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Egyptian Dream Book

Apr 14, 2018



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  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book



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  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    , MAIrr, N\Tr



    ONE RCAIi. CURE,B. B. B.

    B' mtmmf Ma* Synw OovmOobciis aad OoMa.

    :B blood cironUtM throockmiyvttTt of the body to carry food toIh* tluuM ana' to Tamora fonl,lorUd and effeta mattar from the ajra-

    tarn. It ttaa blood ia pora tha wholabodr will ba ; It tha blood la impora tbawhola aratam bacomaa corraptad withita Impurity. For any impropar condi-of the blood thara fa only

    Good health, nay, I.te Itaalf, depanda onpure blood, for impure blood aowa thefeed of Scrofula, Skin Diteaaea, Rheo-faatiamand acoreaof other diaeaaea. ThaIMPURE BLOOD,

    harvait diaeaaa and death. Thenpure blood and keep it pure by re-moTinK every trace of impure morbidmattar from the tyatem bv nalng Bur-dock Blood Bitten, Which is nature'apurlfler and tonic compounded fraarooia, herba, barka and berrlea, combin-ing in one preparation the moat power-tul vegetaDle alterativea, tonlca andblood puriflera known.Burdock Blood Bittersacta on the stomach, liver and bowela,curingDyapepaia and all Blood DlieasesIt la ao nntle yet ao thorough that dan-gero^a Ulcere and Absceaaea are healedaa well as the annoying Blotch orPimple.




  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    T*o O"^ Readers. ;:v\ j^







  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    WHAT DREAMS MEAN.Thdr inic moniiig cartfuOy coUcctcd faom tlw faot

    antlMritin and wt down In ttfUbeOeil ocdcr.C

    EVERYBODY^ MEDICAL GUIDE.In placing b{or* th public an entertaining book It lionr object to Instruct and aid a< well aa to airuie. Aswill be readily admitted, health it the one object torwhich all ihonld itrlve, and to give hlntt and informationhow beat to maintain health and baniah diieaae we devotetheie columna. Although perhaps not so entertaining aathe lighter portlona of the book it is an hniidred fold moreimportant and will well repay perusal. Even if you do 'notTequIre this information tiow it may be of the greatest

    benefit in the future.

    Abaudon. To dream you abandon lover, wife or hue-Dana means increased ailection for you If they abandonyou It means evil in store to be met by caution.Abknoa, or absent friends. You will soon have newsoi vnem.Abyaa. Dreamlncr of falling into an abyss signifiesUlneas or loss of friends. ...""f^nSSTind^heSifh." ^""^ "' " **" "" ~^AbuBdanoa. This dream foretells scarcity or ooverty.Aooldant. Signifies unexpected visitors or friends andAaema. Denote poverty. Picking them po-.Usnds aninurcase in fortune. >."-. u^''t. '''' .dream you see one, you will succeed inyour nndertakings. -~i.-Aooouota. To dream of accounts is a good omen.specially if you dream there are .-nistakes in them.AoQualntanoa. Quarrelling or fighting with themforetells losses. > "Aoouaa. Dreams of accusations aga'nat you are favor-able signs.iUp. Dreaming of clear air, you will receive a fortune-if foggy, sorrows will come to you.Almonda. To see them, difficulties ; to eat them, good

    To see one, a speedy marriage. '

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book





    No other remedy poaiiesiei cuch perfect damiu-iog, healinf and purifying properties asBURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS.It not only cleanses internally, but it heab, wbtoapplied externally, all sores, ulcers, abscesses,iTofulous sores, blotches, eruptions, etc., leavingthe skin clean and pure as ^ babe's.

    FOR ALL BLOOD DISEASES.Taken irtemally it .-emoves all morbid effete or

    , waste matter from the system, and tborodghly re-gulates all the organs of the body, restoring thestomach, liver, bowels and blood to healthy action,and cu>-ing Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constip .ion.Sick Headache, Liver Complaint, Sour Stomach,etc. Thousands testify th every dose helps thecure.Vrwsy Mb* Syrap Obzm Oensha and OeUa.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    WHAT DRBAMt (It* thu. Ions H'* nd joy.Anchor. To on*, jron will ({ your with.AncL To on*, * xood omm; to tpMk to coo,dlMppolntmont.Anfr. To druun tht you ara angry mMB* that youhav* aamUa.AalSMtla. Signify coming happlnau :ind raconclliatlonto fnanda.

    Antm, An nnlucky dream axoapt to farmari and plough-man for wliom ItU good.Aaplaa. This draam meant long liCa and auccaat Intrad*.Anna, To dream they are cut olT. licknew. To dreamtta*:'ar* hairyand atrong m*an> great good fortun* andhealth.Anny' K vlctorloni, good fortune; If defeated, c*l>amitle*.AahMk Jealoniy, mlifortune or mourning.Aiartlon. Denote* ob*tacle* in love and bualnati. Ifyou buy yon will lo*e,lf not you will iuccecd.AwaUncA To dream of waking up foretell* ahappy endto all (orrow.Bb. To dream you have one I* good, to nun* It,wsalth and happlne**.To dream you *ee your back denote* a fortune.Bmob op Pork. Thl* dr*am mean* diaappolntment ordeath of friend*. Baklnc For a farmer'* it if* todream of Irnklng foretell*good crop*.BalL To play or le* it played, you will receive *om*mon*y.Balloon. You are vUionary and cannot aucceed.Honk. A *lgn of deceit, be watchful.onauot, Thlit dream warn* agalnat extravagant plei^*ure*.Bam. To ** one well adored, to a man or m&ld, mean*a rich marriage and a happy one.Boraola. If full, proaperlty; If empty, poverty.Baokot. To a man means decay of business ; to a maid,many loversJ to a widow, she will marry again. If thebasket* are Ailed the omen is very good.Baaln. A full basin, money ; if empty, debts.Battlo. To engage in one, disasters, false lovers,quarrel*.Bata. If black, an unsatisfactory journey; it wlilte,happiness and pleasure.Bath. In clean water, good health ; if muddy, sicknei*.To *ee people bathing preaages good luck, and changeof residence.You will become famous.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book



    prF0WLE,)5EXT- OF **?TRAWBERR1jCURES Cholera,

    CHOLERA-MORBUS. DIARRHOEA, SUMMERCOMPLAINT, DYSENTERY, PAIN INTHE STOMACH, SEA SICKNESS, BILIOUSCOLIC, AND ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTSOF CHILDREN AND ADULTS.Durinsr over forty year* trial It has always (rtrwjcomplete iatisfaction. and still remains the most popularstandard remedy before the public, evidenced by iUannually increasing sale and the constant receipt by theproprietors of words o the highest praise from the pressand the public. It is a remedy that stands a positiveguarantee of reliability. If attacked by any form ofummer Complaint, younar or old will find it an unfailinir?"" ,1 o *"" W?"y *"""' '"> "tie of "nature's specific"for all Bowe 1 Complaints. In canker of the mouththennrsinK sore mouth of Infantsas well as the ordinary-sore mouth of adults, arisinK from a cankered conditionof the mucous coating of the stomach. Wild Strawberrywin afford immediate relief and speedily effect a eun.

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    WHAT DRBAMS MBAM.To eat tbem.dispates; to pick them, losses.

    ,P, To see one, yon have enemies ! ii It attacks you,you will conquer them.Baard. For a man to dream he has a long beard, he will^rive. For a married woman, distress; an unmarriedwoman, she will marry soon. A white beard, long ute;black one, trouble ; a red one, disgrace, this to men.ftlnir To married people means peace. To engagedpersons, the match will be broken off. To beat a catmeans trea,.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book




    NERVEPILLSFOR WEAK PEOPLEHaving Heart or Nerve Troubles, such aPalpitation, Throoblnar orjrrearular Beatingof the Heart, Dizziness, Shortness of Breath,Distress after Exertion, Smothering Feeling,Spasms or Pain throughthe Breastand Heart,Morbid Condition of the Mind, Peeling ofAnxiety, Etc.THESE PILLS ABE INVALUABLE FORWEAK AND NERVOUS PEOPLEtroubled with Sleeplessness, Nervousness,Anemia, General Debility, After-Effect "ofGrippe, Loss of Appetite, Etc.

    DIRECTIONS.DoM for Adults, one pill four times a day before orafter meals and on going: to bed. From ten to fifteenyears, one pill three times a dav before or after meals.Children five to ten, half of one pill four times a day befor*or after meals and on solng to bed.r. MILBURN S OO.


  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    8 WHAT DREAMS MEAN.Bonnatf To a maid bringa a new lover.Bottlsa* To a man or woman^ succesa In lifei but itbroken, bad news or sorrow.Bouquat. To see, receive or Rive one, a pleasant sign toonein love.Bpaaa. In love, falsity. To clean brass presages alegacy.BpMUL An excellent sign of gain in money and station.To eat good bread foretells eitber riches or marriage.BPMikflwt. To dream of eating breakfast foretells folly.BvlaP*. An unfavorable sign, if they prick beware efsecret enemies.Bpldc*. To cross one, shows success by Industry; to

    fall from one, losses or disappointment ; to pass under,111 luck.

    BPOthSP. To see one's brother Is a favorable omen otlong life and marriage.Bulla. To dream of being chased by them, some one isslandering you.Bupdcn. To dream of carrying burdens indicates thatyou will labor for others.Butohap. An unlucky dream foreshadowing death ex-cept to farmers.Bualnaaa. Dreaming of much business is a sign ofsuccessful partnershiporhappym arriage, if thebusinessseems bad the omen is doubly sure.Busa. Very unluckjj, make no new acquaintances thisweek.Buplad Allva, This dream is a sure sign of riches andpower.Buttona. Bright ones, always good ; rusty ones, mis-fortunes; if covered, hidden sorrow.

    Buttap. To eat butter portends good fortune by a sadevent.Bunion. To dream you have one foretells a visitor fromafar.Bllttapfllaa. To see gaudy butterHies signifies luxury.Cabbasa. Bad news from abroad.Oandla. If burning bright and clear aletter; itduUorextinguished, sadness, sickness or poverty ; if you light

    it agam, success.Cava. To let birds out of one, success in business, goodcrops to the farmer.Otkaa- To eat them, loss of property, treachery.Call. To dream you are called is an evil omen, guardyour health.Oalf. To dream of one Is certain good lock.OamaL To see one brings wealth.dandy. To eat one foreshows treachery and falsehood.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book



    IF YOU HAVEWEAK BACK, LAME BACK,BACKACHE,LUMBAGO OR RHEUMATISM,DOAN'8 KIDNEY PILLSVUL CURE YOU.Boysar taBdirfcctiwell?UioyMkST*WMkkUacyi.SOArflPXlLSwUltructkm them. AKiONEY HaTcyraBntu.XUaay arXlTiaarytremUei af aayUadrSOUPS ?ILUwlUeireTOB.

    SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING. 'Headaches, Dizziness,Frightfiil Dreams,

    ^^ ^ Disturbed Sleep,Drowsiness,Forgetfnlness,

    Cold ChiUs,Nervousness, Etc.,Are often caused by disorderedkidneys.

    ' Even tf your memory b defective you iboald rfwayinmcmbcr that Doan's POb cutes all kidney trooUa.and evffy dote hrlpe the cure. -~-SOLD AT ALL DRUG STORES.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    to WHAT DREAMS MEAN. -^Cane. To dream of one is unfortunate. Undertake nonew bniinett that day.(!lap. Ifputon, be careful in love affairs; to remove it,you will be found out; to receive one, you will marrytoon.Capda* To play cards, dice, or any g^ame in a dream is ai^n of good success in love or business.CsPpat*. To dream of carpets signifies early marriageand many chllaren.Cai*rlmce> To ride in one, success; if it breaks down,losses.tDmrt. To see one Indicates sickness or shame. B.3.B.cures sfck headache.Cawota OP Paranlpa. Foreshow success to those at' law.CMrtlab To the unmarried means that '.ney will remainingle.CBf/i Denote* a contented and happy life in tb*coimftiy,Oata> To see them, hidden enemies; if they scratch orbite,yon, care and trouble ; to .kill one, you will triumph.0ttl. A prosperous dream foreshowing riches bvInheritance and gain,by indaatry, but lean cattle foretellscarcity. ^ ' 'OavovOUa, Denotespoverty and misery, especiallyit deep. ,Cludaa. Towearthem,>elanclioly; to break ttem.jpy.

    OlUtllS 'To a maid brings marrll^e ; if a rocking chair,Improved'fbrtune. CliMW> To see it, anger ; to eat it, gain by trade.Worse than nightmare if dyspepsia, thA cure is B.B.B.Ohamm- According as you win or lose in your dream sowill success oi ill luck follow you. 'Do see others playfortells deceit and loss.Oliwrt Foretell good news or the receipt ol favorsin money matters.Olilak9a> Predict ill luck, change your plans.

    Child. To dream of children is always a good omen offortune, but requires caution in your affairs.Chlmnay. To sit in the chimney denotes marriage, itthe Are is bright, money will be left you.Cbooolata. To drink shows a happy, healthy and pros-perous life.OhvlsMnlllC- "^o ^ *^ o"'* y^ '"'"^ set what yonhope for,Chnroll. To build, enter or play in one are all goodsigns of kindness, success and marriage.CbUPSliyi- Ml. To see one foretells long happy, life.To dream of sickness points to B B.B., nature's cure fordisease.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book




    Nature's Medicme for constipation,liver complaint, sick headache, bilious-ness, jaundice and sallow complexionis LAXA-UVER PILLS. They are aperfect laxative, never gripe or causepain.ONE PILL EACH NIGHT FOR 30 DAtSWILL CUE CONSTIPATION.

    THEY-DO GOOD WOKK.l^U^^,^**^ *^ ^' peopUPfWok .bootT J?**U^T^^l trttifjr to the virta of Laxa-^^ i'-'dtobetrouarfwitliavefefieaASaiaodcoMtipation'^for a bng tta*, and took tiboe fdhoptagfor a cme, and mylot),werapidly fulfifl^Iha^J^.^aneverf^,dy^ CSh?

    , Signed, MISSS.LA1^pC^___^^^ Moncton, NJI>SEVERE HEADACHE CURED.

    P*^j^Z:^*?^ trooWed with a severe headache Id^ a botae, and have not since fufiered from tiieooqdaint They seem to be a perfect cure. "*MRS. JOHN TOMUNSON,ttuoutoOf Oni*-

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    WHAT DREAMS MEAN.Olcan. To smoke, raocau; it not Uchted, mUfortnn*!to litat it, hope.Ottr. If fine city, riohe*; il burning, poverty.OlMBUb If lu-ge, an euy life ; if email, difficultie*.OUmtolBS. To climb a tree or hill foretells honor to thedreamer.Oloak. If Koing, good luck; to hear it strike, successand marriage.OIths. Very significant! To dream of white clothes,mcr if green, a journey; black, ill luck; blue.happiness ; scarlet, a warning ; yellow, usually lucky.Otonda. Signify trouble great or little as they are blackor white.Ooala. If burning, persecution; if dead, approachingcalamity.Ooak. To hear one crow brings the best of good news.

    Oeir* To drink it, loss of reputation.ColllB. Signifies death of friends.OoIbkFs A good dream, brings honor.OOPPF< Signifies your sweetheart

    loves another.Comb. To comb your, hair good fortune.To attend one. recovery to tt b sick, healthA good way to keep healthy is to use B.B B. whenrequired. ^Oomvta. A sign of war, pestilence and famine.Oooklns. To dream of cooking or a cook foretells awedding.0ni. Denotes abundance if yon see or gatherOoppa*. To see one, long life and speedy marriage.OnilM. Predict quarrels with frier.ds.OFKdle. A happy omen of prosperity; to upset one,sickness or loss.Ont^rUnr. On the ground or flc ir, ill luck; on a highplace, success.Opoaa. To carry one, sadness ; to see one. dignity.Crow. Reverses follow dreams of crows, especially ifthey fly.Opown. To wear a gold or silver crown, success, honor,health.3pn*olllC> Success in love and friendship.Bancar. Very fortunate, foretells profit and snccess.Dangerous diseases are avoided by purifying the bloodwith B.B.B.

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    A CANNON BALLdoci moK esccution tlua a poMbootei^-if it Iito theaurk. Uitdonltliereisnofianndanc. TliccsimonbaU ia tlie centre of tiiii page li marfccd B3J3. It Iiitstiie mark everyibot. iivcry doKgoei to the right vot.


    Is it Right or Justthat becaoie a man b pour he shall go down to hiigrave a victim of diieaiediieaae that CAN BECURED; yet thii very thinghappens very often becataepcopk do not know that Btadock Bkod Bitten (whichcorii but t cent a dow) curesaU disease* of the stomach,liver and bowekand removes all impurities of the Moodfrom a common pimple ro the worrt scrofulous scee.

    If B.B.B. cures Cancer, it will cureany blood disease.LIP CANCER CURED.My husband had two cancers taken off his bee,^i^^.^i.^F^'^ ^^' He fexi twobpttks of Burdock Bbod Bitters, and it disapceand. ItUnk this medicine is an excellent blood purffier.MRS.'miLKISSV,

    Akrao,ErieCo,N.Y.Ixa-Uw mis ooi* OoBMlpatlon.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book




    To M*Day. A clK one 1 a happy and 1"=!;^ '"-ttie daybreak U good fortune In all things.OMth. Denotea a wealthy marriage or baelneia part-

    DSSSfc"'A bad sign of loeaet and InconiUncy If you elgnD^"" To tee one, eome one ie in love with you, or youwin get a legacy.DCTll! An omen of danger, wlthiund

    temputloni.OtMnondb Towearthem,croie.lnlove! toeellthem.Dipt. To dream of dirt ilgnlfle. dl.honor and ilaiidet.DlMlnV. Good inck generally, eepeclally if digging forDtMU*. Dreami of dlieaiei go by contrary and bringB.b!b. cure, all diseaie. of the .tomach, llvef, bowel* '

    SS^if .leeping, faithful friend.; if barking, be^^^^'"significant of good to game, of chance and love.DoUd. If a maid dreanr of doll, .he .hall never marry.Doom To te'ck and enter, .ucce..: to be barred out,Ito^^in*. To dream of drowning i. a .ign of marriageD^btnnMO. To dream ofbeingdrunk mean, richertoS?othr. drunk foretell, folly. ,IhJum, To hear drum, beating betoken. td and ha.ty,^2^T^. them or hear them i. a .ign of vl.itor.D:il";o"u "nvlped in duet .how. that there arep|oUaga^n.t you ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^j,2!SfSfid|to'. maJ;W. wife will be a .cold. .aClM. If .oaring high, prosperity: if percheu on high,travel aud To Me them, epemie. and reverw.. . __nlV^hauako. To dream of a ruinous earthquake por-;Sd?S?han?e for the better in vour affair.. .

    to^^Wwe or eat them deiote. .uccew and pre-jmi^,j Foretell death of a relation.nllthirt. Todreamof,di.tingui.hed honor; if you are^?lS5!^rri2|lItSiychildren whow.U honor yott.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    TUB avrriAN dkkam book. S


    Tht Or. Powler's Bxtraot ofWild Stri wbrry positivelyeuros Oholepa, Cholera In-fantum, DlapphCBa, Dysen-tery* Collo, Orampa, andall Summep Complaints ofohlldpon OP adulta.

    A Vf mlly Fplond.SlfitI have latd Dr. Fowler's Extract

    of 'Wild Strav/berry jn my {amfiy foryean and can Ughly recommend it forMimmer complaint,diarrhoea, cramp),etcMRS. GEO. WEST,HtmttviUe, Ont.

    PpooIous mm Gold.Sin,^For several seasons we have re-

    lied on DrJ'owler'sExtract ofWildStraw-berry for aU summer complaints. A fewdoses ahtrays give relief and it never faibto cure, we think it a very valuablefflcdidccas prcdoM as gold.MRS. F. C WINGER,


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    i6 WHAT paiAMt MEAN.iDonMw. To mbrar* nUtlvM, tnachary ; ttrucar,trsval; woman, good luck.mbPoMcry. Thli drmm tlgnlflM honor, wmlthudmUtion. ...nrnny. To b* Injured by one forotelU good luck anddvaataK* in proportion to the Injury.ruptlona. To dream you ara oovared *lth ton*, agTMit fortune will fall to you. , ,. ^ ,., >B.B.B. cure! eruption!, loree, pimple* and bad blood.. To aee a glaring eye denote; defeat ; If your own^SrMem deJeStlve,T>ad luck; if abut, your wife 1*jealoui.Fao*. A handeome one. Joy and pleaaure ; a iwollen ore,^rSdthV a black one. long life; waihlng the faca. ra-pentance.Faa> A fickle lover, change*.VUL Loeae*, you will lo*e your eweetheart.VWlPk To be at one, beware of *w!ndler* if in trade. It i*a bad omen.FaihUy. To dream of a large family jiortenda wealthEvery family should keep B.B.B. on liand.Famin*. To dream of, worry and quarrel*.rmrm. To own one, foretell* a handeome wife ; to workoneTa legacy : if not fenced in, riche* and pleaaure.Fathap. To dream you *ee him i fortunate ; to lee himdie i* unlucky.Vaap. To feel tear denote* luJreaeed courage.

    B.B.B. cures constipation.Faat. To dream your fee are swollen, aickne** ; towatthem, trouble; sore feet, mean losse*; to burn a foot,Same; to cut It off, pain; to have many feet, wealth,com* on the feet indicate riches al*o.Fano*. To climb, a ludden rie in life; to creep under,dlegrace.

    Faaat. To dream of feasting, new friend* or a lover.Flddla. To play it, desperate ventures: to hear it,happiness; if silent, mourning.Flald. To be in one, persecution and deception.Flvrit. To see women fight, jealousy ; if men, sorrow.Fishing. AfBlqtion and trouble ;

    to see fish, bad new*.Flea. To eat them, future fortune.FISUPaa. All above 78 signify uncertainty : all below 7inccesa ; but 49 and 343 are very lucky Indeed.Flasapa. To cut them. If they bleed, 1* a favorableomen in love.Flpa. If blaiing, danger; if not, poverty; if sparks By,^SSey in abuniance. To dream your house or .torebum*, portends good fortune.F|a. Signifies fame upd good tidings.To be tormented by, trial* and losses.

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    |8 W!I.T DKSAMS MBAM.FilM. In great nombtri, you h nmli It Toadrly thm off yott will acced.DluaM fllM when B.B.B. I* used.Vised. If the water ! oslm, riche. and plenty ; it roarli,oppotltioit by rival*. ,. . nowMW. II In "aon and teieht, """"A ?' ""'JXMMon^tallure, courage, trlalt. ^I'o gather them, goodFlytiic. To dream o ying denotee travel anddeeertlonol friends. j_>i.FMfr Foretell unfavorable peculationiandfaleef-ienda.Vavtun*. I imeoftortuneinvarlablygobycontrary.roPMt. Tov i m one, travel, dlput, loMti.Fort. VeryUnUvorable.dlMppolntroent.itormnatiija.roanteln. If clea:, richee, hone-, ueceei: if muddy,Teation, trouble. . , ^Fox. A sign of thievei, bad wrvante, fal.e friendi.ftowl. Deceit in love, dliappointment.Fopka. Beware of flattery.f>n. Very tavorable; to the farmer, good crop.; inbSSeu, .nice.. ; in love, talthfulnei..Fpult. If ripe and fair, happineM and richee; if old androtten, poverty; if green, trouble. .,..hfMmida. To be among them, denote! union; to laughwith them. quarreHWnnaiwl. To ee on*, death or impriaonment of iom*'STftSndlTalTo foretell, wealth by inheritance.Fnra. To dream of. li nor. dignity, advancement.PuriMM*- To lee on-!, quarreU with friend*.JSrnltoi^. i P'' * ^""^ '"'""' "a:j"n!''"f'hrSy. increaeed wealth; if unJuaUy.aluHLrm. A m^et fortunate dream, ihowlng riche*.*hi5?i^ and" "or to come speedily i to lover*, a richmarriage and a happy one. . . v^ a -~(temn. To play any game i. a sign of riche* and good^d ag7. eapecially a lively, rompinc game.(hunbUnv. A *ign of poverty and not *o bad

    If you dream of loing. . , _CtaPdan. To walk in one, Joy and enlarged fortune.OaPtoP. To.oBelt,anillomen; weakne.Chit*. To pa* through, you will ewapo difflculty andoS^A ?c rerunner of good, ab-nt friend,will return.CHnt. To dream of being one. danger; V meet one.OtfttT'Dreamaof gift* bring good luck, you will pro.p.Ohoat. Very unfortunate, vexation, enemie*. deceit.

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    TMB OVrnAM DMMM BOOK. 9Frightful Pain

    Caused by Kidney Trouble*Mr. Jowph BtUwia, 179 Mdn Stnct, Toodrtockr

    Ont, ityit"For lix mootlis I iuvc been iU witfiIddncy and Uvcr eompfaUnl, together with ciittrcaiiifurinary tKMifaia, wUch CMacct a frii^itfiil pdn in myb \ek, nteiMng up between my ihooUeii. Myphyiical andncrvowlyilemWM afCectccI 10 much that Ibecame very weak. My blood teemed to lack vitality."I have now taken two bcsef of Doan'i Kidney POb

    and they have done nu. a worU ol good, relieving meol the pain in my back and (houldcn^ and makingaeiccl better an^ jger in every way.

    ''lick the h>.i ogpowcrofthiiiplcndidkidneymcdi-'dne from the fir. (ew dayi, and I know that no othermrdirlnf wai imtrmnentl in maUng > /if., ttrimtfI had taken other nudicinci previoudy, and been underdocton'eaMy without receiving the lUghtcet benefit.''

    (Sgd.) JOSEPH BALDirm.

    DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS.Doan'a Kidney PUli act on the kidneyi, bladder and

    urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak bac^riicumaiiBn, diabetei, congMtion,inflammation, gravel,B-fghft ^Mue, and all other diieata adong faomwrong actiond the Udneyi and bladder.&a>a>Uvr mia oni OooatlpMtaa.

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    WHAT iDRBAMS MEAN.01pa Forebodes short life, troubles, change*.Qlnaa, A sign o elckness ; H broken, death o friends.OlOVM. To receive them, friencjfhip ; if old ones, deceit.Oomt, Dreams of goaU are lucky and make for wealth.Gold. To receive it, it is a good omen: to pay it alsomeans success in business.Oovepnop op Rulap. To see one predicts a pleasingevent. , . .OPSpea. To see, a cheerful companion, success In trade.OPaas. If green, means long life ; to cut it, trouble.Opave. To dream of inconstancy, bad success ; if youc^e out of the grave, denotes success in your under-takings. . ,, ^.OPlef. To dream of o ief is a sign of a jolly time.OPaln. Very au8pi( s, augurs profit, gain, happy oldOrtn. To see people grinning at you, you will do somefoolish act. . ,.,n.m_ -Tin see oeoole firing them, misfortune, trouble,??t'yo7,pedl SndPdanger to life; if you ?re at

    others,losing law suits are foretold.

    Hall. Black hail denotes sorrow, losses; white foretellsa good bargain.Halp If it be thiclc and bushy, riches and power; Itshon and black, misfortune; if brown, melancholy; iffalling off, lingering To see them is an omen of plenty; to eat fine'Sfing ham foretells some good deed for which you will

    Ha'mineP. A good dream, denotes thrift and good ,fortune. , .^



    Hands If dirty, foreshadows mean acts; if large anas*r"ng you wilfhave important business and succeed:loss of one, portends'sd To dream of being hanged is an excellent"o^?forshadowing riches and honor. To dream youescape spoils the omen


    HandkePOhlef. Foretells arrival of visitors or strungen.Happ. To dream of, very lucky for lovers and sickpersons. ,Hapvest. A good sien: in business, success ; to lovers,marriage.Bat. Togetanewone, success: to lose one, lossesHawk. This dream foretells new enterprises; if thehawk takes prey they will succeed.Hay To make hay, success; to sell it, losses, accidents.Haad To dream of heads foretells good to come,cspec'iallv if they are large. , . , .Haapt. A sad omen ; to lose it, death ; to see it. falsity.

    B.B.B. cures Constipation.

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    I faave vud Hagyard's Yellow Oil for the pastten yeais, and find it a splendid remedy for colic,neuralgia, brondiitis, croup, pains in tlie back, ulceratedand sore tliroat, sprains, cliilblains, etc, in fact we useit for almost every pain, and it always relieves quickly.I can safely say I know of no otiier remedy of tlie sortthat can equal it. Our family is large so tliat I canspeak from experience. We always keep a good stockin the house, and would not be without it.MRS. J. I. MADGE,Virden,Man.

    IT riAS NO EQUAL.Dear Sirs,We have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil in our familyfor twelve years and find nothing to equal it forrheumatism, lumbago, lame back, frost bites, etc Wewould not be without it.MRS. MATILDA CHICK,

    Winnipeg, Man.&um.UVr nils Our* OonaUpatien.

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    22 WHAT DREAMS MEAN.Hmfii Signlfiei man-iBge, ffood news, joy.Hvn Predicts great happiness and honor.HalL A dream of warning against losses and disease.HB. To hear one caclde or to catch one foreshows creatgain.Hiding* To dream you hide anything foretells revealingof secrets.HUlB. To climb, you will be famous.Hlaalnar. To hear hissing, a sign of sbaine.Hoc*. To see fat bogs foretells luck ; lean ones, hard-ships.Hopna. If one dreams he has horns he will be wealthyand great; if on another, danger.Honay* Domestic bliss, happiness.Ho*. To dream of using, present hardships but futnriwealth.Horaata. You have to deal with wicked enemies.Hopa. Thrift, wealth.Hopaaa. A splendid dream, full of all that is good tothe dreamSt. To fall from one, misfortune.Houaa. To build one, comfort ; to see one, good fortune.B.B.B. less than i cent a dose.Hoc, To dream of being hugged signifies a fickle lover.Huncap. To dream of, portends successful enterprise;a good dream for lovers.HuntlAc. To go hunting, foretells dishonesty; to re-turn from it, coming good fortune.

    Hut. To dream of a mean hut promises you a house ofyour own.loa. Favorable, but to slide upon it foretells worry.Idol. To see one betokens a change for the better,especially to the sick.Idiot. To dream one has gonemad indicates that he willbe popular and rich.Ink. Your desires will be obtained.IndlfO. To dream of, indicates travel by sea.Inn OP HotaL Very unfavorable, losses, poverty, un-faithfulness.Imasa. To dream of, competition in business, troublein love.Inoana*. Betokens profit in business, happiness.

    Injupy. To be injured, to do injury, signify blessingsand friends.Inauaat. I C you dream of being at one you wi'l squanderyour money.Inault. To dream of insults and abuse to foretells dis-putes ; be mild.Ipon. To dream of, foretells danger, accidents, losses.

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    Dyspepsia, Hoadaohe,Constipation, Bllidusnoss,

    Scpofula,Aad Evapy Form of Bad Blood, fpom a Oommon

    Plaipla to tho Worat Sopofuloaa Sora.

    WORST KraD OF SCROFULA.Dear Sirs, I had an abscess on my breast and

    scrofula of the very worst kind, the doctors said. Igot so weak that I could not walk around the housewithout taking hold of chairs to support me. Thedoctors treated me for three years, and at last saidthere was no hope for me. I asked if I might takeB. B. B., and the doctor said it would do me no harm,so I began to take it, and ' efore three bottles wereused I felt great benefit. I have now taken six bottlesand am nearly well. I find B. B. B. a grand bloodpurifier, and very good for children as a springmedicine.

    MRS. JAMES CHASE,Frankford, Out.

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    WHAT DRBAMS MBAM.laT^Uld. To be on a deserted iland. Mends will desertyou.Itoh. To drram of being itchy or having the itch youwill receive jioney.All skin diseases are curable by B.B.B.

    IVOPy. To dream of, augurs long lite, happiness, lucre.Ivy. Betokens success in life, constancy in love.Ja,ll. To dream of imprisonment presages, dignity andsuccess to the dreamer.Jap. As of earthqualtes, portends sickness in the family.jsalouay. To dream o being jealous, betrayal, loss oflove.Jelly. To have jelly given to you or to eat it and haveplenty shows good fortune, long life ; for every pot orJar of jelly you receive you will live one generation.

    Jt^r, To dream of quarrels ; if he cheat you, gifts.Jcvrels. This dream is good for women, but signifiesloss to men.

    Jiff. To dance, someone is in love with you.Joy. To dreaid of, forebodes pain and sorrow.JaopaPdy. To be in, presages great success, profit.Jumplnar. Up, honor; down, poverty; if you fall, com-petence if you light on your feet.Jupy. To serve on, friends need favors; to be tried by,romantic adventures.Jucr. To drink from, journey, long o-. short as the jug is.Junlpep. To dream of juniper or any other berriesdenotes prosperity.Kaleldoseope. To look through one si^riftes travel ordiscontent.Kug- If empty, departure ; if full of fish or oysters,money ; if of spirits, poverty.20y, To find keys, you will discover secrets; to losethem is an omeh of shame, especially to girls.Kid. To dream of, foretells the birth of children.King. To dream of, ambition, disappointment; if youspeak to him, riches, honor.Kill. To dream of killing, bad luck, poverty; if byaccident, small misfortunes.Klaalnar. Dreamof kissing gocontrariwise; ifpleasant,they denote slander ; if disagreeable, praise, good will,good cheer.KltSk To fly, you will write a letter of importance.Knae. To fall on the knee, misfortune; to see them,good luck, marriage, children.Knlvaa. A bad omen, betokens lawsuits, strifp, loss.Knlffht. To see, good> fortune : if you don his armor,danger.

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    aiVES QRBAT SATISFACTION.Gentlemen,I lutve found great satisfaction in theuse of Dr. Fowler's Extract

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    WHAT DRBAMS MBAIT.lAbop. To work hard, travel ; to Mc others labor, goodlack.XAddp. To go up, you will be renowned yet poor;down, denotes poverty ; to fall ot(. Injuries.I4U(*. To sail on, if clear, success ; If muddy, sickness.IilunlM. Tosee, an excellentomen of thrift andmarriage.Lamp. To drop or break, disappointment; to see abright light in the dark, you will meet an agreeableperson.Land. To bur or inherit is good, foretells health andwealth; to sell, poverty.Lantapn. To carry, a good sign, your path is free.lAPk. To dream of, a speedy increase in riches.T^anghlng. Unfavorable, a sign of tears, jilting.I

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    THE aovmAN DRBAM BOOK. 7

    Weak HeartsMade Strong.

    Health and Vigor Restored.For yean I have suffered from weak action of tfieIieart, and three years ago was attacked by La Grippevidch served to intensify the faryuUe. As a result Iwas reduced to a very weak state. My nerves weretwacherous, I was irritable, easily alarmed and worried,Differed a great deal from dizziness, and my Uood wasvery thin so that I suffered gteatly from the coM. Mybreath was quite short, and I frequently felt as if I wasabout to give up the ghost because I had such a queerfeeling in my heart.Since taking MBbum's Heart and Nerve Pills I am agreat deal better. My nerves are stronger,my blood hasbecome enriched and revitalized. The constant chifly

    feeling is gone, and my blood circulates in a healthyand vigorous ipanner. My heart is strong, and I amfcee Jtom the distress wluch arose from its formerweakness. I feel that I should give this information inorder to benefit other sufferers from heart or nervetroubles, and I willingly do so, as I believe such com-plaints are very prevalent since La Grippe came to thiscountry.

    Signed, B. A. ROSS,Ailsa Oaig, Onb

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    WHAT DKBAM8 MBAH.JJeoUns-Vlaaa. A bad omtn, falM friends, lou e(money.J Yon will gain more than you dream you loM.Lev*. To dream you are In love ! a sure >ign you willmake a fool of yourself and be laughed at.Luok. To dream of Kood luck predicts misfortune.Mad Doc. A sign you will be wrongly accused.SVOtS. A sign of death, not always of a human being.Hald. To dream of a pretty girl foretells riches bymarriage.Han. If in black, lucky; in white, a tad omen; of amurdered man, long life.Hap. To look at, dear friends will return.Market. To be in, a bad sign; you will want money.MaPPlas*. To be at one, afuneral ; if of yourself, death.Mask. A sign of hypocrisy and deceit.Maaa. To l>e at, beware of being cheated.Maohlnwy.i Unfavorable, imprisonment, sickness.Manaol op HandeufllB. Denote good ccess if youwear them.Mantrap. A forerunner of good and altered fortune.Mapbla. A good omen; long happy, but some struggles.MaPtyp. To dream one Is a martyr, honors are in store.Maadow, An excellent omen to all, success, good crops.Maaalaa. You will be fortunate, gain wealth and proiit.Moat. If fresh, yon will be jilted; if stale, sickness.Medlolne. To take it, poverty ; to give it, gain.Modala. Predicts success, especially if worn by thedreamer.Malona. Signifies success ; recovery to the sick.Manacapl*. Travel in foreign lands.Mloa. Prosperity, happy marriage.Midwlfa. Signifies harm, sickness.MUk. Very fortunate; to drink, great success.Mill. A flour mill presages abundance; a cloth mill,trouble.Mlaep. Waste, loss, destruction, robbery, fire.MlaToptune. Indicates luck, always goes by contrary.Mine. To be in one, wealth, prosperity.MlPO. To wade in, misfortune and trouble.Monay. To And, excellent omen ; to lose, ill success.Monkey. You will meet a fool; to see them, foretells

    folly.Moon. A sign of riches and happiness.Molea OP HolehlUa. You will get your wish.HonateP. To see, foretells enemies ; if dead, all is well.

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    A CAPITAL PROOF.Mr. R. "Wheatiey, of tlie Department of Militia,Ottawa, layi in reference to Doan's Kidney Pills that

    tiiey are the best remedy he ever tried.Mr. Whcatley makes the following; statement i"I suffered a g:reat deal for a long time with severepains in my back over the kidneys. Restlessness,hradafhcs, sleeplessness and general debility also madelife a burden."Hearing of Doan's Kidney Pills I thought I w

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    WHAT miAin MBAN.Mommi>i B

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    THi BorrruN orbam book. 3'



    DR. LOW'SPLEASAWT WOBW SYRUP.Thli mgreeabte, sure and harmleti remedy forworm* ii lo pleasant to the Uste that a child once

    Ukingr it will ask for more. It is free from CastorOil, Calomel, or other nauseous, sickening: nd hurt-ful drugrs. It is impossible for worms to remain whenthis syrup is given so freely as to act upon the bowels.JVo other cathartic rtquirtd ^f fits.Our storekeeper says he has a good sale for u, andcan recommend it for all cases of worms.Mrs. p. H. Brace, Honey's Rapids, Ont.&au-UTwr PUIS onr* Ooiutlptlon.

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    3* WHAT DRIAM8 MIAN.^. Todrmmyou (orst to Uk* it off, you willb* ktutd by % stntnter.MobUlty. To draam of being mad* a noble, ihowtpovaity and ahlftlaunnt.

    Mela*. To hfar atranK* noiaaa, aplriti hover near andgnide you.Moat. 0( large noeea the omen li good ; of inub-noeea,qtiarrela.Moaa-blaad. A very bad dream, predicting heavy losaea.

    Musmt. To aee a nugget or lump of gold, auguriwealth, honor.Mun* To either man or maid, a aign they will nevermarry.MUMM. To dream of a nurse or ii urting, foreihadoweluck and plenty of caeh.Nutmasa. Prognoiticates travel by rail to a diitance.4uta. A good omen, denoting richea; if you crack them

    it la unfavorable.Oak. SIgnlflea long life and a fortune by will or specu-lation.Oap* To lose one, death ; to break one, misfortune.Oath. Dreaming of oaths foretells litigation, quarrels.Oata. Foreshadows journeys by land, a wedding trip.Oooupatlon. To dream of a new business signifleachange of affection


    Olftinoa. If you are offended it shows either a journeyor a visit.Offap. To receive offers portends sorrow. *Ofllea. To take a new one, good ; to be turned out of,danger.OIL To spill it, damage ; if on yourself, profit.Old Han. Good luck in business. To a maid, a richyoung husband.Old Woman. A good omen of domestic happiness, orof an ofHer of marriage.Ollvaa. Favorable for wealth and happiness.B.B.B. cures Scrofula.Onlona. Signify quarrels; if eaten, plenty of money anda faithful but cross grained wife or husband.

    Opium. To dream of, forebodes shipwreck, loss, death.Onuiffaa. To see or have abundance of these signifiesyellow gold in like proportion.OPOhapd. To be in one, riches by marriage.Orphans. To dream of, most fortunate, portends alegacy.Opffaa. To hear, tidings (perhaps sad) of some dear one.Oatricta. SigniSes travel by which wealth will be had.OttaPL Denotes slander by your pretended friends.OwL A sad omen of sickness, poverty, trouble.

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    ^3TMI MVrriAN DRBAM BOOK. '34;



    Every tree, plant, flower and herb hai its use how-ever humble it be. Many are useful for fxxl, manyfor medicine, and of these latter the Scriptures say :" The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth,he that is wise will not abhor them." The virtuesare there for the healing of the nations. To socombine, in perfect balance, the virtues of a numberof roots, barks, herbs, berries, twigs and leaves, asto produce a purely vegetable blood purifier andregulator of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, hasbeen the aim of the proprietors of Burdock BloodBitters. The light of science and the wisdom of ex-perience have resulted, as they always do, in pro-ducing a .;.c:dicine which cures Dyspepsia, Bilious-ness, Constipation, Sick Headache, Salt Rheum,Scrofula, Heartburn, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, andall Blood disease's, from a common pimple to theworst scrofulous sore. Room for one example onlyout of the thousands that testify.

    PROVIDENCE THANKED.It it with pleasure that I recommend B.B.B. forthe cure of Indigestion and Impure Blood. I had

    tried many medicines but received no benefit until, Ithank Providence, I was advised to use B.B.B., andit was with perfect success.

    MRS. WM. LOCKE,Oshawa, Ont.

    onmy Ha* Bynv Ooaea Oenska aad OoUa^

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    34 WHAT DREAMS MEAN.'OyataPS. Toet,diflcultiealnmoneym*tUrt; Ifothcnsat tbem It portends plenty of cash to you,Pmll. A dirty one, a sign of losses ; if new or clean, all iswell.Fain. To dream of, denotes pleasant news coming:.FalntlnK. Sickness in the family, but success in busi-ness ana other concerns. To see a newly painted houseforetells a funeral,Pul BMUPep, To dream you are one, you will wedinside a year.Palace. To be in one predicts a gift; to see one, evilreport.Paleness.' To dream of paleness of self or friends fore-tells death or bad news.B.B.B. makes new rich blood.Palm. Denotes happiness and prosperity.Palsy. To dream of, uneasiness, doubt ; to recover fromeminence.Pancake. To eat, foretells falling in love; to makethem, you are beloved.

    Pantaloons. New ones, prosperity; if dark, long life;if light, sickness.Pantomime. To see, foretells mean acts, defer journeysfor a week.Papep. If smooth, good; if crumpled, pain; if wet,success.This paper tells of the virtues of B.B.B.Papade. Of soldiers, you will be deceived and havelosses.

    Papasol. Predicts a new beau; a broken one, ruin.Papadlse. A token of victorj' and pleasure.Pappot. Deceit, flattery, especially if the dream ispleasing.Pardon. To ask it, a bad omen, disgrace, defeat.PavnibPOkep. An honorable oifice will be yours.Paptlnar. A sign of disappointment, coolness.Paptnep. To dream of a business partner foretells re-ceipt of money, but quarrels with it.Party. Of giving one, losses; of going to one, claimsupon you.Papslay. Foretells good news, but to cut it, falsity inlove. 'Psstupe. To see cattle feeding in, presages thrift andwealth ; more or less as the cattle are fat or lean.Patohlns'. To dream of patching clothes denotes moneym plenty. 'Partpldaras. Trouble from the opposite sex.paths. If straight, prosperity ; if crooked, crosses.

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    WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY.WILL use NO OTHBR.Mrs. Robert Manaiy, Courtland, Ont. I wish to say

    tfaat Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawiierry has beena Ereat benefit to my family. We always tise it forpaM in the stomach, diarrhoea and all summer com-plaints. It is the best medicine we ever had and wewill use no other. ______^__

    QOOD FOR ALL.Dear Sirs,I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of WildStrawberry for the past four years and know it to beone of tile finest remedies for all kinds of summer

    complaints, painful diarrhoea, etc, and I tfiereforerecommend to all persons trouUed in that way.I have never noticed Fowler's Extract recommended

    for cattle, but tried it with success. I had ten head ofcattle that had the scours very bad, so used about threetimes tlie quantity one would use for a person, dilutingit with a htt]e water and giving it as a drench. Threedoses made a complete cure, and I wouM not now bewithout Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawbeny inthe house. Thinking this might be of benefit to omenI write to let you know of my great success in usingFowler's Extract amoiu; my cattle.Yours truly,SMON BASKERVnXE,

    Newcastle, Ont.Vonray Fib* Bymp Oona Oonslia and Oeld,

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    36 WHAT DREAMS MEAN.PftUlMP. This dream sis^nifies that you will have manychildren.B.B.B. is the best blood purifier.

    Pftflslon. To be in a passion foreshows dangerousillness.Paaohes. Denote gold; ifsmalUless; if fine, more.Peaoook. A sign of poverty; i he spread his tail somuch the worse.Peanuts op OPOUndnutS. You will be poor but con-tented.To eat, health, thrift; to give to others, goodluck.

    PeaPS. Indicate success and riches.PmlpIs. Denote poverty, misery, a poor marriage.PeddlttP. Tc buy from, a sign of cheating and deceit.Pens. If steel, a sign of tattling ; if gold, good news.PeppeP* Foretells clever children.Pepfume. Asignof gifts; if not pleasant, shiftlessness.Pets. To dream of, j'ou will never marry.Physio. To dream of taking, sickness, quarrels.Physician. To dream of, presages true, happy love andfriends.Piss. To make, contentment; to eat, sickness, trouble.nctUPes. To look at, predicts idleness and illusionsPiano. To hear^ domestic happiness.Plokles. To eat, foretells kisses from a bachelor or oldmaid.Plo-Nlo. To go to, a sign of falling in love.Pl^Tsons. A sign of profit and delight.PltfS. Increase in business, happiness in love.Pineapple. All sweet fruits are good signs of wealth,except they be withered.Pinks. Predicts a new bonnet. It does not matter if aman dreams it, his wife or sweetheart will get thebonnet.Pine Tpees* A sign your lover is a tri tier.Pins* Signify small troubles ; to find one, success.Pipe. To smoke, an omen of success except it go outthree times or break.PlPate* To be captured by, travel and wealth in trade.PIstoL Poverty, an unsuitable marriage.Pit* To fall into, misfortune; to climb out of, successafter trials.Pitch. Scandals, defamation ; be careful.Plains. To be on beautiful plains, success in trade,crosses in love.Plants* Denote success in life, happy marriage.PlSf^S* Todreamofhavingitfforetelliafortunate find.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book



    This is the way to regfulateand strengrthenthe actions of the heart.Mr. John Griffiiv tlie well-known and popular chief

    clerk in the wine rooms at the St. Lawrence Hotel,Montreal, tells how he got rid of the distressing heartsymptonu which bothered him for such a long time.Said Mr. Griffin, "For some time 1 was greatlytrouUed with my hearts Its action was irregular andcaused extreme nervousness. My system became rundown and I suffered much from the throbbing of myheart, together with dizziness and headache. In fac'was getting weaker and more miserable day by day, - that work became a trouble to me. As you know, m^business keeps me on my feet all day, and I assure yoathat it was most trying to me for many a long hour.Before half the day was over I would get very nervous,andfedasthoughlcouldnotkeep at my postany longer.But now all this is changed. Milbum's Heart andNerve Pills have been a great boon to me. I did not

    have much faith in medicine, as I had taken so muchwithout effect, but Milbum's Heart and Nerve PiUshave completely restored me to health. My system istoned up, my nerves as steady as when I was ayoungster, and my heart beats as regularly as a dock.I took nothing else but Milbum's Heart and Nerve Pills,and to them is due the credit of the cure made in mycase. I am aUOJC now, never get nervous, and feelthankful that these pills were bcDoght tomy notice.''

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    WHAT BREAMS MBAN.PImataP. To have one on, Insutta, uipiciona,PImwup*. To enjoy predicts trouble and anxiety.Plouchlnc. A good omen to the single : vexation tothe married.Pluma. To dream of, augnrs ill-luck, certainly It theyare sour,PoI0t, Forebodes an Ill-tempered wife or husband.Potpy. To dream of writing, poverty and foUy.Pond. To be in a clear pond foretells a virtuous husbandor a handsome wife.Polflonlnr. Signifies bad company ; seek virtue.PoUoe. Of arrest by, a sign of distinguished honor.PoPtPalt. Of having taken, compliments and admira-tion.Pound. To see cattle in, foretells increased wealth.Poverty. To dream of, good luck, but if you beg, insults.PPta*. Of winning praise, scandal ; insincerity.Ppayp, Of praying or hearing prayers, you will berefused favorsPpeolploes. To see denotes injury and loss.PPPve. To eat, signifies accumulation of wealthand land.PPtty OIpL It a man dreams of, he will marry asimpleton. It a girl dream of a pretty man, she willmarry a putty head.PplMts. Dreams of priests go by contrary and are notgood.Pplaop. Of being in, foretells honor, but not if voudeserve to be.Pplze. To draw in a lottery, don't invest, you will lose.Dreams of prizes go by contrary.Ppooeaalon. To see, your friends will become poor andask help.

    Ppoflt. Of making much forebodes disaster.PPomlae. Broken promises betoken benefits, a speedymarriage, ^PPopepty. To lose, good luck comes from dreams ofloss.Ppoud. To dream of proud people predicts a rise in theworld.We take pride in the success of B.B.B.Pulpit. To go into or see, you will do some ill deed.Pump. An excellent omen, good luci. in speculation.but if you pump dirty water, sickness.Punoh. To dream of, forebodes poverty, disgrace.Punlahmont. To dream of punishing or being punishedforetells good fortune, honors.Pupa*. Of finding, an excellent dream of coming profit,but if empty, disappointment.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book



    YouTHINK so,

    BUT YOU'RE WRONGICi theory and condition. A bad back, you knowwhat that isone thafs lame, weak or achiagthat's

    the condition. You suffer from it oftfn. The causebothers you. You can't be certain, but you have .theory. Perhaps you think ifs overwork. You takeiwmetWng for the tired feeling^ ntTihing advertised as*good for everything." There's where you're wrong.The theory is wrong. The result is wrong. Thatbad back don't mean bad >h>od. Don't mean a la2yliver. Don'tmean rheumatism. Itmeans tired kidneys.You want a kidney medicine, for kidneys only. ThiifsDoan's Kidney Pills. The kidneys call for them.'Weak kidneys gain daily strength with Doan's KidneyPiUs. Lame kidneys are lame nu more with Doan'sKidney Pills. Sick kidneys know not sickness whenthey know Doan's Kidney Pills, and Doan's KidneyPiUs know nothing but kidney disorders, because they'remade for kidneys only. Plenty of Canadian proof thatthisisso.

    ALL DRUGGISTS, .50 Cents, or 6 Boxes for $2.50. f^^U your druggist does not keep them

    they wiU be sent by mail on receiptof price by

    T.lilllLMURN 4 OO.. . . ToKOirro.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    40 WHAT DREAMS MtAN.Put^. Of putty or puttying, you will come down in theworlQ.Puxsl*. To dream of, foretelU folly or slight injuries.Pypfunld. To dream of or see, honor, wealth, hinhstation. "^Q"U' A good omen of thrift, good luck, success.Quakap. Sign of a bad bargain ; if many, ill fortune.QuappcUlntr, Denotes new friends and pleasant times.Quean. Of seeing, forebodes loss of money, bad debts.Qulokallvap, A sign of falsity and losses.Quilt OP QuUtlnc Augurs thrift and good luck.Qulncas. Presage success in love, very favorable to all.Qulvep. To dream of, indicates security, peace.Quolta. Aharbingerof ill Hck; signify quarrelling.Rabblta. To see, marriage and many children ; to kill,Raoooon. To see or tree, good luck ; if you kill it the luckis spoiled.RaolnflT. '1*0 race and win, success : to lose, disapuoint-ment. *^*^B.B.B. has won first place as a family medicine.Radlataaa. Signify discovery of secrets, vexation.Raflla. A bad omen, loss of character and reputation.Raft. To see, presages a journey with good success.Rafrcrad, Rags and ridicule go together in dreamsitbewise.RUpoad. To travel on, a sign of visits or breaking up

    Rain, If gentle, success; if violent, trouble, misfortune.Ralnbowr. Most' auspicious; the brighter the better;health, happiness and riches.Raking. To rake hay, certain sign of speedy marriage.Ram. To be chased or butted by, you will be a generalfavorite.Raapbapplaa. indicates health, riches, lavish expendi-ture. *^Rata. Denote enemies, thieves, robbers, despoilers.Ravail. Unfavorable ; denotes mischief, adversity.Rajra. To have a crown of bright rays betokens greatsuccess,Reading. To dream of, success in love and trade.Raaplnc An omen of gain in gold and goods.Ralaaaa. To dream of being set free indicates troubles,vexation.All stomach troubles can be cured by B.B.B.Ralatlona. Of visits by, you are respected and liked.Rallclon. To dream of, works contrariwise; beware ofcheats. ^

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book




    lEE Ftmot 0? nmuL eeiidies.A Prom|3t, Pleasant and Perfect Curefor eoughs, Golds, f-toarseness. SoreThroat, Pain In the Chest, Asthma,Bronchitis, Croup, WhoopingCough, Influenza, and allThroat and LungTroubles.THE BEST EVER USED.

    MESSRS. T. MILBURN & CO.Dear Sin,I can recommend Dr. ^Tood's Norway-Syrup as the very best medicine for coughs and colds,

    sore throat and weak lungs, which I have ever used.Yours truly,WM. FERRY.

    Blenheim, Qnt.IT HAS NO EQUAL.

    LoranE. Adatns, Deep Brook, NS., says: "I havetaken Norway Pine Syrup with grand results. I hada very bad cough for five weeks and could get no relief,but after taking one bottle of Norway Pine Syrup I wasentirely cured. It is the greatest cough medicine inthe world."

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    WHAT DRRAMS MEAN.Rant. Tp pay, fair of money ; to owe, loiMS.Raptlla. All dreamaof reptilen betoken quarreli, falsity,"riS"** '^ '*'''" "' ' '*' "' uccet and getting"me??'** "'^ ^"^^ '' 'ofbodei diigrace, imprlion-Rawapd. To get, you will receive honora and favort.Rhaumatlam. To dream of, signiflea health.B B.B. cures rheumatism.Rhlnoaapoa. Success In trade, disappointment In love.Rbubapb. If fresh, favors : it dry, sickness.W^ O' breaking them, quarrels between husband andRibbons. Betoken flattery; if red, scandal.Rloa. To eat, health ; to see in quantity, riches, gain.Rlohaa, To dream of, poverty, bad luck.RMlns. Unfortunate ; decay of business; if In a stageor car It foretells success, however.Rlnc. To see. And or get, signifies invariablya wedding.Riot. A sign of scarcity and bad crops ; not so bad if yonseem to get injured.RlvaL To dream of, you need fear none, your aresecure.B.B.B. has no rival as a blood purifier.Rlvap. A smooth, clear one, happiness, success; If?fii'"' "' niuddy you will gain wealth, but underdifficulties.Robbopy. To dream of robbing or helping robbers youwill have difficulties, but overcome them and gainwealth.Road. Same as Path.Robin. A good omen, especially to see them aroundyour house; it foreshadows plenty.Roekat. To see, foretells some happy event, as mar-riage.Roaea. Happiness, prosperity, long life, except ifwithered.Roaamapy. Bitter losses and trouble.

    Rottan. To see rotten things, trouble; rotten eggs,disgrace.Rovlngr op Tpavalllnv. You will be laid up for a longtime.Roivlns. On clear water, good luck ; if muddy, trouble.RuddaP. If broken, foretells drowning.Rolaa. Foretell losses, repentance; If mosa-cOvered,old age.Running. A sign of success ; to stnmble, accidents.Rnat. To dream of rusty things is a bad omen of dtmctlon of property.

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  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    WHAT DREAMS MEAN.ya. Tbii arr*ln danotea auccaaa in love, fortunac* Intrada.i^ffron. To gathar or drink augura health and waalth.>Ulnar* Generally (rood ; if the wind be rough or watermuddy you will have diScultiea to overcome.B*' To dream of, you will hear gratifying newa.a LiMg. To eat, predlcta poverty and needy lover.Sand. A sign of ahiftiag and waywardneaa.Siiwlns. To dream of, foretella some regrettabla deed.SeafTbld. To ascend, you will rise in the world : and If ugirl, positively marry a rich husband.ealdad. Of being, foretells losses by Are, air or water,8ol. To w"'

    >Scabs. To seem covered with, Kir. 1 : j great riches.Sopatob. Of being scratched, you will get free of death.aehooL To attend, advancement, good fortune.Solaaopa. To dream of, a sign of marriage.Soold. Of being scolded, extremely lucky for marriedmen; they will nave peace. -Sopawr. A ..mall one, success ; a large one, trouble.Saa. Generally good for travellers ; servants and wivespredicts a pleasant change.Saopat. To tell, enemies ; to hear, quarrels.

    It is no secret that B.B.B. cures Scrofula.Sapapatlon. Goes by contrary and Increases familySapyanta. To dream of bad, y u will lose a good oneand get a' dishonest one.SaPmon. To listen to, denotes good, a pious mate.Bepulohpa. A sign of great good, profit, increase.Shapk. To see, you will escape danger ar i get moneyShavlngr. To dream of, you will go in debt: if voushave others, the contrary. 'Shawl. A new one predicts a nice new beau. *Shaap. Favorable; betokens thrift and abundance: toshear them, losses.ShaphaPd. This dream is sent as a warning.ShaU. To find an empty one, losses ; if full, success.Shaplfr. To escape, bad luck; if he arrests you, goodfortune. ' ' "*~Disease is arrested promptly by B.B.B.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book




    Many dangerous and distressing diseases prevailin summer and fall. Complaints such as CholeraMorbus, Cholera Infantum, Diarrhoea, Dysen-tery, Colic and Bilious Attacks are nearly alwaysdue to an unhealthy condition of the bile and blood,the attack beiniy excited by indiscretions in diet, badair and water, colds, unripe fruit, fermenting food oranything whi:h causes an excess of bile. CholeraMorbus and Canadian Cholera are modified formsof Asiatic Cholera, with many symptoms in com-mon, such as purging, cramps and collapse. Neverneglect a simple diarrhoea, but avoid opiates andpowerful astringent-:, which sometimes produceinflammation through too suddenly checking thedischarge. The symptoms in these complaints varygreatly ; sometimes there is great pain, nausea andvomiting, in other cases painless diarrhcea exists,but in all cases the sovereign remedy is Dr. Fowler'sExtract of Wild Strawberry, which promptly arreststhe diarrhoea, soothes the pain and corrects theunhealthy biliary symptoms.

    PRICE 35 CTS. at all DRUG STORES.Hanmy Pins jmw.Onrca Oaadia and Oolda.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book



    denotoa marriajre;euil into,, iKnifln wealth;

    hip. Sallinc to you, joy ; trom you, loaaea.SlIlpwPMlk. A dangeroaa dream except to prlaooara towhom it meana liberty.Shirt. A ragged one, poverty ; a new one, diaagreeabl*adventurea.Mhoaa. To loae, a token of pain and Borrow, reproacbes.hroud. A algn o( a wedding within a year.heoUav. Very favorable and lucky, but if yon getlittle or no game, diaappointment ; if with arrowa It iavery lucky indeed.

    leknaaa. Oood or bad aa you dream you are dying orgetting better. Ooaa by contrary.Burdock Blood Bittera reatorea health and atrength.nika. To dream of having dreaaet made of, poverty andwant.Uvap. A aign of wealth by legacy or apeculation. Tobuy ailver aignlHea poverty.iBflns. In a choir, death ; lively tnnea, aorrow.tetap. To aee. In love favorable, otherwiaa predictadeath of c^thera but long life to the dr

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book



    Doctor YourseltAfter doctors and madloinaa fall DoctorYouraalf withMILBURIrS HEART 10=' NERVE PILLS.

    They luvc cured many Voodttock pcopk, and thcivis ^ooditock evidence to certify to the fact. Heic ilome of it iRead what D. Eidoo Martin, the weU-known and

    popular agent of the Temperance and General InniranceCo, Vooditoek, hat to lay. Sayi Mr. Martin, ^T titJune I met your repreKntative, and in talking to hiavaid I had been suffering from nervousness and dcUUtyfor over twelve months. On his susrpestion I trieiMilbum's Heart and Nerve Pills, r he .^id, 'Theyare almost certain to do you good, and they cannot hurtyou in any way, because I have been told this byhundreds of people in the principal cities and towns inCanada.' His advice was good, as I have since foundout. The pills have cured me of the nervousness whichhad so seriously affected met and, in addition to thatrthey toned upmy entire system." I am plnsed to make this acknowledgment of thefatct in my own case, and trust that others who havrufCtfcd as I^ wOl give Milbum's Heart and NervenOsatriaL"

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    4 WHAT DREAMS MEAN.w. }.To dream of being covered with, a grand l^r-tune ; if on the armg, ill success. vSow. To dream of, denotes abundance, but ill health.

    B.B.B. cures biliousness and headache.9oolty. To be in high society foretells disappointedambition. \SoppoiRT. See Sadness, also means unexpected joy.Spappowv. Prognosticate good fortune, success.SpeotPe. To the poor, gain ; to the rich, losses.Spy. Indicates servility.Spld*P. To see, signifies receipt of money.Spplngr* A flowing one, honor; a dry one, poverty.Spy-fflass. To look through, enlarged possessions,business, etc.SponflTS* Avarice, wealth, meanness.SaulntlnS'. To see a man that squints, some one is inlove with you; to dream your sweetheart squints, shecares little for you.SqulPP*la. A sign of wealth and good fortune acquiredby industry.Stable, Denotes hospitality, entertainment.Stapohlnff. To starch linen, predicts industry andsaving.Stain. To dream of, indicates scandal, be cautious.Staps. Cle^r and bright, prosperity, many children,troop of friends.Statues. Unexpected news, advancement.Stealing. If you are robbed, good speculations; todream you steal anything signiaes you will want it badly.Steel. To break, you will conquer ; to see, safety.Steeple. To look from, increase of>lands and wealth.No one need look for a better blood purifier than B.B.B.Stick. To hold, mourning; to beat with, charity; to bebeaten with, gain,StUtS. To dream of using, you are vainly proud.StlPPUp. Foretells travel.Sting'. By bee or hornet, unjust injury, scandal.Stooklncra. Darkones, gladness ; white ones, sad news;cotton, contentment; silk, poverty; to lose them, dis-tress; holes in, losses; to takeoff, gains.Stopm. Losses, trouble, but eventual success.Stones. Anger, quarrels.StooL Honor, elevation.Stove. With a fire in. wealth; if cold, poverty.StPanffo Plaoe. To be in, a legacy from a relation.StPans^P* To be kissed by, a new lover.9^aw To see a bundle, abundance ; scattered, want.StPanffle* To strangle any one predicts victory; Ifyourself, sickness.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book




    Haviog been a wfhicr for many yean witbhacfcactM! and tiradache, and bdng ttnaUe to obtainpermanent fcUe^ I wai penoadcd, after fcacUng wvcralof tfte coodwivc twHmonialt from pfominent people,p>falblicd by your firm, to try Doan's Kidney Piib.Tiiat lead me to tfdtwaa the fact tliat I was pcnonaUyafqiwtntrd wHh lomc of the people wlw recommendedtfwm. I therefore went to a drug ttore and procuredthepOb.

    After taking them according to diicctiou for a shorttime, I ei^erienced prompt and satisfactory lelief. Ihave had no hradaclie since, and may say that Doan'sPiOs not only relieved me of headache, but greatlyin^irovcdmy gcnenl health. I cannot^eak too highlyof the medicine, or recommend it too strongly to anypcisao troubled with pahi in the back, '"-Wfhf;headsrhc) or any other symptom of kidney trouble.

    I tcmain, respectfully yours,Inspector, Signed, GEO. B.VOOaHome life Insurance Co.,

    126 Yorfcvfllc Ave, Toronto.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book



  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book






    lp*aon^et Complaint, "Nau^a,^^3*1^55c^^^ Dywpda, SourStomlS^^^and gwenJ doeging q> of the aeoeUoor^^^^LAXA-LIVER PILLSafe hKUcated fcr the relief and cuf

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    s WHAT DREAMS MEAN.TUcKi It broken, Iom of goodi ; if gitl dnuni It, ihawin marry a ttranger ; to M a wbiM and bandaom*thigh is fortunate.ThIatI*. Tocut,laxineaa; to pnll, aucceta ; to be hurt by.Injury.Thorn. To t>e prlclced by, marriage ; to the married,coolneas.TllPO*t> If lore or swelled, mekns increases.Hagyards Yellow Oil cures sore throatThumb. A big thumb, wealth : to loss it or pinch it,poverty.ThPOn*. To dream of being on one, losses of wealth andaffection.Thruah. To hear onesing, rejoice, your wish isgranted.Thiindajp. Portends good crops to farmers ; success totraders.Tin. A good omen, you will marry rich.Tlcn To dream of, treachery : if sleeping, twware.TlMUL If many, good crops, many children.TolMUMO.< Any dreem of tobacco is not good, it meanswaste.TOBUttoaa. Denote frosperity, abundant crops, wealth.TMnha. To visit icntells falling in love, marriage.TInkap. An omen of success.TlmbaP. To work at, indicates prosperity, safety.Toaat. To make, good news ; to eat, long and happyTtonsua. If sore, a sign of evil speaking.Toaa. Dreams of toes indicate travel to foreign lands.Topnado. If like to destroy you, absent friends willreturn.Toptolaa. Slander, false reports.Tpaval. Betokens trouble, hindrances, final success.^paaa. If green, riches ; to climb, distinction ; the largerand higher the better.Vntpm, To set, signifies deception by your lover.Tpaaaupa. To dig and and, ominous of bad faith, heavyloss.TPOUt. To catch is an excellent omen of money getting.TPUmpat. Augurs quarrels, troubles, deceit.Tponk. If full, indicates necessity ; if empty, plenty.Tub. An omen of evil, trouble, sorrow, empty or full.TumblaP. To break, you will make a discovery.Tupkay. A sign of victory over enemies ; success.Tupnlpa. Predicts riches and thriving in the world.Tullpa. Signify abundance.There is an abundance of proof that B.B.B. curatdyspepsia.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book




    with Wild Cherry Bark and the Hypophos-phltes of Lime, Soda and Mansranese.


    COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS,ASTHMA, BRONCHms, Etc,ic fclievcd and cwecl in an astonishinj^y short spaceof tiau^ wliile in CONSUMPTIOTTmaAcd benefit a at once felt Owing to oat improved procea^ this emulsiontontains a luger percentage of oil, and that in a morecady digHied state, than any other emuUon.

    PRICE &0C. and $1.00 PER BOTTLE.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    54 WHAT DRKAMS MEAN.Tupttoi Long life, an Mtygolng hnsband. ^Tumor. Failure in bu>ins of self or friendi.Tuak OP Ppojootlnc Tooth. Forebodei caUmity.Twtna. Signifjr good news, honor, ricbes.VlcOP. Denotea succeaa, proaperity.UmbPOlla. To lose portends gifts ; to bny, danger.UndoPtakOP. To see, foretells marriage.UndoiVPonndU To go underground signiRes death,but If you dig or areln a place which >ou have dug itchanges the omen to riches and old age.UndPOOB. To see others, wantonness; to undress your-

    self, discovery of secrets.UptaolBtOPOP. To deal with or work with, sicknaas,

    aifBiction.Upn* A pleasant prognostication foretelling marriage.Vaooinatad. Of being, good health, liberal gifts if the, sore seems large.Valontlna. To receive, illness ; to send, news of death.Vallay. (To walk in, sickness followed by robust health.Vapop OP Fov. Secret enemies, swindlers, infidelity.VapnlohlnflT* Sign of a funeral or losses.Vault* To dream of, you will Inherit an estate.VmU. If roasted, good; boiled, sickness; raw, dis-appointment.VoarotablM. To eat, difficulties; to cook, perplexity.Voli* To dream of, loss of freedom; if worn by you,honors or misfortune according as it is white or black.Volveta Signifies poverty, waste, want.B.B.B. cures all skin diseases.Vonlson. To eat, travel ; to see, a profitable journey.Vopmln. Ifcreeping over you, you will receive a fortune.Voxod. Of being vexed with anyone, your friendshipwill increase. It goes by contrary in all dreams ofvexation.

    ViotUn. Of being, you will be highly honored.Vlctuala. Of seeing in plenty, losses, infidelity.VUlaC< To see, ill luck; if a burning village, goodfortune.VlnOiraP* To drink, sickness; to pickle with, gain.Vlnoo. To see or prune, prosperity, employment, com-

    fort.Vlnoyapd To be in, sickness, affliction.Violin. See Fiddle.Vlfdot. S,ignifies advancement, promotion.VlpoP. Loss of happiness, injury by trusted friend*.VlPSln. To dream, riches, honor, giving charity,Vlaton. To see people In a vision foretells a death.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    TliB BOYFTIAN DKEAM BOOK. 55H (3etilal 1bo6tMb aVtominent bbfellow.

    PAST GRAlfD MASTER J. "i. QUIlm.Mr. J. B. Qtdnn b known to all tbetnvellingf puUic

    aitbc genial hMt of the CUfcndooHoleL Heisalsoaprominent Mcietr man, being Patt Grand Master of tlieCO.OJ'* Mr. Qidnn bta, bowevttf many a time hadto wear a pleasant smile 'v^ien his sufferings wouldrather have caused a frown. In talking to our reporter,Mr.Qainnsaidi "I havebeentrouUcd for over twentyyealf with my Udnevs. My urine was very bad,thicks sUmy and rop/. / had great pain in the regionof the back, so much so that I could not work for tw

    or three weeks at a time. I saw an advertisement ofDoan's Kidney Pills and got a 50c box from Meats. E.Hooper&Co. ReSef came at once,so I kept on takingthem, and now I feel like a new man. I am on myKcond box and I think I am as sound a man as ever Iwas. The swelling in my ankles has passed away,and I am now firm on my feet and as active as of old.The reason I recommend them tc others is because theyhave done so much for me. Pains in the back and loincneveriieubieme now, and I feel twenty yeait youngtf.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    56 WHAT DKBAMI Ul.ViBlt. To nctir*, a*w butinnt ; to pajr, km; 1( bjr doctor, profit.Vltl4oL U thrown on jon, KTMt faron.Volntti TrotiblM, dUtnrbance, robbory, pMtUaaoo,luttino.VemltlBC To dTMun of, bMlth ; 11 TomUlnc worms,high lack.B.B.B. cures sour stomach.

    Vote. Bsd for men, but s good omsn to women.Vow. To dream of making and breaking a row Is bad,losses.VoyaC*, To go on, denotes prosperous enterprise.VuItUP*. A bad omen of powerful enemies.WmUos, Togirls, early marriage; to men, intriguss.WaCODa Of riding In, good tomne ; to drive, deceit.Wako. Of going to. poverty, misery, drunkenness.Wftlklllff* To dream of, sickness, trouble, loss.B.B.B. asts on the bowels.

    ^ITaUa. If stone or brick, strong opposition.Walnute, lilsfortnne, unhappy marriage.Vfmp. Foretells trouble, quarrels, publicity. ,WMPta. Signify money, honor, distinction.Waahlns. To dream of, denotes change of residence,good news.Waapa, To see, thrift, abundance; to be stung by, tmelove.Waata. To dream of, foreshows beggary.Watob, To buy, poverty; if given you, good luck; tolose, success.Watotaman. TocaUin,confldence; tospeakto,agoodsign.WatOP. To drink, adversity, false love.mrataP IiUy. Beautiful children, innocence.WatOFapout. Todream of, greatness is in store for you.The greatest blood medicine is B.B.B.Waywopk. To admire, notoriety and praise.

    IX^az* Denotes weakness, silliness.Waail Subtle enemies, probably women.Waapy, Todreamof being, good fortune, ease.TVaalthi To dream of, very ucforunate, contrary.Waavln* op KnlttlBC. Signify marriage.IXTeddlntf, A sign of a funeral.Waairtnj SignlBes joy and happy events.WalL To draw water from, union, twnefit, service.Wbala. To see, peril; if you spear it, abundant wealth.WtaldURM. If long, folly, loose conduct.Whaati To walk amr ng, prosperity, riches.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    TBI OVPTIAN DUIAM BOOK. 57. . . CAUnON . .In aiwwer to many inquiries and complainUragarding an article lold under tlie name of WildStnwberry Compound, by unscrupulous dealers,without anjr price on the wrapper, but is offered forsale at from ao to 35^ cents per bottle, we wouldreply that the article is bopis, an imitation or sub-stitute for the genuine Dr. Fowler's Extract ofWild Strawbbrry, the price of which is 35 cenUper bottle. It has come to our knowledge that theuse of this fraudulent article has caused severe illnessin some cases, and we wish to warn the public thatthe preparaticvis are different in every respect, andwe hereby caution all whom it may concern againstbuying, selling or offering for sale these dangerousand fraudulent imitations -' Dr. Fowler's ExtractOP Wild Strawberry.



    Larce tin, contalsingr orer five times the qnantlty, $i.oa.Sent by mail on receipt of price.

    ^IilvEso^ MUBUM'S ASTHMA OURE., On receipt of a postal card, stving name and address(write plainly), a nample (enongh for a test), will be mailedfree ; or on receipt ofio centsIn stamps atrial sice box,letaillntr at 35 cenU, will be mailed to any address.

    ZmMM-Jdnt Mlla Ou Oonsttpattoa.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    58 WHAT DREAMS MIAM. ^ IJWliltowh An omra o( wealth nd rood nam*.WtaaaL SlcalflM travel, apa aad downa In lib.WbMpeoL To drtam of, tronbla, ravanaa.-Widow. Stgnlflaa many lovara.WlC. To bacbaloia, an o' a ol marrlaga wbathtr thaylike It or not.WUL To dream o( making, long IKe, health.WnUow. To dream of, aickneu.Wind. To dream of, haatynewi, a journey.WtndmlU. Revemes, but afterward proaperity.An omen of health to the alck, B.B.BWin*. To drink, a good omen of health, bat poverty,

    too.WltOh. To dream of, you will go among; strangen.Wolf. Warne of robbery, cheating, evil.Wool a sign of richea and a good-natnred wife."Work* To dream of, lickneH, ancceia by trade.VTOFins. .To tread on, death; to dream of Aih-wormt,good luck.Wounds. Of being wounded foretelU death and joy.Sorea, boil* and blotchea are cured by B.B B.VTraok. To eee, Indicates deceit of friendi.

    -Wl^aBa Presages joy and richea.Wrtllnf You will be accused and have trouble.Writtnc. Foretells good news; bills, blots, denotesickness.Wvlnklos. Some one will praise your good looks.ymvtmtt If large, poverty ; if small, competence.White Tlllnata. Generally denote quarrels, grief,sorrow.Y&oht. A sign of falling In love, success in business.The most successful blood purifier, B.B.B.Yard. Denotes loss of businesLYarn. disgrace, wiangling.Yoast. Foretells vexation, damage, sickness.Yallow Ttalnsa. A sl);n of gold, riches.Your TpoO. Predicts high honor, a legacy.Yoko. A sign of happy marriage.Youth. To dream of, death; of >'oii(ft onglife.For young or old, B.B.B. is the best regulator.Zobpm. A sign of quarrels.Zino. Happiness, prosperity, success.

  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book


    ssar^kThoK nnvtt, fbp ttvar twwnty-twoIn biMlM m, whal>! Mid patiButotaavk wrttaa a foUews tGcNTLRMEN,I have for a longf time been afflictedwith extreme nervousness. Frequently I had sharppains un' r my heart. At times my memory wasclonded tusin^ me to fbrg^ orders wb)ch werefpven t; 3\o. Very often there was a sort of mistcame 1 -jore my eyes, and I was extremely dizzy.Smalt business matters assumed exagnratcd forms,and I brooded over them. At night I would oftenwake up with a' start and it would be a long time

    ti'ore I could af^ain compose myself to sleep. Soanstrungr were mv nerves that I had fits oftremblingoccavionaUv^ and cold sensations would run downmy limbs. The last excitement or noise startled meand set my heart fluttering. I have taken a box ofMilbum's Heart and Nerve Pills, they restored mynerves to their normal cimdition, and toned up mysystem to such an extent that all the distresxingr ail-ments I have mentioned have completely disappeared.I say it without any qualification whatever that tbeyare a splendid medicme for heart trouble, shatterednerves andlheir attending evils.Taos. Bbnnbtt. Doncaster P.O., Ont.mwar Mm arm* Oum Oaoghm aaA OoMa.

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  • 7/27/2019 Egyptian Dream Book
