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Economic Sanctions of Finance

Jul 06, 2018



Naila Aghayeva
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  • 8/18/2019 Economic Sanctions of Finance


    Economic sanctions

    in fnance

  • 8/18/2019 Economic Sanctions of Finance


    The structure o the

    theme1.What do you know about

    fnance?2.Sanctions . Why are they

    important in fnance?3.  The impact o sanctions on

    the country?

  • 8/18/2019 Economic Sanctions of Finance


    What do you know aboutfnance?

      Finance is a fe!d that dea!s with thea!!ocation o assets and !iabi!ities o"ertime under conditions o certainty anduncertainty. Finance a!so app!ies and uses

    the theories o economics at some !e"e!.Finance can a!so be defned as the scienceo money mana#ement.

  • 8/18/2019 Economic Sanctions of Finance


    Statistic $ndicators ofnance in %&erbai'an

    (ross domestic product ) *+.+,-Eterna! trade turno"er ) 3/.+,2

     import ) /+2-eport ) 2/./+0

    $ncome o the popu!ation ) 3+. ***

  • 8/18/2019 Economic Sanctions of Finance


    Sanctions . Why are theyimportant in fnance?

    Economic sanctions are domestic pena!ties app!ied by one country or#roup o countries on another countryor #roup o countries. Economic

    sanctions may inc!ude "arious orms otrade barriers and restrictions onfnancia! transactions.

  • 8/18/2019 Economic Sanctions of Finance


    According to the form ofnancial penalties are dividedinto :

    E4%5T6 F$4ES7589:$4( 8F %998;4TS7589:$4( 98STS

    T$T $4ST$T;T$84S

  • 8/18/2019 Economic Sanctions of Finance


    The main prob!em o

    fnancia! sanctions in thecountry


  • 8/18/2019 Economic Sanctions of Finance


    :ey measures to impro"e the

    mechanism o app!ication ofnancia! pena!ties as o!!owssimplication of procedures for handling foreign exchange


     creation of a set of measures to reduce the tax burden onbusiness entities from tax penalties with current economicrealities

     clarication of the mechanism of the procedures appliednancial sanctions by the public authorities

     a clear denition of the powers of the state nancial control

    removing the possibility of the implementation of statecontrol in the departmental interests

  • 8/18/2019 Economic Sanctions of Finance


     9onc!usion Some violations of law can be prevented throughimposing sanctions. thats is why embarqo is

    imposed on something. So, the low and interest of

    cauntry are protected through imposing embargo.

    For eamp!e @f the custom of cauntry is imposed

    embargo by other country to import is fobidden. Of

    course, it infuluences the budget of country


  • 8/18/2019 Economic Sanctions of Finance


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