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E10 Down-Payment Processing

Jun 02, 2018



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July 2004


E10: Down-Payment


SAP AGNeurottstr. 1669190 Wallor! Ger"any

#uiling #lo$% &on!iguration Guie

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SAP Best Practices E10 'o(n Pay"ent Pro$essing) &on!iguration Guie


* &o+yright 2004 SAP AG. All rights reser,e.

No +art o! this +u-li$ation "ay -e re+rou$e or trans"itte in any !or" or !or any +ur+ose (ithout

the e+ress +er"ission o! SAP AG. /he in!or"ation $ontaine herein "ay -e $hange (ithout +rior noti$e.

So"e so!t(are +rou$ts "ar%ete -y SAP AG an its istri-utors $ontain +ro+rietary so!t(are $o"+onentso! other so!t(are ,enors.

i$roso!t W3N'WS N/ E5&E Wor Po(erPoint an S Ser,er are registeretrae"ar%s o! i$roso!t &or+oration.

3# '#2 '#2 8ni,ersal 'ata-ase S2 Parallel Sys+le VSESA A35 S:90 AS400S:90 S400 iSeries +Series Series ;Series ;S A<P 3ntelligent iner We-S+here

Net!inity /i,oli 3n!or"i an 3n!or"i 'yna"i$ Ser,er/ are trae"ar%s o! 3# &or+oration in 8SAanor other $ountries.

=A&E is a registere trae"ar% o! =A&E &or+oration.

8N35 5+en S<1 an oti! are registere trae"ar%s o! the +en Grou+.

&itri the &itri logo 3&A Progra" Neigh-orhoo eta<ra"e Win<ra"e Vieo<ra"eultiWin an other &itri +rou$t na"es re!eren$e herein are trae"ar%s o! &itri Syste"s 3n$.

>/ '>/ 5 5>/ are trae"ar%s or registere trae"ar%s o! W:& Worl Wie We-&onsortiu" assa$husetts 3nstitute o! /e$hnology.

JAVA is a registere trae"ar% o! Sun i$rosyste"s 3n$.

JAVAS&=3P/ is a registere trae"ar% o! Sun i$rosyste"s 3n$. use uner li$ense !or te$hnologyin,ente an i"+le"ente -y Nets$a+e.

ar%etSet an Enter+rise #uyer are ?ointly o(ne trae"ar%s o! SAP AG an &o""er$e ne.

SAP =: "ySAP "ySAP.$o" A++s A++ an other SAP +rou$ts an ser,i$es "entione herein as(ell as their res+e$ti,e logos are trae"ar%s or registere trae"ar%s o! SAP AG in Ger"any an inse,eral other $ountries all o,er the (orl. All other +rou$t an ser,i$e na"es "entione are thetrae"ar%s o! their res+e$ti,e $o"+anies. 'ata $ontaine in this o$u"ent ser,es in!or"ation +ur+osesonly. National +rou$t s+e$i!i$ations "ay ,ary.

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SAP Best Practices E10 'o(n Pay"ent Pro$essing) &on!iguration Guie


Icon Meaning






Typographic Conventions

Type Style Description

Example text  Wors or $hara$ters that a++ear on the s$reen. /hese in$lue !ielna"es s$reen titles +ush-uttons as (ell as "enu na"es +aths ano+tions.

&ross@re!eren$es to other o$u"entation.

Example text E"+hasi;e (ors or +hrases in -oy tet titles o! gra+hi$s an ta-les.

E5APE /E5/ Na"es o! ele"ents in the syste". /hese in$lue re+ort na"es+rogra" na"es transa$tion $oes ta-le na"es an ini,iual %ey(ors o! a +rogra""ing language (hen surroune -y -oy tet !orea"+le SEE&/ an 3N&8'E.

Example text S$reen out+ut. /his in$lues !ile an ire$tory na"es an their +aths"essages sour$e $oe na"es o! ,aria-les an +ara"eters as (ell asna"es o! installation u+grae an ata-ase tools.

EXAMPLE TEXT eys on the %ey-oar !or ea"+le !un$tion %eys Bsu$h as F2C or the

ENTER %ey.

Example text Ea$t user entry. /hese are (ors or $hara$ters that you enter in thesyste" ea$tly as they a++ear in the o$u"entation.

 <Example text>  Varia-le user entry. Pointe -ra$%ets ini$ate that you re+la$e these

(ors an $hara$ters (ith a++ro+riate entries.

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'o(n@Pay"ent Pro$essing) &on!iguration Guie ........................................................................... D

1 Pur+ose .................................................................................................................................... D

2 Pre+aration ............................................................................................................................... D

.2.1 Prereuisites ..................................................................................................................... D

: &on!iguration ............................................................................................................................ 6

.:.1 #illing Plan ........................................................................................................................ 6

:.1.1 aintaining #illing Plan /y+es !or ilestone #illing ..................................................... 6

:.1.2 'e!ining 'ate 'es$ri+tions .......................................................................................... 7

:.1.: aintaining 'ate &ategory !or #illing Plan /y+e ......................................................... 7

:.1.4 aintaining 'ate Pro+osals !or #illing Plan /y+es ...................................................... 9

:.1.D Assigning #illing Plan /y+es to Sales 'o$u"ent /y+es ........................................... 11

:.1.6 Assigning #illing Plan /y+es to 3te" &ategories .................................................... ... 11.:.2 Pri$ing ............................................................................................................................. 12

:.2.1 'e!ining &usto"er Pri$ing Pro$eures .................................................................. ... 12

:.2.2 Pri$ing Pro$eure 'eter"ination ............................................................................... 12

.:.: &o+y &ontrol ................................................................................................................... 1:

:.:.1 &o+y &ontrol) >eaer ................................................................................................ 1:

:.:.2 &o+y &ontrol) 3te" ................................................................................................. ... 14

.:.4 <inan$ial A$$ounting ....................................................................................................... 1D

:.4.1 <iel Status !or Posting eys ................................................................................... . 1D

:.4.2 aintaining <iel Status Variants .............................................................................. 17

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SAP Best Practices E10 'o(n Pay"ent Pro$essing) &on!iguration Guie

Down-Payment Processing: Configration!i"e

1 Prpose/he +ur+ose o! this o$u"ent is to es$ri-e the general $on!iguration ste+s reuire to "anuallyset u+ the $on!iguration (ithin the syste" lans$a+e that has alreay -een installe using the$orres+oning installation or $on!iguration guies.

3! you (ant to use #& Sets an &A// +ro$eures !or an auto"ate installation +ro$ess (ith thesu++ort o! auto"ate $on!iguration tools re!er to the installation guide !or the Down PaymentProcessing  -uiling -lo$%.

# Preparation

$#$1 Prere%isites

&il"ing &loc's

/he !ollo(ing -uiling -lo$%s !or" the -asis !or all mySAP All-in-One High Tech an mySAP All-in-One Industrial Machinery and omponents solutions. Fou only ha,e to install these -uiling-lo$%s on$e.

&il"ing &loc's Comment

&aseline &il"ing &loc's

#:2 @ #est Pra$ti$es =: 3nstallation

J02 @ rgani;ational Stru$ture

J0: @ <inan$ial A$$ounting

J0 @ &ostPro!it &enter A$$ounting

J0D @ aterial anage"ent

J04 @ Sales an 'istri-ution

J06 @ Prou$tion Planning

J07 @ uality anage"ent

J14 @ >u"an =esour$es

J16 @ S"art <or" Setu+

J17 @ Pro!ita-ility Analysis

J1 @ Prou$t &ost &ontrolling

J20 @ &ost -?e$t &ontrolling Ba%e@to@rerC

J21 @ &ost -?e$t &ontrolling Ba%e@to@Sto$%C

In"stry-!eneric &loc's

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&il"ing &loc's Comment

 A01 @ '3 #asi$ Settings

E04 @ Su++le"ent Settings

>:9 @ &PA Su++le"ent Settings

E:0 @ / uotation Pro$essing

E:1 @ / Sales rer Pro$essing

( Configration

$($1 &illing Plan

($1$1 Maintaining &illing Plan Types for Milestone &illing

)se A o(n +ay"ent agree"ent is $reate as a ealine in a -illing +lan. Fou e!ine a -illing +lanty+e !or this here.


1. A$$ess the a$ti,ity using one o! the !ollo(ing na,igation o+tions)

Transaction Co"e *+&*

IM! Men Sales and Distri!ution→ "illing→ "illing Plan→ De#ine "illing

Plan Types→ Maintain !illing plan types #or milestone !illing 

2. /o $reate a ne( -illing +lan ty+e $hoose $ew entries.

:. a%e the !ollo(ing entries !or the ne( -illing +lan ty+e)

,iel" name Description .*.C )ser action an"vales


#illing +lanty+e

= F1 ilestone-illing

Start ate = 01 /oayHs ate

nline orer = F


= 000:

4. Sa,e your entries.

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($1$# Defining Date Descriptions


/y+i$ally one "ilestone in a -illing +lan is the eli,ery. Fou e!ine an aitional ate es$ri+tion!or this here.


1. A$$ess the a$ti,ity using the !ollo(ing na,igation o+tions)

Transaction Co"e SP*

IM! Men Sales and Distri!ution→ "illing→ "illing Plan→ De#ine DateDescriptions

2. /o $reate a ne( ate es$ri+tion $hoose $ew Entries.

:. a%e the !ollo(ing entries !or the ne( ate es$ri+tion)

,iel" name Description .*.C )ser action an" vales /ote

't's = F01

'ate es$ri+tion = 'eli,ery

4. Sa,e your entries.

($1$( Maintaining Date Category for &illing Plan Type


3n this ste+ you assign an allo$ate ate $ategories to the ne(ly@e!ine -illing +lan ty+e.

Prere%isites'e!inition o! -illing +lan ty+e an ate $ategories as es$ri-e a-o,e.


1. A$$ess the a$ti,ity using one o! the !ollo(ing na,igation o+tions)

Transaction Co"e *+&

IM! Men Sales and Distri!ution→ "illing→ "illing Plan→ De#ine andassign Date ategories

2. &hoose the a$ti,ity Maintain Date ategory #or "illing Plan Type.

:. /o $reate ne( assign"ents $hoose $ew entries.

4. a%e the !ollo(ing entries !or the -illing +lan ty+e an ate $ategories.

,iel" name Description .*.C )ser action an"vales


#illingPlan/y+e = F1

'ate $ategory = 01

'ate es$ri+t. = F01

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,iel" name Description .*.C )ser action an"vales


#illing rule = 1

<ie ate = 0

#illing -lo$% = 02

#illingPlan/y+e = F1

'ate $ategory = 02

'ate es$ri+t. = 000

#illing rule = :

<ie ate

#illing -lo$% = 02

#illingPlan/y+e = F1

'ate $ategory = 0:

'ate es$ri+t. = 0009

#illing rule = 4

<ie ate = 0

#illing -lo$%

#illing ty+e = <AI

#illingPlan/y+e = F1

'ate $ategory = 04

'ate es$ri+t. = 0009

#illing rule = D<ie ate = 0

#illing -lo$%

#illing ty+e = <AI

D. &hoose "ac%  an $hoose the a$ti,ity Allocate date category .

6. a%e the !ollo(ing entries !or the -illing +lan ty+e)

,iel" name Description .*.C )ser action an"vales


#illingPlan/y+e = F1

'' = 017. Sa,e your entries.

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($1$ Maintaining Date Proposals for &illing Plan Types


/he +ur+ose o! this a$ti,ity is to $reate a re!eren$e -illing +lan !or a -illing +lan ty+e. /he!ollo(ing es$ri+tion is only an ea"+le !or su$h a re!eren$e -illing +lan. Fou $an e!ine any

other re!eren$e -illing +lan.

=e!eren$e -illing +lans are not trans+orte.


'e!inition o! the -illing +lan ty+e as es$ri-e a-o,e.


1. A$$ess the a$ti,ity using one o! the !ollo(ing na,igation o+tions)

Transaction Co"e *+&MIM! Men Sales and Distri!ution→ "illing→ "illing Plan→ Maintain date

 proposals #or !illing plan types

2. &hoose the ne(ly@e!ine -illing +lan ty+e &'.

:. /o $reate a re!eren$e -illing +lan $hoose Maintain data.

4. a%e the !ollo(ing entries !or the re!eren$e -illing +lan or e!ine a re!eren$e -illing +lan onyour o(n)

,iel" name Description .*.C )ser action an" vales /ote

Start ate start ate !or there!eren$e -illing +lanK

e.g. toayHs ate

#illing ate -illing ate !or the o(n+ay"entK e.g. toayHsate

't's = 0009

L +er$entage o! ,alue to-e in,oi$e (ith o(n+ay"entK e.g. 10


#= = 4

'$at = 0:

#illing ty+e = <AI

#illing ate -illing ate !or the !irst"ilestone -illingK e.g.toayHs ate M 6 "onths

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,iel" name Description .*.C )ser action an" vales /ote

't's = F01

L +er$entage o! ,alue to-e in,oi$e (ith"ilestone -illingK e.g. 60

#lo$% = 02

#= = 1

'$at = 01

#illing ty+e

#illing ate -illing ate !or the$losing in,oi$eK e.g.toayHs ate M "onths

't's = 000


#lo$% = 02

#= = :

'$at = 02

#illing ty+e

D. Sa,e your entries.

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($1$2 3ssigning &illing Plan Types to Sales Docment Types


3n this ste+ you assign ea$h sales o$u"ent ty+e that is use (ith -illing +lans to the -illing +lanty+e.


'e!inition o! -illing +lan ty+e as es$ri-e a-o,e.


1. A$$ess the a$ti,ity using one o! the !ollo(ing na,igation o+tions)

Transaction Co"e *+&P

IM! Men Sales and Distri!ution→ "illing→ "illing Plan→ Assign !illing plan types to sales document types

2. n the hange (iew )Maintain Assignment o# "illing Plan Type to Sales Doc* T  s$reen "a%ethe !ollo(ing entries)

,iel" name Description .*.C )ser action an" vales /ote

Sa/y your sales o$u"entty+eK

#illPlan/y = F1

:. Sa,e your entries.

($1$4 3ssigning &illing Plan Types to Item Categories

)se3n this ste+ you assign ea$h ite" $ategory that is use (ith -illing +lans to the -illing +lan ty+e.


'e!inition o! the -illing +lan ty+e as es$ri-e a-o,e.


1. A$$ess the a$ti,ity using one o! the !ollo(ing na,igation o+tions)

Transaction Co"e *+&

IM! Men Sales and Distri!ution→ "illing→ "illing Plan→ Assign !illing plan types to item categories

2. n the hange (iew+ )Maintain Assignment o# "illing Plan Type to Item atego s$reen "a%ethe !ollo(ing entries)

,iel" name Description .*.C )ser action an" vales /ote

3t&a your ite" $ategoryK

#ill= = 3

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,iel" name Description .*.C )ser action an" vales /ote

#illPlan/y = F1

:. Sa,e your entries.

$($# Pricing

($#$1 Defining Cstomer Pricing Proce"res


3n orer that the $orre$t +ri$ing +ro$eure !or $usto"ers (ho (or% (ith o(n +ay"ents iseter"ine you e!ine a $usto"er +ri$ing +ro$eure.


1. A$$ess the a$ti,ity using one o! the !ollo(ing na,igation o+tions)

Transaction Co"e SP*

IM! Men Sales and Distri!ution→ "asic ,unctions→ Pricing→ Pricing

ontrol→ De#ine and assign pricing procedures→ De#inecustomer pricing procedure

2. n the hange (iew )De#ine ustomer Pricing Procedures+  s$reen $hoose $ewentries* 

:. a%e the !ollo(ing entries)

,iel" name Description .*.C )ser action an"vales


&uPP = F

'es$ri+tion With o(n +ay"ents

4. Sa,e your entries.

($#$# Pricing Proce"re Determination


Fou use the ne(ly@e!ine $usto"er +ri$ing +ro$eure to e!ine the +ri$ing +ro$eureeter"ination.


/he e!inition o! a +ri$ing +ro$eure an $usto"er +ri$ing +ro$eure as es$ri-e +re,iously.

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1. A$$ess the a$ti,ity using one o! the !ollo(ing na,igation o+tions)

Transaction Co"e *+55

IM! Men Sales and Distri!ution→ "asic ,unctions→ Pricing→ Pricing

ontrol→ De#ine and assign pricing procedures→ De#inePricing Procedure Determination

2. n the hange (iew )Pricing Procedures+ Determination in Sales Docs+  s$reen$hoose $ew Entries.

:. a%e an entry !or ea$h sales area that is to use the e!ine +ri$ing +ro$eure)

,iel" name Description .*.C )ser action an"vales


Srg. your salesorgani;ationK

'&hl your istri-ution$hannelK

', your i,isionK

'oPr = A

&uPP = F

PriPr. = I'PJ8S

&ty+ = P=00

4. Sa,e your entries.

$($( Copy Control

($($1 Copy Control: 6ea"er 


/o $reate o(n +ay"ent reuests (ith re!eren$e to sales o$u"ents you e!ine the $o+y $ontrol!or the heaer o! the sales o$u"ent an the ite"s.


1. A$$ess the a$ti,ity using one o! the !ollo(ing na,igation o+tions)

Transaction Co"e +T,3

IM! Men Sales and Distri!ution→ "illing→ "illing Documents→

Maintain opying ontrol #or "illing Documents→ opyingcontrol+ Sales document to !illing document 

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2. n the Display (iew )Header+  s$reen $hoose Display→ hange.

:. &hoose $ew entries an "a%e the !ollo(ing entries)

,iel" name Description .*.C )ser action an" vales /ote

/arget -illingty+e

= <AI

Sour$e sls o$./y+e

your sales o$u"entty+e F/AK


= 001

4. Sa,e your entries an $hoose "ac%*

D. Sele$t the ne( entry an $hoose the Item !oler in the le!t s$reen area.

6. &hoose $ew Entries an "a%e the !ollo(ing entries)

,iel" name Description .*.C )ser action an" vales /ote

/arget -illing ty+e = <AI

Sour$e sls o$./y+e

your sales o$u"entty+e F/A K

3te" &ategory your ite" $ategoryF/1 F/2K


= 020

'ate V#=V#=P = 000

#illing uantity = A

Pos.neg. uantitiy = M

Pri$ing ty+e = G

7. Sa,e your entries.

($($# Copy Control: Item


/o $reate in,oi$es (ith re!eren$e to sales o$u"ents you e!ine the $o+y $ontrol !or the heaero! the sales o$u"ent an the ite"s.

Proce"re1. A$$ess the a$ti,ity using one o! the !ollo(ing na,igation o+tions)

Transaction Co"e +T,3

IM! Men Sales and Distri!ution→ "illing→ "illing Documents→

Maintain opying ontrol #or "illing Documents→ opyingcontrol+ Sales document to !illing document 

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2. n the Display (iew )Header+  s$reen $hoose Display→ hange.

:. &hoose $ew entries an "a%e the !ollo(ing entries)

,iel" name Description .*.C )ser action an" vales /ote

/arget -illing ty+e = <2

Sour$e sls o$./y+e

your sales o$u"entty+eK


= 001

&o+y ite" nu"-er = 5

4. Sa,e your entries.

D. Sele$t the ne( entry an $hoose the Item !oler.

6. &hoose $ew Entries an "a%e the !ollo(ing entries)

,iel" name Description .*.C )ser action an" vales /ote

/arget -illing ty+e = <2

Sour$e sls o$./y+e

your sales o$u"entty+eK

3te" &ategory your ite" $ategoryK


= 02:

'ate V#=V#=P = 000

#illing uantity = A

Pos.neg. uantitiy = M

Pri$ing ty+e =

7. Sa,e your entries.

$($ ,inancial 3cconting

($$1 ,iel" Stats for Posting 5eys

)se A +rereuisite !or o(n +ay"ent +ro$essing is that the a$$ount is assigne to the unerlyingsales o$u"ent. /o o this you ha,e to "aintain the !iel status !or +osting %ey 19 an 16 ases$ri-e in this ste+.


1. A$$ess the a$ti,ity using one o! the !ollo(ing na,igation o+tions)

Transaction Co"e *&1

IM! Men ,inancial Accounting→ /eneral 0edger Accounting →

"usiness Transactions→ /10 Account Posting → arry out and

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chec% document settings→ De#ine Posting 2eys

2. /o +ost %ey 19 BSpecial gen* ledger customer C the Sales order !iel "ust not -e hienBre$o""enation) o+tional entryC. /o $he$% this ou-le@$li$% the entry 19 $hoose ,ield

status an $hoose Additional account assignments.

:. <or the Sales order  !iel sele$t the raio -utton !or 3e4* Entry or Opt* entry .

4. Sa,e your settings.

D. 'ou-le@$li$% on the entry 16 $hoose ,ield status an $hoose /eneral Data5 the !iel Text

shoul -e as Opt* Entry .

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($$# Maintaining ,iel" Stats +ariants


 A +rereuisite !or o(n +ay"ent +ro$essing is that the a$$ount is assigne to the unerlyingsales o$u"ent. /o o this you "aintain the !iel status ,ariant !or the $o"+any $oe ases$ri-e in this ste+.


1. A$$ess the a$ti,ity using one o! the !ollo(ing na,igation o+tions)

Transaction Co"e *&1

IM! Men ,inancial Accounting→ /eneral 0edger Accounting →

"usiness Transactions→ /10 Account Posting → carry out and

chec% document settings→ Maintain #ield status .ariants

2. 3n the Determine 6or% Area+ Entry  ialog -o enter the nu"-er o! your !iel status ,ariant.

:. <or the !iel status ,ariant o! your $o"+any $oe the sales orer uner the !iel status grou+ Accounts #or down payments recei.ed BG031C uner aitional a$$ount assign"ent "ust not

-e hien Bre$o""enation) o+tional entryC. /o $he$% this ou-le@$li$% the entry /78'.

4. &hoose Additional account assignments.

D. <or the Sales order !iel sele$t the raio -utton !or 3e4* Entry or Opt* entry .

6. <or the !iel status ,ariant o! your $o"+any $oe the sales orer uner the !iel status grou+3econciliation accounts BG067C uner aitional a$$ount assign"ent "ust not -e hien

Bre$o""enation) o+tional entryC. /o $he$% this ou-le@$li$% the entry /79: .

7. &hoose Additional account assignments.

. <or the Sales order !iel sele$t the raio -utton !or 3e4* Entry or Opt* entry .

9. Sa,e your entries.

* SAP AG Page 17 o! 17