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EDL Core Vocabularies in Reading, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies A Revised Core Vocabulary Core Vocabulary for Mathematics, Grades 1-6 Core Vocabularies for Science and Social Studies Stanford E. Taylor Helen Frackenpohl Catherine E. White Betty Willmon Nieroroda Carole Livingston Browning E. Patricia Birsner

EDL Core Vocabularies

Nov 16, 2015




grade levels of common vocabulary words
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  • EDL Core Vocabularies in Reading, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies

    A Revised Core Vocabulary

    Core Vocabulary for Mathematics,

    Grades 1-6

    Core Vocabularies for Science

    and Social Studies

    Stanford E. Taylor Helen Frackenpohl Catherine E. White

    Betty Willmon Nieroroda

    Carole Livingston Browning

    E. Patricia Birsner

  • Foreword EDL's purpose in developing and publishing core vocabularies is to improve the readability of instructional materials. Vocabulary load is aclmowledged as the major factor in determining readability. EDL's vocabulary lists will provide teachers, authors, and researchers with word lists to be used in the writing and evaluation of instructional materials.

    HISTORY EDL's involvement in the development of core vocabularies extends over three decades. .. The reading core vocabulary dates back to 1949 with the publica-

    tion of Basic Vocabulary' by the Washington Square Reading Center, EDL's parent organization. This vocabulary was sub-sequently revised in 1951,' 1955,' and 1969.'

    .. The mathematics core vocabulary was published in 1975.'

    .. The science and social studies lists were developed in 1978 and are now being published for the first time. This publication brings together the reading, mathematics, science,

    and social studies lists into one volume. Further, it includes grade-by-grade lists for reading, a cumulative alphabetical list, and an adult word list appropriate for adults reading at low levels.

    A full explanation of the origin and organization of the vocabular-ies is found in the Appendix.

    EDL READING CORE VOCABULARY The EDL Reading Core Vocabulary is composed of words introduced in the more widely used basal reading series and/or found on fre-quency lists. Its sources are described in detail in the Appendix.

    There are 14 graded lists for levels from pre-primer through 13. Each list is arranged in alphabetical order and includes only the words introduced on the specified grade level. However, it is assumed that students already know the words contained in all of the lists for the preceding levels.

    The cumulative list contains all of the words used in grades pre-primer through 13, arranged alphabetically, and indexed as to grade level. A number (or P for pre-primer) is placed before each word in this list to indicate the level at which the word is introduced.

    EDL MATHEMATICS CORE VOCABULARY The mathematics core vocabulary is based on two doctoral disser-tations. The purpose of these dissertations was to compile an in-ventory of the frequency of use of modern mathematical terms in commonly used basal mathematics series. The availability of these word lists enables the mathematics teacher to provide instruction in mathematics terms according to their frequency and importance. One list contains words introduced in grades 1-3, a second list con-tains words introduced in grades 4-6.

    EDL SCIENCE AND SOCIAL STUDIES CORE VOCABULARIES The science and social studies lists are based on frequency of occur-rence in glossaries of words found in the major textbook series. Since the understanding of vocabulary and concepts goes hand-in-hand in content area learning, these lists enable teachers and writers to develop vocabulary exercises with words appropriate for the various grade levels.

    A science list and a social studies list are provided for each of grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 .

    HOW TEACHERS CAN USE THE WORD LISTS Teachers will find a variety of uses for the word lists:

    Readability levels of instructional materials can be deter-mined. If more than 10 percent of the total vocabulary is above the student's reading level, the teacher should plan to aid the student in reading the material.

    Informal inventories can be developed to assess a student's instructional level in reading or in a content area.

    The student is asked to read through a graded list of words. The student should lmow 90 percent or more of the words on a given level in order to be considered qualified to work independently in materials written at that level.

    Vocabulary improvement exercises can be based on a given word list. The teacher can create dictionary activities, sentence-writing activities, context-clue exercises, and other kinds of exercises to improve students' understanding of word meaning and usage.

    The readability of teacher-made lessons can be checked against the word list for the intended instructional level of the materi-als. After the above-level words in a lesson have been identified, the teacher can either rewrite the lesson or pre-teach the words in question.

    HOW WRITERS CAN USE THE WORD LISTS Writers of instructional materials, childrens' stories, or trade books can use the word lists to ensure that these materials can be read independently by students in the intended target audience. (Books to be read to children by parents might be exempted from this proce-dure.) First, the writer must determine the grade level of the target audience. The vocabulary level of words used can be checked against the Core Vocabulary either during or after the writing of the first draft. Above-level words should be marked by circling or highlighting. Each above-level word should be considered individually. Words that are critical to the presentation of key concepts can be explained with various types of context clues (synonyms, opposites, direct explana-tion, etc.). Other words can be eliminated. The writer can refer to the graded lists for possible synonyms or for simpler ways of present-ing the concepts.

    'Stanford E. Thylor, Basic Vocabulary. New York: Washington Square Reading Center, 1949. 'Earl A. Taylor, Stanford E. Taylor, and Helen Frackenpohl, Basic Vocabulary (Second Edition). Levittown, New York: Educational Developmental Laboratories, Inc., 1951.

    'Stanford E. Taylor and Helen Frackenpohl, Basic Vocabulary (Third Revision). Huntington, New York: Educational Developmental Laboratories, Inc., 1955. 'Stanford E. Thylor, Helen Frackenpohl, and Catherine E. White, A Revised Core Vocabulary. New York: Educational Developmental Laboratories, Inc., 1960, 1969.

    'Betty Willmon Nieroroda and Carole Livingston Browning, Core Vocabulary Jar Mathernatics, Grades 1-6. New York: Educational Developmental Laboratories, Inc., 1975.

    ISBN 1-55855-811-X 16171819 023 0908070605

    Copyright (!;> 1989,1979,1975,1969,1960,1955,1951 Steck-Vaughn Company. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. Requests for permission to make copies of any part of this book should be mailed to: Copyright Permissions, Steck-Vaughn Company, P.O. Box 26015, Austin, Texas 78755. Printed and bound in the United States.

  • Contents


  • a I discover EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Adult Word list

    The aural vocabulary of adults reading at very low levels is usually higher than their reading vocabulary. Therefore, if instruction is delivered through audio cassettes or teacher lecture, the following word list should be used rather than the lists that appear on pages 4-11. The number or letter which preceeds each word indicates the reading level, from Readiness through Level 3, most appropriate for the introduction of the word. Once a word is introduced, it can be used in all subsequent levels.

    A 3 appear 3 became 3 bowl 3 carrier 3 collar D 3 application 1 because 1 box 2 carry 3 collect

    Ra 3 apply 3 become 1 boy 3 case 3 college 2 Dad 2 able 1 are R bed 2 brave R cash 2 color 3 damage R about 2 arm 1 been 3 bread 1 catch 1 come 2 dance 2 above 3 army 1 before 1 break 3 cattle 3 comfortable 1 danger 1 accident 1 around 1 began 2 breakable 2 caught 3 community 3 dangerous 1 across 3 arrest 3 begin 3 breathe 1 cause 2 company 3 dare 2 act 3 arrive 2 behind 3 brick 2 cave 3 condition 2 dark 3 action 2 arrow 2 believe 2 bride 1 cent 3 control 2 date 2 add 1 as 2 bell 3 bridge 3 center 2 cook 3 daughter 3 address 3 ashamed 2 belong 2 bright 3 certain 2 cool R day 3 admit R ask 3 below 1 bring 1 chair 3 cord 1 dead R ads Rat 2 beside 2 broke 3 challenge 2 corn 3 deal 3 adult 3 ate 1 best 2 broken 3 champion 1 corner 2 dear 3 adveumre 2 atom 1 bet 2 brook 2 chance 1 cost 2 death 2 afford 3 attack 1 better 2 brother 1 change 3 cough 3 debt 1 afraid 2 attention 2 between 2 brought 3 charge 1 could 3 decide 1 after 2 attract 2 bicycle 3 bucket 3 chase 3 count 3 deck 2 afternoon 2 attractive 1 big 2 building 3 cheap 1 country 2 deep 1 again 2 August Rbill 3 built 3 cheat 3 county 3 degree 2 against 3 aunt 2 birds 3 bulb R check 3 couple 3 delicious 2 age 2 auto 3 birth 2 bullets 3 cheek 3 courage 3 deliver 3 agency 1 away 3 bit 3 bunch 3 cheer 2 course 3 dent 2 ago 3 bite 2 burn 3 cheese 3 court 3 depend 3 aim B 2 black 3 burst 3 chew 1 cover 3 dept. 2 air 3 blank 3 bury 2 chicken 2 cow 3 desert 2 airport 3 baby 3 blanket R bus 3 chief 2 cowboy 2 desk 2 aisle 1 back 3 blaze 3 business 3 chest 2 cowgirl 3 destroy R all 1 bad 3 bleed 2 busy R child 3 crack 3 detective 2 alley 1 badly 3 bless 1 but R children 3 crackle 3 dial 3 allow 2 bag 2 blew 3 butter 3 church 1 crashed 3 diamond 2 almost 3 baggage 2 block R buy 3 citizen 2 crazy R did 2 alone 3 bait 2 blood 1 by 1 city 3 cream R didn't 3 already 2 bake 2 blow 1 class 3 credit 2 die 2 also 1 ball 3 blue C 1 clean 3 crew 3 difference 2 although 2 balloon 1 board 2 clear 3 crime 3 different 1 always 3 band 3 boast 2 cabin 3 clever 3 criminal 3 difficult lam 1 bank 3 boat 2 cake 2 cliff 3 crop 2 dig 2 America 2 bar 2 body 2 calf 2 climb 1 cross 3 diner 2 American 1 bargain 2 bomb 1 call 3 clinic 2 crow 3 dinner 3 amount 3 bark 3 bone 3 calm 2 clock 3 crowd 2 diploma 1 an 3 barrel 1 book 1 came 3 closet 3 cruel 3 direction 3 anchor 1 base 3 booth 2 camera 2 cloth 2 cry 1 dirt Rand 1 baseball 3 bored 3 camp 1 clothes 2 cup 1 dirty 2 angry 2 basket 2 born R can 3 cloud 3 curb 3 disappoint 2 animal 3 bath 2 borrow 3 cancer 3 club 3 cure 3 discharge 3 ankle 3 battle 2 boss 3 candy 3 coach 3 curtain 3 discover 2 answer 1 be 2 both R can't 2 coal 3 customer

    1 any 3 beach 2 bother 2 captain 1 coat 2 cut

    1 anyone 2 bear 3 bottom 1 car 2 coffee 3 cute

    1 anything 2 beat 2 bought 2 card 3 coin

    2 apartment 2 beautiful 3 bounce 1 care 1 cold


  • disease Ilend _______ EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Adult Word list ______ _

    3 disease 3 election 3 female 2 fresh 2 grow 3 honor 2 jeans 2 dish 2 electric 2 fence 3 Friday 3 growl 3 hood 2 jet 3 disturb 3 electricity 2 few R friends 3 guard 3 hook R jobs 3 dizzy 2 eleven 2 field 1 from 2 guess 2 hop 3 join R do 2 else 2 fifty 2 front 3 guide 1 hope 1 jokes 3 dock 3 employment 1 fight 2 frozen 2 gun 2 horse 3 judge R doctor 2 empty 3 figure 2 fruit 3 guy R hospital 1 jump 1 does 2 end 2 fill 2 full 1 hot 1 June 2 dog 3 enemy 2 final 3 fumes H 1 hour 2 junk 2 doll 2 engine 2 finally 1 fun 1 house 1 just 1 dollar 3 enjoy 1 find 2 fur R had 1 how 1 done 1 enough 2 fine 3 furniture 2 hair 3 human K 1 don't 2 enter 3 finger 3 fuse 2 half 2 hundred 1 door 1 escape 2 finish 2 hall 3 hung 1 keep 1 down 3 Europe 1 fire G 1 hand 2 hungry 2 kept 3 dozen 2 even 2 fireplace 3 handle 2 hunt 2 kill 2 Dr. 2 evening 1 first 3 gain R happened 1 hurry 1 kind 3 drank 1 ever 2 fish 3 gamble 1 happy 1 hurt 2 king 3 draw Revery 2 fist 1 game 1 hard 2 husband 2 kitchen 3 dream 3 except 1 five 2 gang 3 hardship 3 knee 3 drew 3 excite 1 fix 1 garbage 1 has 3 kneel 3 drift 3 excitement 3 flag 1 gas 2 hat I 1 knew 1 drink 1 exit 3 flat 2 gate 3 hatch 3 knife 1 drive 3 expect 2 flame 1 gave 3 hate 2 knock 3 driven 3 experimental 3 flash 3 general R have RI 3 knot 1 drop 3 explain 2 flew R gets R he 2 ice R know 1 drove 3 extra 2 floor 3 ghost 1 head 3 idea 2 known 3 drown 1 eye 3 fly 2 giant 3 heal 1 if

    1 drug 2 flying 1 girl 1 health R I'll L 3 drunk F 2 fog 1 give 1 hear 3 illness 3 dry 2 fold 2 given 2 heard 1 I'm 2 lady 2 duck 2 fable 3 folks 2 glad 2 heart 3 imagine 1 land 3 due 1 face 2 follow 3 glance 1 heat 3 imagination 1 landlord 3 dug 3 fact R food 2 glass 2 heavy 1 important 2 large 2 dumb 3 factory 2 fool 2 glove 2 height Rin 1 last 3 during 3 faint 2 foot R go 2 held 3 inches 2 later 2 dust 2 fair R for 3 God 2 hello 2 Indian 1 laughed 3 duty 1 fall 3 force R goes R help 3 infection 2 laughable

    1 family 3 foreman 2 gold 1 her 3 instead 3 law E 3 famous 2 forest 2 gone 1 here 3 insurance 2 lay

    2 fan R forget R good 2 herself 3 interest 3 lead 2 each 1 far R forgot R got 2 hid R into R learn 2 ear 2 farm 3 forgotten 2 govern 1 hide 3 invent 3 least 2 earl v 2 farmer 3 form 2 government 2 high 3 invention 3 leather 2 earn 1 fast 2 fort 2 grab 2 highest 3 inventor 1 leave 2 earth 3 fasten 3 forty 3 grand 2 hill R is 2 led 3 east 3 fat 3 forward 2 grass 1 him 2 island 1 left 1 easy 1 father 3 fought 3 gravy 2 himself R isn't 2 legs 1 eat 3 fault 2 found 2 gray 3 hip Rit 3 lemon 3 edge 2 fear 2 four 2 great 2 hire 2 itself 3 lend 2 egg 3 feed 3 fourth 2 green R his 2 eight 1 feel 2 fox 2 grew 1 hit J 3 either 2 feet 3 free 3 grocery 2 hold 3 elbow 2 fell 3 freedom 1 ground 2 hole 3 jail 3 elect 2 felt 2 freeze 3 group Rhome 3 January


  • lesson I seen _______ EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Adult Word list -------

    2 lesson 2 match N 3 order 2 plane Q 2 ring R let 3 mate 1 other 2 plant 3 ripe R let's 3 material 1 name 3 ought 3 plate 2 queen 2 river 1 letter 3 matter 3 nation lour 3 platform 2 queer 2 road 3 library R may 3 national lout 1 play 2 question 3 roar 3 license 1 me 1 near 2 outdoors 3 pleasant 2 quick 2 rock 3 lick 3 meal 3 neck 2 outfit 1 please 2 quickly 2 rocket 3 lie 3 mean 1 need 2 outlaws 2 plenty 1 quiet 2 rode 2 life 3 meant 2 needle lover 3 plow 2 quit 2 rodeo 2 lift 3 measles 2 Negro 2 overcome 3 plug 3 quite 2 roll 2 light 2 meat 3 neighbor 2 overhead 2 pocket 2 roof 2 likeness 2 medal 3 neighborhood 2 own 2 point R 1 room R likes 3 medicine 3 nerve 2 owner R poison 3 root 3 limp 1 meet 3 nest 2 oxygen 1 police 2 raced 2 rope 2 line R men 1 never 3 policy 2 radar 1 round 2 linen 2 mess 1 new P 1 policeman 3 radio 2 rub 2 list 3 message 1 next 3 polio 3 rag 2 rubber 2 listen 2 met 2 nice 1 paid 3 polite 2 rail 3 rug 1 little 3 metal R night 2 pail 2 pond 2 railroad 3 ruin 1 lives 1 middle 3 nine 2 pain 2 poor 1 rain 3 rule 3 load 3 midnight 3 nineteen 2 paint 2 porch 2 raise 1 run 3 loaf 2 might R no 3 pale 3 port 1 ran 2 runway 2 log 1 miles 2 nobody 2 pan 2 pot 2 rang 2 rust 2 lone 2 milk 2 nod 1 paper 3 potato 3 rather 2 lonely 2 millions 2 noise 1 parents 3 pound 1 rats S 1 long 2 mind 3 noon 1 park 3 powder 3 rattle R looked 3 mine 2 nor 2 part 3 practice 2 reach 2 sad 3 lose 2 minutes 2 north 3 party 3 prairie 1 read 1 safe 1 lost 3 mirror 2 nose 2 pass 3 prayer 1 ready 1 safety 2 loud 1 miss R not 2 past 3 predict 2 real R said 1 love 3 mistake 2 note 2 path 3 prediction 2 reason 3 sailor 2 low 3 moan 3 notice 3 pause 3 premium 3 receive 1 sales 2 luck 3 moment 2 November 3 paw 3 prepare 3 record 1 salesman

    2 lunch 1 Monday 1 now R pay 2 present 3 red 3 salt

    3 lung 1 money 3 numb 3 payment 1 president 3 refuse 2 same

    3 monster 3 number 2 peace 3 pressure 3 relative 2 sameness

    M 2 month 3 nurse 3 peaceful 3 pretend 3 relax 3 sandwich 2 moon 2 nylon 3 pen 2 pretty 3 remain 3 sang

    2 machine 1 more 1 penny 3 prevent 1 remember 1 sat

    2 mad R morning 0 1 people 3 price 1 rent 1 save 2 made 1 most 3 permit 3 prince 3 repair 1 saw

    1 mail 1 mother 3 ocean 3 person 3 print 3 repeat 1 say

    3 main 3 motor 2 o'clock 3 pet 3 prison 3 replace R school

    1 make 3 mountain R of 1 phone 3 private 3 reply 3 scramble

    3 male 3 mouse 1 off 3 piano 2 prize 3 report 3 screw

    1 man 2 mouth 3 offer 2 pick 2 probably 2 sea

    3 manage 1 moved 2 office 2 picnic 3 rescue 2 seal 2 problem 3 respect

    3 manner 2 movies 1 often 2 pictures 3 promise 2 seat R many RMr. 3 oil 2 pie

    1 rest 2 second 3 map 1 Mrs. 1 old

    2 proud 2 return 3 secret 2 piece 1 pull 3 reward 2 mark 1 much 1 on 2 pill 3 pulse 3 rich

    R see 3 married 3 museum 2 once 2 pilot 2 punch 1 rid

    2 seed

    3 mask 2 music R one 1 pipes 3 puppy R ride 2 seems

    3 master 1 must 1 only 1 place 1 push 3 rifle 2 seen

    1 my 1 open 3 plain 1 put 1 right 2 myself 3 operator 1 plan 3 puzzle

    1 or


  • self 1 zoo

    EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Adult Word list

    2 self 1 sleep 3 stolen 1 telephone 2 touch W 3 wine 1 sell 3 slender 3 stomach R tell 3 tough 2 winter 2 send 2 slept 2 stones 3 temperature 3 tow 3 wag 1 word 3 sense 1 slip 2 stood 1 ten 2 toward 3 wagged 3 wore 2 sent 2 slow 3 stool 2 tent 3 tower

    3 wagon R working 2 sentence 2 small R stop 3 tenth 3 town R wait 2 world 2 sergeant 1 smart R store 3 terrible 2 toy 3 waitress 1 worry 3 service 3 smash 1 storm 2 test 2 track 2 wake 2 worse 2 set 2 smell R story 1 than 2 train R walks 3 worst 2 seven 2 smiles 2 stove 1 thank 3 travel

    2 wall 2 worth 3 se'Jeral 1 smoke 3 straddle R that 3 treat 3 wander 2 worthless 3 sex 1 smoking 2 straight R the 3 tree R wanted 2 worthwhile 3 shadow 3 snake 2 strange 3 theatre 2 trick 2 war 1 would 1 shake 3 sneeze 2 strap 1 their 2 trip 2 warehouse 1 wouldn't 3 shame 2 snow 3 stray R them 1 trouble 2 warm 3 wound 3 shape 1 so 1 street 3 themselves 1 truck 3 warn 3 wreck 3 sharp 2 soft 2 strip R then 2 true R was 3 wipe 1 she 2 sold 1 strong 1 there 3 trust 2 wash 3 wire 2 sheep 2 soldier 2 stuck 1 these 3 truth R wasn't 3 wise 1 she'll R some 3 student R they 1 trying 3 waste 2 wish 3 shell 2 somebody 2 study 2 thin 3 tune 1 watch 1 with 2 shines R something 3 stupid R thing 1 turn 1 water 3 woke 2 ship 1 son 2 subway 1 think 2 twelve 2 wave 2 wolf 1 shirt 3 song 3 success 1 third 2 twenty 1 way 2 woman 3 shock 2 soon 2 such 3 thirsty 1 two 1 we R women 3 shoe 3 sore 2 suddenly 2 thirty 2 wear 2 won 2 shook 2 sorry 3 suffer 1 this U 2 weather 1 wonder 2 shoot 2 sound 3 suggest 3 thorn 3 weeding 2 wonderful 1 shop 2 soup 2 suit 1 those 3 unable 1 week 1 won't 2 shore 2 south 2 suitable 2 though 1 under 3 weigh 2 wood 2 short 2 space 2 summer R thought 3 understand 3 weight 3 wrist 1 shot 3 speak 1 sun 3 thousand 3 unemployed 3 welcome 1 write 1 should 3 spear R supper 3 threaten 3 unhappy 1 well 3 written 1 shouldn't 3 special 3 suppose 2 three 2 United States R went 1 wrong 2 shout 2 speed 2 sure 3 threw 2 unlucky 1 we're 3 wrote 3 shovel 2 spell 3 surprise 3 throat 2 unsafe 1 were 1 show 1 spend 3 swallow 3 through 2 until 1 weren't X 2 shut 2 splinter 3 swim 3 throw 1 up 2 west 3 shy 2 spoil 2 sword 3 thumb 2 upstairs 3 western 3 x-ray 1 sick 2 spoke 3 thunder 3 upward 3 wet 2 sickness 1 sports T 2 ticket 3 urge R what y 1 side 2 spot 2 tie 1 us 3 wheat 1 sign 1 spring 1 table 3 tight 1 use 2 wheel 3 yard 3 silence 3 spy 3 tag R time 2 useful R when 1 year 3 silent 2 stairs 2 tail 3 tip 2 useless R where 2 yell 2 silk 1 stand 1 take 2 tired 3 usually ::l whether 3 yellow 3 silly 2 star 2 taken R to 1 which Ryes 1 2 silver 3 stare R talk R today V 2 while 2 yesterday 3 simple 1 started 3 tall 2 toe 3 white 3 yet 2 since 3 state 3 tank 1 together 3 vacation 1 who R you 2 sing 1 station 3 tape R told 3 vegetable 2 whole 1 young 3 sir 1 stay 3 taste 2 tomorrow 3 vehicle 3 whose 1 your 2 sister 3 steadily 3 taught 3 tone 1 very 1 why 2 yourself 1 sit 3 steady 1 taxes 3 tongue 2 village

    2 sixteen 3 steer 1 teachers 1 too 2 visit 2 wide Z 2 wife 3 sixty 2 step 2 team 1 took 3 visitor 2 wild 3 skin 2 stick 3 tear 3 tool 2 voice Rwill 3 zone 2 sky 2 still 2 tease 2 tooth 2 volunteer 2 zoo

    3 slave 3 stir 3 teeth 2 top 3 vote 1 win 2 wind 2 sled 3 stole 3 telegraph 3 torn 1 window


  • R/Pre-Primer alyou EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    Reading Pre-Primer

    A a L like airplane little and look at away M make

    B may ball me big mother blue my

    C can N not car now come

    D 0 on daddy did p do play down

    F R red fast ride father run for fun

    S funny said see

    G something get stop go good

    T green the this

    H to have toy he two help here

    U home up house

    I W want I we III what is will it with


    J jump y yes you

  • R-1 aboutlour

    EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists


    A about came G game L lamb after can't garden last again cat gave laugh all catch girl let alone children give let's along CirCUS glad letter am clown goat light an coat going live animal cold gone living another color good-by long any coming got looked apple cookie grass lost are could ground lunch around cow grow as cry guess M ask made asked D H man aunt dark had many

    day hand men

    B does happy met baby dog hard milk back doing has miss bag doll hat Miss balloon don't head money barn door hear monkey basket dress heard more be duck hello morning bear hen Mr. bed E her Mrs. bee each high much before eat hill must began egg him behind every his N being hold name best F

    honey near better far horse nest bird farm hot never birthday faster how new black feet hurry next boat find night book fine I no box fire ice noise boy fireman ice cream nose bring first if nothing brown fish into bus fit 0 but five J just of buy flew off by flower oh

    fly K old C found kitten once cake four know one

    calf friend or call frog other called from our


  • R-1 out Izoo

    EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    out soon was over spring water paint squirrel way

    stay went

    p step were painted stopped wet painter store when painting story where parade street white park sun who party surprise why peanut window penny T wish people tail without pet take woman picnic talk word picture tell would pig than please thank y pocket that yard pony their year pretty them yellow prize then your pull there puppy these Z zoo put they


    R think rabbit those ram three ran time read told ready too right took road town room train runmng tree


    S truck

    sang try

    sat turtle

    saw twin

    school she U shoe uncle shoes under show us sing sit V very sitting sleep snow W wagon so some walk sometimes walked


  • R-2 ablelmagic EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    Reading-2 bounce cut fence I branch cutting few idea brave field I'll

    A bread D fight


    able break dad fill important

    above breakfast dance finish Indian

    across bridge dear fix inside

    afraid bright deep flag isn't

    afternoon broken deer flash its

    ago brother didn't flashlight it's

    ahead build different floor I've

    aIr building dig flour

    almost burn dinner follow J always bush dirty food join

    angry busy dish foot joke

    answer butter dollar football jolly

    button done fourth anyone donkey fox anything K apartment C drink friendly keep arm cage drive frighten kept

    asleep camp driver front key

    ate candle drop fruit kick

    candy drown full kill

    B cannot kind

    babies cap E G king bad card ear gate kitchen

    bake care early glass kite

    band careful easy glove knew

    bang carried edge goes knock

    bank carry eight gold

    bark caught elephant goose

    L basketball cent elevator grandfather ladder bat chair else

    grandmother lady beautiful change empty

    gray lake because chase end

    great land been chicken engine

    grew large begin

    chimney enough grm larger beginning chip even late believe chipmunk evening H later bell Christmas ever hair lay belong city everyone happen leave berry clean everything hardly leaves beside clever everywhere haven't left between climb excite hay leg bicycle clock eye heavy library bigger close held life biggest clothes F herself line bill coal face hide lion bit cook fair himself listen bite corn fairy hit lock blew corner fall hole lot block couldn't family hop loud blow count farmer hope love board country farther horn low bone cover fat hungry lucky both crawl feather hunt

    bottle cream feed hunter

    bottom cried feel hurt M machine bought cross fell magic bought crow felt


  • R-2 maillyourself EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded Lists

    mail pink secret supper wash making pipe seed suppose wasn't mate place seem sure watch maybe plant seen swim wave mean point sell swing wear merry policeman send swish week middle pond sent weigh might poor set T well mill pop seven table we'll minute popcorn shall tag whale moon present sheep taken wheel most princess shiny tall which mountain print shook teach while mouse proud shop teacher whisper mouth puddle short tease whistle move puppet should telephone wide mud push shout television wife myself shovel ten wild

    Q shut tent win N quack side terrible wind nail question sign third wing neck quick silly thought winter need quickly silver threw WIse neighbor quiet sister through woke nice SIX throw wolf nme R

    skate ticket wonder number raccoon sky tie wonderful nut race sled tiny won't

    radio slow tired wood

    0 rag slowly today world

    oak railroad small together write

    o'clock ranch smell tomorrow wrong

    office reach smile tonight older real snowstorm toot y only really soft tooth you'll open remember someone top young orange rest song track yourself outside return sorry tractor oven riding sound tried owl ring soup trip own river splash trouble

    roar stairs true

    p rock stand trunk pail rode start turn roll station twelve pair roof stick pan still

    paper rope stone U part round unhappy row stood until pass stories

    past rub use storm useful pat straight paw S strange pay sad string V peep safe village pennies same

    strong visit stuck

    pick Saturday subway voice pie say such piece sea suddenly W pile seat suit wag

    second summer wait warm


  • R-3 aboard Ifed

    EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded Lists

    Reading-3 beauty cannon conductor drag beaver canoe content drank became captain contest draw become cardboard continue drawer

    A bedroom careless cool dream aboard beehive carol copper drew act beg carpet copy dried add begun carrot correct drift address behave cart cost drip adventure below carve costume drove against belt case courage drum age bench cattle course dry aim bend cause cousin dug airport bent cave coward dumb alarm beyond cellar cozy during alike birth center crack dust alive blade certain crash allow blanket certainly creek E already blast chain crept eager also bless chance crowd eagle amaze blessing charge crown earn America blind chatter cup earth American blood cheek curious easily among blossom cheer curl east amuse blueberry cheese curtain eighty announce boast cherry either ant body chest D eleven apart boil chew damp elf appear bold chick danger elves April boot chief dare English apron born child darkness enjoy aren't borrow chin dash enter army bother chocolate daughter escape arrange bow choose dawn event arrive bowl chop dead everybody arrow breath chose decide exactly astonish breeze chuckle deck example attack brick church delicious except automobile broke circle delight excitement autumn brook clap depend exciting average brush class desert exclaim awake bubble clear deserve excuse awful bucket cliff desk exercise ax buffalo clip diamond expect bug closet die explain

    B built cloth difference extra baggage bulb clothing dime bait bull cloud dine F banana bunch club dip fail bar bundle coach direction faint bargain bunk coast dirt faithful barrel butcher coconut disappear famous base butterfly coffee disappoint fan baseball colt discover fancy bath C comb dive fasten batter cabin comfortable divide fault beach

    calendar common doctor fear bead calm company doesn't feast bean camera complain downstairs February beard canary complete Dr. fed beast



  • R-3 fellow I puff EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    fellow guard interest manage organ fiddle guide interesting map ought fierce gun invite march outdoors fifteen iron mark fifth H island market p fifty half itself marry pack finally hall master package finger hammer J match page fisherman handle Jar matter paid flame hang jelly mayor palace flap happiness jerk meadow pale flat harbor jet meal parent float harm jewel meant passenger flow harness job meat paste fog hasn't journey meet patch fold hate JOY melt path fool having judge message pea foolish hawk JUice metal peddler force healthy July mice peek forest heart June mile pen forget heat mind pencil forgive heaven K

    Iillne perhaps forgot heel kangaroo mirror piano forgotten helper keeper mischief pillow form helping kiss mistake pilot forth herd knife mix pm fortune hero knight moan pme forty hid known model pitch forward hidden moment pitcher fourteen highway

    L Monday plain

    frame history laid month plan

    free hive lap motor plane

    freeze holiday law mount planned

    fresh hollow lazy plate Friday honor lead N pleasant frown hoof leaf nap plenty fur hook leak narrow plow

    hoop lean nation poke

    G hose learn neat pole garage hospital led necklace police gas hound less needle polite gather hour lesson neither pool gay hug lie net porch gaze huge lift nibble possible gentle hundred list nickel post giant hung lively ninety pot gift husband load nobody potato gIven loft nod pound glance I log

    none pour glitter I'd lonely north power gnaw ill loose note practice goodness imagine lose notice prepare grab impossible lovely November president grain inch lower press grease indeed lumber 0 pretend greedy inn lump ocean price group inquire lying offer probably growl insect often promise grown instead

    M oil prove

    intend mad order puff



  • R-3 purplel you've EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    purple scare sold swift United States puzzle scarf somebody switch unless

    scatter somehow unusual scene somewhere T upon Q scent son tank upstairs queen scratch sort tap usual quite scream south taste usually search space taught R season spare team V rack seize spark teeth vacation raise selfish sparkle temper valley rang sense speak tender vegetable rapidly serious special test visitor rather serve speed themselves rattle seventy spend thick W rear several spider thief wake reason shade spill thin wall receive shadow spin thirsty wander recognize shake spirit thirteen war record shape split thirty warn refuse share spoil though waste remain sharp spoke thousand weak repair shed spoon thread weather repeat sheet spot throat weep replied shelf spray Thursday weight reply shell spread tight welcome rescue shine squeak till we're respect ship squeeze tip weren't reward shirt stage tire west rib shoot stamp toast we've ribbon shore star tool wheat rice shot stare toss whip rich shy startle touch whole rid sick state toward whose ripe sidewalk steal tower willing roast sigh steam trade wink robber signal steep traffic wipe robe silent steer trail wire rooster simple stem trap wisdom root since stiff travel women rose single sting treasure won route sir stir tremble wool rubber sixteen stout tribe wore rule sixty straw trot worm ruler size stray trousers worn rush skin stream trust worry skip stretch truth worse

    S slap strike tube worth safely sleepy strip tumble wouldn't safety sleigh struck tune wrap sail slept struggle tunnel wreck sailor slide study twenty written sale slip stuff twice wrote salt smart stump sand smoke stupid

    U y sandwich smooth sudden ugly yet sank snake Sunday understand you're satisfy snap swallow understood you've save soap swam unite saving sock sweep scarce softly sweet


  • R-4 accent I factory EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    Reading-4 banner carnage creak disgrace bare cast creature disgust basement castle creep dismay

    A bathroom celebrate crew distance

    accent bathtub champion crib distant

    accept battery character cricket disturb

    accident battle charcoal cripple dock

    according bay check crisp doe beak cheerful crocodile doubt accuse beam chimpanzee crooked dozen ache

    acorn beef china crop dragon

    acre beetle choke crouch drawn

    acrobat bellows chore cruel dreadful

    action beneath chosen crumb droop

    actor bet churn cub dull

    actually bid citizen cupboard duty

    adjust bike claim cure

    admire billow clam curiosity E admit birch clatter curly earnest afford blame claw current earthquake

    agree blaze clay curve Easter alligator bleat climate custom eastern

    alphabet blend clover customer echo although blink clump cute editor

    altogether blizzard coax effect

    amount blubber cobbler D eighteen ancestor bob cocoa dairy eighth anchor bonnet coin daisy electric

    ancient bound collar damage electricity

    anger bracelet collect dandy elegant

    anxious braid collection dangerous encourage

    anybody brain colonel dangle encyclopedia

    anyhow brass colony date endurance

    appearance breathe comfort deal enemy

    approach broom command death engineer

    aquarium brownie committee debt enormous

    area bruise companion December entire

    argue buck condition declare envelope

    arithmetic buckle cone decorate equal

    arrangement buggy contain deed equator

    arrest bulge continent defend Eskimo

    article bullet control degree especially

    artist bun convenience deliver eve

    ashamed burro convenient delivery examination

    ashes burrow coral demand examine

    astronaut burst cord den exchange

    attention bury cork department expensive

    attic bushel corral design experience

    August business cot dessert experiment

    avenue cottage destroy expert

    avoid C cotton detective explanation awkward cabbage council develop explode awoke cable counter dictionary explore

    aye calves couple difficult express cane court dignity eyebrow canvas cove dim eyelash

    B bacon canyon coyote dinosaur eyelid badge capture

    crab direct

    balance cargo crag disappointment F bamboo carnival crayon discovery fact

    bandage carpenter crazy disease factory


  • R-4 fade Ipalm

    EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded Lists

    fade gobble I lemon mug familiar god icy lemonade mule faucet golden imagination length mumble favor gourd imitate lettuce murmur favorite government immediately level museum fiery grade impatient lever music figure gradually improve lick musician fin grand improvement lid musket final grape information lightning mustache firm grasp ink lime mutter fist grateful inning limp mysterious flare gravy insist link mystery flavor graze instant lip myth flicker greet instrument lit flight grind interrupt locate N flint grip introduce locomotive national flock groan invent lodge natural flood groceries invention lonesome nature flute grocery lord naughty flutter grumble J luck navy folk grunt jacket necessary fond guest jail M neighborhood forehead guitar jam magazine nephew forever gull janitor magician nervous fork gypsy January magnet news fort jaw maid newspaper fortunate H jealous mama nineteen fought habit Jeep mane ninth freckle hadn't jingle manner nonsense freedom Halloween Jr. manners noon freight halt jungle marble nor friendship handkerchief mare northern frontier handsome K married nUIsance frozen harvest kayak marsh nurse fry hatch kettle mast furnace health kid material 0 furniture heap kingdom mattress oar further hearth knee meanwhile oasis fuss helpful knit measure oatmeal future hesitate knives medal oats

    hind knot medicine obey

    G hinge knowledge mention object gallon hire mesa October gallop hitch L

    messenger officer gang hoarse lad midnight onion garbage hobby lame million opinion gasp hog lamp minstrel opossum geese honest landlord mist opposite general honesty lane mistress orbit gentleman honk language mitten orchard ghost horrify lantern mixture ordinary giggle hotel laughter moccasin ornament giraffe however lawn modern overhead glare howl league mood owe gleam human leap moose ox glide hump least mop glisten hunger leather moss p gloomy hurricane ledge motion pad glossary husky legend mound paddle glow hut movies pam



  • R-4 pant/sniff EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    pant pray pit quit scoop pants prayer pity quiver scooter papa precious planet score parachute preparation platform

    R scout

    paragraph preserve playful racket scowl parrot prick playground rage scramble particular pride playmate ragged screech partner prince plug rake screen pasture prison plum range scythe patient prisoner plunge rare seal pattern private poison rat seaport pause problem polar realize self peace professor polish refrigerator sentence peaceful program poppy regular September peach pronounce popular reindeer servant pear proof port reins service pearl property porter relief setting pedal protect position remind settle peel protection possession remove settler pepper ornament possibly rent seventeen perfect overhead postman report seventh perform owe pottery represent sew period ox powder reservation shallow permission pad prairie responsible shark person paddle praise result shawl persuade pain prance retreat shelter phone palm pray riddle shepherd pigeon pant prayer ridge sheriff pilgrim pants precious rifle shift pillar papa preparation rim shiver pinch parachute preserve rise shone pinto paragraph prick roam shoulder pioneer parrot pride rob shove pirate particular prince robin shower pit partner prison rocket shreik pity pasture prisoner rodeo shrug planet patient private rough sight platform pattern problem royal silence playful pause professor ruby silk playground peace program rude sill playmate peaceful pronounce rug sink plug peach proof rum siren plum pear property rumble sixth plunge pearl protect rustle ski poison pedal protection skill polar peel protest

    S skim

    polish pepper pump sack skirt poppy perfect pumpkin saddle skunk popular perform punish sake slam port period pup salad slant porter permission pupil salute sleeve position person purpose sauce slender possession persuade sausage slid possibly phone Q savage slipper postman pigeon quarrel scale slippery pottery pilgrim quart scamper slope powder pillar quarter scenery snarl prairie pinch queer scientist sneak praise pinto quill scissors sneeze prance pioneer quilt scold sniff



  • R-4 snortlzone EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    snort succeed toe warrIor soak success tomato watermelon soar suffer ton weary soldier sugar tongue weave solve suggest toothpaste web somersault suitcase tore Wednesday somewhat sum touchdown wee sore sung tough weed sour supplies towel western southern supply trailer wharf spank support tramp wheelbarrow spear surface transfer whether speck surrender tray whine spectacle surround treat whirl speech suspect treaty whiskers spell swamp trim whittle spelling swan tropical whom spent swarm trout wicked spike sweater trudge wig spine swell trumpet wiggle spool swept tub wigwam sport swoop tuck wilderness sprang sword Tuesday willow spy swung tug wine square syllable turkey witch squat turnip wizard squawk T twelfth wobble squeal tailor twinkle woodpecker Sr. tale twist worst stable tame type wound stack tan typewriter wrinkle stagger tangle wrist stake tape U stalk tar umbrella y stall target umpire yawn stallion tea uneasy yell stampede tear unicorn yesterday starve telescope uniform statement temperature unit Z statue tenth upset zero steadily tepee urge zone steady terror steel thankful V stern Thanksgiving valentine stockade therefore vanish stocking thorn vase stole threaten velvet stolen thrift victory stomach thrifty view stool thrill vine stove throne volcano strain thumb voyage stranger thump strap thunder

    W streak tide waddle strength tiger wail stride tile waist stripe tilt walrus stroke tin wand stumble toad


  • R-5 abandon I district EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded Usts

    Reading-5 attach brisk chorus cradle attempt broad chum craft attend bronze chunk cranberry

    A attendance bud cinder crane

    abandon attract budge civil crank

    ability audience bugle civilized crater

    absent auditorium bully clench credit

    absorb autograph buoy clerk crest

    academy automatic burden cling crime

    accompany award burglar cloak crude

    account aware burnt clue crumble

    accounting bustle clumsy crush

    achieve B butt clung crust achievement bacteria cluster crystal adapt balcony C clutch curb addition bale cab coarse custard admiral bandit cabinet cocoon

    admiration banjo cactus code D admission barley cafe coil daily adobe barter cafeteria college dainty adopt basin camel collie dam

    advance bathe canal colonial darling

    advantage beets cape colonist darn

    advice behavior capital column dart advise benefit capitol comment dazzle

    affect berth capsule community deaf

    afterward bewilder captive compact deafen agent Bible caravan compare decision

    agriculture bin cask compass declaration

    aid bind casual compliment decrease

    aisle bitter cautious composition decree

    alcohol blank cedar comrade defeat alley blister ceiling concentrate delay

    alter blond celebration concern delicate

    altitude bloom cell concert demonstrate

    aluminum bluff cement concrete dense

    A.M. blunder central condense dent ammunition blur century confess dentist angel blush cereal confide deny

    angle bog ceremony confidence depot

    ankle bolt certificate confident descend

    antelope bomb chalk confuse descendant

    antenna bonfire challenge congratulate describe

    anvil bookkeeper chamber congress desire

    ape booth channel connect desperate

    apologize border chant conquer detail

    appeal bore chaos conscious determine

    appetite boss chapter consent device

    appreciate bough charm consider dew

    appreciation boulder chart construct dial

    apprentice bouquet cheap construction diesel

    apricot brace cheat consult dike arch brag checker

    convention diphtheria arctic brake chemical conversation disaster armor brand chemistry convince discuss art breeches chill cooperate disguise

    astonishment breed chilly correction dismiss

    astound bride chisel cough dispose

    athletic bridle choice county distress

    atmosphere brilliant choir crackle district


  • R-5 ditch I lizard EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    ditch excellent G hare intelligent division exhaust gam harp intent dizzy exhausted gale harpoon interpret dodge exhaustion galleon hasty interval dogie exhibit gander haul inventor dominoes exhibition gap haunt invisible dot expedition gape haze invitation double explosion garment heal iodine dough export gasoline height irrigate doughnut expression gauze helicopter irrigation dove extend gear helmet itch drain generally herb ivory dread F

    generation heron dreary fabulous generous hickory J dresser failure geography hike jewelry drill faith germ hip jiggle drought fame gin hiss jog drowsy fare glacier hockey journal drunk farewell glee hoe jug due fashion glider hogan junction dues fawn glimpse holly JUnIor duke female globe holy junk dump fern glorious homestead justice dune ferry glory horizon jut dusk fertile glue horrible dwarf fertilizer goal horror K dye festival goblin hover keen dynamite fever goddess huddle kernel

    fiber golf hull kerosene

    E fig gorge hum kindergarten

    ease file governor humble kindness easel fiord gown humor kit educate flake grace humorous kneel education flee graceful hurdle knelt effort fleet grammar hurl knob elbow flesh granite hush elect fling grant hustle

    L election flip gratitude hygiene labor electronic floe grave hymn laboratory elm flop gravel lack embarrass flown gravity I lair embroider fluff griddle iceberg launch emergency flung grim idle lava emperor foam grit igloo lawyer enamel foreign growth ignore leash enclose forge gruff imaginary lend enterprise foster guinea immense lent entertain fountain gulp import liberty entertainment fraction gum incline librarian entirely frantic gust include license entrance fright gym increase lily envy frost independence limb equip froze H index limestone equipment fuel hail indignant limit erase funeral halter inhabitant linen eraser furious ham innocent liner errand furnish hamburger inspect lint establish furrow hammock instruct liquid evidence fury hardship instruction lizard evil intelligence


  • R-5 llama I scuffle EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    llama moth pantry pounce regard loaf motto papoose poverty regiment loan muffle parakeet practical region loaves multiplication parallel preach regret loom multiply pardon presence rehearse loss mumps parka pressure rejoice loyal muscle parlor prevent relative lung mush passage prey relax lunge musical patience principal release lurch patio principle rely

    N patrol proceed remark M nag peak produce remarkable machinery napkin peasant product repay madam native pebble profit reputation magnify neglect peck progress resolution majesty Negro peculiar project restaurant male nerve peer prompt review mammoth nickname pep pronunciation revolution mantel niece perch prop revolutionary manufacture nimble perfume propeller rhyme maple noble peril proper rhythm mar nostril perish properly ridiculous marvel notch permit provide rink marvelous notion perplex prowl nnse mascot nudge petroleum public np mash nugget petticoat pudding ripple mask numb philosopher pulley risk mass nursery phonograph punch rod mat physical purchase roller meek 0

    picket pure rotten melody obedient pickle purse rove member oblige pier rudder memorial observe pierce Q

    rugged memory obtain pill quail rung mend occasion pineapple quality rust merchant octopus pistol quarantine mercy odd plank S merely official plantation R sacrifice mess old -fashioned plaster raid saint microphone olive plead rail salary mighty operate pleasure rally salmon migrate operator pledge ram sample military opportunity plod ransom sandal miner oppose plot rascal sap mineral original pluck raven sapling mining orphan plume ravine satellite minister otherwise plump raw scalp miracle outfit P.M. ray scant miser outwit pod reasonable scar miserable oxen poem recently scarlet mission oxygen poisonous recess scheme missionary oyster polo reckon scholar Mister poncho reed schooner modest p population reel science molasses pace porcupine reflect scorn mold pajamas

    pore reflection scrap mole pal

    postage refreshment scrape monk panic

    poster refuge screw monster pansy

    pouch refugee scrub mosquito panther scuffle


  • R-5 scurry I youth

    EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    scurry soothe T trench widow secretary sorrow tablet trestle width section sought tack trial windshield secure soul talent trickle wit seek souvenir task trifle wither seep spade tassel triumph witness seethe spaghetti tatter troop worship seldom sparrow tawny trough woven select sped tax troupe wreath semester spice taxi tulip wrestle separate spinach telegram tundra sergeant spite telegraph twig y series splendid temple twilight yarn serpent spram tend twirl yelp settlement sprawl tennis. yoke severe spun term U underneath yonder shack spur terrace youth shaft sputter terrific undertake shaggy squash terrify universe shear squint territory university shield squire textile upward shimmer sqmrm thatch shock stain thaw

    V shrill stationary theater vaccination shrink stationery theory vacuum shrub steak thermostat shudder stew thicket

    vague vam

    shuffle stitch thimble valuable sickness stock thrash value sin stoop thrilling vanity smcere strait thrive various sincerely strife throb vast smew stroll thrown vehicle SIp strut thrust veil situation stub thud sketch stubborn thus

    verse vessel

    slab student tickle vice president slash stun timber slave timid

    VIClOUS stunt victim

    slice sturdy tinder slick style tinker

    vmegar violet

    slight subject tinsel violin sly subtract title visible smother subtraction tobacco vision snare successful toboggan volley snatch suck toil volunteer sneer suggestion topic vote snug sulphur torch sob sunk torn sober superintendent tortillas W social survey total wade society SUSplClOUS tour warehouse

    sod sway tourist wares

    soda sweat tournament warmth

    sofa swirl tow wax

    soil symbol trace wealth

    sole synonym traitor weapon

    solemn syrup transport wedding

    solid system transportation wedge

    sombrero tremendous whisk whoop


  • R-6 absence I defense EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    Reading-6 appoint baron catalog contact appointment barren caterpillar contents appropriate bass cathedral continual

    A approval baton catsup contract

    absence approve bazaar caution contraption

    absolutely aqualung beacon cease contrary

    absurd archaeologist beckon celery contribute

    abundant architect beech cemetery core

    abuse architecture beggar chap corps

    accidentally arena behalf characteristic correspond

    accomplish argument behold charity correspondent armistice belief chat corridor accomplishment arouse belly chemist costly accordion

    accurate arrival beloved childhood couch

    accustomed artificial betray chirp cougar

    acid ascend beware chord counsel

    acquaint ascent billion chute coupon

    acquaintance ashore biscuit cider courageous

    acquire asphalt bishop cigar courteous

    active assemble blacksmith cigarette courtesy

    activity assign bleed circular cramp

    actress assignment blot citizenship crate

    additional assist blouse civilization create

    adjustment assistance boiler clad criminal

    assistant bond clamber crisis adore association boom clamp crisscross adult advertise assume boost clasp


    advertisement assure boundary click criticize

    advertising astronomer bounty cockpit cruise

    affair athlete breast combat crumple

    affection atom brief combination crunch atomic brier combine crutch aft attain brim comic cube agreeable attendant broadcast commence cubic agreement attire broil commercial cuddle ailing attitude brood commission cuff aircraft attractive brow communicate cultivate alas

    album auction bulk communication cunning

    alert author bulldozer comparison curse

    alfalfa authority bulletin complaint curtsy

    alien available bumper compose cushion

    allegiance avalanche bureau compound customary

    allowance avenge bust conceal cycle

    ally aviation butler conclude cyclone

    alphabetical aviator conclusion cylinder

    altar awe C condemn cypress alternate aXIS cadet conduct amateur axle calico conference D amazement campaign confine dagger ambition B candidate conflict dandelion ambulance backward canopy confusion daze

    bade capable connection debate amen annoy badger capacity conquest decay

    annual bald carbon conscience deceive

    antique ballot career conservation decent

    anxiety banquet caribou considerable decimal

    apparently barb carton consideration decline

    applaud barber cartoon consist decoration

    applause barely cash constant dedicate

    apply barge casket constitution defense


  • R-6 definite I introduction EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    definite dungeon F G hobble definition durable fable gag hoist defy dwelling fake gaily homely delegate false gallant honorable democracy E

    fang gallery hood democratic economics fascinate galley hornet demon edition fatal gangplank horrid departure eel fate garter host deposit elaborate fatigue gem hostess depth elastic feat gemus household derrick elder feature gently hue description element federal genuine hydrogen despair elementary feeble gerarnum hyphen destination elevation fender gesture destruction elk fetch gigantic I determination embankment film glossy icicle detour ember fir gnat ideal devil emblem flax goggles identify devote emerge flea gorgeous idiot devotion empire fled gossip idol devour employ fleece govern ignorance diagonal employee flit gracIOUS ignorant diagram employer flourish graduate illustration diameter employment fluid graduation image diary enable flush grief imitation dice enchant foe grIeve immigrant diet endure folly grizzly Imp differ energy forbid groom impolite dignified engage ford grope importance discourage enrage forecast grove Impose discussion enthusiasm foreman grub impress disdain entry forfeit guilty impression disk erect forlorn gulf impulse dislike erosion formal gully incident dismal error formation gutter income display escort former guy indent disposition essay fortress independent dispute essential foul H indicate dissolve estate foundation handicap individual distinct estimate founder handy industry distinguish etc. fowl hangar infant distinguished evaporate fragrant hanger influence distract eventual frail harmonica inform distribute evident frequent harsh inherit distrust exact fret hasten initial disturbance exceedingly friction hatchet Injure document execute fringe hazel Injury dome exert frisky headquarters insane doom exist fro hedge insert dose existence fudge heed inspection doze exit fulfill helm inspire draft expand fumble hem install drape expense funnel herald instinct drench exploration furthermore heroine institute drug explosive fuse herring insult druggist expose hesitation intense duchess extent hibernate interfere duel extreme hideous interior duet extremely hinder international dummy hint interview

    historical introduction


  • R-6 invade I ration EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    invade location monstrous oval portion invalid loop monument overboard positive investigate loosen mooring overlook possess involve lope moral overtake posture inward luggage mortal poultry issue lull mourn p powerful italics lurk movement pageant prefer item luxury mow painful presidential ivy muskrat pane presume

    M mustard panel prevail

    J macaroni mutton paradise prevention

    jagged magnificent muzzle parcel previous

    jay maintain parliament priest jeans majestic N pastime


    jest major naked patriot prime

    joint majority narrator patriotic privilege jolt manager naval patriotism process

    judgment manicure navigation pave procession

    Jury mankind navigator pavement proclaim mansion necessity peacock production

    K mantle needy peal profession

    keel manual nestle pecan professional

    keg manure nick peddle profitable

    kennel manuscript nigh peg promote

    kerchief marine nightmare pelt promotion

    kindle marriage nitrogen per proportion marshmallow normal percent propose

    L mathematics notify performance prospect

    label mature nozzle permanent prow

    lace measles numeral personal prune

    ladle mechanic numerous personality publish

    lag mechanical nylon perspiration publisher

    lance meddle pest pulp

    lanky medical 0 petrify pulse

    lard medium oath pew punishment

    lark mellow objection phantom purify

    lash melon observation pheasant

    lasso memorize obvious photograph Q latch menace occasional photographer quaint lather mental occupation phrase qualify

    latitude mermaid occupy physician quantity

    laundry meteor occur pint quarry

    laurel meter odor plastic quiz

    layer method offend plateau quotation

    leadership mid offense platter

    lecture midst ooze plea R legal mild opera plentiful rabbi legion miniature operation pliers radar leisure mink opposition plumber radiator lens minor oral plunder radish lest mint orchestra plural raft levy mischievous ore plus railway liar misfortune organize poet raISIn lichen missile origin poetry ramp lilac mite orphanage political rampart literature mitt ostrich politics rank litter mob ounce ponder rap liver mock outline porcelain rapid livestock moist outrage pork raspberry local moisture outrigger porridge rate

    monitor outstanding portable ration


  • R-6 readily I zigzag EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    readily rig slang stork tint vibration reap rigid slate stow tissue VIce reassure rival slaughter strand token vicinity rebel rogue slavery strawberry toll vigor receipt romantic slay strict tomb virus recent rot sledge strode tone vivid recipe rotary sleek structure torment volume recite rouse sleet strung tornado vow reckless rubbish slim stubble torpedo vowel recommend ruffle sling studio torture vulture recover rummage slit stung trample recreation rumor slot submarine translate W reduce rural slumber submerge transparent waffle reef rut slump submit trapeze wages refer rye slung substance trash waiter referee slush substitute tread wallet reference S smash sufficient treason walnut refine sacred smear suitable treatment waltz reform sag smuggle summit trek ward refusal sash snack summon trespass wardrobe regardless satin snail superior triangle warily register satisfaction snicker superstition tribute wart regulation saucer snore supreme trigger wasp relate scan snout surf triumphant wealthy relation schedule soccer suspend trolley weird relationship scientific socket suspense tropics wept relay scribble solar suspenSIOn truant westward relieve script solo swap tuna wheeze religion scroll solution swat tunic whimper religious seam soot swear turban wondrous remedy secondary source swollen turf wrath remote selection sow swore tusk wren replace senate span sworn tutor wrench representative senator spangle sympathetic twine wring reptile senior spaniel sympathy twitch republic sensation species typical X request sensible specimen T tyrant X-ray reqUITe sentry spiral tackle research sermon spit tangerine U y resemble session splinter taper unexpected yacht resent shabby sponge tarpaulin union reserve shame spout tavern unravel


    reservoir shampoo sprinkle technical urgent yeast yield reSIgn shatter sprint tempt utensil yolk resist shave sprout tense

    resistance sheer spruce tentacle youngster

    resolve shellac sprung text V vacant resort shilling spurt thee vagabond Z respectful shingle squadron theft valve zigzag respond shred squirt theme van response shrimp stab thermometer vanilla responsibility shutter staff thirst vapor restore signature stag thistle variety retire similar stale thong varnish retort site stammer thorough vault revenge skeleton standard thou vegetation reverse skid starboard threat vem reVIve skillful starch throttle venture revolve skull steward throughout vertical revolver slack stingy thy vest

    slain storage tidy vibrate tingle


  • R-7 abdomen I fantastic EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    Reading-7 assembly burr contagious discard associate buzzard continuous discount assortment contrast dishonest assurance C convey disinfectan t

    A astronomy caddie conveyor disobey

    abdomen asylum calculate conviction disorder

    abroad atlas campus coop disown

    abrupt attraction cancel cooperative displease

    absolute await cancer cordial distinction

    accuracy awning cannibal corpse divine

    ace cantaloupe correspondence domestic

    acknowledge B canteen coupe donate acknowledgment bachelor carcass cram donation actual baffle carload

    crease donor

    acute bail carnation creative dormitory

    adhesive balk cartridge creed doubtful

    adjoining ballad cashier crevice drama

    administration ballet cavern crimson dramatic

    admittance balm cavity critic drapery

    advancement ban chairman criticism dual

    aerial banish changeable croquet dwell

    aeronautics baptize chapel crusade

    affectionate barbecue chariot cue E afloat barometer chasm cultural ebony

    aged barrier chauffeur culture effective

    agile bashful ~hef curio efficient

    agony basic cherish elevate

    ajar basis chess D elope algebra bask chivalry dealer embarrassment alias batch cinnamon dealt emphasize

    alibi beau circulate debtor enforce

    alliance becalm circumference decoy engrave

    alloy begrudge circumstances defiance enlarge

    almanac belfry civic define enlist

    alteration belittle civics defrost enroll

    alto beseech clan demerit enthusiastic

    ambitious biography clause Democrat entitle

    ambush blackmail climax depart environment

    amend bleak clot dependent era

    amendment blindfold coffin deputy erupt

    ammonia bliss cog derby eternal

    amusement blockade collapse descent eternity

    anguish blunt colossal desirable exaggerate

    anniversary bombard comedy desolate exceed

    annoyance bonus comet despise exception

    antler boomerang commerce despite excursion

    apology boulevard commit destiny executive

    apparatus bracket commotion detect exhale

    appendicitis brew compartment development exile

    appendix bribe compel devise expectant

    approximate bristle compete dialogue expel

    approximately brittle competition diaper exposure

    apt broth complexion digest

    arc brutal complicate digestion F archery brute compromise dimple fabric armory buffet conceit director factor arsenal bungalow conceive directory fad artillery bunt confront disable falsehood asbestos burial considerate disagree falter assassinate burlap consume disagreeable famine assault consumer disarm fantastic


  • R-7 fathom I proprietor EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    fathom H J meteorite p favorable hardy jazz microscope pamphlet fearless harmony jeer microscopic paralyze fee haste jetty midget parch feminine hatred jilt mileage parchment ferocious hearse jubilant millionaire pare feud heave mimic parole fickle heifer K mingle

    partial fiction heir khaki mmnow participate fiend heiress kidnap minority particle filter hemisphere kiln miraculous paSSIOn filth hermit kin rrurage pastor flask hiccup kink mirth pastry flatter hobo knapsack misery patent flaw holdup knead mistletoe payment flimsy horizontal knuckle misty pendulum flirt hostile misunderstand penetrate florist hub

    L mobile peninsula

    focus humane laborer moderate peni ten tiary foil humanity lacquer modify pension folder humid laden monarch periscope foliage humidity landscape monopoly perishable formerly hydrant lapel monotonous perpetual formula hypnotize latter mosaic persecute fracture lavender municipal persist fragile I legible mural petal fragment illustrate levee murder phase frank imprison liable muscular phenomenon frankfurter improvise lieutenant mutiny philanthropist freak incomplete limber picturesque freshman incredible linger N

    pitiful frigid indigestion linoleum narrative plague fumes industrious liquor nasal plaque fund infect lisp nausea platinum fundamental inferior lobby neon plywood

    infinite lobster neutral poise

    G influential longitude nipple policy

    gallows influenza loot noose poll

    gamble informal lubricate notable pose

    gangster ingredient lullaby novel postpone

    gargle initiate lure novelty pout

    gauge initiation lye nude prank

    gaunt injection nun precede

    generator inscription

    M precision

    geological institution mahogany 0 predict

    geologist instructor mallet objective preferable

    geology msurance mammal obligation preference

    geyser msure mangle obstacle prejudice

    gland intellectual maniac omen premium

    glint intensive margin opponent preside

    gloat intention marshal option prestige

    gong intermediate masculine orchid primitive

    gorilla investigation massive organization probable

    graph irregular matinee ornamental progreSSIve

    groove isle melancholy outlet prohibit

    isolate prominent gross menu overcome grudge merchandise overdue


    guarantee mercury oversight propel

    guardian ownership proposal mere proposition merit mesh



  • R-7 prospector I wretched EDL Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded Lists

    prospector respiration speedometer tragic welfare province restless sphere trait welt provision reveal spire transom whim pry riot splint treacherous wilt psalm rivalry sportsmanship trio wretched publication rivet spry triple publicity roach squad trophy punctual robot stadium trowel punctuate rodent staple truce punctuation role starvation tuberculosis puncture romance statesman turbulent pursue roommate steeple turnpike pursuit roost stenographer turpentine putty rotate sterilize turret pyramid rotation stifle typhoon

    routine strangle

    Q stucco U qualification S subdue unique quartet saliva subscribe unruly

    quench salvage subscription upheld quest sane suburb uramum

    sanitarium succession urn

    R sanitary sue utilize

    radiant sardine suicide utmost radius satchel suite utter rafter satisfactory suitor

    rash scald sulk V rave scaly sullen valiant rayon scenic superVIse vary razor scoff supervisor vat realm scour surge vaudeville rebellion sculptor survive vemson rebuild sculpture suspenders venom recall scum SuspICIOn vent reception secrecy sustain version recital sedan swoon veteran recitation sentiment symphony VIa recognition sentimental symptom victorious recollection serial synagogue vigorous rectangle serum vile reek sewer T villain refund sex tallow violence regain sheath talon violent regulator shrewd tapestry vise reign shrine tariff vital reject shrivel tattoo vitamin relent shroud tedious vocabulary reliable siege tempest vomit reluctant sift temptation vulcanize remainder sire tenor vulgar remembrance slime terminal remnant slogan testify W render slum testimony warden renew smoulder tether rental smudge thigh

    warp warrant

    representation snob thresh Republican solitary tongs

    wary waver

    reside sovereign tonic wed residence spectacular torrent weld resident spectator tract residential speculate tradition


  • R-8 abbreviate' emigrate EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    Reading-8 application camouflage consul diminish ardent capsize contaminate din aristocrat carburetor contempt dingy

    A armament careen contradict diploma

    abbreviate array caress controversy diplomat

    abbreviation arson cascade convert dirigible

    abnormal artery casserole convict discharge

    abode aspect casualty convoy discipline

    abolish assert catapult cope discriminate

    academic atone cavalry copyright dishonor

    accelerate attachment censor corporal disinherit

    acceptance attentive census corporation dislocate

    access attorney certify corrode dislodge

    accessible authentic chaplain corrupt dispatch

    accessory authorize char counterfeit dispense

    acclaim auxiliary charter courtship displace

    accommodate chassis coy disprove

    accommodation B ballast chime cruelty disregard accumulate choral culprit disrespect acquit bandanna chowder cumbersome dissatisfied

    acreage bankrupt chromium curdle distort

    actuate barbarian circuit curfew distribution

    adequate barnacle cistern currency dividend

    adjacent barricade civilian curry divorce

    adjourn battalion clamor custody doctrine

    admirable beneficial clarify cutlery dominate

    adolescent besiege classic doubtless

    adorn beverage classification D douse adrift bias classify debris drab advisable bide cleanse decade drastic

    adviser binoculars clearance deceit drawl

    advocate blare clergy deception dredge

    affirm blemish client deciper drunkard

    affirmative blight clinic decompose duplicate

    aggravate bloated clog deduct duration

    aghast blotter clutter defect aide boarder coincidence defective E ailment bondage collide defendant earshot alcoholic boon collision deflate eaves allay boredom columnist deflect eclipse aloof borne coma deformity economical ambassador bout comedian delicatessen economy amiable bravery communism delirious edible amid brawl competent deluge edit amphibious brawn comprehend demolish editorial ample breach computer denial efficiency analyze breadth conditional denim eject anatomy bred confederate dental elapse anesthesia brigade confer deport elated anesthetic brink confetti depress electrocute annex broker confidential depression eligible anthem browse confirm deprive eliminate anticipate brunt conform derive elude antidote budget consequence detain emancipation antiseptic buoyancy consequently detest embargo apparel consistent devout embassy appease C

    consolation dictate embrace appliance cache console dictator emerald applicant calamity conspicuous dilute emigrant

    calorie conspiracy dimension emigrate constable


  • R-8 emotion I oppress EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    emotion flounder hostage intrude maze emphasis flue hurtle invasion meager enact fluorescent inventory memorandum encircle fluster I invert merge enclosure fondle identical invest midday encompass fore identification investment milestone encounter foremost identity irk militia endanger forestry ignite irritate minimum endeavor foretell illegal miscellaneous endorse forgery illuminate J

    mishap endow fortify immerse jaunt misjudge energetic fortitude immigration jovial mislead enfold fossil immortal juror misplace enrich foyer immortality justify mobilize enrollment fraud immune juvenile mode entangle frenzy impact molar envelop frill impair L

    molecular envious frolic impart lapse molecule epidemic fugitive imperfect lavatory molest episode function implement laxative molten equality furlough implore leaflet monarchy escalator fuselage impressive lease monastery etiquette imprint lecturer morale evacuate G improper ledger morality evade gadget impurity lessen morgue evaSIve gait inability liberal morsel excel galvanized inaugurate liberate mortar excess garlic incapable lilt mortgage exclamation gaudy incense literary motive exclude genial incentive livelihood multiple exclusive geometry incompetent livid multitude exempt gill inconvenience loathe munitions expectation gilt indefinite locality musty exposition girder indifferent logic mutilate exquisite gospel indulge logical mystify extension graft infantile lotion mythology exterior grotto inflammable lottery external guttural inflate lounge N naturalize extinct inflict lubricant extinguish

    H infuriate lunatic negative extract habitation inhale lynch nomad extraordinary haggard inlaid lyrics nominate

    haphazard inmate nomination

    F haughty inoculate M nominee

    facial haven inquiry macadam noticeable facilities hazard insolent maestro notorious facility hectic inspiration maim nourish faculty hence installation maintenance nymph fanatic hereditary installment makeshift fantasy heredity instill maneuver 0 faulty heroic insulation maroon oblong fiance hilarious integrate martyr observatory fiancee hilt intercept mason obstruct fidget hinderance intermission masquerade occupant finance hoard internal massacre occurrence financial homicide intersection massage offensive fixture honorary intimate masterpiece ointment flannel horde intoxicate matrimony omit flexible horsepower intricate matron omitted flinch hospitable intrigue maximum oppress floral


  • R-8 oppression I zest EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    oppression politician ratio S swivel W optical pollen reaction Sabbath synopsis wholly orator pollute readiness saga systema,tic wield ordeal portfolio reality salve wily outcast portrait recede sanctuary T

    writhe outgrowth portray receptacle sanitation taboo outskirts possibility recline scaffold tact y overcast posterity recoil scandal tarnish yearn overhaul postscript recommendation scorch taunt overlap potential recorder scoundrel temperate Z overlay potion recovery scripture temporary zeal

    precipice recruit sect tendency zest

    P pacify precipitation recur security tenement

    precise reduction sensitive testament pact predicament reflex sentinel torrid pagan prefabricated refrain sequence tragedy pamper prepaid refresh serenade trance pantomime prescribe registration shirk transform paralysis prescription regrettable shortage transit parish pretense rehearsal shun transmission partition preVIew reinforce sieve transmit passport prim relapse signify transplant pastel prior reliance singe tremor pasteurize privacy relic singular trend pathetic probability relish sinister trump pauper probe reInit siphon tuition pawn procedure remorse skyscraper

    pedestal proclamation removal slander U pedestrian profile renegade sophomore unanimous pedigree profound renewal soprano unison penalize projector renounce sparse universal penalty prolong repeal specific upholster penthouse prone repel specification

    perfection propaganda repent specify uproar

    perforate prophecy repertory spiritual

    V vacancy perimeter prophet repetition splice periodical propulsion reprieve sponsor

    perpendicular prosecute reproduce stamina valet

    persistence prosper reproduction stanza valor

    pertain prosperity requirement static vandal

    perturb prosperous requisition steadfast variation

    petition protrude resource stench varsity

    petty proverb resourceful sterling velocity

    pharmacy provisional respectable stratosphere veneer

    photostat provoke restrain strenuous vengeance

    physicist pulpit restraint strive ventilate

    physics purity restrict subordinate veranda

    piety pygmy resume substantial verdict

    pious retail subtle verge

    piston Q retain suffocate versus

    pitfall quake revelation sultry veto

    pivot questionnaire revenue summary vineyard

    placard quizzical reverence superb violate

    plaid quota reverend surgeon virgin

    plasma quote revise surgery virtue

    plight revision surplus visor vocal

    plumage R rheumatism survival

    ply racial rout survivor vocation

    pneumonia radium rustic swerve void

    poach ruthless swindle vouch

    rant rarity


  • R-9 a la carte I irresistible EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    Reading-9 belligerent conventional dismantle flaw benediction converge disorganized flicker bestow conversion dispossess foreboding

    A bewitch convertible disqualify foresight

    a la carte bibliography coordination disrupt forgo

    abate billiards coronation distasteful formidable

    abhor bleach corrugated diverge foundry

    abolition booty cosmetics diversion fraternity

    abominable bosom countenance divert fray

    abound brazen counteract divulge fumigate

    absentee buffer cower doff

    abstract cram domain G abyss C crave dowry gaiety accomplice caliber creation drudgery galaxy

    accord canvass crescent duly garrison

    accusation caper crochet dutiful gild

    adaptable capitalize cult dwindle gist

    adaptation caption custodian glamour

    adhere captivate E glorify administer captivity D earthy grievance adversary catastrophe damnable ebb grimace adverse category data ecstasy gruesome

    affliction cauldron dauntless embalm guidance

    aggressive celebrity dean embezzle

    agitate chafe debatable encore H alcove champagne deceased endear harmonize allotment chide decisive entice heathen amass cinema deem entrust homage amplify circumstance deface enviable hoodwink amputate cleave defensive envoy

    analysis clerical dejected equivalent I anecdote clique delete err idolize antagonize coincide deliberate escapade illegible appraise combustion delinquent espionage illiterate apprehend commend denomination evolution illusion aptitude commodity denounce evolve impersonate aquatic commute density exalt imply arbitrary comparable deplore expanse imposter arid compensation desertion expansion improbable armory complex destitute expend impudent aroma comply detach expenditure impulsive arrogant compress detention expIre inborn artesian compulsory detract exterminate incurable articulate compute diction extravagant indebted assent concede diplomacy extremity indelible asset concession dire indispensable attribute concise disapprove F inertia audible confiscate disastrous famished infantry audition congestion disband farce infirmary autobiography congregation disbelief fatality inflation avail conscientious disciple feint ingenious avert consecutive disclose felony insight

    conservative discomfort ferment insignia

    B constellation disconnect festive insignificant

    banister contemplate discontent feudal insomnia barracks contemporary discontinue filament instantaneous baste contestant discord fillet intact bayonet continuity disembark filtration intangible beige contour disengage flair integrity contraction disfigure flank irresistible


  • R-9 irritable iWithhold EDL Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded Lists

    irritable p smite veterinary isthmus parasite smock vial itemize pending smote

    pennant snub W J perceive specialist wane

    judicial personal spendthrift wayward pewter spouse wean

    L physique spurn wistful

    lament pilfer squ

  • R-10 accentuate I listless EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    Reading-lO chronic dilate F I clientele dilemma fallacy idiom colleague diligent feasible illegitimate

    A collegiate dirge feign illogical

    accentuate communicable disconcert ferret illustrious

    adept comparative discretion fictitious immature

    affront compile disillusion finale immeasurable

    allay complement disintegrate flail impartial

    allure component dispel flange impeach

    amphitheater compulsion dispensary flaunt imperative

    animation concept dispense focal imperial

    annihilate conclusive displacement foible impersonal

    annul confound disreputable folio impertinent

    anonymous consolidate dissect foreshorten impoverish

    apex consultant disuse formulate impregnate

    appalling contemptible diverse forum inaccessible

    appropriation contraband dogged fraught incandescent

    ardor convalescent dominant frivolous incision

    artisan conveyance dormant frontage incite

    ashtray convulsion dote froth inclination

    assess coroner dregs frugal inclusive

    atrocious COSIlllC droll frustrate incorporate

    auditory courier duct furtive incriminate

    aura credentials dupe futile indisposed

    automation creditor dynamic induce

    axiom crucial G inducement crypt E gala inert B

    cryptic eccentric gaseous inevitable

    bane cull economize gender infatuate

    banter cumulative elongate genteel infernal

    bauble curriculum eloquent germinate infidel

    bedlam curtail emancipate girth inkling

    befall curvature embellish glaze inquisitive

    belated cuticle emboss glean insufferable

    belie cynical embryo glib intensity

    benefactor emit glutton intolerable

    benevolent D encampment gore intolerant

    bereaved daily enhance granulate intuition

    betroth debit enlighten gratify invertebrate

    bevel debutante enrapture grotesque invigorating

    bevy default ensemble grovel invincible

    biology deficient enthrall guerrilla invoke

    bland defile enumerate Ire

    bogus deflation enunciate H irony

    boisterous deft equilibrium hapless

    bolster deity eradicate havoc J brandish delve esteem heirloom


    buttress demented ethical heritage demolition evaluate hew L

    C demoralize evasion hoax laborious

    callous demure exasperate horoscope lateral

    cancellation dependent exotic horticulture legacy

    canine depreciate exploit hovel liability

    capillary designate exponent humbug linear

    carat despondent expressly humdrum liquidate

    carnivorous deteriorate exuberant humiliate listless

    cater devastate humility

    centennial dialect hybrid

    chagrin diaphragm hydraulic dignitary hypocrite



  • R-10 magnitude Iwhet

    EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    M perseverance renovate sundry magnitude perspective reorganize superimpose mainstay pertinent reputable superlative malady pessimistic residue superstructure manipulate petite revel symmetry manor phenomenal reverie synthetic marital pictorial revert materialize pigment revoke T maternal pilgrimage revue tabulate maternity pinnacle rhapsody taint maul piteous rift tangent mediocre plausible ritual tantalize medley pliable roster tart mire populate rostrum tawdry misconception portal rue temperance momentum portly rupture theorem monologue precinct thermal morbid predominant S tier mutation pregnant sally timely mystical preliminary satire tolerable

    prelude saturate torrid

    N premature scavenger torso naive preoccupy scope transcribe namesake prestige scrimmage transfusion narcotic prevalent scrutinize transpose narrate profess sear tributary necessitate proficient secluded tumult negotiate progression sector nonchalant prose sediment U notary providence segment ultimate nucleus provincial segregate ultimatum

    prudent silhouette uncouth

    0 psychiatrist simultaneous unerring

    obituary psychology skeptical unify oblique pulverize skirmish unkempt oblivion putrid slothful urban obnoxious smelt usage obscene Q sodden opaque qualm solitude V oratory quandary soluble variable ordinance quell solvent vertebrate organic somber vigil organism R sorority vigilant overture radiate spasm virtual

    radical spinster visualize

    p ratify spontaneous vitality panorama rational stability parochial ravenous stagnant W parry ravish stalwart waif passe readjust stance

    sterile wan passive rebuff wend paternal reconcile stigma whet patron rectify stimulate

    patronize recuperate stolid

    pensive reformatory strata

    perception rehabilitate strewn reimburse stupefy reinstate stupor remittance suave rend subside


  • _________ EDl R R-11 abashed !jocular eading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists -------

    Reading-II boycott D brevity debonair explicit mane expulsion inanimate broach decrepit

    A brusque defer

    extortion ~naugurate

    abashed bulwark depict

    exultation mcapacitate

    abcess burlesque deplete


    abdicate burnish derange F fabricate mcongruous

    abrasion derelict


    abridge C desirous facet increment

    abstain candid deter

    facilitate incur

    accost capitalist detriment

    faction indict

    acquisition caricature deviate

    fallow indignity

    acrid carouse devious

    fastidious inept

    adage cataract devoid feline infallible

    addict catechism dexterity

    fervent infamous

    adulterated cavalcade diagnosis

    fervor infer

    affable celestial differential

    fetter infest

    affectation centrifugal diffuse

    fidelity infidelity

    affix cessation dilapidated

    financier inflection

    aftermath cite discern

    fissure influx

    aggression claimant discourse flagrant informant

    algae collaborate discredit fluctuate infringe

    alienate collective discrepancy

    forage infuse

    align commemorate disdainful forbearance inherent

    alimony commentary disgorge franchise inhibition

    alleviate commune disheveled

    fraudulent initiative

    alumni compassion disperse


    ambiguous compatible disproportionate G


    amplitude complacent dissimilar gauntlet inquisition

    analogy composite dissociate

    generalize insensible

    anesthetic composure distraught

    gibe inseparable

    annals concave docile

    glower insinuate

    antecedent conception doleful

    glut instigate

    antiquated concoct drone graphic instrumental

    aperture concur dubious

    guise insurrection

    arbitration concussion dynasty

    gullible integral

    ascertain condescend gusto interaction

    ascribe condiment E intercede

    askew condolence eddy H interject

    asphyxiation condone egotism habitable


    aspiration conductive elegy habitat


    assail confection elliptical hallucination


    assimilate confederation emaciated hulk


    atheist congeal eminent hypothesis


    attache congenial emphatic intersperse

    audit consecrate encumbered I intervene

    aversion constitute engross idealism


    awry contemptuous enliven ~dolatry


    contend ensue Imagery intrusion

    B beneficiary context entail immaculate


    contortion epic immaterial ~nvariably

    bequeath converse epitaph immobile


    biennial convex equity impale


    bier cosmopolitan erratic impassive


    bilingual covet erroneous impediment


    binder criterion essence impending


    bizarre cuisine evoke imperil

    botany culinary excerpt implicate J jaded

    boudoir cyst excruciating impromptu

    exhilarated inadvertently jeopardize jocular


  • R-11 judicious I zodiac

    EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    judicious N precanous respective T jurisdiction natal premonition resplendent taut nationalism preponderance restoration tentative

    K negligible preposterous resurrection tenure

    kindred neurotic presumptuous retaliate tepid

    kinetic neuter primeval retention terse

    knoll nocturnal procure retina therapeutic nominal prodigal retribution thesis

    L noncommittal profane revulsion tincture

    labyrinth nonexistent profuse ricochet tirade

    laxity notation prohibition rigorous traction

    legation nullify projectile rite tranquil

    lenient nutrient promenade rote transgress

    lethal nutritious propriety ruse transition

    lewd prospectus translucent

    liaison 0 prostrate S transpire

    libel obliterate proxy sanction traverse

    limpid obsession psychosis saunter treatise

    lineage occult pugilist savory trite

    linguistic odious pugnacious scapegoat truism

    literal ominous purge scourge tryst

    lobbyist onslaught scruple typify

    lunar opportune Q secede lustrous orgy quandrant sedate U luxuriant orient query sedative ulterior orientation quibble semblance unfounded

    M oscillate sensory

    maladjustment overbearing R sensual V malice rabble sequel vagrant malign p rabid servitude valid malignant pacifist ramification severance vanguard

    malleable palatable rampant simile vantage

    mandatory pallor ransack simulate variance

    mania palpitate raucous slovenly veer

    manifest parable realist sobriety vehement

    manifold paradox rebate socialist versatile

    mannerism parley recession solace vibrant

    marauder partisan reciprocate solicit vie materialistic pathos reclaim spectrum vintage

    mausoleum patronage reconnaissance squander virile

    meander peerless recourse stark virtuoso memento penal recurrence statistics VIvacIOUS memoir perennial redundant status vogue

    menial perJury refute stereotype vouch

    mentor permeate regent stilt voucher metropolis perpetrate regimen stimulus

    mettle personnel rejuvenate stint W waiver mien peruse relinquish stipulate misdemeanor philanthropy reminiscent subsequent wanton momentous philosophy remuneration subsistence whimsical monetary physiology renaissance successor wrangle monotone pillage renegade suede

    morose placid replenish supple Z motif pollinate repose surmise zenith muse polygamy repress surmount zodiac myriad pompous reprisal susceptible

    populace reproof swathe populous requisite synchronize posterior resolute syndicate potent resonance synthesis


  • R-12 abduct /juxtapostion

    EDl Reading Core Vocabulary-Graded lists

    Reading--12 B D equestrian I baleful debase erode idiosyncrasy banal decadence es