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Dungeon Crawl Classics The Kingdom of Morrain · 1 Dungeon Crawl Classics: The Kingdom of Morrain Contents Chapter 1: Morrain Gazetteer Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Dungeon Crawl Classics:

The Kingdom of Morrain


Chapter 1: Morrain Gazetteer Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

Chapter 2: Cillamar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Chapter 3: The Lay of the Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

Chapter 4: Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35

Chapter 5: Heroes, Villains, and Rulers of the Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

Chapter 6: History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45

Chapter 7: Campaigns Set in Morrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53

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Long before Morrain was an independent kingdom,it was known to explorers as the Argent Vale—awide and verdant basin surrounded by towering

mountains in the east and thick, highland forests in thenorth and west. Rocky foothills, open tundra, and a min-eral-rich river comprised the Vale.

The passage of time and the influx of the civilized raceshave done little to change the vale’s wild geography.Since the time of Jorem the Elder and his famous son, theFirst Lord Morro Stormwarden, the people of Morrainhave respected nature and taken from the land only whatthey need to survive. They cull lumber for their homesand hunt game for their food; they do not export theseresources or seek to grow their economy with overt for-eign trade. Only the silver mines and gem-rich hills pro-vide material wealth that Morrain deigns to trade withneighboring kingdoms. Individual merchants may barteror sell for personal profit, but the rulers of Morrain havenever sold its natural resources for greater wealth.

The climate of Morrain showcases the extremes ofIldavir’s demesne. The entirety of the Vale has only tworeal seasons, summer and winter, with very short inter-vals of moderation between them. Summers are temper-ate, if wet, often beset by lightning storms. Strong windshowl through the Vale throughout the year and precipita-tion is frequent. Winters are long, cold, and heavy withsnow. The dwarf-highways that wind about the moun-tainous eastern border are nearly inaccessible after thefirst snowfall, and the ponds, lakes, and waterways areoften covered in a layer of ice. Even the most traveledroads are seldom traveled in the snow-filled months. Apopular saying proclaims, “A man does not brave theMorrain midwinter unless he is a ranger, a fool, or a raid-ing giant.”

The people of Morrain call themselves the Imorrayn—inan Elven dialect of the Common tongue, this means“sons of Morro”—though outside of the kingdom theyare generally referred to as Morrahim or, less respectful-ly, Morrainians.

Morrain is a monarchy bereft of the rigid feudalism com-mon to the Northlands’ southern realms. Few of the peo-ple object to the mandates of their kings, for the ArgentSovereigns have always been light-handed. The currentSovereign is King Mirias Stormwarden, a ranger-kingwhose loyalty to his subjects is greater than the service hedemands in return. Ruling from his throne in Stormkeepand defended by the Argent Knights, King Stormwardenis a man of martial renown and a friend to the naturalworld.

Morrain exists at the behest of the Criestine crown, butnone who have witnessed the courage of the Imorrayndoubt they are an independent people who owe alle-giance to no one but their chosen sovereign. Spaced atopthe highlands along the borders are squat towers that gar-rison the kingdom’s soldiers. The defenders of the realmcompensate for their small numbers with sophisticatedstrategies, a system of watchfires atop every tower, andthe conviction that they are the first line of defenseagainst a brutal world. When their defenses are strained,the king looks to his own people to raise again the ban-ner of freedom. The Imorrayn enjoy their days, forthey’ve had to work and fight for their freedom.

Yet when dragons, giants, and worse threaten the land,the people look to heroes without and within for aid.


Chapter 1

Morrain Gazetteer Overview

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Settlements,Fortifications, and


Morrain is considered by their southern neigh-bors to be a rural backwater. While the peoplearen’t as simple as most presume, the settle-

ments do showcase a rustic way of life. The majority ofMorrain’s major towns (and single city) are listed below,though by no means do they account for all of the king-dom’s settlements or its total population.

As a rule, villages, hamlets, and thorps litter the ArgentVale, most of which are within a day’s travel (by foot) toone another. Most are agricultural in nature, the majorityof its people farmers or gatherers. Blacksmiths andmillers support the singular industries of these communi-ties, repairing equipment or grinding the harvested grain.Though most of these smaller settlements do not havedefensible walls, most do have a central refuge—such asa watchtower or temple—where residents can take shelterduring the strongest storms or in the attack of marauders

All towns include a market where people from the small-er outlying settlements can bring their produce to barteror sell for the goods available only in a larger communi-ty. More than one industry can be accounted for in atown, and the community as a whole will be more racial-ly diverse. Most towns include at least one temple andone inn, while a handful of taverns serve as entertain-ment, gossip, and recreation for the people.

By no means meant to be fully comprehensive, a sam-pling of inns, taverns, temples, and guilds is listed aftereach settlement’s description.

Bone Hollow

(Small town, pop. 1,440)

Years before the founding of the Kingdom ofMorrain, the ruins of Castle Whiterock were con-quered by a powerful tribe of orcs known as the

Broken Tusk. Decimated and then replenished again withthe joining of other tribes, the orcs were ultimatelybetrayed by their drow allies. Stricken with a devastatingdisease, most were slain outright and a small fraction ofthe tribe managed to escape the drow into the wilds. Onlya few dozen orcs had survived the disease, but they lan-guished without the strength to defend themselvesagainst the predators of the Vale.

At last the survivors straggled into a tiny human villagecalling itself the Hollow. The orcs were given shelter andfood, and their sickness purged by clerics of Elyr. Thestrongest orc (and thereby the leader), GorshBonegrinder, was astonished at the compassion shown tothem. Instead of venturing back to their northern home-lands, the orcs decided to stay in the Hollow. When thesesame orcs later saved the town against a monstrouschimera, the village was renamed to Bone Hollow tocommemorate the friendship between human and orc.Generations passed and occasional interracial marriagesbred a very small population of half-orcs. Today, fullyhalf of the town’s population is half-orcs, a friendly and


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hard-working collection of farmers, laborers, and herbal-ists.

The town Elder is a half-orc named Eros Skullcrusher,who serves as both warrior and leader. His youngestdaughter, Elidy, is the town’s chief favored defender, awarrior-cleric with a heart of gold and a sunny disposi-tion.

Inns: Pilgrim’s Rest (average).

Taverns: Tankard & Tusk (average), the Wellspring(poor).

Shrines & Temples: The Fount of Healing (temple ofElyr), the Waterspan (island-bridge and shrine ofThalass).


(Small town, pop. 955)

Famous for its breads and cheeses, Bread-In-Handis a community populated predominantly bytallfellow halflings who excel in the culinary arts.

The town’s name is said to stem from a popular halflingproverb: “A slice of bread in hand is worth two loaves inthe oven.” Though they trace their origins to the tribes ofdistant Gadjarria, the halflings of Morrain made Bread-in-Hand (and its sister towns) their adopted home manygenerations ago.

Any who bring trouble to Bread-In-Hand are sure to meetwith the militia’s captain, Eagleton Southpaw, a younghero and veteran of the goblin incursions of recent years.The village Elder, an addled old halfling namedBarnwick and grandfather to Eagleton, is more likely totell stories than see to the day-to-day affairs of the com-munity. Beloved as he is by the villagers, they don’t real-ly mind.

Inns: The Great Hearth (average).

Taverns: Baker’s Dozen (average), Bull & Brandy(poor).

Shrines & Temples: The Fountain of Plenty (temple ofDenithae), the Pointing Stone (road sign and shrine ofOlidyra).


See Chapter 2.

Far Cirque

(Small town, pop. 1,145)

Far Cirque is a town of secrets and great wealth.Situated in a canyon of stone beneath a glacialcrest of the Ul Dominor Mountains, the town is

hidden from casual travelers. Only those who knowwhere to look, or with the magic to pierce the misleadingillusions which hide the town, can find it. Home to someof the Northlands’ finest gem-cutters and spelunkers, FarCirque is a strange little community with a commonvision: finding, perfecting, and selling gems. Not surpris-ingly, gnomes are plentiful here, accounting for nearlyhalf the population.

Far Cirque is an open secret, a source of great wealth forMorrain and many a rumor. Ringing the stony cliffsaround the town is a vast network of gem mines, well-guarded and well-hidden. Far Cirque is an industriousmining town, not a place for indulging visitors. With somany gnomes present, however, there is much time formerriment and play. The dwarves who live here oftengrow frustrated at the work ethics of their gnomish com-rades. When the gnomes work, they work with morefocus and precision than any other; gems are pulled fromthe nearby mines, carried to the town, where they areweighed, cut, and polished. But when work stops, partiesand pranks abound and no one—not even the dour,bearded folk—is exempt from their antics.

Legend holds that the profusion of gems in surroundingrock stem from the Mava Terestere (“mother diamond” inthe Gnome tongue), a massive gem of enormous powerplaced there by Poderon himself. The miners andlapidists of Far Cirque dream of finding the “Lost Mine”that houses the divine gem so that they can look upon itsgreat beauty, but they are equally afraid that finding itmeans subjecting it to theft. The legend claims that if theMava Terestere is removed from the mines, the mineral-rich mines will go dry.

The Elder of Far Cirque is Mistress Rorínna Berick, agnomish sorceress who takes the legend of the MavaTerestere very seriously and believes herself personallyresponsible for the security of the town proper and themines. She uses her illusionary magic to misdirect theroad that leads into the town. In addition, she does notallow the population of Far Cirque to increase, for fearthat greater numbers will call too much attention to thetown and compromise its mining operations. She has thefull support of King Stormwarden in her actions, andemploys much of her own wealth to ensure that gem car-avans bound for Galaron markets are heavily guarded.

The folk of Far Cirque occasionally contend with goblinsand kobolds who emerge from the mountainous depths,


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but have always managed to drivethem away. One captive from onesuch skirmish, a kobold trapsmithnamed Keez, has after many years ofconfinement finally achieved accept-ance in the town. Now he serves as asecurity guard, setting ingeniousstonework traps against intruders.Though most of the humans andgnomes trust him, the dwarf minerskeep a careful eye on him.

Inns: The Perfect Ruby (average).

Taverns: Earthen Bounty (average).

Shrines & Temples: The Delver’sDen (temple of Poderon), the Forger’sFane (shrine to Daenthar),

Guilds: Shapers (church-sponsoredguild of gemcutters).

Festivals: Day of the Diamond (com-memorating the “discovery” of theMava Terestere)

Far Leurre

(Empty “town”, pop. 2)

Most who seek out the gem-rich town of Far Cirquewithout a guide who knows

the way are likely to find Far Leurreinstead. The product of ingenious“geographic and architectural leg-erdemain,” this town is little morethan a series of shoddy stone build-ings and empty wells. Once a smallvillage predating Morrain itself, it hassince been transformed into a magicaldecoy of gnomish ingenuity.

All but the most powerful divinationspells employed to find Far Cirqueare magically redirected to Far Leurre. In addition, thosewho arrive in Far Leurre will find a sleepy, dilapidatedtown whose residents are boorish and cranky. Even theshoddy sign that reads “Far Cirque” at the edge of townis in need of repair. In truth, the buildings and the towns-folk are nothing more than powerful illusions woven bytwo gnomish sorcerers, Pavelon and Ravelon, who livehere at the behest of Mistress Rorínna Berick of FarCirque. Eccentric and easily amused, the two brothersenjoy duping the fortune hunters, bandits, and adventur-ers who visit them. Even those who manage to penetratethe figments, glamers, and patterns of the gnomish broth-

ers usually grow frustrated by theexperience and give up their searchfor the real gem-rich town.


(Small city, pop. 8,527)

The only true city in the king-dom and the seat of its monar-chy, Galaron is yet a small

community compared to the greatmetropolises of the south. Still, noother city in the region is as defensi-ble as Galaron, its orphic, green-huedwalls rising high along the southernshore of Valfors Bay and the mouthof the Morro River.

Galaron is the largest hub of com-merce for hundreds of miles in anydirection. The population is in con-stant flux, as merchants and tradersfrom across the region travel to themarkets of Galaron each year andmany choose to stay, caught by thespirit of communal self-preservationthat defines the kingdom. TheGalarons are rural-minded, as fourout of every five citizens has familysomewhere in the Morrain country-side. Some visitors from foreignkingdoms regard the folk of Galaronas simpletons, but upon returninghome find that their own people arecallous and cynical by comparison.Adventurers have always been wel-come in the city, as evidenced by themany prosperous taverns and innswho vie for their hard won gold.

The wharves of the city teem withlife, as fishermen compete withexplorers for docking space. The cryof gulls and the scent of saltwater

permeate the bayside district, as the longshoremen singtheir shanties and foul the air with good-hearted profani-ty. Ship captains are numerous, most willing to ferry pas-sengers across Valfors Bay for gold in advance duringsummer or early fall. As adventurers bring only sporadicbusiness, the sailors owe their livelihood to the fishermenand hunters who ply the hinterlands and waters of the bayyear round. Exotic animals and furs are often sold in themarkets, and lush Morrain furs are considered a luxuryby the southern nobility.

Though the city owes its continued existence to the valor


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of its people, none dismiss the magic rumored to infuse itsvery walls. Shortly after the demise of the First Lord fivecenturies ago, walls that appear to be an aggregate ofgranite and malachite arose seemingly overnight. In thetaverns of the city, legends still tell of the mysteriouscloaked men who attended the funeral of MorroStormwarden and raised the walls for the city’s perpetualdefense. The gleaming bulwark is wondrous to look uponduring the day, but it is a sight to behold at night: a ghost-ly green glow emanates from the veins of malachite.History has seen many armies lay siege to Morrain’s cap-ital city, but none have succeeded in breaching its walls,which cause magic and siege weaponry to rebound.

Rising from the heart of the city is Stormkeep, the homeof King Mirias Stormwarden, the Argent Sovereign. Thefortress is as formidable as any dwarf citadel, though itsgarrison is small. Built of black-veined gray stone,Stormkeep consists of a series of high towers and crenel-lated walls, with a long drawbridge spanning a “moat” ofdeadly elemental wind. The citadel is also home to a reg-iment of paladins known as the Argent Knights, whoserve as both royal guards and elite soldiers in times ofneed. The Knights are led by the elfmaid Lady Tyalineand are devoted to Gorhan, the Helmed Vengeance.Much like the faith of Gorhan, the Knights are raciallydiverse; fully half of the regiment consists of nonhumans.

The criminal element of Galaron is trenchant but small,subsisting on citizens and visitors alike like a sufferableparasite, taking only what it requires while leaving itsvictims healthy. When true peril threatens the city, therogues themselves take up arms against the commonenemy. “Should Galaron fall,” one adage proclaims,“hope for all of Morrain is lost forever.” While someattribute the thieves’ uncanny symbiosis to the communi-ty—or simple pragmatism—others believe there is a sin-gle mastermind who rules the underworld. Folk tales per-sist that Vemn himself, the legendary thief and one ofMorro Stormwarden’s own companions, lingers still inspectral form, enforcing his guiding principle of Thieves’Honor in death as he did in life.

The flaw of complacency cannot be attributed to the peo-ple of Galaron. Life is short, and tomorrow the dragonsof the Frosteye Mountains could fall upon them en masseor the Scourge in the east could breach the Ul DominorMountains and overtake them. Therefore they live life toits fullest, celebrating the rise of the sun each day andevery successful hunt. This spirit of merriment has kin-dled even the hearts of its nonhuman residents. As theelves sing and dance to the music of the Anseur glades,the dwarves raise their tankards and host drinking gamesby their Holdfast kin. The gnomes and halflings, ofcourse, need little excuse to join their taller neighbors.Despite the cold climate of Morrain, Galaron hosts festi-vals throughout the year. Between such events, individ-

ual families hold their own revels.

Among the city’s most famous locales is the Garden ofTears, a labyrinth of hedges, trees, and cool arborsenclosed by low stone walls. Planted and cultivated bythe church of Ireth, the Garden stands adjacent to theStarspire, temple of the goddess of the night sky. The“tears” that give the garden its name are the dewdropsthat appear among the leaves at dawn and freeze in thewintry months. It is believed that those who walk amongthe arbors long enough can face their fears, grieve fortheir regrets, and leave their sorrows behind.

Inns: The Emerald Wyrm (expensive), the Elven Oak Inn(expensive, elvish decor and cuisine), Warrior’s Rest(average), the Root Cellar (average, gnome-catered), theRoad’s End (average, halfling-catered).

Taverns: The Silver Chalice (expensive), the Falcon &Child (average), the Wyvern’s Head, the Landshark(average), Fish N’ Guts (poor, dockside).

Shrines & Temples: Valiant Hall (temple of Gorhan),the House of Fire (temple of Fenwar), the Starspire(observatory and temple of Ireth), Vault of Radiance(temple and library of Delvyr), Halls of the Silent (mau-soleum, cemetery, and temple of Soleth), the Bellhouse(lighthouse, anchorage, and shrine dedicated to Ilquot;located on a jetty).


(Ruined town, pop. 50)

Once a proud and bustling town, and home toMorrain’s forefathers, the population ofHallowbrook has nearly vanished as many con-

sider it a cursed place. Now only a despondent few liveamong the empty buildings and eke out a lonely exis-tence among the silent walls and untended wells.

At the center of the ruin are four black marble statuesdepicting Morrain’s founding men and women—Jorem,Dalrem, Eistha, and Tarom—frozen in their moments ofanguished death. The statues are said to be the result of ahorrible wish granted by a demon to the hated HarbingerKing five hundred years ago. When the defiant Elders ofthe early towns refused to bow to his rule, the tyrantordered them slain. It was the Elders’ own children—including Morro Stormwarden—who would later over-throw the Harbinger King, prompted by revenge.

The Imorrayn have tried many times to tear down thestatues, but powerful magic sustains them. Not even rareadamantine alloys can sunder them. Instead, the statueslive on as a reluctant symbol of the sacrifices the peopleof the Vale made to win their freedom, and the pain onemust suffer to see justice done.


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(Small town, pop. 1,112)

Nestled in the foothills of east-ern Morrain, Hrumbleton is acommunity of gnomes that

has existed since before the Kingdomof Morrain. When the First Lord unit-ed the land, however, the friendlygnomes of Hrumbleton were happy tojoin in the commonwealth. Althoughthe hill-dwelling burrows ofHrumbleton are built for shorter folk,humans, elves, and half-elves are justas welcome; the tall folk and a num-ber of dwarves make up nearly tenpercent of the population.

The people of Hrumbleton take life aday at a time. They have little historybeyond the memory of the eldestgnome and heirlooms passed downthe generations. As one gnome patri-arch said, “Unlike elves, we have nomillennial heritage; unlike thedwarves, no death-knell tomorrow.”

The town has always been governedby a single, elected clan. But long agothe gnomes become quite contentwith a particular family, ClanWedgebender, and never sought tochange. Its current patriarch, Glozark,has been the Elder of Hrumbleton fornearly three decades. Glozark is ashrewd businessman, but he knowsmore about trade and the miningoperations of his people than he doesabout defense.

Whenever the town is threatened, orwhen faced with a decision beyondhis ken, he consults with the sorcererNerebon Stimblebor Sandminder, akindly old gnome whose magic and leadership has savedthe town many times from goblin raiders. The town isalso home to one of Áereth’s most famous—and eccen-tric—gem cutters, the esteemed Master Geresain.


(Small town, pop. 1,890)

Mystenmere is Morrain’s win-dow into the elven nation ofAnseur. Built in the shadow

of the elven wood and overlookingValfors Bay on its western shores, it isthe home of scholars, wizards, andhunters with a deep respect for the nat-ural world. An embassy in all butname, the queen of Anseur has extend-ed her protection over the town—agesture greatly appreciated by theArgent Sovereign. In turn, the kingsends ambassadors into the elvenrealm to keep the queen apprised ofevents well outside her forest.

If Mystenmere had an Elder, it wouldbe the haggard mage in brown robeswho lives in an unobtrusive tower atthe center of the town square.Aragoth is a venerable human ofunknown years, and certainlyMystenmere’s oldest human resident.He emerges from his tower only dur-ing the most monumental of occa-sions or when a governmental deci-sion is needed. Considered a preemi-nent sage of the Northlands, Aragothalways knows more than he tells.Those seeking counsel with the oldwizard are faced with two choices:wait a very, very long time (oftenspanning weeks or months) or per-form a service for him. Services haveincluded journeys to the Dyzan seacaves, retrieval of rare spell compo-nents in the Ashwood Forest, anddeliverance of puppies to children inthe town of Bone Hollow. Visitorsmust be prepared for anything.

Mystenmere is also the home of a semi-renowned socie-ty of arcanists—mostly consisting of wizards, sorcerers,and loremasters—named the Tome, which meets month-ly in a back room of the Twisted Staff. The wait staff ofthe esteemed inn has reported dry laughter, archaic lan-guages, and lecturing old voices. Even the Staff’s propri-etor feels certain he can hear more men speaking behindthe closed door than arrive at his inn.

Inns: The Twisted Staff (expensive), the Raven’s Nest(average).


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Taverns: The Dark Archer (average), Gozarr’s Flagon(dwarf-run, average), the Sylvan Wolf (average).

Shrines & Temples: The House of the Starmistress(temple of Ireth), the Elder Stone (menhir and shrine toIldavir), Hallowed Well (water well and shrine toThalass).


(Small town, pop. 1,886)

Often serving as a stopping point for those enteringMorrain from the west, Omarak is a mysterioustown whose residents hold an inexplicable rever-

ence for their ruler. The stone houses and pavilions seemarchitecturally advanced for their location, and often mis-lead newcomers into thinking the rest of Morrain must besimilarly advanced. The townsfolk are courteous andfriendly, but seldom exhibit a desire to leave their curioushome.

With close proximity to the feared Witch Wood, residentsand travelers alike tend not to stray far off the road unlessit is to visit one of the outlying farms. Inexplicable oddi-ties litter this region, such as the infamous Devil’s Welland the spectral horses which are said to trot upon theroad on moonless nights.

Dominating the center of the town is a gray marble struc-ture that serves as both town hall and abode for Omarak’smysterious ruler. Aszen Juthow is an enigmatic man ofmental powers who hails from a faraway land. Accordingto legend, Aszen slew a powerful demon of the Abysswhen he first came to Omarak, but for his struggle he fellinto a thirty-year slumber. When he awoke, he deigned tostay as the town’s Elder and look after the people for fearof the coming of another terror. Foreign adventurers arefrequently seen visiting Aszen, and often times out-landish music can be heard echoing from within hischambers, but the soft-spoken demeanor of this eccentricman never changes.