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e-mail: [email protected] online: Price: Rp 3.000,- Tuesday, January 26, 2010 16 Pages Number 17 2 nd Year For placing advertisment, please contact: Eka Wahyuni 0361-225764 HOTLINE PAGE 6 CITY TEMPERATURE O C WEATHER FORECAST 24 - 32 25 - 32 19 - 28 22 - 33 24 - 33 DENPASAR JAKARTA BANDUNG YOGYAKARTA SURABAYA SUNNY BRIGHT/CLOUDY RAIN PAGE 12 PAGE 8 In a hearing with Bali House of Representative, Pedanda Gunung explained that there are four principles that can not be vio- lated or gone from Bali, they are purity, beauty, culture, and the aura of Bali. Ketut Wiana, a member of In- Reuters BEIRUT (Reuters) – An Ethio- pian Airlines plane with 90 people on board crashed into the sea shortly after taking off from Beirut in stormy weather early on Monday and the airline’s chief executive said there was no word of survivors. The Boeing 737-800, heading for Addis Ababa, disappeared off the radar some five minutes after taking off at 2:37 a.m. (7:37 p.m. EST on Sunday) during a thunder storm and heavy rain. Lebanese President Michel Suleiman said he did not think the plane had been Lebanese army troops inspect the debris of an Ethio- pian Boeing 737 that crashed off the Lebanese coast, south of the capital Beirut, on January 25, 2010. The Ethiopian Airlines Flight 409, carrying 90 people, crashed in a ball of flame off the Leba- nese coast just after takeoff in stormy weather in the early hours of the morning. Helicopters and navy vessels rushed to the crash site in the Mediterranean as President Michel Sleiman ruled out foul play. It was unclear whether there were any survivors. AFP PHOTO/MAHMOUD ZAYYAT Over and under pass plan in Dewa Ruci run about Don’t Sacrifice Purity of Bali Denpasar (Bali Post)- The early analyses done by Bali General Work Department (PU) on the over pass and un- der pass plan to overcome traffic in Bali created various comments from the society. Ida Pedanda Gunung, a Balinese priest, said “if the road is the best solution, the sacred and purity of Bali can not be sacrificed. donesian Hindu Association (PHDI), said “in order to preserve the four main qualities of Bali, there shouldn’t be any over pass.” The traffic jam is hard to be avoided. Eventually, the people must choice whether they accept over pass or content with the traffic. Prof. Rahyuda who represent the transportation society, explained that the early analysis show the over pass or under pass can solve the traffic problem in Bali. However, the over pas only solve the traffic problem in certain area and there is possibility that the problem will occur somewhere else. The government should consider many things in order to arrange traf- fic such as the availability of land, the local culture and others. From the many factors, Rahyuda think hat un- der pass or subway is better than over pass. “It is more expensive but it doesn’t disturb the view,” he added. The preliminary plan showed by. I Gusti Nyoman Sura Adnyana, the head of Bali PU, the Dewa Ruci run about will be widen and the under pass will be built from Ngurah Rai through Sanur for 2 kilometers. (029) Continued on page 6 Ethiopian plane crashes off Beirut, 14 bodies found brought down deliberately. “As of now, a sabotage act is un- likely. The investigation will uncover the cause,” Suleiman told a news con- ference. Fourteen bodies have so far been recovered near the crash site three- and-a-half km (two miles) west of the coastal village of Na’ameh. Eighty- three passengers and seven crew were on the flight, Transport Minister Ghazi al-Aridi said at the airport. Ethiopian Airlines CEO Girma Wake said he had spoken with Lebanese authorities who did not confirm there were survivors. Fifty-four of those on board were Lebanese, 22 were Ethiopian, two were British and there were also Canadian, Russian, French, Iraqi and Syrian nationals. Marla Pietton, wife of the French ambassador to Lebanon Denis Pietton, was on the plane, the French embassy said. The Lebanese government de- clared a day of mourning. Prime Min- ister Saad al-Hariri visited the airport to meet distraught relatives waiting for news of survivors, some of whom were angry that the plane was allowed to take off in bad weather. “They should have delayed the flight for an hour or two to protect the passengers. There had been strong lightning bolts and we hear that light- ing strikes at planes especially during take offs,” a relative of one of the pas- sengers told a local television station. “BALL OF FIRE” Lebanese army patrol boats and helicopters were searching a small area off Na’ameh, 10 km (six miles) south of Beirut. The military spokes- man for U.N. peacekeepers in Leba- non, Colonel Diego Fulco, said two ships from its maritime task force were at the crash site and a third was on its way. Two U.N. helicopters were also at the scene, he said. Okinawa vote pressures Japan on US Marine base Poor weather condition didn’t affect Gilimanuk harbor Actor Gary Coleman jailed in Utah

Edisi 26 Januari 2010 | International Bali Post

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Price: Rp 3.000,-

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

16 PagesNumber 17

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In a hearing with Bali Houseof Representative, PedandaGunung explained that there arefour principles that can not be vio-lated or gone from Bali, they arepurity, beauty, culture, and theaura of Bali.

Ketut Wiana, a member of In-


BEIRUT (Reuters) – An Ethio-pian Airlines plane with 90 peopleon board crashed into the sea shortlyafter taking off from Beirut instormy weather early on Mondayand the airline’s chief executive saidthere was no word of survivors.

The Boeing 737-800, headingfor Addis Ababa, disappeared offthe radar some five minutes aftertaking off at 2:37 a.m. (7:37 p.m.EST on Sunday) during a thunderstorm and heavy rain. LebanesePresident Michel Suleiman said hedid not think the plane had been

Lebanese armytroops inspect thedebris of an Ethio-pian Boeing 737 thatcrashed off theLebanese coast,south of the capitalBeirut, on January 25,2010. The EthiopianAirlines Flight 409,carrying 90 people,crashed in a ball offlame off the Leba-nese coast just aftertakeoff in stormyweather in the earlyhours of the morning.Helicopters and navyvessels rushed to thecrash site in theMediterranean asPresident MichelSleiman ruled outfoul play. It wasunclear whether therewere any survivors.


Over and under pass plan in Dewa Ruci run about

Don’t Sacrifice Purity of BaliDenpasar (Bali Post)-

The early analyses done by Bali General Work Department (PU) on the over pass and un-der pass plan to overcome traffic in Bali created various comments from the society. Ida PedandaGunung, a Balinese priest, said “if the road is the best solution, the sacred and purity of Balican not be sacrificed.

donesian Hindu Association(PHDI), said “in order to preservethe four main qualities of Bali, thereshouldn’t be any over pass.” Thetraffic jam is hard to be avoided.Eventually, the people must choicewhether they accept over pass orcontent with the traffic.

Prof. Rahyuda who represent thetransportation society, explainedthat the early analysis show the overpass or under pass can solve thetraffic problem in Bali. However,the over pas only solve the trafficproblem in certain area and there ispossibility that the problem will

occur somewhere else.The government should consider

many things in order to arrange traf-fic such as the availability of land, thelocal culture and others. From themany factors, Rahyuda think hat un-der pass or subway is better than overpass. “It is more expensive but itdoesn’t disturb the view,” he added.

The preliminary plan showed by.I Gusti Nyoman Sura Adnyana, thehead of Bali PU, the Dewa Ruci runabout will be widen and the underpass will be built from Ngurah Raithrough Sanur for 2 kilometers. (029)

Continued on page 6

Ethiopian plane crashes off Beirut, 14 bodies foundbrought down deliberately.

“As of now, a sabotage act is un-likely. The investigation will uncoverthe cause,” Suleiman told a news con-ference. Fourteen bodies have so farbeen recovered near the crash site three-and-a-half km (two miles) west of thecoastal village of Na’ameh. Eighty-three passengers and seven crew wereon the flight, Transport Minister Ghazial-Aridi said at the airport.

Ethiopian Airlines CEO GirmaWake said he had spoken withLebanese authorities who did notconfirm there were survivors.

Fifty-four of those on board wereLebanese, 22 were Ethiopian, two

were British and there were alsoCanadian, Russian, French, Iraqiand Syrian nationals.

Marla Pietton, wife of the Frenchambassador to Lebanon DenisPietton, was on the plane, theFrench embassy said.

The Lebanese government de-clared a day of mourning. Prime Min-ister Saad al-Hariri visited the airportto meet distraught relatives waitingfor news of survivors, some of whomwere angry that the plane was allowedto take off in bad weather.

“They should have delayed theflight for an hour or two to protect thepassengers. There had been strong

lightning bolts and we hear that light-ing strikes at planes especially duringtake offs,” a relative of one of the pas-sengers told a local television station.

“BALL OF FIRE”Lebanese army patrol boats and

helicopters were searching a smallarea off Na’ameh, 10 km (six miles)south of Beirut. The military spokes-man for U.N. peacekeepers in Leba-non, Colonel Diego Fulco, said twoships from its maritime task forcewere at the crash site and a third wason its way. Two U.N. helicopterswere also at the scene, he said.

Okinawa votepressures Japanon US Marine base

Poor weathercondition didn’taffect Gilimanukharbor

Actor GaryColeman jailed inUtah

Page 2: Edisi 26 Januari 2010 | International Bali Post

InternationalTuesday, January 26, 20102

Founder : K.Nadha, Chief Editor: ABG Satria Naradha Managing Editor: Wirata,Palgunadi Editors: Alit Purnata, Alit Susrini, Alit Sumertha, Darmasunu, Daniel Fajry, Diah Dewi, Martinaya, Mawa, Sri Hartini,

Suana, Sueca, Sugiartha, Sutiawan, Wirya, Yudi Winanto Denpasar: Dira Arsana, Giriana Saputra, Subagiadnya, Subrata, Suentra, Sumatika, Asmara Putra. Bangli: Pujawan, Buleleng: Adnyana, Gianyar: Agung

Dharmada, Karangasem: Budana, Klungkung: Bali Putra Ariawan, Tabanan: Surpi. Jakarta: Nikson, Suharto Olii, Indu P. Adi, Ahmadi Supriyanto, Achmad Nasrudin, Hardianto, Darmawan S. Sumardjo, Heru B Arifin,

Asep Djamaluddin, Ade Irawan, Ipik Tanoyo. NTB: Agus Talino, Syamsudin Karim, Izzul Khairi, Raka Akriyani, Nur Haedin, Suyadnya. Surabaya: Bambang Wilianto. Development: Alit Purnata, Mas Ruscitadewi. Office:

Jalan Kepundung 67 A Denpasar 80232. Telephone (0361)225764, Facsimile: 227418, P.O.Box: 3010 Denpasar 80001. Bali Post Jakarta, Advertizing: Jl.Palmerah Barat 21F. Telp 021-5357602, Facsimile: 021-5357605 Jakarta Pusat. NTB:

Jalam Bangau No. 15 Cakranegara Telp. (0370) 639543, Facsimile: (0370) 628257. Publiser: PT Bali Post

Bali News

Negara (Bali Post)—Apparently, Bali Provincial

Governments should think harderanymore to find out solutions forthe problems of pockmarked roadsalways happening on Denpasar-Gilimanuk route. The damage tothe main road of Java - Bali routeis just like a tradition, where im-provement is only performed onthe damaged parts by overlappingthem with new asphalt layer.

Due to frequent piles of asphaltlayer at some points of the road,the height of asphalt layers is un-even and exceeds the road border.This condition is very dangerousfor riders. The provincial roads thathave just been paved showed theholes on the road (pockmarked) re-sembling acne scars on the facebefore reaching a year of age.Moreover, on entering rainy sea-son like this month, it is worriedto become pockmarked roads.Based on observations of Bali Post,last Sunday (Jan 24) along the road

Theft action mode by crackingvehicle’s glass was first time expe-rienced by the victim AndreaMartinello on Jalan Raya SesetanNo. 75, exactly in front of theGalactio Net Store, Denpasar, lastFriday (Jan 22). The victim arrivedon scene at 3:20 pm Local Time forbuying something. “Over the coupleof minutes, the victim’s car glasswas cracked by criminals,” said oneof the police officers, last Sunday(Jan 24).

Without suspicion, the victim en-tered into the store. Well, once outof the store, how surprised the vic-tim was. Glass of his car was

Denpasar (Bali Post)—A patient from Seraya,

Karangasem named Ni Ketut M wastreated at Sanglah Hospital sincelast Saturday (Jan 23) in Nusa Indahroom. She was treated because of ahistory of being bitten by dog 10days ago and the dog biting her diedabout five days ago. To prevent anypoor possibility, Ni Ketut M wasthen referred by Amlapura Hospi-tal, Karangasem to Sanglah Hospi-tal for further treatment moreoverthe patient has not obtained anti-rabies vaccine (VAR).

Secretary of Rabies ManagementTeam of Sanglah Hospital, KenWirasandi, said patient had a his-tory of being bitten by a dog on theright foot and the dog biting her diedfive days after the bite. “Patients didnot get the VAR. Although she hasnot yet shown the symptoms, butpatient was referred to SanglahHospital for evaluation of her con-dition,” Ken said when contactedlast Sunday (Jan 24).

Although the dog biting has died,the patient herself, according toKen, was only evaluated and givenVAR, not SAR. “Since the bite isnot included in the dangerous area,she was not given anti-rabies serum

Glass of Car Destroyed

Italian andItalian andItalian andItalian andItalian andGerman Afflict a LossGerman Afflict a LossGerman Afflict a LossGerman Afflict a LossGerman Afflict a Lossof Tens of Millionof Tens of Millionof Tens of Millionof Tens of Millionof Tens of MillionDenpasar (Bali Post)—

After the theft action with the mode of cracking vehicle’s glass kept silence, this case struckout again recently. Two foreign nationals namely Andrea Martinello, 33, from Italy and JablonsKihans Joachimhorstenil, 54, from Germany, admitted their car were cracked by criminals. Infact, the losses suffered by both victims reached tens of millions.

cracked. After checking his belong-ings, he found that two units ofhandphone, a Dell laptop, three unitsof hard drive and a digital cameradisappeared. “On the loss of all thevaluables, the victim claimed to suf-fer a loss worth IDR 13 million,” hesaid.

Meanwhile, a few minutes later,the victim Jablons KihansJoachimhorstenil also admitted toencounter the same incident. Glassof his car was broken when parkedin front of PT Export Trade BaliPesanggaran on Jalan BypassNgurah Rai Sanur. “The incidentwas just 10 minutes after the first

one. Vehicle’s glass of the victimwas also rapped,” the source saidwhile asking for hiding his identity.

Glass of Toyota Avanza vehiclebrought by the victim was rapped bycriminals on side rear. Victim wasterribly shocked after learning aboutthe case. Afterwards, victim checkedand some valuables were known tohave disappeared. Among them,there was a single unit of Toshibalaptop, which was previously placedinside the car. Total losses afflictedby the victim reached IDR 30 mil-lion. “These two cases have beenreported to Denpasar Metro Police,”he explained. (kmb21)

Before a YearRoad of Denpasar-Gilimanuk Pockmarked

from Gilimanuk-Denpasar fromwest direction of Java, it indicatedmany holes. At some points, it hasbeen even been pile up, but at thecurves those holes remained togape.

One of the motorists, I KetutSidia, 28, from Negara claimed hewas surprised by the condition ofprovincial roads that were quicklydamaged. Actually, it has not beena year since the road improvement,those asphalts have turned dam-aged. Is it because of the bad qual-ity of pavement or the factor of ve-hicle load exceeding the road ca-pacity? “I do not know (because),this road has turned damaged veryquickly,” said the sales assistantwho worked in Denpasar during abreak at Pengeragoan, Pekutatanrecently.

Yadi, 42, a truck driver fromJember complained about similarproblems. If the cause was due tooverloaded trucks, actually it couldbe prevented as the port authority

has applied tonnage restrictions.Truck driver of Lombok – Javaroute expected the government topay attention to the main points ofthis land so that the overland routecould become smooth and not pock-marked. Moreover, the Denpasar-Gilimanuk path is sneaky and hadmany turns being vulnerable to ac-cident. The solution may be bylooking for good quality asphalt soit would not wastes public moneyfor the road improvements.

More than that, at the area of pro-tocol road in Negara City that wasoften passed through by trucks andbuses from Java was damaged. Likeat the intersection north of Memo-rial Graveyard and in front of theNegara Court the road was bumpy.But according to information, theroad was eventually repaired by theregency of Jembrana, although ittruly included in provincial roads.Allegedly, the destruction of thisroad due to vehicles exceeding ton-nage limits. (sur)

Dog Dies after Biting,Victim Treated at Hospital

(SAR). The patient was given VARonly,” said Ken. SAR was onlygiven to patients with dog bite at theshoulders up. For this, patientsshould be tested first whether or notthey experienced allergies. If theywere allergic, the administrationwould not continue.

Having been evaluated duringthe night, Ni Ketut M was permit-ted to go home on last Sunday (Jan24). Meanwhile, based on infor-mation, Sanglah Hospital was alsotreating a patient of rabies suspectfrom Banjar Kajanan, TejakulaBuleleng named Gede A, 18. Pa-tient came to hospital last Satur-day (Jan 23) and up to Sunday hewas st i l l under treatment atSanglah Hospital. On Sunday (Jan24), Emergency room of SanglahHospital also received two pa-tients bitten by dog from the samearea namely Banjar Kajanan,Tejakula, Buleleng. They wereKetut Maheni, 3, and Luh Sri Ardi,31, came from distant area ofTejakula to ask for VAR. “We werebitten by dog last Saturday and theexistence of that wild dog bitingwas not known. Being afraid ofrabies, we came here promptly,”said Sri Ardi. (kmb24)


Customs officers destroyed 28,000 packs of cigarettesthat don’t have tax tape in Ngurah Rai on Monday,January 25th 2010

Page 3: Edisi 26 Januari 2010 | International Bali Post

3Tuesday, January 26, 2010International Bali News

Denpasar (Bali Post)—Information concerning with the cap-

ture of ATM burglary perpetrator by ateam of Police Headquarter made Chiefof Denpasar Metro Police I Gede AlitWidana directly fly to Jakarta. The de-parture of the number one police officerin the rank of Denpasar Metro Police wasto coordinate with the National PoliceHeadquarter, if there was something todo with dozens of ATM burglary in Bali.

When contacted by phone, last Sun-day (Jan 24), Alit Widana admitted notto know exactly whether it had some-thing to do with ATM burglary case inBali. “We will coordinate with the Po-lice Headquarter. So far, it had no indi-cation whether the perpetrators of ATMburglary arrested by Central DetectiveTeam were also perpetrators taking ac-tion in Bali,” he explained.

Chief Alit Widana explained the per-petrators of burglary arrested by PoliceHeadquarters were still intensively ex-amined. Investigators kept on exploringthe information to determine the certainexamination results. “Hopefully, it hascorrelation. Thus, we could develop itmore easily,” said Chief Alit Widana whois now in Jakarta.

Related to perpetrators of ATM bur-

“The team of National Police Headquarteris still exploring whether or not they are in-volved. However, until now there has no indi-cation to that matter. Hopefully, after an in-tensive examination, it has something to do,”said Chief Alit Widana when contacted viaphone by DenPost last Sunday (Jan 24).

Concerning with the development of inves-tigation, Chief Alit Widana said, his party hadreceived 26 reports with the number of lossesapproximately reached IDR 600 million. Butthat number could continue to grow in line withthe possibility of increased reporting to police.

As for the ATM breaker arrested in Jakarta,the former chief of Gianyar Resort Police, saidthey did not take action alone, but in con-spiracy. Possibly, the members of syndicatehave been deployed in several major citiesacross Indonesia, including Bali. Up to thesedays, the team of police headquarter is stillinvestigating the breakers of ATM in Bali.“Maybe some numbers of customer’s accountin Bali have been burglarized in Jakarta. Weare still making coordination in the policeheadquarter to reveal the syndicate,” Chief AlitWidana stated firmly.

To reveal this ATM burglary case, Chief ofDenpasar Metro Police said his party couldnot work alone. The reason, to catch the per-

Semarapura (Bali Post) —Citizens of Sidayu, Takmung,

Banjarangkan, Klungkung have protested overthe collapsing

road conditions in By-pass I.B. Mantra,precisely in the region of Sidayu. They worrythat the road collapse will block the flow ofwater into the citizens’ paddy fields because,the material left from the fall have cloggedthe street gutter. Residents have asked the pro-vincial government of Bali to be considerateabout the by-pass road condition in order notto harm the society. Beside its effect on theagricultural sector, it is also endangering theroad users.

A Sidayu citizen, Wayan Parna, Sunday (24/ 1), mentioned that the part of by-pass road,which is exactly on the Sidayu’s main inter-section, is often broken.

However, the improvement seemed randomand improvised. ‘’As what is occurring now,

Checked, theChecked, theChecked, theChecked, theChecked, theAct of 10Act of 10Act of 10Act of 10Act of 10ATM BurglarsATM BurglarsATM BurglarsATM BurglarsATM BurglarsChief of Denpasar PoliceCoordinates with National PoliceDenpasar (Bali Post)—

To clarify the relation of 10 ATM burglary perpetrators arrested by DetectiveTeam of National Police to the case in Bali, Chief of Denpasar Metro Police, AlitWidana should fly to Jakarta. Until now, the police are still exploring the recog-nition of the suspects if there is something to do with ATM burglary case on theisland of the gods.

petrators, his party should use sophisticateddevices and they were only possessed by Na-tional Police Headquarter. On that account, hisside continued to coordinate with the Head-quarter.

“Hopefully, it has something to do with thecase in Bali, so perpetrators could be arrestedimmediately. Again, we urged bank custom-ers to be more careful when withdrawingmoney through ATM, and check the balanceperiodically to avoid a big loss,” said ChiefAlit Widana.

Previously, the number of victims of ATMburglary continued to grow. Until last Friday(Jan 22), there were reports from some vic-tims. Among them was Alex JacobusFranciscus, 60, from the Netherlands. Alexwho lives in Pekutatan, Jembrana, afflicted aloss of IDR 25 million and he just realized hismoney was depleted after checking his bal-ance through ATM of BCA (ATM networks).

Nash Peter Morga, 49, a citizen of Aus-tralia, also experienced a similar fate. Heclaimed to lose money via debit card withlosses reaching up to USD 300 to USD3,500. In addition, Salahhudin, 40, livingon Jalan Padma Utara, Kuta, reported if hissavings has been burglarized worth IDR6,861,632. (denpost)

Singaraja (Bali Post) —Buleleng’s Department of Agriculture

and Animal Husbandry (Distanak) seemsto not know about the recent existenceof pest and snails that are causing deathto a number of rice plants in SubakTengulun

Tukadmungga Village. Officials at theagency claimed to have not received

a report. Buleleng Head of DistanakIr. Putu Ardika, on Sunday (24 / 1) yes-terday,

said he had not received reports on at-tacks linked to grasshoppers and snailsin the Tukadmungga subak area. For that,this Monday (25 / 1), it will realease ateam to monitor the pest inTukadmungga. In addition, the team willalso check into some other subak to knowthe number and the extent of grasshop-pers and snails pests.

According to Ardika, the grasshop-pers’ at tack on the r ice plants inTukadmungga can actually be overcomeby poison injection. Meanwhile, for thesnails, it is very difficult to be eradicatedArdika recognized, because the pest isprotected by a shell that will not be opti-mally handled with poison. Distanak it-self, Ardika said, had done

prevention of pests and diseases byconducting trainings through subak

The Collapse of By-PassLine Disturbing the PaddyField Water Channel

only the Southern parts repair was originallyperformed. Now lines in the northern part havere-burst. Improvements must be made fast,’’asserted Parna.

According to him, the by-pass road col-lapse, on the one side, will make the water tooverflow

to the north, but on the other hand the ex-isting Southern residents’ rice cultivation willexperience water shortage due to cloggedchannels.

Besides, it is also very dangerous for roadusers, especially during the night. Since mostdrivers do not aware that the road is breached,although it has been fitted with trees as a warn-ing sign. ‘’It’s very dangerous. Moreover, ithas a solid line of vehicles coming through,two-wheeled and four-wheel, small to largesize. Not only on the by-pass itself, but thetraffic is also solid from the Takmung – Sidayuroad,’’he added. (kmb20)

Regarding Paddies Attackedby Grasshoppers, No ReportsHave Been Received

groups in Buleleng.During a coaching is emphasized on

the farmers to follow the correct crop-ping pattern. By following the pattern,pests and plant diseases will not be ableto attack quickly. Every one year, therecommended cropping pattern is twicerice planting and one-time palawija (veg-etables, nuts, and other horticulturalplants) planting. Another cropping pat-tern is a one-time rice, one-time pulses,and finally back to rice.

However, the facts in the field showthat many farmers are not following theplanting pattern because rice is the mostfavorable and the sustaining land condi-tions which make it suitable to continu-ously planted with paddies. “By follow-ing the correct cropping, pests can beprevented. But many farmers do not fol-low regulations, and we will try to con-tinue to persuade the farmers to followthe correct planting pattern”, he ex-plained.

As reported, the farmers in the SubakTengulun, Tukadmungga village arescreaming because of the grasshoppersand snails attack in their fields.

Both pests have destroyed the new ricecrop that had only been planted for a fewweeks. Therefore, farmers have to replacethem with new seedlings. (kmb15)

Related to Capture of ATM Burglar

Chief of DenpasarPolice Coordinateswith National Police

glary in Bali, this former Chief ofGianyar and Tabanan Resort Police sus-pected the perpetrator belonged to anATM burglary syndicate. Perhaps, theperpetrators were spread to several ma-jor cities, including Bali to drain theproperty of the bank customers. “We re-main to probe further the case. It mayalso happen that ATMs in Bali were bur-glarized from Jakarta. Let us wait for theresult later on,” he explained.

In addition, the ranks of Bali Policeand Denpasar Metro Police continued toconduct more profound investigations.Police were now studying the CCTVtapes existing at one of the ATM ma-chines at Suwung, South Denpasar. “Westill continue to review the CCTV re-cordings. Now, the tape was examinedand we work with a team of cybercrime,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the number of ATM bur-glary victims in Denpasar continued togrow. At Denpasar Metro Police werecurrently recorded 26 reports of victims.Previously, 24 people and then followedby 2 additional victims. Most likely, therewould be another addition. “Now, thereare already 26 victims officially reportedtheir cases. Probably, this number may in-crease later,” he added. (kmb21)

Page 4: Edisi 26 Januari 2010 | International Bali Post

International4 Tuesday, January 26, 2010 News

The group said they would quiton Tuesday, in the hope that the by-election that follows would be a de-facto referendum on universal suf-frage. But the plan experienced ahiccup last week when the LiberalParty, a major pro-Beijing politicalgroup in Hong Kong, said it wouldnot take part in any by-election af-ter the democrats used the word“uprising” in a campaign advert.

The party said the word impliesthe use of force to overthrow a gov-ernment, something they would notsupport.

Audrey Eu, leader of the Civic


YANGON (Reuters) –Myanmar pro-democracy leaderAung San Suu Kyi will be freedwhen her house arrest ends in No-vember, according to a governmentminister quoted by witnesses onMonday, but critics said that maybe too late for this year’s elections.

Home Minister Major GeneralMaung Oo told a January 21 meet-ing of local officials the 64-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winnerwould be released in November, amonth after many observers expectthe country to hold its first parlia-mentary elections in two decades.

The information could not beverified independently but threepeople who attended the meetingsaid the comment was made to anaudience of several hundred peoplein Kyaukpadaung, a town about565 km (350 miles) north of theformer capital, Yangon. The threewitnesses requested anonymity.

Suu Kyi, detained for 14 of thepast 20 years, was sentenced to afurther 18 months of detention lastAugust for harboring an Americanwho swam uninvited to her lakesidehome, raising questions overwhether the election will be a sham.

That incident took place in May2009, just before an earlier periodof house arrest was due to end.Taking into account the threemonths she spent in a prisonguesthouse after the incident, her18-month sentence would end inNovember.

The planned election would bethe first since 1990, when SuuKyi’s National League for Democ-racy (NLD) party scored a land-slide victory that the country’sjunta refused to recognize.

Maung Oo also said detained


MUMBAI, India – The allegedgunman in the 2008 bloody siege ofMumbai said Monday he should betried by an international court be-cause he does not expect justice inIndia. Mohammed Ajmal Kasab, 21,told a special court that police hadfalsely implicated him in the case.

“I should be tried in an interna-tional court,” he told Judge M.L.Tahiliyani.

Ten gunmen rampaged throughIndia’s commercial capital Mumbaiin a commando-style attack on two


Pro democracy legislators and demonstrators, including veteran campaigner Szeto Wah (right)

Hong Kong democrats vowHong Kong democrats vowHong Kong democrats vowHong Kong democrats vowHong Kong democrats vowaction on ‘referendum’action on ‘referendum’action on ‘referendum’action on ‘referendum’action on ‘referendum’AFP

HONG KONG (AFP) – Five pro-democracy lawmakers said Mon-day they would push ahead with their plan to resign in protest at theslow pace of democratic reform despite growing opposition from Beijingand its allies.

Party, which will have two membersgiving up their seats in the 60-mem-ber legislature, asked its opponentsnot to focus on one word to distortthe nature of the campaign.

“You have to put the word in con-text. Ours is a sensible, peaceful andmild movement in pursuit for HongKong people’s dream for democ-racy,” she told a press conference.

“It’s about ballots, not bullets.”Eu said they would stick to the

plan even if other pro-Beijing law-makers follow the lead of the Lib-eral Party, which is widely seen tobe pressured by the mainland to stay

away from any by-election.“Even if Beijing is so powerful

as to make all these parties drop out,it doesn’t mean we have failed.”

At present, only half of the city’slegislature is directly elected whilea largely pro-Beijing committee ef-fectively controls the selection of theremainder and appoints the city’schief executive.

The Chinese government has saidHong Kong’s chief executive couldbe directly elected by 2017 and thelegislature by 2020, while pro-de-mocracy lawmakers want universalsuffrage in 2012.

Beijing issued a statement earlierthis month expressing “grave concern”over the campaign and said the “refer-endum” was not in line the Basic Law,which spells out Hong Kong’s politi-cal system following its return fromBritish to Chinese rule in 1997.

Mumbai gunman demands trialby international court

luxury hotels, a busy train station anda Jewish center in November 2008. Thethree-day siege left 166 people dead,and nine of the gunmen were killed.

Last month, Kasab retracted hisconfession that he sprayed gunfireinto a crowd at the railroad station.He also said police tortured him intoadmitting having a role in the attacks.

Kasab also said Monday hewanted to call witnesses from Paki-stan for his defense, and that heshould be allowed to meet Pakistaniofficials. Witnesses would include apassport officer, he said, without pro-viding other details.

The judge asked him to file a pe-tition through his attorney. Kasabcould face the death penalty if con-victed. Murder and conspiracy towage war against India are amongthe charges he faces.

Kasab told the judge he came toMumbai as a tourist and was ar-rested 20 days before the siege be-gan. On the day the attacks started,Kasab said police took him from hiscell because he resembled one of thegunmen. They then shot him tomake it look as if he had been in-volved in the attacks and re-arrestedhim, Kasab said.


Aung San Suu Kyi arrives for a meeting with U.S. Assistant Secre-tary of State for East Asian and Pacific

Myanmar says SuuKyi to be freed inNovember: witnesses

NLD vice-chairman Tin Oo wouldbe released on February 13, andthat the government would pursuean international-style marketeconomy after holding “free andfair” elections, including looseningrestrictions on car imports.

Tin Oo, 82, a former defenseminister and retired general, hasbeen in prison or under house ar-rest for more than a decade.


Senior NLD official KhinMaung Swe said it was crucial SuuKyi and Tin Oo were released be-fore the election.

“The most important thing isthey must be freed in good time sothat they can work for national rec-onciliation,” he said.

The military junta has not set adate for the election but has prom-ised U.S. President Barack Obamaand Southeast Asian leaders thevote would be free, fair and inclu-sive.

In recent months Suu Kyi hasbeen allowed to meet the junta’s li-aison officer and foreign diplo-mats. The NLD has not yet saidwhether it would take part in theelections, portrayed by the gener-als as a move to a multi-party de-mocracy but derided by opponentsas a sham designed to let the armyretain real power.

The United States and others arereviewing policy toward the formerBurma after years of sanctions andtrade embargoes failed to get thejunta to improve its human rightsrecord or relax its grip on power.

Obama has offered Myanmarthe prospect of better ties withWashington if it pursued demo-cratic reform and freed politicalprisoners, including Suu Kyi.

Page 5: Edisi 26 Januari 2010 | International Bali Post

General Info Tuesday, January 26, 2010 5International


There are 4 major hospitals usually used by foreigners -Denpasar General Hospital(RSUP Sanglah), Kasih Ibu Hospital, Rumah Sakit Wongayaand Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada.

RSUP Sanglah is the main provincial public hospital. Itsfacilities have improved since the emergency ward had beenbuilt in 1991. Difficult/critical cases would not become aproblem anymore since it has complete equipments. It islocated on Jl. KesehatanSelatan 1 Sanglah Denpasar with :Phone : 227 911 – 15Fax : 226 363

Kasih Ibu Hospital is a private hospital which caters forless serious cases such as diarrhea, intestinal disorders, ane-mia, asthma and minor accidents. Kasih Ibu is also equippedto care for pregnant women. This hospital is located on Jl.Teuku Umar 120 Denpasar.Phone : 223 036Fax : 268 690.

Rumah Sakit Wongaya (Public Hospital; Psychiatric Unit)Jl. Kartini, Denpasar.Phone : 222 142.

Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada , (Private)Jl. Sudirman No 50, DenpasarPhone : 227 560, 234 824

In relating with health, Bali also has insurance and medicalevacuation company, thatis:AEA International - SOS Assistance Bali.PT Abhaya Eka Astiti, Jl. By Pass Ngurah RaiNo. 24X, Kuta 80361.Phone : 755 768 Fax : 755 768One thing that should be noted by tourists here is that theBlood Bank in Bali normally carries no stock of Rhesus (Rh)Negative blood.


Bali Medical ClinicsThere are some medical clinics that are well known by for-eigners in Bali. Some of them are western owned and oper-ated :

Bali International Medical Center (BIMC)Bali International Medical Centre (BIMC) provides excel-lent Primary Health Care & Emeregency Medical Servicesfor tourists, traveler, and expatriate living in Bali.Emeregency Room, Ambulance, Clinic Services, Insurance& Medical Evacuations also available. Open 24 hours Phone: 761 2631. Located Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai No.100X, Kuta,Bali 80361 - Indonesia.

International SOS Clinic BaliOpened in 1999, offers International SOS members and visi-tors to Bali comprehensive primary health care and 24-houremergency medical service.Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai 505X, Kuta 80361, Bali - IndonesiaPhone : 720 100 Fax : 721 919E-mail : [email protected] ://

Bali Nusa Dua Emergency ClinicJl Pratama No. 81 Phone : 771 324

Kuta ClinicJl. Raya Kuta Phone : 753 268

Dental ClinicDr Indra Guizot, Jl. Patimura 19, DenpasarPhone : 222 445, 234 375

DDS. Ritjie Rihartinah, Jl Pratama No. 81Nusa Dua Phone : 771 324

Retno W. Agung, Jln. Bypass Ngurah Rai No.4ABr. Tamansari – Sanur Phone : 288 501

Australian Consulate GeneralJalan Tantular 32 Renon DenpasarPhone: +62 361 241118Fax: +62 361 221195 (General) +62 361 241120 (Immigration)

Royal Danish & NorwegianMimpi Resort Jimbaran, BaliPhone +62.361.701 070

The Czech RepublicJalan Pengembak No. 17 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.286 465

France Consulate AgencyJalan Merta Sari Gang II No. 8 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.285 485

The Federal Republic of GermanyJalan Pantai Karang No 17 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.288 535

The Republic of HungaryJalan By Pass No 219 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.287 701

Italian ConsulateJalan By Pass Ngurah Rai Jimbaran, BaliPhone +62.361.701 005

Honorary Consulate of MexicoJalan Mohamad Yamin 1 A, Renon, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.223 266

Honorary Consulate of The NetherlandsJalan Raya Kuta 127, BaliPhone +62.361.761 506

Honorary Consulate of SpainKomplek Istana Kuta Galleria Blok Vallet 2 No 11. JalanPatih Jelantik Kuta, BaliPhone +62.361.769 286

USA Consulate AgencyJalan Hayam Wuruk No. 188 Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.222 426

Consulate General of JapanJalan Raya Puputan No. 170 Renon, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.227 628

Honorary Consulate of BritishJalan Tirta Nadi No. 20 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.270 601

Swiss and Austria ConsulateJalan Patih Jelantik, Komplek Pertokoan IstanaGalleriaPhone +62.361.751 735

Honorary Consulate of BrazilJalan Legian No. 186, BaliPhone +62.361.757 775

Honorary Consulate of ThailandJalan Raya Puputan Renon 81, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.263 310

Embassy of IndiaJalan Raya Puputan Renon 42-44, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.241 978

Honorary Consulate of Sweden anf FinlandSegara Village Hotel, Jalan Segara Ayu, Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.282 223

Honorary Consulate of MalaysiaAlam Kulkul Boutique Resort, Jalan Pantai Kuta, BaliPhone +62.361.752 520


Bangli General HospitalJl. Kesumayuda 27, BangliPhone : +62 366 91521


Clinic MasJl. Raya Mas, UbudPhone : +62 361 974573

Toyo ClinicJl. Pengosekan, UbudPhone : +62 361 978078

Permata Bunda ClinicJl. Patih Jelantik 50 X, GianyarPhone : +62 361 942082

Ubud ClinicJl Raya Ubud No.36 Campuhan, UbudPhone : +62 361 974911

Gianyar General HospitalJl. Ciung Wanara 2, GianyarPhone : +62 361 943049


Karangasem General HospitalJl. Ngurah Rai, KarangasemPhone : +62 363 21001


Klungkung General HospitalJl. Flamboyan 40-4, KlungkungPhone : +62 366 21371


Negara General HospitalJl. Gelar, NegaraPhone : +62 365 41006


Laboratorium ClinicJl. Gunung semeru No. 8, TabananPhone : +62 361 819260

Mengwi ClinicJl. I Gusti Ngurah Rai 46, TabananPhone : +62 361 880550

Darma Kerti HospitalJl. Teratai 16, TabananPhone : +62 361 812359

Tabanan General HospitalJl. Pahlawan 14, TabananPhone : +62 361 811027

Praja Taxi : (0361) 289090Bali Taxi : (0361) 701111Ngurah Rai Taxi : (0361) 724724Pan Wirthi Taxi : (0361) 723366Komotra Taxi : (0361) 758855


Prodia ClinicJl. RA Kartini 12, Singaraja Bali0362 - 24-516

Singaraja HospitalJl. Ngurah Rai 30, Singaraja Bali0362 - 22-573

Pet ClinicsKayumas: (0361) 226934Sayang Binatang: (0361) 483121Satwa Kertha Husada: (0361) 263018Pantai Sindhu: (0361) 287518Sidakarya: (0361) 724492Pedungan: (0361) 720026



Page 6: Edisi 26 Januari 2010 | International Bali Post

Tuesday, January 26, 20106 News

Residents of Nago elected a mayorwho is staunchly against moving a basethere from a larger city nearby — planswhich Washington considers funda-mental to its troop realignment in theregion. An agreement on the relocationof Futenma Marine air field was madein 2006 under the previous governmentthat lost power last year.

Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyamasaid the results of Sunday’s electionreflected the will of the people, and thatJapan would completely re-examine itsaccord with the U.S.

“The country will start from scratchon this issue and take responsibility toreach a conclusion by the end of May,”he told reporters.

His government has repeatedly putoff making a decision, straining tieswith the U.S., its main military ally, inthe face of security concerns like NorthKorea’s nuclear program and China’srising strength.

Nago chose challenger SusumuInamine — who campaigned againstany expansion of U.S. military pres-ence in the area — over incumbentYoshikazu Shimabukuro. Inamine wonwith 52.3 percent of the vote, accord-ing to the city’s election office.

The city’s mayor has little say innational policy, but with Japanese par-liamentary elections coming in thesummer, the results quickly reverber-

Okinawa vote pressuresOkinawa vote pressuresOkinawa vote pressuresOkinawa vote pressuresOkinawa vote pressures Japan on US Marine base Japan on US Marine base Japan on US Marine base Japan on US Marine base Japan on US Marine base


COLOMBO (AFP) – Sri LankanPresident Mahinda Rajapakse vowedMonday to ensure the first post-warnationwide election goes off peacefully,as he prepared to face his former armychief after an acrimonious campaign.

Rajapakse urged the authorities toconduct a free and fair vote on Tues-day, seeking to counter oppositionclaims that he would launch a coup tocling on to power if defeated at the bal-lot box.

“The Sri Lanka government calls fora peaceful election, and stands commit-ted to taking whatever steps deemednecessary to ensure the same,” his of-fice said in a statement.

Rajapakse, who ordered the militaryoffensive that ended the 37-year con-flict against Tamil rebels in May lastyear, faces a strong challenge fromSarath Fonseka, the army chief who ledthe troops in battle.

A total of 68,000 police and 250,000public officials will be on duty to moni-tor the election, which is seen as tooclose to call. There are no reliable opin-ion polls in the Indian Ocean island na-tion.

AP –

Anti-U.S. base candidate Susumu Inamine, right, celebrates withhis wife Ritsuko and supporters


TOKYO – Japan’s prime minister said Monday he may nix a key military deal with Washing-ton on relocating U.S. troops, after a local election in Okinawa showed that residents oppose anynew Marine base in their region.

ated throughout the country.“It wasn’t just Shimabukuro that was

defeated in the election. The biggestloser was Japan’s postwar military basestrategy,” the national Asahi daily saidin a front-page editorial Monday.

The Obama administration has al-ready expressed frustrations withTokyo’s delays in finalizing the reloca-tion of the Futenma base — now in thelarger Okinawa city of Ginowan — say-ing it is delaying the broader 2006 planto reorganize the U.S. military presencein Japan.

Experts said the election resultsmakes it nearly impossible forHatoyama to move Futenma’s facilitiesto Nago, as was called for in the agree-ment struck four years ago.

“He can’t make a decision now that’sgoing to make both the Americans andOkinawans happy,” said Jeff Kingston,Temple University’s director of AsianStudies in Tokyo.

Hatoyama could use the vote as po-litical cover for rejecting Nago as therelocation site by saying, “‘This is howdemocracy works,’ but that’s not goingto play too well in Washington,”Kingston said.

The planned relocation to Nago is-sue sparked intense protests and domi-nated debate between the two mayoralcandidates. Defeated mayorShimabukuro supported the base for the

jobs and investment it would bring.Meanwhile, China is likely watch-

ing the rift grow between Washingtonand Tokyo with interest, experts say —even as it welcomes Hatoyama’s over-tures to build stronger ties with Beijingand other Asian neighbors.

“This is going to be a tough year forU.S.-Japan relations, and I think inBeijing they take some comfort in that,”said Kingston.

Under a security pact signed in 1960,U.S. armed forces are allowed broaduse of Japanese land and facilities. Inreturn, the U.S. is obliged to respond toattacks on Japan and protect the coun-try under its nuclear umbrella.

More than half of some 47,000American troops stationed in Japan arein Okinawa, where many residentscomplain about noise, pollution andcrime linked to the bases.

Inamine, an independent, ran withthe support of Hatoyama’s rulingDemocratic Party. His victory Sundaywill make it increasingly difficult forthe prime minister to resist pressure toshelve the deal.

After securing victory, Inamine cel-ebrated with jubilant supporters gath-ered at his office.

“I fought this campaign vowing toresist the base,” he said Sunday. “I in-tend to keep that promise as we moveforward.”

A Cypriot police helicopter andanother from the British military sta-tioned in Cyprus were also involvedin the search.

According to one source, resi-dents on the coast saw a “ball of fire”crashing off Na’ameh.

State-owned Ethiopian Airlineshas positioned itself as a majorplayer in international air traffic inAfrica and has recently expanded itsAsian network.

It has regular flights to Lebanon,

Sri Lanka president urges fair vote on poll eveIn the run-up to the vote, the oppo-

sition and government have made claimand counter-claim about each other’smalevolent intentions, raising tensionand the prospect of instability and a con-tested result.

At least five people have been killedand hundreds wounded during cam-paigning, according to the private Cen-tre for Monitoring Election Violence(CMEV).

Related article:War crimes pressureon new S.Lanka chief Foreign Minis-ter Rohitha Bogollagama said Mondaythe government was concerned aboutarmed army deserters who were alleg-edly working with Fonseka’s cam-paign.

“There are 600-800 that have gotinto some kind of lead role in the oppo-sition campaign,” he told reporters, say-ing the renegades were under the com-mander of a former major general.

He also claimed foreign interests hada hand in the opposition campaign, butdeclined to identify them until after thevote. A ruling party lawmaker has al-ready pointed the finger at the UnitedStates.

The opposition accused the govern-ment of planning to rig votes and un-

leash violence to intimidate voters,claiming Sunday that the army, statetelevision and police had been preparedfor a coup to keep Rajapakse in power.

The two Sinhalese nationalists fellout after the war, with Fonseka retiringfrom the military after he was sidelinedby Rajapakse and launching his surprisebid for the presidency.

The CMEV said in a report it hadfound serious flaws in the electoral pro-cess in the run-up to the race, whichhas 22 candidates standing.

“With deep regret we have to saythat we have a picture of a dysfunctionalelectoral process and the breakdown ofthe authority of the (independent) elec-tions commission,” CMEV directorPaikiasothy Saravanamuttu said.

He said the level of violence wasworse than during the previous presi-dential election in 2005 and that the stateauthorities had blatantly disregarded theorders of the elections chief to conducta fair poll.

However, he said a high turnoutamong the 14 million electorate couldstill ensure that the final result reflectsthe will of the people. First results arelikely to trickle out late Tuesday, withthe final outcome expected to be known

on Wednesday.Rajapakse called the vote after only

four years of his six-year mandate totry to harness public acclaim for vic-tory over the Tamil Tiger rebels, whocontrolled one-third of Sri Lanka just10 years ago.

The conflict with the Tigers, whowere fighting for a homeland for theminority Tamil group, cost between80,000 and 100,000 lives, according toUN estimates.

Amid fears the opposition will notaccept a Rajapakse victory because offraud, the foreign minister played downwarnings of street protests.

“I don’t think the people of SriLanka have time for street protests,” hesaid. “It has never happened.”

Police Deputy Inspector GeneralGamini Navarathne said they had de-ployed 68,000 men to guard the 12,000polling booths and counting centres andstep up security in the coming week.

Ethiopian...From page 1 catering for business clients and the

hundreds of Ethiopians who workthere as domestic helpers. Lebaneseaviation sources said some of the pas-sengers had been en route to Angola.

Last Friday the airline announcedan order for 10 of Boeing’s Next-Generation 737-800s for a total priceof $767 million.

The last major incident involvingEthiopian Airlines was in November1996 when 125 of the 175 passen-gers and crew died after a hijackedBoeing 767 crashed into the sea offthe Comoros Islands.

Page 7: Edisi 26 Januari 2010 | International Bali Post

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 7Indonesia TodayInternational

AP Photo/Irwin Fedriansyah

Three Indonesian students have their lips sewn together during a protest marking the 100th day sincePresident Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s swearing in for his second term, in Jakarta, Indonesia, Monday,Jan. 25, 2010. Student activists stage the protest demanding Yudhoyono to step down over his failure tolead the country to get out of the economic and political crisis.

The statue of “Little Barry” — asObama was known when he lived inthe capital in the late 1960s — standsin central Jakarta’s Menteng Park, ashort walk from the US president’sformer elementary school.

Critics say the site should havebeen used to honour an Indone-sian and 55,000 people havejoined a page on social network-ing website Facebook calling forthe statue to be removed.

“We’ve been discussing for thepast two weeks what to do withthe statue... whether to take itdown, move it elsewhere or retainit. We’re finding the best solution,”Jakarta parks agency official DwiBintarto said.

Obama, who was born in Hawaii,lived for four years as a child inJakarta from 1967 after his divorcedmother married an Indonesian.

The bronze was designed by In-donesian artists and depicts the boyObama dressed in shorts and a T-shirtwith a butterfly perched on his hand.

“The statue is of Obama as a


JAKARTA - President SusiloBambang Yudhoyono installednine new members of the Presi-dential Advisory Council(Wantimpres) for 2010-2014 pe-riod at the State Palace here at 2on Monday afternoon.

The head of state signed thePresidential Decree No.13P/2010on the installation of nine newmembers of Wantimpres on Janu-ary 20, 2010.

Based on Law No.19/2006, thePresidential Advisory Councilwas formed to to give advice howto run the government.

Nine new members ofWantimpres installed by the presi-dent on Monday are former StateMinister for Environment EmilSalim, former Indonesia UlemaCounci (MUI) chairman Ma’rufAmin, former State Minister for


JAKARTA - Foreign MinisterMarty Natalegawa here Monday of-ficially opened the first Indonesia-USinterfaith dialogue that will run untilJanuary 27, in Jakarta on Monday.

He said he hoped the dialoguewould further enhance bilateral re-lations between the two countries, es-pecially in the social and culturalsectors.

Themed “Building CollaborativeCommunities: Enhancing Coopera-tion among People of DifferentFaiths”, the dialogue is a follow up

Agence France-Presse

JAKARTA - Indonesian PresidentSusilo Bambang Yudhoyono hastaken a break from battling rampantcorruption and mutinous coalitionpartners to compose another albumof romantic pop songs.

“Ku Yakin Sampai Di Sana” (I’mCertain I’ll Get There) was releasedSunday and features some ofIndonesia’s best-known singers andmusicians.

Like the 60-year-old formergeneral’s previous two albums, “KuYakin” deals with themes such aslove, loyalty and patriotism.

“In my spare time from fulfillingthe people’s mandate as president, Ilike to express my feelings in worksof art,” the president commonlyknown as SBY writes on the albumcover, which features an image ofchildren running with the Indonesian

President installs newWantimpres members

IndonesiaIndonesiaIndonesiaIndonesiaIndonesiamulls tearingmulls tearingmulls tearingmulls tearingmulls tearingdown Obamadown Obamadown Obamadown Obamadown ObamastatuestatuestatuestatuestatueAgence France-Presse

JAKARTA - Indonesian authorities said Monday they are consid-ering a petition to tear down a statue of US President Barack Obamaas a boy, only a month after the bronze was unveiled in Jakarta.

child, not as the US president. Hisrelatives and friends who erectedit said it’s meant to motivate chil-dren to study hard and dream big,”Bintarto said.

Members of the “Take Down theBarack Obama Statue in MentengPark” group on Facebook say Obamahas done nothing for Indonesia.

“Barack Obama has yet to make asignificant contribution to the Indo-nesian nation. We could say Obamaonly ate and shat in Menteng. Hespent his subsequent days living asan American,” the web page says.

“For the dignity of a sovereignnation, Barack Obama’s monu-ment in Menteng Park must be re-moved immediately.”

The childhood connection andhis knowledge of a few words ofIndonesian made Obama popularin the mainly Muslim country of234 million people.

Obama said in November hewould visit Indonesia this year alongwith First Lady Michelle Obama anddaughters Malia and Sasha.

Women’s Empowerment MeutiaFarida Hatta, former RegionalRepresentative Assembly (DPD)Speaker Ginajar Kartasasmita,former Constitutional Court chair-man Jimly Asshiddiqie, formerForeign Affairs Minister HassanWirayuda, former Home Affairsand Regional Autonomy MinisterRyaas rasyid, former Health Min-ister Siti Fadilah Supari, andformer Coordinating Minister forPolitical, Legal and Security Af-fairs Widodo AS.

Both Emil Salim and Ma’rurAmin, installed on April 1, 2007,are the former member Wantimpresmembers in the previous period.The new Wantimpress memberswill replace the previous ones,namely the late Ali Alatas, AdnanBuyung Nasution, Subur BudhiSantoso, TB Silalahi, RachmawatiSoekarnoputri, Sjahrir, and AbdulGani Ilahude.

The first RI-US interfaith dialogue held in Jakartaaction from both countries to en-hance bilateral relation and under-standing between people comingfrom different backgrounds and re-ligious belief.

The three-day event will havethink tanks and academics from bothcountries discuss possible bilateralcooperation in such things as em-powerment of moderate societies andways to cope with negative imagesalready constructed among peoplefrom both countries.

Another issues to be discussedduring the interfaith dialogue aresteps to promote harmonious life in

human civilization, ways to tacklepoverty, climate change and en-hance cooperation in cultural andgovernmental sectors.

The result of the discussion is ex-pected to be applicable in the every-day life of people in both countries.

On the same occasion, MinisterNatalegawa also launched a bookcontaining comments by prominentUS figures about Indonesia. Thebook entitled “Insight into Indone-sia: The Perspectives of Americans”,It contains writings from former USSecretary of State Henry Kissingerand several Congressmen.

Indonesian presidentreleases new pop album

flag.“The songs were written from the

belief that nothing can change thefate of a nation except the peoplethemselves, and the conviction of anoble purpose.”

“Indonesian Idol” talent showwinners Vidi Adiano, Rio Febrianand Joy Tobing were among the starswho recorded the president’s songsand performed at Sunday’s launch,which Yudhoyono did not attend.

“The president communicates hisfeelings through music. In this al-bum, he wants people to have bigdreams and work hard towardsachieving them,” presidential spokes-man Julian Aldrin Pasha told AFP onMonday.

“His songs are about life. Whiletravelling in the car, he will observethings around him and then jot downthe lyrics and read them out.”

Yudhoyono’s debut release was

“Rinduku Padamu” (My Longingfor You) in 2007, which was fol-lowed by “Evolusi” (Evolution) in2009.

He won a second five-year termin July with promises of economicgrowth, political reform and goodgovernance.

But his new administration hasbeen beset by corruption scandalsand a damaging probe led by two ofhis coalition partners into a contro-versial bank bailout.

Lyrics from the title track showthe mild-mannered president wres-tling with the responsibility ofpower:

“Although it’s difficult, I must gothrough itI chose the path I believe inDon’t force things that are impos-sibleMy life must be honest and right.”

Page 8: Edisi 26 Januari 2010 | International Bali Post

8 InternationaTuesday, January 26, 2009

Bali Today

He explained that the sea is stillin reasonable condition so the har-bor is still operate normally. Thereis no need to close the harbor likethe one in Padangbai few days ago.The harbor was closed for severaldays to the poor weather condition.

However, he always warns ev-ery ferry operator to be aware espe-cially the changing of the weather.

“The awareness must be in-creased during the rainy season. Wehope there will be no problems inthe next few days and everything canoperate normally,” Ospar said.

Previously, Denpasar Meteo-rology and Geophysics Department(BMKG) predicted that big waveswill happen on the southern part ofBali. The waves could become treemeters high. I Nyoman Suwarsa, an


DENPASAR - The IndonesianArt Institute (ISI) of Denpasar hasbeen elected to represent Asia at aninternational percussion festival inDenmark.

The festival will also be par- Antara

DENPASAR – Tourism busi-nessmen in Bali are aiming tour-ists from India and US becauseboth of the countries have hugeamount of citizen. PaulEdmundus, a member of BaliTravel Agent Association(ASITA), said “both of the coun-tries have enormous amount ofcitizen and the most number ofrich people in the world.”

Currently, there are 200wealthy people in India who al-ready has passport and permit tovisit Indonesia. ASITA seek sup-port from Garuda Indonesia toopen the market in India and US.

Garuda Indonesia as the big-gest airline in Indonesia shouldpromote flight to both countries.

Poor weather condition didn’tPoor weather condition didn’tPoor weather condition didn’tPoor weather condition didn’tPoor weather condition didn’taffect Gilimanuk harboraffect Gilimanuk harboraffect Gilimanuk harboraffect Gilimanuk harboraffect Gilimanuk harborAntara

DENPASAR – The poor weather condition which madehigh waves in Bali coastal area didn’t affect the transport inKetapang and Gilimanuk. Ospar Silaban, the operational man-ager in Gilimanuk harbor, said “everything run normally. Theweather condition didn’t affect the ferry travel.”

officer of Denpasar BMKG, said thatin addition to high waves, strong windcould also occur.

In Bali and western NusaTenggara, the wind could be up to 35kilometers per hour, while in easternNusa Tenggara the wind can be 40kilometers per hour.

The condition is because thetropic storm in Australia and it keepmoving west on the southern part ofBali. The storm made the weathercondition in Bali is not friendly.

The poor weathercondition which made

high waves in Balicoastal area didn’t

affect the transport inKetapang and


ISI of Denpasar represents Asia inpercussion festival in Denmark

ticipate by percussion musiciansfrom America, Europe, Africa andAsia, said the ISI Rector Prof. Dr IWayan Rai S, MA in Denpasar, onSunday.

A total of 23 members of theISI Denpasar group performing in theevent, will leave on January 27 and

return to Indonesia on February 9. According to Wayan Rai, this

activity would provide an experienceand great benefits, especially for ISIstudents, because they can interactwith world-class artists.

Besides the performances, theISI team had also been invited togive lectures and hold workshopswith the faculty and students of theRoyal Danish Academy of Music inCopenhagen.

“The visit is also a follow-upto an MoU signed by the ISI and TheRoyal Danish Academy of Music,which is one of the leading univer-sities in the world,” he said.

He emphasized that coopera-tion could be established such as thefaculty or student exchanges, jointresearch, and art collaboration,which is expected to accelerate thevision of the ISI of Denpasar to ‘gointernational’.

The ISI vice Rector I WayanSweca added that the festival is anevent that has a great value, as it isparticipated by about 100 musiciansand world-class dancers.

Bali Post

A group of The Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) of Denpasar per-formed Balinese creation. ISI has been elected to representAsia at an international percussion festival in Denmark.

Tourism BusinessmenAiming for India and US

Paul said that the businessmen canget gain any tourists without thesupport from the airlines.

“Garuda is on the frontline.Without the airlines, we can notdevelop tourism business,” headded.

While, Bagus Y Siregar, therepresentative of Garuda Indone-sia, said “we supported the idea byASITA. We wanted to travel to allcountries but we need guaranteethat there will be passengers us-ing our flight. If ASITA couldguarantee it then we will proposeit the company.”

In 2010, Garuda will buymany new airplanes and recruit-ing new pilots and stewardess.“We need 600 new personnel so itis an opportunity for the people tofind jobs,” he added.

Page 9: Edisi 26 Januari 2010 | International Bali Post

Balinese Culture

Tuesday, January 26, 2009 9al

Today, people havemany choices of food toconsume. One of themis vegetarian foodavoiding any presenceof meat and its flavor.People choose thisbased on many reasonslike as alternative food,health consideration andrequirement of learningspiritual. The latter maybe intended to graduallyreduce the violence from within the self. The treasure ofBalinese food also retains a choice of spices for thatpurpose. Wong or mushroom is one of the favorite foodscooked without frying. Here the mushroom is served withBalinese spices. Optionally, this kind of mushroom isreplaceable by other kinds of mushroom.

Ingredients:250g oyster mushroomSpices: 4 cloves shallot, 2 cloves garlic, 2 small

chilies, 1 large chili (take out its seed) thinly sliced, ½tsp salt, 1 tbsp palm oil,

Other: 1 tbsp fried shallot, 300 ml waterMethod:• Shred the mushroom, cleanse by clean water

and then drain.• Ground all spices. Cook the water until boiling,

put the ground spices, mushroom, salt, sliced chili andpalm oil. Let them boil for a while.

• Take out and served with sprinkle of friedshallots. (BTN/punia)

Bali Post

GIANYAR - Owner of BaliClassic Center (BCC), Nyuh Kuning,Ubud, Pande Putu Krisna togetherwith a group of 38 people from Baliperformed spiritual activities to Indiafrom January 11-18, 2010. The del-egation of pilgrim from Bali to theRiver Ganges drew response from In-dian Hindu society. The pilgrimageactivity amidst the Kumbhmela cel-ebrations in India conducted by agroup from Bali made the Indians as-tonished.

Pande Putu Krisna in the midstof thanksgiving event after returningfrom India at the BCC Nyuh Kuning,last Sunday (Jan 24) revealed that theexplanation of Prof. Dr. Alka from In-dia, Kumbhmela maha celebration thisyear coincided with the occurrence ofaccidental solar eclipse. This incidentwas very rare even it should be waiteduntil thousands of years. This incidentwas believed to bring changes to theworld as a whole.

Kumbhmela celebration oc-curred in Haridwar was falling onceevery 12 years. However, Kumbhmelaof this year coincided with the 12thcelebration. On that account, the cel-ebration was called Maha Kumbhmela


* 1 3/4 lb Lamb, fresh * 2 Onion * 3 Thai chile * Ginger, fresh; 3/4" knob * Lemon grass root, 1/2" knob * 1 Lemon grass, stem * 2 Garlic clove * 8 Macadamia nut * 2 Tomato, ripe * 1/3 c Oil * 1/2 ts Cardamom, ground * 1/2 ts Cumin powder * 1/2 ts Turmeric * 1/4 ts Fennel powder * 1 Cinnamon stick; 2" * 4 Cloves, whole * Salt; to taste * Pepper, black; to taste * 4 c Coconut milk

Calories per serving: 553Fat grams per serving: 26DirectionsCut the lamb into bite-size chunks. Chop the onions,

chiles, ginger, lemon root and lemon grass. Crush thegarlic and grind the macadamia nuts. Skin the tomatoesand cut the flesh into small dice. Heat the oil in a largepan, add the onion, chiles and garlic and saute until theonion becomes translucent.

Then add the lamb, ginger, lemon root, lemon grassand tomato and cook for another three minutes, stirringfrequently. Add the spice powders, cinnamon stick andcloves and season to taste with salt and pepper. Pour inthe coconut milk and bring to the boil, stirring constantly,then lower heat and allow to simmer until the meat isvery tender; approximately 45 minutes. Serveimmediately with steamed rice. (

Owner of BaliClassic Center(BCC), NyuhKuning, Ubud,Pande PutuKrisna togetherwith a group of38 people fromBali performedspiritual activi-ties to Indiafrom January11-18, 2010.

Attend the Celebration of Maha KumbhmelaIndians Admire the Pilgrims from Bali

celebration. “This is a rare event, more-over, accompanied by a solar eclipsewhere the water of holy Ganges at thattime is believed to have been turnedinto Tirta Amerta or holy water of life,”he said that at that time he followed thegroup of the holy effigy and templepriests of Tuluk Biu Temple at Batur,Bangli.

At that time, the participants per-formed bathing ritual in the Gangesguided by Lila Travel. It drew the at-tention of many local residents. Solem-nity of committing pilgrimage couldattract the attention of a number ofmedia in India during the celebrationof Maha Kumbhmela in the RiverGanges.

In addition to the celebration ofMaha Kumbhmela in the Ganges, thegroup was also taken to say prayers atBirla Temple, where the place wasknown as the abode of the goddess ofluck. Later, the journey was then re-sumed to the royal heritage of India andan ashram in the upper course of theGanges and Harki Pouri denoting thevenue to implement the morning andevening pooja or prayers.

Overall activities of pilgrimageto India ended on last January 18. Allpilgrims from Bali when arrivingback at the island of the gods orga-nized a thanksgiving event at theBCC Nyuh Kuning on last Thursday(Jan 21). (kmb16)

Bali Post/Dar Gulai Kambing(Spiced Lamb)

Wong Medadah:A Must Mushroom Delicacy to Taste

Page 10: Edisi 26 Januari 2010 | International Bali Post

Tuesday, January 26, 201010 InternationalDestinations

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BALI West National Park is na-ture conservation with pure ecosys-tem managed by zone system formultiple research purpose involvingthe education, tourism and recre-ation. It is one of the national parklocated west side of Bali Island withbeautiful panoramic, unique natureecosystem and fresh atmosphere.Bali West National Park or most thelocal people call Taman NationalBali Barat is one of the tourist desti-nations in Negara Regency and manyvisited by tourists.

It is situated in west side of BaliIsland and close to Gilimanuk Portor about 4 hours drive away fromBali’s International Airport. Some ofthe Bali West National Park Arealocated in Grokgak sub district,Singaraja Regency and some of thearea located in Melaya Sub district,

Bali WestNational


Jembrana Regency. It is very easyto locate it from Denpasar directionto follow the main road go toGilimanuk Port or Singaraja townto Gilimanuk Port.

Bali West National Park area isa green are spread out along themain road Denpasar – Gilimanuk –Singaraja about 150 kilometers.Topographic of this park own con-stant gradation between mount, hill,valley, bay and sea. The mountainarea is involving up to 71% fromthe total park area as protected for-est with multifarious faunas likedeer, forest pig, lion, birth etc.

meanwhile the flat area is about29% located in north part of mainroad Gilimanuk – Singaraja untilJava Sea.

If we look from the conception,this area is a Giri/Gunung or mountswhich is completed by the forest(Wanagiri). According to KidungUtama Tantri script there is a wordmention Ning Wana Ukir whichgives the direction that the WanaGiri philosophy is well written todescribe the total of this world.

Bali West National Park ownhigh potential of flora and faunathose are consisted of 14 variety of

protected floras involving SawoKecik (Manilkara Kauki), SonoKeling (Dalbergia Latifolia). Fromthe fauna, Jalak Bali Birth(Leucopsar Rothscildi) is one of theendemic fauna in Bali Island thereare pure habitat found in this parkalong to Prapat Agung and surround-ing area. Other faunas can be foundat this park involving cow, deer,mouse deer, venison, wild cat, greyand black monkeys. Beside of theabove animals, a couple of reptilesand other 60 rash of births also canbe found. The condition of coral reefat this park is highly varied with

unique combination and multifari-ous of habitats. In year 1998, it wasrecorded 110 kinds of coral includ-ing 22 mushroom corals and up tonow, it was recorded that this parkown 222 kinds of fish.

As a tourist destination, we canfind easily the tourist facilities atBali National Park like hotels, res-taurants, trekking track, birthwatching, parking area and others.Since it is appointed as a touristdestination in Bali, many touristsfrom domestic and foreign coun-tries visits this park.(

Page 11: Edisi 26 Januari 2010 | International Bali Post

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 11


A total of 6.79 million foreign tour-ists and business travellers came to Ja-pan in 2009, down 18.7 percent from arecord 8.35 million the previous year,the Japan National TourismOrganisation (JNTO) said.

“We believe Japan has a lot to at-tract foreign tourists, but the year 2009was hit by the yen’s rise, which madetrips to Japan more expensive when thetravel industry was reeling from an eco-nomic slump,” a JNTO researcher said.

“Scares over the new influenzaalso contributed to the drop,” he said.

The fall was the sharpest since1971, when arrivals dropped 22.7 per-cent from the previous year when aninternational exposition was held inOsaka, according to the organisation for

Agence France-Presse

BEIJING - The World Banksaid Monday recent moves byChina to clamp down on rampantlending were the “best way” totackle the problem of rising in-flation and the threat of assetbubbles.

“It is very tricky once youare in this situation of heavycredit growth to try to come offthat. It is a very fine line betweendoing it too quickly and not do-ing enough,” Ardo Hansson, leadeconomist of the World Bank inBeijing, said at a news confer-ence.

“Trying small steps and see-ing how the market reacts — andhoping that the market reacts ina reasonable way — is the bestway to start.”

Beijing moved this month tocalm growing inflationary pres-sures and soaring stock and prop-erty prices caused by runawaybank lending, which last yearnearly doubled from 2008.

The People’s Bank of Chinalast Thursday raised the interestrate on its benchmark three-month treasury bills for the sec-ond time in two weeks in a bid todeter new lending.

It followed an earlier moveon its benchmark one-year trea-sury bills and official data that

Agence France-Presse

WASHINGTON - Giant USretailer Wal-Mart announced thisweekend that it will eliminate about11,500 jobs at its Sam’s Clubmegastores in the United States.

Wal-Mart President and ChiefExecutive Officer Brian Cornell saidthe layoffs will affect approximately

Agence France-Presse

SEOUL - South Korea, Japanand China will hold talks thisweek to launch a joint researchproject into a possible free tradepact, officials said Monday.

The meeting involving gov-ernment officials, scholars andbusiness representatives will beheld in Seoul on Tuesday, theSouth’s trade ministry said.

“This will be a preliminarymeeting to launch joint researchon a trilateral free trade accord,”a ministry official told AFP.

The three countries agreed attheir summit in October 2009 topush for the joint research.

South Korea has been ac-tively pushing for free tradeagreements worldwide to bolsterits export-dominated economy.

It already has free trade

Tourism to Japan battered by strongTourism to Japan battered by strongTourism to Japan battered by strongTourism to Japan battered by strongTourism to Japan battered by strongyen, economic downturnyen, economic downturnyen, economic downturnyen, economic downturnyen, economic downturnAgence France-Presse

TOKYO - Foreign visitor numbers to Japan last year plunged at the fastest pace in nearly fourdecades due to the global recession, a strong yen and the swine flu scare, official data showed Monday.

tourism research and promotion. Japan’s new centre-left govern-

ment, which took power last summer,is hoping to boost tourism as a cashearner for the country whose popula-tion is shrinking.

Tourists have been drawn byJapan’s traditional culture and scenicbeauty but also its pop culture, fromanime to fashion, and its high-techproducts.

Common complaints from touristsinclude that fewer shops accept creditcards than in other developed countriesand that not many people speak for-eign languages, said JNTO researcherNaoki Morikawa.

Morikawa said that foreign visi-tor numbers to Japan had increased

over recent decades — from 2.84 mil-lion in 1989 to 4.44 million in 1999.

The largest number came fromSouth Korea, followed by Taiwan andChina.

Travellers arriving from SouthKorea last year tumbled by 33.4 per-cent to 1.59 million, accounting for 23percent of the total number.

Arrivals from Taiwan fell 26.3percent to 1.02 million, but those frommainland China edged up 0.6 percentto a record one million.

Chinese arrivals kept rising forfive months in a row from August, amonth after Japan started issuing visasto individual Chinese due to growingdemand for non-group travel betweenthe two countries.

US retailer Wal-Mart to eliminate11,500 jobs at Sam’s Club

10,000 product demonstration asso-ciates, most of whom work part-time.

The decision stems from Wal-Mart’s decision to appoint ShopperEvents, a third-party marketing com-pany, to run its product demonstra-tion program.

“We understand Shopper Eventswill rapidly staff up to accommodatethis new business and that it expects

to hire roughly the same number ofpeople,” Cornell said.

“All of the current Club demoassociates will have the opportunityto apply for these new positions.”

On Friday, Wal-Mart an-nounced its decision to close 10Sam’s Club stores this year, whichwill result in the loss about 1,500additional jobs.

South Korea to hold FTA talks with Japan and Chinaagreements with Chile,Singapore, India, the EuropeanFree Trade Association and theAssociation of Southeast AsianNations.

A free trade pact was signedwith the European Union in Octo-ber 2009 and awaits ratification. Adeal signed with the United Statesin 2007 also needs ratification.

AP Photo/Vincent Thian

Women cross a road at shopping district in downtown Beijing, Sun-day, Jan. 24, 2010. The World Bank said Monday recent moves byChina to clamp down on rampant lending were the “best way” totackle the problem of rising inflation and the threat of asset bubbles.


A currency trader walks past a display showing SouthKorea’s benchmark stock index in a dealing room at theKorea Exchange Bank in Seoul on January 22, 2010. SouthKorea, Japan and China will hold talks this week to launcha joint research project into a possible free trade pact, of-ficials said Monday.

World Bank praises Chinaanti-inflation steps

showed the world’s third-largesteconomy grew by 8.7 percent in2009 and 10.7 percent in the fourthquarter.

Chinese banks have also beenordered to increase their capital re-serves — effectively limiting theamount of money they can lend —amid mounting fears over baddebts as consumers go on a spend-ing spree on property and cars.

But if the banking sector doesnot heed government orders to reinin lending, Beijing should raise in-terest rates, Hansson said.

He said fears that higher in-terest rates will attract a flood ofspeculative “hot money” into thecountry were “overstated”.

“China has quite tight capitalcontrols. There is some moneycoming in but it’s really domesticpolicy that has been driving thiscredit growth,” Hansson said.

“I think there will and shouldbe an interest rate increase at somepoint in time.”

Raising rates may encourageinvestors to buy higher-yieldingyuan-denominated assets, exacer-bating inflation and putting pres-sure on the yuan to appreciate.

In its annual report on the glo-bal economy released last week,the World Bank said it expectedChina to grow by 9.0 percent in2010, which would dwarf the glo-bal rate of 2.7 percent.

Page 12: Edisi 26 Januari 2010 | International Bali Post

Entertainment InternationalTuesday, January 26, 201012

He said early Monday that hedidn’t have details on the warrantor know if Coleman was still beingheld. He said more informationwould be released later in the day.

The Salt Lake Tribune reportedthat Utah County Jail records showhe was arrested after police receivedreports of a disturbance at hisSantaquin home.

The actor was arrested in Utahin 2008 after a man claimedColeman tried to run over him in aparking lot when he tried to take apicture with the child star. The casewas reportedly been settled out ofcourt.

AUCTION-topping artistLucien Freud is known for both hisbrutally honest, sometimes unflat-tering portraits and, well, his hon-esty about his brutality. Or at leastabout having chip on his shoulder.Now 87, Freud admitted in the 2006book Freud at Work by Bruce Ber-nard, David Dawson and SebastianSmee, “I used to have a lot of fights.It wasn’t because I liked fighting, itwas really just that people saidthings to me to which I felt the onlyreply was to hit them.”

Next month, Sotheby’s will auc-tion a work that captures bothFreud’s pugnacity and that uncom-promising honesty. In its Contem-porary Art Evening Auction on Feb.10 in London, the house will offerSelf-Portrait With a Black Eye,which Freud executed immediatelyafter being punched by a cab drivercirca 1978. The petite painting,

measuring just 7 3/8 by 5 5/8 and expected to earn £3-4 million ($4.8-6.5 million), zeroes in on the artist’s face, showing only the span fromhis upper lip to his hairline.

The left eye is ringed with the dark maroons, blues, and yellows typi-cal of a black eye, and those colors are echoed throughout his face, whichis painted in the artist’s characteristically disturbed style. The work, onlythe third self-portrait of the artist ever to come to auction, has been inthe same private collection since it was completed. It is expected to earn£3 million to £4 million. Additional highlights of the sale include a three-meter (or ten-foot) wide Yves Klein “Fire Painting” expected to earn£2.8 million to £3.5 million and a 1995-96 Peter Doig painting esti-mated at £2-3 million.

LIAM Neeson hasdropped out of a majormovie project with JeremyIrons about the saint whobrought Christianity to Scot-land - citing his grief follow-ing the death of his wifeNatasha Richardson lastyear. Richardson passedaway in March following askiing accident in Montreal,Canada.

Neeson had signed up tostar in a new film by Scot-tish director Norman Stone,about legendary historicalfigure Saint Columba, butthe moviemaker admits the57 year old has nowscrapped plans to appear inthe historical drama. Stonereveals that afterRichardson’s sudden death,he gave the actor severalmonths to decide whether hewanted to continue with the

role but Neeson felt he couldn’t go ahead with the project.He says, “It has been a difficult time for Liam. I think he would have

been great in the film. We wanted him to play the part of King Aidan,who has fiery clashes with Columba (played by Irons). It would’ve beengreat to see him alongside Jeremy.

“The script was with him for several months and I understand heloved it. He has decided not to go ahead, which is a pity, but the decisionwas made after what has been a difficult time for him and I respect thecircumstances. He is a truly great actor.”

ROCKERS Guns N’ Roses have forced fans to take sides in the feudbetween frontman Axl Rose and former bandmember Slash - by allegedly

banning concert-goers from wearing t-shirts featuring the legendary gui-tarist. The top hat-toting musician famously quit the band in 1993, afterhis relationship with the singer deteriorated. They never patched up theirfriendship and their ongoing war of words continues to rage, with Rose

recently accusing his former pal of lying aboutthe rift in his 2007 autobiography.

And now is reporting that theband upset Slash fans at their gig in Canada

last Wednesday by asking them to turn theirt-shirts inside out and leave their top hats out-

side. The website alleges an unnamed secu-rity guard at the show claimed the order to ban

Slash memorabilia came from one of the band’sproducers.As the lead guitarist for Guns N’ Roses,

Slash established himself as one of hard rock’s fin-est and most soulful soloists during the late ’80s,

technically adept yet always firmly grounded in thegritty Aerosmith and Stones licks he loved.

Slash was born Saul Hudson on July 23, 1965,in Stoke-on-Trent, England, to artistic parents both

involved in the entertainment industry; his mother wasa clothing designer who worked on David Bowie’sfilm The Man Who Fell to Earth, and his father de-signed album art for such artists as Neil Young and

Joni Mitchell. The family eventually moved to Hollywood, where

Hudson attended junior high, received his first guitar,and met future GNR drummer Steven Adler. With Hudsonadopting the nickname Slash, given to him by a familyfriend, the two formed a band called Road Crew; althoughit proved unsuccessful, it was the vehicle through whichthey met and eventually joined up with the other mem-bers of Guns N’ Roses. The Gunners debuted in June1985, and even before Appetite for Destruction was re-leased in 1987, the band acquired a reputation as notori-ous alcohol and drug abusers.

Actor Gary ColemanActor Gary ColemanActor Gary ColemanActor Gary ColemanActor Gary Colemanjailed in Utahjailed in Utahjailed in Utahjailed in Utahjailed in Utah

ACTOR Gary Coleman wasarrested in Utah on a warrant forfailing to appear in court, policesaid. The 41-year-old former“Diff’rent Strokes” actor wasbooked into the Utah County JailSunday, said Santaquin police of-ficer Shawn Carter.

In this Feb. 26, 2008 file photo,actor Gary Coleman appears onthe the NBC ‘Today’ program in

New York. AP Photo/Richard Drew, file

Slash Memorabilia BannedAt Guns N’ Roses Shows

Lucien Freud’s‘shiner’ self-portraitcould fetch millions


The painting entitled “Self-Portait with a Black Eye” by art-ist Lucien Freud is seen in thishandout photo released in Lon-don January 19, 2010.

Grieving Liam NeesonDrops Out Of Film

Page 13: Edisi 26 Januari 2010 | International Bali Post

International Tuesday, January 26, 2010 13Life Style

The scenario “is much larger thananything in living memory,” saidproject manager Dale Cox with theU.S. Geological Survey. In the sce-nario, the storm system forms in thePacific and slams into the West Coastwith hurricane-force winds, hittingSouthern California the hardest. Af-ter more than a week of ferociousweather, the system stalls for a fewdays. Another storm brews offshoreand this time pummels NorthernCalifornia. Such a monster stormcould unleash as much as 8 feet ofrain over three weeks in some areas,said research meteorologist MartinRalph with the National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration, who ispart of the project.

It makes the latest Pacific stormsystem look like a drop in the bucket.A weeklong siege of storms wallopedCalifornia, flooding coasts and roads,spawning tornados and forcing theevacuation of about 2,000 homes be-low fire-scarred mountains for fear

Associated Press Writer

HUAI KHA KHEANGWILDLIFE SANCTUARY, Thai-land – After trudging through thewilds of western Thailand for sev-eral hours, the forest rangersthought they were finally ontosomething: the distant sound ofcrunching leaves. Automaticweapons drawn, the five Thaiscrept forward, hoping to catch atiger poacher. It turned out to bea banteng, a wild cow, which dis-appeared into the woods.

But all in all, the absence ofillegal hunters was good news,said ranger Sakchai Tessri. “Whenwe passed before, we would al-ways run into poachers.” Now hefelt their room for maneuver wasnarrowing. “In the old days,” hesaid, “they would spend manynights in the forest for poaching.Now they just come in, shoot,grab and go quickly.” The 6,400-square-kilometer (2,500-square-mile) Huai Kha Kheang andThung Yai Wildlife Sanctuaries onthe Myanmar border represent arare success in the struggle to savethe world’s dwindling tiger popu-lation.

Funded by the New York-basedWildlife Conservation Society,the increased patrols, armed withthe latest technology, have scaredoff poachers and helped stabilizethe tiger population of more than100, along with animals such asthe banteng which they prey on.Elsewhere, tigers are in criticaldecline because of human en-croachment, the loss of more thannine-tenths of their habitat and thegrowing trade in tiger skins andbody parts. From an estimated100,000 at the beginning of the20th century, the number todayranges between 3,200 to 3,600,most of them in Asia and Russia.

AP Photo/Nick Ut, File

This Jan. 20, 2010 file photo shows high-storm surf pounding the beach in front of an oil rig at Seal Beach,Calif. as the region prepares for the third in a series of storms to hit the California coastline. As torrentialrains recently pelted wildfire-stripped hillsides and flooded highways, a team of scientists hunkered downat the California Institute of Technology to work on a ‘Frankenstorm’ scenario — a motherlode wintry blastthat could potentially sock the Golden State.

Scientists createScientists createScientists createScientists createScientists createmodel of monstermodel of monstermodel of monstermodel of monstermodel of monster‘Frankenstorm’‘Frankenstorm’‘Frankenstorm’‘Frankenstorm’‘Frankenstorm’Associated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES – Think the recent wild weather that hammered California was bad? Experts are imag-ining far worse. As torrential rains pelted wildfire-stripped hillsides and flooded highways, a team of scien-tists hunkered down at the California Institute of Technology to work on a “Frankenstorm” scenario — amother lode wintry blast that could potentially sock the Golden State. The hypothetical but plausible stormwould be similar to the 1861-1862 extreme floods that temporarily moved the state capital from Sacramentoto San Francisco and forced the then-governor to attend his inauguration by rowboat.

of mudslides. The NationalWeather Service said the stormsdumped up to a foot in the moun-tains northwest of Los Angeles ina week. Weather experts say WestCoast storms could get more fre-quent and severe with climatechange. Last fall, a team of fed-eral, state and academic expertswas formed to tackle what wouldhappen if a series of powerfulstorms lashed at the state for 23days. The scenario is expected tobe completed this summer andwill be used in a statewide disas-ter drill next year.

Ironically, the team had sched-uled meetings at Caltech to learnabout the fictional storm’s impactto dams, sewage treatment plants,transportation and the electricalgrid. About a dozen canceled dueto the storms. “They had to dealwith the real thing,” said chiefscientist Lucy Jones of the USGS.The next step is to estimate eco-

nomic damages as well as the riskof landslides and coastal erosionand impact to infrastructure andthe environment. Several scien-tists on storm watch were in-volved in the 2008 planning of amock “Big One” on the SanAndreas Fault that was incorpo-rated into an earthquake pre-paredness drill.

The Great Flood of 1861-1862was believed to be the most pow-erful and longest series of stormsin state history, lasting a monthand causing severe flooding. TheSacramento and San Joaquin val-leys were water-logged and spon-taneous lakes popped up in theMojave Desert and Los Angelesbasin. Nearly a third of the youngstate’s taxable land was destroyed.Since there are few meteorologi-cal records available on the 1861-1862 events, scientists stitchedtogether data from two recentstorms to create “Frankenstorm.”

Save the tiger:Pressure mountsfor tougher action

Now hopes are rising that 2010will see a turning point. Ministersfrom the 13 countries with tigerpopulations will hold a first-evermeeting Wednesday through Fri-day in Hua Hin, Thailand to writean action plan for a tiger summitin September in Russia, wherePrime Minister Vladimir Putin hasbeen championing the survival ofthe tiger.

The purpose of this week’smeeting is to elicit promises ofmore money for conservation andto persuade countries to set tigerpopulation targets. It is being or-ganized by the Global Tiger Ini-tiative, a coalition formed in 2008by the World Bank, theSmithsonian Institute and nearly40 conservation groups. It aims todouble tiger numbers by 2020.

“The bleeding continues,” saidthe World Bank’s Keshav Varma,the initiative’s program director.“I’m not sure if these poachers arefeeling the heat of regional andglobal and national action. Theyseem to be operating ratherfreely.” David Smith, a tiger ex-pert at the University of Minne-sota who will attend the meetinaction “has got to be now. We areat that critical stage.” But at leastone skeptical activist is skippingthe meeting.

“All we have gotten from min-isters and heads of state is rheto-ric,” said zoologist AlanRabinowitz, president ofPanthera, a New York City groupthat works to conserve the 36 spe-cies of cats. “Putin loves tigers but(Siberian) tiger numbers areplummeting in the Russian FarEast.” The Wildlife ConservationSociety estimates the number ofRussian tigers in the wild at 300— down from a 2005 estimate of500. Past efforts in tiger countrieshave been

AP Photo/David Longstreath

In this photo taken Jan. 20, 2010, two adult male tigers look on atWat Pa Luangta Bua Yannasampanno Forest Monastery inKanchanaburi, Thailand. The monastery and its Buddhist Monksdedicated to what has become a wildlife sanctuary for tigers. Es-timates for the number of tigers in the wild has fallen in the pastdecade to somewhere between 3,600 to 3,200 according to theNew York-based Wildlife Conservation Society. Many of the tigersat the Thai temple are the cubs of parent tigers that have beenkilled in the wild.

Page 14: Edisi 26 Januari 2010 | International Bali Post

Tuesday, January 26, 201014 InternationalSport

Williams wiped the big servingStosur off court in just 65 minutesto reach the quarter-finals, whereshe will play either VictoriaAzarenka of Belarus or Russia’sVera Zvonareva.

She remains on track for asemi-final against sister Venus anda possible blockbuster final againstBelgium’s Justine Henin. Theworld number one gave herselfonly a B plus when asked to rateher game, saying perhaps she couldhave returned better. “I think Samreally burned me on a couple ofreturns, but she’s serving incred-ible,” Williams said.

“It’s really good to match mygame against her serve, becauseshe’s one of the best servers on thetour.” By rating her game only a Bplus, Williams was being tough onherself as the four-time championnever looked in any trouble against

(AP Photo/Andy Wong)

Serena Williams of the United States returns to Samantha Stosurof Australia on her way to winning their Women’s singles fourthround match at the Australian Open tennis championship inMelbourne, Australia, Monday Jan. 25, 2010.

Dominant Serena warns she can get even betterDominant Serena warns she can get even betterDominant Serena warns she can get even betterDominant Serena warns she can get even betterDominant Serena warns she can get even betterAgemce Framce - Presse

MELBOURNE – Defending champion Serena Williams warned her rivals she can get evenbetter despite playing brilliant tennis to crush Samantha Stosur 6-4, 6-2 in the fourth round ofthe Australian Open on Monday.

the Australian number one. Sheserved brilliantly throughout both setsand dismantled Stosur’s serve as thematch wore on, quickly silencing thelarge partisan crowd.

“It’s important when you’replaying a local girl to not let thecrowd get too involved or else they’llkill you,” Williams said. “That wasthe plan — to not let them get in-volved.” Stosur had gone into thefourth round clash on Rod LaverArena with some expectation of anupset after beating Williams the lasttime the pair met. Stosur had alsocomplained that Williams had notgiven her much credit for that win,saying the American implied she wasa lucky player, with many of her win-ners coming from miss hits.

But on Monday she came upagainst a fiercly determined Will-iams and simply had no answers.Williams conceded just two points

on serve in the first set and three inthe second to completely demoraliseStosur.

“I think today it was all about theserve,” Williams said. “Honestly I’mjust hoping I can serve again likethat, because that was pretty cool. Iknew going into the match I had toserve well against Sam. She’s a bigserver and even though she’s not astall, she serves incredibly well.”

Despite saying she could havereturned better, the world numberone was almost as ruthless as whenshe was serving, breaking Stosuronce in the first set and twice in thesecond to wrap up a comfortable win.“When someone’s playing that ag-gressively and not giving you any-thing at all, she’s pretty hard to beat,”admitted Stosur. “Today was disap-pointing that I lost, definitely. But Iknow that that’s maybe where I needto try and keep aspiring to get to.”

Agence France - Presse

MELBOURNE – Novak Djokovic and Ve-nus Williams strode into the Australian Openquarter-finals Monday while Li Na ensuredChina has two players in the last eight of aGrand Slam for the first time. Third seedDjokovic, the 2008 winner, joins Spanish de-fending champion Rafael Nadal, British fifthseed Andy Murray, American seventh seedAndy Roddick and 14th seeded Croat MarinCilic safely through.

Also staying in the hunt was in-form Rus-sian sixth seed Nikolay Davydenko, who wasstretched to the limit by Spanish ninth seedFernando Verdasco before prevailing 6-2, 7-5,4-6, 6-7 (5/7), 6-3. Roger Federer attempts tojoin them later Monday with the 15-time GrandSlam champion playing Australia’s LleytonHewitt, who has not beaten the Swiss great intheir last 14 meetings. Whoever wins will nextface Davydenko.

Djokovic powered into the quarters with anemphatic 6-1, 6-2, 7-5 win over Poland’sunseeded Lukasz Kubot and will meet eitherFrance’s Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, who he beat in the2008 final, or Spanish 26th seed NicolasAlmagro. The Serbian struggled with his formin the opening two rounds, but has moved up agear and is back with the dominant touch hedisplayed in the second half of last year.

“I think the first two sets I was very domi-nant on the court, then he lifted up his level ofthe game a little bit,” he said.

“That’s why we had a longer third set. Ingeneral, I was very happy with the way I per-formed today.” Williams and Li join JustineHenin, Nadia Petrova, Maria Kirilenko andZheng Jie in the last eight. Williams bouncedback from a set down to oust Italian 17th seedFrancesca Schiavone 3-6, 6-2, 6-1. The hard-fought victory under blue skies on Rod LaverArena keeps her on track for a semi-final withsister Serena, who takes on Australian hope and

Reuters -

TORONTO – The Toronto Raptors ekedout a 106-105 victory over the Los AngelesLakers after Kobe Bryant missed a three-pointer just before the buzzer Sunday. HedoTurkoglu made two free throws with 1.2 sec-onds to play as the Raptors scored the game’sfinal five points to claim a ninth win in theirlast 10 home games.

“I always have confidence,” Turkoglu toldreporters. “I know I have been struggling latelyshooting the ball but I don’t let it get to me. Itry to put those behind and try to still play mygame.” Down 105-101 with less than two min-utes to play, Toronto turned to Andrea Bargnanifor a field goal and free throw before Turkogludelivered the winning free throws. Bargnaniwound up with 22 points with Chris Bosh andJarrett Jack both scoring 18. Turkoglu had nine.

Bryant led the Lakers with a game-high

(AP Photo/Rick Rycroft)

Novak Djokovic of Serbia serves toPoland’s Lukasz Kubot on his way towinning their Men’s singles fourth roundmatch at the Australian Open tennischampionship in Melbourne, Australia,Monday Jan. 25, 2010.

Djokovic, Venus stride intoAustralian Open quarters

Australian 13th seed Samantha Stosur laterMonday.

Williams is in her 11th Australian Opencampaign but is yet to win the singles crown, instark contrast to Serena, who is a four-timechampion and defending her title. But the elderWilliams is not beating herself up about hercomparative lack of success in Melbourne, in-sisting a major part of her game plan was stay-ing positive. She said she could break her Aus-tralian drought this year.

“Yeah, I’m ready to go and I feel very good,”said Williams, who has won five Wimbledonsand two US Open titles. “Obviously, I’m hittingthe ball pretty good, especially against her today.She was really playing well.” She faces Li nextafter the 16th seed upset Danish fourth seedCaroline Wozniacki 6-4, 6-3 for her best-everperformance at the Australian Open. Li’s victorybroke new ground for Chinese tennis with the27-year-old joining compatriot Zheng Jie in thelast eight, the first time two Chinese players haveever reached that stage of a Grand Slam.

Kobe misses buzzer-beateras Raptors sink Lakers

27 points despite playing with a broken rightindex finger. He also had 16 rebounds and nineassists but will be disappointed to have missedhis most important shot of the game as timeexpired. Los Angeles led by 10 points in thethird quarter before the Raptors rallied. “Theyplayed some rabid, tenacious defense fromabout the middle of the third quarter on,” Lak-ers coach Phil Jackson said. “They did a goodjob of turning the ball over and getting run-outsfrom it.”

The win was the 15th in 21 home gamesfor the Raptors this season.

“We think that we’re playing pretty well andwe’re confident,” coach Jay Triano said. “Therewere a couple of times today when we couldhave folded, we got down eight, nine pointsand we never did. Our guys just kept battling,we fought for more stops, we attacked the bas-ket offensively, we weren’t intimidated.

Los Angeles Lakersguard Kobe Bryant(24) reacts afterlosing control ofthe ball underpressure fromToronto Raptors’Hedo Turkoglu, left,and DeMar DeRozan(10) during thefourth quarter of anNBA basketballgame in Toronto onSunday, Jan. 24,2010.

(AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Frank Gunn)

Page 15: Edisi 26 Januari 2010 | International Bali Post

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 15International Sport

Inter coach Jose Mourinho saidthat decision showed that the authori-ties are ganging up on his club. “To-night everything was done to try to stopInter winning but this group is strongand will win the title,” he said. “WhenI went into the changing rooms (at half-time) I asked (the referee) why he sentoff Sneijder and he told me it was be-cause he had applauded him.

“He asked me what I would do ifa player ironically applauded one ofmy decisions. ‘No, I replied, I wouldn’thave chased him away, we’re footballmen’. “Hence I understood that thisdismissal did not happen just like that.”Milan may still have a game in handon their neighbours but the psychologi-cal effect of such a crushing defeat willmake the gap seem all the wider.

Milan coach Leonardo seemedunsure about his side’s title chancesnow. “I don’t know, I think we’ll keepgoing along the path we’ve taken, I stillbelieve in the way we play,” he said.“We did some incredible things in pre-vious games, we’ve done much to have

(AP Photo/Alberto Pellaschiar)

Inter forward Goran Pandev, of Macedonia, right, vies for the ball with AC Milan defender ThiagoSilva, of Brazil, during an Italian Serie A soccer match between Inter Milan and AC Milan at theSan Siro stadium in Milan, Italy, Sunday, Jan. 24, 2010.

Agence France - Presse

MADRID – Cristiano Ronaldospoilt a stellar two-goal display by get-ting sent off for a stray elbow as RealMadrid closed to within five points ofleague leaders Barcelona with a 2-0win over Malaga at the SantiagoBernabeu on Sunday. It was all goingswimmingly for Ronaldo who hadended a run of three games without agoal with a quick-fire brace (35th and39th minutes) to take his season’s tallyto nine but his volatile temperamentsurfaced again on 70 minutes.

Ronaldo elbowed defender PatrickMtiliga as he tugged the formerManchester United man’s shirt and thereferee had no hesitation in reachingfor the red card. “Cristiano (Ronaldo)showed how he can make the differ-ence with his two goals,” said defenderSergio Ramos. “I was a bit far awayfrom the incident so I will have towatch it again on the television.” It wasa second dismissal of the season forRonaldo who was sent off in a 4-2 winover Almeria on December 5 for kick-ing out at an opponent.

While Ronaldo’s sending off puta dampener on the win, Real will berelieved to bounce back from their Ath-letic Bilbao defeat with a 10th succes-sive home win to close to within fivepoints of Barcelona. “It was importantto win so we can stay in touch (withBarcelona) and we will keep on fight-ing as five points is not too much,”added Ramos.

Barcelona beat Valladolid 3-0 onSaturday to go unbeaten for the first

Agence France - Presse

SCUNTHORPE, England –Manchester City manager RobertoMancini admits he won’t stopRobinho leaving if the Brazil for-ward is not happy at Eastlands.Robinho told a Brazilian radio sta-tion over the weekend that City’sdirectors are happy to let him re-turn home to join Santos on loanbefore the transfer window closeson February 1. After watchingRobinho score City’s final goal intheir 4-2 FA Cup fourth round winat Scunthorpe on Sunday, Mancinidenied any knowledge of an immi-nent exit for the former Real Madridstar but did concede that he wouldlet him leave if he isn’t happy.

Robinho, who cost City aclub record 32.5 million poundslast season, has repeatedly pro-duced below-par displays andMancini appeared to run out ofpatience when he replaced thewinger after sending him on assubstitute against Everton earlierthis month. “I think one playercan stay in a squad only if he ishappy, if he wants to play everygame and if he wants to workevery day. That is most impor-tant because the players andmanager must be happy,”Mancini said.

“I hope he will stay here but

Nine-man Inter stun Milan to go nine clearNine-man Inter stun Milan to go nine clearNine-man Inter stun Milan to go nine clearNine-man Inter stun Milan to go nine clearNine-man Inter stun Milan to go nine clearAgence France - Presse

MILAN – Nine man Inter Milan moved nine points clear atthe top of Serie A after a 2-0 victory over arch-rivals AC Milanin a pulsating derby at the San Siro on Sunday. The championsplayed for more than an hour with a numerical disadvantageafter Wesley Sneijder was sent off but they dominated through-out to earn a richly deserved victory.

got here in second place, two pointsahead of AS Roma with a game in hand,we’ve got a Cup match to come andwe still have to play Manchester Unitedin the Champions League.”

Milan may have come into thegame as the form team in Serie A butInter were clearly the more pumped upearly on. Sneijder almost fired them infront with a moment of outrageous skill,flicking the ball up and thrashing a 25-yard volley that glanced off the outsideof the post.

Inter were rampant and anotherbreak saw Pandev feed Milito on theinside right but Dida blocked hisnear post shot. Inter were dominantand Sneijder was running the showbut the referee changed that beforethe half hour was even up. Inter cen-tre-back Lucio burst forward intomidfield and went down rather eas-ily under a challenge but seeing thathe still had the ball he got up andwent to carry on, only for the ref-eree to stop the game and book himfor diving.

Ronaldo goes from hero to zero in Real win

(AP Photo/Arturo Rodriguez)

Real Madrid’s Cristiano Ronaldo of Portugal, reacts after receiv-ing a red card while Malaga’s Jesus Gomez has words with himduring a Spanish La Liga soccer match against Malaga at theSantiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid, Sunday, Jan. 24, 2010.

half of the season although no Span-ish team has gone a whole 38-gameseason undefeated. Guti, 33, made hisfirst league start for Real since Sep-tember after healing his rift with coachManuel Pellegrini and even had thecaptain’s armband with Raul on thebench.

With eight minutes gone Malagarattled the crossbar when SergioDuda’s cross came off Xabi Alonso’shead and looped onto the bar. IkerCasillas had a hairy moment near thehalf hour mark with the goalkeeperbizarrely using his head to block achipped shot as he was outside of thearea. Ronaldo then took centre stage

with two goals in four destructive min-utes. Guti, Karim Benzema and Kakaall combined quickly to put the ballon a plate for Ronaldo to roll homethe 35th minute opener.

Earlier Valencia missed thechance to keep pace with the top twofollowing a frustrating 0-0 draw at pro-moted Tenerife on Sunday. “Weweren’t at our best today,” saidValencia coach Unai Emery. “How-ever, we are in a great position in theleague and have to keep on going.”

Valencia sit five points ahead ofReal Mallorca, who reclaimed fourthspot with a 1-1 draw at Espanyol onSunday.

Mancini admits he won’tstop Robinho leaving

it is important he will stay herehappy and enjoy it. He is a verygood player. I think he is enjoy-ing Manchester. Hopefully in theend Robinho will stay here. Inthe next day the situation canchange but at the moment hestays here and I am very happyfor him.” Mancini knows he hasseveral other attacking optionsso he has no pressing need tokeep Robinho if he continues tounder-perform.

He added: “I have five or sixstrikers and I must decide everygame between them. It’s impos-sible to play with four strikers.Robinho didn’t play againstManchester United (in theLeague Cup) but he playedagainst Scunthorpe.” Manciniwas pleased with his side’s FACup progress but admitted theyface another tough test in thefifth round when Arsenal’s con-querors Stoke visit Eastlands.

He added: “The FA Cup isvery difficult and we saw thatwith Arsenal and Stoke. Everygame will be hard and the nextgame against Stoke will be a dif-ficult game.” Scunthorpe bossNigel Adkins admitted City’s ex-tra quality had seen them throughbut he praised his Championshipside for the way they pushed theirillustrious opponents all the way.

Page 16: Edisi 26 Januari 2010 | International Bali Post

Tuesday, January 26, 201016 Sport

Drama continued to the end with tele-vision replays suggesting a late shot fromIvorian defender Kolo Toure that found thenet was wrongly judged offside by an as-sistant referee. Ivory Coast coach VahidHalilhodzic was furious and distraught inequal measure. “This is a huge disappoint-ment, of course,” said the 57-year-oldBosnian-born former Yugoslavian interna-tional.

“We were not good this evening (Sun-day) and we are obliged to congratulateAlgeria. Great teams do not let a 2-1 leada few minutes before full-time slip likethat. “It is unacceptable. We had had op-portunities to kill off the match before thatand we are all really stunned. We camehere with great hopes and as is always thecase Ivory Coast has failed to deliver.

“It is imperative that everyone assumestheir responsibility for this, me to start with.“We have five or six really good playersbut we lost every duel. It is not a physicalproblem it is a mental one. I do not have allthe answers but I am ashamed with regardto how we played and apologise to the

Algeria stun Nations Cupfavourites Ivory Coast in thriller

AP Photo/Darko Bandic

Algeria’s players celebrate their goal against Ivory Coast during their African Cup ofNations quarterfinal soccer match in Cabinda, Angola, Sunday, Jan. 24, 2010.

Agence France - Presse

CABINDA, Angola – Algeria clawed back from the brink of elimination tostun title favourites Ivory Coast 3-2 on Sunday and reach the Africa Cup ofNations semi-finals. The winners fell 2-1 behind on 89 minutes to a brilliantAbdulkader Keita goal only for Madjid Bougherra to level in stoppage time andunmarked substitute Hamer Bouazza headed a 92nd-minute far-post winner.

Ivorian public who really believed in us.”His Algerian counterpart Rabah Saadane

had evidently vastly different emotions. “Iam really happy. We came up with what wewanted,” said Saadane. “I wasn’t surprisedby my team, but more by the decline of theIvory Coast side. The critics said after webeat Mali (1-0) that we only scored goalsfrom dead ball situations, well here we scoredthree goals from open play!” Victory for Al-geria sets up the prospect of a last-four show-down with bitter rivals Egypt, who they de-prived of a place at the 2010 World Cup inSouth Africa after a play-off.

Defending champons Egypt face four-time winners Cameroon on Monday in a clashof giants, but the teams will struggle to matchthe drama of this encounter. As the matchkicked off amid steamy evening conditions inthis oil-rich northern Angola enclave the chiefconcern of Ivory Coast coach VahidHalilhodzic was rustiness with their last matchnine days ago. Algeria had a point to proveafter accusations they and Angola had ‘fixed’a goalless Group A draw in Luanda to ensureboth qualified at the expense of Mali.

AMIR Khan says a showdownwith Juan Manuel Marquez wouldbe his dream fight. The WBA light-welterweight king is all set to makehis Stateside debut after leavingFrank Warren to join Oscar De LaHoya’s Golden Boy Promotions.And he says a clash with Mexicansuperstar Marquez, a P4P mainstay,would be the perfect way to an-nounce himself to the Americanpublic.

He told the Daily Star: “It is mymission to fight men like Marquezand that would be my dream fightin America.” Khan has been orderedto defend his belt against danger-ous Argentine Marcos Maidana,who stunned another hot youngproperty in Victor Ortiz - seen bymany as the long-term successor tothe now-retired De La Hoya.

But Khan’s trainer FreddieRoach said: “Maidana is not wellknown enough and there is notenough money in the fight.

Amir Khan -Marquez wouldbe a dream clash.