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ECO Consult is one of Germany‘s leading providers of tech- nical expertise for international projects in the Green Sector. Our core busniess is knowledge transfer and social and po- litical transformation in selected partner countries of official development assistance, based on mutual or, multilateral, political agreements. We assist countries that seek solutions for better governance and business conduct, legal and admi- nistrational reform and capacity building. These challenges tend to go hand in hand and therefore call for integrated ap- proaches. ECO Consult is your partner for strategic advice for the protection and management of natural resources by way of empowerment, administrative, legal and, policy, reform. ECO analyses the effects of resource mangement and gover- nance for pro-poor growth and rural development. We offer integrated solutions for the development of local skills and institutional capacities. In policy planning we aid democratization and decentrali- zation processes. We help push forward climate protection measures and integrate climate adaptation policies into dev- elopment planning. In biodiversity conservation we assist integrated park management, establish access and benefit sharing measures and help valuate ecosystem services. In addition to project implementations and around 700 mis- sions in over 100 countries we use our expertise to develop trainings for local and international staff. Office Oberaula: Hersfelder Str. 17 D-36280 Oberaula fon: + 49 (0) 66 28 - 83 73 fax: + 49 (0) 66 28 - 80 16 Office Frankfurt: Robert-Mayer-Str. 30 D-60486 Frankfurt am Main fon: + 49 (0) 69 - 77 10 09 fax: + 49 (0) 69 - 70 75 124 © ECO Consulting Group, 2019 Future is our daily business Future is our daily business ECO CONSULTING GROUP ECO CONSULTING GROUP ECONOMICALLY, ECOLOGICALLY, SOCIALLY SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT YOUR PARTNER FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT German-Madagascan Environmental Programme: Modernizing the fuelwood sector for regional economic development and sus- tainable household fuel supplies (since 2004, ongoing). Decentralization and community development: Capacitation of mu- nicipalities in budget planning, civil services and institutionalizing civil participation and transparent decision-making. (2010-2015). Decentral Rural Development Programme: Organisational dev- elopment, self-help approaches, infrastructure, democratization, sustainable resources management (2003-2011). Administration and law reform in the forest sector, restitution; advise to EU candidates for implementing the Acquis commun- autaire; multifunctional silviculture (since 2000, on-going). Sustainable resources management in Guidimakha und Hodh El Gharbi (2001-2010). Management of Natural World Heritage sites National Parcs of Banc d’Arguin and Diawling (2001-2013). Riffeac: Support to Central African forest and environmental in- stitutes in regional education policy, curricula design, qualifica- tion of training staff, advise to COMIFAC (since 2010, on-going). Poverty reduction through sustainable resources management and environmental education, trade development, organizatio- nal and capacity development (since 1994, on-going). Trainings in climate change adaptation and mitigation, vulnerabi- lity analysis, ecosystem-based adaptation, emerging carbon mar- kets and related financing mechanisms (since 2010, on-going). 700 REFERENCE PROJECTS WORLDWIDE OVER 25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AND PARTNERSHIP REFERENCES CONTACT: MADAGASCAR BURKINA FASO, NIGER MAURITANIA CENTRAL AFRICA E.G. MONGOLIA, BRAZIL, BENIN WORLDWIDE CHAD P.R. CHINA, NIS, EASTERN EUROPE DEVELOPING THE POTENTIAL OF PEOPLE AND NATURE FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE AND LIVELIHOOD PERSPECTIVES


Dec 27, 2021



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ECO Consult is one of Germany‘s leading providers of tech-nical expertise for international projects in the Green Sector. Our core busniess is knowledge transfer and social and po-litical transformation in selected partner countries of official development assistance, based on mutual or, multilateral, political agreements. We assist countries that seek solutions for better governance and business conduct, legal and admi-nistrational reform and capacity building. These challenges tend to go hand in hand and therefore call for integrated ap-proaches. ECO Consult is your partner for strategic advice for the protection and management of natural resources by way of empowerment, administrative, legal and, policy, reform.

ECO analyses the effects of resource mangement and gover-nance for pro-poor growth and rural development. We offer integrated solutions for the development of local skills and institutional capacities.

In policy planning we aid democratization and decentrali-zation processes. We help push forward climate protection measures and integrate climate adaptation policies into dev-elopment planning. In biodiversity conservation we assist integrated park management, establish access and benefit sharing measures and help valuate ecosystem services.

In addition to project implementations and around 700 mis-sions in over 100 countries we use our expertise to develop trainings for local and international staff.

Office Oberaula: Hersfelder Str. 17D-36280 Oberaulafon: + 49 (0) 66 28 - 83 73fax: + 49 (0) 66 28 - 80 16

Office Frankfurt:Robert-Mayer-Str. 30D-60486 Frankfurt am Mainfon: + 49 (0) 69 - 77 10 09fax: + 49 (0) 69 - 70 75 124

© E




ng G


, 201


Future is our daily businessFuture is our daily business


eco n o m i c a l ly, eco lo g i c a l ly,so c i a l ly s u sta i n a b l eso l u t i o n s fo r d e v e lo p m e n t

yo u r pa rt n e r fo r s u sta i n a b l e d ev e lo p m e n t

German-Madagascan Environmental Programme: Modernizing the fuelwood sector for regional economic development and sus- tainable household fuel supplies (since 2004, ongoing).

Decentralization and community development: Capacitation of mu- nicipalities in budget planning, civil services and institutionalizing civil participation and transparent decision-making. (2010-2015).

Decentral Rural Development Programme: Organisational dev- elopment, self-help approaches, infrastructure, democratization, sustainable resources management (2003-2011).

Administration and law reform in the forest sector, restitution; advise to EU candidates for implementing the Acquis commun-autaire; multifunctional silviculture (since 2000, on-going).

Sustainable resources management in Guidimakha und Hodh El Gharbi (2001-2010). Management of Natural World Heritage sites National Parcs of Banc d’Arguin and Diawling (2001-2013).

Riffeac: Support to Central African forest and environmental in- stitutes in regional education policy, curricula design, qualifica-tion of training staff, advise to COMIFAC (since 2010, on-going).

Poverty reduction through sustainable resources management and environmental education, trade development, organizatio-nal and capacity development (since 1994, on-going).

Trainings in climate change adaptation and mitigation, vulnerabi-lity analysis, ecosystem-based adaptation, emerging carbon mar-kets and related financing mechanisms (since 2010, on-going).

700 referenceprojects


over 25 years ofexperience andpartnership

r e f e r e n c e s

co n tac t:

M a daga s c a r

B u r k i n a Fa so, n i G E r

M au r i ta n i a

c e n t r a l a f r i c a

E .G . M O N G O L I A , B R A Z I L , B E N I N

Wo r l dW i d e

c h a d

P. R . C h i n a , n i s , e a st e R n e u R o P e

developing the potential of people and nature for climate resilience

and livelihood perspectives


co n s e rvat i o n a n d s u sta i n a b l e u s e o f b i o d i v e r s i t yl Protected area management l eco-corridors l buffer-zone development l access and benefit sharing l valorization of ecosystem srevices l sustainable tourism l environmental education

r e n eWa b l e e n e r gyl Demand and supply strategies l energy value chain optimization l combustion and conversion technologies l dissemination and marketing l sustainable wood energy l micro-hydro power

n at u r a l r e so u r c e s m a n ag e m e n tl Forest management l watershed management l sylvo-pastoral management systems l coastal zone management l environmental economics l NTFP

st r at eg i c co m p e t e n c y d e v e lo p m e n tl Tool and instrument development l didactic concepts and methods l HCD strategies l strategic evaluation l organizational development

I d e n t I f I c at I o n , p l a n n I n g , m o n I to r I n g a n d eva l uat I o n o f p r oj ec t s a n d p r o g r a m m e s

co n t r ac t a n d f I n a n c I a l m a n ag e m e n tfac i l i tat i o n , e x t e n s i o n , t r a i n i n g

o r ga n i z at i o n a l d ev e lo p m e n t, c h a n g e m a n ag e m e n t

p o l i c y a n d st r at egy d ev e lo p m e n t

M et h o d o lo gy a n d i n st r u M e n t d ev e lo p M e n t

i n t eg r at e d a s s e s s M e n t s a n d eva l uat i o n s

p u b l i c r e l at i o n s a n d e n v i r o n M e n ta l e d u c at i o n

g ov e r n a n c e fo r s u sta i n a b l e d ev e lo p m e n tl Decentralization l administration and law reform l local finance and fiscal reform l policy development (envi-ronmental sector) l MEA l gender l regional cooperation l financing mechanisms and instruments (PES)

c l i m at e c h a n g e r e s p o n s e st r at eg i e sl Mitigation l REDD+ l low carbon land use l adaption l disaster risk management l hazard and vulnerability management l ecosystem-based adaptation l trainings

r u r a l d ev e lo p m e n t a n d fo o d s ec u r i t yl Local and regional development l value chain development l land management l small-scale irrigation l agriculture l agro-economics l green economy

e d u c at i o nl Sector management and school administration l quality improvement in formal education l non-formal basic education for youth and adults l vocational training for sustainable development l school safety l curricula development l institutional management


Future is our daily business

ECO combines resource management strategies with organizational and personnel devel- opment. We analyze, on the basis of manda-

tory or voluntary agreements, the network of environmental, social and economic challenges of a partner country and dev-elop collaborative solutions.

Our services are process-oriented. They are based on partner- ship, participation, institutional pluralism and subsidiarity. Our customers are public governmental and non-governmental or-ganizations and private sector companies.

ECO Consult sustains two offices in Germany and several project offices in partner countries. Our in-house team of 35 forest and agricultural economists, sociologists, geographers, ethnologists and educational professionals as well as administrative staff are complemented by equal numbers of project staff in the field.

In addition to punctual advice and other more isolated servi-ces ECO has supervised over 80 long-term projects since 1992. Through our deliberately long-term, impact-oriented project planning we help clients to use their budgets in the most ap-propriate and effective way, touch on new financing mechan-isms such as carbon markets, and make success measurable.

Contact us and meet our team. We are looking forward to you.

r e so u r c e s m a n ag e m e n t fo r a b et t e r f u t u r e