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EDEN January 2012 Volume 2 Issue 1

Eden Magazine January 2012

Mar 30, 2016



Maryam Morrison

The Eden Magazine is a free online magazine focus on " spreading compassion to all sentient beings and Living in healing and peaceful world
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January 2012 Volume 2 Issue 1

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Front Cover artwork by Maryam Morrison ~ Back cover Photography by Ellen Vaman


Eden Magazine is an independent monthly online magazine. Our aim is to create a better environment where we live among other living being in peace and harmony. We support artists that their work match our criteria. If you would like to submit your artwork, article or/and your

photography. For our future issues please contact Maryam Morrison at;[email protected] or

EditorMaryam Morrison

spreading compassion to all sentient beings and Living in healing and peaceful world

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4Eric Allen

Krishna Devi Kirtan 8

Why Crystal have healing





Wild Animals endagerment

A Happy Immune system

The Red Pandda

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Eric Allen

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Magazines, books, movies, and television seem to be telling us that we have to be a certain way and look a certain way to be accepted in society. Do you feel that you’re not as good as someone who makes more money? Do you feel that celebrities are more special than you because of their fame? We live in a society that holds fame, fortune, and power above all else. Now there is nothing wrong with any of those things. Each and every one of those things is a wonderful manifestation of energy. Each one of those things is attainable to anyone who is willing to develop a particular thought pattern. What is unfortunate, however, are the millions of people who view their lives as not special simply because they have not yet figured out how to manifest those things.

Ambition is wonderful. But, if you never accom-plish anything in life except just being a great human being then you are surely a success.

Whether you are Bill Gates, or Will Smith, or a waitress, a schoolteacher, house wife/husband, or a janitor you are the same miracle of creation. Always have pride in who you are and what you do. I watched a show the other night on the food channel. They interviewed a wonderful man in his late 70’s. He has worked his whole life in a hot, smoky restaurant kitchen in charge of the barbecue pit. Day in and day out for over 50 years he stood in the thick smoke of the cooking meats and ribs to make sure they were the very best. To hear him speak about his job you’d think that he was the king of a country. This is a man who is perfectly happy and filled with joy. He loves what he does and that love is transferred into the delicious food he cooks. I have as much respect and admiration for this man as anyone on earth. His passion for life is something we can all learn from.

Inspirational Author of The New Awakening & A New Way

Eric Allen

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Stop allowing others to validate you. You don’t have to do anything, create anything, or be anything for anyone. You were created by a magnificent, intelligent, perfect power. Therefore, you are perfect just as you are. Have you been rejected by a loved one? Has a project you worked so hard on been rejected? Have you ever been told you’re too short, tall, fat, thin, need more hair, bigger breasts, smaller nose etc? The day you feel just great about your own perfection is the day your life will start working for you on every level. The reality is you don’t NEED anyone in your life who doesn’t appreciate your true perfection. However, when you recognize your true perfection then you will attract people and situations in life that will serve you in the most positive way.

Throughout a single day most of us bombard our minds with negative thoughts. How many of us have said things like –I can never do anything right. I’m so stupid. I’ll never be rich. I’ll never be able to do what I want. I’m not smart enough. I hate how I look. I’ll never find a special person. I’ll never get that job. Why don’t good things ever happen to me? I’m just not lucky. I just know something bad is going to happen.

The list goes on and on. Why do we flood our minds in this way? Why do we make the choice to negatively program our subconscious? Every adult has a wonderful, sensitive child living inside. Think of telling a child all those negative thoughts and imagine how he or she would feel. Then think about how that child will grow up. If you’re one of those adults who were treated badly as a child, you know very well how it feels and how it negatively affected your life. It’s horrible and counterproductive. If your father or mother spoke to you that way, then you were subconsciously programmed to think

that way yourself.

If you want to empower a child you must plant the right seeds. You must help the child build on his/her strengths. Children must be guided in the most positive way to love and accept themselves on every level. We must constantly tell them how special they are. Children are the future of this planet. If children aren’t protected and guided in the most positive powerful way there is no hope.

Now as adults, we must learn to speak to ourselves in the same way. Our mind believes what we tell it, just as a child believes. If you tell a child that they’re stupid the child will always carry that thought in his/her subcon-scious. Then, as an adult they may wonder why they’re having problems accomplishing something or finding a good relationship etc. Again, it’s not the people around you that are responsible for things not working. It’s you. The Universe is simply carrying out your negative orders. Let’s take a look at how we can start to change things around.

No matter how much negativity you have laid on yourself, no matter how long you have been doing it, no matter how down you might feel, know that you can turn it around. But, always keep the child in mind.

If a child is crying you don’t yell at the child to stop. She/he needs to feel safe and secure first. You first need to understand what is making the child sad or scared. Then you would help the child through it in the healthiest most positive way. And that means with love.

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Now let’s turn this around to ourselves. Whether you experience sadness, anxiety, depression or any other feelings of inadequacy first realize that these feelings come from long established thought patterns, mostly propa-ganda. These patterns can change. Once you start to change the patterns you’ll notice your life changing as well. Let’s look at the example below of changing our thought patterns so that we can immediately start to make changes in our lives. Let’s change “If only I felt better then maybe I could get my life together” To“As I work through my problems, life gets better and better” or“I can feel good about myself while I work on my life” The first statement establishes only negative thoughts. ‘If only’ implies ‘can’t’. ‘Maybe’ is just another word for ‘doubt’. The second statement tells us that we still need to work on things, but that we can do it from a healthier more productive space. Notice we are not saying I am feeling good, but I can feel good. This makes it easier to believe for even the most critical mind. You must believe the thought for it to make a change in your life. For most people who are experiencing illness it is very difficult to jump right to the thought ‘I am perfect-ly healthy’ or a poor person to jump to ‘I am rich’ when they can’t pay their bills. If you are simply willing to believe the possibilities, however, things in your life will start to change.

*However, As things start to change, your mind will more easily be able to accept a more powerful thought like ‘I am’. This is where you want to be for the greatest results.

See Affirmations.

Below are some more examples of changing a negative to a positive.

Change: ‘It’s so hard to do’ To: ‘The more I do it, the easier it gets’ Change: ‘Why don’t good things ever happen to me?’To: ‘I am open to good things happening to me.’ Now some of you might be thinking that this is a lot of work to do. I remember thinking that myself when I started. I remember saying “Now wait a minute, I’ve got to think about everything I say all day and night? When will I have time for anything else?” This is a good time to change that thought around as well. Why not look at it as a fun game that will eventually start to improve your life. The more you do it the easier it becomes. After a while you will automatically start to change nega-tive thoughts to positive ones. You will also start to pay more attention to others who are being negative. Be warned, however, never to correct someone else. This is a no-no when it comes to The Way. The other person is probably not ready for this process and it will only cause a great deal of resistance and negative energy. That is not what healing is all about.

Take care of yourself and others will follow.!/profile.php?id=1534714434

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Krishna Devi is an amazing trendsetter of Kirtan chanting and singing which she calls ‘Gypsie Kirtan’. By blending the traditional Sanskrit language with the power of gypsie melodies and songs, Krishna creates an affectionate and supportive to the healing art of music

She has been introduced to music by her gypsie Grandfather in Hungry when she was just a little girl, Her grandfather was a great violinist. She grew up in a sur-rounding of love and awareness of heart, where the greatest achievement comes when a person learn to love.

Krishna is a long time devotee of the Guru, Shri Brahmananda Saraswati, (of Ananda Ashram), with whom she intensely studied Sanskrit, Yoga, and Meditation. She became amazed with the dynamic kirtan master, Ramesh Lahiri, who passed on to her the gift of kirtan. She has studied classical Indian music with Acharya Roop Verma and Depak Kumar.

More recently, she has studied with kirtan singer Ma Chetan Jyoti of Rishikesh India.

Krishna is the producer of ‘Dance My Heart, Sukha Shantih’, a compilation of various artists of Ananda Ashram, including herself. She has also produced ‘Divine Joy’, in memory of Ramesh Lahiri. In 2000 she recorded her own work called ‘Still Needing You’. Currently she is working on the release of ‘Gypsie Kirtan’.

Her dream is to create a world where there is no pain and sorrow, a beautiful world of peace and unity. To reach and accomplish such a vision man shall balance the inner self with purity and passion that can be reach through Kirtan music.

To know the power of Kirtan music, we need to take the journey to infinite love with Krishna Devi. Krishna can be seen every Sunday evening at Ananda Ashram 13 Sapphire Rd. Monroe, N.Y. (845) 782-5575 (845) 782-5575 at 8:30 P.M. with Homa Fire Ceremony& Meditation starting at 7:30 P.M.Every one is welcome to participate! Bring a musical instrument or share a song


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On the whole, our immune system does a remarkable job of defending us against all kinds of culprits & warding off many disease-causing microorganisms.

The strength of our immune system determines our body’s ability to resist infection and the growth of abnormal (cancerous) cells - A strong immune system is not only important for a healthy body, but also for a healthy mental state as well.

A good indicator of the level of our immune system is how energized or alive we feel - all you have to do is listen to your body !

Nutrition, or your diet, is the single most important key to having a strong immune system - but before we get into that lets just have a quick look at what can adversely affect the health of our immune system.

There are a few factors which can adversely affect the health of our immune system, most importantly; poor nutrition, environmental pollutants, drugs and stress. but the chief destructive force that the immune system has to combat is free radicals.

A happy Immune System

By Ellen Vaman

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Nowadays, most of you have heard of free radicals. They can damage our healthy cells by causing cell alterations (mutations) which can lead to serious illnesses such as heart disease and cancer.

You probably also have heard of antioxidants & how they can combat these harmful free

radicals. The best way to obtain antioxidants is to include more wholesome foods such as

fresh fruits/ vegetables and wholegrains in our diets.

These foods are high in vitamins and antioxidants that your immune system needs. The key is to use a

variety of these foods & also to include different colours (as these have different beneficial compounds).

A typical example of an immune system boosting diet would contain; five servings of fruits and vegetables, seeds and

wholegrains, good oils (such as cold pressed olive oil), herbs such as garlic, protein-rich foods (quality protein preferably plant based)

A happy Immune System

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Here is a list of a few nutrients that are important to a healthy immune system;

Garlic:In today’s world, we have come to ap-preciate that garlic has powerful immune enhancing effects, which aids the body to cope with many forms of stress. Garlic can also act as an antioxidant that reduces the build-up of free radicals in the blood-stream.

Echinacea:For several generations, Native Ameri-cans were aware of the usefulness of the Echinacea along with other herbs. Echina-cea has become popular as a favourable herb in the fight against colds and flu as well as other viruses and infections in re-cent years.Echinacea works by stimulating the immune system (by increasing the white blood cells ability to overpower invading organism). It also stimulates the lymphatic system to regenerate tissues and decrease in-flammation, particularly that caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

Ginseng:Ginseng is the most famous Chinese herb used both in prevention & cure. It is the most widely recognized plant used in tra-ditional medicine. Various forms of ginseng have been used in medicine for more than 7000 years. It is said to remove both men-tal and bodily fatigue, cure pulmonary com-plaints, dissolve tumours and reduce the effects of age.Today, ginseng is wide-ly used not only to reduce the effects of stress, but also to improve performance,

boost energy levels, enhance memory, stimulate the immune system (against cold and flu and other infections) and help to control diabetes.

Sea weeds; specially Spirulina;

These are considered superfood - as they are rich in nutrients such as iron, selenium & many other health boosting minerals. They are anti-cancerous & a strong stimu-lator of immune system.

Cruciferous vegtables;A family of vegetables (such as broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower) which are im-mune enhancers & have powerful anti-cancer properties.

Vitamins - specially C & E:Vitamin E stimulates the production of natural killer cells - those that seek out and destroy germs and cancer cells.Vitamin C helps increase production of infection-fighting white blood cells and antibodies.

Vitamin C works in many ways to benefit the body; It is important factor in healing wounds, it reduces the risk of cardiovas-cular disease by raising levels of HDL (good) cholesterol while lowering blood pressure, it has been indicated to help lower rates of colon, prostate, and breast cancer, etc.

A few serving of fruits & vegetables a day would be sufficient to supply your body with these much needed vitamins.

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Bioflavenoids & Carotenoids: Carotenoids are pigments found in many fruit & vegetables with yellow / orange colours and in dark green, leafy vegeta-bles. They are a group of phytonutrients (phyto=plant) which help the immune sys-tem mainly by protecting the cells of the body against environmental pollutants and toxins.

Beta carotene, (the main carotenoid) in-creases the number of infection-fighting cells, & it is also a powerful antioxidant that mops up excess free radicals circulat-ing through the body.

Bioflavenoids, a group of compounds oc-curring mainly in green tea, peppers, cit-rus fruits, tropical fruit, and black currants are indicated in cardiovascular disease because they have the ability to lower cholesterol. They help immune system by protecting the cell membranes against the pollutants, toxins and germs.

Bioflavenoids in Green tea plays a ben-eficial role in protecting against certain in-fections, improving cardiovascular health, promoting better dental health, and offer-ing protection from the advance of some types of cancer.

Quercetin, an important Bioflavenoid, is indicated for the relief of allergies and in-flammation.

Minerals such as Zinc & Selenium:Zinc is valuable in fighting infections, it in-creases killer cells that fight against can-cer and it helps white cells release more

antibodies. Seafood, nuts & seeds are good sources of zinc.Selenium increases natural killer cells and mobilizes cancer-fighting cells. Best food sources of selenium are whole grains, brown rice, garlic, some fruit & vegetables.

Healthy fats; specially Omega-3 fatty acids:Essential fatty acids are protective against inflammations & help the body against the damage caused by over-reactions to in-fection.They also act as immune boost-ers by increasing the activity of the white blood cells that clean up the bacteria.

Other valuable immune stimulants/tonics;Turmeric, red clover, golden seal, bur-dock, olive leaf, miso, ginger, yoghurt & green tea.



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I am often asked why or how crystals heal us in the various ways that they are known for or how they help us to vibrate at different frequencies.

My favorite way to answer these types of questions is to show how science and metaphysics agree with each other and discuss all the ways that science is now finally catching up to metaphysics. “Science and religion are not enemies. There are some things that science is simply too young to understand” (quote from Dan Brown’s book Angels & Demons).

We tend to think that we have power or dominion over “lesser” kingdoms such as minerals, however, when contrast-ed; we are relatively short-lived, quite unsteady and easily energetically influenced due to our emotions, which are simply energy. The human body’s vibrations can move out of its base resonance frequency very easily when we experience any type of stress.

Actually, since we are connected and influenced by everything, including crystals and stones, our malleable vi-brational nature makes it so that just about anything can interact with our energy field and can leave its mark!

Why Crystals Have Healing By; Hibiscus Moon

and Ascension PropertiesArtwork by Maryam Morrison

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Why Crystals Have Healing

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Actually, since we are connected and influenced by everything, including crys-tals and stones, our malleable vibrational nature makes it so that just about anything can interact with our energy field and can leave its mark!

The abilities to heal and vibrate at the correct frequencies are already present within the cells of your body just waiting to oscillate with the correct frequencies. I promise not to bore you with too much physics! However, a little bit of physics will really help you to understand the rea-sons why the crystals and stones work. In addition, many times, knowing “why” really boosts the effectiveness of a process’ abilities. Where thought goes, energy flows. Quantum physics has proven to us that our conscious thoughts influence the actions of subatomic par-ticles; therefore, it goes without saying that we are creating our own reality with our thought patterns. It’s important to re-alize that the entire physical universe is made up of pure energy and vibration. In fact, Einstein determined that energy and matter are actually one in the same. E=mc2! So crystals have vibrations just as everything else does and different forms of matter and energy vibrate at different vibrational frequencies, known as their individual base resonant frequen-cies. These different frequencies de-pend on the crystal’s specific molecular composition, size, thickness and color (light frequencies). This frequency is expressed in units called hertz (Hz). That wasn’t too bad, right?

Being that they vibrate, crystals are a

kind of vibratory tool. One of the unique features of crystals is that their molecules are arranged in a fixed, regularly repeat-ing pattern. Since they are so geometri-cally perfect, they have the lowest pos-sible state of entropy and easily maintain their base resonant frequency, unlike us. One of the unique features of crystals is that their molecules are arranged in a fixed, regularly repeating patterns. Since they are so complex and geometrically perfect, they have the lowest possible state of entropy and easily maintain their base resonant frequency. Crystals, in turn, entrain the cells around them, creating this state of greater complexity and reducing entropy in so doing, increas-ing the health and longevity of the body. Now, let me preface the rest of this article by saying that crystals and stones are healing and ascension reinforce-ments and do not do all the work all by themselves. The person needing the healing needs to put their intentions towards their goal. Where thoughts go, energy flows or as the Buddhist mes-sage says, “Reality exists only where we create focus.” Stones and crystals can fa-cilitate this endeavor.

The crystals and stones are not the cause of your healing, but rather they are tools that support and amplify your self-rule and clear intentions. Of course, if you cannot resonate with this information and think this will not work for you then that is exactly what you will manifest. This will not work for you. Your intention and your intuition are the most powerful factors of whether crystals and stones will work for you.

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Please allow me to discuss just a bit more science behind the crystals to help us understand how they work. I promise to try not to geek out too much on you. You may already be familiar with the fact that quartz crystals, rubies, tourmaline, sapphires, emeralds and many other crystals are often used in technology.

For instance, quartz crystals have a continuous vibrational frequency that never varies allowing them to operate at a very exact vibrational frequency. That non-varying pulsation emits programmed information into their environment making quartz a favorite for technology. Some crystals, again, such as quartz crystal, are also piezoelectric, meaning they take on an electrical charge when they are squeezed.

The quartz clock is a very familiar device using quartz for this purpose. Some crys-tals are pyroelectric, meaning they take on an electrical charges when heated, like tourmaline.

The core of the Earth itself is a huge iron moon-sized hexagon crystal, like a diamond in the center of the Earth. How nicely this fits with a common prescribed practice of using Hematite, an iron oxide mineral, to ground and anchor to Mother Earth our Earth Star and Root Chakra. The spinning of the Earth’s layers around this massive iron crystal is what creates the Earth’s powerful electromagnetic field.

In the next issue Hibiscus Moon will show us hw Stones and crystals are known to heal us, align our chakras or allow us to vibrate at a various rates.

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Wild animals are beautiful creatures with varying sizes, colors, and habitats. Although some can be seen in zoos, the place they are meant to be is in their own environment. Unfortunately, animals such as whales, panda bears and sea otters, are not always safe in these places and are dying out. What is causing their threat of extinction? Several factors have an influence on this growing problem. Pollution Because animals are all intertwined on the food chain, contamination of a water source that a species drinks for example, will not only effect them, but the animal that eats them as well, having the ability to cause cancer and other deadly diseases. If a mother drinks toxins, they become apart of her milk and she pass-es on those toxins to her babies. Be-cause the off spring are considerably smaller than the mother, these chemicals and toxins will have a greater negative impact on them. Among these problems

is a shorter life span, directly effecting the time they have to reproduce and multiply their species, not to mention the damage the pollutions have already caused on their systems and ability to thrive. Contamination of water due to oil spills is another large problem. Because oil and water do not mix, and oil floats to the top and spreads easily and quickly, it is that much harder to clean up. Oil spills may be due to natural disasters, such as hurricanes, or can happen by people who do not want to dispose of oil properly and dump it into the ocean to get rid of it. Birds can be covered and will not be able to fly because of their feathers being covered. Oil covers sea otters and coats their fur, covering the air bubbles in their fur which are there to help them stay warm in freez-ing waters. Due to the oil coating these bubbles they die of hypothermia. So many different animals dying in mass quantity from oil spills also contributes to animal endangerment.

By; Emma Snow

Wild Animal Endangerment

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Decrease of Natural Habitat If there are constant changes in the environment of a species, then there is subsequently constant changes in species habitat. Changes in the environment, of course, happen naturally. However, when this happens animals adapt because the changes are small, over a period of time. When humans make the changes they are more drastic and immediate. People can take out a forest in a matter of days, not giving occupants time to move to a new location in a time frame that is adaptable. To illustrate this point the habitat of the giant panda will be examined. A panda eats around 40 pounds of bamboo a day. This is due to the low nutrition of the plant and the in-ability of the panda to digest it. Large amounts must be consumed to get the necessary nutrients for the bear. After a bamboo plant flowers, it dies and does not regrow for another 10 years or so. If there is not another species of bamboo in that area the Panda then needs to move to another region which has bamboo still in season.

Due to human activities such as farming, mining and road building quickly destroy-ing the plants they eat it is difficult for the pandas to move to another forest to find the bamboo they need quickly. Hunting, Fishing and Whaling One of the greatest effects on water animals, such as whales, is exploitation. Exploitation is decreasing a particular species faster than nature is able to replace the population. Whaling has

been a large contributor to the decrease of whales in the ocean. This unrestricted hunting or whaling purpose was for their skin, fur, teeth, meat or other reasons.

Although some organizations, such as the International Whaling Commission (IWC) have been established, as well as laws and regulations, people do not always ollow these laws and whales are still hunted. Animal parts make a lot of money and illegal activities pursued for the money that people can make. In Japan whale is still a popular dish and hunted for consumption. Along with whaling other fishing takes place. Large nets for fishing can entangle species they are not meant to capture, nor desired to capture. These lives are lost as a negative by product of mass commer-cial fishing efforts. The large commercial fishing takes out so many animals, so quickly that they can not replace themselves. Human carelessness seems to be the overriding influence on all these fac-tors. As people are concerned about the impact that their choices and actions make on wild life, their habitats and environments will be protected.

People taking precautions will effect the environment for humans and wild animals alike.

Emma Snow has always adored wild animals. Emma provides content for Wildlife Animals and Riding Stable

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The red panda is a reddish brown,bushy-tailed mammal the size of a small dog. The red panda shares its name with the giant panda but, unlike the giant panda, the red panda is not a bear.

Scientists believe it is more closely related to raccoons and skunks. The red panda lives in temperate forests from Nepal to southwest China. It feeds on bamboo, is a good climber, and spends most of its life in the trees. Due to poaching and habitat loss, it is now endangered.

The Red Panda has a unique cat-like face with long white whiskers. This is how it got its scientific name, Ailurus fulgens, or

the “fire-colored cat.” The name “panda” comes from the Nepalese word poonya, which means “eater of bamboo.”

They perfer cool temperature, forest of southwestern China, Himalayas, and Nepal is where we can see The Red Panda. Forests of ancient trees, called old-growth forests, are very important to the survival of red pandas. They pro-vide dens and hiding places for the small panda cubs and also for adult pandas. White markings on the red pandas’ faces and black fur on their shoulders and legs camouflage them. This helps them hide from predators in the shadowy forest.

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Bamboo is the red pandas’ favorite food. Adult red pandas climb down from the treetops to feed in groves of bamboo. They stand on their hind legs and pull the stalks of bamboo over to eat the tender leaves and shoots. Red pandas cannot digest bamboo fiber very well. They have to eat large amounts of bamboo every day to survive. Red pandas also eat grasses, roots, nuts, berries, and lichen. They will even eat insects, birds’ eggs, and chicks.

June or July each year is when Red Panda give birth to one to four babies.

The increase in human popu-lation in China and Nepal has meant more people cutting down the forests and clearing the land that red pandas use. Today, red pandas have been forced into remote mountains to survive. Red pandas are sadly prized for their beautiful fur. Many mountain cultures use the fur of the red panda in traditional clothing and cos-tumes. Poaching is against the law everywhere the red panda lives. Red pandas arean endangered species. This makes it illegal to hunt them. However, some people still poach red pandas for their beautiful fur. Habitat loss and illegal hunting are the two greatest threats to red pan-da survival. Few red pandas are hunted today because of new government laws in the countries where they live. No

one knows exactly how many red pandas are left in the world. This is because they stay hidden among forest trees and are difficult to locate. But red pandas are becoming more endangered due to loss of their forest habitat. Protecting the forest where red pandas live is the most important key to keeping them from disap-pearing.

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I meditate for peace, and awaken today

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Sharing some beautiful moments

Share with us those moment that you captured

Vafa Shelter needs your help

Many beautiful animals needs a loving home.

For adoption please contact:

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