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el Periòdic xx el Periòdic News E N G L I S H E D I T I O N T H U 1 8 DA AMENDMENTS TO THE NEW LAW @PeriodicAND The limit to keep in reserve the post of civil servants is 8 years ANA 33 Marc Ballestà and Sofia Garrallà at the press conference Tuesday afternoon at the Consell General. T he Democratic parliamen- tary group introduced Tu- esday afternoon the 40 amendments that it made to the new Civil Servants Law prepa- red by the Government. As explai- ned by the councillors of DA, Marc Ballestà and Sofia Garrallà, the pro- posals respond, basically, to the do- zen items that the Executive promi- sed the unions in April that would be resolved through amendments, alt- hough, with some nuances. Apart from union demands, how- ever, one of the important changes included in the text is that the eight- year period reserve limit will re- main for civil servants who enter in- to a public position. The fact that the law presented by the Government had eliminated this limit had dis- turbed some people from the same Democratic group. Ballestà justified the measure to maintain «a double coherence». On the one hand, she pointed out, «the counterpart is to have a post in reserve that nobody can occupy, and having this situa- tion indefinitely creates certain con- cern because this job cannot be cov- ered with a permanent employee». On the other hand, to equate it on the private sector, and as it was an- nounced, the work that is being done in committee in relation to the new code of labour relations, an amend- ment was introduced (the proposal had been made by PS) that foresees the reservation of a post for workers of the private sector to hold a pub- lic office with the same limitation of two terms in office. EL PERIÒDIC ANDORRA LA VELLA The Democratic group corrects the text of the Government that had eliminated the time limit Ballestà announces that the new labour relations code will also foresee this option for private sector Related to leave of absence, a peri- od of two months is fixed to request the re-entry once the leave has ex- pired. Currently, the term was three months and the Government had proposed to reduce it to one. OTHER CHANGES / Concerning the rest of the amendments, there has been an agreement to the demand of the unions to extend the retire- ment age, which in the general ad- ministration will be extended to 70 years and in the special forces to 65. Regarding the relocation of civ- il servants for health reasons, an in- termediate solution is proposed be- tween maintaining the 100% of the salary that the unions claimed and the 80% agreed upon by the Govern- ment. Thus, a minimum of two and a half times the minimum wage is pro- posed to avoid applying salary reduc- tion. If it is exceeded, 80% of the sala- ry will be maintained. DA also proposed eliminating in- compatibilities for temporary work- ers, for those who work part-time or those who have a salary lower than DA has decided to change the text of the Government and maintain the current 8-year limit to keep in reserve the post of civil servants who have accessed pub- lic office. In addition, according to Marc Ballestà, this measure will also be ex- tended to the private sector. In cases of relocation due to health, 100% of the salary will remain for peo- ple who do not reach the minimum amount of two and a half times the mini- mum wage. For the rest of the cases, the Government will only guarantee 80% of the original salary. DA has also introduced an amendment in order to recognize the seniority of tem- porary workers. The imposed condition is that more than three months cannot have elapsed after the temporary con- tract has been terminated and the post has been re-accessed. keys 1 Post reservation for eight years As the Government undertook the un- ions in April, the period for drawing up regulations related to remuneration and professional supplements will be re- duced from one year to six months to facilitate the implementation of the new measures. 4 Regulations made in six months Fulfilling one of the requests made by the civil servants, DA’s amendments foresee the extension of the retirement age if both parties agree. In the case of general administration, it can be ex- tended to 70 years and in special forc- es up to 65. 5 Prolonged retirement age 2 Minimum to maintain 100% of the salary 3 Recognition of seniority The parliamentary group of DA has submitted a total of 40 amendments to the new Civil Servants Law 120% of the minimum wage, so they can have another job provided they apply to the department Civil Serv- ice and they allow it. The trial peri- od for newcomers will be for a maxi- mum of one year. As requested by the unions, the seniority of new workers is also rec- ognized when a worker applies for the same job if three months have not elapsed since the work and ac- cess to the job vacancy were finished. Likewise, as promised, the deadline for elaborating the regulations re- lated to the different retribution and professional supplements is re- duced to six months. On the other hand, as it was al- ready announced and not being part of the amendments (it will be included in the regulations) correc- tive measures have been foreseen to compensate those workers who are in the lower part of the salary grid and who have had frozen during 10 years their salary bonuses. H

el Periòdic el Periòdic News Tema del dia d'Andorra ... · termediate solution is proposed be-tween maintaining the 100% of the salary that the unions claimed and the 80% agreed

Oct 05, 2020



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Page 1: el Periòdic el Periòdic News Tema del dia d'Andorra ... · termediate solution is proposed be-tween maintaining the 100% of the salary that the unions claimed and the 80% agreed

15el Periòdic d’ DIMARTS, 10 DE JULIOL DEL 2018




axxel Periòdic News

E N G L I S H E D I T I O N T H U 1 8



The limit to keep in reserve the post of civil servants is 8 years


33 Marc Ballestà and Sofia Garrallà at the press conference Tuesday afternoon at the Consell General.

The Democratic parliamen-tary group introduced Tu-esday afternoon the 40 amendments that it made

to the new Civil Servants Law prepa-red by the Government. As explai-ned by the councillors of DA, Marc Ballestà and Sofia Garrallà, the pro-posals respond, basically, to the do-zen items that the Executive promi-sed the unions in April that would be resolved through amendments, alt-hough, with some nuances.

Apart from union demands, how-ever, one of the important changes included in the text is that the eight-year period reserve limit will re-main for civil servants who enter in-to a public position. The fact that the law presented by the Government had eliminated this limit had dis-turbed some people from the same Democratic group. Ballestà justified the measure to maintain «a double coherence». On the one hand, she pointed out, «the counterpart is to have a post in reserve that nobody can occupy, and having this situa-tion indefinitely creates certain con-cern because this job cannot be cov-ered with a permanent employee». On the other hand, to equate it on the private sector, and as it was an-nounced, the work that is being done in committee in relation to the new code of labour relations, an amend-ment was introduced (the proposal had been made by PS) that foresees the reservation of a post for workers of the private sector to hold a pub-lic office with the same limitation of two terms in office.


The Democratic group corrects the text of the Government that had eliminated the time limit

Ballestà announces that the new labour relations code will also foresee this option for private sector

Related to leave of absence, a peri-od of two months is fixed to request the re-entry once the leave has ex-pired. Currently, the term was three months and the Government had proposed to reduce it to one.

OTHER CHANGES / Concerning the rest of the amendments, there has been an agreement to the demand of the unions to extend the retire-ment age, which in the general ad-ministration will be extended to

70 years and in the special forces to 65. Regarding the relocation of civ-il servants for health reasons, an in-termediate solution is proposed be-tween maintaining the 100% of the salary that the unions claimed and

the 80% agreed upon by the Govern-ment. Thus, a minimum of two and a half times the minimum wage is pro-posed to avoid applying salary reduc-tion. If it is exceeded, 80% of the sala-ry will be maintained.

DA also proposed eliminating in-compatibilities for temporary work-ers, for those who work part-time or those who have a salary lower than

DA has decided to change the text of the Government and maintain the current 8-year limit to keep in reserve the post of civil servants who have accessed pub-lic office. In addition, according to Marc Ballestà, this measure will also be ex-tended to the private sector.

In cases of relocation due to health, 100% of the salary will remain for peo-ple who do not reach the minimum amount of two and a half times the mini-mum wage. For the rest of the cases, the Government will only guarantee 80% of the original salary.

DA has also introduced an amendment in order to recognize the seniority of tem-porary workers. The imposed condition is that more than three months cannot have elapsed after the temporary con-tract has been terminated and the post has been re-accessed.


1Post reservation for eight years

As the Government undertook the un-ions in April, the period for drawing up regulations related to remuneration and professional supplements will be re-duced from one year to six months to facilitate the implementation of the new measures.

4Regulations made in six months

Fulfilling one of the requests made by the civil servants, DA’s amendments foresee the extension of the retirement age if both parties agree. In the case of general administration, it can be ex-tended to 70 years and in special forc-es up to 65.

5Prolonged retirement age2Minimum to maintain

100% of the salary 3Recognition of seniority

The parliamentary group of DA has submitted a total of 40 amendments to the new Civil Servants Law

120% of the minimum wage, so they can have another job provided they apply to the department Civil Serv-ice and they allow it. The trial peri-od for newcomers will be for a maxi-mum of one year.

As requested by the unions, the seniority of new workers is also rec-ognized when a worker applies for the same job if three months have not elapsed since the work and ac-cess to the job vacancy were finished. Likewise, as promised, the deadline for elaborating the regulations re-lated to the different retribution and professional supplements is re-duced to six months.

On the other hand, as it was al-ready announced and not being part of the amendments (it will be included in the regulations) correc-tive measures have been foreseen to compensate those workers who are in the lower part of the salary grid and who have had frozen during 10 years their salary bonuses. H

Page 2: el Periòdic el Periòdic News Tema del dia d'Andorra ... · termediate solution is proposed be-tween maintaining the 100% of the salary that the unions claimed and the 80% agreed

THURSDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2018 Periodic News2

ANA / M. F.

33 Eric Jover, Ferran Costa and Josep Anton Bardina.

Andorran High schools are waiting for the PISA results

A slow start for the shared medical history application

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a world-wide study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Deve-lopment (OECD) intended to evalua-te educational systems by measuring 15-year-old school pupils’ scholastic performance on mathematics, scien-ce, and reading. Last year, the three educational systems in Andorra eva-luated their pupils in the PISA exams and are now awaiting results, which may take months to arrive. Minister of Education Eric Jover, stressed that now it will be necessary to see how this evaluation is managed, since he emphasized the fact that «relative re-sults will be more important, than the complete ones since it must be a tool for continuous improvement» and should allow to analyze how it evolves in the different evaluated ele-

ments. Jover made these statements in an appearance before the legislati-ve committee of Education, Research, Culture and Sports to inform about the beginning of the school year. He stressed that with regard to the volu-me of students in the three educatio-nal systems there is a certain stability, since it went from 11,061 last year to 11,096. The Andorran educational



The història clínica compartida imple-mentation of shared clinical history (as the name suggests data of a cli-ents meducal history) progresses at a much slower pace than expected. The Government revealed that at the moment only half of the country’s primary care doctors have access, that is 37 of the 73 registered doctors and pediatricians. According to the information that the Executive pu-blished yesterday in the Bulletin of the cabinet giving answers to questi-ons of Víctor Naudi and Rosa Gili, 15 professionals in the same field are in training period and the rest are pro-cessing the necessary documents to

Only half of the primary care doctors have access to the new method tools


have access to the tool. The Gover-nment recalled that they have be-en working on the project to imple-ment the shared clinical history for months and that it has been deci-ded to begin by primary care physi-cians but it will end up being exten-ded to other professionals. Howe-ver, one of the main obstacles, to which the Executive has attributed the delay in its development, is the EU legislation on the protection of individuals with regard to the pro-cessing of personal data and the free movement of these In fact, this re-gulation involves changes in this as-pect, it is generating some contro-versy when it comes to applying in the health sector of neighboring co-untries and each one is defining its own implementation model. At the moment, «by principle of pruden-ce», Andorra wants to take time to see how other countries advance. H

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system grows by 2.5% and French at 1%, while Spanish descends by 4.9%, and Jover attributed it to changes in the col·legi dels Pirineus.

School transport has the same number of students as last year, the same story as scholarships. However, compulsory education has dropped by 3.8% in terms of applications du-ring this school year, while higher education had an increase in applica-tions and in the last courses, also de-nials, a very related fact to which the students do not meet the academic re-quirements that they are asked for. H el Periòdic News


33 Víctor Naudi and Jaume Bartumeu at the headquarters of SDP.



Appealing the report of the Eu-ropean Commission on tax havens, dated December 5, 2017, the president of SDP,

Jaume Bartumeu, said yesterday that Andorra is still in the gray list of the EU, which shows the failure to com-ply with the Government’s commit-ment to abolish this system and con-sidered it «unfair and harmful in the field of European tax activity». Bartu-meu recalled that the Finance Minis-ter, Jordi Cinca, said that the Execu-tive would work to get out of it, but «the Ecofin (Economic and Financi-al Affairs Council) has not yet pulled us out», and the Principality continu-es to appear, along with countries as diverse as Botswana, Morocco, Thai-land or San Marino. For SDP, this de-monstrates the «ineffectiveness, ne-glect and lack of desire» of the Gover-nment, who from his point of view should give explanations. The pro-gressive president also assured that, in Brussels, all this undermines the credibility of the country. In spite of

SDP laments that Andorra hasn’t left the tax havens gray listBartumeu attributes it to the «ineffectiveness and neglect» of the Government to take action and resolve it


all, it expects that the modification of corporation tax will effectively help address the situation and stop the An-dorran fiscal system from forming part of the confrontation of commu-nity interests.

On the other hand, and asked by journalists about the possible leakage of BPA data that was published Mon-day, Bartumeu recalled that he had al-ready denounced it in last year’s docu-mentary called Les clavegueres de l’Es-tat (Sewers of the State). At the same press conference, the general minis-ter, Víctor Naudi, informed that last week he met with one of his counter-parts from San Marino, Marco Nicoli-ni, at the October meeting of the Par-liamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. That there, Naudi explai-ned that he supported Nicolini’s re-solution proposal, in which he com-mits himself to pushing legislation that prevents financial lobbyists from being able to decide on government structures, especially in small coun-tries. The councilor said that this initi-ative «places Andorra at the forefront of the fight for transparency», which «can only benefit» the country. H


The solidary bracelet that goes on sale on October 19 for the be-nefit of the Andorran Associati-on Against Cancer (Assandca) can be found this year in more places than last year. In addition, more units have been produced taking into account the success of previ-ous years. Thus, you can buy at a price of eight euros at the Júlia per-fume shops, at the Urban gymnasi-um, in Pyrénées, in the MO accesso-ries store and in the stand at Assan-dca. It has gone from making 1,500 to 2,300. As the president of the association, Josep Saravia, com-mented yesterday, «last year was a resounding success and the bra-celets were sold out immediate-ly». For this reason this year they have chosen to increase produc-tion and also the points of sale with the will to have the same go-od reception. The colour chosen is pink identifying the World Day against breast cancer, which is commemorated on October 19. It also has an «ergonomic» and elas-tic design to make it more com-fortable to wear. H

The solidary bracelet of Assandca: more shops and units


«Andorra still being in the gray list of the EU, shows the ineffectiveness, lack of care and unwillingness of the Government»

«The initiative of placing Andorra at the forefront of the fight for transparency can only benefit the country»


Page 3: el Periòdic el Periòdic News Tema del dia d'Andorra ... · termediate solution is proposed be-tween maintaining the 100% of the salary that the unions claimed and the 80% agreed

THURSDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2018 el Periòdic News 3


33 Tourists in one of the main shopping streets in Andorra.


Summer of 2018 was closed with a total of 1,033,450 visitors, which represents 1.3% more than last ye-

ar, but a figure well below the 2.3% that had been determined by the Mi-nistry of Tourism. Its manager, Fran-cesc Camp, however, valued this in a positive way, since, on the one hand, and for the second consecutive ye-ar, a million tourists have been ex-ceeded in four months (from June to September) and on the other, a sta-bilization of the sector. According to Camp, this new tendency is «nor-mal», because there have been seven years of great growth and, therefo-re, from now one there can only be small increases marked by constant stability.

Even so, the head of the Tourism portfolio said that «the data are not the best, but they are not bad», justi-fying that we have had an «atypical summer». Camp is based on the rise of markets in the Middle East that af-ter a long crisis once again attract European tourists. Specifically, the minister referred to Tunisia, Turkey

Summer tourism grows, but below forecastsThe ministry set an increase of 2.3% but registered a 1.3%


and Egypt, places that increasingly use more powerful offers to retrieve visitors who had recently opted for countries such as Spain and Catalo-nia and, also, Andorra.

UNEQUAL GROWTH / Leisure services in the country, such as Grandvalira, Vallnord, Caldea, Naturlandia or museums, have also kept the same increase line as last summer, with an increase of 0.1% of tickets sold. The minister, however, affirmed that this growth has been uneven, al-

though he did not clarify data. How-ever, he proposed not to «communi-cate as much» in the Spanish market, which «is very consolidated», and «to dedicate more budget to distant mar-kets», which in his opinion are those that offer new possibilities to grow.

Regarding the Strategic Plan for shopping tourism, the minister said that it will be implemented gradu-ally and that next year the improve-ments that are detected will be con-sidered in order to restructure the sector. H

The refugees welcomed by the Government will arrive next week

On Thursday 25 October at 5:15 am, a direct flight from Beirut with the Syrian families hosted by the Gov-ernment will arrive at El Prat Air-port in Barcelona. After a long wait and resolving various bureaucratic problems, refugees may abandon the camp in which they are current-ly located outside the Lebanese cap-ital to set the course towards the Principality. The head of the Com-munity of Sant Egidi, Xavier Vidal, explained at the beginning of this month that it was «a matter of days» to get the documentation that al-lowed them to leave the Arab coun-try and that it was already the last

step. It should be remembered that the intention of the Executive was for them to arrive in early Septem-ber and that for months the Andor-ran administration has prepared its legal papers and the flats where they will be settled in.

These will be the first seven refu-gees of the 20 that the Government is committed to welcome. These are two families; one consisting of two adults and two teens and the other family is a young couple with a baby a few months old. Vidal al-ready said that they «are all very excited» with the new phase that awaits them and they «are really ea-ger» to arrive. H



33 A refugee camp in the city of Idlib, in northeastern Syria.



33 Authorities opening the overpass on Tuesday.

The overpass in front of the Estadi Comunal has been inaugurated

Seize of 5,500 packages of tobacco in Valls del Valira

Last June 2017 the winning propos-al of the first government participa-tory budget was presented. Tuesday overpass was finally opened to cross CG1 in front of the Estadi Comunal. Although the project initially count-ed on a total budget of 200,000 eu-ros, the investment has been exceed-ed and all the works have had a final cost of 490,000 euros. The Minister of Territorial Planning, Jordi Torres, jus-tified it by saying that several modifi-cations such as the elevator were add-

ed to the initial project, the new pave-ment of the road and taking down the traffic light, among others. Torres al-so acknowledged that there had been some delay in the works and in the fi-nal execution of the project, which

The infrastructure hashad an extra cost of 290,000 euros



The Spanish Tax Agency seized 5,500 packages of tobacco from the Prin-cipality that would have a market value of about 26,000 euros. The im-pound, which was carried out in two operations on forest tracks of the municipal district of Valls del Va-lira, took place between 27 June and 4 October, although until earlier this week it was not made public. In this last operation, there were 3,000 to-bacco packages of different brands, with a market value of 14,300 euros,

The confiscation was carried out in two different operations


inside a vehicle with an Andorran license plate that was driving with-out the lights on and which was searched in a customs control. The other impound, of 2,500 packages of tobacco, with a total market val-ue of 11,680 euros, was in the sum-mer in the same area.

As explained by the Tax Office, in both cases the alleged smug-glers had previously calculated that the value of the merchandise was not greater than 15,000 euros, in order to avoid judicial proceed-ings against them. However, the economic sensations could reach 90,000 euros. The detainees are an Andorran 44-year-old man and an-other 50-year-old man of Portu-guese nationality. H

was scheduled to end during the summer. «It was necessary, it was a black spot», said the mayor of An-dorra la Vella, Conxita Marsol, who insisted that the facility will improve the safe-ty of pedestrians. Regarding the winning project

of 2018’s participatory budget (the construction of artificial trees to pro-duce wind energy), Torres announced that the drafting of the project is al-ready being made and that it could be finished by next summer. H

Page 4: el Periòdic el Periòdic News Tema del dia d'Andorra ... · termediate solution is proposed be-tween maintaining the 100% of the salary that the unions claimed and the 80% agreed


33 Alàez and Vales defending Zukhov in Tuesday’s game in Astana.


A ndorra lost lost the fourth game of the Nations League 4 - 0 in a duel in which nothi-ng could be done to stop the

fierce Kazakh, who was eager to win after the bad luck that dragged them down during the first three days of the tournament. herefore, the Asta-na Arena hosted a duel in a cold envi-ronment. Coach Koldo Álvarez had al-ready stated that it would be a match very similar to that against Georgia in Tbilissi, where they lost 3 - 0. He used the same line up but used Marc Pujol and Jordi Aláez instead of the booked players. However, Kazakhstan made great changes and used a different ap-proach using youngsters Seidakhmet and Zainutdinov. The game started with no danger for Andorra. Kazak-hstan’s first opportunity came at the 7th minute with a shot by Seidakh-met. Andorra’s first real chance was after a foul from Cervós but no dan-ger. The game continued and the lo-cals were very effective in the wings, tearing the defense apart with a cen-tered pass from Islamkhan, Seidak-hmet scored the first goal for his co-untry giving them the lead.

Kazakhstan get revenge in front of their home crowd


AVOIDING A SECOND GOAL / Shortly befo-re half time, after a Kazakh counte-rattack, a good stop made by José Go-mes deviated a powerful shot from Turisbek. While Andorra were strug-gling to find a goal lead by striker Aláez. Seidakhmet then made a cruci-al pass to Turysbek who sent it in the bottom left corner. After halftime, Ka-zakhstan was showing their agressi-on with Seidakhmet trying an over-head kick but Gomes managed to stop it. But unfortunately made a crucial mistake when he did an own goal af-ter a center from Islamkhan. In case that was not enough, two minutes la-ter, Aláez received two cards, the first

one for protesting and two minutes later, for fouling Muzhikov, leaving ten players on the pitch. 73 minutes in the game, Suyumbayev did a free kick passing to Murtazayev who sco-red the fourth and final goal.

AFTER THE GAME / Álvarez said that «Kazakhstan has proven to be supe-rior to Andorra». «We have not been great in individual duels». In addi-tion, he considered that in the first part «we were not so bad as to rece-ive so much punishment». He also criticized the lack of use of VAR that could of helped in some situations like the bookings or the own goal. H


The team will have to correct their errors when they come back home


33 Cucu controlling the ball, alongside teammate De Pablos andTobers defending them.


End of the classification phase. The U21 team concludes it with a home draw without goals on the last day, against Latvia, in a match where they took the initiative. The Andorrans knew how to keep the rhythm of the game, producing offensive plays, but without making that crutial last pass that would have meant being able to

The U21’s finish the round in a dissapointing draw The Andorrans took initiative but couldn’t find the net, the match was scoreless


move forward in the scoreboard. Cer-nomordijs avoided the goal by Alave-dra. De Pablos started the play with a pass to Garcia who pushed it back and reached Cucu, who wanted to make an assist with striker Alavedra but the Latvian player avoided it. At the start, Cucu tried to score, but his shot was too high and went over the crossbar. At the last minute Tobers was expe-lled. With this equalizer Andorra fi-

nishes in last of the group table, with three points, after draws obtained in two occasions against the Baltics and one with Scotland. The leader of the group was England with a total of 26, followed by Holland with 18. Their last match was against England when they were beat 7 nil with two last min-te goals from Nelson and an own goal from Garcia, cruising to Euro qualifi-cation with a game to spare. H

THURSDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2018 el Periòdic News 4


Defeat of the U19 team against Belarus

Saura finished ninth at the Estartit

FOOTBALL 3The U19 team picked up their third defeat in the qualifying round for the European champi-onship, which was held in Basel (Switzerland). They lost to Belarus 0-2. The first goal was by Gorbach in minute 7 and the second was by Vegerya (62 ‘). The Andorrans en-ded with two players less, due to the expulsion of Ruiz (67 ‘) and Ha-ro (92’). Matyash (Belarus) was al-so booked and sent off the pitch. Their last match was against the Swiss when they also lost two nil. Their first match was against the Spanish giants losing five nil (who are currently on top pf the table).

TRIATHLON 3Àlex Saura partici-pated in the Estartit triathlon finishing ninth. The test inclu-ded a 1.5 km swim, 40km on a bycicle and a 10km run. During the swim he did pretty well finis-hing 8th. However, when he was cycling he had pains in his sto-mach and couldnt eat anything but managed to recover and fi-nished 13th and avoided giving up. During his run he managed to get a few places ahead to fi-nish 9th.

briefs CYCLING 3 BTT

Another year with Vallnord appea-ring in the calendar of the Interna-tional Catalan Cup Biking Point, one of the most important compe-titions in the world. It will be the eighth stage of the champions-hip, which consists of nine tests for 2019. This event is the second most prestigious cross-country ra-ce in the world (only surpassed by the Swiss Bike Cup) distributing most UCI points, with the excep-tion of the World Cup. In 2019, for the second time in its history, all the championship races will be in-ternational, registered in the UCI calendar. The program will start on February 23 and 24 of next year in Banyoles. It will follow through Corró d’Amunt (March 10), Vall de Lord (April 7), Santa Susanna (April 28), Barcelona (May 4), Girona (Ju-ne 1 and 2), Vall de Boí (June 16) and after Vallnord (September 14) the championship will finish in Igualada on the 22nd of the same month. It will also be part of the Su-per Cup Massi calendar. H

Vallnord hosts the Catalan International Cup again


Red Star Belgrade beats MoraBanc in tough match

CHANGE OF TENDENCY/ It was 16 con-secutive points that MoraBanc conceided. But they changed the-ir chip, showing their defensive si-de. Stevic former player of the te-am was the main man with his of-fensive rebound. Ennis and Albicy were also showing their worth and not only in defense. They were catching up until the Red Star cen-tre Ojo used his height over Stevic to get some points back. That is why he was quickly replaced for Whit-tington where he finished the third quarter with a triple ending it at 68-50. The locals were gaining points from the Senegalese Faye getting a triple and one and Zirbes also pro-viding for the team. However, the Andorrans were trying their best to catch up with triples from the sa-me players. The game was getting closer to the end with both teams giving their last shot. The game en-ded at 85-79. Navarro said: «The te-am fought until the end, but even if most of the game you played well and 2min not so great, you will still get penalized. Although I’m happy with the effort». H


33 Ragland, defended by Ennis in Tuesday night’s game in Belgrade.


BC MoraBanc Andorra adds their second defeat playing away at the EuroCup (85-79) while fighting for the victory until the last moments in a match where there were many different stages, with ups and downs in both teams. Vitali opened the score with Zirbes helping his te-am laying smooth alley oops. Ama-zing three concecutive triples from Shurna. Jelinek and Whittington. They finished the quarter 16-17. The start was quite even until cen-tre Ragland managed to turn his team around, but triples from the aforementioned players managed to calm the situation down. But af-ter that there was only points co-ming from the locals with Rada-novs deadly triples ending the first half at 44-33 with a 13 point lead for the favourites to win.They needed a big change.