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efJe›eâce efJe›eâce efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Gppewve keâer MeesOe-heef$ekeâe veJeerve ëe=bKeuee, Debkeâ - 1 keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve efomecyej 2018 vewkeâ Éeje ‘S’ «es[ Øeoòe efJe›eâce efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Gppewve

efJe›eâ · Registrar, Vikram University, Ujjain Printers Panchayati Raj Mudranalaya, Ujjain The responsibility for the facts

Jul 31, 2020



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efJe›eâceefJe›eâce efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Gppewve keâer MeesOe-heef$ekeâe

veJeerve ëe=bKeuee, Debkeâ - 1 keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve efomecyej 2018

vewkeâ Éeje ‘S’ «es[ Øeoòe

efJe›eâce efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe, Gppewve

Page 2: efJe›eâ · Registrar, Vikram University, Ujjain Printers Panchayati Raj Mudranalaya, Ujjain The responsibility for the facts

THE VIKRAMResearch Journal of Vikram University, Ujjain


Patron Prof. S.S. PandeyVice-Chancellor

Editor-in-Chief Prof. Balkrishna Sharma

Editors Dr. Rooble Verma

Dr. Jagdish Chandra Sharma

Co-Editors Dr. S.K. Mishra

Dr. Manu Gouraha

Publisher Registrar, Vikram University, Ujjain

Printers Panchayati Raj Mudranalaya, Ujjain

The responsibility for the facts stated, opinions expressed or conclusions reached is entirely that of the contributors. The Editorial Board and the University accept no responsibility for them.

Page 3: efJe›eâ · Registrar, Vikram University, Ujjain Printers Panchayati Raj Mudranalaya, Ujjain The responsibility for the facts

1. Jesoesòebâ Oece&mJe™heb veweflekeâpeerJeveÃe

jJeervõ Decyeeoeme cegUs

2. mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ) 6

jeOeeJeuueYe ef$ehee"er

3. DeeÛeeÙe& npeejerØemeeo efÉJesoer Deewj ceOÙeÙegieervelee keâer DeJeOeejCee 50


4. pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe keâe JesoeÁlJe 55

keâecesÕej GheeOÙeeÙe

5. Translation and Culture 64Ratan Chouhan

6. Democratic Theory 80Naresh Dadhich



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Jesoesòebâ Oece&mJe™heb veweflekeâpeerJeveÃe

jJeervõ Decyeeoeme cegUs

ØeemleeefJekeâced JesoeoejYÙe DeeOegefvekeâkeâeueheÙe&vleb ‘Oece&Š’ Fefle DeÙeb MeyoŠ Jee*dceÙes ØeÙegòeâesÓefmle ~

keâeueevegmeejcemÙe MeyomÙe DeLe&efJemleejesÓYeJeled ~ Devlelees ielJee DeveÙee me¿uheveÙee ceeveJepeerJeveceefhe JÙeehleced FlÙeefhe Jeòegbâ MekeäÙeles ~ Oece&me¿uheveeÙeeŠ ue#eCeb oelegb vewkewâŠ

1ØeÙeefleleced~ Oece&mÙe Oece&MeeŒes<eg ÙelmJe™heb ÂMÙeles lemÙe yeerpemJe™heb Jesos<eg Gheefve<elmeg Ûe efveefnleceefmle ~ ÙeLeekeâeueb ‘Oece&Š’ FlÙemÙe DeLe&heefjJele&veced , DeLe&efJemleejŠ Ûe vewkeâJeejb meÀeeleŠ ~ meeceevÙeleŠ ‘Oejefle ueeskeâeved , efOeÇÙeles hegCÙeelceefYeŠ’ SleeÂMeb ue#eCeb mJeeref›eâÙeles ~ ueeskeâeveeb OeejCeeb ÙeŠ keâjesefle DeLeJee hegCÙeelceveŠ peveeŠ ÙemÙe mJeerkeâejb kegâJe&efvle leeÂMeŠ efveÙeceŠ veece Oece&Š ~

JesomebefnleeÙeeb Oece&Š$e+iJesos Oece&Š Fefle DeÙeb MeyoŠ ØeÙegòeâesefmle ~ yengJeejb efJeMes<eCe™hesCe, kesâ<egefÛeled mLeues<eg

veece™hesCe Jee MeyoesÓÙeb ØeÙegòe⊠~ ‘efhelegb veg mlees<eb ceneR Oecee&Ceb efleefJe<eerced’ ($e+iJesoŠ, 1.187.1) DeOegvee Denb meescemÙe hegef°ØeoeÙekebâ meeceLÙeË mleewefce ~ De$e Oece&MeyoŠ hees<eke⊠Fefle DeLe&s ØeÙegòeâesÓefmle ~

‘Oecee&Ceceefiveb efJeoLemÙe meeOeveced’ ($e+iJesoŠ, 10.92.2) DeefiveŠ meceepemÙe hees<eke⊠heeuevekeâlee&, Ùe%emeeOeke⊠Ûe Jele&les FlÙe$e Oece&Š heeuevekeâlee& FceceLeË ØekeâšÙeefle ~ Oece&mÙe DeeÛeejŠ

2 3veweflekeâefveÙeceeŠ FlÙeeoÙeesÓefhe DeLee&Š Jele&vles~ ØeeÛeerveefveÙeceeŠ Fefle Deefhe DeLe&Š efJeÅeles~

THE VIKRAMArts & Social ScienceResearch Journal of Vikram University, UjjainNew Series, Vol. I, December 2018

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DeeÛeejefveÙeceeveeb leòJeeefve, les<eeb JÙeJemLee Fefle DeLe&efJemleejŠ DevevlejceeieleŠ ~ $e+iJesosÓefhe yeerpe™hesCe Sles DeLee&Š meefvle ~ ceeOÙeefvovemebefnleeÙeeced DeeÛeejmÙe efJeefMe°eefve leòJeeefve FlÙeLe&s

4Oece&MeyoŠ ØeÙegòe⊠~

Gheefve<elmeg Oece&mÙe cenòJeced ceneveejeÙeCeesheefve<eefo Oece&Š peieleŠ Øeefle‰e Jele&les FlÙegòeâced ~ hejceelceveŠ ØeehlesŠ

meeOeveeefve melÙeb, leheŠ, oceŠ, MeceŠ, oeveced , Oece&Š FlÙeeoerefve Jele&vles ~ Oece&efJe<eÙes le$eesòeâced ‘‘Oece& Fefle Oece&sCe meJe&efceob heefjie=nerleced ~ Oecee&Veeefmle og§ejced ~ lemceeodOece&s jcevles ~ Oecee&s efJeÕemÙe peieleŠ Øeefle‰e~ ueeskesâ Oeefce&‰b Øepee Ghemehe&efvle ~ Oece&sCe heehecehevegoefvle~ Oece&s meJeË Øeefleef‰leced ~ lemceeod OeceË hejceb Jeoefvle’’ (ceneveejeÙeCeesheefve<eod, 78.24)~ Oece&Š hejcesÕejØeehlesŠ meeOeveb efJeÅeles~ Oece&sCe Fob meJeË JÙeehleb Ûe~ Gheefve<eoŠ DeÙecesJe DeeMeÙeŠ ~ De$e Oece&MeyoŠ ØeÙegòe⊠hejb lemÙe ue#eCeb ve Øeefleheeefoleced ~ melÙeeefo<eg meodiegCes<eg Oece&mÙe DevleYee&JeŠ efJeÅeles DeleŠ De$e veweflekeâcetuÙeeveeb meodiegCeeveeb Jee Deveg‰eveced Fefle SJe Oece&mÙe DeeMeÙeŠ mÙeeod Fefle Jeòegbâ MekeäÙeles ~ Oece&mÙe ßes‰lJeb leLee Ûe lemÙe efveefce&efleefJe<eÙes ye=noejCÙekeâesheefve<eefo (1.4.9-14)

5Ske⊠efJeÛeejŠ DeeieleŠ~ hegjeŠ kesâJeueb yeÇeÿeCeJeCe&Š SJe Deemeerled ~ hejceskeâeefkeâveŠ lemÙe ØeYeeJeŠ veeYeJeled ~ lemÙe meeneÙÙeeLeË #eef$eÙeJeCe&Š efveefce&leŠ~ hejb meesÓefhe ØeYeeJenerveŠ SJe Deemeerled ~ leÙeesŠ meeneÙÙeeLeË JewMÙeJeCe&mÙe efveefce&efleŠ DeYeJeled ~ hejb meesÓefhe meceLe&Š veeYeJeled ~ leovevlejb MetõJeCe&mÙe efveefce&eflejYeJeled ~ Ùeoe meesÓefhe keâce& keâleg&ced DemeceLe&Š leoe keâuÙeeCe™heŠ Oece&Š efveefce&leŠ~

‘‘me vewJe JÙeYeJeled leÛÚ^sÙees™hecelÙeme=pele OeceË leosleled #e$emÙe #e$eb ÙeodOece&mlemceeodOecee&lhejb veemlÙeLees DeyeueerÙeeved yeueerÙeebmeceeMebmeles Oece&sCe ÙeLee je%ewJe Ùees Jew Oece&Š melÙeb Jew leled’’ (ye=noejCÙekeâesheefve<eled, 1.4.14)~ FlÙe$e Øepeej#eCeeLeË efveOee&efjleeŠ efveÙeceeŠ Oece&™hesCe ØeefleheeefoleeŠ ~ De$ewJe Oece&mÙe leguevee melÙesve men ye=noejCÙekeâesheefve<eefo ke=âleeefmle~

‘‘Ùees Jew me Oece&Š melÙeb Jew leòemceeled melÙeb JeovleceengOe&ceË Jeoleerefle~ OeceË Jee Jeovleb melÙeb JeoleerlÙesleoOÙesJewleogYeÙeb YeJeefle’’ (ye=noejCÙekeâesheefve<eled , 1.4.14)~ melÙeb Ûe Oece&Š Ûe FlÙe$e FlÙeveÙeesŠ ceOÙes meecÙeb ØeoefMe&leceefmle~ Deefmceved mLeeves Oece&Š meceepeOeejCeeLe&ced DeeJeMÙekebâ veweflekeâeÛejCeced Fefle ™hesCe JeefCe&leŠ~

‘‘DeÙeb Oece&Š meJe&s<eeb Yetleeveeb ceOeg’’....(ye=noejCÙekeâesheefve<eled , 2.5.11) Oecee&ÛejCemÙe ØeJe=efòeŠ Oece&Š Ûe meJe&s<eeb ØeeefCeveeceelcee SJe Fefle De$eesòeâced ~ mevoYe&sÓefmceved Oece&MeyomÙe mhe°erkeâjCeb Me¿jeÛeeÙezŠ ‘‘Oece&§e JÙeeKÙeeleŠ, ßegeflemce=efleue#eCeŠ #e$eeoerveeceefhe efveÙevlee, peielees JewefÛe$Ùeke=âled, ØeeefCeefYejveg‰erÙeceeve™heŠ’’ FlÙegòeâced ~ Devesve Oece&Š meJe&s<eeb efveÙevlee Jele&les Fefle mhe°b YeJeefle~ De$eeefhe Oece&mÙe ßes‰lJecesJe Øeefleheeefoleceefmle ~ Deelcee Oece&ceÙeŠ efJeÅeles Fefle Gheefve<eod Jeoefle~ ‘‘me Jee DeÙeceelcee yeÇÿe efJe%eeveceÙees ceveesceÙeŠ...Oece&ceÙeesÓOece&ceÙeŠ Fefle...~ meeOegkeâejer


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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meeOegYe&Jeefle heehekeâejer heehees YeJeefle~ hegCÙeŠ hegCÙesve keâce&Cee YeJeefle heeheŠ heehesve’’ (ye=noejCÙekeâesheefve<eled , 4.4.5)~ De$eeefhe Oece&mÙe JewefMe°ŸecesJe Øeefleheeefoleceefmle ~

Oece&Š veece JeCee&ßeceefJeefnleeŠ efveÙeceeŠ Oece&Š Fefle DeÙeb MeyoŠ veweflekeâefveÙeceeveefOeke=âlÙe Jele&les Fefle ‘‘melÙeb Jeo, OeceË Ûej......’’

(lewefòejerÙeesheefve<eled , 1.11.1) FlÙe$e JeCee&ßeceefJeefnleeveeb efveÙeceeveeb heeueveced Fefle Deefhe DeLe&Š DeefYeØesleŠ ~ Deefmceved mevoYe&s Me¿jeÛeeÙee&Š Jeoefvle-‘‘Oece&Š Fefle Deveg‰sÙeeveeb meeceevÙeJeÛeveb melÙeeefoefJeMes<eefveo&sMeeled ~ De$e mveelekeâmÙe meeceevÙeeÛeejeCeeb efveo&sMeke⊠Oece&MeyoŠ Jele&les~ De°eLe&s ÙewŠ mJekeâerÙeb peerJeveb meceefhe&leb les Oece&keâeceeŠ SJe~ Ùeefo peerJeves keâce&efJeefÛeefkeâlmee (leefÉ<eÙes mebMeÙeŠ) mÙeeled leefn& Ùes Oece&keâeceeŠ Jele&vles les<eeceeÛejCeb ÙeLee mÙeeled leLee Jeefle&leJÙeced Fefle lewefòejerÙeesheefve<eefo (1.11.4) Gòeâced ~’’

‘‘Oece&keâeceeŠ De°eefLe&veŠ’’ Fefle Me¿jeÛeeÙee&Š Jeoefvle~ De$e Oece&MeyoŠ De°eLe&s ØeÙegòe⊠Fefle DeeÛeeÙee&CeeceefYeØeeÙeŠ ~ De°mÙe Ùe%eheâuemJe™hemÙe (mJeie&mÙe) keâeceveeb kegâJe&efvle les Oece&keâeceeŠ SJe~ Ùes<eeb Ùe%eeoerveeb %eeveb efJeÅeles leodÉeje De°mÙe Deekeâe*d#eeb Ùes kegâJe&efvle les Oece&keâeceeŠ SJe~ ÛelegCee&ceeßeceeCeeb efJeefMe°eefve keâle&JÙeeefve Fefle ‘Oece&Š’ FlÙemÙe DeLe&Š ÚevoesiÙeesheefve<eefo metefÛeleŠ ~ Oece&mÙe $eÙeŠ mkeâvOeeŠ (MeeKeeŠ, mkeâvOeeŠ, DeeOeejmlecYeeŠ) meefvle~

1. Deefivenes$eeoÙeŠ Ùe%eeŠ, efveÙecehetJe&keâced $e+iJesoeoerveeced DeYÙeemeŠ DeOÙeÙeveced , yeefnJe&sefo ÙeLeeMeefòeâ õJÙemebefJeYeeieŠ efMe#eceeCesYÙeŠ SleosJe oeveb Ûe Fefle DeÙeb ØeLeceŠ mkeâvOeŠ efJeÅeles~ Deefmceved mkeâvOes ie=nmLeeßecemÙe keâle&JÙeeefve Oece&mkeâvOe™hesCe Gòeâeefve ~

2. ke=âÛÚ^ÛeevõeÙeCeeefo leheŠ efÉleerÙeŠ mkeâvOeŠ efJeÅeles~ De$e JeeveØemLeeßecemÙe keâle&JÙeeefve Gòeâeefve~

3. DeeÛeeÙe&kegâueJeemeer yeÇÿeÛeejer le=leerÙeŠ mkeâvOeŠ efJeÅeles~ Devesve yeÇÿeÛeÙee&ßeceesòeâeefve keâle&JÙeeefve metefÛeleeefve ~

‘‘meJe&s SJe $eÙeesÓhÙeeßeefceCees ÙeLeesòeâOecezŠ hegCÙeueeskeâeŠ YeJeefvle’’ Fefle DeeÛeeÙee&Š Deefmceved mevoYe&s Jeoefvle ~ Devesve Oece&mÙe DeeMeÙeŠ DeeßecemLeeveeb keâle&JÙeeefve FlÙeefmle ~

Oece&Š veece meoeÛejCeced JeeÛeŠ cenòJeb ÚevoesiÙeesheefve<eefo (7.2.1) Øeefleheeefoleced ~ JeeiesJe $e+iJesoeoerveeb

ØekeâšerkeâjCeb keâjesefle Fefle le$eesòeâced ~ kesâ<eeb kesâ<eeb ØekeâšerkeâjCeb Jeekeâd keâjesefle FlÙemÙe metefÛeŠ De$e ØeoòeeÓefmle ~ DemÙeeb metÛÙeeb ‘OeceË ÛeeOeceË Ûe melÙeb Ûeeve=leb Ûe meeOeg ÛeemeeOeg Ûe’’ FlÙesles<eecevleYee&Jees YeJeefle~ Ùeefo JeeiesJe ve mÙeeled leefn& Oece&Š DeOece&Š FlÙeveÙeesŠ ØekeâšerkeâjCecesJe ve YeJesled ~ De$e Oecee&Oeceez FlÙesleew Meyoew ØeÙegòeâew~ De$e Oece&Š Fefle DeÙeb MeyoŠ MeeŒeØeefleheeefoleeved efveÙeceeveefOeke=âlÙe


Jesoesòebâ Oece&mJe™heb veweflekeâpeerJeveÃe

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Jele&les Fefle Jeòegbâ MekeäÙeles ~ ÚevoesiÙeesheefve<eefo (7.7.1) efJe%eevemÙe cenòJeb Øeefleheeefoleced ~ le$eeefhe GheefjleveŠ SJe DeeMeÙeŠ efJeÅeles~ ‘‘OeceË ÛeeOeceË Ûe efJe%eevesvewJe efJepeeveeefle’’ Fefle le$eesòeâced ~ Oecee&Oeceez FlÙeefmceved efJe<eÙes Me¿jeÛeeÙee&Š Jeoefvle - Oecee&Oeceez MeeŒeefmeæew~ Devesve MeeŒeesòeâced DeeÛejCeced Fefle DemÙe mhe°erkeâjCemÙe DeeMeÙeŠ mÙeeefoefle cevleJÙeced~

Oece&Š veece MeeÕeleefveÙeceeŠ Oece&Š Fefle DeÙeb MeyoŠ MeeÕeleefveÙeceeveefOeke=âlÙe JeefCe&leŠ ~ ØeeCe›elemÙe mlegefleØemeÁs

ye=noejCÙekeâesheefve<eefo (1.5.23) Gòeâced - ØeeCesYÙe metÙe&Š Gosefle ØeeCes<eg SJe Demleb ieÛÚefle~ Fleerob metÙe&mÙe ›eleb efJeÅeles~ DeÙecesJe Oecee&s Jele&les~ Oece&mÙeemÙe efveefce&efleŠ osJewŠ ke=âleeefmle~ DeÙeb Oece&Š meeJe&keâeefueke⊠Jele&les~ DeÅe leLee Ûe ÕeŠ Deefhe DeÙecesJe efveÙeceŠ Oece&Š Jele&les~ De$e Oece&MeyoŠ MeeÕeleefveÙeceeLe&s ØeÙegòeâesÓefmle ~ DemÙe ›elemÙe, Oece&mÙe meJe&oe heeueveb keâle&JÙeefceefle De$eesòeâced ~

Oece&Š veece mJeYeeJeŠ Oece&Š FlÙemÙe DeLe&Š mJeYeeJeŠ FlÙeefhe Jele&les ~ ye=noejCÙekeâesheefve<eefo DeelcemJe™heb

mhe°erke=âleced ~ ‘‘DejsÓÙeceelceevegefÛÚefòe Oecee&’’ (ye=noejCÙekeâesheefve<eled , 4.5.14)~ DeÙeceelcee DeefJeveeMeer leLee Ûe DevegÛÚso™heŠ Jele&les~ DevegefÛÚefòeOecee& FlÙemÙe mhe°erkeâjCeb Me¿jeÛeeÙezŠ ‘‘GefÛÚefòe®ÛÚsoŠ GÛÚsoesÓvlees efJeveeMeŠ, GefÛÚefòeOecee&sÓmÙeslÙegefÛÚefòeOecee&, veesefÛÚefòeOecee& DevegefÛÚefòeOecee&~’’ De$e Oece&MeyomÙe DeLe&Š mJeYeeJeŠ Fefle™hesCe ke=âleesÓefmle~

leelheÙe&ced Oece&Š FlÙemÙeeŠ me¿uheveeÙee Jesoesheefve<elmeg Deefhe DeLe&heefjJele&veb ÂMÙeles~ mce=lÙeeefo<eg

veweflekebâ peerJeveb, meodiegCeeŠ, JeCee&ßeceevegmeejb ceeveJeeveeced DeeÛeejefveÙeceeŠ GòejoeefÙelJeb, efveÙeecekeâleòJeced Fefle™hesCe Oece&mebkeâuheveeÙee DeeMeÙeŠ efJeÅeles~ lewefòejerÙeesheefve<eefo ‘‘melÙeb Jeo, OeceË Ûej...’’ (1.19) FlÙe$e Oece&MeyomÙe JeCee&ßeceevegmeejced DeeÛeejefveÙeceeŠ veweflekebâ peerJeveced Fefle SJe DeLe&Š DeefYeØesleŠ ~ YeieJeodieerleeÙeeb ‘‘mJeOece&s efveOeveb ßesÙeŠ’’...(2.35)~ FlÙe$eeefhe JeCee&ßeceefJeefnleeefve keâle&JÙeeefve Fefle SJe Oece&mÙe leelheÙeË efJeÅeles~ cevegvee meJe&s<eeb JeCee&veeb ÙeŠ Oece&Š Jele&les lemÙe DevegMeemeveb Øeesòeâced le$eeefhe Oece&Š veece JeCee&ßeceefJeefnleb keâle&JÙeced FlÙesJeeefmle leelheÙe&ced~ Oece&MeeŒes<eg meoeÛejCemÙe cenòJeceefOekebâ efJeÅeles~ Sles<eeb meoeÛejCeeveeb cetueced Gheefve<elmeg Jele&les~ Gheefve<elmeg meoeÛejCecesJe Oece&Š Fefle veesòebâ hejb meoeÛejCeb veweflekeâpeerJeveb keâLeceeJeMÙekeâced Fefle meJe&$e Øeefleheeefoleced ~

‘‘cee ie=OeŠ keâmÙe efmJeod Oeveced’’ ... (MegkeäueÙepegJe&soceeOÙeefvovemebefnlee, 40.1)


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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‘‘kesâJeueeIees YeJeefle kesâJeueeoer’’... ($e+iJesoŠ, 10.117.6)‘‘melÙeb Jeo’’...(lewefòejerÙeesheefve<eled, 1.11) FlÙeeoÙeŠ efJeÛeejeŠ veweflekeâpeerJevemÙe

DeeOeejYetleeŠ SJe meefvle~ FlÙesles<eeb meodiegCeeveecevleYee&JeŠ Oece&me¿uheveeÙeeb Oece&MeeŒekeâejwŠ ke=âleŠ~ 6

DeleŠ cevegvee oMeefJeOeb Oece&ue#eCeb Øeesòeâced ~ De$e veweflekeâiegCeeveecesJe DevleYee&JeŠ Jele&les~ 7

Ùee%eJeukeäÙesveeefhe Oece&meeOevecegkeälJee veweflekeâiegCeeveecesJe efJeÛeejŠ ke=âleŠ~ De$e Ùes Ùes meodiegCeeŠ efveefo&°eŠ meefvle leeveefOeke=âlÙe mJelev$eleÙee Gheefve<elmeg Jele&ceeveeŠ efJeÛeejeŠ mJelev$eleÙee efueefKelegb MekeäÙevles~ Sles<eeb iegCeeveeb leLee Ûe Oece&me¿uheveeÙeeŠ yeerpeced Gheefve<elmeg Jele&les Fefle leelheÙe&ced ~

mevoYee&Š1. Ûeesoveeue#eCeesÓLee&s Oece&Š ~ (pewefceveerÙemet$eced, 1.1.2), ÙeleesÓYÙegoÙeefveŠßesÙemeefmeefæŠ me Oece&Š ~

(JewMesef<ekeâmet$eced 1.2.1), OeejCeeodOece&efcelÙeengŠ Oecee&s OeejÙeles ØepeeŠ (ceneYeejleced Meeefvle heJe&, 109.11)

2. $e+iJesoŠ, 1.22.18, 5.26.6, 8.43.24

3. $e+iJesoŠ, 3.17.1, 3.3.1

4. efce$eeJe®Ceew lJeesòejleŠ heefjOeòeeb OegÇJesCe Oece&Cee..... (MegkeäueÙepegJe&soceeOÙeefvovemebefnlee, 2.3)

5. yeÇeÿeCeefJe<eÙes Me¿jeÛeeÙee&Š Jeoefvle - yeÇeÿeCee yeÇÿeefJeefJeefo<eJees pevce-peje-cejCe-ØeyevOeÛe›eâYeüceCe-ke=âleeÙeeme-ogŠKeesokeâeheejcenesoefOehueJeYetleb ieg®ceemeeÅe leòeerjcegefòeleer<e&Jees Oecee&Oece&meeOevelelheâueue#eCeeled meeOÙemeeOeve ™heeefVeefJe&CheeŠ leefæ ue#eCeefvelÙeefvejefleMeÙeßesÙeŠ ØeefleefhelmeJeŠ (ye=noejCÙekeâesheefve<eled , 1.4.9 - Yee<Ùeced)

6. Oe=efleŠ #ecee oceesÓmlesÙeb MeewÛeefceefvõÙeefve«enŠ ~ OeerefJe&Åee melÙece›eâesOees oMekebâ Oece&ue#eCeced ~~ (cevegmce=efleŠ, 6.98)

7. Deefnbmee melÙecemlesÙeb MeewÛeefceefvõÙeefve«enŠ ~ oeveb ocees oÙee #eeefvleŠ meJe&s<eeb Oece&meeOeveced ~~ (Ùee%eJeukeäÙemce=efleŠ, DeeÛeejeOÙeeÙeŠ, 122)


Jesoesòebâ Oece&mJe™heb veweflekeâpeerJeveÃe

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mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje(GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

THE VIKRAMArts & Social ScienceResearch Journal of Vikram University, UjjainNew Series, Vol. I, December 2018

jeOeeJeuueYe ef$ehee"er

meeceevÙeleŠ hebef[le Gme JÙeefòeâ keâes ceevee peelee nw, efpemekesâ heeme heejcheefjkeâ Øe%ee keâer hetBpeer nes leLee pees ØeeÛeerve %eeveJÙeJemLeeDeeW Ùee MeeŒeeW keâe ØeeceeefCekeâ peevekeâej nes~ MeeŒeefJeMes<e keâer hebefòeâÙeeB Keesueves keâer #ecelee kesâ meeLe «evLe keâer hetJee&hejmebieefle keâe yeesOe keâjeles ngS MeeŒe keâer ceerceebmee keâjvee Yeer hebef[le keâer henÛeeve jner nw~ Fme DeJeOeejCee ceW hebef[le keâes DeeOegefvekeâ %eeveØeCeeefueÙeeW leLee DeeOegefvekeâ peerJeve mes efJeueie ceeve efueÙee peelee nw, pees mener veneR nw~ hejcheje Deewj DeeOegefvekeâlee kesâ yeerÛe, mebmke=âle Deewj veJÙe YeejleerÙe Yee<eeDeeW kesâ yeerÛe, MeeŒe Deewj ueeskeâ kesâ yeerÛe Skeâ DeuebIÙe KeeF& nw - Ùen lemJeerj nceejs efoceeie ceW DeewheefveJesefMekeâ meòeeDeeW ves Debefkeâle keâer nw, efpemeceW DeeOegefvekeâ DeOÙesleeDeeW ves Yeer jbie Yejs nQ~ hebef[leeW kesâ efpeme mebmeej keâer Fme uesKe ceW ÛeÛee& keâer peeÙesieer, GmeceW cetueleŠ Ssmeer keâesF& KeeF& veneR nw ~ hej Ùen melÙe nw efkeâ hebef[le heejcheefjkeâ %eeve keâer mebefÛele Oejesnj keâe ØeefleefveefOe nw, pees ueieeleej Deheves meceÙe Deewj DeeOegefvekeâlee mes mebJeeo keâjlee DeeÙee nw ~ Fme mebJeeo ceW Gmekeâer GheueefyOeÙeeW Deewj meHeâueleeDeeW kesâ meeLe ÛegveewefleÙeeB, cegefMkeâueW Deewj efJeheâueleeSB Yeer meceeefnle nQ ~

heb[e (meled Deewj Demeled keâe efJeJeskeâ jKeves Jeeueer yegefæ) efpemekesâ heeme nes Gmes hebef[le keâne peelee nw ~ heb[e Meyo ielÙeLe&keâ heef[ Oeeleg mes yevee nw ~ ceerceebmee oMe&ve ceW DehetJe& Ùee De°efJeMes<e kesâ DeLe& ceW heb[e Skeâ oeMe&efvekeâ mecØelÙeÙe nw~ GppJeue yegefæ leLee DeeiecepevÙe %eeve

1kesâ efueÙes Yeer heb[e Meyo keâe JÙeJenej ngDee nw~ heb[e yegefæ keâe efJeefMe° leLee GppJeuelej ™he nw, pees nj lejn keâer cetÌ{lee keâe ØelÙeeKÙeeve keâjlee nw~


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DecejkeâesMe ceW hebef[le kesâ heÙee&Ùe Fme Øekeâej efieveeÙes ieÙes nQ - efJeÉeved efJeheef§eod oes<e%eŠ meved megOeerŠ keâesefJeoes yegOeŠ ~Oeerjes ceveer<eer %eŠ Øee%eŠ mebKÙeeJeeved heefC[leŠ keâefJeŠ ~~Oeerceeved metefjŠ ke=âleer ke=âef°ue&yOeJeCee&s efJeÛe#eCeŠ ~otjoMeea oerIe&oMeea...(DecejkeâesMe, 2.7.5-6)

Ùes heÙee&Ùe hebef[le keâer DeJeOeejCee kesâ efveefnleeLe& keâes JÙeòeâ keâjles nQ, efpevemes peeefnj nw efkeâ hebef[le nesves kesâ efueÙes efJeÉeved Deewj MeeŒe%e nesvee ner keâeheâer veneR nw~ hebef[le oes<eeW Ùee yegjeFÙeeW keâer Keyej jKeves Jeeuee, oMe&ve keâe peevekeâej, keâefJe, yegefæceeved, OewÙe&Meeueer, efvehegCe, otjoMeea Deewj oerIe&oMeea Yeer neslee nw ~

DecejkeâesMe keâer metÛeer ceW hebef[le Deewj keâefJe keâes heÙee&Ùe keâne ieÙee nw~ ojDemeue veJeeR Meleeyoer lekeâ, efpeme meceÙe Ùen keâesMe lewÙeej ngDee, hebef[le Deewj keâefJe Fve oesveeW MeyoeW kesâ DeeMeÙe Deepe nceejer Ûeslevee ceW Fvekesâ pees DeLe& nQ, Gmemes Deueie jns nQ~ hebef[le kesâJeue efJeÉeved Yej veneR nw Deewj keâefJe kesâJeue keâefJelee keâe mepe&keâ Yej veneR nw ~ oesveeW ceW kegâÚ Ssmee keâle=&lJe meceeve ™he mes nw, pees meceepe keâes ieefle, efoMee Deewj Tpee& oslee nw~ Fme meceevelee kesâ keâejCe hebef[le keâefJe nw Deewj keâefJe hebef[le nw ~

DeleŠ hejcheje ceW hebef[le keâe keâefJe Deewj keâefJe keâe hebef[le nesvee Ùeefo meJe&Lee DeefveJeeÙe& veneR, lees Dehesef#ele DeJeMÙe nw~ YeJeYetefle Deewj ßeern<e& efpeleves ceewefuekeâ Deewj GÛÛekeâesefš kesâ oeMe&efvekeâ leLee MeeŒecece&%e nQ, Gleves ner yeÌ[s jmeefmeæ cenekeâefJe Yeer nQ ~ hebef[leeW keâer hejcheje ceW Ùen Gefòeâ meieJe& GodOe=le nesleer DeeÙeer nw - leke&sâ<eg keâke&âMeefOeÙees JeÙecesJe veevÙes, keâeJÙes<eg keâesceueefOeÙees JeÙecesJe veevÙes (lekeâeËs ceW keâke&âMe yegefæ Jeeues Yeer nce ner nQ keâesF& Deewj veneR, keâefJelee ceW keâesceue yegefæ Jeeues Yeer nce nQ, keâesF& Deewj veneR)~ FmeefueS heef§ece ceW efpeme lejn mkeâeuej Deewj heesSš keâer keâesefšÙeeB ØeeÙeŠ efYeVe ceeveer peeleer jner nQ, Gme lejn nceejer hejcheje ceW hebef[le Deewj keâefJe kesâ yeerÛe otjer veneR nw, Deepe Ùeefo nce FveceW otjer osKeles nQ lees Fme otjer keâer mecePe ÙeesjesheerÙe mebmkeâejeW mes DeeÙeele ngF& nw~ Fme uesKe ceW ÛeefÛe&le meYeer hebef[leeW ves keâeJÙejÛevee keâer nes - Ssmee efyeukegâue veneR nw~ hejcheje keâefJe Deewj hebef[le ceW meceekeâeefjlee osKeleer nw, DeYeso veneR~ Fmekeâe DeeMeÙe Ùen nw efkeâ nj hebef[le kesâ Yeerlej keâefJe keâe mebJesoveMeerue ceeveme neslee ner nw, Jen jÛevee keâj kesâ Gmes JÙeòeâ keâjs Ùee ve keâjs~ Gmeer lejn Ùen Yeer ceevee ieÙee efkeâ nj keâefJe keâes MeeŒeeW Ùee %eeve kesâ efJeefYeVe ØemLeeveeW keâe peevekeâej nesvee ner ÛeeefnÙes, Ûeens Jen Deheveer peevekeâejer peeefnj nesves os Ùee ve nesves os ~ JÙeeme keânles nQ -

MeeskeâmLeevemenœeeefCe YeÙemLeeveMeleeefve Ûe ~efoJemes efoJemes cet{ceeefJeMeefvle ve heefC[leced ~~ (ceneYeejle, 12.131.38)

(mebmeej Meeskeâ kesâ menœeeW DeJemejeW mes Yeje nw, YeÙe kesâ meQkeâÌ[eW Øemebie efvelÙe FmeceW Deeles nQ~ cetÌ{ peve Fvemes DeeefJe° nesles nQ, hebef[le veneR~)


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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hebef[le meceepe Deewj JÙeJemLee ceW JÙeehle Deefve°keâj meVeešeW keâes leesÌ[les nQ, Gvekeâer GheefmLeefle Deelebefkeâle Deewj Øeleeefjle peveeW kesâ efueÙes DeeÕeefmlekeâj nesleer nw~ Deb«espeer ceW efpemes FbšsueskeäÛegDeue Deewj efnvoer ceW yegefæpeerJeer keâne peelee nw, hebef[le Meyo Gmekesâ DeLe& keâe efvekeâšlece JeeÛekeâ nes keâj Yeer FbšsueskeäÛegDeue Ùee yegefæpeerJeer keâer Dehes#ee JÙeehekeâ Je DeefOekeâ ieefjceeceÙe heo jne nw (Deepe Gmekeâe ogjble DeLee&hekeâ<e& nes ieÙee nw, Ùen yeele Deueie nw)~

hebef[le Deewj efJeÉeved (mkeâeuej) ceW ceesše Devlej nw ~ nj mkeâeuej hebef[le veneR neslee ~ hebef[le Deheves heÌ{s Deewj iegves keâes peerJeve ceW {euelee Yeer nw~ Jesoevle, meebKÙe, yeewæeW Deewj pewveeW kesâ MeeŒe neW Ùee ÛeeJee&keâoMe&ve - Fvekesâ efmeæevleeW kesâ meeLe Fvekesâ DeeÛeej Deewj peerJeveÛeÙee&SB pegÌ[er ngF& nQ~ hebef[le keâe MeeŒe%eeve Gmekesâ DeeÛeej Deewj JÙeJenej mes mecejme neslee nw~

hebef[le kesâ Fme JÙeehekeâ oeÙejs keâes Fme uesKe keâer he=‰Yetefce ceW OÙeeve ceW jKeles ngS hebef[le mes DeeMeÙe ÙeneB Gve ueesieeW mes efueÙee ieÙee nw, efpevneWves mee#eeled ieg®cegKe mes mebmke=âle kesâ MeeŒeeW keâe DeOÙeÙeve efkeâÙee nw, leLee pees Ùee lees Gve MeeŒeeW kesâ DeOÙeÙeve Deewj DeOÙeeheve ceW efvejblej ueies jns nQ DeLeJee Gvekesâ %eeve kesâ Éeje meceepe mes efvejvlej ielÙeelcekeâ mebJeeo mLeeefhele keâj mekesâ nQ~ Fmekesâ DeueeJee Ùeefo DevÙe keâejCeeW mes kegâÚ ueesie hebef[le keâns peeles nQ (pewmes hebef[le pemejepe, hebef[le vesn™ DeLeJee hetpeehee", keâce&keâeC[ Deeefo kesâ Éeje peerefJekeâesheepe&ve keâjves Jeeues yeÇeÿeCe Ùee hegpeejer Deeefo) lees Jes Fme uesKe kesâ oeÙejs mes meJe&Lee yeenj nQ ~

Skeâ yeele Deewj ~ mecetÛes mebmke=âlemeeefnlÙe keâe DeOÙesle=Jeie& heg®<eJeeoer JeÛe&mJe mes Fme lejn Dee›eâeble jne nw efkeâ hebef[le Meyo keâe GÛÛeejCe nesles ner nceejs ceeveme ceW efleuekeâOeejer, OeesleerOeejer efJeefMe° heg®<e keâer ÚefJe GYej Deeleer nw ~ efŒeÙeeB Yeer hebef[le nes mekeâleer nQ, Ùen yeele nceejs meb%eeve ceW Deeles Deeles jn peeleer nw~ GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer ceW pevceeR keâce mes keâce oes efJeogef<eÙeeW keâes mebmke=âle kesâ hebef[le meceepe ves efJeefOeJeled hebef[lee keâer GheeefOe mes Deuebke=âle efkeâÙee - hebef[lee jceeyeeF& leLee hebef[lee #eceejeJe~ oesveeW keâer henÛeeve hebef[lee kesâ ™he ceW keâer peeleer jner nw, neueeBefkeâ hebef[lee #eceejeJe mebmke=âle keâer yengle DeÛÚer keâefJe LeeR Deewj MeeŒeeW keâer iegeflLeÙeeW mes Gvekeâe DeefOekeâ mejeskeâej veneR Lee~ Gvekesâ jÛes Ún cenekeâeJÙeeW Deewj DevÙe Deveskeâ jÛeveeDeeW cebs melÙee«enieerlee mebmke=âlemeeefnlÙe ceW Skeâ ÙegieØeJele&keâ ke=âefle yeveer~

cesjer mecePe mes Fve oesveeW ceefnueeDeeW ves hebef[le kesâ Oece& keâe efveJee&n Deveskeâ hebef[lehegbieJeeW mes DeefOekeâ DeÛÚer lejn efkeâÙee~ Fve oes kesâ Deefleefjòeâ nceejs meceÙe ceW DevÙe Deveskeâ ceefnueeSB hebef[le ngFË~ nceejs meceÙe ceW heg<hee oeref#ele mebmke=âle keâer hejce hebef[lee nQ, JÙeekeâjCe keâer peefšue iegeflLeÙeeW hej Debeflece efveCe&Ùe kesâ efueÙes mebmke=âle kesâ DeOÙeslee Gve hej Deeefßele jnles nQ ~ heeefCeefve JÙeekeâjCe hej DemeeOeejCe DeefOekeâej Deewj Gmekesâ DeOÙeeheve keâer meJe&Lee veF& mebYeeJeveeSB Gpeeiej keâjves ceW GvneWves efJeue#eCe keâeÙe& efkeâÙee~ Gvekeâe Iej Skeâ Deeßece, Skeâ ieg®kegâue Deewj Skeâ MeesOemebmLeeve Skeâ meeLe nw, peneB osMe efJeosMe mes JÙeekeâjCe heÌ{ves kesâ efueÙes ueeueeefÙele Úe$e Dee keâj cenerveeW efškesâ jnles nQ ~


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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yesšervee yeeGcej Deeef°^Ùeve cetue keâer nQ Deewj Deye YeejleerÙe veeieefjkeâ nQ~ keâeMceerj MewJeoMe&ve Deewj leb$eeieceeW kesâ DeOÙeÙeve ceWs Gvekeâe keâece cenòJehetCe& nw~ JesoeW hej ßeerceleer efmebOeg [eBies keâe Yeer keâece GæjCeerÙe nw~ Ssmes Deveskeâ veece Deewj peesÌ[s pee mekeâles nQ ~

hebef[le Meyo peyeeve hej Deeles ner Skeâ Deewj ieuele ÚefJe ceve ceW GYejleer nw efkeâ Jen Ssmee JÙeefòeâ nw, pees peeefle mes yeÇeÿeCe nw~ hebef[leeW keâer metÛeer ceW yeÇeÿeCeslej JeCeeËs mes DeeÙes ngS Deveskeâ DeÛÚs hebef[le efceueWies~ hej Ssmes hebef[leeW ves Deheves yeÇeÿeCeslej JeCe& mes mebyeæ nesves keâer yeele keâes Kegue keâj ØeeÙeŠ Gpeeiej veneR efkeâÙee~ Deheves veece kesâ Deeies MeeŒeer, Jesoeue¿ej, efJeÅeeue¿ej Deeefo GheeefOeÙeeB ueiee keâj megefJeOee mes Dehevee JeCe& efÚheeves ceW keâoeefÛeled GvneWves DeefOekeâ ®efÛe jKeer~ Gvekesâ ceve ceW keâneR Ùen mebmkeâej Yeer jne nw efkeâ Deye Jeso, MeeŒe heÌ{ Ûegkesâ nQ FmeefueÙes Jes Deye yeÇeÿeCe ner nQ~ Ûee®osJe MeeŒeer Deewj Gvekesâ heg$e melÙe›ele MeeŒeer yeermeJeeR Meleeyoer ceW mebmke=âle JÙeekeâjCe kesâ ßes‰ hebef[leeW ceW ieCeveerÙe nQ~ melÙeØekeâeMe efmebn Deewj ieewlece Jee[erueeue hešsue keâe JesoefJe<eÙekeâ DevegmebOeeve ceW leLee ieCesMeerueeue megLeej keâe vÙeeÙeoMe&ve hej GuuesKÙe keâeÙe& nw~

Kegues ceW JeCe&JÙeJemLee kesâ Éeje nesves Jeeues YesoYeeJe hej ÛeÛee& ve keâjvee yeefukeâ Gme ÛeÛee& keâes meeÙeeme oyeeÙes jKeves Deewj ØeÛÚVe ™he mes Ssmes YesoYeeJe keâes heesmeles jnvee - Ùen ØeJe=efòe yeÌ[er meercee lekeâ nceejs heÌ{s efueKes Jeie& ceW jner nw Deewj mebmke=âlehebef[le meceepe ceW lees peeefle mes yeÇeÿeCe Deewj peeefle mes DeyeÇeÿeCe oesveeW ner JeieeËs ceW Ùen Ketye nw~ Øekeâš ceW peeefle ve hetÚes meeOeg keâer JÙeJenej ceW peeefle ner hetÚes meeOeg keâer yeve peelee nw~ mebmke=âle kesâ OegjbOej hebef[leeW ceW GoejJeie& Deewj ØeieefleMeerue Jeie& kesâ meeLe meeLe Skeâ ™efÌ{Jeeoer Jeie& meowJe meef›eâÙe jne nw, efpemeves Fme ogje«en keâes yeveeÙes jKeves Deewj heesmeves ceW keâmej veneR jKeer efkeâ pees pevce mes yeÇeÿeCe nw, hebef[le nesves keâe SkeâeefOekeâej Gmeer kesâ heeme nw~ Fmekesâ keâejCe DevÙe Jeie& mes DeOÙesleeDeeW Deewj ceefnueeDeeW keâes heebef[lÙe Deewj JesoeOÙeÙeve leLee MeeŒeeOÙeÙeve mes JebefÛele jKeves kesâ ØeÙeeme Yeer efkeâÙes peeles jns nQ ~ Fmekesâ yeeJepeto ceefnueeDeeW leLee cegefmuece Deewj ef›eâef§eÙeve Jeie& mes Deveskeâ DeÛÚs mebmke=âle hebef[le Yeejle ceW ngS~ iegueece omleieerj Deyyeeme Deueer efyejepeoej Skeâ Ssmes JÙeefòeâ nQ, efpevekesâ veece keâe GÛÛeejCe Ùee uesKeve peevekeâej ueesie yeiewj hebef[le peesÌ[s keâYeer veneR keâjles~ hebef[le mewÙeo ngmewve MeeŒeer (1933-2007) leLee nveerheâ Keeve MeeŒeer keâe Yeer GuuesKe efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw ~ (mJe.) ßeerceleer F&mšj meesueesceve (Denceoeyeeo) meebKÙeoMe&ve leLee leke&âMeeŒe keâer ØeKej hebef[lee jner nQ~

DeewheefveJesefMekeâ oewj ceW efJeMes<e ™he mes cewkeâeues keâer efMe#eeveerefle ØemleeefJele nesves kesâ yeeo osMe ceW mebmke=âle efMe#ee keâer Skeâ oesnjer ØeCeeueer efJekeâefmele ngF& - Skeâ mlej hej hee"Meeuee heæefle leLee otmejs mlej hej DeeOegefvekeâ heæefle~ Ùen ceevee peeves ueiee efkeâ hee"Meeuee heæefle mes heÌ{ keâj efvekeâues ngS mveelekeâ lees hebef[le nQ Deewj DeeOegefvekeâ heæefle mes mebmke=âle heÌ{ keâj efvekeâues ngS efJeÉppeve nQ, pees DevegmebOeeve kesâ DeeOegefvekeâ hewceeveeW keâes Dehevee keâj MeesOekeâeÙe& keâj mekeâles nQ~ Deheveer efJeYeepevekeâejer veerefle kesâ lenle mebmke=âle efMe#ee ceW efJeosMeer Meemeve ves Fme lejn mes efpeme ke=âef$ece KeeF&


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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keâe efvecee&Ce efkeâÙee, Jen hebef[le hejcheje kesâ efueÙes Deewj mebmke=âle keâer mece«e efMe#ee kesâ efueÙes Ieelekeâ yeveer~

Ùeefo Debiesüpeer Meemeve ve Deelee lees mebmke=âle hee"MeeueeSB Deewj ieg®kegâue Dehevee DeÅeleveerkeâjCe keâjles ner Deewj %eeveefJe%eeve kesâ efJe<eÙeeW keâe meceeJesMe Yeer mebmke=âle ceeOÙece keâer heÌ{eF& ceW DeJeMÙe keâjles~ Fmekeâer Øeef›eâÙee Yeer De"ejnJeeR meoer kesâ meeLe DeejcYe nes Ûegkeâer Leer, efpeme hej ÛeÛee& Fme uesKe ceW mecYeJe veneR nw ~

mebmke=âle keâer MeeŒehejchejeSB keâce mes keâce leerve menœeeefyoÙeeW keâer yeÌ[er keâeueeJeefOe ceW efJekeâefmele nesleer jner nQ Deewj FveceW Deepe Yeer efJekeâeme peejer nw~ FveceW YeejleerÙe %eeveceerceebmee kesâ menœeeW efJe<eÙe meceeefJe° nQ~ hebef[le Fvekesâ %eeve kesâ Éeje meceepe ceW yeewefækeâ Ûeslevee kesâ efvecee&Ce Deewj yeewefækeâ hejchejeDeeW kesâ meelelÙe ceW jÛeveelcekeâ Yetefcekeâe keâe efveJee&n keâjles DeeÙes nQ~ mebmke=âle keâeJÙe kesâ meelelÙe Deewj efJekeâeme ceW Yeer Gvekeâer Ùener Yetefcekeâe jner nw~

hebef[le hejcheje keâes ueskeâj Mesu[eve heesuekeâ (2001:393) ves Deheves efveyevOe efo [sLe Dee@Heâ mebmke=âle ceW GefÛele ner keâne nw - ‘‘1750 F&. kesâ Deemeheeme peye ÙetjesheerÙe GheefveJesMeJeeo ves Fme ceneÉerhe ceW Deheves hewj hemeej efueÙes, Gmekesâ henues keâer oes MeleeefyoÙeeB (Yee<ee kesâ efJeMues<eCe, ceerceebmee, Oece&MeeŒe, oMe&ve leLee DevÙe efJe<eÙeeW ceW) mebmke=âle kesâ JÙeJeefmLele efÛebleve keâe meyemes GJe&j DeeKÙeeve efveefce&le keâjleer nQ~ efÛeblekeâeW ves hegjeveer mecemÙeeDeeW hej hetjer lejn veÙes cegneJejeW ceW veJemebjÛeveeSB Øemlegle keâeR, heebef[lÙe keâer veF& efJeOeeSB meeceves DeeFË, leLee veÙee Ssefleneefmekeâ {eBÛee ieÌ{e ieÙee~ kegâÚ (hebef[le) mJeÙeb keâes Ùee Gvekesâ ØeefleJeeoer GvnW, veJÙe Yeer keânves ueies~’’ (DevegJeeo cesje)~

heesuekeâ Ùen ceeveles nQ Yeejle ceW GheefveJesMeer meòee keâer mLeehevee kesâ meeLe mebmke=âle heebef[lÙe keâe #ejCe neslee ieÙee Deewj Deble ceW mebmke=âle Yee<ee Deewj Gmemes pegÌ[er efÛebleve Deewj keâefJelee keâer hejchejeSB Yeer cej ieFË~ ÙeneB Gvemes mencele veneR ngDee pee mekeâlee~

heesuekeâ ves Deheves uesKe ceW Gve hebef[leeW keâer ÛeÛee& veneR keâer nw, efpevekesâ keâejCe omeJeeR Meleeyoer kesâ yeeo keâe keâeue YeejleerÙe ceveer<ee keâe DelÙeble GJe&j keâeue yeve mekeâe~ Gve hebef[leeW keâer kegâÚ ÛeÛee& ieesheerveeLe keâefJejepe ves Deheveer hegmlekeâ keâeMeer keâer meejmJele meeOevee ceW keâer nw~ Fme hegmlekeâ ceW lesjnJeeR Meleeyoer mes De"ejnJeeR Meleeyoer kesâ yeerÛe keâeMeer ceW Dee yemes Gve mebmke=âle hebef[leeW keâe yÙeewje efoÙee ieÙee nw, efpevnebWves Ùee lees cenòJehetCe& šerkeâeDeeW keâe ØeCeÙeve efkeâÙee Ùee ceewefuekeâ MeeŒe«evLe jÛes~ Ùeefo mejmejer efveieen mes Yeer osKeW lees keâefJejepe ves ienjs MeesOe kesâ yeeo pees cenòJehetCe& efJeJejCe Gme hegmlekeâ ceW efoÙes nQ, GveceW nj yeeo keâer Meleeyoer ceW henues keâer Meleeyoer keâer Dehes#ee hebef[leeW keâer mebKÙee yeÌ{leer ieF& nw~ Ùen hegmlekeâ DeewheefveJesefMekeâkeâeue ceW Skeâ meeefpeMe kesâ meeLe ØeÛeeefjle Fme ceevÙelee keâes OJemle keâj osleer nw efkeâ yeejnJeeR Meleeyoer kesâ he§eeled mebmke=âle keâer efÛebleve hejchejeSB Úerpeleer Ûeueer ieF& nQ~ heesuekeâ kesâ Éeje mebmke=âle keâer ce=lÙeg kesâ efJe<eÙe ceW keâer ieF& Gefòeâ Yeer


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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Fmekesâ Éeje hegveefJe&ÛeeÙe& nes peeleer nw~ keâeMeer keâer meejmJele meeOevee ceW lesjnJeeR Meleeyoer kesâ , ÛeewonJeeR kesâ 6, hevõnJeeR kesâ 12, meesuenJeeR kesâ 42 leLee me$enJeeR kesâ 73 hebef[le ÛeefÛe&le nQ, De"ejnJeeR Meleeyoer ceW DeJeMÙe «eeheâ veerÛes DeeÙee nw - Deewj Fme meoer kesâ keâeMeerJeemeer 13 hebef[leeW hej keâefJejepe peer ves efJeÛeej efkeâÙee nw ~ JemlegleŠ De"ejnJeeR meoer ceW Yeer hebef[leeW keâer mebKÙee keâce veneR ngF&~ keâefJejepe peer ves Fme hegmlekeâ keâer Yetefcekeâe ceW mJeerkeâej efkeâÙee nw efkeâ Gvekeâe keâeÙe& DeOetje nw Deewj De"ejnJeeR Meleeyoer kesâ meejs efJeJejCe GmeceW meceeefJe° veneR nes mekesâ nQ ~ meeLe ner GvneWves Deheveer Goej Deewj JÙeehekeâ Âef° kesâ Deveg™he Ùen Yeer keâne nw efkeâ Fmeer lejn GVeermeJeeR Deewj yeermeJeeR Meleeyoer keâer meejmJele meeOevee hej Yeer keâece keâjves keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw ~ Fmekesâ meeLe ner Ùen Yeer DeJeOesÙe nw efkeâ keâefJejepe peer Deheves yÙeewjs hebef[leeW kesâ Éeje jÛes ieÙes ceewefuekeâ «evLeeW Ùee ØeeÛeerve «evLeeW keâer Gvekeâer šerkeâeDeeW keâer nmleefueefKele heesefLeÙeeW kesâ DeeOeej hej Skeâ$e keâj jns Les, De"ejnJeeR -GVeermeJeeR MeleeefyoÙeeW ceW hegjeveer heesefLeÙeeW keâe ner yeÌ[s hewceeves hej efJeveeMe ngDee, Fve MeleeefyoÙeeW ceW Ùeefo hebef[leeW ves veF& heesefLeÙeeB efueKeeR, lees Gvekesâ jKejKeeJe keâer keâewve keâns ?

Ùen Yeer OÙesÙe nw efkeâ keâeMeer keâer meejmJele meeOevee kesâ ØeefleoMe& hej yebieeue, efceefLeuee, kesâjue Deewj keâCee&škeâ kesâ veiejeW mes Yeer Ssmes ner yÙeewjs Skeâ$e efkeâÙes peeÙeW, lees Thej efoÙes ieÙes DeeBkeâÌ[s yeerme iegves nes mekeâles nQ ~ ØeKej leLee ØekeâeC[ hebef[le Fme osMe kesâ meYeer DebÛeueeW ceW leLee Úesšs-Úesšs ieeBJeeW ceW Yeer nesles jns nQ ~ Fme Âef° mes yengle efoueÛemhe hegmlekeâ jeceÛevõ Pee keâer mce=eflejsKee (1985)

nw ~ Ùen Pee peer keâer mebmke=âle ceW efueKeer DeelcekeâLee nw~ Pee peer ves yengle ner Øeebpeue, mejme Deewj mejue mebmke=âle ieÅe ceW Deheves meceÙe kesâ hebef[le meceepe Deewj meejmJele meeOevee keâes peerJeble keâj efoÙee nw ~ efJeMes<e ™he mes Úesšs Úesšs ieeBJeeW ceW Deveskeâ hebef[leeW kesâ pees meejmJele efJe«en GvneWves Deheveer uesKeveer mes ÙeneB Gkesâjs nQ, Gvekeâer %eeveoerefhle Ûeefkeâle keâj osves Jeeueer nw ~ Fme DeelcekeâLee ceW ceg]peHeäheâjhegj kesâ heeme efÛekeâveewše ieeBJe, Ûeevehegje, cegbiesj kesâ efleue[erne ieeBJe Deeefo ceW jeceÛevõ Pee kesâ heefjJeej kesâ peveeW keâer lees mce=efleÙeeW keâer jmeiebOe nw, lees Ûekeâheâlesne, efleue[erne Deewj heghejer Deeefo ieeBJeeW keâer hee"MeeueeDeeW kesâ JeeleeJejCe keâe DeeBKeeW osKee neue yeermeJeeR Meleer kesâ henues oes-leerve oMekeâeW ceW efMe#ee JÙeJemLee keâer Skeâ lemJeerj Øemlegle keâjlee nw ~ Ûekeâheâlesne ieeBJe efkeâme lejn mLeeveerÙe hebef[leeW DehetÚ Pee, ie=nveeLe efceße, efPebiegj Pee, vesJeeueeue Pee Deeefo kesâ DeOÙeJemeeÙe mes Gme #es$e ceWb mebmke=âle efJeÅee keâe Skeâ YeemJej kesâvõ yeve ieÙee Lee - Fmekeâe yÙeewje efoueÛemhe nw ~ ÙeneB keâer hee"Meeuee ceW hebef[le efPebiegj Mecee& kesâ DeOÙeeheve keâs lejerkesâ keâe efÛe$eCe Yeer jesÛekeâ nw~ efleue[erne ieeBJe ceW ßeerveeLe Pee kesâ DeOÙeeheve keâe yÙeewje Yeer Ssmee ner nw ~ DeelcekeâLeekeâej Pee peer ves Deheves hee"Meeuee kesâ ieg®DeeW keâer Devegkebâhee Deewj GoejÂef° kesâ DevegYeJeeW keâer mce=efleÙeeW kesâ meeLe Úesšs Úesšs ieeBJeeW keâer hee"MeeueeDeeW kesâ efJeÅeeceÙe peerJeve kesâ efÛeòeekeâ<e&keâ efÛe$e Debefkeâle efkeâÙes nQ ~ ceg]peheäheâjhegj Deewj ojYebiee kesâ efMe#ee mebmLeeveeW ceW hebef[leeW kesâ meceefhe&le Skeâefve‰ efJeÅeeJÙeemebie keâe efÛe$eCe Yeer Gvekeâe Glevee ner ®efÛekeâj nw~ Deepeeoer kesâ henues lekeâ hebef[leeW keâe Skeâ peeie=le mebmeej Yeejle ceW ceewpeto Lee, Jen Deye DeesPeue nes ieÙee ueielee nw ~



mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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JemlegleŠ GVeermeJeeR Deewj yeermeJeeR MeleeefyoÙeeW ceW heebef[lÙe keâe DeYetlehetJe& efJekeâeme ®keâe veneR nw ~ Fve MeleeefyoÙeeW ceW ueieYeie Ssmes meQkeâÌ[eW hebef[leeW kesâ veece efieveeÙes pee mekeâles nQ, efpevekeâe DemeeOeejCe %eeve Deewj efÛebleve keâefheue, keâCeeo Deewj ieewlece kesâ efÛebleve kesâ Oejeleue keâe mheMe& keâjlee nw~ Deheves DeOÙeÙeve, ceveve, efÛebleve Deewj peerkeve kÙekenej cesb kes heÇeÛeerve keâe} kesâ $e+ef<eÙeesb pewmes ner }ieles nQ~ Fve MeleeefyoÙeesb cesb ceOetmetove DeesPee kewefokeâ efke%eeve pewmes veÙes efke<eÙe keâer DeeOeejefMe}e jKeles nwb, Deewj jeceekeleej Mecee& Deheves hejceeLe&oMe&veced cesb veÙes oMe&ve keâer~ leejeveeLe lekeâ&keeÛemheefle Dekesâ}s Deheves yetles hej yeÌ[s Deekeâej cesb Úhee 5500 he=…esb keâe Ún Keb[esb keâe efkeMee} mebmke=âlekeâesMe jÛe osles nQ~ yeermekeerb meoer kesâ Dekemeeve kesâ ke<eeËs cesb yeojerveeLe Megkeäue vÙeeÙeoMe&ve hej Deheves DemeeOeejCe DeefOekeâej kesâ meeLe vÙeeÙemeccele cegefòeâ cesb Deevebokeeo leLee vÙeeoMe&vemeccele osnelcekeeo keâer veF& DekeOeejCeeSB KeÌ[er keâj kesâ DeeOegefvekeâ oeMe&efvekeâesb keâes Yeer Ûeefkeâle keâj osles nQ~

yeÛÛee Pee (1860-1921), ceOegmetove DeesPee, leejeveeLe lekeâ&keeÛemheefle, jepeejece MeeŒeer (1805 }ieYeie-1875), ieesheerveeLe keâefkejepe (1887-1976), yeehet oske MeeŒeer (1829-1890) efMekekegâceej MeeŒeer (1857-1918), efieefjOej Mecee& Ûelegke&soer, jepesMkej MeeŒeer õefke[ (-1979), yee} MeeŒeer (1839-1882), iebieeOej MeeŒeer (1853-1913), megOeekeâj efÉkesoer (1860-1910), hebÛeeveve lekeâ&jlve (1866-1940), ßeerheeo oeceesoj meeleke}skeâj (1867-1968), oeceesoj}e} ieesmkeeceer (1875-1948), }#ceCe MeeŒeer õefke[ (1874-1930), jeceekeleej Mecee& (1877-1928), heg®<eesòece keeceve keâeCes (1880-1972), #es$esMeÛebõ ÛeóesheeOÙeeÙe (1896-1974), jIegveeLe Mecee& (1899-1989), }#ceCe MeeŒeer peesMeer (1901-1994) Deeefo hebef[le hejbheje kesâ ÙeMemkeer veece nQ~

kÙeekeâjCe cesb jeceheÇmeeo ef$ehee"er Deewj Gvekesâ efMe<Ùe jeceÙelve Megkeäue, vÙeeÙeoMe&ve cesb yeojer veeLe Megkeäue Deewj veF& heerÌ{er cesb jepeejece Megkeäue, ceerceebmee cesb efÛeVe mkeeceer, heóeefYejece MeeŒeer, ceefCe õefke[ - Ùes meejs hebef[le mebmke=âle keâer MeeŒehejbheje keâer ielÙeelcekeâlee leLee vekeerve GÆekeveeDeesb keâer #ecelee keâes ÛeefjleeLe& keâjles jns nQ~

jskeeheÇmeeo efÉkesoer meeefnlÙeMeeŒeerÙe efÛebleve cesb DeveesKes Ghe›eâceesb kesâ GoenjCe nQ~ Fvekesâ De}ekee Deewj Yeer yeÌ[er mebKÙee Gve hebef[leesb keâer nw, efpevnesbves mebmke=âle cesb veÙes MeeŒe Ùee šerkeâeSB Ye}s ner ve ef}Keerb nesb, hej Gvekesâ MeeŒeeLeeËs keâer Oetce jner Deewj Gvekeâer efMe<Ùe hejbheje Gvekesâ ceewef}keâ kÙeeKÙeeve, GÆekeveeDeesb Deewj DeieeOe MeeŒe %eeve kesâ heÇkeen keâe efnmmee yeve keâj OevÙe ngF&~ keâeMeer kesâ hebef[leesb cesb jepeejece MeeŒeer, leelÙee MeeŒeer, (1845-1919), keâw}eme Ûebõ efMejesceefCe (1830-), oeceesoj MeeŒeer (1847-1909) Ùee jeceÙeMe ef$ehee"er (ceneMeÙe peer), kesâoejveeLe meejmkele, (1903-

1959), kesâoejveeLe DeesPee lees yebiee} kesâ hebef[leesb cesb yeeCesMkej efkeodÙeeuebkeâej, Ûebõkeâeble lekeâe&}bkeâej, ieewjceesnve efkeÅee}bkeâej, peievveeLe lekeâ&hebÛeeveve, keeceeÛejCe YeóeÛeeÙe&, keâe}erheo lekeâe&ÛeeÙe& (188-

1972) Deeefo Ssmes hebef[le nQ~


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DekeOesÙe nw efkeâ Fvecesb mes Skeâ-oes keâes ÚesÌ[ keâj meYeer hebef[leesb kesâ veece kesâ hen}s DeefvekeeÙe&leŠ cenecenesheeOÙeeÙe }ieeÙee peelee nw, pees jepeeDeesb kesâ Éeje Ùee yeeo cesb cenejeveer efkekeäšesefjÙee Ùee keeFmejeÙe kesâ Éeje heebef[lÙe kesâ mecceeve cesb heÇoòe mekee&sÛÛe De}bkeâjCe Lee~

keâeMeer kesâ De}ekee efceefLe}e Ùee ojYebiee, keâ}keâòee, hegjer, hetvee, ßeerjbieced, vekeÉerhe, YeešheeÌ[e, veeef[Ùee, keâesle}erheeÌ[e, Heâjerohegj, keâcee}hegj, YeeKejieb[, Meebeflehegj, efke›eâcehegj, $eekeCekeâesj Deeefo hebef[leesb kesâ kesâbõ jns nQ~

Gve>ermekeerb Deewj yeermekeeR meoer cesb menœeesb keâer mebKÙee cesb Ssmes hebef[le ngS nQ, pees MeeŒeesb keâer peefš} iegeflLeÙeesb keâes Kees}ves cesb ceeefnj Les, efpevnesbves Deheves pewmes efMe<Ùeesb keâer heewOe jesheer, Debkegâefjle keâer Deewj mebkeefOe&le keâer Deewj veF& šerkeâeDeesb Ùee ceewef}keâ ieÇbLeesb keâe Yeer heÇCeÙeve efkeâÙee~ meceÙe keâer jHeäleej kesâ meeLe Ùes hebef[le Skeâ mlej hej Deheveer meveelevelee cesb Yeer peerles jns Deewj meceÙe keâer jHeäleej kesâ meeLe Deeies Yeer yeÌ{les ieÙes~ Fvecesb mes Deveskeâesb ves Ùegieeblejkeâejer keâece efkeâÙes~ kesâj} kesâ šer. ieCeheefle MeeŒeer ves Yeeme kesâ veeškeâesb keâer Keespe keâer, Gvekeâe mebheeove Deewj heÇkeâeMeve keâjeÙee~ Yeeme kesâ veeškeâesb keâe Úhe peevee mebmke=âle Yee<ee Deewj Gmekesâ meeefnlÙe kesâ Fefleneme cesb efheÚ}s [sÌ{ npeej ke<eeËs keâer meyemes cenòkehetCe& IešveeDeesb cesb mes Skeâ nw~ FvneR šer. ieCeheefle MeeŒeer ves keâewefšuÙe kesâ DeLe&MeeŒe keâer hetjer hejbheje keâe hegve®æej efkeâÙee, Gme hej ßeercet}ced veece mes Deheveer iebYeerj efkekesÛeveelcekeâ šerkeâe ef}Keer Deewj Gme ieÇbLe keâe mebheeove Deewj heÇkeâeMeve efkeâÙee~ kesâj} kesâ ner jeceke=â<Ce keâefke ves Yejlecegefve kesâ veešdÙeMeeŒe keâer heeb[gef}efheÙeeB mebpeesFË, Gvekeâe mebheeove Deewj heÇkeâeMeve efkeâÙee~ Yeeme kesâ veeškeâesb leLee Yejle kesâ veešdÙeMeeŒe keâer heeb[gef}efheÙeesb keâe heÇkeâeMeve Ssmeer IešveeSB nQ, efpevneWves efkeMke kesâ jbiecebÛe Deewj keâ}epeieled hej Dehevee heÇYeeke ÚesÌ[e nw~ megOeekeâj efÉkesoer ves Ûe}vekeâ}veieefCele (ef[HeâjsbefMeÙe} kesâukegâ}me) hej hegmlekeâ ef}Keer Leer, yeehetoske MeeŒeer ves ef$ekeâesCeefceefle hej~ Fve oesveesb hebef[leesb keâe heÇeÛeerve Deewj DeeOegefvekeâ ieefCele hej DeefOekeâej osKe keâj Gme meceÙe kesâ ieefCele%e Yeer Ûeefkeâle nes peeles Les~ keâeMeer kesâ hebef[le Ùeesjeshe kesâ %eeve efke%eeve mes Deheves keâes heefjefÛele keâjles ngS mebmke=âle keâer MeeŒehejbheje cesb Gmes meceeÙeesefpele keâj jns Les~

Fve hebef[leesb keâer keâF& ßesefCeÙeeB nQ~ pewmes -(1) heejbheefjkeâ hebef[le – Thej efieveeÙes ieÙes DeefOekeâebMe veece Fmeer keâesefš cesb Deeles nQ~ keâeMeer, Gppewve, hetvee Ssmes hebef[leesb kesâ kesâbõ jns nQ~ keâeMeerkeemeer DeefOekeâebMe efoiiepe hebef[le cet}leŠ keâeMeer kesâ veneR jns, yebiee}, megotj oef#eCe, ceOÙe#es$e Ùee heefMÛeceer heÇebleesb mes DeOÙeÙeve, DeOÙeeheve Deewj keâeMeerkeeme kesâ ef}Ùes hebef[leesb keâer heerefÌ{ÙeeB ÙeneB Dee keâj yemeleer jneR~ (2) DeeOegefvekeâ hebef[le – Fvecesb kes hebef[le Deeles nQ, efpevneWves heejbheefjkeâ ieg®kegâ}esb cesb efMe#ee heeF&, hej kes %eeveefke%eeve kesâ DeeOegefvekeâ DevegMeemeveesb mes Yeer heefjefÛele ngS Deewj DevegmebOeeve keâer DeÅeleve heÇCee}er mes Fvnesbves Deheves keâes mebmkeâeefjle efkeâÙee~ Fvecesb mes Deveskeâ keâeMeer kesâ yeenj jns, Ùee keâeMeer mes heÇkeÇefpele ngS, DeLekee DevÙe$e DeOÙeÙeve, DeOÙeeheve keâj kesâ keâeMeer cesb Dee yemes~ iebieeveeLe Pee (1872- 1941),


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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#es$esMeÛebõ ÛeóesheeOÙeeÙe, efkeOegMesKej MeeŒeer, (1878-), ef#eleerMe ceesnve mesve (1880-1960) npeejerheÇmeeo efÉkesoer, efkeÅeeefvekeeme efceße Deeefo Ssmes hebef[le nQ~ FvneWves Deheves Deheves #es$eesb cesb veF& Oejleer le}eMeer Deewj heÇkele&keâ keâeÙe& efkeâÙee~ Fvecesb mes efkeOegMesKej MeeŒeer, ef#eleerMe ceesnve mesve leLee npeejer heÇmeeo efÉkesoer keâes Meebefle efvekesâleve cesb jkeervõveeLe šwieesj keâe meeefve>OÙe efce}e~ MeeŒeer Deewj mesve lees efmeukeeB }skner Ùee efkeCšjefvelÌpe pewmes heÇeÛÙeefkeÅeeefkeMeejoesb kesâ mebhekeâ& cesb Yeer DeeÙes, pees jkeervõveeLe kesâ yeg}ekes hej Meebefleefvekesâleve Deeles jnles Les~ ieesheerveeLe keâefkejepe, njheÇmeeo MeeŒeer, iebieeveeLe Pee, heg®<eesòece keeceve keâeCes, }#ceCe MeeŒeer peesMeer, ieesefkeboÛebõ heeb[s leLee jskeeheÇmeeo efÉkesoer ves DemeeOeejCe cesOee kesâ Éeje %eeve kesâ veÙes keeleeÙeve Kees}s~ Ùes meYeer hebef[le keâer DekeOeejCee keâes pÙeeoe efkeMkeveerÙe Deewj heÇeceeefCekeâ ™he cesb melÙeeefhele keâjles nQ~

(3) Deveskeâ hebef[le efkeâmeer Oeeefce&keâ Ùee oeMe&efvekeâ mebheÇoeÙe mes pegÌ[ves kesâ keâejCe Oece&ieg® yeve ieÙes~ Fvekeâer mebKÙee osMe cesb keâF& npeej cesb nw~ Gvecesb mes DeefOekeâebMe mebmke=âle kesâ heÇkeâeb[ hebef[le nQ, Deewj MeeŒeesb hej DemeeOeejCe DeefOekeâej jKeles nQ~ DeeÅe MebkeâjeÛeeÙe& kesâ Éeje mLeeefhele Ûeej heer" mes }iee keâj osMe cesb npeej Skeâ Ssmes ce" Ùee heer" nwb, efpevecesb mebmke=âle kesâ mebheÇoeÙe efkeMes<e mes pegÌ[s ieÇbLeesb keâe ienje DeOÙeÙeve neslee nw~ Fvecesb mes kegâÚ Ssmes DekeMÙe nQ pees Deheves %eeve Deewj efÛebleve kesâ Éeje meceepe keâes Skeâ efoMee efoKee mekesâb~ mkeeceerveejeÙeCe mebheÇoeÙe kesâ heÇkele&keâ mkeeceerveejeÙeCe Ssmes ner hebef[le Les~ efÛeòeebefye mkeeceer ves kesoeefOekeâejefve™heCeced veecekeâ MeeŒeieÇvLe ef}Kee, efpemecesb GvneWves DemekeCeeËs keâes keso heÌ{ves kesâ DeefOekeâej keâer kekeâe}le keâer~ veejeÙeCe ieg® (1857-1928) Skeâ DeÉwlekesoebleer DeeÛeeÙe& nwb~ kes kesâj} kesâ oef}le Deewj DeblÙepe heefjkeej cesb pevces~ Gvnesbves mebmke=âle Deewj MeeŒeesb keâe DeOÙeÙeve efkeâÙee~ mebmke=âle Deewj ce}Ùee}ce cesb Deveskeâ ieÇvLe ef}Kes~ veejeÙeCemce=efleŠ veece mes GvneWves veÙee Oece&MeeŒe jÛee, efpemecesb DeÉwleoMe&ve kesâ meeLe Deepe kesâ meceepe megOeejkeâ keâer DeeOegefvekeâ Âef<š keâe Yeer Gvces<e ngDee~ nefjÙeeCee kesâ peeš heefjkeej cesb pevces mkeeceer efveMÛe}oeme DeÉwle kesoeble kesâ mcejCeerÙe kÙeeKÙeekeâej nQ, ieesmkeeceer MÙeececeveesnj Skeâ efÛeblekeâ nesves kesâ meeLe keuueYeoMe&ve kesâ~ Fve oesveesb keâe efnboer cesb cenòkehetCe& kewÛeeefjkeâ }sKeve nw, efpeme hej keâce OÙeeve efoÙee ieÙee nw~ mkeeceer nefjnjevebo (keâjhee$eer peer), mkeeceer DeefKe}evebo Deeefo Deheves ienjs DeOÙeÙeve, efÛebleve Deewj ceveve kesâ keâejCe hebef[le meceepe kesâ ef}Ùes ner DevegkeâjCeerÙe GoenjCe yeves jns~ yebieueewj efkeMkeefkeÅee}Ùe cesb mebmke=âle kesâ DeeÛeeÙe& Deewj efle®heefle kesâ efkeÅeeheer" cesb kegâ}heefle jn Ûegkesâ heÇ¥eoeÛeeÙe& Skeâ DeÛÚs vewÙeeefÙekeâ nesves kesâ meeLe ceeOkekesoeble hej DemeeOeejCe DeefOekeâej kesâ ef}Ùes peeves peeles nQ~ Deye kes Skeâ ceeOkeheer" cesb ieöer hej nQ~

Fvecesb mes mkeeceer efveMÛe}oeme, ieesmkeeceer MÙeececeveesnj Deeefo Deveskeâ hebef[le Ssmes nQ, efpevekeâer efkeMke kesâ DeeOegefvekeâ oeMe&efvekeâesb cesb ieCevee keâer peeveer ÛeeefnÙes~ ogYee&iÙe mes Fvekeâe Fme Âef<š mes cetuÙeebkeâve veneR ngDee nw~

(4) hebef[leesb cesb Skeâ ßesCeer hesMeskej Ùee iewjhesMeskej heÇkeÛevekeâejesb keâer nw~ FvneWves Deheveer keòeâ=lkekeâ}e Deewj keâF& yeej Gmemes pÙeeoe ieeÙeve Deewj keâerle&ve keâjeves keâer keâ}e keâe }eskeâefheÇÙelee


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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neefme} keâjves kesâ ef}Ùes Ketye GheÙeesie efkeâÙee~ Ùes heÇeÙeŠ Deheves heebef[lÙe keâes leekeâ hej jKe keâj YeerÌ[ keâes Skeâ GvceeoieÇmle Deevebo mes mejeyeesj Yeer keâjles jnles nQ~ Fvecesb lespeer mes DeveheÌ{ Deewj Ûee}t }esieesb keâer peceele Yeer Meeefce} neslee pee jner nw~ hej Ùen Yeer veneR Yet}e peevee ÛeeefnÙes efkeâ FvneR hebef[le-heÇkeÛevekeâejesb cesb hebef[lee jceeyeeF& kesâ efhelee Deveble MeeŒeer [esbiejs Yeer Skeâ Les~

hebef[leesb keâer Fme ßesCeer kesâ Debleie&le iewj hesMeskej heÇkeÛevekeâejesb keâe Yeejle kesâ kewÛeeefjkeâ efkeMke kesâ efvece&eCe cesb DemeeOeejCe Ùeesieoeve jne nw, efpemekeâer Deesj OÙeeve veneR efoÙee ieÙee~

(5) heeBÛekeeR ßesCeer heÇesHeâsmej hebef[leesb keâer nw~ ceõeme kesâ kner. jeIekeved, yeQieueg® kesâ kesâ.šer. heeb[gjbieer Deewj heÇ¥eoeÛeeÙe&, keâ}keâllee kesâ ieewjerveeLe MeeŒeer Deeefo efkeMkeefkeodÙee}Ùeesb cesb yeÌ[s heer"esb hej hengBÛes~

(6) Ú"er ßesCeer Gve hebef[leesb keâer nw, pees Deye efke%eeve Deewj heÇewÅeesefiekeâer kesâ efkeefYeVe #es$eesb cesb keâeÙe&jle nQ~ efke%eeve Deewj lekeâveerkeâer kesâ mebmLeeveesb cesb meskee keâjles ngS Yeer Fvnesbves Deheveer kes<eYet<ee, jnvemenve Deewj DeeÛeejefkeÛeej veneR yeo}s, ve Deheves MeeŒeeYÙeeme keâes lÙeeiee, yeefukeâ Gmes DeeOegefvekeâ %eeve-efke%eeve mes peesÌ[ves keâe keâece efkeâÙee~ DeeF.DeeF.šer. cegcyeF& cesb ieefCele kesâ heÇesHeâsmej jece megyeÇÿeCÙeced, meer-[skeâ cesb keâeÙe&jle jns heer. jeceevegpeved Deeefo Fmekesâ GoenjCe nQ~

Ùeefo meceepeMeeŒe kesâ efkeâmeer MeesOeeLeer& mes meke&s#eCe keâjeÙee peeÙes, lees osMe Deewj efkeosMeesb cesb Ssmes Deveskeâ hebef[le-kew%eeefvekeâ Ùee kew%eeefvekeâ-hebef[le efce} peeÙesbies, pees Deheveer ®efÛe mes mebmke=âle kesâ heejcheefjkeâ heebef[lÙe cesb mebÛejCe keâjles nwb Deewj hesMes mes DeeOegefvekeâ efke%eeve kesâ efke<eÙe cesb DeOÙeeheve Deewj DevegmebOeeve keâjles nQ~ DeeF.DeeF.šer. efouueer cesb ieefCele kesâ heÇeOÙeehekeâ heo mes meskeeefveke=òe ngS keeieerMe Megkeäue hegjeveer heerÌ{er cesb Ssmee Skeâ veece nw~ veF& heerÌ{er cesb Ssmes }esie Deewj DeefOekeâ GYej jns nQ~ kegâÚ }esie Ssmes Yeer efce} peeÙesbies, lees efkeosMeesb cesb lekeâveerkeâer mes pegÌ[er DeÛÚer veewkeâefjÙeeB ÚesÌ[ keâj Yeejle cesb Dee keâj mebmke=âle MeeŒeesb kesâ DeOÙeÙeve Ùee DevegmebOeeve cesb }ies ngS nQ~ Ùen hebef[le hejcheje keâe Skeâ DeeOegefvekeâ efkemleej nw Deewj Gmekeâer mebYeekevee Yeer~

(7) Skeâ DevÙe ßesCeer kesâ hebef[le kes nQ, pees mebmke=âle keâer heejcheefjkeâ efMe#ee hee keâj DevÙe #es$eesb cesb Fleves heÇefmeæ ngS efkeâ Gvekeâer hebef[le keâer Úefke keâneR vesheLÙe cesb Ûe}er ieF&~ megveerefle kegâceej ÛeóesheeOÙeeÙe, efmeæsMkej kecee& leLee yeeyetjece mekeämesvee Ssmes ner veece nQ, Ùes leerveesb Yee<eeefke%eeve kesâ #es$e cesb efkeâÙes ieÙes Deheves cenòkehetCe& keâeÙe& kesâ ef}Ùes DeefOekeâ peeves peeles nQ, pees mebmke=âle heebef[lÙe kesâ DeYeeke cesb DemebYeke Lee~ F&MkejÛebõ efkeÅeemeeiej, mkeeceer oÙeevebo leLee yee}iebieeOej efleuekeâ ves Yeer mebmke=âle kesâ MeeŒeesb keâe ieg®cegKe mes DeOÙeÙeve efkeâÙee, peerkeve heÙe&vle kes Fvekeâe DeOÙeÙeve ke Fve hej ceveve, heÇkeÛeve Yeer keâjles jns, hej Fve leerveesb keâer henÛeeve Deye hebef[le keâer Dehes#ee DevÙe ™he cesb DeefOekeâ nesleer nw~

hebef[le efkeÛeejesb keâe heÇkele&ve keâjles jns nQ, efpevemes keâce& keâer veF& mebYeekeveeDeesb Deewj DeefYeÙeeveesb keâe heÇkele&ve nes mekesâ~ kes Deheves efkeÛeejesb keâes keâce& cesb ™heebleefjle keâjves kesâ ef}Ùes DeefYeÙeeveesb


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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keâe vesle=lke Yeer keâjves }ieles nQ~ leye kes hebef[le mes meceepemegOeejkeâ, Oece&ieg® Ùee jepeveslee kesâ ™he cesb pÙeeoe henÛeeves peeves }ieles nwb~ Ùes leerveesb Fme ™heeblej kesâ GoenjCe nQ~

Ùes keâesefšÙeeB ‘heÇeOeevÙesve kÙeheosMee Yekeefvle’ - Fme vÙeeÙe mes heÇmleeefkele keâer ieF& nQ~ Deveskeâ hebef[le Ssmes nwb, efpevnsb efkeâmeer Skeâ keâesefš cesb jKevee mebYeke veneR nw, Ùee Gvnerb meYeer keâesefšÙeesb cesb jKee pee mekeâlee nw~ ieesheerveeLe keâefkejepe Fmekesâ GoenjCe nQ~

Gve>ermekeeR Deewj yeermekeeR MeleeefyoÙeesb cesb hebef[le meceepe keâer ceg"YesÌ[ Skeâ Ssmeer mecegve>le mebmke=âefle Deewj efkeÛeejhejcheje mes ngF&, pees Ùeesjeshe mes efvekeâ}er Deewj heÇye} Dee›eâecekeâ, Dekemkeâbokeâejer Deewj efkeOkebmeelcekeâ Yeeke kesâ meeLe Yeejle cesb heÇefke<š ngF&~ Mekeâ, ntCe, legkeâ& ke cegme}ceeve Dee›eâeblee ÙeneB yejeyej Deeles jns, hej efkeÛeej Deewj meYÙelee keâer heÇKejlee keâe ken heÇÛeb[ ™he Gvecesb ve Lee, pees Ùeesjeshe kesâ Dee›eâeblee }s keâj DeeÙes~ hebef[le kesâ DeeOegefvekeâ efkeMke mes mebkeeo Gmekeâer mebYeekeveeDeesb, meHeâ}leeDeesb Deewj efkeHeâ}leeDeesb keâer keemleefkekeâ keâLee Ùenerb mes DeejbYe nesleer nw~ Ùen Skeâ efkeješd ceneieeLee nw, Fmekesâ kegâÚ ner he#e ÙeneB jKes pee mekeâles nQ~

keâefkehebef[le Deewj hebef[lekeâefkeDeejcYe cesb keâne ieÙee nw efkeâ pees keâefke nw, ken hebef[le nw Deewj pees hebef[le nw, ken keâefke nw~

Ssmes cesb keâefkehebef[le (keâefkeÙeesb cesb hebef[le) Ùee hebef[lekeâefke (hebef[leesb cesb keâefke) keâer keâesefš efmeæevleleŠ veneR yeveleer~ hej keâefke Deewj hebef[le mes kÙekenej cesb pees DeefYeheÇeÙe ef}Ùee peelee nw, Gmekeâer Âef<š mes Ùes keâesefšÙeeB yeveleer nwb~ GVeermekeeR Deewj yeermekeeR Meleeyoer kesâ mebmke=âle kesâ meceepe mes mewkeâÌ[esb keâefkehebef[leesb Ùee hebef[lekeâefkeÙeesb kesâ GoenjCe efoÙes pee mekeâles nQ~ Fvecesb kegâÚ cet}leŠ keâefke Les Deewj heebef[lÙe Gvekesâ keâefkelke kesâ meeLe mebÛejCe keâjlee jne nw~ kegâÚ cet}leŠ hebef[le nQ Deewj Gvekesâ Yeerlej keâe keâefke Dekeämej Ùee Ùeoe keâoe peeie heÌ[lee nw~ Deveskeâ hebef[le Ssmes nQ efpevekesâ efke<eÙe cesb keânvee keâef"ve nw efkeâ kes hebef[le yeÌ[s nQ Ùee keâefke~ kemlegleŠ Gvekeâe hebef[le Deewj Gvekeâe keâefke oesveesb keâneR ie}yeeneR keâjles Ûe}les nQ, keâneR oesveesb Skeâekeâej nes peeles nQ~ ÙeneB mLee}erheg}ekeâvÙeeÙe (yeš}esF& cesb mes oes leerve Ûeeke} kesâ oeves efvekeâe} keâj hetjs Ûeeke} kesâ hekesâ Ùee hekesâ ve nesves keâer henÛeeve keâe Â<šeble) mes keâefleheÙe hebef[lekeâefkeÙeesb Ùee keâefkehebef[leesb keâer ÛeÛee& keâer pee jner nw~

keâtceeËÛe} kesâ keâefke }eskeâjlve heble ‘iegceeveer’ (pevce 1891) keâer mebmke=âle cesb Ûeewyeerme jÛeveeDeesb kesâ Deefleefjòeâ oes ke=âefleÙeeB efceefßele Yee<ee cesb, Ún efnvoer cesb leLee Ûeewon kegâceeTBveer cesb nw~

2Fvekeâe pevce keâeMeerhegj, vewveerlee} cesb 1891 F&. cesb ngDee~ Fvekesâ keâekÙeesb cesb jeceveecehe_ÛeeefMekeâe, jececeefnceekeCe&ve, ie”eMelekeâ, peieVeeLee<škeâ, ke=â<Cee<škeâ, jecemenœeieCeoC[keâ, efÛe$eheÅeeke}er, jecee<škeâ, keâeef}keâe<škeâ, veerefleMelekeâ, Yeefòeâefke%eefhle, ÅetlekeCe&ve, heÃeheÃeeefMekeâe, ogpe&veot<eCe, efnleesheosMeMelekeâ, De*d«espejepÙekeCe&veced, leceeKeghe$eceefncee, ieÀeerHeâe›eâer[eheæefleŠ, ÛelegŠmeeefjkeâekeCe&veced, }ešÉÙeheÇkeâjCeced leLee ieÅejepeŠ GuuesKeveerÙe nQ~


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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‘iegceeveer’ keâefke mebmke=âle cesb kew%eeefvekeâ meeefnlÙe }e jns nQ, kes Melejbpe, iebpeerHeâe (leeMe) Deewj Ûeewmej Kes}ves keâer efkeefOeÙeesb Deewj Fve Kes}esb keâer yeejerefkeâÙeeB leLee Fvemes pegÌ[er lekeâveerkeâer Meyoeke}er keâes }s keâj mebmke=âle cesb ef}Ke jns nwb~ kes DebieÇspeer Meemeve keâer heæefle leLee DebieÇspeer heÇMeemeve Deewj Deoe}leesb keâer Meyoeke}er mebmke=âle%eesb keâes efmeKeeves kesâ ef}Ùes mebmke=âleceeOÙece keâer efoioefMe&keâe lewÙeej keâj jns nQ~ }eskeâesefòeâÙeesb leLee kegâceeTBveer Yee<ee kesâ DeeYeeCekeâesb Deewj cegnekejesb kesâ mebmke=âle cesb Fvekesâ heÇÙeesie DelÙeble jesÛekeâ leLee Fvekeâer efke}#eCe heÇefleYee kesâ heefjÛeeÙekeâ nQ~ De*d«espejepÙekeCe&ve keâekÙe Fvnebsves mebmke=âle Deewj efnboer oesveesb Yee<eeDeesb cesb he=Lekeâd-he=Lekeâd ef}Kee, ken Fvekeâer mhe<škeeefolee

3keâe DeveesKee GoenjCe nw~ nemÙe, kÙebiÙe Deewj efkeveeso keâer Úše efyeKesjves cesb iegceeveer keâefke yespeesÌ[ nQ~

Melejbpe keâer efkeefOe mecePeeles ngS meen-ceele (Men-ceele), Ûeewceesnjer, efkeâmle Deeefo Demebmke=âle Meyoesb keâe heÇÙeesie iegceeveer keâefke ves efkeâÙee nw~ ÛelegŠmeeefjkeâekeCe&veced cesb Ûeewmej kesâ Kes} keâe keCe&ve nw~ ieÀeerHeâeKes}veced cesb Yeer heÇeceeefCekeâlee keâer Âef<š mes Gme meceÙe kesâ heÇÛeef}le Meyoesb keâe heÇÙeesie keâefke ves efkeâÙee nw~

De*d«espejepÙekeCe&veced cesb DebieÇspeer jepÙe keâer keâefke iegceeveer ves meceer#ee keâer nw~ Gvnesbves efveYeer&keâlee kesâ meeLe DebieÇspe kesâ iegCe ke oes<e efieveeÙes nQ~

MetjsÓvegjòeâheÇke=âefleŠ ke=âle%eŠmecceeveÙesÛÛesod iegefCeveb efHeâj”er ~mÙeeled efkeâef_Ûeotveb ve leosefle cevÙesßeerjecejepÙeeefooceerÙejepÙeced~~

(Metj peveesb cesb mkeYeeke mes Devegjeie jKeves kee}e ke=âle%e efHeâjbieer Ùeefo iegCeerpeveesb keâe mecceeve keâjves }ie peeÙes, lees ceQ mecePelee ntB efkeâ Gmekeâe jepÙe jecejepÙe mes Ieš keâj veneR nesiee~)

ve kesokegâMe}b ve Ûe mce=efleefkeob ve lev$eesægjbve MeeŒeefkeefnleßeceb ve meceOeerlemeeefneflÙekeâced~ef}Keved he"efle Ùeekeveerceefhe Ùe Dee”jspeerb ef}efhebleceske yele cevÙeles yegOepeveb efHeâj”erpeveŠ~~

(efHeâjbieer ve lees keso cesb kegâMe} hebef[le keâes, ve mce=efleÙeesb kesâ peevekeâej keâes, ve leb$eesb cesb DeefOekeâej jKeves kee}s keâes ner, ve MeeŒe cesb efve<Ceele kÙeefòeâ keâes ve meeefnlÙe keâs DeOeerleer keâes ner kegâÚ mecePelee nw~ ken lees pees DebieÇspeer Ùee Ùeekeveer (Heâejmeer) ef}efhe ef}Ke }s ke heÌ{ }s Gmeer keâes %eeveer ceevelee nw~) oOeled he=Leg}ceeÙemeb onveMeŒecebmes Yešes

kenve>gjefme heweflle}erb efkeâceLe heefókeâeb peeef‹keâŠ~n}b efkeâceLekee keâjs hešgke=â<eerke}es OeejÙevedkemesod Yegefke efHeâjef”CeeefcelejLee megotjb keÇpesled ~~

(iegceeveerjÛeveeke}er, he=. 324)


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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(efHeâjbieer kesâ jepÙe cesb Ùee lees keâbOes hej yeÌ[er meer yebotkeâ jKeves kee}e Deewj Úeleer hej heerle} keâer heóer }ieeves kee}e peebefIekeâ Ùee njkeâeje jns DeLekee keâbOes hej n} OeejCe keâjves kee}e kegâMe} efkeâmeeve jns~ DevÙe }esie otj Ûe}s peeÙesb~)

kemlegleŠ Deheveer mhe<škeeefolee kesâ meeLe ÙeLeeLe& keâe GodIeešve keâjles ngS iegceeveer keâefke ves efHeâjbieer Ùee DebieÇspe hej pewmeer HeâefyleÙeeB keâmeer nQ, ken mebmke=âle meeefnlÙe cesb Dehetke& ner nw~ oes štkeâ yeele keânves kee}e Ssmee keâekÙe iegceeveer ner ef}Ke mekeâles Les –

ve kesoheLekeefle&lee ve meomeefÉkeskeâes ve=Ceebve keCe&he=Leieelcelee Yekeefle veeßeceeCeeb efmLeefleŠ ~ve cetKe&peveien&Cee ve iegCeMeeef}}eskeâen&CeeefHeâjef”efCe cenerheleew efkepeÙeles ke=âleeLe&Š keâef}Š~~

(}esieesb cesb ve lees kesoceeie& keâe DevegmejCe jne, ve meled, Demeled keâe efkekeskeâ jne~ he=Lekeâd he=Lekeâd keCe& veneR jn ieÙes, Deeßeceesb cesb ceÙe&eoeSB štš ieFË~ cetKeeËs keâer efveboe Deye venerb nesleer, ve iegefCeÙeesb keâe Deeoj neslee nw~ efHeâjbieer jepee keäÙee yevee efkeâ keâef}Ùegie ke=âleeLe& nes keâj efkepeÙeer nes ieÙee nw~)

keâef}Š efkeâ} efHeâjef”Cee me keâef}vee efHeâj”er peveesveYee Fke leef[lkelee me veYemee leef[Éeefveke ~efkeYeeefle meglejecenes keâLeÙeles iegceeveer keâefke-efce&LeŠ Heâ}efkeOeeÙekeâes Yekeleg ÙeesiÙeÙeesŠ me”ceŠ~~

(DeekeâeMe mes efyepe}er Deewj efyepe}er mes DeekeâeMe keâer lejn keâef}Ùegie efHeâjbieer mes Deewj efHeâjbieer keâef}Ùegie mes megMeesefYele nes jne nw~ iegceeveer keâefke keânles nQ efkeâ Skeâ otmejs kesâ ÙeesiÙe Fve oesveesb keâe Ùen mebiece Ssmes ner Heâ}siee~)

ÙeomÙeefle cenerYe=leeb ÙegefOe n"eled efHeâj”er ye}bÙeogpPeefle meoeieceb efkejefnleelceke=efæefÉ&peŠ ~Ùeo_Ûeefle kegâ}e”vee jnefme hegbMÛe}erveeb celebOeÇgkeb me ceefncee keâ}sŠ ef#eeflele}s pejerpe=cYeles~~

(Ùegæ cesb efHeâjbieer jepeeDeesb kesâ ye} keâes yejyeme kegâÛe}lee pee jne nw, efÉpe Deheveer ke=efòe mes jefnle nes keâj meÛÛes Deeiece keâes lÙeeie jns nQ, kegâ}ebievee Skeâeble cesb hegbMÛeef}Ùeesb kesâ cele hej Ûe} jner nw – Ùen meye Fme cenerle} hej keâef} keâer ceefncee cegBn yee jner nw~)

%eeveYew<epÙece_pejer cesb iegceeveer keâefke ves kesoeble Deewj DeeÙegke&so – Fve oes MeeŒeesb keâe keâefkelee cesb mebiece jÛe efoÙee nw~

jepee”jspemÙe jepÙekeCe&veced keâekÙe iegceeveer keâefke ves Fme keâefkelee kesâ hen}s ef}Kee nesiee~ Fmecesb meele Mueeskeâesb cesb DebieÇspeesb kesâ meceÙe kesâ yeboesyemle Deewj MeemekeâerÙe kÙekemLeeDeesb keâer mejenvee keâer ieÙeer nw~ mebYekeleŠ iegceeveer keâefke DebieÇspeer jepÙe kesâ Fefleneme hej yeÌ[e heÇyebOe ef}Kevee Ûeenles Les~ Fmeer


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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›eâce cesb 25 heÅeesb cesb }ešÉÙeheÇkeâjCeced Fefleneme ke jepeveerefle kesâ meeLe Yee<eeefke%eeve keâe DeveesKee omleekespe nw~ Fmecesb Gme meceÙe kesâ heÇMeemeve cesb heÇÛeef}le DebieÇspeer Meyoesb keâes mebmke=âle kesâ ceeOÙece mes mecePeeÙee ieÙee nw~

ceeÛe& heemš keâe pewmee keCe&ve Fme keâekÙe cesb met#ce heÙe&kes#eCe Deewj keâewlegkeâefheÇÙelee kesâ meeLe iegceeveer ves efkeâÙee nw, ken Gvekeâer keCe&vekeâ}e cesb o#elee keâe heefjÛeeÙekeâ nw~ mewefvekeâesb kesâ hewj heškeâves mes nesves kee}s Meyoesb keâe Fmecesb keâefke ves efyebye KeÌ[e keâj efoÙee nw - keâYeer keefÖÙeb$e veecekeâ MeŒe (yebotkeâ) keâes neLe mes Heâšekeâd mes Thej G"eles nQ, efHeâj lelkeâe} otmejs neLe mes Gmes keâme keâj }hesš keâj Skeâ #eCe cesb veerÛes }eles nQ~ Gme meceÙe kesâ vÙeeÙee}Ùe Ùee keâÛenefjÙeesb keâe keeleekejCe keâefke ves keneB yees}er peeves kee}er Yee<ee kesâ Meyoesb cesb meekeâej keâj efoÙee nw~

keekeähešglee, efkeoiOelee, efkeefkeOeYee<eeefYe%elee leLee }eskeâmebmke=âefleÙeesb cesb DebleŠmebÛejCe kesâ Éeje keâefkelee keâer pees mece=efæ iegceeveer jÛeles nQ, ken efkeÅeeheefle, jnerce Deeefo efkej}s keâefkeÙeesb cesb ner

4osKeves keâes efce}leer nw~ efieÇÙeme&ve ves Gvekesâ yengYeeef<ekeâ keâekÙeesb keâer heÇMebmee keâer nw~ Skeâ ner heÅe cesb Ûeej Ûeej Yee<eeDeesb keâe Skeâ meeLe meOee ngDee heÇÙeesie iegceeveer keâjles nQ – mebmke=âle kesâ meeLe veshee}er, kegâceeTBveer leLee efnboer~

jskeeheÇmeeo efÉkesoer yeveejme efnvot efkeMkeefkeÅee}Ùe cesb heÇesHeâsmej jns nQ~ Deveskeâ heebef[lÙehetCe& Deewj ceewef}keâ MeeŒeerÙe ieÇvLeesb kesâ meeLe meeLe mebmke=âle cesb efkeefkeOe efkeOeeDeesb cesb Fvnesbves efkeheg} jÛeveelcekeâ meeefnlÙe jÛee nw, efpemecesb leerve cenekeâekÙe, MeskeämeheerÙej kesâ jesefceÙees SC[ petef}Ùeš hej DeeOeeefjle veeefškeâe ÙetefLekeâe (1976),vece&oeveoer Deewj Gmekesâ leškeleer& DebÛe} keâe megjcÙe keCe&ve keâjves kee}e keâekÙe jskeeYeõheer"ced leLee Deveskeâ mHeâgškeâekÙe nQ~ cenekeâekÙeesb cesb meerleeÛeefjleced Ùee GòejmeerleeÛeefjleced jeceeÙeCe keâer keâLee keâer meerlee kesâ heefjheÇs#Ùe mes mecekeâe}erve heÇmlegefle nw~ efÉkesoer peer kesâ mkeelev$ÙemecYekeced cesb DeeOegefvekeâ Yeejle keâer keâLee nw~ Ùen hen}er yeej 28 meieeËs cesb 1986 cesb Úhee, otmeje mebmkeâjCe 33 meieeËs keâe 2001 cesb meeceves DeeÙee, leLee vekeerve mebmkeâjCe efpemecesb 75 meie& leLee 6034 heÅe nQ, 2011 cesb heÇkeâeefMele ngDee~ PeeBmeer keâer jeveer kesâ mebIe<e& mes DeejbYe keâj kesâ Deve>e npeejs lekeâ kesâ Deeboes}ve keâe ke=òeeble cenekeâekÙeelcekeâ DeeKÙeeve keâe efke<eÙe yevee nw~ DeeKÙeeve keâer keâekÙeelcekeâlee kesâ meeLe 1857 mes 2011 lekeâ kesâ Fefleneme keâes mecesšves keâe Ssmee heÇÙeeme Yeer YeejleerÙe meeefnlÙe cesb DeveesKee ner nw~ DeCCee npeejs kesâ keâLeveesb cesb Gvekeâer mhe<škeeefolee, meeoieer leLee peerkeveMew}er leoveg™he Mew}er cesb efkeMeo ™he cesb heÇmlegle keâer ieF& nw~

efÉkesoer peer keâe }ef}le meeefnlÙe efpelevee efkeheg} nw, Gvekesâ Éeje heÇCeerle mewæebeflekeâ efkeceMe& kesâ ceewef}keâ ieÇbLeeW keâer mebKÙee Yeer Gmekeâer leg}vee cesb keâce veneR nw~ Skeâ keâekÙeefÛeblekeâ leLee meeQoÙe&MeeŒeer kesâ ™he cesb Gvnesbves keâefkelee cesb De}bkeâej kesâ kesoeble keâes mLeeefhele keâjles ngS keâefkelee kesâ Denceeiece keâe Deeefke<keâej efkeâÙee~ De}bkeâej keâefkelee keâe DencedYeeke nw, ken keâefkelee keâe hejceleòke Ùee yeÇÿe nw~ De}cYeeke Ùee meewvoÙe& keâer meceieÇlee ner De}bkeâej nw, ken jÛevee keâs meceieÇ meewvoÙe& leLee


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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meewvoÙe& keâer Gheeoeve meeceieÇer cesb Ssmes ner jnlee nw pewmes Skeâ ÛewlevÙe yeÇÿe Deewj peerke kesâ ™he cesb Deheves keâes efkeYeeefpele keâj }slee nw~ efÉkesoer peer ceeveles nwb efkeâ De}bkeâej keâe Ùeefo hetCeeËieYeeke nes lees jme- Yeekeeefo keâer Dehes#ee veneR jn peeleer~ kemlegleŠ DeeÛeeÙe& efÉkesoer keâe Dekeoeve keâekÙeMeeŒe keâer meceieÇ hejcheje keâes hegvekÙe&kemLeeefhele keâjves keâer ceeBie keâjlee nw~ efÉkesoer peer keâekÙe keâer Meyo™helee leLee MeyoeLee&sYeÙe™helee oesveesb keâe Keb[ve keâjles nQ~ kes keâekÙe keâer %eeve™helee mLeeefhele keâjles ngS keânles nQ efkeâ DeLe& ner keâekÙe nw, Meyoke=efòeÙeesb kesâ meejs efmeæevle keâes efvejmle keâjles nQ, Fvekesâ mLeeve hej keâekÙejÛevee heÇef›eâÙee keâer kÙeeKÙee keâjles ngS keeCeer kesâ Ûeej meesheeveesb kesâ DeeOeej hej kÙeeKÙee keâjles nQ~ keâefkelee kesâ ef}Ùes Meyo keâer kewKejer™helee DeekeMÙekeâ veneR nw~ Deheveer Deveskeâ mLeeheveeDeesb cesb efÉkesoer peer Devepeeves HeefMÛece kesâ mebjÛeveekeeoer Deewj GòejDeeOegefvekeâ efkeceMe& kesâ efvekeâš KeÌ[s efoKeles nwb~ kes efkeMkeoske kesâ mee#eer je<š^oske kesâ heÇyeesOe keâes keâefkelee keâe Skeâ heÇÙeespeve yeleeles nQ, Deheves Fme heÇÙeespeve keâes Gvnesbves Deheves leerveesb cenekeâekÙeesb Deewj Deveskeâ Keb[keâekÙeesb leLee cegòeâkeâekÙeesb cesb ÛeefjleeLe& Yeer keâj efoÙee nw~

ie}ie}er jeceeÛeeÙe& hebef[le nesves kesâ meeLe efmeænmle keâefke nQ~ 1920 kesâ Deemeheeme Gvnesbves mkejepÙejle>ekeâj melÙeeieÇn, mkeosMeer Deewj yeefn<keâej kesâ Deeboes}ve keâes }s keâj heeBÛe yengle Deespemkeer }njerkeâekÙe mebmke=âle cesb jÛes~ Fvecesb mes ieeBOeeršesheer}njer keâes efkeveesyee kesâ cegKe mes megve keâj ieeBOeer peer Yeer heÇmeve> ngS Les~ iebieeOej MeeŒeer keâe Deefkeefke}eefmemeb}eheŠ mebmke=âle meeefnlÙe keâer hetjer hejbheje cesb Deheves {bie keâe efke}#eCe keâekÙe nw~ DevÙe hebef[le keâefkeÙeesb cesb ieesefkeoÛebõ heeb[s, yeÛÛet}e} DekemLeer, jefleveeLe Pee, yešgkeâveeLe MeeŒeer efKemles jns~

Yeó ceLegjeveeLe MeeŒeer (pevce 1889 F&.) keâe keâeÙe& mebmke=âleheebef[lÙe Deewj keâefkelee oesveesb #es$eesb cesb Ùegieeblejkeâejer nw~ Yeópeer ves mebmke=âle cegòeâkeâesb cesb veÙes efke<eÙeesb leLee veÙeer efkeOeeDeesb keâe meceejbYe efkeâÙee~ kemlegleŠ YeóceLegjeveeLe MeeŒeer mebmke=âle kesâ ÙegieheÇkele&keâ meeefnlÙekeâej nwb~ mebmke=âle jÛevee cesb veF& heÇke=efòeÙeesb kesâ DeeOeeve, veF& efkeOeeDeesb kesâ met$eheele leLee veF& Mewef}Ùeesb kesâ heÇÙeesieesb keâer Âef<š mes Gvekeâe ke=âeflelke yengDeeÙeeceer Deewj meke&leescegKeleÙee mecheVe nw~ mebmke=âle cesb jsef[Ùees™hekeâ, DeeOegefvekeâ keeleekejCe leLee veÙes meeceeefpekeâ mevoYeeËs keâe efÛe$eCe keâjves kee}er keâneefveÙeeB, Ùee$eeke=òe , }ef}leefveyevOe pewmeer efkeOeeDeesb keâer DekeleejCee MeeŒeer peer ves ner keâer~ oesne, meesj"e, Ievee#ejer, ÚhheÙe keâefkeòe pewmes yeÇpeYee<ee kesâ Úvoesb keâes hen}er yeej mebmke=âle keâekÙe cesb Fvnesbves Gleeje~ mebmke=âle iepe} kesâ Yeer heÇkele&keâ MeeŒeer peer ner keâns pee mekeâles nQ~ iepe} kesâ efkeOeeve leLee }eskeâYee<ee kesâ Úvoesb hej Gvekeâe DemeeOeejCe DeefOekeâej nw~ Gvekesâ }ef}le efveyevOeesb cesb }sKeveer keâe Ûeg}yeg}eheve Ûecelkeâejer nw~ keâneefveÙeesb cesb kÙebiÙe, efke[cyevee, meeceeefpekeâ kew<ecÙe keâer DeefYekÙeefòeâ Yeer heÇYeekeMee}er nw ~ Yeó ceLegjeveeLeMeeŒeer ves mebmke=âle keâefkelee cesb yeÇpeYee<ee keâer efce"eme Deewj keâesce}lee keâe vekeekelejCe efkeâÙee~ DevegheÇemeesb keâer Pebkeâej Gvekesâ keâefkeòe Deewj ÚhheÙeesb cesb Devegiegbefpele nw~ keâuheveelcekeâlee kesâ meeLe Gvnesbves De}bkeâejesb keâe efvekee&n Yeer efkeâÙee nw~ hej mecekeâe}erve meceepe Yeer


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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Gvekesâ heejcheefjkeâ Úvoesb cesb efÛeef$ele nw~ DeeOegefvekeâ efmLeefleÙeesb kesâ efÛe$eCe cesb kÙebiÙe Deewj Gheneme keâs Yeeke keâes GvneWves DeefYekÙeefòeâ oer nw~ Fleveer ner heÇKejlee Yeópeer kesâ heebef[lÙe Deewj meceer#eelcekeâ }sKeve cesb Yeer nw~ heebef[lÙe kesâ #es$e cesb Yeer keâekÙecee}e meerjerpe leLee mebmke=âlejle>ekeâjŠ ceeefmekeâ kesâ mebheeove kesâ Éeje Gvnesbves Fmeer lejn heÇkele&keâ keâeÙe& efkeâÙes~

jeceekeleej Mecee& keâer Skeâ hebef[le-oeMe&efvekeâ kesâ ™he cesb ÛeÛee& Fme }sKe cesb DevÙe$e keâer ieF& nw~ Mecee& peer Skeâ GÆš keâefke Yeer nwb~ hebõn ke<e& keâer DeeÙeg cesb Gvnesbves efpeme ke<e& keâekÙeleerLe& keâer hejer#ee GòeerCe& keâer, Gmeer ke<e& Oeerjvew<eOeced veece keâe mebmke=âle cesb Skeâ yeÌ[e veeškeâ ef}Ke [e}e~ Gvekeâe cegûjotleced Skeâ DeveesKee keâekÙe nw~ cegûjotleced cesb Úvo leLee keâLee ™efÌ{ lees cesIeotleced keâer DeheveeF& ieF&, hej meeje YeekeyeesOe Deecet}Ûet} heefjkeefle&le keâj efoÙee ieÙee~ cegûjotleced heÇeÛeerve keâekÙe hejcheje mes pegÌ[ keâj Yeer Deepe keâer mebmke=âle keâefkelee kesâ ef}Ùes Skeâ veÙee ceevekeâ heÇmlegle keâjlee nw, ken cesIeotle kesâ Goeòe YeekeyeesOe kesâ mebmeej keâes ÚesÌ[keâj efke[cyeve Deewj efke™heerkeâjCe keâer DeveesKeer ogefveÙee cesb }s pee keâj veÙee keâekÙeemkeeo jÛelee nw~ cetKe&oske Ûebhe} efkeOekeeDeesb kesâ mveeve kesâ heekeve pe} kee}s keâeceefieefj kesâ Deeßeceesb cesb efvekeeme keâjlee nw~ ken ieeBke keâer le®Ce efkeOekeeDeesb kesâ meeLe lejn lejn keâer }er}eSB jÛeelee nw~ Fmekeâer }er}eDeesb keâe yeerYelme efÛe$eCe DelÙeble GÉspekeâ nw~ cetKe&oske keâer heÇsefcekeâe keâe Deble Yeer pegiegefhmele efmLeefle cesb neslee nw~ efHeâj efkejnefkeOegj efKeVe cetKe&oske keâer Yesbš cegûjevebooske mes nesleer nw~ efHeâj lees cetKe&oske Deewj cegûjevebo keâer peesÌ[er yeve peeleer nw Deewj kes oesveesb Deheveer }er}eDeesb kesâ efkemleej kesâ ef}Ùes efvekeâ} heÌ[les nQ~ Fme Ùee$ee cesb efkeefkeOe osMeesb keâe keCe&ve nw~ Jes Deve=lee (SCšekeâ&efškeâe) mheeje”eŠ (øeâebme), megyeerpekegâuÙee (mkespe kesâvee}), Depeheg$eeŠ (Fefpehš), megHeâsveeŠ (mhesve), ceef#ekeâe (cewefkeämekeâes), efceßeefmeheÇe (efceefmeefmeheer) keâer Ùee$eeSB keâjles nQ~ DeeOegefvekeâ keâe} keâer meejer yeerYelme efmLeefleÙeeB Mecee& peer ves DeIeesjer keâer Yetefce hej jn keâj ÙeneB GIeeÌ[ oer nQ~ efnboer cesb Fme lejn keâe }sKeve heeb[sÙe yesÛeve Mecee& ‘GieÇ’ ves efkeâÙee~

5heefC[lee #eceejeke (1890-1953) keâer meeefnlÙe meeOevee ves mebmke=âle meeefnlÙe cesb vekeesvces<e

kesâ DevegodIeeefšle Éej Kees}s nQ~ Ùen #eceeoskeer kesâ veejerùoÙe keâer mebkesovee Deewj DevegYetefleheÇkeCelee ner Leer, efpemekesâ keâejCe ieerlee keâer efkeOee keâes Gvnesbves je<š^ kesâ vekepeeiejCe kesâ MebKeveeo mes iegbefpele keâjles ngS mebmke=âle cesb vekeÙegie keâe veÙee keâekÙe jÛee~ DeeOegefvekeâ peerkeve Deewj DeeOegefvekeâ efkeOeeDeesb mes Gvekesâ mechekeâ& ves Yeer Gvekesâ jÛeveemebmeej kesâ GvneR kesâ meceÙe kesâ DevÙe mebmke=âle keâefkeÙeesb mes efYeve> DeeÙeece efoÙes~ mebmke=âle cesb Gvnesbves Deveskeâ efkeOeeDeesb cesb }sKeveer Ûe}eF& leLee Ùee$eeke=òe Deewj peerkeveer pewmeer efkeOeeDeesb keâe mebmke=âle cesb veÙee Ghe›eâce efkeâÙee~ Gvekeâer mkeelev$Ùe Deevoes}ve leLee ieeBOeer Ûeefj$e hej cenekeâekÙe$eÙeer ÙeLeeLe&yeesOe leLee Yee<ee keâer menpelee kesâ keâejCe GuuesKeveerÙe nw~ Ùen cenekeâekÙe$eÙeer mebmke=âle meeefnlÙe cesb DeefYeveke meesheevemejefCe keâe efvece&eCe nw~ Skeâ lees keâefke #ecee ves ieeBOeer peer kesâ Ùegie Deewj meceepe leLee mebIe<e& keâes heÇlÙe#e osKee , peevee,mecePee Deewj hejKee nw~ otmejs mkeeOeervelee mebieÇece Deewj ieebOeerpeer kesâ Ûeefj$e kesâ heÇefle ienjer DeemLee mes Yeer ken heÇsefjle nw~ 135


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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Meeo&t}efke›eâeref[le Úvoesb cesb efveyeæ Fvekeâe ceerje}njer keâekÙe veejer-ùoÙe kesâ mecehe&Ce, DeemLee, meeceeefpekeâ efkemebieefleÙeesb kesâ heÇefle efkejesOe kesâ Yeeke keâer DeefYekÙeefòeâ keâjlee nw~ Ùen ceerje keâe Ûeefjle Yeer nw Deewj meeOevee keâer ieeLee Yeer nw~ heefC[lee #ecee ves kemlegleŠ Fleves levceÙeerYeeke mes ceerje kesâ Devlejbie mebmeej keâe efÛe$eCe efkeâÙee nw efkeâ }ielee nw kes mkeÙeb ceerje mes Skeâekeâej nes keâj ef}Ke jner nQ, Ùee ceerje kesâ ceeOÙece mes Deheves Deehe keâe Devkes<eCe keâj jner nQ~ keCe&ve keâ}e Deewj heoeLeeËs keâes cetle& keâjves cesb keâkeefÙe$eer keâer efmeefæ ÙeneB heÇkeâ<e& hej nw~ Fme heÅe cesb Deehleieg™heosMe Meyo kesâ Éeje MeeŒehejcheje keâe %eeve keâefke ves heÇkeâš efkeâÙee nw~ yeeåÙee}eskeâjme Deewj efveke=efòe keâer DekeOeejCeeSB Yeer keâefke kesâ heebef[lÙe keâer heefjÛeeÙekeâ nQ~ Dee}eskeâ Deewj Devee}esefkeâle Fve Meyoesb kesâ heÇÙeesie mes heoheÇÙeesieke›eâlee keâe DeÛÚe efvekee&n efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~

ceerje}njer Œeer kesâ mkeeefYeceeve ieewjke ke Gmekesâ Deheves mkejepÙe keâer ieeLee Yeer nw~ #eceeoskeer ves ceerjeyeeF& kesâ meboYe& cesb mkelev$elee Deewj mkejepÙe Meyoesb keâe ÙeneB GefÛele ner heÇÙeesie efkeâÙee nw~

ieesefkeboÛebõ heeb[sÙe keâe mebmke=âle cesb jÛeveelcekeâ }sKeve heefjceeCe cesb Deuhe nw, hej Gvekeâe keâekÙemebkeâ}ve YeeieerjLeer mebmke=âle keâefkelee cesb DeÚtleer mebYeekeveeDeesb kesâ Éej Kees}lee nw~ hebef[le keâefkeÙeesb keâer Deie}er heerÌ{er DeefYejepe jepesbõefceße Deeefo cesb leLee Ùegkelej heerÌ{er ye}jece Megkeäue, heÇkeerCe

6heb[dÙee Deeefo cesb Gmeer lejn meef›eâÙe nw~

heÇesHeâsmej-hebef[leesb keâer ßesCeer cesb Skeâ hebef[le yeÇÿeevebo Mecee& jepemLeeve keâer jepekeâerÙe ceneefkeÅee}Ùe meskee cesb jns~ Gvnesbves mebmke=âle kesâ keâekÙeMeeŒe keâer ceekeäme&keeoer kÙeeKÙee oer leLee jmeevegYetefle Deewj melÙeevegYetefle keâes heÙe&eÙe yeleeÙee~ nj lejn keâer keâefkelee melÙe keâe DevegYeke osleer nw, hej hebef[le keâer ef}Keer keâefkelee cesb melÙekeâLeve Deewj melÙeevegYeke efpeme lejn efkeâÙee Deewj keâjeÙee peelee nw, Gmekeâer yeele kegâÚ Deewj ner nesleer nw~

hebef[leesb keâe Ùen keâefkekeâce& menpe mepe&veelcekeâ heÇke=efòe nw, Skeâ Deveg…evecet}keâ, heÇeÙeesefpele DekemejesefÛele ef›eâÙee venerb, pewmee Mesu[eve hees}keâ ceeveles nQ~ meeLe ner, Fve hebef[le keâefkeÙeesb keâs Dekeoeve keâes osKeles ngS Mesu[eve hees}keâ keâer Ùen ceevÙelee hegveefke&ÛeeÙe& nw efkeâ hebef[lejepe peieVeeLe (me$enkeerb Meleer) kesâ yeeo mebmke=âle cesb ßes… DeeÛeeÙe& Deewj ßes… keâefke veneR ngS~ Gvekeâe Ùen ceevevee Yeer GefÛele venerb efkeâ hebef[leesb keâe mebyebOe osMepe hejchejeDeesb mes #es$eerÙe Yee<eeDeesb Deewj Gvekesâ meeefnlÙe mes veneR jne~ iegceeveer keâefke, Debefyekeâeoòe kÙeeme Deeefo Deveskeâ hebef[le keâefke }eskeâYee<eeDeesb kesâ Yeer mejme jÛeveekeâej nQ~ hees}keâ keâe Ùen keâLeve DekeMÙe efkeÛeejCeerÙe nw efkeâ mebmke=âle keâs meeke&peveerve meeefnlÙe kesâ cegnekejs cej Ûegkesâ Les, keäÙeesb efkeâ #es$eerÙelee kesâ yeÌ{les ngS mebmeej cesb kes Dehevee DeLe& Keesles pee jns Les~ hej hebef[le mkeÙeb #es$eerÙe meboYeeËs mes Deheves keâes DeodÙeleve yevee jns Les~

meÛÛes hebef[leesb kesâ Yeerlej mejmkeleer melele heÇkenceeCe jnleer nw, ken kewKejer kesâ ™he cesb kÙeòeâ nes Ùee ve nes~ ÙeneB lekeâ efkeâ Deveskeâ hebef[le, efpevnsb keâefke™he cesb keâYeer venerb henÛeevee ieÙee, Gvekeâer Yeer


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DelÙeble Gppke} keâekÙejÛevee Keespeves hej efce} mekeâleer nQ~ ieesheerveeLe keâefkejepe kesâ Éeje Deheves ieg® 7

efkeMegæevebo mejmkeleer kesâ efke<eÙe cesb jÛes heÅe Fmekesâ GoenjCe nQ~

hebef[le Deewj nceeje meceepe ÙeneB Skeâ mekee} efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ ceeve ef}Ùee efkeâ efheÚ}er oes meefoÙeesb cesb npeej oes

npeej DeÛÚs hebef[le nes Yeer ieÙes, efpevnesbves efÛebleve-ceveve Deeefo efkeâÙee nes Deewj ceewef}keâ ieÇbLe Ùee DeÛÚer šerkeâeSB ef}Ke oer nesb, Deewj Gleveer ner Gòece keâefkeleeSB Yeer jÛeer nesb, efpevekesâ DeeOeej hej ÙeneB Ùen mLeehevee oer ieF& nw efkeâ kemlegleŠ mebmke=âle keâer efÛebleve hejcheje Deewj Gmekeâer ceewef}keâlee keâe #ejCe venerb ngDee nw~ hej Fme hejbheje Deewj Fme ceewef}keâlee ves meceepe keâes keäÙee efoÙee?

cesjer Deesj mes Fmekeâe Gòej Ùen nw efkeâ hebef[leesb kesâ efÛebleve, ceveve Deewj }sKeve mes meceepe cesb pees yeo}eke Deelee nw Ùee Dee mekeâlee nw ken legjle Gme lejn peeefnj venerb nes heelee, efpeme lejn yewbkeâesb kesâ je<š^erÙekeâjCe Ùee veesšyeboer kesâ Ghe›eâceesb keâe Demej legjle peeefnj neslee nw~ keâefleheÙe hebef[leesb kesâ veece lees efHeâj Yeer efieveeÙes pee mekeâles nwb, efpevekesâ keâle&=lke keâer meceepe cesb meeLe&keâ yeo}eke Deewj Gmekesâ ™heeblejCe cesb Skeâ cenòkehetCe& Yetefcekeâe jner~ jceeyeeF&, ßeerheeo oeceesoj meeleke}skeâj, jeceke=â<Ce ieeshee} Yeb[ejkeâj, jeceekeleej Mecee&, heg®<eesòece keeceve keâeCes, }#ceCe MeeŒeer peesMeer, ieesheerveeLe keâefkejepe Deewj jeng} meebke=âlÙeeÙeve Ssmes ner hebef[le nwb~

Deepeeoer keâer }Ì[eF& cesb Meeefce} nesves kee}s heejbheefjkeâ hebef[leesb keâer mebKÙee yeÌ[er nw~ yebiee} kesâ hebef[le Fmecesb yengle Deeies jns~ Fvecesb mes kegâÚ Menero Yeer ngS (keâbš^eryÙetMeve DeeHeâ š^s[erMeve} hebef[lme DeeHeâ yebiee} : 396-443)

ÙeneB efHeâj Ùen mekee} efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw efkeâ Fve hebef[leesb keâes Deye efkeâleves }esie peeveles nwb? Fmekesâ Gòej cesb keâne pee mekeâlee nw efkeâ Ùen De%eeve hebef[le keâer efkeHeâ}lee keâce, Deewj jepÙe, meceepe Deewj meòee keâer efkeHeâ}lee pÙeeoe nw~

efkeog<eer jceeyeeF& (1858-1922 F&.) ves Œeer kesâ Deefmlelke keâes }s keâj yegefveÙeeoer heÇMve Gve>ermekeerb Meleeyoer kesâ DeeefKejer oMekeâesb Deewj yeermekeerb Meleeyoer kesâ DeejefcYekeâ oes oMekeâesb cesb G"eÙes~ Gvekesâ efhelee Deveble MeeŒeer keâeWkeâCemLe efÛeleheekeve yeÇeÿeCe Les, leLee heebef[lÙe keâer heÇeflecetefle& Yeer~ Œeer kesâ heÇMve keâes }s keâj kes Gme MeeŒeeLe& keâe DeejbYe keâj Ûegkesâ Les, efpemes peerkeve Yej jceeyeeF& ves Deeies yeÌ{eÙee~ Deveble MeeŒeer ves Deheveer hen}er helveer keâes mebmke=âle efmeKeeves keâe heÇÙeeme efkeâÙee, Gvnsb Fmekesâ ef}Ùes meceepe keâe keâÌ[e efkejesOe Pes}vee heÌ[e~ hen}er helveer kesâ efokebiele nesves hej Gvekeâe otmeje efkekeen }#ceeryeeF& mes ngDee~ }#ceeryeeF& keâes Gvnesbves heÌ{eÙee, Fmekeâe Yeer yeÇeÿeCe meceepe ves peyejomle efkejesOe efkeâÙee~ Fvekeâe keâójhebefLeÙeesb mes MeeŒeeLe& ngDee, efpemecesb Deveble MeeŒeer ves Œeer efMe#ee kesâ meceLe&ve cesb Oece&MeeŒeesb mes leerve meew DekeâešdÙe heÇceeCe heÇmlegle keâj kesâ Deheves heÇefleheef#eÙeesb keâes efve®llej keâj efoÙee~


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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hebef[lee jceeyeeF& keâer hegmlekeâ efo neF keâemš efnbot ketcesve keemleke cesb Skeâ Œeer keâer Deesj mes meceieÇ YeejleerÙe meceepe mes mebkeeo keâe heÇmleeke nw~ Gve>ermekeerb Meleeyoer cesb Ssmeer efkeâleeye keâe Skeâ YeejleerÙe Œeer kesâ Éeje ef}Kee peevee, efpemecesb heÇeÛeerve Oece&MeeŒe ieÇvLeesb kesâ heÇeceeefCekeâ DeOÙeÙeve kesâ meeLe efnvot meceepe keâe Deewj Gmecesb Œeer keâer efveÙeefle keâe lešmLe kew%eeefvekeâ efkeMues<eCe nes - Skeâ efkemceÙekeâejer Iešvee nw~ Fme hegmlekeâ keâes ef}Keves kesâ heerÚs jceeoskeer keâe cegKÙe GösMÙe Decesefjkeâer meceepe keâes YeejleerÙe ceefn}eDeesb keâer ogo&Mee mes Dekeiele keâjevee lees Lee ner, heg®<emeòeelcekeâ YeejleerÙe meceepe cesb Yeer Œeer keâer efmLeefle keâes }s keâj Skeâ yenme ÚsÌ[vee Yeer Lee~

mebmke=âle kesâ hebef[le meceepe ves Gvnsb hebef[lee Deewj mejmkeleer keâer GheeefOe oer Leer~ hej Fmeer meceepe ves Gvnsb Deheej Ùeb$eCeeSB Yeer oerb~ Gvekesâ efkekeen Deewj efkeosMe Ùee$eeDeesb cesb efoÙes ieÙes keòeâkÙeesb leLee }sKeesb mes ™efÌ{keeoer hebef[leesb mes Gvekeâe škeâjeke ngDee, jceeyeeF& kesâ ceece}s cesb Gvekesâ Deewj ™efÌ{keeefoÙeesb kesâ yeerÛe De}bIÙe KeeF& heÇkeâš nes keâj meeceves Dee ieF&~ Fve ™efÌ{keeefoÙeesb kesâ efmejceewj cenehebef[le yee}iebieeOej efle}keâ Les~ jcee oskeer ves Deheves }sKeve Deewj Yee<eCeesb mes efkekeeoesb Deewj mebkeeoesb keâes pevce efoÙee~ Gvekesâ meceLe&ve cesb osMecegKe, jevee[s, Yeb[ejkeâj, les}bie, Deeiejkeâj, pÙeesefle yee Heâg}s pewmes hebef[le Deewj meceepemegOeejkeâ meeceves DeeÙes, peye efle}keâ Deeefo ves Gvekesâ efkejesOe cesb keâesF& keâmej ve jKeer~

ßeerheeo oeceesoj meeleke}skeâj (1867-1968) kewefokeâ yeÇeåceCeesb kesâ heefjkeej cesb pevces, yeÛeheve cesb Gvnsb keso Deewj kÙeekeâjCe keâe DeOÙeÙeve keâjeÙee ieÙee~ yebyeF& kesâ pes.pes. mkeât} Dee@Heâ Deeš&med cesb Gvnesbves keâ}e keâer efMe#ee heeF&~ Skeâ efÛe$ekeâej kesâ ™he cesb Gvnesbves Deveskeâ hegjmkeâej heÇehle efkeâÙes leLee 1893 cesb pes.pes. mkeât} DeeHeâ Deeš&med ves Gvnsb memecceeve Deheves mebmLeeve cesb DeOÙeehekeâ keâer veewkeâjer oer~ meeleke}skeâj ves keneB veewkeâjer keâjves kesâ mLeeve hej Deheves keâeÙe& kesâ ef}Ùes nwojeyeeo keâes Ûegvee Deewj keneB Dehevee mštef[Ùees keâeÙece efkeâÙee~ kes lesjn mee} nwojeyeeo cesb jns, DeeÙe&meceepe kesâ mebhekeâ& cesb DeeÙes, mkeeOeervelee mebieÇece mes Yeer pegÌ[s~ kewefokeâ je<š^keeo kesâ veece mes Skeâ }byes }sKe Ùee hegefmlekeâe keâe peye Fvnesbves heÇkeâeMeve efkeâÙee, lees mejkeâej ves Fmes je<š^õesn mecePe keâj Fvnsb pes} cesb yebo keâj efoÙee~ Fme mepee mes meeleke}skeâj keâes efkeMkeeme nes ieÙee efkeâ keso kesâ DevegMeer}ve mes je<š^ keâer efveÙeefle yeo}er pee mekeâleer nw~ Fme yeerÛe DeeÙe&meceepe mes Gvekeâer Demenceefle yeÌ{leer ieF& Deewj Gvnesbves efkekeskeâkeefOe&veer veece mes Skeâ De}ie mebmLee yeveeF&~ efvepeece keâe keâesheYeepeve yeveves mes Gvnsb nwojeyeeo ÚesÌ[vee heÌ[e~ 1918 cesb Ùes DeewbOe Dee ieÙes, peneB mkeeOÙeeÙe ceb[} veece mes Skeâ mebmLee Deewj keâeÙece keâer~ Deepeeoer kesâ yeeo meeleke}skeâj ves mkeeOÙeeÙeceb[} keâe efkemleej efkeâÙee Deewj Gmes ye}meeÌ[ efpe}s kesâ Skeâ ieeBke – heej[er – cesb Ùes }s DeeÙes~ heej[er cesb Dehevee heÇsme [e} keâj meeleke}skeâj ves ÙeneB mes Deheves ef}Kes Úesšs yeÌ[s Ûeej meew ieÇbLe heÇkeâeefMele efkeâÙes, ceje"er, efnboer Deewj mebmke=âle cesb heef$ekeâeSB efvekeâe}eR, mkeeOÙeeÙe ceb[} keâer Deesj mes mebmke=âle hejer#eeSB Ûe}eFË, efpevemes }eKeesb }esie mebmke=âle heÌ{ mekesâ~ mebmke=âle, ceje"er Deewj efnboer cesb kes efvejblej ef}Keles jns~ Gvekeâer mebmke=âlehee"cee}e heÌ{ keâj


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npeejesb }esie Ùeesb ner mebmke=âle meerKe ieÙes, efpevecesb Skeâ megYee<eÛebõ yeesme Yeer Les Deewj yeesme ves Gvekeâer hee"cee}e keâer heÇMebmee keâer Leer~

meeleke}skeâj ves Ûeejesb kesoesb kesâ Megæ mebmkeâjCe heÇkeâeefMele efkeâÙes, Ûeejesb kesoesb kesâ cet} hee" kesâ meeLe efnboer Deewj ceje"er cesb Devegkeeo efkeâÙes, Deewj nj ceb$e kesâ Skeâ Skeâ Meyo keâe DeLe& osles ngS efHeâj Gmes Devetefole efkeâÙee~ GvneWves Yeb[ejkeâj MeesOe mebmLeeve mes heÇkeâeefMele ceneYeejle kesâ mebhetCe& hee" keâe Yeer efnboer Devegkeeo efkeâÙee Deewj Gmes cet} hee" kesâ meeLe heÇkeâeefMele efkeâÙee~ meeleke}skeâj ves Dekesâ}s Deheves yetles hej ken keâece efkeâÙee, pees keâF& mebmLeeSB efce} keâj keâF& }esieesb kesâ menÙeesie mes ve keâj heeFË~ 102 ke<e& keâer DeeÙeg cesb, efpeme ke<e& Gvekeâer ce=lÙeg ngF&, Gvnsb mejkeâej keâer Deesj mes he©eYet<eCe keâe mecceeve efce}e~

meeleke}skeâj yeermekeerb meoer kesâ Ssmes ceneveeÙekeâ nQ, efpevnsb Deye }ieYeie Yeg}e efoÙee ieÙee nw~ Gvekeâe mkeeOÙeeÙeceb[} Deye ye}meeÌ[ mes efkeâmeer lejn Ûe}eÙee pee jne nw~ Gvekeâer heef$ekeâeSB pees Gvekeâer keâ}elcekeâlee mes mepe keâj efvekeâ}leerb Leerb, yebo nes ieFË, heÇkeâeMeveesb keâer Deefveyee&Oe ieefle #eerCe nes ieF&~

keâefke, oeMe&efvekeâ Deewj efkeÉeved cenecenesheeOÙeeÙe jeceekeleej Mecee& (1877-1928) nceejs meceÙe keâer mekee&efOekeâ efo}Ûemhe Deewj efke}#eCe efkeYetefleÙeesb cesb mes Skeâ nQ~ kes Deheves peerkeve keâe} cesb ner Skeâ efkeâbkeovleer yeve ieÙes Les~ kesoeble hej DeeMeglees<e cegkeâpeer& kesâ DeeieÇn hej keâ}keâòee cesb leLee Gmekesâ yeeo Dee@keämeHeâes[& cesb efoÙes ieÙes Gvekesâ kÙeeKÙeeve Fme efke<eÙe hej meyemes heÇeceeefCekeâ keòeâkÙeesb cesb efieves peeles nwb~ mebmke=âle, efnboer leLee Yeespehegjer cesb Gvekeâer Deveskeâ cenòkehetCe& jÛeveeSB nQ, efpevecesb hejceeLe&oMe&veced Skeâ Gvekeâer oeMe&efvekeâ ke=âefle nw~ Ùen Skeâ cenòkeekeâeb#eer ieÇvLe nw, pees <e[doMe&veesb kesâ

8Deeies Skeâ mkeleb$e oMe&ve mLeeefhele keâjves kesâ mebjbYe kesâ meeLe ef}Kee ieÙee nw ~

ieesheerveeLe keâefkejepe keâe YeejleerÙe mebmke=âefle leLee leb$eeieceesb kesâ DevegMeer}ve cesb DeheÇeflece Ùeesieoeve jne nw~ Ùes yebiee} cesb pevces, keâeMeer cesb [e@. DeeLe&j kesefveme kesâ Úe$e jns~ GvneWves Deheves DeOÙeÙeve keâe Deelce%eeve kesâ ef}Ùes GheÙeesie efkeâÙee~ efheÇbmesme DeeHeâ kesume mejmkeleer Yekeve šskeämšdme, efheÇbmesme DeeHeâ kesume mejmkeleerYekeve mš[erpe leLee Ùeesieleb$e meerjerpe keâer ëe=bKe}eDeesb keâe mebheeove keâjkesâ Gvnesbves Deveskeâ og}&Ye heeb[gef}efheÙeesb leLee DevegmebOeeveelcekeâ ke=âefleÙeesb keâe heÇkeâeMeve efkeâÙee~ efmeæesb leLee veeLeesb keâer hejbheje hej keâefkejepe keâe heÇkele&keâ keâeÙe& nw~ MewkeoMe&ve kesâ Ùes heÇeceeefCekeâ kÙeeKÙeekeâej kesâ ™he cesb mcejCe efkeâÙes peeles nwb~ peerkeve kesâ Debeflece meele ke<e& (1969-76) Ùes ceelee DeeveboceÙeer kesâ Deeßece cesb jns~ 1918 cesb Ùes mkeeceer efkeMegæevebo kesâ efMe<Ùe yeves Deewj efvejblej leebef$ekeâ meeOevee keâjles jns~ leebef$ekeâmeeOevee Deewj meejmkelemeeOevee oesveesb keâer pees menkeefle&lee ieesheerveeLe peer ves Deheves peerkeve cesb efveYeeF&, Gmekesâ GoenjCe keâce ner efceueWies~ Gvekeâe mkeÙeb keâe Deekeeme Skeâ Deeßece Deewj ieg®kegâ} yeve ieÙee Lee~ efkeefkeOe mebheÇoeÙeesb, meeOevee heæefleÙeesb leLee oMe&ve Deewj efÛebleve kesâ heÇmLeeveesb cesb cet}Yetle Skeâlee keâe DevegmebOeeve keâefkejepe peer keâer kÙeeKÙee heæefle keâer Deheveer efkeMes<elee


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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nw~ peerkeve Deewj meeOevee cesb Gvnesbves pees meecejmÙe neefme} efkeâÙee, Gmes Deheves DeOÙeÙeve Deewj DevegmebOeeve cesb Yeer efkeefveÙegòeâ efkeâÙee~ kesâke} Mewke Deewj Meeòeâ leb$e ner venerb, yeewæ leLee pewve oMe&ve Deewj Fmueece leLee ÙeerMeg Oece& keâer hejbhejeDeesb keâe Yeer efkekesÛeve GvneWves Fmeer Âef<š mes efkeâÙee~ keâefkejepe peer ves efnboer, yebie}e, DebieÇspeer leLee mebmke=âle cesb efkeheg} meeefnlÙe jÛee~ Deveskeâ cenòkehetCe& efveyebOeesb leLee mebheeefole ieÇbLeesb kesâ De}ekee Dee@mheskeäšdme Dee@Heâ Fbef[Ùeve Lee@š, efyeefyeuÙeesieÇeHeâer Dee@Heâ vÙeeÙekewMesef<ekeâ ef}šjsÛej, YeejleerÙe mebmke=âefle Deewj meeOevee, leebef$ekeâ kee*dceÙe cesb Meeòeâ Âef<š, leebef$ekeâ meeefnlÙe leLee efyeefyuÙeesieÇeHeâer Dee@Heâ leebef$ekeâ ef}šjsÛej Gvekeâer cenòkehetCe& ke=âefleÙeeB nQ~ 1964 cesb Gvnsb he©eefkeYet<eCe mes De}bke=âle efkeâÙee ieÙee~ YeiekeleerheÇmeeo efmebn keâer Skeâ ceveer<eer keâer }eskeâÙee$ee , Gvekesâ peerkeve, kÙeefòeâlke Deewj Dekeoeve keâe meceieÇ DeOÙeÙeve Deewj Deekeâ}ve nw~

heeC[gjÁ keeceve keâeCes ves hetvee kesâ efÛeleheekeve yeÇeÿeCe heefjkeej cesb pevce ef}Ùee~ efhelee keâce&keâeb[er yeÇeÿeCe Les Deewj kekeâe}le Yeer keâjles Les~ efnmš^er Dee@Heâ Oece&MeeŒe Deewj efnmš^er Dee@Heâ mebmke=âle heesSefškeäme – Ùes oes Gvekesâ DeefÉleerÙe ieÇvLe nQ~ kes SefuHeâbmšve ceneefkeÅee}Ùe cesb mebmke=âle efkeYeeie kesâ DeeÛeeÙe& Deewj DeOÙe#e jns, cegbyeF& efkeMkeefkeÅee}Ùe kesâ kegâ}heefle Deewj mekee&sÛÛe vÙeeÙee}Ùe cesb keefj… DeefOekeòeâe, je@Ùe} SefMeÙeeefškeâ meesmeeÙešer kesâ Heâw}es leLee }bove kesâ mkeât} Dee@heâ DeesefjSbš} Sb[ SefØeâkeâve mš[erpe kesâ GheeOÙe#e Yeer jns~

1963 cesb keâeCes peer keâes Yeejlejlve kesâ mekee&sÛÛe veeieefjkeâ mecceeve mes De}bke=âle efkeâÙee ieÙee~ cegbyeF& keâer SefMeÙeeefškeâ meesmeeÙešer Gvekesâ veece hej mebmke=âleefkeÅee kesâ #es$e cesb Glke=â<š MeesOekeâeÙe& kesâ ef}Ùes heÇefleke<e& Skeâ efkeÉeved keâes cenecenesheeOÙeeÙe heer.keer.keâeCes mkeCe&heokeâ osleer nw, Gvekesâ veece hej keeef<e&keâ kÙeeKÙeevecee}e DeeÙeesefpele keâjleer nw leLee cenecenesheeOÙeeÙe heer.keer.keâeCes MeesOe mebmLeeve Yeer Ùen mebmLee Ûe}eleer nw~

}#ceCe MeeŒeer peesMeer efpeleves ner heejbheefjkeâ nQ, Gleves ner DeeOegefvekeâ Yeer~ Gvnsb heodceYet<eCe Deewj heodceefkeYet<eCe kesâ mecceeve heÇehle ngS~ meew Keb[esb kesâ efkeMee}keâeÙe keâesMe Oece&keâesMe kesâ keâefleheÙe Keb[ Gvekesâ Éeje Deheves peerkevekeâe} cesb mebheeefole ke heÇkeâeefMele efkeâÙes ieÙes~ S ef›eâšerkeâ Dee@Heâ efnbogFpce Gvekeâer cesOee keâe heÇceeCe nw~ Fme ieÇbLe cesb peesMeer peer ves šs}j, pescme øeâspej, }sefmebie, n[&j, mhesbmej leLee nerie} Deeefo heefMÛeceer efkeÛeejkeâesb kesâ ceblekÙeesb keâer meceer#ee kesâ meeLe YeejleerÙe hejbhejeDeesb keâer ceerceebmee heÇmlegle keâer nw~ peesMeer peer ves Oece& kesâ veece hej ™efÌ{Ùeesb Deewj DebOeefkeMkeemeesb keâer heÇke=efòeÙeesb kesâ GoÙe kesâ keâejCeesb keâe efkeMues<eCe keâjles ngS leeefkeâ&keâlee keâes keemleefkekeâ Oece& keâe DeeOeej ceevee~ Gvnesbves Gheefve<eoesb leLee <e[doMe&veesb keâer leòkeceerceebmee keâes efnbotOece& kesâ cet}eOeejesb keâer iekes<eCee kesâ ef}Ùes DeefvekeeÙe& ceevee~ Oeeefce&keâ mebie"veesb keâe DebleŠmebyebOe GvneWves meeceeefpekeâ mebie"veesb kesâ meeLe mLeeefhele efkeâÙee~ nerie} kesâ Éeje keâer ieF& efnbot Oece& keâer meceer#ee mes kes Demenceefle heÇkeâš keâjles nwb~ kes Ûeslevee kesâ mLeeve hej heoeLe& keâes meejs efkeÛeejesb Deewj mebmke=âefleÙeesb keâe cet} ceeveles nQ, YeejleerÙe mebmke=âefle kesâ Ssefleneefmekeâ efkekeâeme keâes }s keâj Gvekeâer Âef<š ieesefkeboÛebõ heeb[s mes yengle efYevve nw~ Gvekesâ


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Devegmeej hej}eskeâ keâer DekeOeejCee ceveg<Ùe keâer keâcepeesjer nw~ hetke&ceerceebmee Gvekeâer Âef<š cesb meceepeMeeŒe nw, Gòejceerceebmee DeOÙeelceMeeŒe, leLee veweflekeâlee oesveesb kesâ cet} cesb nw~ hegjeCeesb kesâ Éeje heÇÛeeefjle DebOeefkeMkeemeesb keâes kes Oece& kesâ ef}Ùes Ieelekeâ ceeveles nwb~ efnbot Oece& cesb hegjeCeesb kesâ Éeje heÇÛeeefjle efvejLe&keâ heÇkeeo Yeer nwb, Deewj efÛebleve keâer TBÛeeFÙeeB Yeer, lees ceevekeerÙe cetuÙeesb Deewj meeke&peveerve melÙe keâes heÇkeâeefMele keâjleer nQ~ Ûeekee&keâ Fefleneme DeeefCe leòke%eeve Meer<e&keâ hegmlekeâ keâer efkeMeo Yetefcekeâe cesb Ûeekee&keâ oMe&ve keâer DenefceÙele hej efkeÛeej efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~

cenehebef[le jeng} meebke=âlÙeeÙeve Fme meye cesb Deewj Yeer efke}#eCe Deewj cesOeekeer nwb~ kes Skeâ ™efÌ{Yebpekeâ Deewj efkeõesner Yeer nQ, efÛej ÙeeÙeekej, yengYee<eeefkeod Deewj heÇKej DeOeerleer Yeer~ Gvnsb keâeMeer keâer hebef[lemeYee ves cenehebef[le keâer GheeefOe mes De}bke=âle efkeâÙee~ jeng} peer ves osMe kesâ Yeerlej Deewj yeenj DeieefCele Ùee$eeSB keâeR~ Gvnesbves keâF& #es$eesb cesb heÇkele&keâ keâeÙe& efkeâÙes~ mebmke=âle keâekÙeOeeje Deewj efnboer keâekÙeOeeje kesâ mebheeove kesâ Éeje meeefnlÙe keâer hejbheje keâe hegvejeefke<keâej Deewj hegveefve&cee&Ce efkeâÙee~ ÙetjesheerÙe oMe&ve leLee ceOÙe SefMeÙee keâe Fefleneme cesb mebmke=âefleÙeesb Deewj meYÙeleeDeesb keâer heÌ[lee} keâer leLee Oece&keâerefle& kesâ heÇceeCekeeefle&keâ leLee Oecceheo Deeefo yeewæ Deewj heeef}ieÇbLeesb kesâ mebheeove kesâ Éeje yeewæ Oece& Deewj oMe&ve keâer hejbhejeDeesb keâer keâefÌ[ÙeeB peesÌ[eR~

kesâ. megyeÇÿeCÙe DeÙÙej (1896-1980) Fbšj keâer hejer#ee GòeerCe& keâjves kesâ heMÛeeled YeejleefkeÅee kesâ DeOÙeÙeve kesâ ef}Ùes HeÇâebme Ûe}s ieÙes~ Sef[veyeje leLee }bove kesâ efkeMkeefkeÅee}Ùeesb mes GvneWves mebmke=âle cesb Sce.S. leLee Dee@veme& kesâ meeLe Sce.S. efkeâÙee~ efmeukeeB }s£er leLee S.yeer. keâerLe pewmes ßes… heeMÛeeòÙe hebef[le Gvekesâ ieg® jns~ Yele&=nefj kesâ keekeäÙeheoerÙeced hej DeÙÙej keâe keâeÙe& yeermekeerb

9meoer cesb kÙeekeâjCeoMe&ve kesâ #es$e cesb DeefÉleerÙe keâece nw~ keâebefleÛebõ heeb[sÙe (1898-1974) ves DeefYevekeieghle hej heÇkele&keâ keâeÙe& efkeâÙee~ keâebefleÛebõ heeb[sÙe keâe pevce keâevehegj kesâ efvekeâš Skeâ ieeBke cesb ngDee ~ Gvekesâ efhelee Skeâ DeÛÚs heejcheefjkeâ hebef[le Les~ keejeCemeer kesâ mebmke=âle ceneefkeÅee}Ùe cesb Yeer Gvekeâer DeejbefYekeâ efMe#ee ngF&, Sce.S. leLee Sce.Dees.S}. GòeerCe& keâj kesâ 1918 mes }KeveT cesb megyeÇÿeCÙe DeÙÙej kesâ efveo&sMeve cesb Fvnebsves DeefYevekeieghle kesâ Ssefleneefmekeâ Deewj oeMe&efvekeâ DeOÙeÙeve hej MeesOekeâeÙe& DeejbYe efkeâÙee~ Gvekesâ keâeÙe& mes yeermekeerb Meleeyoer cesb DeefYevekeieghle YeejleerÙe oMe&ve Deewj keâekÙeefÛebleve kesâ kesâbõ cesb heÇefleef…le ngS~ leg}veelcekeâ meeQoÙe&MeeŒe hej Yeer Gvnesbves heÇkele&keâ keâeÙe& efkeâÙee, leLee MewkeoMe&ve Deewj DeefYevekeieghlemebyebOeer heeb[gef}efheÙeesb keâer Keespe keâer efoMee cesb Yeer heÇsjkeâ keâece nw~ meskeeefveke=efòe kesâ yeeo Gvnesbves Deheveer peceehetBpeer }KeveT efkeMkeefkeÅee}Ùe cesb DeefYevekeieghle kesâ veece hej meewboÙe&MeeŒe Deewj YeejleerÙe oMe&ve keâe MeesOe mebmLeeve mLeeefhele keâjves kesâ ef}Ùes os oer~ Deepe Gvekesâ Éeje mLeeefhele mebmLeeve Kemlee ne} cesb nw Deewj Fmecesb heeb[s peer keâer Dehetke& }ieve mes Fkeâªer keâer ieF& heeb[gef}efheÙeeB FOej GOej nes ieFË nQ~

Ùes meYeer hebef[le Deheves Deehe cesb yeÌ[er mebmLee yeve keâj Deheves peerkeve keâe} cesb meef›eâÙe jns, Deheves meceÙe kesâ efpeme meceepe hej Gvnesbves Deheveer peyejomle Úehe ÚesÌ[er, ken Skeâ meerefcele meceepe


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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Lee, pees Deye }ieYeie efyeKej ieÙee nw~ Ùen efyeKejeke DekeebÚveerÙe kewefMkekeâ leekeâleesb kesâ nmle#eshe Deewj hetBpeerkeeo kesâ vekemebmkeâjCeesb kesâ DeYÙegoÙe keâe heefjCeece nw~ Fmemes Deheves mecekeâe} cesb hebef[le kesâ Dekeoeve keâe cenòke keâce venerb nes peelee~ Gvekesâ Dekeoeve mes mebmke=âle keâer %eevehejbheje ner venerb, YeejleerÙe meeefnlÙe Deewj YeejleerÙe meceepe Yeer kewÛeeefjkeâ Âef<š mes mebhevvelej yevee~

keeo, mebkeeo Deewj efMe<Ùehejbhejekeeo, mebkeeo Deewj efMe<Ùehejbheje hebef[le kesâ leerve efkeMes<e efÛeÖ nQ~ hebef[le efpeme hejcheje keâe

heÇefleefveefOelke keâjles nwb, ken mecheÇoeÙe (ieg®efMe<Ùe-hejcheje) hej efškeâer nw~ efMe<Ùeesb keâer hejcheje ieg®Deesb keâer henÛeeve yeveleer Leer Deewj ieg®Deesb keâer hejbheje efMe<Ùeesb keâer~ iebieeveeLe Pee (1872- 1941), ceOegmetove DeesPee, nejeCe Ûebõ YeóeÛeeÙe& Deewj jepeejece MeeŒeer pewmes efoiiepe efkeÉppeve efMekekegâceej MeeŒeer kesâ efMe<Ùe yeve keâj ieewjkeeefvkele ngS, jeceekeleej Mecee&, efvelÙeevebo heke&leerÙe Deewj oeceesoj}e} ieesmkeeceer pewmes heÇKej hebef[le iebieeOej MeeŒeer kesâ efMe<Ùe jns~

jIegveeLe Mecee& (1899-1989) ves megyeÇÿeCÙe DeÙÙej keâer heÇsjCee mes keekeäÙeheoerÙeced hej Debyeekeâ$eer& veece mes efkeMeo šerkeâe keâe heÇCeÙeve efkeâÙee, efpemekeâe heÇkeâeMeve Dee" Keb[esb cesb 1963 mes 1996 kesâ yeerÛe ngDee~ jeceheÇmeeo ef$ehee"er, oskemke™he efceße leLee jeceMebkeâj YeóeÛeeÙe& pewmes hebef[le Fvekesâ efMe<Ùe jns~

Ùes meYeer hebef[le Ûe}les efHeâjles hegmlekeâe}Ùe pewmes Les, peneB kes jnles Les, keneB Skeâ efkeodÙeeheer" yeve peelee~ DeOÙeeheve keâjles meceÙe pees ieÇbLe heÌ{evee nw, Gmekeâer hegmlekeâ neLe cesb ef}Ùes efyevee Gmemes Skeâ Skeâ hebefòeâ yees}les ngS Gme keâe DeLe& Kees}les ngS heÌ{eles peeles~ hetje ieÇbLe Gvnsb keâb"mLe jnlee~ jeceheÇmeeo ef$ehee"er peer keâes heÇmlegle }sKekeâ ves DeefleefLe DeeÛeeÙe& kesâ ™he cesb meeiej cesb yeg}eÙee~ kes Ún cenerves lekeâ meeiej cesb jns~ keekeäÙeheoerÙeced keâe yeÇÿekeâeb[ Gvnesbves hebefòeâ hebefòeâ nce }esieesb keâes heÌ{eÙee, keâYeer Yeer keekeäÙeheoerÙeced keâer hegmlekeâ Gvnesbves heeme cesb venerb jKeer~ efmeæevlekeâewcegoer heÌ{eF&, Gmecesb Yeer met$e kesâ meeLe ke=efòe Deewj ceveesjcee šerkeâe keâer hebefòeâÙeeB kes peyeeveer yees}les peeles Deewj heÌ{eles peeles~

hebef[leesb kesâ Iej hej Úe$e efvejblej heÌ{ves kesâ ef}Ùes Deeles Deewj kes efveŠMegukeâ DeOÙeeheve keâjles jnles Les~ kes mkeÙeb oefjõesb keâe peerkeve efyeleeles jns, hej Deheveer efvejernlee cesb Yeer kes Deheves efkeÅeekewYeke mes hegpeles jns~ [e@. kesefveme keäkeervme keâe}spe kesâ heÇeÛeeÙe& Les, iebieeOej MeeŒeer Fmeer ceneefkeÅee}Ùe cesb DeOÙeehekeâ nesves kesâ veeles Gvekesâ ceelenle Les, hej [e@. kesefveme meeke&peefvekeâ cebÛeesb hej Yeer Gvnsb heÇCeece keâjles~

keâeMeer kesâ Deveskeâ hebef[le heÇeleŠkeâe} mes }iee keâj meeÙebkeâe} Ùee jeef$e lekeâ Yeer nj lejn kesâ efkeÅeeefLe&Ùeesb Deewj efpe%eemegDeesb keâes efveŠMegukeâ %eeve efkelejCe keâjves cesb }ies jnles~ hen}e mebmke=âle DeeÙeesie megveereflekegâceej Ûešpeer& keâer DeOÙe#elee cesb 1957 cesb ieef"le ngDee~ keâeMeer Ùee$ee kesâ oewjeve


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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DeeÙeesie kesâ meomÙe keâeMeer cesb hee"Mee}e heæefle kesâ DeOÙeeheve keâe vecetvee osKevee Ûeenles Les~ jeef$e nes Ûegkeâer Leer Deewj Deie}s efove DeeÙeesie keâes DevÙe$e heÇmLeeve keâjvee Lee, Ùen hetÚves hej efkeâ keäÙee keâesF& hebef[le Ssmes Yeer nwb, pees osj jele lekeâ Iej cesb DeOÙeeheve keâjles jnles nQ, Gvnsb yeleeÙee ieÙee efkeâ ceneMeÙe peer heÇeleŠ keâe} mes heÌ{evee DeejbYe keâjles nQ, Deewj Gvekeâe hee" jele lekeâ Ûe}lee nw~ DeeÙeesie kesâ meomÙe ceneMeÙe peer kesâ Deekeeme hej ieÙes, Deewj meÛecegÛe Gvnesbves osKee efkeâ jele keâe hen}e henj yeerle jne nw, hej ceneMeÙe peer DeOÙeeheve cesb le}êerve nwb~

Deveskeâ hebef[le Deheveer %eeveoerefhle kesâ keâejCe Deheves peerkeve keâe} cesb Gvekesâ efMe<Ùeesb kesâ Éeje ner venerb, Yeõ}eskeâ Deewj meeceevÙe peveesb kesâ Éeje Yeer oskelee keâer lejn hetpes peeles jns~ hebef[le efMekekegâceej MeeŒeer kesâ Iej kesâ heeme ner Heât}esb keâer otkeâeve Leer~ Gvekesâ oMe&ve kesâ ef}Ùes pees Yeer hengBÛeles, kes Fme otkeâeve mes Heât}esb keâer cee}e Kejeroles Deewj Gvekesâ oMe&ve kesâ meeLe Gvekeâe DeÛe&ve Deewj kebove Yeer keâjles~

hebef[le ceewefKekeâ hejbheje cesb jces ngS Les~ efvejblej DeOÙeeheve keâjles Deewj MeeŒeÛeÛee& leLee MeeŒeesb hej yenme keâjles jnves kesâ keâejCe Deveskeâ yeÌ[s yeÌ[s hebef[leesb cesb ef}Keves keâer heÇke=eflle MetvÙe jner~ Gvekeâer henÛeeve Gvekesâ Éeje ef}Keer hegmlekeâesb mes venerb, keeo Ùee MeeŒeeLe& cesb Gvekeâer hešglee Deewj leeefkeâ&keâlee mes nesleer Leer~

MeeŒeeLeer& hebef[le meejs osMe cesb keâesves keâesves cesb Les~ yenme keâjvee Gvekeâe kÙemeve Lee~ Fmecesb Deheves ieg® keâes Yeer hejeefpele keâj osvee Yeer menpe ™he cesb ef}Ùee peelee Lee~ jeceekeleej Mecee& ves ÙegkeekemLee cesb Deheves oes GÆš ieg®Deesb -iebieeOej MeeŒeer Deewj efMekekegâceej MeeŒeer - keâes hejeefpele efkeâÙee Lee~ keeceeÛejCe YeóeÛeeÙe& ves kesâke} 18 ke<e& keâer DeeÙeg cesb jececeesnve meeke&Yeewce pewmes efoiiepe hebef[le keâes MeeŒeeLe& cesb hejeefpele keâj efoÙee Lee (keâbš^eryÙetMeve Dee@heâ efo š^s[erMeve} hebef[lme DeeHeâ yesbiee} : 167)~ ÙeneB lekeâ efkeâ efceefLe}e kesâ Oece&oòe Pee, pees efheÚ}er meoer kesâ meyemes ceneved vewÙeeefÙekeâesb cesb efieves peeles nwb, keeceeÛejCe YeóeÛeeÙe& mes hejeefpele ngS~ meleerMeÛebõ efkeÅeeYet<eCe pewmes ÙeesiÙe efMe<Ùe keeceeÛejCe peer ves hewoe efkeâÙes~

keâeMeer Deewj keâ}keâòee kesâ hebef[leesb kesâ MeeŒeeLeeËs kesâ mebyebOe cesb Deveskeâ keâLeeSB nQ~ Skeâ yeej oef#eCe mes DeeÙes efkeâmeer hebef[le ves keâeMeer kesâ hebef[leesb keâes MeeŒeeLe& keâer Ûegveewleer oer, efpemecesb Mele& Ùen Leer efkeâ meeje MeeŒeeLe& Úboesb cesb nesiee~ cenejepe heÇYegveejeÙeCe efmebn ves hebef[le iebieeOej MeeŒeer keâe mcejCe efkeâÙee~ iebieeOej MeeŒeer ves keân}keeÙee efkeâ Gvekeâe mkeemLÙe DeÛÚe ve nesves mes kes ve Dee mekebsâies, hej Gvekesâ efMe<Ùe oeceesoj}e} ieesmkeeceer Gvekesâ mLeeve hej Ûegveewleer keâes mkeerkeâej keâjsbies~ Fme MeeŒeeLe& cesb oeceesoj}e} ieesmkeeceer efkepeÙeer ngS (ye}oske GheeOÙeeÙe:467)~ MebkeâjeÛeeÙe& keâer lejn oÙeevebo ves MeeŒeeLe& cesb efoefikepeÙe kesâ ef}Ùes osMe keâer Ùee$ee keâer, Deveskeâ hebef[le kesâke} keeo keâjves kesâ ef}Ùes meejs osMe cesb Ùee$ee keâjles Les~ Fvecesb oeceesoj MeeŒeer kesâ MeeŒeeLe& keâer keâLeeSB ye}oske GheeOÙeeÙe ves oer nwb~ Oece&oòe yeÛÛee Pee pewmes Deheves meceÙe kesâ meyemes heÇKej vewÙeeefÙekeâ keâes Yeer Gvekesâ Éeje MeeŒeeLe& cesb


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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hejeefpele keâj osves keâer keâLee keâe efpe›eâ GheeOÙeeÙe peer leLee efKemles peer oesveesb ves efkeâÙee nw~ efKemles peer ves Fme Iešvee keâe kegâÚ Deeflejbefpele keCe&ve efkeâÙee nw, efpemekesâ Devegmeej Fmecesb 700 cewefLe} hebef[le GheefmLele Les (efKemles:5)~ iebieeveeLe Pee Gme meceÙe yeer.S. kesâ Úe$e Les Deewj Fme MeeŒeeLe& cesb ßeeslee kesâ ™he cesb GheefmLele Les~ Pee peer kesâ Éeje efoÙee efveCee&Ùekeâesb Deeefo keâe efkekejCe lees }ieYeie kener nw, pees efKemles peer ves efoÙee nw, hej efveCe&Ùe kesâ mebyebOe cesb kes keânles nQ efkeâ Ùen MeeŒeeLe& yejeyejer hej Útše~ keâeMeervejsMe kesâ mebj#ekeâlke cesb Ûe}ves kee}er hebef[lemeYee cesb heÇefleceen efkeÛeejiees…er nesleer Leer (ye}oske GheeOÙeeÙe:136)~

Gceeheefle ef$ehee"er (1834-1873) ves ikeeef}Ùej, jerkee, efye"tj, }KeveT leLee DevÙe Deveskeâ veiejesb cesb MeeŒeeLe& kesâ ef}Ùes Ùee$eeSB keâeR, Deewj Deheveer efkepeÙe keâer heleekeâe Heânjeles ngS jepeeDeesb mes mecceeve cesb keâeHeâer jkeâce Deefpe&le keâer~ yeeo cesb kes DeÙeesOÙee cesb yeme ieÙes Deewj Deheves heeme keâer jeefMe hebef[leesb keâes mecceeve cesb os oer~ Gvekesâ Yeòeâpeve Gvekeâer keeokegâMe}lee keâer leg}vee MebkeâjeÛeeÙe& Deewj hebef[lejepe mes keâjles DeeÙes nwb~ jerkee kesâ ojyeej cesb Gvnesbves Yeeiekele kesâ Skeâ Mueeskeâ kesâ 43 De}ie De}ie DeLe& yelee keâj hebef[leesb keâes Ûeefkeâle keâj efoÙee Lee~

iebieeOej MeeŒeer, efMekekegâceej MeeŒeer Deeefo hebef[leesb keâes keäkeerbme keâe@}spe Ùee mebmke=âle ceneefkeÅee}Ùe cesb efce}ves kee}s ceecet}er kesleve keâer leg}vee cesb ome iegves DeefOekeâ kesleve hej keâ}keâòee efkeMkeefkeÅee}Ùe cesb meeoj yeg}eÙee ieÙee, hej keâeMeer ÚesÌ[ keâj oesveesb venerb ieÙes~ Sveer yeermesbš ves keâw}emeÛebõ efMejesceefCe keâes Deheves efhelee kesâ ßeeæ kesâ efveefceòe kegâÚ oef#eCee jeefMe Yespeer Leer, kes ßeeæ keâer oef#eCee venerb }sles Les, mees Gvnesbves ken jeefMe }ewše oer~ hej oef#eCee }ewševes mes nesves kee}s heehe keâe efkeÛeej keâjkesâ kes efKeVe Yeer ngS Deewj Fmekeâe efkeefOekeled Gvnesbves heÇeÙeefMÛeòe efkeâÙee~ Meejoe Skeäš kesâ efkejesOe cesb hebÛeeveve lekeâ&jlve ves cenecenesheeOÙeeÙe keâer heokeer }ewše oer Leer~ (ye}oske GheeOÙeeÙe:495)

jepeeDeesb kesâ DeeßeÙe cesb MeeŒeeLe&meYeeSB Deveskeâ efjÙeemeleesb cesb Ûe}leer jner nwb~ cenejepee ke=â<CeÛebõ (1710-1782) hebef[leesb kesâ DeeßeÙeoelee Les~ ke=âlÙejepe Deewj DeeefÖkeâÛeÙee& Deeefo Oece&MeeŒe kesâ veÙes ieÇbLe Gvekesâ DeeßeÙe cesb jnves kee}s hebef[leesb ves lewÙeej efkeâÙes (meefcele efmevne iii-vi, 1-9)~ Gvekeâer DeOÙe#elee cesb hebef[leesb cesb MeeŒeeLe& meYeeSB nesleerb Leerb~ ßeeæ Deewj efkekeen kesâ Dekemejesb hej Yeer MeeŒeeLe& meceeÙeesefpele keâj ef}Ùes peeles Les~ Gvekesâ heg$e efMekeoòe (1728-1788) ves Ùen hejcheje peejer jKeer (kener:4)~ jepee vekeke=â<Ce kesâ DeeßeÙe cesb efMekeevebo efkeÅeekeeÛemheefle Deewj peieve>eLe lekeâe&}bkeâej pewmes hebef[le jns~ efmevne (kener:17-19) ves Fve hebef[leesb kesâ yeenj mes Deeves kee}s hebef[leesb kesâ meeLe nesves kee}s MeeŒeeLeeËs keâe jesÛekeâ efkekejCe efoÙee nw~ 16 Heâjkejer, 1854 kesâ efove vejw} kesâ peceerboej keâs ßeeæ kesâ Dekemej hej yeÌ[e MeeŒeeLe& DeeÙeesefpele efkeâÙee ieÙee~ Fmecesb jepee jeOeekeâeble oske keâer DeOÙe#elee Leer~ 18 Heâjkejer 1854 kesâ mebkeeo Yeemkeâj DeKeyeej cesb Fmekeâe yÙeewje Úhee nw~ Fve MeeŒeeLeeËs cesb vebokegâceej veece kesâ hebef[le keâer efvejblej efkepeÙe kesâ efkeâmmes F&MkejÛebõ efkeÅeemeeiej lekeâ


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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hengBÛes Deewj Gvnesbves vebokegâceej keâes mebmke=âle ceneefkeÅee}Ùe cesb veewkeâjer kesâ ef}Ùes Deecebef$ele efkeâÙee (kener:4)~ efkekeenesb Ùee DevÙe Glmekeesb cesb Yeer hebef[leesb kesâ MeeŒeeLe& nesles Les~

vekeÉerhe Deewj efceefLe}e efkeÅee kesâ kesâbõ yeves jns~ oesveesb cesb heÇeflemheOee& Yeer Ketye Leer, efceefLe}e kesâ hebef[le yebiee} kesâ hebef[leesb keâes heesefLeÙeesb keâer heÇefle venerb osles Les~ hebef[le keemegoske meeke&Yeewce ves iebiesMeesheeOÙeeÙe kesâ leòkeefÛebleeceefCe pewmes efkeMee}keâeÙe ieÇbLe keâes mebhetCe& leLee vÙeeÙekegâmegceebpeef} keâs Skeâ yeÌ[s DebMe keâes ieg®cegKe mes megve keâj ner keâb"mLe keâj ef}Ùee Lee, vekeÉerhe }ewš keâj Gvnebsves oesveesb keâes ef}efheyeæ efkeâÙee~

mees}nkeerb Meleeyoer ceW vekeÉerhe keâes Skeâ efkeMkeefkeÅee}Ùe kesâ ™he cesb peevee peelee Lee Deewj ÙeneB mes oer peeves kee}er lekeâ&Ûet[eceefCe, lekeâ&e}bkeâej, efMejesceefCe, efkeÅeekeeieerMe, lekeâ&keeieerMe Deeefo GheeefOeÙeesb keâer meejs osMe cesb heÇefle…e Leer~

hebef[le Deewj vekeeÛeej hebef[le meceÙe kesâ yeo}eke kesâ meeLe Deheveer hee"dÙeÛeÙee&Deesb keâes yeo}les DeeÙes nQ~

cegie}Meemeve cesb Deveskeâ hebef[le Heâejmeer meerKe keâj Heâejmeer-mebmke=âle keâesMe yevee jns Les, leLee Heâejmeer kesâ ieÇvLeesb keâe mebmke=âle cesb leLee mebmke=âle kesâ ieÇvLeesb keâe Heâejmeer cesb Devegkeeo keâj jns Les~

GheefvekesMekeeo kesâ meeLe hebef[leesb ves Deheves DeOÙeÙeve keâe hegveŠ DeefYecegKeerkeâjCe efkeâÙee~ 1850 mes 1947 kesâ yeerÛe mebmke=âle kesâ Úe$eesb keâes Ùeesjeshe keâer mebmke=âefle mes heefjefÛele keâjeves kesâ ef}Ùes hebef[leesb ves Deveskeâ hegmlekeâesb keâe heÇCeÙeve efkeâÙee~ ceOegmetove lekeâe&}bkeâej ves FbiuewC[erÙekÙeekeâjCemeejŠ cesb DebieÇspeer keâe kÙeekeâjCe mebmke=âle cesb ef}Kee~ efkeveeÙekeâ Yeó ves DebieÇspeÛeefvõkeâe leLee FeflenemeleceesceefCeŠ cesb DebieÇspeesb keâer mebmke=âefle Deewj Fbiuew[ kesâ Fefleneme hej efkeÛeej efkeâÙee~ Fmeer ›eâce cesb yewkeâve kesâ ieÇbLe keâe yeskeâveerÙemet$ekÙeeKÙeeveced kesâ veece mes, yekeâ&}s kesâ efheÇbefmeheume DeeHeâ åÙetceve vee}spe keâe %eeveefmeæevleÛeefvõkeâe kesâ veece mes leLee }ekeâ kesâ ieÇbLe keâe Devegkeeo ceevekeefke%eeveefke<eÙekeâMeeŒeced kesâ veece mes efkeâÙee ieÙee~ (nerje}e} Megkeäue:33)~ iegceeveer keâefke keâe GuuesKe Thej efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ Gvnesbves Deoe}leesb leLee DebieÇspeesb kesâ heÇMeemeve cesb heÇÙegòeâ DebieÇspeer Deewj Heâejmeer Yee<ee keâer heoeke}er mes heefjefÛele keâjeves kesâ ef}Ùes }ešÉÙeheÇkeâjCeced keâer jÛevee keâer~ Ùes meejs heÇÙeeme Ùen metefÛele keâjles nwb efkeâ hebef[leesb kesâ ef}Ùes mebmke=âle heÇeÛeerve MeeŒeesb kesâ efÛebleve keâer ner venerb, DeeOegefvekeâ %eeveefke%eeve hej efkeceMe& kesâ ef}Ùes Yeer menpe mebheÇs<eCeerÙe Yee<ee Leer~

jece jeÙe yemeg ves F&meeF&efkekejCeece=leced Deewj %eeveesoÙeŠ veecekeâ hegmlekeâesb ceW efnbot Oece& Deewj Gmekeâer hejhejeDeesb keâer keâÌ[er meceer#ee keâjles ngS F&meeFÙele kesâ iegCeesb keâe keCe&ve efkeâÙee~ jecejeÙe yemeg, veer}keâb" MeeŒeer ieesjs leLee hebef[lee jceeyeeF& efnbot Oece& keâs keâójhebLe mes GefÉive nes keâj F&meeF& Yeer yeves~

F&MkejÛebõ efkeÅeemeeiej, jeng} meebke=âlÙeeÙeve leLee jeceke=â<Ce ieeshee} Yeb[ejkeâj heefMÛece mes ceg"YesÌ[ kesâ Éeje hebef[leesb cesb heveheves kee}s veÙes meesÛe Deewj kew%eeefvekeâ Âef<š kesâ DeÛÚs GoenjCe nQ~ leerveesb ves ve kesâke} Yeejle kesâ Deleerle keâer Deheves kele&ceeve kesâ meboYeeËs cesb ceerceebmee keâer, leerveesb ves mebmke=âle


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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meerKeves kesâ ef}Ùes Úe$eesheÙeesieer kÙeekeâjCe keâer hegmlekeâesb keâe heÇCeÙeve efkeâÙee, efpevemes yebiee} Deewj ceneje<š^ cesb ner venerb, osMe kesâ DevÙe Deveskeâ heÇebleesb cesb mebmke=âle heÌ{eves keâer efkeefOe cesb ›eâebeflekeâejer yeo}eke DeeÙes~

mebmke=âle kesâ hebef[leesb keâe heÇieefleMeer} Kescee veÙes YeejleerÙe meceepe kesâ efvece&eCe kesâ Ghe›eâceesb keâes }s keâj meÛesle Deewj meef›eâÙe Lee~ cesjs melÙe kesâ heÇÙeesie cesb ieeBOeer peer ef}Keles nQ (he=. 213) – ‘jeceke=â<Ce Yeb[ejkeâj cegPe mes kewmes efce}s, pewmes yeehe yesšs keâes Yesbšlee nes~ peye cewb Gvekesâ ÙeneB ieÙee, ken oeshenj keâe keòeâ Lee~ Ssmes meceÙe Yeer cewb Dehevee keâece keâj jne Lee ~ Ùen yeele Fme heefjßeceer hebef[le keâes hÙeejer }ieer Deewj lešmLe meYeeheefle mebyebOeer cesje DeeieÇn megve keâj owšdme Fš, owšdme Fš (Ùener "erkeâ nw, Ùener "erkeâ nw) kesâ Gûej Gvekesâ cegKe mes menpe efvekeâ} ieÙes~’

Yeb[ejkeâj ves ieeBOeer peer mes keâne Lee cewb jepeveereflekeâ keâeÙe& cesb efnmmee }svee yebo keâj Ûegkeâe ntB, efHeâj Yeer legcneje ceece}e Flevee cepeyetle Deewj legcneje GodÙece Flevee mleglÙe nw efkeâ ceQ legcnejer meYee cesb Deeves mes Fbkeâej venerb keâ™Biee~ Gvnesbves ieeBOeer kesâ Éeje yeg}eF& meYeer o}esb keâer meYee cesb meYeeheefle Yeer nesvee mkeerkeâej efkeâÙee~

ieeBOeer peer hetvee keâer efkeÉeved lÙeeieer ceb[}er mes heÇYeeefkele Les, pees efyevee efkeâmeer Meesj Mejeyes kesâ, efyevee Dee[byej kesâ keâece keâjves keâer Deeoer nw~

meeleke}skeâj keâer lejn jeceke=â<Ce Yeb[ejkeâj Yeer Deye efkemce=leheÇeÙe efkeYetefle nwb~ 1917 cesb keâeÙece ngDee Yeb[ejkeâj heÇeÛÙeefkeodÙee MeesOemebmLeeve Gvekeâer keâerefle& keâe Skeâ mlebYe nw~

oeMe&efvekeâ hebef[leesb kesâ veÙes efÛebleve keâe vecetvee hejceeLe&oMe&veced pewmes ieÇbLeesb cesb osKee pee mekeâlee nw~ hejceeLe&oMe&veced cesb leerve efmeæevle heÇcegKe nQ – mekee&lcekeâleekeeo, efkeMkekewefÛe$Ùekeeo leLee osnelcekeeo~ jeceekeleej Mecee& keâer Ùen hegmlekeâ mLeeefhele ceevÙeleeDeesb keâes keânerb PekeâPeesjleer nw, keânerb peÌ[ mes GKeeÌ[ HeâWkeâleer nw Deewj keânerb Gvekeâe heÇeflejesheCe keâjleer nw~ mLeeefhele efmeæevleesb keâes Ûegveewleer osves kee}s keâeMeer kesâ hebef[leesb cesb yeermekeerb meoer kesâ DeieÇieCÙe vewÙeeefÙekeâ yeojerveeLe Megkeä} Yeer mcejCeerÙe nwb~ Gvnesbves osnelcekeeo keâes vÙeeÙeoMe&ve meccele yeleeles ngS veF& mLeehevee oer~ Megkeäue peer ves vÙeeÙeoMe&vemeccele cegefòeâ cesb Deevebo keâe meceekesMe keâj kesâ Yeer Skeâ De}ie }erkeâ yeveeF& Leer~

jeceekeleej Mecee& leLee Megkeäue peer Deheves mecekeâe} cesb G" jns DeeOÙeeeflcekeâ Deewj veweflekeâ heÇMveesb mes petPeles nwb leLee meceepe cesb veweflekeâ cetuÙeesb keâer heÇefle…e keâes }s keâj Skeâ peerkeveMew}er efkekeâefmele efkeâÙes peeves keâer yeele keâjles nwb~ Deheves osnelcekeeo kesâ meceLe&ve cesb heb. yeojerveeLe Megkeäue Yeer ÂÌ{ DeeieÇn kesâ meeLe Ùen heÇefleheeefole keâjles nQ~ Fme keeo kesâ Éeje veweflekeâlee kesâ GÛÛe ceeveob[esb keâer DeefOekeâ menpelee mes j#ee nes mekeâleer nw~ jeceekeleej Mecee& Yeer hejceeLe&oMe&ve keâes peerkeve kesâ veweflekeâ heÇMveesb kesâ meboYe& cesb heefjYeeef<ele keâjles nQ~

iebieeveeLe Pee ceerceebmee, vÙeeÙe Deewj keâekÙeMeeŒe kesâ ieÇvLeesb kesâ DeeOegefvekeâ Yee<Ùekeâej nwb~ efkeMes<e™he mes hetke&ceerceebmee keâs meceieÇ heefjheÇs#Ùe keâes Gpeeiej keâjves kesâ ef}Ùes kes mcejCeerÙe nwb~ mkeeceer


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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keâjhee$eer kesâ ieÇvLe heejcheefjkeâ Âef<š keâer heÇeceeefCekeâ kÙeeKÙee kesâ ef}Ùes DeOÙeslekÙe nwb~ kesoeLe&heeefjpeele, kesomke™heefkeceMe&Š, kesoheÇeceeCÙeceerceebmee, ßeerefkeodÙeejle>ekeâjŠ. YeefòeâjmeeCe&keŠ – mebmke=âle cesb Gvekeâer MeeŒeerÙe jÛeveeSB nwb~ efkeÛeejheerÙet<e, YeefòeâmegOee, ßeerceÆeiekeleleòke, jecejepÙe Deewj ceekeäme&keeo leLee jeceeÙeCeceerceebmee efnboer cesb Gvekesâ ieÇbLe nwb~ megOeekeâj efÉkesoer leLee yeehetoske MeeŒeer YeejleerÙe ieefCele Deewj efmeæevle pÙeesefle<e kesâ kÙeeKÙeekeâej nwb~ meernesj cesb efpe}e ceefpemš^sš kesâ heo hej keâeÙe&jle }sbme}eš efkeefukeâbmeve yeehetoske MeeŒeer keâer cesOee mes heÇYeeefkele ngS, GvneWves Gvekesâ ef}Ùes DeeOegefvekeâ ieefCele kesâ DeOÙeÙeve keâe Yeer heÇyevOe efkeâÙee~ yeehetoske MeeŒeer ves ef$ekeâesCeefceefle hej mebmke=âle cesb ieÇbLe ef}Kee~ Fvekeâer Ghe}efyOeÙeesb kesâ keâejCe Fvnsb je@Ùe} SsefMeÙeeefškeâ meesmeeÙešer keâe Heâw}es yeveeÙee ieÙee~ (ye}oske GheeOÙeeÙe:193)~ yeehetoske MeeŒeer ves hebÛeebie heæefle keâe Yeer heefj<keâej efkeâÙee~ jepesMkej MeeŒeer õefke[ ves DeLe&MeeŒe kesâ DeOÙeÙeve keâer DeeOeejefMe}e jKeer leLee YeejleerÙe DeLe&MeeŒe kesâ heefMÛeceer jepeveerefleMeeŒe kesâ meeLe leg}veelcekeâ efkekesÛeve keâe Ghe›eâce efkeâÙee~ Gvekeâer keâewefšuÙe kesâ DeLe&MeeŒe hej šerkeâe kewefokeâefmeæeblejef#eCeer leLee peÙecebie}e Ghešerkeâe DeLe&MeeŒe kesâ DeOÙeÙeve cesb Gvekeâe cenòkehetCe& Dekeoeve nwb~

Gve>ermekeerb meoer cesb hebef[lehejcheje cesb Skeâ vekeeÛeej ›eâes[he$e }sKeve kesâ ™he cesb meeceves DeeÙee~ efceefLe}e leLee oef#eCe kesâ hebef[leesb cesb Fmekeâe efkeMes<e heÇÛe}ve ngDee~ ›eâes[he$e hegjeveer heesefLeÙeesb kesâ neefMeÙeesb hej ÙeesiÙe hebef[leesb kesâ Éeje ef}Keer ieF& efšhheefCeÙeeB nwb, De}ie mes Yeer efšhheefCeÙeesb kesâ ™he cesb ›eâes[he$e efveefce&le efkeâÙes ieÙes~

hebef[le leLee YeejleerÙe vekepeeiejCemeeleke}skeâj, #es$esMeÛebõ ÛeóesheeOÙeeÙe pewmes hebef[leesb ves keso, Gheefve<eod leLee mebmke=âle

MeeŒeesb kesâ DevegMeer}ve kesâ Éeje kewefMkekeâ efkeÛeejOeejeDeesb leLee kewefMkekeâ MeefòeâÙeesb kesâ meccegKeerkeâjCe keâer lewÙeejer keâer~ #es$esMeÛebõ ÛeóesheeOÙeeÙe megYee<eÛebõ yeesme kesâ menhee"er jns~ peye megYee<e yeeyet ves Fbef[Ùeve vesMeve} Deeceer& cesb meefcceef}le nesves kesâ ef}Ùes Gvnsb he$e ef}Kee, lees #es$esMe peer ves Gllej cesb ef}Kee efkeâ kes Fve efoveesb kesoesb hej DevegmebOeeve keâeÙe& cesb }ies ngS nQ, leeefkeâ kesoesb hej Ùeesjeshe kesâ efkeÉeveesb ves pees efceLÙee heÇkeeo Heâw}eÙes nwb Gvekeâe efvejekeâjCe nes mekesâ, Deewj meenyeesb keâes meenyeesb keâer Yee<ee cesb Gòej efoÙee pee mekesâ~

keâeMeer kesâ hebef[le vekeeÛeejefkecegKe venerb jns~ kes mebie"ve #ecelee Yeer heÇoefMe&le keâj mekeâles Les~ iebieeOej MeeŒeer kesâ heeme keâesF& yeÇeÿeCe Ùen DevegjesOe }s keâj hengBÛee efkeâ pÙeesefle<šesce Ùeeie keâjevee nw, hej Gmekesâ heeme Fmekesâ ef}Ùes keâesF& OevejeefMe venerb nw~ MeeŒeer peer kesâ heÇÙeemeesb mes ßeewleÙeeie kesâ mecheVe nesves keâe efke}#eCe heÇÙeesie mebYeke nes mekeâe~ heÇceoeoeme efce$e leLee veer}keâb" ieesjs pewmes hebef[leesb ves heejcheefjkeâ hebef[leesb kesâ efKe}eHeâ Yeer mebIe<e& efkeâÙee~ heÇceoeoeme efce$e yeveejme mebmke=âle keâe@}spe cesb DebieÇspeer kesâ heÇeOÙeehekeâ jns, Deewj kes mebmke=âle kesâ ceeOÙece mes DebieÇspeer heÌ{eles Les~ Deej.šer.SÛe.


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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efieÇefHeâLe leLee pes.Deej. yes}sbšeFve kesâ meeLe Gvnesbves keâece efkeâÙee, yeeo cesb Fvnerb efkeÉeveesb kesâ meeLe Gvekeâe mebIe<e& Yeer ngDee~ pee@pe& Leeryees kesâ Éeje mebmke=âle kesâ hee"dÙe›eâce cesb yeo}eke keâjles ngS cewkeämecet}j, pee@ve cÙetj leLee SÛe.šer. keâes}yeÇgkeâ kesâ DevegmebOeeveesb keâes Yeer hee"dÙe›eâce cesb meceeefke<š keâjves kesâ heÇmleeke keâe heÇceoeoeme ves keâÌ[e efkejesOe efkeâÙee efkeâ Fve heeMÛeeòÙe efkeÉeveesb keâes lees DeYeer YeejleerÙe hebef[leesb mes keâeHeâer kegâÚ meerKevee nw~ heÇceoeoeme efce$e ves Fme meboYe& cesb }eskeâefMe#eCe mebÛee}keâ keâes 2 DeheÇw} 1984 kesâ efove he$e Yespeles ngS Dehevee efkejesOe ope& keâjeÙee Lee (efceMeS} [e[dmeve: he=. 45)

DeeÙeeËs kesâ DeekeÇpeve leLee kesoesb kesâ efke<eÙe cesb heeMÛeeòÙe efkeÉeveesb keâer kÙeeKÙeeDeesb keâe Yeer Keb[ve heÇceoeoeme ves hebef[le heef$ekeâe cesb heÇkeâeefMele Deheves }sKe (vekebyej 1876) cesb efkeâÙee~

1867 cesb cewkeämecet}j ves hebef[leheef$ekeâe cesb $e+ikeso kesâ Deheves mebmkeâjCe kesâ efke<eÙe cesb efke%eefhle heÇkeâeefMele keâjeF&~ hebef[leesb ves cewkeämecet}j keâe keâÌ[e efkejesOe efkeâÙee~

hejbheje, ™efÌ{ Deewj DeeOegefvekeâlee kesâ ÉvÉ cesb hebef[le DeejbYe mes ner mebmke=âle keâer MeeŒehejbheje ke meejmkelemeeOevee kesâ oes he#e jns nQ~ Skeâ cesb kes

Deleerleeshepeerkeer, Deelcekesâbefõle Deewj MeeŒe kesâ Dee}es[ve cesb ienjs ieesles }ieeleer jn peeleerb nwb~ otmejs cesb kes MeeŒe ke efÛebleve keâer yeÌ[er mebYeekeveeDeesb keâes hejKeleer nwb, Fme heÇef›eâÙee cesb leòkeyeesOe kesâ veÙes ceeie& Keg}les nQ, hej hebefòeâyeesOe keâer ienjeFÙeeB heerÚs Yeer Útš mekeâleer nQ~

oesveesb he#eesb keâer Deheveer #eceleeSB ke meerceeSB nwb~ Skeâ ™efÌ{keeo ke mebkeâerCe&lee cesb heÙe&keefmele nes keâj Ûegkeâves }ielee nw, otmeje Deheves mkeÛÚboleekeeo cesb Yeškeâ mekeâlee nw~ mebmke=âle keâer hejcheje cesb kewefokeâ keâe} mes }iee keâj Deepe lekeâ Fve oesveesb cesb hejmhej leveeke, meenÛeÙe& ke ÉvÉ yevee jne Deewj oesveesb ves Skeâ otmejs keâes heesmee Yeer, Skeâ otmejs keâes Úer}e Deewj keâeše Yeer~ keâF& yeej hebef[le keâes mebkeeo kesâ ef}Ùes mHeâtle& Ùee GlheÇsefjle keâjves kee}s Skeâ DeeGš-meeF[j Ùee yeenjer kÙeefòeâ keâer Yeer DeekeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw~

hebef[leesb kesâ Éeje vekeerve DeeÛeejmebefnlee leLee veÙes meceepe kesâ efvecee&Ce keâer heefjkeâuhevee keâer lewÙeejer keâe GoenjCe ceneefvekee&Celeb$e veecekeâ ieÇbLe nw~ ceneefvekee&Celeb$e 1775 mes 1875 kesâ oewjeve lewÙeej efkeâÙee ieÙee~ Fmekesâ heÇCeslee yebiee} kesâ hebef[leesb cesb mes ner kegâÚ jns nesbies~ megjsMeÛebõ yevepeer& Fmekeâer jÛevee kesâ heerÚs jepee jece ceesnve jeÙe kesâ ieg® nefjnjevebo veeLe keâe neLe ceeveles nQ~ Fmecesb Deeefo yeÇÿemeceepe kesâ Éeje heÇÛeeefjle efkeÛeejesb keâer ÚeÙee nw~ ceneefvekee&Ce leb$e kesâ Ûeewon Guueemeesb cesb cees#e, OÙeeve, hejyeÇÿe, hejeheÇke=âefle, ßeerÛe›eâ, nesceÛe›eâ, Ùe%e Deewj nkeve keâer efkeefOe, ßeeæ, heÇeÙeefMÛeòe, kÙekenej, keemleg Deewj ie=nÙeeie pewmes efke<eÙeesb keâe efve™heCe nw~ kewefokeâ keâce&keâeb[ Deewj leebef$ekeâ meeOeveeheæefleÙeesb, kesoevle leLee MewkeOece&, Gheefve<eod oMe&ve leLee vekeervemeceepemegOeejkeeoer Âef<š – Fve meyekeâe mecevkeÙe efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ hebÛe cekeâejesb ceÅe, ceebme, celmÙe, cegõe (Yegves Deveepe)


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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10leLee cewLegve kesâ meblegef}le meskeve hej peesj efoÙee ieÙee nw~ leb$e cesb oeref#ele nesves hej keCe& venerb jn peelee – Ùen keâne ieÙee nw leLee hebÛece keCe& meeceevÙe keâe Yeer efve™heCe efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ helveer kesâ meeLe ceej

11heerš keâjves keâer keâÌ[er efveboe Fme ieÇbLe cesb keâer ieF& nw Deewj }Ì[efkeâÙeesb keâes heÌ{eves keâer kekeâe}le keâer ieF&

12nw~jkeeRõveeLe šwieesj Fmekeâe DeOÙeÙeve keâjles Les~ (mebmke=âle keâuÛej Dee@Heâ yebiee}:402)~

hebef[leesb kesâ Éeje Oece&MeeŒe kesâ veÙes ieÇbLeesb keâs efvecee&Ce kesâ Deewj Yeer Fmeer lejn kesâ heÇÙeeme efkeâÙes ieÙes~ cewkeämecet}j Éeje mebheeefole $e+ikeso kesâ Ûeej KeC[ 1849 mes 1875 kesâ yeerÛe Úhes~ veerjo

meer. ÛeewOegjer ves cewkeämecet}j keâer Deheveer peerkeveer cesb hegCes kesâ kesohee"er yeÇeÿeCeesb kesâ Éeje cewkeämecet}j keâer Úheer heesLeer mes Deheveer Deheveer heesefLeÙeesb keâe efce}eve keâj Deheveer heesefLeÙeesb keâes Megæ keâjves kesâ ef}Ùes yeg}eF& ieF& Skeâ Oece&meYee keâe efpe›eâ efkeâÙee nw~ kesoheeef"Ùeesb kesâ yeerÛe Ùen ie}le og<heÇÛeej efkeâÙee ieÙee Lee efkeâ cewkeämecet}j keâer hegmlekeâ keâer ÚheeF& cesb pees mÙeener }ieer nw, Gmecesb ieeÙe keâe Ketve efce}e ngDee nw~ Skeâ lees keâefLele ™he mes ieeÙe kesâ Ketve mes Úheer, efHeâj Skeâ cuesÛÚ kesâ Éeje mebheeefole Deewj mebMeesefOele~ Ssmeer hegmlekeâ keâes kes Út Yeer keâwmes mekeâles Les? hej Ùen yeele kes efkeÉeved kesohee"er Yeer mecePe jns Les efkeâ Gvekeâer nmleef}efKele heesefLeÙeesb cesb DeMegefæÙeeB nwb, Deewj efkeosMeer cuesÛÚ hebef[le ves pees efkeâleeye yeveeF& nw Gmecesb hee" Megæ nwb~ leye hee" MeesOeve Yeer nes peeÙes, Deewj cuesÛÚ keâer yeveeF& hegmlekeâ Útves keâe heehe Yeer ve }ies, Fmekesâ ef}Ùes Ùen GheeÙe meesÛee ieÙee efkeâ Skeâ DevÙe peeefle kesâ hebef[le keâes cewkeämecet}j Éeje heÇkeâeefMele hegmlekeâ oer peeÙes, ken hegmlekeâ keâes heÌ{lee peeÙes Deewj meejs hebef[le Deheveer Deheveer nmleef}efKele heesefLeÙeesb cesb hee" keâe efce}eve keâj kesâ Deheves hee" megOeej }sb~ cewkeämecet}j kesâ peerkeveerkeâej veerjo meer. ÛeewOejer yeleeles nwb efkeâ $e+ikeso kesâ leerve Keb[esb kesâ meeceves Dee peeves kesâ yeeo ceeefš&ve neie ves he$e ef}Ke keâj hetvee cesb kesoheeef"Ùeesb keâer Fme yeÌ[er meYee kesâ DeeÙeespeve keâer peevekeâejer cewkeämecet}j keâes oer Leer~ meYee kesâ Deble cesb kesoheeef"Ùeesb keâe efve<keâ<e& Lee efkeâ $e+ikeso keâe Fme lejn keâe mebmkeâjCe keâesF& Ssmee yeÌ[e hebef[le ner yevee mekeâlee nw, pees kesoesb Deewj MeeŒeesb keâe hekeäkeâe peevekeâej nes~ YekeeveerMebkeâj ef$ekesoer ves cees#ecet}jkewog<Ùeced veecekeâ Deheves veeškeâ cesb keejeCemeer cesb Skeâ efkeÉlmeYee keâe ÂMÙe Debefkeâle efkeâÙee nw, efpemecesb cewkeämecetuej kesâ $e+ikeso hej keâeMeer kesâ hebef[le efkeÛeej keâj kesâ Gme keâer heÇeceeefCekeâlee keâes Gæ=le keâjles nwb~ Fme heÇmebie keâer Ssefleneefmekeâlee kesâ ef}Ùes keâesF& heÇceeCe ef$ekesoer peer ves venerb efoÙee nw~

$e+ikeso kesâ Ûeejesb Keb[esb kesâ heÇkeâeMeve kesâ yeeo heejbheefjkeâ hebef[leesb ves efHeâj mes meYee keâj kesâ cewkeämecet}j kesâ ef}Ùes Skeâ OevÙekeeo keâe he$e lewÙeej keâj kesâ Yespee~ cewkeämecet}j kesâ Deveskeâ heÇefleef…le YeejleerÙeesb mes mebyebOe yeveles Ûe}s ieÙes~ Fvecesb kesâMekeÛevõ mesve, efkekeskeâevebo, oskesvõveeLe "ekegâj, jepesvõ}e} efce$e, keso kesâ heÇkeâeb[ hebef[le keâebleeveeLe MeeŒeer lew}bie, mebmke=âle kesâ hen}s efkeMkekeâesMe kesâ mebheeokeâ jepee jeOeekeâeble oske yeneogj, YeeT oepeer, heejmeer meceepemegOeejkeâ yesnjece peer cee}Yeejer Deeefo efkeYetefleÙeeB Leerb~ ceefn}eDeesb cesb jceeyeeF& Deheves FbiueQ[ heÇkeeme cesb Gvekesâ mebhekeâ& cesb jnerb~


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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Deveskeâ hebef[le yeÇÿemeceepe, heÇeLe&veemeceepe leLee DeeÙe&meceepe kesâ veÙes Deeboes}veesb kesâ meeLe jns~ efkeOekeeefkekeen keâe meceLe&ve keâjles ngS F&MkejÛebõ efkeÅeemeeiej ves mebmke=âle cesb hegefmlekeâe heÇkeâeefMele keâer~ efkeOekeeefkekeen Deewj ŒeerefMe#ee keâes }s keâj petve 1855 cesb efkeÅeemeeiej ves efyeOekeeefyeyeen heÇÛeef}lees ngDee GefÛele efkeâ ve - SleefÉ<eÙekeâ heÇesmleeke veece mes yebie}e cesb hegmlekeâ heÇkeâeefMele keâer~ Deveskeâ heejbheefjkeâ hebef[le Gvekesâ meeLe Les, hej Fve hebef[leesb keâes Deheves ner meceepe mes škeäkeâj }sveer heÌ[er Deewj Deveskeâ mebkeâšesb keâe meecevee keâjvee heÌ[e~ jepee jeOeekeâeble oske yeneogj keâójhebLeer hebef[leesb kesâ Deiegkee Les~ kes mkeÙeb Skeâ yeÌ[s hebef[le Les Deewj mebmke=âle kesâ Meyokeâuheõgce pewmes efkeMkekeâesMe keâe mebheeove keâj Ûegkesâ Les~ leejeveeLe lekeâ&keeÛemheefle keâer ÛeÛee& Fme efveyebOe cesb DevÙe$e keâer ieF& nw~ F&MkejÛebõ kesâ mechekeâ& cesb jn keâj leejeveeLe ves Deheveer yesšer keâes keâvÙeehee"Mee}e cesb heÌ{ves Yespee, pees GVeermekeerb meoer cesb Skeâ meenefmekeâ keâoce Lee~ leejeveeLe ves efkeOekeeefkekeen kesâ heÇkeâjCe cesb Keg} keâj efkeÅeemeeiej keâe meeLe efoÙee~ hej efkeÅeemeeiej ves peye yengefkekeen kesâ efke®æ Yeer DeefYeÙeeve ÚsÌ[e, lees leejeveeLe ves Gvekeâe efkejesOe Yeer efkeâÙee~ efkeOekeeefkekeen Deeefo meceepemegOeej kesâ cegöesb hej efkeÅeemeeiej keâe meeLe osves kee}s DevÙe hebef[le Les ieewjceesnve efkeÅee}bkeâej, heÇsceÛebõ lekeâ&keeieerMe leLee ceoveceesnve~ ceoveceesnve ves Yeer Deheveer yesšer keâes kesuLece mkeât} cesb heÌ{ves Yespee~ Fmekesâ yeeo lees mebmke=âle keâe@}spe Ùee DevÙe$e DeOÙeeheve keâjves kee}s hebef[leesb ves Deheves kesleve mes keâvÙee hee"Mee}eSB keâeÙece keâeR~

efkeOekeeefkekeen kesâ Deefleefjòeâ hebef[leesb kesâ yeerÛe efpeme efke<eÙe keâes }s keâj GVeermekeerb meoer cesb }ieeleej efkekeeo neslee jne – Gvecesb mes Skeâ Lee efkeosMeÙee$ee~ leejeveeLe ves efkeosMeÙee$ee keâe meceLe&ve efkeâÙee~

otmejer Deesj yeveejme ™efÌ{ieÇmle hebef[lemeceepe keâe yeÌ[e ieÌ{ yevee jne~ ÙeneB kesâ hebef[leesb ves yebiee} Deewj ceneje<š^ kesâ hebef[leesb kesâ Éeje efkeOekeeefkekeen Deewj ŒeerefMe#ee kesâ meef›eâÙe meceLe&ve keâe [š keâj efkejesOe efkeâÙee, peye efkeâ keâeMeerkeemeer hebef[leesb cesb kesâoejveeLe meejmkele leLee heÇceLeveeLe lekeâ&keeieerMe megOeejkeeoer DeefYeÙeeve kesâ meceLe&keâ Les~ Meejoe Skeäš hej Yeer hebef[leesb cesb oes Kesces nes ieÙes Les~ cee}keerÙepeer kesâ DeÚtleesæej kesâ DeefYeÙeeve keâe hebÛeeveve lekeâ&jlve pewmes hebef[leesb ves efkejesOe efkeâÙee~(ye}oske GheeOÙeeÙe:498-99)

jeOeekeâeble oske ves yeÇÿemeceepe kesâ efkejesOe cesb Oece&meYee keâeÙece keâer~ Oece&meYee keâer Deesj mes meceeÛeejÛebefõkeâe veece mes meehleeefnkeâ keâe heÇkeâeMeve efkeâÙee peelee Lee~ meceeÛeejÛebefõkeâe jepee jececeesnve jeÙe kesâ efkejesOe cesb yengle cegKej Leer~

ceneje<š^ cesb hebef[le efke<Ceg hejMegjece MeeŒeer ves efkeOekee efkekeen kesâ meceLe&ve cesb peyejomle DeefYeÙeeve ÚsÌ[e~ ceneoske jevee[s Gvekesâ meeLe Les~ efkeOekeeefkekeen keâes }s keâj Gve>ermekeerb meoer kesâ DeeefKejer oMekeâesb cesb Gvnesbves keâF& cebÛe hej MeeŒeeLe& keâjeÙes~ Fme meye kesâ heefjCeecemke™he Deveskeâ efkeOekee efŒeÙeesb kesâ hegveefke&keen keâjeÙes pee mekesâ~


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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1850 kesâ Deemeheeme yebiee} keâer yeÇeÿeCemeYee ves efkeOekeeefkekeen kesâ heÇMve hej efveCe&Ùe osves kesâ ef}Ùes keâeMeer kesâ meyemes yeÌ[s hebef[le kesâ ™he cesb ceevÙe jepeejece MeeŒeer mes DevegjesOe efkeâÙee~ jepeejece MeeŒeer ves efkeOekeeefkekeen MeeŒemeccele venerb nw – Ùen meeefyele keâjves kesâ ef}Ùes Skeâ efkemle=le efveyevOe ef}Kee, efpemes osMe Yej kesâ yeÌ[s yeÌ[s hebef[leesb kesâ heeme Yespe keâj Gmekesâ meceLe&ve cesb Gvemes nmlee#ej heÇehle efkeâÙes ieÙes~ Ùen hetje omleekespe efkeOekeeefkekeenMe*dkeâemeceeefOeŠ veece mes heÇkeâeefMele efkeâÙee ieÙee~ meceLe&ve keâjves kee}esb cesb Fme hej 52 hebef[leesb kesâ nmlee#ej Les, efpevekeâer metÛeer ye}oske GheeOÙeeÙe ves oer nw (1994:178)~ hej Gme omleekespe kesâ efkejesOe cesb megOeejkeeoer hebef[leesb ves Yeer Fmecesb efoÙes ieÙes Skeâ Skeâ lekeâ& keâe Gòej osles ngS yebyeF& mes Skeâ omleekespe heÇkeâeefMele efkeâÙee~ yee}MeeŒeer Deheves ieg® jepeejece MeeŒeer kesâ meceLe&ve kesâ ef}Ùes keâefšyeæ ngS Deewj Gvnesbves efkeOekeeefkekeenMe*dkeâemeceeefOeŠ kesâ heÇeflekeeefoÙeesb keâes heÇlÙegòej osles ngS Fme efveyebOe hej Deheveer šerkeâe ef}Keer (ye}oske GheeOÙeeÙe : 147-

48)~ yebiee} cesb Ssmes hebef[leesb keâe meeLe osves kee}s jeKee}oeme vÙeeÙejlve ves Yeer efkeOekeeefkekeen kesâ efkejesOe cesb efkeefveyebOe ef}Kee~

keâeMeer kesâ Ùes hebef[le MeeŒeefve…e venerb ÚesÌ[ mekeâles Les, yeBOeer yeBOeeF& }erkeâ Yeer venerb~ jeÙe ke=â<Ceoeme mes mecyeæ Skeâ mebmcejCe cesb ye}oske GheeOÙeeÙe yeleeles nwb efkeâ jeÙe

ke=â<Ceoeme kesâ efhelee kesâ efveOeve kesâ heMÛeeled Gvekeâer ceeB Gvekeâer oesveesb yenveesb keâe efkekeen keâjves kesâ ef}Ùes heÇÙeeme keâj jnerb Leerb, Úesšer yenve keâe Skeâ peien efjMlee hekeäkeâe nes ieÙee Lee~ kes hebef[le efMekekegâceej MeeŒeer kesâ heeme Fme mebyebOe cesb Oece&MeeŒeerÙe kÙekemLee heÇehle keâjves kesâ ef}Ùes ieFË efkeâ yeÌ[er yeefnve kesâ Deefkekeeefnle jnles Úesšer keâe efkekeen efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw Ùee venerb~ meesves keâer Skeâ efieve>er Gvnebsves MeeŒeer peer keâes oef#eCee cesb Deefhe&le keâer~ MeeŒeer peer ves meejs Oece&MeeŒeesb kesâ ieÇbLeesb kesâ meboYe& osKes, efHeâj efveCe&Ùe efoÙee efkeâ Ssmee keâjvee MeeŒemeccele ve nesiee~ Fmekesâ meeLe Gvnesbves oeme peer keâer ceeB keâes Gvekeâer oer ngF& meesves keâer efieve>er }ewše oer, keäÙeesbefkeâ ken Fme heÇlÙeeMee cesb Deefhe&le keâer ieF& Leer efkeâ kes Úesšer yesšer keâe efkekeen hen}s nesves cesb MeeŒe yeeOekeâ venerb nw- Ssmee keâesF& efkeOeeve {tB{ efvekeâe}Wies~ keâeMeer kesâ Skeâ GÅeesieheefle kesâ heg$e }#ceerÛevõ DeieÇkee} jmeeÙeveMeeŒe kesâ DeOÙeÙeve kesâ ef}Ùes }vove ieÙes~ Yeejle }ewš keâj kes Dehevee GÅeesie }ieevee Ûeenles Les, keâeMeer keâer DeieÇkee} meYee ves mecegõÙee$ee keâe heehe keâjves kesâ ef}Ùes Gvekeâe efkejesOe efkeâÙee~ ceece}s kesâ efvehešejs kesâ ef}Ùes hebef[leesb keâer meYee yeg}keeF& ieF&, efMekekegâceej MeeŒeer keâes Gmecesb Deecebef$ele efkeâÙee ieÙee, Gvnebsves Fme mebosMe kesâ meeLe Deeves mes Fbkeâej efkeâÙee efkeâ Deehe }esieesb keâer meYee mecegõÙee$ee keâes kewOe "njeves kesâ ef}Ùes yeg}eF& ieF& nw~ ceQ Ssmes efkeâmeer efveCe&Ùe cesb meefcceef}le venerb nes mekeâlee~

1911 cesb efyeÇefšMe mejkeâej ves Skeâ Deeef[&vesbme peejer efkeâÙee efpemecesb DemekeCeeËs keâes efnvot Oece& mes efYeve> efkeâmeer Oecee&ke}byeer Ieesef<ele keâjves keâer Útš oer ieF& Leer~ Fme hej keâeMeer kesâ hebef[leesb cesb yekee} ceÛe ieÙee, Fme DeOÙeeosMe kesâ efkejesOe ceW hebef[leesb keâer efkeješd meYee ngF&~ Fme meYee cesb efMekekegâceej MeeŒeer kesâ Éeje efoÙee ieÙee efveCe&Ùe meke&mecceefle mes heeefjle efkeâÙee ieÙee pees Fme heÇkeâej Lee - ‘DeÚtle


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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nesves mes keâesF& kÙeefòeâ efnbot Oece& kesâ #es$e mes yeefn<ke=âle venerb efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee~ ken Gleveer ner cee$ee cesb efnbot nw efpeleveer cee$ee cesb keâesF& mekeCe& kÙeefòeâ~ DeÚtle efnbot meceepe keâe DeefkeYeepÙe Debie nw (ye}oske GheeOÙeeÙe : 150)~ Ùen Oece& keâer DeeÌ[ cesb ÚtDeeÚtle keâe Keg}s Deece meceLe&ve Lee~

peye jececeesnve jeÙe Deheveer mecemle DeeOegefvekeâlee kesâ meeLe efnbot meceepe keâer DeieÇieeceer meesÛe keâes }s keâj meeceves Dee jns Les, leye jepee jeOeekeâevle oske DeleerleesvcegKe cejCeemeve> ceeveefmekeâlee mes efÛehekesâ ngS Les~ hej kes mkeÙeb heÇkeâeb[ hebef[le Deewj hebef[leesb kesâ DeeßeÙeoelee Les~ Fvnerb jepee jeOeekeâeble oske ves mebmke=âle keâe efkeMkekeâesMe Meyokeâuheõgce Gme meceÙe Deheveer osKejsKe cesb lewÙeej keâjkeeÙee Lee, pees Deheves Deehe cesb Skeâ Ûecelkeâej nw~ cewkeämecet}j keâe Ùen meewYeeiÙe Lee efkeâ kes jepee jeOeekeâeble oske yeneogj kesâ Yeer heÇMebmeehee$e yeves Deewj jece ceesnve jeÙe lees Gvekesâ cegjero Les ner~ jepee jeOeekeâeble oske yeneogj cewkeämecet}j keâes cuesÛÚ ceeveles Les Deewj cuesÛÚ kesâ ™he ces ner Gvnsb osKeles jns, hej cewkeämecet}j ves peye $e+ikeso kesâ mešerkeâ mebheeove keâe Flevee yeÌ[e keâece keâj efoKeeÙee lees kes

13Gmekeâer mejenvee efkeâÙes efyevee keâwmes jn mekeâles Les~

jepee jececeesnve jeÙe ves OeceeËs cesb heejmheefjkeâ mebkeeo keâes }s keâj pees hegefmlekeâeSB heÇkeâeefMele keâerb, Gvekeâe efkejesOe nj lejHeâ mes ngDee – efnbot Oece& keâer Okepee G"eves kee}s hebef[leesb keâer Deesj mes Yeer, cegu}eDeesb keâer Deesj mes Yeer Deewj heeoefjÙeesb keâer Deesj mes Yeer~ %eeveÛeÛee& (1821) Deewj kesoebleÛebefõkeâe pewmeer heef$ekeâeSB Ùee hegefmlekeâeSB efkeMes<e ™he mes jececeesnve jeÙe kesâ Keb[ve cesb ner heÇkeâeefMele nesleer Leerb (jepee jececeesnve jeÙe – efo Heâeoj Dee@Heâ cee[ve& Fbef[Ùee : 25-27) jeÙe ves kesoebleÛebefõkeâe keâe keâjeje pekeeye yebiee}er cesb ef}Keer Deheveer hegmlekeâ YeóeÛeepe& meeefnle efyeÛeej cesb efoÙee(kener:158-

159)~ jeÙe ves ceõeme kesâ megyeÇÿeCÙe MeeŒeer keâes MeeŒeeLe& cesb Deheveer heÇKej leeefkeâ&keâlee kesâ Éeje hejeefpele efkeâÙee~ Fme MeeŒeeLe& keâes megveves kesâ ef}Ùes Yeer yeÌ[er mebKÙee cesb }esie pegšs Les~

jeÙe keâF& ceesÛeeËs hej Deheveer }Ì[eF& }Ì[ jns Les~ ef›eâefMÛeÙeve heeoefjÙeesb keâes Ùen yeleeves kesâ ef}Ùes efkeâ Gvekesâ Oece& kesâ ßes… leòke kesoevle cesb meceeefnle nQ, Gvnesbves Gheefve<eoesb keâe DebieÇspeer Devegkeeo efkeâÙee~ F&mš FefC[Ùee keâcheveer keâer mejkeâej kesâ Éeje }eiet efkeâÙes ieÙes keâevetve efnbot efŒeÙeesb kesâ DeefOekeâejesb keâe nveve keâjles nwb – Ùen yeleeves kesâ ef}Ùes Gvnesbves ‘Smmes Deeve efo jeFšdme DeeHeâ efnbotpe Deeskej Svmesmš^} heÇehešer&’ veece mes efveyebOe ef}Kee, pees Ún Keb[esb cesb heÇkeâeefMele FbefiueMe kekeäme& DeeHeâ jepee jece ceesnve jeÙe kesâ Keb[ oes cesb meefcceef}le nw~ 1822 cesb jeÙe ves cee[ve& Fv›eâesÛecesbšdme Deeve efo SvmÙesbš jeFšdme DeeHeâ Heâercesume Skeâesef[Ëie šg efnbot }e Dee@Heâ Fvnsefjšsbme keâer jÛevee keâer, efpemecesb Gvnesbves meesæjCe meeefyele efkeâÙee efkeâ efnbot Oece&MeeŒeesb kesâ oeÙe Yeeie keâer efkeke=âle kÙeeKÙee kesâ keâejCe ner meleer heÇLee keâes yeÌ{ekee efce}e nw~ (meer.S. yes}er:23)~ jeÙe keâes oesnjs ceesÛe&s hej }Ì[eF& keâjveer heÌ[er~ Skeâ Deesj ™efÌ{keeoer hebef[leesb mes, otmejer Deesj Mees<eCekeâejer GheefvekesMekeeoer leekeâleesb mes~ meleerheÇLee mebmke=âle cesb Oece&MeeŒeesb kesâ Éeje meceefLe&le venerb nw- Ùen meeefyele keâjves kesâ ef}Ùes Gvnesbves Deveskeâ efveyebOe ef}Kes, efpevekeâe ™efÌ{keeoer hebef[le heÇeflekeeo keâjles jns~ Fve hebef[leesb kesâ oyeeke cesb efkeef}Ùece yesbefškeâ keâer mejkeâej ves Heâjceeve efvekeâe} efoÙee efkeâ keâesF& efnbot Œeer Deheveer cepeer& mes meleer nes jner nes, lees Gmes ve


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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jeskeâe peeÙes~ Fmemes Deewjleesb keâes efpeboe pe}eves keâer on}eves kee}er IešveeDeesb cesb keâF& iegvee yeÌ{esòejer nes ieF& Deewj Deye jeÙe keâes meleerheÇLee kesâ efvekeejCe kesâ ef}Ùes keâevetveer }Ì[eF& }Ì[veer heÌ[er~

jeceÛebõ lekeâ&keeieerMe, ce=lÙegbpeÙe efkeÅee}bkeâej Deeefo Deveskeâ hebef[leesb keâes DeelceerÙe meYee Ùee yeÇÿe meceepe pewmes megOeejkeeoer Deeboes}veesb ves Deeke=â<š efkeâÙee~ ce=lÙegbpeÙe efkeÅee}bkeâej jepee jece

14ceesnve jeÙe kesâ hen}s meleer heÇLee kesâ efkejesOe cesb Skeâ hegefmlekeâe ef}Ke Ûegkesâ Les~ MÙeece peer ke=â<Ce kecee& oÙeevebo kesâ GòejeefOekeâeefjÙeesb cesb GuuesKeveerÙe nQ~ kes FbiueQ[ cesb

ceesefveÙej efkeef}Ùecme kesâ meneÙekeâ jns~ Gvnesbves efyeÇefšMe GheefvekesMekeeo kesâ efke®æ }bove cesb pee keâj Skeâ ceesÛee& Kees}e~

efkekeeo kesâ meeiej hej mesleg keejsve neefmšbime keâes 1773 cesb yebiee} keâe iekeve&j pevej} yeveeÙee ieÙee~ neefmšbime efnbot

Oece&MeeŒeesb kesâ DeeOeej hej vÙeeÙee}Ùeesb kesâ heÇkeâjCeesb keâe efveCe&Ùe nes mekesâ Fmekesâ ef}Ùes Skeâ heÇeceeefCekeâ DeeOeejieÇvLe lewÙeej keâjevee Ûeenles Les~ Fmekesâ ef}Ùes yebiee} kesâ peieve>eLe lekeâ&hebÛeeveve, yeeCesMkej efkeÅee}bkeâej, jeOeeke=â<Ce lekeâ&keeieerMe Deeefo Deveskeâ hebef[leesb keâer meskeeSB }er ieFË~ neefmšbime kesâ Fme GÅece keâer heefjCeefle mebmke=âle cesb efkekeeoeCe&kemesleg veece mes 21 Keb[esb kesâ efkeMkekeâesMeelcekeâ ieÇvLe kesâ

15efvecee&Ce cesb ngF&~

jeOeeke=â<Ce lekeâ&keeieerMe ves neefmšbime kesâ ef}Ùes hegjeCeeLe&heÇkeâeMe veece mes ieÇvLe keâe Yeer efvece&eCe efkeâÙee~

efkekeeoeCe&kemesleg keâe hen}s Heâejmeer cesb leLee Heâejmeer mes DebieÇspeer cesb Devegkeeo keâjeÙee ieÙee, pees neefmšbime kesâ Meemevekeâe} cesb F&. 1770 cesb ‘S keâes[ DeeHeâ iesbšt }e@’ kesâ veece mes heÇkeâeefMele ngDee~ 1778 F&. cesb Heâejmeer Devegkeeo keâe pece&ve ™heeblej Yeer heÇkeâeefMele ngDee~ efkeef}Ùece peesbme ves Yeer Fme ieÇvLe keâe DebieÇspeer cesb Devegkeeo DeejbYe efkeâÙee Lee, pees Gvekesâ efveOeve kesâ heMÛeeled SÛe.šer. keâes}yegkeâ ves hetje keâj kesâ 1798 cesb heÇkeâeefMele keâjeÙee (SbipeeÙešerpe DeeHeâ ef[mšsbme :10)~ Fmekesâ meeLe ner mebmke=âle ceW veÙes Oece&MeeŒeieÇbLeesb kesâ efvece&eCe keâer heÇef›eâÙee DeejbYe nes ieF& (kener :12-13)~ vÙeeÙee}Ùeesb cesb Oece&MeeŒe kesâ Devegmeej efveCe&Ùe }sves cesb meneÙelee kesâ ef}Ùes hebef[leesb keâer efveÙegefòeâ keâer peeves }ieer~

16ke=âheejece keâer vekÙeOece&oerefhekeâe , peieve>eLe hebef[le kesâ efkekeeoYe”eCe&ke (1792-94) ßeerOej keâer kÙekenejMeleMueeskeâer Deeefo Fmeer heÇkeâej kesâ ieÇvLe nQ~ kÙekenejMeleMueeskeâer hej hebef[le ogie&eheÇmeeo ves šerkeâe ef}Keer (1825) efpemekeâe yeve&s} ves DebieÇspeer cesb Devegkeeo efkeâÙee (meefÛÛeoevebo cetefle& :116)~ Ùes meejs Ghe›eâce heÇkeâejeblej mes hetke& Deewj heefMÛece kesâ yeerÛe leLee heejcheefjkeâ hebef[leesb Deewj Ùeesjeshe keâer meYÙelee kesâ yeerÛe mebkeeo kesâ mesleg keâes megÂÌ{ yevee jns Les~ Fme heÇkeâej kesâ heÇÙeemeesb kesâ Éeje mebmke=âle kesâ hebef[leesb leLee heefMÛece kesâ heÇeÛÙeefkeÅeeefkeoesb kesâ yeerÛe mebkeeo keâe DeejcYe ngDee~ heefMÛece kesâ Ssmes


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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heÇeÛÙeefkeÅeeefkeoesb cesb mej efkeef}Ùece peesbme, keâes}yegkeâ, cewkeämecet}j, yes}sbšeFve, peeve cÙetj, SÛe.SÛe. efkeumeve Deeefo kesâ veece ef}Ùes pee mekeâles nQ~ SÛe.SÛe. efkeumeve ves keâ}keâllee leLee keâeMeer cesb jn keâj mebmke=âle keâe DeOÙeÙeve efkeâÙee~ hebef[leesb keâer meneÙelee mes Gvnesbves cesIeotle keâe mebmke=âle cesb Devegkeeo efkeâÙee, pees 1814 F&. cesb heÇkeâeefMele ngDee~ efkeumeve Yeejle cesb Deveskeâ cenòkehetCe& heoesb hej keâeÙe&jle jns~ 1819-20 kesâ oewjeve yeveejme mebmke=âle keâe@}spe cesb keâeÙe& keâjles ngS Gvnesbves Dee@keämeHeâes[& efkeMkeefkeÅee}Ùe cesb heÇesHeâsmej kesâ heo kesâ ef}Ùes lewÙeejer cesb hebef[leesb keâer meneÙelee }er, Deewj yeeo cesb Gvekesâ heÇefle ke=âlekesefolee Yeer kÙeòeâ keâer~ Deheves mebmke=âle-DebieÇspeer keâesMe cesb efkeumeve ves veeceesuuesKemeefnle hebef[leesb kesâ heÇefle DeeYeej kÙeòeâ efkeâÙee~

1785 F&. ceW Ûeeume& efkeefukeâbme ves Yeiekeûerlee keâe DebieÇspeer Devegkeeo heÇkeâeefMele efkeâÙee~ Ùen efkeâmeer Yeer ÙeesjesheerÙe efkeÉeved kesâ Éeje cet} mebmke=âle ieÇbLe keâe DeOÙeÙeve keâj kesâ efkeâÙee peeves kee}e hen}e DebieÇspeer Devegkeeo Lee~ Fmekesâ oes ke<e& heMÛeeled ner mej efkeef}Ùece peesbme ves keâeef}oeme kesâ DeefYe%eeveMeekegâble} keâe mebheeove leLee DebieÇspeer Devegkeeo DeejbYe efkeâÙee~ peesbme kesâ Éeje lewÙeej efkeâÙee ieÙee keâeef}oeme kesâ veeškeâ keâe cet} mebmkeâjCe DebieÇspeer Devegkeeo kesâ meeLe 1789 cesb heÇkeâeefMele ngDee~ meeefneflÙekeâ ke meebmke=âeflekeâ peieled cesb Ùen Skeâ Ùegieeblejkeâejer Iešvee Leer~ Fmekesâ Éeje heeMÛeeòÙe mebmke=âle efkeÉeveesb Deewj YeejleerÙe hebef[leesb kesâ yeerÛe mebhekeâ& kesâ mesleg efveefce&le ngS leLee mebmke=âle meeefnlÙe cesb Yeer veÙes keeleeÙeveesb keâe GodIeešve ngDee~ heefMÛece mes mebhekeâ& kesâ meeLe veF& jepeveereflekeâ leLee meebmke=âeflekeâ Ûeslevee kesâ GoÙe kesâ keâejCe Gve>ermekeerb Meleeyoer mes mebmke=âle meeefnlÙe kesâ DeeOegefvekeâ Ùegie keâe DeejbYe ceevee pee mekeâlee nw~ Ùeesjeshe mes mechekeâ& Deewj vekeerve jepeveereflekeâ Ûeslevee ves mebmke=âle keâefkelee kesâ #es$e cesb veÙes keeleeÙeve Kees} efoÙes~ heejcheefjkeâ efkeodÙee cesb oeref#ele heefC[leesb ves veÙes Ùegie Deewj veÙeer efkeOeeDeesb keâe Ûegveewleer kesâ Yeeke mes mee#eelkeâej efkeâÙee Deewj jÛevee keâer veÙeer Oejleer Yeer Keespeer~

yeeo cesb neefmšbime hej Fbiuewb[ cesb cegkeâocee Ûe}eÙee ieÙee~ yeÛeeke he#e keâer Deesj mes neefmšbime kesâ Meemeve keâes vÙeeÙemebiele "njeves kesâ ef}Ùes Gvnsb mebmke=âle ceW efoÙes ieÙes DeefYevebove he$eesb kesâ DebieÇspeer Devegkeeo 1796 F&. cesb heÇmlegle efkeâÙes ieÙes~ DeefYevebovekeâlee&Deesb cesb keâeMeer kesâ ke=â<CeYeó Dee[&s keâe Yeer veece nw~ 1801 cesb yeepeerjeke hesMekee efÉleerÙe kesâ Éeje keâeÙemLeheÇYeg peeefle kesâ keCe&efke<eÙekeâ efkekeeo hej efveCe&Ùe osves kesâ ef}Ùes keâeMeer kesâ 81 ceneje<š^erÙe hebef[leesb keâer kÙekemLee heÇehle keâer~ Fvecesb ke=â<CeYeó Dee[&s Yeer Skeâ Les~

DeeLe&j kesefveme 1888 mes 1918 lekeâ leerme ke<e& keâeMeer kesâ mebmke=âle ceneefkeÅee}Ùe kesâ heÇeÛeeÙe& jns~ Ùes ce.ce. keâw}emeÛebõ leLee ce.ce. iebieeOej MeeŒeer keâes ieg®leguÙe ceeveles Les, Fvnesbves Fvemes DeOÙeÙeve Yeer efkeâÙee~ ieesheerveeLe keâefkejepe Deheves keâes Fvekeâe ceevemeheg$e ceeveles Les, Fvekesâ keâejCe keâ}keâòee efke.efke. cesb meeieÇn Deecebef$ele efkeâÙes peeves hej Yeer keâeMeer ÚesÌ[ keâj venerb ieÙes~ keâeMeer keâer hebef[lehejbheje kesâ meenÛeÙe& cesb jn keâj ner kesefveme ceerceebmeeheefjYee<ee leLee kesoeblecegòeâeke}er kesâ


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kÙeeKÙeemeefnle DebieÇspeer Devegkeeo keâj mekesâ~ ceerceebmeeheefjYee<ee keâe Devegkeeo hebef[le kesâ ÛelegLe& Keb[ cesb heÇkeâeefMele ngDee~

1800 F&. cesb keâ}keâllee cesb Heâesš& efkeef}Ùece keâe}spe keâer mLeehevee ngF&~ efkeef}Ùece kesâjer keâes Fmecesb mebmke=âle, ceje"er leLee yebie}e Yee<eeDeesb keâe heÇesHeâsmej efveÙegòeâ efkeâÙee ieÙee~ Fme mebmLee kesâ ceeOÙece mes Deveskeâ hebef[leesb keâe yeenj kesâ efkeMke kesâ meeLe veÙes mebkeeo keâe Ghe›eâce ngDee~ yebiee} kesâ heejbheefjkeâ hebef[leesb cesb ce=lÙegbpeÙe efkeodÙee}bkeâej keâer efce$elee efkeef}Ùece kesâjer mes ngF&~

heÇsceÛebo lekeâ&keeieerMe keâer efveÙegefòeâ 1826 F&. cesb Fkeäkeâerme ke<e& keâer DeeÙeg cesb mebmke=âle keâe@}spe keâ}keâllee cesb ngF&~ F&.yeer. keâeskes} Gvekeâer ÙeesiÙelee mes yengle heÇYeeefkele Les~ lekeâ&keeieerMe ves ke=â<Ceceesnve ceef}keâ mes MeskeämeheerÙej kesâ veeškeâesb keâe DeOÙeÙeve efkeâÙee~

Ùeesjeshe kesâ heÇeÛÙeefkeÅeeefkeMeejoesb cesb efkeef}Ùece peesbme, cewkeämecet}j, yes}sbšeFve, cÙetj, S.SÛe. efkeumeve Deeefo YeejleerÙe hebef[leesb kesâ mebhekeâ& cesb DeeÙes~ efkeumeve 1811 mes 1823 lekeâ keâ}keâòee cesb SefMeÙeeefškeâ meesmeeÙešer kesâ meefÛeke jns~ Fme DekeefOe cesb keâ}keâòee kesâ peÙeieeshee} Deewj heÇsceÛebõ lekeâ&keeieerMe mes Gvekesâ Ieefve… mebyebOe yeves~ Gvnesbves 1814 cesb cesIeotle keâe DebieÇspeer Devegkeeo hebef[leesb keâer meneÙelee mes efkeâÙee, leLee 1819-20 keâer DekeefOe cesb keâeMeer cesb jn keâj Dee@keämeHeâes[& kesâ heo kesâ ef}Ùes lewÙeejer cesb Yeer hebef[leesb keâe ceeie&oMe&ve heeÙee~ Deheves mebmke=âle Deewj DebieÇspeer kesâ keâesMe cesb Gvnesbves Heâesš& efkeef}Ùece keâe@}spe kesâ osMeer hebef[leesb kesâ ceeie&oMe&ve cesb Fmekesâ efveefce&le nesves keâe efpe›eâ Yeer efkeâÙee~ efkeumeve mebmke=âle efMe#ee kesâ efnceeÙeleer Les, Fmeeref}Ùes 1835 cesb cewkeâe}s keâer efMe#eeveerefle kesâ efke®æ peye hebef[leesb ves DeefYeÙeeve ÚsÌ[e, lees GvneWves Deheves $eeCeoelee kesâ ™he cesb efkeumeve keâe mcejCe efkeâÙee~

cewkeâe}s kesâ DekelejCe kesâ meeLe efkekeeoeCe&Jemesleg kesâ peefjÙes yeves mebkeeoesb kesâ mesleg efÚve> efkeefÛÚve> nesves }ies~

mebkeâš Deewj Deelceesæejcewkeâe}s keâer efMe#eeveerefle Yeejle keâer Gme meejer efMe#eekÙekemLee hej heÇnej Lee, pees cegefmuece

Meemeve cesb Yeer hen}s keâer lejn Heâ}leer Heât}leer jner, Gmecesb Dejyeer, Heâejmeer Deewj Go&t keâer efMe#ee keâe meceekesMe DekeMÙe efheÚ}er leerve Ûeej MeleeefyoÙeesb cesb ngDee Lee~ 1835 cesb heÇmleeefkele veF& efMe#eeveerefle ves Fmekesâ GÛÚso keâer Meg™Deele keâer~

Ùen Skeâ YeÇce nw efkeâ mebmke=âle hee"Mee}eSB kesâke} hegjeves MeeŒeesb kesâ DeOÙeeheve lekeâ meerefcele LeeR Deewj osMe kesâ DeeOegefvekeâerkeâjCe kesâ ef}Ùes Ùen veF& efMe#eeveerefle DeekeMÙekeâ Leer~ Ùeefo efyeÇefšMe Meemeve Deewj Gmekeâe GheefvekesMekeeoer oewj ve Deelee, lees mebmke=âle hee"Mee}eSB %eeveefke%eeve kesâ veÙes efke<eÙeesb Deewj efkeosMeer Yee<eeDeesb kesâ DeOÙeÙeve DeOÙeeheve keâe Deheveer hee"dÙeÛeÙee& cesb meceekesMe keâj kesâ Deheves keâes DekeMÙe ner DeodÙeleve yevee }sleerb~ DebieÇspeer Meemeve ves kesâke} DebieÇspeer ceeOÙece kesâ efMe#eemebmLeeveesb keâer mLeehevee ner venerb keâer, Gvnesbves mebmke=âle hee"Mee}eDeesb keâer efMe#eCeheÇCee}er keâes kesâke} heÇeÛeerve MeeŒeesb


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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kesâ DeOÙeeheve lekeâ meerefcele jnves kesâ ef}Ùes Yeer yeeOÙe efkeâÙee~ cewkeâe}s keâer veerefle kesâ }eiet nesves kesâ hen}s nceejer mebmke=âle keâer efMe#eekÙekemLee cesb hee"Mee}eheæefle Deewj DeeOegefvekeâheæefle – Ùen oesnje efkeYeepeve venerb Lee~ DebieÇspeer Meemeve ves nceejer efMe#eeheæefle Deewj meceepe cesb efkeYeepeve keâer pees oerkeejsb KeÌ[er keâeR, kes Deepe lekeâ yeveer ngF& nQ~ mebmke=âle efMe#ee keâe Fmemes yeÌ[e Deefnle ngDee nw~ hee"Mee}eDeesb Ùee ieg®kegâ}esb mes heÌ{ keâj efvekeâ}s hebef[leesb Deewj DeeOegefvekeâ {bie mes ceneefkeÅee}Ùeesb Deewj efkeMkeefkeÅee}Ùeesb kesâ heÌ{ keâj efvekeâ}s heÇesHeâsmej- hebef[leesb kesâ yeerÛe pees KeeF& DeewheefvekesefMekeâ oewj cesb yeveer, Gmes Deepeeoer kesâ yeeo Deewj ienje Deewj ÛeewÌ[e efkeâÙee peelee jne, ÙeneB lekeâ efkeâ Ùes Skeâ otmejs kesâ ef}Ùes veemecePeer kesâ Ûe}les keânerb keânerb Depeveyeer lekeâ yeve ieÙes~

cewkeâe}s keâer veerefle kesâ Deeles ner npeejesb keâer mebKÙee cesb hee"Mee}eSB, šes} (Iejesb cesb Ûe}ves kee}s ieg®kegâ}) yebo nesles ieÙes~ Dekesâ}s yebiee} cesb šes} Deewj hee"Mee}eDeesb keâer mebKÙee npeejesb cesb Leer~ 1931 cesb keâer ieF& ieCevee kesâ Devegmeej yebiee} cesb 2009 šes} Ûe} jns Les~ kele&ceeve cesb Fvekeâer mebKÙee 600 kesâ keâjerye jn ieF& nw (keâebš^eryÙetMeve Dee@Heâ efo š^sef[Meve} hebef[lme DeeHeâ yewbiee}, he=. 4-

5) njheÇmeeo MeeŒeer yeleeles nwb efkeâ 1861 cesb vekeÉerhe keâer hee"Mee}eDeesb mes meew mes pÙeeoe hebef[le Gvekesâ heÌ[esme cesb Glmeke kesâ Dekemej hej DeeÙes Les, 1878 cesb peye Ssmes ner ceewkesâ hej efHeâj hebef[leesb keâes yeg}eÙee ieÙee lees Gvekeâer mebKÙee kegâ} efce}e keâj 26 jn ieF& Leer~ hee"Mee}eSB Kelece nes jner Leerb, keäÙeesbefkeâ DebieÇspeer ceeOÙece kesâ mkeât}esb cesb heÌ{eF& keâjves hej DeÛÚer veewkeâjer efce}ves keâer mebYeekevee Leer~ hee"Mee}eDeesb kesâ cenecenesheeOÙeeÙe keâns peeves kee}s MeeŒeesb kesâ heÇkeâeb[ hebef[le efpelevee kesleve heeles Les, Gmemes ome iegvee kesleve DebieÇspeer ceeOÙece mes heÌ{ keâj efvekeâ}ves kee}s jbie™š keâes yeeyet keâer veewkeâjer keâjles ner efce} peelee Lee~ cewkeâe}s ves osMe keâer efMe#eekÙekemLee keâes kÙeekemeeefÙekeâlee keâer efpeme oewÌ[ cesb Oekesâ} efoÙee Lee, Gmecesb he}š keâj osKevee DemebYeke nes ieÙee Lee~ hebef[leesb kesâ ceve cesb Ùen YeÙe Úeves }iee Lee efkeâ DebieÇspeer efMe#ee Gvekesâ %eeve keâer meejer Oejesnj keâes efkemLeeefhele ner venerb, efÚVe-efYeVe keâj osieer~ De"ejnkeerb Meleeyoer lekeâ hebef[le veF& šerkeâeSB Ùee ieÇbLe ef}Ke keâj Deheves %eeve kesâ efkemleej Deewj me=peve keâer mebYeekeveeSB meekeâej keâjles Dee jns Les, Gvekesâ ef}Ùes hegjeveer heesefLeÙeeB meBYee} keâj jKevee keâef"ve neslee pee jne Lee, DebieÇspe Ùee Ùeesjeshe kesâ }esie Fvnsb }s pee jns Les~ hebef[leesb keâer DebieÇspeeroeB mebleevesb Ùee lees hegjeveer heesefLeÙeesb keâes Deheves ef}Ùes yeskeâej ceeve keâj Gvnsb ve<š nes peeves os jner Leerb, Heâsbkeâ jner Leerb, Ùee efkeosefMeÙeesb kesâ neLeesb cesb meewbhe jner Leerb~ hebef[le Deheves ner Iej cesb efkemLeeefhele efkeâÙee pee jne Lee, Deheveer efkeheve>lee cesb Yeer efpeme mecceeve kesâ ye} hej ken "e" mes jn mekeâlee Lee, ken Yeer Gmemes efÚvelee pee jne Lee~

efkeef}Ùece yeQefškeâ ves yebiee} cesb efMe#eekÙekemLee hej heÇeflekesove lewÙeej keâjves kesâ ef}Ùes efkeef}Ùece Deeoce keâes efveÙegòeâ efkeâÙee Lee~ Deeoce ves Deheveer efjheesš& cesb hebef[leesb keâer heerÌ[e kesâ efke<eÙe cesb efšhheCeer keâer nw leLee heefMÛeceer %eeve efke%eeve kesâ ieÇbLeesb kesâ mebmke=âle cesb Devegkeeo keâjves kesâ keâece cesb Gvekeâer Deesj mes meneÙelee keâjves kesâ heÇmleeke keâer metÛevee Yeer oer nw~ Deeoce keâes efoÙes ieÙes heÇmleeke hej

17heejbheefjkeâ hebef[leesb kesâ nmlee#ej Yeer nQ~


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Mesu[eve hees}keâ keâer OeejCee nw efkeâ hebef[le mecekesle DeefYeÙeeve kesâ ef}Ùes mebieef"le nesves keâer heÇke=efòe DelÙeuhe jner nw~ efheÚ}er kegâÚ MeleeefyoÙeesb cesb hebef[leesb keâer meecetefnkeâ ieefleefkeefOeÙeesb kesâ kegâ} efce}e keâj leerve meeceevÙe mes GoenjCe efce}s nQ – henuee keejeCemeer cesb keâkeerbõeÛeeÙe& mejmkeleer keâs DeefYevebove ieÇvLe kesâ ef}Ùes 1650 cesb hebef[leesb keâs mecegoeÙe keâe pegšvee, otmeje keejsve neefmšbime keâes heb[esb kesâ Éeje %eeheve, leermeje cegbyeF& heÇsefme[sbmeer kesâ DeefOekeâeefjÙeesb kesâ mece#e keâjerye 800 hebef[leesb kesâ Éeje keâer ieF& Deheer}~

kemlegleŠ keâeMeer, yebiee} leLee DevÙe mLeeveesb hej hebef[leesb kesâ Éeje efkeMes<e GösMÙe mes mebieef"le nes keâj DeefYeÙeeve ÚsÌ[ves kesâ keâF& DeefOekeâ cenòkehetCe& GoenjCe efce}les nQ~ Fvecesb mes Skeâ cewkeâe}s keâer veerefle keâer Iees<eCee kesâ heMÛeeled yebiee} kesâ hebef[leesb kesâ Éeje Gmekesâ efkejesOe keâe nw~ Fme efme}efme}s cesb peÙeieeshee} leLee heÇsceÛebõ lekeâ&keeieerMe ves mebmke=âle cesb heodÙeyeæ keâ®Ce he$e SÛe.SÛe. efkeumeve keâes

18Yespes Les~ efkeumeve ves oesveesb he$eesb keâe mebmke=âlekeâefkelee cesb ner yengle megboj hej efÛekeâveeÛegheÌ[e mee Gòej

19efoÙee~ hebef[le mecePe mekeâles Les efkeâ efkeumeve kesâ efkeâÙes kegâÚ nesves keâe venerb nw~ %eevehejbhejeDeesb hej DeeÙes mebkeâš kesâ efkekeejCe kesâ ef}Ùes hebef[leesb ves Skeâ DevÙe jCeveerefle

DeheveeF&~ ken heÇMeefmle keâer Leer~ mebmke=âle ceW jeveer efkekeäšesefjÙee Deewj peepe& hebÛece keâer {sjesb heÇMeefmleÙeeB ef}Keer ieFË~ Yeejlesbog kesâ vesle=lke cesb keâeMeer kesâ hebef[leesb ves ceevemeesheeÙeveced veece mes ieÇbLe jeveer efkekeäšesefjÙee kesâ mecceeve cesb Deefhe&le efkeâÙee~ Sef[veyeje kesâ [dÙetkeâ kesâ Yeejle Deeieceve hej 1870 cesb Gvnsb megcevees_peef}Š kesâ veece mes mebmke=âle keâefkeleeDeesb keâe Skeâ mebkeâ}ve Yesbš efkeâÙee ieÙee~ Fmecesb efnvoer keâer keâefkeleeDeesb kesâ meeLe hebõn mebmke=âle keâefkeleeSB Yeer Leerb~ hej Fve keâefkeleeDeesb cesb osMe keâer efmLeefle hej ienjs mebkesâle Les~ pewmes efkeâ Fme keâefkelee cesb -

oerveeveeb Ke}g oervekeâhe&šYe=leeb #eglheeref[leeveeb ie=nsielkee meevlkevekeâeefjCee efÉiegefCeleb ogŠKeb lkeoe}eskeâveeled~

jeveer efkekeäšesefjÙee kesâ jepÙeeefYe<eskeâ kesâ Dekemej hej heÇceoeoeme efce$e ves keâeMeer kesâ hebef[leesb leLee ieCeceevÙe veeieefjkeâesb keâe mecces}ve yeg}eÙee~ Fme mecces}ve cesb heeefjle heÇmleekeesb cesb mes Skeâ veÙes Oece&MeeŒe keâer jÛevee keâes }s keâj Lee~ iebieeOej MeeŒeer mes Fme keâece kesâ ef}Ùes DevegjesOe efkeâÙee ieÙee, efpemes mkeerkeâej keâj kesâ iebieeOej MeeŒeer ves MeeMkeleOece&oerefhekeâe veece mes Oece&MeeŒe kesâ ieÇvLe keâer jÛevee keâer pees hebef[le heef$ekeâe cesb heÇkeâeefMele ngDee~ (efKemles, he=. 13)

otmejer mebieef"le ieefleefkeefOe efpememes hebef[le pegÌ[s ken efheÇbš ceeref[Ùee Lee~ Gve>ermekeerb Meleeyoer cesb Deveskeâ hebef[leesb ves DeKeyeejesb cesb Deheves }sKeve kesâ Éeje vekepeeiejCe kesâ GoÙe cesb Ùeesieoeve efoÙee~

efveCe&Ùemeeiej heÇsme keâe ÚheeF& kesâ Fefleneme ceW DeefÉleerÙe Ùeesieoeve nw~ Fme heÇsme Deewj Fmeer veece kesâ Fmekesâ heÇkeâeMeve mes Úheer keâekÙecee}e meerjerpe mebmke=âle meeefnlÙe kesâ DeOÙeÙeve kesâ hegvepee&iejCe keâe peerkeble vecetvee nw~ ogiee&heÇmeeo hejye, Yeó ceLegjeveeLe MeeŒeer pewmes Deveskeâ hebef[leesb ves efveCe&Ùemeeiej mes Úheves kee}er mebmke=âle ieÇbLeesb keâer ëe=bKe}e kesâ ef}Ùes heÇeceeefCekeâ mebmkeâjCe lewÙeej keâjves cesb DeLekeâ


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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ßece efkeâÙee~ otmejer Deesj #es$eerÙe Yee<eeDeesb kesâ DeKeyeejesb ves hebef[leesb keâe menÙeesie ef}Ùee~ yebie}e cesb efkeMkeohe&Ce, keâuheõgce, heefjce}keeefnveer, MeyoeLe&mebieÇn, yebieyeemeer, keâef}keâehegj iepesš Deeefo DeKeyeejesb kesâ mebheeove ceWs mebmke=âle hebef[leesb keâe menÙeesie Lee~ GobleceeleË[ efnvoer keâe hen}e DeKeyeej nw~ Fmecesb DeeoMe&keekeäÙe kesâ ™he cesb mebmke=âle keâe Skeâ heodÙe Úehee peelee Lee~ heeb[sÙe yesÛeve Mecee& GieÇ ves celekee}e heef$ekeâe cesb vejesllece MeeŒeer ieebiesÙe keâe DebieÇspeesb hej ÉdÙeLe&keâ Meyoeke}er cesb leerKee heÇnej keâjves kee}e kÙebiÙe Deewj efke[byevee keâe keâekÙe }C[veÛeefjleced heÇkeâeefMele efkeâÙee~ oeceesoj meeleke}skeâj ves heÇkeâeMeve kesâ Fefleneme cesb keâerefle&ceeve keâeÙece efkeâÙee~ peerkeevebo efkeÅeemeeiej leejeveeLe lekeâ&keeÛemheefle kesâ heg$e Les~ Gvnebsves mebmke=âle kesâ 107 ieÇbLeesb hej šerkeâeSB ef}Keer Deewj mkeÙeb heÇkeâeefMele keâerb~ Gvnesbves keâLeemeefjlmeeiej keâe 1400 heÅeesb cesb mebmke=âle™heeblej lewÙeej efkeâÙee~ keâeobyejer Deewj oMekegâceejÛeefjle pewmes ieÇbLeesb kesâ Yeer Gvnesbves Fmeer lejn ™heeblej lewÙeej efkeâÙes~

heÇsceÛebo lekeâ&keeieerMe kesâ mebmke=âle heodÙe mebkeeoheÇYeekeâj cesb cegKehe=… hej heÇkeâeefMele nesles Les~ Deewj Yeer keâF& DeKeyeej Gme meceÙe kesâ mebmke=âle keâefkeÙeesb Deewj hebef[leesb keâer jÛeveeSB heÇcegKelee mes

20heÇkeâeefMele keâjles Les~ kesâoejveeLe meejmkele yeveejme cesb jCekeerj mebmke=âle hee"Mee}e cesb DeOÙeehekeâ jns, Fvnesbves

cee}keerÙe peer kesâ nefjpeveceb$eoer#ee kesâ megOeejkeeoer DeefYeÙeeve keâe meceLe&ve efkeâÙee Deewj hebef[leesb keâes Fmemes peesÌ[ves kesâ ef}Ùes mebmke=âlemeeefnlÙemeceepe keâer mLeehevee keâer leLee megheÇYeeleced veece mes ceeefmekeâ heef$ekeâe keâe Ùes }ieve mes mebheeove keâjles jns~ efnvoer cesb ›eâes[he$e veece mes heef$ekeâe keâe Yeer Ùes mebheeove keâjles jns~

nceejs meceÙe cesb hebef[leoÙeeke=â<Ce leLee Sce.heer. jsies ves heejcheefjkeâ hebef[leesb leLee DeeOegefvekeâ oeMe&efvekeâesb kesâ yeerÛe

mebkeeo mLeeefhele keâjves kesâ ef}Ùes keâeÙe&Mee}eSB DeeÙeesefpele keâeR~ peÙehegj, hetvee, keejeCemeer, keeF& Deewj keejeCemeer Fve ieefleefkeefOeÙeesb kesâ kesâbõ Les~ Fve keâeÙe&Mee}eDeesb cesb yeojerveeLe Megkeäue, jeceÛeboÇ efÉkesoer, heÇ¥eoeÛeeÙe& leLee Deefjboce Ûe›eâkeleer& pewmes hebef[leesb keâer DeÅelevelee heÇceefCele ngF&~ yeeo cesb oÙeeke=â<Ce ves Deheves Fve heÇÙeesieesb keâes }s keâj nleeMee Yeer heÇkeâš keâer~

oÙeeke=â<Ce ves mebmke=âle kesâ heejcheefjkeâ hebef[leesb keâe DeeOegefvekeâ oeMe&efvekeâesb kesâ meeLe mebkeeo keâe Skeâ Ghe›eâce efkeâÙee Lee~ Fmemes Ùen yeele lees mLeeefhele ngF& efkeâ nceejer MeeŒehejcheje veÙes Ùegie cesb efkeâleveer ieefleMeer} nw Deewj ken efkeâme lejn Deheves Deehe keâes melÙeeefhele Deewj hegveŠ ÛeefjleeLe& keâj mekeâleer nwb~ ken veÙes hetke&he#e heÇmlegle keâj mekeâleer nw~ efpeme efÛebleve hejcheje cesb hetke&he#e jÛes peeves yebo nes peeSB, ken ce=le nes peeleer nw~

Ùen ›eâce DeYeer "nje venerb nw~ ieesefkeboÛebõ heeb[s meewvoÙe&oMe&veefkeceMe&Š cesb kesoevle kesâ DeOÙeemekeeo leLee DeefYevekeieghle kesâ DeeYeemekeeo kesâ DeeOeej hej meewvoÙe&leòke keâer kÙeeKÙee keâjles nwb~


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huesšes, nerie} Deewj ceekeäme& kesâ celeesb mes Demenceefle peleeles ngS heeb[s peer meewvoÙe&yeesOe keâer heÇef›eâÙee keâer DeelceyeesOe keâer heÇef›eâÙee mes meceekeâeefjlee mLeeefhele keâjles nQ~ meeLe ner kes Fme heÇef›eâÙee keâes meebmke=âeflekeâ yeesOe leLee peerkevecetuÙeesb mes Yeer peesÌ[ keâj osKeles nQ~

nuyeHeâeme DeHeveer hegmlekeâ FefC[Ùee Sb[ Ùetjeshe cesb ieesheerveeLe keâefkejepe Ùee ieesefJeboÛebõ heeb[s keâe GuuesKe keäÙeesb venerb keâjles – Ùen efÛeblÙe nw~

Gòej-DeeOegefvekeâ efkeceMe& cesb hebef[le keâer heÇemebefiekeâlee keâe Skeâ GoenjCe Deemkeâj hetpees} Éeje mebheeefole hegmlekeâ øeâece iebiesÌpe šg cesef[šsefjÙeve S [eÙe}eie efyešdkeerve keâušme& DeeHeâ Ùetjeshe nw~ Ùen mhesve kesâ efkeÉeved oeMe&efvekeâ Deewj meeefnlÙekeâej jeHeâs} Deeie&g}eF kesâ meeLe efkeÅeeefvekeeme efceße kesâ mebkeeoesb keâe omleekespeerkeâjCe nw~ Ùes mebkeeo oes hejmhej efkehejerle ceeveer ieF& meYÙeleeDeesb Deewj hejchejeDeesb kesâ oes lespemkeer heÇefleefveefOeÙeesb kesâ yeerÛe celeYeso kesâ meeLe heejmheefjkeâ lee}ces} ke yeÌ{leer mecePe keâe GoenjCe nQ~

efceße peer ves }sefyeveerpe keâer heÇKÙeele DekeOeejCee ‘efHeâ}emeeefHeâÙee hewefjefveme’ kesâ meboYe& kesâ meeLe ceevee efkeâ oes mebmke=âefleÙeesb kesâ yeerÛe Keg}e mebkeeo mebYeekÙe nw, Ye}s ner Gvekeâer efoMeeSB efYeve> nesb~ jeHeâs} heÇMve keâjles nwb efkeâ keäÙee YeejleerÙe hejcheje cesb Deelceceesn keâer heÇke=efòe, DeelcemebkegâÛeve keâer heÇke=efòe heÇYeekeer nw? Fmekesâ Gllej cesb efceße peer ves ceevee efkeâ YeejleerÙe hejbheje cesb efkeMes<e Dekemejesb hej Deheves Deehe keâes Deheves KeeBÛeesb cesb yebo keâjves keâer heÇke=efòe jner nw~ efceße peer ÙeneB ceve, yegefæ, efÛeòe, Denbkeâej keâer Ûelegefke&Oe Ûeslevee YetefceÙeesb kesâ Devegmeej keCe&kÙekemLee keâer veF& kÙeeKÙee keâjles nQ, mhebo keâes Deepe kesâ efke%eeve keâer Âef<š mes heefjYeeef<ele keâjles nwb~ keâe}yeesOe keâes }s keâj oesveesb mebkeeokeâlee& heÇeÛÙe Deewj heeMÛeelÙe DekeOeejCeeDeesb keâer ceerceebmee keâjles nwb~ efceße peer kesâ Devegmeej peerkeve Skeâ nw~ peerkeve Skeâ efvejblejlee nw~ ce=lÙeg cee$e Skeâ ™heeblejCe nw~ peerkeve Ssmes leòkeesb mes efkeefveefce&le nw, pees hejmhej Deke}befyele nQ~

oesveesb mebkeeokeâlee& mkeerkeâej keâjles nwb efkeâ meejs efkemebkeeo Deewj otefjÙeesb kesâ Ûe}les meewboÙe&oMe&ve Ùee keâ}eDeesb kesâ ceeOÙece mes mebkeeo menpe mebYeekÙe nw~

YeejleerÙe hejchejeDeesb kesâ meboYe& cesb efceße peer keânles nQ efkeâ Gvekesâ kesâvõ Deewj heefjefOeÙeeB ieefleMeer} Deewj heefjkele&veMeer} jns nQ~ keâF& kesâvõesb ke keâF& heefjefOeÙeesb mes kewefMkekeâ ieefle efveefce&le nesleer

21nw~ kesâvõesb keâer Deveskeâlee leLee kesâvõesb Deewj heefjefOeÙeesb kesâ yeerÛe ÉbÉelcekeâlee kesâ Éeje kes yeÇÿeeC[ keâer ieefleMeer}lee keâes efve™efhele keâjles nwb~

Deemkeâjhetpees} kesâ nmle#eshe cesb mhesefveMe oeMe&efvekeâ jeHeâs} Deeie&gueeF kesâ meeLe ngS Fve mebkeeoesb cesb Ùeesjeshe keâer meceer#eelcekeâ cesOee keâe YeejleerÙe heÇ%ee kesâ meeLe mebÙeesie ngDee nw~ jeHeâs} Ùeesjeshe kesâ Debleefke&jesOeesb hej heÇkeâeMe [e}les nwb~ DeewheefvekesMekeeo leLee heÇke=âefle kesâ efke®æ mebieÇece ves Ùeesjeshe keâes efkeveeMe keâs keâieej hej hengBÛee efoÙee nw~ Dekesâ}sheve keâe DevegYeke Ùeesjeshe cesb Yeer nw, Yeejle cesb Yeer~ efkeÅeefvekeeme efceße keânles nQ efkeâ Ùeesjeshe keâe Deeoceer Deheves keâce& Deewj Ghe}efyOeÙeesb keâer heefjCeefle cesb


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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Dekesâ}sheve hej pee keâj Ûegkeâ peelee nw, Yeejle kesâ }esie Dekesâ}sheve mes DeejbYe keâjles nQ, hej Gmemes Gyejles nQ~ Fme ÛeÛee& cesb Deveskeâ efceLekeâ štšles nQ – efkekeâeme keâe efceLe, mkeCe&Ùegie keâe efceLe, Deleerle keâer mkeieer&Ùelee keâe efceLe~ kes ÙeLeeLe& keâer kÙeeKÙee mheboleòke kesâ DeeOeej hej keâjles nQ~ Jes mhebo keâer TOJe& Deewj #eweflepe heefjCeefle keâer ÛeÛee& keâjles nwb~ vÙeeÙekewMewef<ekeâ kesâ DekeÙeke-DekeÙekeer kesâ efmeæevle kesâ DeeOeej hej ÙeLeeLe& keâer kÙeeKÙee keâjles nwb~ DevegYeefkekeâ keâe} Deewj ceveeskew%eeefvekeâ keâe} cesb Deblej hej Yeer oesveesb mebkeeokeâlee&Deesb ves yeele keâer nw~ keâce&keâeb[ DeeÅe me=ef<š kesâ keâce& keâer Devegke=âefle nw, oskelee efmeæ venerb ~ ken Dee£eve keâer heÇef›eâÙee cesb efkejefÛele neslee nw~ kÙeefòeâ Deewj efkeMke kesâ yeerÛe kesâ mebyebOe keâes heòeer Deewj hesÌ[ kesâ Â<šeble mes mecePeeles nQ~ Deveskeâ oskelee nwb Deveskeâ kesâvõ~ Fve kesâvõesb cesb DehemejCe Ûe}lee jnlee nw~

yeerbmekeerb Meleeyoer kesâ hetkee&Oe& lekeâ hebef[leesb keâer pees peceele yengle meef›eâÙe Deewj mHeâtle& Leer, ken yeermekeerb meoer kesâ GòejeOe& cesb Deewj Fme meoer cesb he=…Yetefce cesb Ûe}er ieF& nw~ GVeermekeeR Deewj yeermekeeR MeleeefyoÙeesb cesb hebef[leesb ves pees DeeMÛeÙe&pevekeâ keâeÙe& keâj efoKeeÙes Les, Gvekesâ heerÚs keâe ken mHeâtle& Yeeke Ûegkeâ ieÙee }ielee nw~ hej hebef[leesb keâer Skeâ Ùegkee heerÌ{er GYej jner nw, pees Deheves meceÙe kesâ heÇefle DeefOekeâ GòejoeÙeer nw~ DebleleŠ hebef[le meceÙe kesâ Deeies nejs venerb nwb, ve kes Deheves oeefÙelke mes ÛÙegle ner ngS nwb~ meceepe ves Gvnsb henÛeevevee yebo keâj efoÙee nw – Ùen yeele De}ie nw~

meboYe&1. vÙeeÙekeâesMe, Yeb[ejkeâj Ø, hegCes, 1978, YeerceeÛeeÙe&, he=. 460

2. iegceeveerjÛeveeJeueer, meb. efkeâjCe šb[ve, F&mšve& yegkeâ efuebkeâme&, efouueer, 2001, he=. 15-16

3. efJeJejCe kesâ efueÙes osKeW mebmke=âle meeefnlÙe keâe mece«e Fefleneme KeC[ 4 ceW cegòeâkeâkeâeJÙeefJe<eÙekeâ DeOÙeeÙe

4. iegceeveerjÛeveeJeueer, meb. efkeâjCe šb[ve, Yetefcekeâe, he=. 38

5. #eceejeJe kesâ peerJeve leLee ke=âeflelJe kesâ efJemle=le efJeJejCe kesâ efueÙes osKeW - #eceeosJeer jeJe, jeOeeJeuueYe ef$ehee"er, YeejleerÙe meeefnlÙe kesâ efvecee&lee ëe=bKeuee, meeefnlÙe Dekeâeosceer, efouueer 2013

6. DeefOekeâ efJeJejCe kesâ efueÙes cesjer hegmlekeâ mebmke=âle meeefnlÙe keâe mece«e Fefleneme, KeC[ Ûeej keâe heeBÛeJeeB DeOÙeeÙe osKeW ~

7. veer}ecYees®nheef*dòeâmeesojkeheg}&#ceerŠ heÇmeeoesòej- mvesneYÙeòeâefkeMee}}esÛeve®Ûee keâ<e&ved meleeb ceevemeced~DeeveeefYeheÇmejÛÚjlmecegoÙelkeâeMeeYekeâtÛee&sppke}es oskeŠ Me¿j Ske meûg®efkeMegæevevoveeLeesÓkeleg~~ peÙeefle efkeefpeleYetleŠ keâe}cee›eâcÙe efle…ved keâef}leefkece}ÙeesieŠ meewjYeeCeeb efveOeeveced~Delegef}lekeâ®CeeÙeeŠ meeiejŠ meke&kesòee ieg®kejmegefkeMegæevevoveeLees ÙeleervõŠ~~ (DeÛee&mce=efle cesb Gæ=le)


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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8. efkekejCe kesâ ef}Ùes Gvceer}ve heef$ekeâe cesb cesje }sKe õ<škÙe~ 9. metÛeveeSB Depeœee mebmke=âle $ewceeefmekeâ 6.3-4 cesb heÇkeâeefMele meeceieÇer mes meeYeej~ 10. efkekeenes YewjkeerÛe›eâs leòkeÛe›eâsÓefhe heeke&efle~

meke&Lee meeOekesâvõsCe keâle&kÙeŠ Mewkekelce&vee~~efJevee heefjCeÙeb keerjŠ Meefòeâmeskeeb meceeÛejved~hejŒeerieeefceveeb heeheb heÇehvegÙeeve>e$e mebMeÙeŠ~~ ceneefvekee&Celeb$e, VIII.177-78

11. ve YeeÙeeË lee[Ùesled keäkeeefhe ceele=keled hee}Ùesled meoe~ve lÙepesled Ieesjkeâ<šsÓefhe Ùeefo meeOkeer heeflekeÇlee~~ kener, VIII.39

12. keâ}ew oeveb censMeeefve meke&efmeefækeâjb Yekesled~lelhee$eb kesâke}b %esÙees oefjõŠ meefl›eâÙeeefvkeleŠ~~ kener, VIII.95

13. efkekejCe kesâ ef}Ùes cesjer hegmlekeâ keeo Fve LÙeesjer Sb[ heÇsefkeäšme – mš[erÌpe Fve ef[yesšdme, [eÙe}eime Sb[ ef[mkeâbMebme Fve Fbef[Ùeve Fbšs}skeäÛegDe} š^s[erMebme keâe Debeflece DeOÙeeÙe õ<škÙe

14. efo }emš [spe DeeHeâ jepee jececeesnve jeÙe, he=. 103

15. mebmke=âle kee*dceÙe keâesMe Yeeie 1,he=. 380

16. mebmke=âle kee*dceÙe keâesMe Yeeie 1,he=. 299

17. DeesefjSbšef}pce, ScheeÙej Sb[ vesMeve} keâuÛej, he=. 85

18. Deefmceved mebmke=âlehee"meodcemejefme lkelmLeeefhelee Ùes megOeer-nbmeeŠ keâe}keMesve he#ejefnlee otjb ieles les lkeefÙe ~leòeerjs efvekemeefvle mecheÇefle hegvekÙee&OeemleogÛÚòeÙeslesYÙemlkeb Ùeefo heeefme hee}keâ leoe keâerefle&efMÛejb mLeemÙeefle~~

19. efkeOeelee efkeMkeefvecee&lee nbmemleled efheÇÙekeenveced~ DeleŠ efheÇÙelejlkesve jef#e<Ùeefle me Ske leeved ~~Dece=leb ceOegjb mecÙekeâd mebmke=âleb efn leleesÓefOekeâced~ oskeYeesiÙeefceob Ùemceeod oskeYee<esefle keâLÙeles~~ve peeves efkeÅeles efkeâb levceeOegÙe&ceske mebmke=âles~ meke&owke cemegvcellee Ùesve kewosefMekeâe keÙeced ~~Ùeekeod Yeejleke<eË mÙeeod Ùeekeod efkevOÙeefncee}Ùeew~ Ùeekeod ie”e Ûe ieesoe Ûe leekeoske efn mebmke=âleced~~ (meefcele efmevne, he=. 161 hej Gæ=le)

20. efmevne ves efvecveef}efKele heÅe Fme meboYe& cesb Goeùle efkeâÙee nw -meleeb cevemleecejmeb heÇYeekeâjŠ, meowke meke&s<eg cece heÇYeekeâjŠ~Gowefle Yeemkelmekeâ}Š heÇYeekeâjŠ, meoMe&mebkeeovekeŠ heÇYeekeâjŠ~~veòeâb ÛevõkeâjsCe efYeve>cegkegâ}sef<kevoerkejs<eg keäkeefÛeledYeÇeceb YeÇececelevõceer<eÂceleb heerlkee megOeekeâelejŠ~

21. iebieeleš mes .he=. 95


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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hegmlekeâmetÛeer mebmke=âle ieÇbLe 1. ceneefvekee&Celeb$e – DebieÇspeer Devegkeeo Sce.Sve. oòe, meb. pes. S}. ieghle,ÛeewKebyee mebmke=âle heÇefle…eve, efouueer,

20032. veejeÙeCemce=efleŠ, veejeÙeCe ieg®, [er.kesâ. efheÇbš keu[&, efouueerr, 2007

meboYe&ieÇbLe ke }sKe1. kesâ. meefÛÛeoevebo cetefle&, efHeâ}emeHeâer Fve Fbef[Ùee, ceesleer}e} yeveejmeeroeme leLee YeejleerÙe oeMe&efvekeâ

DevegmebOeeve heefj<eod, 1985

2. kesâoejveeLe DeesPee - efkeÅeekewpeÙevleer efveyebOecee}e Yeeie -1, cegceg#eg Yekeve, Demmeer, keejeCemeer, 1978

3. iebieeveeLe Pee- DeešesyeeÙeesieÇeefHeâkeâ} veesšdme DeeHeâ mej iebieeveeLe Pee, F}eneyeeo, peve&} DeeHeâ iebieeveeLe Pee kesâbõerÙe mebmke=âle efkeÅeeheer", XXX.I-IV, 1976

4. ieesheerveeLe keâefkejepe - keâeMeer keâer meejmkele meeOevee, efyenej je<š^Yee<ee heefj<eod, hešvee, 1965

5. peÙeoske efmebn leLee DevÙe- DeÛee& mce=efle, cenecenesheeOÙeeÙe ieesheerveeLe keâefkejepe Meleeyoer meceejesn meefceefle, ceelee DeeveboceÙeer Deeßece, keejeCemeer, 1986

6. veejeÙeCe MeeŒeer efKemles – efkeÉÛÛeefjlehe_Ûekeâced, heÇLece heÇkeâeMeve 1928, ieesheerveeLe keâefkejepe keâer Yetefcekeâe meefnle, efÉleerÙe meb. mebhetCee&vebo mebmke=âle efkeMkeefkeodÙee}Ùe, keejeCemeer, 1997

7. heerÙet<ekeâeble oeref#ele - osnelcekeeo Deej yee[er SÌpe mees}, SkeämehueesjsMeve DeeHeâ heeefmeefyeef}šer efkeefove vÙeeÙe Leeš, Fbef[Ùeepe Fbšw}skeäÛegDe} š^s[erMebme, meb. jeOeekeuueYe ef$ehee"er, meeefnlÙe Dekeâeosceer, veF& efouueer, 2012

8. yeojerveeLe Megkeäue – vÙeeÙeÂ<šdÙee osnelcekeeomÙe mecYeekevee, meejmkeleer meg<ecee Keb[ XXXVIII, mebKÙee 3-4, ceeie&Meer<e&-Heâeuiegve hetefCe&cee efke. mebkeled 2040, he=. 121-134

9. ye}oske GheeOÙeeÙe – keâeMeer keâer heebef[lÙe hejbheje, efkeMkeefkeÅee}Ùe heÇkeâeMeve, keejeCemeer, 1994

10. Yejle efceße - hejceeLe&oMe&ve hej efkeÅeeefveefOe heÇejbefYekeâ heÇkeÛeve – meb. jecesMkej yeÇÿeÛeejer, hejceeLeer&Ùe ieÇbLecee}e keâeÙe&e}Ùe, cegceg#egYekeve, keejeCemeer, efleefLe Devebefkeâle

11. YeerceeÛeeÙe& - vÙeeÙekeâesMe, Yeb[ejkeâj heÇ, hegCes, 1978

12. ceevekesbog yevepeer&, keâ®CeeefmebOeg oeme (meb.) - keâebš^eryÙetMeve DeeHeâ efo š^s[erMeve} hebef[lme DeeHeâ yesbiee}, mebmke=âle meeefnlÙe heefj<eod, keâ}keâòee, 2012

13. ceerje keâesmeebyeer (meb.) jceeyeeF& efjšefveËie efo Decesefjkeâve iesÌpe – hebef[lee jceeyeeF& ‘efo heerheg} DeeHeâ ÙegveeFšs[ mšsš, (1889) hejceevesbš yueskeâ, 2003

14. efceMes} Skeämes} (meb.) efo hebef[le – š^s[erMeve} mkeâe}jefMehe Fve Fbef[Ùee, ceveesnj heÇ. efouueer, 2001

15. cesjer keâehe&sbšj – keemš [spe DeeHeâ jepee jececeesnve jeÙe, jececeesnve jeÙe keeFyeÇsjer Sb[ Øeâer jeref[bie™ce, keâ}keâòee, 1866, ÛelegLe& meb. 1997

16. jcesMe Ûebõ cepetceoej – Deeve jececeesnve jeÙe, SefMeÙeeefškeâ meesmeeÙešer, keâes}keâelee, heÇLece meb. 1971, hegvece&gõCe, 2009

17. jepeejece Megkeäue – DeeÛeeÙe&MegkeäueeefYeceleosnelcekeeomeceer#eCeced, Gvceer}ve, $ewceeefmekeâ, peÙehegj, Keb[

XXII18. jeOeekeuueYe ef$ehee"er - jeceekeleej Mecee& Deewj Gvekeâe hejceeLe& oMe&ve –Gvceer}ve, Debkeâ 10.32.2,

peg}eF&- efomebyej 2018


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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19. jeOeekeuueYe ef$ehee"er - keeo Fve LÙeesjer Sb[ heÇsefkeäšme – mš[erÌpe Fve ef[yesšdme, [eÙe}eime Sb[ ef[mkeâbMebme Fve Fbef[Ùeve Fbšs}skeäÛegDe} š^s[erMebme, YeejleerÙe GÛÛe DeOÙeÙeve mebmLeeve, efMece}e leLee [er. kesâ. efheÇbš keu[&, efouueer, 2016

20. kener, - mebkeeoesheefve<eod, Yeejle DeOÙeÙeve kesâvõ, keâeMeer efnbot efkeMkeefkeÅee}Ùe, keejeCemeer, 2018

21. kener – mebmke=âle meeefnlÙe keâe meceieÇ Fefleneme, Ûeej Keb[, vÙet YeejleerÙe yegkeâ keâejheesjsMeve, veF& efouueer, 2018

22. jeceÛebõ Pee - mce=eflejsKee, keâecesMkejefmebn ojYebiee mebmke=âle efkeMkeefkeÅee}Ùe, ojYebiee, 1985

23. jeceekeleej Mecee& - ieeshee}yemeg ceef}keâ }wkeäÛeme& Deeve kesoeefvleÌpedce – keâ}keâòee efkeMkeefkeÅee}Ùe, keâ}keâòee , 1908

24. kener, hejceeLe&oMe&veced – keâeMeer, 1911-13, efÉleerÙe mebmkeâjCe, mecheeokeâ peveeo&veMeeŒeer heeb[s, ceesleer}e} yeveejmeeroeme, efouueer, 1994 (Fme }sKe cesb meboYe& Fmeer mebmkeâjCe mes nwb~)

25. }#ceCe MeeŒeer peesMeer – S ef›eâšerkeâ DeeHeâ efnbogFÌpedce, DebieÇspeer Devegkeeo – peer.[er. heejerKe, cee[ve& Spe heefyuekesâMebme, cegcyeF& 1948 (cet} ceje"er mebmkeâjCe, 1941)

26. efkeÅeeefvekeeme efceße – øeâece iebiesÌpe šg cesef[šsjsefveÙeve – S [eÙe}eie efyešdkeerve efo keâuÛeme& DeeHeâ Fbef[Ùee Sb[ Ùetjeshe, MegefYe heefyuekesâMebme, veF& efouueer, 2008

27. kener - iebieeleš mes YetceOÙemeeiej lekeâ (efnvoer ™heeblej – vece&oe heÇmeeo GheeOÙeeÙe), memleemeeefnlÙeceb[} heÇkeâeMeve, efouueer, 2013

28. efkeumeve peesbme F&. – SbiÌpeeFšerÌpe DeeHeâ ef[bmšsbme, keâefhe}e ßegefle (meb.) – Sve Fbšs}wkeäšgDe} efnmš^er DeeHeâ Fbef[Ùee, kesâbefyeÇpe Ùegefvekeefme&šer heÇsme, 2010 efmevne meefcele – hebef[lme Fve S Ûesbefpebie FvekeeÙejvecesbš, mejle yegkeâ neGme, keâ}keâòee, 1993

29. efMekeheÇmeeo – cees#ecet}jke=âle $e+ikesoevegkeeoŠ, hebef[le heef$ekeâe-4, mebKÙee 41 Dekeäšesyej 1869, 110-14

30. Megkeäuee nerje}e} – mebmke=âle keâe meceepeMeeŒe, YeejleerÙe efkeodÙee heÇkeâeMeve, efouueer 1989 31. Mesu[eve hees}keâ – efo [sLe DeeHeâ mebmke=âle, keâbhesjsefške mš[erpe Fve meesmeeÙešer Sb[ efnmš^er, 43.2 (2001)

408-1232. meoeefMeke Dee"keUs – Ûeekee&keâ Fefleneme DeeefCe leòke%eeve, heÇ%ee hee"Mee}e, keeF&, heÇLece meb., 1958,

}#ceCe MeeŒeer peesMeer keâer Yetefcekeâe, he=. XI-IVXX.

33. Sme. ceeFkesâ} [e[dmeve – DeesefjSbšef}Ìpedce, ScheeÙej Sb[ vesMeve} keâuÛej, efouueerr 2010, hegvece&gõCe, 2011

34. efmevne meefcele – hebef[lme Fve S Ûesbefpebie FvekeeÙejvecesbš, mejle yegkeâ neGme, keâ}keâllee, 1993

35. meer.S. yes}er – jececeesnve jeÙe Sb[ efo S[dkesbš keâebmšeršdÙetMeve} ef}yejef}Ìpedce, Sve Fb}wkeäšgSDe} efnmš^er DeeHeâ Fbef[Ùee, meb. keâefhe}e ßegefle, kesâbefyeÇpe Ùegefvekeefme&šer heÇsme, 2010

36. meewcÙesbõveeLe šwieesj– jececeesnve jeÙe – efnÌpe jes} Fve Fbef[Ùeve efjveQmee, efo SefMeÙeeefškeâ meesmeešer, keâes}keâelee, 1975

37. njheÇmeeo MeeŒeer – mebmke=âle keâuÛej Fve cee[ve& Fbef[Ùee, hebÛece DeefKe} YeejleerÙe heÇeÛÙe efkeÅeemecces}ve cesb DeOÙe#eerÙe Yee<eCe }enewj, 1928

38. nefjceesnve Pee - hejceeLe&oMe&ve – mebef#ehle heefjÛeÙe, efyenej je<š^Yee<ee heefj<eod, hešvee, 1986


mebmke=âle keâer hebef[lehejcheje (GVeermeJeeR Meleeyoer mes Deepe lekeâ)

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DeeÛeeÙe& npeejerØemeeo efÉJesoer Deewj ceOÙeÙegieervelee keâer DeJeOeejCee


DeeÛeeÙe& npeejerØemeeo efÉJesoer efnvoer kesâ Gve efieves Ûegves efJeÉeveeW ceW mes Skeâ nQ, efpevneWves efJemleej mes ceOÙeÙegieervelee keâer DeJeOeejCee hej efJeÛeej efkeâÙee nw ~ Gvekeâe cele nw efkeâ ceOÙeÙegie keâe DeLe& Yeues ner keâeuehejkeâ nes, hejvleg ceOÙeÙegieervelee Skeâ Âef° nw~ keâesF& Jele&ceeve Ùegie cesW ceOÙeÙegieerve nes mekeâlee nw~ Fmekeâes heefjYeeef<ele keâjles ngS GvneWves efueKee efkeâ ‘‘ ‘ceOÙeÙegie’ Ùee ‘ceOÙekeâeue’ Meyo YeejleerÙe Yee<eeDeeW ceW veÙee ner nw~ Deepekeâue Fme Meyo keâe ØeÙeesie Skeâ Ssmes keâeue kesâ DeLe& ceW nesves ueiee nw, efpemeceW meecetefnkeâ ™he mes ceveg<Ùe Skeâ pekeâÌ[er ngF& mleyOe ceveesJe=efòe keâe efMekeâej nes peelee

1nw~’’ Fme DeJeOeejCee keâes Øemlegle keâjves kesâ yeeo efÉJesoer peer ves efJemleej mes mebmke=âle Deewj efnvoer meeefnlÙe ceW Fme ‘mleyOe’ Deewj ‘pekeâÌ[er ngF&’ ceveesJe=efòe keâe efJeMues<eCe efkeâÙee nw~

peneB lekeâ keâeue keâe ØeMve nw, Jen lees efvejvlej ØeJenceeve nw~ ueieeleej iegpejlee jnlee nw~ Fmekeâes efJeYeeefpele keâjves keâe meJe&mJeerke=âle Deewj Jew%eeefvekeâ lejerkeâe lees DeYeer lekeâ efve™efhele veneR ngDee nw~ keâeue keâe DeejefcYekeâ efJeYeepeve lees mJeÙeb Øeke=âefle ves keâj efoÙee nw ~ metÙee&soÙe kesâ meeLe megyen nesleer nw, efheâj metÙee&mle kesâ meeLe jele nes peeleer nw ~ Fmeer lejn $e+legDeeW ceW heefjJele&ve neslee nw~ Fme heefjJele&ve Deewj efJeYeepeve keâes ØelÙeskeâ heMeg-he#eer Deewj ceveg<Ùe mecePe mekeâlee nw ~ efove Deewj jele keâe leLee $e+legDeeW keâe Ùen heefjJele&ve Ûe›eâekeâej neslee nw~ yeejn cenerves ceW Ietce efheâj keâj Jener $e+leg Jeeefheme Dee peeleer nw ~ uesefkeâve mechetCe& keâeue keâes Skeâ meeLe Ùee efJeYeeefpele keâjkesâ osKeves keâer Ûeslevee heMegDeeW ceW veneR nesleer ~ Ùen ceeveJeerÙe Ûeslevee nw~ Fmes efJeÉeveeW ves ‘Fefleneme Ûeslevee’ keâe veece efoÙee nw~ efpeme meceÙe ceveg<Ùe ceW Ùen Ssefleneefmekeâ Ûeslevee DeeF& leye mes ceveg<Ùe heMeg-peieled mes Deueie nes ieÙee~

THE VIKRAMArts & Social ScienceResearch Journal of Vikram University, UjjainNew Series, Vol. I, December 2018


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ceveg<Ùe ceW peye Ùen Ssefleneefmekeâ Ûeslevee DeeF&, leye Gmeves Fefleneme kesâ ØeJeen keâes efJeYeeefpele keâjkesâ osKevee DeejcYe efkeâÙee ~ keâeue keâe ØeeLeefcekeâ efJeYeepeve Deleerle Deewj Jele&ceeve kesâ ™he ceW efkeâÙee ieÙee~ Jele&ceeve lees melele Jele&ceeve nw~ Jele&ceeve Deleerle neslee peelee nw~ Jele&ceeve kesâ Deleerle nes peeves keâer Ùen Øeef›eâÙee ner Fefleneme nw~ Fmekesâ yeeo YeefJe<Ùe keâer Ûeslevee DeeF&~ leye keâeue kesâ leerve Yeeie ngS - Deleerle, Jele&ceeve Deewj YeefJe<Ùe~ Fmeer lepe& hej ØeeÛeerve, ceOÙe Deewj DeeOegefvekeâ keâeue yeves~ neueeBefkeâ Fve oesveeW efJeYeepeveeW ceW DeLe& meecÙe veneR nw~ ojDemeue DeeOegefvekeâ kesâ Deeieceve kesâ yeeo ceOÙe keâeue keâer OeejCee meeceves DeeF&~ FmeefueS Yeer efkeâ Deleerle ceW oes keâeue mhe° efoKeeF& osves ueies Les~ ÙetjesheerÙe efÛevlekeâeW ves osKee efkeâ Ùetveeve-jesce keâe Deleerle ueieYeie mJeCe& Ùegie nw Deewj Gmekesâ yeeo keâe DevOekeâej Ùegie~ Fme DevOekeâej Ùegie mes yeenj DeeOegefvekeâ keâeue kesâ hegvepee&iejCe ves efvekeâeuee~ ÙetjesheerÙe FeflenemekeâejeW kesâ Devegmeej jesceve meeceüepÙe kesâ heleve (meved 476 F&.) mes ueskeâj keâmlegvelegefveÙee hej legkeâe&W kesâ DeefOekeâej (meved 1453 F&.) lekeâ keâe keâeue ceOÙekeâeue nw~ Fmekesâ yeeo Ùetjeshe, Fšueer kesâ jemles hegvepee&iejCe kesâ oewj ceW ØeJesMe keâjlee nw~ leye Ùen OeejCee- ceOÙeÙegieervelee keâer OeejCee, nceejs osMe ceW Yeer DeeF&~

Jewmes YeejleerÙe oMe&ve ceW Yeer keâeue keâer OeejCee Ûe›eâekeâej nw~ heefjJele&ve lees neslee nw hejvleg Fefleneme hegveŠ ueewš keâj Deelee nw~ nceejs ÙeneB Ûeej Ùegie ceeves peeles nQ - meledÙegie, $esleeÙegie, Éehej Ùegie Deewj keâefueÙegie ~ Ùes keâeue ›eâceMeŠ heeflele nesles jnles nQ ~ Ssmee efJeÕeeme efkeâÙee peelee nw efkeâ keâefueÙegie kesâ he§eeled hegveŠ meledÙegie DeeSiee~ DeeÛeeÙe& npeejerØemeeo efÉJesoer ves meved 1965 ceW hebÛeebie keâer ieCevee keâjkesâ yeleeÙee efkeâ 1965 lekeâ ‘‘keâefueÙegie kesâ 5066 Je<e& yeerle Ûegkesâ nQ ~’’ efÉJesoerpeer ves keâefueÙegie kesâ ØeejcYe hej Yeer efJeÛeej efkeâÙee nw~ Fme Âef° mes Yeer efJeÛeej efkeâÙee nw efkeâ YeejleerÙe efÛeblekeâ Fme efJe<eÙe hej keäÙee meesÛeles nQ ? kegâÚ ueesie ‘‘ceneYeejle Ùegæ kesâ Devle ceW, kegâÚ ßeerke=â<Ce kesâ

2eflejesYeeJe kesâ yeeo Deewj kegâÚ õewheoer kesâ eflejesYeeJe kesâ yeeo keâefueÙegie keâe DeejcYe’’ ceeveles nQ ~Fme Âef° mes osKeW lees ceOÙekeâeue Deewj DeeOegefvekeâ keâeue oesveeW keâe meceÙe Fme keâefuekeâeue

kesâ Yeerlej ner "njlee nw~ ncebW Ùen Yeer ceevevee nesiee efkeâ ceOÙekeâeue kesâ yeeo ›eâceMeŠ DeeOegefvekeâ keâeue ceW Gòejesòej heleve neslee jne nw~ ceekeäme&Jeeoer efÛevlekeâ Fefleneme keâes ØeeÛeerve, ceOÙe Deewj DeeOegefvekeâ keâeue ceW yeeBškeâj veneR osKeles~ Gvekesâ Devegmeej meyemes henues Deeefoce meecÙeJeeo, efheâj meecevleJeeo, hetBpeerJeeo, meceepeJeeo Deewj Devle ceW meecÙeJeeo~ Fme meecÙeJeeo ceW keâF& Deewj jepÙe meceehle nes peeSbies~ ceekeäme&JeeefoÙeeW keâe meecevleJeeo DevÙe ueesieeW kesâ ceOÙekeâeue kesâ meceeve "njlee nw~ neueeBefkeâ Jes ØeeÛeerve keâeue keâes mJeCe&keâeue veneR ceeveles Je Fefleneme keâes heleve keâer Deesj De«emej ceeveles nQ~ yeefukeâ Gvekeâe cele nw efkeâ ceeveJe Fefleneme efvejvlej efJekeâeme keâer Deesj De«emej nw~

Yeejle kesâ ØeeÛeerve Fefleneme ceW efnvot jepeeDeeW keâe Meemeve Lee, ceOÙekeâeue ceW cegefmuece Meemeve mLeeefhele ngDee Deewj DeeOegefvekeâlee keâe GoÙe efyeÇefšMe keâeue ceW ngDee, efpemes Jes F&meeF& Meemeve keânles nQ ~


DeeÛeeÙe& npeejerØemeeo efÉJesoer Deewj ceOÙeÙegieervelee keâer DeJeOeejCee

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ÙetjesheerÙe Fefleneme kesâ meceeveevlej Yeejle ceW Fme oewj ceW keâYeer DevOekeâej veneR jne~ DeeÛeeÙe& npeejerØemeeo efÉJesoer ceOÙeÙegie keâer meceÙe-meercee hej efJeÛeej keâjles ngS keânles nQ efkeâ DeeOegefvekeâ efJeÉeved Dee"JeeR Meleeyoer keâes YeejleerÙe meeefnlÙe kesâ mJeCe& Ùegie keâer Deefvlece meercee ceeveles nQ~ nceves osKee nw efkeâ keâefuekeâeue kesâ pecekeâj yew"ves keâe keâeue Yeer ueieYeie Ùener nw ~ FmeefueS Ssmee megPeeJe nw efkeâ ÙeneR mes YeejleerÙe meeefnlÙe kesâ mJelev$e efÛevleve kesâ Üeme keâe keâeue ceevee peeÙe Deewj Fme keâeue keâe Deefvlece meerceevle De"ejnJeeR Meleeyoer lekeâ mJeerkeâej efkeâÙee peeÙe ~ ÙeneR mes YeejleerÙe meeefnlÙe keâe šerkeâe-Ùegie Meg™ neslee nw~ Fmes ner DeeOegefvekeâ heeefjYeeef<ekeâ MeyoeJeueer ceW ceOÙeÙegie Ùee

3ceOÙekeâeue keâne peevee ÛeeefnS~’’ Fme uecyes keâeue keâes efÉJesoerpeer oes YeeieeW ceW yeeBšles nQ - Dee"JeeR mes yeejnJeeR Meleeyoer keâe keâeue hetJe& ceOÙeÙegie Deewj lesjnJeeR mes De"ejnJeeR lekeâ Gòej ceOÙe Ùegie~

Deye Fme Âef° mes osKee peeÙe lees efnvoer meeefnlÙe kesâ oes ner keâeue nQ - ceOÙekeâeue Deewj DeeOegefvekeâ keâeue~ lesjnJeeR mes De"ejnJeeR Meleeyoer lekeâ ceW nceeje Yeefòeâkeâeue Deewj jereflekeâeue Dee peelee nw~ Deye ØeMve G"lee nw efkeâ nceeje ceneved Yeefòeâ meeefnlÙe DevOekeâej Ùegie keâe meeefnlÙe kewâmes nw? efpeme Ùegie ceW metjoeme, leguemeeroeme, keâyeerj, ceerje Deewj peeÙemeer ngS Jen keâeue ‘mleyOe’ Deewj ‘pekeâÌ[er ngF& ceveesJe=efòe’ keâe keâeue kewâmes nQ ? efnvoer meeefnlÙe keâer Âef° mes Ùen efnvoer meeefnlÙe keâe ‘mJeCe& keâeue’ nw~ jerefle keâeue kesâ yeejs ceW ÛeenW lees Deehe keân mekeâles nQ ~

efÉJesoer peer ves iecYeerj DeOÙeÙeve keâjves kesâ Ghejevle Fve ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej efoÙes nQ~ ØeeÛeerve keâeue kesâ efJeÛeejkeâ ceeveles Les efkeâ Jes kegâÚ veÙee keân jns nQ~ efpemes henues efkeâmeer ves veneR keâne, Gve yeeleeW keâes ØeeÛeerve efJeÉeveeW ves keâne ~ Ùen DeelceefJeÕeeme GveceW Lee~ DeeOegefvekeâ efÛevlekeâ Yeer Ùen oeJee keâj jns nQ efkeâ GvneWves melÙe keâer veÙeer JÙeeKÙee keâer~ hegvepee&iejCe keâeue kesâ efJeÛeejkeâeW ves leke&â efoÙee efkeâ ceevee Dejmlet ceneve Les~ GvneWves veS-veS efmeæevle efoÙes, hejvleg Deye efkeâmeer cegös hej Ùen keânvee heÙee&hle veneR nw efkeâ Dejmlet ves Ssmee keâne Lee~ melÙe Dejmlet kesâ yeeo Yeer nw~ Gmekeâs Deeies Yeer nw~ DeLee&led YeejleerÙe Deewj hee§eelÙe meYeer ceOÙeÙegieerve efÛevlekeâ, efJeÛeejkeâ Deewj uesKekeâ ceeveles Les efkeâ meeje %eeve, meejer yeeleW Deleerle ceW keâner pee Ûegkeâer nw ~ Deye nce kegâÚ Yeer veÙee keânves keâer efmLeefle ceW veneR nw ~ nce efmehe&â ØeeÛeerve «evLeeW keâer JÙeeKÙee keâj mekeâles nQ~ GvnW mecePe-mecePee mekeâles nQ ~ Gvekeâer šerkeâe keâj mekeâles nQ Ùee pÙeeoe DeÛÚer lejn mes keânvee nes lees keân mekeâles nQ efkeâ ‘‘MeeŒeeW ceW mebieefle efJeÉeveeW keâe keâece nw~

ceOÙekeâeueerve YeejleerÙe efÛevlekeâ ceeveles Les efkeâ meeje %eeve Deewj melÙe JesoeW ceW nw~ Jeso mJeÙeb ØeceeCe nQ~ JesoeW kesâ yeeo efkeâmeer Deewj ØeceeCe keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee veneR nw~ efheâj ceOÙekeâeue ceW Jeso he"ve keâer Yeer ceÙee&oe Leer~ ØelÙeskeâ JÙeefòeâ Jeso veneR heÌ{ mekeâlee Lee~ leye keäÙee efkeâÙee peeS ? leye Gvekesâ efueS heeBÛeJeW Jeso keâer heefjkeâuhevee keâer~ mJeÙeb ‘ceneYeejle’ Deewj Yejle keâs ‘veešŸeMeeŒe’ keâes heeBÛeJeW Jeso keâer meb%ee oer ~ Fme oewj cebs pees ueesie veÙeer yeeleW keânles Les, Jes Yeer Ùener keânles Les efkeâ Ùen keâesF& veÙeer yeele veneR nw~ ØeeÛeerve MeeŒeeW ceW Ssmee efueKee nw~ hejmhej efYeVe cele jKeves Jeeues Yeer cetue «evLe keâes ner


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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ØeceeCe kesâ ™he ceW Øemlegle keâjles Les~ Yejle kesâ jme met$e kesâ Ûeej JÙeeKÙeekeâejeW keâe Fefleneme osKesb lees Jes meYeer hejmhej efJejesOeer yeeleW keânles nQ ~ ueesuueš Deewj DeefYeveJeieghle keâe cele Skeâ veneR nw, hejvleg oesveeW Fme yeele hej peesj osles nQ efkeâ Ssmee Yejle ves keâne nw~

Fmeer ceeveefmekeâlee kesâ keâejCe cenekeâefJe leguemeeroeme ves ‘jeceÛeefjleceeveme’ keâer jÛevee keâjles ngS keâne efkeâ Jes veÙeer keâLee veneR keân jns nQ yeefukeâ ‘veevee hegjeCe efveieceeieceeW’ ceW pees keâLee keâner pee Ûegkeâer nw Gmes ner efheâj mes Øemlegle keâj jns nQ~ ojDemeue ceOÙeÙegieerve efJeÛeejkeâ Deehle JeÛeveeW hej efJeÕeeme keâjles nQ~ MeeŒeeW ceW $e+ef<e JeÛeve nQ Deewj $e+ef<e JeÛeveeW hej mevosn veneR efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee~ Gve hej DeefJeÕeeme keâjvee ceneheehe nw~ Ùener efJeÕeeme GvnW ceOÙeÙegieerve yeveelee nw~ ceOÙekeâeue keâe keâesF& keâefJe peye ØeMve keâjlee nw, mevosn keâjlee nw leye nce Gmes ‘DeeOegefvekeâ’ "njeves ceW ueie peeles nQ~ Fme keâejCe keâyeerjoeme nceW keâF& yeej DeeOegefvekeâ Øeleerle nesles nQ~

ØeeÛeerve keâeue mes YeejleerÙe oMe&ve Deewj efÛevleve ceW Fve oes yeeleeW hej JÙeehekeâ menceefle nw - keâce&heâue keâer OeejCee Deewj hegvepe&vce ceW efJeÕeeme~ keâyeerj nes Ùee leguemeer, oeot nes Ùee jwoeme meYeer ceeveles nQ efkeâ ceveg<Ùe pees keâce& keâjlee nw Gmekeâe Gmes heâue efceuelee nw~ DeYeer veneR efceuee lees Ùen heâue Deieues pevce ceW Ùee Gmemes Yeer Deieues pevce ceW pe™j efceuelee nw~ keâF& yeej nceW meebmeeefjkeâ keâ°eW keâe keâejCe helee veneR Ûeuelee, leye keânles nQ efkeâ hetJe&pevce kesâ keâceeËs keâe heâue nw~ efÉJesoer peer keâe keânvee nw Fmeer keâejCe YeejleerÙe meceepe ceW efJeõesn keâer Ûeslevee veneR heveheer~ Ùen ceOÙeÙegieervelee keâer nw~ meceepe kesâ DevÙeeÙe-DelÙeeÛeej keâes nce menve keâj uesles nQ~ keâyeerj Deewj leguemeer keâer oeMe&efvekeâ ceevÙeleeDeeW ceW Ûeens efpelevee celeYeso nes~ Fve oesveebs ceevÙeleeDeeW hej Jes Skeâcele nQ~ FmeefueS efÉJesoer peer keânles nQ efkeâ ceOÙekeâeueerve YeejleerÙe ceveer<ee meecebpemÙe efJeOeeve ceW -‘mevosn’ veneR keâjleer~ Yeejle ceW %eeve keâer mhe° Jewefokeâ hejcheje Leer~ FveceW Ûeej Jeso ($e+iJeso, meeceJeso, ÙepegJe&so, DeLeJe&Jeso) Deewj ÚŠ Jesoebie nQ~ Ùes Jeso lees veneR nw, efkeâvleg Jeso kesâ Debie nw~ JesoeW keâes mecePeves kesâ efueS Fvekeâe DeOÙeÙeve efkeâÙee peevee ÛeeefnS~ Ùes nQ - OJeefveMeeŒe (efMe#ee), Deveg‰eve (keâuhe), JÙeekeâjCe, JÙeglheefòe (efve®òeâ), Úvo Deewj KeieesueMeeŒe (pÙeesefle<e)~ Fvekesâ DeueeJee yeÇeÿeCe «evLe Deewj 18 hegjeCe nQ ~ Ùes meye Jewefokeâ hejcheje ceW Deeles nQ~ efheâj Gòej Jewefokeâ keâeue ceW YeejleJe<e& ceW yeewæ cele, veeLe mecØeoeÙe (9), efmeæ (84), pewve Oece&, keâeheeefuekeâ, Meeòeâ, Ùeesie, menpe meeOekeâ Deeefo Deeles nQ~ Ùes meye hejchejeSB ceOÙekeâeue ceW peerefJele LeeR~ efheâj meejs keâefJe, Yeòeâ hejceefhelee hejcesÕej Deewj mJeie&-vejkeâ ceW efJeÕeeme keâjles Les~ ceefvoj, osJelee, Gheemevee, hetpee, leerLee&šve, Ùe%e Fve meyekesâ Éeje Deueewefkeâkeâ ogefveÙee ceW Deheves efueÙes mLeeve megjef#ele keâjves kesâ meeOeve Les~ Ssmes yengle keâce efJeÛeejkeâ Les pees Fve ceevÙeleeDeeW keâes meØeMve Âef° mes osKeles Les~ pees Skeâ cele keâes veneR ceeveles Les, Jes otmeje cele ceeveles Les~ meyekeâer heefjefOe keâe Deefvlece efyevog Deueewefkeâkeâ meòee ceW efJeÕeeme Lee~ Ùen efJeÕeeme keâYeer ef[ielee veneR Lee~ Ùener efJeÕeeme GvnW ceOÙeÙegieervelee kesâ Iesjs ceW jKelee Lee~


DeeÛeeÙe& npeejerØemeeo efÉJesoer Deewj ceOÙeÙegieervelee keâer DeJeOeejCee

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efheâj DeeÛeeÙe& npeejerØemeeo efÉJesoer DeeOegefvekeâ keâeue mes Fvekeâer leguevee keâjles nQ~ Gvekesâ Devegmeej ‘‘meÛesle heefjJele&vesÛÚe DeeOegefvekeâ Ùegie keâer efJeMes<elee yeleeF& peeleer nw~ Fme Âef° mes osKee peeS lees nceejs DeeueesÛÙe keâeue kesâ Yeefòeâ meeefnlÙe ceW Fme Øekeâej keâer JÙeekegâuelee ØeÛegj cee$ee ceW efceueleer nw~ efheâj Yeer Jen DeeOegefvekeâ FmeefueS veneR keâneR peeleer efkeâ Gmekeâe DevegOÙeeve DeeoMe& hejueeskeâ ceW ceveg<Ùe keâes cegòeâ keâjvee nw ~ Fmeer ueeskeâ ceW, Fmeer celÙe& peiele keâes megvoj Deewj MeesYeve yeveeves kesâ GösMÙe mes Jen veneR efueKee ieÙee ~ Yeefòeâ-meeefnlÙe mebmeej kesâ yee¢e ™he keâes ÙeLeeefmLele ÚesÌ[keâj JÙeefòeâ ceeveJe kesâ efÛeòe ceW heefjJele&ve ueeves hej DeefOekeâ peesj oslee nw~ efheâj Yeer Jen ueewefkeâkeâ jme kesâ keâefJeÙeeW keâer jÛeveeDeeW keâer leguevee ceW DeefOekeâ cegòeâ Deewj DeefOekeâ kegâb"enerve nw~ FmeceW keâesF& mevosn veneR ~ Yeefòeâ meeefnlÙe Deheves Deehe ceW mleyOe Deewj kegâbef"le meeefnlÙe veneR nw, hej heefjJele&ve keâe

4ue#Ùe De° nesves kesâ keâejCe Jen hetCe& cegòeâ veneR nw~’’ jereflekeâeueerve keâefJeÙeeW keâer ceOÙekeâeueervelee hej lees keâesF& efJeJeeo veneR nQ ~ efÉJesoer peer ves Fme

Âef° mes jerefle keâeJÙe hej Yeer kegâÚ mebef#ehle efšhheefCeÙeeB keâer nQ~mevoYe&1. npeejerØemeeo efÉJesoer «evLeeJeueer, KeC[ 5, he=. 192. npeejerØemeeo efÉJesoer «evLeeJeueer, KeC[ 5, he=. 19 3. he=. 27

4. npeejerØemeeo efÉJesoer «evLeeJeueer, KeC[ 5, he=. 24-25

npeejerØemeeo efÉJesoer «evLeeJeueer, KeC[ 5,


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe keâe JesoeÁlJe

keâecesÕej GheeOÙeeÙe

Jeso keâes heg®<e ™he ceW ceevee ieÙee nw ~ DeleŠ Jeso DeÁer nw~ Fme DeÁer kesâ Ún DeÁ nQ efpevnW JesoeÁ keânles nQ ~ Ùes Ún DeÁ DelÙevle megØeefmeæ nQ~ Ùes nQ - JÙeekeâjCe, pÙeesefle<e, efve®òeâ, keâuhe, efMe#ee Deewj Úvo -

ÚvoŠ heeoew MeyoMeeŒeb Ûe Jekeä$eb keâuheŠ heeCeer pÙeesefle<eb Ûe#eg<eer Ûe~1efMe#ee IeÇeCeb ßees$ecegòebâ efve®òebâ JesomÙeeÁevÙeengjsleeefve <ešd Ûe ~~

ÚvoŠMeeŒe Jesoheg®<e kesâ oesveeW hewj nQ~ JÙeekeâjCeMeeŒe cegKe nw~ keâuheMeeŒe oesveeW YegpeeÙeW nQ~ pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe oesveeW ves$e nQ~ efMe#eeMeeŒe veeefmekeâe nw leLee efve®òeâMeeŒe oesveeW keâeve nQ~ Fve <e[dJesoeÁeW keâes <ešdMeeŒe keâne peelee nw~ cenef<e& Jeefme‰ ves JesoeÁ keâes MeeŒe keâne nw~

Jesoheg®<e keâes Ún DeÁ mebÛeeefuele keâjles nQ ~ Fve meYeer DeÁeW keâe Dehevee DeefleefJeefMe° cenòJe nw~ pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe ves$emLeeveerÙe nesves kesâ keâejCe Jesoesòeâ ef›eâÙeeDeeW keâes ØelÙe#e keâjlee nw~ cenef<e& Jeefme‰ ves Jeefme‰mebefnlee kesâ MeeŒe™heeOÙeeÙe ceW pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe keâer JesoeÁlee kesâ mevoYe& ceW pees DeefYecele efoÙee nw Jen DeefÉleerÙe nw -

›eâlegef›eâÙeeLeË ßegleÙeŠ ØeJe=òeeŠ keâeueeßeÙeemles ›eâleJees efve®òeâeŠ ~MeeŒeeoceg<ceeeflkeâue keâeueyeesOees JesoeÁleeÓceg<Ùe leleŠ Øeefmeæe ~~JesomÙe Ûe#egŠ efkeâue MeeŒeceslelØeOeeveleeÁs<eg leleesÓmÙe peelee~DeÁzÙeg&leesÓvÙewŠ heefjhetCe&cetefle&§e#egefJe&nerveŠ heg®<ees ve efkeâefÃeled ~~DeOÙesleJÙeb yeÇeÿeCewjsJe lemceeppÙeesefleŠMeeŒeb hegCÙecesleõnmÙeced ~

2SleodyegædJee mecÙeieehveesefle ÙemceeoLeË OeceË cees#ece«eŸeb ÙeMe§e ~~

THE VIKRAMArts & Social ScienceResearch Journal of Vikram University, UjjainNew Series, Vol. I, December 2018


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Ùe%e keâjves nsleg Jeso ØeJe=òe nesles nQ ~ Ùe%e keâeueeßeÙe nesles nQ~ pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe mes efveef§ele ™he mes keâeue keâe yeesOe neslee nw~ DeleŠ pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe keâer JesoeÁlee Øeefmeæ nw~

pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe Jeso keâe ves$e nw~ DeleŠ Ùen DevÙe meYeer DeÁeW ceW ØeOeevelee keâes Øeehle nw~ DevÙe meYeer heefjhetCe& DeÁeW kesâ nesves hej Yeer ves$e efJenerve heg®<e efkeâmeer keâece keâe veneR neslee nw~ DeleŠ JesoefJeod yeÇeÿeCeeW kesâ Éeje Fme hegCÙeMeeueer SJeb jnmÙe mes Ùegòeâ pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe keâes DeJeMÙe heÌ{vee ÛeeefnS ~ Fme MeeŒe keâes mecÙekeâd Øekeâej mes peevekeâj ceveg<Ùe Oece&, DeLe&, keâece, cees#e leLee ÙeMe keâes Øeehle keâjlee nw~ cenef<e& Jeefme‰ ves pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe keâe ØeOeeve ØeÙeespeve ›eâlegkeâeue keâe efveOee&jCe ceevee nw~

Ùeepeg<epÙeesefle<e ceW Jeso keâe ØecegKe ØeÙeespeve Ùe%e ceevee ieÙee nw~ Ùe%e keâjves nsleg efJeefnle keâeue keâe nesvee DeeJeMÙekeâ nw~ DeleŠ pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe Ùe%e nsleg keâeueefveOee&jCe keâjves kesâ keâejCe keâeueefJeOeeveMeeŒe keânueelee nw -

Jesoe efn Ùe%eeLe&ceefYeØeJe=òeeŠ keâeueeveghetJee& efJeefnlee§e Ùe%eeŠ ~3lemceeefoob keâeueefJeOeeveMeeŒeb Ùees pÙeewefle<eb Jeso me Jeso Ùe%eced ~~

heeefCeveerÙeefMe#ee ceW Jeso kesâ Ún DeÁeW keâes efvecveJeled Øeefleheeefole efkeâÙee ieÙee nw - ÚvoŠ heeoew leg JesomÙe nmleew keâuheesÓLe he"Ÿeles~pÙeesefle<eeceÙeveb Ûe#egefve&®òebâ ßees$ecegÛÙeles ~~efMe#ee IeÇeCeb leg JesomÙe cegKeb JÙeekeâjCeb mce=leced ~

4lemceeled meeÁceOeerlÙewJe yeÇÿeueeskesâ cenerÙeles ~~

Úvo Deewj keâuhe Jesoheg®<e kesâ heeo Deewj nmle nQ~ pÙeesefle<e Deewj efve®òeâ Jesoheg®<e kesâ ves$e Deewj ßees$e nQ~ efMe#ee Deewj JÙeekeâjCe Jesoheg®<e kesâ IeÇeCe Deewj cegKe nQ~ Fve Ún MeeŒeeW keâes peevekeâj ner Jeso keâe DeOÙeÙeve efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~

yeejnJeeR MeleeyoeR ceW YeemkeâjeÛeeÙe& ves Deheves efmeæevleefMejesceefCe «evLe ceW pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe kesâ ØeÙeespeve keâes Jeefme‰mebefnlee kesâ Deveg™he mJeerkeâej efkeâÙee nw~ YeemkeâjeÛeeÙe& hej Jeefme‰mebefnlee keâs ØeÙeespevecetuekeâ MueeskeâeW kesâ mevoYe& ceW mechetCe& ØeYeeJe efoKeueeF& oslee nw pewmes -

JesoemleeJeod Ùe%ekeâcce&ØeJe=òee Ùe%eeŠ Øeesòeâemles leg keâeueeßeÙesCe~MeeŒeeomceeled keâeueyeesOees ÙeleŠ mÙeeod JesoeÁlJeb pÙeewefle<emÙeesòeâcemceeled ~~MeyoMeeŒeb cegKeb pÙeewefle<eb Ûe#eg<eer ßees$ecegòebâ efve®òebâ Ûe keâuheŠ keâjew~Ùee leg efMe#eeÓmÙe JesomÙe mee veeefmekeâe heeohe©eÉÙeb Úvo DeeÅewyeg&OeŠ ~~JesoÛe#egŠ efkeâuesob mce=leb pÙeewefle<eb cegKÙelee ÛeeÁceOÙesÓmÙe lesveesÛÙeles ~mebÙegleesÓheerlejwŠ keâCe&veemeeefoefYe§e#eg<eeÓÁsve nervees ve efkeâefÃelkeâjŠ ~~lemceeod efÉpewjOÙeÙeveerÙecesleled hegCÙeb jnmÙeb hejceÃe leòJeced ~

5Ùees pÙeewefle<eb Jesefòe vejŠ me mecÙeied Oecee&Le&keâeceeved ueYeles ÙeMe§e ~~


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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cenelcee ueieOe ves pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe keâes JesoeÁeW ceW ßes‰ keâne nw -ÙeLee efMeKee ceÙetjeCeeb veeieeveeb ceCeÙees ÙeLee ~ leodJeod JesoeÁMeeŒeeCeeb pÙeewefle<eb cetefO&ve mebefmLeleced ~~Jesoe efn Ùe%eeLe&ceefYeØeJe=òeeŠ keâeueeveghetJee& efJeefnlee§e Ùe%eeŠ ~

6lemceeefoob keâeueefJeOeeveMeeŒeb Ùees pÙeewefle<eb Jeso me Jeso Ùe%eeved ~~DeeÛeeÙe& meesceekeâj ves Ùeepeg<epÙeewefle<e kesâ Yee<Ùe ceW heefjefMe°ke=âled kesâ JeÛeve keâes Gæ=le keâjles

ngS keâne nw efkeâ Jesoceb$eeW keâe De° efJeke=âefleÙeeW kesâ meeLe hee" keâjves Jeeuee, Oeeleg-veece-JeÛeve-Øeke=âefle keâes peeveves Jeeuee leLee he#e-ceeme-efleefLe-Ûevõ keâer ieefle keâes peeveves Jeeuee JÙeefòeâ ner Ùe%eefJeefOe%e neslee nw -

ceb$eheeo-heomeefvOe-efJeefOe%ees OeelegveeceJeÛeveØeke=âefle%eŠ ~F&ÂMees YeJeefle Ùe%eefJeefOe%eŠ he#eceemeefleefLeÛevõieefle%eŠ ~~

Deveskeâ DeeueesÛekeâ pÙeesefle<e kesâ Fme meerefcele ØeÙeespeve keâes mJeerkeâej veneR keâjles~ Gvekesâ Devegmeej Jeso kesâJeue Ùe%e kesâ Øeefleheeokeâ veneR nQ~ DeleŠ pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe Yeer kesâJeue Ùe%e keâeueyeesOe nsleg veneR efueKee ieÙee nw~ ÙeneB hej efJeÛeejCeerÙe efJe<eÙe nw efkeâ ÙepegJe&so ceW oMe&heewCe&ceeme Ùe%e keâe pees cenòJe Øeefleheeefole nw Gmekeâer DeveosKeer keâjves mes Jeso Deewj pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe keâer DeÂMÙeheâueØeeefhlecetuekeâlee ve° nes peeÙesieer~ DeleŠ ØeeÛeervekeâeue ceW Jeso Deewj JesoeÁ keâe cetue ØeÙeespeve yeÇÿeefJeÅee Øeeefhle keâer meeOevee nw~ DeleŠ pÙeesefle<e keâe JesoeÁlJe ØeeÛeerve keâeue mes megØeefmeæ Øeehle neslee nw~ Fmes veÙes efmejs mes JÙeeKÙeeefÙele keâjves keâe keâejCe nw kegâÚ veÙes leLÙeeW keâes meeceves ueevee~

keäÙee nw Jeso ?ØelÙe#esCeevegefcelÙee Jee ÙemletheeÙees ve yegOÙeles ~Sveb efJeoefvle Jesosve lemceeod JesomÙe Jesolee ~~

me=ef° ceW pees kegâÚ Yeer nw Deewj Gmes ØelÙe#e Ùee Devegceeve kesâ Éeje veneR mecePee pee jne nw Gme DeefJe%esÙe keâes Jeso Éeje peevee peelee nw~ Jeso ‘efJeod %eeves’ Oeeleg mes efve<heVe nesves kesâ keâejCe %eeve keâe Yeb[ej keânueelee nw~ Jeso Deewj %eeve ceW heeLe&keäÙe veneR nw~ Devevlee Jew JesoeŠ metefòeâ kesâ Devegmeej JesoeW keâer Devevlelee YeejleerÙe hejcheje ceW meJe&ceevÙe nw~ melÙeb %eevecevevleb yeÇÿe Fme Jewefokeâer ßegefle kesâ Devegmeej yeÇÿe keâes melÙe, %eeve Deewj Devevle keânles nQ~ heâueleŠ Jeso %eeveelcekeâ nesves kesâ keâejCe yeÇÿeleòJe kesâ Øeefleheeokeâ nQ~ Ssmes ceW JesoeÁ nesves kesâ keâejCe pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe Yeer Deefvlece ™he mes yeÇÿeleòJe keâe Øeefleheeokeâ nw~ Ùeefo pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe kesâ Éeje Devevle yeÇÿe Deewj Devevle yeÇÿeeC[eW keâe Øeefleheeove ØelÙe#e Ùee hejes#e veneR neslee nw lees Fmekeâe JesoeÁlJe mJeleŠ KeefC[le nes peeSiee~ pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe keâe megØeefmeæ ieefCele «evLe metÙe&efmeæevle nw efpemeceW yeej-yeej pÙeesefle<eieefCele keâe ØeÙeespeve DeÂMÙekeâeue keâes ÂMÙe keâjves kesâ ™he ceW nw -


pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe keâe JesoeÁlJe

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DeÂMÙe™heeŠ keâeuemÙe cetòe&Ùees YeieCeeefßeleeŠ ~7

MeerIeÇcevoesÛÛeheeleeKÙee «eneCeeb ieeflensleJeŠ ~~DeÂMÙe keâeue keâer ØelÙe#e cetefle& Gmekesâ YeieCe nQ~ YeieCeeW keâes efievee pee mekeâlee nw~ ØeeCe mes

ueskeâj ØeueÙe lekeâ keâe keâeue ÂMÙe nw~ $egefš mes ueskeâj ueer#ekeâ lekeâ keâe keâeue DeÂMÙe nw~ YeieJeeved ßeerke=â<Ce ves ßeerceodYeieJeodieerlee ceW keâne nw efkeâ DeÂMÙe yeÇÿe keâer cetueØeke=âefle cenod yeÇÿe kesâ ™he ceW DeeefJeYet&le nesleer nw Deewj GmeceW cesjs Éeje ieYee&Oeeve efkeâÙee peelee nw~ Fme he=efLeJeer hej pees kegâÚ cetefle&™he nw Jen cenledleòJe leLee yeÇÿeleòJe kesâ keâejCe nw -

cece Ùeesefvece&nodyeÇÿe leefmcevieYeË oOeecÙenced ~ mecYeJeŠ meJe&Yetleeveeb lelees YeJeefle Yeejle ~~8

meJe&Ùeesefve<eg keâewvlesÙe cetle&ÙeŠ mecYeJeefvle ÙeeŠ ~ leemeeb yeÇÿe cenod Ùeesefvejnb yeerpeØeoŠ efhelee ~~Jewefokeâ Jee*dceÙe ceW DeJÙeòeâ, DeieesÛej, DeefÛevlÙe SJeb efveieg&Ce yeÇÿe Deheveer cetueØeke=âefle kesâ

menÙeesie mes meiegCe cetefle& OeejCe keâjlee nw Ssmee meJe&$e Øeefleheeefole nw~ pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe Yeer JesoeÁ nesves kesâ keâejCe Fme efmeæevle keâes mJeerkeâej keâjlee nw~ Deepe YeejleJe<e& ceW pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe keâes efJe%eeve ceeveves keâer ØeJe=efòe keâer yeeÌ{ DeeÙeer ngF& nw~ Fme efoMee ceW efJeÛeej Deewj keâece keâjves Jeeues ueesie efJeÕeefJeÅeeueÙeeW mes ueskeâj meeceeefpekeâ #es$e ceW hewâues ngS nQ~ Fmekeâe cegKÙe keâejCe efJeiele meew Je<eeËs mes efJe%eeveJeeo keâe efJeÕe ceW yeesueyeeuee nesvee nw~ efJe%eeve %eeve keâe Skeâ Úesše mee efnmmee nw~ pees efJe%eele nes peeS Gmes efJe%eeve keânles nQ~ efpemekeâe DeefmlelJe nw hejvleg FefvõÙe ØelÙe#e, %eeve ØelÙe#e Ùee Devegceeve ØelÙe#e ve nes mekeâlee nes, pees peerJeve ceW Øeefleheie DevegYetle neslee nes hej DeefJe%esÙe efmLeefle ceW nes Jen %eeve nw~ Fmeer keâejCe %eeve Devevle neslee nw~ Fme Devevle %eeve keâe mheMe& JesoeÁ nesves kesâ keâejCe pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe keâjlee nw~ efJe%eeve keâer keâmeewšer hej pees leLÙe, efJe<eÙe, DevegYetefle, heo-heoeLe&, ØeÙeesieMeeuee ceW keâmee pee mekesâ Jener efJe%eeve keâe efJe<eÙe neslee nw, pees efkeâmeer Yeer Øekeâej mes ØeÙeesieMeeuee ceW efmeæ ve nes mekesâ Jen Deepe lekeâ efJe%eeve keâe efJe<eÙe meYeer Jew%eeefvekeâeW kesâ Éeje mJeerke=âle veneR nes mekeâe nw~ yeÌ[e mes yeÌ[e Jew%eeefvekeâ Ùeefo Deheveer DevegYetefle kesâ DeeOeej hej efkeâmeer Jew%eeefvekeâ leLÙe keâe Øeefleheeove keâjlee nes Deewj Jen leLÙe Ùeefo ØeÙeesieMeeuee ceW efmeæ ve efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nes lees Jen efJe%eeve keâe efJe<eÙe veneR nes mekeâlee nw~ Ùener Devlej efJe%eeve Deewj MeeŒe keâe nw~ heâueleŠ pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe JesoeÁ nw efJe%eeve veneR ~ JesoeÁ ceW efJe%eeve keâe DevleYee&Je nes mekeâlee nw, efJe%eeve ceW JesoeÁ keâe veneR~ JesoeÁ cebs ØelÙe#e Deewj hejes#e oesveeW meòeeDeeW keâe meefcceueve neslee nw~ kesâJeue ØelÙe#e keâe veneR~ Jeso Deewj JesoeÁ kesâ Éeje yeÇÿe, Meefòeâ, Øeke=âefle, peieled (efJeÕe, yeÇÿeeC[), heÃeceneYetle, heÃelevcee$eeSB, Deelcee, leerve Øekeâej kesâ Mejerj kesâ meeLe meeLe heoeLe&-Tpee&-lejbie-ieg®lJeekeâ<e&Ce-efJeÅegled Meefòeâ-keâCeMeefkeäle ØeYe=efle DeeOegefvekeâ Jew%eeefvekeâ efJe<eÙeeW keâe Yeer efÛevleve neslee jne nw~ efpeve mebmeeOeveeW kesâ Éeje ceveg<Ùe keâe peerJeve menpelee kesâ meeLe Ûeuelee jns GvnW Øeefleheeefole keâjves Jeeueer efJeOee keâes DeefJeÅee Ùee Yeeweflekeâ efJe%eeve keânles nQ~ DeleŠ Ùen yeele MeerMes keâer lejn Ûecekeâleer nw leLee Øeefleefyeefcyele nesleer nw efkeâ pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe JesoeÁ nw~


efJe›eâce (keâuee SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJe%eeve) - efomecyej 2018

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ØeLece leLÙe Š DeÂMÙe keâer meeOeveepÙeesefle<eMeeŒe kesâ Éeje ieefCele kesâ ceeOÙece mes peieled keâer efmLeefle keâe DeJeueeskeâve keâjeles

ngS DeÂMÙe meòee kesâ efvekeâš kewâmes peeÙee pee mekeâlee nw Fme efJe<eÙe keâe Øeefleheeove nw~ Ùener pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe keâer JesoeÁlee nw~ metÙe&efmeæevle «evLe keâe ceÁue Mueeskeâ pees Jewefokeâ $e+ÛeeDeeW keâer lejn pÙeesefleef<eÙeeW ceW mJeerke=âle nww Deheveer GheefmLeefle mes efJeue#eCeyeesOe GlheVe keâjlee nw -

DeefÛevlÙeeJÙeòeâ™heeÙe efveieg&CeeÙe iegCeelceves~ mecemlepeieoeOeejcetle&Ùes yeÇÿeCes veceŠ ~~

Ùener Mueeskeâ Decetle& SJeb DeefJe%esÙe yeÇÿe keâer cetefle& keâer Øeefle‰e keâjlee nw, ye=noejCÙekeâ Gheefve<eod kesâ ceb$e keâer lejn- Ô hetCe&ceoŠ hetCe&efceob hetCee&led hetCe&cegoÛÙeles ~ hetCe&mÙe hetCe&ceeoeÙe hetCe&cesJeeJeefMe<Ùeles ~~ Fme Jewefokeâ ceb$e ceW yeÇÿe keâes hetCe& keâne ieÙee nw~ yeÇÿe efveefce&le mecemle yeÇÿeeC[ hetCe& nw~ hetCe& mes hetCe& keâer Glheefòe nesleer nw ~ hetCe& mes hetCe& keâes efvekeâeue uesves hej hetCe& ner Mes<e yeÛelee nw~ Ùen mLeehevee osKeves-megveves ceW meeceevÙe ueieleer nw hej Jew%eeefvekeâ Âef° mes efJeÛeej keâjves hej Devevle mecYeeJeveeDeeW keâe Éej Keesueleer nw~ ieefCele kesâ #es$e ceW Devevle keâer heefjkeâuhevee efpemes YeemkeâjeÛeeÙe& ves Kenj keâne nw, Devevle yeÇÿeeC[ ceW ØeJesMe keâjves keâe ceeie& Keesueleer nw~ metÙe&efmeæevle keâe ieefCeleerÙe cebieueMueeskeâ yeÇÿe keâes efveieg&Ce Deewj iegCeelceved oesveeW efmeæ keâjlee nw~ Gme DeefÛevlÙe Deewj DeJÙeòeâ yeÇÿe keâes ieefCele kesâ Éeje Øeehle efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ Fme mebkeâuhevee keâe DeefOe‰eve jKelee nw Ùen Mueeskeâ~ yeÇÿe hetCe& nw~ Skeâcee$e yeÇÿe ner hetCe& nw~ hetCe& keâe meebkesâeflekeâ Debkeâ MetvÙe Ùee efyevog nw~ yeÇÿe mes efvekeâueves kesâ keâejCe DeLeJee yeÇÿe kesâ ceve mes GlheVe nesves kesâ keâejCe DeekeâeMe keâer Glheefòe ngF&~ DeleŠ DeekeâeMe Yeer yeÇÿe nw - Keb yeÇÿe ~ DeekeâeMe keâe Meeefyokeâ DeLe& nw - pees ØekeâeMe mes Yeje nes, Ûecekeâlee nes Jen DeekeâeMe nw~ yeÇÿeeC[ keâe Jen efnmmee pees ØekeâeMe mes Ùegòeâ veneR nw, pees DeefJe%esÙe nw, pees ef$eheeotOJe& nw Jen keâYeer Yeer %esÙe veneR nesves kesâ keâejCe Devevle nw~ efJe%eeve peye Deheves Ûejce hej hengBÛelee nw leye Jen me=ef° keâe cetue jnmÙe Keespeves kesâ efueS yesÛewve nes G"lee nw~ peueheesle, efJeceeve, efJeOJebmekeâ MeŒeeŒe yeveeves kesâ yeeo, ceeveJe-peerJe-pevlegDeeW kesâ Mejerj keâe jnmÙe leLee mecemle mebmeeOeveeW keâer Keespe keâjves kesâ yeeo Jew%eeefvekeâ ceve Øeke=âefle kesâ mecemle jnmÙeeW keâes peeve uesves kesâ efueS, Øeke=âefle hej efJepeÙe Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS Úšheše G"lee nw peyeefkeâ JesoeÁ Ùee MeeŒe yeÇÿe Deewj Øeke=âefle mes ceeveJe Øepeeefle keâe mecevJeÙe keâj ceveg<ÙeJeleer Oejleer keâes hegCÙe mes megieefvOele keâjves keâe ØeÙelve keâjlee nw~ Ùen mhe° Devlej peye lekeâ JesoeÁ Deewj efJe%eeve kesâ yeerÛe efJeÅeceeve jnsiee, leye lekeâ efJe%eeve JesoeÁ Ùee MeeŒe veneR yeve mekesâiee~ meeceevÙe ceveg<Ùe efJe%eeve Øeoòe mebmeeOeveeW kesâ keâejCe Gmes ßes‰ ceevelee jns hejvleg DeefJe%esÙe melÙe Ùee %eeve Gme ceveg<Ùe kesâ efueS ogue&Ye ner yevee jnsiee~ Ssmee veneR nw efkeâ Fme efoMee ceW ßes‰lece Jew%eeefvekeâ veneR meesÛe jns nQ ~ Jes Yeer meesÛe jns nQ~ Deepe $e+ef<eÙeeW keâer Âef° ßes‰lece Jew%eeefvekeâeW keâes hetCe&leŠ ØeYeeefJele keâj jner nw~


pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe keâe JesoeÁlJe

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efÉleerÙe leLÙe Š Ùeled efheC[s leod yeÇÿeeC[s pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe me=ef° mebjÛevee ceW meebKÙeMeeŒe kesâ cele keâes mJeerkeâej keâjlee nw~ mhe°leŠ

keâne peeÙe lees Jewefokeâ cele keâes mJeerkeâej keâjles ngS pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe, me=ef° keâer mecemle ØeJe=efòeÙeeW keâes heuueefJele-hegef<hele keâjlee nw~ Fmekeâe mhe° ØeceeCe metÙe&efmeæevle Øemlegle keâjlee nw -

JeemegosJeŠ hejb yeÇÿe levcetefle&Š heg®<eŠ hejŠ ~DeJÙeòeâes efveieg&CeŠ MeevleŠ heÃeefJebMeeledhejesÓJÙeÙeŠ~~Øeke=âlÙevleie&lees osJees yeefnjvle§e meJe&ieŠ ~

9me¿<e&CeesÓheŠ me=°dJeeÓÓoew leemeg JeerÙe&ceJeeme=peled ~~

hejce yeÇÿe keâer heg®<eesòece cetefle& pees meebKÙe kesâ heÛÛeerme leòJeeW mes he=Lekeâd nw, pees meJe&$e JÙeehle nw, efveieg&Ce Deewj Meevle nw, Jen peue ceW me=ef° kesâ yeerpe keâes me=efpele keâjlee nw~ Gmekeâer ØeLece me=ef° efnjCÙeieYe& kesâ ™he ceW Øekeâš nesleer nw~ me=ef° kesâ Deeefo ceW GlheVe nesves kesâ keâejCe Gmes DeeefolÙe keânles nQ Deewj Gme DeeefolÙe mes me=ef° DeejcYe nesves kesâ keâejCe Gmes metÙe& keânles nQ -

efnjCÙeieYee&s YeieJeeves<e ÛÚvoefme he"Ÿeles ~10DeeefolÙees ¢eeefoYetlJeeled ØemetlÙee metÙe& GÛÙeles ~~

metÙe&efmeæevle kesâ Fme Mueeskeâ keâe DeeOeej Jeso ceW Fme Øekeâej nw - efnjCÙeieYe&Š meceJele&lee«es YetlemÙe peeleŠ heeflejskeâ Deemeerled SJeb metÙe& Deelcee peielemlemLeg<e§e ~ efnjCÙeieYe& mes DenbkeâejleòJe keâer Glheefòe nesleer nw~ Fme DenbkeâejleòJe keâes metÙe&efmeæevle ceW yeÇÿee mes GlheVe cetefle& keâne ieÙee nw~ yeÇÿe leòJe kesâ ceve mes DeekeâeMe leòJe keâer Glheefòe leLee ›eâceMeŠ JeeÙeg, Deefive, peue Deewj he=LJeer keâer Glheefòe nesleer nw~ FveceW Skeâ-Skeâ iegCeeW keâer Je=efæ nesleer nw~ Ùen heÃeceneYetle keâe efmeæevle meebKÙe Deewj Jesoevle mes efceuelee nw -

DeLe me=°Ÿeeb ceve§e›esâ yeÇÿeeÓn¿ejcetefle&Ye=led ~ ceveme§evõcee pe%es metÙee&sÓ#Ceesmlespemeeb efveefOeŠ ~~cevemeŠ Keb lelees JeeÙegjefivejehees Oeje ›eâceeled ~

11iegCewkeâJe=æŸee heÃesefle ceneYetleeefve peef%ejs~~

Fme Øekeâej nce osKeles nQ efkeâ hetCe& hejyeÇÿe mes GlheVe efnjCÙeieYe& Deewj Gmemes GlheVe Ùen mecemle me=ef° Skeâ met$e ceW Skeâ™he JÙeehle nw~ FmeerefueS Ùeled efheC[s leod yeÇÿeeC[s keâne peelee nw~ Fmekeâe ieefCeleerÙe ØekeâšerkeâjCe metÙe&efmeæevle ceWb ngDee nw~ metÙe&efmeæevle ceW he=LJeer keâer heefjefOe 21 npeej 6 meew keâuee ceeveer ieÙeer nw~ meebKÙeMeeŒe SJeb ÙeesieMeeŒe kesâ meeLe-meeLe yeÇÿemet$e cebs Yeer meebkesâeflekeâ ™he mes Øeefleheeefole nw efkeâ Skeâ mJemLe JÙeefòeâ Skeâ Denesje$e ceW 21 npeej 6 meew yeej Õeeme ueslee nw~ Skeâ mJemLe JÙeefòeâ 4 meskesâC[ ceW 1 Õeeme ueslee nw~ 60 meskesâC[ DeLee&led 1 efceveš ceW 15 yeej Õeeme ueslee nw~ 60 efceveš DeLee&led 1 IeCše ceW 900 yeej Õeeme ueslee nw~ 24 IeCšs ceW 21 npeej 6 meew yeej Õeeme ueslee nw~ ceveg<Ùe keâe Mejerj Skeâ efheC[ nw Deewj he=LJeer Yeer Skeâ efheC[ nw~ ceveg<Ùe keâe mecyevOe he=LJeer mes nw Deewj he=LJeer keâe mecyevOe Fme meewjceC[ueerÙe yeÇÿeeC[ mes nw~ Fmekeâe Yeer ØeceeCe Skeâcee$e ieefCele«evLe metÙe&efmeæevle Øemlegle keâjlee nw~


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le=leerÙe leLÙe Š ceveg<Ùe, he=LJeer Deewj yeÇÿeeC[he=LJeer mJeleŠ Skeâ Denesje$e ceW npeej meew yeej Õeeme uesleer nw~ Gmekeâer mevleeve ceeveJe

Øepeeefle Yeer he=LJeerceelee kesâ leguÙe Õeeme Skeâ Denesje$e ceW uesleer nw~ DeleŠ keâne ieÙee - ceelee YetefceŠ heg$eesÓnb he=efLeJÙeeŠ ~ he=LJeer ceelee nw Deewj ceveg<Ùe Gmekeâer mevleeve nw~ Skeâ Denesje$e ceW he=LJeer keâe pees mecyevOe efnjCÙeieYe& metÙe& mes yevelee nw, Jen Deeies yeÌ{lee ngDee yeÇÿee kesâ Skeâ efove ceW hetCe&lee keâes Øeehle keâjlee nw~ yeÇÿee kesâ Skeâ efove ceW oes keâuhe nesles nQ Deewj Gvekeâer DeeÙeg meew Je<e& keâer nesleer nw~ Fme Øekeâej mes Fme FkeâeF& keâe ieefCeleerÙe mebJeæ&ve efvecveefueefKele mJe™he keâes «enCe keâjlee nw -

21600 x 2 x 100 = 4320000 (leQleeueerme ueeKe yeerme npeej) Ùen mebKÙee ÛelegÙeg&ie ceeve kesâ leguÙe nesleer nw~ Skeâ ÛelegÙeg&ie ceW melÙegie · 1728000 Je<e&, $esleeÙegie · 1296000 Je<e&, Éehej Ùegie · 864000 Je<e& leLee keâefueÙegie · 432000 Je<e& neslee nw~ Fve meYeer keâe Ùeesie · 4320000 (leQleeueerme ueeKe yeerme npeej) Je<e&~

Ùeefo ceveg<Ùe Skeâ Denesje$e ceW 21 npeej 6 meew yeej Õeeme ueslee jns lees Jen meew Je<e& keâer DeeÙeg Øeehle keâjsiee ~ Ùen DekeâešŸe Jewefokeâ efmeæevle nw pees pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe kesâ Éeje ØeceeefCele nw~

ÙeesieMeeŒe kesâ Devegmeej Skeâ efceveš ceW Skeâ Õeeme DeefOekeâ uesves hej 25 Je<e& keâer DeeÙeg Iešleer nw Deewj Skeâ efceveš ceW Õeeme keâce uesves hej DeLee&led cee$e 14 Õeeme uesves hej 25 Je<e& keâer DeeÙeg yeÌ{ peeleer nw~ DeeÙeg Deewj Õeeme kesâ Fme mecyevOe keâes meebKÙeMeeŒe, ÙeesieMeeŒe Deewj Oece&MeeŒe leerveeW Øeefleheeefole keâjles nQ~ heâueleŠ ceveg cenejepe ves cevegmce=efle ceW keâne - $e+<eÙeŠ oerIe&mevOÙelJeeled oerIe&ceeÙegjJeehvegÙegŠ ~ pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe keâe ieefCele«evLe metÙe&efmeæevle yeÇÿeeC[ mes mecyeefvOele efJe<eÙeeW keâer ieglLeer keâes meguePeeves keâer #ecelee jKelee nw~ Fme «evLe kesâ Deeueeskeâ ceW Ssmes Deveskeâ ØeceeCe Øemlegle efkeâÙes pee mekeâles nQ pees pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe keâes JesoeÁ keâer keâesefš ceW ueekeâj KeÌ[e keâjves keâer DehetJe&lee jKeles nQ~ FveceW mes kegâÚ mebkesâle efvecveJeled nQ - metÙe& keâe cevo heefjOÙebMe Deewj he=LJeer keâer heefjefOe keâe Ùeespeveelcekeâ ceeve leguÙe Deelee nw~ FmeceW kesâJeue Ûeej Ùeespeve keâer Je=efæ metÙe& cevo heefjOÙebMe ceW nesleer nw~ Ùen leLÙe efmeæ keâjlee nw efkeâ metÙe& keâe cevo heefjOÙebMe Deewj he=LJeer keâer heefjefOe leYeer leguÙe nes mekesâieer peye Ùes oesveeW efheC[ efkeâmeer kesâvõ mes yeBOe keâj mebÛeeefuele neWies~ Fmeer lejn Skeâ Deewj efJeue#eCe mebkesâle Øeehle neslee nw - he=LJeer kesâ ceOÙe Yeeie ceW ceOÙeces® nw pees he=LJeer keâes MetvÙe De#eebMe hej Úsoles ngS DeÂMÙe neskeâj Devevle DeekeâeMe ceW Ûeuee ieÙee nw~

ÛelegLe& leLÙe Š metÙe&efmeæevle «evLe ceW pÙee keâe Øeefleheeovecenef<e& meekeâuÙe kesâ JeÛeve keâes ØeceeCe ceeveles ngS metÙe&efmeæevle «evLe ceW pees 24 pÙee

meeefOele ngF& nQ GveceW Deefvlece 24JeeR pÙee 3438 keâuee nw~ FmeceW heefjJele&ve keâjves keâer keâesefMeMe Deveskeâ peefšueleeDeeW keâes GlheVe keâjleer nw Deewj DevleleŠ 3438 keâuee keâer he=LJeer keâer ef$epÙee kesâ ™he

21 6


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ceW yeÇÿeeC[ mes mecyeefvOele efmeæ nesleer nw~ ef$epÙee keâes efÉiegefCele keâjves hej he=LJeer keâe JÙeeme 6876 keâuee neslee nw~ heâueleŠ 21600 ceW 6876 mes Yeeie osves hej pees heeF& keâe ceeve efvekeâuelee nw Jen 3.141361256 Øeehle neslee nw~ Ùen ceeve DeeOegefvekeâ ceeve mes FmeefueS mJeuhe Devleefjle neslee nw keäÙeeWefkeâ FmeceW yeÇÿeeC[ kesâvõ ces® keâe ieefCele pegÌ[e jnlee nw~ Fme Øekeâej mes nce keân mekeâles nQ efkeâ Devevle yeÇÿeeC[ mes ceveg<Ùe keâe mecyevOe leLee ceveg<Ùe mes hejyeÇÿe keâe mecyevOe ieefCeleerÙe heæefle mes efmeæ keâjves kesâ keâejCe pÙeesefle<eMeeŒe JesoeÁ nesves keâe DeefOekeâej Øeehle keâjlee nw~

keâeue keâe efveÙeecekeâ keâewve ?JÙeeJeneefjkeâ ™he mes keâeue keâe efveÙevlee metÙe& nw~ metÙe& keâer pÙeesefle mes ØekeâeefMele meewj

ceC[ue kesâ mecemle efheC[ Deheves Yeeie hej efove Deewj jeef$e kesâ he=Lekeâd-he=Lekeâd ceeve mes Ùegòeâ nesles nQ~ meYeer efheC[eW kesâ Denesje$e Deueie-Deueie nesles nQ~ he=LJeer hej Ùen Denesje$e Ûeewyeerme IeCšs (<eef°Iešer) keâe nw~ $e+ef<e ceevÙelee kesâ Devegmeej he=LJeerueeskeâ keâe meerOee mecyevOe Åegueeskeâ mes yevelee nw~ DeleŠ JesoeW ceW YetŠ, YegJeŠ, mJeŠ Fve leerveeW ueeskeâeW keâe SkeâmeeLe efJevÙeeme neslee nw~ he=LJeer Ûelego&Me YegJeve keâer veeefYe nw~ JesoeW ceW Fmes ÅeeJeehe=efLeJeer keâne ieÙee nw~ he=LJeer hej metÙe& kesâ keâejCe efove Deewj Ûevõcee kesâ keâejCe Megkeäue he#e keâe DeeJeòe&ve neslee jnlee nw~ metÙe&, Ûevõ Deewj he=LJeer Fve leerveeW keâe mecyevOe yeÇÿeeC[ keâer DeeÙegheÙe&vle megJÙeJeefmLele yevee jnlee nw~ Je=nod Gukeâe heleve Deeefo yee¢e Øeeke=âeflekeâ nmle#eshe Fve efheC[eW keâes og<ØeYeeefJele veneR keâj heeles nQ~ $e+ef<ecele mes Gme hejceelcee kesâ YeÙe mes yeÇÿeeC[ kesâ Yeerlej keâesF& Yeer efheC[ Deheves DevegMeemeve keâe heefjlÙeeie veneR keâjlee~ peye keâuheevle neslee nw DeLee&led 4 meew 32 keâjesÌ[ Je<e& yeerleles nQ leye Skeâ yeÇÿeeC[ keâe meceeheve neslee nw~ yeÇÿee Fleves ner Je<eeËs kesâ efueS MeÙeve keâjles nQ ~ yeÇÿee kesâ MeÙeve keâeue ceW yeÇÿeeC[ keâer Yeeweflekeâ ogefveÙee DeÂMÙe jnleer nw~ Deye ØeMve G"lee nw efkeâ yeÇÿee keâer jeef$e efkeâme metÙe& kesâ ØekeâeMe kesâ keâejCe meceehle nesleernw~ ÂMÙe Yeeweflekeâ ogefveÙee lees nesleer ner veneR, efheâj keâewve peieelee nw yeÇÿee keâes ? ÙeneR hej $e+ef<e Gòej osles ngS keânlee nw efkeâ yeÇÿeueeskeâ ceW efpeme ØekeâeMe kesâ DeeefJeYee&Je mes yeÇÿee keâer efveõe Kegueleer nw Jen ØekeâeMe Õesle JeCe& keâe neslee nw, Gmes yeÇÿeØekeâeMe keânles nQ~ metÙe& keâe ØekeâeMe mJeCe& JeCe& keâe neslee nw Deewj yeÇÿe keâe ØekeâeMe Õesle JeCe& keâe neslee nw~ Õesle JeCe& keâe ØekeâeMe DeefJeveeMeer neslee nw leLee mJeCe& JeCe& kesâ ØekeâeMe keâer Deheveer megefveef§ele DeeÙeg nesleer nw~

me=ef°meebKÙe keâe ØeefleheeoveFme he=LJeer hej pees kegâÚ Yeer keâeue mJe™he nes jne nw Gmekeâe meerOee mecyevOe Yet ueeskeâ mes

metÙe& ueeskeâ lekeâ yevelee nw Deewj metÙe& ueeskeâ mes heejces‰Ÿe ueeskeâ lekeâ hewâuelee nw~ heejces‰Ÿe ueeskeâ kesâ Deeies keâe keâeueKeC[ ceeveJe ceveer<ee keâer ieCevee mes hejs nw~ yeÇÿee keâer meew Je<e& keâer DeeÙeg hetCe& nesves kesâ he§eeled ° peieled ceW kegâÚ Yeer veneR yeÛelee nw~ Deye efJeÛeej keâjles nQ efkeâ Yet ueeskeâ keâe mecyevOe heejces‰Ÿe ueeskeâ mes kewâmes yevelee nw ?


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Demeg (ØeeCe) keâes Skeâ ceveg<Ùe Øeefleefove «enCe keâjlee nw DeLee&led Skeâ metÙee&soÙe mes ueskeâj otmejs metÙee&soÙe kesâ Yeerlej Skeâ mJemLe ceveg<Ùe kegâue 21600 yeej Õeeme ueslee nw~ Fmes met#ce efJeleefjle keâjves hej efvecveefueefKele efmLeefle yeveleer nw -

4 meskesâC[ ceW 1 Õeeme

1 efceveš ceW 15 Õeeme (60 meskesâC[ ÷ 4 · 15 Õeeme)1 IeCše ceW 900 Õeeme (60 efceveš ² 15 · 900 Õeeme)24 IeCše ceW 21600 Õeeme (1 efove · 24 IeCše ² 900 · 21600 Õeeme)Ùen Skeâ Ssmee ieefCele Lee pees $e+ef<eÙeeW keâes Deepe mes 1 Dejye 95 keâjesÌ[ 58 ueeKe 85

npeej Je<e& henues %eele Lee~ Ùeefo Ùen ieefCele Deb«espeeW keâes Deepe Yeer %eele veneR nw lees FmeceW YeejleerÙe $e+ef<e efÛevleve keâe oes<e veneR nw~ Ùen mece«e yeÇÿeeC[ Jewefokeâ ieefCele kesâ efmeæevleeW hej Ûeuelee nw~ FmeceW menœeebMe efJeÛeueve leye neslee nw peye keâeue keâer ieCevee heejces‰Ÿe ueeskeâ mes Jew<CeJe ueeskeâ ceW ØeJesMe keâjleer nw~

21600x 2x 100= 4320000 neslee nw~ FmeceW yeÇÿee keâs 2 keâuhe nQ~ Skeâ keâuhe keâe efove Deewj Skeâ keâuhe keâer jeef$e~ Ùes oes FkeâeF& nQ~ keâuhe keâer oesveeW FkeâeFÙeeB meeceevÙe efove jeef$e mes he=Lekeâd nesleer nQ keäÙeeWefkeâ FmeceW Yeeweflekeâ efheC[eW keâe DeefmlelJe veneR jnlee nw~ ceveg<Ùe peye 43 ueeKe 20 npeej Õeeme ues ueslee nw leye Gmekeâe mecyevOe metÙe&ueeskeâ mes pegÌ[ peelee nw ~ Fmeer ›eâce ceW Jen Oeerjs-Oeerjs heejces‰Ÿe ueeskeâ mes pegÌ[lee jnlee nw~

ØeeCe keâe efJemleej ØeeCeeÙeece keânueelee nw~ ØeeCe keâe efJemleej keâjves mes Õeeme uesves ceW keâceer Deeleer nw~ Ùeefo ØeeCeeÙeece Deewj OÙeeve efkeâÙee peeS lees ceveg<Ùe Skeâ efceveš ceW 14, 13 Ùee 12 Õeeme ues mekeâlee nw~ Õeeme uesves ceW efpeleveer keâceer DeeSieer ceveg<Ùe keâer DeeÙeg Gleveer ner yeÌ{leer Ûeueer peeÙesieer~ Ùeefo keâesF& ceveg<Ùe Skeâ efceveš ceW 1 yeej Yeer Õeeme veneR ueslee nw lees Jen he=LJeer keâer DeeÙeg lekeâ peerefJele jnves keâer #ecelee Øeehle keâj ueslee nw~ YeejleerÙe keâeue efÛevleve ceW Fleves DeefOekeâ jnmÙe nQ efpevnW Fme DeeuesKe ceW Yesefole keâjvee GefÛele veneR nesiee~ DeleŠ Ùen keâne pee mekeâlee nw efkeâ keâeueieCevee keâer $e+ef<e heæefle Ùeewefiekeâ nw~

mevoYe&1. Jeefme‰mebefnlee, MeeŒe™heeOÙeeÙe, 1/4 2. Jeefme‰mebefnlee, MeeŒe™heeOÙeeÙe, 1/5-7

3. Ùeepeg<epÙeesefle<e, 3 4. heeefCeveerÙeefMe#ee, 41-42

5. efmeæevleefMejesceefCe, ceOÙeceeefOekeâej, Mueeskeâ 9-12

6. DeeÛe&pÙeewefle<eced 35-36 7. metÙe&efmeæevle, 2/1

8. ßeerceodYeieJeûerlee, 14-3-4 9. metÙe&efmeæevle, 12/12-13

10. metÙe&efmeæevle, 12/15 11. metÙe&efmeæevle, 12/12-13



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"I travel with the Rudras and the Vasus, with the Adityas and All - Gods I wander

I hold aloft both Varuna and Mitra, Indra and Agni, and the Pair of Asvins . . .

I am the queen, 'the gatherer- up of treasures most thoughtful, first of those who merit worship.

Thus Gods have established me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in.

I breathe - a strong breath like the wind and tempest, the while I hold together all existence.

Beyound this wide earth and beyond the heavens I have become so mighty in my grandeur."

(Rigveda X.125)

The fragment from the Vedic hymn is both a personification and glorification of 'Vak' i.e. speech, the Word, the first creation and representative of Spirit and the means of communication between

Translation and Culture

Ratan Chouhan

THE VIKRAMArts & Social ScienceResearch Journal of Vikram University, UjjainNew Series, Vol. I, December 2018


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men and Gods. With 'Vak' or 'speech', the Vedic Rishi invokes the streams and goddesses of forceful movement of inspiration of speech, learning and poetry. Ila, Sarasvati and Bharti . . ." I sing a lofty song for she is mightiest, most divine of Streams.Sarasvati will I exalt with hymns and lauds, and O Vasistha, Heaven and Earth"

(Rigveda VII.96)Or

"May Bharati come speeding to our sacrifice and Ila hither awakening our consciousness in human wise, and Sarasvati- three goddesses sit on this blissful seat, doing well the Work." (Rigveda-Sarasvati and her consorts- The secret of the Veda Sri Aurobindo).

In the power of speech or language, there are inherent the pigments and the significant cultural patterns of a community. It is a mirroring of its socio-economic, moral and spiritual life. An insight into a particular language is an insight into a nation's inner life and trafficking from one language to another is a journeying through one culture to another culture's domain. It is a transplantation and transcreation of the tints and smells of one people to another's soils, climes, auras and odours. It is an enrichment of human experience and deepening of a sense of inner harmony. Without doubt, dangerous seas and roaring rivers and there but a romantic and healthy imagination of a mighty bridge and a ship, is there too . . .

Come in the ship of these our hymns to bear you to the hither shore:

O Ashvins, harness ye the car. . . (Rigveda I.46)and

May powers auspicious come/to us from every side./ never deceived, unhindered and victorious.That the Gods ever may be with us for our gain,/ourGuardians day by day unceasing in their care. (Rigveda I.89)


Translation and Culture

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The Vedic seer's transcendental vision is resonant with the burden of a prophecy. It's deeply humane. Translation is a bridge of cultures.

Fire is latent in wood, fragrance is latent in a flower, soul is latent in body. Striking this chord, some intellectual, spiritual and ethical drives fashioning the course of a civilization vaguely suggest what we term as culture. Barring the immense 'possibilities of the grafting and marriage of cultures, the stripping off of the primordial and indigenous nature of cultures is like that of the snatching away of the silk work from it's cocoon. The two are inseparable. A desperate move in this direction will leave to us a bare skeleton. The spirit is flitted past. Not disallowing the indigenous nature of a culture, there's always and there will be always a larger room for the broadest meaning that culture fall into. E. M. Forster's classic A Passage to India in its gorgeous edifice and deep suggestiveness imprints on us and the readers abroad that India is a mystery. India in its splendid equipage of diverse cultures, ancient and modern and multitudinous languages, regional and national dialects innumerable, baffles even a scholar of an encyclopedic range. It's a study for a life and life to come. The oriental and occidental cultures, the cultures throwing their kaleidoscopic threads over the globe present no small a challenge. But as mentioned earlier, there is a single spirit that charges all the cultures of the world. It's their deep sense of humanity. With all their fine efforts to assert and preserve their individual force, they dream and cherish certain values of life. And here 'March of humanity', 'March to happiness' is their talisman. They speak one language; one tongue is theirs- a language of love, a language of compassion.

Translation is an exploration of the inner life of cultures. It isn't a drill or mental acrobatics. A thirst of beauty, cravings of love, anxieties of a mother, aspirations of a father, a brother's concern over a sister, agonies of a broken heart, torrents of pity, volcanoes of anger, monster of jealousy, the flashing sword of valiance, troubling dreams of a healthier and a happier world, a rapture and an ecstasy at the sight of the haunting loveliness of Nature, are wide


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spread in the commonest humanity. Their vocabulary is same, one is reminiscent of the first book of Moses called Genesis and of that beautiful sentence, "And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech." The Bible speaks, "And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language." Symbolically the tower of Babel is to be built again. Lord confounded the language of the early fathers, that they may not understand one another's speech. He scattered them abroad upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Holding in reverence the divine decree, in the modern chaotic world, a certain oneness of soul and language is to be reached at. The tributaries of the mighty Ganga should flow backwards to the fountain-head the Gangotri.

A civilization is imperiled when it loses the vision of life. According a warm welcome to Bill Gates and Rupert Murdoch explosion of information technology, hacking or unauthorized access to computer data, dreaming of colonization on the Mars, gigantic leaps in bio-technology and cloning, nuclear deals, most sophisticated chemical weapons of human killing, the great commotion of global market and global economy and the new horizons, borrowing a phrase from the Communist Manifesto of 1848 in the changing contexts "A Spectre is haunting the world." "Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; / Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world. / The blood-dimmed tide id loosed and everywhere/The ceremony of innocence is drowned; /The best lack all conviction, while the words/The full of passionate intensity" ("The Second Coming" The Collected Poems of W.B. Yeats 85).

"Mussolini is always right," "From now on I demand from everybody no matter who he is, that he devote his entire self to the authority of the National Socialist State. In the future there is to be only one authority, that of the State", "We command the State. The Leader is the Party and the Party is the Leader,:" "The whole character and education of the true National state must find its apex in racial instruction. It must brand the sense of race and the feelings of a race in the instincts and the understanding of the hearts and brains of the youth entrusted to it." In the twenties and thirties of the last century Mussolini, Goering and Hitler darkened


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the skies bellowing out fumes of Fascism and Nazism, racial hatred, blatant militarism and the terrorist dictatorship. Europe steeped in blood and genocide.

But art succumbed not. Poetry didn't give in. Brecht wrote "Will there be singing in dark times./Yes there will be singing of dark times" ("Motto" Bertolt Brecht Poems 1913-1956). Paul Eluard, Louis Arango, Lorca, Ralph Fox and many others, against the onrush of totalitarian form of government, the fascist State and the Nazi doctrines erected a dyke of humanism. They did build Resistance. Our times are far more troubled. "Once more the storm is howling./That the future years had come./Dancing to a frenzied drum,/out of the murderous innocence of the sea" (Yeats 159). Unto the world torn by hatred and jealousies, struggle for the daily bread and the haunting shadows of ignorance and starvation, frantic dreams and fanaticism, writers like Francis Fukuyama and Samuel Huntington, professing the end of history and clash of civilizations drive to dismay. Poetry gushing from the heart ("My heart is a red-red rose"- Nazin Hikmet), word, ever being translated and transcreated, whether it comes from the Rigveda, the holy Quran or the Bible or Brecht or a Paul Eluard would and make a move against philosophies with a conspiracy against mankind. Translation ought to be drum-beating. It's in the region of Malwa standing on the hill-top, the tribal-chief beats the drum, when it's a precarious hour. The rhythm stirs the glens and the foothill and hundreds and hundreds bands of tribes emerge like gods of forest with their axes and catapults. "That's the rising of the woods of Birnam."

Brutes and the barbarous haven't shaped the course of history. The fine flowers of history have blossomed out of the blood and sweat, selfless sacrifice and martyrdom of saints, seers, visionaries, architects, sculptors, painters and musicians of the world. No Adolf Hitler but Pablo Piccasso, no Goebbels but Rilke will ever bear a torch to humanity. It's the moral uprightness, tolerance, deep sympathies, the highest idea of life, noble dreams, love profoundest, righteous anger, broad understanding and a great aesthetic sense, that are the lovely petals of the multi-foliate rose of culture. It's here that the fragrance of history is sought after.


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A study of the inter-relationship of translation and culture lays bare a significant part that creative translation played and is yet to play in deepening the understanding of the civilizations and intensifying the sense of inner-harmony of culture amongst the people of the world. No less delightful and demanding is translation-work, when it's an odyssey into distant seas under distant skies. Every culture has its own complex pattern. The gossamer of a culture allows only an ingenious translator to move into it. Hence, translation is a force of disseminating great thoughts and ideas and translation as an art, a technique is superb and sensible.

"The Vedas belong to the history of the world and India. As long as long man continues to take an interest in the history of his race and as long as we collect in libraries and museums the relics of former ages, the first in that long row of books will belong forever be the Rigveda . . . . As in its original language we see the roots and shoots of the languages of Greek, and Latin, of Kelt, Teutonic and Slavonian. So the deities, the myths and the religious beliefs and practices of the Vedas throw a flood of light upon the religions of all European countries before the introduction of Christianity. As the science of comparative philology could hardly have existed without the study of Sanskrit, so the comparative history of the religions of the world would have been impossible without the study of the Vedas." Scholars like Max Muller, Macdonell, Griffith translated the Vedas into European languages and set Europeans' imagination aflame. The Moghul Prince, Dara Shikoh, in the seventeenth century, saw to it that the Upanishads were translated into Persian. From Persian the work was translated into French and then into Latin. Shopenhaur read it and a new light dawned upon him. Shelley's "Refutation of Deism" in 1814 and Karl Marx writings on India in 1853 bear the stamp of it. Europe learnt to see India in a new light. India emerged as a torch-bearer. It was a marriage of two minds, two peoples and two civilizations.

Hebrew and Sanskrit, without doubt, are the oldest languages of the world and incomparable in their wealth of


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literature. But even today the two are not merely scholars' puzzle but also an ordeal as far as the lovers of books are concerned. It is through the masterly translations that their beauties and grandeur, the ideals and values glorified in them have been unlocked to millions of readers all over the world. It is at the fountain-head of translation that they have bathed in the beauty of the original and glimpsed the mighty train of thoughts embodied in them. It is here that they must have come to appreciate what Milton spoke of a great book. "A great book is precious life-blood of a master-spirit embalmed and treasured-up, on a purpose life beyond life" (The Prose of John Milton).

Market is the sole arbiter. Ours is the capital-oriented economy. Imperialistic forces masquerading democracy goaded on with a Tamerlane's or a Macbeth's passion for power and Jew of Malta's or Shylock's lust for wealth, have pounced upon the world in a tiger's fury and torn it into hatred and jealousies. Of course, in this gruesome attack, they themselves are being wounded and bleeding. There is hissing out the cobra of terrorism. Innocent children are being orphaned and wives are being widowed every morning. Macbeth says "All the perfumes of Arabia cannot sweeten this little hand of mine. It smells blood" (Macbeth 70). The entire scene is steeped in blood. The head is full of scorpions. Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza and a series of blasts from World Trade Centre to the Bombay blast, bear evidence. Nuclear threat is at the door. It is at this crucial moment that we think of culture-front and some principles and values of life that ought to be cherished. The oldest literary document in existence Rigveda as translated by Griffith upholds such principles and values, the hymn "Panis and Sarama" a colloquy between Sarama, the messenger of the Gods or of Indra and the Panis or envious demons who have carried of the cows or rays of light which Indra wishes to recover, cites a beautiful instance The Panis address Sarama who has found her way to be rocky stronghold in which the stolen cows are imprisoned. "What wish of Sarama hath brought her hither? The path leads far away to distance places./What charge hast thou for us? Where turns they journey? How hast thou made thy way over Rasa's waters./ I come


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appointed messenger of Indra, seeking your ample stores of wealth, O Panis./This hath preserved me from the fear of crossing./ Thus have I made my way over Rasa's waters." These are the kine which Sarama, thou sleekest./ Flying, O Blest One to the ends of heaven./who will loose these for thee without a battle?/Yea, and sharp-pointed are our warlike weapons./ . . . . Paved with the rock is this our treasure-chamber: filled full of precious things of kine and horses./These Panis who are watchful keepers guard it./In vain hast thou approached this lonely stations./ Even thus, O Sarama hast thou come hither forced by celestial might to make the journey./Turn thee not back, for thou shall be our sister;/O Blest One, we will give thee of the cattle."/"Brotherhood, sisterhood. I know not either. . the dread/Angirases and Indra know them./They seemed to long for kine when I departed/Hence, into distance, be ye gone, O Panis," 'Bag-barons' to use Ruskin's coinage, by dint of their 'million have seized upon all the means of production, all the resources, all the creative powers of life. They have imprisoned the sun. A terrible battle is to be fought before 'the cows, the rays of the light are set free. Sarma, confident of the forces of light, disdains the demons' offer of 'sisterhood' and is uncompromising in her heroic move. It is moral courage, rectitude and selflessness that one emerges finally victorious.

Demons have not only imprisoned kine and horses and precious things in the rocky stronghold, but also in the global market manoeuvred so well that Beauty, Art and Nature and folk-songs too, treat themselves as commodities. Catwalk, ramp and fashion-shows, portfolios and photo-sessions denude woman's inner comeliness and grandeur. Hashish, heroine and marijuana-addicts, dollar-drunk barons, in an orgy have long before forgotten that sex is meant for procreation and that woman is not merely a body but a soul also. In 'Pururava-Urvashi episode', in Griffith's translation of the Rigveda, Urvvashi, the nymph of heaven snaps off her relations with the infatuated Pururava, " Pururava return thou to thy dwelling: I, like the wind am difficult to capture./Thrice in the day didst thou embrace thy consort though coldly she received


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thy fond caresses./To thy desires Pururava I yielded; so wast thou king. O hero, of my body." When Pururava says "Thy lover shall flee forth this day forever, to seek, without return, the farthest distance./Then let his bed be in Destruction's bosom./and there let fierce rapacious wolves devour him." Urvashi knows that kings like Pururava delight more in sensual pleasures. Hence, she is a real fierce-souled lady. She speaks out, "Nay do not die, Pururava nor vanish:/let not the evil-omened wolves devour thee/With women there can be no lasting friendship:/hearts of hyenas are the hearts of women." It is true Pururava meets her afterwards and in vain implores her to return. At last she relents, and in due time, a son is born to them. Glorification of motherhood, that is the object of the Vedic Poet. "When will the son be born and seek his father?/Mourner-like will he weep when first he knows him?" The great mother Urvashi, with all the stateliness and dignity of a woman, wards off Pururava's cares; "I will console him when his tears are falling: he/shall not weep and cry' for care that blesses./That which is thine, between us, will I send/thee. Go home again, thou fool; thou hast not won me." Has man really won woman? Hundreds of years have gone by. The question is yet to be answered.

Not that the Vedic Rishi appreciates not the charms of a

woman's body and the joys of the earth. Here Apsaras unlock their

treasures to mortals. "When, loving these Immportal Ones, the

mortal hath converse with the nymphs as they allow him./Like

swans they show the beauty of their bodies, like horses in their play

they bite and nibble." In 'Vis-akapi' Woman speaks of her proud

possessions. "No Dame hath ampler charms than I, Or greater

wealth of love's delights./None with more ardour offers all her

beauty to her lord's embrace. . . My breast, O Mother, and my head

and both my hips seem quivering. . . Dame with the lovely hands

and arms, with broad hair-plaits and ample hips. . .". 'Yama and

Yami', son and daughter of Vivasvan as their names denote are

twin brother and sister. There is a curious dialogue between them.

Yami implores her brother to make her his wife, and Yama declines

the offer because as he says, "they have called it a sin that a brother


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should marry his sister, "I, Yami, am possessed by love of yama,

that I may rest on the same couch beside him. . ./In heaven and

earth the kindred Pair commingle./On Yami be the unbrotherly act

of Yama . . ./. . . is he a Destruction cometh?/Forced by my love

these many words I utter./Come near and hold me in thy close

embraces". . ."I will not fold mine arms about thy body they call it

sin when comes near his sister/Not me, prepare thy pleasures with

another. . ./. . .Not me, O fair one-seek another husband and make

thine arm a pillow for they consort."Sure there will come

succeeding times when brother and sisters will do acts unmeet for

kinsfolk." Yama-Yami dialogue, of course, is an expression of a

passion but moral inuection and a prophetic note, are there

embedded in the words of the brother."Extolled in song, O heaven and Earth, bestow on us, ye

mighty Pair, great glory and high lordly sway/whereby we may extend ourselves ever over the folk;/ and send us strength that shall /deserve the praise of men." . , "Bring the Immortal god who strengthen holy law: So let our sacrifice reach the gods." There reigns a moral order and a code of conduct. Incestuous love is denounced and gambling too is deprecated, "Play not with dice: no, cultivate thy corn land. Enjoy the gain, and deem that wealth sufficient/There are thy cattle, there thy wife. O gambler./So this good Savitar himself hath told me." Stock- exchange and Casino working like madness in the blood, have extinguished many a fire-side. But it is all a part of the economic structure that results in a crash- a sad song of a millionaire's undoing and a white-collar's doom.

Henry Hudson writes; "Geoffrey Chaucer is the morning star of Renaissance; John Wycliffe the morning star of Reformation. From Hebrew the Holy Word, journeyed into English. Thanks to Wycliffe and the scholars of his school, that the Holy Bible, in English reached innumerable homes and hearts".

"Man that a is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble/He cometh forth like a flower and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow and continues not. . ./For there is hope of a tree if, it be cut down, that it will sprout again and that the tender branch


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thereof will not cease./ Though the root thereof wax old in the earth and the stock thereof die in the ground;/Yet through the scent of water it will bud and bring forth boughs like a plant./But man dieth and wasteth away: yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he? . . . O that thou wouldest hide me in the grave, that thou wouldest keep me secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me'/If a man die shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait till my change come" Or "My god, my god why has thou forsaken me? Why art thou so far from helping me and from the words of my roaring?/O my god, I cry in the day time, but thou hearest not: and in the nigh season and am not silent: or "Unto thee will I cry, O Lord, my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if thou be silent to me. I become like them that go down into the pit./ Hear the voice of my supplications when I cry unto thee, when I lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle./Draw me not away with the wicked and with the workers of iniquity; which speak pace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts" Or "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want./He restoreth my soul: he leadth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake./Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:" or "Learn to do well: seek judgement, relieve/O the oppressed: judge the fatherless plead for the widow." Or "Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders: but thou shall call thy walls Salvation and thy gates praise." Or "For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are down in it to spring forth: so the Lord god will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations." It is this great moral fervor, the sweep, the verve and the splendor of poetry charged with deep humanity and earnestness that has revolutionized the political history and the letters of English race. It' something of the bible that Cromwell, a Gandhi, at the helm of political affairs blows a bugle agains tyranny and proclaims a march to democracy; English poetry would have lost much of its colour, force and gusto had the Bible remained inviolable in Hebrew. Milton's Paradise Lost is the Bible translated into poetry.


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Religion transforms itself into aesthetics. The book of Job, The Book of Psalms, Isaiah are the adornments of human culture.

"And remember Moses prayed/For water for his people;? We said: "Strike the rock/with thy staff." Then gushed forth/There from twelve springs./Each group knew its own place/For water./So eat and drink/Of the sustenance provided by Allah./And do no evil nor mischief/On the earth." Or "those who believe (in the Quran)./And those who follow the Jewish (scriptures)./And the Christians and the Sabians,/And who b e l i e v e i n A l l a h / A n d t h e L a s t D a y . / A n d w o r k righteousness./Shall have their reward/With their Lord on them/Shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve." Or "And behold. We said to the angles:/"Bow down to Adam; and they/bowed down:/Not so Iblis: he refused and was haughty:/He was of those who reject Faith" and "Do ye enjoin right conduct/On the people and forget(To practice it) yourselves./And yet ye study the Scripture? /Will ye not understand?"

'Man-the very word has a proud ring', Gorky wrote in our times. The Quran is gorgeous celebration of Gods' supreme creation-an. A deep reverence for other religions and scriptures, fellow-felling, hatred of Iblis and its dark schemes, deceit and violence-that's the Quran's teaching as it comes to us in English translation from the Arabic and that's the need of the hour. Huntington talks of the clash of civilizations. Israel makes a move against the Philistines. Jesus Christ is silhouetted against Mohammad. Islam is being presented in the lurid light. The Quran speaks otherwise. There's a deep affinity, bonds of love amongst all te religious creeds. Thanks to the translators, that they pen windows into vaster skies.

"Much have I travelled in the realms of gold/And many goodly states and kingdoms seen;/Round many western islands have I been/which bards in fealty to Apollo hold./Oft of one wide expanse had I been told/That deep-brow'd Homer ruled as his demense:/Yet did I never breathe its pure serene/Till I heard Chapman speak out loud and bold:/-Then felt I like some watcher of the skies/When a new planet swims into his ken;". (Literature in


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English) Keats' vision was broadened and he was left aghast when a world of Greek beauty and romance was unfolded before his eyes when he read Chapman's translation of Homer into English. Homer rode Pegasus; Yeats wrote in the twentieth century. Renaissance, as we read was a quest of beauty, knowledge and wealth. It was a revival of learning. The Elizabethan drama is a fine flower of Renaissance. Sophocles, Euripides and their great predecessor Aeschylus, in their dark tragedy of fate, in their superb and classic delineation of man's heroic struggle against the inscrutable forces of doom and destruction, reached the Elizabethan masters of drama Marlowe, Shakespeare, Webster in English translation and we came to have Marlowe's mighty line, a Dr. Faustus with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge illimitable and the myriad-mined Shakespeare with his profound humanity and a Hamlet who is born to set right a world disjointed. The German masters translated Abhigyan Shakuntlam and the world came to know the great Kalidasa and the heights that India reached in dramaturgy. Greek masters and Shakespeare reached India and the dramatist of B.V. Karanth's stature presented them on the stage. That's how we enjoy a confluence of cultures and have an insight into man's dignity.

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point however is to change it." Marx remarked. The tumultuous twentieth century made its advent with dreams to transform the world. Iconoclasm shook the foundation-stone of the old statues. October Revolution came. World War I and World War II disfigured Europe and Asia. Disintegration set in life. The delirium, something of a nature of trauma, something like the schism in the soul had already made itself felt in the air that the great Russian artists, French poets and novelists, German thinkers seismographically recorded in their works. The century gone by saw a tremendous work of translation in all the departments of human knowledge. 'Tolstoy's works mirror the Russian Revolution, Lenin spoke. Gogol, Anton Chekhov, Dostoyevsky paint not merely a diseased society but also the dreams of a state tyrant-free and creative. Alexander Blok Russia's greatest poet


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welcomed the Boshevik Revolution. The revolution inspired his most famous poem. 'The Twelve'. 'To day I am a genius' he wrote in his notebook after the completion of the poem. "Black sky grows blacker./Anger, sorrowful anger/seethes in the breast . . . .black anger, holy anger.'/"The wind plays up: snow flutters down./Twelve men are marching through the town./Their rifle-butts on black slings sway./ . . . freedom, freedom,/down with the cross!" Blok's poem's beauty and human significance lies in his denunciation of 'religion' that is hand in glove with the crown.' He has a deep regard for the true religion. The revolutionaries march forward, ahead of them goes Jesus Christ. The cultural import of the poem is conspicuous in the present political scenario where relgion is being politicized and gods are being defiled. Brecht's dramas like The Caucasan Chalk Circle and Mother Courage, Gorky's stories like "the Old Izergil" and "The Music of the Falcon" and the memorable Mother advocate the great values of life, despite the fact that translation has lost a little of the thrust of the origina. Pablo Neruda, the noble-laureate of Chile writing in Spanish and Ferenc Juhasz, the Hungarian poet have grappled on an epic level with the questions of time. Ferench Juhasz speaks of the dehumanization of science. "The boy Changed into a Stage clamours at the Gate of Secrets, paints how human ties are broken and the boy is changed into a stage. The metamorphosed lad cries out, "Each branch of my horns/is a coil of gold rings/each twig of each branch/is a candlestick, cluster. . ./each prong of my antlers a twin-legged pylon/each branch of my antlers a high-tension wire."

"I do not want to be the inheritor of so many misfortunes,/I do not want to continue as a root and as a tomb./as a solitary tunnel, as a cellar full of corpses,/stiff with cold, dying with pain." Or "Treacherous/generals: /see my dead house,/look at broken Spain:/from every house burning metal flowers/instead of flowers." Pablo Neruda a full-blooded man feasting on life's exuberance and splendor raises his voice against the oppressors of humanity, the dictators trampling the democratic rights and freedom.


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Auden spoke of the twentieth century as the Age of Anxiety. But it's in this age of anxiety that one saint-poet of India was singing a song of devotion. Maxmuller's translation of the Vedas created a stir in the Western world. Tagore himself translated Gitanjali into English. Once again the sensible scholars and the poets, the people who had eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts that feel, experienced the press of beauty that India should in clothed in. "Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high/. Where the stream of truth loses not its way in the sandy desert/Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection.' It's this world that the poet dreams to open his eye in. It's the dream of humanity. It's the dream of all cultures. Unfruitful is the labour of the translators, if they cherish and pursue not this dream. It's here that oneness of all cultures is realized. It's here that we come to have a feel of the oneness of the language. 'Ganga is the ever-flowing an ever-changing river of India and yet the same Ganga'. Nehru writes in his testament. The great continuum of literature and culture-from Rigveda to Rabindranath Tagore bears a testimony.

"Life is alike a dome of many-coloured glass, stained with the white radiance of eternity, until death tramples it to fragments." The Shelleyan Platornic strain and imagery, with due apology to Shelley, may well be used when we speak of an integrated vision of life, a quest of the seers, poets and writers of world sensibility and our dark apprehensions of its dissolving into a void. Disintegration of a civilization is a troubling questions, not only on a global plane but at home also. And it's here that we are exposed to the challenges of translation in regional languages, along with the foreign languages. In terms of culture, we often talk of Indiannness, from the lofty Himalayas to the enchanting Cape Comrin from the Malabar shore-line to the boundaries of Myanmar, one people, one nation, one spirit. Major translation work in post independence era has deepened this consciousness. Sahitya Akademi Delhi's publication Indian Literature brings forth translation of poetry in English from all the prominent languages of India. 'Hindvi' or Hindi, in its very origin, is of national charcter, a tongue of Mother India. Some quite notable magazines of Hindi like 'Pahal',


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'Vasudha', 'Sakshatkar', 'Alochna', for couhtless readers of Hindi have published in transltion not merely the African and European poets but also the poets of Bengali, Marathi, Kashmiri, and Urdu and Guajarati. The revolutionary poet of Bengal, Sukant Bhattacharya and the Marathi, Nadeo Dhasal strike a chord in the heart of the rest of India. Vijaya Tendulkar and Girish Karnad's dramatic works have deeply provoked the Hindi audience. But the dream hasn't come true-a dialogue is yet to take a shape.

Only Ulysses can bend the bow of Ulysses. A translator's sensibilities are at par with the poet's sensibilities. But since he works in more than one language, his scope is greater. He is sensitive to the odour and tints of the languages, at his fingers tips and to the warm and woof, colour, pattern and the complexities of a culture. An encyclopedic range of knowledge is a fine tool of a translator at work. Translation is a life-time vocation. A Maxmuller, a Griffith is an answer to enthusiastic student's questions on the art of translation, "With sacrifice the trace of Vak they followed and found her harbouring within the Rishis. /They brought her, dealt her forth in many places:seven singers make her tones resound in concert./One man hat never seen Vak and yet he seeth:/One man hath hearing but hath never heard her./But to another hath she shown her beauty as a fond well-dresses woman to her husband."

ReferencesMilton, John. The Prose of John Milton. Selected and edited by J. Max Patrick.

Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1967.Rig-Veda-Samhita: The Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans, Vol.1. F. Max Muller (Ed.)

Commentary of Sayanacharya. Varanasi: The Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 1966.

Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. Ed. A. W. Verity. New Delhi: Surjeet Publications, 1988.

Whittome, Elizabeth. Cambridge International AS and A Level: Literature in English. London: Cambridge University Press, 2014.

Willet, John and Ralph Manheim. (Eds.) Bertolt Brecht Poems 1913-1956. New York: Routlege, 1987.

Yeats, W.B. The Collected Poems of W.B. Yeats. London: Wordsworth Poetry Library, 1994.


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IntroductionDemocracy is the dominant political system in the twenty

first century. In continuation it doesn't have a history of more than two centuries. After the demolition of Soviet Union and fall of communist governments in Eastern Europe, globalisation and democracy became worldwide. Democracy is one of the oldest governing system in the world. The Oldest known democracy in the sense of choosing the ruler by People can be found in 599 BC at Vajji, Vaishali in ancient India. It had its existence in the Greek city states in the form of direct democracy. It was not a perfect system as Plato criticised it on the ground that it is rule by mediocre. The original word for democracy is in French 'democratie' and it made its entry into English in the sixteenth century. its origin is Greek. It is derived from 'demokratia' meaning demos(people) and 'kratos' (rule).David Held(1987,2) defines, "Democracy means a form of government which, in contradiction to monarchies and aristocracies, the people rule. Democracy entails a state in which there is some form of political equality." It is government or rule by the people. J. Lively(1975,30) explains the meaning of rule by the people,

THE VIKRAMArts & Social ScienceResearch Journal of Vikram University, UjjainNew Series, Vol. I, December 2018

Democratic Theory

Naresh Dadhich

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"First,that all should govern, in the sense that all should be involved in legislating, in deciding on general policy, in applying laws and in governmental administration. Second, that all should be personally involved in crucial decision making, that is to say in deciding general laws and matters of general policy.

Third, that rulers should be accountable to the ruled; they should, in other words, be obliged to justify their actions to the ruled and be removable by the ruled.

Fourth, that rulers should be accountable to the representatives of the ruled.

Five, that rulers should be chosen by the ruled. Six, that rulers should be chosen by the representatives of

the ruled.Seven, that rulers should act in the interests of the ruled." After the decline of Greek city states, governance was done

by empires and the medieval period was definitely anti democratic. French Revolution resurrected democratic spirit and rule by the People again became a slogan in the political area. Democracy started taking roots in nineteenth century and gradually expanded to far places in the world. Twenty first century is the century of democracy. Of the 167 countries examined (in 2017) on the basis of democratic index,115 are some sort of democracy. Democracy has many forms, patterns and models in theory and practice. There are many thinkers who have contributed in democratic theory to make it rich and viable political theory. These thinkers include among others Montesquieu, Rousseau, Thomas Paine, Jefferson, J S Mill, Tocqueville, Sartori, Robert Dahl, David Held, Amy Gutmann and Larry Diamond. As far as definition of Democracy is concerned, Abraham Lincoln is credited with popular definition of democracy as, "government of the People, by the People, and for the People."and he asserted that democracy, 'shall not perish from the earth'.A contemporary version of democracy is ," modern political democracy is a system of governance in which rulers are held accountable for their actions in the public realm by citizens, acting indirectly through the

Democratic Theory

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competition and cooperation of their elected representatives." (Schmitter, Philippe C. and Karl Terry Lynn 4) It is somewhat similar to Robert Dahl's conception of polyarchy that supports regular free and fair elections, adult suffrage, and extensive civil and political liberties. The added characteristics are: between elections citizens through cooperation and competition should be able to influence the process and outcome of policies of the government through diverse nonelectoral means like social movements and interest groups.

Waves of Democracy There are waves of democracy in the history of mankind. There are periods when because of various causes, democracy emerged as a viable political system in many countries. The beginning of these periods is known as wave of democracy. The first wave is supposed to begin in USA when white males (qualified) got the right to vote in the early nineteenth century. In this period there were 29 democracies in the world, the number reduced to 12 in 1942.The second wave began after Second World War. The victory of democratic forces gave boost to democracy and resulted in 36 democracies in 1962. (The third wave, term popularized by Samuel Huntington in 1991), began in 1974 with Carnation Revolution in Portugal. This wave of democratization swept Latin America, Asia Pacific Countries and regions, East Europe and sub Saharan Africa in 1980s.The number of democracies crossed over 100.Some scholars believe that the fourth wave started with Arab Spring beginning in 2010 when in some Arab countries dictatorship were over thrown by violent or nonviolent revolutions. Some countries like Egypt reverted back to dictatorship and others are struggling to remain democratic. There are democracies like constitutional democracy, deliberate democracy, guided democracy, basic democracy, people's democracy, radical democracy and others.

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Deliberative DemocracyIn the post Rawlsian era, democracy is classified in two

categories.One, that is associated with Rawls and other liberal egalitarians, is constitutional democracy. The other one is deliberative democracy. The idea is that while running democracy, whether we want to give importance to legal aspects of it or to people. In another sense one can argue out that the difference is of liberal and non liberal elements. A liberal democracy is primarily governed by pubic reason manifested in constitution, written or unwritten and protection of rights of individuals as enshrined in law. With the advent of democracy in non liberal states and consequently emergence of non liberal democratic values, democracy is viewed more and more as politics by discussion and deliberations. Radical democrats consider liberals's insistence on public reason and constitutionalism as imposition of limit on public debate and deliberations. Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson(1996) express their concern over constitutionalism and as an alternate supports deliberative democracy which is about widening the scope of public debate and its importance in policy making beyond what is allowed by liberalism. They are concerned about the prior limits on public debate by liberal principles (eg. Bill of Rights and Judicial Review).They ask this question that whether public deliberation by and about politics be controlled in the name of public reason. The term "deliberative democracy" is believed to be coined by Joseph M. Bessette (Joseph M. Bessette 1981) and later elaborated it in his book (1994).Later on the term became popular in the literature of political theory and was adopted by many theorists in their writings. These theorists of deliberative democracy include John Rawls, J.Habermas, Jon Elster, Joshua Cohen, S.Benhabib, Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson. Hannah Arendt is also concerned about the discursive aspects of politics. She argued out that in a democracy adequate institutional arrangements should be made for smooth public participation and open discussions as these activities are essential to counteract pressure from state and market. J Habermas is considered the most ardent articulator of deliberative democracy in recent times. He linked it with the

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concept of popular sovereignty. He argued out that democracy gets its legitimacy more from collective wisdom of the people than from constitutional arrangement. For systematic presentation of collective wisdom, it is necessary that some institutional arrangement may be made in democracy.

Deliberation provides corrective measures in democracy. It helps in continuing dialogue on an important issue helping in wider consultation before arriving at a decision. It also lessens our dependency on legal provisions and voting alone for safeguarding our democracy. It is also necessary for providing multiple alternatives of solutions for any given public issue. It also gives more importance to the argument than to the player who put forward that argument, thus minimizing unequal treatment to citizens. It also enriches content of public policy by providing more information and newer perspectives. Deliberative democracy is sometimes also called discursive democracy. For success of deliberative democracy it is necessary to have a justification of the exercise of collective power emerging from deliberation. It also demands commitment on the part of citizens to accept and follow this requirement of justification. A favourable political and social framework is also required for freedom to deliberate. The decline of Soviet Union and other communist regimes resulted in waning of Marxist lexicon in academic discourse and in prevailing liberal context left preferred to side with deliberative democracy.

Deliberation is often appealed for broadening the base of stakeholders of public policy especially encouraging inclusive policy giving more space to marginalized, isolated and ignored groups. It is also used for encouraging multiple hearing of dissent, minorities and downtrodden. Leftist political voices demand for inclusion of various mechanism of deliberations in democratic structure and make it an agenda for electoral reform. Deliberative democracy is generally envisaged as an alternative to Rawlsian liberalism. Although interestingly Rawls claims that his version of constitutional democracy is the real deliberative democracy. John Rawls (1993,13-14) says that, "there are three essential elements of deliberative democracy. First, an idea of public reason. Second, a

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framework of constitutional democratic institutions that specifies the setting for deliberative legislative bodies and Third, knowledge and desire on the part of citizens generally to follow public reason and to realize it's ideal in their political conduct." Habermas does not agree with Rawls's claim that his version of liberalism represents essence of deliberative democracy. He clearly distinguishes Rawlsian democracy from legitimate deliberative democracy. The basic issue that is raised by deliberative democrats is that majority of political conflicts are manifestation of moral conflicts and that is why they cannot be resolved by political structures only. The issues of affirmative action, welfare measures, environmental protection, equitable development are of vital concerns for citizens and consequently they should be involved in policy making about these issues.

Deliberation is such a process which help citizens to achieve this goal. Deliberative democrats demand to establish such institutional practices and structure which help citizens to deliberate. The liberals on the other hand are more concerned about issues of protecting fundamental rights and liberties and upholding principles of Justice. Democrats have expressed their concern that constitutional democracy is not giving serious thought towards moral disagreement. Liberals would like to leave moral disagreement for Judiciary and inadvertently encourage judicial activism. Judiciary may deal with moral issues in an objective and constitutional way but it does not represent General Will and hence lacks the capacity or authority to examine the moral issues from citizens's perspective. The moral issues should be settled politically and democratically and for that a wider deliberation by citizens is fruitful. Moral disagreement is part of political life and is not completely destructible under best of circumstances as people may have rigid and incompatible values or selfish understanding of issues. But deliberations, even if it does not create consensus, certainly contribute in making democracy lively.

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Democrats consider reciprocity to be the essential characteristic of deliberative democracy. Reciprocity is the prime virtue responsible for maintenance of social norms. It is the capacity and intention to respond with positive action for positive action thus rewarding kind actions. Politically it means that reciprocity is based on the principle of equality. Gutmann and Thompson (1996,55) argues that, "In deliberative democracy the primary job of reciprocity is to regulate public reason, the terms in which citizens justify to one another their claims regarding all goods."In case of moral disagreement, it is accepted in deliberative democracy that dissidence should be morally accommodate to enhance moral respect of the regime. Citizens should also be taught that they should rise above their narrow selfish or sectional interest and accommodate those who disagree with them. This can be done only when we value mutual respect which is more positive than mere toleration. It is more positive because it is proactive in interacting with dissidents. This interaction creates such atmosphere where an improved understanding between diverse views is possible. With reciprocity, transparency is also necessary in framing of public policies. Any political action is not morally justified which is not open to scrutiny and the reasons for the action are public in nature.

It can be said that deliberative democracy encourages citizens and public officials to engage in public debate. Gutmann and Thompson(1999,9-10) identify four benefits of deliberative democracy: "First benefit is to help promote the legitimacy of collective decisions. In a process of distributions of goods some persons will be left out or at least they will feel that they have not got what they deserve. Deliberative democracy may rightfully claim that the process of making a decision regarding distribution of goods was a reasonable one in which every party was given opportunity to put their claim and the final decision was taken by considering all claims reasonably well. It may thus provide legitimacy to the collective decision. Second, deliberation is meant to encourage public-spirited perspectives on public issues.

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Citizens are encouraged to think in terms of common good and moral deliberations take priority to power politics and bargaining. Thirdly, one more purpose of deliberation is to promote mutually respectful decision-making. Different moral values are sometimes difficult to complement each other and to reconcile many moral conflicts is impossible. The practice of deliberation helps citizens and public officials recognise the merit in their opponents' claim. Fourthly, deliberation should also help democracies correct the mistakes of the past. No decision on public issue should be considered final as our understanding of a complex social issue is limited and so channels should be remained open for future reconsideration on the issue." Deliberation gives opportunities for such considerations.

For deliberative democracy, Gutmann and Thompson (1996,244) point out three broad substantive principles as starting points-liberty, basic opportunity, and fair opportunity. These principles do-not emphasise practice of deliberation as necessary or sufficient element for deliberative democracy. Gutmann and Thompson(1996,244) argue out, "our theory of deliberative democracy expresses a set of principles that prescribe fair terms of cooperation. The most important principle is reciprocity, which says that citizens owe one another justifications for the laws they collectively enact. Other principles specify terms of cooperation that satisfy reciprocity. The theory is deliberative because the terms of cooperation take the form of reasons that citizens or their accountable representatives give to one another in an ongoing process of mutual justification." They believe that deliberative democracy helps in sustaining democracy as when citizens participate in procedures of decision making, they tend to overlook moral disagreement and accept outcome of political bargaining. Constitutional democrats on the other hand give importance to judicial interpretation of constitution and believe that other things are not important in a democracy including deliberation. For deliberative democrats, moral disagreements are very important in a democracy and are serious about finding solutions for this

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problem. Gutmann and Thompson (2004) mention four characteristics of deliberative democracy.

First,in a democracy how so ever the decision is legal, authentic, supported by majority; decision maker has to justify his action or decision by deliberating upon it and defending it by reason. It is called reason-giving requirement. The moral basis of democracy demands that democracy is rule by people and people should participate in every decision making which affect them and they should be given respect of an active participatory citizen and not merely as inactive subjects to be ruled by their representatives in executive and legislature. A reason based political system like democracy invokes justification of decisions in rational terms and people expect this from the government and deliberation provides them with such an opportunity. Second, the reasons that are furnished in this process should be approachable to all the citizens of of democracy. These can be accessible in at least two ways.1.The deliberation should take place in public where questions can be raised and discussion incorporating different and diverse viewpoints can take place.2.The content of the reasons should be comprehensible to public at large. This also involves a right to information especially to seek independent experts' opinion about the issue under deliberation.

Third, the process of deliberation should aim at making a decision that is binding for some period of time. In this sense the process is different from an academic seminar or chat show. Here the arguments and discussion is not for the sake of deliberation only but a clear object is to discuss matter in a systematic and directed manner where the aim is to formulate a decision for communication to decision makers with a wish to amend the policy in the light of the outcome of deliberation. It is in one sense a pre decision- making exercise.

Fourth, deliberation does not stop after a particular decision is taken. It may take a new turn but deliberation continues in one sense or other. On the basis of these four characteristics Gutmann and Thompson(2004,7) define deliberative democracy,"as a form of government in which free and equal citizens (and their

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representatives), justify decisions in a process in which they give one another reasons that are mutually acceptable and generally accessible, with the aim of reaching conclusions that are binding in the present on all citizens but open to challenge in the future".If we define deliberative democracy in such a way, it is obvious that the concept is very dynamic. The good thing about it is that it's decisions are time bound and because of continuity in deliberation democratic decisions are under constant review and with changing circumstances decisions can be modified, altered or even reversed as per requirement. In a constitutional democracy, decisions can not be modified with such ease.

The origin of deliberative democracy can be traced back to Greek City States and their form of direct democracy where citizens took great interest in the affairs of state(In fact Aristotle puts active participation in the affairs of state as condition for citizenship) and every decision which affects public was deliberated upon by citizens. In deliberative democracy a continuing process of reasoning between citizens or their representatives take place till they arrive at a mutually agreed decision. One can say that deliberative democracy is the modern version of direct democracy. In Athens, Pericles and Aristotle acknowledged the importance of process of deliberation or pubic debate before any decision of pubic importance is taken. This wider consultation was considered a supportive measure before expert group can discuss the issue and give their opinion. In the medieval period consultation before decision of Monarch was confined to a small group of advisors. In the modern period Edmund Burke praised Parliament as a sufficiently capable institution for deliberation and rejected the demand of public debate raised by French Revolutionaries for national policies. In the nineteenth century, John Stuart Mill suggested that a government by discussion is a good government. In the early twentieth century John Dewey, A D Lindsey and others used deliberation or discussion in a democratic sense. These writers argued out in different ways that public debate on issues of national importance help democratic government to function smoothly. There are some advantages of deliberative democracy.

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First, it incorporates scientific and systematically formed public opinion about any public issue because it gives ample time to all the parties concerned, to understand the issue and form opinion about it with adequate knowledge about it.

Second, it is more likely to provide conditions of impartiality and rationality for making morally correct decisions. Carlos Santiago Nino, the Argentine philosopher, propagated this when he elaborated his "epistemic justification" of deliberative democracy, arguing that validity of moral norms are better provided by democratic deliberation than by private preaching. James S. Fishkin developed a method for implementing the idea of deliberative democracy. He developed a method for conducting deliberative polling. Deliberative polling is based on random sampling of citizens and to explore if and how citizens change their opinions if they are more informed. It is based on the theory of public consultation for gauging public opinion. James Fishkin and his team successfully conducted deliberative polls in various countries including US, Australia, Greece, Britain and others. Fishkin believes that the framers of American constitution wanted to make deliberation as an important part of constitutional laws so that public opinion can be ascertained in a refined and knowledgeable way before a decision of public importance is taken by the state. The constitutional convention, senate and Electoral College were part of filtration process of public opinion. The rise of political parties has adversely affected this deliberative process as political parties are more interested in power and office than in public opinion or participation in decision making. To overcome this problem, American statistician George Gallup, invented the Gallup Poll a successful statistical method of survey sampling for measuring pubic opinionand on the basis of this poll in 1936 correctly predicted, from the replies of only 50,000 respondents, the result of of that years American presidential election, in contradiction to the widely respected Literary Digest magazine whose much more extensive poll based on over two million returned questionnaires got the result wrong.

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George Gallup declared that this poll would bring direct democracy of a board meeting in a room to the scale of whole nation.The newspapers and radio would provide platform for debate and organise them reminding of small towns meeting of citizens in person and people having heard all arguments will decide and express their will. The limitation of this poll has come to surface in its seven decade long history. Fishkin points out three limitations:

Firstly, individual's indifference to national issues when he thinks that his opinion in a million's voice will not make any impact and he has pressing issues of immediate personal interests and thus succumbs to what Anthony Downs says rational ignorance.

Secondly, the respondents take the survey lightly and give their opinion about fictional facts also without any thinking.

Thirdly, people normally choose soft options in the sense that they would like to discuss issues with similar opinionated people and avoid unpleasant disagreements. Fishkin claims to have answers to all three problems in his Deliberative Polling which he has tried almost 50 times in different conditions from USA to China. Whereas conventional polling is a one stage affair, Deliberative polling has several steps, starting with conventional poll and end with a selected 300-400 respondents spending weekend together with experts of the field (for which opinion is sought) and supervised by a control group trained in conducting polls. All types of polling including deliberative one are challenged for their authenticity by social choice theorists citing Arrow's impossibility theorem which demonstrates that no voting system can possibly meet a certain set of reasonable criteria when there are three or more options to choose from.

Deliberative Democracy vs. Aggregative DemocracyOne of the objective of deliberative democracy is to offer an

effective alternative to aggregate democracy which was supported initially by Joseph Schumpeter (1947) as a true, effective and viable democratic model and has since been a dominant idea in the later half of twentieth century. The argument was that the classical

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notion of democracy had become inadequate in new realities of popular sovereignty and there is a need to understand democracy by emphasising aggregation of interests and for which people vote regularly hence democracy in operative sense, according to Schumpeter, is the system in which people have the opportunity of accepting or rejecting their leaders through an electoral process.

Anthony Downs(1957)further developed this model emphasising empirical verifiable facts about democracy in contrast to classical normative theory of democracy. Democracy was being viewed as an instrument rather than a value and popular participation was rather discourage as it helps in dysfunction of system by creating chaos and confusion. Democracy can run smoothly by giving free hand to political parties to organise themselves and indulge in bargaining and compromising interests of their voters and order and stability will follow helping in maintaining constitutional legality and democratic system. If defined in this way democracy is dissociated with normative principles.

The Revival of Normative Political TheoryWith John Rawls in 1971also resulted in revival of interest in

normative dimension of democracy first initiated by Rawls himself and later on forcefully argued out by Habermas and deliberative democracy gained importance Even accepting plurality of interests Rawls believed that an overlapping consensus (deeper than merely procedural consensus) is possible and a general moral parameter can be formed to judge democratibility of any existing democracy. While deliberative conception asks for public justification for decision taken, aggregate democracy takes preferences as given on count of support of aggregate votes. Once electorate has given votes to its representatives on the basis of reason there is no need to question the wisdom of the representatives and send back suggestion to people again for deliberation. The considered preferences may be altered or modified but not on the grounds of reason but on the ground of utility or suitability to the output .It is assumed that people vote on the basis of reason and hence once the

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representatives are elected they will also decide on the basis of reason and so there is no need to deliberate again and again on an issue. Political parties represent various interests defined by rationality and their representatives in legislature may be given free hand in deciding policies. Supporters of deliberative democracy argue that people don't cast their vote on the basis of reason only but give their preferences on other criteria also, like, regional ,language, ethnic considerations This results in election of representatives a non rational process and hence the need for deliberative politics. Even if the representatives are elected on rational basis there is no guarantee that they will behave in rational manner only and to check their non rational behaviour, deliberative politics is necessary. But it is not that aggregative conception has no advantage. It has many advantage.

First,it produces determinate outcome at least theoretically. The election result yields definite decision which is quite advantageous at least in those circumstances where rational disagreements cannot be resolved by reason. Deliberative democrats on the other hand are more concerned with the process.

Second, it relies on relatively uncontroversial procedure to resolve disagreement. Because of majority's approval, it can be said that it provides certain methods of approaching decisions that expresses the views of majority of citizens. Irrespective of these advantages, aggregative democracy has serious limitations. First, by accepting majority's support as it exist at the time of election, it reinforces the existing power relations in the society and worse does not give public chance to intervene in it at least in some vital issue by giving them an opportunity to deliberate. Second, it does not provide any chance or method to change the way of aggregation itself. The differences between these two types of democracy clearly show that for a fuller democracy both types are necessary.

Rawls vs. Habermas Deliberative Democracy has many versions and these can

broadly be divided into two main categories.( Chantal Mouffe

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2000)The firstis lead by Rawls and Joshua Cohen and second is led by Habermas and Seyla Benhabib. This division of approaches does not hide the fact that both of them have certain things in common in promoting the idea of deliberative democracy.

First, Both Rawls and Habermas believe in workability of liberal democratic model refuting all claims that liberalism and democracy cannot go together. While Rawls is trying to combine Lock and Rousseau, Habermas's objective of his procedural theory of democracy is to express commonality between individual rights and popular sovereignty.

Secondly, both agree that state and its actions should be based on some form of normative rationality in content. Rawls calls this quality of normative rationality as reasonable and for Habermas it is communicative rationality. Rawls believes that this quality is derived from his two principles of justice and Habermas's emphasised on the procedurals' approach for moral discourse of democracy. Seyla Benhabib (1996, 70) enumerates features of such a discourse." First, participation in such deliberation is governed by norms of equality and symmetry; all have the same chances to initiate speech acts, to question, to interrogate; and to open debate; Second, all have the right to question the assigned topics of the conversion; and Third, all have the right to initiate reflexive arguments about the very rule of the discourse procedure and the way in which they are applied and carried out. There are no prima facie rules limiting the agenda of the conversation, or the identity of the participants, as long as any excluded persons or group can justifiably show that they are relevantly affected by the proposed norm under question."

Deliberation means that discussion is held between equal and rational beings who apply public reason to discuss issues and to communicate rationally. It is thus important to find ways (institutional and procedurals) to provide such conditions in which such deliberation can take place. Benhabib(1996,69) explains, "According to the deliberative model of democracy, it is a necessary condition for attaining legitimacy and rationality with regard to collective decision making processes in a polity, that the

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institutions of this polity are so arranged that what is considered in the common interest of all results from processes of collective deliberation conducted rationally and fairly among free and equal individuals." Rawls and Habermas differ on three important aspects of deliberative democracy.

First, John Rawls (1993) argues that his liberalism is political liberalism, which provides adequate conditions for an overlapping consensus in the public sphere where shared conception of justice is possible. Here it is possible to leave areas of social, religious and philosophical convictions in which people may have irreconcilable differences. Here again democratic traditions can follow and deliberations to form overlapping consensus is encouraged. Habermas criticises this position of Rawls and argues that Rawlsian notion of the reasonable and person necessarily involves the questions of truth and rationality that he avoids. Habermas (1995,217) on the other hand claims that as his notion of deliberative democracy is procedural and does not involve substantive questions of truth and moral convictions. Secondly, in the relationship between individual rights and democratic participation, Rawls gives preference to rights while Habermas emphasises democratic participation.

Thirdly, for Rawls the key issue is justice while for Habermas it is legitimacy. Both these thinkers may differ in their approaches but they earnestly want that liberal democracy should succeed of which deliberation be an important part.Forms and Issues of DeliberationWithin deliberative democracy there are differences over values and scope of deliberation. A.Gutmann and D.Thompson(2004,21-30) have indicated three such differences: First, Instrumental or Expressive: democrats do not agree about the nature of deliberation as whether it is of instrumental value for arriving at good decisions or it denotes expressive value by justifying the ultimate decisions. These two views are not antagonistic to each other. Any good theory of deliberative democracy will incorporate both.

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Second, Procedural or Substantive: Proceduralists hold that the rules should apply to the process of making political decisions in the government. They believe that democratic theory is primarily a procedural theory as democracy is defined by the manner in which governed choose their rulers and substantive issues of individual liberty or rights although important for functioning of democracy, should not be part of democratic theory. Deliberative democrats favour a more substantive conception of democracy argue that procedure principle is inadequate to provide rational grounding for deliberative democracy as a good workable and agreed procedure e.g. majority rule may yield policies which are against the interests of minority. Aim of deliberative democracy is to provide reason for any public policy to the citizens so that they can willingly follow it. This contrast is reflected in Rawls and Habermas in their respective discourses on deliberative democracy.

Third, Consensual or Pluralist: Some deliberative democrats who are communitarians believe that the search for a common good is essential part of any democratic theory as deliberation is aimed at arriving at consensus about common political interest as far as possible. The search for common goal is a moral commitment of people, which they fulfil despite their differences in identities. Others believe that it is not always desirable to seek common good, as there are certain moral disagreements that cannot be resolved because these disagreements are based on inherent plurality in human nature.

Criticism of Deliberative DemocracyDeliberative democracy is not without its critics. Michael

Walzer (1999,58-69) argues that deliberative politics does not accommodate the non deliberative political activities like political education, organisation, demonstration, statement, debate, bargaining, lobbying, campaigning, voting, corruption, fund raising, and ruling; these and not deliberation, are at the center of democratic politics. Placing too much emphasis on deliberation may actually be considered anti political bias. Deliberation defined

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as "reasoning together" where reason is qualified by reciprocity, publicity, and accountability. Deliberation has an important place in democracy but not an independent place.It depends on other activities which are not controlled by it. It is argued that too much emphasis on deliberation presents an idealized picture of democratic politics. Frederick Schauer (1999,17-27) for instance complaints that idealized deliberative procedure as sketched by Gutmann and Thompson is incompatible with practical politics of non idealised condition. He further argues that there are at least four viable alternatives to deliberation that are successfully commonly employed in working democracies.

First is non deliberative preference measurement, possibly by public opinion poll but more commonly by secret ballot. In this measure deliberation may precedes the actual voting but it is not a centralist proposition in the preference measurement.

Second alternative is expert or elite decision-making. It is assumed that as some people are better carpenters or better peasants so might some people be better policy makers or even moral reasoners than others.

Thirdly the deliberation may take place within a specific group like a legislature. The public is not perceived as the best group to do the actual deliberating.

Fourthly, there are procedures for decision making that are open for public but are not necessarily deliberative such as referendum or plebiscite. There are procedures that are deliberative but not necessarily public as the conferences of the Supreme Court.

These different alternatives are as much democratic and efficient in decision making as deliberation is and can be opted out in a practical and non ideal world where live in. Ian Shapiro(1999,28-38) argues that deliberators do not pay much attention to the ways that moral disagreements are shaped by differences of interest and power. The debates over distribution of public funds and priorities fixed on that are generally dominated by vested interests and decision taken in the debates are not always rational as wished by deliberators. The public awareness

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campaigns are misguided by vested interests and deliberations are derailed by them in wrong direction. It is true that deliberators do not claim that deliberation will end all moral disagreement in public but they do believe that in most of the public policy debates people will eventually accept and agreed upon mutually beneficial policies. It turns out to be a false belief in many cases as public debates are not so idealistic in reality and are full of character assassination, self-seeking bargains and temporary truce. It is not that public debates are not welcomed but rational decision don't come out of these because powerful players in the debate try to form the rules of public debate through the financial contribution they make available to politicians or through the power of vote banks. Sometimes it is also necessary to keep secrecy about the decision making process of an important but controversial matter. That helps in deciding a matter on merit and thus public deliberation is not encouraged. William A. Galston (1999,39-48)gives three warnings about the use of deliberative democracy especially of the variant advocated by Gutmann and Thompson.

First, deliberatorssay that the aim of deliberation is to find fair terms for social cooperation. The problem is that the phrase social cooperation tends to suggest a common course of action that all citizens must pursue but in practice there are other equally legitimate forms of cooperation, including agreements to disagree that exist. Second, there are different kinds of "public claims". Individuals may argue and they should argue in this manner according to deliberators that public, as a whole should a particular course of action. But they may also argue as evident from practical examples that the issue to be debated should not be treated as a public interest matter in the first place, or that even if it is a legitimate public matter, some individuals and groups may be exempted from obeying the general decision.

Third, the public deliberation requires that the terms and content of public debate should be "accessible" to all the citizens."But this accessibility is highly restrictive. It is especially true for such liberal state where the level of religious belief and

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consciousness is high (e.g.USA) and it is thus futile to assume that citizens will indulge in public debate only on the basis of rational arguments. In this context Rawlsian notion of public reason becomes important whose interpretation is at the core of this question of accessibility. A liberal democracy must have the Will and strength to defend and articulate its corevalues that include things that are required for maintaining civil order, justice and the basics of human development and it gives priority to liberty. It has also tried to give adequate response to the challenges posed by revealed religions by a principle rebuttal to allow religion to dominate political order or to let politics invade and dominate religion. Galston (1999,47) concludes by saying that, "By contrast, Gutmann and Thompson's brand of deliberative democracy seems almost indifferent to this delicate but vital balance. In the name of democracy, it verges on a kind of republicanism that diminishes the claims of liberty. In the name of deliberation .it verges on a kind of rationalism that denies the public claims of faith." William H. Simon(1999,49-57)argues that although deliberative democracy is attractive but many people reject it. One group that rejects it is politically engaged religious fundamentalism. Another is the various forms of "identity politics" prominent in the United States especially in the Universities. Fundamentalism is explicitly hostile to deliberation, and "identity politics" is occasionally so. Disadvantaged groups feel that because of lack of power including power to convince and communicate, deliberation is not suitable for them for advancing their group interest. For them it is matter of mobilisation. A good example is of Martin Luther King Jr. who successfully mobilised African Americans and their allies and maneuvered liberal officials to accede to their demands to which these officials in principle agreed. Political mobilization often increases both the experience and articulation of the disadvantaged.

Deliberation believes that people are interested in consensus in good faith over moral disagreements but in actual practice there are atleast two difficulties in this. First, one of the disagreeing party may take position in bad faith. Bad faith means

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that either one is consciously dishonest or simply is not open to other's viewpoint. Second, the morality or otherwise of a dispute is also disputable. It is not merely the solution of a dispute that is important but how it is constituted is also important. Daniel A. Bell(1999,73-75) believes that deliberation is not always necessary for resolving political disagreements based on different moral viewpoints. Sometimes things can go wrong when public debate is prolonged. It is thus necessary to ascertain when and in what context deliberation is effective. Deliberators have not given enough thought to it. Bell points out three preconditions for effective deliberation.

First, a relatively egalitarian society is more likely to produce favourable conditions for constructive deliberation. A deeply divided society along class (bourgeois and working) or wealth lines (rich and poor) has less chances to have deliberation in good faith as people may not forget their differences and become objective enough to indulge in rational discussion to solve their moral disagreements. The proper solution here is expropriation rather than deliberation.

Second, a sense of community is necessary for effective deliberation. If people don't trust each other and consider each other as strangers on account of differences of race, religion, ethnicity, language etc. they are less likely to indulge in an effective deliberation. They should also have a firm commitment towards common political goal.

Third, if the decision making by intellectual elites is valued then deliberation will be more effective. All citizens may not have same capacity to reflect upon and apply principles of deliberation to complex cases and even representatives may not have the same caliber to discuss issues non emotionally. In this regard, House of Lords of UK comes closest to expressing the moral principles of deliberation. Here debates are elegant, and informative, but the effectiveness of House of Lords is questionable in western democracy. Bell however argues that deliberative institutions of elitist nature may have more acceptability within the Confucian

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tradition of East Asia. Stanley Fish(1999,88-102) believes that deliberation does not have a distinct point of view and that all persons can accept as reasonable and fair. Deliberation is only one important variant of liberalism with emphasis on such values as reasonableness or reciprocity, objective, impartiality or fairness.

Decline of Democracy In the twenty first century the talk of decline of democracy has started as the democracy reached its peak in 2000.The fear that too much liberal democracy is causing harm to national interest was germinated in the recent past incident of 9/11.In the USA stringent rules were being made and that led to a worldwide caution against immigration, multiculturalism and political freedom. The movement against democracy got movement and democracy started declining in 2006 and the trend is still continuing. Democracy has always been vulnerable because of internal contradictions inherent in democratic theory. Larry Diamond(2009,73-85) has pointed out three such contradictions. First between conflict and consensus. Second between representativeness and governability. Third between consent and effectiveness. There are various studies about the health of democracy in the last decade. Let me enumerate study of one of the most cited reliable source about democracy. Freedom House is a USA based institution that conducts research and advocacy on democracy, freedom and human rights. The organisation's annual Freedom in the World report which assesses each country's degree of political freedoms and civil liberties, is frequently cited by political scientists, journalists, and policymakers .In a report made public in 2018 by Freedom House, the decline of democracy score continued for the twelfth consecutive year. The global decline that began in 2006 have seen decline of 113 countries. The USA under Trump (with America first policy) has also retreated from its role as both champion and exemplar of Democracy as there is a sharp decline in American political rights and civil liberties. While defining democracy we emphasise itsbasic principles as guarantee

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of free and fair elections, freedom of press, the rights of minorities, and the rule of law. While new democracies are struggling to keep democratic values and institutions intact, the challenges within established democracies are more severe.

The rise of populist leaders in these democracies is an an alarming sign. These leaders are anti immigrant, chauvinistic and they undermine political and civil freedoms. These populist leaders acquired votes and seats in the parliament in France, Germany, Netherlands and Austria during 2017.Trump in USA and Modi in India represent the same populism. But the worst bing that has happened for democracy is that the young ones have little memory of the long struggle against fascism, colonialism and imperialism and do not value democracy. These young ones are in hurry to gain prosperity and they seem to agree to sacrifice freedom for prosperity. On the one hand democracies are retreating and on the other hand autocracies like China and Russia are exporting their non democratic or rather anti democratic ideas which contain politicised courts, intolerance for dissent, and rigged elections. Chinese President Xi Jinping recently claimed that China is " blazing a new trails or developing countries to follow".Larry Diamond (2009,4-5) supporting the thesis of growing importance of autocracies, argues that there is an 'authoritarian surge' in twenty first century which is led by the 'Big Five' authoritarian states of China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela.

These regimes are indirectly cooperating with each other by their look alike political actions to contain democracy at the global level. Andrew Nathan(2009,23-39) explains that China is working against liberal democracies in at least six ways.

First,It is powerful and gaining power at the cost of European and American power at the international level and this shows the way for non democratic countries who wish to achieve economic growth with authoritarianism.

Second, China uses foreign media to furnish its image.Third, China is a world leader in developing and teaching

the technology and techniques of censorship and political repression.

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Fourth, China helps political movements against democracies in the areas of influence in other countries.

Fifth, China provides diplomatic support, favourable economic access, and investment opportunities to authoritarian regimes that function as key economic and strategic partners.

Sixth, China systematically works with other non democratic countries to change the norms governing international organisations in the favour of non democratic practices.

ConclusionDemocracy is the dominant political system in the world

today. But the definition of democracy is quite abstract .As an idea it is accepted by everyone but how to implement it is a tough job. There are various ways to implement the idea of democracy that is based on equality, freedom and fraternity. Sometimes it is argued that the idea of democracy is not suitable for the dominant class in society which want to enjoy power without responsibility. This class innovate new ways to undermine the spirit of democracy. Constitutions are modified, electoral system is misused, public opinion is controlled installing fear or purchased by money, populism preferred over genuine policies so on and so forth. These difficulties have made thinkers to rethink continuously on saving the spirit of democracy. This results in various forms of democracy that come up from time to time. In the last few years there is decline in democracy. It is time that democracy be strengthened as this is the best form of government ever evolved in human history.

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1. Prof. Ravindra Ambadas MuleProfessor Centre for Advanced Studies in SanskritSavitribai Phule Pune UniversityPUNE - 411 007

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