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1 Electoral Support Populist/Radical Right-wing Parties European Democracies* (average % valid votes in last general election across countries) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 "New" Democracies "Old" Democracies Source: Timbro Authoritarian Populisms Index (classification according to consensus in academic literature, Chapel Hill Expert Survey, parties-and-, Wikipedia) *EU, UK, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Serbia, Montenegro 23 March 2021 Katja Salomo/WZB

Electoral Support Populist/Radical Right-wing Parties ...

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Electoral Support Populist/Radical Right-wing Parties European Democracies*

(average % valid votes in last general election across countries)

















































"New" Democracies "Old" Democracies

Source: Timbro Authoritarian Populisms Index (classification according to consensus in academic literature, Chapel Hill Expert Survey,, Wikipedia)

*EU, UK, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Serbia, Montenegro

23 March 2021Katja Salomo/WZB

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Populist Right-wing Parties in European Governments

current or last election period

Source: Timbro Authoritarian Populisms Index (classification according to consensus in academic literature, Chapel Hill Expert Survey,, Wikipedia)

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ve w


h a







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ift also





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New cleavage: minority rights, gender equality, migration, etc.

surpass economic issues (e.g. Inglehart & Pippa 2017)

Activation: Voters weight cultural over economic issues

(e.g. Müller 2016)

Right-wing parties… love it!, incentivized to leverage new cleavage (e.g. Helbling 2014)

Left-wing parties lose voters to right-wing parties

(e.g. Gingrich & Häusermann 2015; Inglehart & Pippa 2017)

Population/voter attitudes: Resentment of migrants, social minorities, women; democratic discontentment

New populist & radical right-wing parties

backlash, representation gap

Mainstream parties adapt nationalist,

resentful rhetoric(Abou-Chadi, Krause 2020)

If successful(e.g. Golder 2003)

Party cueing(e.g. Bohmann 2011,

Meijers & Williams 2020)

(Lack of) Contact to minorities:

Social relationships, habituation, cultural exposure

Perceived threat: Sociotropic concerns about, distribu-

tional conflicts because (growing presence/rights of) minorities

Grievances: Deprivation, inequality,


Social disintegration: Disorder, isolation,


Socialization contexts:National traumata, length

democratic tradition, period effects, social background

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Local: contact/hab.

Country-level: threat

Frame, scapegoat, increase salienceb

Force left-wing parties into nationalist rhetoric

Social media: locally targetedc flooding,

activation, persuasion, sabotaging


(Mismanaged)geopolitical incidents


Socioeconomic PoliciesImmigration policy/


Party campaigningHistory…or?

Establish low personal tax regime

Combine with high income inequality (tradeoff)

PoorLocal services in

opponents' constituenciesa

Just comfort-

tableDo not prevent sudden

increases of immigration

Notes on political system/Other

bCut funding to public service media, build partisan pressure

Increase local social disorder

CreatePlaces that don‘t matter

Cut social expenditures, target

Frustrate work of trade unions

Restrict integration policies

Immigration in high disorder contexts

Create Hostile environments

Compare immigration to rest of Europe constantly

… or have low incomeinequality

Slow acculturation in Places that don‘t matter

aHave centralized political system.

cMore effective with first-past-the-post or direct vote in mixed-member proportional electoral systemsdWhat politicians a party attract/promote if focus partly lies on inflicting strategic misery, scapegoating?eLess important if electoral system successfully skewed (gerrymandering, disenfranchise, siphon votes, etc.)

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For references please see slide 9pp.

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Daily Express: “Fury at ‘soft checks’ on child migrants: Adults pretending to be children say aid workers”

The Sun: “TELL US THE TOOTH MPs demand dental tests of ‘child’ migrants as concerns grow over ages of asylum kids arriving in Britain who look closer to 40” (Tory MP David Davies)

Daily Mail: “The ‘child refugees’ debate”

Guardian: “First group of refugee children arrives in Britain from Calais”

The Telegraph: “'These don't look like children to me': concerns raised over ages of child refugees arriving in Britain”

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Places that don‘t matter (in purple…)

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Thank you!

[email protected]

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