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#1 SOCIAL LEARNING ELearning Trends 2015
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Page 1: ELearning Trends 2015: #1 Social Learning


ELearning Trends 2015

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#1- Social Learning

#2 – Mobile Learning

#3 – Gamification

#4 – Onboarding

#5 – Compliance

#6 – Performance Management

2015 ELearning Trends

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Why is social learning important?

Marcia Conner, author of ‘The New

Social Learning’ explains how Social

Learning can help your bottom line in

this short video on the next slide…

Social Learning and the Bottom Line

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Social Learning in 2015Are businesses using social learning?

Jane Hart, an independent workplace

advisor, writer and international speaker

explained recently that she believes

most organisations are in an ‘interim

stage 4’ by simply adding on social

learning to a more traditional learning




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Social Learning. It's a buzz word in the online

learning space.

Are you adopting social learning or applying

social media to traditional learning models?


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Let’s look at the theory…

John Dewey

1859 - 1952

Dewey argued that:

o education and learning are social and interactive processes

o students thrive in an environment where they experience and

interact with the curriculum1.

o educational structures should strikes a balance between

delivering knowledge while taking into account the interests

and experiences of the student.

“Education is not preparation for life; Education is life itself”


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Let’s look at the theory…

Albert Bandura Bandura, the originator of social learning theory (despite Dewey’s earlier

work), drew heavily on the idea of modelling, or learning by observing.

He created the term 'self-efficacy' as:

o "the belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of

action required to manage prospective situations”.

A 2002 survey ranked him as the fourth most cited psychologist of all



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Let’s look at the theory…

Bandura’s Theory

o Learning is not purely behavioural; rather, it is

a cognitive process that takes place in a social


o Learning can occur by observing a

behaviour and by observing the

consequences of the behaviour (vicarious


o Learning involves observation, and making

decisions about the performance of the

behaviour (observational learning

or modelling).

o Reinforcement plays a role in learning but is

not entirely responsible for learning.

o Cognition, environment, and behaviour all

mutually influence each other (reciprocal


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Let’s look at the theory…

Jean Piaget Piaget's experiments demonstrated that people are active participants in

their own learning1.

His discoveries led to:

o the concept and practice of discovery learning for children

o the use of role-play and simulation for adults

o Peter Berger’s and Thomas Luckman’s ‘social construction of reality’

and therefore social constructivism.

Social Constructivism focuses on an individual's learning that takes place

because of their interactions in a group2.

1. The New Social Learning


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Let’s look at the theory…

Lev Vygotsky

Out of Reach

Zone of Proximal


Learn through Scaffolding

Current Understanding

Can work unassisted

“We do not learn because

we develop, we develop

because we learn.”

More on Vygotsky’s Zone of

Proximal Development

theory here.

Lev Vygotsky, Zone of Proximal Development theory

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Let’s look at the theory…

You may also have heard of the 70:20:10 model?

This constitutes:

o 70% Experiential Learning: learning and developing through day to day

tasks, challenges and practices.

o 20% Social Learning: learning and developing with and through others.

o 10% Formal Learning: learning and developing through structured

modules, courses and programs.

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In Summary

o Social Learning is not a new concept – however, early social

learning theory focused on appropriating one's behaviour

based on imitating others.

o Social Constructivism - the theory that describes how people

learn together, whether in person or online.

o Social Learning has become timely because of the rise in social

media technology and newer workplace learning frameworks

such as 70:20:10

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Section 2

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In ‘The New Social Learning’, Tony Bingham

and Marcia Conner outline 3 key trends that

drive the new social learning…

Social Learning in 2015

3 Key Trends

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Social Learning in 20153 Key Trends

1. Expanding opportunities for personal


o Email

o Online forums

o Blogs

o Wikis

o Social Media – Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn/Google+/Reddit


o RSS feeds

o Webinars

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Social Learning in 20153 Key Trends

2. Emerging Expectations from shifting workplace demographics

o In 2015 Millenials1 will become the majority representation of

the workforce2.

o High comfort level with technology

o 74% of social technology users benefit from quicker access to


o 89% of millennials want their workplace to be social and fun3.

1. Millenials/Net Generation/Gen Y: Born between 1981-1997



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Social Learning in 20153 Key Trends

3. Increasing reach of customised technology

o Consumers expect almost everything to be customised for our needs –

new technology = mass customisation.

o Trend is moving into workplace in the form of ‘mashups’ such as:

o Role Mashups – Everyone acting as learners and teachers.

o Workgroup Mashups – reach, team up and work with people

everywhere outside of traditional hierarchies.

o Content Mashups – The internet allows us to find relevant information

from anywhere for our own purpose.

o Management Mashups – Using open discussion forums for quicker

access to feedback and conveying their visions.

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Social Learning in ActionLMS based sharing

Social Learning can be done in an LMS in

the following ways:

• Develop a team based newsfeed

(similar to a Facebook newsfeed) of

learning that employees are


• Encouraging learners to ‘follow’

people in their organisation who they

perceive to be a leader to motivate

them to do similar learning.

• Encourage learners to ‘rate’

courses/learning they have


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Social Learning in ActionLMS based sharing

Social Learning can be done in an LMS in

the following ways:

• Encourage open discussion on

discussion forums.

• Allow employees to blog and post

their blogs onto the LMS for other

learners to see.

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Social Learning in ActionUsing Social Media

Social Media tools already available to

encourage social learning:

• LinkedIn Group – make the group a

closed group if it is only for


• Use Facebook or Twitter groups if

this is appropriate for your

organisation – again, these can be

‘closed’ groups.

An example of a LinkedIn discussion group.

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Lose a bit of control. Let your employees share information freely. Don't play Big Brother or have too many rules. Have a code of conduct but don't be too hands on.

Social Learning In Action

Lose Control

Find your ‘learning champions’ and ask them to help kick start your social learning program – maybe even incentivise them. Or, involve them on your social learning project at initiation stage – they will love to get involved.

Identify Champions

Be mindful that not all of your employees will feel comfortable with the ‘new’ way of doing things. Maybe think about a phased approach of introducing social learning so the change won’t be too overwhelming.

Be mindful of your audience

Top Tips


• Case Study: Accenture Case


• Case Study: Coca-Cola Amatil

• Article: Tap into the way your

employees learn

• Harold Jarche: Three Principles

for Net Work

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