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Curriculum Vitae of E. Phoevos Panagiotidis Professor of Theoretical Linguistics Personal Details Surname: PANAGIOTIDIS Name: Efthyvoulos (Phoevos) Date of birth: 14 October 1973 Sex: Male Nationality: Greek Address: Department of English Studies University of Cyprus Kallipoleos 75 P.O. Box 20537 1678 Nicosia CYPRUS Contact: [email protected] email (preferred) (+357) 22 892122 telephone Areas of specialisation Theoretical Syntax, Comparative Grammar, The Syntax-Semantics and Syntax-Morphology interfaces. Education 1997-2000: Department of Language and Linguistics, University of Essex. PhD in Linguistics Thesis title: “Pronominals and empty noun heads: ‘pronominality’ and licensing in Syntax”, supervised by Roger Hawkins. Examiners: Joseph Emonds and Robert Borsley 1996-1997: Dept. of Phonetics and Linguistics, University College London. MA in Linguistics awarded with a mark of 62%. Distinction awarded in Dissertation & Psycholinguistics option Sept. 1995: Université d'été: "Les Perspectives de Voisinage à l'Europe de Sud Est", at the Institut des Études Politiques, Rennes, France. 1991-1995: Dept. of Philology, University of Athens. Ptychion – equivalent to BA (Hons); major: Linguistics. Languages Modern Greek: Native. English: Near native. French: Certificat de langue française, Pass. Italian: Some reading and communication skills. Spanish: Some reading and communication skills.

E. Phoevos Panagiotidis - UCY

Dec 05, 2021



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Page 1: E. Phoevos Panagiotidis - UCY

Curriculum Vitae of

E. Phoevos Panagiotidis Professor of Theoretical Linguistics

PPeerrssoonnaall DDeettaaiillss Surname: PANAGIOTIDIS Name: Efthyvoulos (Phoevos) Date of birth: 14 October 1973 Sex: Male Nationality: Greek Address: Department of English Studies University of Cyprus Kallipoleos 75 P.O. Box 20537 1678 Nicosia CYPRUS Contact: [email protected] email (preferred) (+357) 22 892122 telephone

AArreeaass ooff ssppeecciiaalliissaattiioonn Theoretical Syntax, Comparative Grammar, The Syntax-Semantics and Syntax-Morphology interfaces.

EEdduuccaattiioonn 1997-2000: Department of Language and Linguistics, University of Essex. PhD in Linguistics

Thesis title: “Pronominals and empty noun heads: ‘pronominality’ and licensing in Syntax”, supervised by Roger Hawkins. Examiners: Joseph Emonds and Robert Borsley

1996-1997: Dept. of Phonetics and Linguistics, University College London. MA in Linguistics awarded with a mark of 62%. Distinction awarded in Dissertation & Psycholinguistics option Sept. 1995: Université d'été: "Les Perspectives de Voisinage à l'Europe de Sud Est", at the Institut des Études Politiques, Rennes, France. 1991-1995: Dept. of Philology, University of Athens.

Ptychion – equivalent to BA (Hons); major: Linguistics.

LLaanngguuaaggeess Modern Greek: Native. English: Near native. French: Certificat de langue française, Pass. Italian: Some reading and communication skills. Spanish: Some reading and communication skills.

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Curriculum Vitae – E. Panagiotidis


AAwwaarrddss aanndd ddiissttiinnccttiioonnss 2019-2022: Erasmus+: project co-ordinator for the University of Cyprus, partner in the IN.C.L.U.D.E.

(Integrated Content and Language via a Unified Digital Environment) project (Total budget: 398,138 euro; local partner budget: 43,298 euro).

2017-2018: University of Cyprus: Internal Research Grant for the project titled “The categorial status of adjectives: from theory to typology, and back again.” (8037P-61022; Budget: 46,000 euro).

2005-2006: Cyprus College: Faculty Research Grant for the project titled “Towards a general theory of Mixed Categories.”

2004-2005: Cyprus College: Faculty Research Grant for the project titled “Categorial Deficiency: how grammatical elements build phrase structure and create mixed categories.”

2003-2004: Cyprus College: Faculty Research Grant for the project titled “Elementary particles in grammar: how categorial features make parts of speech in English, Greek and cross-linguistically.”

1997: Department of Phonetics and Linguistics, University College London. Distinction in the Psycholinguistics option and the Master’s dissertation.

1996-2000: Greek State Scholarship Foundation (IKY): Full scholarship, including tuition fees, for postgraduate studies.

PPrrooffeessssiioonnaall EExxppeerriieennccee ((aaccaaddeemmiicc)) 2018-: Professor of Theoretical Linguistics at the Department of English Studies, University of Cyprus. 2012-2018: Associate Professor of Linguistics at the Department of English Studies, University of

Cyprus. 2007-2012: Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the Department of English Studies, University of

Cyprus. 2002-2007: Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the Department of Humanities, Cyprus College. Spring Semester, 2002: Visiting Lecturer of Linguistics at the Department of Foreign Languages and

Literatures, University of Cyprus. 2001-2002: Visiting Lecturer at the University of Middlesex. 2001-2002: Associate Lecturer at the Open University, London Section. 1999-2001: Extramural Lecturer at the School of Psychology, Birkbeck College, University of London.

PPuubblliiccaattiioonnss Books

Παναγιωτίδης, Φοίβος 2021. Μέσα από τις λέξεις [From within the words]. Εκδόσεις του Εικοστού Πρώτου: Athens. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2015. Categorial Features: a generative theory of word class categories (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Παναγιωτίδης, Φοίβος. 2013. Μίλα μου για γλώσσα [Talk to me about language]. Crete University Press: Athens and Heraklion. reviewed in: Politis newspaper (6.6.2016) by A. Anastassiades-Symeonides peaked at #5 in the ‘Vima’ Best Seller list (non-fiction), December 2013 Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2002. Pronouns, clitics and empty nouns. (Linguistik Aktuell 46). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. reviewed in: Language 79(4): 843 (2003) by J. Gutierrez-Rexach Journal of Greek Linguistics 4: 157-170 (2003) by E. Anagnostopoulou

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Articles in journals (peer reviewed) 1. Panagiotidis, Phoevos. 2020. On the nature of roots. Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 2(1), 56-

83. 2. Mitrović, Moreno & Panagiotidis, Phoevos. 2020. Adjectives exist, adjectivisers do not: from

bicategoriality to typology. Glossa 5(1), 58. 1-28 3. Nóbrega, Vitor & Panagiotidis, Phoevos. 2020. Headedness in compounding: a new approach

to exocentricity. Word Structure 13(2), 211-249. 4. Anthi Revithiadou, Vassilis Spyropoulos & Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2015. Verbalizers leave

marks: evidence from Greek. Morphology 25, 299-325. 5. Grohmann, Kleanthes & Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2015. Demonstrative Doubling in Modern

Greek. Linguistic Analysis 40, 19-50 6. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2014. Indices, domains and homophonous forms. Theoretical

Linguistics 40, 415-427. 7. Acquaviva, Paolo & Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2012. Lexical decomposition meets conceptual

atomism. Lingue e Linguaggio XI(2), 105-120. 8. Panagiotidis, Phoevos & Marinis, Theodore 2011. Determiner Spreading as DP-predication.

Studia Linguistica 65, 268-298. 9. Panagiotidis, E. Phoevos 2011. Categorial features and categorizers. The Linguistic Review 28,

325-346. 10. Panagiotidis, E. Phoevos 2010. Non-argumental mixed projections. Syntax 13, 165-182 11. Panagiotidis, Ε. Phoevos & Grohmann, Kleanthes K. 2009. Mixed Projections: Categorial

Switches and Prolific Domains. Linguistic Analysis 35, 141-161. 12. Panagiotidis, Phoevos & Tsiplakou, Stavroula 2006. An A-binding asymmetry and its

significance for Universal Grammar. Linguistic Inquiry 37, 167-177. 13. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2005. Against category-less roots in syntax and word learning:

objections to Barner and Bale (2002). Lingua 115, 1181-1194. 14. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2003. Empty Nouns. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 21, 381-

432. 15. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2003. One, Empty Nouns and Theta Assignment. Linguistic Inquiry 34,

281-292. 16. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2000. Demonstrative determiners and operators: the case of Greek.

Lingua 110, 717-742.

Chapters in volumes (peer reviewed) 17. Panagiotidis, Phoevos & Vitor Nóbrega (in preparation) Roots as indices, and beyond. In

Grohmann, Kleanthes & Evelina Leivada (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Minimalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

18. Παναγιωτίδης, Φοίβος. 2019. Ρίζες: μεταξύ λέξεων και γραμματικής [Roots: between words and grammar]. In Archakis, Argyris, Koutsoukos, Nikos, Xydopoulos George & Dimitris Papazachariou (eds.) Γλωσσική ποικιλία: μελέτες αφιερωμένες στην Αγγελική Ράλλη [Language variation: studies in honour of Angela Ralli]. Athens: Kapa Ekdotiki, 437-451.

19. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2019. (Grammatical) gender troubles and the gender of pronouns. In Eric Mathieu and Gita Zareikar (eds.) Gender, noun classification, and determination. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 186-199.

20. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2018. Determiners. In Mark Aronoff (ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopedia in Linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199384655.013.338

21. Panagiotidis, Phoevos, Anthi Revithiadou & Vassilis Spyropoulos 2017. Little v as a categorizing verbal head: Evidence from Greek. In Roberta D’Alessandro, Irene Franco and Ángel Gallego (eds.) The verbal domain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 29-48

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22. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2014. A minimalist approach to roots. In Peter Kosta, Steven Franks, Lilia Schürcks and Teodora Radeva-Bork (eds.) Minimalism and Beyond: Radicalizing the Interfaces. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 287-303

23. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2014. Determiners. In Mark Aronoff (ed.) Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press.

24. Pavlou Natalia & Panagiotidis Phoevos 2013. The morphosyntax of –nde and post-verbal clitics in Cypriot Greek. In Christine Meklenborg Salvesen & Hans Petter Helland (eds.) Challenging Clitics. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 209-232

25. Panagiotidis, E. Phoevos 2010. Introduction. In Panagiotidis, E. Phoevos (ed.) The Complementizer Phase: subjects and wh-dependencies. Oxford: OUP. 1-13

26. Grohmann, Kleanthes K. & Panagiotidis, E. Phoevos 2009. Introducing the Cyprus Syntaxfest. In Grohmann, Kleanthes K. & Panagiotidis, E. Phoevos (eds.) Selected Papers from the 2006 Cyprus Syntaxfest. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. 1-10

27. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2008. Diachronic stability and feature interpretability. In Biberauer, Theresa (ed.) The limits of syntactic variation. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 441-456

28. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2007. When mixed projections cannot be arguments: evidence from (Greek) gerunds. In Eleni Agathopoulou, Maria Dimitrakopoulou, Despina Papadopoulou (eds.) 17th International Symposium. Selected Papers on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. 177-187

29. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2005. Determiner heads as arguments and the Pronominal Argument (macro)parameter. In Stavrou, Melita & Terzi, Arhonto (Eds.) Advances in Greek Generative Syntax. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 41-60

30. Grohmann, Kleanthes K. & Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2004. Demonstrative Doubling in Greek. In Pritha Chandra, Tomohiro Fujii, Usama Soltan, & Masaya Yoshida (Eds.) University of Maryland Working Papers in Linguistics 13. University of Maryland, College Park. 109-134.

31. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2002. Pronominal Nouns. In Wiese, Heike & Horst, Simon (Eds.) Pronouns: Grammar and Representation. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 183-203.

32. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2002. Pronouns and the Intransitive Determiner Hypothesis. In Chisarik, Erika & Sitaridou, Io (Eds.). Papers in Linguistics from the University of Manchester 8. University of Manchester. 83-96

33. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2001. The categorial features of functional categories. In: D. Arnold, F. Franceschina & E. Thomas (Eds.) Essex Graduate Student Papers in Linguistics 3. Wivenhoe Park: University of Essex. 161-170

34. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2000. One, Empty Nouns and Theta Assignment. In Akita, Mamiko & Oga, Kyoko (Eds.) Newcastle and Durham Working Papers in Linguistics 6. University of Durham. 109-121

Other publications

35. Tsiplakou, Stavroula, Phoevos Panagiotidis & Kleanthes K. Grohmann. (in press) Properties of Cypriot Greek Wh-Question Formation. In George Tsoulas (ed.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Greek Linguistics.

36. Παναγιωτίδης, Φοίβος. 2016. Γλώσσα και πολιτική: σημειώσεις για τη σχέση εξουσίας και γλωσσικών εκδοχών στην Κύπρο [Language and politics; notes on the relation between power and language tropes in Cyprus]. Εντροπία 9, 4-5.

37. Grohmann, Kleanthes K. & Panagiotidis, Ε. Phoevos. 2009. Introduction. In Grohmann, Kleanthes K. & Panagiotidis, E. Phoevos Linguistic Analysis — Special Issue on Phase Edge Investigations. 35, 2-10

38. Grohmann, Kleanthes K., Panagiotidis, Phoevos & Tsiplakou, Stavroula 2006. Properties of Wh-Question Formation in Cypriot Greek. In Mark Janse, Brian Joseph, & Angeliki Ralli (Eds.)

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Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory. 83-98.

39. Grohmann, Kleanthes K. & Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2005. An anti-locality approach to Greek demonstratives. In Laura Brugè, Giuliana Giusti, Nicola Munaro, Walter Schweikert, & Giuseppina Turano (Eds.) Contributions to the 30th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa. Venice: Cafoscarina. 243-263.

40. Grohmann, Kleanthes K. & Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2004. Anti-Locality in the Nominal Domain. In Olivier Crouzet, Hamida Demirdache, & Sophie Wauquier-Gravelines (Eds.) Actes de / Proceedings of JEL 2004: Domain(e)s. Nantes: AAI. 177-182.

41. Panagiotidis, Phoevos & Tsiplakou, Stavroula 2004. 'What I said this time?' Οι ερωτήσεις μερικής αγνοίας κατά την κατάκτηση της Αγγλικής ως δεύτερης γλώσσας. ['What I said this time?' The acquisition of wh-questions in English L2]. In Georgia Catsimali, Alexis Kalokairinos, Elena Anagnostopoulou & Ioanna Kappa (Eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Rethymno: Linguistics Lab. CD-ROM.

42. Marinis, Theodore & Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2001. Determiner Spreading as Predication. In: Clairis, Ch. Recherches en linguistique grecque. Paris: L’Harmattan.

43. Manolessou, Io & Panagiotidis, Phoevos 1999. Τα δεικτικά της Ελληνικής και οι σχετικές επιπλοκές [Greek demonstratives and the relevant complications]. In: S.L. Tsohatzidis et al. (Eds.) Studies in Greek Linguistics. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy. Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. 199-212.

44. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 1998. The internal structure of English pronouns. In: Lambropoulou, Stella (Ed.) The 12th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Proceedings: Vol. 1. Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. 84-94.

Reviews (not including five Book Notices in Language)

45. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2010. Review of Hicks, Glynn, ‘The Derivation of Anaphoric Relations’. Journal of Linguistics 46: 508-513

46. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2006. Review of den Dikken, Marcel & Tortora, Christina, ‘The Function of Function Words and Functional Categories’. The Linguist List 17.799 (available on

47. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2005. Review of Corver, Norbert & van Riemsdijk, Henk. ‘Semi-Lexical Categories’. Journal of Linguistics 41, 197-200

48. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2005. Review of Baker, Mark C. ‘Lexical Categories: Verbs, Nouns, and Adjectives’. Studies in Language 29, 711–721

49. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2004. Review of Svenonius, Peter. ‘Subjects, Expletives, and the EPP’. The Linguist List 15.297 (available on

50. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2004. Review of Anagnostopoulou, Elena. ‘The Syntax of Ditransitives: Evidence from Clitics’. Journal of Greek Linguistics 5, 185-212

51. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2001. Review of Puskás, Genoveva. ‘Word Order in Hungarian’. The Linguist List 12.963 (available on

52. Panagiotidis, Phoevos 2001. Review of Spencer, A. & Zwicky, A. M. ‘The Handbook of Morphology’. The Linguist List 12.3154 (available on

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Editor a. with Moreno Mitrović. In preparation. The Lexical Status of Adjectives. (The Language

Faculty and Beyond). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. b. 2010. The Complementizer Phase: subjects and operators. (Oxford Studies in Theoretical

Linguistics 30). Oxford: OUP. reviewed in: Journal of Linguistics 47(2): 533-537 (2011) by Ur Shlonsky.

c. with Kleanthes Grohmann. 2009. Selected Papers from the 2006 Cyprus Syntaxfest. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.

d. with Kleanthes Grohmann. 2009 (2005). Linguistic Analysis – Special Issue on Phase Edge Investigations 35

Popular Science From April 2009 to February 2012, I wrote for the column ‘Εξ αφορμής’ (‘A propos’) in the Sunday edition of the Greek newspaper Kathimerini. From July 2006 to March 2010, I held the fortnightly column ‘Περί Γλώσσας’ (‘On Language’) in the Sunday edition of the (Greek-)Cypriot newspaper Politis.

AAccaaddeemmiicc SSeerrvviiccee ORGANISER of

A0: The Adjective as a lexical category (jointly with Moreno Mitrović), Bled, Slovenia, 11-13 October 2018.

Generative Approaches to Contrastive Linguistics (GACL 2): Comparative Syntax, The Student Workshop (jointly with Kleanthes Grohmann), University of Cyprus, 14 December 2008

Syntactic Microvariation workshop (jointly with S. Barbiers, O. Koeneman & M. Lekakou of Meertens Institut) within ICLaVE 4, University of Cyprus, 17-19 June 2007. Edges in Syntax conference, Cyprus College, 15-17 May 2006.

ORGANISING CO-ORDINATOR of International Cyprus Undergraduate Linguistics Conference 2. Department of English Studies,

University of Cyprus, 16-17 February 2019 Cyprus Undergraduate Linguistics Conference. Department of English Studies, University of

Cyprus, 26 April 2017 Linguists of Tomorrow: postgraduate conference in Linguistics. Department of English Studies,

University of Cyprus, 7-8 May 2010 MEMBER OF THE EDITORIAL BOARD of

Biolinguistics (2006-2010) REVIEWER for (inter alia)

Language, Linguistic Inquiry, Lingua, Morphology, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Syntax, The Linguistic Review, Linguistics, Glossa, The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics, The Journal of Linguistics, Canadian Journal of Linguistics / Revue canadienne de linguistique, The Journal of Greek Linguistics, Languages, Word Structure, Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics.

REFEREE for over 50 conferences and workshops

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CCoouurrsseess TTaauugghhtt A feature theory for lexical and functional categories 27-28.III.2019 CLT – Universitat Autònoma

de Barcelona Τι είναι γλώσσα; Από τη νόηση στη φωνή [What is language? From cognition to speech]

2018 Mathesis MOOC platform

Πού είναι η Μορφολογία; [Where is Morphology?] 14.XII.2017 University of Athens Primitives in grammar: Lexical, functional, pronominal.

9-10.VIII.2017 University of Brasilia

Primitives in grammar: Lexical, functional, pronominal.

7-8.VIII.2017 Federal University of Parana

Primitives in grammar: Lexical, functional, pronominal.

3-4.VIII.2017 University of São Paulo

Categorial Elements: Roots, Adjectives, and Mixed Projections

16-18.V.2017 University of Cambridge

14569.2103 Block seminar – Spines: from roots to Complementisers

4-8.VII.2016 University of Cologne

ΑΓΓ257 Formal Semantics 2014-2018 University of Cyprus ΑΓΓ340 Language Acquisition and Change 2014-2018 University of Cyprus ΑΓΓ160 Introduction to Linguistics 2014-2020 University of Cyprus ΑΓΓ161 Language and Mind 2020 University of Cyprus ΑΓΓ556 Grammatical features in syntax & morphology

2012, 2017 University of Cyprus

ΑΓΓ544 Roots & categories in syntax & morphology 2011, 2013, 2017 University of Cyprus ΑΓΓ240 Pedagogical Grammar 2011, 2016-2019 University of Cyprus A mini course on grammatical categories 27-29.X.2010 University of Cambridge ΑΓΓ335 Language Acquisition and Change 2010-2012 University of Cyprus ΑΓΓ235 Morphology and Syntax 2010 University of Cyprus ΑΓΓ743 Linguistic Analysis I 2010 University of Cyprus Data and evidence in Second Language Syntax July-Aug. 2009 GESSLA Summer School,

University of Cologne ΑΓΓ703 First & Second Language Acquisition 2009 University of Cyprus ΑΓΓ547 Nominal Morphology & Syntax 2009, 2016 University of Cyprus ΑΓΓ236 Semantics & Pragmatics 2008-2013 University of Cyprus ΑΓΓ135 Pedagogical Grammar 2008 University of Cyprus ΑΓΓ566 Grammatical Categories 2008 University of Cyprus ΑΓΓ133 Introduction to Linguistics 2007-2009 University of Cyprus ΠΡΥ011 New Descriptions of English: Morphology and Syntax

2007-2009 Pre-service Teacher Training, Univ. of Cyprus

ΑΓΓ590 History of English Language 2007-2008 University of Cyprus LIN225 Morphology and Syntax 2004-2005 Cyprus College LIN435 Independent Study 2004-2005 Cyprus College LIN207 Introduction to Linguistics II 2003-2007 Cyprus College LIN211 English Grammar 2003-2007 Cyprus College LIN219 Semantics 2003-2004 Cyprus College LIN213 Phonetics & Phonology 2003 Cyprus College LIN223 Pragmatics 2003 Cyprus College LIN206 Introduction to Linguistics I 2002-2006 Cyprus College LIN209 History of English 2002-2006 Cyprus College ENG102 Advanced English 2002-2004 Cyprus College FLL132 Introduction to the Grammar of English 2002 University of Cyprus FLL232 Semantics & Pragmatics 2002 University of Cyprus U210 The English Language: Past, Present & Future 2001-2002 Open University, UK CML2301 Communication and the Mind 2001-2002 University of Middlesex, UK P3.7 Language 1999-2001 Birkbeck College, UK LG200/500 Computer Induction for Linguists 1998-2001 University of Essex, UK

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SSuuppeerrvviissiioonnss PhD theses: Edgar David Martínez García (in progress) The Scalarity, Polarity, and Phrasal Structure of Minimizers:

A Comparative Study in English and Spanish. Maria Tenizi (in progress) Overt Interrogative C Heads: A Cross Linguistic Perspective to Support in

Syntax (provisional title). Andia Mavromati (in progress) Turkish Cypriots’ attitudes towards Cypriot Turkish. Elena Kkese (2013) Spelling errors and the L2 acquisition of English Phonology by L1 Cypriot Greek

learners. MA Dissertations: Stavri Panayiotou (2018) Issues in First Language Attrition. Marilena Serafim (2018) Political Ideologies and Language Attitudes. Angelantria Savva (2016) Koineization as an ongoing process in Cypriot Greek. Maria Tenizi (2012) Metalanguage Awareness in Greek-Cypriot children: does Bilingual equal

Bidialectal? Andia Mavromati (2011) Language attitudes: the case of Cypriot Turkish. Constantinos Tsouris (2008) Is the English language perceived as a threat to national identities? The

case of Cyprus. Member of PhD examination committees: Michaeloudes, George (2018) Formative Assessment in EFL Primary Schools in Cyprus. Committee

Chair. University of Cyprus. Darteni, Silvia (2017) Italian parasynthetic verbs – Argument Structure. Université de Paris VIII. Meletiadou, Eleni (2017) Peer assessment: a dynamic learning-oriented tool for the development of

writing skills. University of Cyprus. Papakammenou, Irini (2017) Test washback on teaching practices used in EFL multi-exam preparation

classes in Greece. University of Cyprus. Satraki, Melanie (2015) The development of children’s attitudes towards linguistic variation: A study

on a dialect/register continuum. Committee Chair. University of Cyprus. Karpava, Sviatlana (2014) Vulnerable Domains for Cross-Linguistic Influence in L2 Acquisition of Greek.

Committee Chair. University of Cyprus. Zoumpalidis, Dionysios (2014) A Sociolinguistic Investigation of the Processes of Language

Shift/Language Maintenance: The Case of Pontic Greeks in Cyprus. Committee Chair. University of Cyprus.

Theodorou, Elena (2013) Diagnosing Specific Language Impairment: the case of Cypriot Greek. Committee Chair. University of Cyprus.

Giasemi Sotiroula (2011) Translating children’s literature in a changing world: Potteromania and its articulations into Greek. University of Cyprus.

Mohamed Taha Ali (2011) Acquisition of English articles by L1 Malay and L1 Arabic speakers. Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Muneera Yahya Ali Muftah (2011) Acquisition of English morphosyntactic features of Tense and Agreement by adult L1 Arabic speakers. Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Soo Kum Yoke (2010) Acquisition of English third person personal and reflexive pronouns by Malay ESL learners. Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Also: second reader for several MA dissertations at the University of Cyprus.

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MMeemmbbeerrsshhiippss Cyprus Linguistic Society (CyLing) – Founding Member (Press/PR Officer 2007-2011) International Society of Greek Linguistics – Founding Member & Secretary Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB) – Member. Linguistic Society of America (LSA) – Member. Generative Linguists of the Old World (GLOW) – Member. Cyprus Society for the Study of English (CySSE) – Member

PPrrooffeessssiioonnaall SSeerrvviiccee 2018-2020 Chair of the Department of English Studies, University of Cyprus. 2018-2020 Member of the Staff Disciplinary Committee. 2018-2020 Representative of the School of Humanities at the University of Cyprus

Senate. 2017 Μember of the ad-hoc Committee for the selection of the students to

represent the University of Cyprus at the UNICA 2017 student conference. 2016 External member of the Specialist Committee for the promotion of Elli

Doukanari, University of Nicosia 2016-2018 Vice-Chair of the Department of English Studies, University of Cyprus. 2016- Examiner for the Republic of Cyprus State Scholarship Foundation (IKYK). 2016-2020 Representative of the School of Humanities at the University of Cyprus

Senate Research Committee. 2016-2018 Representative of the School of Humanities at the University of Cyprus

Information Systems Committee (Vice-Chair since late 2017). 2016- Member of the Advisory Committee of the School of Humanities and Social

Sciences, European University Cyprus. 2015- Member of the Academic Council for the MA in Greek Language and

Literature, Cyprus Open University. 2015-2019 Representative of the School of Humanities at the University of Cyprus

Centre for Teaching and Learning (KEDIMA). 2013, 2015-2020 Representative of the School of Humanities at the University of Cyprus

Student Disciplinary Committee (Vice-Chair since late 2016). 2013, 2016-2020 Representative of the Department of English Studies in the Board of the

School of Humanities, University of Cyprus. 2013 Representative of the School of Humanities at the University of Cyprus

Housing Committee. 2012- Evaluator for the Cyprus Council of Recognition of Higher Education

Qualifications (KYSATS). 2012-2013 Representative of the Department of English Studies at the School Council,

School of Graduate Studies, University of Cyprus. 2011-2013 Representative of the School of Humanities at the University of Cyprus

Public Relations Committee. 2010-2013, 2014-2018 Co-ordinator of the Linguistics Section, Department of English Studies,

University of Cyprus. 2009-2013 Representative of the School of Humanities in the University of Cyprus

Language Centre. 2008-2011 Representative of the School of Humanities at the University of Cyprus

Graduate Studies Committee. 2008-2012, 2015-2018 Chair of the Dept. of English Studies Graduate Committee. 2008-2010 Scheduling co-ordinator of the Dept. of English Studies.

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2008 Member of the examinations committee for the Pancyprian Examinations in English 2008.

2005-2007 Chair of the Department of Humanities, Cyprus College. 2005-2006 Language and Translation Co-ordinator for the European Social

Survey (ESS) in Cyprus fieldwork. 2005 Representative of the Department of Humanities in the School Promotions

Committee of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Cyprus College. 2005 Programme co-ordinator of the BA English Language & Literature,

Department of Humanities, Cyprus College. 2004-2005 Member of the standing Hiring and Promotions Committees of the Dept. of

Humanities, Cyprus College. 2004-2005 Representative of the Department of Humanities in the School Council and

the School Research Committee of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Cyprus College.

2003-2004 Member of two Linguistics Hiring Committees; member of the electorate for appointments of part-time and full-time teaching and research staff.

2002-2004 Erasmus / Socrates Officer of the School of Social Sciences & Humanities, Cyprus College.

CCuurrrreenntt RReesseeaarrcchh IInntteerreessttss ((iinn ddeettaaiill)) • The nature and (non-)universality of grammatical categories. • The cross-linguistic distribution and feature make-up of functional categories. • Adjectives; their categorial status and typology. • The morphology-syntax ‘interface’: categorisers and compounds. • Mixed projections: gerunds and nominalisations. • The nature of Determiners; nominal phrases, pronouns and pronominal clitics. • The nature of roots. • The grammar of Greek and the Balkan Sprachbund. • Theoretical issues in language acquisition and change.

IInnvviitteedd lleeccttuurreess 1. 14 December 2020 Invited online talk titled «Οι ρίζες στη σύνταξη: τι μας κρύβουν;» at the Argument Structure Graduate Seminar. Department of Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. 2. 8 December 2020 Invited online talk titled «Για τον παραλληλισμό πρότασης κι ονοματικής προβολής» at the Argument Structure Graduate Seminar. Department of Philology, Patras University, Greece. 3. 7 July 2020 Invited online talk titled “Roots in 2020” in the Abralin ao vivo series by ABRALIN. 4. 25 October 2019 Invited Peking University Humanities Lecture titled “Are all determiners Determiners?” by the Institute of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Peking University, China. 5. 24 October 2019 Invited seminar titled “More than meets the eye: empty nouns, gender, and exocentric compounds.” at the Syntax Group, the Institute of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Peking University, China.

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6. 22 October 2019 Invited Peking University Humanities Lecture titled “Categorial elements: two features, three categories, lots of complexity.” by the Institute of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Peking University, China. 7. 15 May 2019 Invited talk titled “Roots and grammar.” by the LinG Colloquium Series, University of Göttingen, Germany. 8. 14 May 2019 Invited talk titled “Categories: theory and typology.” by the Oberseminar English Linguistics and the Department of General Linguistics, University of Göttingen, Germany. 9. 29 March 2019 Invited talk titled “Adjectives exist, the adjective category does not: a bicategorial approach.” by the Centre de Lingüística Teòrica (CLT), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. 10. 28 March 2019 Invited talk titled “Understanding some primitives of grammar.” by the Grup de Lingüística Formal (GLiF), Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. 11. 15 March 2019 Invited talk titled “Elementary? Deconstructing some key concepts in grammar.” by the School of Business and Management, UCLan Cyprus. 12. 17 February 2019 Keynote lecture titled “Radical about roots: between grammar and learning”. At the 2nd International Cyprus Undergraduate Linguistics Conference (ICULC2), University of Cyprus. 13. 13 February 2019 Invited talk titled “Root homophony vs. root identity”. LingLunch, Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom. 14. 12 February 2019 Invited talk titled “What category are adjectives? an (almost) new approach”. Linguistics Seminar, Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom. 15. 7 December 2018 Invited talk titled “An open discussion about language and communication – and why visual artists care.” by the School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Aalto University, Finland. 4 December 2018 Invited talk titled «Τα επίθετα είναι αμφικατηγορικά: θεωρία, τυπολογία, ερμηνεία» [Adjectives are bicategorial: theory, typology, interpretation] by the Linguistics Section Research Seminar, Department of Philology, University of Athens, Greece. 16. 10 March 2018 Invited talk titled “Do adjectives exist?” by the School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, China. 17. 8 March 2018 Invited talk titled “On some primitives of grammar” by the School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, China. 18. 13 December 2017 Invited lecture titled «Πώς ξεχωρίζουμε τις ρίζες» [How to tell roots apart] by the Linguistics Section Research Seminar, Department of Philology, University of Athens, Greece. 19. 4 December 2017 Invited lecture titled “Determiners, comparatively speaking: why divorcing articles from quantifiers is necessary after all” by LaGraM at the CNRS Lab ‘Structures Formelles du Langage”, UMR 7023, Paris, France.

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20. 16 May 2017 Invited lecture titled “The composition of the adjectival category” (jointly with Moreno Mitrović) by the Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati, University of Venice Ca’ Foscari, Italy. 21. 15 May 2017 Invited lecture titled “Is the adjective the banana peel of the parts of speech?” by the Department of Linguistics, University of York, United Kingdom. 22. 10 May 2017 Invited lecture titled “On the inexistence of adjectivisers” (jointly with Moreno Mitrović) by the Centre for Cognitive Science of Language, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia. 23. 8 May 2017 Invited lecture titled “What does it take to be an adjective” (jointly with Moreno Mitrović) by the Department of English, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. 24. 27 June 2016 Keynote lecture titled “On the CP-DP parallelism: projection lines and the nature of Determiners”. At the Clausal and Nominal Complements in Monolingual and Bilingual Grammars workshop, University of Geneva, Switzerland. 25. 13-14 May 2016 Keynote lecture titled “Rethinking adjectives.”. At the 37th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. 26. 4 December 2015 Invited lecture titled “Odd ones out: are adjectives a basic lexical category?” by the Grammatiktheorie-Kolloquium, University of Leipzig, Germany. 27. 3 December 2015 Invited lecture titled “Variably translucent morphology: from roots to verbs.” by the Syntaxzirkel. Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin, Germany. 28. 6 June 2015 Keynote lecture titled “The Menagerie, or the elements of grammar.” At the Annual International Conference of the English Department 17. University of Bucharest, Romania. 29. 13 March 2015 Keynote lecture titled “Categorial Agree: what is a functional category?” at the Spring School on Bilingual Acquisition and Education – Perspectives from Greece, Germany, and beyond. Cologne Centre of Language Studies, University of Cologne, Germany. 30. 16 December 2014 Invited postgraduate seminar titled “Τι είναι οι λειτουργικές κατηγορίες.” [What are functional categories], at the Linguistics Section, Department of Philology, University of Athens, Greece. 31. 3 December 2014 Invited talk titled “Nouns and verbs as interpretive perspectives or a lesson in switching viewpoints”, by the Cologne Centre of Language Studies, University of Cologne, Germany. 32. 1 December 2014 Invited talk titled “Some (deviant) thoughts on adjectives as a lexical category”, by the University of Cologne, Germany. 33. 14 November 2014 Invited talk titled “Syntax-all-the-way-down and the three (?) lexical categories”, by the Centre de Lingüística Teòrica (CLT), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. 34. 7 November 2014 Invited talk titled “What are categories: Functional categories as lexical outposts.”, by University College Dublin, Ireland.

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35. 6 November 2014 Invited talk titled “What are categories: Nouns, verbs and…?”, by University College Dublin, Ireland. 36. 19 May 2014 Invited talk titled “From lexical categories to roots – and back again”, by the UFR de Linguistique, Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7), France. 37. 4-16 April 2014 Three-part lecture series titled “Roots and categories”, invited by the Department of Western Languages and Literatures, Boğaziçi University, Turkey: “Lexical categories”, “Supercategories” and “Roots”. 38. 21 November 2013 Invited talk titled “On the interpretability of lexical categories”, by the Weak Referentiality group, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands 39. 18 November 2013 Invited talk titled “Sub-categorial idioms and root content” at CRISSP, HUB, Brussels, Belgium. 40. 14 November 2013 Invited talk titled “Lexical categories: roots and domains of interpretation” at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands. 41. 13 November 2013 Invited talk titled “Inside pronouns: from empty nouns to little n” at “A Workshop on personal pronouns”, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. 42. 4 November 2013 Invited talk titled “Lexical categories as word classes and as syntactic structures” at the Cornell University Linguistics Colloquium series. 43. 28, 30 & 31 October 2013 Three-part lecture series titled “Roots and categories”, invited by the Department of Linguistics, Stony Brook University, USA: “Lexical categories”, “Roots” and “Supercategories”. 44. 25 October 2013 Invited talk titled “Roots: content and Late Insertion” at F-MART, Department of Linguistics, UPenn, Philadelphia, USA. 45. 24 October 2013 Invited talk titled “Are nouns the default lexical category?” at New York University, by the Linguistics Department. 46. 16 April 2013 Invited talk titled “From linguistic theory to practice; some tips for the perplexed.” at the University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus. Pyla, Cyprus. 47. 13 December 2012 Invited postgraduate seminar titled “Ρίζες;” [Roots?] at the Linguistics Section, Department of Philology, University of Patras, Greece. 48. 12 December 2012 Invited talk titled “Κατηγορίες στη γενετική γραμματική: Ρίζες” [Categories in generative grammar: roots] at the Linguistics Section, Department of Philology, University of Athens, Greece. 49. 12 December 2012 Invited postgraduate seminar titled “Οι λέξεις και η σύνταξη” [Words and syntax] at the Linguistics Section, Department of Philology, University of Athens, Greece.

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50. 19 October 2012 Invited talk titled “Roots, root content and the structured sign.” at the Athens Reading Group in Linguistics. 51. 25 April 2012 Invited postgraduate seminar titled “Από τις ρίζες στα ουσιαστικά και στα ρήματα, μετ’ επιστροφής” [From roots to nouns and verbs, and back] at the Linguistics Section, Department of Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. 52. 24 April 2012 “Μια γερή ματιά στο μοντέλο Τ: πού είναι οι λέξεις;” [A good look at the T-Model: where are the words?] at the Linguistics Section, Department of Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. 53. 3-6 October 2011 Invited co-ordinator for the forum discussion of Marcel Den Dikken’s “On Feature Inheritance” at “The Minimalist Program: Quo Vadis? – Newborn, Reborn, or Stillborn?” workshop, University of Potsdam, Germany. 54. 13-16 June 2011 “Root ‘content’ and lexical semantics” at the “Approaches to the Lexicon (Roots III)” workshop, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. 55. 6-8 May 2011 Keynote lecture titled “Before PF: two case studies in the syntax-morphology interface” at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. 56. 26 October 2010 “How to build syntactic structure using your categorial features”, at the University of York. 57. 12 October 2010 “Λεξικές κατηγορίες, λειτουργικές κατηγορίες, μικτές προβολές [Lexical categories, functional categories, mixed projections]”, at the University of Patras, Greece. 58. 7-8 May 2010 Keynote lecture titled “Greek verb-making morphology” at the Linguists of Tomorrow conference, University of Cyprus. 59. 13 November 2009 “On the relation between roots and categorizers” at the Athens Reading Group in Linguistics, Greece. 60. 28 October 2009 “On the distribution of roots in syntax and the question of category” at the Department of Linguistics, University of Chicago. 61. 24 October 2008 “Four questions on the categorization of roots” at Linguistics Discussion Group, Department of English, University of Cyprus. 62. 1 May 2008 “An (almost) new perspective on grammatical categorisation.” at City University of New York, by the Linguistics Colloquium, USA. 63. 29 April 2008 “The internal structure of mixed projections.” at City University of New York, by the Syntax Supper. 64. 25 April 2008 “Why grammar (probably) needs categorial features.” at Stony Brook University, by the Stony Brook Colloquium Series.

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65. 22 April 2008 “Categorial features in category-free syntax.” at New York University, by the Linguistics Department. 66. 25 February 2008 “Some characteristics of adverbial mixed projections and their implications.” at the University of Florence, by the Linguistics Department. 67. 19 February 2008 “Verbs and nouns as phases: the role of categorial features.” at the University of Siena, by the Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Cognitivi sul Linguaggio. 68. 2 May 2007 Guest lecture titled “Ελαχιστοποιώντας τις γραμματικές κατηγορίες [Minimising grammatical categories]” as part of the MINIMALIST SYNTAX II graduate course (instr. Melita Stavrou), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. 69. 8 & 15 March 2007 Seminar titled “Grammatical categories: an overview and some suggestions” at the Syntax Reading Group, Department of English, University of Cyprus. 70. 20 February 2007 “Agree constrains Merge: the case of categorial features.” at the University of Cambridge, by the SyntaxLab. 71. 7 June 2006 “Mix 'n' match: Categorial features at LF, phrase structure and mixed projections.” at the University of Leiden, by the Syntax Circle. 72. 6 June 2006 “How much room for variation? Wh-questions in (at least) two Greek dialects.” at the Meertens Institute. 73. 20 April 2006 “Which Cyprus Problem?” (jointly with Kleanthes K. Grohmann and Stavroula Tsiplakou) at the Syntax lunch, University of Maryland, College Park, by the Department of Linguistics. 74. 14 October 2004 “Categorial Deficiency and structure building: the case of mixed categories.” at the Essex Linguistics Seminar, by the Department of Language and Linguistics. 75. 13 October 2004 “Categorial Deficiency and structure building: the case of mixed categories.” at the UCL Linguistics Seminar, by the Department of Phonetics and Linguistics. 76. 6 October 2004 “Categorial Deficiency and what it can do for us.” at the Cyprus Syntax Reading Group. 77. 10 May 2004 “The categorial deficiency of functional heads and phrase structure.” at the Paris VIII (St. Denis) University, by the UMR 7023. 78. 17 March 2004. “On the co-occurrence of Articles and Demonstratives in Greek.” (jointly with Kleanthes K. Grohmann) at the University of Cyprus, by the Linguistics Forum. 79. 23 October 2002 “‘What I said this time?’ Evidence for the Left Periphery in the Acquisition of L2 English by Greek L1 Speakers.” (jointly with Stavroula Tsiplakou) at the University of Cyprus, by the Linguistics Forum. 80. 26 September 2001 “Pronominals, empty nouns and φ features.” at the University of Leiden, by the Leiden Centre for Linguistics.

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81. 19 February 2001 “Pronouns, clitics and empty nouns.” at the University of Venice, by the Department of Linguistic Science (Scienze del linguaggio). 82. 27 January 2000 “The categorial features of functional categories.” at the University of Essex Graduate Seminar in Linguistics. 83. 18 November 1999 “Parametrising AGR: Alexiadou & Anagnostopoulou’s analysis of null subjects.” at the Second Language Acquisition Discussion Group, University of Essex.

PPeeeerr--rreevviieewweedd ccoonnffeerreennccee ppaappeerrss 84. 17-18 June 2017 Talk titled “The categorial anatomy of adjectives” (jointly with Moreno Mitrović) at the Roots V, Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom. 85. 2-3 May 2017 Talk titled “On the absence of serial adjectives” (jointly with Moreno Mitrović) at the PseudoCoordination and Multiple Agreement Constructions Workshop, University of Venice Ca’ Foscari, Italy. 86. 9-11 November 2016 Talk titled “Headedness in compounding: a new approach to exocentricity” (jointly with Vitor Nóbrega) at the XI Workshop on Formal Linguistics, Universidade Federal do Parana, Curtiba, Brazil. 87. 3-4 November 2016 Talk titled “Projection lines and functional domains: evidence from mixed projections” at Rencontres d’Automne de Linguistique formelle (RALFe) 2016, UMR 7023, CNRS / Université Paris 8, Paris, France. 88. 31 August-3 September 2016 Talk titled “Exocentric compounds are not headless: the role of empty nouns and beyond” (jointly with Vitor Nóbrega) at the 2016 Societas Linguistica Europaea meeting, Naples, Italy. 89. 15-18 August 2016 Poster titled “True and False exocentric compounds: The return of empty categories” (jointly with Vitor Nóbrega) at the V Congresso Internacional de Estudos Linguísticos - V International Congress of Linguistic Studies. University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil. 90. 18-20 September 2015 Talk titled “(Grammatical) gender troubles and the gender of pronouns” at “Gender, class, and determination: a conference on the nominal spine”, University of Ottawa, Canada. 91. 25-26 October 2013 Talk titled “Little v as a categorizing verbal: evidence from Greek.” (jointly with Anthi Revithiadou and Vassilios Spyropoulos) at the Little v workshop, University of Leiden, The Netherlands. 92. 16-18 November 2012 Talk titled “Roots are radically empty and the sign is structured.” at the ‘Three Factors and Beyond: The Socio-Syntax of (A)typical Language Acquisition and Development’ conference, University of Cyprus, Nicosia. 93. 20-22 September 2012 Talk titled “The morphosyntactic properties of the Cypriot Greek -nde.” (jointly with Natalia Pavlou) at the Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory 5 conference, University of Ghent, Belgium.

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94. 8-9 December 2011 Talk titled “The content and form of roots: glimpses from Romance and elsewhere” (jointly with Paolo Acquaviva) at the Going Romance XXV conference, University of Utrecht, Netherlands. 95. 24-26 November 2011 Talk titled “Lexical decomposition meets conceptual atomism” (jointly with Paolo Acquaviva) at the ESF / NetWordS “Understanding the Architecture of the Mental Lexicon: Integration of Existing Approaches” workshop, Pisa, Italy. 96. 27-28 October 2011 Talk titled “The morhosyntax of –nde and post-verbal clitics in Cypriot Greek” (jointly with Natalia Pavlou) at the “Challenging Clitics” workshop, University of Oslo, Norway. 97. 3-6 October 2011 Talk titled “A minimalist approach to roots” at “The Minimalist Program: Quo Vadis? – Newborn, Reborn, or Stillborn?” workshop, University of Potsdam, Germany. 98. 2-3 December 2010 Talk titled “Overt verbalising morphology in Modern Greek” at the Décembrettes 7 International Conference on Morphology, Toulouse, France. CANCELLED. 99. 18-19 November 2010 Talk titled “Interpretations of nominal ellipsis: Indefinite Argument Drop in Modern Greek” (jointly with Evelina Leivada) at “A definiteness workshop”, University of Oslo. 100. 8-10 October 2010 Talk titled “On the exponence of the v (verbalizer) head in Greek” at the Mediterranean Syntax Meeting 3, University of Athens. 101. 1-3 October 2010 Talk titled “Standard Greek, Cypriot Greek and in-between: evidence for separationist morphology” at SinFonIJA 3, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. 102. 17-20 August 2010 Talk titled “On the relation between roots and categorizers” at the 12th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar (SICOGG12), Seoul, South Korea. CANCELLED. 103. 26-28 November 2009 Talk titled “The nature of nP (and vP): from roots to nouns (and verbs)” at the Workshop on Bare Nouns, Université Paris Diderot (Paris VII) 104. 6-8 November 2009 Round table contribution titled “Bilingual acquisition: one or two systems?” at the 3rd International Symposium on Communication Disorders in Multilingual Populations, organised by the IALP in Agros, Cyprus. 105. 29 October-1 November 2009 Talk titled “On the dissociation between syntax and morphology: evidence from ‘mixing’ in Cypriot Greek” at the 9th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, University of Chicago. 106. 3-5 April 2009 Talk titled “What categorisers do and how” at the 19th International Symposium of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, University of Thessaloniki. 107. 4-6 May 2007 Talk titled “On categorial Agree.” at the 18th International Symposium of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, University of Thessaloniki.

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108. 1-2 September 2006 Talk titled “Categorial Switches and Left Edges” (jointly with Kleanthes K. Grohmann) in the “Universalist Perspectives on Relative Properties: Features vs. Constructions of the Clausal Left Periphery” Workshop of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea, University of Bremen. 109. 8-10 June 2006 Poster titled “LF-interpretable categorial features.” at the “Parts of Speech 2006” conference, University of Amsterdam. 110. 8-10 June 2006 Talk titled “On Positioning Categorial Switches.” (jointly with Kleanthes K. Grohmann) at the “Parts of Speech 2006” conference, University of Amsterdam. 111. 8-10 September 2005 Talk titled “Properties of Cypriot Greek Wh-Question Formation” (jointly with Kleanthes K. Grohmann and Stavroula Tsiplakou) at the 7th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, University of York. 112. 8-10 September 2005 Talk titled “These the demonstratives.” (jointly with Kleanthes K. Grohmann) at the 7th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, University of York. 113. 8-10 September 2005 Talk titled “The category of Modern Greek gerunds.” at the 7th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, University of York. 114. 5-7 September 2005 Talk titled “Diachronically persistent configurations as macro-parametric choices.” at the “Structure of Parametric Variation” conference, University of Newcastle. 115. 31 August-3 September 2005 Talk titled “Putting the lexical head in the right place.” at the Linguistics Association of Great Britain Annual Meeting 2005, University of Cambridge. 116. 22-23 July 2005 Talk titled “Clefting and wh-questions in Cypriot Greek: a unitary account.” (jointly with Kleanthes K. Grohmann and Stavroula Tsiplakou) at the Workshop on the Morphosyntax of Modern Greek, University of Harvard & MIT. 117. 22-23 July 2005 Talk titled “Adverbial gerunds as PPs in Modern Greek and beyond.” at the Workshop on the Morphosyntax of Modern Greek, Harvard University & MIT. 118. 23-25 June 2005 Talk titled “Demonstrative Doubling.” (jointly with Kleanthes K. Grohmann) at the Mediterranean Syntax Meeting, University of the Aegean, Rhodes. 119. 1-4 June 2005 Talk titled “On the position(ing) of the lexical head.” at the 21 Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, NTNU, Trondheim. 120. 15-17 April 2005 Talk titled “When mixed projections cannot be arguments: evidence from (Greek) gerunds.” at the 17th International Symposium of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, University of Thessaloniki.

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121. 23-25 February 2005 Talk titled “Copy Spell Out as a minimally specified form: evidence from the nominal domain.” (jointly with Kleanthes K. Grohmann) at the 27th Annual Meeting of the German Association for Linguistics, (27.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft), University of Cologne. 122. 26-28 November 2004 Talk titled “The external distribution of gerunds in English, Greek and beyond.” at the Generative Approaches to Contrastive Linguistics conference, Protaras, Cyprus. 123. 30 September-3 October 2004 Talk titled “Some Properties of Wh-Question Formation in Cypriot Greek.” (jointly with Kleanthes K. Grohmann and Stavroula Tsiplakou) at the 2nd International Conference of Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory, Mytilene. 124. 8-9 July 2004 Talk titled “Categorial deficiency, head movement and phrase structure.” at the Lisbon Workshop on Alternative Views on the Functional Domain, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. 125. 5-7 May 2004 Talk titled “Anti-locality in the Nominal Domain.” (jointly with Kleanthes K. Grohmann) at the IVèmes Journées d'Études Linguistiques de Nantes (JEL2004), University of Nantes. 126. 5-7 May 2004. Talk titled “Linearity and Binding: Condition C in null subject languages.” (jointly with Stavroula Tsiplakou) at the IVèmes Journées d'Études Linguistiques de Nantes (JEL2004), University of Nantes. 127. 26-29 March 2004. Talk titled “Anti-Locality in the Greek DP.” (jointly with Kleanthes K. Grohmann) at the Georgetown University Round Table, University of Georgetown. 128. 26-28 February 2004 Talk titled “An anti-locality approach to Greek demonstratives.” (jointly with Kleanthes K. Grohmann) at the XXX Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, University of Venice. 129. 18-21 September 2003 Talk titled “The articulation of the left periphery in the acquisition of English L2 by Greek L1 speakers: Evidence for impaired representation in the interlanguage?” (jointly with Stavroula Tsiplakou) at the EuroSLA 2003, University of Edinburgh. 130. 18-21 September 2003 Talk titled “The articulation of the left periphery in the acquisition of English L2 by Greek L1 speakers: evidence for impaired representation in the interlanguage.” (jointly with Stavroula Tsiplakou) at the 6th International Conference of Greek Linguistics, University of Crete. 131. 18-19 July 2003 Talk titled “EPP checking and A-binding in null subject languages.” (jointly with Stavroula Tsiplakou) at the Conference on Null Subjects and Parametric Variation, University of Iceland. 132. 13-15 February 2003 Talk titled “An A-Binding asymmetry in Greek and its significance for Universal Grammar.” (jointly with Stavroula Tsiplakou; see above) at the XXIX Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, University of Urbino. 133. 20-22 September 2002 Talk titled “What I said this time?’ Evidence for the Left Periphery in the Acquisition of L2 English by Greek L1 Speakers.” (jointly with Stavroula Tsiplakou) at the “Greek Syntax and the Minimalist Seduction” workshop, University of Reading.

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134. 13 September 2001 Talk titled “Determiner spreading as predication.” (jointly with Theodore Marinis) at the 5th International Conference of Greek Linguistics, THEDEL, Univ. René Descartes - Paris V. 135. 31 August - 1 September 2001 Talk titled “Parametric (non)configurationality without pro.” at the Workshop on the Role of Agreement in Argument Structure, University of Utrecht. 136. 26-28 January 2001 Talk titled “Explaining and motivating a two-step movement for pronominal clitics.” at the “Motivating Movement” conference, University of Ulster, Jordanstown. 137. 6-8 April 2000 Talk titled “The categorial features of functional heads.” at the Spring Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, University College London. 138. 1-3 March 2000 Talk titled “Nouns and pronominal reference” at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the German Association for Linguistics, (22.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft), University of Marburg. 139. 19 June 1999 Talk titled “One, Empty Nouns and Theta Assignment.” at the 2nd Durham Postgraduate Conference in Theoretical & Applied Linguistics. 140. 27 March 1999 Talk titled “Pronouns and the Intransitive Determiner Hypothesis.” at the 8th Manchester Postgraduate Linguistics Conference. 141. 23-25 April 1998 Talk titled “Τα δεικτικά της Ελληνικής και οι σχετικές επιπλοκές [Greek demonstratives and the related complications].” (jointly with Io Manolessou) at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. 142. 2-4 April 1998. Talk titled “The internal structure of English pronouns.” at the 12th International Symposium of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

PPuubblliicc lleeccttuurreess aanndd pprrooffeessssiioonnaall sseemmiinnaarrss 143. 21 June 2019 Seminar 3/3 addressed to secondary education teachers of the Experimental schools of the University of Athens titled «Γλωσσική ποικιλότητα, γλωσσικά ‘λάθη’» [Language variation, language ‘errors’]”. 1st Experimental High School of the University of Athens. 144. 16 June 2019 «Μίλα μου για γλώσσα: όσα δεν γνωρίζουμε ότι ξέρουμε» [Talk to me about language: all that we don’t know we know]. Invited by ΣEEE [Association of Greek Scientists in Switzerland] and the Hellenic Culture School, Zurich. 145. 20 March 2019 «Χώρες, γλώσσες, διάλεκτοι» [Countries, languages, dialects]. Dianellou-Theodotou High School, Greek Language Day. 146. 23 February 2019 Seminar 2/3 addressed to secondary education teachers of the Experimental schools of the University of Athens titled «Γλωσσική ανάπτυξη και αλλαγή» [Language development and change]”. 1st Experimental High School of the University of Athens.

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147. 22 February 2019 Workshop two addressed to pupils titled «Γλωσσική ποικιλότητα και γλωσσικές ποικιλές» [Language variation and language varieties]. 1st Experimental High School of the University of Athens. 148. 26 January 2019 Seminar 1/3 addressed to secondary education teachers of the Experimental schools of the University of Athens titled «Η γλώσσα καθεαυτή» [Language by itself]”. 1st Experimental High School of the University of Athens. 149. 25 January 2019 Workshop one addressed to pupils titled «Τι μαθαίνουμε από τα γλωσσικά λάθη;» [What can we learn from language errors?]. 1st Experimental High School of the University of Athens. 150. 23 November 2018 “Categories: from the lexicon to syntax”. Departmental Forum, Department of English Studies. 151. 14 February 2018 «Γλωσσικά λάθη: μύθος και Γλωσσολογία» [Language errors: between myth and Linguistics]. Dasoupoli Senior High School seminar on the Greek language. 152. 13 February 2018 «Μίλα μου για γλώσσα» [Talking to me about language]. Dianellou-Theodotou High School, Greek Language Day. 153. 21 November 2017 «Μιλάμε για τη γλώσσα: τι είναι η γλωσσολογία» [Talking about language: what is Linguistics?]. University of Cyprus Open Day for High School students. 154. 10 June 2016 Lecture titled «Διάλεκτοι, γλωσσική ποικιλότητα και εξουσία στην Κύπρο» [Dialects, linguistic variation and power in Cyprus]. Kaymakkin Social Space, Nicosia, Cyprus. 155. 15 April 2016 E-lecture addressed to MA in Greek Language & Literature students titled “Γλωσσικά λάθη: από τον μύθο στη Γλωσσολογία [Language errors: between myth and Linguistics]”. Open University of Cyprus. 156. 22 January 2016 Lecture addressed to secondary education teachers titled “Γλωσσικά λάθη; [Language errors?]”. Dali Senior High School, Cyprus. 157. 20 June 2015 Lecture three of the Public Lecture Series: “Χαρτογραφήματα: συνάντηση για τη Γλωσσολογία [Cartographies: a meeting on Linguistics]”, titled “Η ελληνική γλώσσα [The Greek Language]”. Nea Zographou municipality, Zographou, Greece. 158. 9 May 2015 Lecture two of the Public Lecture Series: “Χαρτογραφήματα: συνάντηση για τη Γλωσσολογία [Cartographies: a meeting on Linguistics]”, titled “Πώς λειτουργεί η γλώσσα [How language works]”. Zographou municipality, Zographou, Greece. 159. 21 March 2015 Lecture one of the Public Lecture Series: “Χαρτογραφήματα: συνάντηση για τη Γλωσσολογία [Cartographies: a meeting on Linguistics]”, titled “Τι είναι γλώσσα [What is language?]”. Zographou municipality, Zographou, Greece.

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Curriculum Vitae – E. Panagiotidis


160. 18 October 2014 Public lecture titled: “Γλωσσολογία και πραγματικός κόσμος [Linguistics and the real world]”, organized by Crete University Press and the Eleftherotypia newspaper. Polis Art Café, Athens, Greece. 161. 7 October 2014 Invited undergraduate lecture: “Σύνταξη [Syntax]”. BA in Speech Pathology, Department of Rehabilitation, Cyprus Technical University. Limassol, Cyprus. 162. 2 April 2014 Invited talk titled “Why teach Greek and how”, by the Center for Hellenic Studies, Stony Brook University, USA. 163. 21 February 2014 Round table contribution titled “Ακόμα ένας λόγος να μελετάμε τη δομή της ελληνικής: από τα ελληνικά στην Καθολική Γραμματική [Another reason to study the structure of Greek: from Greek to Universal Grammar]” in the Greek: language of the past, language of the future Round Table organised by the Cyprus Linguistic Society, Nicosia, Cyprus. 164. 7 February 2014 Talk titled “Τρεις ερωτήσεις για τα Αρχαία [Three questions about Ancient Greek]”, at the Χτίζοντας ένα άλλο σχολείο [Building a different school]’ meeting, Athens, Greece. 165. 8 January 2014 Public lecture titled: “Μια συνάντηση για τη Γλωσσολογία [A meeting on Linguistics]”, organised by Vita Activa. University of Athens Hall of residence, Athens, Greece. 166. 7 January 2014 Open interview, lecture and discussion on Linguistics, Semiotics and the Greek language, part of the Εργοτάξιο Ιδεών ([‘A construction site for ideas’]) series. Floral Café, Athens, Greece. 167. 26 September 2013 Invited undergraduate lecture: “Σύνταξη [Syntax]”. BA in Speech Pathology, Department of Rehabilitation, Cyprus Technical University. Limassol, Cyprus. 168. 9 June 2013 Lecture three of the Public Lecture Series: “Ξεκλειδώνοντας τη γνώση, τρίτος κύκλος: Γλωσσολογία [Unlocking knowledge, third cycle: Linguistics]”, titled “Η ελληνική γλώσσα [The Greek Language]”. Nea Smyrni workers’ club, Nea Smyrni, Greece. 169. 29 April 2013 Lecture two of the Public Lecture Series: “Ξεκλειδώνοντας τη γνώση, τρίτος κύκλος: Γλωσσολογία [Unlocking knowledge, third cycle: Linguistics]”, titled “Πώς λειτουργεί η γλώσσα [How language works]”. Nea Smyrni workers’ club, Nea Smyrni, Greece. 170. 9 March 2013 Lecture one of the Public Lecture Series: “Ξεκλειδώνοντας τη γνώση, τρίτος κύκλος: Γλωσσολογία [Unlocking knowledge, third cycle: Linguistics]”, titled “Τι είναι γλώσσα [What is language?]”. Nea Smyrni workers’ club, Nea Smyrni, Greece. 171. 13 June 2012 Public talk titled “Γλώσσα και πολιτική: γλωσσικές εκδοχές και εξουσία στην Κύπρο” [Language and politics: language varieties and authority in Cyprus] organised by the Bicommunal Teachers Platform ‘United Cyprus’, KTÖS, KTOEÖS & Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung, Nicosia, Cyprus. 172. 14 April 2011 Invited talk titled “English as an exotic language” at the ‘Current Perspectives on Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language’ study visit, organised by the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture, Nicosia, Cyprus.

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Curriculum Vitae – E. Panagiotidis


173. 29 September 2010 Public talk titled “Η γλώσσα στην Κύπρο [Language in Cyprus]” organised by the Politis Newspaper, Nicosia, Cyprus. 174. 22 September 2010 Public talk titled “Πώς λειτουργεί η γλώσσα [How language works]” organised by the Politis Newspaper, Nicosia, Cyprus. 175. 15 September 2010 Public talk titled “Τι είναι γλώσσα; [What is language?]” organised by the Politis Newspaper, Nicosia, Cyprus. 176. 17 March 2009 Invited talk titled “The European dimension of English teaching at the University of Cyprus” at the Arion ‘European dimension of English teaching and learning’ meeting, Nicosia, Cyprus. 177. 13 December 2008 Workshop titled “Learner-Oriented TEFL and Grammar Teaching: Tools from Linguistics” addressed to teachers of English, organised by the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture (circular: 178. 31 January 2008 Public talk titled “Γλωσσικός Ηγεμονισμός [Linguistic Hegemonism]” at the Arsinoes 5 Cultural Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus. 179. 28 June 2007 Public talk titled “Γλωσσικοί Μύθοι [Language Myths]” at the Arsinoes 5 Cultural Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus. 180. 31 May 2007 Public talk titled “Γλώσσα, Νόηση, Κουλτούρα [Language, Cognition, Culture]” at the Arsinoes 5 Cultural Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus. 181. 29 March 2007 Public talk titled “Γλώσσα, Ιδεολογία, Δημιουργικότητα [Language, Ideology, Creativity]” at the Arsinoes 5 Cultural Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus. 182. 14, 21, 28 September 2005 Public discussion co-ordinator following showings of Gene Searchinger’s Human Language Series at the ‘The Weaving Mill’ Educational Cultural Association, Nicosia, Cyprus. 183. 19-20 November 2004 Invited talk titled “L1-oriented design of EFL materials: a perspective from Linguistics.” (jointly with Ritta Husted) at the 2004 CyTEA meeting, Cyprus College. 184. 25 February 2004 Talk titled “The Theoretical Linguistics quest: unconscious knowledge of (language) structure.” at the Cyprus College Staff Seminar, Cyprus College. 185. 18 February 2004 Public talk titled “Noam Chomsky”, introducing a showing of the film ‘Distorted Morality’ at the ‘The Weaving Mill’ Educational Cultural Association, Nicosia, Cyprus. 186. 9-10 November 2002 Invited talk titled “What linguistic theory can do for TEFL: three case studies.” at the 2002 CyTEA meeting, Cyprus College.