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Editing Editing is the process of selecting and preparing language, images, sound, video, or film through processes of correction, condensation, organization, and other modifications in various media. Terms: Edit: The modification/ changes to be made. Editing: Process of making the changes/ modification. Editor: A person who does the modifications/ changes. In a sense, the editing process originates with the idea for the work itself and continues in the relationship between the author and the editor. Editing is, therefore, also a practice that includes creative skills, human relations, and a precise set of methods. Print media There are various editorial positions in publishing. Typically, one finds junior editorial assistants reporting to the senior-level editorial staff and directors who report to senior executive editors. Senior executive editors are responsible for developing a product to its final release. The smaller the publication, the more these roles run together. Copy editors correct spelling, grammar, and matters of house style. At newspapers and wire services, they also write headlines and work on more-substantive issues, such as accuracy, fairness and taste. In some positions, they design pages and select of news stories for inclusion. At UK and Australian newspapers, the term is "sub-editor." They may choose the layout of the publication and communicate with the printer a production editor. This and similar jobs are also called "layout editor," "design editor," "news designer," or more so in the past"makeup editor." Midlevel newspaper editors often manage or help manage sections, such as business, sports and features. Generally the level below the top/ resident editor usually is the managing editor. The title of the top editor at many publications may be called an editor in chief, executive editor, resident editor or editor. Frequent and esteemed contributors to a magazine may acquire a title of editor at-large or contributing editor Functions/ Kinds of editor in the book publishing industry: 1. Editors organize anthologies and other compilations, produce definitive editions of a classic author's works; 2. Organize and manage contributions to a multi-author book. 3. Finding marketable ideas and presenting them to appropriate authors are the responsibility of a sponsoring editor. 4. Obtaining copy or recruiting authors such as: an acquisitions editor or a commissioning editor for a publishing house. 5. Improving an author's writing so that they indeed say what they mean to say in an effective manner is substantive editing. Depending on the writer's competence, this editing can sometimes turn into ghost writing. Substantive editing is seldom a title.

Editing in written communication mba

Oct 18, 2014



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Editing is the process of selecting and preparing language, images, sound, video, or film through processes of correction, condensation, organization, and other modifications in various media.


Edit: The modification/ changes to be made.

Editing: Process of making the changes/ modification.

Editor: A person who does the modifications/ changes.

In a sense, the editing process originates with the idea for the work itself and continues in the relationship between the author and the editor. Editing is, therefore, also a practice that includes creative skills, human relations, and a precise set of methods.

Print media

There are various editorial positions in publishing. Typically, one finds junior editorial assistants reporting to the senior-level editorial staff and directors who report to senior executive editors. Senior executive editors are responsible for developing a product to its final release. The smaller the publication, the more these roles run together.

Copy editors correct spelling, grammar, and matters of house style. At newspapers and wire services, they also write headlines and work on more-substantive issues, such as accuracy, fairness and taste. In some positions, they design pages and select of news stories for inclusion. At UK and Australian newspapers, the term is "sub-editor." They may choose the layout of the publication and communicate with the printer—a production editor. This and similar jobs are also called "layout editor," "design editor," "news designer," or—more so in the past—"makeup editor."

Midlevel newspaper editors often manage or help manage sections, such as business, sports and features. Generally the level below the top/ resident editor usually is the managing editor.

The title of the top editor at many publications may be called an editor in chief, executive editor, resident editor or editor. Frequent and esteemed contributors to a magazine may acquire a title of editor at-large or contributing editor

Functions/ Kinds of editor in the book publishing industry:

1. Editors organize anthologies and other compilations, produce definitive editions of a classic author's works;

2. Organize and manage contributions to a multi-author book. 3. Finding marketable ideas and presenting them to appropriate authors are the responsibility of a

sponsoring editor. 4. Obtaining copy or recruiting authors such as: an acquisitions editor or a commissioning editor for a

publishing house. 5. Improving an author's writing so that they indeed say what they mean to say in an effective manner is

substantive editing. Depending on the writer's competence, this editing can sometimes turn into ghost writing. Substantive editing is seldom a title.

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Many types of editors do this type of work, either in-house at a publisher or on an independent basis.

Changes to the publishing industry since the 1980s have resulted in nearly all copy editing of book manuscripts being outsourced to freelance copy editors.

Types of Editing (Print only) : Light edits, heavy edits, and derivative works

A "light edit" otherwise known as a '"minor change" may be regarded as changes that do not substantively change the theme, pace, tone, structure, characters, or other elements of intellectual property that are held by the author. Such changes would include spelling, or grammar in a way that does not deviate from the author's use of, say, non-standard grammar or speech patterns.

A "heavy edit" may change substantively the tone, structure, characters, or other elements of intellectual property contained in the work.

Executive editor

The top editor sometimes has the title executive editor or editor-in-chief. This person is generally responsible for the content of the publication. An exception is that large newspapers usually have a separate editor for the editorials and opinion pages to separate news reporting and editorial content.

The executive editor sets the publication standards for performance, as well as for motivating and developing the staff. The executive editor is also responsible for developing and maintaining the publication budget. In concert with the publisher and the operating committee, the executive editor is responsible for strategic and operational planning. The executive editor is effectively the head of the newspaper and has considerable influence on its content.

Scholarly books and journals

Editors of scholarly books and journals are of three types, each with particular responsibilities:

1. The acquisitions editor or commissioning editor, who contracts with the author to produce the copy 2. The project editor or production editor, who sees the copy through its stages from manuscript through

bound book and usually assumes most of the budget and scheduled responsibilities 3. The copy editor or manuscript editor, who performs the tasks of readying the copy for conversion into

printed form

The primary difference between copy editing scholarly books and journals and other sorts of copy editing lies in applying the standards of the publisher to the copy. Most scholarly publishers have a preferred style guide, usually a combination of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and style manuals of the publisher/ author. Since scholars often have strong preferences, very often a publisher will adopt different styles for different fields. For instance, psychologists prefer the APA style, while linguists might prefer the MLA style. These guidelines offer sound advice on making cited sources complete and correct and making the presentation scholarly.

Technical editing

Technical editing involves reviewing text written on a technical topic, and identifying errors related to the use of language in general or adherence to a specific style guide.

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Technical editing may include any of the following: correction of grammatical mistakes, misspellings, mistyping, incorrect punctuation, inconsistencies in usages, poorly structured sentences, wrong scientific terms, wrong units and dimensions, inconsistency in significant figures, technical ambivalence, technical disambiguation, correction of statements conflicting with general scientific knowledge, correction of synopsis, content, index, headings and subheadings, correcting data and chart presentation in a research paper or report, correcting errors in citations.

This activity ensures that documentation is of good quality. In large companies, experienced writers are dedicated to the technical editing function. In organizations that cannot afford dedicated editors, experienced writers typically peer-edit text produced by their relatively less experienced colleagues.

It helps if the technical editor is familiar with the subject being edited, but that is not always essential. The technical knowledge that an editor gains over time while working on a particular product or technology does give the editor an edge over another who has just started editing content related to that product or technology. In the long run, however, the skills that really matter are attention to detail, the ability to sustain focus while working through lengthy pieces of text on complex topics, tact in dealing with writers, and excellent communication skills.

Revising is also another form of editing. It is looking for awkward sentences, run-on sentences, and in general parts of the paper that don't make sense to the editor. Usually the writer revises his/her copy before turning it in.

Business editing

Businesses and nonprofit organizations often use editors, who may be employees of a company, individual

contractors working on site at a client's office or independently off-site, or employees or partners in a specialized

copywriting agency. Working with writers inside or outside the business, such editors provide services such as

proofreading, copy editing, line editing, developmental editing, editing for search engine optimization (SEO), etc.

Copy editing

Copy editing is the work that an editor does to improve the formatting, style and accuracy of text. Unlike general editing, copy editing often does not involve changing the substance of the text. Copy refers to written or typewritten text for typesetting, printing, or publication. Copy editing is done before proofreading, which is the last step in the editorial cycle.

Generally an editor who does this work is called a copy editor, and an organization's highest-ranking copy editor, or the supervising editor of a group of copy editors, may be known as the copy chief, copy desk chief, or news editor. In book publishing in the United Kingdom and other parts of the world that follow UK nomenclature, the term copy editor is used, but in newspaper and magazine publishing, the term is sub-editor (or the unhyphenated subeditor), commonly shortened to sub. The senior sub-editor on a title is frequently called the chief sub-editor. As the "sub" prefix suggests, copy editors typically have less authority than regular editors.

The term copy editor may also be spelled as one word or in hyphenated form (copyedit and copy-edit). The hyphenated form is especially common in the UK; in the U.S. newspaper field, using the two word form is more common.

The "five Cs" summarize the copy editor's job: Make the copy clear, correct, concise, complete, and consistent. Copy editors should make it say what it means, and mean what it says.

Typically, copy editing involves correcting spelling, punctuation, grammar, terminology, jargon, and semantics, and ensuring that the text adheres to the publisher's style. They may shorten the text, to improve it or to fit length limits. This is particularly so in periodical publishing, where copy must be cut to fit the layout, and the text changed to ensure there are no 'short lines'.

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Often, copy editors are also responsible for adding any "display copy", such as headlines, standardized headers and footers, and photo captions. And although proofreading is a distinct task from copy editing, frequently it is one performed by copy editors.

Copy editors are expected to ensure that the text flows, that it is sensible, fair, and accurate, and that any legal problems have been addressed. If a passage is unclear or an assertion seems questionable, the copy editor may ask the writer to clarify it. Sometimes, the copy editor is the only person, other than the writer, to read an entire text before publication, and for this reason newspaper copy editors are considered the publication's last line of defense.

The role of the copy editor varies considerably from one publication to another. Some newspaper copy editors select stories from wire service copy; others use desktop publishing software to do design and layout work that once was the province of design and production specialists.

Changes in the field

Traditionally, the copy editor would read a printed or written manuscript, manually marking it with editor's correction marks. Today, the manuscript is more often read on a computer display and corrections are entered directly.

The nearly-universal adoption of computerised systems for editing and layout in newspapers and magazines has also led copy editors to become more involved in design and the technicalities of production. Technical knowledge is therefore sometimes considered as important as writing ability, though this is more true in journalism than it is in book publishing. With the transformation of journalism in recent years, some news organizations are lowering the emphasis on editing, though at the expense of copy quality.

[2] Hank Glamann, co-founder of the American Copy

Editors Society, made the following observation about ads for copy editor positions at American newspapers:

We want them to be skilled grammarians and wordsmiths and write bright and engaging headlines and must know Quark. But, often, when push comes to shove, we will let every single one of those requirements slide except the last one, because you have to know that in order to push the button at the appointed time

Traits, skills, and training

Besides an excellent command of language, copy editors need broad general knowledge for spotting factual errors, good critical thinking skills in order to recognize inconsistencies, interpersonal skills for dealing with writers and other editors, attention to detail, and a sense of style. Also, they must establish priorities and balance a desire for perfection with the necessity to follow deadlines.

Many copy editors have a college degree, often in journalism, the language the text is written in, or communications. Copy editing is often taught as a college journalism course, though its name varies.

Less is More: Editing Your Business Writing

This is a business case for something we all do every day. Everyone edits everything all the time.

Editing is a second look. Editing is as simple as reading email before you send it, to make sure that you included everything you want to say, and as complex as overhauling a book manuscript.

If you don't consider email vital communication, and you're not writing a novel, do you need to think about editing? If you use written communication in any aspect of your business, yes. You do.

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Misspelled words, grammatical errors and sloppy writing tell your reader that you either don't know better or don't care enough about them to communicate properly. Certainly not the message you want to send to your customers or associates.

Two types of editing are copy editing and content editing. Copy editing is proofreading - a check for spelling, grammar and typographical errors. It's making sure you spell a customer's name correctly in your business letter. It's checking punctuation in your instructional design manuals. Copy editing ensures that your press releases and newsletters go to print with commas in the right places, proper capitalization, and no misuse of their, there or they're.

Content editing combines copy editing with an in-depth assessment of content and writing style. Content editing ensures that all cited facts are validated (fact-checking) and properly referenced, and that quotes are accurate and correctly assigned.

Content editing involves reworking the writing style with an eye toward precision, economy and flow. It ensures that your sales letters and promotional materials are easy to read, vibrant and compelling to your audience.

We all conduct more business in writing and less in face to face meetings than we did even one year ago. Professional editing makes your writing as powerful as you need it to be.

Composing and Editing Written Communication


This chapter gets to the basics of writing—choosing the right word, writing good sentences and paragraphs, and

proofreading and editing work. These are basic skills that all administrative assistants should possess; reference

manuals are available and should be used.

Lecture Notes

A. Effective Word Selection

Choosing the word with the right meaning and impression is important in order to get the correct message to the


1. Positive Language makes people want to read, think, and act.

a. Focus on the reader by using pronouns like “you” and “your.”

b. Limit the use of negative expressions in a message; avoid words using not, regret, unfortunately, apologize, neglect, and fail.

2. Tone refers to the manner in which a certain attitude is expressed; it should be friendly, conversational, and professional.

3. Familiar Words in a sentence make the message easier to understand.

a. Synonyms that are commonly used should be substituted for unfamiliar words.

b. Technical words should be avoided when you are speaking with someone outside of your profession who may not understand them; if they are necessary, be sure to explain them.

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c. Use English equivalents for foreign expressions whenever possible.

d. Jargon should not be used in business writing.

e. Acronyms should be spelled out the first time they are used in a document.

f. Slang should be avoided; the words cannot be translated easily.

4. Concrete Language refers to the use of words that are precise in meaning; abstract to those where meaning

can be interpreted differently.

a. A word or phrase may be added to an abstract word to define it more precisely.

b. The abstract term may be defined in the sentence.

c. Use the most specific word when it impacts the meaning.

d. Short, simple words convey meaning more directly.

5. Active Words denote action by a performer.

a. Active verbs convey precise meaning, the action happening.

b. Active voice refers to an emphasis on the performer of the task and passive voice to an emphasis on the action being taken.

c. Descriptive adjectives are also called key words or descriptors.

d. Descriptive adverbs convey precise meanings.

6. Contemporary Words and Expressions make writing more relevant.

7. Confusing Words are words that sound similar, but they are spelled differently and have different meanings. Effective word selection between confusing words takes a lot of effort and practice. Be sure to review them with students so they can distinguish between them.

8. Unbiased Language should be used in business writing.

a. Gender-free language should be used instead of masculine or feminine words; men and women should be treated equally. Avoid labels, stereotypes, and using “man” and “woman” as the prefix or suffix of a word.

b. Racially and ethnically unbiased language should be used so that no member of the audience is offended. Identification of racial or ethnic origins should not appear in writing unless it is pertinent to the message.

c. Job-related language should not stereotype different types of jobs held by people.

B. Effective Sentence and Paragraph Construction

Careful construction of sentences (20 words or less) and paragraphs (3-5 sentences) is important for them to be


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1. Constructing Effective Sentences means they should be a complete thought expressed as a subject and

predicate with words that are understandable.

a. Errors in sentence construction like fragments, run-on sentences, and comma-splices should be avoided. Review each of these errors referring to the explanations on pp. 200-202.

b. Types of sentences written should vary in type for interest; use a combination of simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. Review these sentence types referring to the explanations on pp. 202-204.

c. Length of sentences should vary; they should average 15-20 words.

d. Connectives should be used to join sentences with related ideas so the reader sees the connection.

e. Sentence formats should be chosen to go along with the message; choose between a question or statement and what word might need to be emphasized.

2. Organized Paragraphs represent the writer’s thoughts on a certain part of the topic.

a. Writing approach for paragraphs should be chosen between a deductive (direct) and inductive (indirect).

b. Paragraph composition should include an overview statement, supporting statements, and detail statements referring to the main idea.

3. Criteria for Effective Sentences and Paragraphs should be examined using the following ideas.

a. Coherence is demonstrated through consistency in style, word choice, and usage. The writer should pay attention to the stress on words, word choice and usage, and parallelism.

b. Emphasis means that greater importance is placed on a particular fact or idea. It can be achieved with word choice and order, balancing items of equal value, restating pieces of information, and format of presentation.

c. Unity suggests a coherent flow of ideas within sentences, within paragraphs, and between paragraphs.

d. Concise writing is brief, yet comprehensive. It is achieved through planning prior to writing and revising the draft of the document.

e. Variety in writing maintains the reader’s interest; variety can be achieved through word usage (a thesaurus is helpful), combination of sentence types, and appropriate message style.

f. Clarity is accomplished by knowing the purpose and reviewing the message to be sure it relates to the purpose.

g. Accuracy in message, format, and language is critical in any type of business writing.

4. Development of Goodwill occurs when people work together, with others in their organization or outside,

to create a positive, clear, and courteous communication climate.

a. Considerateness for others when preparing a message will convey an interest in the reader.

b. Empathy toward the reader shows understanding of the feelings or emotions of the reader; use the “you” approach. Be sure students know the difference between sympathy and empathy.

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c. Courtesy for the reader can be demonstrated by using terms like please and thank you where applicable.

d. Sincerity expresses confidence and trust in others; it must be genuine.

e. Respect should be shown to the company, products, and reader of the message so that the reader responds in a positive way.

C. Proofreading and Editing

Proofreading and editing is one of the most important responsibilities of an administrative assistant; all final

documents should be error-free. The quality of the outgoing documents sends an impression to the reader; error-

free documents make a positive impression. Throughout this section, emphasize the importance of proofreading

and editing.

1. Proofreading Techniques can be applied to a document on-screen or on paper; they include looking for

spelling, punctuation, and formatting mistakes.

a. Proofreading for typographical errors should go beyond spell check. Be sure to explain that spell check just finds words that it doesn’t recognize in its dictionary; if the mistake represents a real word, it will not be highlighted.

b. Proofreading by office professionals besides the originator of the document is important; if possible, read aloud to another person to check for errors.

c. Proofreading techniques include reading the copy slowly, using a straight-edge to follow the lines of copy, proofreading tables vertically, counting entries where possible, and delaying the final proofreading for an hour or more after keying is complete.

d. Proofreading symbols should be used; they are displayed in figure 7-1 (p. 212). Explain that these symbols are recognized by people across many organizations.

2. Editing (copyediting) is the revision of a draft for consistency, conciseness, and grammatical accuracy.

Revisions are marked manually in the text or using software tools.

a. Preparing copy for editing means the document should be keyed in rough-draft format with space to allow for markings.

b. Basic editing skills should be strong in areas of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and composition. Encourage students to make use of reference books in areas where they have questions.

3. Editing for Organization is the process of checking for clear and logical writing.

a. Communication among team writers is necessary to develop a collaborative document. Communication may be face-to-face or electronically.

b. Communication between the writer(s) and copy editor needs to be very clear and understood by both parties so that the topic and purpose of the document is understood.

c. The writing approach should be clear to the copy editor; he or she should know if the author uses a direct or indirect approach.

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d. The outline used by the writer can also be used by the copy editor to be sure they are both using the same approach.

4. Editing for Completeness and Content Accuracy is a tedious task, but it is a very important one.

a. Looking it up in a reference manual is the way to find spelling, grammar, and punctuation rules as necessary.

b. Checking and double-checking the document for accuracy in facts and structure may mean asking questions of the writer for clarification.

c. Being consistent with grammar and punctuation rules is essential; it is also important to be observant of any inconsistencies and make corrections.

d. Maintain the author’s writing style while editing; this skill develops as a writer works more with a particular copy editor.

e. Document format is the first impression that a document gives the reader; use specific formatting guidelines for a professional appearance.

f. Document appearance should be neat and attractive (and error-free) in its final format.

5. Use of Editing Software can save time, but it does not eliminate the need for manual proofreading and


a. Spell-check tools are available in all productivity software. They have the ability to update the dictionary; however, spell-check does not catch all errors.(Students must remember to proofread for spelling errors on their own too.)

b. Grammar-check tools are available in word processing programs. Like using spell-check, emphasize that while they can be helpful, they do not reduce the need to check those things manually.

c. Software editing tools may include highlighting changes, tracking changes in text, and collaborative writing options. Be sure users can utilize the options effectively before trying them on a document.

6. A Copyediting Style Sheet will display all the formatting points the author is expected to follow; it helps the

editor maintain consistency throughout the document.

7. Students might find it helpful to have a summary sheet of proofreader’s marks to refer to at their desk when they are editing documents.

Types of Editing and Writing


The Edit Fast proofreader will check the following items:

Spelling, typos


Grammatical, typographical, and/or style errors will be corrected

Acronyms: Are they defined at first mention? If there is a list of acronyms, are all acronyms properly listed? Does the list entry match what is in the text?

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Line-break hyphenation

Page breaks

Figures and tables

Text footnotes

As well, the proofreader will be reading the manuscript with an editorial eye. If any passages are still particularly difficult to understand, some light copyediting will be done.

Of course, the specific requirements of each proofreading job vary. The editor will pay close attention to the objectives and duties as detailed by the EditFast administration and in accordance with the wishes of the client. Additional options such as checking references for proper formatting to a specific style (APA, Chicago Manual of style etc.) should be discussed with the editor and may incur additional charges.

Copy Editing

Includes a proofreading plus:

Checking for consistency of mechanics and internal consistency of facts

Rewriting for promotional and/or advertising value

Marking head levels and approximate placement of art

May include providing or changing system of citations

Writing or editing captions and/or credit lines

May also include negotiating changes with author.

Of course, the specific requirements of each job may vary. The editor will pay close attention to the objectives and duties as detailed by the EditFast administration and in accordance with the wishes of the client.

Substantial Edit

Includes a proofreading plus:

Clarifying and/or reorganizing a manuscript for content, structure, meaning, eliminating jargon, smoothing language, and other non-mechanical line-by-line editing.

May include checking or correcting for reading level

Creating or recasting tables and/or figures

Of course, the specific requirements of each job may vary. The editor will pay close attention to the objectives and duties as detailed by the EditFast administration and in accordance with the wishes of the client.

Complete Rewrite

Includes a proofreading plus:

Creating a new manuscript or parts of a manuscript on the basis of content and research supplied by an author.

May include some research and writing of original material.

According to the needs of the author the document will be rewritten entirely making changes in structure, organization, grammar, word usage, and anything else that the editors feel is necessary to make the document professionally acceptable.

Research and fact checking will also be included if needed but the original purpose and the author's intent will be adhered to or enhanced.

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A complete rewrite will take more time and effort than any other type of editing but if you wish to present a polished, professional document ready for publication then this may be what the document needs.

Of course, the specific requirements of each job may vary. The editor will pay close attention to the objectives and duties as detailed by the EditFast administration and in accordance with the wishes of the client.


Producing an alphabetical list of names and places and/or subjects and concepts, etc., that appear in a work and referencing them to the page number where they appear in the manuscript

Complete Rewrite

All the duties of a proofreader plus:

Creating a new manuscript or parts of a manuscript on the basis of content and research supplied by an author.

May include some research and writing of original material.

According to the needs of the author the document will be rewritten entirely making changes in structure, organization, grammar, word usage, and anything else that the editors feel is necessary to make the document professionally acceptable.

Research and fact checking will also be included if needed but the original purpose and the author's intent will be adhered to or enhanced.

A complete rewrite will take more time and effort than any other type of editing but if you wish to present a polished, professional document ready for publication then this may be what the document needs.

Of course, the specific requirements of each job may vary. The editor will pay close attention to the objectives and duties as detailed by the Edit Fast administration and in accordance with the wishes of the client.

Copy Editing

All the duties of a proofreader plus:

Checking for consistency of mechanics and internal consistency of facts

Marking head levels and approximate placement of art

Notifying designer of any unusual production requirements

May include providing or changing system of citations

Writing or editing captions and/or credit lines

May also include negotiating changes with author.

Of course, the specific requirements of each job may vary. The editor will pay close attention to the objectives and duties as detailed by the Edit Fast administration and in accordance with the wishes of the client.

Automatic Grammar Checking Can Let You Down

Do you rely on automatic grammar checking when you've completed a piece of work? Grammar checking is certainly important, as it's one of the keys to making a good impression with your writing, but many people don't realise how unreliable automatic grammar checking can be.

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Most automatic grammar checking software is designed for business writing. This means that it can be particularly unreliable for grammar checking in other kinds of writing, like fiction, or for situations in which you're using an unusual layout. Often grammar checking software is confused by repetition which is being used to emphasise a point. Grammar checking software can also be confused by complex sentences. In some circumstances, grammar checking software can even create errors, for instance by deleting words in sentences like "It was that that I liked best," where the second 'that' is interpreted as a result of accidental repetition. If you do use grammar checking software it's important to proof read the result. Rather than relying on grammar checking software to bring your writing up to professional levels, it's a good idea to do your grammar checking yourself. If you're not too certain of your grammar checking abilities or if you want to be certain that your work will make a good impression, consider employing a grammar checking professional. You'll be surprised by how affordable professional grammar checking can be. Professional grammar checking is the preferred solution for people who prioritise making a good impression. Automatic grammar checking should be used only for less important work, and you should always be aware that your automatic grammar checking software can let you down.

Indexing of Manuals, Books, Reports, Web Sites, Textbooks, and more!

Our professional indexers will create an index for you! Small jobs or large, skilled indexers make your work

shine...and give it that extra sparkle! Fast, thorough, and consistent indexing of software manuals, hardware manuals, web sites, university textbooks, high school textbooks, reference books, government and business reports, and more!

Editing of Business and Personal Letters

Every letter you write serves a specific purpose. Whether it's to increase sales, improve communication with employees, friends, or family, our job is to find the best way to achieve that purpose through the fine tuning and editing of your sales letters, promotional letters, business and personal letters of all kinds. Whether it's a business letter or personal letter, you want your letters to convey exactly what you mean and no more. That is the goal of our editing function, and our promise. We proofread and edit your letters to give them that professional edge. We make your letters stand up and get noticed so that people will act upon them.

Web Publishing: Making your Website Appeal to Search Engines and Humans

Every business owner with a website knows how difficult it can be to get that site seen. You can spend days working on your web publishing content, but it's all for nothing if nobody visits your pages. Unfortunately, links on corporate listing sites and simple search engine registration are not enough, in this day and age, to ensure that your web publishing content gets seen. What matters is, increasingly, the web publishing content itself. In the early days of website promotion, simple keywords were usually enough to get web publishing content noticed. But search engines have become more sophisticated at detecting and rejecting keyword-heavy articles, and too many keywords can make your web publishing content off-putting to human readers. There's no point in making your website highly visible if it's written in such an off-putting way that prospective customers leave as soon as they arrive. It's important to develop web publishing content which is readable for humans as well as

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appealing to search engines. This is where a web publishing content specialist can help. Skilled at producing specialist content and familiar with the algorithms which search engines use, a web publishing content specialist can sharpen up your site and make it a success. Gone are the days when a collection of links was sufficient to promote a product - now customers want to read what you have to say. They want real content, and that's the basis on which they'll distinguish you from your competitors. So take a look at the range of web publishing content specialties which Edit Fast's writers have to offer, and invest in your site in a way that can really make a difference.

Page Check/Review

This is a final edit before publication to pick up any small typos and minor punctuation errors. A Page Check/Review is the simplest form of edit and only includes a one-time read through of the document to find and correct any errors left over after previous edits.


Edit Fast's professional, qualified, and tested proofreaders will be checking your documents for the following


1. Spelling, typos 2. Punctuation 3. Grammatical, typographical, or style errors will be corrected. 4. References: Are all cited references listed in bibliography? Are all bibliographical entries cited in the text?

Does the bibliography follow the proper style and are its entries listed in proper alphabetical order? 5. Acronyms: Are they defined at first mention? If there is a list of acronyms, are all acronyms properly

listed? Does the list entry match what is in the text? 6. Line-break hyphenation 7. Page breaks 8. Figures and tables 9. Text footnotes 10. Other formatting details (pagination, running heads, etc.).

As well, the proofreader will be reading the manuscript with an "editorial eye." If any passages are still particularly

difficult to understand, some light copyediting will be done after discussion with the author if necessary.

Of course, the specific requirements of each proofreading job vary. Discussions with the author will determine the

specifics for each proofreading project. The proofreader will pay close attention to the objectives and duties as

detailed by the Edit Fast administration and in accordance with the wishes of the author of the work.

Let our proofreaders make your work shine!

Substantial Edit

All the duties of a proofreader plus:

Clarifying and/or reorganizing a manuscript for content, structure, meaning, eliminating jargon, smoothing language, and other non-mechanical line-by-line editing.

May include checking or correcting for reading level

Creating or recasting tables and/or figures

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Checking accuracy of facts and/or quotes by reference to original sources used by author and/or from other sources

Negotiating changes with author.

Of course, the specific requirements of each job may vary. The editor will pay close attention to the objectives and duties as detailed by the Edit Fast administration and in accordance with the wishes of the client.

How much should you pay for Proofreading?

Proofreading rates can be calculated in a number of different ways. Some proofreading rates are set by the page and some by the hour. In the latter case, you should be able to get an estimate of how long it's likely to take for your document to be processed. Hourly proofreading rates can be generous when your document is simple to read and has been well prepared. If you have a complex piece of work which makes use of specialist vocabulary, you may be better off selecting a professional who sets proofreading rates by the page.

Preferences for Proof editor/ reader:

1. The editor database makes it easy to compare proofreading rates alongside the skills and expertise of different professionals.

2. Samples of individuals' work in order to assess the quality of their proofreading. 3. Rates are clearly provided and easy to make sense of. You'll still find some variation, but most

proofreading rates offered are similar, making it easier for you to base your choice on the particular experience and skill set offered. No matter what proofreading rates you settle for, you can be sure of good service at Edit Fast.

A Good Relationship Means Good Business

In this day and age, when the success of a business depends in large part on the quality of its communications, one of the most important skills a business needs is copywriting. Company structures being what they are, however, not every business is in a position to handle this internally. It's often much more practical to outsource work to a specialist copywriting company. However, your business' relationship with its copywriting company can be a make or break factor - so how should you go about finding the right one? When you're entrusting strangers with such an important part of your business, it's essential that you are able to find out plenty about them and to communicate with them effectively at a person to person level. A good copywriting company will always be able to supply you with references to happy former clients as well as providing examples of past work. You should also look for a copywriting company where you can form a good business relationship with particular individuals and be sure of being able to speak to the same people each time you get in touch. Edit Fast is a copywriting company with a difference. Its unique structure allows you to go directly to the professionals whose experience is best suited to the kind of work you need. A copywriting company like this can give you the reassurance of a big institution and the intimacy of one-to-one communications, ensuring that you get exactly what you're looking for. So if you're in need of a copywriting company which can handle your work with real understanding, Edit Fast could be for you.

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Polish your Creative Writing

When you've worked long and hard on a piece of creative writing, you'll want it to look its best. You'll probably seek out the services of an editor, especially if you're considering submitting your creative writing for publication. Unfortunately, the process of developing creative writing is not something which every editor understands. How can you find the right person to polish your work? Editing creative writing is a specialist skill because it's important to preserve the imaginative intent of the original author. Many of the people who produce creative writing have had bad experiences with editors who didn't understand when, for instance, they were breaking traditional rules for artistic effect. Some feel that their creative writing is compromised by being made too formal when all they really want is assistance with spelling and grammatical mistakes and accidental inconsistencies. The latter can be a particular problem in longer pieces of creative writing where the author has become too familiar with the work to spot them, so editing is important, but equally important is finding the right editor. At Edit Fast you'll find editors who specialise in dealing with creative writing. These people, many of whom have published creative writing themselves, will understand your concerns. They'll be able to work closely with you to improve the quality of your creative writing without interfering with its character. They'll help you to produce professional quality creative writing capable of impressing publishers and readers alike, and they'll do it on your terms. It's easy to find a creative writing editor using the Edit Fast database, so make it your first port of call when you want to produce work which really shines.

Copy Editing

Copy editing is the process of making sure that the documents and publications you work on are clear and accurate that no errors of fact, grammar, punctuation, or style get in the way of the intended message. During copy editing, the editor who does the work must ensure that the copy is clear, correct, concise, comprehensible and consistent. He also has to consider publisher's house style. Copy editing seeks to correct the spelling errors and incorrect use of definite and indefinite articles among other errors. Copy editing in the newspaper or publication business is known as the last check before the work goes to printing. Copy editing must ensure the document flow smoothly, sensibly, fairly, and accurately and ha it is not likely to provoke legal problems that may result from cases of plagiarism and misstatements and other offences for the publisher. During copy editing, the editor may make changes to the document or article, by cutting, either to fit or to trim it, either to fit broadcasting or publishing limits or to clarify the text meaning. Therefore the writer might find that the document has been changed drastically to fit the copy editors specifications. Copy editing is not the same as proof reading even though reading proof is part of the job. For one to be give the work of copy editing in most newspaper he or she must be highly qualified in journalism so that he can be in position to come up with a perfect document and also discern the truth or whether the writer has plagiarized.

Copy editing is the editorial work that an editor does to correct errors in grammar, spelling, usage and style, which is a given publication's guideline, as well as consistency in how words, phrases and typographical elements are used. In general, you can summarize copy editing as editorial work to ensure that any written publication is clear, correct, concise, comprehensible and consistent.

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In addition to the above points, copy editing also covers the extent of the work. The editor ascertains whether the work is too long or too short. A solution is then sought from the publisher after determining this. Secondly, the editor will also check the content and structure of the work to see whether it is logical. The sentences in the work should also be short and uncomplicated. New paragraphs should introduce new ideas. Illustrations and tables should be suitable for printing and reproduction. All spellings of names of people and things should be checked. Copy editing also includes watching out for defamatory untruths that could lead in lawsuits- referred to as libel, breaches of copy right, obscenities and errors of facts. In addition, copy editing in some cases involves the omission of sections of text and rewriting the remainder for purposes of bridging the gaps created by the omission. Before the advent of computers, copy editing was done on a printed or written manuscript, by manually marking it with the editor's correction marks. However, with computers in place today, the manuscript is read on a computer display and corrections done directly. Skills, traits and training in copy editing include: a broad general knowledge of the world (this is necessary so as to spot factual errors); an excellent command of language; good critical thinking skills, so as to recognize any inconsistencies; and diplomacy to enable you deal with writers

Editorial Services

Editorial services are provided by editorial companies or freelance editors to add a better touch to your work.

Editorial services are readily available online for people who would want to make use of these services. Editorial

services can be provided to businessmen, writers of literature e.g. fiction novels, students, institutions and

companies and others.

Editorial services include the following: acquisitions editing, Copyediting, Developmental editing, Fact checking

Information design Indexing Page design Permissions editing Production editing Project editing Proofreading

Technical editing. Al these services are provided by editors according to one's specifications.

The reason one may need editorial services are numerous and varied. A professional editor will provide you with

work that is focused, written clearly and has appropriate tone for your audience. If it is a book he/she will make

the characters in your novel believable.

Editorial services also provides you with a piece of work that is very precise and accurate. The manuscript will be in

the specified and proper format. The editorial services are also responsible for checking out on your grammar,

punctuation, and spelling.

Unlike your friends and teachers, who are likely to hide the truth from you, editorial services will provide you with

a wiser counsel that is professional, yet truthful guidance through the often perplexing process of getting your

work well done.

Editorial services are therefore provided by professional who have a good command for English, good writing skills,

high creativity skills, and have a good judgment of writing to make your work exceptionally great.

Editorial Companies

Editorial companies offer editorial services to people who want to add a professional finish or a unique voice to

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their documents. They offer services to individuals, businessmen, small companies, and corporations. It is always

good to have a second person check your work before it is finalized and you can approach editorial companies for

this service.

Editorial companies often have a number of editors; some may be freelance editors who offer these services. The

editors make sure that your text communicates to your target audience in a stylistic manner, with uniqueness and

flair and free from any errors. Contracting with editorial companies make your writing standout and get noticed.

Editorial companies work closely with you to reach your intended audience in a timely manner with focus and

clarity. Editorial companies are strong supporters of proper English they will produce your work according to your

specifications and guidelines. Editorial companies are readily available online to help you with your papers and

documents. Editorial companies can help produce the best editorial material in the form of books, manuals,

reports, newsletters, Web pages, product brochures, and much more! Editorial companies shoot for clear writing

with impact. Edit Fast is one of those companies.


The process of strategically writing words that promote a person, idea, product, business or opinion is called

copywriting. Copy writing may be used as a plain text, or a radio or television advertisement. It can also be used in

other media. The objective of writing these words that promote a person or idea is to persuade the person

watching or listening to the advertisement or reading the text to act on the product you are advertising. For

instance, you try to persuade them to buy a product or to subscribe to a certain view point. Apart from persuading

a person to act on the product or idea, copywriting can also be intended to dissuade a person from a certain belief

or action.

Copywriting can include slogans, headlines, taglines, jingle lyrics, television or radio commercial scripts, press

releases, internet, World Wide Web as well as other written material incorporated into advertising media. Copy

written material can contribute words or ideas to print advertisements, bill boards, commercials, brochures, post

cards, online sites, e-mails, letters and other media used for advertising.

Copywriting on websites may refer to the methods of writing used to achieve higher rankings in search engines. It

includes strategic placement and writing key word phrases in certain frequencies and densities. As search engine

algorithms get smarter every day, the search engine optimization (SEO) has evolved to consider what others think

about the content, so as to write fluent and readable content that is of good quality and relevant.

There are some principles that you can follow to ensure effective copywriting. These are outlined below.

First thing in copywriting is to know your product. You've got to know your product well and believe in it, as well as

be passionate about it. Otherwise, if you don't believe in your product, then why are you selling it? You shouldn't

sell something that you wouldn't buy yourself.

Secondly, you should know your customer. You ought to know the kind of person you are targeting. You could find

out their occupation, income range, age and sex. Such details will help you to tailor make your ad for the specific

needs of the customer.

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In addition to the above principles, when copywriting, you should also stress the benefits of the product you are

offering, use catching headlines and powerful positive words. Also ensure that you use correct grammar, spelling

and formatting.

Ad copy writing

Ad copy writing is one of the best tools to use in the arsenal of a successful marketing plan. The content of any advertising copy should have the pulling power to be appealing and convincing to consumers. The challenge is to make this great tool—ad copy writing—become a formula for conversions into sales. As an internet marketer well knows there are many variables that affect the ability of ad copy writing to work for your business. A few of those variables are demographics, ad placements and even the mood of the consumers at the time they view your ad copy writing. If you are an ad copy writer make sure that the content you write is always a stunning piece that you feel will definitely sell and sizzle. To help you accomplish this, here are some of the basic tips to help guide your creative thinking:

1. Know the basics of good advertising, such as grabbing attention, the promise of credible benefits, keeping interest and generating action.

2. Know the mediums to be used in ad copy writing; such as billboards, online ads, magazines, and newspaper full page ads.

3. Know the style of the advertising copy. The balance of readability and creativity should always be present in the ad copy you write, to keep it entertaining and persuasive for the consumers.

4. Give importance to the audience and avoid clichés if possible. If you are a writer who finds it difficult to avoid clichés, try to be more creative with the messages you want to communicate. Then try rephrasing the messages into something that is more personal and imaginative for the audience. Be fresh!

5. Whether an internet marketer trying for online success, or a writer wanting to improve your ad copy writing, remember that turning your powerful tools into sales takes imagination, perseverance and enthusiasm.

With these attributes in your arsenal, your ad copy writing and your business is guaranteed to be a success.

Powerful Ad Copy Writing Techniques

If you are in the ad copy writing business, you realize the need to place a lot of importance on every single word.

Ad copy writing is an art as well as a science. This article will focus on three techniques that are required for your

ad copy writing practices. After reading this article, you should have a better understanding of what is required for

effective ad copy.

First, make sure that you are writing for the customer, not for sales. The use of the word "you" will compel the

reader and involve him in what you are saying. "You must do this!" See? Also, the reader wants to know the

benefits of the product or service you are selling. He's not looking for a sales pitch. Tell him the benefits and tell

him why this product or service is better than the rest. You may want to present him with a certain problem and

show how this product or service solves that problem. Your ad copy writing will greatly improve if implement this

idea instead of providing a simple sales pitch.

Second, write a compelling headline. When a potential reader glances at the headline of your article, you only have

a few seconds to capture his attention. You must make sure that it is compelling and attractive. The headline can

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also include a problem to incite the reader.

Third, be creative. Make sure that your copy is not boring, but has a little pizzazz ("pizzazz" is a fun word, don't you

think?). You can tell your reader a shocking story or something that is memorable. Before you write, brainstorm

some creative phrases that sell. Picture yourself walking a mile in your customers shoes before you write. What

does he want in a product?

These are just a few helpful tips that can greatly boost your ad copy writing. If you will implement these three

things on a regular basis you will see a significant boost in your sales.

Writer's block

Writer's block is a condition, associated with writing as a profession, in which an author loses the ability to produce

new work. The condition varies widely in intensity. It can be trivial, a temporary difficulty in dealing with the task at

hand. At the other extreme, some "blocked" writers have been unable to work for years on end, and some have

even abandoned their careers. It can manifest as the affected writer viewing their work as inferior or unsuitable,

when in fact it could be the opposite.

Causes of writer's block

Writer's block may have many or several causes. Some are essentially creative problems that originate within an author's work itself. A writer may run out of inspiration. The writer may be greatly distracted and feel he or she may have something that needs to be done beforehand. A project may be fundamentally misconceived, or beyond the author's experience or ability. A fictional example can be found in George Orwell's novel Keep The Aspidistra Flying, in which the protagonist Gordon Comstock struggles in vain to complete an epic poem describing a day in London: "It was too big for him, that was the truth. It had never really progressed, it had simply fallen apart into a series of fragments." Another fictional example can be found in the book "bag of bones" in which the protagonist suffers from a writer's block as well.

Other blocks, especially the more serious kind, may be produced by adverse circumstances in a writer's life or career: physical illness, depression, the end of a relationship, financial pressures, a sense of failure. The pressure to produce work may in itself contribute to a writer's block, especially if they are compelled to work in ways that are against their natural inclination, i.e. too fast or in some unsuitable style or genre. In some cases, writer's block may also come from feeling intimidated by a previous big success, the creator putting on themselves a paralyzing pressure to find something to equate that same success again. The writer Elizabeth Gilbert, reflecting on her post-bestseller prospects, proposes that such a pressure might be released by interpreting creative writers as "having" genius rather than "being" a genius. In George Gissing's New Grub Street, one of the first novels to take writer's block as a main theme, the novelist Edwin Reardon becomes completely unable to write and is shown as suffering from all those problems.

In her 2004 book The Midnight Disease: The Drive to Write, Writer's Block, and the Creative Brain (ISBN 9780618230655), the writer and neurologist Alice W. Flaherty has argued that literary creativity is a function of specific areas of the brain, and that block may be the result of brain activity being disrupted in those areas

Popular mentions of writer's block

Writer's block is mentioned on various occasions in the 2006 film, Stranger Than Fiction. The character of Karen Eiffel admits to suffering from writer's block when she is having difficulty envisioning how to kill her book's hero, Harold Crick.

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It is also featured in the "psychological action thriller" survival horror game Alan Wake, where the main character, best-selling author Alan Wake, is suffering from a form of writer's block for two years on end which leaves him unable to write and nearly ends his marriage because of it.

In the 2004 psychological thriller Secret Window, which is based on the novella "Secret Window, Secret Garden" by Stephen King, the main character is a writer by the name of Mort Rainey played by Johnny Depp, who portrays a man who is going through a divorce and as a result is suffering from writer's block.

Rapper Eminem suffered from Writer's block for some time as the artist mentioned in "Talking to Myself", a track on his top selling album Recovery. It was one of the causes for his musical hiatus.

In Wonder Boys by Michael Chabon, the main character Grady Tripp, a college english professor and author of two widely acclaimed novels, claims he does not believe in writer's block, even though he has not been able to finish a promised third novel after seven years.

Author Julia Cameron advocates the practice of morning pages as a remedy to writer's block. Morning pages are 3 handwritten pages of free writing where the purpose is to write without the intention of using the writing for anything. It is a practice that can bring your thoughts to the surface and allow you enter a more creative zone.

Top 10 Tips for Overcoming Writer's Block

1. Implement a Writing Schedule.

Carve out a time to write and then ignore the writer's block. Show up to write, even if nothing comes right away.

When your body shows up to the page at the same time and place every day, eventually your mind — and your

muse — will do the same. Graham Greene famously wrote 500 words, and only 500 words, every morning. Five

hundred words is only about a page, but with those mere 500 words per day, Greene wrote and published over 30


2. Don't Be Too Hard on Yourself.

In fact, don’t be hard on yourself at all while writing. People have writer’s block not because they can’t write, but

because they despair of writing eloquently. Turn the critical brain off. There is a time and place for criticism: it’s

called editing.

3. Think of Writing as a Regular Job, and Less as an Art.

Stephen King, a famously prolific author, uses the metaphor of a toolbox to talk about writing in On Writing,

intentionally linking it to physical work. If we think of ourselves as laborers, as craftsmen, it’s easier to sit down and

write. We’re just putting words on the page, after all, one beside another, as a bricklayer puts down bricks. At the

end of the day, we’re just creating things — stories, poems, or plays — only we use vocabulary and grammar

instead of bricks and mortar.

4. Take Time Off, If You’ve Just Finished a Project.

Writer's block could be a sign that your ideas need time to gestate. Idleness can be a key part of the creative

process. Give yourself time to gather new experiences and new ideas, from life, reading, or other forms of art,

before you start again.

5. Set Deadlines and Keep Them.

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Many writers, understandably, have trouble doing this on their own. You might find a writing partner and agree to

hold each other to deadlines in an encouraging, uncritical way. Knowing that someone else is expecting results

helps many writers produce material. Writing groups or classes are another good way to jump-start a writing


6. Examine Deep-Seated Issues Behind Your Writer's Block.

Write about your anxieties regarding writing or creativity. Talk to a friend, preferably one who writes. A number of

books are designed to help creative people explore the root causes of their blocks. If your writer's block continues,

you might seek counseling. Many therapists specialize in helping artists and writers reconnect with their creativity.

7. Work on More Than One Project at a Time.

Some writers find it helpful to switch back and forth from one project to another. Whether this minimizes fear or

boredom, or both, it seems to prevent writer's block for many people.

8. Try Writing Exercises.

As much as it may remind you of your high school writing class, writing exercises can loosen up the mind and get

you to write things you would never write otherwise. If nothing else, they get words on the page, and if you do

enough of that, some of it is bound to be good.

9. Re-Consider Your Writing Space.

Are your desk and chair comfortable? Is your space well-lit? Would it help to try writing in a coffee shop for a

change? Without being too precious about it — or turning it into another form of procrastination — think about

how you can create or find a space you'll look forward to being in.

10. Remember Why You Started to Write in the First Place.

Look at what you’re writing and why. Are you writing what you love, or what you think you should be writing? The

writing that feels most like play will end up delighting you the most, and this is the writing your readers will

instinctively connect with. At the end of the day, writing is too hard to do it for anything other than love. If you

continue to touch base with the joy you first felt in writing, it will sustain you, not only through your current block,

but through whatever the future holds.

Getting the Best of Your Writer's Block

Though some people say that writer’s block doesn’t actually exist, the fact remains that most writers will have trouble writing at some point in their careers. The possible reasons for it are myriad: fear and anxiety, a life change, the end of a project, the beginning of a project…almost anything, it seems, can cause that particular mix of fear and frustration upon confronting the blank page.

Remember that you have an ongoing relationship with your writing, and as with any relationship, it’s not always going to be the same. Part of dealing with writer’s block, whatever has sparked it, is accepting that it is inevitable to have periods of downtime, periods when it’s just not happening.

It does help to think of writing as a regular job, and less of an art, dependent on certain magical conditions. Trollope, for example, urged writers to regard their work as “common work to the common laborer.” Steven King, another famously prolific author, uses the metaphor of a toolbox to talk about writing, intentionally linking it to

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physical work. If we think of ourselves as laborers, as craftsmen, it’s easier to sit down and write. We’re just putting words on the page, after all, one beside another, as a bricklayer puts down bricks. At the end of the day, we’re just creating things -- stories, poems, or plays -- only we use vocabulary and grammar instead of bricks and mortar.

Just as the reasons for writer’s block vary, there is also more than one way to deal with it. The list below is far from complete: take it as a list of suggestions, things that have worked for some people, at some point in their writing careers. Trying new things will at least shake things up, which is the first step toward breaking out of your block.

1. Have a schedule, and stick to it.

If your body shows up to the page at the same time and place every day, eventually your mind -- and your muse -- will know to do the same. Graham Greene famously wrote 500 words, and only 500 words, every morning. Five hundred words is only about a page, but with those mere 500 words per day, Greene wrote and published over 30 books.

2. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

In fact, don’t be hard on yourself at all while writing. Anna Quindlin wrote, “People have writer’s block not because they can’t write, but because they despair of writing eloquently.” Turn the critical brain off. There is a time and place for criticism: it’s called editing.

3. Don’t panic.

If fear is the basis for your writer’s block, panicking will only make matters worse. Again, having some kind of schedule can help eliminate anxiety. The less you have to think about what you’re doing, the better. I know a writer who goes to her desk immediately upon waking up. She says that this way, by the time she really wakes up and remembers that she’s afraid, she’s already writing. Sometimes you have to play games with yourself to circumvent your fear. Try different approaches and see what works for you.

4. Take time off

If you’ve been writing steadily for a long time, or have just finished a project. It could be your mind needs time to gestate. Idleness can be a key part of the creative process. Give yourself time to gather new experiences and new ideas, from life, reading, or other forms of art, before you start again.

5. Set deadlines and keep them.

Many writers, understandably, have trouble doing this on their own. You might find a writing partner and agree to hold each other to deadlines in an encouraging, non-critical way. Knowing that someone else is expecting results helps many writers produce material. Writing groups or classes are another good way to jump-start a writing routine.

6. Examine any deep-seated issues

That may be keeping you from writing. Write about your anxieties regarding writing or creativity. Talk to a friend,

preferably one who writes. A number of books, such as "The Artist’s Way," are designed to help creative people

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explore the root causes of their blocks. If the block continues, you might seek counseling. Many therapists

specialize in helping artists and writers reconnect with their creativity.

Overcoming Writer's Block FOR MANY WRITERS THE WORST PART OF THE WRITING EXPERIENCE is the very beginning, when they're sitting at the

kitchen table staring at a blank sheet of paper or in front of that unblinking and perfectly empty computer monitor.

"I have nothing to say," is the only thing that comes to mind. "I am XX years old and I have done nothing,

discovered nothing, been nothing, and there are absolutely no thoughts in my head that anyone would ever want

to read about." This is the Censor in your brain, your Self-Critic, and sometimes that Censor is bigger than you are.

Who knows what causes the ugly Censor to be there — a bad experience in third grade? Something your mother

said once during potty-training? — It doesn't matter. The Censor is there for all of us, building and rebuilding this

thing called Writer's Block, one of the Censor's many self-limiting toys. It might be some comfort to know that

even professional writers suffer from Writer's Block from time to time. Some of the greatest writers in literature —

Leo Tolstoy, Virginia Woolf, Katherine Mansfield, Joseph Conrad, Ernest Hemingway — were tormented by

momentary lapses in their ability to produce text — although you wouldn't think it possible if you've ever tried to

pick up War and Peace with one hand.

There is no such thing as writer's block for writers whose standards are low enough." This sounds terrible at first. "What? I'm supposed to write junk? I need a good grade! I'm better than that!" No, Stafford is not encouraging writers to produce garbage. He is suggesting, however, that it's easy to take yourself too seriously, to think you're going to write a poem or an essay that is going to be the greatest poem or essay ever written, that you're going to formulate the greatest, loveliest, most intelligent statement ever made. So you sit there, thinking how unworthy you are, cursing the day you were born, wondering why you ever went to college, hating the very act of writing that has you so stymied. A writer has to let that go, forget about judgment. Go ahead and write drivel at first, as long as you write. Out of your nonsense and ramblings, however, believe that something good will come, some idea will catch fire right there on the page, there will be sparks, and patterns will emerge. Be willing to throw stuff out. It's all right. Do you think Shakespeare didn't litter his kitchen floor with balled-up pieces of paper? One nice thing about the word-processor is that you're not wasting paper and trees; you're just exercising the delete key. But this is no time to worry about the environment. Fill that wastebasket with paper and trust that something will come of all this scribbling. It will.

Carry with you a pocket-sized notebook in which you can scribble ideas for writing as they come to you. How often have you been stopped at a red-light and a great idea has come into your head? It's so wonderful that you know you'll remember it when you get home, but when you sit down at the table, pen in hand, all you remember is the fact that you had a good idea an hour ago. Part of the writing experience is learning that good ideas do not always come to us when we need them. We must learn to catch ideas as they come to us, fortuitously, even as we're about to fall asleep at night.

People who tell you that physical exercise is important for mental activity are telling the truth. If nothing's happening on the computer screen or paper, take a walk around the block. Hit the treadmill or tennis courts or drive to the gym. But take your notebook with you. Fresh blood will be flowing through your brain and jogging might just jog something loose in your head. It happens.

Another trick is to start in the middle of your writing project. Avoid that problem of getting started by starting on a part of the project that interests you more and then come back to the introductory matter later. This sounds a bit

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like starting to earn your second million dollars before you've earned your first, but it's really not a bad idea in any case, because sometimes it's easier to say where you're going after you know where you've been. After all, your readers will never know you wrote the introduction last (another joy of word-processing technology!). One final maneuver around the old Writer's Block: talk over your paper with a friend, or just blab away into a tape recorder (even better). Play the tape back and write down what you hear in clusters of ideas or free write about them.