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DRIFT FINAL EMERGING TECHNC)LOGY CHARAC1,ERIZA~fION STUDY TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM BRUNO SUPERFUND SITE BRUNO,NEBRASKA CONTRACT NO. DACW41-96-D-8014 'TASK ORDER NO. 0018 Prepared for Department of the Anny ll.S Anny Engineer District Kansas City District Corps of Engineers Kansas City, Missouri May 26. 2000 I URS Greiner Woodward Clyde URS GrP,i:1er Woodward Clyde r-ederal $E;rv1ccs 10975 El \1onte. Suite 100 Over:m,d Parl'., Kansds 66211 --t~-1="0K96218.00


Oct 25, 2021



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Prepared for Department of the Anny ll.S Anny Engineer District Kansas City District Corps of Engineers Kansas City, Missouri
May 26. 2000
I URS Greiner Woodward Clyde
URS GrP,i:1er Woodward Clyde r-ederal $E;rv1ccs 10975 El \1onte. Suite 100 Over:m,d Parl'., Kansds 66211 --t~-1="0K96218.00
URS Greiner Woodward Clyde Federal Services A 01v,s1on of URS Corporation
May 26, 2000 49-F0K962 I 8.00
Department of the Am1y Kansas City District, Corps of Engineers ATTN: CENWK-EC-ECrTom Graff 700 Federal Building 601 East lih Street Kansas City, Missouri 64106-2896
Re: Draft Final Emerging Technology Characterization Study Technical Memorandum Bruno Superfund Site, Bruno, Nebraska Contract No. DACW41-96-D-8014 Task Order No. 0018
Dear Mr. Graff:
10975 El Monte Street. Suite 100 Overland Park. KS 66211 Tel 913 344 1000 fax 913 344 1011
Offices Worldw,dr
This letter transmits an original and t\vo copies of the subject document. Additional copies of the subject document have been distributed according to the attached distribution list.
Please call Curt Elmore at 913/344-1154 if you have any questions.
Very truly yours,
~~ Curt Elmore, Ph.D., P.E. Project Manager
-tJ~.l~- Rau1 E. Filardi. Ph.D., P.E. Sr. Project Engineer
U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers Kansas City District Attn: CENWK-EC-EC (Tom Graff)
U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers Kansas City District Attn: CEN\VK-PM-E (Steve Iverson)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region VII Attn: David Drake
- --- -------- ------------
1.1 1.2 I. 3
(hen·1ew .................................................................... . Ohjecl 1 \ e-., .................................................................... . E \·,dual ion Proce-.,-., ............................................ . I. 3. I 1.3.2 1.3.3
ldent1fica11on and Screen111g of Techrwlog1e-., .. Development and Screen111g of Altnn;1t1\e-., lkta1kd :\nalv-.,i-., of Alternative-., ..
.... 1-1 . 1-2
(,eochemical Wa!L'r Quality Sampling. \Vork Plan Dn 1ation-.,. . ............... .
2- I ,_ ')
1 1
hkntification of Gc:nc:ral Re-.,pon-.,c: Action-., ....................... . ldc:ntification of Remedial Technologie-., ...... . Identification of Procc:-.,-., Optwn-., .......................... . Scrc:c:ning of Tc:chnologic:-., and Procc:-.,-., Option-., ............. .. Summary of Rc:tainc:d Technologic:-., and PnK'L'"" Opt1or1"
' - I . _, - I
• .1.3 -l.1.-.i
Alternative 2: Sc:lectc:d Rc:mc:dy - (,roundwatn Pump and Treat With Tray Air Stnpp111g. Alternative: 3: Groundwater C1rculat1on \\'ell-.,. :\l1erna11ve -i: Groundv,:atc:r Circulation Well-., W11h Concainmenc ......................................... ..
• .1.5 Alcernali\'e 5: Add1110nal (,roundwall'r C1rcula1ion Well--. Screening of Alternali\'e-., ............................. .. Summary of Allernali\·e-., for Detailed :\naly-.,j-.,.
•- I . .. • -2
5 2
J)c:-.,crip11on of E\'alualion Criteria .................. . 5. I. I Thre-.,twld Criteria ................................. .. 5 1.2 5.1.3
Balancing Criteria .................... . \1odifying Cn1n1a .
Individual Anal\'"l" of :\ltc:rnati\L'" .. 5 2. I :--:o .-\c1ion. 5.2.2 Selected Remedy - Ciroundwatn Pump and Trear With
Tray :\1r Stnpping.
...... 5- I .. 5-2
"2 ~ C,r11und\\;1tcr C11u1Ltt111n \\'L·II, \\'1th Tray .-\ir Strrpp1nt'. "" 5 2 -l CP11!;11nmcnt/C,rou11Jwatcr Circula11on Wdb \\'1th Trav
.-\11 S1rrpp111t'.. 5 2 5 .-\dd11111n;d (iroundwatcr C1rcul.11111n \\'ell, .... . ( ·0111parat1\L' :\nal) ,1, ...................................................... .
) 7 5-S
.-\ttad11m·nt 2
Summary pf (iL·Pdwnm·;tl \\';1tn ()ual1ty .-\n;tly,i,. Bruno Supnf11nd Site. Brurw. '.\chra,l--.1
ldc11t1I 1L·at11 )11 ul ( iround\\ a!L'r KL·mL· TL·chn11l11g1L'" .md ProL·L·..,..,
I111t1;tl Screen llf C,rPun,t•.\ ;1!L'r RL·mL·di;tl TL·L·hnlllPgIL'" and Opt1111h
L\ aluat1on and Screening of C,rnurHh\ ;1tL·r RcmL·d1al TL·chrwlllg1L''- ;md Opt111n-..
Rcmcdial :\ltnnatI\l'-.,
Site \.1ap ( BYSPC. I lJl)X)
:\rcal Lxtcnt of CT. CT. or 1.2-DC:\ ahO\L' Rc111cd1at11H1 (ioal-.. ( U'.-\. I 1>1>X 1
l.llcation of Pilot Bordwk SO I
(ieolog1c Column at Pilot B11rdwk l.ocat1on SOI
:\ltcrnat1\·c 2: Sckctcd RcmL·dv
:\ltcrnatl\l' .,: c;cw With Tray :\1r Stnppn
:\l!L'rnatt\L' --l: Contalllllll'nt/(iC\\' \\'1th Trav .-\1r Stripper
'.\ll\clllhcr I 1)1) 1) hcld .-\ct1\ it1c,
lmpkmcntah1'11y .-\nal\-..i-..
1 lydraulic Conductt\ lly Backup
Etfrctivc Poro-,1ty Backup
Vcrt1c;tl 1)1-..tnhuttlln of CPntam1nation Bacl--up
Spcufic C;1pac1ty BaL·kup
C(i...t l·:,11111atc Badrnp
B1olog1cd :\L'IJ\ 11y Rcac11on Tc-,1
feel below ground ,urfacc
(iranular :\clt\'atcd Carhon
.-\ \1mlular Thrcc-D1mcn,1()nal hntll' D11lcrL'l1L'l' Ciround-Watn Hm, \111Lkl
Computer Program to D1-,pla~ Pathl1nL'' lh1ng rc,ulh form thL· t ·sc;s \IODH.OW Flow \loLkl
:\at tonal C \1nt111gcncy Plan
:\chra,ka lkpartmcnt of En\ 1ronmcntal ()ual1ty
Opnalion and \1ain1cnancc
\"llLtt1k Or~;in1c Compound-..
Executive Summary
Thi-. Charactcn1at1on Study TL·chnical \klllorandulll prc-.cnh an L'ng111L'LT1ng L'\ aluat1011 of the tL·drn1L·;d ka-.1hil1ty ol air -.parg1ng and gwu1llh\ atn c1rcuL1t1on \\l'll ( (iC\\') tL'L·hnolog1L'" at tlJL· Brunn Supnfund Site .-\1r -.p;1r:'lll:' 1-. '-L-rL'L'lll'd (lllt ;1-. IL'chnic.111:-, 1nka-.ihk hcc;1U,L' ,p;1r~1n:' 1-. a IL·chnology \\ h1ch 1-. approprratc for unconfined ;1qu1kr-.. and thL' Bru1w aquikr 1-. -.l'llll ·L'()flfllll'd.
The rc-.ulh of thL· (iC\\' L'\aluat1on arc lllorc fa\(lrahk. The \l'rt1cd d1-.tr1hut1011 of L'(1ntallltnat1on. thL· -.trat1graphy. and the -.pcc1fic L·ap;1L·1ty of thL· c(111L1ll1111;1tL'd ;1qu1fn \\ L'rL· l'\alu:1tcd :\-. a rc-.ult. a concL·ptual dc-.1gn for the following CiC\\' -.y-.tcm \\a-. dnclopcd:
• :\pprn\1111a1L·ly 1) gpm would he l'\tractcd frolll the llliddk fine-. portion of the aqu1kr u-.1ng a -.uhmLT-.1hk pump
• The _\!round water would he treated at the top of the well u-.111_\! an air -.tnpprng lL'chnology tlithL·r IL'L·lrn,,l,1~1L', ,uch ;i, ,,'.r:11wl:1ted ;iL'11\atL·d L·;1rhon lllay al-.o he appropnalL'I
• The _\!roundwatn \\ould rcL·c1\L' -.L·condary lrL'allllL'llt to addre-.-. potcnt1;ll h1ofoul1n~ ;md llllllLTal prcc1p1tat1011
• The groundwater would he recharged to the upper -.and-. aquikr unit
Although the potential -.11e of the (iC\\' l'lfrct1\'L' treatment area wa-. d1aracter11ed u-.111_\! t\\ () d1tfrrent analytical techrn4ue-.. rt i-. difficult to predict the -.1,e of the dkct1\l' trcatllll'nt area g1\L'J1 the ur1L·crta1ntic-. a-.-.ociatL·d with aquifer p:1rallll'll'r charactcn1at1011-. :md the analy-.1-. method. Therehirc. 11 1-. rL'COlllllll'lllkd that any (iC\\' -.y-.tcm hL· pilot tc-.tcd in mdLT to dkct1\cly characterrte the l'\tent of the treatment area. Furthermore. it i-. recommended that the dc-.ign of any (iC\\' -.y-.tem. including potential pilot -.y-.tem-.. include a prm 1-.1\111 for adding prc-.-.uri1cd recharge 111 the n·ent that gravity recharge i-. not dkctI\l' and a prm1-.1011 for convert mg the CiC\V well to a traditional L'\tral'11011 well 111 thee\ ent that (iC\\' 1-. not demon-.trated to he dfrct1\·c.
:\ remedial altnnat1\e con,1,1111g of two (iC\\' ,y,tem, wa, dneloped. llm\ner. contarn111at1011 111 the lower ,and-. unit wa, not characterr1ed a, he111g addrc.,-,ed d1reL·tly hy the two ,y,tcm-.. :\nother ;dternat1\L' con-.1-.tin,,'. of four (i('\\' -.y-.lL'm-. \\a-. dnL·loped 111 order to c-.ti111a1L· L'l"-h a-.-.ouatL·d with a -.horter c-.t1111atcd re-.toration trmc. Hydraulic conta1111llcnt u-.1ng tr;1d1t1011al e\tract1011 ,,di-.\\ a-. L'\ aluatcd. and a third alternat1\e con-.i-.t1ng of OllL' 1) gpm CiC\\' -.y-.tem Ill addre.,-, the plUllll' hPhpot and thrL·e trad1t1onal L'\tract1on well-. opLTat111g at a total tlowralL' of ~-i gpm to hydraulically L·11ntain the plullle at all depth intenal-. \\a-. dL·,elo11L·d
lktarkd ka-.1hil1ty -.tudy-kvd Uhl c-.t1matc-. were dn·dopcd for the CiC\\' alternat1\L'" dc-.crihcd ahovc a, well a-. the following two altcrnat1vc-.:
• The no action altnnati,c which include-. groundwater monit11ring
• The acll\l' rc-.torat1011 altcrnatl\l' which i-. prc-.cntcd 111 the Record of Ikc1-.1on a-. the -.ckL·tL·d rL'llll'lh
URS Steiner Woodward Clyde I .. _ , •• : I ( ' , ,, '. ' L-1
Execuuve Summarv - -------
Number Description Total Flowrate Worth 1 Frame Estimate
1 No action 0 gpm S300.000 Not applicable.
~ '
3 GCW 30 gpm GCW, 0 gpm S1 .300.000 40 years extraction/discharge
4 GCW plus hydraulic 15 gpm GCW. 25 gpm $1,800,000 50 years containment extract1onid1scharge
5 Additional GCW 60 gpm GCW, 0 gpm $1,800,000 I 20 years extraction/discharge
The ted1111L',tl rnelllllrandu111 "'(1rgan11ed 111 the fllllllw1ng rnannL-r. The parent text of the dllL'lllllL'llt dnelllp-.. and -..L"!een-.. alternat1\e-.. tollowmg ka-..1htl1ty -..tudy guidance a-, appropriate. The CiC\\' 1rnpkrnentah1lity an,tly-..1-.. i-.. pre-..ented a-.. ,Ill attachrnent to the docurnent. :\ l'lllllpari-..lln llf the co-..t e-..tirnate-.. dnl'loped by BVSPC in 1998 and l 'RSC,WC in 2000 i-.. al-..o prm 1ded a-.. an attachment :\ttachrnl'nl tly-..hl'L'h and thl' appL'ndice-.. to thl' impkml'ntahility ,lll,tl) -..1-.. attachml'nt arl' dl'linl'atl'd hy nurnhl'rl'd tab-,.
The· l'rL',e'Tll \\llrth \\,1, ,,1kul.11L'd lhlll~ lhL' ,111,dkr lit lhL' e·,11m,1tl'll 1e·,t"r.111"n time· tr.111\L' "r ,() ~L';1r,
I l11s .iltL'Tll,111\L' \\,Js dne·l"J'L'll Ill lhL" 1111.d k.1,1hil11~ stud~ d,11c'd l'l'IS
lhe· L"slJll\,llL'd lh>\H,llL' \\,Js dnL"lllJ'L'll 111 lhL' l111,d k,1s1hi11t\ ,tulh
1"111s 1,,1,tl pre',e'lll \\\lTlh Js h.1,e·d <'ll lhL' l 'RS(;\\'C e·st1m.11c' \\(ll,h d1tkr, lr"m the· B\'Sl'C e·,t1malL'
' lhe· L',t1111,llL'd re·st<>r.1l1<>1l lilllL' \\,1, dnL·l11J'L'll Ill lhL" llll,il k,1,1hil1t~ stud\
I-' - ") ' t" l -..,, i '.' • t' •• : _ ~' ~ ,i :,~
SECTI0NONE Introduction
The -.uh1cct of 1111-. document 1-. the cmergmg technology characteri1at1on ,tudy f CS) wl11ch 1-. being CllnductL·d a-. a part of the act1\ 1t1c, at the Bruno Supcrfund Site nL·ar Bruno. :\cbra-..k:1 Thi-. 1L'drn1L·:il memorandum \\;1-. prep;1red by I 'RS (ire1nn \\'oodward Clyde rt 'RS(,\\'Cl Thi, proJL'ct ha-.. heen perfllrmed under Ta-..k Order :\o. 00 IX of the t ·.s. :\rllly Corp-.. of Lng111en-.. 1 l S.-\( Tl. K;m-.;J-. Cit\ Di,t1xt 1 ( T:\\\' K) ( ·ontr;1L·t :'\ll. D.-\( '\\'-+ I _l)h-D-SO I•
Thi-.. dllcUlllcnt pre-..cnt-.. data that were C()lkctcd and L'\ aluated according to the draft fin:d l·.lllerg111g Tedrn()lllgy ChaL1cten1alt()l1 Stud: \\'ork Plan I l 'RS(i\\'C. llJlJ(J) dated Octohn J l)lJlJ It 1-.. rL'C()ll11lle1Hkd th;1t re\ 1ewer, of thi-.. 11.·chn1cal lllL'llH1rand, .. :1 he Lt1111l1:1r \\ 11h the \\()rl... plan.
1.1 OVERVIEW .-\ Record of lkc1-..1on (RODI wa-.. -..1gned for the Bruno Coopcrat1\ L' :\-..-..ouation/.-\-..,0L·1ated Propert1e-.. Site f al-..o known a-.. the Brun() Supnfund Site l lln Septelllber 30. J l)lJX ( LP:\. J l)lJX 1.
The -.1te location 1-.. ,hown on Figure J-1. ;md Figure J-2 1-.. the -.1te 1J1:1p The ROD 1dent1fie, three gwundwater contall1111anh of concern:
• Carbon tetrachloride (CTl.
• 1.2-dichloroethanc ( 1.2-DC:\).
• Chloroform 1CF).
• :\cti\'e re-..toratl()n of the aquikr hy pulllp111g and treating the contalllinated groundwater.
• C,roundwater monitoring and a periodic analy-..i-.. of the re-..ult-...
• Treatment of contaminated groundwater hy air -..tripping tray aeratwn tech111que-...
• D1-..charge of treated groundwater to the nL·arh\ trihut;1n of Skull Creek. :\t the option of -..tatc and local authori11e-... -..ome of the water may he hendicially reu-..ed rather than d1-..charged.
• :\handonlllent of Bruno Supply \Veil 36-1 following -..tale gu1del1ne-... ;111d returning Brun() Supply \\'ell 65-1 to\1ce a-.. a -..ource of dnnk111g water 111 time-.. of high demand hy placing trL·atmcnt on th1-.. well.
The l' S. h1\ 1rnnlllental Protection Agency f EPA) and the :\ebra-..ka Department of En\'lronmental Quality (:\DEQl ha\e con-..i-..tently been intere-..ted in e\aluating emerging ted111olog1e-.. a-.. potential replacement-.. for the -..elected pump and treat -..y-..tem. The-..e L'lllerg1ng technologie-.. include:
• C,roundwater L·11n1L1t1on well-.. 1C,C\\'-..) \\hid1 L'\tr;1L·t groundwater. treat groundwater. ;111d recharge the groundwater to the aquikr Ill a -..111gk well or a pair of well-... The applic1t1on of C,C\\' re-..ult-.. in no net groundwater extraL·tion or -..urface di-..d1arge.
• :\1r -..parg1ng which 111\ oh e-.. the m1ect1on ol air 11110 thL· -..aturated 1one 111 order to rem\\\ e \'Olat1k organic compound-.. (voe-..) through the pncolallllll of the air 11110 the Ulhaturated / llne.
ThL· -..cope of the characten1at1lln -..tudy llll'lude-..:
SECTI0NONE lntroducuon
• :\n cng1nccnng analy,1, to L'\aluatc the technical lea,1hil1ty of (iC\\'.
• .-\11 L'llg111cn111g analy,i, to L'\ aluatc the tcdrniL ,d ka,ihility of air ,parging.
• f-'ca,1hil1ty ,tudy Ind conceptual de,1gn of rcmcd1al alternat1\·c, ,uffic1ently deta1kd to prq1,1rc ,:P,t L·,t1matc, \\ h1ch 111cludL· ( iC\\. ,llld/llr air ,parg1ng 11 ,ud1 tcchrwlog1e, ;l!L' dcL·med tcdrn1callv ka,1hk.
• l·L•,1,1hil1ty-lnL·l L'll,t analy,r, ol one llr more (iC\\' -ha,cd altnnatr\L'"· an a11 ,parg111g- 1;1,, d ,tltnn.i ... L'. 111L·L·hn1L·ally ka,1hk. and the ,ckctL·d pump ,md treat remedy
The \\ llrk plan ( l 'RS(i\\'( ·. l l)l)l) 1 prL·,crlted an 1111tral l1tn;1ture rL·\·1e\\ tll ch;1ractcn1c ,1tc Cllilli1ttll11,. ,llld ;1 hllIL'hllk \\a, dnlkd and ,;11npkd 111 '.'..:ll\L·mhcr 11>1>1> 111 llrdn Ill pnl\ 1dc .1dd1t11111,tl,1. Tin, 1L'd1111c;tl 111crnor,mdurn .iddrL'""L'" thL· IL'llla111dn Ill the characte111,1t11in "L'll(1L' related to ka,1hrltty and L·o,t analv,c,.
1.2 OBJECTIVES The d1,L·u.....,1011 llf llhJcct1\c-.. rl'lkch the L'\lllut1on ol the prowct from the dn·dopment of the \\ Prk plan Ill the prc,cnt. l 'nk ...... otherwi-..c ,peufically ,tatcd. th 1, tcchn1cal memorandum\\ ill addrc"" the oh_1cL·t1\L'" 11,tcd 111 !l11, ,cct1011. The primary oh,1cct1\e of th1" charactn11at1on ,tudy ,, to L'\ ;tluatc the tedrn1cal ka,1hil1ty ol two emeq;mg tL·chnolog1e,. (iC\\' and air ,parg1ng. dnL•lpp pntL·ntial rL·mcdial altnnati\L'" u,ing tho,L· ;dtnnati\L'" if apprPpriatc. and compare the cP,h pf an\' ,uch altcrnat1\·e, to the ,ekcted remcd\'. . - Spcc1!1c oh1ect1\L'" rdatcd to the d1aractcn1ation of CiC\V tcdm1cal ka,ihility at the ,1te include:
• ldcnt1licat1on and ,dcL'lHlll ol a ,ingk location for detailed ,1ratigraph1c characten1at1011 LJ-..111g a pilot hordwle. Thi, oh,1ecti\'e wa, accomplt-,hcd during the work plan ,tage of the pro_JL'Cl.
• L\;duat1011 ol the potential dkct1\ene,-, uf a "Y"lem to extract groundwall'r from Clllllam111;1tL·d pPrt1011, lll the ;1qu1kr ;1t thL· ,ckcted IPcallllll.
• E\'aluat1on of the nature and extent of the dkct1\'e treatment area.
• F\ ;duat1011 of potcnt1al CiCW treatment procc,-,c,.
• ( 'h;ll;1cten1at1lln of till· potL'lll1,tl fllr trL·alL'd ground,, ;1tn rL·ch;1rgc at the -,ckcted location 111cludmg the potential need for engineering control to prevent recharge zone plugging/fouling.
• lnkrcnce of '>\,tcm dkctl\L'lll'"" :11 candidate IPcation, Pthn th:111 the pilot borehole location.
Specific oh,1ecti,e, rel:1tcd to the d1aracten1ation of air ,parg1ng technical ka,ihility at the ,1tc include:
• l:,aluat1on ol the potcnllal L'lkct1\L'lll'"" ol a -,y,tcm tu 111JL'L'l ,111111 the ,aturated 1une and rcmo\·e \·apor, from the ur1"aturatL·d tone at the pilot borehole locat1on.
• L,;tluat1011 ol the potL·nt1al L'1lL·ct1,L·nL·"" pf a ,y,tL·m Ill rL'lllll\l' cP11tam1n:t11h ol L·unccrn at the ,elected locat1on.
1-2 "' H •• ~ • D· .J" C-; TV;, .... : . " .
SECTI0NONE lntroducuon
• L, aluat1011 of potential air tlowrate, at the ,elected location.
• Evaluat1011 of the nature and extent of the L'lfrct1,·e treatment area.
• Evaluation of potential , apor treatment requ1remenh and cand1datL' treatment proce..,..,L'"·
• lnkrence of ,y,tem dfrct1,ene..,.., al candidate location, other than thL· pilot hord1ok loc;1t1on.
Specific ohJL'ct1,e, related to the colkct1on of fil'ld data during the character11at1on ,tud~ intL'Tllkd Ill ,upport the rd.inelllL'lll of ;111y L'x1,t1ng gL'lllPg1L·lh:drllgL'lllllgtc L·h,1r;1L·IL'r11.1t111rh .11 the ,elected pilot horehok loc1tron ,,ere accompli,hed during the field work ,tagc of the pro1eL·I:
• lktermtnation of the depth to groundwater.
• Performance of grain ,11e analy,L'" for ,clec!L'd interval,.
• Characteri1ation of geod1L·mical groundwater quality.
Spectftc oh1ect1,e, related to the dewlopment of a CiCW conceptu;tl de-.1gn. ,hould the prL·L·ed1ng ;maly,L·.., 111dic1tL' that (iCW i, tcchniL·;tl)y ka-.,ihk. include:
• E,t1mat1on of the numher and location of (iC\\' un1h.
• l:,t1mat1on of the 111d1v1dual tlowrate, of the (iC\\' unth.
• E,timation of the potential engineering control, for recharge plugging/fouling
• E,t1mat1011 of re,toratton time.
SpcL·tfic oh1ectt\L'" related to the de,elopment of an an ,pargtng conceptual de,1gn. ,hould the preced111g an;tly,e, indicate that air -.,parging i, technically ka,ihk. include:
• l·:,t1mat1011 of the numher and location of air ,parging unth.
• E,t1mat1on of the individual tlowrate requtremenh of the air ,pargtng unih.
• f:-.,11mat1on of till' potentral ,apor treatment procL·,-.,e..,_
• E-.,t1mat1on of the re,torat1on t11ne.
The ,pectftc oh1ect1,e of the k;hthtl1ty C(ht e,t1malL'" ,.., to prO\ tde a common ha,1, fpr uimpan-.,on llf Uhh for:
• The (iCW conceptual de,1gn (or de-.,ign, l. if technically ka,thk.
• The air ,parging conceptual l.k,1gn. if technically ka,ihk
• The rcmedv ,elected in the ROD.
The accuraL·:- ol the C(i,t L',t1matl', 1, expectl'd to hL· 111 thL· rL'lllL'd1;d 111\L•-,t1gattllnltL•a-,1htl1ty -,1udy gu1dance-,1)L·L·1f1L'd rangL· of +50/-.10 accuracy. That 1,. thl' L·,timatl', arL' accL'pt;ihk tf thL· l'\lllll;itl'd Uhh arl' a-., much a, 50 pL'rcL'nl grl'all'r than llr a, much ;h 30 percent k..,.., th;rn the actu;1l co,i....
SECTI0NONE lntroducuon
1.3 EVALUATION PROCESS ThL· L'\ :tl11;1t1ll11 llf thL· 1111w\ ;itt\L' tL·chrwlog1L', ;ind thl' '-L'kctl'd rL'mL'dy will L''-'-L'llt1.tlly fllllow thL· 1-.P.-\ IL'lllL' 111\ L',t1g.1t1ll11/k.1,1h1l1t) ,tud) 1 Rl/l·S I p11dancl' ( LP.-\. I l)SS 1. I Ill\\ n n. th 1, d1,L"ut11L·nt 1, llllt .1 tL·pl.1L·L·111L·11t !llr thL· L'\ht111g k;1,1htl1t:-, ,tudy (B\'SPC. llJl)S1. ThnL' ;1rL· thtL'L' plu,L'-.. t(i ;111 l·S: thl' 1dl'11t1l1L'dllllll and '-L"IL'L'nlllg ll! tl'dmlllog1L'-... the dl'\L'lop111L'nt and '-LTL'L'ntng 1d .tltn11.1tt\L',. ,llld thL· tkt.11kd ,lll:tl:-, ,1, ll! .tltnn;itt\L''-. Thl' pn1L·L·,-.. llf L':1d1 pha,L' 1, lk,L"rthL·d hL'lll\\.
1.3.1 Identification and Screening of Technologies
The ,tL·p, llL'L"L'"-ar:-, to ;1L-L'lllllpl1-..h !IJJ-.. pha-..c arc:
• Dnclllp IL'lllL'd1;tl ;1ct1t111 llhJL'L'lt\L', (R.-\0,1 th;1t addrc-..-.. ,llL'-,pL'ctf1c contammanh. Lt111t.11111n.ttL·d lllL'dt,l. ,llld L'\J1lhLIIL' patlrn ;1:-, -... Thl' I{()[) ( LP.-\. I 1)1)S I ptll\ tdl'-.. thL· !llllo\\ 111g R.-\0 ,ldtL'lllL'lll .. ThL· R.-\0 !111 the Brunll Cll-ll(1 ,ttL· h tll prncnt human L'\(1ll'-llrl' tll L·ll11t.1m1n;1tcd groundwatl'r ·· Thl' fllllowmg final ckanup kvd-.. WL'rl' L',tahl1-..hcd for thl' grllund \\ ;1tl"r L'11nt;11111 n;1nh lll cuncL"rn:
CT ) ~tg/L
1.2-DC:\ - ) pg/L
• ILknt11\ .trl'a, and \lllllllll''- llf conta1rnnalllHl. Figure 1-3 the L'XIL'nt of contam111atl"d gwund\,;ttl'r 1dl'nt1f1L'd hy thl' Ima! ka-..1htl1ty -..1udy for thl' -..1tl' lBVSPC. 191JSl. Tiu-.. arl'al L'\tl'nt 1, ;tl,ll 1-.rHl\\ll a-.. thl' arl'a of atta111mcnt. Thl' -..aml' document 11-..tcd thl' appwx1matc total \oluml' of groundwatl'r rl'quinng rl'111L'J1at10n a-.. I )0 rrnllion gallon-...
• Dc\dllp general rL",pon-..c action-.. (C,R:\-..1 to -..ati-..fy the -..itL'-,pL'ctfic R:\0-... Thl' ROD 1dl'nt1l1L''- thL· ,L'kctL·d CiR.-\ a-.. ;1qu1kr rl',toration.
• Identify and -..crccn groundwatn IL'chnolog1L'-.. and proCL''-'- option-.. for L'ach GR:\. Thl' -..copL' llf the d1araL·tn11at1ll11 ,tud:-, h;i-.. 1dc1111ftcd thl' fllllllw111g ground\\ atn IL'ch1wlog1L'-.. lllr L:1111-..1dl'rat 1011:
• ln1t1alh. CiCW and a11 -..parg111g will hl' -..crL'L'nL'd !or tl'ch111cal ka-..1htl1ty. :\-.. thl' -..dl'Ctl'd IL'lllL'd). pump and treat \\ ill hL· L'XL'mpt from '-LTL'L'n111g. If GC\\' and/or air -..parging arl' rl'ta111L'd -..uh-..L'tjllL'llt tll thl' 111111al '-LTL'L'ning. procl''-'- optilln-.. rdatl'd to tho-..L' IL'chnolog1L"-.. \\ ill hL· tLkn11fiL'J and ,crL'L'nL'd lllr 1L'dm1cal ka-..1htl1t). Thl' tl'dlll1L·.1ll:-, ka-..1hk lL'chnolog1L'-.. and pnlL·L'-..-.. option-.. will hL· further '-L"fL'L'nL'd ha-..L'd on dfccti\L'nl'-..-... impkml'ntahility. and co-..1 in ll!dn Ill -..dcct a rq)IL''-L'llUt1\L' procl''-'- optilln for a gi\cn n:ml'dial tL·chnology typL'. whL'rL' appropriate. TL"drnlllllgIL''- IL'l,111ll'd aftl'r thl' '-L'Cond -..crccning pwcl''-'- will hl' dL'\·dopL'd 11110 al tl"mat i \L'-...
I --l "'# .... ',' D·J 00 C-; TV· •.•• : ', ;.i .~
SECTI0NONE Introduction
1.3.2 Development and Screening of Alternatives
The rc1;11ned 1echnolog1e, and rclalcd procc,, op11on, ,ummar11ed 111 !he prn wu, ph;1,e arc dnL·luped 111111 prL·l1m111ary re1nL· ;tl!ernall\e, lo rL',!llre the aqurkr al lhL· ,r!L'. ThL· prL·l1lll111ary altcrnatl\L'' arL· then ,neL'llL'd ha,ed on lhL· three n11cria IL'llL'l'II\L'nc,,. 1mpklllen1ahrl1ty. and c1ht) lo potent rally reduce the number ol altnnat1\e, \\ h1ch \\ 111 urllkrgll 1kL11kd analy,1,. ThL·,e cntn1a arc the ,amc lhL'd in the 'L'ClllHI ,nccn111g c\alu;1t111n plL''L'lltnl 111 the prn 1otr-. pha,c. hut thL'Y ;1rc applied Ill ;tltn11at1\L'' a, ;1 \\ huk rather than 111 p111L·L·,, oplmn, or tccl1110log1c,. ThL· RI/FS gu1danee I LP:\. I 9XX) and thL' :'\at1llnal Cll11t1ngency J>Ltn 1:'\CP) require thal al1crnat1\e, undcrgll a L·omparatl\l' an;tly,1, ;1L·cnrd111g Ill nine ,pcL·1t1c L'\ aluat11ln cnlcna. Sncn llf thL' nrnc n alu;111011 n1tn1a ;1rc 11,ted hL·lnw. The la,t I\\ n L·ntn1.1. ,tatL· ;111d L'1lmmu111ty acL·L·ptancL·. ;1rc a-.....c-.....L·d lllllow1ng ,ekl'l1nn ol lhL· prL·krrcd rc111L· altnnal 1 \ e.
• O\erall protection of human health and the en\ 1ronmcnt.
• ( ·ompl1ance \\ i1h appl1cahk nr rek\ an! and appropria1c requircmcnh 1.-\R:\R, 1
• \111111111,c, rc,,dual n,k-. and afford, long-term dkct1\cnc" and (K'rmancncc
• ReductHm, 111 tox1c1ty. mobility. and volurrn: through treatment.
• \l1111m11e, -..hort-tcrm impact-.. and how qu1ddy 11 ach1n·e, protectHlll.
• lmpkmcntability.
1.3.3 Detailed Analysis of Alternatives
The deta1kd an;tly,1, llf alternati\e, for ;m FS 1, de,1gned to pn)\idc 1nformat1011 conn·rn111g each potential re111ed1al altcrnal1\e for ,ekc1111g an appropnale remedy for !he S11c .-\, q1ch. the de1;11kd ;111;tl} ,1, e\ ;tlu;1IL'' L";1d1 ;tllcrnali\e \\ 11h rL·,ped lo the lllllL' L·n1L-ri;1 li,IL'd 111 lhL· prn 111ti-. ,ec11on. The ,cope of thh cl1araL·1cn1at1ll11 ,tudy 111cludc, dcta1kd n aluat1on of a ,111gk cntcrnm. co,t. \\h1ch \\ill hL· pnformcd accllrd111g to the following procedure ha,L·d on RI/FS guidance.
E...i1matc, of the L·o,t of impkmcnt111g lllll' or mnre altcrnatiH·, will 111cludc d1rcl'I L·ap1t;tl L'11't-... indirect capital eo,i-... and annual operation and m;1intenance I 0&\1) co,i-.. D1rcl'I L·ap1tal item, may 111cludc cquipmenl. land and ,ire dnelllp111en1. and budding, and u1I1111e,. IndrrL'L't L·ap1tal ui...t-.. may 111cludc con-..1ruct1on. engineering cxpen,c,. liccn,e or pern111 kc,. ,tart-up and ,hakedown co,h. and cllntingL·ncy allll\\ ;111L·e,. Operat111g Ltbnr. maintcna11L'e lahllr. enng}. d1-..po,al ol rc,iduc,. purcha,cd ,L·nicc, ,ucl1 a, ,ampling. admin1,tral1\·c cll,h. 11i...ur;1ncL·. ta\L''-. ma1n1en;111cc rc,ene and L·on11ngenc} fund,. rchahrl11at1on or replacement. and '.'-year rL'\IL'\\, arc 1ypical ekmcnh of 0&\1 co,t c,11111ate, .-\, a final ,tcp. !he prc,L·nt worth llt' all a"oL·1atcd co,i-. will he c;1kula1ed ,o thal the al1nnat1\ e, can he c,1mparcd 111 loday·, dollar, u,111g ;1 30-vcar llllll' fra111e.
The c11'I analy,1, will require thal thL· al1crnal1\l''- he dL'\L'lllpL·d and dcfinL·d Ill a ,kgrcc th;11 the cxpcl'lcd :tL'L'llf:tL'} lll the c,t1m;1tc i... \\ 11h1n +)W-.~I) ;1L·L·ur;1L·}. Thal ,,. lhl' c,11malL'' arc
SECTI0NONE lntroducuon
,1l·L'cpt;1hk 11 the c,t1111;1tL·d L"o,i-- arc a, much a, )0 percent greater than or a, much a, 30 percent k.,-, th.111 thL· ;1ctu;tl L"1 hh.
SECTI0NTWO Field AcUVltles
2.1 PILOT BOREHOLE DRILLING Jlll, ,eL·l1llll dPL·u1ne11h lhL· field L'!!llrl L·llmpk1L·d h_\ I RS (irL'lllL'l \\.llod\\ard Cl_\tk ( l 'R.S( ,\\'( ·) ,1.., part pf the Lmcrg111g TcdrnlllPg_\ ( 'har,1l'!L'll/at111n Study ,lt the Brunll Supertund Site 111 Brun11. :--.;chra..,ka. Rekr Ill Attachment I for :-,.;m em her I ()l)() field act I\ 1t1L'"· The field l'lfort hL·gan lln \l1lnday. :-,.;o\elllhl'f 1-i and \\a.., cnmpletL·d nn \1"•1day. :-,.;m•L·mhL·r 22. ll)()() The fllllnw1ng proJL'C! member.., completed ficldwllrk:
• kif h"hL·r - l "RS(i\\'C Ta..,h. \bnagn
• fa..,lln Hellman - l 'RSCi\\'C S1IL' Saki\ Otl1cn
• Cllranui Circa! Plain". Inc. D11ll111g ..,uhcontral'tor ..,upcn hL'd hy Dan Blankenau
Pnnr IP in111at1ng dnll111g acti\ it IL'"· thL· pilot hole location wa-.. ..,takL·d 70 feet northea..,t of the ( 'h1cf Srlll ;md _10 feet ,outhc;i-,t of Railroad Street I 20 kct ca,t of the knee) ;1L·cording to Figurt.•
2-1. :\ utility mcl'!111g \\a, cllmpletcd with all utility compan1c-.. in the area ( the Village of Bruno. :\)Itel. and :--.;ehra-..ka Puhl1c Power Di,tnct ). Lich utility rompany 1nd1L·;1ted lhl'rL' \\ L'lL' no utilit1c-.. loc1tcd on the -..outh ,1de of Railroad Street. The Bruno Co-op manager. \1'. Ruth Kuncl. 1nd1catnl there \\L'rl' no prl\atc util1t1c-.. 111 the area to he drilled.
After utility clearance wa:-, received. a :-,JIL' :-,akty mcet111g wa:-, held to 111form the Jnll crew of the plllcn11al danger-.. Ill\ llh cd al the ,11e Coranco rhen complercd deconraminaliPn pf all drill111g equipment prior to llHl\lllg the drill rig O\l'r the pilllt IHlle. :\II down-hole ,ampl111g equipment wa:-, ,uh-..cqucntly decontaminated prior to each u-..e 111 the hordHlle.
Breath111g ;one air momtonng \\ a-.. Cllmpletcd u..,1ng an 11 7 eV 11:--.;u Pl[) cal1hratcd dad_\ to read carbon ll'lrachloridc :\ir mon1tnring \\ a-.. completed ;1, each ,ampk \\ a, L·nlkcted. :\II a1r­ mll111tur1ng rc..,ult.., WL'IL' k,-.. than -i ppm ahll\L' background.
Drill111g and ,ampling wa-.. conducted with • 1 4-lnch 1n..,1dc diameter hllllllw ,tem augL·r, and a 'i-flllll L'1lnt1nu0Lh -..;unpin. ThL· fir..,t dav·, l'lf11rt fi111,hL·d ,11 .~O kct hclllw grnund ,urLtrc I ft hg,) with I 00 percent rccO\cry of -..111-.. and clay..,_
The ,1a11c \\ ,1tcr Incl \\ ;1.., mca,urcd at I I .S ft hg, prillr to drilling and ,am piing wh1d1 began at :i.o ft hg, the ,econd day. Pllor rccll\ery rc,ulted during the 7-i to XS foot intcr\al after ,andy material.., were encountered and a driller", llllll \\a, drop1K·d into the hole. Although the tolll wa, 1n111ally a ..,llurce of concern. 11 wa, later determined that the ,ampler\\ a:-, not appropriate lor the finc-,and matL·rial, encountered throughout thi.., 1111L·n al. l11111al cxpcctat1on, \\L'rl' that ,1 morL· cohc,i\ c ,ilt/clay would he encountered al th1-.. depth. Problem-.. with n:cmny in th1-.. material uHll1nucd until a more c11he,I\L' material \\ a, ,,1111pled at appr11x1111atcly I 07 ft hg,.
On :-,.;11\cmher 17. I ()()l)_ Dr. Curt Elmllrl' ( l 'R.SCi\\'C) and \lr. T11m Ci raff ( CL:--.;WK-1·:C 1-:C) \1,1tcd tl1L· ,11c. Drilling and ..,ampl1ng began at apprn\.lmatcl_\ XS ft hg,. R.crO\cry L·11nt1nunl to he unaL·rcptahly low and uplln reaching I()() ft hg,. the dcu,1lln \\ a, made Ill lllf-.ct the hllring 7.5 ft Ill the ,lluthwc-..t and ,ample difkrL·nt L'qu1pmL·nt
The -..econd hole \\a, drilled to 70 ft hg, \\1thout ,ampl111g on :-,.;O\L'lllher IX. ll)99. After the L·unt1nu0Li-. -..ampkr produL·cd unaL'L'L'ptahlc rcrowry lrnm thL· 70 tll 75 and 75 Ill XO ft hg, ,ample,. a 2-inch d1amL'IL'r ,pl11-,p1Hln -..ampler \\a, u,cd. The ,pl11-,p1Hln ,ampler wa-.. trnlll XO II hg, to about 102 It hg, \\hl'IL' more col1L·,1\L' 111,llLTi.d, \\L'rL' L'nL'lllll11L'IL'd. R.L'L'll\L'I\
2- I
SECTI0NTWO Field Acttvttles
dl1L·1cncy \ll the fine ,and mcrca,cd from ;1hout IX'; u,mg the C\IL ,ampkr tu about 7 2'; lhlll~ thL· ,pl11 ,pUl111 ,;1111pln. The 5-1(101 ,ampkr \\a, then u,L·d Imm apprux1matdy 102 It hg, tu ;1
t,1t;tl h11k depth lll 125 Ith~,. du1111~ \\l11d1 \\L';1thl'lcd hcdnid;. \\a, L'llL'lllllltl'IL'd at ahnut 122 5 It hg,.
S;1mpk, l\lr pain ,11L· an:tly,1, \\ L'IL' retained from the three 1ntcn al, c,t1matcd to he 111 the uppl'I ,,ind. m1ddk ,lit. and 11>\\LT ,and. Tl1L·,L· inrcnah were horh -Vi lo -n ft hg, and 75 It> XO Ir hg, lr\lm the l11,1 h\lrL'h\lk. and (J() l\l (J• Ir hg, lrnm the otl,ct hordwk. ThL· ,1rat1graph1L·
1nl\lr111at1011 oht;11ncd from 1111, horchok wa" u,cd to c1m,truct the gculug1c column Ill
Figurl' 2-2.
Snil L·utt111~, \\l'IL' liL·ld ,crccncd for organic vapor, pri11r lo hc1ng "prcad thmly around till· d11ll1n~ ,1tc ThL· hllrd1ok, \\L'rL· grouted Friday. and all1mL·d to ,cttk hdorc hackfillmg \\1th ,oil on \londay. :\ovcmhcr 22. l l)l)l)_
.-\ltl'I d11ll1ng had L·L·a,L·d Tuc,day. :\ovcmhn 17. wain quality ,ampk, wnc collected from P\\" .,6-1 ( ,cc Figure •- I l According to the draft final work plan. field mc;Mircmcnl"I. fidd a.,-,ay ,ampk,. and lahoratory ,ampk, were colkucd.
hdd mca,urcmcnl"I 1ncludcJ:
SECTI0NTWO Field Activities
• .-\lkal1n1tv
L1hora1or! data pacL1~L'' arc rna1nta1ncd 111 the t ·R.S(i\\'C l1k, and 1nL·ludc the folio\\ 1n~ 11c11i,.
• T1tk ,hcct with pw1cL1 na1!lc. conrrad number. Lth name :111d addrL'"· pl1111t-n!"-cPnl.1L1. tdcphondfax number. and ,,~nature of re-,pnn,1hk party.
• Ca,L· narralt\ L' \\ 11h numhL·r :111d dc,cr1pt1nn pf ,ample,. te,h pcrlorn1L·d. prohkni-. encountered. UHTL'L'tl\ c acttnn,. and ~L·ncral commL·nh.
• .-\n:d~ t1cal data arran~L·d h! anal! ltL·:tl method and hy ,:ullpk \\ 11h1n each lllL'thod ty flL'
• Cal1hr:1t1on data
• COC lorn1-,
.-\ ,ummarv of the lahoratorv re,ulh can he found 111 Tahle 2-1.
2.4 WORK PLAN DEVIATIONS lkviation-, from the original work plan include the following:
• Thur,day. '.\n\cmhn IX. J l)l)l)_ an off-,L'! hnrdwk wa-, drtlkd to 70 It hg, \\ 1tlwut ,;1mpl1ng
• :\Iler the )-foot cont111uou-, -,ampkr produced unacceptahk recovery from the 70 to 7) .ind 7) to XO It hg-, ,ampk,. a 2-rnch ,pl11--,poon ,ampkr wa-, u,ed at thl' Ptl,et Thl' ,pl11-,p(H1n
,ampkr \\ a-, u,ed from XO ft hg, to about I 02 ft hg, where more cohe,I\ c material,\\ ne enuiuntcred. The )-font ,ampkr w;1-, thl'n u,ed from approximately 102 It hg, Ill a !lit;tl hok dl'pth of 125 ft hg,.
Technologies and Process Options
3.1 IDENTIFICATION OF GENERAL RESPONSE ACTIONS ( iL·nn;d IL·,pothL' al'11u11' aIL' 111cthud, h) \\ h1d1 (11nt;111111ut1un 111.1y he L·untr11llcd. L'Unt,lltlL'd. treated. ur d1,po,cd 111 rL·mu\ L' the threat tu human IK;dth and the cnnrnnmcnt. The f11llm, Ill:-'. general rc,pon-,L' aL't1on-, arc appropriate for the groundwater contamination at the Bruno ,11e·
• :\11 ;1L·1111n - Th,-.. ron,1-.1-.. of lea\ mg lhl' Sill' "a, h ... \\ 11h pnl\ 1,1011-, only for Jll()llJl1ll1ng groundwatn. :\o aclJ\L' L·11ntrol or rcllll'd1at1on \\ utlld he 1nrlulkd.
• Jn-.11tut1011al control, - Thr, rc,pon,L' aL·t1on prnl'nh L'Xpo,url' to contalll111;1IL'd gruundw;1tn hy L·ontrollmg acl'L'"" tu the '-IIL' ur rc,tnL·tmg thl' potential u,c of ground\\ atn.
• :\atural altl'llllat1on - DL'gradat1on of certain, hy natural proce"e" doc, oL·L·ur al -,oml' -,itc,. Formali1L'd procedure, for L'\ aluating and monitoring natural attl'nu;1t1on ha\'L' been de\ eloped 1n rl'cl'nt yl'ar,. E\'aluation of th 1, prnrl'"' may he appropriate at thl' Bruno ,1tL'. ho\\L'\ L'r. a dl'ta1lcd L'\ aluation i-, 11uhidl' the ,cope uf 1111, duruml'nt.
• Cuntammcnt - Conta111ml'nt lll\Ohl', a phy,1L·al mL';llh uf rL'\lnrt1ng ur m1n11rn11ng thL· migration of contaminanh.
• RL'moval - Contaminant, arc phy,ically rcmo\·cd from the environment to prevl'nt impact to human health and the Cll\'Ironml'nt.
• Treatml'nt - The contaminanh arc changl'd. tran,krrl'd. or dc-,troyed -,o a-, to reduce the tox1uty. mohil1ty. and/or \olumL' of the \\a-,te material. Permanent treatment (dc-,1n1rt111n) 1-, preferred.
• D1-.po-,;tl - Contam111;111h arc relocated to a controlled Cll\'lronmcnt with le-,-, potential to 1mpaL·t human health and the L'll\ ironmcnt.
3.2 IDENTIFICATION OF REMEDIAL TECHNOLOGIES There c.111 he one or more remedial tedrnologic-, ;i-,-,ociatcd with a general rc-,pon-,c acll()ll Once the gl'ncral re-,pon-,L' action-, ha\e been identified for a -,11c. remedial tcchnologic, are identified ha,cd on a literature rn icw of a\ a1L1hlc tcchrwlogrc". dataha-,c ,carches of information on trL'atmcnt tcchnolog1c-,, pa-,t experience remed1atmg ccrtam type-, of cuntam1nanh. \endur ;md/11r -,uppl1n lrtcraturc. and rn11<natl\L' IL'L·hnol1>gy dnL'lPp111cn1 notrn·, or announL·cmcnh. The 1dcnt1fication prncL'"" ,-.. thornugh ;1nd cumplctc \\lthuut L'on-,idnatron of pr())L'L·t--,pL·l·1fic LIL'111r-, \\ h1ch 111;1\ inllul'nrc the ultrmatc -,elcct1on of a rcmcd\'. - -
Some of the donrmcnh u,cd to 1dcnt1I\- remedial tcdrnolog1c-, fur purpo"L'" of th1-, Tcdm1L',d \kmorandum included:
• RcmL·dral .-\l·t1on at \\'a-,tc Dr,po-,al S1tl'-, Handhouk ( FP.-\. I 9X) l
• CompL'nd1um of TL'chnologiL'" t ·..,L·d 111 Treatment of I L11ardou-, \\'a-,[c-, ( FP:\. I (JX7)
• Ciu1dl' to Trl'allllL'lll Tedrnulogre-, tor IL11ardoti-, \\';1,tL''- at Supcrfund Sill'" !FP.-\. ll)X1)1
• hnal l·ea,rhilrt;, Study. Bruno. :\ehr;hka (Blad,,\: \'l·atd1. I 1)1)X)
1 "" ... • -1 r oAf r , ..... , ~f ll .. : 1 • .: ,,.,-. .. -. _, - l
SECTIONTHREE ldentiflcauon and Screening of
Technologies and Process Options - --·--------------
hir thL· ··nP .1ct1P11 .. ~L·nn;tl rL·,pPlhL' ;i,:ttPn. thL'IL' .trL· llP IL'lllL'dt;tl lL'L°lllllllP~tL'' In,t1tut11111;tl L·(intrlll, ;11 thL· Brunll ,1tc llld) con,i-..1 of aL·cc,-.. and ll'-L' rc-..tnct1011'- and/llr monttllt 111~. \:atur;tl .1tll'11u.it1, 111 \\, iuld 111\ ( ih L' .1 1.kt.11kd tltllllllllt 111~ pt, 'c-'.I .1111 I, ill( i\\ Ille-'. c-'.ll11.kl1nL·, I, >I 111, ,111t, ,1 Ille-'. ;1tlL'nu.1ttllll CP11t;11nlllL'lll Cllt1ld po,,1hl) L·on,ht llf h)draultL· contnil, 111 \L'lltc;tl h.1rr1L'h The IL'lllll\;tl mcthlld for 1h1-.. ,rte ,,ould con,1-..1 of ~niundwatcr c,1ract1un. hir thL· trc;1t111L·11t c-'.L'IIL'ral IL'"PUlhL' ;1ct1011. thnc arc 111- ... 11u and ph)"tc;tl/chL'lll1cal rc111cd1;tl IL'L·hnol(1~1L'" th.ii 111.1:­ hL· .1ppl1c.1hk [)1..,p1h;tl opt11111 .... 1cl1,dc IL'Ch,1rc-'.L'. d, ...'. 111 hL·nl'11u;tl IL'LhL'.
Tahll· J-11dc1111!1c, c-'.ll>llrlLh\;tll'I IL'lllL'dt;tl IL·chnol1i~tL'' ;111d rroL·L'" optt1lfh
3.3 IDENTIFICATION OF PROCESS OPTIONS l'rllL"L'..,.., up11orh arc the next component of potential altcrnalt\·c-.. tu he 1dcnt1ficd. Pwcc..,.., llpt1011 ... ,ltL' '11L'L"tftL· t) (1L'' Ill IL'lllL'dt,tl tL·chnol(igtL''· 11ltcn 1dcnt1ficd hy a procL''" name ui1n111011 111 'L'\L· \L'thlllr,· lL'clrnPl1,~tL''· Tahll' J-2 tlknttliL'" plltcnt1;tl pwcL''" Ppl1Pth
hir thL· "np al'ltllll .. ~cncral IL'"Plln"L' acltllll. thl'IL' .ire no procc..,.., llpltlln,. :\cL'L''" ;111d LhL' 1L·,tr1cttlllh \\llllld tll\llhc deed rc..,tnct1011-... The appropriate media Ill mo111tor fllr Brunll 1.., ~l(llllhl\\,tlL'r \;,1tur;tl ;1tlL'nual1Pn Illa) rcqutrL· a 11111rL' loL"LhL'd. comprl'l1L'lhl\L' 1111l111to1111~ .1ppw;id1 ',() "locu,cd monttorrn{' 1, thL· prncc,.., option. Lxtractton well.., arc the 1110 ... 1 approp11;1tc method of h)draultctlly co11troll111g ground,,atcr. Vcrtrc;tl harrrcr, can he L.(llhtructcd u ... 111g, ;1r1oth 1na1L·r1;tl, and mL·thod .... hut a collLTL'lL' diaphragm 1-.. l°(lrJ,tdnL·d ,1, thL· prPL"L'" Ppttllll for Brunll. ( iroundwatn L'\lraL·t1011 1, 1no ... 1 uimmonly accomplt..,hcd ti...111g ,, L'lh ,llld. thnc!Prc. ground,,atn L'\tracttlln ,,ell.., arc ..,pcctftL·d for rL'IIHl\al Ill the contamtnatcd gwund,, atcr at Bruno.
T,,ll 111- ... ttu mcthlld, ,,ere 1dc11t1ficd for ll"L' ;11 the Bruno ..,ttc air ... parg1ng and 111-\\cll ,t11pp111g \:urllL'llllh ph),1c,tl/chL'llltc;tl treatment mL·thodol11gtL'' that may he apprllpnatL· for trc;1t1ng 1.:(1ntam111atL·d groundwatn at Bruno ha,c been tlknt1ficd. n;imcly:
• :\tr -..1rrpp111g with tray aeration
• Coa~u lat 1on/tloccu I al ron
• hltr;1t1on
• L1qu1d/ltqu1d cxtractton
• ( )tl-watl'r -..cp;ir;ittlln
SECTIONTHREE • :\,l\·anccd o\ltb!t()n procc,,c, ( :\( >P, I
ldenUflcauon and Screening of Technoloales and Process oouons
For the rc111cd1al lcchnolog1c, of recharge. di,chargc. and hcnd1c1al rcu,c. the pr<K'L'"" op!t()n, 1,knt1l1L·d !Pr the grPundwalL'r at Brun() arc frnund\\;1tcr c1rcul;it1()fl well,. d1,d1argc IP a tnhutary of Skull Creek. and agricultural 1mgat1on. rc,pcclt\cly.
3.4 SCREENING OF TECHNOLOGIES AND PROCESS OPTIONS ThL· iL'lllcdtal tcd111ol()gic, and procc..,.., option, 1dent1ficd 111 ScL·t1on -~--~ arc fir,t ,crcened ()fl the ha,1, of tcd1111c;tl 1mpkmcntahtl11) 1n accord;111cc \\ 1th the R.1/l·S gu1d;1nL·c dPL'UlllL'fll 11-.I'.-\. I 1JXX I. L1d1 1ndi, idual technology and procc,, op!lon i, dc,crthed 111 ,uff1c1cn1 detail to pro, 1,k an un,kr,tand111g pf L'ach op11011 and to a..,..,1,1 111 thee\ ;tlualtPn of 1h 1L·d1111L·;tl 111L'rth a, ;1 ,olut1on to the contamination at a particular ,ite. Screening comment, arc prondcd for each procL'"" option ;ind addrc" the 1cd1111L·;tl lca,1hil1ty and ;1htl11y of a gl\cn prncc..,.., op!tllfl Ill ,L'I\L' 11-. intended purpo,e. ThL· ,creen111g comment-. include a ,ratement a,(() whcthn each pron·..,.., option "potentially applicahk or rcJL'cted. :\ rca,on for rejecting a particular proce..,.., option i, pnn1dcd.
Tahle 3-2 detail, the evaluation and '-CfL'L'l1ing of remedial tcchnologie, and proce..,.., opt 1011, for the Bruno ,1tc.
t ·ron compk11on of rhc ,crccning of 1l'chnolog1c.., and pnll'l'..,.., option,. additional n alua11011 1, done to ..,crecn tcchrwlogtc.., and procc..,.., opl1011 ... ha ... ed on three cntcna 1dcnt1ficd 111 the R.1/l·S guidance drn.:umcnl ( EPA. I <JXX ). The three cntnia arc:
• l:fkc11,·enL'"'
The ctfrc11,enc,.., of a particular remedial technology and proCL'"" op11011 1, c,aluatcd \\ 1th rc..,pect (() other ,1mtlar technolog1L'" ;111d proce..,.., option,. :\ tcchrwl()gy mu,1 he dkctl\ c .11
• Handling ()r 1rca1111g the e,t1matL·d area, or ,olulllL'" of lllL'd1a to alt,11n rL·me,li;tl g();tl-.
• \1tnimi,mg the potcnt1al 1mpach to human health and the en,·ironmcnt during the con,truct1on and impkmcnlat1on of a remedy invol,ing the technology and procc..,.., option
• Practical I) and rel1ahly remcd1at1ng the conta1111nanh gl\ en ,11e-..,peuf1L· L·ond1t1011-.
lmpkmL·ntahil11y L'ncompa""L''- h()th the techniL·;tl and admi111,1r;111,·L· ka,1hiltty of 1mpkmL·nt1ng ;1 tcd111ol()gy pro,..-e,,. lkcalhL' 1cchn1cal 1111pklllL'ntahtl11y 1, uttlt1L·d a, an 1111t1al ,crL·cn Pl tcchrwl()gy type, and procc..,.., option,. th1, dl'tatkd n·aluatl()l1 of procc..,.., ()pt 1011, pLtL-L''- greall'r c111pha,1, <111 the ad1111111,tral1\l' a..,pcch of impkmcntah1ltty . .,\..,pcct, of 1111pkmcntahtl1t) con,1dcrcd at th1, ,crccn1ng ,tagc include the ahility to ()ht;1111 necL·..,..,;1ry permit-. Pl Pl1- nr ntf-,1IL' al'11011". the matunty ()I the technology. the a,·;11lahtl1ty ol required trcatmL·nt. ..,,oragL·. ;111d d1,po..,al ,en 1cc, and capauty. and the a,·atlahtl1ty of required equipment and ,ktlkd ,, ()rker, t() impkrncrll the technology.
Co,1 pLty, a l11111tcd role 111 the pn1L·e..,, ()pt1011 ,crccn111g R.eLttt\L' L·;ip1tal and 11pcrat1lln and 111;11nlL't1alKL' 1(h\:\l1 Cl"" hcl\\l'L'l1 prPCL'"" Ppt1lln, 111 thL· ,,llllL' tL·chnPIPg) l)PL' ;trL· lhL'd r;1thl'I than detailed c,11m;11e, pf L'<l-.h ;11 1h1.., ,1.1ge ()I the c\ .tlu;1t1ll11. ThL' L'P,t a""L'""llll'nt during the
SECTIONTHREE Identification and Screening of
Technologies and Process OpUons ,,.IL'L'lllll~ r'r,,,·l·,, r, h,,,L·d n11 L'll~IllL'L'rtll~ 111d~lllL'lll Cll,1' ;1r1.· dL''LTihL'd .1, high. llllldl'r;1IL'. 111
l,m Thl' l'lhl k\L'I, ar1.· '-L'parat1.·d hy order of magrntudl' L''-ltmatl'..,.
rill' ~Il',tlL·,t l·ll,t (11t1,l'Ljlll't1l·L·, 111 ,r!L' rL'llll'd1;1t1011 arl' a,..,octal\.'d \\ 1th thl· '-L'kl°!Illll ol .t
1l'dltl11l,,:2: I: p1.· ,llld 11111 lll',.-l'"-artly \\ 1th thl' proL·L',.., opt 1011. hir !ht, rL';hon. thl' L'(1,111! thL·
.tl1n11;1t1\L', prc,L'ntnl ;llld L'\;tlual\.'d 111 SL'L'llllll -l.O"' a rL'prL',L'lllalt\L' procl'"' llp!tlln
I ilL· l'I IL', li\ L'llL'"· 1111pkr1tL't1!.1htl1t:. ,llld L·(i,t ,nL'L'lltng llf ll'l°tllllllllg1L·, .111d pH 1,·L·" 1 'fll 11 llh
IL'U1t1L·d lrllm th1.· 111111al ,(r1.·c11111g arl' pn:,L'rlll'd 111 Table 3-.l
Retained Groundwater Remedial Technologies and Process Options . 1
General Response Actions Remedial Technologies I
Process Options
No Action
lnst1tut1onal Controls
Natural Attenuation
Air Str1pp1ng with Tray Aeration
Air Str1pp1ng with Packed Tower
GAC Adsorption
SECTION FOUR Development and Screening of Alternauves
4.1 DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVES The rcta111cd tcd11111log1c, and procl'"- llptlllth ,um111ari1cd 111 SL'clllll1 3.) arc dnclopcd 1nt11 remedial altcrnat1\L''> to addrL'"- contaminated groundwater at the ,1te. :\n alternat1\e i, dnclllped hy a,,emhl1ng the appropriate general rc,pon,c ;1ct1on,. technolog1c,. and pt11l'L'"­ opt1on, into remedial ,(enano, h) \\ lllch the remedial action oh1ecti\e, will he al'l'lllllpl1,hL·d The rat1llnale l11r the alternat1\c, ;h,L'lllhkd lllr Brunll ;11L' ;1, follll\\,:
• The··:\() .-\L'11lln .. ;tltcrnat1\L' 1, a h;1,el111e ;dtern;1t1\L' th;1t llllht he l'Pn,idLTL'd lllr purp1 1,L'' 111 co111parhlll1. (iround,,atcr lllllrlllllrlllg ,,ill hL· included 111 lhL· :\o .-\l'11lln al1crnal1\L' !Pr Bruno.
• :\II alternali\c, except fllr the :\ll :\ct1on alternatl\L' ,,ill protcl't groundwalL'r u,cr-- dll\\ ngrad1ent Ill the Brurlll ,11L· by rcdul'ing the plltcntial for continued 1111gratilln llf thL· L"ontam111ant plume.
• :\II groundwater extracted a, part ol the remedial altL·rnati,c will he treated ,11 a, Ill allllw fllr ad11c,·cmcnt ol rl'med1al action ohJel't1,e, tor the ,1tc.
• (iroundwatcr L"1rnilat1on well, have hecn ,lwwn to he techmcally ka,1hk tor cxtrad1ng. trcat111g. and rediarging the aquikr ( ,cc Attachment 2 l
• The exact prncL'"- option tor the preferred remedial alternall\e will he ,ckL·tcd during remed1;d de,ign to allow fm 111n1n-ation, in ted111ology. \alue eng1neer111g. and perlormanl'L'­ ha,ed contracting. 1f appropriate.
• Treated groundwater will he returned to the en\·1ronment e1ther through ,urface d1,chargL· llr groundwater recharge. Pump-and-treat altcrnat1,·c, ,,ill ;d,o 1ndudc po1nt-11f-lhL' IHHikup, ,11 that treated groundwater could he hcndic1ally rL'lhL'd for agricultural purp1i-..e,.
h\L' altcrnati\e, were dncloped for the Bruno Site. Tahlc -i-t prc,enh the m;1trix l1'L'd 111 the dc\clopmcnt ol the altcrnat1\c,.
The II\L' ;d1L'rnat1,c, dc\dllpcd f11r Bn111ll arc.
• :\lternati\'e I: :\o Action - Thi, alternati\·e take, no action to n:mediate the contaminated groundwater. Ciroundwatl'r monitoring 1, conducted to pro\ldL' data on ha,d1nc anJ long­ term L·ond1t1011'.
• Alternati\e .2: Groundwater Pump and Treat with Tray Air Stripp111g - Tiu, 1, the rc111L·dy ,elected in the Record of Deu,ion. :\"-umptioth made in the Final Fca,ihility Study I BLll·k & Veatch. I 1)9X I for the ,1tc and rn 1'ed hy l 'RSC,\\"C herein an.· lhcd to perform till· detailed L·1i-..t analy,1,. The altcrnat1\L' L·on,hh of groundwater L'Xtraction via extraction well-.,, ahme ground treatment u,ing tray air ,tripping. and d1,chargc of treated water to a tnhutary of Skull Creek. Po1nt-of-lhL' hookup,,, di he 111cluLkd fpr polL'tll1al agnl'ultm;tl l1'L' of treated water Cirllundwatcr monitoring i, included.
• .-\ltern;t11\e, (iroundw;1tn C1rrnL1t1011 Wdh \\llh lr;t\ .-\11 Str1pp1ng Thi, altcrnatl\L' 1, ,1mtlar to .-\ltcrnat1\L' -L except that it doc, not 1ncludL· ;my downgrad1cnt cont;unmcnt \\ ell network.
SECTIONFC)UR Development and Screening of Altematlves ----- --------
• :\ltLTn.1l1\L' • Cllnta111ment and ( ,rnundwater C1rculat1ll11 \\'ell,\\ 1th Tr;1y .-\1r Stnpp111~ I·. \II .1l'11P11 \\L'II, \\ ill hL· Jlht;tlkd du\\ 11~1;1dJL'lll ll! the Clllltam111.1t1011 to m111111111e thL· 1111tL· l1lJ L·ll11l1nuL'll 1111pat1ll11 and the h:dr;1ul1c L'1111L1111ment ':'lelll \\ ill ha\L' Lllflll~1 1nL'llh ,1mil;ir tu the pump and trL'dl L'l)JJl(1llllenh. <,roundwater L·1rL·uLtt1011 \\L·II, \\1th ,uh111e1,1hk pu111p, \\ ill he 111,talkd ;111d treallllL'lll \\ ill llL·cur in \ aulh at the\\ ellhe;td. hL·l1l\\ ~r;1de Li...rn~ tray a11 ,tripping. Treated \\ater \\ill he rL·chargL·d \J;t thL' ~rou11Ll\\;ttl'I L·1rL·ul.1t1\111 \\L·II. and grllund\\;tll'I lllllllJtorin~ \\ill he condul'!ed.
• .-\ltLTn.1l1\L' -i .-\dd1t1llnal (irllundwatLT C1rL·ulat1on \\'L·lk Till, alternat1\e 1, 1tknt1L·,tl t11 .-\ltl'l11;1l1\L' -~ \\Jlh the .1dd1!Jllll ll! more gruundw;1tl'r urculat1011 \\ell,
4.1.1 Alternative 1 : No Action
ThL· '.\11 .-\L'llllll .tltLTn;1t1\L' 111L·lude, the fllllo\\ 111g a"umpt101h:
• L'1hh l()r thL· .tltLT11;1l1\L' 1nL·lutk the 11htallat1on lll ,1, J1lllll1t111111~ \\L'II, I I\\ 11 L'lli...ter, ul three well, each I I BVSPC. I 1NX)
• T1lUI 11H1111tllr1ng \\ell net\\llrk uH1,1,r... ol 11) 111on1tormg \\L'II, 1BVSP('. ll)l))-i)
• \10111tllnng will take place for JO year,
:\dd1t1ll11al a"umpt1on, cllncnn111g ,a111plm~. data management. data \al1dat1011. ;md rL'J)llrt111~ L',111 he 'L'L'll 111 the L·11,t e,t1mate tahk !or .-\ltLTnalJ\e I. lound 111 Attachment 3. ( 'th! :\n.11\ ,1, \ll RL·111ed1al :\lternat1\ e,.
4.1.2 Alternative 2: Selected Remedy - Groundwater Pump And Treat With Tray Air Stripping
The IL'lllL'li: ,ekclL'd Ill the ROD 1, a gruundwatn pump and trL·at remedy \\ 1th tray ;111 ,tnpp111_c'. ;i... the trc;1llllL'lll pron·,, option. The lollowrng a"umpt1on, wnc made Ill the hnal h·a,1hil1ty Stud: 1B\'SPC. ll)l)X1 and \\L'rL' lhL'd hl'Je111 !,1r purp1hL'' ol de\L·l11p1n~ the ;tltLTnatJ\l' and prep;mng ;1 L·\1,t L',t1111atc:
• The alternat1\e include, lour L'Xtract1on \\elk eight 1nd1c, 1n d1;imcter. and 10-i ket dL'L'P
• L,traL't1on well, arc cnrhtructcd ol PVC ;md arL' ,crL'L'nL·d thrnughout the uppn ,arHk the m1ddk line,. and the lowLT ,and,
• Two additional monitoring Wl'II clu,tn, con,i,ting of thrl'l' wl'll, l'ach will hl' m,talll'd to ;idd Ill thL· mlln1tonng wl'll netwllrk for a total of I 1) Wl'll, to he mllllllll!L'd
• :\1r ,tnpper ,11l' 1, ~-i() ft'
• Thl' l',timatl'd rL·,toration timl' 1, IX \car,
• \lllnllonng \\ 111 he monthly for thl' fir,t yl'ar. quartl'rly for year, two through ,c,cn. and annually fllr :L·ar, ,l'\ en through IX
• Lt!luent ,ample,\\ ill hl' L'lllkl'IL·d 111 add1t1on to g1uundwa1L'1 ,a111plmg and the ,ample,\\ ill he an;tl\tl'd for VOC,
',,. ...... • 1" -~ T ••' • ,, ,• :
SECTI0NFOUR Development and Screening of Alternatives
• '.\o air ern1-.-.1on -.arnpl111g or rnonitoring 1-. expected to he required hec1u-.e the rna-.-. llf pollutant-. reka-..ed annually 1-.. expected to he k-.-.. than the regulatmy ltm1t-... !Ill\\ L'\ er. 1lllldd1ng lo delLTllline 1f the ellll'-'-lllll'- po-.e a ha1ard to the llL'tghhonng per-.on-. or re-.1dL'l1Ce-. rna) determine the need for em1-.-.1on-. rnon1tonng.
• Purnp-. and hlm,er-. \\ tll rL·qutrL· replacen1L·nt at the 11111th )L'ar ( th1-. a-..-.umpt1on \\ a-. adLkd h) 1 ·RsC,WC1
ThL Cdnceptual layout of the L'.xtractton \1,df-. and the treatment ,y-.1e111 can he ,ecn 1111 Figure -i- t
.-\dd111onal a-.-.umpttorh concerning -.ampl111g. data management. data \altdatilln. and rq1(1rt1ng can he -.een 111 the co-.t e-.timate tahk for :\ltnnatt\e 2. found in Attachment 3. Co-.t :\nal\-.1-. of Remedial .-\lternati\e-..
4.1.3 Alternative 3: Groundwater Circulation Wells
• T\\o groundwater c1rculat1on \\di-. arL' requtrL·d to treat the Clllltam1natcd gwundw;1tcr plurnL' ( Attachment 2)
• The groundwater circulation well-. will he in-.talkd to a depth of 9_~ ket each
• :\ -.uhmer-.ihk pump will he u,ed to extract groundwater and ddin·r the contarrnnatcd water to the treatment -.y-.tem
• The treatment -.y-.tem will he a tray air ,tripper ( 1h1-. i-. a repre,enlatn·e treatment technology 1
hou-.ed in-.ide a high den-.ity polyethylene ( l!DPF 1 \ aull at the \\ellhead
• The trc:ated groundwater will he acidified to min1mi1e the potential for hiofouling ;111d m111eral precipitation
• Treated groundwater\\ tll he returned to the aquikr \ ia the (,C\V
• :\II \H·II ca-.1ng. well -.creen. and piping will hL· P\'C
• (iC\V control-. and in-.trumenlat1on will he hou-..ed 111 an ahme-ground huild111g adpcent Ill the CiC\\' location
• Ten monitoring wdb for each CiCW will he required to evaluate the dkctt\ene-.-. of the remed1a11on ")"lem during the in1t1al fin· year-. of opcr;1t1on: the numher of \\L'II-. -.;1mpkd \\ ill he reduced to fi\·e follow mg 1h1, period
• Ciroundwater nwntlonng will he L·onducted quarterly for the fir-.t two year-. ;md annu,dl) thereafter
• '.\o air -.ampl111g or monitoring will he required hecathe thL· total ma-.-. of \'OC-. reka-.L·d ;111nuall) r-. expected lo he le-., than rq:uL11ory l1m1i...
• Pump-. arL· rL·pLtcL·d e\·ery ten )L'ar-.
The conceptual placement of the C,C\\' well-... for :\lternalt\e -~ L·;m he -.een on Fi~ure -i-2.
:\ddition;tl a-.-.umpttlllh concerning -.ampl111g. data man;1gemcnt. data\ altdation. and rq1ortmg can he -.een 111 the cll-.t L",ttmale t:1hk fllr :\ltnnalt\ L' .~. !llund 111 :\ttad1me111 3. Co-.t .-\11;11\-.1" lll Remedial .-\lternalt\ L''-.
SECTI0NFOUR Development and Screening of Alternatives
4.1.4 Alternative 4: Groundwater Circulation Wells with Containment
• ( )nL' :'.n1undw;1ter L·trL·ulat1on \\L'II 1-.. requ1rL·d to treat the conta1111nated :'.round,\ ;11L·r ('lll111L' ,,liL·n L,1111h111L·d ,,,th ;i ll\dr;nilrc Cllllta1nmellt -..,-..1L'111 (-..L'L' .-\ttac.:hnll'nl 21 . .
• TlilL'L' L'\ll,IL'llllll \\ell-..\\ Ill he lll-..t.tlkd dll\\11:'.lddlL'lll Ill lhL' L'llll{.lllllll.lllllll (11 ,k1 11li, ,,t ,() 1> ~- ;md I Oh ket. IL'"IK'L'II\ L'I)
• .\ ,uh111L·1,1hk ('llillp ,, Ill hL· lhL'd 111 L'\tr.1d :'.I• ll111d,, ,IIL'I ,md 1kll\ L'I lliL· l, ,111.1111111.11l',I ,, .11l'1 tll the ( i( '\\. IIL'.1t1nc11t -.., -.,1cm
• ThL· lrL·.11111L·llt -..\-..te111 lt1r thL· (iC\\' well \\Ill he a Ira\ .111 -..111ppn (th1-.. ,.., ;1 repre-..L'lll.111\L' 1re;11111L'lll IL'ch11lll11:'.) 1 hlllhl'd Ilhllk a hr~h dc11-.,11y pol)ethykllL' (lf[)l'I:) ,;iult ;it lhL· \\ L0 l lhl·,1d
• TliL· IIL',IIL'd ~llllllld\\ ;11L'r \\ Ill IK· aL·1d1l1ed 111 prnL'lll h11il11ul111~ and IL'lllrrlL'd 111 lhL· ;1qu1kr , u !he ( i( ·w
• (in1und,,.11n L'\lr;1c1ed !n1111 !he hnlraul1c c11nla1n111L·111 -..y-..lL'lll ,,111 he lrL'dled 11-..111~ ;m ;ih11\L·-~n1und tray air -..111pper -..eparale fr11m thal u-.,ed to treat ~r1ll11Hh\ atn Ill thL· ( iC\\
,\ -..1L'111
• T1L·,1tL·d ~llllIIllh,.1tn !r11111 the L'\tr;ict11111 wcll ne1,,11rls. ,,111 he di-..d1;ir~ed 111 ;1 tnhuur:,. 111 Sk u II CrL'L'k
• :\II p1p1n~ for thl' L'\lr;1d1ll11 \\ell -..y-.,1c111 ,,Ill he PVC ;md ,,Ill hL· hu1wd Ill ;11kp1h 1if "tl·L·t helm, land -..urfacc
• (iC\\. L·ll11t111!-.. ,111d 11i-..trulllL'lllal111n ,,111 he llllu-..ed 111 .111 .1hll\e ~111u11d hurld111~ .1dJ,tlL'lll t,, thl' ( ;cw lllc,1111111
• TL·n lllllllllllllll~ ,,ell, fill e.1d1 (iC\\' \\ Ill he required 111 n ;tlualL' the l'flec11, L'llL''" 11! lhL· IL'llll'd1.111ll11 -..:,.-..IL"lll dunn~ the 1ni11al fi\·L· year-., of 11pna11on: the numhn 11f ,, L'II-.. -..;11npkd ,, Ill hL· rnluL·L·d 111 ti,e f11llm, 111~ thi-., pniod
• C,r11u11th,;1tn lllllllil1111n~ ,,Ill hL· L·11nduc1L·d quartnl:,. f11r !he fir-..1 l\\ll \L';1r-.. and annu;tlh thncaltn
• '.\11 air -..a111pl1n~ m 1110111101111~ \\ill he required hccau-..L· the Iota! ma-..-.. of\'()('-.. rL•k;1,ed ;innually 1-.. c,pectL·d 11i he k-..-.. than rc~ulatory lrmth
• Pump-.. ;ire rL·pLtL·cd L'\ L'IY IL'll :,. car-..
The L·11nL·eptu;tl Ltynut 11! the e,1r;1c11on \\ elk (iC\\' l11ca1111n-.. and treatment ") "!em loc111nn L·;m he -.,een 1111 FiJ!ure -'•.l
. .\dd111onal a-..-.,umpl1111h CllllCL'rrllll~ -..ampl111~. data mana~e111L·nt. d;11a, al1dat111n. and report in~ c.m he "L'L'll 111 the c1hl L·-..11m;11L' t.1hk for :\ltnnal1\e •. !1Hllld tll :\1ud11ne111 3. Cll-..1 :\llah,1-.. 11! Remedial :\ltnllat1, c-...
• ~ • : ',I" ...., • ,,,, ~ •· •• ! .
4.1.5 Alternative 5: Additional Groundwater Circulation Wells
Suh-,eqw.:nt to the -,uhmittal of the draft \er-,1011 of th1, document. a meet111g wa, conductL·d on \by X. 2000 torn IL'\\ rc-,plllhL'" Ill LP:\ collllllL'nh. It\\ a-, dcL·rdl'd at that llll'l'l111g (li ;1dd .1 !11th altcrnal1\c cll11-,1-,11ng of ;1 -,uf11c1L·nt numhn uf (iC\\' \\L·II-, rl'qu1rL·d fur ;1 rL•-,1ur;1t111n ttlllL' l'"t1rnatc ol 20 )L';1r-,_ l '-,lllg thL· (iC\\' rc-,torat11H1 l1llll' L'-,ttmatl'-, prL'"L'ntL·d 111 SL·ctllin .~ 7 uf ( .-\ltal'hment 21 ;1-, guidance. it 1-, l'-,t1rnatcd that four (iC\\' -,y-,tl'm-, operating at I -i gp111 L';1d1 \\otdd accu111pli--h rc-,tur;1t1on 111 20 year--. ThcrL'lorL·. thL· dL'-.LTlpl1lln ol :\ltcrn.1!1\ :" "1,knt1, to the dc-,L·ript1on of :\ltl'rnatI\'L' -~ L'Xl'L'Pl that four groundwatl'r c1rcuLtt1on \\L·II-.. arL· ,L·qutrL·d to treat the L·ont;11n1natcd ground\\ ;itn plume
4.2 SCREENING OF ALTERNATIVES The prclrrrnnary alrnnari,c-, arc "l'l'l'L'l1L'd. if ncL·c-,-,ary. ha-,L·d on three L·rrrcria (cfkclt\L'nl'-..-,_ 1rnpkrncntah1l11y. and co-,1 l to reduce the numhn of altcrnatI\L'" that unlkrgo dctarkd ;111aly -,1-.. Thl' crrtl'ria arl' the -,arnl' a-, tho-,c ti--cd 111 thl' -,crl'l'n111g of tl'chnolog1l'" and procL·-,-, option-, follow1ng the 1nit1;d "L'l'l'L'lling ha-.l'd only on tcchniL·al 1mpkmcntahrl1ty ThL· "LTL'L'lltng LTtln1;1 arl' appl1l'd to altcrnalt\l'-, a-, a\\ hok rather than to tccl11wlog1l'-, hc111g con-,1dcrcd 1ndq1cndl'ntly ;1-, part of a gcnnal rc-,po!hl' action category.
To rl'\ll'W. dkctt\l'nl'-.,-, 1-, naluatL·d 111 term-, of thi: ah1ltty to ml'L't ri:mi:d1al action oh1cct1\L'" \\ h1k prntcct111g human hi:alth and the en\ 1ronment during ;111d after 1mpkmcntat1on ot thL· ri:mcdy . .-\n altcrnatt\L' rnu-,t al-,o hL· practical and rcltahk to he con-,1dncd dkL·t1,c Irnpkrni:ntah1l1ty of an alti:rnatl\L' i-- l'\ aluati:d hy cor1-..1tkrrng what pi:rmrh may he rL·qu1rL·d. whcthn the altcrnatl\l' ha-, hcl'n dl'mon-,rratcd -.,uccl'-,-,fullv undn -,11rnLtr -,ill' L·ondttllllh. 1f cxperri:nccd pL'r-,onnd and -,pcc1al11l'd cquipmi:nt arc readily a, arlahk. and potcnt1al harriL·r-, Ill 1mpk111L·ntat1on. Co-,t 1-, a 1udgrncnt-ha-,i:d naluat1on of thL' rdatr,i: ui...t of 1mpkrncnl1ng one altcrnati,c ,i:r-,u-, anothl'r altcrnatr,i: that \\rll abo accompl1-,h the ri:nwdral oh1cct1\l'-,
hvi: alti:rnat1\L'-, wnc dnclopi:d for Bruno (-,i:i: Tahle ~-1 or Section -t31. '.\o ;1dd1t1on;tl -.,crccn1ng ,,a-, dcl'llll'd nccc-,-,ary tu rL·ducL' the numhi:r of altcrnatt,L'"· '.\otc. lwwc\L'r. th;1t no particular trL·atnlL·nt procc,-.. option i-.. ,pcL·1fiL·d in thL· altnnatt\'L'-. ThL· trL·atmL·nt procl'-.-.. ,1pt1011 can hl' wkcti:d or mod1f1i:d during ri:mi:d1al di:-,rgn. For i:xarnpk. thi: method for groundwater trcatrncnt ,, a-, a-,-,umcd to he air -,tripping u,ing tray aeration for purpo,c-, nf thl' dcta1kd L'\ aluat1on of co-,1. Packl'd column arr -,tripp111g or othcr trl'atml'nt procc-,-, option could he -,uh-,trtull'd during thl' rl'mcd1al dl'-,ign pha,l' of thl' prnJL'L'l 1f a !own cu-,1 \\l'fl' dL·mon-,tratL·d with all othl'r Ltctor-, l'qual.
4.3 SUMMARY OF ALTERNATIVES FOR DETAILED ANALYSIS Thl' follow111g four altnnatr\l'-, werl' dnl'lopl'd and ,uhJL'L'll'd to dctarkd an;dy-,1-, ( ,cc SL'ctron -i O 1:
• :\ltl'rna11, l' I: '.\o :\ctron
• .-\ltnna11,c 2: Sckctcd RL'llll'lh - CiniundwatL·r Pump and lrl';tt with Tray .-\1r Stripping
• .-\ltcrnatt\L' 5 :\dd1t1unal ( iroundwatcr ( ·1rculat1011 \Veil-.,
· (J,,1 .. r·..., .. ,.,,.•••• 1
SECTIONFIVE Detailed Ana1vs1s of Alternauves
Thl· dl'LJJkd ;111al~,i-., ()f ;tltnnati\L·, fllr thl' FS ]', tk-.,1:'11l'd Ill (110\Idl' ,uffil"ll'lll infnrm;ll!()J1 concl'rn111:' l'ach poll'nt1al remedial alternatJ\L' Ill ,ekct an appropriate remedy fllr the Site The ;m.d~-.,1, prl'"L'l11l'd h1.·r1.·1111, l·lln..,1-.,ll·nt \\Jlh th1.· pnil·l·durl· u,1.·d Ill l'\,dllall' CTR('I . .-\ ,11l', ,\.., -.,ud1. th1.· tkt;11kd anal'.-..,,, n ;tlu,111.·, 1.·ach ;tlt1.·rnal1\ 1.· with 11.·,pel·t Ill th1.· 111111.· c11ten,1 det;11kd 111 the Rl/l·S :'u1d.1nc1.· 11-.P.-\. llJXX1 and the ,c·p lh1.· dl't,1ill'd an.d'.-"I'- l'llncludl', \\Ilh a l·(1mparat1\e analy,i-., llf th1.· alternatl\L''-.
Then aluation criteria arc d1,cu,,cd in Section) I. In Section) .2. the remedial altcrn;1t1,c, dn1.·l()pcd 111 S1.·ct111n -t.O arc fully dc,nrhcd and an;tl'.-IL'd u,111:' the 111111.· 1.•\;tlu.1t1ll11 l·11tn1;1 Sc1.·tion) ~ prL''-L'nh the L·ompar;1t1\·c analy,1, of al!L·rnat1\L''- and the L'll-.t ,c1i-..1t1\1ty anah,1,
5.1 DESCRIPTION OF EVALUATION CRITERIA During the detailed analy,c-.. each altnnat1\e ,., prc,cntcd 111 -,uffic1cnt detail ,u that 11-.. pnlormancc can he C\alu.itcd with rc-.,pcct tu the lullo,,111g ,c\·cn criteria: 11\nall prlllcl·t1lln lll human health and the cn\1ron111cnt: compltanL·c \\1th :\R:\R,: long-tn111 L'fkL·t1\L'l1L'"' and permanence: reduction ol tox1uty. 111ohil1ty. or\ olu111c through trcat111cnt: ,hort-tcrm L'llcl·t1\L'lll''>'-: 1111pkmcntahil11y: and co,t h1llow1ng compkt11111 ol the puhltc l'lllll111L'11l pcrnid. two add1t1onal n1tcria: '>late and community aL·ccptarKe. arc evaluated. mal,;1ng ;1 tot;1l of nine criteria.
Rn 1,1011, to the ,cp 111 I 1J1JO ( Federal Rcgr,tcr. I 'NO 1 -,uggc,tcd the ,cparat1011 of the 11111c criteria 11110 three catcgunc-.,:
Tlnc,lwld Criteria:
• ( hcrall (11lllL'CIIOl1 ()r human health and thL· L'l1\ lllll1mL·nt
• Compliance with :\R:\R,
• Reduction of tox1c1t\
• Short-term dfrct1\L't1L'""
\1od1ty1ng ( 'ntcria:
• ( ·0111111un11y acceptance
• State acceptance
:\n altnnat1\L' 1mi-.,t 111cl'I the thrc,huld nitnra to he 1.·ltg1hk l()r '-L·kct1011 The halanc111g n1tn1a ,trc then appltL·d. ThL''-L' halanung cntn1,1 arc thL· prim,u y n1tnia upun \\ h1ch till· dcta1kd ,111al:,,1-, 1, ha,cd. They arc u,cd !() ,l'-'>L''>'- the pthlll\L' and nq:all\L' a,pcct-.. of pcrf()rmancc. 1mpkmcntahil11y. and cll,t. In the c,t,L' ll! .i CTRC'I.:\ .,,tc. the mod11:,11:' crttl·r1<1 d() 11lll impact the c11mparJ-,()J1 ()I ;tltnnat1\L'.., until thL· pr1lp()',L'd pLin. the p!L'dl'1.·1.·"'or to th1.·
"' •• ·.. ( ,HAt ' , •,,_. '! -. · ' :( ,. .:; ',•:., )-1
SECTIONFIYE Detailed Anatvsis ot Alternatives
Rl·L-,lld Pl lkl·h1P111R<>D1 t,11 .1 ,1tl' 1, prq1;irl·d .-\t thl' llllll' Pl thl· R<>D. thl· 111,1d1l:111,c l"Il!L'11.1
l,111 hl· thl',f t,1 .1d1u,t thl· L·11111pPlll'llh ol .1 )!1\l'll .tl!L'rn;1t1,l· ,11 L·h.111)!l' thl· ('ll'kIIl'd .tltl·111.1t1,l·
Thl· t,11!,1\\ 111,c (',ll,1,cl,l('h, dl''-l"Ilhl· l·;1d111! thl· llllll' L"llll'll.1.
5.1.1 Threshold Criteria
1"111l·,h, 1 l,l clllL'Il.1 l1ldh ,,11 h11\\ 11,I-., P'"l'd tl1111u~h l',ll·h l'\('lhllll' p;1th,,.1: .Ill' ll'dttcl·,I
l·,111tll1lkd. or L'l1m111dtl'd thrnu~h 111,t1tut1on;il control-... L'll~111L·n111~ u1ntrll!-.. llI trL·;1t111L·11t ThL'IL'
.tll' l\\P thrl·,h11ld cr1tn1.1 I) 11\l'1;tll prntl'l·t1ll11 ol hu111;111 hl·.tlt!i .111L! thl· L'll\ 11,l11111L·11t. ,111cl.:: 1
l,1111pl1.111Cl' \\Ith .-\R.-\R, .-\cL·ord111~ to thl' Rl/l·S ~u1ddllCL' 1LP.-\. l'JSS1. ,l"'-l''-"llll'llh ,1:-'.,lllht
thl''l' l·111L'11,1 Il·l.11L' d1rl'ctl: to ,t;itutllry find ill)!'- that llllt-..1 ul11111;1tl·I: hl· 111;1dl' 111 thl· IL'Illl',h
'l'kl·t1P11 l"hl'Il'l11rl·. thl''-l' .tll' L"dlL')!11r1tl·d ;1, thrl'-.hold LTIIL'll,l th;1t l',ll·h ,tltn11,1tl\L' 1111i-..1 Illl'l'l
Till· LIIIL'll<lll ,,r 11\l'I,tll ('llllL'L·t1,11111lht1llldll hL•;tlth ,111d thl· L'll\llllllllll'lll .!"l'"L"' till' ,1,kqli,IL: ,ii
,h,111 lL'r111 ;md lo11~-IL'r111 prntl'L'l1011 frnm unaL·L·cptahk ri,k, ;1-..-..nc1atl·d \\ 1th ha;;irdnu,
,uh,t,lllL·l·,. p,1llut;1nh. PI l·11nta111111a11h at ;1 ,1tl'. Lich n"k and L'ad1 p;ith,,ay 1,k11til1l·d 111 thl'
h,1,l·l111l· 11,I-. ·'"l'"IllL'lll l,11 ;1 ,1tL· rnu,t hl' addtl''-"l·d .-\n ;tltL·rn;111,l· tlL1t d11l''- 11,1t ('J11, 1,k
,1,l·r.tll pllllL'L'IIPll ,11 hum;111 hc;ilth and thc l'l1\Il"lll1llll'lll l·annnt he l·111hllkrl·d !Pr '-l·ln·tll111 .1, 1!w
ll'llll'd\ lnr ;i ,11c
.-\-..-..l·-..-..111~ L·ompl1;ml·L· ,,1th .-\R.-\R..., 111,ol\L·.., L'Y;1(u;it111f \\hl'thn or not ;in ;tltL'rn;1t1,l· \\Ill 111n·t
,di ('L'illlll'lll d1c1111c;tl-,pl'l'Il1c. lncat1n11-,pcc1l1c .• 111d ,1ct1n11-..,pL·c1l1c .-\R.-\R,. Thl· ll'~t1!.1t1Plh
"h1ch .tll' ,1ppl1L·;ihk ()J rcln ;1111 ;111d appwpri;1tc tn an altL'rna11,c ,, ill hl' dl·..,crilx·d 111 thl·
,kt.11kd ,m;tl:'-1'- 111 the ncnt ;111 .-\R.-\R L·a111wt he compl1nl ,,1th. dt,l·u..,..,11111 ,,ill he pll1,1,kd ,1,
t, 1 " hl· t hl· r , 11 11, 11 ,1 ,, .11, n l .. m hl· 1 u ,t I Ii l·d I LP.-\. I 1>X S I I 11 ,1dd It ll 111 ll 1 ,·, 1m I' h 111 ~ " 1th -\ R. \I~,. l,,1111,11,111l·l· ,, 1th "T,1 hl· CPlhILkrcd" ,t;mdard, 111;1: he c1111..,1dl'll'd 1n thl· ,lll:11\,1,
5.1.2 Balancing Criteria
cr1tl'11a. Thc,c h;tla11c111~ n1tcr1;1 1ncludc
• Lon~-IL'llll l'lkL'll\l'llL'"" and permam:ncc
• Rcduct1Pn nl to\IL'II\. 111ohtl1t\. nr, olumc
• Impk111ent;1h1lit:
The cr1tl'l1nn 11! IP11~-ll'1111 L'lkct1\L'lll''-" .md pL'I111.111cncL' 111\ohl·, thl· ,l'-"L''-'-lllL'lll nl till· .1hil1t: ,11
;i rc111l· .tl!L'rna11,c IP m;11nta111 prnll'CIH111 ol human hc;tlth ll\L'I t1111c. ThL· k,l·I ol rhk
;1-..-..0L"1,1tcd ,, 1th rc..,1du;tl CP!lt,11111nanh kft un the Site and the l·lkL'l1\L'llL''-" ot the rcl1ahtl1ty ol
cllntn1l, u,cd to mana~l· untrl·atcd ,, a,te" arc al,o con"'Lkrcd and L'\ ;tluatcd . .-\ prl·krl·ncc for
1'L'llll,1ncnt -.Plut1111i-.. ,111d .tltl·rnat1,l· lrl·atment tl·chnPlll~IL''- that dP lllllll' than dt\L'II thc ri,k ,,a,
l'\Pl"l"'-"L'd Ill S:\R:\.
Till· ,t.11L'd ~ll;tl Pl S.-\R.-\ 11,1t ,1111: 111l·luLkd .1 prL·krL'IK'L' l,11 ('l·r111.111l·11t -.Plut1P11, and .tltnn.111,c
trl·,1t111c11t. lllclud111~ 111110, ;111,l· !L'drn,1ln~y. hut al,o !Pr rcdul·t11111 ,it t11\1L·1ty. 111ohility. or
'. 1" • '.' • ,. , •.
SECTIONFIVE Detailed AnalVsls of Altemauves
\olurm:. The de1a1kd analv,r-.. will C<Hhltkr how lreatmenl reduce, !he 10,1c1I\. mohil11,. or . . \ olulllL' lll thL· \\ ;1,te and. rf po,,1hk. to\\ hat e\lL'lll. :\L·l11L'\ e111c111 of<)() to 1)<) percent rL'dUL'll<llh 111 L'OJKL'nlral1llll" llr mohility of 111d1\ idual co111a111111anh of com·L·rn 1" a goal ,1;1!L'd 111 thL· R 1/FS gu1da11cL· d·.P.-\. l 1JSS 1. TIJL· dL'pL'L' Ill \\h1d1 t!JL· ;tltnnal1\L' ,.., 1rTL'\L'h1hk ,.., ;1 L'lllh11kr;1111111 111 lhL' n ;tlual1lln llf thL· rL'duL'11011 llf l<l\lCIIV. mohil11,. and \lllUlllL'. - .
Short-lcrm L'lkL'l1\L'llL'"' ;1ddrL',,L', rhe 1mpac1 I() 1he L'Ollllllt1n11y and \\<1rJ..n, dur1n~ 1he 1111pklllent;1!1lln llf the remL'd) and unlit rL'IJlL·dial aL'11011 llh.JL'cll\L', arL' lllL'l. Pni!L',.-1111_:'. hulll;ll1 hL·allh and !he en\ironlllenl during !he n.:mcdy", impkmenlalion i, !he key goal llf lhL· ,l111r1-1nm L'lfL·L'l1\enc"' u11e11011. :\ny r1,J.. rL',ult111g lrlllll the 1lllpklllL'lllal11111 of !he l'L'lllL'd1;tl .11.'!!Pll \\ill he a",e"'ed lo e,1ahl1..,h ,twrl-lerlll dkcli\ene..,,.
lmpkmcn1ahil11y rcfn.., to the IL'L·hn1cal and adm111i,1rati,c fra,1hili1y llf L'\L'L·ut1ng ;m altnn;1!1\ L'. Technical ka,1hili1y cncompa..,,c, con,1ruc11on and opcralion con,ideralHHl" and !he rel1ahll11y of lhL· 1ed111ology. Other corh1<.kra11orh relatJ\e lo !he tech111c;tl illlpklllcntahili1y of an al1ern;1!1\L' 111dutk the reliahil11y of the lechnology. !he e;he of umkrtakrng ;1dditronal remedial ;1L·fiorh ,l10uld !hey hecollle nece,-..ary. !he ahilily to IJlonilor the dkct1\ene ... -.. of till' relllL'dy. and the a\ a1Lthil1ty of pro,pL'L'IJ\L' 1cd111ologie, no! yet delll11rhtratL·d lnL·ludL'd 111 thL· n ;tlu;1t1lln 11f tedrn1cal illlpkmcntahrlity will he a determination of the a\ailahrlity of rL·,ourL·e, llL'L'e"'ary lo llllpklllenl the al!L·rnal1\e a, well a-.. the ;h"L''-"lllenl of the capahil111e" of \·arnn1, \endor,
The ability lo coordinalc 1mpkmcnta11on of an allcrnalin· \\ 11h olhcr in\·ohcd agcnc1c" 1, !he primary con-..1dcrat1on in the a-..,c,-..ment of adlll1n1,trali\l' ka,1hrl11y.
E,1ima1e, of !he co-..1 of 1lllpklllenltng an al!ernali\l' \\ ill include di reel capi!al co,i.... ind1reL·t cap11al co,h. and annual 0&\1 cmh. Direct capiral i1c11h include equiplllent. land and ,11c dnl'!opment. ;md hurld111g" and utrl111e,. lndireL·I rapi1al co ... i... include L·111hlruL'11lln. engrnL·enng L'\pcn,e,. liren,L· or pern11t kc,. ,ran-up and ,hakedllwn L·o,h. and L'lllll1nge11c~ allll\\ anL·L·,. Operat111g lahor. mainlenance lahor. energy. di, of re,1due,. purcha,L·d ... en1cc, ,ud1 a-.. ,ampl111g. admi111,1ra1in· ro,h. 111,urarKL'. 1a,e,. lllainlcnance re,L'f\L' ;md L·111111ngL'llL'Y tund,. rchahrl11a11011 or rcplaccmcnr. and )-year review, arc 1ypical ckmcnh of 0&\1 co,t c,!11Jl;1tc, .-\-.. a final -..rep. 1he prc-..ent worth of all a-..-..onared co-..r... will he calculall'd ,ll 1ha1 !he al1ern;il1\L'' can he colllpared 111 !oday·, dollar,. The RI/FS gu1danre rcco!llllll'nd, a JO-year lllllL' fr;t1llL' for the dnelopmenl of pre,enl \\orth co,r....
5.1.3 Modifying Criteria
The 11lod1fy1ng cnlcna con-..i,1 of ,1a1c and u1mmuni1y arccplance. ThL''-L' cnlcru \\ ill he e,·alua!ed 111 !he Record of lkcr-..1011. followrng a re, 1ew of !he puhlic comment... rcL·e1,cd llll !hL· RI/FS n:porh and !he: Prnpo-..ed Plan. S!alc:d acceplance writ 1nd1ca1e \\ hclher the: Stale ;md tlJL· L·om11lu1111y agree\\ 11h thL· prekrred al!nn;111ve pre,c111cd 111 the Prop11,ed PLtn.
5.2 INDIVIDUAL ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES Thi, ,cc11on dc,cnhL·, the fiH· al!crnal1\·c, fL'la111ed from lhL· '-L·reening proce-.., rompk!ed in Sel'tion ~.O. The altcrna11,·c, arc c, alua1cd aga111-..1 ,c,cn of the: nmc c:\'aluat1on cnlcna prn i<n1,ly di,L·u"'cd ln1t1ally. each allcrnati,·c 1, c, alualcd \\ 11h rc,IK'L'I 10 !he 1wu thre,lwld LTllcru: <l\ n;tll prolL'L'l1011 of human health and the L'll\ mir1111c11t. and compl1a11cc \\ 1th :\R.-\R, . .-\l1nnal1\e,. \\h1d1 lllL'l't !he lhrc,hllld u1tn1a. arL' 1he11 further L'\;tluatL·d aga1n,t !he hal.1nc1ng
....... •.:·.-:ol.\FT:,-..,q.,Tf•~:,, ,~'jAr · 5-3
LIIIL'rr.t. l1ll1~-lcrn1 dlL·L·t1\L'IIL'''· rcdul'!r()ll of 111,1c1l:, 1Jl()h1l1l:. ;ind \11lu111L·. ,1!011 IL'1111
L'lkLli\L'IIL'''· 111q'kllll'lll.ihil11:, .11Jd l'<h( Till' ll'lll,lllllll~ 1..IIIL'll,l. liIL' l]l\ldil:lll_c'. 1..IIIL'll,l <ii ,t.11L'
.111d _-,q11111L1n11, ,IL'L'l'l'l,lllL'L'. \\ ill hl' .1ddrL'"-L'd Ill thl' ll''-l''ll1'1\l'l1l'"- ,u111111dr: ,,t thL· R< >I)
fill· tJ\L' .tltl'!11;1!1\L''- ;ire hrrl'lh de,n1hed helo\\:
\ltl'lll,lll\l' I:
5.2.1 No Action
Sl'lt.•rkd Rt.·nlt.'d~ - (;roundw;,h.'r Pump and Tn·at \\ith Tra~ .-\ir Stripping 111clude, fl'llUndwa!L'! e,tral'll()ll \\ 111! L'\ ,11u ~n)LJ!ld\, .11L·r
IIL',l{IIIL'lll Lhlllt'. ;ll( ,{11(1(11llt'.-
(;round\\akr Circulation \\'dis "ith Tra~ .-\ir Stripping 1nLIL1dL·, t\,,i
(i('\\·, Ll'-1!1~ ,uh111n,1hk pu111p/\\L·II IIead lrl·,11111L·n1 ':'-IL'lll LhI!lc' .111.1: .111
,111pp111f ,y,telll.
Containmt.'nt and (;round\\alt.'r Cin·ulation Wt.'lls "ith Tra~ .-\ir Stripping lllL·lulk, hydraulic u 1l1ta111l!IL'I1! .md ( i( '\\' Ll'-Illt'. ,uhmL·r,1hk
pump/\,ell head treatment ':'-tL'lll u,111~ a !Lt: ,lll ,tr1pp111c' ':'IL'111
.-\dditional (;roundwakr Circulation Wt.'lls rnl·lude, t,llll ( i( '\\",. ()thn,, 1,L. llk11t1c,tl t() .-\ltnllat1\e 3.
.\IIL'rn.1!1\l· Ii-.. thL· :\o .-\ct1011 ;titl'!ll,tt1,e. Tl11, altcrnatl\L' ,,111 ,tll,l\\ ,1te Ul!ld111011' to IL'IJJ,1111
.1, thL·: l'LIITL'IIII: L'.\1,1. '\() reduL·t1011 Ill n,k, a,,oc1ated with potcllt1al f1ULIIHIW,11L'r l'\f1()'lilL' to
till· L'\lllt.1111111.1111-.. of 1..·011L·L·111 1, .1ch1L'\L'd. 1w1 1, 1111~1.tll()ll ()f l'()lJl.tllllll,llL', contr<llkd
( ir, ,u11d\\ .tlL'I 111, in1to11ll~ i-.. 111l'iudl'll t() .ti low f()r 011~01llf L'\ alu,111()11 of l'lllltan1111.1111 1111c'1 ,111, ,n 111
the .1h,L'IIL'L' of IL'IIIL'd1,tl aL·t1()1J I·.\ aluat1011 of the '\o .-\L'11011 ,tltnnal1\l' 1, requ1rL·d h: tllL· :\( ·p .md ['Ill\ J\k, .1 h.1,l'lillL' f,,r L'lllll(',t!J-..()IJ \\ 11h <lthL-r ,tllL'rnat1\L''- ThL· L·,111n.11L'd IIL'l ['IL''-L'lll \\,,nh
L·,i-..t tor .-\ltl'lll.tll\l' I. 1nclud111~ ~lllLIIJdwatL'l mo111to11ll~. 1, \_,(){)_()()()
.\ltc111.1t1\ l' I dPL''- lllll pro\ 1de prolcl'l1011 uf hum.111 hl',tlth ,llld thl' l'll\ JH)IJlllc!II dlld dol', rwt
lOlllf)I: \\ 1th .-\R.\R, S111cL· .-\ltcrn,ttl\L' I doc, not IIIL'L'l the tllIL''-h()ld L'Illl'll,l. 11 i-.. ll<ll L'\ .tlu.11L'd
5.2.2 Selected Remedy - Groundwater Pump And Treat With Tray Air Stripping
.-\ltnn.1!1\ c ~ L·on,1,1-.. of ~n)u1Jdwatcr cxtract1nn and air ,tnpp1n~ to treat the L'\tractL·d
-"wundwatn The altnnat1\L' 11Kludc, ~r()undw:1tcr mon1tor1n~. p()und,,atn c,1ract1nn
throu~h()ut the area of ,tlla1111JJL'll!. trcatlllelll. and d1, The L'\tract1011 ,y,telll co11,1,i-.. ot
l\llll ,,di, .ti :'iO ~Pill L',td1 ThL· nulllhL·r. l\lcat1on. and tlm,-r,ttc, ()f thL''-L' \\L·II, \\l'IL' L·,1,1hl1,hL'll
111 the hnal Fea,1hiltt\ Stud, f()r the Bruno -..,tc ( BVSPC. j ()981.