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Harry Palmier Global Forum on Agricultural Research Update on GFAR Governance and GCARD3 24/11/2015

EFARD Business and Technical Meeting 2015 - GFAR Governance

Apr 06, 2017


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Harry PalmierGlobal Forum on Agricultural Research

Update on GFAR Governance and



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The Global Forum: Breaking down the sectoral walls

• Farmer-centred thinking

• Stakeholders learning & innovating together, managing benefits & risks

• Catalyzing collective actions

• Mobilizing agricultural innovation systems, engaging all sectors

• Institutional reorientation & changed attitudes/values

Convergence of Research, Extension, Education and Enterprise, Policies & Resources






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Partnership with

Shared objectives

Joint Commitments



Access & Use



Learning &

Scale-out AR4D


Foresight &




The AR4D CycleSocietal





Enabling factors

Research in Development


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Why Reforming GFAR Governance ?

1) Normal Process:

GFAR Charter (Oct. 1998) revised :

a) 1st GFAR External Review, mid-2000 - Program Committee strengthening RF /

NARS role in defining GFAR agenda

b) GA 2003: ARIs constituency as regional fora within GFAR. Charter finalized in


Evolution in AR4D: WDR 2008; IAASTD 2009

Pragmatic adjustments in GFAR Governance at global level after GCARD

Roadmap for transformation of AR4D Systems [CGIAR Reform (2008-2010);

Establishment of GCARD and adoption of Road Map (2010]

- Greater inclusiveness in SC (P. Sect, NGOs, FOs, Extension, Education)

CGIAR expectations: inputs in Foresight/Priority setting (updating SRF, CRPs, other

GPPs i.e.Gender in Agriculture Partnership (GAP), request on Open Access Policy.

- Stronger CGIAR Consortium involvement (CEO in GFAR SC): Increased

interactions on partnerships, 2d phase of CRPs, agreement for GCARD3.

Need to formally adjust obsolete provisions i,e Triennial GA /biennial GCARDs.

Update on Governance and GCARD3

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2) SC decisions at Istanbul Meeting (April 2013) on Governance External Review

(MANNET January 2013)

Global governance (strategic agenda for AR4D + influence policy-makers decisions on AR4D

investments, ensuring all stakeholders engagement); network governance (functioning as a

global forum); institutional governance (classic functions, budget, meetings); and stewardship

(catalytic funding of AR4D Initiatives and entities, transformative strengthening of RFs)

Weaknesses in SC (flaws in representation, conflict of interests, excessive RFs weight,

risk becoming an impediment to Forum ability to deliver its global AR4D mandate.

Argued for process of Renewal of Forum Governance

Overall conclusion: GFAR governance not sufficiently robust

SC agreed on most Recommendations (17) and start change process towards

revised Charter (Constituent Assembly).and made 2 major decisions and a suggestion:

• Establishment of ad Hoc Strategic Governance Working Group (SGWG) to provide

guidance to GFAR SC in implementation [R # 1]

• Replacement of the Program Committee by Resource Allocation Committee (RAC)

empowered to take decision in this domain [R # 8] .

• Suggestion of self-reflection process at Regional/sub-regional & National levels on how

RFs want to evolve as Fora (?) and be represented in GFAR [R # 2]

Update on Governance and GCARD3


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SGWG Composition = Six (6) members:

GFAR Chair or Vice-Chair, or their delegate, as convener

• 1 representative from AARINENA & FARA to articulate perspectives from Regional Fora

• 1 representative each from Farmers’ Organizations and Advisory Services, providing

perspectives from stakeholder groups

• Chair of the Donor Support Group = perspectives of those funding GFAR

• FAO representative providing perspectives of GFAR establishing institutions and international


GFAR Executive Secretary Ex officio with support from Secretariat to Working Group process and

re-commissioning MANNET will be re-commissioned for advisory support

Timetable: September 2013 to April 2016

Steering Committee made decisions in light of SGWG report and proposals

GFAR Constituent Assembly Bangkok (August 2015) - To be followed by a Partners

Assembly linked to GCARD3 (?)

Update on Governance and GCARD3

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GFAR Constituent Assembly (24-26 August 2015, Bangkok): Renewal of GFAR role, purpose and governance

• Over 100 Participants: FOs, consumer associations, NGOs/CSOs, Private Sector, National Public Research and Rural Advisory Services, Higher Education, Regional Fora on agricultural research and innovation, Multilateral organizations, CGIAR, Women’s Groups, Youth Groups, Development Banks and Foundations, and Financing and Technical partners.

• 4 Discussion Papers: Renewing GFAR’s Role and Purpose; Redefining Collective Actions; Reframing Governance; Resourcing the Global Forum

• provided resounding endorsement of the reform and renewal of GFAR and Redefined its role and purpose with strong agreement (94%) on a new Vision :

“The Global Forum makes agri-food research and innovation systems more effective, responsive and equitable, towards achieving Sustainable Development outcomes”

and Mission:“Partners in the Global Forum, at national, regional and international levels, advocate for, and catalyse Collective Actions that strengthen and transform agri-food research and innovation systems”

• agreed (91% ) for definition and basis of GFAR Collective Actions as a key operational mechanism for the Global Forum

• Partners agree to commit and generate resources together

Update on Governance and GCARD3

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Update on Governance and GCARD3

A ) Implications for Regional Fora -

a) Contributed to work of the SGWG: nurturing FARA and AARINENA positions in process leading to the GFAR Constituent assembly (CA) and the CA itself.

b) Now, Translate GFAR evolution, partners involvement and linkages into their approaches and activities

B ) Specific inputs from EFARD :

Confirm its adhesion to GFAR Vision and Mission and to operate as a Partner in the Global Forum through Collective Actions

Framing of new collaborative Instruments in interregional collaboration:- Europe/SSA collaboration (PAEPARD, Intense Africa ) with FARA- with other Regions : Europe/South East Asia ? Mediterranean Region etc..

Facilitating GFAR I & C with relevant EC bodies (DG R & Innov.; DEVCO; EIARD) on MTPs, evolution, achievements...)

Providing European inputs in GCARD processes

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Probable New Governance Mechanisms of GFAR:

(i) Partners Assembly

(ii) Steering Committee

(iii) Executive Committee with decision powers delegated by SC (Substituting Management

Team – Recommendation not clearly endorsed )

(iv) Resource Allocation Committee (phasing out of Program Committee) – not representative

of all stakeholder groups. Members: GFAR Chair and host organization SC member ; 1 or 2 donor

representatives and 2 independent experts with significant experience or academic credibility in

AR4D - Executive Secretary, ex-officio , as responsible for fundraising and contracts with donors,

(v) Executive Secretariat (reinforced but lean (consultants), cost effective procedures (virtual

meetings/Tele and Video Conferences),

(vi) Donor Support Group (revitalized)

(vii) Facilitating Agencies: roles clarified):

1) Facilitate link between GFAR activities and development programs, given their common

poverty eradication, food security and environmental sustainability mission.

2) Sensitize and mobilize GFAR stakeholders and donor community towards achieving

GFAR Vision and Mission

3) Support, directly or indirectly, GFAR stakeholders and Secretariat in implementing

agreed GFAR strategic agenda and MTP.

Update on Governance and GCARD3

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Update on GCARD3

• The third Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD).

• A world-wide conversation on how agri-food research and innovation systems can best meet the world’s development needs.

• Science and society coming together to set a new agenda for agri-food research and innovation, and pathways to ensure it gets to those who need it most –resource-poor farmers and their communities.

What is GCARD ?

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GCARD 2012: Foresight, Partnership & Capacity Development for smallholders

650 participants1400 online

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GCARD 3 should:

• Engage wide range of audiences – stakeholders with interest in


• Motivate and mobilize stakeholders to actively contribute in process

leading to the Conference

• Position GCARD 3 process as the opportunity to come together to

reshape international research priorities and the future of global AR4D

• Differentiate GCARD 3 from previous meetings while maintaining its

purpose as accountability mechanism for international(CGIAR),

regional Programs (National Programs through RF & SROs)

• Provide Partners basis for Programming (CRPs, Other

global/regional collaborative Initiatives........

Update on Governance and GCARD3

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Update on GCARD3

Almost 1 billion people live in extreme poverty and 795 million suffer from chronic hunger.

Most live in rural areas and rely on agriculture for their livelihoods.

Agri-food research and innovation holds the key to eradicating hunger, malnutrition and poverty, but national systems are weak and fragmented.

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) means stepping up investment in innovation all levels and across the agri-food chain.

The Challenge

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Update on GCARD3

Organized by the Global Forum on

Agricultural Research and Development

(GFAR) with CGIAR.

Participants from across the agri-food

research and innovation community:

researchers, scientists, farmers, civil

society, rural women and youth, policy

makers, education, business and

investment agencies.

“Soft launch” of GCARD3 at FARA@15

(Johannesburg ),

Who is involved ?

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Delivering an Effective and Efficient GCARD3

• Joint GFAR/CGIAR Organizing Committee, representing

all actors in GCARD, provides strategic oversight, multi-

stakeholder perspectives and joint direction.

• Local Organizing Committee (currently established)

inclusive but small enough to be effective(< 10 members).

• GCARD3 = smaller budget than previous GCARDs .

• Consultation for CRPs, and engagement of

stakeholders funded by regular budget of both CGIAR

Consortium and GFAR as their core business.

• Leveraging other events and meetings will result in

more effective use of time, resources and space.

Update on GCARD3

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• CGIAR FC will fund US$450,000 (compared to $800,000

for GCARD2).

• ensure Non CGIAR Stakeholders’ voices in planning of

the next phase CRPs, (online tools, synthesis of feedback

from multiple events and associated communication,

Process leading to the GCARD 3 event. CRP contribution

of about US$30K each

• Additional support sourced through bilateral

contributions, for specific GCARD3 activities.

• GCARD3 smaller conference (around 250 participants),

primarily AR4D stakeholders, balance between AR4D

partners and sectors (including FOs, NGOs, CSOs, small

agribusiness). Priority to those bringing to the event results of

preparatory stakeholder and partner meetings.

Update on GCARD3

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Update on GCARD3

GCARD aims to create effective, targeted investment

and partnership, capacities and mutual accountabilities

across the agricultural system.

• GCARD1 (2010): The GCARD Road Map – six-

point plan to transform agricultural innovation


• GCARD2 (2012): Pathways to Impact – 15 new

commitments around partnership, capacity

development and foresight in the CGIAR – the

international agricultural research system.

• GCARD3 (2015/16): Transforming agri-food

research and innovation systems to ensure impact

on the Sustainable Development Goals

GCARD in Action

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Update on GCARD3

• Oct 2015 – early 2016: National Consultations Organized by CGIAR and national partners, in 20 countries. Shaping national site integration based on national needs and where CGIAR can help.

• Oct 2016 – early 2016: GCARD3 Regional Consultations Organized by GFAR and regional partners. Middle East and North Africa Region (October); Asia Pacific Region (December); Sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Latin America and Caribbean (TBC)

• April 5-8 2016: GCARD3 Global Event , Johannesburg, South Africa. Organized by GFAR, CGIAR and the Agricultural Research Council of South Africa. Theme : Pathways to Sustainable Development: How Agri-Food Research and Innovation Will Contribute to a Better


Join the Conversation

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Proposed Theme for GCARD3:

2015 = A landmark year following •. International Year of Family Farming

• Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa

• Final year for MDGs period and Year of

establishment of post-2015 Development Agenda


“Agricultural Innovation for the post-2015

development agenda”

Update on GCARD3

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Update on GCARD3

GCARD3 is an inclusive, participatory process and an opportunity to shape the future.

Together we can...

• Explore ways to align regional and national priorities and activities with CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs).

• Strengthen existing and new partnerships and find new ways of working in the future.

• Look at how changes in the focus, function and capability of national innovation systems (research, extension, education and enterprise can best be resourced and supported.

Get Inspired Get Involved

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Update on GCARD3

[email protected]

[email protected]

Photo credits: ©FAO/Roberto Grossman / FAO. M. Bleich / FAO. ©FAO/Alessandra

Benedetti / FAO ©FAO/Daniel Hayduk / FAO. ©FAO/Vasily Maximov / FAO.

©FAO/Giuseppe Bizzarri / FAO. ©FAO/Giampiero Diana / FAO ©FAO/Giulio

Napolitano / FAO. ©FAO / Swiatoslaw Wojtkowiak / FAO. ©FAO/Roberto Faidutti /

FAO. ©FAO/Farooq Naeem / FAO. ©FAO/Giuseppe Bizzarri / FAO.

For More Information

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Thank You
