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ECI Presentation

Oct 14, 2015



Utkarsh Kaushik

presentation by elction commision of india
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  • 5/24/2018 ECI Presentation



    Election Commission of India

    URL :

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    Electoral Administration - Framework

    Election Commission of IndiaThe IndianConstitution provides for its creation.

    Appointment of CEC and ECs Right to vote to all above 18 years of age

    Bicameral Composition of Parliament

    Composition of State Legislatures

    Delimitation of constituencies after each census

    Duration of each House

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    Election Commission of India

    Constitutional Provision

    Article 324 (1) - The superintendence,

    direction and control of the preparation of theelectoral rolls for, and the conduct of, allelections to Parliament and to the Legislatureof every State and of elections to the offices

    of President and Vice-President held underthis Constitution shall be vested in theElection Commission.

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    A Multi-Member Commission

    Constitutional Position

    Article 324 (2)The Election Commission shall consist of

    the Chief Election Commissioner and such number of

    other Election Commissioners, if any, as the President may

    from time to time fix and the appointment of the ChiefElection Commissioner and other Election Commissioners

    shall, subject to the provisions of any law made in that

    behalf by Parliament, be made by the President.

    Article 324 (3) When any other Election Commissioneris so appointed the Chief Election Commissioner shall act

    as the Chairman of the Election Commission.

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    A Multi-Member Commission

    From Jan 1950 to mid Oct 1989A single Member Commission

    headed by a Chief Election Commissioner.

    (Argument put forward was that decisions need to be taken

    expeditiously when election process is on. And, a single member

    Commission would be more suited for it)

    From Oct 16, 1989 till Dec 1989 It was a Three MemberCommission.

    From Jan 1990 to Sep 1993A Single Member Commission.

    From Oct 1993 till todayA Three Member Commission.

    (The Chief Election Commissioner and Two ElectionCommissioners)

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    Conditions of Service

    The CEC and the ECs placed at par in matters of salary and allowances

    and it is the same as that of a judge of Supreme Court. Tenure of CEC and ECs fixed as 6 years subject to the maximum age

    limit of 65 years.

    The CEC and ECs all have equal powers in matters of decision making.

    In case of difference, decisions are taken by opinion of majority.

    The Commission takes all the elections by consensus.

    The CEC shall not be removed from his office except in the like mannerand on the like grounds as a judge of the Supreme Court.

    Service conditions cannot be varied to his disadvantage after hisappointment.

    The ECs cannot be removed except on the CECsrecommendation.

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    Commissions Secretariat

    Deputy Election Commissioners03

    Directors(Admn. And IT)01

    Secretaries (Zonals and Specifics)10

    Under Secretaries12 Jt Director + OSD (IT)02

    Assistant Director (Stats.)02

    Section Officers33 Assistants & others275

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    Election Machinery in States

    Chief Electoral Officers35

    District Election Officers601

    Returning Officers (Parliament)543

    Returning Officers (Assembly)4120 Asstt. Returning Officers (Parliament)4600

    Asstt. Returning Officers (Assembly)10,000

    Electoral Registration Officers4120 Asstt. Electoral Registration Officers - 4800

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    Right to Vote

    Any citizen over 18 can vote can vote

    Voting right denied to certain class of people:

    criminal convicts of certain class

    person convicted of electoral offence

    person of unsound mind

    There is no compulsion to vote

    Voting statistics

    57.94% in 1996

    61.97% in 1998

    59.01% in 1999

    58.07% in 2004

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    Scale of Operation

    Recognized National Parties06

    Recognized State Parties45

    Registered Unrecognized Parties702

    Polling Stations687,000

    ElectorateNearly 671 million

    Turn outNearly 389 million

    Staff deployed on Poll Day (Presiding Officers, Polling

    Officers and helpers)Nearly 4 million Security personnel deployedNearly 2.5 million

    Approximate direct costINR 13000 million (USD280 million)

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    Transaction of Business

    Regular meetings

    Circulation of papers

    Consultation and informal discussions All Election Commissioners have equal say

    Delegation of some executive functions to


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    Division of work

    Functional and territorial divisions

    Functional Planning


    Administration Information Systems


    Secretarial Coordination

    Territorial - States and UTs divided into 6 zones (North, North-

    East, East. Central, West, South)

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    Budget and Expenditure

    Voted budget

    Independent Budget finalised in consultation withFinance Ministry

    Funds for Conduct of elections reflected in the budgetof States/UTs

    Only Parliament election - Funded entirely by Centre

    Only Assembly election - Funded by the State

    Simultaneous election - Expenses shared equally

    Expenditure on capital equipment shared equally Expenditure on electoral rolls, PICs also shared equally

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    When Elections take place?

    Term of Parliament & Assembly - 5years (except J & KAssembly where it is 6 years)

    House can be dissolved before its term ends

    Dates decided by the Commission. No consultation done withany Government

    Commission can call for elections six months prior to the dateon which normal tenure of Assembly or Parliament expires.

    14 General elections since 1952.

    Bye-elections when a seat falls vacant. Normally held within 6-

    months of vacancy. No Bye-elections if vacancy for less thanone year

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    Scheduling of Elections

    No more than 6-month gap between last session of

    Parliament/Assembly and recalling of new House Elections to fall within this period

    Number of considerations in scheduling:


    Law & order Movement of Central police forces

    Agricultural cycles


    Exam schedules

    Public holidays

    Logistical requirements

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    Who can Contest?

    Any citizen over 25 years for Lok Sabha & Vidhan Sabha

    Any citizen over 30 years for Rajya sabha & Vidhan Parishad For Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha candidate- registered voter in any


    For Vidhan Sabha & Vidhan Parishad- registered voter only inthat state

    Candidate should not be convicted or disqualified otherwise

    Security deposit:

    Rs.10,000/ for Lok Sabha

    Rs. 5000/- for Rajya Sabha, Vidhan Sabha & Vidhan Parishad

    SC & ST candidates pay half the amount

    Deposit returned if candidate secures more than 1/6th of validvotes

    Nominations need to be proposed by electors:

    one for candidate of national/state party

    ten for others

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    The Contestants

    7 days for filing nominations Scrutiny a day following the last date for nominations

    Thereafter 2 days provided for withdrawal

    Final list prepared after withdrawal

    4370 candidates for 543 seats in 1999, 5435 in 2004 (2386 independents)

    Average number of contestants: 1952 -- 3.8

    1991 -- 16.3

    1996 -- 25.6

    1998 -- 8.75

    1999 -- 8.05 2004 -- 10.01

    Size of deposit increased in1996

    Number of electors nominating a candidate increased

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    Time and mode of election campaigns

    Campaign period of about 13 days or more

    Ends 48 hours before polling closes

    Parties issue manifestoes Slogans, Door-to-door campaigning etc.

    Posters, meetings, processions etc.

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    Model Code of Conduct

    Part I Minimum standards of behaviour Part II Public meetings Part III Processions by political parties

    Part IV Conduct of political parties Part V Conduct on poll day

    Part VI Handling of complaints

    Part VII Parties in Power

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    Checks on Party in Power

    No official tour with campaigning

    Bar on use of official vehicle/aircraft

    Equal opportunity for use of public places for

    meetings, stay etcNo ads on public expense

    No announcement or promise of new schemes

    No new financial sanctions

    No fresh appointments

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    Voter Education - I

    By EC Fund provided to CEOs to give Newspaper inserts, radio jingles,

    television spots, Banners, posters and produce literature

    In rural areasdrum beating, chaupal (village assemblies) etc

    Electoral Rolls displayed and read in local bodies like GramSabhas and Residents Welfare Associations etc.

    To enable voters to make an informed choice

    - All candidates are required to declare their criminal past,educational qualifications, assets and liabilities etc.- Affidavits

    filed displayed publicly and also put on the EC website. Efforts on to make information on poll expenses public.

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    Voter Education - II

    By NGOs NGOs are encouraged to educate voters

    A number of Election Watch Groups played a positive roll in2004 elections

    One industry gr. also helped in putting up helplines and kiosks

    By Political parties and candidates

    They are the real stake holders and hence play crucial role invoter education

    Advertisements, person to person contacts, meetings, posters are

    the modes

    By Media

    Media mature - plays a crucial role

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    Women Participation

    Women seats No specific law for reservation of seats as yet

    Political parties expected to put up women candidatesin reasonable numbers

    Facilities on the polling stations

    Separate Q for women voters

    At least one lady officer posted in every polling station

    Lady officer alone can see and verify pardhanasheenladies ( Ladies wearing veils)

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    Limits on Poll Expenses - ILimits on candidates

    Lok Sabha - Maximum Rs. 2,500,000 ; Minimum - Rs. 1,000,000. Vidhan Sabha- Max. Rs. 1,000,000; Min. - Rs. 500,000.

    Commission monitors expenses closely

    Expenditure Observers

    Detailed accounts furnished by candidates within 30 days of

    declaration of election results

    Limits on politicasl parties

    Political parties and supporters till recently could spend as much asthey wanted in the campaign in addition

    Political parties will file their annual income statements before theCommission

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    Limits on Poll Expenses-II

    Expenses that are exempted No expenses except the travel expenses on upto 40

    national leaders of a recognised party and 20 ofregistered/unrecognised parties are exempted

    Expenses made by well wishers, friends and relativesof the candidates are now added to the candidatesexpenditure

    Expenses incurred by the parties to publicise its

    policies and programmes are not included in thecandidates expenditure

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    Electronic Media

    Arrangement between Prasar Bharti and ElectionCommission

    Free time on AIR and Doordarshan to National andState parties

    Political parties can reach out to every corner Ensures level playing field

    63 hours given during GE 1999, -- hours during GE2004

    Indirect State funding Now being extended to the Private Channels

    P ti f El ti

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    Preparation for Elections

    - Mobilisation of the Staff

    Drawn from various Central and StateGovernment departments - no private individualassociated

    Staff on deputation with the Commission Staff subject to Commission disciplinary


    Staff mobilized & deployed by the CEO under

    Commissions instruction

    P ti f El ti

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    Preparation for Elections

    - Deployment and Training of Staff

    Staff of various districts and states can be mixed to ensurefairness

    Staff given nominal honorarium

    Deployment of Government employees keeps expenditure undercheck, enhances control

    Trainingof ROs,EROs & Observers by the EC, of DEOs, DyDEOs, ROs & EROs by the CEOs and of the Polling staff bythe DEOs

    Tainted and known to be aligned not associated Commission takes prompt action on complaints against staff


    P ti f El ti

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    Preparation for Elections

    - Procurement of Materials

    Procurement of EVMs by the Commission

    Other materials by the CEOs and DEOs

    Standard procurement procedures followed Specifications of materials decided by the

    Commission in case of non standard items

    Advance planning by the Commission, CEOsand DEOs for procurement at their levels

    Preparation for Elections

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    Preparation for Elections

    - Relationship with stakeholders

    Commission hears complaints & concerns of all

    political parties

    All political parties given similar treatment

    CEOs and DEOs call meetings of Political Parties for

    electoral rolls, enforcement of code of conduct, for

    deciding polling stations & counting centres

    Any individual or NGO can offer suggestions or canfile complaints with the EC, CEOs & DEOs

    Preparation for Elections

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    Preparation for Elections

    - Security Arrangements

    Assessment for Central Forces requirement is madekeeping in mind the Law and Order situation

    State police and central paramilitary forces deployed

    based on requirements No police organ having any affiliation to the ruling

    party deployed

    Confidence building measures taken

    Situations watched regularly - special directions given,if needed


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    Appointed from senior civil servants

    General Observers drawn from IAS

    Expenditure Observers drawn from IRS

    Statutory role for Observers Report directly to Commission

    Eyes and ears of the Commission in the Constituencies

    Nearly 2000 observers appointed in GE 2004

    All counting centers covered

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    Ingradients of a Credible Election

    Correct electoral rolls - fair opportunity is given to allfor addition and deletion of names

    Freedom for filing nominations to all eligible persons

    No coercionfor abstention or casting votes

    Proper enforcement of Model Code of Conduct tocreate a level playing field

    Expenses by the candidates within the prescribed limits

    Conditionsin which an average elector feels secure

    for casting his vote freely without any fear Complete transparency in all electoral operations

    G i R d l M h i

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    Grievance Redressal Mechanism

    Registration of electors

    Complete transparency maintained during preparation and revision of voterlist

    Provision of appeals and redressal of grievances at every level

    Mechanism during the Campaign, the Poll and the counting of votes

    Setting up Control Rooms, Helplines and a credible communication network

    to facilitate filing of complaints and their timely redressal

    Election Petitions after the results are declared

    Can be filed by any elector or candidate

    Heard by High Court of the State

    Can lead to re-staging of the election

    Filed within 45 days of declaration of results Appeals lie with Supreme Court

    Information Technology

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    gyand the EC Website

    EC makes an extensive use of Information Technology

    Dissemination of information amongst it offices through intranet and to thepublic through internet

    The electoral rolls are computerised in all the state languages and are availableon the internet

    EC website is a comprehensive resource center for Indian Elections with:

    all election laws, manuals and handbooks

    Election results Electoral rolls (Voter Lists)

    EC servers are linked with all 1500 counting centers of the country on the pollday and results are made available in the real time

    URL is

    Electoral Reforms
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    Electoral Reforms

    Criminalisation of politics

    Number of seats a person can contest

    Ext Polls and Opinion Polls

    Surrogate Advertisements on Print Media

    Political Ads on TV and Cable network Party Accounts and its Audit

    Government sponsored Advertisements

    Negative/Neutral Voting

    Decisions on Anti-defection cases

    Other New Initiatives

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    Other New Initiatives

    Use of Electronic Voting Machines

    Free time on state owned Electronic media for political parties - a steptowards state funding of elections

    Check on criminalization of politics

    Computer networking and use of Information Technology

    Computerization of Electoral rolls

    Photo I-Cards

    Electoral rolls with photograph E-registration of electors

    Publishing national voter register on the EC website with a credible searchmechanism

    Use of the GIS in electoral management

    Simplifying maintenance of accounts by candidates

    Simplifying filing of accounts Streamlining procedure for registration

    Model Code of Conduct

    GE 2004 I t ti F t

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    GE 2004Interesting Facts

    1. The oldest Candidate, as well as winner was 94 years old.

    2. The youngest elected MP is 26 years old.

    3. The average age of elected MP is 52.6 years.

    4. Out of 543 MPs, 45 are women.5. Maximum number of candidates was 35 in Madras South


    6. Due to first-past-the-post system, about 2/3rdelected MPs

    have less than 35% Votes polled (against number of Electors).

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    Photo GalleryElections 2004

    Officials at distribution center Officials checking EVMs and

    polling materials

    Officials carrying EVMs and


    A group of Villagers with EPI

    cardsOfficials carrying EVMsand pollingmaterials

    Electors going to exercise their

    FranchiseAn Elector familiarizing himself


    functioning of EVM

    h ll l i

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    Photo GalleryElections 2004

    An elder on way to cast hervote

    Electors waiting in Q Indelible ink being markedon electors finger

    Physically challenged

    casting her voteChief Election

    Commissioner casting

    his vote

    Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam,

    Honble President of India

    after casting his vote

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