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Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 [email protected] Krista Henley 831 239 9192 [email protected]

Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 [email protected] Krista.

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Page 1: Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 Krista.

Effective “Boss” ManagementWinning Strategies for Managing “Up”February 11, 2010

Rossella Derickson 408 605 [email protected]

Krista Henley 831 239 [email protected]

Page 2: Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 Krista.


Rossella Derickson & Krista Henley, M.A., LMFT, principals of, have translated their business and organizational psychology experience into Wisdom in the Workplace, consulting, training and coaching modules that support healthy group and company dynamics.

Their classes to build business and leadership skills have been taught to CEO's, executives, and entrepreneurs in High Tech, Biotech, Insurance, and many other industries including leading universities.

Connecting CSR to individual, team and organizational purpose at work is a passionate focus area. They are the authors of Awakening Social Responsibility - A Call to Action. Book Web Site:

Rossella and Krista are the Directors of the South Bay Organizational Development Network,, a leading edge forum focused on making a difference in how organizations are run in Silicon Valley.

Page 3: Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 Krista.


Objectives to Managing UP

Managing UP means focusing on the relationship with your boss to obtain the best results for you, your boss and your organization.

Understand what it means to manage up and why it is important

Diagnose your manager’s work style and your own work style

Develop strategies for managing your manager

Page 4: Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 Krista.


Best Boss, Worst Boss

Group 1: What were some of the qualities and

quirks of the best boss you ever had?

Group 2: What were some of the qualities and

quirks of the worst boss you ever had?

Small group discussion, with several group 1's and 2's. A spokesperson reports out on the qualities.

Page 5: Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 Krista.


Anger at the Boss

Difficult bosses are a threat to your job security.

Difficult bosses cause conflict throughout the organization.

Being upset and angry adds stress to the workplace.

What is stimulated in us by a difficult boss and his or her behavior is the "gift" that we can take away from an otherwise upsetting experience. The gift is the insight into the "unhealed" places in us that are triggered by difficult behavior - especially from an authority!

Page 6: Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 Krista.


Compassion for the Boss

Adopting a global perspective about being human. "I am that, I am. Acknowledge to yourself that all difficult behaviors are inside of you!

The not so golden rule - "you do unto others what was done unto you."

Unhook the power struggle. Find compassion for the place where you are wounded / your boss is wounded.

If you can, find a way to make your boss successful in spite of his or her difficult behavior and you will make yourself successful, too.

Page 7: Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 Krista.


Difficult Boss Relationships Boss doesn’t think you are as good as you think you are

You think the boss has the job you should

Large gap in skills leading to undervaluing/not respecting the other (either direction)

Mismatches in ethics, values and integrity

Mismatches in management practices

Mismatches in style, philosophy, pace and motivation

Poor communication – in both directions

Discuss: What difficulties do you have with your boss?

Page 8: Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 Krista.


Unskilled Skilled At Boss Relationships

Not comfortable with bosses

May be tense in boss’s presence

May not be open to coaching or direction from the boss

Problems dealing comfortably with authority

Poor boss relationship gets in the way of personal productivity

Responds and relates well to bosses

Would work harder for a good boss

Is open to learning from bosses who are good coaches and who provide latitude

Likes to learn from those who have been there before

Easy to challenge and develop, comfortably coach-able

Page 9: Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 Krista.


Positive and Negative BeliefsNegative Belief Systems

Identify one or two beliefs that are getting in the way of your performance and are root causes for your development areas:

Positive Belief Systems: We have learned through our experiences to believe in positive outcomes.

Negative Belief Systems: Learned patterns of defensive reasoning whose purpose is to help us defend against painful experiences and loss of control.

Performance, whether peak or poor, is linked to belief systems.

When working to improve behavior, understanding negative beliefs is core to your ability to make lasting change and performance improvement.


Limiting Belief

Learned Defense Reaction

Page 10: Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 Krista.


Identify Negative Beliefs

Dyad: Can You Identify a Negative Belief?

I can’t trust anyone to get it done. I’m stuck cleaning things up. I don’t belong. It’s a struggle to get things done. No matter what I do it’s always wrong.

Discuss: Cross Stimulating Beliefs

We have the most trouble with bosses whose beliefs are opposite of

our own, cross stimulating the upset that is unresolved in BOTH of us.

Page 11: Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 Krista.


Successful InteractionsManagers are typically hired for their technical competence and then “rewarded” with managerial responsibilities.

Let's begin with YOUR Boss:

What works well?

What doesn’t work?

What keeps you awake at night?

What keeps your boss awake at night?

What sets your boss off? What are your boss’s hot buttons?

What does your boss do when a hot button is triggered?

What sets you off? What are your hot buttons?

What do you do when a hot button is triggered?

Page 12: Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 Krista.


Style Alignment - Circle Each Side

Boss Work Style?

Formal or informal?

Briefed in writing or brainstorming?

Energized or annoyed by sidebars?

Hands on or regular, informal updates?

Energized or avoids conflict?

Decisive or open-ended?

Your Work Style?

Formal or informal?

Briefed in writing or brainstorming?

Energized or annoyed by sidebars?

Hands on or regular, informal updates?

Energized or avoids conflict?

Decisive or open-ended?

Discuss: Are your styles aligned?

Page 13: Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 Krista.


Developing Successful StrategiesTo Deal with Difficult Bosses / People

The Insecure Bully

- Puts you down

- Picks on you in front of others


The Bull Dozer

- Runs over you

- Does not consider

you in decisions


The Manipulative Back


- Takes your ideas

- Makes him/herself look good at your expense


The Raging Maniac

- Uses rage to intimidate

- Makes environment

fearful / painful


Page 14: Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 Krista.


Developing Successful StrategiesTo Deal with Difficult Bosses / People

The Conflict Avoider

- Makes bad behavior ok

- Refuses to address the team dynamics


The Gossip

- Exploits your


- Cannot be trusted


The Micro Manager

- Demands details that are irrelevant

- Does not trust you / your work


The Withholder

- Keeps important

information hidden

- Does not recognize or

reward easily


Page 15: Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 Krista.


Developing Successful StrategiesTo Deal with Difficult Bosses / People

The Control Freak

- My way or the highway

- Critical


The Super Agreeable

- Of course, yes

- Poor follow up and follow



The Data Collector

- Always needs more data

- Slow decision maker


Other - What Else?


Triad: Discuss the way you cope currently with a difficult boss. Brainstorm new strategies for more successful interactions.

Page 16: Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 Krista.


Effective Boss Management

Let's explore ways to be more successful in your interactions withyour boss.

Identify one issue with your boss that, if resolved, will make your work life better.________________________________________________________

Evaluate your boss and evaluate yourself - what might be your triggers and what might be your boss's triggers?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Explore your difficult boss dynamics to find successful interaction - alternatives. Consider a few possibilities and jot them down:


Page 17: Effective “Boss” Management Winning Strategies for Managing “Up” February 11, 2010 Rossella Derickson 408 605 3021 Krista.


In d ivid u a l C o ac h ing

E x e cu tive T ea m C o ach ing

Senior Executive Program s

A c ce ss in g In tu it io n a nd C rea tiv ity

R u n n in g E ffe ctiv e M e e tin gs

C re a tin g Yo u r M a na g e m e n t S tyleO n P u rpo se

B u ild in g a C o he s ive T e am

D e v e lop in g D ire c t R e p o rts

Team M odules

C o a c h in g S k ills fo r M a na g e rs

M a n ag in g w ith W is d omL e a d in g w ith V is ion

B u ild ing W is e T e a m s

C o n flict R e so lu tionS k ills

C o re C o m m u n ic a tio n S k ills

W isdom Series

G re e n T e a m F a c ilita t ion

T e a m B u ild in g fo r G o od

M a n ag in g Yo u r C S R P ro g ram

A s se s s Yo u r C S R P ro g ram

D e v e lo p in g S u s ta in a b le S tra teg ies

Sustainable Program s

"R ig h t siz in g " F ac ilita t ion

P ro ce s s Im p ro v e m e nt

M e rge r In te g ra tion

E m bra cin g a ndS u sta in in g C h an ge

Assessm ent & O D W ork

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