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香港道教聯合會青松中學 2013-2014 測考範圍 期終考試 11/6/2014-25/6/2014 中一 科目 測考範圍 備註 English Please see attachment (Link ) 中國語文 請見附件(連結 ) 數學 甲部 TSA 題目 (40/160) 範圍為第一至第十三章 乙部 選擇題 (45/160) 範圍為第七至第十三章 丙部 問答題 (75/160) 範圍為第九至第十三章 初中通識 1. <<我們的學校與社區>>16-18 2. <<我們的學校與社區>>作業第 12-13 3. 工作紙筆記第 3 17 4. 全本<<人際關係>>教科書 5. 批判性思考筆記 6. 學習形態筆記 綜合科學 單元 4:能量(只考選擇題) 單元 5:奇妙的溶劑 單元 6:物質的粒子觀 中國歷史 課題:秦代大一統帝國的建立與驟亡 南北朝分合與胡 漢融和 書:甲.3.5 至甲 6.26 作業:甲 3.1 至甲 6.12 歷史 1. 古羅馬時代的生活 2. 香港傳統的農村社會 Life and Learning 1. Art 2. Creative Discovery 3. Product Design 4. Music 5. Healthy Living Also see school’s website (Link )

香港道教聯合會青松中學 - Ccss香港道教聯合會青松中學. 2013-2014 測考範圍. 期終考試 11/6/2014-25/6/2014 . 中一. 科目

Dec 30, 2019



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香港道教聯合會青松中學 2013-2014 測考範圍

期終考試 11/6/2014-25/6/2014 中一

科目 測考範圍 備註

English Please see attachment (Link)

中國語文 請見附件(連結)

數學 甲部 TSA 題目 (佔 40/160) 範圍為第一至第十三章

乙部 選擇題 (佔 45/160) 範圍為第七至第十三章

丙部 問答題 (佔 75/160) 範圍為第九至第十三章

初中通識 1. <<我們的學校與社區>>第 16-18 頁

2. <<我們的學校與社區>>作業第 12-13 頁

3. 工作紙筆記第 3 至 17 頁

4. 全本<<人際關係>>教科書

5. 批判性思考筆記

6. 學習形態筆記

綜合科學 單元 4:能量(只考選擇題)

單元 5:奇妙的溶劑 – 水

單元 6:物質的粒子觀

中國歷史 課題:秦代大一統帝國的建立與驟亡 至 南北朝分合與胡


書:甲.3.5 至甲 6.26

作業:甲 3.1 至甲 6.12

歷史 1. 古羅馬時代的生活

2. 香港傳統的農村社會

Life and Learning 1. Art

2. Creative Discovery

3. Product Design

4. Music

5. Healthy Living

Also see school’s website (Link)

Page 2: 香港道教聯合會青松中學 - Ccss香港道教聯合會青松中學. 2013-2014 測考範圍. 期終考試 11/6/2014-25/6/2014 . 中一. 科目

香港道教聯合會青松中學 2013-2014 測考範圍

期終考試 11/6/2014-25/6/2014 中二

科目 測考範圍 備註

English Please see attachment (Link)

中國語文 請見附件(連結)

數學 甲部 TSA 題目 (佔 40/160) 範圍為

TSA 補課班所教授之內容(中一 TSA 題目)

乙及丙部 選擇題及問答題 (佔 120/160) 範圍為


初中通識 1. <<走向世界的中國>>教科書第 3-4, 7-12, 33, 36-43, 50

2. <<走向世界的中國>>工作紙第 21-25 頁

3. <<全球化>>教科書第 1, 6-8, 11-14, 43 頁

4. 整份<<全球化>>工作紙筆記

5. 閱讀策略及有效溝通筆記

6. 時事專講三筆記

綜合科學 單元 9:遨遊太空

單元 10:常見的酸和鹼

單元 11:環境的察覺(只考選擇題)

中國歷史 北宋的積弱與變法 至 清初的統治

重點:元代的高壓統治 至 明代的君主集權政治

書:甲 4.5 至 甲 7.23 又 滿清入關與康雍乾盛世的統治

政策 (甲 1.4 至 甲 1.17)

作業:甲 4.1 至 甲 7.11 又 滿清入關與康雍乾盛世的統

治政策 (甲 1.2 至 甲 1.7)

地理 城市空間(課本):書 P.52–55 (可持續發展城市)

水的煩惱(課本):書 P.6-36


初中地理技巧精編(單元二):P.1-12, 24-29

中二地理作業:P.1-2, 24-31, 38-48, 53-57

Life and Learning 1. Unit 5 – money

2. Unit 6 – computer

3. Unit 7 – weather

4. Unit 9 – animal conservation

Also see school’s website (Link)

Page 3: 香港道教聯合會青松中學 - Ccss香港道教聯合會青松中學. 2013-2014 測考範圍. 期終考試 11/6/2014-25/6/2014 . 中一. 科目

香港道教聯合會青松中學 2013-2014 測考範圍

期終考試 11/6/2014-25/6/2014 中三

科目 測考範圍 備註

English Please see attachment (Link)

中國語文 請見附件(連結)

數學 卷一(TSA 卷) (佔 80/160) 範圍為 中一至中三所有 TSA 類


卷二 (佔 80/160) 範圍為 第六至第十一章

物理 一、二、四課

化學 整篇 14 章(p.49-p.101) 作業內容:1~12。




必考英文字 4 分, 增潤英文字 6 分


生物 消化系統、循環系統及健康的身體

中國歷史 清朝的中衰--->中華人民共和國內政

書:頁 2.2----9.26

作業:頁 2.1-----9.5



書:頁 6.2----9.26

作業:頁 6.1-----9.5

歷史 冷戰 1946 – 1991


地理 與自然災害共處全課。

初中地理技巧精編(單元 4)全課:

中三地理作業:p.1-10, 13, 26-67

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香港道教聯合會青松中學 2013-2014 測考範圍

期終考試 11/6/2014-25/6/2014 中四

科目 測考範圍 備註

English Same as DSE English Papers 1 - 4

中國語文 單元一至單元五


數學 第一至八、十一及十二章

高中通識教育 個人成長(全本),今日香港(全本)

公共衛生(第 1-2 章)

生物 循環系統、植物的運輸作用、蒸騰作用及細胞分裂

生物/化學(組合科學) 生物部分:循環系統、植物的運輸作用及蒸騰作用

化學部分:化學計算、課題 1b 全部

物理/化學(組合科學) 物理部分:波動

化學部分:化學計算、課題 1b 全部

中國文學 <<蒹葭>>至<<登高>>

中國歷史 中國歷史 必修第一冊 及 第二冊

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香港道教聯合會青松中學 2013-2014 測考範圍

期終考試 11/6/2014-25/6/2014 中四

科目 測考範圍 備註

歷史 4.1 (II) (IV)

4.2 (I)


地理 溫習範圍:





卷二:多項選擇題,共 46 題

經濟 中四全部課程

企業財務 1. 營商環境與管理導論 ch.1 – ch.8

2. 會計導論 ch.1-2, ch6-8

延展數學 第一至五章、第九章

電腦 Book 1 chp. 1-10

Book 2 chp. 11-13

視覺藝術 繪畫

旅遊與款待 款待導論 – 部分旅遊導論

創新產品設計 兩點透視

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香港道教聯合會青松中學 2013-2014 測考範圍

期終考試 11/6/2014-25/6/2014 中五

科目 測考範圍 備註

English Same as DSE English Papers 1 - 4

中國語文 中四至中五全年課程




*** 將考核正四面體概念。

*** 圓方程將不會考核直線與圓的交點數目(23.3)。

數學(校本課程) 下學期校本課程所有內容 及 統計

高中通識教育 今日香港(全本)



生物 基礎遺傳學,分子遺傳學及進化論




化學部分:化學計算、書 3A, (有機化學全部)




化學部分:化學計算、書 3A, (有機化學全部)

中國文學 先秦文學及現代文學

中國歷史 中國歷史 必修第一冊 至 第四冊

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香港道教聯合會青松中學 2013-2014 測考範圍

期終考試 11/6/2014-25/6/2014 中五

科目 測考範圍 備註

歷史 4.1, 4.2 , 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 (主題乙)

1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2(主題甲)

地理 溫習範圍:

書第二冊單元三:工業區位的轉變 (卷一)

書第二冊單元四:建設可持續城市 (卷一)

第六冊:運輸的發展、規劃和管理 (卷二)


卷一:多項選擇題 40 題、兩題結構題(全答)及一題短文章



經濟 中五課程

企業財務 1(a) + 1(b) + 1(c) + 1(d)

3(a) ch. 1-6 3(b) ch. 1 - 3

延展數學 第六至八、十一至十四章

電腦 Module C Chp 1 - 8

視覺藝術 西洋美術史相關資料各派的特色及上次測考試卷溫習優缺

旅遊與款待 旅遊導論、款待導論,世界地理、客戶關係及服務

創新產品設計 藝術和設計的特點

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2013-2014 F.1 English Paper 1 Final Exam Syllabus

Exam Date : 12/6 (9:00-10:00am) A. Two comprehension passages (15 marks out of 50)

- Article, poem, data-reading, dialogues, leaflet, etc

- M.C questions, vocabulary, short & long answers, etc

B. Vocabulary (10 marks out of 50)

1. Core vocabulary from workbook

2. Core vocabulary from booklet (40 words- uniform dictation)

C. Grammar (25 marks out of 50)

1. Prepositions of time (in, on, at, before, after, during)

2. Prepositions of place (in, on, at)

3. Articles (a, an, the, X)

4. Tenses (simple present, present continuous, simple past, future)

5. Pronouns ( subject pronoun, object pronoun, possessive adjectives)

6. Adjectives & adverbs

7. There is/are/was/were

Vocabulary 1. Textbook –WB pg 38, 40, 41, 42 (words given)

passport currency sunglasses shopping malls

culture local food sightseeing taking photos

hiking trip .airport family gathering

restaurant museum the Peak spectacular

2. Core Vocabulary – (spellings required) (40 words)

climb pull push kick

study hold talk work

cable car Peak Tram ferry mini bus

taxi bicycle Ocean Park Hong Kong Disneyland

Christmas Halloween Mid-Autumn Festival Chinese New Year

Dragon boat race Easter trick or treat Ching Ming Festival

Santa Claus lanterns red packets rice dumplings

moon cakes Shatin The Wetland Tsim Sha Tsui

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Central Admiralty Sau Mau Ping Wong Tai Sin

Mongkok Sai Kung Kwun Tong Kowloon Tong

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Form 2 Second Term Examination Syllabus 13-14

Paper I (+ 10% Enhancement : Fill in the blanks ) Vocabulary (40 marks) a. Selected Core Vocabulary (Appendix 2) b. Textbook vocabulary (Unit 4 – Festival Fun) (Appendix 1) Comprehension (60 marks) a. 2 pieces of comprehension (Poem + Article) Grammar (100 marks) a. 6 Tenses (simple present, present continuous, simple past, past continuous, present perfect & simple future) b. Relative pronouns c. Reported statements and commands d. Verbs and prepositions (Phrasal Verbs) e. Proofreading (includes Conditionals, Connectives, Comparatives and Superlatives, Adjectives and

Adverbs, Passive Voice, Infinitives and Gerunds and the above) Paper II Two types of writing are set: (Short: 2+13 marks, Long: 3+22 marks) 1. Mind map + short writing task (120 words) 2. Mind map + long writing task (160 words) ** It may include picture description, letter writing and article writing. Paper III -- Listening tasks -- Listening & Integrated Tasks (Data file) Paper IV Four oral sections are set: -- Passage reading aloud (Appendix 3) -- Core vocabulary reading (Appendix 2) -- Individual presentation -- Group Interaction Appendix 1 Textbook vocabulary (Unit 4 – Festival Fun)

gift(s) opposite later celebrate reciprocate

expect(ed) in return such as excuse custom

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male prepare receive important

Appendix 2 - Core vocabulary Unit 5 Clothes Part A

vest 背心

trousers 長褲

jeans 牛仔褲

T-shirt T 恤

sweater (長袖)毛衣

belt 皮帶

v-neck V 領的

round-neck 圓領的

stockings 長襪/絲襪

socks 短襪

sportswear 運動服裝

coat 大衣

jacket 外套

Part B

bow tie 蝶形領帶

shirt 恤衫

jewellery 珠寶

ring 戒指

bracelet 手鐲

necklace 頸鏈

earrings 耳環

short-sleeved 短袖的

long-sleeved 長袖的

school badge 校章

school dress 校服裙

high heels 高跟鞋

low cut evening gown 低領晚禮服

(business) suit 套裝

Unit 12 Films







3D movie


science fiction


comedy drama






parental guidance(PG) Category III

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家長指引 三級影片

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Appendix 3 Passage reading aloud

Unit 2

My friends at A-Care Animal Shelter call me Spotty and I’m two years old. I was abandoned by my

previous owner. The streets were full of bullies and life was hard. I was hungry and wet all the time. When

I was rescued by A-Care, I was just skin and bones and my right eye was badly hurt. At the shelter, I was

given food and a warm bed. A vet took care of me and helped me recover. A new home with a loving

family has been found for me, too! You can hear me purring happily now… purr…

Visit A-Care’s website and click ‘ADOPTION’ to find out how you can adopt a cat like me! If you

want to help by making a donation, please click ‘SUPPORT’.

Unit 4

On 14 February, Korean girls give gifts to their male friends, which is the opposite of what we do in

Hong Kong. Exactly one month later, Koreans celebrate White Day, which is the day for men to reciprocate.

They are expected to give girls something white in return, such as white sweets.

V-Day is a great excuse to go shopping for chocolates! It's our custom to give them as gifts to our

male friends, so I always prepare some for my classmates and teachers. My sister also gets them for her

boss and workmates. Close male friends receive special 'friendship chocolate’ gifts on this day. The most

special chocolate gift is given to the most important person

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F.3 Final exam syllabus (13-14)

Paper I G.E. 50 marks 1 hr 10 mins Read the following for details Paper II Writing

40 marks (S: 2 + 13) (L: 25)

1 hr 10 mins 2 tasks – short (150 wds) and long (200 wds) *Mind map for short task only. **study the writing file for revision

Paper III Listening

30 marks 1 hr & 10 mins 22 May (Thur) Periods 2 and 3 (Hall) Bring with stationery

Paper IV Oral

30 marks from 21 May 4 tasks: Passage reading (9 marks) Vocabulary reading (9 marks) Gp Inter. ( 8 marks) Indi. Res. (4 marks)

SBA 50 marks Project, reading reports, dictation, EB, film review, T’s discretion & TSA mock practice & Rev test, TSA(reading and listening), book presentation, IP & GI & IR

Paper I (1A: Reading 30 mins only 1B: 40 mins on vocab and language items)

a) 3 pieces of comprehension articles – different genres and question types (30 mins ONLY)

b) Text Vocab – TB 76, 77 (options are given)

duty, rights, the disadvantaged, shoppers, products, make a difference,

all over the world, live better lives, consumer survey, familiar with, results, society, support (v),

benefit (v), hope (n),

c) Antonyms (TB p.81): (un)acceptable, (in)convenient, (in)correct, (in)dependent, (in)expensive,

(un)fortunate, (un)important, (im)perfect, (im)personal, (un)popular, (im)possible, (im)practical,

(in)sensitive, (un)usual (for proofreading)

d) Core Vocab II – Unit 8 for uniform dictation. Spelling is necessary. (ERB p.96. 97)

unconscious, beer, alcoholic, passive smoking, bad breath, dizzy, cigarette,

blood pressure, smoking cessation, coughing, drunk driving, liver problem,

illusions, loss, personal information, depression, hackers, spread a virus,

illegal, brain damage, anti-drug policy, dealers, addict, rehabilitation,


e) Language items:

1. Tenses (simple present, present perfect, present continuous, simple past, past perfect,

past continuous, simple future)

2. Gerund and Infinitives (p.53-p.62)

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3. Core Vocab – Unit 26 Phrasal Verbs (II) in which the options are given.

get along figure out drop out catch up come across find out break up

care about eat out call off go out go over look up break down give up

4. Adjective Pattern (It is/was + adj. + for + sb. + to-inf ONLY) (ERB p.63-66)

5. Adverbs of Contrast (but, however, although, though) (p.67-p.70)

Previous syllabus (6 - 8) (less weighting)

6. Adverbs Clause of Reason & Result ** 4, 5, 6 – Sentence Rewriting

7. Passive Voice ( the form is assessed, e.g. is done, was made, can be bought…)

8. Conditional (for proofreading)

9. Proofreading – missing words and underlined words (e.g. antonyms…)

10. Enhancement Section (10 marks)

*********************************************************** Paper IV Reading Aloud: p.77 (9 marks)

For us at Smart Citizens, ‘good’ shoppers are people who try to shop for fair trade-labelled products

whenever possible. By doing so, these shoppers are using their spending power to make a difference,

helping people like Sonia and many others all over the world to live better lives.

Young people are the future of our society. We need more of you to support fair trade by becoming

‘good’ shoppers. We hope more shops will stock fair trade products, so that fair trade will benefit more

workers around the world.

Fair trade brings hope – say ‘yes’ to fair trade products!

Vocabulary Reading -- (9 marks, read 18 @0.5 marks) unconscious, beer, alcoholic, passive smoking, bad breath, dizzy, cigarette,

blood pressure, smoking cessation, coughing, drunk driving, liver problem,

illusions, loss, personal information, depression, hackers, spread a virus,

illegal, brain damage, anti-drug policy, dealers, addict, rehabilitation,


(un)acceptable, (in)convenient, (in)correct, (in)dependent, (in)expensive, (un)fortunate,

(un)important, (im)perfect, (im)personal, (un)popular, (im)possible, (im)practical, (in)sensitive,


**NO preparation time for passage and vocabulary reading; and the max exam

time for both parts is 2 mins**

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溫習範圍: (1) 單元一至六、單元八的寫作手法及語文秘笈

(2) 單元一至六、單元八的白話文閱讀理解

文言文 溫習範圍:文言文閱讀理解一至十四


溫習範圍: (1) 單元一至六、單元八的語文秘笈

(2) 成語工作紙

(3) 部首工作紙


卷二(寫作) 甲、命題寫作 乙、實用文:投訴信

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1314 中二級 中國語文科 下學期考試


:單元 1-8 成語 1-35





:20 分


一. 修辭辨析:

: 40 分

二. 改寫或續寫句子:

三. 成語運用:

四. 選填關聯詞: 五. 詞語及成語造句:

丙、實用文寫作: 20 分( 溫習:建議書、規章 )

增潤題(自由作答):6 分

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中三級 中國語文科 卷一 下學期考試

(一) 考試範圍:單元一至八,成語工作紙 16-30


甲. 閱讀理解 (23 分)

乙. 語文基礎知識 (47 分) 一. 修辭辨析 二. 修辭作句 三. 通假辨析 四. 成語辨析 五. 成語作句 六. 褒貶詞 七. 虛詞辨析

丙. 增潤題 (5 分)


二零一三至二零一四年度 中三級 中國語文科 卷二

下學期考試 甲、實用文------報告

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Final Exam Syllabus for Form 1 Life and Learning

Core Section (55 marks)

1) Art

2) Creative discovery

3) Product design

4) Music

5) Healthy living + Food function

Enhancement Section (10 marks)

1) Study all notes in your folder

2) Spelling is required.

Words you should know:

(1) Art

music 音樂 dance 舞蹈 architecture 建築學 painting 繪畫

photography 照相術 sculpture 雕像 calligraphy 書法 drama 戲劇

western 西方的 Chinese 中國的 artist 畫家 Van Gogh 梵高

Leonardo da Vinci 達文西 Picasso 畢卡索

(2) Creative Discovery

subtraction 減省法 smaller 細小點 simpler 容易點 addition 加法

add 增加 develop 發展 repetition 重覆法 repeat 重覆

shape 形狀 triangle 三角形 circle 圓形 rectangle 長方形

square 正方形 trapezium 梯形 parallelogram 平衡四邊形

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(3) Product design

user 使用者 materials 物料 safety 安全 consultation 諮詢

ergonomics 人類工程學 durable 持久的 non-toxic 無毒的 plastic 塑膠

wood 木製 glass 玻璃 gold 金 metal 金屬

leather 皮革

(4) Music

Staff 五線譜 Note 音符 Time signature 拍子記號 Rest 休止符

Clef 高音譜號 piano 鋼琴 violin 小提琴 guitar 結他

drum 鼓 recorder 牧童笛 saxophone 色士風 hand bell 手鈴

flute 長笛 songs 歌曲 Chinese 中國的 Korean 韓國的

Japanese 日本的 English 英國的

(4) Healthy Living + Food function

Food Pyramid


food type/ category


Oil 油 Milk and dairy


Meat and fish


Vegetables 蔬菜 Fruits 水果 Grains and cereals


noodles 麵類 pea 豌豆 butter 奶油 broccoli 西蘭花

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potato chips 薯片 bread 麵包 grape 葡萄 sausage 香腸

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Soya bean product


food nutrients


Protein 蛋白質 Carbohydrate


Fat 脂肪 Fibre 纖維 Vitamin 維他命 Energy giving food


Protective food


Body building food


Revision exercise: (i) Label (A-F) the diagram with the picture given.

A Piano B Clef C Staff

D Saxophone E Drum F Note

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Form 2 – Life and Learning : EXAM SYLLABUS 2013/14

Form 2 – Life and Learning EXAM


Topics included:

Unit 5 – Money Unit 6 – Computer

Unit 7 – Weather Unit 9 – Animal Conservation

Enhancement Section

Unit 5: Money

A) Different Currencies in the World Country’s Flag Country Currency Money Sign

The UK Pound £

The USA Dollar $

China Renminbi ¥

Korea Won ₩

European countries Euro €

B) Currency Ratios in Different Countries

• If I have £20, how much Hong Kong dollar do I have?

= 20 x 12 = HK$240

• If I have €77, how much US dollar do I have?

₩1 = HK$0.007 US$1 = HK$7.7 €1 = HK$10 £1 = HK$12

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= (77 x 10) ÷ 7.7 = US$100

C) Different Forms of Money

Coins Notes Credit Cards Cheques Octopus Cards

• Adding money on the Octopus Card

Unit 6: Computer A) Common Names of Computer Hardware

Item Name Item Name Item Name




Hard disk







B) Common Names of Computer Software Item Name & Function Item Name & Function



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Enhancement Section - Content Discussed in Class

- END -

Marks Allocation:

Online HW Quiz Class Perf. Final Exam Total

10% 10% 10% 70% 100%

Basic • Koalas are from Australia. They are not bears.

• Koalas eat leaves and sleep 20 hours a day.

• Baby koalas are called “Joey” and live in mother’s pouch.

• Koala’s fur keeps them warm.

• Koala’s claws help them climb trees.

Reasons being endangered