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THE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON WEDNESDAY MARCH 26 1902 I 3 EARLY EXODUS OF TOURISTS TO EUROPE I The Kaiser Wiihelm der Grosse Carries Many Americans KUBELIK AMONG PASSENGERS The Talented Ynwg Pianist Divides At- tention With Lady Constance Mac- kenzie aad Heees t Return text Sea- son Waaliinf ten People Sail NEW YORK March 2C That the mah to Surope is already la tail swing la shewn by the vast throng which yesterday crowded oa beard the North German Lloyd steamship Kaiser Wit J helm der Grosse which aalled for Bremen by way of Plymouth and Cherbourg A large percentage of the vessels miMer ous passengers wilt debark at Plymouth and proceed thence te London where they will remain uaty after the corona- tion ceremonies Conspicuous among thoae who sailed by the Bremen liter wan Lady Constance Mackenzie who has been on a six weeks visit to this country and who at the pier divided attention with Jan Kubelik the noted young violinist who has Just com- pleted a successful engagement here- To the numerous admirers who were at the pier to see him off the young musi- cian said be had bees amazed at the ex tent of the reentry and more than at his reception If he saM I could take with me all the people whom I hue learned to lore in this country I should baTe three big steamships full to take home I am not only grateful to the Americana but to my own country- men the Bohemians m various parts of the country who treated me so hos- pitably When asked sheet the prospects of his returning to America Mr Kubelik said be arranged a return Tislt some time during next season when he expects to see the Pacific Coast and the Southern dUeL Mr Kubellks stateroom was decorated with a number of American fags He wore besides a pin showing a minature American flag which lad been given him by one of his admirers Paul Biouet Max OReM who is on his way to Paris where he will accept an editorial post on the Figaro waa passenger by the Kaiser Wilhetoi Among the numerous others who sailed by that vessel were Mr and Yrs George Vanderbilt Count Quadt first Secretary of the German Embassy at Washington and Count Armin Second Secretary of the embassy Mrs Harold Brown Mr and Mra James H Count G Costa Spencer Eddy Secretary of the United States Embassy at Constantinople Mr aad Mrs X G Fabbri Mr and Jar Augustus Hemingway sad the Misses Hemingway sad Miss Mary Kernocban Sailing for Southampton today the Philadelphia o the American Itae wilt carry Mrs Richardson Clover wife of Commander Clover of the United States Navy and the Misses Clover Mr and Mrs C H Colburn also of Washington- Lee Davis Mrs W McK Barbour Mr and Mrs AdamsStern Prof J S Sterrett Mr and Mrs C B Tnrbevlll The Ward line steamship Morro Cede which arrived from Havana yesterday brought puny New Yorkers who have been wintering in Cuba A DOG WITH A BAD NAME Danger Is Said te Be a Hart Diuk r and a Biter NSW YORK March M Dancer a dog of uncertain pedigree leis mongrel Mad for he is accused of biting three children who Mve n tile lower part of this city His list victim was Lillian Martin a sevenyearold girl who lives In Oak Street Dancer who is said to ba addicted to the use of strong drink bit the girl Sunday afternoon Two more Kim were added Monday to the list of those Injured by the canine dipaomarlac Their names were Julia La n and Maggie Cuslck The first is twelve years old sad the second nve years her junior They appeared in court yesterday morning accompanied by their mother Mrs Cusirk and Mrs Lawn both Mve at New Chambers Street They said that Danger was the property of James Mc Guire who had a saloon at 54 New Cham- bers Street Mrs Lama said that her daughter Julia was playing In the street Monday when the dog bit her severely Mrs Cusick said that her child was also bitten Both children will go for treat- ment twice a day to toe Hudson Street Hospital Mr McGuire was seen yesterday in his establishment He paused long enough n the blondtng of ale to say that be did sot own the dor Danger came to this neighborhood two months ago said he He has two legs How does be run I dost know but he keeps up with all the teams that peas the block He comes in here sometimes but I never saw him drink a drop He Isnt nine Im not paying his license for liv- ing Ive no objection to his being shot McGutres references to a twolegged dog were meant to be Jocular for be has the reputation of being the wittiest la New Chambers Street McGwire may think he M a man declared Mrs Custek yesterday with his talk about twolegged doe and about Danger taking no drink I believe that the dog ever drank a drop of liquor or beer iu all his life But this is certain that w wont have the children down here bitten by the creature Me Gutre may laugh and those who stand in front of Us saloon may think its fun to seed a deg after the children hat this must stop FOR A BUREAU CHIEFS PLACE Captain Dkkiae Urged as Swcesr to Admiral Eadicett With the approaching conclusion of the four years tine of service as Chief of tile Navy Department Bureau of Yards and Docks of Rear Admiral M T Bndfeett there Is an evident movement on the part F W appointed his successor Prior to the appointment of Admire Bndicett as chief of tin bureau the In- cumbent has always been a live o cer Secretary Long however became con- vinced that as the work of this bureau was of a technical nature its chief should be a technical man and Civil Kngineer lied cott received the billet It la said that Mr Long ta sack pleated with Admiral Eadlcotfs administration of affairs and has sigalned his Intention of log him for reappointment The candidate of the lino Captain Dicklas was formerly Assistant Chief of the Bureau of Navigation While sta- tioned la this city Captain Dtekias wife was horsed to death by the explosion of some gasolene t have Brew R Videos wile price n t or the of tINt U7 to have Capt DIck an- nual gran- ted an- other a last bt soar don lire reeom- mI an t end ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ TRAGEDY WAS IN VAIN Murder and Suicide Were Based ea a Mistake LONDON March M A most pathetic tragedy caused by an unhappy misunder- standing was revealed at the coroners court at Colwyn Bay yesterday and was followed by a painfully dramatic revela- tion On Monday a young man named David Htcharde missed a small box of money belonging to Ute shop of which he was manager He asked his sweetheart Lilian Keay who was the one saw hint put thp box ef money away to restore it tinkles she takes M She dented any knowledge of the box He thereupon shot her dead turned the revolver upon himself and killed himself too During the inquest Richards rushed into the court holding up mtesing box which had been the cause of the tragedy It bad been found quite the place where the unhappy murderer and suicide lead said be put it SIRfffiBLE M SUPREMACY TODAY Georgetown and Lehigh to Meet on the Diamond- Beth Nines ia Good Form for the Baseball Game to Be Held en the Local College Campus The Brae and Grey of Georgetown and the Brows of Lehigh will mingle this af Silken banners proudly display- ing the rival colors will be waved by fair rooters amid all tile hur- rah and confusion of a college baseball game They want the this yi and If stilt heady pbtytas can get H the Inter- collegiate banner will fast over the local university on the let day of June While Lehigh has no strong pretensions for the ehnmptonahip they are a nervy ot of ball teasers and will do everything In their power to Georgetown a hard run for Its money The Batting Order This afternoon the entire pitching stall will be given tryeut Bobby Blewett will of course be held in reserve to act as a cbek should the visitor fall foul of tbe youngsters sad proceed to wallop them out of tbe box Particular attention will be paid to the work of SeiU and Cox who are regarded aa coming twirlers mesa ability The management has announced that the same will not be called until 415 oclock in order to allow the fans em- ployed in the departments aa opportunity to witness the contest Mr Bett who omciated with the most satisfactory re- sults last season has again bees ea pied by the local manager Tile lineup of the opvostng aggrega- tions has been announced aa follows Georgetown Catcher Drill pitchers Blewett Mackay Seltx and Cax base Dowliit second base Dormaa third base Morgan shortstop Moran left Skid Golden centre Apperius rigid fold OHara or Diesel Lehigh Catcher Tilly pitcher Taylor nrst base Lewis second base Ruse third base Klnne shortstop Kvrhart left field Hanklar centre field Schueier right field Remits FfTZS PROPOSITION ACCEPTED BY CLUB N W YORK 2fc Tins Century Athletic Club of Los Angeles Cal has come to the terms made by Robert Klta- simmoes end have offered hint just what he has said then he wants Late lest night the etch telegraphed to Flu that it would offer 75 per cent of tile gross receipts for a fight between his lid Jeffries about May Je and guarantee that it would not be less than 25 00 The club demands a deposit from Ute fighters of JSM to insure good faith FItx asked until April 1 to consider the proposition which the drab reluctaatly granted especially so since it te hs own proposition which he balks The directors intimated that if he did not accept this niter making the propo span himself it would be because he wanted none of Jeffries game This is by far the best offer that baa been made thus far sand It is guaran- teed by a deposit la beak Scbeeaer neaR Probably Lest BALTIMORE March M No tidtncs have been received of tIN threemasted- schooner Bertha Dews Captain Thomas witch sailed out of this port thirtyseven days ago for Boston with a ergo of coal The vessel registered 963 tons 247 feet long red was built at Bath Me IB- 18S2 THE NEW WOMAN Made Over by Quitting Coffee Coffee probably wrecks a greater per- centage of Southerners than Northern people for Southerners use it tare freely The work it does Is distressing enough In some instances aa aa illustration Miss Sue W Fairall 517 North Fourth Street Richmond Va writes I was a coffee drinker for years and for about six years my leonine was completely shattered I suffered fearfully with headaches and nervousness also palpitation of the heart and loss of appetite My sight gradually began to fall and finally I lost tfce sight of one eye alto gather The eye ws upon and the sight partially then I be- came totally blind in the other eye My doctor used to urge me to glue up tote but I was willful and continued to drink It until finally In a last case of ae rare Illness the donor insisted that I must give up tile coffee so I began using the Pastern Food Coffee and in a month I felt like a new creature I steadily gaped in health and strength About a month ago T began wing Grape Nuts Breakfast Food red Ute effect has beeR wonderful I really feel like a new woman and have plaid about twentyfive pounds I am quite aa elderly lady tad Postum red I could not walk a square without exceeding fa tigue sox I walk ten or twelve without Formerly In reading I could remember but little but now my memory holds rut what I read Several friends who have sees the effects of Pestun and Grape Nets en me bare urged that I Kin the teals te the white for the sake of sal feeing humanity so although I dislike publicity you can publish this letter name If you like d the near WILL terJMN the or the local Georgetown ta o empt a I I r I i ADleM Will Give 75 Per eat of the Receipts or Fight t I j teeing It re- Markable nod em- ployer ea campes uni- versity fran- tically going sat wit give o- no tin fold Lee Grass s5ose far March restored beorr a- wing Onpe Nuts a- my t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I i j Temporary Breathing Spell For Magnates DREYFUSS BROUGHT IN LINE Seiwtorial Manager Expected te Arrive Teaigfat Watieaal League Still a Delicate PasitieH Geaeral News ef the Baseball Wed I Tom LeftMs the Senatorial Mentor for the next six months or store will arrive to Washington this events at f oclock Manager will thud that his ab- sence after the time set for his arrival nearly a week ago has occasioned ninny sJeepkfs nights among Ute National fans As an Indirect result oC his nonap- pearance the Washington club has been i transferred to Pittstoirg on an average of twenty times a stay and transferred lack again as often the players from Captain Delahaaty down have jumped their eon tracts deserted to the National League and done many other things equally re- prehensible In fact the local situation has closely resembled the proverbial ehlckeB with its head amputated and nothing was too strenuous to contour up With the ar- rival of Manager Loftus however it ia expected that aa entirely different aspect will present itself Loftus is a man of wonderful executive power and under his skllKul guidance things will rapidly shape themselves alt the excitable fans will have to do ta- te sit tight and neeumuate power for the opening day April 23 National League Ontleek The announcement that Barney Drey fuss has agreed to sign a call for a meeting of the magnates of the National League has had a soothing influence on the affairs of the older organization Just how long this peaceful attitude will last it hi hard to say aa with Fro adman and SnaMIng remaining suspiciously euiot there is no telling when trouble will break out In a fresh place Of course there will be an endeavor made to keep the more excitable element tn the background at the coming meeting but this is easier said than done Freed- man is not a man that is easily and Spalding has also shown signs of a desire to carry everything before him regardless of consequences The old National League la In a very ticklish position and it will require care- ful diplomacy to avoid open rupture The teams have been sent South for the spring working out but still the sched- ule has net been adopted so that a meet- ing is absolutely necessary and no one can tell what may happen whea a large amount of flammable material te col- lected ta one place I Altogether it behooves the magnates to go slow and think carefully before they Will they do it BASEBALL GOSSIP A despatch from Washington N C states that fifteen travel stained ball players a dog and two fat men Wow late place Monday sight After the grime had been washed ole it was dis- covered that tbe outfit was what ia left of the Phillies President Hickey of the American As- sociation recently paid a visit to Mil- waukee for the purpose of inspecting the grounds He complimented the Brewer stagnates upon the arrangement and con- dition of the laid and stands The Giants have started their pre- liminary practice en Manhattan Field Christy Matbewnon is among them Captain Whitney of the Cornell base- ball team has selected the following men for the Southern trip Pitchers Chase Henderson Bristol Knapp and Beebe catches Whlnery and Tydeman Seal base Ferguson snood bee Brown third base Costello shortstop Lewis left field Brewster right fold Drake The centre fielder has not Melt selected Manager Kinney will accompany Ute team which leaves Ithaca on Thursday tax Charlotte N C Iberg sad Jaeklitsch here started South to Join the Phillies The baseball aggregation representing the University of Pennsylvania started Soith yesterday for a series of games lasting through the Raster holidays Tbe following men accompanied Coach Irwin Volf and Carrie catchers Devlin Rey- nolds Kaufman Marshall Wilder and Groves pitchers Bennett first base Co- llier second base Orbia shortstop Brown third base Swain extra infielder White left fold Newman centre field Noble right field and De Lisle extra out- fielder A of relief that was audible all- over he country went up to the heavens from the muchdistressed magnates it was learned that Dreyfuss had signed the call lisa Johnson will It te said spend sev- eral days at the Virginia Hot Springs In this ease he will certainly honor Ole Senators by his presence at the opening pate C a there be a Dummy Hoy answer to the passes resulting from the secret meeting of Freddy Postal and Tom Lofts at Chicago Hoy however has said noth- ing so far Joe Delebanty of last years Montreal team has signed with Worcester Georgetown va Lehigh today A baseball team has been organised at the Theological Seminary Yale will attempt to take a taft out of Georgetown tomorrow Wiley Platt baa been signed by Manager Griffith of the Chicago White Sox BRICK BROKEN ON HIS FACE Henry Smith Says William Smith Struck BALTIMORE Mares W Patrolman Ramsay of the Central district heard a commotion in the neighborhood of Holliday and Fayette Streets late Moa day night and west to investigate He found a negro leasing up against a wan with his face badly cut and bleeding and aaw another negro running out Holliday Street Ramsay started ia pursuit and after a chase of seven blocks overhauled the Seeing negro and took him to the police station where he gave his name aa Wil liam Smith The negro with tbe dam aged countenance sid his name Henry Smith and told the following story to Justice Fechtig yesterday morning lIe and William Smith landed In Balti- more Monday from a bay bad la his jeans and according to Henry the pair were walking clues Hol llday Street when William picked up a brick awl struck him la 11 face with It breaking the brick more or less badly injuring tIM face While Henry was re- covering from the shock says Wil Ham put his hard in lets pocket and took the money The two halves of the brick were pro attend B the court sad wore found to correspond with the Impression on Henrys countenance William wens committed to jail for the action of the Criminal Court y MAN GBR LOFTITS BITE HERE TONIGHT is I Loft Cap- Ital Nag I I I 7 heft rtUd tOll Him w he pad squelch- ed that styli Ed- ward vessel Hear 411 sad a a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FAIR qqEDS BATTLE FOR SWIMMING POOL NBW YORK The students of Columbia Merningside Heights tile rouser of Mayor Lew cannot get ovW Idea that the fair Coeds of Barnard tbe womans annex of the university are try ins to entrench the prerogatives of the masculine element Their request for the use of the mens swimming pool when not otherwise in use has stirred up such a collegiate rumpus that the st dent publications are now sodas the limit ta their use of the Bnclwh language to back their arguments In response to the recent editorial ia the Columbia University Quarterly written by one of the faculty condemning the masts attitude in regard to the swim- ming pool controversy Columbia Spectator ia a caustic editorial took up the cudgels ta its own behalf la its issue yesterday The Quarterly said The tempest that tats arisen on the ordinarily calm surface ef student life kern because of the offer to Barnard ate dents of the use of the gymnasium swim- ming tank on Wednesday evenings Is a meteorological and psychological pile nomenoa a little difficult to understand As the tank is rant otherwise in use on Wednesday evenings so that its assign meat to the Barnard students involves no PHONOGRAPH IU ROLE A STUMP SPEAKER Chicago Candidate Employs Service of Advocate Is Enabled With ef Instrument te- Aidreee a Number ef Audiences Time and Famish Music CHICAGO HI March 2 Campaign speeches from the funnel of a phonograph constitute the medium by which Casstns O Smith Republican candidate for in the hopes te gather voters to his support Being inexperienced in campaigning be despaired of ever being able to Indulge in flights of political oratory until Al derman Batterworth suggested the phon- ograph as a vote wiaaeV Mr Smith sat dW prepared a campaign speech carefully re with all the strew aiM bnnder of an ex- perienced stumpspeaker a blank wax roll inserted the machine was geared dow to alow rpeed and Mr Smith read his spesch into the mouthpiece Half i noeea wax recortb were made and addresses his admirers at bank a deem places at tIM saute time r t Several selections of musk by full made are used In connection and the ma- chine takes the pines of campaign lend as well aa campaign obator Half an hour before held by the various RetfebOeaa eraaalza- tiona in the ward the phonograph ks plac- ed at Ute entrance with a Sown march under the needle When tie crowds gather they tasted Into the hall tnd Smiths speech Is inserted In twanging tone the machine min upft Ladles and gentlemen Mr Smith who ia unlortuimtely unable to be with s on account of nether engagement will give us his views from the phonograph TOLD HOW TO SAVE HIM Injured Young MaR Calmer Than Rescu- ers Directs Them NEW YORK March With both legs eat off at the ankle by Ute wheels of a train on the Putnam RaHroad at Van Cortlaad Park a young rat who gave his name aa Harry Smith red bis resi- dence at Jackson and Lorteer Streets Brooklyn directed bow the train should be backed to free the crushed stumps and bow he should be taken from under the tuna Of tbe crowd which rusted from the train when the word west round that a man bad been run over Smith was by far the coolest The engine driver Jumped Into his cab std carefully backed the train about a foot until Smith was free Smith coolly directed how he should be from under the train and put in the bag- gage car ills legs were tightly tied and a mes- sage was set to KingsbrMge to a Fordbam Hospital ambulance tffciting there No ambulance was la waiting at Klnsjsbridge but a policemen boarded the train and the man was takea to Fordham Heights where the police of Kingsbridge had ordered aa ambulance to meet it All through this tetrlble ordeal Smith never tat consciousness sad conversed freely with those in the baggage car but he would assign no for his act nor tell how he came to be ia Van Cortlan3i Park He saW be did not see the train but a number of passengers who were sitting In the front car sad looking out of the windows saw him deliberately throw himself across the tracks as soon as the warning whistle sounded WISCONSIN AT SAN DIEGO A South American Pfaatdgnt Entertained on the Cruise SAN DIEGO Cal Mare The bat Ueship Wisconsin has arrived from the South Since Sound 14 she baa steamed M2M miles touching at Honolul Acapulco Valpa- raiso suet Callao When she left Fuse Sound there was measles on board tNIs tri caused the vessel to be virtually quarantined at Pogo Pago At ValparaW the President of Chile wens a guest the oncers At Magdalena Bay target practice was Indulged in the batrteiip remalnica there from March 1 le fe Admiral Casey ta aboard std good health ta reported Among Dicers aad crew The Wisconsin is kern under waiting orders DR GOUCHER IN IRRIGATION Said te Head Corporation te Make An zest Wastes Bloom PHOKNIXt Ariz March M Dr John F Goucher president ef the Womans College of Baltimore ta at the irons of a corporation that te te make glad a urge expanse la the waste spaces of Arizona His company la consideration of a payment of 7fiM6 has just of the Buckeye canal and of a large acreage of lead it irrigated The canal ono ot the oral important in the Territory ta twentytwo situ long and leads on the Otis River twenty miles southwest of Phoenix March I It uTile OF iq Thirty ward ltd Mel he to it A concert te t take lea mist o University proteges rite eta Un tie Aid at- One alder- man l he e red until wse kMe render large jihoted raph was pur- chased hen sow r sstk dept a are barer reason YIIg Oc- tober asS f acquired con- trol he ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I Make nee ef very highfalutin Eng- lish convince New Yorkers that their request sfeeeld be granted interference whatever with the privileges of the male students of time university thinly In appearance at least wanting in gallantry one might say wanting in courtesy and sere Bvidently the student mind has been working along lines of ratiocination which UK edicts mind has ties far failed to follow The day may cotta when the student body will smile at Its fright In reply The Spectator editorial said It seems to us to require no extraor- dinary powers of ratiocination to con elude that when a privilege ta granted Hah that privilege aa a right Nor does It seem unreasonable to sty that K we are to oppose a genera movement we must oppose each and every step in that movement Per the benefit of the perplexed oal- eial ruts we would like to restate that the vast majority of Columbia students are absolutely opposed to nay act lr creasing the privileges or adding to the prominence of women students at Co lumMa SOAP MINE FOUND IS THE NORTHWEST- Its Products Can Be Handled Just Like Ice Bottoms aad Shores ef Lakes in British Columbia Feud Cevered With Waehisg Compound Mr John L Bttttawer United States Consul Genera at Montreal reports that a mite of natural soap ta one of the lat- est mineral discoveries In the the foothills near Ashcroft British Col- umbia Their bottoms and short an ted with a natural washing com- pound containing borax and soda Xe two analyses agree exactly as to the composition of the material a York analysis gives K per eat borax a Montreal chemist from the same sample gives M per teat borax to the waaaing powders tn show that it win vomowo grease and dirt quicker than soap A syndicate of British Columbia the market About 273 tons of the com lake It ta handled precisely as ice is handled The Mocks are more than t Inches In thickness are sawn Into nieces each It ta estimated that this Jake alone eon talus 2D6M tons proving that the if successful will reach large STUDENTS FOMENT REBELLION Existence f Organization Oppasod te Russian Announced ST PKTBRSDRG March 2 A semi omcial report confirms the state Government exists among the students and that the latter are trying te cause agitation among workingmen through the medium of secret meetings which are held at various places Between were 182 arrests in with thin Of this crasher ninetyfive were sent to Siberia for tet i s of front two to tee years The Czar made a requeU that only the ringleaders should be banished The re- mainder of those arrested were sent to prison for short terms Fifty five girl students were involved FIVE DOLLARS A BOX The Price Gut No Figure with Kim I wart to nay for tin brtwflt of ami poor AfmffftK that l fprp ia Tablets will give coBMVwt and a cure every time Five dollar I to I the opporittoa to assignment tee YOItarlly one year on request the neat there a tendency to taIt Several lakes Ia- I Tu prove Ute be equal Trials lIT fsrm been formed to pat tile pradseet I IOIIM ue been eat and takes oat of Ute c li by IS and weigh I Gevenu eDt meat that oppoooecl to the February 2 March S there movement I I I tuan s 4 this k or- dinary and year b North- west soda have been found New Rifle substance o comma use bfadutmiths and wshma nen has ea inches bt pomade in- dustry pro- portions as organisation be- lts a4 connection there- fore ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ponbacioc tbn Mould befit wise them TW and Mr Kttm she wow me u M Us- tnJaioinK Stuart P s B i Tablets X KUMS and CHAS F mJBKKLL Kor eighteen rostra I uwutil what I mnittt was Madder sad trouble sad took hum three dnftturt doetora with able to do work I I would try a box of Stuart Dy- mpepda TaMeU Md aee U they would Hake aw tee bct serer really thinking I had dyoftf but IU only three or four tablet lad beta white the doeMa had bets treatnuj me lot kidney and bladder tenable and ore of tier treated MC for rbeiiiaati My k sac iy complnioa clear aad I am to do my work sad low tpiriU are milrnnwa k me I am i th atfol for a cure so good and o plxMMrt to take a Stuarts Tablet I eta MUfimid at the rtmaaa they line made ia m- All dn Mt eeL sad mnm Shorts HjvpepMa TaWeU badUH tber contain taly the ig r i and attn sink prev Mt acidity ami eamc snaiapt d tioa ami food they ate iauHm i litartbtMH sa oa jtomaili ela every of mach I a be would not stop my I ever I lid Ms I at Kilt rare my is aR right eI leY tried taIta d Mead there be jtR Signed Mrs Nmts of writs eM nits d I Kit iH at ray the Mid wIM then I I add t tiM7 sod wa- N f 1 nit tiger atria ae toe a was one titFoeat boght y du- a did work and disunion Easy miglbws my she these to m rep eeented name b Asidaat Pst e- cSsah SadMwy Mores Janes Trott Cbo ham kidney care m last tea ads tale ad dSeppeand and drtwrwsd had had 4rippsfa digs Lisa able eta wad a aiatMi us eat take a Pkryitera eue eadse etas lemma adetla sue ar al lee the outs m hr the s iK war Immesh s5rwu ass side28 > >> GEN WADES CHASC- EM OTIS YACAHCY According to Seniority Rule He Would Be Promoted Was Skipped Before May Be Overieeksd Higher Heaezs Seen There ta no little speculation te army circles as to who will be appointed by the President to fill the vacancy In the tirade of major general by the of Gen K S Otis Oeau rule of seniority ever already been advanced over his heed but for this reason army sifiBira somewhat doubtful whether ha will General Otto tIMe In July next twe ether vacancies will occur in the grade of major general by the statutory retirement at Leas John K Brooke sad Lloyd Wheaton There Is little doubt that Gen Leonard Wood will be promoted then in he falls to got the present vacancy Not friend of time President but he ta highly regarded by the entire Administration It ta tacitly admitted that Wood will eventually be appointed to aucccod Lieutenant General Miles la- the army NOAHS ARK SCENES AT A NEW YORK PIER Rhinoceros Trets the Afittis Deck and Other Besets Arrive for Bronx Park NEW YORK March 2fc With a rhi- noceros trotting around Its dock at mans heel a Himalayan black bear ripping the trousers from another a raccoon begging sugar and pythons and hi apes otherwise enjoying them selves tile British steamer Afridl looked lUre Noahs ark on terday It brought n consignment of wild beasts for the Bronx Zoological Park R L Oitmars in charge of UK rltr1 there superintended the removal of the new arrivals to their permanent quarters Khino went without Ida itnjur Mon- day night and yesterday followed Mr IHtmars who held a bunch tf sweet from his uarters t the crate la which he was te eras New York city Ditmaxs entered the crate and gave Rhino the grass the big beast and locked him in the crate Rhino sad other beasts that required warm quarters were animal town in a Metropolitan eznrean oat hentmi bar electricity John McCabe a trnesnmlii went leg Iron the knee down He scratched LOIfDO CLUB Pfcne the Celnmbia the Hew Aagte Americas Orgaabatien LONDON March M The nail Xair says that an Aagta American Millionaires ta expensive in Europe The entraneo leo serteUon fifteen which to higher than any club in London A syndicate has been formed inchniiag the Duke of Sutherland Lord Beresfovd Winston Churchill the Karl of Klatore sad Messrs J P Morgan W C Whitney and Chattneey Dzpew Negotiations are at the cover of Dover Street and Picadilly now occupied by the Avondale and Ratchetts Hotel The syndicate has offered lM ot for this property and the offer is almost drain to be accepted good relations between Great Britain and the United States There has already been a great rush of KngHshmen and Americans to obtain m mhtrihlp which will be limited to a thousand It is stated the list is already filled LEGAL NOTICES IS THE SCMtEHE COf KT OP THE IMBTMJCT j or CUtA MBIA A A L KOtBY far FRANCIS A Klitny bi eovUy Xo 927 The object of by the rafCpUinaat with the defendant oa fur the full sad amUiiupUid apace of two recta OM motioa- Kdwin Forest it b tiff oUt day of Harcb rata ordered that the defeadiat came trio ap fortieth day exc dan after the day of the pmV- licatioB of order otherwise the cam will be proceeded with a ia default Provided a copy of this order be rntitibtj see a week far Urn turceiaive and A C BRA1MLC- TYoCSC By J W LATXXEK Vt Clot Wood F stands Ute top of or brigadier and te tM lie Three to Ida Mw are General a personal General of laic a man Japanese bear cab Japan eM morning traveling Then lte post We- IMar the bears cage ta was Club Ie Ia proeeo oil It to lie called Ute to be tile Inert will be fifty pIaeM sad tile I for the purchsne of The ebjeet ot the dab Ie o I to I tM of ground 0- 1IIft hoI d IIr the ddeedaat d the to be nit Mftia tile of Wi the weeks Won in li- en We True J R llll r NowGereeal Slated for retirement yes- terday Jemes Wade at the list generals according should pr noted cheers Junior have get cave only ls Wood csosatd play- fully and a a boy ya big sqeesed up sad mouser set MILLIONAIRES of formation Lon- don was Cslsaehla- and promises sad mast inib in progress a build- ing main pro- mote this mit h obtain a dieee leas band the whirl sta and the ru lmM emplainart b her slieker on r bMae Saeys sad beet occurring cud dy tine waehiagto Law sad Wi hiotta Stl copyTs lark ¬ ¬ ¬ + + j LEGAL NOTICES TDK FLACK No Ha Pmtiwt Mot hi hereby that the Caimnlrulsn- wa of tile Dawrirt of OB inbu smmmnt u of tile act of Omcpeaa entitled As act for till rrtmmtm of- Motbemt sod mr other UOB ia thm ort the brnd mr the sad Unfit AvemK to the Ml wWta of fit faaC by isarti atrimary mad below S isst- oa the IM of ajd J- auMHneni ad anmned to 1r pttltisa Exhftit D r 1 And tile aU fled their hrreia ia rcoT Uae entitled An act for the extern of ebbs Sad eat of Tbir- toesth Street and tor other purpose approved hIS prayisc that a of urea just dWutrrtatod sue tOt related to any per sm m ei jted ta the procr4tasa sad tOt in- the service or empioymeat W the benefit which of the tend strmmry for the eztemdoo of d- trret asamot those piece or parcel of abutting that portion of and extewtms to a septa of feet from the westerly buUSa MxorduMt to the jrovauoaa of above It i offered 17th sty f Peril X- IHE AT M VOJOCE A X and to c u- tmme m ttimiti mail this thud have the award of mnrtii and aaMmmeats of unfit of the rrovised libel once m the m The nrbmflin Tim MIl atwiptaim oa aerular at timts before aid day of March 1MB and tile Motel fa dweeted to to be sewed epee a- be lailrnmi a nay he bond within the Bh net of 01 iiitii- By the Covet 8Ml A B J K YOtTMJ uncle By B J MfOGS S AMt Oork- mhT8U Tt1t tt tt ix acrmtwt OOCKT TMB or OXXIOHA THE tent BAT or JAMJ- ARV net AKTHCR L PRO WAOORe S COX et aL Ko DEl BmiHr SeaM Mot slier it mi ta the mriowwa idea sad hert C Weks emnc their a a of At be the win be protested wttk la of detB- BttXo3ata the part of DMriet of Cnmmih- m the DMriet- of Cohuabia and lee the aame at the oothwcat earner of mid lot sod tbeao north OB the eaat ride of Eaat Market Bps ties art feet aouth to aortb sise af at bet tboace welt 4 Tbi order to be poUtmed twine a unarfciBc- at tile n llnalss Imy- Heportcr aad Tw- MT dnte- r R Tome Otrk- By f K LATnOEX lnmtat Clack SUPKEUE OOVBT or TIlE INSTBBOr OF- OOLfVBIA HOLDIXC A PBOBATB COOK So WHO AdmiaiatratioB- Tk i Columbia granted letter OB the of Alfred WilUwoa ap m ke District of Probate Court appointed 4TH DAT OF APRIL IMS AT M- X 3t a time car said court r lecacie or a bea rhbni afmmt ms vluiaa l B frh ranched Orrcn under H hand tbi Nth da nt TILE AXEX1CAX SBCCKITT ASlT- TRCST OOMTAST- B JARS F HOOD iu Secretary By XcCAJUIOS HATDSJf Attorney Attn LOCIS A DOT of Will for the DMrlct of CMianbU Clerk of the Probate Com STFBB3K COURT OF Till MSTBJCT OF COLUXMA HOLDING A PROBATE cotta Xo KO AdmmiBtratfoB Colombia granted letter on estate of Villiam Aadenou ins with the ns- Idms a Probate Court TH DAY or APRIL OCLOCK A It room a tile platy trtbatioB from mid stale the Omrf- oirectioa sad control whea and where an ewd ban end penoM untried to dmtritnrtfoe- By OOBDOV GORDON Attomrjn LOUIS A- Bcgtater ef Win Joe the District of ttlin ml malt Clerk of the ruials Cmat SUPREME COCRT OF THE MSmtCT OP COLCMBfA HOLDING A COHOtf- So lot AoauwBtrarJoa tile Diatriet of CW mb ha obtained waned to exhibit the win the to th- or before tile 1TTH DAY OP EASeR A D rM8 otherwise they may k he aended trim all benefit of mid tate Gtvea under my head llth f- UW HABJUCT H WW v QlTnBBflnmt sat Attojt LOCIS A Btan Bcawter of WBh mr the Dutrfec of Omnnns lark of the Pr- S B BOjfD Attoraey PROPOSALS TREASURY IJEPABTJIE5T Architect Waduattoa D C March a Sealed propaBab will be received at this until t OCLOCK P M oa the OST DAY OF APRIL IB- of a the and Priatw WwbiasjtoB with the drawing and iBtrificalioa eantas of JAMES KMOK- TATtOB SopcrtUing Architect TEE C0LRT OP DOLLIES A tOIftDI or ot w r II petj ibsr of Q SIIint tile M plat or sap tam W a ala M plat with tile act eI of tile sea be I lee Diatriet eI tie I the to be tiDe Yckiotoo Deco 01 the D 1tI tit all promos nap intent r i Jft to thIn crt asr DAY ap MIll sw er W W hail awe JLGND llee flea tIP of piaianl Mr WIll riot 1 n tk tat IIIIe- 8her the espiIndMa of after the tat wHo of tIIIIer- wiM TIle ebjeet 01 tIIiII unit Is to die 0 sq lot U ill e 17 u G the I alone w of IlL 4t fMC of to join sotft oc- I tide cia to w lot A to give settee tInt tM by the Supreme of the DWrt4 r the H tM lost eI a iRg pall J lI Tlis to sorb tint u the Suproe Cot of tile Shunt t mIll 110 MIIaM1 FRIDAY TIlE T die and pyaom r IeIIiIIIIe sMiaed tr arty Gives IIud this IJJ- XES WIlBlLltr xumt AIaIIIt JIBIft PAt BAD This a cot the Dletrict ei- eI daiss tile MpUy the 1LIXIrr ot Dire 1 Me ad ttxa tile aectiea with the pyirio be had tkb 31ap 4 IS SCP11EMR T11t- tor t11Wl A a mn sio 11 Rhea the posit l Aransas K- edet t minds el Dkioto Phi between rile t in a pre said sad mked t- ube moot petition d Cosgro Joe 4 tie Dune d- ObtsbM or tatted be tisl Masdd the bfmabe ten the drsge aaRiaed sad to aa the my occult tn the cdeMle peens ofwt opened fir f mid the mm- lioed seta he fag in 1 peeLl be- eftead a A- lf ILW tan ado ire trust order eairaag a te t tii edit Wssbisgi and post say dx a rpy of this null eons if Itar lad Is Jmiks eapyTe lib M6T s So se- On tuns the b gdwhaIhr dmd the dde dehe ss is- tared boron a r base day aF- e tie aerie rid osier ant car ma tEl ree sreoi riknow n n Op know Georgetown bah hag N oat these Chevy M nosy tie the phi begig sad m mid defeadae from meting by r dmmat o- rtntset is throe nsa5pa dd es nt OmL c Jsudea Mt- Ttue agTot jam feu mmmi2ml eshaelber rio woe Cost then date boa with dtr the sass cap tin ibr and din mint lam lid eriso the Court dircAls ad sd p ee- eitaa sa4 peyeaae a- ied rah M tee i give osiseria lain was by r ante yarns at the sapree tureen d fir Diet d- cbhbia Ito e w odd pmt few swig std i nino- nr l pcii a s donut r by agent or uor ey duty astha- WEwwtth their cifsim agest the ertrss pop yoheL ode my 1 t m se t to give t the t1 thin f Colubfa lens Into District the ci ahmbi detmdHheg hawing apaaaM cheesed a brushy acme v ocham thar4 aae etkasI ahsefber ein law yv d 1Msb S tedatlJlf het opened tat swing f tu- be D C n e wbich ay at uic mbt2o w > > > > < = < < + > are the only make ia the world with particular and precise models every blcbuild of Form can secure perfect ease double as much service f and an absolutely exrct There are over fifty different styles Erect follows your own don not y press upon the bust or abdomen but gives a graceful effect to person by keeping the shoulders in a straight lime Erect Form 973 and 781 For medium figures IOO Ereot Form 974 same as above but made f anecoutH ISO Ereot Form 939 iBiprovcd for average 26O- nV Ereet Form 972 In batiste developed figures Low bust overbids and abdacscn ls Erect Form 962 For wont Bgures Laagover abdomen and trips 2SO Tract Form 9 66 For fuH figure loBgblpa 3OO V Erect Form 97O For medima agarcx v batiste le 973 t Loo- t x CA Nettest Erect Form lies Very e f- v Ste enlf ftraper n W bait jr ftf- v N Style 711 at S2 Style 713 at 94 AtttttAMkn Hy e o y yyn Tina fcfa ii tfcnirf fa Weingarten Bros 377379 Broadway N Y take f me WB Bract Ttmm Fs- i 1r4li 9- J ERECT FORM CORSETS f I ou Long f t ii 1 H eM tile Accept r r r 13 pus 1 1911 it t r s a medal jar tie saabiaas < > > >


Jan 01, 2020



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The Kaiser Wiihelm derGrosse Carries Many



The Talented Ynwg Pianist Divides At-

tention With Lady Constance Mac-

kenzie aad Heees t Return text Sea-

son Waaliinf ten People Sail

NEW YORK March 2C That themah to Surope is already la tail

swing la shewn by the vast throng whichyesterday crowded oa beard the NorthGerman Lloyd steamship Kaiser Wit J

helm der Grosse which aalled for Bremenby way of Plymouth and Cherbourg Alarge percentage of the vessels miMerous passengers wilt debark at Plymouthand proceed thence te London wherethey will remain uaty after the corona-tion ceremonies

Conspicuous among thoae who sailedby the Bremen liter wan Lady ConstanceMackenzie who has been on a six weeksvisit to this country and who at the pierdivided attention with Jan Kubelik thenoted young violinist who has Just com-pleted a successful engagement here-To the numerous admirers who were atthe pier to see him off the young musi-cian said be had bees amazed at the extent of the reentry and more than

at his reception If he saM Icould take with me all the people whomI hue learned to lore in this country Ishould baTe three big steamships full totake home I am not only grateful tothe Americana but to my own country-men the Bohemians m various parts ofthe country who treated me so hos-pitably

When asked sheet the prospects of hisreturning to America Mr Kubelik said bearranged a return Tislt some time duringnext season when he expects to see thePacific Coast and the Southern dUeL

Mr Kubellks stateroom was decoratedwith a number of American fags Hewore besides a pin showing a minatureAmerican flag which lad been given himby one of his admirers

Paul Biouet Max OReM who is onhis way to Paris where he will accept aneditorial post on the Figaro waa

passenger by the Kaiser WilhetoiAmong the numerous others who sailedby that vessel were Mr and Yrs GeorgeVanderbilt Count Quadt first Secretaryof the German Embassy at Washingtonand Count Armin Second Secretary ofthe embassy Mrs Harold Brown Mrand Mra James H Count GCosta Spencer Eddy Secretary of theUnited States Embassy at ConstantinopleMr aad Mrs X G Fabbri Mr and JarAugustus Hemingway sad the MissesHemingway sad Miss Mary Kernocban

Sailing for Southampton today thePhiladelphia o the American Itae wiltcarry Mrs Richardson Clover wife ofCommander Clover of the United StatesNavy and the Misses Clover Mr andMrs C H Colburn also of Washington-Lee Davis Mrs W McK Barbour Mrand Mrs AdamsStern Prof J SSterrett Mr and Mrs C B Tnrbevlll

The Ward line steamship Morro Cedewhich arrived from Havana yesterdaybrought puny New Yorkers who havebeen wintering in Cuba


Danger Is Said te Be a Hart Diuk rand a Biter

NSW YORK March M Dancer a dogof uncertain pedigreeleis mongrel Mad for he is accused ofbiting three children who Mve n tilelower part of this city His list victimwas Lillian Martin a sevenyearold girlwho lives In Oak Street Dancer who issaid to ba addicted to the use of strongdrink bit the girl Sunday afternoonTwo more Kim were added Monday tothe list of those Injured by the caninedipaomarlac Their names were JuliaLa n and Maggie Cuslck The first istwelve years old sad the second nveyears her junior They appeared in courtyesterday morning accompanied by theirmother

Mrs Cusirk and Mrs Lawn both Mve atNew Chambers Street They said that

Danger was the property of James McGuire who had a saloon at 54 New Cham-bers Street Mrs Lama said that herdaughter Julia was playing In the streetMonday when the dog bit her severelyMrs Cusick said that her child was alsobitten Both children will go for treat-ment twice a day to toe Hudson StreetHospital

Mr McGuire was seen yesterday in hisestablishment He paused long enough nthe blondtng of ale to say that be did sotown the dor

Danger came to this neighborhood twomonths ago said he He has two legsHow does be run I dost know but hekeeps up with all the teams that peas theblock He comes in here sometimes butI never saw him drink a drop He Isntnine Im not paying his license for liv-ing Ive no objection to his being shot

McGutres references to a twoleggeddog were meant to be Jocular for be hasthe reputation of being the wittiestla New Chambers Street

McGwire may think he M aman declared Mrs Custek yesterday

with his talk about twolegged doe andabout Danger taking no drink Ibelieve that the dog ever drank a drop ofliquor or beer iu all his life But this iscertain that w wont have the childrendown here bitten by the creature MeGutre may laugh and those who stand infront of Us saloon may think its fun toseed a deg after the children hat thismust stop


Captain Dkkiae Urged as Swcesr toAdmiral Eadicett

With the approaching conclusion of thefour years tine of service as Chief of tileNavy Department Bureau of Yards andDocks of Rear Admiral M T Bndfeettthere Is an evident movement on the part

F W appointed his successorPrior to the appointment of Admire

Bndicett as chief of tin bureau the In-cumbent has always been a live o cerSecretary Long however became con-vinced that as the work of this bureau wasof a technical nature its chief should be atechnical man and Civil Kngineer liedcott received the billet It la said thatMr Long ta sack pleated with AdmiralEadlcotfs administration of affairs andhas sigalned his Intention oflog him for reappointment

The candidate of the lino CaptainDicklas was formerly Assistant Chief ofthe Bureau of Navigation While sta-tioned la this city Captain Dtekias wifewas horsed to death by the explosion ofsome gasolene






wile price n


or the of tINt U7 to have CaptDIck































Murder and Suicide Were Based ea aMistake

LONDON March M A most pathetictragedy caused by an unhappy misunder-standing was revealed at the coronerscourt at Colwyn Bay yesterday and wasfollowed by a painfully dramatic revela-tion

On Monday a young man named DavidHtcharde missed a small box of moneybelonging to Ute shop of which he wasmanager

He asked his sweetheart Lilian Keaywho was the one saw hint putthp box ef money away to restore ittinkles she takes M

She dented any knowledge of the boxHe thereupon shot her dead turned therevolver upon himself and killed himselftoo During the inquest Richards

rushed into the court holding upmtesing box which had been the cause

of the tragedyIt bad been found quite the place

where the unhappy murderer and suicidelead said be put it


Georgetown and Lehigh toMeet on the Diamond-

Beth Nines ia Good Form for the BaseballGame to Be Held en the Local

College Campus

The Brae and Grey of Georgetown andthe Brows of Lehigh will mingle this af

Silken banners proudly display-ing the rival colors will be waved

by fair rooters amid all tile hur-rah and confusion of a college baseballgame

Theywant the this yi and Ifstilt heady pbtytas can get H the Inter-collegiate banner will fast over the localuniversity on the let day of June WhileLehigh has no strong pretensions for theehnmptonahip they are a nervy ot ofball teasers and will do everything Intheir power to Georgetown a hardrun for Its money

The Batting OrderThis afternoon the entire pitching stall

will be given tryeut Bobby Blewettwill of course be held in reserve to actas a cbek should the visitor fall foul oftbe youngsters sad proceed to wallopthem out of tbe box Particular attentionwill be paid to the work of SeiU and Coxwho are regarded aa coming twirlers

mesa abilityThe management has announced that

the same will not be called until 415oclock in order to allow the fans em-ployed in the departments aa opportunityto witness the contest Mr Bett whoomciated with the most satisfactory re-sults last season has again bees eapied by the local manager

Tile lineup of the opvostng aggrega-tions has been announced aa follows

Georgetown Catcher Drill pitchersBlewett Mackay Seltx and Caxbase Dowliit second base Dormaathird base Morgan shortstop Moran leftSkid Golden centre Apperius rigidfold OHara or Diesel

Lehigh Catcher Tilly pitcher Taylornrst base Lewis second base Rusethird base Klnne shortstop Kvrhartleft field Hanklar centre field Schueierright field Remits


N W YORK 2fc Tins CenturyAthletic Club of Los Angeles Cal hascome to the terms made by Robert Klta-simmoes end have offered hint just whathe has said then he wants

Late lest night the etch telegraphed toFlu that it would offer 75 per cent of tilegross receipts for a fight between hislid Jeffries about May Je and guaranteethat it would not be less than 25 00

The club demands a deposit from Utefighters of JSM to insure good faithFItx asked until April 1 to consider theproposition which the drab reluctaatlygranted especially so since it te hs ownproposition which he balks

The directors intimated that if he didnot accept this niter making the propospan himself it would be because hewanted none of Jeffries game

This is by far the best offer that baabeen made thus far sand It is guaran-teed by a deposit la beak

Scbeeaer neaR Probably LestBALTIMORE March M No tidtncs

have been received of tIN threemasted-schooner Bertha Dews Captain Thomaswitch sailed out of this port thirtysevendays ago for Boston with a ergo ofcoal The vessel registered 963 tons 247feet long red was built at Bath Me IB-



Made Over by Quitting CoffeeCoffee probably wrecks a greater per-

centage of Southerners than Northernpeople for Southerners use it tare freely

The work it does Is distressing enoughIn some instances aa aa illustration MissSue W Fairall 517 North Fourth StreetRichmond Va writes I was a coffeedrinker for years and for about six yearsmy leonine was completely shattered Isuffered fearfully with headaches andnervousness also palpitation of the heartand loss of appetite

My sight gradually began to fall andfinally I lost tfce sight of one eye altogather The eye ws upon andthe sight partially then I be-came totally blind in the other eye

My doctor used to urge me to glue uptote but I was willful and continued todrink It until finally In a last case of aerare Illness the donor insisted that Imust give up tile coffee so I began usingthe Pastern Food Coffee and in a monthI felt like a new creature

I steadily gaped in health andstrength About a month ago T beganwing Grape Nuts Breakfast Food red Uteeffect has beeR wonderful I really feellike a new woman and have plaid abouttwentyfive pounds

I am quite aa elderly lady tadPostum red I could

not walk a square without exceeding fatigue sox I walk ten or twelve without

Formerly In reading I couldremember but little but now my memoryholds rut what I read

Several friends who have sees theeffects of Pestun and Grape

Nets en me bare urged that I Kin theteals te the white for the sake of salfeeing humanity so although I dislikepublicity you can publish this letter

name If you liked




terJMN the or the local

Georgetown ta oempt







ADleM Will Give 75 Per eat of theReceipts or Fight



teeing It




ea campes uni-versity


going sat wit







Grass s5ose farMarch


beorr a-

wing Onpe Nuts


















Temporary Breathing SpellFor Magnates


Seiwtorial Manager Expected te ArriveTeaigfat Watieaal League Still aDelicate PasitieH Geaeral News ef theBaseball Wed I

Tom LeftMs the Senatorial Mentor forthe next six months or store will arriveto Washington this events at f oclockManager will thud that his ab-sence after the time set for his arrivalnearly a week ago has occasioned ninnysJeepkfs nights among Ute National

fansAs an Indirect result oC his nonap-

pearance the Washington club has been i

transferred to Pittstoirg on an average oftwenty times a stay and transferred lackagain as often the players from CaptainDelahaaty down have jumped their eontracts deserted to the National Leagueand done many other things equally re-prehensible

In fact the local situation has closelyresembled the proverbial ehlckeB with itshead amputated and nothing was toostrenuous to contour up With the ar-rival of Manager Loftus however it iaexpected that aa entirely different aspectwill present itself

Loftus is a man of wonderful executivepower and under his skllKul guidancethings will rapidly shape themselvesalt the excitable fans will have to do ta-te sit tight and neeumuate powerfor the opening day April 23

National League OntleekThe announcement that Barney Drey

fuss has agreed to sign a call for ameeting of the magnates of the NationalLeague has had a soothing influence onthe affairs of the older organizationJust how long this peaceful attitude willlast it hi hard to say aa with Fro admanand SnaMIng remaining suspiciouslyeuiot there is no telling when troublewill break out In a fresh place

Of course there will be an endeavormade to keep the more excitable elementtn the background at the coming meetingbut this is easier said than done Freed-man is not a man that is easily

and Spalding has also shown signs ofa desire to carry everything before himregardless of consequences

The old National League la In a veryticklish position and it will require care-ful diplomacy to avoid open rupture Theteams have been sent South for thespring working out but still the sched-ule has net been adopted so that a meet-ing is absolutely necessary and no onecan tell what may happen whea a largeamount of flammable material te col-lected ta one place

I Altogether it behooves the magnatesto go slow and think carefully beforethey Will they do it


A despatch from Washington N Cstates that fifteen travel stained ballplayers a dog and two fat men Wowlate place Monday sight After thegrime had been washed ole it was dis-covered that tbe outfit was what ia leftof the Phillies

President Hickey of the American As-sociation recently paid a visit to Mil-waukee for the purpose of inspecting thegrounds He complimented the Brewerstagnates upon the arrangement and con-dition of the laid and stands

The Giants have started their pre-liminary practice en Manhattan FieldChristy Matbewnon is among them

Captain Whitney of the Cornell base-ball team has selected the following menfor the Southern trip Pitchers ChaseHenderson Bristol Knapp and Beebecatches Whlnery and Tydeman Sealbase Ferguson snood bee Brownthird base Costello shortstop Lewisleft field Brewster right fold DrakeThe centre fielder has not Melt selectedManager Kinney will accompany Uteteam which leaves Ithaca on Thursdaytax Charlotte N C

Iberg sad Jaeklitsch here started Southto Join the Phillies

The baseball aggregation representingthe University of Pennsylvania startedSoith yesterday for a series of gameslasting through the Raster holidays Tbefollowing men accompanied Coach IrwinVolf and Carrie catchers Devlin Rey-nolds Kaufman Marshall Wilder andGroves pitchers Bennett first base Co-llier second base Orbia shortstopBrown third base Swain extra infielderWhite left fold Newman centre fieldNoble right field and De Lisle extra out-fielder

A of relief that was audible all-over he country went up to the heavensfrom the muchdistressed magnatesit was learned that Dreyfuss had signedthe call

lisa Johnson will It te said spend sev-eral days at the Virginia Hot SpringsIn this ease he will certainly honor OleSenators by his presence at the openingpate

C a there be a Dummy Hoy answerto the passes resulting from the secretmeeting of Freddy Postal and Tom Loftsat Chicago Hoy however has said noth-ing so far

Joe Delebanty of last years Montrealteam has signed with Worcester

Georgetown va Lehigh todayA baseball team has been organised at

the Theological SeminaryYale will attempt to take a taft out of

Georgetown tomorrowWiley Platt baa been signed by Manager

Griffith of the Chicago White Sox


Henry Smith Says William Smith Struck

BALTIMORE Mares W PatrolmanRamsay of the Central district

heard a commotion in the neighborhoodof Holliday and Fayette Streets late Moaday night and west to investigate Hefound a negro leasing up against a wanwith his face badly cut and bleeding andaaw another negro running out HollidayStreet

Ramsay started ia pursuit and after achase of seven blocks overhauled theSeeing negro and took him to the policestation where he gave his name aa William Smith The negro with tbe damaged countenance sid his nameHenry Smith and told the following storyto Justice Fechtig yesterday morning

lIe and William Smith landed In Balti-more Monday from a baybad la his jeans and according toHenry the pair were walking clues Holllday Street when William picked up abrick awl struck him la 11 face with Itbreaking the brick more or less badlyinjuring tIM face While Henry was re-covering from the shock says WilHam put his hard in lets pocket and tookthe money

The two halves of the brick were proattend B the court sad wore found tocorrespond with the Impression on Henryscountenance William wens committed tojail for the action of the Criminal Court













rtUd tOll










vessel Hear411
























NBW YORK The studentsof Columbia MerningsideHeights tile rouser of MayorLew cannot get ovW Idea that thefair Coeds of Barnard tbewomans annex of the university are tryins to entrench the prerogatives ofthe masculine element Their request forthe use of the mens swimming poolwhen not otherwise in use has stirred upsuch a collegiate rumpus that the stdent publications are now sodas the limitta their use of the Bnclwh language toback their arguments

In response to the recent editorial iathe Columbia University Quarterlywritten by one of the faculty condemningthe masts attitude in regard to the swim-ming pool controversy ColumbiaSpectator ia a caustic editorial tookup the cudgels ta its own behalf la itsissue yesterday The Quarterly said

The tempest that tats arisen on theordinarily calm surface ef student lifekern because of the offer to Barnard atedents of the use of the gymnasium swim-ming tank on Wednesday evenings Is ameteorological and psychological pilenomenoa a little difficult to understand

As the tank is rant otherwise in use onWednesday evenings so that its assignmeat to the Barnard students involves no



Chicago Candidate EmploysService of Advocate

Is Enabled With ef Instrument te-

Aidreee a Number ef AudiencesTime and Famish Music

CHICAGO HI March 2 Campaignspeeches from the funnel of a phonographconstitute the medium by which CasstnsO Smith Republican candidate for

in the hopes tegather voters to his support

Being inexperienced in campaigning bedespaired of ever being able to Indulgein flights of political oratory until Alderman Batterworth suggested the phon-ograph as a vote wiaaeV

Mr Smith sat dW prepared acampaign speech carefully re

with all the strew aiM bnnder of an ex-

perienced stumpspeaker

a blank wax roll inserted themachine was geared dow to alow rpeedand Mr Smith read his spesch into themouthpiece Half i noeea wax recortbwere made and addresseshis admirers at bank a deem places attIM saute time r t

Several selections of musk by fullmade are used In connection and the ma-chine takes the pines of campaign lendas well aa campaign obator

Half an hour beforeheld by the various RetfebOeaa eraaalza-tiona in the ward the phonograph ks plac-ed at Ute entrance with a Sown marchunder the needle When tie crowdsgather they tasted Into the hall tndSmiths speech Is inserted In twangingtone the machine min upft

Ladles and gentlemen Mr Smithwho ia unlortuimtely unable to be withs on account of nether engagement will

give us his views from the phonograph


Injured Young MaR Calmer Than Rescu-ers Directs Them

NEW YORK March With both legseat off at the ankle by Ute wheels of atrain on the Putnam RaHroad at VanCortlaad Park a young rat who gavehis name aa Harry Smith red bis resi-dence at Jackson and Lorteer StreetsBrooklyn directed bow the train shouldbe backed to free the crushed stumps andbow he should be taken from under thetuna

Of tbe crowd which rusted from thetrain when the word west round that aman bad been run over Smith was by farthe coolest

The engine driver Jumped Into his cabstd carefully backed the train about afoot until Smith was free Smithcoolly directed how he should befrom under the train and put in the bag-gage car

ills legs were tightly tied and a mes-sage was set to KingsbrMge to aFordbam Hospital ambulance tffcitingthere No ambulance was la waiting atKlnsjsbridge but a policemen boarded thetrain and the man was takea to FordhamHeights where the police of Kingsbridgehad ordered aa ambulance to meet it

All through this tetrlble ordeal Smithnever tat consciousness sad conversedfreely with those in the baggage car buthe would assign no for his act nortell how he came to be ia Van Cortlan3iPark He saW be did not see the trainbut a number of passengers who weresitting In the front car sad looking outof the windows saw him deliberatelythrow himself across the tracks as soonas the warning whistle sounded


A South American Pfaatdgnt Entertainedon the Cruise

SAN DIEGO Cal Mare The batUeship Wisconsin has arrived fromthe South Since Sound

14 she baa steamed M2M milestouching at Honolul Acapulco Valpa-raiso suet Callao

When she left Fuse Sound there wasmeasles on board tNIs tri causedthe vessel to be virtually quarantined atPogo Pago At ValparaW the Presidentof Chile wens a guest the oncers

At Magdalena Bay target practice wasIndulged in the batrteiip remalnicathere from March 1 le fe

Admiral Casey ta aboard std good healthta reported Among Dicers aad crew TheWisconsin is kern under waiting orders


Said te Head Corporation te Make Anzest Wastes Bloom

PHOKNIXt Ariz March M Dr JohnF Goucher president ef the WomansCollege of Baltimore ta at the irons ofa corporation that te te make glad aurge expanse la the waste spaces ofArizona

His company la consideration of apayment of 7fiM6 has just

of the Buckeye canal and of a largeacreage of lead it irrigated

The canal ono ot the oral importantin the Territory ta twentytwo situlong and leads on the Otis River twentymiles southwest of Phoenix

MarchI It




Thirty ward


he to it

A concert



lea mist





Un tie





hee red until wse kMe render

large jihoted raph was pur-chased hen

sow r sstk

dept a




YIIg Oc-



f acquired con-trol














Make nee ef very highfalutin Eng-

lish convince New Yorkers thattheir request sfeeeld be granted

interference whatever with the privilegesof the male students of time university

thinly In appearance at least wanting ingallantry one might say wanting in

courtesy and sereBvidently the student mind has been

working along lines of ratiocinationwhich UK edicts mind has ties far failedto follow The day may cotta when thestudent body will smile at Its fright

In reply The Spectator editorial saidIt seems to us to require no extraor-

dinary powers of ratiocination to conelude that when a privilege ta granted

Hah that privilege aa a right Nor doesIt seem unreasonable to sty that K weare to oppose a genera movement wemust oppose each and every step in thatmovement

Per the benefit of the perplexed oal-eial ruts we would like to restate thatthe vast majority of Columbia studentsare absolutely opposed to nay act lrcreasing the privileges or adding to theprominence of women students at ColumMa



Its Products Can Be HandledJust Like Ice

Bottoms aad Shores ef Lakes in BritishColumbia Feud Cevered With

Waehisg Compound

Mr John L Bttttawer United StatesConsul Genera at Montreal reports thata mite of natural soap ta one of the lat-

est mineral discoveries In the

the foothills near Ashcroft British Col-

umbia Their bottoms and short anted with a natural washing com-pound containing borax and soda Xetwo analyses agree exactly as to thecomposition of the material a Yorkanalysis gives K per eat borax aMontreal chemist from the same samplegives M per teat borax

to the waaaing powders tn

show that it win vomowo grease and dirtquicker than soap

A syndicate of British Columbia

the market About 273 tons of the com

lake It ta handled precisely as ice ishandled The Mocks are more than tInches In thickness are sawn Into nieces

eachIt ta estimated that this Jake alone eon

talus 2D6M tons proving that theif successful will reach large


Existence f Organization Oppasod teRussian Announced

ST PKTBRSDRG March 2 A semiomcial report confirms the state

Government exists among the studentsand that the latter are trying te causeagitation among workingmen through themedium of secret meetings which are

held at various placesBetween

were 182 arrests in with thinOf this crasher ninetyfive

were sent to Siberia for tet i s of front twoto tee years

The Czar made a requeU that only theringleaders should be banished The re-mainder of those arrested were

sent to prison for short terms Fiftyfive girl students were involved


The Price Gut No Figure with KimI wart to nay for tin brtwflt of ami poor

AfmffftK that l fprp ia Tablets willgive coBMVwt and a cure every time Five dollar



the opporittoa to assignment tee

YOItarlly one year on request theneat there a tendency to taIt

Several lakes Ia-


Tu prove Ute be equal

Trials lIT fsrm

been formed to pat tile pradseetI

IOIIM ue been eat and takes oat of Ute

c li by IS and weigh



meat that oppoooecl to the

February 2 March S there




I tuan



this k



andyear b


soda have been found


substance ocomma use

bfadutmiths and wshma

nenhas ea

inches bt pomade

in-dustry pro-portions

as organisation














ponbacioc tbn Mouldbefit wise


and Mr Kttm she wow me u M Us-tnJaioinK Stuart P s B i Tablets


Kor eighteen rostra I uwutil what Imnittt was Madder sad trouble sadtook hum three dnftturt doetora with

able to do workI I would try a box of Stuart Dy-

mpepda TaMeU Md aee U they would Hake awtee bct serer really thinking I had dyoftf

but IU only three or four tablet lad beta

white thedoeMa had bets treatnuj me lot kidney andbladder tenable and ore of tier treated MC forrbeiiiaati

My k sac iy complnioa clearaad I am to do my work sad low tpiriU aremilrnnwa k me

I am i th atfol for a cure so goodand o plxMMrt to take a StuartsTablet I eta MUfimid at the rtmaaa they linemade ia m-

All dn Mt eeL sad mnm ShortsHjvpepMa TaWeU badUH tber contain taly the

ig r i and attn sinkprev Mt acidity ami eamc snaiapt d tioa ami


they ate iauHmi litartbtMH sa oa jtomaili

ela every of mach


a be would not stop myI ever I lid

Ms I atKilt rare my is aR right

eI leY triedtaIta d Mead there be jtR


Mrs Nmts of writs

eM nits d I Kit iH atray

the Mid wIM thenI I add



sod wa-N f 1 nit

tiger atria ae toe a was

one titFoeat boght y du-a did work and disunion

Easy miglbws my she theseto m rep eeented

name b

Asidaat Pst e-cSsah SadMwy Mores

Janes Trott Cboham


care m last tea


tale ad dSeppeand anddrtwrwsd had had 4rippsfa

digs Lisaable



aiatMi us eat take

aPkryitera eue eadse etas lemma

adetlasue ar al lee the outs m hr thes iK war Immesh s5rwu



> >



According to Seniority RuleHe Would Be Promoted

Was Skipped Before May Be Overieeksd

Higher Heaezs Seen

There ta no little speculation te armycircles as to who will be appointed by thePresident to fill the vacancy In the tiradeof major general by the

of Gen K S Otis Oeau

rule of seniority

ever already been advanced over hisheed but for this reason army sifiBirasomewhat doubtful whether ha willGeneral Otto tIMe

In July next twe ether vacancies willoccur in the grade of major general bythe statutory retirement at Leas John KBrooke sad Lloyd Wheaton There Islittle doubt that Gen Leonard Wood willbe promoted then in he falls to gotthe present vacancy

Notfriend of time President but he ta highlyregarded by the entire Administration Itta tacitly admitted that Woodwill eventually be appointed to aucccodLieutenant General Miles la-the army


Rhinoceros Trets the Afittis Deck andOther Besets Arrive for Bronx ParkNEW YORK March 2fc With a rhi-

noceros trotting around Its dock atmans heel a Himalayan black bear

ripping the trousers from anothera

raccoon begging sugar and pythonsand hi apes otherwise enjoying themselves tile British steamer Afridl lookedlUre Noahs ark onterday It brought n consignment of wildbeasts for the Bronx Zoological Park RL Oitmars in charge of UK rltr1there superintended the removal of thenew arrivals to their permanent quarters

Khino went without Ida itnjur Mon-day night and yesterday followed MrIHtmars who held a bunch tf sweetfrom his uarters t thecrate la which he was te eras New Yorkcity Ditmaxs entered the crate and gaveRhino the grassthe big beast and locked him in the crateRhino sad other beasts that requiredwarm quarters were animal town ina Metropolitan eznrean oat hentmi bar

electricityJohn McCabe a trnesnmlii went

leg Iron the knee down Hescratched


Pfcne the Celnmbia the Hew AagteAmericas Orgaabatien

LONDON March M The nail Xairsays that an Aagta American Millionaires


expensive in Europe The entraneo leo

serteUon fifteen which to higher thanany club in London

A syndicate has been formed inchniiagthe Duke of Sutherland Lord BeresfovdWinston Churchill the Karl of Klatoresad Messrs J P Morgan W C Whitneyand Chattneey Dzpew Negotiations are

at the cover of Dover Street andPicadilly now occupied by the Avondaleand Ratchetts Hotel The syndicate hasoffered lM ot for this property and theoffer is almost drain to be accepted

good relations between GreatBritain and the United States There hasalready been a great rush of KngHshmenand Americans to obtain m mhtrihlpwhich will be limited to a thousand

It is stated the list is already filled



or CUtA MBIA A A L KOtBY farFRANCIS A Klitny bi eovUy Xo 927

The object ofby the rafCpUinaatwith the defendant oa

fur the full sad amUiiupUid apaceof two recta

OM motioa-Kdwin Forest it b tiff oUt day of Harcbrata ordered that the defeadiat came trio ap

fortieth day excdan after the day of the pmV-licatioB of order otherwise the cam willbe proceeded with a ia default

Provided a copy of this order be rntitibtj seea week far Urn turceiaive and




Fstands Ute top of or

brigadier and te tMlie

Three to Ida Mw


General a personal




man Japanese bear cab JapaneM



Then lte post


IMar the bears cage tawas

Club Ie Ia proeeo oil

It to lie called Uteto be tile Inert

will be fifty pIaeM sad tileIfor the purchsne of

The ebjeet ot the dab Ie o



tM ofground 0-

1IIft hoI d IIrthe ddeedaat

d the

to be nit Mftia tileof Wi


weeks Wonin li-en WeTrue




NowGereeal Slated for

retirement yes-terday JemesWade at the list

generals accordingshould pr noted

cheers Junior have



only ls Wood



and a

a boy ya




sad mouserset



formation Lon-

don was Cslsaehla-and promises sad mast


in progress a build-ing

main pro-


this mit h obtain a dieeeleas band

the whirl staand the ru lmM

emplainart b her slieker

on r bMaeSaeys sad beet


cuddy tine waehiagto Law sadWihiottaStl copyTs





+ +



TDK FLACK No Ha PmtiwtMot hi hereby that the Caimnlrulsn-

wa of tile Dawrirt of OB inbu smmmnt uof tile act of Omcpeaa

entitled As act for till rrtmmtm of-Motbemt sod mr other

UOB ia thm ortthe brnd mr thesad Unfit AvemK to the Ml wWta of fit faaCby isarti atrimary mad below S isst-oa the IM of ajd J-

auMHneni ad anmned to 1r pttltisaExhftit D r 1 And

tile aU fled theirhrreia ia rcoT Uaeentitled An act for

the extern of ebbs Sad eat of Tbir-toesth Street and tor other purpose approved

hIS prayisc that a of urea justdWutrrtatod sue tOt related to any per

sm m ei jted ta the procr4tasa sad tOt in-

the service or empioymeat W the

benefit whichof the tend strmmry for the eztemdoo of d-

trret asamot those piece or parcel ofabutting that portion ofand extewtms to a septa of feet from thewesterly buUSaMxorduMt to the jrovauoaa of above

It i offered 17th sty f Peril X-

IHE AT M VOJOCE A X and to c u-tmme m ttimiti mail this thud have

theaward of mnrtii and aaMmmeats of unfit ofthe rrovisedlibel once m the

m The nrbmflin Tim MIlatwiptaim oa aerular at

timts before aid day of March 1MB and tileMotel fa dweeted toto be sewed epee a-be lailrnmi a nay he bond within the Bhnet of 01 iiitii-By the Covet

8Ml A B

J K YOtTMJ uncleBy B J MfOGS S AMt Oork-

mhT8U Tt1t tt ttix acrmtwt OOCKT TMB


Mot slier itmi ta the mriowwa idea sadhert C Weks emnc their a

a of Atbe

the win be protested wttk laof detB-

BttXo3ata the part of DMriet of Cnmmih-m the DMriet-

of Cohuabia and lee the aame at theoothwcat earner of mid lot sod tbeaonorth OB the eaat ride of Eaat Market Bps

ties art feet aouth toaortb sise af at bet tboace welt


Tbi order to be poUtmed twine a unarfciBc-at tile n llnalss Imy-

Heportcr aad Tw-MT dnte-

r R Tome Otrk-By f K LATnOEX lnmtat Clack


So WHO AdmiaiatratioB-Tk i

Columbia granted letter OB theof Alfred WilUwoa ap

m ke District ofProbate Court appointed


X 3t a time car said court

r lecacie or a

bea rhbni afmmt ms vluiaa l Bfrh ranched

Orrcn under H hand tbi Nth dant TILE AXEX1CAX SBCCKITT ASlT-



of Will for the DMrlct of CMianbUClerk of the Probate Com


Colombia granted letter onestate of Villiam Aadenou ins with the ns-

Idms a Probate CourtTH DAY or APRIL

OCLOCK A Itroom a tile platytrtbatioB from mid stale the Omrf-oirectioa sad control whea and where an ewdban end penoM untried to dmtritnrtfoe-


Bcgtater ef Win Joe the District of ttlin mlmalt Clerk of the ruials CmatSUPREME COCRT OF THE MSmtCT OP

COLCMBfA HOLDING A COHOtf-So lot AoauwBtrarJoa

tile Diatriet of CW mb ha obtained

waned to exhibit the win theto th-

or before tile 1TTH DAY OPEASeR A D rM8 otherwise they may khe aended trim all benefit of mid tate

Gtvea under my head llth f-UW HABJUCT H

WW v QlTnBBflnmt satAttojt LOCIS A BtanBcawter of WBh mr the Dutrfec of Omnnns

lark of the Pr-S B BOjfD Attoraey


TREASURY IJEPABTJIE5TArchitect Waduattoa D C March aSealed propaBab will be received at thisuntil t OCLOCK P M oa the OST DAY OFAPRIL

IB-of a theand Priatw WwbiasjtoBwith the drawing and iBtrificalioa eantas of

JAMES KMOK-TATtOB SopcrtUing Architect


tOIftDI orotwr II petj ibsrofQ SIIint


plat or sap tamW

a alaM platwith tile act eI

of tile sea beIlee Diatriet eI tie


the to be

tiDe Yckiotoo Deco01

theD 1tI tit all promos nap intent

r i Jftto thIn crt asr DAY ap


sw erW W



flea tIP

of piaianl MrWIll riot

1 ntk tat IIIIe-

8her the espiIndMa ofafter the tat wHo of tIIIIer-wiM

TIle ebjeet 01 tIIiII unit Is to die0 sq lot U

ill e17 u

G the

Ialone w of IlL 4t fMC

of tojoin sotft oc-


tide cia tow lot


to give settee tInt tMby the Supreme of the DWrt4 r


H tM lost eIa

iRg pall


Tlis to sorb tint uthe Suproe Cot of tile Shuntt mIll

110 MIIaM1FRIDAY TIlE Tdie and


r IeIIiIIIIe sMiaed tr

artyGives IIud this IJJ-

XES WIlBlLltr xumtAIaIIIt JIBIft

PAt BADThis acot the Dletrict ei-

eIdaiss tile




Dire 1

Me ad ttxa tileaectiea with the pyirio

be had tkb31ap 4

IS SCP11EMR T11t-tor t11Wl Aa mn sio 11



K-edet tminds el Dkioto Phi between

rilet in a pre saidsad mked t-

ube mootpetition d


Joe 4tie

Dune d-ObtsbM or tattedbe tisl Masdd the bfmabe

ten the drsge aaRiaed sad to aa themy occult tn the cdeMlepeens

ofwt openedfir

f midthe mm-

lioed seta


1peeLl be-

eftead aA-lf ILW

tanado ire trust order eairaaga tet tii editWssbisgi

andpost say dx

a rpy of this nulleons if Itar lad Is


lib M6T

sSo se-

On tuns the b gdwhaIhrdmd the dde

dehess is-

tared boron a r base day aF-e tie aerie

rid osierant carma

tElree sreoi riknow n nOp

know Georgetownbah hag

Noat these

Chevy Mnosy tie

the phi begig sad mmid defeadae from meting byr dmmat o-

rtntset isthroe


es ntOmL cJsudea Mt-

Ttue agTotjam feu mmmi2ml

eshaelber riowoe Cost


date boa with


thesass cap tin ibr and din

mint lam lid eriso the CourtdircAls ad sd p ee-eitaa sa4 peyeaae


ied rah



i give osiseria lainwas by rante

yarns at the sapree tureen d fir Diet d-cbhbia

Ito ew odd pmtfew swig std i

nino-nr l pcii a s donutr by agent or uor ey duty astha-WEwwtth their cifsim agest the ertrss popyoheL

ode my1 tm se

t to give t thet1

thin f Colubfa lensInto Districtthe ciahmbi detmdHheg

hawing apaaaM cheesed abrushy acmev ocham thar4 aae etkasIahsefber ein


yv d 1Msb


hetopened tat swing

ftu-be D C n e

wbich ay at uicmbt2o w




> <





are the only make ia the world with particular and precisemodels every blcbuild of

Form can secure perfect ease double as much servicef and an absolutely exrct There are over fifty different

styles Erect follows your own don noty press upon the bust or abdomen but gives a graceful effect to

person by keeping the shoulders in a straight limeErect Form 973 and 781 For medium figures IOOEreot Form 974 same as above but made f anecoutH ISOEreot Form 939 iBiprovcd for average 26O-

nV Ereet Form 972 In batiste developed figuresLow bust overbids and abdacscn lsErect Form 962 For wont Bgures Laagover

abdomen and trips 2SOTract Form 9 66 For fuH figure loBgblpa 3OO

V Erect Form 97O For medima agarcxv batiste le 973


t x CA Nettest Erect Form lies Very e f-

v Ste enlf ftraper n W bait jr ftf-

v NStyle 711 at S2 Style 713 at 94

AtttttAMkn Hy e o y yyn Tina fcfa ii tfcnirf faWeingarten Bros 377379 Broadway N Y

take fme WB Bract Ttmm





fI ou




H eM tile Accept






1911 it tr s a

medaljar tie



> >
