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The Eviction Letter - Falsified *Evidence" I made a complaint to Elderholme management about the matron's behaviour towards my wife's care.My cornplaint cumulated in the matronclaiming that she felt victimisedby my actions andElderholme evicted my wife from her homeof eleven years just before Christrnas z}n. Elderholme wrotea letterof eviction to me dated 17tr November 2011, the originalis attached. At the bottom of the letter they had listed that carboncopieshad beensentto the MP, Winal Social Services, Safeguarding, CQC,the GP,DASSComplaints, the NMC, the NHS-CHC. and Merseyside Police. : I asked the NHS and Social Services to investigate the circumstances of the eviction. Elderholmerefusedto co-operate other than refuting everything.It wasn't until over twelve months after these reports were completed and published that Elderholme disputed the findings, claimingthat they had not been involvedprior to publication, and presenting "new evidence". Elderholme included in this "new evidence" a copy of the eviction letter which they had circulated to in November 2011.Their letter is watermarked "COPY'leading those circulated to believe that it was a true copy of the letter sent to me. Howeverthe copy which was distributedby Elderholmecontained an additionalpageto the one actually sentto me. Their "new''copy is alsoattached. Theadditional wordingis highlighted. Sending thesepeople a doctored letter proves duplicity on the part of Elderholme. This subterfuge could only have been becausethey did not want me to know what they written.They wrote that oneof the reasons for evicting my wife was "IIir threat af violenceio his wife witnessed by our visitingphysiotherapisf'. Thereis no doubt that this false statement influenced Safeguarding into agreeing the eviction without full investigation.I have never threatened my wife with violence. I was not awareof this accusation until I obtained copiesunder the Freedom of Infonnation four years later. This deliberate act of falsifying documentation underlines the lack of integrity of Elderholme management that must placedoubt over all of their "new evidence" againsi mi andmy wife. Attachedare the original letter which I receivedand the "copy" sentby Elderholmeto the authorities listed.

Elderholme Eviction Letter

May 06, 2017



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Page 1: Elderholme Eviction Letter

The Eviction Letter - Falsified *Evidence"

I made a complaint to Elderholme management about the matron's behaviour towards mywife's care. My cornplaint cumulated in the matron claiming that she felt victimised by myactions and Elderholme evicted my wife from her home of eleven years just before Christrnasz}n.

Elderholme wrote a letter of eviction to me dated 17tr November 2011, the original is attached.At the bottom of the letter they had listed that carbon copies had been sent to the MP, WinalSocial Services, Safeguarding, CQC, the GP, DASS Complaints, the NMC, the NHS-CHC. andMerseyside Police. :

I asked the NHS and Social Services to investigate the circumstances of the eviction.Elderholme refused to co-operate other than refuting everything. It wasn't until over twelvemonths after these reports were completed and published that Elderholme disputed thefindings, claiming that they had not been involved prior to publication, and presenting "newevidence".

Elderholme included in this "new evidence" a copy of the eviction letter which they hadcirculated to in November 2011. Their letter is watermarked "COPY'leading those circulatedto believe that it was a true copy of the letter sent to me. However the copy which wasdistributed by Elderholme contained an additional page to the one actually sent to me. Their"new''copy is also attached. The additional wording is highlighted.

Sending these people a doctored letter proves duplicity on the part of Elderholme. Thissubterfuge could only have been because they did not want me to know what theywritten.They wrote that one of the reasons for evicting my wife was "IIir threat af violence iohis wife witnessed by our visiting physiotherapisf'. There is no doubt that this false statementinfluenced Safeguarding into agreeing the eviction without full investigation. I have neverthreatened my wife with violence.

I was not aware of this accusation until I obtained copies under the Freedom of Infonnationfour years later. This deliberate act of falsifying documentation underlines the lack of integrityof Elderholme management that must place doubt over all of their "new evidence" againsi miand my wife.

Attached are the original letter which I received and the "copy" sent by Elderholme to theauthorities listed.

Page 2: Elderholme Eviction Letter




TELEPHONE: Ol-s l 334 OZCX)FAX:0151 343 l 312" " * - ' - ' " ' "

17 November 2011

Mr L Beddows7 Weald DriveLittle SuttonSouth WirralCheshireCH66 4YW

Dear Mr Beddows

Your complaints about Elderholme

I have received a letter from the Nursing and Midwifery Council as a result of a letterthey received from Alison McGovern MP concerning complaints you have made toMrs McGovern about Elderholme and its employees.

Enclosed within the correspondence were copies of communications you have sentto Mrs McGovern and other parties.

It is clear from these communications and your many other complaints that you arecompletely dissatisfied with virtually every aspect of Elderholme and have lostconfidence in the integrity and performance of its care staff and management.

Your allegations are as follows:-

. You accuse our Matron Manager of making false statements to your wife'sGP that would be detrimental to your wife's care.

o You accuse our Matron Manager of giving inconect information to thedietician, failing to monitor urine and altering a care plan without followingproper procedures.

. You also complain about the dishonesty of Elderholme management.

. You accuse our Matron Manager of victimising your wife because she cannotcommunicate,

o You also accuse our Matron Manager of making a false statement to theMayor as they walked passed your wife's room about bad smells inElderholme. You state they cannot be avoided and Matron was telling anuntruth. Yet a four day inspection of Elderholme by Winal social servicesreported no malodorous smells on any of the 4 days.

DIRECTORS: B Rourke l)sq- ((.'hainnan), Mrs 1? Lloyd (Vice (:hairman), Ii G Owen Esq., H. Paftonage I':sq., B. tr'l/ootls b)sq.




Page 3: Elderholme Eviction Letter

You infer that our Matron Manager and Elderholme are exercising institutionalemotionalabuse on you.

You state that the Matron Manager and Directors are aggressive towards you.

Because the complaint from the Nursing and Midwifery Councilwas directed at ourMatron Manager we had to address each of your allegations with her. She refutesthem all categorically. The management are satisfied with the responses our MatronManager has given to your allegations and management rejects each and every oneas being unfounded.

As a result of your actions and conduct our Matron Manager has lodged a formalcomplaint with the management of Elderholme. Our Matron Manager is feeling upset,harassed, victimised and stressed as a result of your conduct. This matter is affectingher professional and private life and as such has a direct bearing on her humanrights.

The management consider that the Matron Manager's complaint is justified and if themanagement failto act upon this complaint the company will be liable to a claim fordamages from our employee and/or a claim for unfair dismissal. These are veryserious consequences.

It should be noted that the company received another formal complaint about yourconduct from another nurse in 2009. That complaint was also upheld.

Elderholme directors and management have 100% confidence in the care abilities,standards and ethics of our Matron Manager and are offering her our full, strong,unstinting support.

we find her complaint upheld and in addition find your statements materiallydamaging to the reputation of Elderholme and our Matron Manager in particular.

Following careful consideration of all the above issues and matters preceding andassociated with these issues it is clear that your relationship with Elderholme hasirretrievably broken down and as a result we are now giving notice for Mrs Beddowsto leave Elderholme on or before 1Sth December 201 1.

It is our earnest wish to assist you and Mrs Beddows and Wirral Social Services toconduct the notice period with the minimum of difficulty and therefore maximumbenefit to Mrs Beddows. However, if during the notice period the management ofElderholme judges your conduct causes distress to any Elderholme employees orresidents you will be barred from making unaccompanied visits to the site forthwith.

This action and associated conditions have been decided in consultation with thecompany solicitors.

Page 4: Elderholme Eviction Letter

This matter is not to be discussed with or referred to any other member ofpersonnel apart from me. lf you wish to discuss any aspect of this matter

me at the reception desk.

c.c.Alison McGovern MPHoward Cooper acting Director Wirral Social Services.Safeguarding Officer Wirral Social Services.Wendy Smith, Care Quality Commission.Dr G. MeyerDave Jones Head of complaints Wirral social servicesNursing and Midwifery CouncilThe Continuing Healthcare Team, Winal NHS.Merseyside Police.

Page 5: Elderholme Eviction Letter

17 November 2011

Mr L Beddows7 Weald DriveLittle SuttonSouth WiralCheshireCH66 4YW

Dear Mr Beddows

have sent

It is clear from these communic.atiron" "nd've

: i ; :1: : :

Your allegations are as-:,f'ollows:-

You also accuse our Matron Manager of making a false statement to theMayor as they walked passed your wifes' room about bad smells inElderholme. You state they cannot be avoided and Matron was telling anuntruth. Yet a four day inspection of Elderholme by wirral social servicesreported no malodorous smells on any of the 4 days.

You infer that our Matron Manager and Elderholme are exercising institutionalemotional abuse on you.

You state that the Matron Manager and Directors are aggressive towards you.

. : . ,. You agg!+gE.gur Mptrgn Manager of,Eaking false statements to your wifes'

G P.,thbt' we]kl Oe ti'B.!{!qt e n ta I t o yotlft;,ririfes; ca re.: : . . : : : : . . .

; . :11; l ; i ; : ; : ; : - - - . , , , , . . , , : . . : : : , j . .

. . . " : : : ' ; , . : , : ' : . : : : . : . : : : . i . . : , : r t . : . . . : : t . t . - . : . '

. ,: gu accuse our Matron ManSef of giving incorrect information to thedietician, failing to ni'onitor urine and altering a care plan without followingproper procedures. '

. Yo0:Ebe complain.db6ut the dishonesty of Elderholme management.

. You accusd'iiui Matron Manager of victimising your wife because she cannotcommunicate.

Page 6: Elderholme Eviction Letter

Because the complaint from the Nursing and Midwifery Councilwas directed at ourMatron Manager we had to address each of your allegations with her. She refutesthem all categorically. The management are satisfied with the responses our MatronManager has given to your allegations and management rejects each and every oneas being unfounded.

As a result of your actions and conduct our Matron Manager has lodged a formalcomplaint with the management of Elderholme. Our Matron Manageiis feeling upset,harassed, victimised and stressed as a result of your conduct. Thii matter is Jffectingher professional and private life and as such has a direct bearing on her humanrights.


of Elderholme, its directors,your wife notice to vacate1. We have written to the

our reasons below.

have to devote to dealing with these

. : : . :Hiii,!$qt of vjolencg;,fo nis wife witnessed by our visiting physiotherapist andrepoftedto Wirral Social Services Safeguarding Team.

in care judgements made by qualified nurses tothe detriment and safety of the resident and the consequential reflection onthe professional integrity of our nurses and Elderholme.

The fact we have received a formal complaint of harassment from our MatronManager, our duty of response is covered by the protection of HarassmentAct 1997.

The fact our Matron Manager now feels intimidated and unable to dealwithMr Beddows any longer. A decision in which she has the full support ofElderholme management and directors.

The fact that Mr Beddows has clearly and provabry rost confidence in oursenior carer (Matron Manager), our care regime and the management anddirectors of Elderholme.


Page 7: Elderholme Eviction Letter

' The fact that we believe there is a safeguarding issue in that Elderholme isnow so de-sensitised to Mr Beddows complaints it may not recognise agenuine concern

We note that in March 2008 when you complained that we had closed the home tovisitors under medical advice you contemplated seeking altemative careaccommodation for your wife, so in principle a move is not objectionable to you.

lf no suitable alternative accommodation is found for your wife by 1Sth December2011 Elderholme will continue to care for her to our ulual high siandard; but you willnot be allowed on the Elderholme site.

lf during the notice period the management of Elderholme judges your conductcauses distress to any Elderholme employees you will oe 6a*3 fiom the siteforthwith. ,':::::

o Alison McGovern MP .:,.:,:,:1,:::'. Howard Cooper acting Oirect6iiWirral. SafeguardingOfficerWirral. Wendy Smith, Careo





DrG.Meyer , : , , , ; , ; , ' . : , ' , t " " t . ' ' a , . , . . , : : ,a , : : , , , . ' , - . . i i i iDave Jones Heait,of complaintf.tlsrral s'otDave Jones Head:of complaints,Wrral s6QHl,pervicesNursing and MidWifery Council .'.,,. .


The Continuing:Healthcare Team, Wir.ral NHS.Merseyside Poli@.:.

.-, :-;.: j : : ' ,:.:. "::;..:::: i


yours srit*19[-::::;::::::::.

' : : - i , - : i - . .

!3wso1 Stebbin$$,,, 1,1;,r,:iChief Executive OffiCer