Top Banner
3. ; V,J , X . to' . . . ' - 'W- - : ,,4;"i..,.,.'..i.'ji"iitf!i-,i- . .u.y.rv i."r.wM.i-j-'ivylii:,"- .' .. )i'tVJ.-- ' ' '"'"; 'uwii.w.,. Wf.mutwirmu; t'i)"iffl"4rinii ii'''Viir'',iilffWyia'i'ii,'.tt'W!wiwtW.'1 JL, tfiffiigffi'flMttiv as jj... - . ' V' : ; -j V "Jan-,- " v.', Rfc i X X ''!$,. ,1 J J Jv & Jl JWy o 'IV: n i Vol. XrV. No. 2243. HONOLULU, H. I., TUESDAY EVENING, MAI 7, 1889. SO 0ENT8 8UB0ORIPTION PER MONTH x I. - r $ lr t 1 r THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed ami published at tho office, Quoon Btrcot, Honolulu, II. ovory afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 50 conti por Month. Addrosa nit Communications Daily Bulletin. .vduriisemonts, tc ensure insertion, should bo hnudod n boforo one o'clock WALTuR HILL Editor and Proprlotor Bulletin Steam Printing Office Nowdpapor, Boole and Job Printing of nil I'.iada donu on the most fuvorablo ItilMi. Bull Telephone No. SCO Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary, An interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 33 columns of rending matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is the best paper published in tho Kingdom to send to friends abroad. Hubscrlutlon : Island : : : $4 00 year Foreign : : : 5 00 " Commission. Merchants. . iiAOitirjBtiJO & Co., H. General Commission Agents. Honolulu O. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Queen street, - Honolulu. H. I. 1043 GONSAIiVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants Beaver Block, Honolulu. CBBEWES (Limited) St COMPANY, General Mercantile and Commission Agents. list of officers: P. C, Jones, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. O. CAitTEtt..... Treasurer & Secretary DIBECTOnS: Hon. O.R. Bishop. S. C. Allen, II. Watebiiouse. 33S ly T. WATERHOUSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen at., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle St COOKE, CASTLE Shipping and' Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King St., Honolulu. 1 Clam Spreckcu. wm. u. Irwin. Q. IRWIN & COMPANY, W. Sui;ar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 as CO., WILDER Dealers in Lumbor, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal-- , and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen ste., ' Honolulu. 1 GHINBATJM & CO., MB. Importers of General Mer chandise and ConimiBslon Merchants, 'Honolulu, and 121 California streot, San FranolBco, Cal. It. lowors, t J. Lowrey O. M. Oooko. ewers st Cooke, L ' (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 'i j ' H. G. CEABBE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN, 81 King Btreet, opposlto the Old Station House. Mutual Xolepliouo No. t. 87 tf MBS. M. B. CAMPBELL, Xressuwvlclnur. fco .to;, Has commenced tho business of Dress, making, Cutting and Fitting, at her resi- dence, No, 73 Berotanla street, opposite tho Hotel. The pntronogo of tho ladles is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. sept-it-l- y O LUSO HAWAIIANO. persons who want to communi ALL with the Poitucuese, either for business, or for procuring workmen, iaorvants or any othor holps, will find it tho most profitable way to advertise la tho Luso Uawauano, mo new organ oi tim Portuguese colony, which is pub. llshed on Hotel street, and only charges reasonable rates for advertisements. Professionals. JM. MONSABBAT, at Law & Notary Public 140 Merchant Btrcct, Honolulu. If Alfred maqoon, J ATTORNEY at law. 178 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly IMONI3J2K. STBAI GAUDY FACTOR! AND BAICEBY. F. HORN. Practical Confcctionor, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. W Telephone 74. Mrs. L. G. Pray, Genuine Massage Roman Baths 1C0 Fort Strcot. Chlncso Church Yard. dcc7-8- 8 -- HOLLISTEB & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo-- t Btrcot, : William's Block, 216 Honolulu, H. I. n. m. benbon. a. w. bmitu. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 &11G Fort Street, - Honolulu Depot for Boerioko & Sceohlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Rickscckor's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y WEfflER & CO. Manufacturing Jewellers, NO. 99 FORT (STREET. Constantly on hand i large assortinen of every description of Jowelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukui Jowelry a Specially. King Street, Honolulu, II. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram- way Company's Oillce. ST Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. jan-19-8- 9 Sanders' Baggage Express Go. M. N. SANDERS, Proprietors. Office, 81 King street, Tclcphono No. 8G. Residence '1 elepbono No. 202. GonU Expi'csalns: 3te arraying Piano and Furniture moving' n specialty. Wagons meet an incoming steamers. 1uly.25 ly PASTURE for HORSE AT Halckou, Kaneohc, Koolaupoko, b53 acres of good pasture land, all enclosed plenty of water. Apply to Charles I. Hiram, at the King's Btablcb, Honolulu, or at Halckou. feb.28 89.1y Hustace & Robertson, DBAYMEN. LL orders for Cartage promptly at. XX tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the othor Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 032 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. Riciarct Cayford, VETERINARY Shoeing DEore, 70 & Ml Kluj; Mtreet. Shoeing, lrom $1.50. Horsos and Cattlo Treated foi all Diseases. Ttosldcnce: Chamberlain House, next Kawatahao Church. Z. O, IJOX tOB. BellTelephonelau80858i BEAVER A SALOON Tho Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Ooffeo at 11 Houro Tho Finest Brand of on iltvinl. W. J. XOI.TJ3. Proprietor. am la I. ifV Metropolitan Hi Meat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRAOTOBS. 1717 ly- - Choicest Mutton ! Beef, Pork, Flsli, "Vcgctivblcs, Szc, &c. Always on hand at the HONOLULU MARKET (Successors to Wm. McCandless), No. O O.uocn St., : : Fish Market, Honolulu, II. I. BSFamily and Shipping Oiders care. fully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels nt short notice. my 17-8- 8 JOS. TBWKER, HUTCIIKlt. City Harket, Nuuanu Street. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Fork. ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausages ! fresh Every Day. EjyHis noted Sausages are made by the every best machinery, and all orders entrusted to his care will bo delivered with promptness and dispatch, and his prices are as low as unywucro in me city. CSTTry his Bologna Sausages."J oc't.C-8- New Zealand Mullet (Star Brand.) In 4 doz. Cases of 1 lb. Tins. Fresh Supplies by each New Zea-lan- d Steamer. For Salo by J. E. Brown & Co., 187 Solo Agents. ftf The Inter-Islan- d Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hand for sale Steam Family and Blacksmith Cool and a general assortment of . 415. Bar Iron. TPRA-TSCm-. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Euo doDunkeraue, - - - Paris, .Executes Indents for overy description of French, Belgian, Swis, German, ami English Goods, at tho best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices, Coinmlsblon, Two-and.- a Half per cent. All Trade and Cnsh DUcounts allowed to Clients. Original Invoices forwarded when requested. Kemiuances, through a London or Paris Hanker, payable on delivery of Shipping documents; or, direct to the manxger. The Agency Represents, Buys, and Bells, for Homo ami Colonial Firms. Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics, Bilks. Volvetb, Lawns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Lacea, Gloves, Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery, Gold nnd Silver Lace, KlannolR, Feathers, Pearls, Boots ami Shoes, Glass, urnl China-war- Clucks, Watches, Juwollry, Fancy Goods. Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments, Fans, Ecclesiastical and Optical Goods, Mirrors, Toys. Perfumery, Wines, &c, Oilman's Stores, Hooks Artlstio Furniture, Stationery, Cltromos, Machinery. &c, &o, lifo ly By CHOICE MILLINERY GOODS ! -- AT THE - POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE, lOi Fort Street, Honolulu, IV. S. SACHS, - - Proprietor. Latest Style Straw Hats & Bonnets ! Now on hand in Black, White & Colored. A'largc assortment ot Trimmed Hats for Ladies & Children ! At very low prices; Oliild.r'eii.'s School Hats I In all shapes and colors ; very cheap ; New Ribbons ! Slfc New Ribbons ! In all tho'now shades, fancy plaids and stripes ; Latest Novelties in Trimmings ! A fine assortment of Tips, Plumes, Birds, Wings, Flowers, etc. Xatest Style "Veiling's &: Tulles, In all colors ; J3riln.l Wreaths & VeilN, Native Straw Sewed into any shape. "THE DALY Columns ULLETIN " Weekly Summary," The Host Paper Send Abroad. BOOK and JOB PRINTING -- O3ET,IT'I03E3- Every Description of Book and General Printim Executed with Neatness and Dispatch, The "Dailu Bulletin Will ho Issued on May 7th. Si of Interesting Nows. to Royal Insnrance Company, Accumulation ot Funds, $20,602,205.00 Firo risks tnkou nt current rates and Bottlcmcnt made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agont. july 20.88-l- y Union Fire & Slnrlnc Insurance Company of N, I Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability. Fire and Marine risks, taken at current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. july2088-l- y -- 8XJN- Insurance Co. of San Francisco. Marine risks on Hullp, Cargoes, Freights and Commissions ut current rates. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. july General Insnrance Company. Marine risks oh Hulls, Cargoes, Freight and Commissions ui current-rates- . JOHN. S. WALKER, Agont july i A. H. RASEMANN, Book-hinde- r, Papor-rulo- r & Blank-hoo- k Manufacturer, No. 13 Kaahumanu street. Up stairs. HONOLULU IRON WOBK8. IStcam encincs. sugar mills, boil ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description mado to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 Alex. 3j Flohr, Lock & Gunsmith. Bethel St., next to General Post Office, Honolulu. All kinds of Safes cVSoales repaired. Also, Hcirlne aiur.hlncH at rcnaon-abl- e Bell Tel. 42-1- . ( ) P. O. B. 490. WALKER & BEDWARD, Contractors & Builders. Brick, Stono and Wooden Buildings; es- timates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 King street. BcIl.Tcle-phon- o No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. up y GEORGE LUCAS, and Builder,1 Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, fcspla natle, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other solicited NTERPRISr I- - PIANINO MILL. r I Alnlccn, near (accn St. 1 Telephone US. SUGAR PLANT I FOR 8llli SALE Tho Entire Plant of tho Star Mill Company, Konala: Is otlcrcd For Salo. Tho Machinery Is in perfect working order and consist of One 26x48 Mill with Engine, Trash-carrie- r, Etc., complete, 1 Pair of Boilers 0x20, 1 Double Effect 6 and 7 foet Pans, 1 Vacuum Pan 0 feet with Blake Pump, 3 Weston Centrifugals and Engine, Together with tho usual assortment of Clariflers, Clean'g Pans, Coolers And other Machinery usually found in a well appointed mill, Also, a number of k Cano Carts & Gcn'l Plantation Implements. , Dollvery will bo given after next crop has been harvested, suy about July 1, 18S9. HfFor further particulars apply to JOHN HIND, Manager Star Mill, Kohalu, Hawaii. may.21-8- 8 FIRE, LIFE, AHD MARINE INSURANCE. TfflfflWlliliiift''Wiw iinuiiieii" i,wi(mm 1W:rmfltvmWf'nVnmM Hartford Firo Insnrance Co. Assots, $5,288,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marino) Assets, $400,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assuranco Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capitol paid up, $2,000,000 Booth British Firo and Marino Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 How York Lifo Imuranco Co. Assets, $85,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1053 ly JSQUlTABIiE Life Assurance Society, Or tho United Htatos. THE LEADING COMPANY. New Busingst In 1887 $138,023,105 Applications refused lor -- Total 23,729,317 Income 23,240,848 Surplus 4 per cent 18,104,285 Gain in Assets during year 8,868,432 Etc., Etc., Etc., In the aboro and most importtiit point the Equitable heads the list of Lifo Camprn.'oa. A. J. CARTWMGHT, General Axrent for Iln-wnlla- iBlpnde. Juno CASTLE & COOKE, Lifo, Fire & Marine Insur'oo Agent. ' AGENTS FOB The Jievr Busload MUTUAI LIFE INS. C0MP Y, of Boston. The 2Etna Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. Tbe Union Fire nnd Marine Insurance Co., of Ban Francisco, Cal a. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Couid'y BSTASuanED 1845, Capital, 9,000,000 rtelchsmirks undersigned, having been tp. pointed agent of tho above Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is nrenanvitn accept risks, against Fire, on Buildinw. Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on tho most Favorable Term Losses Promptly Adjusted and Pivible Honolulu. H. niEMENHOHNEIDEU, Jly.87 ly at Wilder & Co'a. Pioneer Shirt Factory Of Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St The undersigned begs to Inform tbe public of these Islands that ho is making Blilriu Iy MouNurowout X Directions for Belf.rnoasurement will be given on application. White Shirts, Overshirts & Might Gowns A fit guarantee by making a simple Bhlrt to ovcry order. Island order solicited Bell Telephone 41S WJy , , A. M, MBLU3. lkJK1IKro:tfiSLv0tie9l ZL-t- e mAMUC:A -- 22iSfci ' sr&j. ifi: .,vjhJr3fiKiaEeleBtHe yt i ,. 4

EILlfiS - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: O O.uocn St.,:: Fish Market, Honolulu, II. I. BSFamily and Shipping

May 20, 2018



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Page 1: EILlfiS - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: O O.uocn St.,:: Fish Market, Honolulu, II. I. BSFamily and Shipping

3. ;

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$ lr




Is printed ami published at tho office,

Quoon Btrcot, Honolulu, II. ovory

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 50 conti por Month.

Addrosa nit Communications DailyBulletin.

.vduriisemonts, tc ensure insertion,should bo hnudod n boforo one o'clock

WALTuR HILL Editor and Proprlotor

Bulletin Steam Printing OfficeNowdpapor, Boole and Job Printing ofnil I'.iada donu on the most fuvorabloItilMi.Bull Telephone No. SCO

Mutual Telephone No. 250


Weekly Summary,An interesting and comprehensive

publication, contains 33 columns ofrending matter on local topics, and acomplete resume of Honolulu and IslandNews. It is the best paper publishedin tho Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

Hubscrlutlon :

Island : : : $4 00 yearForeign : : : 5 00 "

Commission. Merchants. .

iiAOitirjBtiJO & Co.,H.General Commission Agents.




Queen street, - Honolulu. H. I.1043


Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

Beaver Block, Honolulu.


General Mercantile andCommission Agents.

list of officers:P. C, Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. CAitTEtt..... Treasurer & Secretary


Hon. O.R. Bishop. S. C. Allen,II. Watebiiouse.

33S ly

T. WATERHOUSE,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen at., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Atherton-- G. P. CastleSt COOKE,CASTLE Shipping and' Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King St.,Honolulu. 1

Clam Spreckcu. wm. u. Irwin.Q. IRWIN & COMPANY,W. Sui;ar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

as CO.,WILDER Dealers in Lumbor, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal--

, and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen ste.,'Honolulu. 1

GHINBATJM & CO.,MB. Importers of General Merchandise and ConimiBslon Merchants,'Honolulu, and

121 California streot,San FranolBco, Cal.

It. lowors, t J. Lowrey O. M. Oooko.

ewers st Cooke,L ' (successors to Lowers & Dickson.)Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1'i j '



81 King Btreet, opposlto the Old StationHouse.

Mutual Xolepliouo No. t.87 tf


Xressuwvlclnur. fco .to;,

Has commenced tho business of Dress,making, Cutting and Fitting, at her resi-

dence, No, 73 Berotanla street, oppositetho Hotel. The pntronogo of tho ladlesis respectfully solicited. Satisfactionguaranteed. sept-it-l- y


persons who want to communiALL with the Poitucuese, eitherfor business, or for procuring workmen,

iaorvants or any othor holps, will find ittho most profitable way to advertise latho Luso Uawauano, mo new organ oitim Portuguese colony, which is pub.llshed on Hotel street, and only chargesreasonable rates for advertisements.


JM. MONSABBAT,at Law & Notary Public

140 Merchant Btrcct, Honolulu. If

Alfred maqoon,J ATTORNEY at law.178 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly



F. HORN. Practical Confcctionor,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. W Telephone 74.

Mrs. L. G. Pray,

Genuine Massage Roman Baths

1C0 Fort Strcot. Chlncso Church Yard.dcc7-8- 8


Druggists & TobacconistsWHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo-- t Btrcot, : William's Block,216 Honolulu, H. I.

n. m. benbon. a. w. bmitu.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 &11G Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot for Boerioko & Sceohlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Rickscckor's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y

WEfflER & CO.Manufacturing Jewellers,

NO. 99 FORT (STREET.Constantly on hand i large assortinen

of every description of Jowelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukui Jowelry a Specially.

King Street, Honolulu, II. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram-

way Company's Oillce.

ST Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. jan-19-8- 9

Sanders' Baggage Express Go.

M. N. SANDERS, Proprietors.Office, 81 King street, Tclcphono No. 8G.

Residence '1 elepbono No. 202.

GonU Expi'csalns: 3te arrayingPiano and Furniture moving' n specialty.

Wagons meet an incoming steamers.1uly.25 ly


AT Halckou, Kaneohc, Koolaupoko,b53 acres of good pasture land, all

enclosed plenty of water. Apply toCharles I. Hiram, at the King's Btablcb,Honolulu, or at Halckou. feb.28 89.1y

Hustace & Robertson,

DBAYMEN.LL orders for Cartage promptly at.

XX tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the othor Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.032 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.

Riciarct Cayford,VETERINARY

Shoeing DEore,70 & Ml Kluj; Mtreet.

Shoeing, lrom $1.50.

Horsos and Cattlo Treated foiall Diseases.

Ttosldcnce: Chamberlain House, nextKawatahao Church.




Tho Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Ooffeo at 11 Houro

Tho Finest Brand of

on iltvinl.W. J. XOI.TJ3. Proprietor.

am laI. ifVMetropolitan Hi

Meat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale & Retail Butchers



Choicest Mutton !

Beef, Pork,Flsli, "Vcgctivblcs, Szc, &c.

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Wm. McCandless),

No. O O.uocn St., : : Fish Market,Honolulu, II. I.

BSFamily and Shipping Oiders care.fully attended to. Live Stock furnishedto vessels nt short notice. my 17-8- 8


City Harket,Nuuanu Street.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Fork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

fresh Every Day.

EjyHis noted Sausages are made bythe every best machinery, and all ordersentrusted to his care will bo deliveredwith promptness and dispatch, and hisprices are as low as unywucro in mecity.

CSTTry his Bologna Sausages."Joc't.C-8-

New Zealand Mullet(Star Brand.)

In 4 doz. Cases of 1 lb. Tins.Fresh Supplies by each New Zea-lan- d

Steamer. For Salo by

J. E. Brown & Co.,187 Solo Agents. ftf

The Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for sale

Steam Family and Blacksmith Cooland a general assortment of .

415. Bar Iron.TPRA-TSCm-.

Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.36 Euo doDunkeraue, - - - Paris,

.Executes Indents for overy descriptionof French, Belgian,Swis, German, ami English Goods, attho best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices,

Coinmlsblon, Two-and.- a Half per cent.All Trade and Cnsh DUcounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Kemiuances, through a London orParis Hanker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to themanxger.

The Agency Represents, Buys, andBells, for Homo ami Colonial Firms.

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Bilks.Volvetb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Lacea, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold nnd Silver Lace,KlannolR, Feathers, Pearls,Boots ami Shoes, Glass, urnlChina-war- Clucks, Watches,Juwollry, Fancy Goods.Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &c,Oilman's Stores, Hooks ArtlstioFurniture, Stationery,Cltromos, Machinery. &c, &o,

lifo ly By


-- AT THE -

POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE,lOi Fort Street, Honolulu,

IV. S. SACHS, - - Proprietor.

Latest Style Straw Hats & Bonnets !

Now on hand in Black, White & Colored. A'largc assortment ot

Trimmed Hats for Ladies & Children !

At very low prices;

Oliild.r'eii.'s School Hats I

In all shapes and colors ; very cheap ;

New Ribbons ! Slfc New Ribbons !In all tho'now shades, fancy plaids and stripes ;

Latest Novelties in Trimmings !A fine assortment of

Tips, Plumes, Birds, Wings, Flowers, etc.

Xatest Style "Veiling's &: Tulles,In all colors ;

J3riln.l Wreaths & VeilN,

Native Straw Sewed into any shape.




Weekly Summary,"

The Host Paper Send Abroad.



Every Description of

Book and General Printim

Executed with Neatness and Dispatch,

The "Dailu Bulletin

Will ho Issued on May 7th.

Si of Interesting Nows. to

Royal Insnrance Company,

Accumulation ot Funds, $20,602,205.00

Firo risks tnkou nt current rates andBottlcmcnt made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agont.july 20.88-l- y

Union Fire & Slnrlnc

Insurance Company of N, ICapital, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability.

Fire and Marine risks, taken at currentrates and settlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.july2088-l- y


Insurance Co. of San Francisco.

Marine risks on Hullp, Cargoes, Freightsand Commissions ut current rates.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.july

General Insnrance Company.

Marine risks oh Hulls, Cargoes, Freightand Commissions ui current-rates- .

JOHN. S. WALKER, Agontjuly 20.8S.lyi

A. H. RASEMANN,Book-hinde- r, Papor-rulo- r & Blank-hoo- k


No. 13 Kaahumanu street. Up stairs.

HONOLULU IRON WOBK8.IStcam encincs. sugar mills, boil

ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmado to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

Alex. 3j Flohr,Lock & Gunsmith.

Bethel St., next to General PostOffice, Honolulu.

All kinds of Safes cVSoales repaired.Also, Hcirlne aiur.hlncH at rcnaon-abl- e

Bell Tel. 42-1- . ( ) P. O. B. 490.


Contractors & Builders.Brick, Stono and Wooden Buildings; es-

timates given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. 70 King street. BcIl.Tcle-phon- o

No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. up y


and Builder,1

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, fcsplanatle, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other


NTERPRISrI-- PIANINO MILL. rI Alnlccn, near (accn St. 1

Telephone US.


FOR 8llli SALETho Entire Plant of tho

Star Mill Company, Konala:Is otlcrcd For Salo. Tho Machinery

Is in perfect working orderand consist of

One 26x48 Mill with Engine,Trash-carrie- r, Etc., complete,1 Pair of Boilers 0x20,1 Double Effect 6 and 7 foet Pans,1 Vacuum Pan 0 feet with Blake Pump,3 Weston Centrifugals and Engine,

Together with tho usual assortment of

Clariflers, Clean'g Pans, Coolers

And other Machinery usually foundin a well appointed mill,

Also, a number of

kCano Carts & Gcn'l Plantation

Implements. ,

Dollvery will bo given after next crophas been harvested, suy about July 1,18S9.

HfFor further particulars apply to

JOHN HIND,Manager Star Mill, Kohalu, Hawaii.

may.21-8- 8



TfflfflWlliliiift''Wiw iinuiiieii" i,wi(mm 1W:rmfltvmWf'nVnmM

Hartford Firo Insnrance Co.

Assots, $5,288,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marino)

Assets, $400,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assuranco Corporation(Fire and Marine)

Capitol paid up, $2,000,000

Booth British Firo and Marino Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000

How York Lifo Imuranco Co.

Assets, $85,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1053 ly


Life Assurance Society,

Or tho United Htatos.


New Busingst In 1887 $138,023,105Applications refused lor --


23,729,317Income 23,240,848

Surplus 4 per cent 18,104,285

Gain in Assets during year 8,868,432Etc., Etc., Etc.,

In the aboro and most importtiit pointthe Equitable heads the list of

Lifo Camprn.'oa.

A. J. CARTWMGHT,General Axrent for Iln-wnlla-



CASTLE & COOKE,Lifo, Fire & Marine Insur'oo Agent.


The Jievr BusloadMUTUAI LIFE INS. C0MP Y,

of Boston.

The 2Etna Fire Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

Tbe Union Fire nndMarine Insurance Co.,

of Ban Francisco, Cal a.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Couid'y

BSTASuanED 1845,Capital, 9,000,000 rtelchsmirks

undersigned, having been tp.pointed agent of tho above Company

for tho Hawaiian Islands, is nrenanvitnaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildinw.Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on tho most Favorable Term

Losses Promptly Adjusted and PivibleHonolulu.

H. niEMENHOHNEIDEU,Jly.87 ly at Wilder & Co'a.

Pioneer Shirt FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St

The undersigned begs to Inform tbepublic of these Islands that ho is makingBlilriu Iy MouNurowout X

Directions for Belf.rnoasurement willbe given on application.

White Shirts, Overshirts & Might Gowns

A fit guarantee by making a simpleBhlrt to ovcry order.

Island order solicited Bell Telephone 41S

WJy , , A. M, MBLU3.

lkJK1IKro:tfiSLv0tie9l ZL-t-e mAMUC:A -- 22iSfci ' sr&j. ifi: .,vjhJr3fiKiaEeleBtHe




Page 2: EILlfiS - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: O O.uocn St.,:: Fish Market, Honolulu, II. I. BSFamily and Shipping






fsa- -


m?M fSw." wmmmimL'WjerHm k yjj 'f' SKT




a" M .153fcr

gjailu iitllitftnPlcd&d to iirilko Sect nor PatytBut tstnhliihcd fot the btntfit of all.

TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1889.


The "Financial 'News," a Londondally journal, devotes an article to"uie,. Hawaiian. Tramways," from

"Ijhtch something new and of interestto ourselves may be learnt. Theofficial returns for the first sixireeks of the cars' running, begin-

ning with the first day of the pre-

sent year, are given. The receiptsfrom fares during that period rosefrom thirty dollars to one hundreddollars per day. The passengersfor the first week numbered, 3,lCa,and the receipts amounted lp f$lo8.There was a steady increase duringthe following five week's tho last ofwhich shows 9,9G2 passengers'! and8607. On the basis of these figuresthe "Financial, News" estimatesthat the completed system twelvemiles of track will return over sixper cent per annum to the share-

holders. To show the popularity ofthe tramcars the local press isquotcd-rV'lUuIloUri,- "Advertiser,"and J'ParlUc. of the Pacific." Thelast named pnpc Ueferred to as ajournal "which 'has taken to itself anxuiious name."Vw"

Tlio't'ramcars lijtvc now been er

four months, and had the"Financial News" the figures of thelast six weeks of that period insteadof those of the first sis weeks, wohave no doubt the showing wouldhave been still more favorable ; forthe inciease of traffic, and conse-quent- U'

of receipts, has continuedfrom the commencement to the pie-se- nt

time. Although double carsare now run Saturday and Sundayafternoons and evenings, they arecrammed to their utmost capacity,and sometimes it is impossible tofind room to stand on or a place tocling to.

Some people predicted that thebeginning was too good to last, andthat when the novelty wore off thecars would not be so much used.They who prophesied thus wereneither prophets nor sons of pro-

phets, as experience has shown. Nonovelty lasts four months in Hono-lulu. The tramcars have long ceasedto be a novelty : they are felt to bea necessity which cannot now be dis-

pensed with. Many business people 'residing along the route of tra-vel use them regularly in preferenceto their piivate carriages, and manyothers in various lines of avocationwho "formerly came to town in themorning and remained there till theclose of the day's duties in theevening, now go to their residencesto lunch during the noou hour andreturn. The cars have thus createdtravel. And not only has travel"been created in this way' but also

- in others, particularly among mo-

thers with families, who avail them-

selves of an eas', safe and cheapride to "tyaikiki, to spend an houron the sands and in the sea water.This kind of travel increases daily,and is likely to continue increasingas the summer heat intensifies.Scores of poor families, who, beforethe advent of the tramways, neverdaied to dream of the luxury of asea bath at Waikiki, have now thatluxury brought within tho reaoh oftheir means, and they avail them-

selves of it. Wc would hero empha-size tho fact, that, according to ourobservation, the surprising travelfor our little town by 'the tramcarsis oily to a small extent travel di-

verted from previously existing pub-li- u

means of transit, such as publicexpresses, but is mainly travel thatwas formerly by private convey-ance and, above all, created travel.

In conclusion wc would repeat theregret that tho tramway was notundertaken by our own peoplo, towhom the opportunity of doing bo

was presented. There is abundanceof capital in this country uninvest-ed and a portion of it might havebeen piofitably employed in supply-

ing Honolulu with tho convenienceof streetcars. But our capital was

too shy, and the charter had to goabroad begging for foreign money.Our capitalists have nobody toblame but themselves. If they didnot embrace the opportunity Hiofault was theits. At the same timewe would say, all honor to thoseforeigners who had tho foresight andpluck to put their money into theMchcme. By so doing they haveconferred upon our people a boon,and in return they reap a reward intho shape of good interest on theirinvested capital. They merit publicgratitude, and we wish them all suc-cess.


The ecclesiastical court now bo-in- g

held before the Archbishop ofCanterbury, for tho trial of theBishop of Lincoln fer alleged viola-tion of tho canons of tho Church, i6still considerably agitated over thoquestion of the legality of the court.

Quite a bomb was thrown into theranks of the Teetotallers by no lessa personage than Mr. Justice Gran-tham. During the GlamorganshireAssizes, the Justice in touching up-

on the drink traffic, expressed sur-prise that after two hundred yearsof legislation on the subject, no so-

lution had been arrived at. In in-

structing the Grand Jury, he tookthe occasion to pay, that the drinkquestion can never bo settled by apollc- - of extremes. It is tho al-

most unanimous conclusion of states-men, magistrates, and other

competent to judge, thatpublic opinion must bo the greatlcgulating force in tins matter, andnot legislative enactments. It is"far hotter to control drinking byswise measures than to attempt itssuppression. If repressive legisla-tion could bo carried, it would beimmediately followed by a strongagitation for its repeal. Moralforce, example, and persuasion arcmore potent reforming agents thanpenal statutes, against which thesense of the. people rebels; and theonly settlement of the liquor ques-tion that has a chance of becomingpermanent is one based upon theselines. "Force," as Mr. Bright saidin relation to another question, iscertainly "no remedy" for moderatedrinking; aud the present contto-vcrs- y

can never be set at rest ex-

cept by those temperate measureswhich do not brand moderate dunk-ing as a crime.

These are good, solid nuggets ofwisdom for the rabid prohibitionistto consider. Coming as it docsfrom so distinguished and capable asource it will cairy considerableweight, in the efforts to do awaywith the now prevailing insano demands, of those who set themselvesup as apostles of temperance.

Reports concerning the proposedcoal syndicate, with a capital of100,000,000., go to show that thepioject is not regarded with anygreat amount of enthusiasm. Thesubject has been privately beforethe coalowners ior some time past,and lias been inquired into and re-

ported upon ; but it is regarded asextremely unlikely that the schemeas shadowed out can ever come intopractical operation. Sometime sincea certain number of the South York-shire colliery proprietors gave akind of qualified assent to the pro-

posal on the condition that the in-

terests of coalowneis, lessees, audworkmen were all provided for inthe bchume, which lias been done,and any plan which would result ina greater economy of management,and an improvement in the marketprice, would be gladly acquiescedin; but these proprietors seemednow convinced of the impracticabil-ity of the scheme, and it was pro-nounced on Wednesday by a quali-fied authority to be "as dead as adoornail." And thus ends anotherof those gigantic combinations ortrusts, who, under the cloak of cor-

porate legal authority, seek to dothat which sound governmental pol-

icy forbids.There was quite a little breeze

raised m the House of Commons onThursday last, over the question ofthe voting of 3,000,000 on accountof the civil service. The "low" be-

gan with a speech by Mr.J. Morley,who in rather violent harangue, sad-

dled upon the govemmeut the re-

sponsibility of the "Times" case inthe Parncll commission. On thesubsiding of the noise occasioned bythis, Mr. Aithur Balfour, continuedthe debate, and after stating thatHouston was the accomplice of l'i-go- tt,

the "Times" was the accom-plice of Houston, and the govern-ment the accomplices of the Times,said: A more shocking, a morescandalous, and a more unfoundedlibel was never uttered ; and that bypersons who were engaged at the verymoment in protesting that no crimewas so shocking as that of libellingyour political opponents. Why,those gentlemen revelled in lilicl.Libel was their daily bread. ThatSir W. Hai court could not go to apublic meeting without making tliesochaigcs, and, for not even tho mean-est of which was there a shadow ofproof It would havo been more inaccordance with courtesy and usageif members had refrained from mak-ing these comments upon the pio-cedu- rc

of the Commission while theCommission was silting, and hecould only attribute their action toa desire to discredit the evidence ofthe witnesses whose ovidence theywere unable to shake in a court oflaw, or whose ovidence thuy did notat least attempt to shake.

On the conclusion of Mr. Bal-

four's remarks, Sir J. Gorst con-

tended that tlieso remarks woremade only for the purpose of creat-ing political capital, and throwingdirt upon tho government, and theirauthois were reckless whether theyinterfered with the course of jus-tic- o

or not.It has been for some time rumor-

ed that .Mr. Froudo had declaredhimself to bo in favor of Homo Uulofor Ireland. In contradicting thisreport Mr. Fioudc, after statingthat ins opinion on great politicalquestions would not be of sufficientimportance for (lie notice of news-

paper), concluded by baying: Jlimoliulo will be tho first aud probablyirrevocable step towards tho separa-tion of the ifalands ; it will increase


f rfjl:

tho wretchedness., of Ireland, andwill be followed nt no distant periodby tho break tip of tho British Um-

pire." Fortunately for the futureof Ireland, and the scheme of thosewho aro so untiringly working forher emancipation, Mr. Froude's re-

marks will not carry sufficientweight to do any very serious dam-age to the cause. Political alarm-ists to a ccitaiu extent can work ir-

remediable injury to a great politi-cal movement, but the opinions of aliterary scclusc, and especially onewho is'bo nearly appreciated to thatperiod when men "babble o' greenfields," will cause no other ripplethan a smile, or a pitying nod of thehead. PAi.CTnonrE.

London, March 22, 1889.


The Parcels Post Convention be-

tween this kingdom and the UnitedStates of America is now in opera-tion. Parcels not exceeding elevenpounds in weight, nor threefeet six inches in length, norexceeding six feet in greatest lengthand girth combined can bo trans-mitted. Of course certain regula-tions have to be conformed with.Upon enquiry at the Post Olllcc wcfind that up to date 105 packageshave been received and 20 dis-




The first session of the Third Dio-

cesan Synod of the Anglican Chinchin Hawaii will he opened by a cele-bration of holy communion in St.Andicw's CathedralWednesday, May 8th, at 7 a. in.Evensong will, be said at A p. m.Immediately after this service theSynod will" adjourn to the old Ca-

thedral building.The Bishop will call tho assembly

to order, and preliminary businesswill then be taken in hand. TheSynod will then adjouin till 7:30, wiien tnc uisuop s aiuiress winbo given.

The proceedings of the Sj'nod areopen to the public, unless otherwiseruled.



The following is fiom the Armyand Navy Journal of the UnitedStates, of tho 13th of April, 1S89:

"Lieutenant P. W. Thompson,U. S. Revenue Marine, contributesto the iS'ew Yoik Sun an inteicstingresume of the woik of the revenuecuitcrs from November last to thepresent month, which he concludesby saying: The presence of strong,able, well-foun- d cutters constantlypatrolling the coast, and alwaysready to lend assistance where it isneeded, mitigates to a great degreethe perils of coastwise navigation.This fact is fully appieciated byship-owne- rs and ship-master- s, andmany coastwise voyages arc under-taken in winter that would not beattempted were tins element ofsafety lacking."

Lieut. Thompson is the son ofCol. Thompson of the Honolulu bar.


Brother Victorino Bertrand, theprinter at the Roman Catholic Mis-sion since 1851, died yesterday af-

ternoon at two o'clock, of dropsy.The deceased was a native ofFranco and 75 years of age. He wasprobably about the oldest printer inthe islands. He had also charge ofthe church decorations.

The funeral took place this morn-ing at nine o'clock, the Right Rev.Bishop of Olba singing llie'high pon-

tifical mass of requiem, assisted byFathers Clement, James and Syl-

vester. Ainona those present inthe church weie: Mons. d Anglade,French Commissioner, and Mons.Bellaguet, Chancellor of the Lega-tion. The remains were interred inthe Catholic burying ground. TheVery Rev. Father Leonor being theSupetior of the Mission, acted aschief mourner. The deceased washighly respected.


Long before half-pa- st seveno'clock, the hour named for theopening of the doors, the Y. M. C.A. hall was crowded last evening,on the. occasion of the entertainmentby thu Gleaners' Society. A larcenumber of peoplo were simply un-

able to obtain admission, and theonly thing left open for the Glean-ers is to repeat the performance atan early date. The entertainmentfrom beginning to end was a grandsuccess.

Miss Emily llnlslead opened theprogramme by playing with muchbrilliancy a fantasia on the piano-forte. Another musical number dur-ing the evening was a duett by MissBernico Parke and Mr. A. D. His-sel- l,

which was exceedingly wollrendered. Miss Parka took Mrs.E. C. Damon's placo at almost amoment's notice. Mr. II. W. Peckdrew forth much npplauso for thecapital manner in which ho recitedthe "Death of tho Old Squire."

There were two series of tableauxand it is safe that no liner were everseen in this city. Tho representa-tions were almost perfect in everyinstance and were greeted withwarm applause,

A pantomime, "Lord Ullin'BDaughter," was well put on, andthe masque, "Tho Goddess ofBeauty," by little girls, dressed indial ming costumes, vns mest enjoy-able. The largo audience retiredmore than satisfied with tljo enter-tainment,

Late Foreio lews.

Lord Francis Cecil, second son ofthe Marquis of Exeter, lias been de-

clared a bankrupt. His liabilitiesare?l,000.

A dispatch from Western Indiaannounces the failure of the pearlfisheries owing to the prevalence ofcholera.

The Dimltrio Donskoi, Russianman-of-wa- r, flaghip of AdmiralSchmidt, on the Pacific station, willbe relieved by tho ironclad frigateAdmiral Nahlmoff. She is a vesselof 8000 tons, carries a crew of 6G0men, is armed with 18 breech-ioad-In- g

guns, and is fitted with enginesof 8000-hors- e power.

It is understood that tho NavalBoard selected by U. S. SecretaryWhitney to locate another navy yardon the Pacific coast have decided toreport favorably on Puget sound,opposite Seattle, W. T.

Henry Senrli the Australian oars-man, was to leave Sydney on MayHh for England. On his arrival hewill issue challenges to John Teenier,the American oarsman, and WilliamJ. O'Connor, the Canadian, to iowon the Thames for S2,."i00 each andthe championship of thu world.

Michael Lutrcne Chcvreul, thedistinguished chemist,' is dead. Hewas born at Angers, August 31,1820. He attained distinction byhis important researches on colorsin the dye works nt the Gabelins, towhich ho was appointed Director.Many important chemical discoveriesare due to his researches.

The Rev. Sir Frederick ArthurGore Ousoloy, professor of'music inthe University of Oxford, England,died recently, aged G3.

Rear-Admh- al William RogersTaylor, died at Washington, D. C,April 15lh, aged 78 years. From1809 to 1871, he was in commandof the North Pacific Squadion.

A rising has taken place amongstthe negroes at Demciara. The dis-t- ui

bailees extended over four days,and the fhops of the Portuguesewere looted. A Portuguese man-of-wa- y

arriving, order was restored.Many arrests have been made.

Advices fiom Port Louis, Mauri-tius, to the 11th March, tay thatnothing could be more favorable forthe development of the young canesthan the weather of laic. Shouldthe island not be visited by n hurri-cane next month, the next croppi utilises to be exceptional. Impoit-an- t

purchases havo been made dur-ing the past month for Australian,Bombay, and Cape markets.

Lieutenant Wilson of the Vanda-li-a

has telegraphed the U. S. NavyDepartment fiom Sydney that hehas chattered the steamer Rocktonfor the purpose of transporting theshipwrecked., bailors to the UnitedStates. The Rockton is due in SaniFrancisco on the lGth of May. TheRockton is an iron smew steamer of1198 tons register, 270 feet long, 37feet beam and 22.7 deep. She wasbuilt in Glasgow in 1882, and be-

longs to the Australian NavigationCompany of Sydney. She is acoaster and can steam about 10knots an hour.

Auction Sales by Lewis J. Levey.

egusar yesn ms i

On Thursday, Rflay9th,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 31..

At my Sle-rooni- s, corner of Fort anilQuucti el reel", I will sell at

Public A notion,

A General Assortment of Merchandise,

GrocoricN,IIuuKoliold Fii i'ii i tn jo.

And at 13 o'clock noon,

100 Pots Assorted


Raised from imported Block byMr. E. W. .Jordan.

LEWIS J. LEVEY.213 2t Auctioneer.

G. A. R. Notice,'

HKADQUAllTEIlS, Gl'.O. W . DiiLono'POST, NO. 15, DlU'T. OF Cat.i- -rOUNIA, O. A. R.

Honolulu, May 7, 188!). J

THERE will bo a leuularX mo ting of ihis Cost

THIS (Tuu-diiy- ) EVEX.TNU, In iti Nail, KinWpticet, at 7:80 o'clock. In.I stnllailon ot Olllccrs for theenming jcar. A full

is i (quested.iy oiocr.

V. TimiULL,I'ost Commander. V. Asuroitn,Adjutant. 24T It


nPHE lunch part of tho Euro.R .tin... tt.tittrmil ..111 l.n

SSU icnlwl to a desirable perton.Counter and tUtines intact. TJiU willl;o tlio most desirable place In the city,an it will immediately adjoin tho nowhilliuid pailor. J. 1 JiOWEN,213 (it European Hestuurant.

Employment Wauled

JOHN JUTrON seeks offlco employ,town or country. To bo found

at Messrs J. F, Col burn & Co j oillceor, ndilrd!. I' O Box " 20. 211 Iw

FOU SALE-- nk Heavily Carved Black WalnutJ Bedioom Set. Tenneseco Marble.

Inquire at this office. 240 8l


Lessen &, Manager Lewis J. Lovey.

Gnia.vr successok Tin:

Renowned Bicycle Rider,


Who was greeted with great applauseon hls flM appinraiicuon Sutur- -

liny, anil will by specialrequest give

Ono More Exhibition

Tuesday Evening, May 7th,

AT 8 O'CLOCK.Ami In addition .Mr Luv.-- lias secured

the service of


Swiss Tyrolean farlrs,Just arrived per htmr Mariposa,

Who will iimUu their first appearanceon tilt- - occasion in choice


No Advance in Prices I

CKJVScat'i ran now ho secured at L. J.Levey's office, corner of Port and Queenstreets. 312 21



200 Headtwaing Oxen

iAND r(SO Ox Carts.' .


E. HACEtFELD & CO.212 3t

WALLPAPEBorders & Decorations,

j. Larsre Lot !

Latest Styles !

.Tubfltcoolved !

And for Mile at ridnced pricus.

WILDER &Q0.J 0 m


Xci uJmnicu.w

IFJLSS E3 BRICKSOf beat Scotch innl.e; Square

and Aicli.


3TI11T3 C1-..VX-

STOCKHOLM TAR,In Piitont Drums;

COAL PAR,In 12artl'on Patent Prums;

Rocksalt in large lumpsFor side tt lowest tales in lots to

"suit at

F. A. Scliaefer & Co.'s13S lw

Manufacturer of

Ladies' & Gentlemen's Boots & Shoes,

Xo. SO Nil u nun Kt ,All wor 'k'naratileed. Lowest prices.Tho very best leather kept on lntntl.

1!J8 3m

Fresh. Frozen

WWW &10 W0jyL(W l7

((Ml Ice)

JUST RECEIVEDPur S. S. Unmtilla,

Ai The Beaver SaloonII. J. KOLTK, Proprietor.

24i at


Steamship Comp'y


"UMATILL A,"Will have Honolulu for tho above

port on

Friday, ftftay lOth,AX" NOON

For 1'reiulit or I'aS'tigH, apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ageau.241 lw

The Menu

Xlotol St.r88 & SO . m2WL.

& Betai!Correct Styles 0" Latest

2230 tf

B. T. &

-- OF-






--&tzajsx opjsrvxivo-- -


0 N. 13 On and after Mayof our Dressmaking Itooms.


Cdliforiiia Hay, Oats, Bran, v

Oil Cairo Meal, Linseed Meal,Barley, Rolled Barley,

Middling Ground Barley,"Wheat and Corn Flour.

Telephones, "No. 175.

Tlie Finest Assortment of StyBsl Millinery-- SUCH

ses' Trimmed SiatsLadies', Mibhes' fc Children's Untrinuned Hats,

Fie Frsicl Flowers, Four Htm Orimeils, Laces,WILL BE EXHIBITED

This Tuesday, Wednesday and the Rest of This Week.We have impoitcd the finest claw of Millineiy, icgardlces the cost,

knowing the taste of Honolulu ladies. Tho ladies arocordially invited 'to inspect our goods.

OHAS. Jcor,

New Zealand Jams !

JUST received a consignment of NowJtna, atortul cases. For

valo at low prirps bvJ. E. BROWN & CO.,

V!27 tf 28 Merchant street.


AT, SMITH litis removrd his placoof buMi'ces on Fort s'reet to

ih'tton- - in tie McTulyie Blck, juste'ow Weni ci & Co.', Fort stieet.h re lie will lvi pleaded to ptrve bisstymies ii in il hlnnw store iR finished.

233 2w


J. W. HcGUIRE having moved hisplace of business from the oflico

of the Hawaiian Tiansfcr Co., to theharness shop of F. Philii s, No. 02 King

begs to notify his friends and thopublic generally that lie Is ready to con-tinue the express and dray businessunder the name of J V. McGiiho. BullTelephone No. Ill, Mutual 53. 230 tf


N Llllha street Bent $12ner month.

lnqntio otM GRINBAUM & CO.,

2:W Ow Qucofi siri'ct.


Lot at thuAVAILABLE Fort aud-- chnul Bltei'ls, over Jeofail

aero with ono Cottage Applv in214 tf J. M. VIVAS.

SO LETA HOUSE with 8 largo andr OlITIiiI! wii ma tl It 1 It

'"?3flM clten .nd bathroom aitaclaU,on Alakea t Ur. Mf- -Wnynu'tf. A) ply t't .IoJiii (,'ooU, on i.icinlbcs, or at ihis ollli p. 210 tf


Furnish.J ed Hooms, linaid if re.

quired. Apiily at "Uiamber.lain lioute," King btreetjonposltu Kn.waiiilmo Sominiuy. 181 tf

Furnished Rooms To Let

CLE IN, pleasant Booms toul thu Mt.t'rcw House,

r c enily oecui led by .Mr. King,on Punchbowl street, opposite tho North1'uclllu Institute. ii'.i 1m

Carriage For Sale Cheap.

NEW Cutuudcr Car.1 riago iutt finishedand handsomely ti i aimed

hi Ural class stylo must be immediatelysold lo cltu-- aii assignment, can lie seenat W II Pugu'h manufactury,No. 128 Fort ttreut.


Boots & Shoes.Designs All Prices.

D. 13. HDiia'EI, Afirout.

15th, MISS CLARK will have charge1751 ly


Cor. Edinrairg-- & Queen Sts.


F0S8-2EP- .,

Fort & Hotel ElS.

David DaytonWill practice in the lower courts of theKingdom as attorney, attend to collect-ing in all its branches, renting of housesand any oilier business entrusted to him.

Office 01 King Street Upstairs.Feb C8'J


Civil Engineer and Surveyor,Also solo agent for the Magic Window

Screens, Combined Bevel Stan,dnid, Goodrich, etc., Sowing Machines,Hicycles, Tricycles, Velocipedes, etc.Office, corner of Bethel and King sts.,upstairs. Apr-17.89.-


AT a meeting of the Elclo PublishingCn. hold in Honolulu, April 10,

1889, the following officers were elected:T. It. Lucas President,Hon. J. S. Walker Treasurer,II. O. Crabbo Secretary.D. W. Pua, )T. Hcu, t Directors.

II. G. ORABBE,Sfcreturv Elclo Pub. Co.

Honolulu, April 10, laSO. 229 lm

SPECIAL NOTICE.San Fhancjsco, Cal.,

Fobiuary 10, 18fc0.TTjrrE herewith certify that Messiu.

Dorhl & Miller aio our dulyand only ugenls for tho Ha.

waiian Islandb for the sale of our Lagerliter in keg-- ,

JOHN WIELAND BREWING CO.,100 tf John H.Wieland Bros.

Removal of Barber Shop.

MP. JAItDIM has icmovcd hisIroni Klnir street lo McCar-Ho'- s

Blllliiid Pallors, Fort stieot, whereho is piepar.-- d to servo with tho bestcure and neatness tho avocation ot IiIbart. Solicits iho Mud patronage of all.

mil 23 89-l-


All. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon,and pharmacy at Hawaiian

Hotel Stables, coiner Hotel and Richardstieets. Solentlllc treatment in alldli.eases of dnmtsiio animals Orders forplantation and much Mqck promptlyaltcndtd to, Mutual Tehphono 854,P.O. Box 320, mli.18 80

Cud) House Diniog Room

Lincoln Block tfaggS) King Street,

Having secured tho services of a

The Leading "Millinery House,




I'JlHt CIllHN CookAnd made many other changes In the

management wo are now pre-pared to put up tho

Best Bill of Fare in Honolulu,198 8m





Page 3: EILlfiS - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: O O.uocn St.,:: Fish Market, Honolulu, II. I. BSFamily and Shipping




rv xi xij

TUESDAY, MAY 7, pni;iimi am ii wqi.i.,!.,,,., Blw


Schr Luka from KauaiMay 7

Stmrlwalanl from llamakua


Stmr V Q Hall for Luluiltiu, Maalaea,Ifoua, ICau ami the Volcano at 10

, o'clock a inStmr Jas Makcu for Kapaa nt 5 r mStmr Mlkahala for Kauai at 5 p mStmrLlkcllke for Muul nt5 p mSclir Kukunanu for llalawuSclir Luka for IColinlaSolir & Eliza for KoolauSclir Mary for IlnnnlelSclir Lavl nla for Kauai


Stmr Kilatiea llou" for llamakuaStmr AValalcale for KUauca anil Hanalcl

at 5 p m


For Maul ami Uawall, per stmr W GHall, May" 7 For t'no Volcano: MrJustice Dole, Hon G II Dole. For waypoi '- - L M n.iUlwln, Miss Bomkc, J VSiinlili. O Timoteo, X Uuigcss, CBrltto,Col Xin-vi- s and 75 deck.

CAilUUES FROM ISLAND PORTS.Sclir lvnuikcaoiill I'OOO bgs sugar.Schr Surah & Eliza 10 bgs ike.Sclir Lavlnl.i 7S baga rice.

SHIPPING NOTES.Tho It M S Mariposa tool; to Pan

Francisco G, 181 hajis sugar, 21 boxesbetel leaves and 1,'JSl bunches bananasDomestic value $.r)i,7'..

Tho Kinau is due morn-ing from wlndwaid.

Tho schooner Itosnllnd ls cnnaiimnilto II Hackfeld & (Jo.

THIS EVENING'S PERFORMANCE.There will no doubt bo a full

house at the Hawaiian Opera Housethis evening, on tho occasion of thefirst appearance of the Swiss singers.No one should fail to hear these war-blers. Then there will be W. S.Maltby in his wonderful exhibitionon the bicycle and unicyele. Seatscan be obtained at L. J. Levey'soffice nt popular prices. Here isthe programme:Overture Orchestra

Mile. Emillins,Champion Lady Cyclist in her Sunned

Exhibition on the Uio cle.Trio fcong, "Early in the Mornim"

Tyrolcse Warblei sGuitar Zither Solo, 'Dicam of the

Kose A. SchmidtDuet "Marriage on tho Alps"

Miss Uhl and Mr. MaagOverture Orchestra.Trio tong, "Ascent of the Alps". . .

, Tyrolese WarblersOverture Orchestra

W. S. Maltby,In his Marvellous. Exhibition ou tho

BicycleOvei hire OrchestraDuet "Two Stars"

M Iss Uhl and Mr. M.ingZither Solo Selection Mr. Schmidt

W. S. Maltby,In Wonderful Feats on the Single Uni-

cycle.Solo Soprano Miss UIilTrio "Alpine- King March."

Hawaii Ponol.


The following arc booked to loavoby the S. S. Umatilla, May 10th:Mis. S. Savidge, Miss M. McBrydo,Alex. McBrydo, Miss Evcrson, Mrs.Mulhern, Mrs. S. Roth and daughter,Col. H. A. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.Athcrton, G. A. Anisden, Mrs. Small,Mrs. Bclau, Misses Lolimann (2), J.A. Folgcr, Jr., Miss Folger, T. It.Foster, Mibs Graco Sclden, Mrs. J.C. Selden, George Sclden, F. A.Schaefer, 6. C. Williams and wife,Miss A. Hobeits, Mise Martin, Mrs.Hy. Baldwin and family, Miss L.Ray, .T. N. Robinson and wife, Mrs.Dr. Mis. Ward, MissesWard (2), lion A. S. Clegiiorn,Dr. Suxc, Frinccss Kn.iul.iiii,Miss Annie Clegiiorn, Mrs. T. R.Walker and 2 children, Mrs. A. G.Burchnrdt and 2 children, Mrs. Dil-

lingham and daughter, I. Q. Tewkb-bui- y,

It. Gray, wife and child,' Mrs.E. P. Low and child, Miss E. E.Crook, Mrs. A. Cornwcll, Miss Wid-deficl- d,

Geo. W. Ashley, Dr. .Walters,Mrs. E. C. Smith, W. W. Campbelland wife, Mrs. Thos. Stevenson, H.R. Hitchcock wife and child, Mrs. S.J. Lovoy and child, Mrs. Moore anddaughter, W. II. Williamson andwifo, Mrs. W. H. Stevens and family.T. W. Rawlins, W. M. Graham, A. J.Campbell, L. Hniris, Di. F. L.Haynes, Dr. R. W. Hnyiics, Geo.Simpson, J. Wilcox, J. Parker, MiesPopliam and maid, Mis, Bond, MissBond, Mies McCormack, II. L. Pop-

liam, G. Woodford, 0. F. Beard.


Tho Hawaiian News Companylinvo just received a very fine tonedFischer upright piano which can' beseen at their store. It is of superiortone and tho action is perfect inevery respect. This piano oughtnot to be in the store long without apurchaser.


Monday, May Gth.Eighteen drunks contributed 8108

to-th- o treasury.Two young hoys wero reprimand-

ed and discharged for disobedienceto their parents.

W. T. Dunlap and S. l'attersonwere each fined $250 with twenty-fou- r

hours imprisonment nt hardlabor,

Tuksday, May 7th.Halalu, Pali, Kale, Kalua, Kana-kan- ul

and Keawe, had each to pay86 for drunkenness,

Moanulu (w), for having opiumunlawfully in possession, as fined550 and sentenced to two months'imprisonment.

Yeo Hon was fined 85 for affray.

LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS.Can you do the pig puzzle?


Tin: warm wcathor has suiolysotin.

Swiss warblers Don'tforgot.

-- -.

The lunch part of tho Europoanlostattrantis for rout.

It is roporlcd that tho Wailukusugar plantation may shortly cliangohands.

The Y. M. C. A. book-keepin- g

classes will meet this evening at 0,30ami 7.15.

is the seventieth anni-versary of the death of Kaniehamehithe First.

The R. M. S. Alameda will bo duoon Saturday from San Francisco, enroute to tho Colonies.

A Mnrrixa of Geo. W. DoLong1'ost G. A. It. will be held this even-ing at the usual place.

n. - i... m

'l'liu band plays at tho residence ofHon. A. S. Clegiiorn to-m- row after-noon fioni 2 to G o'clock.

Mn, Justice Dole and his biotlicrHon. G. II. Dolo left for tho Volcanoon tho "W. G. Hall this morning.

The "Paradiso of tlio Pacific" willbo out afternoon. Copiciat the bookstores and J. J. Williams'Fort street.

Some 'very pretty goods arc on dis-play in Wonner & Co.'s store. Thcrois something fascinating in an in-

spection of this firm's goods.

A car for "Waikiki will bo on thoPalace siding at 10:10 o'clock thisevening, at tho conclusion of the per-formance at the Opcin House.

. .The regular social and literary en-

tertainment will bo given at thevestry of tiie Central Union Church,JLhursday evening, at 7 :.10 o'clock.

Mr. L. J. Levey will hold his lcgu-la- rcash sale on Thurbday morning,

at 10 o'clock. At noon ho will offer100 pots of assoi ted rare plants andferns.

This morning, a native wahino wasfined $50 and sentenced to twomonths' imprisonment at hard labor,for having opium unlawfully in pos-session. Bad woman.

The Gleaners' Society takes thisopportunity to tender its most 'bil-led c thanks to every one who in anyway contiibutcd to tho success oflast evening's entertainment.

Mr. N. S. Sachs of the PopularMillinery House, 101 Fort btiect, isopening out n large new stock ofgoods received on tho Umatilla. Theladies should make an early inspec-tion of the millinery in particular.

Tins evening Prof. W. T. Brighamwill delivor tho first of a com so oflectures nt the Y. M. C. A. hall, un-der the auspices of the Honolulu Li-

brary Association. The bubject willbe, "The Dawn of Photography." Theadmission is only fifty cents.

evehtsIhis'eveninc.Drill Co. B Honolulu Rides, at

7: SO.

Excelsior Lodge No. 1 1. O. O. 7:30.

Drill Queen's Own at Armory,at 7:30.

Lecture at Y. M. C. A. by Prof.Brigham at 7:30.

Performance by Maltby, tho cy-

clist, and Swiss singers, at HawaiianOpera House, at 8.

Geo. W. De Long Tost G. A. 7:30.

Y. M. C. A. bookkeeping classes,at C;30and7:15.

personal notes.The New York Truth of recent

date says: San Francisco's queenrose of the rosebud garden of girlshas been visiting New York for thelast week and gracing tho HotelVictoria with her presence. Thislovely maiden is Miss Aileno Ivors,who is as accomplished as sho isbeautiful. Miss Ivors has anequally handsome sister, who ismarried to William G. Irwin, one ofthe money kings of Honolulu.


In tho Illustrated Australian Newsof April G, appears "Notes of a hol-

iday trip to Samoa," by Mr. J. S.Webb. It is illustrated with sketchesand photographs by Mr. J. D.Strong, the aitist. Tho article is ex-

ceedingly well written and very in-

teresting, containing a sketch of thepast history of the islands, and oftho events which led to tho presenttroubles there. The name of Mr.H. V. Poor, who was secretary totho legation, is mentioned, and thereis considerable about the Kaimilo.iand its ollleers.


A Chinaman nnmed Hun Sangwas driving into town from Waikikiyesteiduy with a load of wood, when,at Moiliili near the uativo church ,

the breech band got disarrangedand tho horse commenced to buck.Tho animal started off, running thowagon against a post and a littlefurther along colliding with a fence.Tho force of tho latter collisionthrew the Chinaman on to tho groundand tho wheels of Hie wagon passedover his chest, indicting injuriesfrom which ho died in a very shorttime.

Deputy Marshal Hopkins em-

panelled a jury and held an inquest.A verdict of accidental death wasreturned.



The following table shows thestanding of tho clubs of the Nation-al League and American Associa-tion up to April 2Gth.


Won Lost Played

ritUnnrg 2 0"Philadelphia... 1 0Boston 1 1Cleveland 1 1

New York 1 1

Indianapolis... 1 1

Washington..., 0 lChicago 0 2


Won" Lost Played

St Louis.... 7 1

Baltimore... li 1

Athletic 0 1

Kansas City. ft itCincinnati... :i 5Brooklyn.... 1 0Columlms.., 1 0Louisville... 1 7


The " Bulletin Weekly Summaryis out full of interesting lo-

cal and island news. There is noth-ing like it to send abroad to yourfriends. For sale at the bookstoresand this office.

CLOSING OF MAILS.The mail to bo dispatched from

the Post Office on Friday, by theS. S. Umatilla, closes ns follows :

Registered and parcels post mail,10 a. m.

Letter and paper mail, 11 a. m.


Fiji Islander Ho, ho! He, he!Quick, Maicsi ! I've caught a mis-sionary.

Second Islander (running up andexamining the game) We're ingreat luck. Yum, yum.

"What'll wc do with him?""Put him in the soup.J' Chicago



There nro indications of the estab-lishment at Baltimore of a j;rcat su-gar icfinery. It is based on antici-pations of Baltimore support, inspir-ed by the hopes of Baltimore capitaland engineered by Baltimore busi-ness men. The fact that $100,000 oftho if 1,000,000 capital stock proposedhas already been subscribed and thatat leabt $100,000 more has been pro-mised as soon as the piojoct assumesdefinite shape, practically insures6ucccts of the enterprise. RobertGarrett & Sons have subscribed $200,-00- 0.

Tho building and machinerywill cost about $GQO,000, which willleave $100,000 for :v working capital.


MESSRS. DODD & MILLERreceived ex Umatilla

another lot of tliat " PllILADEU'imLAGEK BEh.ll" in kegi, which theyarc offering to their cuetomeia. ill 1 w

"Umntilln" for California FruitMmket, on ice, Cherries, fimt of

tlie e.ison ; Froen (Jystois, Fresh Sal-mon, Cauliflower. Alto, Kavul Oiange,Mexican Limes, Sicily Ltinons, MewSeason Onions, New Season Potatoes.Grapes, Melons and Oranges fiom-'Wa- i.

uluu; pilccs reusonublc; Mutual Tele,phone !S78. 241 8t

Lecture on Photography


Will Lccturo ou ihe above Subjectut tho

Y. M. O. A. HALL,For llin Benefit of the

Library and Reading RoomAssociation,

Tuesday Evening, May 7th,

Commencing ut 8 o'clock.

TICKETS : ffO Cento.212 St

Hawaiian Tramways Co,


r .

ON account of the reception nt theHon. A. 8. CiloL'horn's rcsidenco.

Waikiki, on WEDNESDAY, 8th inM,the C'ttiA will iuii through io Waikikibiimo us Sunday, lenvlng Lllilm street2 i, m, Walklkl .07 r. m., and everyhalf hour the rumtimlur of the day.

242 3t

TO LETHnilRKi: Olllccs over O. O.X Ucrger'a, Merchant street.

Apply to212 tf E. S. CUNIIA.


DURING my temporary absenco fromChaa Marshall will

act for mo uiulur full power of attorney.O. W. HART,

07 Holol street.Honolulu, May 0, 1880. lw


MRS. STEVENSON, accouchousoami ladles' nuisc. .Testimonials

of22ycara e.perlcnco ut Queen Lying.lii.ilospltul, London, Oilierislanda not nbjeded to, Hosldence,"Jordau Hoiibu," fcunnl street. I' ).Box 475; Mutual Tele. 87U. 170 3m



Kamehameha Day

onictnl Vrourninnie:

Tuesday, June I I, '89.

Races to Commonco at 10 o'clock a. m.


ItUNNINQ JtA.CE. i mile dash.Freo for all.


KUXNINO RACE. 1 mile dash.Hawaiian bred horses.


TROTTING nyd PACING. Miloheats; best 2 in i) to harness. Ha-

waiian bred horses.


RUNNING RACE. milo dash.Free for-all- .


RUNNING RACE. ?. mile dash.Hawuiinn bred horses.


TROTTING RACE. Three minuteuhtss. Mile heutb; brst 2 in i). Fornil horses Unit have never beaten 3minutes.


RUNNING RACE. Sweepstakesof $25 mitcdabh- - For Hawaiianbred 1 year olds. 10 entries tilledand closed 1888.


TROTTING and PACING. Freefor nil. Mile heats; best S in 5. Allbores Mith record of 2:i0 or bitterto be handienpprd.


RUNNING RACE. 1 mile dash.Free for all, winner to beat 1:15'.To be run for annually.


RUNNING RACE. mile heats;bct 2 In A. Hawaiian bred horses.Cup to becoino the property of thewinner two consecutive years. Win.ner last year, Waterford'Colt.

lllli POST MATCH, $20:

TROTTING and FACING. Mileheats; best 2 in 3. For all horsesnot having a record of 2:40 orbetter. To be driven by membersof tho Hawaiian Jockey Club toroad cart.


RUNNING RACE. 1 if mile dash.Hawaiian bred horses.



mile dash. 1st quarter, 2nd quarter,!inl quarter and 4th quarter. Ha.waiian bred hordes.


RUNNING. ,1 mile dash. For allponies 11 hands and under. Ha-

waiian bred.

CST" The programme is subject tochange. apr-18-8- 0

Leaving: Honolulu.

JW. LUNING respectfully requestsall claims ngnlnsl him will

be presented for settlement before the20th May. Also Unit all claims duo tohim be paid on or before that date.

240 Ct

NOTICE.account of my Intending to leave

Honolulu on Slay lOtlion the Uma-tilla, I lequcst all per.-on-s bavin;,' anyclaims against mo to present them utthe olllcu of A. Jaeger.

,F. N. ROBINSON.Honolulu, April U0, 1881). 237 lw


npiIE annual meeting of the 1st Divi.JL sion of the LilTuokalani Educa.tloual Society will bo held at the rcsi.dence of II. It. II. I'rincosj Liliuokaluniat Washington Place, on AyEDNES-DA-

May 15th, at 4 o'clock v, m., forelection of ollleers for tho ensuing year.A full attendance is requested.233 4t l'ER ORDER.


IS hereby given that the parlneishiphcietofoioexUting between Chung

Tin ICwni and Qwong YiekLuug, undertho Hrni name of Qwong Ylck Lung Co.doing business at Kaliulul, .Maul, busbeen dissolved. Tho bushics willhciiccfoith ho carried on by QwongYlck Lung, who will collect all thedebts and pay all tho liabilities of thulate lb in. . 230 2


HAVLNG been duly appointedof thu estutu of V. It.

Buchanan, Bankrupt, I hereby notifyall perhODB having claims ngainst saidestate to present Biimo to me at ouceduly proven beforo the Couit and allpersons indebted to said estate willmake immediate payment tomuatttionillco of tho Hawaiian lin-inc- gency.

LOUIS T VALENTINE,AHHigneo W. It. Uucliunan.

Honolulu, II. I., May 1, 188l. 210 3t


Searcher of RecordsGeneral Writer & Compiler.

Office, 84 King street (Sander's Express),Telephone No. 60. Austiacta of Titlesmade, with nccu'aoy and dispatch.

JW7 In

MAY 7, 188Q.



Per a Royal Alice"From Liverpool.

DRYaOODS!Large, Varied & Selected Stock.

FANCY GOODS,Dressing Cases,

Jlirrors,Wicker Ware, Etc.

GROCERIES,A full line.

Men ami Glassware !

A large assortment



"L i hiuiBap, UjJD,


Other "varieties.

rflTAYfllTOV 5


L.ilest Novelties.



American andI'ortugu esc




Hock,Liverpuol and

niggin'a Diiiy.

Oils I Oils !

lloiled & Kiw Linseed, Castor.

Paints & Zinc !

Flower Pots,

Fern Stands & Wire Baskets,



Frypuns, IUc., Etc.

ORO ! llftON I

Comigaled & Plain.


In all varieties.

Fence Wire I

Annealed,Galvanized n? t.. .',

Patent h i.l ismhcd,

Bedsteads of Iron,CUTLERY,


California rii-nno- i

UlUbUllUOno CI

Of all varieties, always in stock.Alto,

Hay, Feed & Flour

Theo.H.Davies&Co.,May 7J HONOLULU, 1F.8U

it TEiipi EaaUau






ed Kid



.A.rJ? $1.50 .A. I-A-IIf-c.

si, 6-Ou- tfon Kid Gloves!(No. 1 QUALITY);

j?K.rAV $1.50 --A. 3PAL.IJES-- .

S. EHRLICH,Dee-l-8- 8 Corner


15 & 77 Fort Sfc-E- GAN



Hotel & Fort Streets.

On account of the death of Mr. Simon Colin tho entire new andmagnificicnt stock ill be sold for cash at and below cost. Everythingmust be disposed off as the business will be discontinued. Tho stock con-

sists of the latest in Fine Dress and Fancy Goods, Laces, Embroidery,Hats, Feathers, Kibbous, Silks, Velvets, Trimmings, Ladies' Underwear,Hosiery, Hoots, Shoes, Slippers, etc., etc. Also remember that wo have alargo and elegant stock of Gents', Youths' and Boys' Fine Custom-mad- e

ClolhiHg, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, etc.,etc., and by buying at the "ARCADE" you can save money.

Bell Telcyhoue, ."50 -- a E" Mutual ITeloplione, 3V IO



Ho. 21 Merchant Street, Hear Fort Street.


--Have on hand and For


& Honolulu, H. I.


Sale Full Assortment of--


& CO.,

uealkkb in- -

Ml -- Brands of American Whiskies,BOURBON, RYE and MONONGAHEL'A,

In Bulk or Case;

soo'srojBL wild ixsjcsjei. tmsicy,hi Glass and fetono Jars;

Very Fine it Very Cheap Qualities, as are wanted;

GgS; in Large & Small Bottles;(White or Black), nlso, STONE JUGS ;

Olrt rJUoin Giii, X5efc Bruud iu tlio Marlrot;


In Bulk and Case. All Brands of

American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, Etc.,

In Pints and Quarts;

Finest Brands of Champagnes,In Pints and Quarts.

Billors, JLiiiuers Absinthe,Aiiolliimvi Water, Knnmiels,

Very Superior CALIFORNIA WINES,as follows:

Zinfumlcl, Malaga, Tokay, Matloiru,Port, Sherry, Riesling, Hocks, Etc., Etc.

0-- All of wliioli will be bold AT LOWEST KATES by


iftiwmjywiiwiiiiaaii miiiwh

1- -3



-- imiokti:k8

American & European Drugs & ChemicalsI?lioLoKJuio MatorlolH,

Perfumery and Toilet Articles!

Agents for 1 Lorillard it Co.'s Tobaccos, & W. S. Kimball Sc Co.'a

Tobacco and Cigarettes.Aerated Water Works - 73 Hotel Btreet,

mch-24-8- 7

i ,





Page 4: EILlfiS - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: O O.uocn St.,:: Fish Market, Honolulu, II. I. BSFamily and Shipping




ir-- -'






Pacific Hardware Co., Id,irortx sxuhuct,

-- o-

&T BARGAINS - Now Lino


Lamps, Chandeliers & Lanterns,At Lower Prices than ever bcfoie. New invoice of


&ovolticH nnd JTanoy Goods., luljargro Variety..fiC ttUK-8-


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

Now Goods received by ovcry Packet from tho Eastern States and EuropeFresh. California Produco by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended toarid Goods dollvorcd to any part ot tho city frco of charge. Island orders eoli.cited. Satisfaction cuarantccd. Post Offlco liox 145. Telephone No. 93 nov.4-8-

l'elophonc 340.-- --


Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Games .and Vegetables on ICE by eachsloamor ol tho 0. S. S. Co. A complclo line of Crosso & Bla'ckwoll's and

J. T. Morton's English dinned Goods always on hand.

S3 W 3EJ "W & O O X aRidges' Infant Food, French Mushrooms in fjlnss, Gliunrdclll In tins, GroundChocolate, Crosse is Blackwcll Fresh Fruit Jams in glnbs, Stuiled Olives inglass, Walnuts, Almonds, Filbert, Pcncan & Brazil Nuts, Foiled Sausage,

Cal. Mild Cream Cheese, Eastorn Chocso, Oregon Cream Chccso, Young American Choose,Swiss Cheeso, Edam Chccso, Topo Can Creamery Butter in 31b tins,

Kegs Gerinum Salt Pickles, Petaluma Table Fruits in glass jars, Finest DehesaTable Hulsins, Ciystal "WavoIackerel in Clb tins, Kegs Sauerkraut, AmeiicanCranberry Sauce, Cape Codo Crunberrlcs, 21b Blocks Codfish, Anderson Cele-brated illnce Meat in glass jars, Jacob Dold's Buffalo Harus, Whittnkcrs StarHams, Old Reliable Ham & Bacon, fresh lot of Garden Seeds, Cicily Lemons,Apples, Yellow Turnips, Parsnips, Now Potatoes & Onions, Cal. Roll Butter,


ap-1- 0 Island Orders Solicited. 87



HAS JUSTKit Salmon Bellies, Block Codfish, Smoked Beef, Buffalo Ham &Bacon, Boxes Smoked Herring, Tins Norwegian Salt Herring,Mild Cal. Cheese, Atraores Mince Meat, Green Turtle Soup,Terrapin Soup, Sugar Kaisins, Currants, Walnuts, Almonds,Dried Peaches, Prunes, Dates, Honey, Cercoline Flakes,

CAPE COD CRAJSlSlQHTSXhlS,Tomato Ketchup, Cases Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peas, JerseyBlue Potatoes, Kttta Bagas Turnips, Calafornia Onions, Crackers,all kinds ; Choice Teas, Fresh Apples, Saloon Pilot and MediumBread, "Wheat, Flour, Butter, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assortment of Canned Meats, Frnlts and Other Groceries.

niu-O- J t&" Leave your orders, or ring up 119. -- a , 8G

J01 ITT, 1. 8 Kaatuiai Street.

'v?--;-Lii- w.m

00 spGranite, Iron

TRUTH IS NEW."Ilavo jou liciirl tho latest nos?

' Everybody prnlnod

Ifc ia a uylUX cako of Heoiulng Soap. Tryit lu your next ioub0-olo.iulti-

Ja comnjen ether (IiI'ik lit (Ms b! ucrH rtliatlaiulrcitJcr suffer tjueoclfr i fuiimlunreliable WikO tceeTt know that twM ajlisiiifrii aocaI it&ouic of tlie manufacturer' c(erjuucftftiij l4rpculla in (bis line thavf confident- in Ult oitWlKoj$i "j lie !ir;e turns pmt fvrty jcr la

rend ihcudtc'lUcQiciit to reduce Ihlr huurs of labor pyIlif uc i( Itut tttll No. 37.


BOS'" - --P. O. Box 207.


.r,..PTrT?ii!r'- -




and Tin Ware


"Weekly Summary,"

32 Columns of Original Matter.

Is now issued and will bo found tobo an interesting and comprehensivenumber, containing 32 columns ofreading matter on local topics, anda complete resume of Honolulu andisland news. Tlici e is no better paperpublished in tho Kingdom to send tofriends abroad.


Island ?1 00 yearForeign (mailed) 5 00 year

To be had fioin

Hawaiian News Co, Merchantsheet;

A. M. Hewett, Merchant street ;

"W. II. Gracnhalgb, Fort street j

Bulletin Ofilco, Qneen street.

ra p..'P'wrn?a.y.j-si"rf- y i?5:- -

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

House Keeping Goods,PLTTIEBITO, TIN, 0QFE& AND993 Sheet Iron Work.







DA11.Y BUIiLmi HGtfOtitTLU, H.Jt,, MAT 1, lflaflj,,

oil mi miw J mi Ml eniiniiiiijnnimnwiiiiliuiilniiMlilii UK1 "iiii.i' ),nimSu.'minnj



S this is Jubilee year it tends tomake one look back and tlnnK

of tho flight of time, and in this way

I am reminded that I am one of tho

Veterans in tho sale of your valua-

ble and successful medicine. Ihave sold it from tho very first, andhave sent it into every country in

England and many parts of Scot

land. Well do I remember tho

Ilist circular you sent out some nine

or ten years ago. You had come to

England from America to introduceMother ScigePs Curative Syrup,and I was struck by a paiagraph in

which you used these uords:"Being a stranger in n strngo land,I do not wish tho peoplo to feel thatI want to take tho least advantageover them. I feel that I have aremedy that will cure disease, andI have so much confidence in it thatI authorise my agents to refund themoney if people should say thatthey have not benefitted by its use."I felt at once that you would noversay that unless the medicine haduicili, mm x Hpimuu xui uiu nguiivj,a step which I now look back uponwith pride and satisfaction.

Ever since that time I have foundit by far tho best lemcdy for Indigestion and Dyspepsia I have metwith, and I nave sold thousands ofbottles. It has never failed in anycase where there were any of thefollowing symptoms: Nenous orsick headache, sourness of the sto-

mach, rising of the food aftcr eat-

ing, a sense of fulness and heavi-

ness, dizziness, bad breath, slimeand mucus on the gums and teeth,constipation, and yellowness of theeyes and skin, dull and sleepy sen-

sations, ringing in the cars, hcait-bur- n,

loss of appetite, and, in short,wherever there are signs that thesystems is clogged, and tho blood isout of order. Upon repeated in-

quiries, covering a great variety ofailments, my customers have alwaysanswered, "I am better," or "I amperfectly well." What I have sel-

dom or never seen before in thecase of any medicine is that peopletell each other of its virtues, andthose who have been cured say tothe suffering: "Go and get MotherSeigel's Curative Syrup, it willmake you well." Out of the hundreds of cures I will name one ortwo that happen to come into mymind.

Two old gentlemen, whose namesthey would not like me to give you,had been martyrs to Indigestionand Dyspepsia for many years.'They had tried all kinds of medi-cine without relief. One of themwas so uait lie couict not near aglass of ale. Botli weie advised touse the Syrup and both recovered,and were as hale and heart as menin the prime of life.

A remarkable case is that of ahouse painter named Jeffries, wholived at Penshurst, in Kent. Hisbusiness obliged him to expose him-

self a great deal to wind and weath-er, and he was seized with rheuma-tism, and his joints boon swelled upwith dropsy, and were very stiffand painful. Nothing that the doc-

tors could do seemed to reach theseat of the trouble. It so crippledhim that he could do hardly anywoik, and for the whole of the win-

ter of 1878 and '79, he had to giveup and take to his bed. He hadbeen allhcted in this faorry way (orthree j'ears, and was getting wornout and discouraged. Besides, hohad spent over 13 for what hecalled "doctor's stuff" without the.least benefit. In the Spring heheard of what Mother Seigel's Cura-tive Syrup has done for others andbought a 2s. Gd. bottle of me. Ina few days ho sent me word he wasmuch better before he had finishedthe bottle. He then sent to mo fora 4a. Cd. bottle, and as I was goingthat way I carried it down to himmyself. On getting to his housewhat was my astonishment and sur.priso to find him out in the gardenweeding an onion bed. I couldhardly believe my own eyes, andsaid:

"Yoh ought not to be out here,man, it ma' be the death of you,after being laid up all winter withrheumatism and dropsy."

His reply was: "There is nodanger. Tho weather is fine, andMother Seigel's Curativo Syiup hasdono for mo in a few days what thodoctors could not do in three years.I think I shall get well now,"

Ho kopt on with tho Syrup, andin Unco weeks ho was at work again,and has had no return of the trou-ble for now neatly ten years. Anymedlcino'that can do this should boknown all over tho world.

Yours faithfully, '(Signed) Rui-i'u- t GitAiiAJt,

Of Graham A-- Son.Ilolloway IIouso, Sunbury,

Middlesex,June 25th, 1887.

Tho abovo wonderful cure ofRheumatism was the result of thoremarkable power of Mother Seigel'sCurative Syrup to cleanso the bloodof the poibonous humours that arisefrom Indigestion and Dyspepsia.

Mother Seigel's Curativo Syrupis for sale by all chemists and me-dicine vendors, and by the proprietory A. J. White, Limited, 35,Farringdon Road, London, Eng.



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Ktt9tt 6ttWMtttt4

WRIGHT BROS.,Fort Strool, next Lucas' Milt,

. tfrtV

Carriage Builders,Ship's Blacktmlihlng, Drays, Carls &

Wagon Bulldiitri as specialty.

Every description of work In theabovo lines performed In a flrM-clns- s

mnnncr and cxtculcd nt short notice.


tT Orders from tho other islandssolicited. ill bu pleated to sco allour old customers n well as now ones.

apr.19 89



Valuable PropertiesAre ollurcd for rent or lease for

a term of years, viz:Tho'iBecklcy Homestead." situate in

lull I hi Wncnn, together with about ten(10J acres of kulii land, all enclosed.

One Lot of ten (10) acres, more orless, half of which is Hie best of tnroland with un almmlnnt and never faillug supply of water a.l.jolns tho foregoing the taro and kula will be rentedsepuatcly if desired.

One Lot of rice laud, twenty-tw- (22)acres, more or less, with buildings, etc.,situate in Kallhl Wa.'na, easy access tothe public roud. Hare opportunity fora small fminer.

One Lot, about nine nnd a halffDJacu's, situate on the m mi K a side of Kingst'Ctt, two miles wc-- t of town, Miitabk- -

tor pasture.

Two Cottager in Lilthn street, n littleabove King urcet.

C3J?""Thcso rioperlic if not disposedof bborlly on private term, will beleased at public auction sometime luSlay ntxt.

Also several Cottages, pleasantly nndconveniently situated, to rent on favor,able terms.

SSTFull particulars given on npplication at215 l.t QULICK'S AGENCY.

l. O. llox 851. --&82- Bell Tele. S74.

Hawaiian Business Agency.

Corner Fort is Merchant Streets,Honolulu, H. I.

GENERAL AGENTS,Accountants & Collectors


Hawaiian Bell Telephone Go.

Manager of Advertising Departmentyou tiik


Collodions will recuivo special atten-tion and returns promptly made.

Real Hstato bought, told and leased.Taxes Paid and property saftly insuredHouses, Cottages, Rooms and Offices,

leaed and rented, and rents collected.Fire and Life Insuranco effected In first-clas- s

Companies.Conveyancing a Specialty Records

seaichcd and correct Abstracts of Titlefurnished.

Legal Documents and Papers of everydescription carefully drawn and hand-somely engrossed

Copying and Translating in all languagesin ucncrul ui-- jn thin Kingdom,

Custom House Business transacted withaccuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated nt favorable rates.Gold, Silver and Certificates bought nnd

sold.Advertisements and Subscriptions soli,

cited for publishers.Skilled and Unskilled Labor furnished.Any Artlclo purchased or sold.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti-

cular attentionTo Let, Furnished and Unfurnlshod Cot-

tages in desirable localities at reasonablercntnls.

Several Valuablo Properties in nndaround the city now for salo and leaseon easy terms.

' S7AH business entrusted to our carowill receive prompt nnd faithful atten-tion at modi'raio chnigcs Fob-4-8- 9


MUS. MONROE, ladies' nurse, hasto No. 3, Kulcul lane.

Feb.14-8- 9


MRS. STEVENSON, accoucheuseladies' nuiso. Testimonials

of 22 years experience at Queen Char,lotte, London. Otherislands not objected to. Residence,"Jordan Houbc," School street. P. O,Box 475; Mutual Tele. 37P. 170 3m

Anderson &Lundy,

Xentists.Artificial Teeth from one to an cutlro

set inserted on gold, silver, nlluminumand rubber bases. Crown and BridgoWork a specially. To parsons wonringrobber plates which are a constantsource of Irritation to tho mouth andthroat, we would recommend our Pro-phylactic Metal Plate. All operationsperformed in accordance with tho latentImprovements In dental eciunco. TeethExtracted without pain by tho use ofNltrpus Oxido Oaf.

esrOfflcu ut Old Tregloan RosldencoHotel street. " "' Feb.20.8fi

HE DAILY BULLETIN-T- hojnoBt popular papor published," '


;iwrii miflLUi.'MOlH-H'XjM- i '' lll -

THEO. P. SEVERIN,Photographer ,


Printing Dono lot' Amntoura,

Cabinots $0 a Doz. Work Guaranteed.

JB Entranco ou Fort Btrco't. -- a122 tf

' Whale Boats.

IN answer to several cuquliies con-cerning Whale Bont Frames, wo

have now In course of construction,.1 Whole Boat Frames 74 feet by 32 feetlong. These frames aio bent In onepiece of oak, nnd held to shape, thusrcciulrltiff llttlo tact to sot them Up andbuild. Tho full framo for such bonts,Including cants, 45 sections in number,Is sold at Q28; with laige stems on keel,aud ready to planu $40. Thoy are notintended to bo clinker built, nor as thofrail Impelled whale boats proper, butare Intended for rough use and dm abi-lity, yet light withal, for fishing nndtrading piuposes. Wo have exportedtheso names and Intend doing so, audmako this offer to amateurs nnd othersdesirous of tvjlng their hand, withplenty of leisure and small cash to innkoa business. Will bond frames to anygiven model from C to 25 tons. Also onhand for salo Surf and Pleasure Boats,Stems, Kuccs and Timbers. .MutualTelephone No 325.

DOWEU & SON.7C tf Boat Builders.


74 King st. 74 King st.


Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid,

COBJOCE POLES.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.


Steam Works, Sunny South,

Tele.: Bell 186.

Dopot, 28 Merchant Street,

Tclo.: Bell 172, Mutual 360.


aiotlcrn Machinery.

l'ateut CJlnsH Vnlvo Itottles


Tho only apparatus using Purified Car-bonic Acid On?, making

high class

Tahiti Lemonade,

Apollinaris Water,

Cream Soda, '7tiiGingor Ale,

Hop Ale,

Grenadine, Eto ,

And Pure, Strong EfTcrvcsclng


SODA WATER.Notr Empty Bottles to bo returned

prior te now ordors being oxecuted.

BSTOrderB delivered Jo any part ofthe clty.1 :i8land orders soliclt&If 88tf

, '.., " i t.

milW -tIMJtfJ'JAia,JW'lJWjrWi!il3UI

iiisiiiiliiin Mail Service.

FOIt I3AW FItANOIiSCO,The now nnd fino Al steel stoamihlp

it lariposa,Of tho Oceanic Steamship Compnny, wll

bo duo at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

May 4, 1 889.And will leave for tho above port withmalls and passengers on or nbout thatdate.,if,SSlro,Sul or SU.


WJL G. IIIWIN & CO.. Acenta

For Sydney and Auckland,

Tho new and fine Al steel HtcMnaliln

"Aiameda,"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, will

bo duo at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

May 14, 1889.And will havo prompt withmalls and passongcrs for the abovo ports

For lrolght or passage, having SUPERIOK ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents

The Best Company


Life Insurance Oo.OJP NJSTW YOKK

Richard A. McCnrdy, President.

The Largest Company in Iho World

Tho Oldest Company in tho U. S.

It Gives tho Most Liberal Policies

Pays tho Largest Dividends.

Claims paid to policy holders in theHawaiian Islands, during tho

past ten years,

Over : $100,000 OO,

8 For rates, npply to

S. It. ROSE,General Agent, Honolulu, Hawaiian

Islands. oct--


ZH 3Icrchant St., Honolulu, H.I.


Conveyancers & General Agents


Sole Accnts for tho Burlington RouteAcioss America, and to tho Azores.

Sole Aents for Pitt & Scott's ForeignParcels Express & General ShippingAgency.

Solo Agents for Sunny South AeratedWaters.

Sole Agents for Maseflold Bros. NewZealand Mullet and Canned Goods.

Special Agents for Leading New Zealand nnd Australian Mercantile Firms.

Special Agents for the California LandAssociation.

Special Agents for tho Honolulu Busilness Directory.

Also, Other Special Agencies.

JJ Customs' Entries Passed. ProDeities Mannged. Assignees and Audi,tors' Work done promptly. HousesLeased nnd Honts Collected.

New Business SolicitedBoll Telo. No. 172 Mulual Tola. No.-30-

Dec-- 5 Posl Offico Box 460. 88-l-y

Honolulu LibraryAND

Readinq Room Association.

Cor. Hotel & Alnkca Streets.Open every Day and Evening.

Tho Library consists at tho presenttlmo of over Five Thousand Volumes.

Tho Keadlug Kooni Is supplied withabout llfty of tho leading newspapersami periodicals,

A Parlor Is provided for conversationml games.Terms of membership, fifty cents, a

Jionth, payable qunrteily lp ndvapco.No formality required In joining exoaptsigning tho roll.

btrangers from foreign countries andvisitors from tho other Islands arejwol-eom- o

to the rooms at all times as guests.Tills Association having no regular

means of suppoit except the dues ofmembers, it Is expected that residentsof Honolulu who dcslro to avail them-selves of its privileges, and all who feelan Interest in maintaining an institutionof this bind, will put down-thei- r namesanu uccoine rcguinrcoiitiiiiutors.

A. J. OAimYIUGHT, PresM. M. SCOTT, resident,

f siimiii'i i.i in nv t ''"u4HiV4t Becretary,A.L.SMITH, Treasurer,0. T. KODGERS. M.n

Chairman Hall and Library Committee,


iu Kingdom "ThDally Uullotln." 60 cents por montb.






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