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MARIA GIL ASUNCIÓN ESTESO UCV VALENCIA 2014 A new REVOLUTION in innovation: the culture of “giving”
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A new REVOLUTION in innovation:

the culture of “giving”

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• Economy is an important aspect of people’s lives.

• It’s not only a technical discipline.

• Decisions have been put in hands of “technical experts” instead of citizens and politicians.

• “technical experts” are trained in one single paradigm: maximize profit

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Consumerism/ Capitalism? (current crisis)

Collectivism? (past crisis)

Maybe the solution is in another word: “COMMUNION”


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• Economic rationality standard:

– Individualism (maximize self-interest)

– Instrumentality (behavior is a mean to maximize my utility

• Economic rationality of communion:

– No instrumental reciprocity (gratuity)

– Intrinsic motivations (the strength of a new culture)

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• What about the real world?

The fragility of the communion...depend on others, but …

not entirely


…the force of culture: the difusion of culture of giving

increases the number of “givers”, and therefore the percentage

of finding one who lives reciprocity

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• No, it is not a utopia. Over 850 companies have haveadhered to the project

• Europe 501 (of which 242 in Italy)South America 257North America 35

Asia 25Africa 43

• This new economic culture intends to favor a newconception of economic behavior, not onlyutilitarianistic, but aimed at the integral andsupportive promotion of the person and of society

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An original way to distribute profits:

1/3 : development of business1/3: cultural formation1/3: help poor people

A new dialogue, culture of reciprocity, a new lifestyle, new relations with:

workers, clients, suppliers, competitors, partners , government institutions (trying to live a culture of legality), indigents (because they are not rich people that helps poor people. It is a culture of reciprocity)

We can define this "culture" as a "culture of giving" which really is the antithesis of a

"culture of having".

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• When did “the Economy of Communion” start?

• An Italian woman, Chiara Lubich, the foundress of Focolare Movement, in May 1991, visited Brazil.

• This video was produced to present EoC at United Nations:


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What is really “giving”? Not every act of “giving” creates a “culture of giving”

– "giving“ is contaminated by the desire to have power over another person.

– "giving" that seeks satisfaction and self-gratification from the act of giving. (egoistic, humiliating, offensive)

– "giving" that is self-interested, or utilitarian, found in some of the current neo-liberal tendencies that always seek their own advantage.

– It is not a form of philanthropy or welfare - these are individualistic virtues

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In a deeper sense, the very essence of a person is to be in "communion.“

The giver opens up to the other person and remains respectful of his or her dignity. It may generate an experience of reciprocity

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These people choose, as do all participating in the EoC, to be part of theworldwide communion of the EoC. They have overcome their reluctanceto let others know their financial needs with an openness as precious asthe openness of those who decide to share their financial resources.

• “Never thought I’d have to ask” Published on Wednesday, 16 April 2008 19:51

"Since the project to help people in need began, I always contributed withgreat joy. I never imagined that one day I would find myself among thosein need of help. This year I cannot give my contribution; I can onlycommunicate my needs with the certainty that in front of God both thingshave the same value: both are ‘giving’. I experienced that I am part of a bigfamily in which sometimes we give and sometimes we receive.” (Brazil)

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“School and sewing machine” Published on Wednesday, 16 April 2008 19:50

• "Thank God for the care that He provides for my 3 children and me. Thanks to the aid that arrives regularly, I could send my children to school and buy a sewing machine. This enabled me to work and take care of my family after my husband died." (Colombia)

“I no longer hate the rich” Published on Wednesday, 16 April 2008 19:49

• "The financial aid that I received allowed me to conclude my studies and to get to know the lifestyle of an EoC business. Since then, many things have changed inside me. Before, I had a deep hatred for rich people. I thought that they didn’t care about the poor and that they only cared about themselves. Today, I understand that love put in practice in a business changes everything.” (Philippines)

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Not only companies, but also industrial parks to share services and advice:

• Spartaco (Brazil) 4.000 stockholders

• Lionello (Italy) 20 business

• Solidaridad (Argentina) visited by 25.000 people annually

• Mariapoli Faro (Croatia) The nursery school «Raggio di sole» is recognized by the Croatian Ministry of Instruction as a model for a new "pedegogy of communion“

• Guiossi Guella (Portugal) Business consulting on various levels (quality, environment, security and property management)

• Ginetta (Brazil)

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Guidelines for conducting an EoC firm1. Economy and work. Entrepreneurs, workers and business.

Define their own ‘business mission’ by adopting communion as a fundamental value of one’s organization, at every level.

2. Relationships with clients, suppliers, financiers, civil society and external subjects. They are not happy to just live the EoC, but desire to let many others know about it, paying special attention to young people, whom they will make welcome during periods of formation or internship.

3. Ethics. The work of the EoC is seen as an opportunity for growth, not only

professional, but also spiritual and ethical. Value also to difficulties andhardships in the workplace, making them precious occasions for growth andmaturity. Not only respecting contract obligations and laws, but also to evaluatethe effects of its products on the wellbeing of the people and the environmentto which they are destined.

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4. Quality of life, happiness and relationships. One of the fundamentalobjectives of an EoC business is to become a real community. (periodical meetings atime for listening, dissent and suggestions; and the exchange of experiences, specialattention is given to physical health, sports, and care of the environment, sincecommunion embraces nature and body as well, give importance to a time ofcelebration)

5. Harmony in the workplace without need for luxury but for simplicity.Hygiene, cleanliness, and orderliness are part of the EoC culture as the harmony theybring will put people like workers, proprietors, clients and suppliers at ease.

6. Formation, instruction, wisdom. The first school of formation is always thebusiness community with its various relationships. The business will provideopportunities for continuous upgrading and updating

• Communication. Create a climate of communication that is open and sincere. There can’t be communion without communication.

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An interesting aspect…

Benefits to share increase 27% according to the EoC 2013 report (even in crisis context):

2.250 families helped

980.000 euro shared

Being competitive, sharing benefits and living this business life style is possible. EoC report 2013:

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Youth and EoC

• A very strong relationship binds EoC with the young people.Chiara Lubich invited the new generations to "spend their energies for thisprogram."

• “Cultural study" that passage of EoC’s life experience of a "theory" to bespread in the economic, theological, sociological and philosophical sector.


• Today, many resources can be offered to young people. Books, courses,masters, summer schools…. Video Spot about the EoC conducted by the youngparticipants in the 2nd EoC Summer School of Madrid, on September

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• Formy constitutes a further initiative of the Youth Project andthe EoC, intended to raise awareness of the Economy ofCommunion to the younger generations. Through the comicstrips, Formy will try to explain EoC in a simple and directmanner not only to the kids…

• Let us know what you think!

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The Company Cube, a new way to create a new culture

Fold it! Roll It! Read it! Live It! Share it!Experience it!

Work is a necessary and important part of our lives. TheCompany Cube is a practical way of remembering the valuesthat create a work environment grounded in mutual respect,concern, and shared responsibility.

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The Company Cube, the small business revolution

Even small changes in the way business is done can have adramatic impact on the economy at large. Everyone can contribute to apositive work environment by actively:

• Valuing every person and every idea• Building relationships every day• Supporting others with actions, not just words• Helping as soon as there is a need• Sharing ideas, time and ourselves with those around us• Seeing everyone, even those who treat us badly, as worthy of our

friendship and respect

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“The woman next to our store was sweeping her steps when I came in this morning. I told her

we were lucky to be located right next to such a welcoming place.”


“When I found out my competitor had won a project we both had written

proposals for, I called to congratulate her. She was surprised to hear from me. She shared her approach and it

gave me an idea for our next project.” (United States)

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(J.R. – Indiana, USA) 25/11/2013 – Last week I implemented a new process for one of my employees. I

explained in great detail what needed to be done the following week. When it came time to enter the data, he hadn’t finished his part. I had to sit and wait while he did it. He asked me some more questions and at the end said, “That was easy!.” While I was waiting I remembered The

Company Cube that said “Share Time & Expertise.” Instead of making an “I told you so” retort, I let him know I was

glad that the process was working better. And I was!

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(J.M. – Indiana, USA) – The Company Cube asked me to roll it today, and it told me: ‘FIRST To Help Others!’ It was a busy day with many things to do. One of our

young scientists was having trouble with a spreadsheet that was not giving correct predictions.

Instead of thinking “I’ll help her later.” I decided to go right away and review printouts from the analysis. After some time working together, we were able to

find the ‘first’ error, which she was able to fix quickly. Now, instead of being stuck, we are on our way to solving the entire problem. Thanks Cube for the

reminder that, sometimes, its just best to roll up your sleeves and dive in!

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(Ateki, Caxton – Yaounde, Cameroon) – One of my colleagues had just lost her mother-in-law but in the office she had two evaluation reports to develop. She had to go meet the rest of the Family. The deadline for our report was so close. So I opted, even with my own tasks, to prepare one of the reports. This lessened her

workload and gave her time to look after her family loss. I believe this really helped strengthen the bond

between my colleague and I

“ I went to the website today to roll the cube. It read: VALUE Every Person, Every Idea! We

celebrated one of our employee’s birthday today with a little gathering of fresh fruit and snacks. It was great to find out ‘the story’ of his birth, what

was happening 28 years ago on his birthday, what was the No. 1 song in America on that day,

and to get to know him better. Thanks Cube!

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The Economy of Communionlast year in Spain


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See you in next summer school in Paris

26-31/08/2014 August


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