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Educational Publishing From Uk v 2

Jun 03, 2018



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  • 8/11/2019 Educational Publishing From Uk v 2


    Educational publishingfrom the UK

    Helping the world to learn

  • 8/11/2019 Educational Publishing From Uk v 2


    2 Educational publishing from the UK The Publishers Association February 2013

    The UK educationalpublishing industry

    The UK publishing industry isthe oldest, best-established and

    most highly regarded internationalpublishing industry in the world .

    It is staffed by people who areprofessional, expert and closelyconnected to the education worldwithin which they work. Theirexperience and training ensures thatpublished materials from the UKpromote and make use of the higheststandards in:

    z teaching and learning z subject content and z publishing technologies.

    As a result, the materialsthey produce for teachers andlearners are:

    z effectivez reliable

    z robust and z good value for money.

    UK educational publishers invest heavilyin:

    z research into effective learning z recruiting expert authors z high quality illustrations and design z practical developments in leading-

    edge technologies.

    This is to enable the production oflearning materials which will:

    z engage students z support teachers z deliver high-quality, successful


    UK publishers produce

    materials for all age groups,from pre-primary andsecondary, for special

    needs and vocationaleducation. PlayFoundations from

    Collins is an award winning series for

    all types of early yearenvironments, with the emphasis

    on child-led play. This series consistsof six books and CD-ROMs for ages3-5, and six books for ages 0-3.

  • 8/11/2019 Educational Publishing From Uk v 2


    The Publishers Association February 2013 Educational publishing from the UK 3

    Oxford Reading Tree ,published by Oxford University

    Press, is used in more than 80% ofschools in the UK and in over 130countries around the world. It has alsobeen translated into seven differentlanguages. For more than 20 years it hassuccessfully taught children around the

    world to read through the mix of print andelectronic

    C o l l i n s B i g C a t,

    p u b l i s h e d b y C o l l i n

    s E d u c a t i o n,

    p r o v i d e s r e a l b o o k

    s f o r

    r e a l r e a d i n g w i t h a

    h u g e

    v a r i e t y o f g e n r e s ,

    a u t h o r s ,

    i l l u s t r a t o r s a n d f o r m a t s .

    C o n t a i n i n g a n e v e n

    s p l i t

    o f c t i o n a n d n o n-

    c t i o n

    a t e a c h l e v e l a n d b

    u i l t

    a r o u n d a c o r e s t r a

    n d o f

    p h o n i c s r e a d e r s , C

    o l l i n s

    B i g C a t a l s o f e a t u r

    e s

    a r a n g e o f t r a d i t i o n

    a l

    s t o r i e s f r o m a r o u n d

    t h e

    w o r l d.

    w w w. c o l l i n s b i g c a t

    . c o m

    Typically, publishers provide:

    z core textbooks or e-textbooks forlearners to use in the classroom orat home

    z detailed teacher support in print oronline

    z additional worksheets andresources for students to use astheir own learning needs dictate

    z digital resources for both teachersand learners, provided in a range offormats, such as on CD-ROM andonline

    z professional development courses,online support and examples ofgood teaching practice.

    Hot T op ic s T eaching v ibr ant c r os s -cur r icular les s ons ar ound popular t opics w it h t hese aw ar d-nominat ed r esour ces . Inspir e lear ner s w it h int e r ac t iv e ac t iv it ies , model-mak ing pr o jec t s , s cenar ios , mus ic and mor e , all cent r ed ar ound one of t en popular t opics . T hes e t i-

    t les ar e publis hed by Scholas t ic and ar e av ailable in bot h book and CD-R O M

    f or mat s t hat w or k alone or combine t o complement one anot her . w w w .scholas t ic

  • 8/11/2019 Educational Publishing From Uk v 2


    4 Educational publishing from the UK The Publishers Association February 2013

    Providing educationalmaterials worldwide

    UK educational publishers havelong produced materials specifically

    designed to support students andteachers following internationalqualifications and local curricula,including:

    z Cambridge InternationalExaminations

    z International Baccalaureate (IB) z Country-specific examinations in Asia, the Caribbean and around theworld.

    They work closely with qualificationawarding bodies, Ministries ofEducation, examiners and classroomteachers to ensure that the resourcesare exactly right for the students, theirteachers and the qualifications.

    Their expertise in digital assetmanagement and new publishingtechnologies also enables them torepurpose and customise materials forlearners anywhere in the world.

    Ma c milla ns c lose 8-y ear cooper at ion w it h t he F or e ign L anguage T eaching and R esear ch P r es s has led t o t he success of New S t andar d E nglish. T his cour se , w hich f ulls t he s pecic cur r iculum r equir ement s in China, is us ed by ov er 20 million s t udent s and has achiev ed a

    s uccess of ov er 250 million component s in sales .

    w w w .macmillaneducat


    UniversityPress worksclosely with

    CambridgeInternational Examinations

    to produce high quality endorsedresourcesin preparation for Cambridgeexams, These include English as a Secondlanguage for the Cambridge IGCSE whichis written by an experienced CambridgeIGSE teacher and trainer.

  • 8/11/2019 Educational Publishing From Uk v 2


    The Publishers Association February 2013 Educational publishing from the UK 5

    The Collins Birmingham Uni vers i t y In te rna t iona l

    Language Da tabase ( COBUILD ) re volu tionized dic tionaries for learners o f

    English. L ed b y the ou ts tanding linguis t

    John Sinclair, Collins and Birmingham

    Uni vers i t y de veloped the da tabase in

    the 1980s . COBUIL D is a t the hear t

    o f Collins English L anguage Teaching

    publishing, and edi tors use the da ta to ensure tha t the language u

    sed in

    Collins publica tions is na tural, accura te ,

    re le van t and up to da te .

    w w w.collins

    For over fty years, Mary Glasgow, the languagesimprint of Scholastic UK, has been providing teachers

    around the world with supplementary reading material,especially designed to motivate students of all ages to

    read in English. Our wide range of graded readers are basedon internationally successful lms and TV series, compelling

    biographies and the best of classic literature. Watch your Englishclasses come to life with the Scholastic Readers and Popcorn ELT

    Readers series!

    He ad w ay has made an e x cept ional cont r ibut ion t o t he w or ld of educat ion and t o E L T in par t icular . It is w idely r egar ded as t he mos t endur ing and pr es t igious of all

    E F L cour s es . Now in it s 4t h edit ion, Headw ay is used in t he educat ion sy s t ems of 127 dif f e r ent count r ies . w w w / e lt

    Teaching English to theworldWith the continuing growth of Englishas a global language, it is estimated

    that around one billion people arecurrently studying English as aforeign language, and more and moreof these are at school level.

    The UK has most of the largest EnglishLanguage Teaching publishers in theworld, producing a wide range ofinnovative titles that support teachersand motivate students as theydevelop the language skills needed tocommunicate successfully in English.

    Publishers work closely with teachersand students in all the major countrieswhere English is taught to ensure thatthe teaching approaches work forthe pupils and their teachers.

    They continually update theirexpertise by working withresearchers and teachers asnew and more effective ways ofteaching English are developed, tomake learning quicker, more effectiveand more fun.

  • 8/11/2019 Educational Publishing From Uk v 2


    6 Educational publishing from the UK The Publishers Association February 2013

    UK national curriculum

    The UK National Curriculum is widelytaught throughout the world.

    It applies to all pupils of compulsoryschool age in state-funded schoolsin England and Wales, exceptfor Academies (state-funded butdirect rather than local authorities).

    Academies now make up over 50%of secondary schools and 10% ofprimary schools.

    Both the curriculum and qualificationsare currently undergoing a review.

    The aim is to develop a coherentcurriculum which allows children tobuild their knowledge systematicallyand consistently.

    KS 1 & 2 KS3 KS4






    Geography Design &technology Music

    Physical education

    Art and design

    Religious education Modern foreignlanguages


    Careers education Sex education

    UK publishers will continue to producea wide range of carefully-researchedmaterials to support the NationalCurriculum, designed to fulfil thestatutory requirements and to support

    learners and teachers in the classroomso that pupils can enjoy learning,make progress and maximise theirpotential.

    The National Curriculum is organisedon the basis of four key stages:

    Key Stage Age of children Year1 5-7 1-22 7-11 3-63 11-14 7-94 14-16 10-11

    As it stands certain subjects arecompulsory at each key stage.

    G a l o r e P a r k p u b l i s he s a r ang e o f t i t l e s f o r p u p i l s i n t he U K s l e ad i ng i nd e p e nd e nt s c ho o l s , s t at e -f u nd e d A c ad e m i e s and I nt e r nat i o nal s c ho o l s f o l l o w i ng t he U K c u r r i c u l u m . T he s e s u i t U K and i nt e r nat i o nal p u p i l s w ho ar e w o r k i ng ab o v e and b e y o n

    d t he N at i o

    nal C u r r i c u l u m i n t e r m s o f p ac e and d e p t h. w w w .g al o r e p ar k .c o .u k

  • 8/11/2019 Educational Publishing From Uk v 2


    The Publishers Association February 2013 Educational publishing from the UK 7

    Ne w Mat hs F r ame w or k i ng f r o m C o l l i ns E d ucat i o n i s t he mar k e t l e ad i ng K S3 mat hs co ur se and guar ant e e s p r o gr e s s i o n f o r e v e r y p up i l w i t h co mp r e he ns i v e p r i nt and d i gi t al p up i l and t e ache r r e s o ur ce s .

    w w w .co l l i nse d ucat i o m

    A comprehensive,cohesive package fromScholastic that con-tains everything youneed to teach primaryscience. Full of fas-cinating resources,practical exercisesand experiments,ScholasticPrimary Science builds childrens knowledgeover time, developing the experiencethey have gained in previous years.

    Pearsons Bug Club is a w hole sc hool re


    programme for Recep tion,

    K S1 and K S2 t ha t

    trans forms young readers

    in to li felong readers .

    W he t her t he yre reading

    Ben1 0 eBoo k s a t home,

    ac ting in a pla y wri t ten b y Julia

    Donaldson, or t humbing t heir

    fa vouri te Ba tman comic, Bug

    Club immerses k ids in a reading

    world t he yll ne ver wan t to lea ve.

    w w k

    Programmes of study

    Each subject has a programme ofstudy which lays out what pupilsshould be taught at each key stage.

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    8 Educational publishing from the UK The Publishers Association February 2013

    C hanne l 4 L e ar ni ngs C l i p b ank se r v i c e f o r K e y S t ag e 3 and 4 i s a d ai l y -u p d at e d

    c r o ss -c u r r i c u l ar d i g i t al l e ar ni ng s e r v i c e , c o v e r i ng 16 su b j e c t ar e as . C l i p b ank b r i ng s l e ar ni ng al i v e t hr o u g h t ho u s and s o f v i d e o s , i nt e r ac t i v e qu i z z e s , and l i nk s t o U K e x am b o ar d s , p l u s a d ai l y and w e e k l y ne w s b u l l e t i n se r v i c e . C l i p b ank i s al so av ai l ab l e f o r ho m

    e ac c e ss b y t e ac he r s and p u p i l s .w w w .c hanne l 4l e ar ni ng .c o m / c l i p b ank

    Digital learning

    The UK is a world leader inthe development of the use oftechnology in education.

    UK educational publishers havefollowed this lead by heavily investingin developing a range of educationalresources in digital form.

    Inspiring classroom teaching

    Many courses are accompanied bya wealth of resources to project infront of the class on an interactivewhiteboard or screen, including:

    z Copies of the book pages for easy-to-manage classroom work

    z Large-scale illustrations anddiagrams to clarify learning points

    z Animations and video clips to bringthe lessons to life

    z Interactive activities to engage thewhole class,

    N e l s o n T h o r n e s

    n e w i B o o k s

    t e x t b o o k s ha r n e s s

    t h e i n t e ra c t i v e

    ca pa b i l i t i e s o f t h e i Pa d

    t o ta k e

    t h e t e x t b o o k

    e x p e r i e n c e b e y o n d

    t h e s ta t i c pa g e .

    S t u d e n t s ca n wa t c h v

    i d e o s ,

    s e e ma p s a n d d ia g r

    a m s j u m p

    f r o m t h e pa g e , a n d c

    h e c k t h e i r

    p r o g r e s s w i t h i n t e ra c t

    i v e q u i z z e s a n d

    a c t i v i t i e s a l l d e v e l o p e d f r o m

    t h e i r c u r r e n t

    h i g h q ua l i t y s u b j e c t t e x t b o o k s .

    w w w. n e l s o n t h o r

    n e s . c o m / i b o o k s

    Other digital resources

    Increasingly schools are investingin tablets for all students allowingboth classwork and homework

    to be set, completed and markedonline. Publishers are facilitating thisdevelopment by producing apps andonline versions of digital materials.

    A wealth of resources on the web

    Publishers are using the powerof the internet to provide learnersand teachers with a wide range ofresources to enrich their learning andsupport their self-study.

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    The Publishers Association February 2013 Educational publishing from the UK 9

    E s p r e s s o P r im a r y is an aw ar d-w inning, w eek ly -updat ed digit al lear ning ser v ice f or F oundat ion t o K ey S t age 2 t hat enables deliv er y of engaging les s ons t hr ough t hous ands of v ideos , ac t iv it ies , w or k s heet s and a t opical

    new s bulle t in se r v ice . E spr es s o is also av ailable f or home access by t eacher s and pupils . w w w .es pr es

    What children think about technologyfor learning

    It inspires me to learn

    Using computers makes learning fun

    Being able to use the internet makes project work more interesting

    Managing my own coursework give me a greater sense ofownership

    D y na m ic

    Lea r n i ng i s t h e

    o n l i n e s u b s c r i p t i o n s e r v

    i c e

    t ha t ma k e s t ea c h i n g a n

    d l ea r n i n g

    ea s i e r. W i t h t h r e e d i f f e r

    e n t p r o d u c t

    s t ra n d s : T ea c h i n g a n d L ea r

    n i n g

    Q u e s t i o n P ra c t i c e

    e T e x t b o o k s.

    w w w. d y na m i c- l ea r n i n g. c

    o. u k

    G O P re p i s

    a n

    o n l i ne re v i s io n a nd

    te s t i ng too l fo r p u p i l s

    ta k i ng

    s e lec t i ve e n t ra nce te s

    t s to U K

    s c hoo l s i n Ma t

    h s a nd Sc ie nce.

    w w lo re pa r u k /go p re p

  • 8/11/2019 Educational Publishing From Uk v 2


    10 Educational publishing from the UK The Publishers Association February 2013

    My Ma ths .co .uk , f r om Oxf or d Univ e r s ity P r e s s , is a leading subs cr ipt ion w ebs it e f or mat hemat ics in t he UK and is used in ov er 70 count r ies w or ldw ide . It giv es access t o a r ange of r eady -made les sons and online homew or k t ask s , along w it h a pow er f ul as s es sment

    manager w hich ev idences s t udent s pr ogr es s . w w w .my mat hs

    P e a r s ons A c t iv eLe a r n : P r ov iding t he suppor t of t he c lass r oom bey ond t he w alls of t he school w it h w eb-deliv er ed s caf f olded lear ning v ia our A c t iv eCour ses and Book s . w w w .pear sonschoolsandf ecolleges

    Automated assessmentand marking

    Many new products are beinglaunched for:

    z students to check their progress z teachers to monitor progress z automatic marking and analysis of

    results to allow teachers time tofocus on their teaching.

    ,GL Assessment has made a steadymove from paper to digital testing. Manyassessments are now available in digitalformat, including the Cognitive Abilities Test,Progress in Maths, Progress in English andmost recently New Group Reading Test, anadaptive online test.

    Dynamic learning from

    Hodder Education is theonly tracking tool created specicallyfor OCR Mathematics for GCSESpecication

    RisingStars offer a wide rangeof assessment materials that willsupport your assessment forlearning strategy.

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    The Publishers Association February 2013 Educational publishing from the UK 11

    Major UK educational publishers

    Website UKCurriculum

    Overseas/ internationalcurriculum

    EnglishLanguage Teaching

    Automated Assessments

    Bloomsbury Publishers(

    Cambridge University Press(

    Channel 4 Learning(

    Collins Education( )

    Espresso Education( Galore Park(

    GL Assessment(

    Hodder Education(

    Macmillan Education( ) McGraw-Hill(

    Nelson Thornes(

    Oxford University Press(

    Pearson( Raintree Publishers(

    Rising Stars(

    Schoeld & Sims(


  • 8/11/2019 Educational Publishing From Uk v 2

    12/12www publishers org uk

    There are many smaller companies with interesting materials which are worth

    exploring. Contact them through their websites or meet them at annual events inthe UK such as the BETT Show ( in London, the EducationShow ( in Birmingham, and the London Book Fair(, and of course at overseas events.

    Where to go for further informationz UK Publishers Association (}

    Information about the UK educational publishing industry z Department for Education (DoE) (

    Government department responsible for the education system in Englandand Wales

    z Qualifications and Curriculum Agency (QCA) ( ) Information about the national curriculum and associated assessments, testsand examinations

    z British Council ( about English language learning worldwide

    z UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) ( Advice on international trade

    The original text was written by Kay Symons and The Publishers Association (PA)in March 2009, and was updated by PA member companies in February 2013.

    Designed in house based on the original design of

    Compiled by:

    The Publishers Association29B Montague StreetLondon WC1B 5BWt: +44 (0)20 7691 9191 f: +44 (0) 20 7691 9199e: [email protected]:

    The Publishers Association Limited is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Walesnumber 3282879. Registered office: 6th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London EC4A 4AB