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Elderly Care Across Europe: The Role of Formal and Informal Care in Family Decision-Making * Manuel V. Montesinos Universitat Aut` onoma de Barcelona Barcelona School of Economics Job Market Paper December 1, 2022 Download the latest version here Abstract This paper studies the factors that determine families’ decisions to provide formal and informal care across Europe. To explain the observed patterns of care provision and labor force participation of children of care recipients, I model the behavior of family members when making care and employment choices as a static, non-cooperative game of complete information. I estimate this model separately for Northern, Central, and Southern European countries, using data from the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe. First, I use the model to carry out a decomposition analysis of the forces behind cross-country differences in formal and informal care use. Next, I evaluate several types of subsidies for care recipients and informal caregivers to reduce the high percentage of old parents who do not receive any care, and the large gap in terms of employment between the children who do not give care and those who do in Southern Europe. I find that subsidies for formal care recipients constitute an attractive policy tool to meet elderly care needs in Southern Europe, while informal care subsidies can also mitigate the gaps in labor force participation between the children who provide care to parents and those who do not. Keywords: elderly care, non-cooperative game, discrete choice, SHARE. JEL Codes: D64, J14, J22. * I am indebted to Joan Llull for his continuous encouragement and advice. I am also grateful to Eric French for his wonderful sponsorship and feedback during my visit at the University of Cambridge. I would also like to thank Noriko Amano-Pati˜ no, J. Ignacio Conde-Ruiz, Luis Corch´ on, Joan Costa-i-Font, Lidia Cruces, Nezih Guner, Ines Lee, In´ es Macho-Stadler, Lourdes Moreno, Pau Olivella, ´ Aureo de Paula, Christopher Rauh, Ana Rute Cardoso, Katherina Thomas, Hanna Wang, Weilong Zhang, seminar participants at Universitat Aut` onoma de Barcelona, University of Cambridge, and Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and conference participants at the ENTER Jamboree, and the BSE PhD Jamboree for many helpful comments and discussions. Departament d’Economia i d’Hist`oria Econ` omica. Universitat Aut` onoma de Barcelona. Campus de Bel- laterra – Edifici B, 08193, Bellaterra, Cerdanyola del Vall` es, Barcelona (Spain). E-mail: manuel.montesinos@ 1

Elderly Care Across Europe: The Role of Formal and Informal Care in Family Decision-Making∗

Jul 05, 2023



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