Top Banner 09271412204 09271412204 1) STREET LIGHT THAT GLOWS ON DETECTING VEHICLE MOVEMENT The project is designed to detect vehicle movement on highways to switch ON only a block of street lights ahead of it (vehicle), and to switch OFF the trailing lights to save energy. During night all the lights on the highway remain ON for the vehicles, but lots of energy is wasted when there is no vehicle movement. This proposed system provides a solution for energy saving. This is achieved by sensing an approaching vehicle and then switches ON a block of street lights ahead of the vehicle. As the vehicle passes by, the trailing lights switch OFF automatically. Thus, we save a lot of energy. So when there are no vehicles on the highway, then all the lights remain OFF. However, there is another mode of operation where instead of switching OFF the lights completely, they remain ON with 10% of the maximum intensity of the light. As the vehicle approaches, the block of street lights switch to 100% intensity and then as the vehicle passes by, the trailing lights revert back to 10% intensity again. High intensity discharge lamp (HID) presently used for urban street light are based on principle of gas discharge, thus the intensity is not controllable by any voltage reduction. White Light Emitting Diode (LED) based lamps are soon replacing the HID lamps in street light. Intensity control is also possible by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) generated by the microcontroller. Sensors used on either side of the road senses vehicle movement and sends logic commands to microcontroller to switch ON/OFF the LEDs. Thus this way of dynamically changing intensity ON/OFF helps in saving a lot of energy. The project uses an 8051 series microcontroller.

Electrical Embedded Projects

Nov 30, 2015



Manish Narkhede

Electrical Embedded Projects. Mocrocontrollers used: 8051, AVR, PIC, ARM
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The project is designed to detect vehicle movement on highways to switch

ON only a block of street lights ahead of it (vehicle), and to switch OFF the

trailing lights to save energy. During night all the lights on the highway

remain ON for the vehicles, but lots of energy is wasted when there is no

vehicle movement.

This proposed system provides a solution for energy saving. This is achieved

by sensing an approaching vehicle and then switches ON a block of street

lights ahead of the vehicle. As the vehicle passes by, the trailing lights

switch OFF automatically. Thus, we save a lot of energy. So when there are

no vehicles on the highway, then all the lights remain OFF. However, there is

another mode of operation where instead of switching OFF the lights

completely, they remain ON with 10% of the maximum intensity of the light.

As the vehicle approaches, the block of street lights switch to 100% intensity

and then as the vehicle passes by, the trailing lights revert back to 10%

intensity again. High intensity discharge lamp (HID) presently used for urban

street light are based on principle of gas discharge, thus the intensity is not

controllable by any voltage reduction. White Light Emitting Diode (LED)

based lamps are soon replacing the HID lamps in street light. Intensity

control is also possible by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) generated by the

microcontroller. Sensors used on either side of the road senses vehicle

movement and sends logic commands to microcontroller to switch ON/OFF

the LEDs. Thus this way of dynamically changing intensity ON/OFF helps in

saving a lot of energy. The project uses an 8051 series microcontroller.

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Further the project can be enhanced by using appropriate sensors for

detecting the failed street light and then sending an SMS to the control

department via GSM modem for appropriate action.


The main objective of the project is to develop a GSM based energy meter

reading system and load control through SMS. Electricity department sends

employees to take meter reading every month, which is an expensive and

time consuming job. The proposed project provides a convenient and

efficient method to avoid this problem. The electricity department and the

user can get the readings of the energy meter of consumers via SMS. The

loads can also be controlled by the user of this system via SMS using this


A microcontroller input is effectively interfaced to a digital energy meter that

takes the reading from the energy meter and displays the same on an LCD.

The reading of the energy meter is also sent to the control room by an SMS

via SIM loaded GSM modem. This GSM modem can also receive commands

from the cell phone to control the owner‟s electrical loads. It uses a standard

digital energy meter that delivers output pulses to the microcontroller to

perform counting for necessary action. On receiving command it can switch

ON/OFF the loads.

Further this project can be interfaced with a non volatile memory IC like

EEPROM along with a keypad so that the user the change the mobile number

as per the requirement.


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A desired number is entered through a keypad interfaced to a

microcontroller of 8051 family. Upon activation, the system counts down one

in each second till the set number reaches zero. A relay switches the load

ON & OFF for every count thus testing the life cycle of the product.

The working life of many products such as lamps depends on the number of

ON/OFF cycles it encounters. This project is designed to be used in industries

for testing the life cycle of such electrical loads (lamps, motors etc) using a

down counter.

This proposed system uses microcontroller of 8051 family with a keypad

interfaced to it to enter a required number.7-segment displays are used for

displaying the number /count. Once the circuit is powered, the counter is set

using the keypad to count down anywhere from 999 to 0. The counter starts

decrementing from the set number to 0 per each count and simultaneously

making the load (i.e. bulb in this circuit) turn ON and OFF by a relay.

Reaching the zero count it finally remains OFF.

The project can be further enhanced by using mono stable triggering device

to stop the counter in the event of failure of the load before reaching the

zero. Thus the exact life cycle of the load can be estimated.



The main objective of this project is to intimate the concerned authorities

about an unauthorized access of secured areas such as museums, residential

houses, banks etc. As crime rate is on the rise and burglars are getting

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smarter, the security system for banks, shops and houses needs to be full

proof. This proposed system ensures that at any moment if any

unauthorized person tries to open the bank locker; a telephone number will

be dialed through the telephone line connected to it.

This project uses a microcontroller from 8051 family. An external memory

EEPROM is interfaced to the microcontroller to store the contact number to

which the call is to be made. The arrangement is made in such a way that

when someone tries to open the door forcefully even when it is locked the

microcontroller gets an interrupt through a hidden switch mechanism

interfaced to it. Microcontroller will automatically dial to the number which is

stored in the EEPROM through DTMF encoder interfaced to it. Microcontroller

fetches information from external memory like EEPROM using I2C (Inter IC

communication) protocol.

Further this project can be enhanced to use a cell phone or GSM modem

with a serial camera connected to it. The camera will take photographs and

sends it over MMS/ email attachment to the concerned authorities.


The project is designed to demonstrate how multiple microcontrollers can be

connected in a network to achieve the desired output. This technology is

widely used in modern automobiles. More and more microcontrollers are

embedded in different kinds of products from industrial environment to

domestic area; a good example is the automobile sector. A modern day car

has number of microcontrollers integrated within its system. As this number

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increases, the networking and communication between them becomes

necessary. The importance of having multiple microcontrollers against a

single one is if one of the microcontrollers goes bad only the function related

to that particular microcontroller will be affected.

The project demonstrates a command based monitoring tool using the

RS232 protocol. A network of three microcontrollers is used in this project.

The first one is connected to a keypad for input action while the second one

is connected to an LCD display and the third one to drive a relay for

controlling any load (LAMP). Input takes a password on the first MC to

display it on the second MC while the third one executes the output only if

the password is right. Wrong password if entered will generate a buzzer

sound. Though this task can be performed by a single microcontroller, the

project uses multiple microcontrollers to explain the concept of networking.

It is practically impossible by a single microcontroller to handle input action,

display and output which are located way apart. For example, a display unit

requiring 15 connections from the microcontroller needs to be managed

using a multi core cable, similarly for a keypad using 7 connections. Thus,

for large number of inputs and displays it would require multi core data

cable to be connected to the MC running over kilometers, whereas this

project uses a pair of wire only thereby reducing the complications in wiring

and cost as well.

Further this project being based on serial communication can be enhanced

by using wireless communication among the controllers by avoiding costly


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The project is designed to develop a robotic vehicle that follows a specific

path. This project uses a microcontroller of 8051 family for its operation. A

pair of photo sensors comprising IR transmitter and photo diode is interfaced

to the controller to detect the specified path for its movement.

Line follower robot is a useful robot that is used in ware houses, industries,

and stores etc, where it follows a dedicated path. This proposed system of a

line following robot fulfils the desired functionality and demonstrates the

working of it. It uses a pair of photo sensors, comprising of one IR

transmitter and a photo diode in each. It guides the robot to follow a

specified path by giving appropriate signal to the microcontroller. Two DC

motors are used interfaced to the microcontroller through a motor driver IC.

Input signals given to the microcontroller from the sensors and then the

controller takes the appropriate action according to the program written in it

and drives motors as desired.

Further the project can be enhanced by adding more advanced sensors to it.

This will add more features to the existing project. For example, we can use

ultrasonic sensors for detect any obstacle in front of the robot and to take

appropriate action.


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The main objective of this project is to record the attendance of students

using RFID tags. Each student is provided with his/her authorized tag to

swipe over the reader to record their attendance.

In classrooms, time is wasted in roll calls as it is done manually. In this

proposed system, authorized student is given an RFID tag. This tag contains

an integrated in built circuit that is used for storing, processing information

through modulating and demodulating of the radio frequency signal that is

being transmitted. Thus, the data stored in this card is referred as the

identification/attendance of the person. Once the student places the card in

front of the RFID card reader, it reads the data and verifies it with the data

stored in the microcontroller from 8051 family. If the data matches, then it

displays a message on the LCD confirming the entry of that student else

displays a message denying the attendance. The status of a student‟s

attendance can be retrieved from this system by pressing the status button

interfaced to the microcontroller. Hence, a lot of time is saved as all the

students attendance is directly stored in the data base.

The project can be further enhanced by adding features like sending an SMS

of the daily attendance of students to their parents. It can also be enhanced

by using a finger print module in place of RFID module that has certain

drawbacks of tags be misused.



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The project is designed to develop a system to detect the synchronization

failure of any external supply source to the power grid on sensing the

abnormalities in frequency and voltage.

There are several power generation units connected to the grid such as

hydel, thermal, solar etc to supply power to the load. These generating units

need to supply power according to the rules of the grid. These rules involve

maintaining a voltage variation within limits and also the frequency. If any

deviation from the acceptable limit of the grid it is mandatory that the same

feeder should automatically get disconnected from the grid which by effect is

termed as islanding. This prevents in large scale brown out or black out of

the grid power. So it is preferable to have a system which can warn the grid

in advance so that alternate arrangements are kept on standby to avoid

complete grid failure.

This system is based on a microcontroller of 8051 family. The

microcontroller monitors the under/over voltage being derived from a set of

comparators. As the frequency of the mains supply cannot be changed, the

project uses a variable frequency generator (555-timer) for changing the

frequency, while a standard variac is used to vary the input voltage to test

the functioning of the project. A lamp load (indicating a predictable blackout,

brownout) being driven from the microcontroller in case of

voltage/frequency going out of acceptable range.

Further the project can be enhanced by using power electronic devices to

isolate the grid from the erring supply source by sensing cycle by cycle

deviation for more sophisticated means of detection.

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The aim of the project is to design a contactless speed sensing device

(tachometer) for a Brushless DC (BLDC) motor. Traditional tachometers

require a physical contact to the shaft of the motor to measure the speed. In

certain applications, where it is not feasible to measure the speed for safety

and technical reasons, it is possible for a contactless tachometer to take the

readings from a certain distance.

This proposed system uses the IR transmitting and receiving technique. This

is achieved by receiving IR rays from a reflecting spot on the shaft of the

motor. Such arrangements can measure the rate at which the IR rays are

getting reflected back. The project uses a microcontroller of 8051 family. A

pair of sensors (Transmitter and receiver) is used to develop a pulse for each

reflection that sends an interrupt to the microcontroller. The timer of the

controller calculates the speed by each pulse received in a particular time

interval and displays the same. The microcontroller is interfaced with an LCD

to display the speed.

The concept of the contact-less tachometer can be enhanced and

implemented in the bikes, cars for speed measurement, avoiding the use of

traditional analog speedometer.



The main objective of this project is to display the dialed telephone number

on seven segment display for better visibility. This project is based on the

concept of DTMF (dual tone multi frequency). Every button on the key pad of

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a telephone generates a unique frequency when pressed. These frequencies

are decoded by a DTMF decoder and the digital signals are fed to the

microcontroller through buffer circuits. While the program is executed, the

output of the microcontroller delivers the same data to parallel connected

seven segment displays.

The parallel connected seven segment displays operate in the multiplexing

mode fed from the microcontroller through driving switches to generate

exact display of the numbers dialed. In actual operation only one seven

segment display shows the number at any given time out of the ten used.

Owing to persistence of vision, all the numbers appear glowing at the same

time as they are in high speed multiplexing mode. The project uses an 8051

family microcontroller, and a cell phone duly connected from its ear phone

socket to the DTMF decoder for receiving the data. This data is transmitted

to the microcontroller for processing. The processed data is then given to the

parallel connected seven segment displays.

Further the project can be enhanced to displaying the time, cost, day and

date parameters on the digital display.


The objective of this project is to determine the distance of underground

cable fault from base station in kilometers. The underground cable system is

a common practice followed in many urban areas. While a fault occurs for

some reason, at that time the repairing process related to that particular

cable is difficult due to not knowing the exact location of the cable fault. The

proposed system is to find the exact location of the fault.

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The project uses the standard concept of Ohms law i.e., when a low DC

voltage is applied at the feeder end through a series resistor (Cable lines),

then current would vary depending upon the location of fault in the cable. In

case there is a short circuit (Line to Ground), the voltage across series

resistors changes accordingly, which is then fed to an ADC to develop

precise digital data which the programmed microcontroller of 8051 family

would display in kilometers.

The project is assembled with a set of resistors representing cable length in

KM‟s and fault creation is made by a set of switches at every known KM to

cross check the accuracy of the same. The fault occurring at a particular

distance and the respective phase is displayed on a LCD interfaced to the


Further this project can be enhanced by using capacitor in an ac circuit to

measure the impedance which can even locate the open circuited cable,

unlike the short circuited fault only using resistors in DC circuit as followed in

the above proposed project.



The main objective of this project is to unlock a garage door by a mobile

phone using a unique password entered through the keypad of the phone.

Opening and closing of garage doors involves human labor. In this proposed

system, the opening and closing of a garage door is achieved by using a

mobile phone. The owner can call to a mobile phone interfaced to the system

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which in turn is connected to the garage door that can open/close the door

by entering the password. This method is very convenient as one doesn‟t

have to get down of his car to open/close the door physically.

This project is based on the concept of DTMF (dual tone multi - frequency).

Every numeric button on the keypad of a mobile phone generates a unique

frequency when pressed. These frequencies are decoded by the DTMF

decoder IC at the receiving end which is fed to the microcontroller. If this

decoded values (password entered by the user) matches with the password

stored in the microcontroller, then the microcontroller initiates a mechanism

to open the door through a motor driver interface.

Further this project can be incorporated with an EEPROM i.e., a non-volatile

memory so that the password can be changed by the owner.


The main objective of this project is controlling speed of BLDC motor and

displays its speed using an IR method of speed sensor mechanism. The DC

motor has various application used in industries like in drilling, lathes,

spinning, elevators and etc. The speed control of the DC motors is very

essential. This proposed system provides a very precise and effective speed

control system. The user can increase or decrease the speed as per the

requirement and the motor will run at that exact speed.

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The project is divided into three stages: input, processing and output stage.

The input stage consists of entering the required speed through switches.

The processing stage provides RPM reference of the motor, by a shaft

mounted IR sensor interfaced to the microcontroller in the circuit. The

microcontroller develops PWM pulses which are varied with switches to

regulate the DC power to the motor such that the desired speed is achieved.

The output stage uses a MOSFET being driven by the microcontroller output.

An 8051 family microcontroller is used with a set of switches to increase or

decrease the speed of the BLDC motor. This speed is sensed by the sensors

and is given to microcontroller which in turn displays it on a LCD display.

The above operation is carried out by using one opto-isolator and a MOSFET

for driving the BLDC motor. IR sensing is used for getting the speed

reference to the microcontroller.


The main objective of this project is to force the BLDC motor in electric

vehicles to run exactly at stored speed in EEPROM (non volatile memory).

The BLDC motor has various application used in industries like in drilling,

lathes, spinning, electric vehicles, elevators and etc. The speed control of

BLDC motors is very essential. The present system speed control is not very

effective. This proposed system provides a very precise and effective control

system. The user can enter the desired speed (predefined speed) which is

stored in an EEPROM and the motor will run at that speed. If the power

supply is off, the EEPROM retains the last speed entered. When the supply is

resumed, the motor will run at the last entered speed.

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Based on the principle of PWM speed can be controlled. This is achieved by

keeping BLDC motor on closed loop feedback and giving RPM reference of

the motor by a shaft mounted IR sensing arrangement which is fed to the

microcontroller in the circuit. A display unit displays the full speed and one

can enter the desired percentage with help of switches to vary the speed.

The pulse width would be automatically adjusted to maintain the DC power

to the motor such that the entered speed percentage matches the present

RPM. The above operation is carried out by using one opto-isolator and a

MOSFET for driving the BLDC motor and IR sensing is used for getting the

speed reference to the microcontroller.

An EEPROM is interfaced to the microcontroller. EEPROM being a non volatile

memory stores the speed reference to feed to the control circuit that forces

the motor to always run at the same speed. Two switches are used as input

to the MC for increasing or decreasing the speed of the BLDC motor.


The aim of this project is to develop a stamp value calculator for the postal

operations that is carried out in a post office. These postal letters are tariffed

at the post offices depending on the weight of the postal letter measured on

a weighing scale. Normal weight checking instruments used in the shops like

the grocery stores are not applicable in post offices, where the weights

range from kilograms and above, but in post offices the weights are

considered in the order of grams and the tariff rate is imposed accordingly.

Hence, there is a need of a precise weighing scale that can measure the

weights in grams and display it. This concept can be achieved by an

electronically weighing machine. This proposed system can fulfill the desired

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functionality and it is exact in its precise weight measurement and price of

the stamp required.

This system is built upon using an 8051 microcontroller, which uses weight

sensor by a spring loaded variable resistor to determine the weight of the

particular letter placed on it. This data is processed through an ADC which is

interfaced to the microcontroller to generate an appropriate display on the

LCD, both in terms of weight and its corresponding stamp value required.

This project can be enhanced by integrating a mini printer with this system,

which can be used for printing the value of stamp for franking machines. It

can also be interfaced with a keypad and an EEPROM to store the price

details corresponding to its weight.



The main objective of this project is to send a message in the event of

energy meter being tampered. The alert message is sent via GSM modem to

the concerned authority. As electricity consumption is increasing, so is the

attempt for tampering the energy meter. Identifying a tampered meter is

only possible when the electricity board‟s authority manually checks it, which

is a time consuming and costly method. This proposed system is a possible

solution to detect meter tampering.

Energy meter is integrated with the system in such a way that if anybody

opens the cover of the meter, an IR sensing arrangement sends a command

to the microcontroller (8051 family). Microcontroller then senses a change in

the logical input from IR sensor and gives command to the GSM modem to

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send an SMS to the designated mobile phone number stored in the

controller‟s memory. This information also gets displayed on an LCD.

The project in future can be enhanced by having an added feature of

disconnecting the supply to the load by electricity department through SMS

in case of any tampering of energy meter.


The project is designed to control the speed of a single phase induction

motor in three steps by using cyclo convertor technique by thyristors. A.C.

motors have the great advantages of being relatively inexpensive and very

reliable. Induction motors in particular are very robust and therefore used in

many domestic appliances such as washing machines, vacuum cleaners,

water pumps, and used in industries as well. The induction motor is known

as a constant-speed machine, the difficulty of varying its speed by a cost

effective device is one of its main disadvantages.

As the AC supply frequency cannot be changed, so this project uses a

thyristor controlled cyclo converter which enables the control of speed in

steps for an induction motor. The microcontroller used in this project is from

8051 family, a pair of slide switches is provided to select the desired speed

range (F, F/2 and F/3) of operation of the induction motor. These switches

are interfaced to the microcontroller. The status of the switches enables the

microcontroller to deliver the pulses to trigger the SCR‟s in a dual bridge.

Thus, the speed of the induction motor can be achieved in three steps i.e.

(F, F/2 and F/3).

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This very concept can be further enhanced and implemented to control the

speed of a three phase induction motor. It can also be coupled with firing

angle control for any desired speed. Note: An induction motor is used to

observe the output of the project. Motor is not supplied along with the kit.

However, it can be purchased on extra cost.


The project is designed to measure the distance of any object by using an

ultrasonic transducer. Ultrasonic means of distance measurement is a

convenient method compared to traditional one using measurement scales.

This kind of measurement is particularly applicable to inaccessible areas

where traditional means cannot be implemented such as high temperature,

pressure zones etc.

This proposed system uses an ultrasonic module interfaced to a

microcontroller of 8051 family. An ultrasonic transducer comprising of a

transmitter and receiver are used for the project. The transmitted waves are

reflected back from the object and received by the transducer again. The

total time taken from sending the waves to receiving it is calculated by

taking into consideration the velocity of sound. Then the distance is

calculated by a program running on the microcontroller and displayed on an

LCD screen interfaced to the microcontroller. The ultrasonic sensor produces

40 kHz sound waves.

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Further the project can be enhanced by using high frequency transducers to

make is fit for medical applications like ultrasound machine.


The aim of this project is to remind people who forget to take their

medicines on time. Elderly people because of their age usually forget to take

their medicines. This project will help to remind the patient to take his/her

medicine at prescribed time. The proposed system is best suited for elderly

people and people who are very busy, as this device will not only remind

them of their medicines with a buzzer sound but also displays the name of

the medicine to be taken at that time.

The patient can store the respective time of the particular medicine through

a matrix keypad. Based on an RTC (Real Time Clock) interfaced to the

microcontroller, the programmed time for medicine is displayed on the LCD

along with a buzzer sound to alert the patient about taking the appropriate

medicine. The microcontroller used in this project is of 8051 family. RTC

used maintains an accurate time as it is supported by a crystal.

This project in future can be enhanced by integrating it with GSM

technology, so that the patient receives a reminder about the medicine he

has to take via SMS on his/her cell phone. Also a provision to change the

name of the medicine can be incorporated by interfacing the device with a

PC or EEPROM (non-volatile memory).


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The project is designed to actuate a load when IR rays are interrupted by

any object. his is helpful in industries for sensing movement of material in a

conveyor belt for any action to be taken.

The project uses 38 KHz IR signal generated feeding an IR diode which is

received by tuned IR receiver. These IR sensors are interfaced to a

microcontroller of 8051. The IR transmitter continuously transmits rays over

the receiver and when these rays are blocked by any object an interrupt is

sent to the microcontroller. The microcontroller according to program written

performs the desired action. A lamp is used as load in this project for

demonstration purpose. This lamp is actuated by a relay which is interfaced

to the microcontroller output. So when the interrupt is sent to the controller,

it in turn switches ON the relay to actuate the load.

Further the project can be enhanced by using a counting arrangement with a

display. This arrangement will be helpful in manufacturing industries where

keeping a total count of production is required.


The project is designed to evaluate consumption of any load in units and

cost in rupees as per the energy tariff and the number of hours the load is

going to be used. The evaluation is almost instantaneous thus assisting the

user to save hours of waiting time for the load survey.

An energy audit is an inspection, survey and analysis of energy consumption

with possible conservation in domestic sector or industrial environment etc.

As unit cost of electricity is very high these days it is essential to know if a

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particular device or instrument is energy efficient or not. This system

proposes an energy auditing system for the instruments where the

microcontroller calculates the units that will be consumed by the loads and

the rupees that will be spent on it. The input data i.e. energy tariff and

number of hours the load is likely to be used, is given by the user through

push button switches. The relevant information is displayed on an LCD

interfaced with the microcontroller. The microcontroller used in the project is

of 8051 family.

Further the project can be enhanced by using a GSM modem interfaced to

the device for remote monitoring of these data over GSM network via SMS.

Even load control can also be achieved over SMS.


Notice Board is primary thing in any institution / organization or public utility

places like bus stations, railway stations and parks. But sticking various

notices day-to-day is a difficult process. This project deals with an advanced

wireless notice board.

The main objective of this project is to develop a wireless notice board that

displays messages sent from the user‟s mobile. When a user sends a

message from his mobile phone, it is received by a SIM loaded GSM modem

at the receiver unit. The GSM modem is duly interfaced through level shifter

IC for establishing RS232 communication protocol to the microcontroller.

The message so received is thus sent to the microcontroller that further

displays it on electronic notice board which is equipped with a LCD display

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interfaced to a microcontroller from 8051 family duly powered by a

regulated power supply from mains supply of 230 volt ac.

Further development to this project can be done by providing message

storage facility by non-volatile memory i.e. EEPROM attached to the

microcontroller for retrieval of old messages if required. It can also be

expanded to a bigger LCD screen.


The project uses a solar panel coupled to a stepper motor to track the Sun

so that maximum sun light is incident upon the panel at any given time of

the day. This is better compared to light sensing method that may not be

accurate always for example during cloudy days.

With the impending scarcity of nonrenewable resources, people are

considering to use alternate sources of energy. From all other available

resources sun energy is the most abundant and it‟s comparatively easy to

convert it to electrical energy. Use of solar panel to convert sun‟s energy to

electrical is very popular, but due to transition of the Sun from east to west

the fixed solar panel may be able to generate optimum energy. The

proposed system solves the problem by an arrangement for the solar panel

to track the Sun.

This tracking movement is achieved by coupling a stepper motor to the solar

panel such that the panel maintains its face always perpendicular to the Sun

to generate maximum energy. This is achieved by using a programmed

microcontroller to deliver stepped pulses in periodical time intervals for the

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stepper motor to rotate the mounted panel as desired. The microcontroller

used in this project is from 8051 family. The stepper motor is driven by an

interfacing IC as the controller is not capable of handling the power

requirements of the stepper motor. The project is provided with a dummy

solar panel which can be used for demonstration purpose only.

Further the project can be enhanced by using RTC (Real Time Clock) to

follow the Sun. This helps in maintaining the required position of the panel

even if the power is interrupted for some time.


The project is designed to detect a crack, if any, on the railway track and

alert the respective railway department. This is to avoid rail accidents by

using latest communication technologies. In this project GSM communication

protocols are used to convey the message of crack detection via SMS.

This project uses a microcontroller from 8051 family. The primary objective

of this project is to detect the crack in the railway track and alert the nearby

station through effective and highly reliable communication mode. To

demonstrate this project, two rails forming the part of a track are made

using a pair of wire which is connected with a detachable jumper in between

each wire/track. Removing the detachable jumper creates a fault in the

respective track; otherwise it is generally shorted by the jumper wire to

simulate healthy track condition. Removing the jumpers result in driving

transistors delivering a different logic to the controller. The program

thereafter takes over to send an SMS through GSM modem interfaced

through a level shifter IC to the microcontroller. An LCD is also interfaced to

the MC to display the status of GSM and track condition.

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Thus the proposed model is designed to recognize the cracks in the railway

tracks and provides instant information to the concerned railway authorities.

The power supply consists of a step down transformer 230/12V, which steps

down the voltage to 12V AC. This is converted to DC using a Bridge rectifier.

The ripples are removed using a capacitive filter and it is then regulated to

+5V using a voltage regulator 7805 which is required for the operation of

the microcontroller and other components.


The main objective of this project is to provide a security system having the

provision to change the password by the authority only. The security of any

organization or house is of prime importance always. The concern is for the

physical property and also for the intellectual property in case of any

organization. This proposed system provides a user friendly security system

for organizations and homes. This system is password based and allows only

authorized person to access it with a password. It also has the provision of

changing the password.

The system is fully controlled by the 8 bit microcontroller of 8051 family. The

password is stored in an EEPROM, interfaced to the microcontroller and the

password can be changed any time unlike a fixed one burnt permanently on

to the microcontroller. A keypad is used to enter the password and a relay to

lock or unlock the electric door, which is indicated by a lamp. Any wrong

attempt to open the door (by entering the wrong password) an alert will be

actuated, indicated by another lamp.

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Further this project can be enhanced by interfacing a GSM modem to the

device so that when a wrong password is entered, an alert SMS will be sent

to the concerned authority.


The project is designed to develop a dish positioning system which can be

operated by using a conventional TV remote. The main application of using a

dish is to receive signal from satellites and other broadcasting sources. In

order to position the dish to the exact angle to receive the maximum signal

of a particular frequency, it needs to be adjusted manually.

In order to overcome the difficulty of adjusting manually, this proposed

system helps in adjusting the position of the dish through a simple TV

Remote. This system consists of two motors that enable the dish to move

both in horizontal and vertical direction. The TV remote acts as a transmitter

whose data is received by an IR receiver which is interfaced to a

microcontroller of 8051 family. The TV remote sends coded data to the

receiver whose output is then sent to the microcontroller. The

microcontroller sends control signals to the motors through an interface IC

also known as motor driver IC. The code followed by the TV remote is a

standard RC5 code. This code is used in the program to recognize the input

code from the TV remote for the controller to develop appropriate output

signal for the motor driver IC.

Further the project can be enhanced by using RF control instead of IR which

has got line of sight communication restrictions.

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The project is designed for LED based street lights with auto intensity control

using solar power from photovoltaic cells. As awareness for solar energy is

increasing, more and more individuals and institutions are opting for solar

energy. Photovoltaic panels are used for charging batteries by converting the

sunlight into electricity. A charge controller circuit is used to control the


Intensity of street lights is required to be kept high during the peak hours.

As the traffic on the roads tends to decrease slowly in late nights, the

intensity can be reduced progressively till morning to save energy. Thus, the

street lights switch ON at the dusk and then switch OFF at the dawn

automatically. The process repeats every day.

High Intensity Discharge lamps (HID) used for urban street light are based

on principle of gas discharge, thus the intensity is not controllable by any

voltage reduction method as the discharge path is broken. LED lights are the

future of lighting, because of their low energy consumption and long life they

are fast replacing conventional lights world over. White Light Emitting Diode

(LED) can replace the HID lamps where intensity control is possible by pulse

width modulation. The intensity control helps in saving energy during late

nights while traffic density on the streets is low. A programmable

microcontroller of 8051 family is engaged to provide different intensities at

the different times of night using PWM technique, for energy saving for solar

based system, using a charge controller for battery charging, overload and

deep discharge protection.

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Further the project can be enhanced by using time programmed dusk to

dawn switching based on latitude and longitude of a specific place. It can

also be interfaced to a LDR to follow the switching operation precisely.



The main objective of this project is to develop a device that controls the

home appliances through SMS with integrated acknowledgement feature.

Unlike the conventional system present in houses, where one has to

manually switch on and off the appliances. The proposed system allows the

owner of the house to control the appliances by just sending an SMS to the

device and then also receiving the status of the same via return SMS.

This is extremely convenient for users as they can control their house loads

any time and from any place in the world. An example of how this

technology can make our lives better is that when a person is travelling and

wishes that the moment he enters his room, it should be cool enough to

make him comfortable. In such a case, with the help of this system, he can

switch on the AC while he is travelling. An SMS is sent to the GSM modem

which is interfaced to the microcontroller. The modem receives the message

and sends the command to the microcontroller which processes this and

initiates a mechanism that activates a relay to control the corresponding

home appliance.

An added feature of this system is that the owner can get the status of all

the loads (whether on or off) in the house by sending a status query SMS to

the base station. All the status can also be seen on an LCD display interfaced

to the microcontroller.

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The main objective of this project is to provide security in an organization by

allowing only the authorized personnel to access the secure area. The

security of any organization is a priority for the authorities. The concern is

for the physical property and also for the intellectual property. For this

reason only the authorized person with a valid RFID tag is allowed into the

secured premises.

This tag contains an integrated circuit that is used for storing and processing

information, modulating and demodulating the radio frequency signal that is

being transmitted. Thus, once the person shows the RFID tag to the card

reader it scans the data present in the tag and compares it with the data

present in the microcontroller. When the data matches with that in the

microcontroller, the load will be turned ON which is operated by a relay

being driven from the output of the microcontroller. If a valid tag is swiped

then the system displays a message “AUTHORIZED” else it states

“UNAUTHORIZED” and doesn‟t allow access. A lamp is used as an indication

besides the LCD display.

This project can be further enhanced by interfacing it with GSM technology.

Any attempt for unauthorized access can be intimated to the security

personnel through an SMS. It can also be interfaced with a finger print

module to reduce the drawback of RFID system i.e. exchanging RFID tags.



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The aim of this project is to use wireless technology to intimate the owner of

the vehicle about any unauthorized entry. This is done by sending an auto-

generated SMS to the owner. An added advantage of this project is that the

owner can send back the SMS which will disable the ignition of the vehicle.

As the crime rate is going up, security system for vehicles is extremely

essential. In this proposed system if someone tries to steal the car, the

microcontroller gets an interrupt through a switch mechanism connected to

the system and commands the GSM modem to send an SMS. The owner

receives the SMS that his car is stolen. He can then send back an SMS to the

GSM modem to „stop the engine‟. The GSM modem interfaced to the

microcontroller, receives the message, the output of which activates a

mechanism that disables the ignition of the vehicle resulting in stopping the

vehicle. The project uses a lamp to indicate the engine ON/OFF condition.

Thus, owner of the vehicle from anywhere can switch off ignition of his car.

This project can be further enhanced by integrating a GPS system, which will

give exact position of the vehicle in terms of its latitude and longitude.

Further this data can be sent to the owner via SMS who can enter this value

on Google maps to get the exact location of the vehicle


Sinusoidal PWM has been a very popular technique used in AC motor control.

This is a method that employs a triangular carrier wave modulated by a sine

wave and the points of intersection determine the switching points of the

power devices in the inverter. Though this method is unable to make full use

of the inverter‟s supply voltage and the asymmetrical nature of the PWM

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switching characteristics produces relatively high harmonic distortion in the

supply it is still popular for its simplicity.

This abstract describes the theory of SPWM and the project shall be made

using a programmed microcontroller of 8051 family duly interfaced to 3

phase inverter with 6 no‟s MOSFET from DC derived from a single phase or 3

phase ,50 Hz supply. The load shall be a three phase 50Hz motor, 440volt,

0.5 to 1 HP motor. Alternatively a star lamp load can be used to view the

waveform only. This project uses an 8051 family microcontroller duly

interfaced to the opto-isolators for feeding to the bridge drivers. 3 no‟s of

dual bridge drivers are used to feed 3 phase bridge inverter with the DC

supply developed from single phase AC after rectification. Powering the

circuit is achieved by a pair of control transformers with bridge rectifier and

filter capacitors. One set of this power is used for the microcontroller and the

other one is used for driving circuits of the three phase bridge.

Further this project can be enhanced by following Space Vector Pulse Width

Modulation Technique for higher efficiency and low harmonic distortion for


NOTE: A 3 phase induction motor of 0.5HP or 1HP is required to see the

output. Motor is not supplied along with the kit. However, it can be

purchased at extra cost.


The main objective of this project is to develop a device for wireless power

transfer. The concept of wireless power transfer was realized by Nikolas

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tesla. Wireless power transfer can make a remarkable change in the field of

the electrical engineering which eliminates the use conventional copper

cables and current carrying wires. Based on this concept, the project is

developed to transfer power within a small range. This project can be used

for charging batteries those are physically not possible to be connected

electrically such as pace makers (An electronic device that works in place of

a defective heart valve) implanted in the body that runs on a battery. The

patient is required to be operated every year to replace the battery. This

project is designed to charge a rechargeable battery wirelessly for the

purpose. Since charging of the battery is not possible to be demonstrated,

we are providing a DC fan that runs through wireless power.

This project is built upon using an electronic circuit which converts AC 230V

50Hz to AC 12V, High frequency. The output is fed to a tuned coil forming as

primary of an air core transformer. The secondary coil develops a voltage of

HF 12volt. Thus the transfer of power is done by the primary(transmitter) to

the secondary that is separated with a considerable distance(say 3cm).

Therefore the transfer could be seen as the primary transmits and the

secondary receives the power to run load.

Moreover this technique can be used in number of applications, like to

charge a mobile phone, iPod, laptop battery, propeller clock wirelessly. And

also this kind of charging provides a far lower risk of electrical shock as it

would be galvanically isolated. This concept is an Emerging Technology, and

in future the distance of power transfer can be enhanced as the research

across the world is still going on.


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The aim of this project is to develop a device to detect rash driving on

highways and to alert the traffic authorities in case of any speed violation.

Accidents due to rash driving on highways are on the rise and people are

losing their lives because of others mistakes. In the present system, to

detect rash driving the police has to use a handheld radar gun and aim at

the vehicle to record its speed. If the speed of the vehicle exceeds the speed

limit, nearest police station is informed to stop the speeding vehicle. This is

an ineffective process as after detecting one has to inform the same and a

lot of time is wasted.

The proposed system will check on rash driving by calculating the speed of a

vehicle using the time taken to travel between the two set points at a fixed

distance. A set point consists of a pair of sensors comprising of an IR

transmitter and an IR receiver, each of which are installed on either sides of

the road. The speed limit is set by the police who uses the system depending

upon the traffic at the very location. The time taken by the vehicle to travel

from one set point to the other is calculated by a microcontroller program.

Based on that time it then calculates the speed and displays that on an LCD.

Moreover if the vehicle crosses the speed limit, a buzzer sounds alerting the


This concept can be extended in future by integrating a camera with the

system which could capture the image of the number plate of the vehicle to

sends that to the traffic authorities.


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The project develops a remote jamming device which can jam the TV remote

rays. It develops IR rays of 38 KHz usually emitted by a standard TV remote.

The rays developed are powerful enough to overshadow the IR receiver in


This system is built by using a 555 Timer in the astable mode which is made

to produce the higher power pulses in the range of 38 KHZ emitted by an IR

diode. These rays while aimed at TV receiver disables the IR sensor built in

the TV. Thus, while any number is pressed on the TV remote, the IR rays

sent will not have any effect on TV.

Further the project can be enhanced by using powerful IR diodes such that it

can be operated from a long distance.



The project is designed to use a TV remote as a cordless mouse for the

computer. A conventional PC/laptop uses a mouse to operate and control all

its applications. As a PC mouse is wired to the system, one has to sit near

the PC to operate it. This becomes very tedious when the PC is used for

presentation purposes (when using a projector). In this proposed system TV

remote can be used as a cordless mouse, and the user need not operate the

PC sitting near it.

A typical TV remote sends coded infrared data that is read by an IR sensor

interfaced to an 8051 family microcontroller. This data so received by the

microcontroller sends it to the COM port of a PC through a level shifter IC.

This IR code is traditionally RC5 code as followed by some manufacturers.

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Software named PC remote is used on the PC that recognizes data received

from the microcontroller through the COM port and performs the required

operation. Designated numbers on the TV remote are used to perform up -

down, right - left cursor movement. Features like left click and right click of

the mouse can also be performed with the TV remote.

Further this project can be enhanced using Bluetooth/ RF technology to

overcome the traditional line of sight communication drawbacks of the

infrared type.



The main objective of this project is to develop a pre warning system to

avoid stampede in places where large gathering of people take place.

In many religious places, political rallies and places where large public

gathering takes place there are chances for stampede to occur due to

various reasons. This proposed system warns in advance to authorities about

gathering of a large number of people in a particular place before any

stampede occurs. This project will help us develop a turbulent pedestrian

flow prediction and risk management system in most of pilgrimage places,

where stampede is often encountered owing to mass movement. This is

achieved when a large number of pressure switches are actuated as the

people start gathering in one place. The switches are interfaced to a

microcontroller of PIC16F8 family, when a certain number of switches are

pressed which exceeds the predefined number then microcontroller

generates an output to switch on a buzzer alerting the authorities about a

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possible stampede. The status is also displayed on the LCD which is duly

interfaced to the microcontroller.

Further the project can be enhanced by interfacing a GSM modem to the

microcontroller so that a warning message is sent to the concerned

authorities via SMS.



The aim of this project is to remind people who forget to take their

medicines on time. Elderly people because of their age usually forget to take

their medicines. This project will help to remind the patient to take his/her

medicine at prescribed time. The proposed system is best suited for elderly

people and people who are very busy, as this device will not only remind

them of their medicines with a buzzer sound but also displays the name of

the medicine to be taken at that time.

The patient can store the respective time of the particular medicine through

a matrix keypad. Based on an RTC (Real Time Clock) interfaced to the

microcontroller, the programmed time for the medicine is displayed on the

LCD along with a buzzer sound to alert the patient about taking the

appropriate medicine. The microcontroller used in this project is of PIC16F8

family. RTC used maintains an accurate time as it is supported by a crystal.

This project in future can be enhanced by integrating it with GSM

technology, so that the patient receives a reminder about the medicine he

has to take via SMS on his/her cell phone. Also a provision to change the

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name of the medicine can be incorporated by interfacing the device with a

PC or EEPROM (non-volatile memory).



The aim of this project is synchronization of multiple motors using wireless

technology. This project uses radio frequency to synchronize motor speeds.

This is applicable to many industries like textile mills, steel plants, and paper

plants wherein all the motors used on conveyor are desired to be


For example, in textile mills where multiple motors work simultaneously on a

conveyor belt to draw clothes, it is essential that all the motors there should

run at same speed, so that balanced tension is achieved to avoid clothes

getting damaged. In this project motors are wirelessly synchronized to make

the differential speed error among multiple motors to zero. One motor acts

as transmitter and all the rest as receivers. Thus, if a particular speed is set

in the transmitter then all other motors speed would be matched to the

same speed of the main motor. The mode of communication is radio

frequency. BLDC motors used operate on the basis of PWM control. Each

motor has a closed loop feedback mechanism providing RPM reference by a

shaft mounted IR sensor arrangement whose output is fed to the controller

in the circuit. A display unit displays the full speed and one can enter the

desired percentage with help of a keypad to obtain the required speed for all

the motors. The pulse width output from the microcontroller would be

automatically adjusted to maintain the DC power to the motor such that the

entered speed percentage matches the running RPM. The above operation is

carried out by using one opto isolator and a MOSFET for driving the BLDC

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motor duly interfaced from the microcontroller.

In various stages of operations motors have to rotate at different speeds, so

if we change the speed in transmitting motor then rest of the motors are

adjusted accordingly. The whole operation is made simple by using this

technology. Manpower and time is also saved in this system.

The future works include giving intelligence to the whole system like if any of

the motor senses any fault, the whole system will shutdown.



The objective of this project is to synchronize traffic lights at each junction in

such a way that the traffic moving at a specific speed always gets a green

light, so that it never stops.

Due to rapid urbanization and increase in population, the traffic congestion

has also increased in all major cities. This has become a major problem

affecting everybody. Due to unplanned traffic management and sticking to

outdated methods, problem has only deteriorated.

In this proposed system multiple microcontrollers are used. They

communicate with each other via serial communication. Three

microcontrollers are used to synchronize the traffic lights at three junctions.

Each microcontroller is responsible for one particular junction. If the vehicles

are assumed to travel at a particular speed, then the traffic signals change in

such a way, that the vehicle gets green signal which results in less traffic


This kind of technology is used in modern automobiles where multiple

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microcontrollers are used, as the number of microcontrollers increase, the

communication between them becomes essential for collective decision. For

communication among themselves serial communication is preferred and a

lot of serial buses and protocols were developed optimizing different

parameters of the communication. The major advantage of adopting this

technology is that, there is no need for any centralized body to monitor the

direction of traffic flow. As human involvement is negligible, there will be

little scope of human error.

Hence, this approach is boon for government and local authorities facing

financial constraints as they can‟t spend money on costly cameras and



The project is designed to control a circuit breaker with help of a password

only. A keypad is connected to the project to enter the password. Fatal

electrical accidents to the line man are increasing during the electric line

repair due to the lack of communication and co-ordination between the

maintenance staff and the electric substation staff.

This proposed system provides a solution, which can ensure the safety of the

maintenance staff e.g. line man. The control to turn ON/OFF the line lies

with the line man only. This system has an arrangement such that a

password is required to operate the circuit breaker (ON/OFF). Line man can

turn off the supply and comfortably repair it, and return to the substation,

then turn on the line by entering the correct password.

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The system is fully controlled by a microcontroller from 8051 family. A

matrix keypad is interfaced to the microcontroller to enter the password. The

entered password is compared with the password stored in the ROM of the

microcontroller. If the password entered is correct, then only the line can be

turned ON/OFF. Activation / deactivation of the circuit breaker is indicated

by a lamp (ON/OFF).

Further the project can be enhanced by using an EEPROM for user to change

the password for a more secured system. It can also be interfaced with a

GSM modem for remotely controlling the circuit breaker via SMS.



The aim of this project is to use wireless technology to intimate the owner of

the vehicle about any unauthorized entry. This is done by sending an auto-

generated SMS to the owner. An added advantage of this project is that the

owner can send back the SMS which will disable the ignition of the vehicle.

As the crime rate is going up, security system for vehicles is extremely

essential. In this proposed system if someone tries to steal the car, the

microcontroller gets an interrupt through a switch mechanism connected to

the system and commands the GSM modem to send an SMS. The owner

receives the SMS that his car is stolen. He can then send back an SMS to the

GSM modem to „stop the engine‟. The GSM modem interfaced to the

microcontroller, receives the message, the output of which activates a

mechanism that disables the ignition of the vehicle resulting in stopping the

vehicle. The project uses a lamp to indicate the engine ON/OFF condition.

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Thus, owner of the vehicle from anywhere can switch off ignition of his car.

This project can be further enhanced by integrating a GPS system, which will

give exact position of the vehicle in terms of its latitude and longitude.

Further this data can be sent to the owner via SMS who can enter this value

on Google maps to get the exact location of the vehicle.



The project is designed to develop a robotic vehicle using RF technology for

remote operation attached with wireless camera for monitoring purpose. The

robot along with camera can wirelessly transmit real time video with night

vision capabilities. This is kind of robot can be helpful for spying purpose in

war fields. An 8051 series of microcontroller is used for the desired


At the transmitting end using push buttons, commands are sent to the

receiver to control the movement of the robot either to move forward,

backward and left or right etc. At the receiving end two motors are

interfaced to the microcontroller where they are used for the movement of

the vehicle. The RF transmitter acts as a RF remote control that has the

advantage of adequate range (up to 200 meters) with proper antenna, while

the receiver decodes before feeding it to another microcontroller to drive DC

motors via motor driver IC for necessary work. A wireless camera is

mounted on the robot body for spying purpose even in complete darkness by

using infrared lighting.

Further the project can be enhanced using DTMF technology. Using this

technology we can control the robotic vehicle by using cell phone. This

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technology has an advantage over long communication range as compared

to RF technology.


The project is designed to develop a fire fighting robot using RF technology

for remote operation. The robotic vehicle is loaded with water tanker and a

pump which is controlled over wireless communication to throw water. An

8051 series of microcontroller is used for the desired operation.

At the transmitting end using push buttons, commands are sent to the

receiver to control the movement of the robot either to move forward,

backward and left or right etc. At the receiving end three motors are

interfaced to the microcontroller where two of them are used for the

movement of the vehicle and the remaining one to position the arm of the

robot. The RF transmitter acts as a RF remote control that has the

advantage of adequate range (up to 200 meters) with proper antenna, while

the receiver decodes before feeding it to another microcontroller to drive DC

motors via motor driver IC for necessary work. A water tank along with

water pump is mounted on the robot body and its operation is carried out

from the microcontroller output through appropriate signal from the

transmitting end. The whole operation is controlled by an 8051 series

microcontroller. A motor driver IC is interfaced to the microcontroller

through which the controller drives the motors.

Further the project can be enhanced by interfacing it with a wireless camera

so that the person controlling it can view operation of the robot remotely on

a screen.


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The main objective of this project is to detect rising water level in a river at

a reasonable distance from the rail track/ roadways and intimate that to the

respective authorities through SMS, to take appropriate action.

For example, railways face major challenges in prior detection of possible

flash flood along the track, which might cause accidents. In this proposed

system, water level rise is sensed at a considerable distance from the tracks

and necessary action is initiated. Thus, many lives and properties can be

saved by this warning system.

In this project a water sensing arrangement is made which is interfaced to a

programmable microcontroller. During flash flood conditions if the device

senses a rise in water level beyond a danger mark at a considerable distance

from railway tracks, it will alert the station master via SMS. Hence, train

services of that route can be detained to prevent accidents. An LCD display

is also attached to indicate the status.

This project in future can be enhanced by adding a feature of changing the

stored phone number by the user as per his requirement. This can be

achieved by interfacing an EEPROM along with a keypad to the

microcontroller for storing the desired contact number.



The main aim of the project is to process the real time data acquisition

under supervisory control for large scale remote industrial environment.

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In large industrial establishments many processes go on, therefore it is

essential to monitor all the processes and control the factors affecting them.

Adapting a technology like SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data

Acquisition) one can achieve the above mentioned objective effectively, and

thus saving a lot of manpower.

For achieving this real-time scenario, a temperature logging system for a

remote plant operation is taken. Here temperature sensors are duly

interfaced to the 8051 microcontroller. Data collected from the temperature

sensors are constantly sent to the microcontroller which is in turn connected

to a PC. At the front end, “DAQ System” (software) is loaded on the

computer which takes these values and displays them on its front panel, and

also logs them in the database. One can set parameters like set point, low

limit and high limit on the computer screen. When the temperature of a

sensor goes beyond set point the microcontroller sends a command to the

corresponding relay. The heaters (shown as lamps) connected through relay

contacts (corresponding to their sensors) are turned OFF (or ON in vice

versa). High limit and low limit features are available for generating an AV

alarm on the PC in the event of system failure.

Hence, processes at hazardous areas can be controlled with more accuracy

and better safety using SCADA. Adapting such a technology will save both

money and time. NOTE: This project works only on Windows XP operating

system. The computer must have a serial port (RS232) in it.



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The project is designed for using surveillance camera on a panning platform

i.e. moving the camera, mounted on a DC motor in clockwise and

anticlockwise direction in periodic intervals. For security reasons,

surveillance cameras are used everywhere like roads, shops, colleges and

offices. Surveillance cameras are basically stationary devices therefore 360

degree coverage is not possible. However, 270 degree coverage is possible if

this proposed system is interfaced with the camera along with power to

control the panning speed. One can follow a moving object.

This system is interfaced with a PC where the input is given from keyboard

using hyper terminal. The functionality of this circuit is, that once the PC

sends a command to the microcontroller (of 8051 family) through level

shifter IC (used to convert the voltage level from PC to that of the

microcontroller), the microcontroller analyses this signal and activates the

motor driver to drive it at the desired speed. The program on the

microcontroller is executed based on the input signal from the PC to develop

output to drive the motor through motor driver IC.

Further this project can be enhanced by interfacing it to a tilt arrangement

for up and down movement besides 270 degree pan movement. It can also

be wirelessly controlled (using RF technology) to manually adjust the camera

movement or the stop the panning movement if desired with a RF remote.

NOTE: The project works only on operating systems having hyper terminal

(E.g. Windows XP). The computer must have a RS232 serial port.



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The project is designed to control the speed of a BLDC motor using closed

loop control technique. BLDC motor has various application used in

industries like in drilling, lathes, spinning, elevators, electric bikes etc. The

speed control of the DC motors is very essential. This proposed system

provides a very precise and effective speed control system. The user can

enter the desired speed and the motor will run at that exact speed.

Based on the principle of PWM speed can be controlled. This is achieved by

keeping BLDC motor on closed loop feedback by giving RPM reference to the

microcontroller upon a shaft mounted IR reflection arrangement. An LCD

duly interfaced to the microcontroller to display the running speed. The

desired speed in percentage of full speed is fed with the help of keypad. The

controller delivers desired pulse width to automatically adjust the DC power

to the motor for required speed. The above operation is carried out by using

one opto-isolator and a MOSFET for driving the BLDC motor with IR sensing

for getting the speed reference to the microcontroller.

Further the project can be enhanced to a fully fledged fuzzy logic control of a

BLDC motor for industrial applications. It can also be developed for an

intelligent cruise control used in modern automobiles these days.


The project is designed to use a TV remote as a cordless mouse for the

computer. A conventional PC/laptop uses a mouse to operate and control all

its applications. As a PC mouse is wired to the system, one has to sit near

the PC to operate it. This becomes very tedious when the PC is used for

presentation purposes (when using a projector). In this proposed system TV

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remote can be used as a cordless mouse, and the user need not operate the

PC sitting near it.

A typical TV remote sends coded infrared data that is read by an IR sensor

interfaced to an 8051 family microcontroller. This data so received by the

microcontroller sends it to the COM port of a PC through a level shifter IC.

This IR code is traditionally RC5 code as followed by some manufacturers.

Software named PC remote is used on the PC that recognizes data received

from the microcontroller through the COM port and performs the required

operation. Designated numbers on the TV remote are used to perform up -

down, right - left cursor movement. Features like left click and right click of

the mouse can also be performed with of the TV remote.

Further this project can be enhanced using Bluetooth/ RF technology to

overcome the traditional line of sight communication drawbacks of the

infrared type. NOTE: The project works only on operating systems having

hyper terminal (E.g. Windows XP). The computer must have a RS232 serial



The project is designed for automatic door opening system using PIR sensor.

Opening and closing of doors is always a tedious job, especially in places like

shopping malls, hotels and theatres where a person is always required to

open the door for visitors.

This project proposes a system of automatic opening and closing of door by

sensing any body movement near the door.This is achieved with help of a

PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor. A live body generally emits infrared energy

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which is sensed by the PIR sensor from a considerable distance. This sensing

signal is fed to a microcontroller to operate a door motor through motor

driver IC. When a body approaches within the operating range of the sensor,

it sends a logical command to open the door. The door automatically closes

with a fixed time delay. If there is no further movement within the PIR

operating range. Interrupt signals are used through limit switches to avoid

locked rotor condition of the motor.

Further this project can be enhanced interfacing a counting arrangement for

keeping a record of entry and exit of people at particular place. This can be

achieved by interfacing the system with an EEPROM (non-volatile memory)

to avoid loss of stored data even if the power fails.



The project is designed to achieve control over the railway level crossing

gate through SMS sent by the station master or driver. Opening and closing

of railway level crossing involves manpower, which could be often erroneous

leading to accidents. The proposed system rules out the need of any human

involvement at the railway level crossing. This system involves opening and

closing of the level crossing gate with help of an SMS.

A GSM modem is interfaced with the system. When the driver or station

master sends an SMS “close” (when the train is approaching at the level

crossing) to the modem then the microcontroller interfaced to the modem

sends an output signal which activates a mechanism to switch on the motor

to close the gate. To open the gate, another SMS “open” needs to be sent

for the microcontroller to open the gate with help of motor driver IC. In this

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project we use a microcontroller of 8051 family, and the input to it is a GSM

modem which receives the SMS from the user. The output to microcontroller

is given to a motor through a motor driver IC for required operation. The

status, whether the gate is open / close is displayed on an LCD display

interfaced to the microcontroller.

Further the project can be enhanced by sending an acknowledgement to the

sender about the status of the gate via SMS.


The project works on the principle of DTMF tone command so received from

any phone to remotely switch any electrical load such as agricultural pump,

domestic and industrial loads etc. In industries, the loads are spread over a

large area and thus, operating these loads is a very tiresome and difficult

task. In agricultural fields also, pumps and other loads are connected over a

large area and hence it is difficult for the farmer to operate all the loads and

similarly for house hold loads. Keeping these problems in mind, the

proposed system has been designed which uses DTMF technology to control

the loads remotely.

A cell phone is interfaced to a DTMF decoder in the system from its audio

output socket for receiving tone commands. The receiving cell phone codes

are converted into digital commands by using a DTMF Decoder which will

identify the frequency of the key and convert that frequency to its equivalent

digital code which is then fed to a microcontroller (8051 family). As per the

commands sent from the sender‟s mobile, the microcontroller will send

signals through a buffer to actuate the respective loads by turning the relays

ON/OFF. These relays are actuated by a relay driver IC interfaced to the


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Further this project can be enhanced by using a GSM modem, where the

loads can be controlled by sending an SMS. This will eliminate the need of

answering the call for the system to work.


The objective of this project is to synchronize traffic lights at each

consecutive junction in such a way that the traffic moving at a specific speed

gets a green signal, so that it never stops.

Due to rapid urbanization and increase in population, the traffic congestion

has also increased in all major cities. This has become a major problem

affecting everybody. Due to unplanned traffic management and sticking to

outdated methods, problem has only deteriorated. In this proposed system

multiple microcontrollers are used. They communicate with each other via

serial communication. Three microcontrollers are used to synchronize the

traffic lights at three junctions as a model. Each microcontroller is

responsible for one particular junction. If the vehicles are assumed to travel

at a particular speed, then the traffic signals change in such a way, that the

vehicle gets green signal all through the junctions.

This kind of technology is used in modern automobiles where multiple

microcontrollers are used, as the number of microcontrollers increase, the

communication between them becomes essential for collective decision. For

communication among themselves serial communication is preferred and a

lot of serial buses and protocols were developed optimizing different

parameters of the communication. The major advantage of adopting this

technology is that, there is no need for any centralized body to monitor the

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direction of traffic flow. As human involvement is negligible, there will be

little scope of human error.

Hence, this approach is boon for government and local authorities facing

financial constraints as they can‟t spend money on costly cameras and



The project is designed to develop a pick n place robotic vehicle with a soft

catching gripper. For example, it can safely handle a bomb very carefully to

avoid explosion while catching. The robotic vehicle is RF controlled for

remote operation.

At the transmitting end using push buttons, commands are sent to the

receiver to control the movement of the robot either to move forward,

backward and left or right etc. At the receiving end four motors are

interfaced to the microcontroller where two for them are used for arm and

gripper movement of the robot while the other two are for the body

movement. The RF transmitter acts as a RF remote control that has the

advantage of adequate range (up to 200 meters) with proper antenna, while

the receiver decodes before feeding it to another microcontroller to drive DC

motors via motor driver IC for necessary work. The main advantage of this

robot is its soft catching arm that is designed to avoid extra pressure on the

suspected object for safety reasons.

Further the project can be enhanced by interfacing it with a wireless camera

so that the person controlling it can view operation of the arm and gripper


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The project is designed to maintain secrecy among four parallel telephones

connected to a single telephone line. When more than one phone is

connected to a single telephone line, anyone can lift a phone to hear the

conversation on the other one. The proposed system provides a solution for

the secrecy among the telephones connected. In order to meet this

requirement we are using 4 telephones connected in parallel through a

single telephone line with each telephone connected through a relay in the


When any one of the telephone is lifted all other phones are disconnected by

the relays through an arrangement of opto-couplers, the output of which is

fed to a programmable microcontroller of 8051 family. The microcontroller

sends a signal to a 7 Segment display to display which telephone is lifted,

while other telephones are disconnected by the respective relays with help of

a Relay Driver IC interfaced to the microcontroller. This Project can be used

in houses and offices where more than one telephone is connected in parallel

through a single telephone line. The project is suitable for both incoming and

outgoing calls.

Further the project can be enhanced by adding more number of phones with

an intercom facility. An incoming caller id facility can also be added to it.

Note: The project needs 4 telephone instruments to be connected to the

board for the functioning of the project. Telephone instruments are not

provided with the kit.

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The project is designed to demonstrate detection of any object ahead of the

ultrasonic transducer. It can be used for applications like security area

monitoring and wild life photography etc.

This ultrasonic detector consists of two parts: an emitter, which produces a

40 kHz sound wave; and a detector, which detects this 40 kHz sound wave

and sends the signal back to the microcontroller. The ultrasonic module is

interfaced to the microcontroller of 8051 family. Whenever any object

approaches near the ultrasonic module, the signal transmitted the

transmitter is reflected by this object and is received by the module. When

the microcontroller receives the signal from ultrasonic receiver it actuates

the output to take the appropriate action. An LCD is interfaced to the

microcontroller for displaying the status of the module like whether the

object is detected or not.

Further the project can be enhanced by interfacing a GSM modem to the

project so that, when the object is detected then the controller sends an

SMS to the user.


White Light Emitting Diodes (LED) replaces HID lamps in street lighting

system to include dimming feature. A microcontroller of 8051 family is used

to control the intensity by developing pulse width modulated signals that

drives a MOSFET to switch the LEDs according to achieve desired operation.

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In the present system, mostly the lightning up of highways is done through

High Intensity Discharge lamps (HID), whose energy consumption is high.

Its intensity cannot be controlled according to the requirement so there is a

need to switch on to an alternative method of lightning system i.e., by using

LEDs. This system is build to overcome the present day drawbacks of HID

lamps. This system demonstrates the usage of the LED‟s (light emitting

diodes) as the light source and its variable intensity control, according to the

requirement. LED‟s consume less power and its life time is more, as

compared to the conventional HID lamps. The more important and

interesting feature is its intensity can be controlled according to the

requirement during non peak hours which is not feasible in HID lamps.

A cluster of LEDs are used to form a street light. The microcontroller

contains programmable instructions which controls the intensity of lights

based on the PWM (Pulse width modulation) signals generated. The intensity

of lights are kept high during the peak hours, as the traffic on the roads tend

to decrease slowly in the late nights, the intensity also decreases

progressively till morning. Final it completely shuts down at morning 6, and

again resumes at 6pm in the evening. The process is repeated.

This concept in future can be enhanced by integrating it with the solar panel,

which converts the solar intensity into corresponding voltage, and this

energy is used to feed up the highway lights.



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In this project, a wireless communication system is designed and developed

for remote patient monitoring. The primary function of this system is to

monitor the temperature of a patient‟s body, and display the same to the

doctor through RF communication.

In hospitals, where patient‟s body temperature needs to be constantly

monitored, is usually done by a doctor or other paramedical staff by

constantly observing the temperature and maintaining a record of it. It is a

very tedious method. In this proposed system transmitting module

continuously reads patient‟s body temperature through a digital temperature

sensor, displays it on the LCD screen and sends it to the microcontroller

which transmits the encoded serial data over the air by RF (radio frequency)

through an RF module. At the receiving end, a receiver is used to receive the

data, decode it and feed it to another microcontroller which is then displayed

on an LCD screen. The receiver module is kept in the doctor‟s chamber to

continuously display the patient‟s body temperature wirelessly.

This project can be further enhanced by sensing and displaying other vital

statistics of a patient like blood pressure, pulse rate etc. Another feature can

be added where a warning signal is generated if the parameters cross the

safe limit.


The project uses a digital temperature sensor for precise control of

temperature in medical applications or industries. This system is better than

analog/thermostat system, which has poor accuracy. For example, it can

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used for temperature control of an incubator where maintaining a precise

temperature is very important.

An incubator is an apparatus used to maintain temperature conditions

suitable for a neonate (newborn baby) and used particularly for preterm

births of babies. This proposed control system provides the temperature

information on a display and, when the temperature exceeds the set point,

then the load (i.e. heater) switches OFF. In this project a lamp is provided as

a load for demonstration purpose.

The system is using a microcontroller of 8051 family. Display unit consists of

four no‟s of seven segment display, and are interfaced to the

microcontroller. A digital temperature sensor interfaced to the

microcontroller for sensing the temperature conditions. This system also

provides four push button switches for adjusting the temperature settings.

Then the microcontroller continuously polls the temperature information

through a digital temperature sensor and displays over the 7_segment

display unit and automatically switches OFF the lamp, when the

corresponding temperature exceeds the set point.


The project is designed to monitor the number of persons entering as well as

exiting a room. Electrical loads are switched ON as the first person enters

and switches OFF when the last person leaves. IR sensors used in

combination with microcontroller to monitor all the operations. This helps in

saving lot of energy.

There are two pair sensors, each kept at certain distance from the other.

One pair of sensor consists of a transmitter and a receiver, kept exactly

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opposite to each other. The transmitting part emits modulated IR light which

is received at the receiver end and fed to a microcontroller of 8051 family.

When a person enters the room then microcontroller senses it (with the help

of IR sensors) and increments the count and displays it on 7 segment

displays and also switches ON the load. In the same way when a person

exits the room, the count gets decremented. When the last person exits

from the room, the lamp is switched OFF. The load operation is handled by a

relay interfaced to the microcontroller.

Further the project can be enhanced by using timer arrangement in the

project so that if the load switching doesn‟t take place for some reason as

desired, then timer would complete the task after prefixed time.



The project is designed to develop a four quadrant speed control system for

a DC motor. The motor is operated in four quadrants i.e. clockwise; counter

clock-wise, forward brake and reverse brake. It also has a feature of speed


The four quadrant operation of the dc motor is best suited for industries

where motors are used and as per requirement as they can rotate in

clockwise, counter-clockwise and also apply brakes immediately in both the

directions. In case of a specific operation in industrial environment, the

motor needs to be stopped immediately. In such scenario, this proposed

system is very apt as forward brake and reverse brake are its integral


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Instantaneous brake in both the directions happens as a result of applying a

reverse voltage across the running motor for a brief period and the speed

control of the motor can be achieved with the PWM pulses generated by the

microcontroller. The microcontroller used in this project is from 8051 family.

Push buttons are provided for the operation of the motor which are

interfaced to the microcontroller that provides an input signal to it and in

turn controls the speed of the motor through a motor driver IC. Speed

control feature by push button operation is also available in this project.

This project can be enhanced by using higher power electronic devices to

operate high capacity DC motors. Regenerative braking for optimizing the

power consumption can also be incorporated.


This project is designed to gain access to an area or control a device by

using a valid smart card only. The security of any organization is the top

most priority for the concerned authorities. For this reason only, the

authorized person with a valid smart card is allowed to operate the device/

to access a secure area. Earlier, human supervision was required to monitor

all these parameters, but with this proposed system no supervision is

required as only authorized persons are provided with valid smart cards to

operate devices.

A smart card reader is provided to read data from the card assigned to the

authorized personnel. The smart card reader is interfaced to an 8051 family

microcontroller. Whenever the data read by the smart card matches with the

data on the microcontroller then LCD would display that the card is

authorized and a relay is used simultaneously to switch ON a lamp

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(indicating a device or access to secure area). If an invalid card is inserted in

the smart card reader, it displays that the card is not authorized and the

load (i.e. lamp) remains OFF indicating that the user is not authorized to

access the particular area/device. This project can be enhanced further by

integrating GSM modem such that any attempt of unauthorized access is

made, then an alert SMS is sent to the concerned department.

Further it can be upgraded to RFID / Thumb / IRIS identification system for

higher degree of security system.



The aim of this project is synchronization of multiple motors using wireless

technology. This project uses radio frequency to synchronize motor speeds.

This is applicable to many industries like textile mills, steel plants, paper

plants wherein all the motors used on conveyor are desired to be


For example, in textile mills where multiple motors work simultaneously on a

conveyor belt to draw clothes, it is essential that all the motors there should

run at same speed, so that balanced tension is achieved to avoid clothes

getting damaged. In this project motors are wirelessly synchronized to make

the differential speed error among multiple motors to zero. One motor acts

as transmitter and all the rest as receivers. Thus, if a particular speed is set

in the transmitter then all other motors speed would be matched to the

same speed of the main motor. The mode of communication is radio

frequency. BLDC motors used operate on the basis of PWM control. Each

motor has a closed loop feedback mechanism providing RPM reference by a

shaft mounted IR sensor arrangement whose output is fed to the controller

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in the circuit. A display unit displays the full speed and one can enter the

desired percentage with help of a keypad to obtain the required speed for all

the motors. The pulse width output from the microcontroller would be

automatically adjusted to maintain the DC power to the motor such that the

entered speed percentage matches the running RPM. The above operation is

carried out by using one opto isolator and a MOSFET for driving the BLDC

motor duly interfaced from the microcontroller.

In various stages of operations motors have to rotate at different speeds, so

if we change the speed in transmitting motor then rest of the motors are

adjusted accordingly. The whole operation is made simple by using this

technology. Manpower and time is also saved in this system. The future

works include giving intelligence to the whole system like if any of the motor

senses any fault, the whole system will shutdown.


The main objective of this project is to develop a pre warning system to

avoid stampede in places where large gathering of people take place.

In many religious places, political rallies and places where large public

gathering takes place there are chances for stampede to occur due to

various reasons. This proposed system warns in advance to authorities about

gathering of a large number of people in a particular place before any

stampede occurs. This project will help us develop a turbulent pedestrian

flow prediction and risk management system in most of pilgrimage places,

where stampede is often encountered owing to mass movement. This is

achieved when a large number of pressure switches are actuated as the

people start gathering in one place. The switches are interfaced to a

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microcontroller of 8051 family, when a certain number of switches are

pressed which exceeds the predefined number then microcontroller

generates an output to switch on a buzzer alerting the authorities about a

possible stampede. The status is also displayed on the LCD which is duly

interfaced to the microcontroller.

Further the project can be enhanced by interfacing a GSM modem to the

microcontroller so that a warning message is sent to the concerned

authorities via SMS.


The aim of this project is to control the electrical appliances through a

personal computer (PC). For example, theatre lighting can be centrally

controlled form the PC for better stage management. Presently, they are

manually managed which makes it difficult to coordinate the lighting with the

respective scene. With this system, one can control the electrical appliances

ON/OFF by just being seated at one place using a PC.

This system is integrated with the electrical loads and also connected to the

PC where centralized control takes place. It uses an RS-232 protocol from

the microcontroller to communicate with the PC. To turn on/off the

appliances, we use Hyper Terminal on PC. Once the connection is established

with the PC, then the system starts working. The microcontroller used in this

project belongs to 8051 family.

This project can be further enhanced by implementing a GUI based control

panel on the PC with appropriate embedded software. The intensity control

can also be incorporated using power electronics devices. Note: The project

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works only on operating systems having hyper terminal (E.g. Windows XP).

The computer must have a RS232 serial port.


This project is a PC based communication tool in office for data(text)

transmission to a individual or multiple users using radio frequency


In most of the offices, if an employer has to convey a message to a

particular employee or a group of employees, he has to call them personally

or send the message through a middleman. But there is a possibility of

message to be misinterpreted and there is wastage of time.

In this proposed system, employer in an office will have a transmission

module while the employees will have one receiver module each. If the

employer wants to convey any message to employees or any particular

employee, he can send it through the transmitting module which is

connected to the PC. Receiver section consists of a module which receives

the data and feeds to the microcontroller that displays the message on an

LCD. A buzzer is also interfaced to the microcontroller on the receiver side,

which gives intimation that data is received. Adapting this technique one can

eliminate the need of a third person for communication, so that the exact

message is delivered to the desired person.

This project in future can be enhanced, by adding a feature of two way

communication between the employer and the employee(s).

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NOTE: The project works only on operating systems having hyper terminal

(E.g. Windows XP). The computer must have a RS232 serial port.



The project is designed to drive an induction motor for the required

application in forward and reverse directions using wireless technology. For

an example, an exhaust fan can be used in both the directions to fresh air in

and throw hot air out. This can be used in case of conventional exhaust a fan

that rotates in one direction only.

This proposed system demonstrates a technology to rotate a squril cage

induction motor in both clockwise and counter clockwise direction. It also

has the provision to control the direction of the motor using a TV remote.

When a TV remote button is pressed, it sends an IR signal in RC5 code which

is received by a IR receiver called TSOP-1738. Output from the TSOP is fed

to a microcontroller of 8051 family which is interfaced to a relay driver IC.

Thereafter, the relay switching is done in by-stable mode for an split-phase

induction motor to rotate in forward and reverse directions.

In future, it can further be enhanced by controlling the operation of

induction motor using thyristors in place of relays for noise free operation.

Note: An induction motor is used to observe the output of the project. Motor

is not supplied along with the kit. However, it can be purchased on extra



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The project is designed to maintain precise illumination of a lamp. A

microcontroller of 8051 family is used along with thyristor controlled lamp

for maintaining the illumination.

Illumination of a lamp varies depending on the voltage applied to it. In

certain specific applications it is necessary to have controlled illumination as

per requirement. This system overcomes the faults in the present system

and provides a solution for light illumination control mechanism of the lamp.

This system is built by using an 8051 microcontroller and based on the

principle of firing angle control of thyristors, which in turn can control the

illumination of lamp. An LCD display unit is used, which displays entered

percentage of the illumination through a matrix keypad. The firing angle

control of thyristors is done by the microcontroller, according to the desired

percentage entered by the user. Based on this input the microcontroller will

automatically adjust the power delivered to the lamp through a solid state

switching mechanism.

Further the project can be enhanced by interfacing the current system with a

GSM modem. The user can send an SMS with the desired percentage of

illumination entered in it through his cell phone. The GSM modem accepts

this message and thus controls the illumination of the lamp through



The project is designed to control the speed of a DC motor using an 8051

series microcontroller. The speed of DC motor is directly proportional to the

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voltage applied across its terminals. Hence, if voltage across motor terminal

is varied, then speed can also be varied.

This project uses the above principle to control the speed of the motor by

varying the duty cycle of the pulse applied to it (popularly known as PWM

control). The project uses two input buttons interfaced to the

microcontroller, which are used to control the speed of motor. PWM (Pulse

Width Modulation) is generated at the output by the microcontroller as per

the program. The program can be written in Assembly language or in

Embedded C. The average voltage given or the average current flowing

through the motor will change depending on the duty cycle (ON and OFF

time of the pulses), so the speed of the motor will change. A motor driver IC

is interfaced to the microcontroller for receiving PWM signals and delivering

desired output for speed control of a small DC motor.

Further the project can be enhanced by using power electronic devices such

as IGBTs to achieve speed control higher capacity industrial motors.


The project is designed to control the speed of an induction motor such as

fans, by using a standard TV remote. In home automation application,

convenience of remotely controlling the speed of the fan is achieved.

A standard TV remote sends coded infrared data to the control board, which

is then received by an IR sensor (at the receiver end) interfaced to a

microcontroller of 8051 family. Each time a button is pressed it sends a

specific coded data in infrared range. This coded data is executed by the

microcontroller to deliver delayed firing pulses to the thyristor through

optical isolation. The power to the load connected in series with the thyristor

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is controlled based on the received signal. Also the firing angle is displayed

on a 7-segment display. A lamp load shall be provided in place of a motor

whose varying intensity demonstrates the varying power to the motor for

speed control. A lamp is provided in place of an induction motor for

demonstration purpose.

Further the project can be enhanced by adding more outputs from the

microcontroller feeding relay drivers to switch ON/OFF the domestic loads

together with the speed control of fan.


The project is designed for a three phase solid state relay system. It

incorporates three single phase units where each phase is controlled

individually by a power triac with RC snubber network for zero voltage


Opto-isolators are used for each phase to receive switching signals from a

microcontroller of 8051 family. Loads are connected in series with a set of

triacs being driven by the opto-isolator. The microcontroller is designed to

generate output pulses after zero voltage pulse to ensure that the load is

getting switched on at zero cross of the supply waveform. The zero crossing

feature of the TRIAC driver, (an opto-isolator) ensures low noise generation

thus avoiding sudden inrush of current on resistive and inductive loads. Here

in this project we are using two push buttons for generating output pulses

from the microcontroller randomly, not coinciding with zero voltage supply

voltage of the waveform. Using a CRO or a DSO we can see the waveform of

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the voltage supplied to the load for verifying the switching of the load at the

zero voltage point.

Further the project can be enhanced by using 2 back to back SCRs ,in each

phase for heavy load switching as used in industries. Over load and short

circuit protection can also be incorporated for higher reliability.




The main objective of this project is to provide uninterrupted power supply

to a load, by selecting the supply from any source out of 4 such as mains,

generator, and inverter and solar automatically in the absence of any of the

source. The demand for electricity is increasing every day and frequent

power cuts is causing many problems in various areas like industries,

hospitals and houses. An alternative arrangement for power source is a


In this project uses four switches to demonstrate the respective failure of

that power supply. When any of the switches is pressed it shows the

absence of that particular source, switches are connected to microcontroller

as input signals. A microcontroller of 8051 family is used. The output of

microcontroller is given to the relay driver IC, which switches appropriate

relay to maintain uninterrupted supply to the load. The output shall be

observed using a lamp drawing power supply from mains initially. On failure

of the mains supply (which is actuated by pressing the appropriate switch)

the load gets supply from the next available source, say an inverter. If the

inverter also fails it switches over to the next available source and so on.

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The current status, as to which source supplies the load is also displayed on

an LCD. As it is not feasible to provide all 4 different sources of supply, one

source with alternate switches are provided to get the same function.

The project can be further enhanced by using other sources like wind power

also and then taking into consideration for using the best possible power

whose tariff remains lowest at that moment.


The project is designed to control AC power to a load by using firing angle

control of thyristor. Efficiency of such power control is very high compared to

any other method.

The project uses zero crossing point of the waveform which is detected by a

comparator whose output is then fed to the microcontroller. The

microcontroller provides required delayed triggering control to a pair of SCRs

through opto isolator interface. Finally the power is applied to the load

through the SCRs in series. This project uses a microcontroller from 8051

family which is interfaced through a push button switch for increasing or

decreasing the AC power to the load. A lamp is used in place of an induction

motor whose varying intensity demonstrates the varying power to the

motor. The varying power results in variation in speed of the motor.

The project can be further enhanced by using direct 230 volt supply instead

of 12 volt AC to the bridge rectifier for achieving higher voltage control for

charging number of batteries in series.


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The project is designed to develop a device to increase the life of

incandescent lamps. Incandescent lamps exhibit very low resistance in cold

condition due to which it draws high current while switched ON, resulting in

fast failure.

Random switching of lamps may switch the load at peak supply voltage.

When such switching occurs while the lamp is having low resistance (cold

condition) then the current further shoots up (at the time of peak supply

voltage switch ON) leading to premature failure of the lamp. The proposed

project provides a solution by engaging a TRIAC in such a way that the

switch ON time is precisely controlled by exactly firing it after detecting the

zero cross point of the waveform of supply voltage. This would result in

current waveform rising from zero at the time of switch to full value, thereby

increasing the life of the lamp. The project is having comparator which is

used for ZVS output. The ZVS (zero voltage switching) is given as reference

interrupt to the microcontroller of 8051 family. A push button is used for

switching ON the lamp at zero voltage of the supply voltage so the lamp

draws current gradually from zero to full value.

Further the project can be enhanced by using three TRIACS, one in each

phase for three phase load switching.



The project is designed to achieve integral cycle switching, a method to

remove whole cycle, cycles or portions of cycles of an AC signal. It is a well-

known and old method of controlling AC power, especially across linear loads

such as heaters used in electric furnace. However the concept of achieving

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the cycle stealing of voltage waveform by use of microcontroller can be very

precise as per the program written in assembly / C language so that the

actual time-average voltage or current experienced at the load is

proportionately lower than the whole signal if applied to the load. In place of

a linear load to be used in the output, a series motor or lamp can be used to

verify the output. One side effect of utilizing this scheme is an imbalance in

the input current or voltage waveform as the cycles are switched on and off

across the load.

In this project we are using comparator for zero crossing detection which is

fed as an interrupt to microcontroller of 8051 family. Here the

microcontroller delivers the output based on the interrupt received as the

reference for generating triggering pulses. Using these pulses, we drive the

opto-isolators for triggering the TRIAC to achieve integral cycle control as

per the input switches interfaced to the microcontroller. A lamp is provided

in this project in place of a motor for demonstration purpose.

Further this project can be enhanced by using feedback mechanism to

automatically maintain desired output to the load by appropriate cycle




The project is designed for charging batteries by DC from AC power supply.

DC power for a battery charger is derived from a thyristor controlled rectifier

system. AC power is applied to a bridge rectifier comprising of diodes and a

triac getting desired control from microcontroller.

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The project uses zero crossing point of the waveform which is detected by a

comparator whose output is then fed to the microcontroller. The

microcontroller provides required delayed triggering control to a triac

through opto isolator interface. Finally the power is applied to the load

through the triac in series with the bridge rectifier. The rectified and

controlled DC output is given to the load i.e., a resistor used in our project in

place of a battery. The output DC voltage is measured using a multimeter.

This project uses a microcontroller from 8051 family which is interfaced

through push button switches used for increasing or decreasing the DC

voltage for proper charging purposes.

The project can be further enhanced by using direct 230 volt supply instead

of 12 volt AC to the bridge rectifier for achieving higher voltage control for

charging number of batteries in series.


The project is designed to monitor the counting operations in industries. For

example, products moving on a conveyor belt are counted by IR interruption

concept and displayed on a seven segment display.

There are two pair sensors, each kept at certain distance from the other.

One pair of sensor consists of a transmitter and a receiver, kept exactly

opposite to each other. The transmitting part emits modulated IR light which

is received at the receiver end and fed to a microcontroller of 8051 family.

When an object passes through the sensors then microcontroller gets

interrupt signal (from IR sensors) and increments the count to displays it on

7 segments displays. Count down is also achieved if the object moves in

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reverse direction. This project can also be used in any public transport/trains

to count the number of passengers for monitoring purpose.

Further the project can be enhanced by interfacing it with a warning system

so that if total number of occupants in the vehicle exceeds the passenger

carrying capacity then an alarm is generated by the device.


The project is designed to shut down the power supply when it is

overloaded. Conventional circuit breaker like MCB based is on thermal

bimetal lever trip mechanism. It is very slow and the trip time is dependent

upon the percentage of overload. This project senses the current passing

through a series element and the corresponding voltage drop is compared

against the preset voltage proportional to the current by a level comparator

to generate an output for the load to trip.

The concept of electronic circuit breaker came into focus realizing that

conventional circuit breakers such as MCBs take longer time to trip.

Therefore, for sensitive loads it is very important to activate the tripping

mechanism at the shortest possible time, preferably instantaneously. This

project is demonstrates fast tripping mechanism as against the slow one like

MCB. Electronic circuit breaker is based on the voltage drop across a series

element proportional to the load current, typically a low value resistor. This

voltage is sensed and rectified to DC which is and then compared with a

preset voltage by a level comparator to generate an output that drives a

relay through a MOSFET to trip the load. The unit is extremely fast and

overcomes the drawback of the thermal type. It uses a microcontroller from

8051 family.

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Further the project can be enhanced by using a CT for galvanic isolation

between mains and control circuit. Power electronic devices such as

thyristors / IGBTs can be used for ultra fast operation compared to all the




The project is designed to develop an automatic irrigation system which

switches the pump motor ON/OFF on sensing the moisture content of the

soil. In the field of agriculture, use of proper method of irrigation is

important. The advantage of using this method is to reduce human

intervention and still ensure proper irrigation.

The project uses an 8051 series microcontroller which is programmed to

receive the input signal of varying moisture condition of the soil through the

sensing arrangement. This is achieved by using an op-amp as comparator

which acts as interface between the sensing arrangement and the

microcontroller. Once the controller receives this signal, it generates an

output that drives a relay for operating the water pump. An LCD display is

also interfaced to the microcontroller to display status of the soil and water

pump. The sensing arrangement is made by using two stiff metallic rods

inserted into the field at a distance. Connections from the metallic rods are

interfaced to the control unit.

The concept in future can be enhanced by integrating GSM technology, such

that whenever the water pump switches ON/OFF, an SMS is delivered to the

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concerned person regarding the status of the pump. We can also control the

pump through SMS.


The objective of this project is electrical load control in hazardous industrial

environment with touch screen based switching system. Conventional

switches produce sparks which is potentially dangerous for industries where

inflammable gases are present. In such a scenario it is always advisable to

go for a control system involving touch screen based switches. Owners

familiar with the icon system appreciate touch screens that make industrial

load control user friendly. This kind of system makes operations simpler and

thus reduces errors.

In order to achieve this, a touch screen panel is interfaced to the

microcontroller. By touching a specific portion of this module the loads can

be turned ON/OFF. The microcontroller used here is of 8051 family. This kind

of technology gives control over various loads thus providing comfort,

security and efficiency for the users.

Further the project can be enhanced by using RF technology. A touch panel

is connected to a RF transmitter. So, instead of using a standalone control

unit, by using RF technology the switching of the loads can be done



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The project is designed to develop a density based dynamic traffic signal

system. The signal timing changes automatically on sensing the traffic

density at the junction. Traffic congestion is a severe problem in many major

cities across the world and it has become a nightmare for the commuters in

these cities.

Conventional traffic light system is based on fixed time concept allotted to

each side of the junction which cannot be varied as per varying traffic

density. Junction timings allotted are fixed. Sometimes higher traffic density

at one side of the junction demands longer green time as compared to

standard allotted time. The proposed system using a microcontroller of 8051

family duly interfaced with sensors, changes the junction timing

automatically to accommodate movement of vehicles smoothly avoiding

unnecessary waiting time at the junction. The sensors used in this project

are IR and photodiodes are in line of sight configuration across the loads to

detect the density at the traffic signal. The density of the vehicles is

measured in three zones i.e., low, medium, high based on which timings are

allotted accordingly.

Further the project can be enhanced by synchronizing all the traffic junctions

in the city by establishing a network among them. The network can be wired

or wireless. This synchronization will greatly help in reducing traffic



The main objective of this project is to develop a home automation system

with a touch screen based control panel.

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As technology is advancing so houses are also getting smarter. Modern

houses are gradually shifting from conventional switches to centralized

control system, involving touch screen switches. Presently, conventional wall

switches located in different parts of the house makes it difficult for the user

to go near them to operate. Even more it becomes more difficult for the

elderly or physically handicapped people to do so. Remote controlled home

automation system provides a simpler solution with touch screen

technology. Touch screen control panels are also designed for commercial,

industrial and medical systems.

In order to achieve this, a touch panel is interfaced to the microcontroller on

transmitter side which sends ON/OFF commands to the receiver where loads

are connected. By touching the specified portion on the touch screen panel,

the loads can be turned ON/OFF remotely through wireless technology. The

microcontroller used here is of 8051 family. The loads are interfaced to the

microcontroller using opto-isolators and triacs.

Further the project can be enhanced by using GSM modem interfaced to the

control unit. Using GSM modem, the user can control home appliances by

sending an SMS. Advantage of using this technology is that there is not

range limitation when compared to RF technology.


The project is designed to control a robotic vehicle using a standard TV

remote. IR sensor is interfaced to the control unit on the robot for sensing

the IR signals transmitted by the remote. This data is conveyed to the

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control unit which moves the robot as desired. An 8051 series

microcontroller is used in this project as control device.

Transmitting end uses a TV remote through which IR commands are

transmitted. At the receiver end, these commands are used for controlling

the robot in all directions such as forward, backward and left or right etc. At

the receiving end the movement is achieved by two motors that are

interfaced to the microcontroller. RC5 based coded data sent from the TV

remote is received by an IR receiver interfaced to the microcontroller. The

program on the microcontroller refers to the RC5 code to generate

respective output based on the input data to operate the motors through a

motor driver IC.

The motors are interfaced to the control unit through motor driver IC.

Further the project can be enhanced by DTMF technology. With this

technology we can control the robotic vehicle by a cell phone. This

technology has an advantage over long communication range as compared

to line of sight communication in IR technology.


The project is designed to operate an electric bell number of times as

required in an institution. It overcomes the difficulties of switching the bell

ON/OFF manually. This proposed has an inbuilt real time clock (RTC) to keep

tracking the time and thus to switch ON/OFF the load accordingly.

The project uses a real time clock (RTC) interfaced to a microcontroller of

8051 family. While the set time equals to the real time, then microcontroller

gives command to the corresponding relay to turn ON the bell and then

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another command to switch OFF as per the program. Multiple ON/OFF time

entry is the biggest advantage with this project. A matrix keypad helps

entering the time. A 7-sement display is interfaced to the microcontroller to

display time.

Further the project can be enhanced by interfacing a GSM modem to the

existing project so that the complete control of the bell can be done by

sending an SMS to the control unit.


The project is designed to develop a robotic vehicle that is controlled by a

cell phone. DTMF commands from a phone are sent to another cell phone

which is mounted on the robot. These commands are fed to a

microcontroller of 8051 family to operate the vehicle movement through

motor interface.

The main scope of project is to send commands from one cell phone to be

received by another cell phone mounted on the robot to receive the DTMF

(Dual Tone Multi Frequency) mode commands which are then decoded by a

DTMF decoder. The corresponding codes are then fed to a microcontroller,

programmed to recognize those codes to operate 2nos DC motors through

motor driver IC for any direction movement as per the sent commands from

sender‟s mobile. The motors are controlled using motor driver IC which is

interfaced to the microcontroller. It uses microcontroller from 8051 family

and a battery for power source.

Further the project can be enhanced by interfacing it with additional motors

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for multipurpose activity. For example, it can be developed into pick n place

robot or fire fighting robot with water pump etc.


The project is designed to develop a robotic vehicle that can sense metals

ahead of it on its path similar to sensing land mines. The robot is controlled

by a remote using RF technology. It consists of a metal detector circuit

interfaced to the control unit that alarms the user behind it about a

suspected land mine ahead. An 8051 series of microcontroller is used for the

desired operation.

At the transmitting end using push buttons, commands are sent to the

receiver to control the movement of the robot either to move forward,

backward and left or right etc. At the receiving end two motors are

interfaced to the microcontroller where they are used for the movement of

the vehicle. The RF transmitter acts as a RF remote control that has the

advantage of adequate range (up to 200 meters) with proper antenna, while

the receiver decodes before feeding it to another microcontroller to drive DC

motors via motor driver IC for necessary work. A metal detector circuit is

mounted on the robot body and its operation is carried out automatically on

sensing a any metal underneath. As soon as the robot senses this metal it

generates an alarm sound. This is to alert the operator of a possible metal

(eg: land mine) ahead on its path.

Further the project can be enhanced by mounting a wireless camera on the

robot so that the operator can control the movement of the robot remotely

by watching it on a screen.

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The main functionality of this project is to access the passport details of a

passport holder through RFID technology. For this purpose the authorized

person is given an RFID card. This card contains an integrated circuit that is

used for storing, processing information through modulating and

demodulating of the radio frequency signal that is being transmitted. Thus,

the data stored in this card is referred as the passport details of the person.

Passport verification and checking is a very time consuming process. This

proposed system simplifies the process by giving the authorized person an

RFID tag containing all the passport details like name, passport number and

nationality etc. Once, the person places the card in front of the RFID card

reader, it reads the data and verifies it with that data present in the system

and if it matches then it displays the details of the passport holder. Here we

use microcontroller from 8051 family. For display a 16X2 LCD is used. The

status also can be retrieved from this system by pressing the status button

interfaced to a microcontroller.

Further the project can be enhanced by using finger printer module. This

overcomes the drawbacks of RFID and provides high level of security in the




The main objective of this project is to provide security in an organization by

allowing only the authorized personnel to access the secure area.

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The security of any organization is a priority for the authorities. The concern

is for the physical property and also for the intellectual property. For this

reason only the authorized person with a valid RFID tag is allowed into the

secured premises.

This tag contains an integrated circuit that is used for storing and processing

information and modulating, demodulating the radio frequency signal that is

being transmitted. Thus, once the person shows the RFID tag to the card

reader it scans the data present in the tag and compares it with the data

present in the system. When the data matches with that in the

microcontroller, the load will be turned ON which is driven by a relay and it

displays a message as AUTHORIZED else states “UNAUTHORIZED” and

doesn‟t allow access.

This project can be further enhanced by interfacing it with GSM technology.

Any attempt for unauthorized access can be intimated to the security

personnel through an SMS.



The project is designed to detect vehicle movement on highways to switch

ON only a block of street lights ahead of it (vehicle), and to switch OFF the

trailing lights to save energy. During night all the lights on the highway

remain ON for the vehicles, but lots of energy is wasted when there is no

vehicle movement.

This proposed system provides a solution for energy saving. This is achieved

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by sensing an approaching vehicle and then switches ON a block of street

lights ahead of the vehicle. As the vehicle passes by, the trailing lights

switch OFF automatically. Thus, we save a lot of energy. So when there are

no vehicles on the highway, then all the lights remain OFF. However, there is

another mode of operation where instead of switching OFF the lights

completely, they remain ON with 10% of the maximum intensity of the light.

As the vehicle approaches, the block of street lights switch to 100% intensity

and then as the vehicle passes by, the trailing lights revert back to 10%

intensity again. High intensity discharge lamp (HID) presently used for urban

street light are based on principle of gas discharge, thus the intensity is not

controllable by any voltage reduction. White Light Emitting Diode (LED)

based lamps are soon replacing the HID lamps in street light. Intensity

control is also possible by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) generated by the

microcontroller. Sensors used on either side of the road senses vehicle

movement and sends logic commands to microcontroller to switch ON/OFF

the LEDs. Thus this way of dynamically changing intensity ON/OFF helps in

saving a lot of energy. The project uses a PIC series microcontroller.

Further the project can be enhanced by using appropriate sensors for

detecting the failed street light and then sending an SMS to the control

department via GSM modem for appropriate action.



The project is designed to develop a density based dynamic traffic signal

system. The signal timing changes automatically on sensing the traffic

density at the junction. Traffic congestion is a severe problem in many major

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cities across the world and it has become a nightmare for the commuters in

these cities.

Conventional traffic light system is based on fixed time concept allotted to

each side of the junction which cannot be varied as per varying traffic

density. Junction timings allotted are fixed. Sometimes higher traffic density

at one side of the junction demands longer green time as compared to

standard allotted time. The proposed system using a microcontroller of

PIC16F8 series duly interfaced with sensors, changes the junction timing

automatically to accommodate movement of vehicles smoothly avoiding

unnecessary waiting time at the junction. The sensors used in this project

are IR and photodiodes are in line of sight configuration across the loads to

detect the density at the traffic signal. The density of the vehicles is

measured in three zones i.e., low, medium, high based on which timings are

allotted accordingly.

Further the project can be enhanced by synchronizing all the traffic junctions

in the city by establishing a network among them. The network can be wired

or wireless. This synchronization will greatly help in reducing traffic



The aim of this project is to measure solar cell parameters through multiple

sensor data acquisition. In this project a solar panel is used which keeps

monitoring the sunlight. Here different parameters of the solar panel like the

light intensity, voltage, current and the temperature are monitored. The

microcontroller used here is PIC16F8 family.

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The light intensity is monitored using an LDR sensor, voltage by voltage

divider principle, current by current sensor and temperature by temperature

sensor. All these data are displayed on a 16X2 LCD interfaced to PIC micro


The power supply consists of a step down transformer 230/12V, which steps

down the voltage to 12V AC. This is converted to DC using a bridge rectifier.

The ripples are removed using a capacitive filter and it is then regulated to

+5V using a voltage regulator 7805 which is required for the operation of

microcontroller and other circuits.



The main objective of the project is to develop a GSM based energy meter

reading system and load control through SMS. Electricity department sends

employees to take meter reading every month, which is an expensive and

time consuming job. The proposed project provides a convenient and

efficient method to avoid this problem. The electricity department and the

user can get the readings of the energy meter of consumers via SMS. The

loads can also be controlled by the user of this system via SMS using this


A microcontroller input is effectively interfaced to a digital energy meter that

takes the reading from the energy meter and displays the same on an LCD.

The reading of the energy meter is also sent to the control room by an SMS

via SIM loaded GSM modem. This GSM modem can also receive commands

from the cell phone to control the owner‟s electrical loads. It uses a standard

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digital energy meter that delivers output pulses to the microcontroller to

perform counting for necessary action. On receiving command it can switch

ON/OFF the loads.

Further this project can be interfaced with a non volatile memory IC like

EEPROM along with a keypad so that the user the change the mobile number

as per the requirement.


The project is designed to operate electrical loads using a TV remote. The

remote transmits coded infrared data which is then received by a sensor

interfaced to the control unit. The system operates electrical loads

depending on the data transmitted from the TV remote. Operating

conventional wall switches is difficult for elderly or physically handicapped

people. This proposed system solves the problem by integrating house hold

appliances to a control unit that can be operated by a TV remote.

RC5 based coded data sent from the TV remote is received by an IR receiver

interfaced to the microcontroller of 8051 family. The program on the

microcontroller refers to the RC5 code to generate respective output based

on the input data to operate a set of relays through a relay driver IC. The

loads are interfaced to the control unit through the relays. The system can

be used in existing domestic area for either operating the loads through

conventional switches or with the TV remote.

The project can be enhanced by using radio frequency technology where the

operational range shall be independent of line of sight distance as often

encountered with IR type of remote control.

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Stroboscopic lighting effects for discotheques are achieved by using

conventional white LEDs replacing the discharge lamps for higher efficiency

at low cost. This control is possible by instantly switching the LEDs on & off

at higher voltages for less time period. This fast control of intensity from full

glow to full off helps in developing a stroboscopic effect which is generally

used in disco dance floors for better effects.

A programmable microcontroller from 8051 family is engaged to provide

such effect being driven by a MOSFET for cluster of LEDs. The controller

according to the program generates ON/OFF commands at high rate thus

giving the effect of stroboscopic lights. As the controller gives only 5v drive,

it is not possible for the MOSFET to be reliably switched ON at that voltage.

An interfacing transistor is used between the controller output and the

MOSFET for driving the same.

The power supply consists of a step down transformer 230/12V, which steps

down the voltage to 12V AC. This is converted to DC using a Bridge rectifier.

The ripples are removed using a capacitive filter and it is then regulated to

+5V using a voltage regulator 7805 which is required for the operation of

the microcontroller and other components.


This project is designed to provide flashing lamp simulating a beacon light

generally used in shipyards, sea shores etc. It is also used in middle of the

sea to warn ships about the hidden rocks.

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A programmable microcontroller from 8051 family is engaged to provide

flashing light at periodical intervals as per the practice followed at sea

shores, shipyards etc. A low voltage lamp of 12V is driven by a power

MOSFET in PWM mode which is derived from a microcontroller. The duty

cycle of the PWM has to be changed depending on the type of application. As

the controller gives only 5v drive, it is not possible for the MOSFET to be

reliably switched ON at that voltage. An interfacing transistor is used

between the controller output and the MOSFET for driving the same.

Further the project can be enhanced by using a high power 230V lamp in

combination with solid state switching for better visibility.



The project is designed to control a robotic vehicle with a touch screen

display unit for remote operation. The touch screen remote control is used at

the transmitting side to transmit RF control signals. At the receiving end, a

pick n place robotic vehicle is used to respond to those signals and perform

the task. An 8051 series of microcontroller is used for the desired operation.

At the transmitting end using a touch screen control unit, commands are

sent to the receiver to control the movement of the robot either to move

forward, backward and left or right etc. At the receiving end four motors are

interfaced to the microcontroller where two for them are used for arm and

gripper movement of the robot while the other two are for the body

movement. The RF transmitter acts as a RF remote control that has the

advantage of adequate range (up to 200 meters) with proper antenna, while

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the receiver decodes before feeding it to another microcontroller to drive DC

motors via motor driver IC for necessary work. The main advantage of this

robot is its soft catching arm that is designed to avoid extra pressure to be

applied on the object.

Further the project can be enhanced by interfacing it with a wireless camera

so that the person controlling it can view operation of the arm and gripper
