like any thing.

In the late 1930s, Robert Thorndike wrote on “social intelligence”.

In 1940-David Wechsler defined intelligence as "the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his environment." He referred to "non-intellective" as well as "intellective" elements, by which he meant affective, personal and social factors.

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In 1943, he proposed that the non-intellective abilities were essential in predicting the ability to succeed in life. He tried to show that in addition to intellective factors there are also definite non-intellective factors that determine intelligent behavior.

1950’s Rosenthal and his colleagues at Harvard discovered over two decades ago that people who were best at identifying others’ emotions were more successful in their work as well as in their social lives.

1983 Howard Gardner began to write about "multiple intelligence". Gardner proposed that "intrapersonal" and "interpersonal" intelligences are as important as the type of intelligence typically measured by IQ and related tests.

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1990-- Salovey and Mayer coined the term emotional intelligence. They described emotional intelligence as "a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action.”

1995, Daniel Goleman became aware of Salovey and Mayer’s work, and this eventually led to his book, Emotional Intelligence.

1998 Goleman has tried to represent this idea by making a distinction between emotional intelligence and emotional competence. Emotional competence refers to the personal and social skills that lead to superior performance in the world of work. "The emotional competencies are linked and attached to emotional intelligence. A certain level of emotional intelligence is necessary to learn the emotional competencies."

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Sudden attention to Emotional Intelligence has picked when Daniel Goleman’s first article on Emotional Intelligence was published in Harvard Business review in 1995 and it has caught attention of then C.E.O-Johnson and Johnson , who has purchased 400 books and distributed to his team to read.

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People working on Emotional Intelligence are called as Neuro--scientists or Neuro—biologists

What they do?

They study on senses/ Brain and Mind

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Relation between Senses/ Brain/Emotions and Mind

Five sense organs Eyes/Ears/Nose/Mouth/Skin are five sense organs that releases senses to brain. They are connected to brain by sympathetic nerves.

In brain lies the small tiny region called amygdala-House of Emotions

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The amygdala (derived from the Greek word for almond) the birthplace of emotions, is situated in the brain. It is an almond-sized and shaped brain structure in the medial temporal lobe, a few inches from either ear, and has long

been linked with a person's mental and emotional state. Emotions such as love, anger, disgust all arise from emotions.

Emotions flow smoothly.

Mind is not a part of brain but it’s a thought process.

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Although the brain is a part of the individual body, the mind is not. The word "mind" is used for the thinking parts and jobs of one’s brain. "Mind work" or "learning" is done in many different areas of one’s brain.

The different kinds of mind jobs are called functions. Here are some mind functions:

understanding language when you listen, write, or read using language well when you speak with attention remembering things you’ve seen or heard being good at something, like music or sports knowing how to fix something that’s broken knowing how to get other kids to like you

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When senses attack amygdala, emotions get disturbed and affect the thought process

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The story of Mahabharatha revolves around a royal family. The two brothers of the family Dhritharashtra and Pandu brought forth two families, the Kauravas and Pandavas respectively. The Kauravas comprised a hundred brothers while the Pandavas comprised five. The Mahabharata is the fight between these two families for the kingdom of Hasthinapura.

The story goes that the eldest Kaurava, Duryodhana, is reluctant to give the Pandavas their share of the kingdom. He, with his coterie— the Dushta Chathushtayam (including Sakuni, Karna and Dushasan)— humiliated the Pandavas several times; in spite of the advice of elderly people who repeatedly urged them to be honest and just.

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Emotional Intelligence

Has been Communicated by Krishna in two ways—Situational and Verbal

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Emotional Intelligence is through Situations

1. Sanjaya visualising Battle field and Explaining the scenes

to Dhritharashtra

2. Blow of Conch shells

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Transcendental senses are the senses that prepares and sets an individual under transcendence makes a person focused.

These senses wont disturb the emotions unlike regular

senses , these senses direct the thought process.

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Kauravas side Bhimshma has blewn the conch shell and inspired his team and Bhim has blewn panduram and Arjuna has blewn Devadatta however krishna on pandavas side has blewn panchajanyam

Charriot of Arjuna

After the Conch shells are blown Krishna says to arjuna

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Jayosthu Panduputhranam yesham paksham Janardhana

He says victory belongs to that side which is controlled by senses of nature

I am Hrishikesa—Man with full of senses growing every day like the hair of a person

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prajahati yada kamansarvan partha mano-gatanatmany evatmana tustahsthita-prajnas tadocyate

duhkhesv anudvigna-manahsukhesu vigata-sprhah

vita-raga-bhaya-krodhahsthita-dhir munir ucyate

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Sthithapragna is Current Day Emotional Intelligence Sthithapragna is about understanding oneself. Sthithapragna is also about understanding the feelings of others. When an individual controls his emotions, he is able to see the path of senses and can control them, divert them and become successful in performing his duties. Sthithapragna and its Similarity with TortoiseThe state of sthithapragna can be correlated with the behavior of a tortoise. As the tortoise draws within its shell all its limbs, similarly, is he who withdraws his senses from surrounding objects— he is said to have a conscious mind, firm and dedicated.

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Prerequisites to Emotional Intelligence or Sthithapragna

Control of the senses, Non-attachment, Universality of vision and Constant consciousness towards goal,Continuous introspection

are the prerequisites to becoming emotionally stable and


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Steps to becoming Emotionally Intelligent as Explained by Lord Krishna

1. Mind Control 2. Mind Stability3. Desire Control4. Salvation5. Sense Control

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"The senses throw out of balance even the mind of a man who has complete knowledge of discrimination and who attempts to control them.

Keeping all his senses under full control, he who establishes and co-relates them on supreme self , Individuals intelligence gets stabilized."

Entire supreme is one-It does not have body , It is disseminated in to various minute particles .

Each particle is a living object. Each living object if he sees and co-relates to external object he stays focused

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By constantly thinking of sense objects, one develops an attachment for them. From attachment is born desire and from desire comes anger.

From anger develops delusion; from delusion comes confusion of memory; from confusion of memory arises loss of intelligence; and when intelligence is lost man becomes unstable.

"Freed from passion and dispassion, by keeping the senses that are acting on the sense-objects under firm control and by following the dictates of the inner soul, a person can gain focus."

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According to the Bhagavad Gita, self realization is not possible without achieving stability of the mind or the state of sthithapragna.

Stability of mind means remaining the same under all circumstances and conditions. The following verses give us an idea of what it is.

"When a person gives up all desires in his thoughtful state and when his inner self is satisfied within itself, at that time he is said to be a sthithapragna (a master in the stability of mind).”

"Undisturbed amidst three fold miseries, immobile in happiness, free from attraction, fear and anger, is called a sage of stable mind.”

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Equanimity of Mind

"He who has controlled his self (mind), certainly self is his best relation, but for him the self is his enemy who has not controlled his self.”

"He who has conquered his self is in the company of the Supreme. In cold or heat, happiness or sorrow, respect or disrespect, he is always serene.”

"He who is contended with knowledge and wisdom, who is stable and master of his senses and who treats equally gold or pebbles or a piece of stone , such a self-realized soul is fit to be called a Yogi.”

"He is superior who maintains the same attitude towards his well wishers, friends, enemies, non-aligned, arbitrators, haters, relations, saints and sinners.”

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Similarities between the Bhagavad Gita and Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is about understanding one’s own emotions and also emotions of others.

According to Daniel Goleman, there are two types of competencies attached to emotional intelligence. They are personnel competence and social competence.

Individuals become successful when they develop the competency to understand themselves and others.

The Bhagavad Gita also emphasizes two competencies that one needs to realize to become successful. They are the called the Inner self and the Supreme self (known as atma swaroopam and brahma swaroopam respectively).

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So far, neuropsychological and behavioral researches have spoken continuously on emotions, senses, intelligence and emotional intelligence but no one has given the means to strike chord between the two.

Even Daniel Goleman has given the factors that contribute to personal competence and social competence but has not discussed their direction.

The Bhagavad Gita, the ancient Hindu mythological text that has taught Indians human values, ethics and culture, has focused profoundly on methods of striking balance.

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How to Strike a Chord between the Inner Self and the Supreme Self

The Inner self comes in tune with the Supreme self through the stage called trance or Samadhi; wherein one's mind is completely restrained from material mental activities. This is practiced through yoga.

This is characterized by one's ability to use the pure mind to see the self and to rejoice in it. In that joyous state, one is situated in boundless transcendental happiness and enjoys oneself through transcendental senses.

Established thus, one never departs from the truth and upon gaining this believes that there is no greater gain. In such a position, one is never shaken, even in the midst of the greatest difficulty. This indeed is actual freedom from all miseries arising from material contact.

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Our tradition and culture are so powerful and predominant, they can correlate any new philosophy to our Puranas and Vedas. However, it’s our weakness that we are unable to understand our system and culture and our ideologies and depend on the rediscovery of our thoughts. Let’s wake up to this, and act and learn all our hidden philosophies to bring them suitable recognition. Let’s not wait for someone to dig these philosophies.