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賈斯柏洛磯山夏季5天深度之旅 1 溫哥華-美麗鎮-基隆那-維農市(*午/*晚) Vancouver-Kelowna-Vernon (L*/D*) 美麗鎮 Merritt 美麗鎮被譽為加拿大鄉村音樂之都,擁有豐富的鄉村音樂景點。 Branded as the Country Music Capital of Canada, Merritt has a wealth of country music attractions, activities, and events. 著名釀酒廠 Famous Winery 品嘗當地出產的紅、白葡萄酒及著名加拿大冰酒。 To learn the basic of wine making along with some tasting of Canadian wines and “ice Wine.” 基隆那市 Kelowna 暢遊水怪湖Okanagan Lake,此為印第安人傳說中有水怪Ogopogo 出沒之地。 Take photos at Okanagan Lake which is famous for its legendary story for the lake monster “Ogopogo”. 養蜂場 Honey Farm 借助於當地優越的氣候條件,這家農場針對各季節選種了適宜的花 果植株,為養殖蜜蜂創造出優越的條件並生產出卑詩地區一流的純 釀蜂蜜。 Thanks to the local climatic conditions, the farm has selected suitable flower and fruit plants for each season, creating superior conditions for breeding bees and producing top-quality pure honey from the BC region. 2 維農市-翡翠湖-白角山-露易絲湖-弓河瀑布- 班芙/坎莫爾 (*早*午) Vernon– Emerald Lake-Lake Louise Gondola-Lake Louise-Bow Falls-Banff (B*/L*) 翡翠湖 Emerald Lake 幽鶴國家公園 (Yoho National Park) 中最大的一片湖泊,湖底是億 萬年來堆積的冰川遺跡,因此湖水在陽光的照耀下會呈現出深淺不 同的碧綠色,被譽為“洛磯山的翡翠”。 It is the largest lake in Yoho National Park i and the bottom is an accumulation of glacial ruins, so the water in the sun will appear deep shallow different green color, known as “The Emerald of the mountain of Rocky Mountains. 露易斯湖白角山登山纜車 Lake Louise Sightseeing Gondola (Mount Whitehorn) 搭乘位於白角山的露易斯湖纜車,單趟約14分鐘,高空俯瞰露易斯 湖及群山美景。(根據景點開放時間) From the top, at 2088m (6850ft), Cruise for fourteen glorious minutes, the Bet Grizzly Bear Viewing and Scenery in the Canadian Rockies! (Subject to opening hours) 露易斯湖 Lake Louise 露易斯湖源自維多利亞冰川(Victoria Glacier),湖水碧綠清澈,有著 「洛磯山脈藍寶石」的美稱,湖水之所以呈現著寶藍帶綠的顏色。 Lake Louise known worldwide as the “Jewel of the Rockies”. It’s a world JRO05 Jasper © Parks Canada/Rogier Gruys 一次美景之旅暢遊世界遺產【賈斯珀國家公園】及穿越多 個加國著名國家公園【班芙國家公園】、【雷佛斯托克山 國家公園】、【冰河國家公園】、【優鶴國家公園】; 觀賞三大人氣瀑布【塔巴斯卡瀑布】、【平頭瀑布】、 【弓河瀑布】; 從億萬年來冰川堆積而成的【翡翠湖】,洛磯山中的翡翠 珍寶,美景震撼人心; 帶您穿越加拿大著名觀景冰原公路,一睹最美的冰川湖 【弓湖】的美麗風景; 搭乘特備巨型雪車登上世界最大的冰原遺跡【哥倫比亞冰 原】; 最火的旅遊熱點賈斯柏國家公園內【冰川天空步道】; 乘纜車登上【白角山】,高空俯瞰露易斯湖及群山美景; 入住充滿歐陸風情的【班芙市】內酒店,自由閒逛、品嚐當 地美食。欣賞班芙大道上的美麗晚霞; 暢遊有洛磯山藍寶石之美譽的【露易斯湖】,碧綠清澈的湖 水,壯觀雄偉的冰川作背景,美景一覽無遺; 貼心安排車上免費WIFI服務,第一時間上網分享最美旅程。 3

賈斯柏洛磯山夏季5天深度之旅賈斯柏洛磯山夏季5天深度之旅 1溫哥華-美麗鎮-基隆那-維農市(*午/*晚) Vancouver-Kelowna-Vernon (L*/D*) 美麗鎮

Jul 29, 2020



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Page 1: 賈斯柏洛磯山夏季5天深度之旅賈斯柏洛磯山夏季5天深度之旅 1溫哥華-美麗鎮-基隆那-維農市(*午/*晚) Vancouver-Kelowna-Vernon (L*/D*) 美麗鎮


1溫哥華-美麗鎮-基隆那-維農市(*午/*晚)Vancouver-Kelowna-Vernon (L*/D*)

美麗鎮 Merritt美麗鎮被譽為加拿大鄉村音樂之都,擁有豐富的鄉村音樂景點。

Branded as the Country Music Capital of Canada, Merritt has a wealth of country music attractions, activities, and events.

著名釀酒廠 Famous Winery品嘗當地出產的紅、白葡萄酒及著名加拿大冰酒。

To learn the basic of wine making along with some tasting of Canadian wines and “ice Wine.”

基隆那市 Kelowna暢遊水怪湖Okanagan Lake,此為印第安人傳說中有水怪Ogopogo出沒之地。

Take photos at Okanagan Lake which is famous for its legendary story for the lake monster “Ogopogo”.

養蜂場 Honey Farm借助於當地優越的氣候條件,這家農場針對各季節選種了適宜的花



Thanks to the local climatic conditions, the farm has selected suitable flower and fruit plants for each season, creating superior conditions for breeding bees and producing top-quality pure honey from the BC region.

2 維農市-翡翠湖-白角山-露易絲湖-弓河瀑布- 班芙/坎莫爾 (*早*午)Vernon– Emerald Lake-Lake Louise Gondola-Lake

Louise-Bow Falls-Banff (B*/L*)

翡翠湖 Emerald Lake幽鶴國家公園 (Yoho National Park) 中最大的一片湖泊,湖底是億



It is the largest lake in Yoho National Park i and the bottom is an accumulation of glacial ruins, so the water in the sun will appear deep shallow different green color, known as “The Emerald of the mountain of Rocky Mountains.


Lake Louise Sightseeing Gondola (Mount Whitehorn)搭乘位於白角山的露易斯湖纜車,單趟約14分鐘,高空俯瞰露易斯


From the top, at 2088m (6850ft), Cruise for fourteen glorious minutes, the Bet Grizzly Bear Viewing and Scenery in the Canadian Rockies! (Subject to opening hours)

露易斯湖 Lake Louise露易斯湖源自維多利亞冰川(Victoria Glacier),湖水碧綠清澈,有著


Lake Louise known worldwide as the “Jewel of the Rockies”. It’s a world

JRO05Jasper © Parks Canada/Rogier Gruys




















Page 2: 賈斯柏洛磯山夏季5天深度之旅賈斯柏洛磯山夏季5天深度之旅 1溫哥華-美麗鎮-基隆那-維農市(*午/*晚) Vancouver-Kelowna-Vernon (L*/D*) 美麗鎮

維農 Vernon Village Green Hotel/ Vernon Lodge/ Similar Hotel

灰熊鎮 Revelstoke Stoke Hotel/ Sandman Hotel/ Similar Hotel

班芙 Banff Banff Inn/ Irwin’s Inn/ Inn of Banff/ Similar Hotel

鮭魚灣 Salmon Arm Comfort Inn/ Salmon Arm/ Similar Hotel

興頓市 Hinton Econo Lodge Hinton/ Similar Hotel

太陽峯 Sun Peaks Cahilty Hotel Sun Peak/ Similar Hotel

酒店資訊 Hotel Information

famous landmark for its turquoise lakes, the Victoria Glacier, soaring mountain backdrop, palatial hotel, and incredible hiking and skiing.

弓河瀑布 Bow Fall弓河由西向東,靜靜流過小鎮,在鎮上的東南端形成一個瀑布,這

就是有名的弓河瀑布,當年,瑪麗蓮-夢露主演的成名作-電影 <大

江東去> 之拍攝地。

Bow Falls was a wide river waterfall situated in the backside of the town of Banff. It is a major waterfall on the Bow River, Alberta. Several classic Hollywood films of the 1950s depicted famous movie stars being swept over Bow Falls, including Marilyn Monroe.

班芙市 Banff 被譽為加拿大風景最美的城市,團友可漫步在充滿歐陸風情的班芙大


This is the Main Street in Banff. The town lies in the middle of Banff National Park. There are many shops, restaurants and art galleries. Don’t miss the chance to have a walk on its streets.

3 班芙市-弓湖-佩多湖阿-哥倫比亞冰原-塔巴斯卡瀑布-傑士伯/興頓市(含早/*午/*晚) Banff-Bow Lake-Peyto Lake-Columbia Icefield-


班芙市 Banff 被譽為加拿大風景最美的城市,團友可漫步在充滿歐陸風情的班芙


This is the Main Street in Banff. The town lies in the middle of Banff National Park. There are many shops, restaurants and art galleries. Don’t miss the chance to have a walk on its streets.

佩多湖 Peyto Lake佩多湖是加拿大洛磯山中僅次於露易斯湖的名湖,其中佩多湖的湖



Peyto Lake is one of the most popular attractions in Banff National Park. It turns aqua blue in summer, creating a beautiful sight as the water is surrounded by snow-capped peaks.

哥倫比亞冰原 Columbia Icefield Glacier Adventure乘坐巨型雪車登上深達255公尺的亞達巴斯冰川,踏足在這由第二次


Setting foot at this 255 meters depth Athabasca Glacier of the biggest flow from the Columbia. This once-in-a-lifetime excursion will leave you feeling exhilarated and inspired, with an amazing ride on a massive Ice Explorer to trek onto the surface of the Athabasca Glacier.

玻璃觀景臺 Glacier Skywalk“冰川天空步道”的280米(980呎)高觀景臺上,可以俯望魅力偽

森瓦普塔河谷(Sunwapta Canyon),更深入了解冰河地區景像。

(Skywalk 開放時間以機構公佈為準)

Experience waterfalls, wildlife, fossils and more on an exciting cliff-edge walkway that leads to a platform where glass is all that separates you from a 918 foot drop. (Skywalk opens from May-Oct only)

阿塔巴斯卡瀑布 Athabasca Falls是賈斯栢國家公園裡的一個著名瀑布。雖然瀑布不高,可是瀑布的



Athabasca Falls in Jasper National Park is not the highest or the widest waterfall in the Canadian Rockies but it is the most powerful. Feel the spray of the Athabasca River as it thunders into the canyon below.

4 傑士伯/興頓市-Patricia Lake/Pyramid Lake-瑪琳峽谷-平頭瀑布-太陽峯 (*早/*午/*晚) Jasper/Hinton-Maligne Canyon-Patricia Lake/Pyramid

Lake-Mt. Robson-Spahats Creek Falls– Sun Peak (B*/L*/D*)

瑪琳峽谷 Maligne Canyon洛磯山脈最長最深的峽谷,經過萬年的冰河雪水侵蝕而形成長形



It is natural feature located in the Jasper National Park. The canyon measures over 50 meters (160 ft) deep.


Patricia Lake / Pyramid Lake位於加拿大賈斯栢國家公園內,湖水干淨清澈,周圍群山環繞,這



Pyramid Lake located next to Patricia Lake. It is an activity, recreation and historic destination. It lies at the foot of Pyramid Mountain, a natural landmark that overlooks the town of Jasper.

平頭瀑布 Spahats Creek Falls百萬年的冰河侵蝕切割而形成的冰河瀑布。

It is a waterfall on Spahats Creek within Wells Gray Provincial Park.

5 太陽峯-甘露市-溫哥華(*早/*午) Sun Peak-Kamloops-Vancouver

花旗參城甘露市 Kamloops參觀著名的花旗參工場,瞭解花旗參的種植,生產過程及選參方


Kamloops, its surroundings are home to one of Canada’s ginseng producing areas. Visiting Ginseng Factory, experience firsthand how the natural substance of ginseng.

Athabasca Falls © Parks Canada/Ryan Bray4