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eBook - How to Run a Successful Webinar Marketing Campaign Using ZoomInfo

Feb 12, 2017



Lauren Barber
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Page 1: eBook - How to Run a Successful Webinar Marketing Campaign Using ZoomInfo

How to Run a SucceSSful webinaR MaRketing

caMpaign uSing ZooMinfo

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2How to Run a Successful Webinar Marketing Campaign Using ZoomInfo

table ofcontentS

Why Are Webinar Campaigns Important? 3

Why Do Webinar Campaigns Fail? 4

How ZoomInfo Can Help Your Organization Run a Successful Webinar Campaign 5

1.IdentifyYourBuyerPersonaProfiles 6

2. Segment Your Existing Data 7

3.ImproveYourOutreachEfforts 8

4. Create Relevant Content 9

5. Keep Registration Simple 10

6.ExecuteASuccessfulFollowUpStrategy 11

Conclusion 12

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3How to Run a Successful Webinar Marketing Campaign Using ZoomInfo

wHy aRe webinaR caMpaignS iMpoRtant?

Webinars are a great way to generate more leads for your organization and provide you with an

opportunity to educate people about your products and services, as well as position yourselves



repurpose the content.

In fact:


67% of buyers attend webinars when researching B2B purchases (source: Content4Demand)

Webinars rank in the top three for content format and are among the most popular type of content for engaging prospects (source: Content4Demand)

87% of pre-registrants only view the webinar on demand, while 13% view both the live broadcast and the on demand webinar (source: ON24)

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4How to Run a Successful Webinar Marketing Campaign Using ZoomInfo

wHy Do webinaR caMpaignS fail?


- Not targeting the right people

- Not inviting enough people

- Form abandonment

- Irrelevant content

DuRing webinaR

- Too long in length

- Not staying relevant

- No audience participation

- Too sales focused


- Poor follow up execution

- Poor sales enablement

- No sales & marketing alignment

- Doesn’t relate to buyer need

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5How to Run a Successful Webinar Marketing Campaign Using ZoomInfo

How ZooMinfo can HelpyouR oRganiZation

Run a SucceSSfulwebinaR caMpaign

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6How to Run a Successful Webinar Marketing Campaign Using ZoomInfo

wHat aRe buyeR peRSona pRofileS?


customers. In order to determine who to

target and the best way to speak to these

people, you need to identify your buyer

personas. Uncovering the characteristics of

your best buyers is critical for developing

targeted webinar content and sales follow up.



services team and use your existing data to


buyeR peRSona pRofileS Help you:

Fuel your funnel with new contacts

matching the characteristics of your best


Send relevant messages to leads

and prospects, improving your marketing

campaigns and response rates

Build targeted lists for prospecting,

helping you reach decision makers faster

Shorten the sales cycle and increase


1. iDentify youR buyeR peRSona pRofileS

How ZoomInfo can help:ZoomInfo can analyze your existing data to uncover your best buyers. The analysis will break down your data by job title, job management level, company size and revenue, industry, and more. Once your buyer persona profiles are identified, you can then use ZoomInfo to fuel your funnel with new, targeted contacts matching the characteristics of your best buyers to improve campaign success. If you’re missing key information or your data is out-of-date, ZoomInfo will fill in the missing information and update contact records in order to analyze it.

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7How to Run a Successful Webinar Marketing Campaign Using ZoomInfo

In order to increase engagement and boost

the number of relevant registrations, you need

to slice and dice your existing data so you

can create targeted webinar topics for your



the following:

• Title,jobfunction,managementlevel,

company size and revenue, industry


contacts within each segment

Understanding what’s important to your

target audience, including their pain points

and things they worry about, is important

in topic creation. The more valuable a topic

is, the more targeted your audience will be.

Attendees like topics with depth that they can

learn something valuable from.

Always remember, webinars aren’t to sell to


and it’s clear to your audience). Webinars are

to position your organization as a thought

leader in the industry.

2. SegMent youR exiSting Data

How ZoomInfo can help:ZoomInfo can analyze your existing data and segment it into different buyer persona profiles, ensuring you’re promoting your webinar campaigns to a targeted audience. Doing so will boost the number of targeted registrants and fuel your funnel with hot leads for your sales team to follow up with. Using ZoomInfo you can also replicate past campaign successes by fueling your funnel with new, targeted contacts with similar characteristics to your best buyers.

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8How to Run a Successful Webinar Marketing Campaign Using ZoomInfo

Promoting your webinar is an essential part

of driving registrants. Depending on your


can vary, but in most cases the goal is to

generate as many relevant registrants as


Multi-cHannel webinaR pRoMotion:

Email Campaign: Creating an email

campaign to promote your webinar is critical

to driving relevant registrants. Your emails

should be deployed to the appropriate

segment and the topic should be targeted

towards your contacts in that segment.

The email campaign typically includes an

announcement, one or more reminders to

maximize registration, and a reminder to

those who registered to ensure they attend.

Social Media: Use your social media

platforms to spread the word about your

webinar, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,

and Instagram.

Online Paid Advertisements: Utilize online

paid advertisements to help get the word out

about your webinar.

Sales Team Promotion: Ask your sales team

to promote the webinar to their prospects and

customers via email. Also ask them to post

about the webinar on their personal social

media sites to help increase reach.

3. iMpRove youR outReacH effoRtS

How ZoomInfo can help:ZoomInfo can ensure your contact database is up-to-date by filling in the missing holes and plugging the gaps. Doing so ensures your emails are hitting the inbox of your contacts and you’re segmenting your database as efficiently as possible.

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9How to Run a Successful Webinar Marketing Campaign Using ZoomInfo

Turn your insight into action when developing

webinar topics. Keep your buyer persona


topic ideas as well. Your sales team is facing

prospects and customers on a daily basis so

they can provide helpful insight.

When preparing your webinar content,


you’re targeting as well as the topic you’re

promoting. This is not only a webinar best

practice, but it’ll increase engagement as well.


content relevant, they’ll start


of your webinar campaign by

delivering value around the

topic you promised to drive

them there.

4. cReate Relevant content

How ZoomInfo can help:ZoomInfo can analyze data from successful campaigns in the past and help you replicate successes. For example, if you ran a successful webinar around how to execute a data-driven content marketing strategy last month, ZoomInfo can help you duplicate your successes by fueling your funnel with new, targeted contacts similar to those who attended your successful webinar.

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10How to Run a Successful Webinar Marketing Campaign Using ZoomInfo

The goal of a webinar is to attract the right

registrants and then maximize attendance

on those people. Registration is an important


opportunity to capture a registrant’s

information, however if you overdo it, you’ll

lose people. Many times the forms on

registration pages are too long resulting in

form abandonment. So, how do you shorten

these forms, but still capture important

contact and background information?

5. keep RegiStRation SiMple

Joe Smith

[email protected]

Business Inc.

Joe Smith

[email protected]

Business Inc.



Los Angeles, CA


How ZoomInfo can help:ZoomInfo FormComplete is the solution to shorter forms, while still gathering important demographic and firmographic information without asking for it. Using ZoomInfo’s Growth Acceleration Platform, you can keep your forms to 3-4 fields and still capture other information such as first name, last name, company, title, management level, phone number, email address, and more. FormComplete captures this information and integrates it directly within your CRM instance.

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11How to Run a Successful Webinar Marketing Campaign Using ZoomInfo

You can’t close business without a follow up

strategy in place. In addition to sending all

registrants a “thank you for registering” email,

sales and marketing need to work together

to determine who should continue to be

nurtured. Additionally, SDRs should follow up

via phone call, especially with those registrants

who asked questions during the webinar. You

should also incorporate an account based

marketing (ABM) strategy in your follow up

by using webinar attendees as triggers and

calling other relevant people within their


6. execute a SucceSSful follow up StRategy

How ZoomInfo can help:ZoomInfo can make sure your sales team is armed with accurate contact and background information on all webinar registrants before picking up the phone. ZoomInfo can also help you incorporate an account based marketing strategy by providing you with additional contacts within companies to call.

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Knowing and understanding your buyer persona profiles is critical in driving targeted registrants for your webinar

campaigns and executing it successfully from start to finish. By understanding your buyer persona profiles and

segmenting them out properly, you have the ability to target your different audiences with content they’ll find

useful, which results in a list of qualified leads that are ready to be followed up with by your sales team.

Do you need help executing a successful webinar campaign?Contact ZoomInfo today at or call 866-904-9666.