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Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana Departamento de Sistemas y Computación. Enero-Junio 2012. Carrera: Ingeniería en sistemas computacionales. Materia: Tópicos avanzados de programación. Serie: 3SC4-B. Elementos visuales. Alumnos: Aguayo Velázquez Erick Julián. Díaz Barraza Valeria. Esquivel Suazo María Luisa. Hernández Ayala David Ernesto. Lucia González Omar Alejandro. Profesora: Talía Beatriz Téllez Bolaños.

Elementos Visuales

Sep 30, 2015



Vanessa Flores

Elementos visuales GUI, tópicos avanzados de programación
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Instituto Tecnolgico de Tijuana

Departamento de Sistemas y Computacin. Enero-Junio 2012. Carrera: Ingeniera en sistemas computacionales. Materia: Tpicos avanzados de programacin. Serie: 3SC4-B.Elementos visuales.Alumnos: Aguayo Velzquez Erick Julin.Daz Barraza Valeria.Esquivel Suazo Mara Luisa.Hernndez Ayala David Ernesto.Lucia Gonzlez Omar Alejandro. Profesora: Tala Beatriz Tllez Bolaos.

Tijuana Baja California a 11 de mayo del 2012.

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1{ public partial class Form1 : Form { public string filePath; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); }

private void button20_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {


private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { }

private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { lista1.Visible = true; lista2.Visible = false; lista3.Visible = false; lista4.Visible = false; lista5.Visible = false; lista6.Visible = false;

btnplay1.Visible = true; btnplay2.Visible = false; btnplay3.Visible = false; btnplay4.Visible = false; btnplay5.Visible = false; btnplay6.Visible = false;

button4.Visible = true;


private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/Stop.wav"; axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; }

private void button20_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); }

private void button28_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lista1.Visible = false; lista2.Visible = true; lista3.Visible = false; lista4.Visible = false; lista5.Visible = false; lista6.Visible = false;

btnplay1.Visible = false; btnplay2.Visible = true; btnplay3.Visible = false; btnplay4.Visible = false; btnplay5.Visible = false; btnplay6.Visible = false;

button4.Visible = true; }

private void listBox2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (lista2.SelectedIndex) { case 0: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/elamor.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\arjona.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; //axWindowsMediaPlayer1.uiMode = "invisible"; break; case 1: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/party.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\lmfao.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break; case 2: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/moves.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\maroonfive.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break; case 3: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/pumped.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\foster.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break; case 4: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/someone.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\adele.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break;

case 5: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/lonoto.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\hombresg.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break; } }

private void btnplay3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (lista3.SelectedIndex) { case 0: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/jefedejefes.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\tigres.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break; }}

private void btnplay4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (lista4.SelectedIndex) { case 0: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/labiosrotos.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\zoe.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break; case 1: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/mantoestelar.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\moenia.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break; } }

private void btnplay5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (lista5.SelectedIndex) { case 0: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/master.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\metallica.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break; } }

private void pictureBox2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { }

private void btnplay1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (lista1.SelectedIndex) {

case 0:

filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/lallamada.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\arrolladora.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break;

} }

private void btnplay2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (lista2.SelectedIndex) { case 0: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/elamor.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\arjona.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; //axWindowsMediaPlayer1.uiMode = "invisible"; break; case 1: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/party.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\lmfao.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break; case 2: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/moves.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\maroonfive.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break; case 3: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/pumped.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\foster.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break; case 4: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/someone.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\adele.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break;

case 5: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/lonoto.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\hombresg.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break; } }

private void btnplay2_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (lista2.SelectedIndex) {

case 0: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/elamor.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\arjona.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; //axWindowsMediaPlayer1.uiMode = "invisible";


case 1: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/party.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\lmfao.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break;

case 2: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/moves.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\maroonfive.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break; case 3: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/pumped.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\foster.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break; case 4: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/someone.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\adele.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break;

case 5: filePath = "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Sonidos/lonoto.mp3"; pictureBox1.Load("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\caratulas\\hombresg.jpg"); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = filePath; break; } }

private void btnplay6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show("No existen elementos para reproducir, \n favor de llamar al tecnico para reportar..."); }

private void pictureBox2_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { }

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lista1.Visible = false; lista2.Visible = false; lista3.Visible = false; lista4.Visible = false; lista5.Visible = false; lista6.Visible = false;

btnplay1.Visible = false; btnplay2.Visible = false; btnplay3.Visible = false; btnplay4.Visible = false; btnplay5.Visible = false; btnplay6.Visible = false;

button4.Visible = false;


private void button11_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lista1.Visible = false; lista2.Visible = false; lista3.Visible = true; lista4.Visible = false; lista5.Visible = false; lista6.Visible = false;

btnplay1.Visible = false; btnplay2.Visible = false; btnplay3.Visible = true; btnplay4.Visible = false; btnplay5.Visible = false; btnplay6.Visible = false;

button4.Visible = true; }

private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lista1.Visible = false; lista2.Visible = false; lista3.Visible = false; lista4.Visible = true; lista5.Visible = false; lista6.Visible = false;

btnplay1.Visible = false; btnplay2.Visible = false; btnplay3.Visible = false; btnplay4.Visible = true; btnplay5.Visible = false; btnplay6.Visible = false;

button4.Visible = true; }

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lista1.Visible = false; lista2.Visible = false; lista3.Visible = false; lista4.Visible = false; lista5.Visible = true; lista6.Visible = false;

btnplay1.Visible = false; btnplay2.Visible = false; btnplay3.Visible = false; btnplay4.Visible = false; btnplay5.Visible = true; btnplay6.Visible = false;

button4.Visible = true; }

private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lista1.Visible = false; lista2.Visible = false; lista3.Visible = false; lista4.Visible = false; lista5.Visible = false; lista6.Visible = true;

btnplay1.Visible = false; btnplay2.Visible = false; btnplay3.Visible = false; btnplay4.Visible = false; btnplay5.Visible = false; btnplay6.Visible = true;

button4.Visible = true; }

private void panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) {


private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { progressBar1.Increment(+1); if (progressBar1.Value == 100) { timer1.Stop(); panel1.Hide(); } } } }