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Effective OSR Program

Dec 25, 2015



This research is on planning an effective project management on handling oil spill response program either equipment or service and maintenance.
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Title Page

Table of Content ii

Acknowledgement iii

Declaration iv

Abstract v


1.1 Introduction 1

1.1.1 Project Introduction

1.1.2 Objective

1.2 Pintaria Sdn Bhd 3

1.2.1 Company Brief Information

1.2.2 Service and Maintenance Department

1.3 Safety Program for Oil Spill Response Equipment 4

1.3.1 Safe Work Practices

1.3.2 Problem Statement 5


2.1 General review 6

2.2 General Equipment Handling Safety 8

2.3 Oil spillage management system on safety 10

2.4 Decent work concepts 11

2.5 Benefit of safety program for oil spill response equipment. 12

2.6 Safety culture 13


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3.1 Methodology 14

3.1.1 Literature research

3.1.2 Information sources gathered

3.2 Creating safety program for oil spill response equipment 15

3.2.1 Health, safety and environment manual booklet.

3.2.2 Equipment handling guidelines

3.2.3 Standard Operating Procedure

3.2.4 Construct customer survey form

3.2.5 Construct employee performance benchmark

3.3 Implementation safety program for oil spill response

Equipment 16

3.3.1 Awareness training and campaign program

3.3.2 Creating safety environment workplace

3.4 Data collection, review and evaluation. 17

3.4.1 Equipment status of oil spill response equipment.

3.4.2 Customer survey analysis

3.4.3 Employee performance evaluation analysis

3.4.4 Zero accident statistics

3.5 Gantt chart 18

3.6 Consideration 19


4.1 Basic Terminology 20

4.2 Health, safety and environment manual booklet 22

4.2.1 Policy

4.2.2 Safety Management System

4.2.3 Occupational Health Management

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4.2.4 Environmental Management

4.3 Equipment handling guidelines 24

4.4 Standard operating procedure 25

4.4.1 Pre-start check

4.4.2 Safety devices check

4.4.3 Use appropriate PPE

4.4.4 Start-up Procedures

4.4.5 Running and monitoring of machine

4.4.6 Shut-down procedures

4.4.7 Housekeeping

4.5 Awareness training and campaign program 26

4.6 Collaboration 26


5.1 Scenario 27

5.2 Equipment status of oil spill response equipment. 27

5.2.1 Preparation

5.2.2 Data abstraction and arrangement

5.2.3 Problem

5.3 Zero accident statistics 28

5.3.1 Preparation

5.3.2 Data abstraction and arrangement

5.3.3 Problem

5.4 Customer survey 29

5.4.1 Preparation

5.4.2 Distribution

5.4.2 Data abstraction and arrangement

5.4.4 Respondent background

5.4.5 Problem

5.5 Employee performance evaluation analysis 30

5.5.1 Preparation

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5.5.2 Distribution

5.5.3 Data abstraction and arrangement

5.5.4 Respondent background

5.5.5 Problem

5.6 Progress summary 31


6.1 Detail analysis 32

6.1.1 Equipment status of oil spill response equipment. 32

6.1.2 Zero accident statistics 33

6.1.3 Customer survey 34

6.1.4 Employee performance evaluation analysis 35

6.2 Overall implementation 36


7.1 Objective assessment 37

7.1.1 To enhance company performance and image 37

7.1.2 To achieve value added characteristics into

Effective maintenance services offered 38

7.1.3 To boost up employee morale, confident and

safety security in performing work task. 38

7.1.4 As a documented guidelines and procedure

to ensure zero accident policy. 38

7.1.5 Safety program to improve economical

client’s budget downtime. 38

7.2 Discussion 39


8.1 Summary 40

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8.2 Recommendation 40

8.3 Conclusion 41







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By means of Allah, who are most bounteous and generous; and prayer for Nabi

Muhammad S.A.W. Praise be to Allah, I manage to complete this project paper for one of the

requirement in completing my Bachelor Degree of Technology Management.

First, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation to my

supervisor, Ir. Muralindran Kovindasamy who are constantly giving guidance, patience and

invaluable advice throughout this project.

On personal note, I would like to express my appreciation to my beloved husband (Abdul

Razak Abdullah) and children for their time and endless support throughout my studies at Open

University Malaysia. My colleague, friends and customers for their support and assistant whether

direct or indirectly contribute for completing this project paper.

Without the mention parties, it is impossible for me to complete this project paper

successfully. Hopefully this project paper will be useful and as a best guidelines for all.



March, 2011.


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I declare that this project report entitled “Effective Safety Program for Oil Spill Response

Equipment” is the result of my own work except as cited in the references. This project report

has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any

other degree.



Matric Number: 77070901614001

Date: March 2011


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Throughout the Oil Spill Response publication and report from IMO (International

Maritime Organization) or others independent sources, they are very particular in managing and

protecting our marine environment from pollution. Oil pollution does not normally involve loss

of life but a major spill can have a serious impact both on people’s livelihoods and on the

environment. Oil pollution is a threaten towards a marine environment and need to be handle

immediately and effectively for minimizing negatives impact at maritime life at sea and

shoreline. One of the aspect need to be maintain is in ensuring the equipment is effective and

efficient to use anytime. However, each Oil Spill Response Equipment from various

manufacturer do not have a unite safety program and they only provided operator manual for

each specific equipment only. The purpose of this study is to implementing safety program for

handling and operating the overall equipment. The study is conducted throughout

implementation HSE manual booklet, awareness training and structured questionnaire gathered

which include safety aspect of policies, procedure etc. Then, benchmark is gathering throughout

equipment status report, employee performance evaluation and zero accident statistics to obtain

the level of implementation of safety program at workplace. Generally, there are awareness and

understanding in implementing and enforcing safety and health regulation for Oil Spill Response

Equipment but not documented program yet.


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1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Project Introduction

I would like to have an analysis and study on my current employer i.e.

Pintaria Sdn Bhd. As for brief information, one my job description as a Head of

Service and Maintenance Department is to maintain and improve our maintenance

services offered to customer. Currently, the department is overseeing and operates

the service and maintenance program for Oil Spill Response Equipment for

Jabatan Laut Semenanjung Malaysia. Furthermore, I would like to take this

opportunity to create and implementing effective safety program for Oil Spill

Response Equipment.

1.1.2 Objective

There are five objectives that I would like to achieve in this research

which as follows: - To enhance company performance and image.

Through this safety program implementation for Oil Spill

Response Equipment will ensure that the company upgrading

performance and along with it improve company image through

customer acknowledgement and presentation performance.

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2 To achieve value added characteristics into effective maintenance

services offered.

Safety program for Oil Spill Response Equipment will be

as a value added characteristic for Pintaria Sdn Bhd effective

maintenance service program offered and it will benefit the

company for the long term and improvement. To boost up employee morale, confident and safety security in

performing work task.

Effective safety program for Oil Spill Response Equipment

will ensure employee safety and security aspect which will

improve the work performance and also the confident level and

morale of employee. For the short term, it will improve the work

performance and for the long term increase confident level and

expertise knowledge and skills. As a documented guidelines and procedure to ensure zero accident


Effective safety program for Oil Spill Response Equipment

also will help each individual who are directly or indirectly

working with the equipment better understand the hazards that can

arise in the course of their work and measures that can be taken to

prevent accidents.

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3 Safety program to improve economical client’s budget downtime.

Effective safety program for Oil Spill Response Equipment

will help improve economically client’s budget downtime and

effectively and efficiently improve the equipment performance and


1.2 Pintaria Sdn Bhd

1.2.1 Company Brief Information

Pintaria Sdn. Bhd. is one of the fastest growing and dynamic trading

company in Malaysia. Established in 1998, this company has successfully

created a name especially amongst the multinational industries and small to

medium industries at large for its excellent service and reliable safety


The company business activities involves trading and supplying of a

comprehensive range of Occupational Safety and Health equipment

ranging from environmental sampling equipment, emergency facilities

right to personal protection devices and clothing.

In addition to that, the company also provide technical backup

services for sophisticated equipment such as self contained breathing

apparatus, gas detection devices and emergency response 24 hours team,

conduct training and education program for any personal protective

equipment which requires special training and attention by the wearer.

From time to time the company also conduct demonstration and participates

in any exhibition to promote the company’s wide variety of products.

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1.2.2 Service and Maintenance Department

One of the main core businesses to Pintaria Sdn Bhd is its maintenance

services offered to Jabatan Laut Semenanjung Malaysia which maintaining

customer Oil Spill Response Equipment. Service and maintenance department

being established in 2002 to have an effective and efficient system in managing

the maintenance services offered to customer.

In ensuring the system running and operating in effective way,

management of Pintaria Sdn Bhd implementing the Health, Safety and

Environment System and Manual along with the ISO 9001: 2000 system. As a

proof of the system being effective and efficient operating, Pintaria Sdn Bhd

received a good response from customer and furthers the contract agreement with

Jabatan Laut Semenanjung Malaysia for two (2) more years maintenance services


1.3 Safety Program for Oil Spill Response Equipment

1.3.1 Safe Work Practices

In the maintenance services field, safe work practice is important to

benefit the companies and prevent accidents. Pintaria Sdn Bhd feel the

measurement and precautions to be taken on the use of personal protective

equipment, proper use of hand tools, good housekeeping and good fire safety

practices will benefit the company and employees in long term.

Few measurement and precautions taken are as follows: -

a. Produce, review and update a HSE procedures and contingency planning


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b. Execution of emergency response and others appropriate training and up

dated technical information and experience related to the work practices.

c. Enhance capability and knowledge in HSE awareness and competency


1.3.2 Problem Statement

However, a safe work practice is only for the overall activity

performance and not specifically in managing Oil Spill Response Equipment.

That is why, this project is crucial to determine and implementing the effective

safety program for Oil Spill Response Equipment.

Eventually, it will be as a benchmark in evaluating the performance of

Pintaria Sdn Bhd in managing an effective and efficient services offered to

customer. Also, documented and valuable safety information in operating and

safeguarding practice in handling or operating the Oil Spill Response Equipment.

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2.1 General review

In challenges to creating professionalism in the occupational safety and health and

also toward achieving Occupational Safety and Health Vision by Malaysia government

by year 2015, we need play more active role in supporting national OSH effort through

this provision in creating safety program for oil spill response equipment.

The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of what is known about and

benefit of implementing safety program for oil spill response equipment. Furthermore,

most of the publication and reference of oil spill response activity is only emphasize on

operation technique, guidelines on waste management and personnel safety precaution

during the response operation but not specifically safety program for oil spill response

equipment during response operation or service and maintenance activity. Moreover,

most oil and gas industry company such as Shell, Murphy Oil and Petronas creating and

emphasizing in implementing safety culture for overall operation and along with the

above reference, we will review on manufacturing industry which has a safety program

practices foundation that we can refer with.

In Shell Company, their commitment and policy reflects the integrated way work

across in the areas of health, security, safety, environment and social performance. Since

year 2000, Shell have been gradually reducing the amount of oil and oil products spilled

from operation for reason that Shell Company can control, like corrosion or operational


The control framework cover 11 area inclusive of environment, health, contractor

HSSE management, HSSE & SP management systems, personal safety, process safety,

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transport, product stewardship, projects, security and social performance. It contains a

simplified set of mandatory standards that define high level HSSE and SP requirements.

1Shell maintains leadership of the sectors in terms of environmental performance,

in the perception of Special Publics (academics, government, media, NGO’s) as

measured by the Shell Reputation Tracker.

With the above chart, it shows that in implementing safety culture in operation,

will increase their performance and credibility of the company.

In manufacturing industry, as per Toyota culture, 2the key appears in safety

practices is to be a holistic concepts which are clean, pleasant and safe environment that

cover the entire workplace that broken down into the followings: -

a. Physical work environment

i. cleanliness

ii. lighting

1 External perception of environmental performance – Environment & safety Liker, Jeffrey K.; “Toyota Culture: the heart and soul of the Toyota way/ Jeffrey K.Liker, Michael Hoseus and theCenter for Quality People and Organizations”; New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008: 264

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iii. temperature

b. Physical safe process

i. ergonomics

ii. standardized work, training and follow up

iii. early symptom investigation

c. Physiologically safe

i. safe and respectful environment

ii. cognitive simplification

iii. safety culture

d. Personal health and safety

i. effectively deal with work restriction

ii. easy access to quality medical care

iii. easy access to proper medication

So, along the way in implementing safety program for oil spill response

equipment, we must take into consideration the above aspect and also procedure of

managing safety aspect on equipment during response operation.

2.2 General equipment handling safety

Most of the oil spill response equipment is 80% machine operated and 20% is

manual operated. In servicing and maintenance of oil spill response equipment, the only

reference on operating and maintaining the equipment is through operator manual

provided by the manufacturer. However, each one of the equipment has an individual

operator manual which we are having a difficulty on managing safety program effectively

and efficiently. In order to make it works, we need to have a strong safety program

foundation for overall oil spill response equipment.

General equipment handling safety is important to prevent accident happened. As

such, with refer to Malaysia government agency of Department Occupational Safety and

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Health (DOSH) occupational statistic for year 2009 found out in manufacturer industry,

31186 victim; result in accident but non-permanent disability, 479 victim accident causes

permanent disability and 553 victims accident cause death. Most of the accident

happened because of unfamiliarity in the use of the equipment, lack of good safety

features and absence of proper procedure for the adjustment and maintenance of the

machinery which it is in motion, lack of training and knowledge about safety and the

most common one is carelessness and dawdling.

In any industry either oil and gas industry or manufacturing industry, common

general machine/ equipment handling safety has a few guidelines which are as follows: -

a. Do not leave equipment unattended.

b. Do not remove safety guards while machine is in operation

c. Do not tamper with machine and machine guards

d. Do not wear gloves when working with revolving/moving parts of machine.

e. Observe all warning signs and safe work procedures

f. Know the location of emergency stop button of the machine

g. Turn off machine after use.

Furthermore, the common practices that should be followed to avoid mishaps in

the use and operation of machine are the safe operating procedures principles which are

follows: -

a. Pre-start check

b. Safety Devices Check

c. Use of Appropriate PPE

d. Start-up procedures

e. Running and monitoring of machine

f. Shut-down procedures

g. Housekeeping

3 Occupational Accident by Sector for the Category of NPD in 2009; Occupational Accident by Sector for the Category of PD in 2009; Occupational Accident by Sector for the Category of Death in 2009;

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Subsequently, general equipment handling safety is important aspect of safety

program to be implemented and need to be taken into practice to ensure the effectiveness

and efficiency of safety program for oil spill response equipment.

2.3 Oil spillage management system on safety

During my research and review, I have a difficulty into obtaining oil spillage

management system on safety because there are no general guidelines published

specifically for oil spill response equipment. However, I got one report from International

Petroleum Industry Environment Conservation Association (IPIECA) discussing on oil

spill preparedness and response. Even though the report is discussing on management

control of spill safety on site of response operation, we can take the basic information in

creating the safety program for oil spill response equipment.

During the response operation, the issue of health and safety, both for the public

and oil spill responder, is the most critical consideration. The key to safety is to recognize

the risks from all sources and to be prepared to act accordingly. The other major aspects

when dealing with safety management is the issue may arise as a result of an accident; the

document does not attempt to deal with the aspect of the problem. Rather, it focuses on

the practical and technical safety considerations that need to be dealt with when

responding to an oil spill.

On the other side, responder can often become too involved in operations and not

to be able to take an overall view of the situation. The management team then should

appoint an individual or if necessary, a supporting team with a responsibility for safety

management in monitoring and maintaining awareness if active and developing situation,

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accessing hazardous and unsafe situations and developing measures to assure personnel

safety. 6These measures include:

Site assessment, during the initial response, in order to: document the hazard

analysis process, address hazard identification, personal protective equipment

and control zones; and identify decontamination areas. Competent personnel, that

is to say, those appropriately trained and experienced in the issue surrounding

spill safety, should be used to manage and supervise response. Local labour can

be used to support the clean-up effort provided that they are; given training in the

safety issue that are relevant to the tasks they undertake, briefed on the risks that

they will meet; and provided with appropriate safety equipment.

Developing and implementing a Site Safety and Health Plan (SSHP). Information

to develop the plan can be obtained from sources such as specific site safety plan,

hazard assessments and air monitoring data. The plan should be reviewed

regularly with regard to the safety implications of the activities proposed or in


Participating in planning meetings to identify health and safety concerns inherent

in the operation’s daily work plan.

Correcting unsafe acts or conditions through the regular line of authority,

although the safety manager should be authorized to exercise emergency

authority to prevent or stop unsafe acts when immediate action is required. The

safety manager should also investigate accidents that have occurred during


Establishing first-aid actions and medical facilities in accordance with the SSHP.

With refer the above information; safety program for oil spill response equipment

is benefitted in using the above guidelines in creating an effective program for oil spill

response equipment especially for daily activity and also during response operations.

6 Oil Spill Response Safety Guide,

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2.4 Decent work concepts

Ministry of Human Resources of Malaysia used a decent work concept as a

platform for ministries strategies in build up the human capital in Malaysia. One of the

components is to actualize “practice and dynamic concepts” in ensuring the safety and

health at workplace

With reference with International Labor Organization, the concepts involve

opportunity to work productively and received a fair salary or payment, safety and health

is guaranteed and also the benefit to family members included. Also, the prospect for

personal development and advancement along with social integrity, freedom to say loud

our opinion and restlessness, opportunity to set personal aim and direction in taking part

in decision process regarding the issue that will impact our life and subsequently be given

the opportunity and fair treatment both men and women.

In creating safety program for oil spill response equipment, it is important to take

into consideration the decent work concept to motivate and excrete all productivity and

innovative idea to build up stronger system and program.

2.5 Benefit of safety program.

The benefit of safety program can be easily noted by all safety and health

practitioner which is with maintaining the good level of safety and health at a workplace

will give a positive impact toward the company overall performance. As for individual, it

will promote the well being, respect ourselves in the entire decision making and

maintaining personnel standards of conduct befitting a professional. As a team member,

we can achieve where all team members treat others with dignity, trust each other’s and

care about the work we do. Also, forming a solid unity in commitment and achieve

highest ethical standard. As for customer, we can gain customer satisfaction, respect and


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Malaysia government believe that the success in maintaining safety program will

be one of excellent business approaches because the action will reduce fatality

subsequently maintaining skilled human capital needed to ensure company success and

prospect. 7Profitable and successful company will indirectly give a positive impact to the

country via taxation and employment opportunity. By that, maintaining good safety

program at acceptable level have a collaboration and important component towards

society development, poverty abolishment and decent work. Also, it will led to

continuous improvement and more focus on cost reduction instead of price increase as a

way to increase profits.

2.6 Safety culture

In implementing effective safety program for oil spill response equipment will

enhance implementation on safety culture within our organization and people. ‘Safety

culture’ in the content of the working environment is a set of working customs, habits,

practices that become second nature when we repeatedly work safely while guided by a

well defined set of core values that protect and promote the health and well being of the

individual and environment.

In implementing the safety program will led to productive human capital which is

a team with competitive mode if new ideas and innovative, strategic, focused and

productive in creating economic added value. Also, by management point of view will

benefit the company through long duration of cost saving, image booster and business


7 Remark by Human Resources Deputy Minister, Honorable Dato’ Noraini Bt. Ahmad at “Seminar KeselamatanDan Kesihatan Wanita Di Tempat Kerja” on 7 July 2008 at PWTC, Kuala Lumpur;

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3.1 Methodology

Project method is more in creating and implementing safety program at

warehouse base which is being provided by Jabatan Laut Semenanjung Malaysia in

enabling Pintaria Sdn Bhd provide service and maintenance of oil spill response

equipment on site. The pilot case of this study will be at Warehouse base, Jabatan Laut

Wilayah Selatan, Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas, Gelang Patah, Johor.

3.1.1 Literature research

Literature research is mostly data collection on occupational safety and

health aspects in manufacturing and aviation industry. It is due to the reason that

there are very limited publication and data related to service and maintenance of

oil spill response equipment or safety and health aspect in maintenance service of

oil spill response equipment.

3.1.2 Information sources gathered

Primary and secondary data will be gathering from the following sources

to ensure in creating an effective safety program for oil spill response equipment:

- Technical specification, operator manual and material safety data sheet for

each individual oil spill response equipment. Reference on safety tips, procedure such us lock-up and tag-out procedure,

PPE application and safeguarding machine tips.

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3.2 Creating safety program for oil spill response equipment

Safety program for oil spill response equipment will be created step by step to

ensure the employee and customer has a time in adjusting the changes and

implementation either at work schedule or work environment.

3.2.1 Health, safety and environment manual booklet.

The purpose for creating health, safety and environment manual booklet is

ensure employee and customer fully aware of what Pintaria Sdn Bhd manual

entails. In addition, this book will be assist employee taking effective measure in

implementing, controlling and maintaining safety program of oil spill response


3.2.2 Equipment handling guidelines

Equipment handling guidelines being created to ensure employee and

customer take a few measure precautions when handling or operating oil spill

response equipment.

3.2.3 Standard Operating Procedure

Standard operating procedure being creating in ensuring employee and

customer take a step by step procedure in safety, health and environment policy

and implementation.

3.2.4 Construct customer survey form

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Main topic in creating customer survey form is including the quality of

services offered, timeline and reliability of services delivered, responsive to

customer needs and communication with customer. It is to ensure the

effectiveness of safety program towards business activity and image.

3.2.5 Construct employee performance benchmark

Employee performance benchmark will be review by their job knowledge

and performance, general conduct and personal characteristic/ attribution.

3.3 Implementation safety program for oil spill response equipment

Implementation safety program for oil spill response equipment will be done

immediately and estimation pilot case implementation will take three (3) months

duration. Estimation time frame will be from November 2010 until January 2011.

3.3.1 Awareness training and campaign program

Awareness training will be a compulsory attended by employee and

invited customer to attend as an observer. Pintaria Sdn Bhd may create safety

week campaign at workplace and distribution of flayer and newsletter to inform

customer regarding this safety program.

3.3.2 Creating safety environment workplace

Pintaria Sdn Bhd will get a budget in creating safety environment

workplace such as creating safety line between work area and store area. Separate

dustbin for separate item such as paper, oil, plastic etc.

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3.4 Data collection, review and evaluation.

Data collection will be gathered and collect within three (3) months duration

which will be estimated time duration of December 2010 until February 2011. Data

review and evaluation will be estimated on February 2011 and March 2011.

3.4.1 Equipment status of oil spill response equipment.

Each month, Pintaria Sdn Bhd will submit the monthly report on service

and maintenance of oil spill response equipment to Jabatan Laut Semenanjung

Malaysia. Content of the report is inclusive of the checklist of equipment, job

information done on individual equipment and equipment status. Also, the report

regarding the training, repairing and damage equipment is being included. The

equipment status of oil spill response equipment for Jabatan Laut Wilayah

Selatan; which is the pilot case for this study will be compared with three (3)

months before the implementation which is from August 2010 till October 2010

and three (3) months after the implementation which is from November 2010 till

January 2011.

3.4.2 Customer survey analysis

Customer survey analysis will be forwarded to all customers from four (4)

regions namely Jabatan Laut Wilayah Selatan, Jabatan Laut Wilayah Tengah,

Jabatan Laut Wilayah Utara and Jabatan Laut Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan with

two (2) stages analysis. First stage analysis will be done on November 2010

(which is before the implementation) and second stage analysis will be done on

February 2011 (which is after three (3) months implementation).

3.4.3 Employee performance evaluation analysis

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Employee performance evaluation analysis will be forwarded to all

Pintaria Sdn Bhd tactical team which dealt directly in handling, servicing,

maintaining and operating oil spill response equipment. The comparison will be

done between JohorBahru base group personnel with others base group personnel.

3.4.4 Zero accident statistics

Zero accident statistics for three (3) months will be collected from four (4)

regions namely Jabatan Laut Wilayah Selatan, Jabatan Laut Wilayah Tengah,

Jabatan Laut Wilayah Utara and Jabatan Laut Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan. Also,

for Jabatan Laut Wilayah Selatan, previous three (3) months statistic will be

collected to ensure the strong result and interpretation.

3.5 Gantt chart


Week (Start October 2010)


Activity description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10











1. Selection of title and objective

2. Literature survey

3. Develop methodology

4. Sampling design and distribution

5. Pilot study

6. Data collection

7. Processing and analysis data

8. Testing and evaluation

9. Conclusion

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Gantt chart is created to ensure the progress of research/ study follows the time

frame of the estimation planning. It is also a step by step implementation on the safety

program for oil spill response equipment

3.6 Consideration

Project method is taking into consideration in researching the data, creating the

program, implementation stage and also in collecting data, review and evaluation


Others activity indirectly toward theresearch: -

a. Meeting with supervisor

b. Drafting the project paper

c. Printed report (Soft cover binding)

d. Printed report (Hard coverbinding)

e. Soft copy report (CD and casing)

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4.1 Basic Terminology

This chapter introduces to the basic terminology used on safety program for oil

spill response equipment and the activities flow created to ensure the implementation for

the program. It is important to know the terminology used in this project to ensure the

reader’s understand the program better and identify the importance of activities flow

created to achieve the target or objectives. Safety, health and environment

Oxford dictionary defined safety as the condition of being safe. In

occupational aspects it is concerned with the physical environment of the

workplace and well being of the worker.

Health as defined in Oxford dictionary is state of being free from

illness or injury. Occupational health aspect involves physical and metal

elements affecting health which directly related to safety and hygiene at


Environment is the surrounding or conditions in which a person,

animal or plant lives or operates. In occupational aspect, it involve the way

organization observing practices which minimize the harm to the


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21 Hazards

Occupational Safety and Health Assessment Series 18002

(OSHAS 18002) defined hazard as a potential sources or potential

situation which led to detriment in injury and health content towards

human, properties or workplace area damages or both of it. Chemical

exposure, radiation exposure, biohazard and unsafe work practices is the

sample of hazard. Risk

Risk is combination of possibility and consequences with regards

the event of hazard. Possibility focus on the probability on accident

happened. Probability can measured by accident statistic. In injury

content, accident impact can be derived from death, permanent disability,

and non-permanent disability or near accidents. Accident

Accident is unplanned matter or situation which led to injury or

properties damages. Oil Spill Response Equipment

Oil spill response equipment is various equipment either

mechanical equipment, containment equipment or support equipment

which being kept maintained and serviced continuously to ensure their

effectiveness and efficiency rate of operation in combating any emergency

oil spill response equipment either in offshore or shoreline situation.

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4.2 Health, safety and environment manual booklet

The health, safety and environment manual booklet will help and assist Pintaria

Sdn Bhd in taking effective measures to curb, control and eradicate health, safety and

environment problems. Also, hope this manual will benefit the employees and customer

in understanding Pintaria Sdn Bhd activities and objective of safety program for oil spill

response equipment specifically.

4.2.1 Policy

After consideration and discussion with management, the health, safety

and environment policy more focus on complying with relevant safety, helath and

environment legislation state in Occupational Health and Safety Act 1994 with

specific objectives as follows: -

a. Provide and maintain a safe and health workplace

b. Comply with legislation on safety and health including other relevant


c. Providing adequate training for its employees

d. Communication of the company policy, procedures and practices to all its

employees so as to encourage their active participation.

e. Continually improving the safety and health of the workplace.

f. Updating the policy to the needs of the department through periodic

review of the Occupational Health and Safety system.

4.2.2 Safety Management System

Safety management system concentrate its aim to create a conductive

environment through safe working practices, procedures and OSH management

to ensure the protection of workers while doing their job tasks1

1 Open University of Malaysia, January 2007, Safety, Health and Environment, EBTS2103; Kuala Lumpur; MeteorDoc. Sdn. Bhd; pg 6.

Page 32: Effective OSR Program


Safety Management System will stated on the work permit system, service

and maintenance, confined space entry, isolation of equipment for maintenance,

rigging and scaffolding, excavations, high pressure water cleaning, work over

water and accident reporting and investigation.

4.2.3 Occupational Health Management

Occupational health management involves activities for the protection and

promotion of worker’s health and for the improvement of working conditions and

environment carried out by occupational safety and health professionals as well

as others specialist. 2

In the manual, we stress out the control of noise hazards at workplace,

monitoring, audiometric and hearing conservation program.

4.2.4 Environmental Management

The role of environmental management is to co-ordinate and focus n

understanding the structure and functions of the environment, in monitoring

impacts, data handling and analysis, modeling and planning development. Also in

improving human well-being, and mitigate or prevent further damage to the

planets and its organism.3

2 Open University of Malaysia, January 2007, Safety, Health and Environment, EBTS2103; Kuala Lumpur; MeteorDoc. Sdn. Bhd; pg 7.

3 Open University of Malaysia, January 2007, Safety, Health and Environment, EBTS2103; Kuala Lumpur; MeteorDoc. Sdn. Bhd; pg 113

Page 33: Effective OSR Program


Due to Pintaria Sdn Bhd nature of business is service and maintenance

also combating emergency oil spill, we more focus on nature of environment

impact, waste treatment and disposal and also the guidelines on the management

and disposal of relevant schedule waste.

4.3 Equipment handling guidelines

The guideline in equipment handling is important so the standard of operation can

be standardized and optimizing. It will lead to the long term cost effective and managing

the operation is safest and documented way as possible. Most of the equipment has a

different and unique functions and capability. So, we will be creating two type of

guideline which is first is general guideline that cover topics of equipment manhandling,

personal protective equipment and overall equipment handling perspective. While second

is specific equipment guideline which will follow the instruction and application from

individual oil spill equipment operator manual.

Operator manual on individual oil spill response equipment cover the followings

aspects: -

a. General information on oil spill response equipment

b. Transportation instruction and safety measurement when handling the


c. Start Instructions before starting, when starting the engine, operating the

equipment and stop the engine.

d. Maintenance and Inspection after operation

e. Technical specifications

f. Fuel, oil and hydraulic fluid specifications

g. Drawings

h. Service manual (if any)

j. Instruction book (if any)

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4.4 Standard operating procedure

4.4.1 Pre-start check

Create a checklist in ensuring the machine or equipment is checked for faults

before operating.

4.4.2 Safety devices check

Check for the effectiveness of safety devices and make sure that they are not by-


4.4.3 Use of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment

While operating machine it is important to wear appropriate PPE to ensure

personnel safety.

4.4.4 Start-up Procedures

Follow the procedures on operator manual and not by-pass any step to ensure

safety and prevent accident.

4.4.5 Running and monitoring of machine

Monitoring any fault and inform supervisor from time to time.

4.4.6 Shut-down procedures

Machine shut down procedure is to ensure the machine is properly stop and ready

to be used next time.

4.4.7 Housekeeping

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It is important to clean the workplace regularly and ensure all tools and equipment

is in place for effective maintenance activity.

4.5 Awareness training and campaign program

Communications in general and verbal communication in particular are arguably

the most importance of all human behaviors’. Communication makes human organization

and cooperation possible, and verbal as well as written communication establish culture

and civilization. In order to achieve an effective and easy implementation, we need to

create awareness training and campaign program in clear, accurate and objective

information with a suitable headings and order of information.

Awareness training and campaign program should be organized to educate

employee and customer to safety program for oil spill response equipment through the

followings: -

a. Induction program for employee and customer

b. Continual emphases on safety guidelines

c. Involving employees and customer in safety committees/ campaign

d. Incentive schemes for role models

4.6 Collaboration

This chapter highlighted some basic terminology used in safety program for oil

spill response equipment, the collaborated between the activities flow and the importance

on activities flow in implementation the program. Problem and troubleshooting

encountered in the program are also briefly discussed.

Page 36: Effective OSR Program




5.1 Scenario

After creating safety program for oil spill response equipment, then successfully

implementing it at workplace specifically at Johor Bahru base for duration of three (3)

months start November 2010 – January 2011, the collection of data is mostly primary

data which resulting from safety program implemented.

Practical approach is appropriate to know result of this program either it is

effective or not. Furthermore, we will forecast if this safety program enhances our

business activity approach and customer feedback on the program will be gathering for

review and evaluation. Subsequently, employee benchmark on their performance and job

satisfaction will be evaluated and analyze to know the level of the effectiveness.

5.2 Equipment status of oil spill response equipment.

5.2.1 Preparation

For every month, Pintaria Sdn Bhd will produce the report to customer in

informing the status of oil spill response equipment. Data abstraction and

collection is from every monthly report done.

5.2.2 Data abstraction and arrangement

The required information will be transfer into the pie chart for effective

review and evaluation. Sample data collection will take into consideration of

Page 37: Effective OSR Program


previous data collected from August – October 2010 and data collection for this

safety program implementation from November 2010 – January 2011.

5.2.3 Problem

No problem arise due to the monthly report is an active and daily job

activity done.

5.3 Zero accident statistics

5.3.1 Preparation

We are creating the medical flow procedure to detect any accident occur at

the workplace. This is including the health of employee and accident/ incident

occur at the workplace. Pilot case will be at Johor Bahru base.

5.3.2 Data abstraction and arrangement

Data collected is medical certificate to indicate the personnel health and

safety, reporting unsafe practice or incident occurs which led to small injury such

as burn, wound, scratches and others. Data abstraction will be converted into bar

chart for effective evaluation and review.

5.3.3 Problem

For the three (3) months pilot case at Johor Bahru base, no problem occurs

for data collection due to the system already being forwarded and explained to

employee for implementation.

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5.4 Customer survey

5.4.1 Preparation

Customer survey form is created into four (4) different aspects which is

quality of services and products, timeliness and reliability of delivery, responsive

to customer needs and communication with customer.

5.4.2 Distribution

First stage distribution is on November 2010 before or when

implementation in progress and second stage distribution is on February 2011

after three (3) months implementation.

5.4.2 Data abstraction and arrangement

Pilot case of this safety program is at Johor Bahru base (Jabatan Laut

Wilayah Selatan). It will be compare with other region base namely Jabatan Laut

Wilayah Utara, Jabatan Laut Wilayah Tengah and Jabatan Laut Wilayah

Persekutuan Labuan. Data will converted line chart to enable effective review and


5.4.4 Respondent background

Target responder is customer which directly monitor and managing oil

spill response equipment at four region namely Jabatan Laut Wilayah Selatan,

Jabatan Laut Wilayah Utara, Jabatan Laut Wilayah tengah and Jabatan Laut

Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan dan Laut China Selatan.

5.4.5 Problem

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Problem occurs in requesting customers to fill in the survey form due to

their thigh job schedule. However, we manage to overcome the obstacle with

interview approach with customer and discussion in much open and further

critics/ feedback gathers.

5.5 Employee performance evaluation analysis

5.5.1 Preparation

We will use current Performance Appraisal Form created to evaluate and

review on three aspects namely job knowledge and performance, personal

characteristics and attributes and general conduct.

5.5.2 Distribution

Distribution to all employee done on December 2010 and collection was

done on second week of January 2011.

5.5.3 Data abstraction and arrangement

Data abstraction is comparison between group of employee designated at

Johor Bahru base and others group employee located at Port Klang base, Pulau

Pianng base and Labuan base.

5.5.4 Respondent background

Each base is consisting of one supervisor and two technicians. Their

background is mostly from mechanical and electrical engineering and time of

services with Pintaria Sdn Bhd is between two and seven years.

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5.5.5 Problem

Due to this is yearly activity, no problem occur in gathering information.

5.6 Progress summary

The topic above highlighted the preparation and progress into converted the data

into chart for effective review and evaluation.

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6.1 Detail Analysis

6.1.1 Equipment status of oil spill response equipment.

The data analysis is taking data sample from equipment status of oil spill

response equipment status for Jabatan Laut Wilayah Selatan which is the pilot

case of this program at Johor Bahru base.

From August 2010 until October 2010 shows 74% equipment is

readiness state and meet the specification while 26% equipment shows in

operational state and does not meet standard specification. However, data from

November 2010 until January 2011 shows improvement in the oil spill response

equipment status on 7

equipment shows in operational state and does not meet standard specification.

Oil Spill Response Equipment Status For




Equipment status of oil spill response equipment.

The data analysis is taking data sample from equipment status of oil spill

response equipment status for Jabatan Laut Wilayah Selatan which is the pilot

case of this program at Johor Bahru base.

From August 2010 until October 2010 shows 74% equipment is

readiness state and meet the specification while 26% equipment shows in

operational state and does not meet standard specification. However, data from

November 2010 until January 2011 shows improvement in the oil spill response

equipment status on 79% on equipment readiness and meet specification and 21%

equipment shows in operational state and does not meet standard specification.




Oil Spill Response Equipment Status ForAugust 2010 - October 2010

The data analysis is taking data sample from equipment status of oil spill

response equipment status for Jabatan Laut Wilayah Selatan which is the pilot

From August 2010 until October 2010 shows 74% equipment is in the

readiness state and meet the specification while 26% equipment shows in

operational state and does not meet standard specification. However, data from

November 2010 until January 2011 shows improvement in the oil spill response

9% on equipment readiness and meet specification and 21%

equipment shows in operational state and does not meet standard specification.

Oil Spill Response Equipment Status For




Page 42: Effective OSR Program

From the pie chart above , the legend in each chart is characterized into

three categories namely category A as

the specification, category B as an equipment in operational state and does not

meet standard requirement and category C as an equipment not ready or under


From the data collected and analysis, it shows tha

equipment has increased its capability of 5% for duration of three months safety

program implementation. It is

response equipment plays a part in maintenance services and subsequently b

up the way or activity flow in an effective and efficient way.

6.1.2 Zero accident statistics

Data collection is quantity of staff on medical leave with medical

certification between Johor Bahru base and others based namely Port Klang base,

Pulau Pinang base and Labuan base. Also, standard reporting on incident or

Oil Spill Response Equipment Status for


From the pie chart above , the legend in each chart is characterized into

three categories namely category A as an equipment in readiness state and meet

the specification, category B as an equipment in operational state and does not

meet standard requirement and category C as an equipment not ready or under

From the data collected and analysis, it shows that the oil spill response

equipment has increased its capability of 5% for duration of three months safety

program implementation. It is means, which the safety program for oil spill

response equipment plays a part in maintenance services and subsequently b

up the way or activity flow in an effective and efficient way.

Zero accident statistics

Data collection is quantity of staff on medical leave with medical

certification between Johor Bahru base and others based namely Port Klang base,

au Pinang base and Labuan base. Also, standard reporting on incident or




Oil Spill Response Equipment Status forJabatan Laut Wilayah Selatan

November 2010 - January 2011

From the pie chart above , the legend in each chart is characterized into

an equipment in readiness state and meet

the specification, category B as an equipment in operational state and does not

meet standard requirement and category C as an equipment not ready or under

t the oil spill response

equipment has increased its capability of 5% for duration of three months safety

program for oil spill

response equipment plays a part in maintenance services and subsequently boosts

Data collection is quantity of staff on medical leave with medical

certification between Johor Bahru base and others based namely Port Klang base,

au Pinang base and Labuan base. Also, standard reporting on incident or

Oil Spill Response Equipment Status forJabatan Laut Wilayah Selatan

January 2011




Page 43: Effective OSR Program


accident occur which recorded in the operation log book and recorded at Johor

Bahru Administrative Office. Duration of data collection is between three months


Base Medical leave (%) Incident/ accident (%) Total (%)Johor Bahru NA NA NAPort Klang NA NA NAPulau Pinang NA NA NALabuan NA NA NA

Based on the following evidence, we felt that the implementation does not

effect on the zero accident statistic. As we felt that we did not manage to get

enough data and it may due to the short term duration and required a long term

data collection to gather the effectiveness of safety program for oil spill response

equipment on zero accidents statistics.

6.1.3 Customer survey

Data collected is 12 sample on which distributed evenly between region of

Jabatan Laut Wilayah Selatan, Jabatan Laut Wilayah Tengah, Jabatan Laut

Wilayah Utara and Jabatan Laut Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan. First stage

distribution was done on November 2010 for comparison.

Region A B C D OverallJLWS 13.0% 12.7% 12.7% 13.3% 51.7%JLWU 14.0% 12.7% 12.3% 10.7% 49.7%JLWT 13.0% 12.7% 12.3% 11.7% 49.7%JLWPL 12.7% 12/0% 12.0% 12.0% 48.7%

Legend: A: Quality of services and products

B: Timeliness and reliability of services and products

C: Responsive to customer needs

D: Communication with customer.

Page 44: Effective OSR Program


Second stage was done on February 2011 after three months of

implementation safety program for oil spill response equipment.

Region A B C D OverallJLWS 15.0% 15.0% 16.0% 16.0% 62.0%JLWU 13.0% 15.0% 14.0% 15.0% 57.0%JLWT 13.0% 13.0% 13.0% 13.0% 52.0%JLWPL 14.0% 16.0% 16.0% 16.0% 62.0%

Legend: A: Quality of services and products

B: Timeliness and reliability of services and products

C: Responsive to customer needs

D: Communication with customer.

On the implementation stage, due to cost effective planning, the awareness

training and campaign was done for all base namely Johor Bahru, Port Klang,

Pulau Pinang and Labuan. From the detail analysis, improvement in customer

satisfaction level was shown especially at Johor Bahru and Labuan base.

6.1.4 Employee performance evaluation analysis

From the performance evaluation gathered, Johor Bahru base personnel

have the highest rating compare to others base.

Base Job knowledge andperformance




Johor Bahru 50% 24% 14% 88%Port Klang 38% 13% 17% 68%Pulau Pinang 34% 16% 13% 63%Labuan 42% 14% 14% 70%

Performance appraisal year 2010 shown improvement at Johor Bahru base

which it may contributed by the safety program implementing for duration of last

Page 45: Effective OSR Program


two (2) months which is November 2010 and December 2010. From the interview

feedback from employees at Johor Bahru base, the program implemented

improved their sense of security and confident level which they have a source or

guide to led them into effective maintenance activity along with the precautions in

preventing any accident occur at workplace. Furthermore, layout plan at

workplace has been improved in introducing the safety line for each maintenance

activity. As well as the housekeeping activity which now we have a checklist for

record and standardized guidelines.

6.2 Overall interpretation

The interpretation of each data collected is been highlighted and discuss in this

chapter. Based on the evaluation and review, it found out that the zero accidents statistics

is not as successful data collection and review to ensure the effectiveness of safety

program for oil spill response equipment. However, others data collection has a value in

evaluating the effectiveness of safety program for oil spill response equipment.

Page 46: Effective OSR Program




7.1 Objective assessment

This chapter will discuss and evaluate from the finding if we did manage achieve

our target objective which previously discuss at early introduction.

The five objectives for this research and the effectiveness towards overall

implementation are as below: -

7.1.1 To enhance company performance and image

From the customer survey data analysis shown that Pintaria Sdn Bhd

overall services has improved based on the quality of services and products,

timeliness and reliability of services and products, responsive to customer needs

and communication with customer.

Interviewed data gathers most of the customers are satisfied with Pintaria

Sdn Bhd performance improvement especially the responsive to customer needs

and communication with customer. Pintaria staffs much have a confidence level

in answering question or meeting customer requirement such as additional or

upgrading maintenance activity on equipment at workplace.

Subsequently, implementation of safety program for oil spill response

equipment shown company performance and image has been enhanced and

improved. Customer also feel sense of security at oil spill response equipment

workplace and feel this implementation as a stepping stone for Pintaria Sdn Bhd

in promoting safety program for oil spill response equipment and overall.

Page 47: Effective OSR Program


7.1.2 To achieve value added characteristics into effective maintenance services offered

Pintaria Sdn Bhd may achieve value added characteristic into effective

maintenance services offered, if this safety program of oil spill response

equipment being implemented and improving from time to time to ensure its

effectiveness and efficiency.

Even though through this short term of 3 months project implementation,

we can see the improvement towards customer point of view, employee

performance and oil spill response equipment status itself.

7.1.3 To boost up employee morale, confident and safety security in performing work


The systematic approach in safety program for oil spill response

equipment improved the employee confident and sense of security. Employee

morale also improved and their sense of belongings also shows in their

communications with customer.

7.1.4 As a documented guidelines and procedure to ensure zero accident policy.

A safety program for oil spill response equipment is useful and can be

determined as important documented guidelines for everyone who are involve

directly or indirectly. However, in ensuring a zero accident policy at a workplace,

we cannot determine its effectiveness due to the short term implementation of

safety program.

7.1.5 Safety program to improve economical client’s budget downtime.

Page 48: Effective OSR Program


Reference on detail analysis of equipment status for oil spill response

equipment, shows improvement of 5% increment in equipment capability, which

means the safety program implemented boost up activity flow in maintaining the

equipment effectively and efficiently manners. It shows, for the long run, it may

improve economical client’s budget downtime.

7.3 Discussion

Based on the above evaluation and review, we can conclude that 80% from the

target objective can be achieved and 20% target objective cannot be achieved. It may due

to the short term implementation and a little data collected.

Page 49: Effective OSR Program




8.1 Summary

Overall, the main objective of this project is to ensure Pintaria Sdn Bhd maintain

and improve their maintenance services offered to customer. As chapter 7 concluded that

80% target objective can be achieved and 20% target objective cannot be determine the

achievable stage based on a short term implementation.

Comparison before and after the implementation is shown improvement in

customer survey and employee performance evaluation. Even though the pilot project is

running for duration of three months, we can see the differences and results by small digit

of number by the way we measured it.

I believe, the success and implementing safety culture in Oil Spill Response

Equipment can be further execute within the long duration of implementation, monitoring

and upgrading the system.

8.2 Recommendation

Effective safety program for oil spill response equipment is a documented

additional guidelines and procedure on improving our maintenance services offered to

customer. Based on survey, review and evaluation, in improving the effective safety

program for oil spill response equipment, a few recommendations can be discussed and

review as below: –

Page 50: Effective OSR Program


8.2.1 Continuously updated and supervised on current safety program of oil spill

response equipment to ensure the effectiveness implementation and procedure

follow as per guided.

8.2.2 Inspection and auditing at a workplace is a better tool in ensuring all procedure

and program implemented in a correct and efficient manner.

8.2.3 Promote intensively the safety culture within employee, customer and

environment and share the commitment to have a safety performance we can be

proud of and to contribute sustainable developments.

8.3 Conclusion

Generally, in creating safety program for oil spill response equipment for Pintaria

Sdn Bhd is to be as a tool in improving and maintaining their services for customer.

However, as the implementation flow imbibed with their activity flow, it becomes an

important program which secures their sense of safety, belongings and increase confident

and morale of employees. Subsequently, Pintaria Sdn Bhd image as a service provider

improved and earn the confidents of customers. Furthermore, Pintaria Sdn Bhd receives

more positive feedback and sales increase.

Conclusively, the safety program of oil spill response equipment is a good

implementation program in improving company performance overall as well as boost

employee skills and confident level. Also, it is one of the tiny step in globalizing our

Malaysia safety culture industry to the world.

Page 51: Effective OSR Program


1. Liker, Jeffrey K.; 2008, “Toyota Culture; the heart and soul of the Toyota Way/ Jeffrey

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2. Patankar, Manoj S, 1968, 2nd edition 2005, “Safety ethics: Cases from aviation,

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5. Shell Company website

6. Department Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia website http:

7. International Petroleum Industry Environment Conservation Association (IPIECA)


8. Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia website

9. PERKESO, 2007, “Laporan Tahunan Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial 2007”, Kuala

Lumpur, Percetakan Zafar Sdn Bhd.


Page 52: Effective OSR Program

10. Open University of Malaysia, January 2007, “Safety, Health and Environment”,

EBTS2103; Kuala Lumpur, Meteor Doc Sdn Bhd

11. Open University of Malaysia, Sept 2008, “Strategic Management”, BBPS 4103, Kuala

Lumpur, Meteor Doc. Sdn. Bhd.

12. Open University of Malaysia, July 2009, “Operational Management”, EBTM 4203,

Kuala Lumpur, Meteor Doc. Sdn. Bhd.

13. Open University of Malaysia, July 2009, “Environmental Management”, EBTV 4203,

Kuala Lumpur, Meteor Doc. Sdn. Bhd.

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Much Do You Know”, Singapore, Ministry of Manpower.

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Page 53: Effective OSR Program

20. Malaysia, 1994, “Occupational Safety and Health Act”, Petaling Jaya, Selangor,

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Page 54: Effective OSR Program



Lokasi : Jabatan Laut Wilayah Selatan, Johor BahruBulan : April 2010Jan-11


Connonball Hydrocarbon JLWS / JB / J1 / 1.1 / 07 Need to calibrateDetection Detector JLWS / JB / J1 / 1.2 / 07

JLWS / JB / L1 / 1.1 / 07

Wiring system probleamJLWS / JB / B1 / 1.1 / 07 Under servicing and waiting spare part.

voltage regulator problem.

Not In Good Condition.JLWS / JB / J3 / 1.1 / 07

Not In Good Condition.JLWS / JB / J2 / 1.1 / 06

Temporary Storage Tank 2 air pillow leakageRO Tank 10 JLWS / JB / Caging for Ro-Tank 10 damaged

RO-CLEAN Desmi Beach JLWS / JB / A1 / 1.1 / 07 to

Boom 800 JLWS / JB / A1 / 1.5 / 07

JLWS / JB / C4 / 1.1 / 07 to

JLWS / JB / C4 / 1.4 / 07

Starter problem.not good condition.JLWS / JB / C1 / 1.1 / 07 A Its under repair

1 of 4 42kw power pack under servicingDiesel Power Pack (42kw) JLWS / JB / E1 / 1.1 / 07 to 85% machine is complate.

JLWS / JB / E1 / 1.4 / 07



2 A

1 A





15 Kappler Garments Chemical Suit

4 Kappler Gas Tight Suit 1 A


2 Storage Container 20" x 8" x 8"

3 RO-VAC MK11 Portable Vaccum

6 4


57 A



Danforth Anchor 40 kg8 8


Water Pump9

CatitanNo Peralatan Tag No Kuantiti

Page 55: Effective OSR Program


No Peralatan Tag No Kuantiti Catitan

JLWS / JB / C2 / 1.1 / 07

JLWS / JB / F1 / 1.1 / 07 to

JLWS / JB / F1 / 1.4 / 07


Temporary Storage Tank(Troiltank) JLWS / JB / D1 / 1.1 / 07

RO-CLEAN Inflatable Boom

1800 JLWS / JB /

1 Unit of 1 1/2" CamlockJLWS / JB / G1 / 1.1 / 07 (Female and Male type damaged)

Battery not in good condition

JLWS / JB / k1 / 1.1 / 07 to

JLWS / JB / KI / 1.4 / 07

JLWS / JB / H1 / 1.1 / 07 to

JLWS / JB / H1 / 1.3 / 07


A - Equipment in readiness state and meet the specification

B - equipment in operational state and does not meet the specification

C - Equipment not ready or under repair

4 A

1 A


Backpack Air Blower

Maker Bouy13 11


12 Desmi Terminator Skimmer

141 A






17 4Oil Net


16 Dispersant Spray system

18 Comunnication System 3 A

Page 56: Effective OSR Program


Contact Person: Puan Mazurah Ikhwan / Cik Siti Zaharah Md. Din(Tel: 07-2218233 Fax: 07-2269868/2212232)



Customer Name:_________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Company Name: _________________________________________________

Dear Customer,

We are constantly looking for ways to improve the quality of our services and products. To do that, we need toknow what you think. We’d really appreciate it if you would take just a few minutes to response to the handful ofquestion below. As a valued customer, how you rate our work is the most important information we can get.Please help us to do the job you deserve – the best possible.

Please rate our service by circling on scale of 0 to 5 with the highest number representing more satisfaction and 5being fully satisfied, and the lower numbers representing relatively little satisfaction, 0 means no satisfaction.Please revert fax this survey form to us by _______________. Your prompt reply is greatly appreciated.

No. Criteria NoSatisfied



A Quality of Services & Products

1 Provide 100% quality services and products 0 1 2 3 4 5

2 Services meet specification and standard requirements

3 Functionality of product/ services

4 Request constructive improvement

5 Positive feedback

Sub-Total = A

B Timeliness & Reliability of Delivery

1 On-time delivery

2 Response promptly

3 Provide accurate info/ part/ service

4 Service is there when needed

5 Short lead time

Sub-Total = B

C Responsive to Customer Needs

1 Fast response to customer enquiry

2 Good listener

3 Review changes with customer

4 Is always there when needed

5 Competitive cost

Sub-Total = C

D Communication with Customer

1 Communication is clear

2 Understand customer needs

3 Develop new idea with customer

4 Friendliness and politeness of our staff

Maintain regular communication

Sub-Total = D

TOTAL = A + B + C + D =

Page 57: Effective OSR Program


PINTARIA SDN. BHD.(Co. No. : 468399-D)

Name of Employee : Department :

Date Joined : Position :

Date Of Confirmation : Reporting To:

Last Revision Of Remuneration : Base :

Appraisal Period From : To :


Confirmation Promotion / Upgrading

Annual Appraisal(For Non-Contract Staff)

Other (Pls. specify) ____________

Revision/Adjustment _____________________________

Remark :


1. To complete the Appraisal Form in INK and any amendments made must be signed by relevant apreviewer before submission to HR Department. Employee’s performance must be jointly appraisedreporting to more than one Head of Department.

2. To consider employee’s performance for the period under review only when conducting the appra

3. Be as objective as possible. Compare employee’s performance against the required standards for thnot between employees.

4. To provide specific information and comments to support your ratings.

5. Based on the results of the appraisal, point out the strengths and areas for improvement to the empdiscuss with employee ways to improve his/her performance and how you can help to achieve the

6. The rating scale should be applied consistently throughout the appraisal.

7. For Part A, B & C, please circle the rating which is most appropriate for the Appraisee. CommentsAppraisee’s performance in each attributes should be in accordance with the rating given.



Page 1 of 7



praisor andif he/she is


e position and

loyee. Alsoimprovement.


Page 58: Effective OSR Program

Page 2 of 7




1 2 3 4 5

Lacks knowledge. Needscontinuous assistance and


Limited knowledge. Oftenrequires detailed


Possesses adequateworking knowledge to

perform job requirements.Occasionally requiresassistance. Minimal

supervision required.

Good working knowledgeof job requirements. Rarelyrequires assistance. Works


Demonstrates wideknowledge of job. Often

suggests improvements towork methods. Serves as

source of technicalreference to colleagues.

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Fails to setgoals/objectives.

Sets goals when directed. Set readily attainable goals.Sets aggressive goals &


Sets highly challenginggoals with attainable good


Comments :


1 2 3 4 5

Extremely slow despitereminders.

Slow, has no sense ofurgency.

Usually gets job done atgood pace.

Consistently gets job doneon time and at quality

standards required.

An exceptionally fastworker who finishes work

well ahead of time expectedwithout compromising


Comments :


1 2 3 4 5

Unacceptable workproduced. Frequent re-

working required.

Work untidy and / orinaccurate; often


Acceptable work quality.Not many errors. Minimal

re-working required.

Quality of finished productcan always be relied upon.

Work of highest quality.Extremely neat and

accurate. Usually error free.

Comments :


1 2 3 4 5

Never meets deadlines. Seldom meets deadlines. Meets most deadlines set. Usually meets deadlines.Always complete work

ahead of deadlines.

Comments :


1 2 3 4 5

Unreliable and cannot bedepended upon to complete

assigned tasks.Needs constants reminders.

Usually completesassignments, only needs

occasional follow-up.

Self reliant and responsible;can be relied on to completeassignments with minimal


Can always be relied uponto complete assignments

without reminders.

Comments :


1 2 3 4 5Does not apply his ability

at all times.Fair but rarely applied his

ability.Knows his job well, does

not always apply his ability.Capable high degree of skill

and knowledge.Extremely capable,

excellent ability.

Comments :


1 2 3 4 5Complacent. Does thing as

they have always beendone.

Make some effort to changeif directed.

Improves methods whenneed is apparent.

Resourceful-constantlyimproving ways to do


Highly ingenious.Outstanding in improving

methods regardless ofobstacles.

Comments :


1 2 3 4 5Is not safety conscious atall. Has 2 or more safety

violations in the year.

Careless with safetyregulations. Needs to be

reminded regularly. Has 1safety violation

Observes safety regulationsgenerally. Occasionallyneeds to be reminded.

Is safety conscious. Doesnot need to be reminded ofprocedures. Has no safety


Has no safety violations.Actively encouragesadherence to safety


Comments :

SCORINGX 100 = Points.


Page 59: Effective OSR Program

Page 3 of 7




1 2 3 4 5Wastes times and does not

complete work on time.Does not take on additional


Occasionally completeswork on time and seldomtakes on additional work

In most cases, completeswork on time and takes on

some additional work.

Usually completes workon time and willing to

take on more work.

Always completes workon time and asks for new


Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

No leadership style. Doesnot influence, motivateguide & direct others to

achieve goals.

Have little in leadership.Satisfactorily with a

leadership style.Good leadership to

achieve positive results.Outstanding leadership toachieve positive results.

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Always has problems withsubordinates. Usually doesnot delegate work or over


Tends to do most of thework himself or does notadequately monitor workdelegated. Staff problems


Delegate work tosubordinates. Exercisessatisfactory control over

staff & work.Occasionally experiences

problems with staff.

Always tries to make bestuse of subordinates skills.Usually keeps close tabon the progress of work.

Hardly everhaveproblems with staff.

Make outstanding effortto utilise & develop skillsof subordinates. Monitors

progress of workregularly. Always able tonip problems in the bud.

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Routine worker, frequentlyrequires assistance toresolve even minor


Needs constant prodding;shows little initiative in


Generally able to thinkand act independently in

accordance with jobrequirements.

Able to think and actindependently even in

unusual situations.

Adjusts to new situationseasily. Often suggestsimprovements to work


Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Indifferent.Slow to grasp new ideas or

ways of doing things.Understand new ideas and

concepts.Attentive and alert. Asks

intelligent questions.

Quick to grasp ideas, keenand mentally alert. Comes

up with ideasindependently.

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Always resists changes.Has difficulty adjusting to

change or learning newideas.

Adjust and learns fastenough to perform work


Understand new ideas andduties quickly. Alwaysable to work withoutdetailed instructions.

Exceptionally able tograsp new ideas and

adjust to new situations.

Comment :



1 2 3 4 5

Unable to express himselftends to be confusing when

presenting ideas andopinions.

Has difficulty expressinghis views. Is often


Speaks clearly most of thetime.

Speaks clearly andexpress views andthoughts logically..

Speaks clearly andexpresses views logically.Usually able to persuade

others to his point ofview.

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Frequently has problemswith colleagues.

Usually withdrawn andreticent and fails to make

any impression.

Gets along with others,maintains cordialrelationship with


Creates favourableimpression, well liked and


Makes an excellentimpression. Maintains

excellent personal inter-relations.

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Uncooperative and lackssense of teamwork.

Introvert and high visibilityof individual interests.

Often indifferent or/andcritical of own colleagues.Does not work well with

others and avoidparticipation.

Satisfactorily teamwork.Occasionally helps

colleagues and participatein Company activities.

Works well with othersand volunteers to help

colleagues. Supportive.

Always courteous andgoes out.of way to behelpful. Extrovert in

character. Very active inCompany activities andhigh sense of belonging.

Page 60: Effective OSR Program

Page 4 of 7



Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Demonstrates poorunderstanding ofcustomer’s needs.

Think in short terms onlyand does not focus on

customer’s requirement.

Incorporates globalinformation in decision

making process.

Looks for breakthroughopportunities to propel the

company forward.

Stay abreast of currentworld or surrounding

economics situation andprepares in anticipation of

impending changes.

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Unwilling to be heldaccountable. Entirely

dependent. Non-committal.

Often avoidsresponsibilities. Usually hasan alibi. Prefers to depend

on others.

Accepts responsibilities toa satisfactorily degree.

Willing to accept risk ofauthority and to be held


Makes commitments andassumes full


Comment :

SCORINGX 100 = Points.



1 2 3 4 5

Regularly takes ad hocannual leave (more than 5

days) or absent withoutleave.

Frequently take ad hocannual leave without prior

approval (3 – 5 days)

Regular attendancerecord. Takes less than 3days ad hoc annual leave.

Good attendance record.Usually plans leave and

always obtains priorapproval.

Excellent attendancerecord. Always plansleave ahead of time.

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Often late for work.Occasionally late for workbetween 5 to 10 times per


Occasionally late forwork less than 5 times per


Always punctual. Seldomlate.

Always punctual. Almostnever late.

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5Indiscipline and unruly.

Ignores rules andregulations of the


Usually observes rules buthas occasional lapses.

Usually follows the rulesand regulations of the


Always conscious of rulesand regulations and

reminds co-workers to dothe same.

Exceptionally consciousof rules and gives good

suggestions forimprovement.

Comment :

SCORINGX 100 = Points.



Page 61: Effective OSR Program



Total Score Overall Rating

Section Points Weighted Total Score

1 X 55% = 81% or more Far exceed

2 X 25% = 71% - 80% High expectation

3 X 20% = 51% - 70% Fully meet

Overall Total Weighted Score 41% - 50% Low expectation


40% or less Far below

Training attended for a year: -









Page 5 of 7


Page 62: Effective OSR Program

Page 6 of 7



Strengths & Accomplishments Noted ___________________________________________________________



Weaknesses or Areas Require Improvement : __________________________________________________



Any Other Matters : _________________________________________________________________________


Proposed Training & Development For Appraisee : ______________________________________________





Page 63: Effective OSR Program

Page 7 of 7



BY APPRAISEE (If Necessary) : __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Signature : __________________________ Date : _________________

BY APPRAISOR : ___________________________________________________________________________



RECOMMENDATION BY APPRAISOR : _______________________________________________________



Name Of Appraisor : ________________________________ Signature : _______________________

Position : ________________________________ Date : _______________________

COMMENTS & RECOMMENDATION BY REVIEWER : _________________________________________



Name Of Reviewer : ________________________________ Signature : _______________________

Position : ________________________________ Date : _______________________

COMMENTS BY HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT.: ________________________________________________



Signature : ________________________________ Date : ______________________

MANAGEMENT REVIEW & APPROVAL___________________________________________________________________________________________


Signature : ________________________ Name : __________________________ Date : ________________

Page 64: Effective OSR Program


PINTARIA SDN. BHD.(Co. No. : 468399-D)

Name of Employee : Department :

Date Joined : Position :

Date Of Confirmation : Reporting To:

Last Revision Of Remuneration : Base :

Appraisal Period From : To :


Confirmation Promotion / Upgrading

Annual Appraisal(For Non-Contract Staff)

Other (Pls. specify) ____________

Revision/Adjustment _____________________________

Remark :


1. To complete the Appraisal Form in INK and any amendments made must be signed by relevant apreviewer before submission to HR Department. Employee’s performance must be jointly appraisedreporting to more than one Head of Department.

2. To consider employee’s performance for the period under review only when conducting the appra

3. Be as objective as possible. Compare employee’s performance against the required standards for tnot between employees.

4. To provide specific information and comments to support your ratings.

5. Based on the results of the appraisal, point out the strengths and areas for improvement to the empdiscuss with employee ways to improve his/her performance and how you can help to achieve the

6. The rating scale should be applied consistently throughout the appraisal.

7. For Part A, B & C, please circle the rating which is most appropriate for the Appraisee. CommentsAppraisee’s performance in each attributes should be in accordance with the rating given.



Page 1 of 7



praisor andif he/she is


he position and

loyee. Alsoimprovement.


Page 65: Effective OSR Program

Page 2 of 7




1 2 3 4 5

Lacks knowledge.Needs continuous

assistance andsupervision.

Limited knowledge.Often requires detailed


Possesses adequateworking knowledge to

perform jobrequirements.

Occasionally requiresassistance. Minimal

supervision required.

Good workingknowledge of job

requirements. Rarelyrequires assistance.

Works independently.

Demonstrates wideknowledge of job. Oftensuggests improvements

to work methods. Servesas source of technical

reference to colleagues.

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Extremely slow despitereminders.

Slow, has no sense ofurgency.

Usually gets job done atgood pace.

Consistently gets jobdone on time and at

quality standardsrequired.

An exceptionally fastworker who finishes

work well ahead of timeexpected without


Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Unacceptable workproduced. Frequent re-

working required.

Work untidy and / orinaccurate; often


Acceptable workquality. Not manyerrors. Minimal re-working required.

Quality of finishedproduct can always be

relied upon.

Work of highest quality.Extremely neat and

accurate. Usually errorfree.

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Never meets deadlines.Seldom meets

deadlines.Meets most deadlines

set.Usually meets deadlines.

Always complete workahead of deadlines.

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Unreliable and cannotbe depended upon tocomplete assigned


Needs constantsreminders.

Usually completesassignments, only needs

occasional follow-up.

Self reliant andresponsible; can be

relied on to completeassignments with

minimal reminders.

Can always be reliedupon to complete

assignments withoutreminders.

Comment :



1 2 3 4 5

Careless andirresponsible with


Has to be warned oftenon care given to


Seldom needs to bereminded to take care of


Is consistently carefulwith equipment used.


maintained and stored..

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5Is not safety consciousat all. Have 2 or moresafety violations in the


Careless with safetyregulations. Needs to bereminded regularly. Has

1 safety violation

Observes safetyregulations generally.Occasionally needs to

be reminded.

Is safety conscious.Does not need to be

reminded of procedures.Has no safety violations.

Has no safety violations.Actively encouragesadherence to safety


Comment :

SCORING X 100 = Points.


Page 66: Effective OSR Program

Page 3 of 7




1 2 3 4 5

Wastes times and doesnot complete work ontime. Does not take on

additional work.

Occasionally completeswork on time andseldom takes onadditional work

In most cases,completes work ontime and takes on

some additional work.

Usually completeswork on time andwilling to take on

more work.

Always completeswork on time and asksfor new assignments.

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Routine worker,frequently requires

assistance to resolveeven minor problems.

Needs constantprodding; shows little

initiative in work.

Generally able to thinkand act independentlyin accordance with job


Able to think and actindependently even in

unusual situations.

Adjusts to newsituations easily. Often

suggestsimprovements to work


Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Indifferent.Slow to grasp new ideasor ways of doing things.

Understand new ideasand concepts.

Attentive and alert.Asks intelligent


Quick to grasp ideas,keen and mentally

alert. Comes up withideas independently.

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Always resists changes.Has difficulty adjustingto change or learning

new ideas.

Adjust and learns fastenough to performwork satisfactorily.

Understand new ideasand duties quickly.

Always able to workwithout detailed


Exceptionally able tograsp new ideas and

adjust to newsituations.

Comment :



1 2 3 4 5Unable to expresshimself tends to be

confusing whenpresenting ideas and


Has difficultyexpressing his views. Is

often misunderstood.

Speaks clearly most ofthe time.

Speaks clearly andexpress views andthoughts logically.

Speaks clearly andexpresses views

logically. Usually ableto persuade others to

his point of view.

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Frequently haveproblems with


Usually withdrawn andreticent and fails to

make any impression.

Gets along withothers, maintains

cordial relationshipwith colleagues.

Crates favourableimpression, well liked

and sociable.

Makes an excellentimpression. Maintains

excellent personalinter-relations.

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Uncooperative and lackssense of teamwork.Introvert and high

visibility of individualinterests.

Often indifferent or/andcritical of own

colleagues. Does notwork well with others

and avoid participation.


Occasionally helpscolleagues andparticipate in

Company activities.

Works well withothers and volunteers

to help colleagues.Supportive.

Always courteous andgoes out of way to behelpful. Extrovert in

character. Very activein Company activities

and high sense ofbelonging.

Comment :

SCORING X 100 = Points.35

Page 67: Effective OSR Program

Page 4 of 7




1 2 3 4 5

Regularly takes ad hocannual leave (more than

5 days) or absentwithout leave.

Frequently take ad hocannual leave withoutprior approval (3 – 5


Regular attendancerecord. Takes less than3 days ad hoc annual


Good attendancerecord. Usually plans

leave and alwaysobtain prior approval.

Excellent attendancerecord. Always plansleave ahead of time.

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Often late for work.Occasionally late forwork between 5 to 10

times per year.

Occasionally late forwork less than 5 times

per year.

Always punctual.Seldom late.

Always punctual.Almost never late.

Comment :


1 2 3 4 5

Indiscipline and unruly.Ignores rules andregulations of the


Usually observes rulesbut has occasional


Usually follows therules and regulations

of the Company.

Always conscious ofrules and regulations

and reminds co-workers to do the


Exceptionallyconscious of rules andgives good suggestions

for improvement.

Comment :

SCORING X 100 = Points.


Page 68: Effective OSR Program



Total Score Overall Rating

Section Points Weighted Total Score

1 X 55% = 81% or more Far exceed

2 X 25% = 71% - 80% High expectation

3 X 20% = 51% - 70% Fully meet

Overall Total Weighted Score 41% - 50% Low expectation


40% or less Far below

Training attended for a year: -










Page 5 of 7

Page 69: Effective OSR Program

Page 6 of 7



Strengths & Accomplishments Noted ___________________________________________________________



Weaknesses or Areas Require Improvement : __________________________________________________



Any Other Matters : _________________________________________________________________________


Proposed Training & Development For Appraisee : ______________________________________________





Page 70: Effective OSR Program

Page 7 of 7



BY APPRAISEE (If Necessary) : __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Signature : __________________________ Date : _________________

BY APPRAISOR : ___________________________________________________________________________



RECOMMENDATION BY APPRAISOR : _______________________________________________________



Name Of Appraisor : ________________________________ Signature : _______________________

Position : ________________________________ Date : _______________________

COMMENTS & RECOMMENDATION BY REVIEWER : _________________________________________



Name Of Reviewer : ________________________________ Signature : _______________________

Position : ________________________________ Date : _______________________

COMMENTS BY HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT.: ________________________________________________



Signature : ________________________________ Date : ______________________

MANAGEMENT REVIEW & APPROVAL___________________________________________________________________________________________


Signature : ________________________ Name : __________________________ Date : ________________