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EASINGWOLD and RASKELF PARISH NEWSTHE CROSS OF CHRIST Good Friday March 25th @ 7.00pm . Performed by Easingwold Deanery Ecumenical Choir . Rehearsal dates@ Easingwold Parish Church

Jul 20, 2020



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Page 1: EASINGWOLD and RASKELF PARISH NEWSTHE CROSS OF CHRIST Good Friday March 25th @ 7.00pm . Performed by Easingwold Deanery Ecumenical Choir . Rehearsal dates@ Easingwold Parish Church



March 2016 20P

Page 2: EASINGWOLD and RASKELF PARISH NEWSTHE CROSS OF CHRIST Good Friday March 25th @ 7.00pm . Performed by Easingwold Deanery Ecumenical Choir . Rehearsal dates@ Easingwold Parish Church


e-mail: [email protected]

Vicar: Reverend Margaret Young 01347 821394 Deaacon: Catherine Toase 07777 672400 Churchwardens Diane Gallon 01347 821294 Ian Peel 01347 823548 Retired Clergy assisting in the parish: Deacon Chris Peel 01347 823548 Revd Beryl Bowes Revd Dr Peter Bowes Revd Robin Davill Revd Steve Jarratt Revd Canon Barbara Wilkinson Contacts: PCC Secretary Sue Thorn 01347 823235 PCC Treasurer Alfred Boddison 01347 821668 Raskelf Secretary Juliette Jennings 01347 823955 Flowers -Easingwold Geraldine Boast 01347 823034/Pat Brooks 824120 -Raskelf Juliette Jennings 01347 823955 Mothers’ Union Margaret Summerscales 01347 822084 Bible Reading Fellowship Joan Green 01347 821389 Children’s Society Boxes Gill Wansborough 01347 822166 Choir & Organist Co-ordinator Alfred Boddison 01347 821668 Bell Ringing Dr Peter Coomer 01347 810891 Half Yearly Boxes Janet Boddison 01347 821668 Parish Rooms Bookings Doreen Hayes 01347 821371 Parish Rooms Caretaker Lizzie Stewart 01347-823161 Magazine Editor Barbara Twigg 01347 821762 [email protected] Magazine Distribution Margaret Summerscales 01347 822084




[email protected]

b y l a n d m e d i a

Page 3: EASINGWOLD and RASKELF PARISH NEWSTHE CROSS OF CHRIST Good Friday March 25th @ 7.00pm . Performed by Easingwold Deanery Ecumenical Choir . Rehearsal dates@ Easingwold Parish Church



From the Vicar Spring is on its way, it is lovely walking around the area and seeing the snow-drops. It gives a feeling of a fresh start and hope for good weather and sum-mer after a long winter. Lent can feel long too, 40 days of self-reflection and

self-denial trying to form a closer relationship with God. Holy Week is the most emo-tional week in the church calendar, the triumphal entry into Jerusalem followed by be-trayal and an horrific death of Christ on the cross on Good Friday. The reason for all of this becomes clear on EaAster Day as Christ is raised from the dead, he suffered and died for our sins and rose again giving us hope.

But why did Jesus have to die? It doesn’t seem fair that Jesus died, he was the Son of God, the one perfect human be-ing, but fully human and fully divine. Both the Roman authorities and the Jewish council wanted the death of Jesus, they did not know about his divinity but saw him as a threat. The Jewish leaders saw him as a blasphemer and the Roman authorities saw him as a rebel, he was seen as a political leader and a social trouble maker.

There was far more to it than that. Jesus died as part of God’s plan to save humanity and restore a relationship with God.

In John 1.29 John the Baptist described Jesus as “the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world”

Jesus was the one perfect and sufficient sacrifice for our sins. Through death he con-quered death and triumphed over evil. Medieval theologian Peter Abelard said “The Son of God took our nature, and in it took upon himself to teach us by both word and example even to the point of death, thus binding us to himself through love”

No normal human being could stand in the place of Jesus. No one else was or is good enough.

What can we do? Walking with Jesus during Lent thanking Him for what He has done for us. The Lent courses are “stand alone” sessions so please come along (see centre pages for dates and times). We can have our own personal devotions with prayer and Bible readings, making ourselves more aware of our relationship with God. We then have the celebration of Easter Day this gives us the opportunity to tell others about our joy and what Jesus has done for us. Lent does have its highlights, every Sunday is a feast day and on 6th March we have Mothering Sunday. This year we are hoping that people from the Bootshop will be join-ing us. After the service, our Home and Away group are cooking a hotpot. There are posters around for further details. Every blessing for reflective Lent and a joyous Easter, Margaret


Registers Baptisms None Marriages None Funerals February 18th Joan Hill February 23rd Barbara McNally

Mothers’ Union Wednesday March 9th Meeting in Parish Rooms 2.30pm Speaker: Revd. Margaret Young

Thursday March 24th Communion & Coffee at the Parish Church 10am Easter Monday March 28th Coffee morning in the Parish Rooms 10am

Cake Stall, Tombola incl.Easter Eggs & cards in aid MU projects ALL WELCOME

6th 10.30am 1 Samuel Vv.20-end MOTHERING SUNDAY Luke Ch. 2 Vv.33-35 3.30pm Isaiah Ch.40 Vv.27-41 2 Timothy Ch.4 Vv. 1-18 13th 10.30am Isaiah Ch.43 Vv.16-21 LENT 5 Philippians Ch.3 Vv.4b-14 John Ch.1 Vv. 1-8 3.30pm Service at Methodist Church No service in Parish Church 20th 10.30am Philippians Ch.2 Vv. 5-11 PALM SUNDAY Luke Ch.23 Vv. 1-49 3.30pm Isaiah Ch.5 Vv. 17 Luke Ch.20 Vv. 9-19 Joint service with Methodists 24th 7.30pm Exodus Ch.12 Vv. 1-4,(5-10)11-14 MAUNDY THURSDAY 1 Corinthians Ch.11 Vv.23-26 John Ch.13 Vv. 1-17,31b-35 25th 2.00pm Isaiah Ch.52 Vv.13-53:12 GOOD FRIDAY Hebrews Ch.4 Vv.14-16: 5 Vv.7-9 John Ch.18 Vv.1-19: 42 27th 10.30am Acts Ch.10 Vv.34-43 EASTER SUNDAY Luke Ch.24 Vv. 1-12 6.30pm Service at Methodist Church No service In Parish Church

Page 4: EASINGWOLD and RASKELF PARISH NEWSTHE CROSS OF CHRIST Good Friday March 25th @ 7.00pm . Performed by Easingwold Deanery Ecumenical Choir . Rehearsal dates@ Easingwold Parish Church






FRIDAY & SATURDAY MARCH 18th & 19th CHURCH CLEANING 7pm 18th (Gentlemen) & 10am 19th (Ladies)

PRAYER CORNER Prayer is at the heart of what the church is about and the prayer corner in St John’s continues to be used regularly. Please write the names of people you would like to be remembered in the book there. We also have a prayer chain, where a number of people pray for those in spe-cial need. If you would like prayers for yourself or another, in church or on our confidential Prayer Circle, please contact Deacon Chris Peel on 823548. Please include in your prayers this month: 1. All who live within the area bounded by Uppleby, Spring Street, Crabmill Lane & Back Lane 2. Those who use the Cricket Ground, Tennis Courts, Bowling Green &

Memorial Park 3. Those who work at, or visit, the Forget-me-not Day Centre & the

Health Centre 4. Those in Raskelf who live in Westmoor Lane & adjoining roads

You are invited to our Sunday School which continues at 10.30am on Sundays March13th & 20th for ages 3—11

Many activities: Learning through the Bible—in term time You are also very welcome on any Sunday

Easingwold Parish Church St John & All Saints, Church Hill

LENT LUNCHES 2016 Homemade soup, roll, tea/coffee in return for a donation

Lunches are all from 12noon—1.30pm

Date Hosts Location

March 4th St John the Evangelist R.C. Church R.C. Church Hall

March 11th Methodist Church Methodist Church Hall

Marh 18th St. Mary’s Church, Raskelf Parish Rooms



Lunch for Mothering Sunday March 6th

TRADITIONAL HOTPOT with Vegetarian options available

12 noon for 12.30 in the Parish Rooms

Tickets £10.00 from Tempo (behind Post Office)

In aid Warchild; charity set up in Holland in 1994 as a reaction to the war in Bosnia. They work for children afflicted by war, providing life changing support to the most vulner-able whose families, communities and schools have been torn apart by war. They create safe places where children can escape from battlefields and dangers of life in streets. Their work now centres on refugees from Syria.


Easingwold ParishChurch THE CROSS OF CHRIST Good Friday March 25th @ 7.00pm

Performed by Easingwold Deanery Ecumenical Choir Rehearsal dates@ Easingwold Parish Church

Friday March 18th 7.30– 9.OOpm Friday March 25th 3.30—5.00pm (please note revised time)

Servces for Holy Week and Easterr Monday March 21st 7.30 pm Holy Communion with Meditation Tuesday March 22nd 7.30 pm Holy Communion with Meditation Wednesday March 23rd 7.30 pm Holy Communion with Meditation Maundy Thursday 24th 7.30 pm Holy Communion with Stripping of the altar Good Friday March 25th 12 noon Market Place 2.00 pm Service of the Word 7.00 pm “The Cross of Christ” Choral work with readings Easter Day March 27th 7.30 am Lighting of candle Market Place 8.00 am Bringing in the light and Holy Communion 10.30 am Family Eucharist

Page 5: EASINGWOLD and RASKELF PARISH NEWSTHE CROSS OF CHRIST Good Friday March 25th @ 7.00pm . Performed by Easingwold Deanery Ecumenical Choir . Rehearsal dates@ Easingwold Parish Church


Annual Parochial Church Meeting: message from the vicar….something to think about over the coming weeks. Do you want to have a say in the running of the church? Are you on the church electoral role (there are new faces in church)? Do you think that you could come on to the Parochial Church Council and influence what is going on? The annual meeting is held in April so now is the time to think and pray about what you can do.

Raskelf Coffee Morning… is on Saturday March 12th 10.00am—12 noon. Coffee & biscuits, raffle and several stalls

Easter Flowers...come along and help decorate the church for Easter on Saturday March 26th at 9.30am. People of all ages welcome.

Springhill Court Easter on Saturday March 19th. Tombola items are needed now (to Chris Peel) and plants and cakes nearer the day (to Chris or Diane)

Parish Lenten Project...Water Aid...aims to provide clean water to communities in the underdeveloped and developing world, which in its turn helps to prevent dis-ease. Jars with collected loose change should be returned to the church after Easter or when collecting is complete.

Oasis Coffee Morning,,, at the Methodist Church 9.45am Friday March 12th with

a well stocked stall of foodstuffs all sourced from Fairtrade suppliers.. Sudan Church Association...over the last nine years £100,000 has been raised

from the sale of postcards. This project originated in the Diocese of Bradford. As the MU is involved in the Diocese of Ibba in South Sudan all the branches in the York Diocese contribute. Virtually all postcards have some value to collectors, old or new, used or unused, the stamps should not be removed. Your help in sup-porting this ongoing project would be appreciated as the number of cards donated is decreasing. If you have any cards tucked away, perhaps you could donate them, and or save the ones you receive this year. There is a box on the MU stall in church.

Ebor Lectures...The next one is on Wednesday April 6th in York Minster when the speaker will be the Revd Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, an ordained priest in the Church of Norway and General Secretary of the World Council of Churches. There is no charge for entry but to book a ticket please go to this website:

Fundraising….Shrove Tuesday Pancakes at the Purple Partridge raised £285.50 for Raskelf Church.

Polite notice about Dogs and Churchyards...we would like to point out that dogs, apart from dogs for the blind, are not allowed in our churchyards. If they are, they should be on a lead and the usual conduct expected to be respected. Thank you from the Churchwardens.

Hambleton Foodshare...the number to ring is 0772 44 44 750 The telephone is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week—calls will not be answered but you can leave a message and someone will always call you back to discuss your needs.


NANCY KILBURN has been awarded the British Citizens Award primarily for her work with Easingwold Friends of Cancer Research but at the presentation ceremony in the House of Lords Nancy was able to mention many other things she has been involved in. These included her work in the Parish Church with Open the Book where a small team goes into the Primary School to take the Assembly, read bible stories and share short prayers. Nancy regularly does the intercessions in church and is authorised to do home communions. She was also active in the foundation of a branch of U3ANancy is also actively involved with the Camphill Village Trust for people with disabilities because her daughter is in one of their homes in Milton Keynes where she has spent 34 years. Nancy has written about being the mother of a handicapped child and the Camphill Movement in general.

Well done Nancy, very well deserved

Women’s World Day of Prayer Friday March 4th at 2.15pm

Preacher: Revd Vivien Firth, Supernumerary Methodist Minister on the York Circuit This year the theme is Receive children Receive me (reflects St Mark’s Gospel vv.13-16) written by the Christian women of Cuba, a large Caribbean island nation under Communist rule.

The capital is Havana & the island is famous for its white-sand beaches, rolling mountains, cigars and rum. Barack Obama will be the first sitting

President to visit Cuba in the last 88 years when he goes there this month.

Greenwich Meantime (GMT) ends at 0100hrs on Easter Sunday March 27th when the clocks will go forward one hour British Summer Time (BST). Therefore, Evensong at the Parish Church will be at 6.30pm on April 3rd and at the Methodist Church on Easter Sunday March 27th.

Page 6: EASINGWOLD and RASKELF PARISH NEWSTHE CROSS OF CHRIST Good Friday March 25th @ 7.00pm . Performed by Easingwold Deanery Ecumenical Choir . Rehearsal dates@ Easingwold Parish Church

SERVICES AND EVENTS March 2016 Revd Margaret Young. The Vicar’s day off is Monday Tel: 01347-821394 or email: [email protected] Children are welcome at all our services


Tues 1st Wed 2nd Thurs 3th Fri 4th

10.00am 9.00am 12 noon 7.00pm 7.30pm 12 noon 2.15pm

Journeying to the Cross: Reflective Lent Walk @ Parish Church Holy Communion Lite Bite Lunch @ Old Black Bull, Raskelf Lent Discussion Group @ Methodist Church Bell Ringing Practice Lent Lunch the Evangelist @ RC Hall Women’s World Day of Prayer @ St John the Evangelist RC

Sunday 6th Lent 4: Mothering Sunday

8.00am 9.10am 10.30am 12 noon 3.30pm

Holy Communion Raskelf Family Service PARISH EUCHARIST : Family Service for 12.30pm Hot Pot Lunch: in aid of Warchild @ Parish Rooms Evensong

Mon 7th Tues 8th Wed 9th Thurs 10th Fri 11th Sat 12th

4.00pm 10.00am 10.00am 3.00pm 9.00am 10.00am 2.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 12 noon 7.00pm 10.00am 10.00am

Choir Practice - All welcome Journeying to the Cross: Reflective Lent Walk @ Parish Church Bible Conversations, 11 Whiteoak Ave. All welcome Springhill Court Holy Communion Holy Communion Open the Book @ Primary School Mother’s Union Meeting: Speaker Revd M. Young @ Parish Rooms Lent Discussion Group @ Methodist Church Bell Ringing Practice Lent Lunch hosted by Methodists @ Methodist Church Parish Church Spring Clean: Gentlemen (High Level) Raskelf Coffee Morning: in aid of church Parish Church Spring Clean: Ladies

Sunday 13th Lent 5

8.00am 10.30am 10.30am 3.30pm

Holy Communion Raskelf Eucharist PARISH EUCHARIST & Church Mice Evening Service @ Methodist Church

Mon 14th Tues 15th Wed 16th Thurs 17th Fri 18th

4.00pm 10.00am 9.00am 7.00pm 7.30pm 9.45am 12 noon

Choir Practice - All welcome Journeying to the Cross: Reflective Lent Walk @ Parish Church Holy Communion Lent Discussion Group @ Methodist Church Bell Ringing Practice Oasis Coffee Morning @ Methodist Church - Fairtrade event Lent Lunch hosted by St Mary's, Raskelf @ Parish Rooms

Fri 18th cont... Sat 19th

7.00pm 7.30pm 10.00am 10.00am 10.30am

Raskelf Church Spring Clean: Gentlemen (High Level) Deanery Ecumenical Choir Rehearsal Springhill Court Easter Fair Raskelf Church Spring Clean: Ladies Reflection: Meeting God in the Wilderness @ Methodist Church

Sunday 20th Palm Sunday

8.00am 9.10am 10.30am 3.30pm

Holy Communion Raskelf Eucharist PARISH EUCHARIST & Church Mice Joint Service with Methodists

Mon 21st Tues 22nd Wed 23rd Thurs 24th

4.00pm 7.30pm 10.00am 7.30pm 9.00am 10.00am 7.30pm 10.00am 7.00pm 7.30pm

Choir Practice - All welcome Eucharist & Meditation Journeying to the Cross: Reflective Lent Walk @ Parish Church Eucharist & Meditation Holy Communion Open the Book @ Primary School Eucharist & Meditation Mothers’ Union Communion & Coffee - All welcome Lent Discussion Group @ Methodist Church Eucharist & Stripping of the Altar

Friday 25th Good Friday

12 noon 2.00pm 3.30pm 7.00pm

Service @ Market Place Service of the Word Deanery Ecumenical Choir Rehearsal Deanery Ecumenical Choir Recital: The Cross of Christ

Sunday 27th Easter Day

7.30am 8.00am 10.30am 10.30am 3.30pm

Service @ Market Place Bringing in the Light Eucharist PARISH EUCHARIST: Family Service Raskelf Family Eucharist Evening Service @ Methodist Church

Mon 28th Wed 30th Thurs 31st April

10.00am 4.00pm 9.00am 7.30pm

Mother’s Union Easter Coffee Morning @ Parish Rooms Choir Practice - All welcome Holy Communion Bell Ringing Practice

Sunday 3rd Easter 2

8.00am 9.10am 10.30am 6.30pm

Holy Communion Raskelf Eucharist PARISH EUCHARIST Evensong