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artifact artifact EARTH EARTH Jayne Kay u1262454

Earth Artifact

Mar 23, 2016



Jayne Kay

A reproduction of the 1970's Golden Record, a second attempt to make contact with extraterrestrial life.
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f intentOver the next six weeks I will be working on visual and written proposals to create a new version of the ‘Golden Record’ entitled “Earth Artifact”. I will design a more contemporary version which I will reflect in an interesting format.

I will document each stage of my process using roughs and mood boards which will demonstrate my understanding and ideas towards this challenge. I will look at a range of different artists, designers, illustrators, writers and typographers so I can be inspired by different styles of work.

My aim is to explore a range of different medias during my development so I can find the best way to produce my final outcome. I would like to produce something that is unique and interesting, especially with this project I would like to add a bit of humour to make it less serious and more interesting.

I will not only work on one design but several, so that I can explore different ideas and create different solutions, this will also enable me to pick the most suitable. I am looking forward to exploring my creative thinking skills and pushing them to design something to the best of my abilities.

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recordgolden The golden record, launched in 1977 is a gold plated copper record. It is a time capsual of symbolic statement more than a serious attempt to communicate with extraterrestrial life. 115 images and a variety of natural sounds, such as those made by surf, wind, thunder and animals were stored on there. They added musical selections from different cultures and eras, spoken greetings in fifty-nine languages, and printed messages from President Jimmy Carter.

The instructions to indicate how the record is to be played are in symbolic language, explained on the origin of the spacecraft. The remainder of the record is in audio, designed to be played at 16-2/3 revolutions per minute. It contains the spoken greetings, beginning with Akkadian, which was spoken in Sumer about six thousand years ago, and ending with Wu, a modern Chinese dialect. Following the section on the sounds of Earth, there is an eclectic 90-minute selection of music, including both Eastern and Western classics and a variety of ethnic music.

I think the golden record is an attractive piece of artwork, and I plan on incorporating it’s key factors into my final design.


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explination of recording cover diagram

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key factors of the newgo




It must show the difference between now and when the last one was launched in 1977. Not directly, however it will include things like technology that wasn’t around then, or involved in the previous golden record. I want it to be more humorous, because I think more people will be impressed by it if it has some witty factors. I will try and include a lot of the recent wars and protests that are having a massive effect on our planet, like the London riots and the on going killings in Afghanistan. I think it is important to include this, to show that we are fighting against each other, when as a planet in another life’s perspective they might think hould be working together and looking after each other as a planet.

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carlsaganCarl Sagan was an American astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, science popularizer, and science communicator in astronomy and natural sciences. He published more than 600 scientific papers and articles and was author, co-author or editor of more than 20 books. But most importantly he promoted the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence. Carl Sagan and Frank Drake had created two gold-anodized aluminum plaques that were affixed to the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 spacecraft. Linda Salzman Sagan, an artist and Carl’s wife, etched an illustration onto them of a nude man and woman with an indication of the time and location of our civilization. The “Golden Record” would be an upgrade to Pioneer’s plaques. Mounted on Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, twin probes launched in 1977, the two copies of the record would serve as time capsules and transmit much more information about life on Earth should extraterrestrials find it.

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”

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mind mapMy idea with using people would make it become a love story, explaining the evolution of man and woman by short clips of a personal relationship.

I also thought it would be interesting to include the contrast between natural and man made objects, such as flowers and buildings, forests and transport. It would give any future humans or extraterrestrial life an idea of how much involvement humans have had on the planet, what we have achieved and for future humans and what technology and advanced things are to compare against the future.

However, throughout this pro-ject I will explore more ideas and choose the best one for my final outcome.

When I first got given the brief I put my instant throughts on the idea down on to paper. By doing this it has helped me look at the wide range of factors which the planet Earth consists of.

I thought that if I did this it would make it easy for me to work with the different factors of life, and expand on them where need be.

To start with I especially wanted to focus on peo-ple, because without the humans of the planet it wouldn’t be what it is.

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densitydesignI particulary like this visual story telling picture above. It is describing how the internet has brought a new form of socialism, the global collectivist society is emerging. It is very similar to the working class ideal of the Russian socialism, mainly because of the robot illustrations and the use of the colour red. It shows how socialist groups have collected and formed through the internet.

DensityDesign is a Research Lab in the design department of the Politecnico di Milano. Focusing on the visual representation of the research data making it much more easier to visually understand complex issues. They do this by rearranging numeric data, reinterpreting qualitative information and locating information geographically. It makes complicated data much more interesting and easier to read and understand.

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CorbineauantioneAntoine Corbineau is a multidisciplinary french designer born in 1982. Since graduating with Honors from Camberwell College of Arts London (BA 2006) and Ecole Superieure des Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg (MA 2007), he has worked with major design and advertising agencies worldwide. His clients include Disney, Nokia, Southern Comfort, Alfa Romeo, Kommersant, University of the Arts London, Wieden&Kennedy, Young & Rubicam and plenty more. He has worked his way up from a junior designer to becoming a freelance art director.

His work is very illustrative, I love how every piece of his work is colourful, especially on his website. When I first visited the site I felt like a child in a sweet shop, mesmerised by all the different colours, I defiantly like this about his work because colour is eye catching, and it captured my attention which is what you need in graphic design.

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I like this piece of Corbineau’s work, it particularly interests me because of it’s relevance to this project. I like the way the country Italy is made up of the different Italian food and drink. I think this is something I can think about doing in my project. I think by using illustrations it can take the seriousness away from an issue, because we usually relate drawings to something you do when you are happy. After hearing what everyone else in my class is doing they all seem to be taking a serious approachto the brief, telling the facts. I’m going to be including facts but in a different way, I want to add a little humour and wit into this project to make it a little more interesting.

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carlkleiner Carl Kleiner is a still life photographer based in Stockholm, Sweden. His work is interesting, how he uses objects

to make the photograph, as well as the photograph being artistically good, the objects featured in his photographs are all very well composed. In relation to my project, the gun with a bandage is an idea that is useful to me, as I had an idea to do something with a gun to represent war on the planet. My idea is similar to this, by having the contrast between two things in one picture/ object. My idea was to have a toy gun with a peace sign label, to show that the planet has wars, we fight against each other, in contrast to peace makers who are trying to look after our planet by looking after our happiness and welfare, as well as the carbon emissions and recycling ect. By doing this I’d have an object which will represent two main issues on our planet.

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peterPeter Grundy was interested in visual communication that explained things rather than sold. In 1980 him and Tilly Northedge started a studio to do information design in a new and creative way which they called Grundy & Northedge. In 2006 Peter Grundy started Grundini, taking the Grundy & Northedge experience into new territory. A year later his book Grundini, a series of five themes explored with uncompromised individualityexplaining simple, elegant, visual messages and ideas. His work is interesting, I like the design he did for the Creative Review illustration annual. Each little illustration in the design is so simple by him using straight lines and curves, but when put together to make the letter ‘i’ looks complex, colourful and creatively unique.


To the left is an example of Grundy’s work explaining something rather than selling. It is a diagram showing how an airport works. This is designed to educate as well as be visually interesting. I think this is defiantly going to influence some of my final design work, because the point in this project is to explain the planet, so if I can use the same visual communication technique it should be successful in explaining how the planet works throught illustrations.

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Jan Schowochow is part of the Golden Section Graphics team. He designs information, a bit like Peter Grundy does with data. It has an interesting relation to my project, especially the piece below, its a map of the world made up by words. This typographical design looks especially interesting because one of my first ideas was to show the world map and all their languages in a typographical way. I pictured a design similar to this only using the colours of the earth instead. What it would look like from outer space but in type.He has an interesting way of explaining and designingthe layouts, for example I like the way the whale design


has all the text under the ocean. These designs may come useful to me during the finalisation of my project so I can refer back to some of the layout designs.

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oit I found Benoit’s work on Behance, I flick through

the recent posts daily and this particular project caught my eye. It was an album labelled “strangers”. It is a collection of photographs taken of people from all over the world, of all different countries, ages, races and religions. I like documentary photography and I think it could be a good way of showing any future life what we as humans are like now. With a collection of photos like this I could arrange them into a time line of ages to show the gradual aging of a human being. I think this could be an effective of representing the earth in a newly designed golden record. If I were to do something like this myself it would be a good idea to as well as taking my own photographs, get friends and families to send me their own pictures that they think is special to them and what they think represents themselves. This could work if I later decide to go down a topographical route to solve this brief.

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Turner Duckworth have two studios based in London and San Fransisco, it was founded in 1992 in London by David Turner and Bruce Duckworth.

I chose to look at this companies work because I think some of the designs are relative to my project. I read an interview by David Turner on the website, and I got some good advice from it to help me with my designs.

- What are the most important points to consider when designing a piece of packaging?

“Answer the brief. Make sure it works functionally. Make it as beautiful as possible.”

turnerduckworthI looked into the work they did for Coca-Cola, they did a re-brand in 2011 and really cleaned up the design and focused on the core brand image. The designs are so simple, and effective because they are so easy to regognise.

“ There’s something very real about packaging. It is marketing, but it also physically contains the product.”

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itter I took a time out from work and went on twitter. Down the side of the page in

the “trending” area was a link to iPhone, I had a look because I’m expecting the iPhone5 any day now and wanted to see if there was going to be yet more problems with the new iPhone batch. I was distracted by a link to “avoid these iphone danger zones in your home”. To my surprise this brought up a very interesting piece of design, quite relevant to the infographics I have been looking at in this project. I like this design because the colours used are informative and alerts the viewer, which fits with the message trying to be given across. It reminded me of a piece of Peter Grundy’s work, in that they are giving information rather than selling a piece of artwork. However with this design I think it would have been more eye catching if it didn’t include words. I think that the designs speak for themselves and towards my project because I don’t know the readers’ language I would not want to design using English words.

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Throughout my project so far I have been mostly interested in taking it down an advertising and packaging route, this is also my strongest idea. With this in mind I will look into several advertising and packaging artists/ companies to help me decide on how and what to brand to represent planet Earth. I have a vague idea of how my finished product will look like; I want to design a box that will represent the new golden record, designed in a similar style to keep the designs similar. The contents will be different, rather that having a record that plays noises, I want a series of objects, that I think will represent the Earth best. My thoughts so far on what objects to include are; a toy gun to represent War, in contrast to that a flower to show our nature. With each object I include, I want it to represent two things, showing the contrast between to things. For the next stages of my development I will look into some advertising companies work and try and find some designs that could help spark ideas for my objects in a box. I have a few ideas of what the box will look like. I will probably use the same colours or shapes, I like the design of the cover diagram which was etched into the golden record so I may use that or do an updated version.

further ideas for final outcome

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I found this design in the book ‘Creative Advertising’ by Mario Pricken. I par-ticularly chose to look into this design because of it’s uniqueness. Its a quality magazine on a water bottle. Normally in the morning you’d grab a coffee/ water and a newspaper, this makes life easier by combining the two. (Whether they charge you extra for the label I’m not sure!)

I like this idea because in my designs I want to combine two ideas, for example, the free bottle of water I will send up it will show pictures/ illustrations of peo-ple without water, this will show the con-trast between rich and poor countries.

Coming back to this I’ve had a new idea to show the world resorces represented

The first magazine to be published on a bottle of water

iLoveby a bottle. I’ve had abnother way of showing the contrast between the rich and poor. So for this design I have now decided to include information about water itself rather than what it implies. Where it comes from and what it is used for, I think this will show a better un-derstanding of one of the world’s largest elements.


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During my research I found this wonderful piece by Chris Ede who is a freelance contemporary illustrator working in London. His digitally manipulated fusion of hand-drawn and photographic elements equates to an exciting, multi-textured, conceptual and often humorous illustration style, perfect for the editorial, publishing and advertising markets. I found this piece of work on

I chose to look into this picture because in relation to my project it is quite an interesting concept. It’s a jigsaw made up by different people from all over the world. This piece of visual communication is telling me that if we work together as a planet we can solve global problems. Looking deeper into this I also think it’s disguising the fact that the countries of our planet do not work together, and for my project this could be classed as telling a lie.


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ingI walked

around Tesco looking at different bottle designs to see what’s already out there and what I can change to make my bottle design better, but also what will represent all of these designs.

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These are some of my immediate design ideas for some of my final outcomes. The first picture explains how I will put together an object that will represent War and Peace. My initial thoughts where to have a gun with a peace sign label, the messege would be that; some people think war resolves everything and creates peace, whereas peace makers believe war just creates chaos and do not believe in war. By showing the juxtaposition of these two contrasting opinions, I can explain two things through one object.

packaging ideasfor bottled water

This is some of my design ideas for a water bottle to represent water. I had an idea to make it shaped like the Earth and another idea which came from something I found in the Creative Advertising book. ----->

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I took some photos of some natural factors of our planet. I went to my local private park and got some shots of the lake and the sky. I like the skies in these pictures because there’s no rain clouds, the clouds are fluffy and white and the lake is so peaceful with no movement. These could be used to help me package my water bottle, because it shows a large area of water. It is a good example of where water is on the Earth.

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s This is one of my idea for the pack-aging design for a bottle of water. My idea is that where the negative space is between the countries you will see the water inside. And to keep the bottle looking like water I have kept the countries in blue.

What I like about this design is the use of negative space. However I think this design is wasted on this project because it doesn’t include any facts or figures. The design does not imply anything about water as it is just using the design of the globe and in relation to this project, to look at it is nor interesting or intriguing.

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I found this infographic diagram on I wanted to look into some facts about the water we use world wide so it can help with the design on my water bottle. This de-sign shows which nations use the most water. To use this information I could design my own type of infographics diagram with facts about how much water we use but design it for a bottle wrap. If there is too much information for one bottle I could use a previous idea of having a label on the bottle that will act like a book, or I could compact the information so that it is not too overwhelming.

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This is a piece of infographics used to show the general statistics of drag racing. I like this because it has a colour scheme. In my designs I want to stick to a blue theme because blue is the colour asosiated with water. I wanted my design to involve infographics because as well as it being a visually appealing bottle to drink from, I want it to include some general but very factual information on it. By showing the countries that have the least water, it could add guilt to the person drinking from it because of the irony of being given free water when some countries are stuggling for it.

bottle ideas

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This is my final bottle design. I wanted to have a design that showed opposite extremes. This infographic design shows the top three highest fresh water consumers and the top three lowest water consumers. The way I have showed this is firstly separat-ing the countries by using cold colours. The world’s highest water consumer is China, therefore they take up the majority of the design, as if it was on a pie chart taking up most of the pie. The lowest is Kuwait, which is the tiniest strip across the bottom, which shows it is the country with the least fresh water on the planet. I also used icons to represent water, bottles for lots, and drips to show little. fi


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war Vs. Peace


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Yvonne Lee Schultz I found this work when I was searching for some inspiration on ways to paint my gun. I found this artist who paints china guns. The effect

highlights the fragility of life within the everyday routine. I like how she takes a symbol of violence and changes it into an object incapable of inflicting harm, this is no way at all looks threatening but in fact a delicate object.

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war/ peace ideas This is the start of the development for one of my final designs. After covering the gun in white acrylic I

then painted on a canvas to test colours and textures. The design I came up with will show that some people believe that War brings Peace but by protesting for Peace, it could resort to War. I think the repetition of this flower design will suit the gun, I will be using the pink flowers because pink is prettier than red and more feminine which mocks the violent object. The message I am sending by painting the gun in flowers is that such a violent object can look pretty but be aggressive at the same time. This is neither forward or against war, only to show extraterrestrial life the good and bad sides of it.

I dont like the way the acrylic paint turned out to make the white background, so I will test spray paint before creating my final piece.

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war/ peace ideas

I drew the design I had started painting as a render. I started of by tracing the outlines of a gun in illustrator. I then took a picture of the flowers I had painted and photoshopped them on to the gun, I then made it more realistic looking by shading the light and dark areas. I like this design because it is showing how a violent object can look soft and rather unagressive. I think this works well in showing the contrast between peace and war.

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I found these on I think they are interesting designs in relation to the voucher I want to create. I think I can use infographics as a way to further develop my voucher designs. By looking at data which I can include, facts and figures about world currency its a more attractive way of presenting what may normally be boring information.

One good thing about these designs is that they are based around the shape of a circle, which is simple but used in an appropriately creative way, which is what I want to do. I particularly like the bottom left design, first off it is attractively colourful and visually interesting, but the information included on the design relates quite accurately to what information I want to present. It is showing the main world hunger population in different regions.


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This is an idea for a design to represent money, I found in my Custom Graphics book some designs by an artists called Kalynn Campbell. I wanted to design a voucher that was more creative and interesting. I like these designs because they look like poker chips and tokens could be a good way of giving as a voucher gift. I have drawn a few different ideas that I had which will show different currencies of the world. My favourite shape of these three designs is the first one, it looks like a poker chip, however I also like the idea of the 3rd, which is a gift wrapped globe. Throughout the next steps of this design process, I will be usingthe ribband idea as well as the firstshape idea, I want to show that it is a gift as well as a piece of information. The voucher will hold information on the world currencies and the difference of what money can buy you in rich and poor countries.

design development

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design developmentWith this design I wanted to combine some of my previous drawings together. I liked the idea of having a ribbon involved in the design because it will look like a gift. I chose to have the globe in the colours of a gold coin, so in a way it looks like a large gold coin. I used blue for the bits with the different currency symbols on because I think it contrasts well with the orange and gold.

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This is my design after drawing it using illustrator and photoshop . I decided to draw it with the bow, this shows the voucher design wrapped and unwrapped. However after this design was finished I decided it needed to look more like a coin, or have more relevance to coins, so I put an image of world coins on each country.

final design

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joseph cornellJoseph Cornell is a modern artist and collecter. By collecting and carefully juxtaposing found objects in small, glass-front boxes, Cornell created visual poems in which surface, form, texture, and light play together. Using things we can see, Cornell made boxes about things we cannot see: ideas, memories, fantasies, and dreams. His work is so interesting and quite mysterious. The design below in particualr is interesting, before seeing this work I had never thought of the composition of the object in the box, but after seeing the way these objects have been placed together I think that it is definatly something for me to look in to. I like this design, he used paper birds, clay pipes, clock springs, balls, and rings that create an abstract idea. A metal spring from a discarded wind-up clock may evoke the passage of time; a ball might represent a planet or the luck associated with playing a game, they’re all very interesting and intriguing things that look so nostalgia and antique.

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sJames Hopkins is a contemporary artist I came across on Facebook, one of my friends at Plymouth College of art and design shared this piece of work, I thought it looked a lot like some of the shadow boxes by Joseph Cornell. I really like the composition of these designs and the obvious attempt to create these subtle skulls by using a combination of other objects.

This is useful to me because I am designing and creating objects torepresent the Earth, I could take this idea to create my own style, by taking my design objects andturning them into the shape of the Earth itself. This is a unique way of making objects that represent the earth come together to make the shape of it. I could also take this idea and use it to do a drawing instead of a 3D design because of the time limit I have.

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packaging ideasI will use a box to contain my objects which are representing and advertising the Earth. The box wil be a new designed Golden Record, with this in mind I want to keep some elements of the Golden Record from 1977 in the new one. I had an idea to draw the world map in shades of gold, by doing this, other planets will recognise where the box has come from and expect what is contained inside to be from our planet. It also shows that is a second attempt to contact extraterrestrial life by having some key factors of the old design in with it.

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box development

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These two designs where my first thoughts on what the box would look like. I like them because they have a transparent effect. I put them together in photoshop and played with layers and filters. As much as I quite like these designs I don’t think they are appropriate for a box to represent the world. I think I might try and design something more simple and effective, still using elements of my de-signs for in the box. I need to stick to the elements of Earth I have chosen to focus on, so still using war and peace, money, and water resources.


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I have chosen this to be my final design for the cover of my book box which will contain the three objects. I wanted the box to have elements of the old golden record, so I thought it was appropriate to use gold colours to show this is a second attempt. I was inspired by some of the work by Craig Ward in this design, I like the way he uses letters, words and objects to create pictures. Like this design, he puts together objects to make the letter ‘M’. I chose to use the letter ‘E’ as it is the first letter of “EARTH” I chose to do one letter ratherthan the whole word because I think in this design there is more area to fill with objects and in the design you can see more of the objects that make up the letter ‘E’. I will now draw the design on the boxso it will show what the real thing would look like.

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evaluation Throughout this project I have been thoroughly challenged, when I first got the brief it took me a few days to get my head

around, because it’s so broad. I had so many ideas in the first week, what I found difficult was getting down to one strong idea which I thought I could take to the end with consistent creative development. When I’d got to know more about the Golden Record and looked at some artists’ work and listened to what other students in my class where doing, I decided to try and take a completely different approach to the task. I wanted to advertise the planet, in a contradictory way, to show why and why not to come here, rather than focusing on the positive or negatives of the planet, I wanted to show both using different objects. The result of my final designs show the contradiction between some of the main influences in the world today; money, water, war and peace, however they do not act as advertisements which was my plan at the beginning. I am happy with the outcome of my final designs, I think the water bottle especially is one of my best designs, because the de-sign contains infographics, showing the top 3 largest water consumers and the top 3 lowest water consumers. I also like the outcome of the flower gun, showing war and peace in one object. But in relation to the old Golden Record, I like my design for the new golden record which is the box design which is made to hold the objects. I have kept the theme of the colour to show this is a second attempt. I like how my final outcome has come together, as well as it being factual it is also a nice gift to receive. In a way I think my outcome acts as a way of persuading extraterrestrial life to come and visit Earth, rather than to stay away or save it.

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further developmentAfter going over my work I have been advised to focus on only one of the four designs because what I have done is try and design too much. I made too much work for myself for the little time I had. So I have decided to chose one of the best designs which I think is the water bottle, and take this design further, and dig deeper into the issue of water resources on our planet. I will research further and come up with some alternate designs. I’d also like to finish the design properly and make it 3D, showing what it would look like with all four of the sides I’ve already designed.

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further development These graphs made me think

more into the shape of the water bottle, because I am using info-graphics as a way of containing the information about the water, I think it would be an interesting idea to take one of these graphs and make it into a bottle, I will also use the information these graphs are giving me to come up with a design for all four sides.

I think it is appropriate to use this infomation on water because it shows the whole of the Earth’s distribution of water. These graphs as they are aren’t particu-larly attractive, therefore for my design I will use my own style of infographics.

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This is a design I created using il-lustrator and photoshop, I took the idea of having a graph as the base of the bottle. I then used colours appropriate to the natural earth, brown, green and blue, which represent the obvious; earth, water and grass land.

This design shows the four different sides of the bottle, each side contains a peace of information according to the colour, for example fresh surface water is the blue side.

I think this design is easy to understand and the shape makes it more infographics, because it is like a graph you can hold and drink from.

Developed design

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Developed designanother This is another infographic design I

liked the idea of. What attracted me most to this design was the shape of the graph and how the infomation is presented. I think it could be an interesting shape to use with a water bottle. However practically the bottle would stand better if it was upside down to this.

This is another design I came up with, the idea of this design is that the shape of the pyramid becomes the shape of the bottle. The “World water content” block will act as a lid.

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final design

This is a design I thought of when I was working on the pyramid design. I wanted a ribbon around the bottle to contain the information. The idea is to have the level of the water tells you a fact so when you have drank a certain amount the level of the water will act as the graph.

I want the facts to be about water generally, so the water that is on our Earth, with is 75% of the planet. I think because the Earth has such a large amount of water it is a good fact about the planet to inform to the future life, because these facts could also change.

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75% of the Earth is covered in water.70% is ice.30% is ground water.22% is industrial.2.5% is fresh water. 0.08% is for domestic use.

Page 57: Earth Artifact - ‘Creative Advertising’ - Ideas and Techniques from the world’s best campaigns - Mario

Page 58: Earth Artifact - Custom Graphics 2 -