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Page 1: Edge Magazine
Page 2: Edge Magazine
Page 3: Edge Magazine

The best products for every

inch of you, featuring danc-

ing sensation Josephine


Summer dresses for every

body, budget and size!

The Jazz Singer makes its de-

but premier.

A –list reads

Page 4: Edge Magazine

3 Clams!

Be Daring!

Page 5: Edge Magazine

The story begins with young Jackie

Rabinowitz defying the traditions

of his devout Jewish family by sing-

ing popular tunes in a beer hall.

Punished by his father, a cantor,

Jackie runs away from home. Some

years later, now calling himself

Jack Robin, he has become a tal-

ented jazz singer. He attempts to

build a career as an entertainer,

but his professional ambitions ulti-

mately come into conflict with the

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Page 7: Edge Magazine

One of Hughes' finest essays ap-

peared in the Nation in 1926, enti-

tled "The Negro Artist and the Ra-

cial Mountain". It spoke of Black

writers and poets, "who would sur-

render racial pride in the name of a false in-

tegration," where a talented Black writer

would prefer to be considered a poet, not a

Black poet, which to Hughes meant he sub-

consciously wanted to write like a white po-

et. Hughes argued, "no great poet has ever

been afraid of being himself." He wrote in

this essay, "We younger Negro artists now

intend to express our individual dark-

skinned selves without fear or shame. If

white people are pleased we are glad. If

they aren't, it doesn't matter. We know we

are beautiful. And ugly too... If colored peo-

ple are pleased we are glad. If they are not,

their displeasure doesn't matter either. We

build our temples for tomorrow, as strong as

we know how and we stand on the top of

the mountain, free within ourselves."

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Page 9: Edge Magazine

Clara Gordon Bow (July 29,

1905 – September 27, 1965) was

an American actress who rose to

stardom in the silent film era of

the 1920s. It was her appearance

as a spunky shop girl in the film

It that brought her global fame

and the nickname "The It Girl."

Bow came to personify the roar-

ing twenties and is described as

its leading sex symbol. She ap-

peared in 46 silent films and 11

talkies, including hits such as

Mantrap (1926), It (1927) and

Wings (1927). She was named

first box-office draw in 1928 and

1929 and second box-office draw

in 1927 and 1930.[3][4] Her pres-

ence in a motion picture was said

to have ensured investors, by

odds of almost 2-to-1, a "safe re-

turn" In January 1929, at the apex

of her stardom, she received more

than 45,000 fan letters. After

marrying actor Rex Bell in 1931,

Bow ended her career in 1933

with the film Hoop-La, becoming

a rancher in Nevada.

Clara Bow was born in 1905 in a

slum tenement in Prospect

Heights, Brooklyn, New York,

where she was also raised Bow

was the third child; the first two,

also daughters, born in 1903 and

1904, died in infancy. Her moth-

er, Sarah Bow (née Gordon, 1880

–1923), was told by a doctor not

to become pregnant again for fear

the next baby might die as well.

Despite the her doctor's warning,

Sarah Bow became pregnant with

Clara in the fall of 1904. In addi-

tion to the risky pregnancy, a heat

wave besieged New York in July

1905 and temperatures peaked

around 100 °F; the infant mortali-

ty rate rose to 80%. "I don't sup-

pose two people ever looked

death in the face more clearly

than my mother and I the morn-

ing I was born. We were both

given up, but somehow we strug-

gled back to life".

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Page 11: Edge Magazine

Usually eyes were held quite dark. To get this

effect the whole eye was edged with a black

eyeliner and then the margins blured easily.

The eyelid shadow was often painted in dark

gray. Besides gray, colors like turquoise and

green were also in fashion. To further em-

phasis of eyes eyelashes were also painted

Why pay for a face

mask when you can use basic ingredients found

around the house to make your own simple, hydrat-

ing masks and scrubs? If you have oily or acne-

prone skin, mud or clay-based masks are great for

balancing out your skin. Dry skin will benefit from

hydrating masks made from glycerin, honey and

oils. Ginseng or green tea masks are great for sooth-

ing sensitive skin. Scrubs are great for getting rid of

the dead skin. Try one prior to applying a face mask.

Although most hairstyles from the 20s were short, with tight curls, I'm sure not

everybody chose to cut their hair to be trendy short, just like the way not every

woman hopped on to the Rihanna hair bandwagon; Not everyone is doing the

short, shaved sides, and sexy curls of today. However if your interested in rock-

ing a 1920s do, here are a few options:

1. Tight curls in your hair and pin the curls up to make it "look" short

2. semi-Betty-Boop curly updo

3. Finger Waves

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