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Minute s of the General Session Wednesday , Sep te mber 18 , 2019 Board of Education Reg ular Meeting Elmwood Park Community Uni t School Dist r ict #401 Elmwood Park High School 8 201 Wes t Full erton Ave nue , Elmwood Park, Illinois 60707 Exec utive Session - 6:00 p.m. in Room 192 Confer ence Room General Session - 7:00 p.m. in t he Auditor ium 1. Opening of Me et ing 1.1 Call to Ord er to Open Session in Room 192 Board President Parisi Called the Board of Education Meeting to Order at 6:02 p.m. 1.2 Roll Call President: Fran k Parisi !Vice Presiden t: Micha el Scheidt Secretary: Sue Capr aro Mary Brus cato T imothy Loughnane Jona th an Riv e ra Peter Volpe 2. Executive Sessi on 2. 1 Enter into Exe cut ive Session Present X X X X X A bsent X X arrived at 6:09 Secretary Pro tem Mr. Loughnane motioned and Mr. Sche idt seconded to convene to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the appointment, emp loyment, compensation, disc ipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individua ls who serve as independent contractors in an educational setting, or specific volunteers of the public body or lega l counsel for the pub lic body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific indiv idual who serves as an independent contractor in an educational setting, or a volunteer of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determ ine its validity; student disciplinary cases; collect ive negotiating ma t ters between the public body and its employees or the ir representatives, or de liberations concerning salary sched u les for one or more classes of employees; litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pend ing before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be reco rded and entered into the m inutes of the closed meet ing; and self-evaluation, practices and procedures or profess ional ethics, when meeting with a representative of a sta t ewide associat ion of which the public body is a member at 6:04 p.m.

Elmwood Park Community Unit School Dist rict #401 Elmwood ... · or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific

Jul 15, 2020



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Page 1: Elmwood Park Community Unit School Dist rict #401 Elmwood ... · or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific

Minute s of the General Session Wednesday , Sep te mber 18, 2019

Board of Education Reg ular Meeting Elmwood Park Community Uni t School Dist r ict #401

Elmwood Park High School 8 201 Wes t Fullerton Ave nue , Elmwood Park, Illinois 60707

Exec utive Session - 6:00 p.m. in Room 192 Confer ence Room General Session - 7:00 p.m. in t he Auditor ium

1. Opening of Me et ing

1.1 Call to Ord er to Open Session in Room 192

Board President Parisi Called the Board of Education Meeting to Order at 6:02 p.m.

1.2 Roll Call

President: Fran k Par isi !Vice Presiden t: Micha el Scheidt Secretary: Sue Capr aro

Mary Brus cato T imothy Loughnane Jona th an Rivera Peter Volpe

2. Executive Sessi on

2. 1 Enter into Exe cut ive Session

Present X X





arrived at 6:09 Secretary Pro tem

Mr. Loughnane motioned and Mr. Sche idt seconded to convene to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the appointment, emp loyment, compensation, disc ipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individua ls who serve as independent contractors in an educational setting, or specific volunteers of the public body or lega l counsel for the pub lic body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific indiv idual who serves as an independent contractor in an educational setting, or a volunteer of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determ ine its validity; student disciplinary cases; collect ive negotiating mat ters between the public body and its employees or the ir representatives, or de liberations concerning salary sched ules for one or more classes of employees; litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pend ing before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be reco rded and entered into the minutes of the closed meet ing; and self-evaluation, practices and procedures or profess ional ethics, when meeting with a representative of a sta tewide associat ion of which the public body is a member at 6:04 p.m.

Page 2: Elmwood Park Community Unit School Dist rict #401 Elmwood ... · or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific

Roll call vote was as follows:

Name Aye Nay Present Absent Sue Capraro X Mary Bruscato X

fTimothy Loughnane X

!Jonathan Rivera X

Michael Scheidt X

Peter Volpe X

Frank Parisi X

The President declared the motion carried.

Visitors Dr. Wade and Mr. Jennings

2.3 Adjournment of Executive Session

Mrs. Bruscato mot ioned and Mr. Rivera seconded to adjourn the Executive Session and Reconvene to Open Session at 6:53 p.m.

Roll call vote was as follows:

Name Aye Nay Present Absent

[Sue Capraro X

Mary Bruscato X

tTim Loughnane X

!Jonathan Rivera X

Michael Scheidt X

Peter Volpe X

Frank Parisi X

The President declared the motion carried.

3. Reconvene to General Session

3.1 Reconvene to General Session in the Auditorium

Board President Parisi Reconvened to General Session in the Auditorium at 7:04 p.m.

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance

The Board and audience recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Page 3: Elmwood Park Community Unit School Dist rict #401 Elmwood ... · or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific

4. Physical Education Waiver Public Hearing

4.1 Board President Parisi called to order a Public Hearing to receive public comments on the Physical Educat ion Waiver proposal at 7 :05 p.m.

The purpose of this School Board Meeting/ Public Hearing is to consider and rece ive public commen t on a request for Waiver or Modification of State Board Rules and/or School Code Mandates related to Section 27-6 of the schoo l Code to allow college and career pathway opt ions for students start ing in 6th grade to substitute the Physical Education requ irements for grades 6- 12.

The Distr ict has comp lied with State regulations by publishing a notice in the Elm Leaves regarding th is Public Hearing .


Dr. Gauthier info rmed the Board that there was no additional information rega rding the Physical Education Waiver, no community members contacted her office regarding the waiver and she didn't receive any written comments to provide to the Board.

President Parisi invited members of the aud ience to make comments or ask quest ions about the proposed Physical Education Waiver.

Number of people attending the hearing: 75

Number speaking in favor of the reque st: 0 Number speaking against the request : 13

Number of written comments provided to the Board: 0

Comments made during the hearing: Members of the public and District employees commented on the concern of reducing or eliminating physical education class credits, PE teachers , the choice to take PE, and the importance/benefits of physical education in their growth to become a

better person in school and at home, creating friendships. Comments on how PE has helped to improve the ir social skills and how they relate to others, the importance of PE in their daily lives - especially with the involvement of computers, PE offers a nice break in the day in between stressful classes and providing exercise instead of sitting in classrooms, and how PE classes help students develop leadership skills.

President Parisi asked the Board if they had any additional quest ions or comments. Comments confirming that the PE waiver does not eliminate PE classes or the choice to take more than two PE

credits, as well as, the students will still have the option to take more than the required amount of

PE classes if they choose, was discussed by the Board, administration and teachers in the audience .

4.3 President Parisi declared the Physical Education Waiver Hearing closed at 7:33 p.m.

5 . 2019-20 Budget Public Hearing

5.1 President Parisi called to order the 2019-20 Budget Public Hearing at 7:35 p.m.

The District has complied with State regulations by publ ishing a notice in the Elm Leaves regarding th is Public Hear ing.

Page 4: Elmwood Park Community Unit School Dist rict #401 Elmwood ... · or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific

5 .2 Commen ts

Mr. Jennings, shared with the Board add itional informat ion rega rding bond sa les and the proposed 2019 -20 Budget. No commun ity members contacted his office rega rding the budget.

President Parisi inv ited members of the audience to make comments or ask questions about t he proposed budget. - None

President Parisi asked if there are any add itional quest ions or commen t s from the Board Members. - None

5.3 President Parisi declared the Public Hearing for the 2019 -20 Budget closed at 7 :35 p. m.

6. President/Super intendent 's Announcements/Recognit ions

7. Student Liaison Report Stude nts from al l five bu ild ings presented their school reports.

8 . Communications to t he Board - None

9. Public Com ments - None

10 . Superintendent Reports for Discussion

10.1 Phase 2 Community Engagement Proc ess Report

Ed Sulliva n and Kara Hamilton from EOSullivan Consulting and CorStrateg ies shared and discussed with the Board the summar ized results of the Phase 2 Commu nity Engagemen t process . The communi t y comm ittee, pub lic engagement meet ings, presentations, potential proj ects, repo rts and the priority of impo rt ance to the community were analyzed . Grade Centers was reviewed and not recommended because too many peop le are against it . Phase 3 will include addit ional community engagement meetings in November . Final plans and fund ing leve ls were discussed.

10.2 Schoo l Cale ndar Survey Results

As was commun icated when the Board approved the bell schedu le change, a survey was issued to collect feedback regard ing the school calendar. Dr. Nicolas Wade, Superinten dent, reviewed the results and ident ifi ed some takeaways. E- learning days and compari ng resul ts with othe r schoo l dist r ict was reviewed .

10.3 Board Poli cies Update - First Reading: 2: 110 Qualifications , Term, and Duties of Board Officers , 2 :120 Board Member Development , 2:240 Board Policy Development, 3:60 Administrat ive Responsibility of the Building Pr incipa l, 3:70 Succession of Authori t y, 4:20 Fund Balances , 4 :90 Activity Funds , 4 :100 Insurance Management , 4:110 Transportation , 4:150 Facility Managem e nt a nd Building Programs, 4:160 Environmenta l Qual ity of Buildings and Ground s, 4 :190 Targeted School Violence Prevention Program, 5 :35 Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, 5:40 Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease , 5:130 Responsibilities Concerning Internal Information, 5:180 Temporary Illness or Temporary Incapacity, 5:310 Compensato ry Time-Off, 5 :330 Sick Days , Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves, 6:15 School Accountability , 6 :40 Curriculum Development , 6:60 Curriculum Content, 6:110 Programs for Students At Risk of Academic Failure and / or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Program , 6 :340 Student Testing and Assessment Program, 7 : 170 Vandalism

Page 5: Elmwood Park Community Unit School Dist rict #401 Elmwood ... · or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific

The recommended Board Policy changes come courtesy of PRESS Plus and reviewed by district counsel and the superintendent. Proposed changes are not seen to be altering substantively policy or procedure, as nearly all changes are either alterations to wording or connecting to changes in law or School Code.

10.4 Board Policies Update - Fifth Reading: 8 :20 Use of Facilities and 8:20 AP-1

Dr. Wade discussed the proposed changes to Board Policy 8:20 and its procedures.

11. Superintendent Reports for Action

11.1 Approval of Resolution Regarding Dismissal of a Tenured Teacher Mr. Rivera motioned and Mrs. Capraro seconded to approve Resolution Regarding Dismissal of a Tenured Teacher - Salvatore Cannici, as presented. Roll call vote was as follows:

Name Aye Nay Present Absent

Sue Capraro X

Mary Bruscato X

rTim Loughnane X

0onathan Rivera X

Michael Scheidt X

Peter Volpe X

Frank Parisi X

The President declared the motion carried.

11.2 EDU Healthcare, LLC Physical Therapy Services Contract Approval Mr. Rivera motioned and Mr. Parisi seconded to approve the EDU Healthcare, LLC Physica l Therapy Services Contract as presented.

Roll call vote was as follows:

Name Aye Nay Present Absent

Sue Capraro X

Mary Bruscato X

Tim Loughnane X

Jonathan Rivera X

Michael Scheidt X

Peter Volpe X

Frank Parisi X

The President declared the motion defeated.

Page 6: Elmwood Park Community Unit School Dist rict #401 Elmwood ... · or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific

11.3 Physical Education Waiver Approval

Mr. Parisi motioned and Mrs. Capraro seconded to approve the PE Waiver request for th e 2020-21 through the 2024-2025 School Years as presented.

Mr. Scheidt clarified the minimum number of credits for PE, additional credits if requested, and the additional driver's education credit.

Roll call vote was as follows:

Name Aye Nay Present Absent

Sue Capraro X

Mary Bruscato X

Tim Loughnane X

Ponathan Rivera X

Michael Scheidt X

Peter Volpe X

Frank Parisi X

The President declared the motion carried.

11.4 Approval of Elm Middle School Promotion Requirements

Mr. Scheidt motioned and Mr. Rivera seconded to approve the Elm Middle School Promotion Requiremen ts as presented .

Roll call vote was as follows:

Name Aye Nay Present Absent

Sue Capraro X

Mary Bruscato X

Tim Loughnane X

Jonathan Rivera X

Michael Scheidt X

Peter Volpe X

Frank Parisi X

The President declared the motion carried.

Page 7: Elmwood Park Community Unit School Dist rict #401 Elmwood ... · or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific

11. 5 Approval of Elmw ood Park H igh Scho ol Grad uation Requirements

Mrs. Capraro motioned and Mr. Parisi to approve the Elmwood Park High School Graduation Requirements as presented.

Roll call vote was as fol lows:

Name Aye Nay Pre sen t Absent

Sue Capraro X

Mary Bruscato X

Tim Loughnane X

Oonathan Rivera X

Michael Scheidt X

Peter Volpe X

Frank Parisi X

The President declared the motion defeated .

11.6 2019- 20 School Yea r Budg et App rova l

Mrs. Bruscato motioned and Mr. Loughnane seconded to approve the 2019-20 School Year Budget as presented.

Roll call vote was as follows:

Name Aye Nay Presen t Absent

Sue Capraro X

Mary Bruscato X

rnm Loughnane X

Jonathan Rivera X

Michael Scheidt X

Peter Volpe X

Frank Parisi X

The President declared the motion carr ied.

12.Co nse ntA ge nda

12.1 Approval of the Open and Closed Session Minutes from August 21 and Septembe r 4, 2019

12.2 Board Policies Update - Fifth Reading: 8:20 Use of Facil it ies and 8 :20 AP- 1 Approva l

12.3 Admin istrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits Report

12.4 Approval of the Financial Reports

Page 8: Elmwood Park Community Unit School Dist rict #401 Elmwood ... · or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific

12.5 Approval of the Personnel Report - REVISED

12.6 Acceptance of the Student Suspension and Discipline Reports

12. 7 Approval of the Consent Agenda


Brown, Douglas


Dada, Imaad

Ihmoud, Laura

Palermo, Robyn


Byron, Pa t:ricia

Torres, Pedro




SALARY Behind The Wheel Teacher Elmwood Park High $38.00 per

School hour


SALARY Head Accountant Distric t Office $57,615.22

Childcare Provider John Mills $13.00 per BASEC Elementary hour

School Instructional Elm Middle $16.00 per Paraprofessional School hour


SALARY Custodian Elmwood $20.15 per Second Shift Elementary hour

School Maint enance Buildings and District $21.00 per Grounds hour



September 16, 2019


September 3, 2019

August 28, 2019

September 23, 2019


August 26, 2019

October 1, 2019

DATES Woof, Vanessa From: EL Resour ce Teacher From: John Mills Septemb er 23, 2019

Elementary School To: First Grade Oassroom Teacher To: John Mills

Elementary School


Sanchez-Martin ez, Erika From: Special Edu cation One From: Jolm Mills August 23, 2019 on One Paraprofessional Element ary School

To: Special Edu cation To: John Mills Paraprofessional CORE Elementary School

*Subject to change due to verification of qualifications approval, experience, credits, education, hours worked, background check and other conditions of employment established by Board Policy.

Page 9: Elmwood Park Community Unit School Dist rict #401 Elmwood ... · or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific

RESIGNATIONS NAME ASSIGNME NT SCHOO L LAST DAY OF EMPLOYMENT Brautigam, Owen Maintenance Buildings District August 28, 2019

and Grounds

Catrambone, Mindy Special Education John Mills October 4, 2019 Instructional Classroom Elementary School Paraprofessional

Gomez, Luis Special Education Core Elm Middle School September 3, 2019 One on One Paraprofessional

Mitchell, Matthew ISS Supervisor Elmwood Park High September 10, 2019 School

Royal, Lisa Special Education John Mills August 29, 2019 Classroom Elementary Paraprofessional School


Kazuk, Kristen Special Education Teacher Elm Middle School October 16, 2019 through November 1, 2019 Total: 13 Paid Leave of Absence Days

FYIFMLA NAME ASS IGNMENT SCHOOL DATES Kazuk, Kristen Special Education Teacher Elm Middle School August 30, 2019 through

October 15, 2019 32 Paid FMLA Days 2 Non Work Days Total: 34 FMLA Days

Manzano, Sarah Supervisor Elmwood October 15, 2019 through BASEC Elementar y School December 13, 2019

14 Paid FMLA Days 26 Unpaid Work Days 4 Non Work Days Total: 44 FMLA Days

Merkouris, Kathryn English Teacher Elmwood Park September 16, 2019 through High School October 9, 2019

Total: 18 FMLA Days Mirabile, Felicia Athletic Department Elmwood Park Intennittent:

Secretary High School NOT TO EXCEED 25 DAYS

Schlanger, Kelly Dean's Office Secretary Elmwood Park August 12, 2019 through High School October 15, 2019

13 Paid FMLA Days 32 Unpaid Work Days 2 Non Work Days Total: 47 FMLA Days

Mr. Scheidt motioned and Mr. Rivera seconded to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

Page 10: Elmwood Park Community Unit School Dist rict #401 Elmwood ... · or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific

Roll call vote was as follows:

Name Aye Nay Present Absent Sue Capraro X

Mary Bruscato X

[Tim Loughnane X

Ponathan Rivera X

Michael Scheidt X

Peter Volpe X Frank Parisi X

The President declared the motion carried .

13. Freedom of Information Requests 13.1 Nick Cerrone RE: Agreements, contracts, and current invoices for fire a larm monitoring, inspections, testing and service, sprinkler alarm inspections, and fire extinguisher inspections and testing

13.2 Robbins Salomon & Patt, LTD. RE: Purchase orders and invoices for technology equipment or supplies in excess of $100,000; purchase orders, quotes, invoices and payments, with MNJ Technologies Direct, Inc., and emails with MNJ Technologies, Officenation, PC Nation and Marcus Sheffer dated January 2017-present

13.3 SmartProcure: RE: Purchasing records from 6-5-2019 to current

14 . Board Comments and Board Committee Reports - None

15. Adjournment

Mr. Loughnane motioned and Mr. Scheidt seconded to adjourn the open session at 8:46 p .m.

Voice Vote: Aye: 6 Nay: 0 Present: 0 Absent: 1

The President declared the motion carried.


Frank Parisi Board President

Respectfully submitted and certified,

Sue Capraro Board Secretary