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EX.NO: 1a IMPLEMENTATION OF BREADTH FIRST SEARCH ALGORITHM AIM: To write a java program for implementing Breadth First Search Algorithm. ALGORITHM: Step 1:Start the program. Step 2:Initialize all vertices to the ready state. Step 3: Put the starting vertex A in queue and change the status of A in waiting state. Step 4: Repeat the step until queue is empty. Step 5: Examine each neighbor j of N i. If status j=1(Ready state).add j in near of queue and reset the status. ii. Unstate j=2 (Waiting State or Processed state) Step 6:Finally the processed or accessed node will be displayed. Step 7:Stop the program. CODING: import*; class bfs1 { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { int i,n,j,k; System.out.println("No. of vertices :") ; BufferedReader br= new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(; n =Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); int q[] = new int[10]; int m[] = new int[10]; int a[][] = new int[10][10]; for (i=0; i<10; i++) { m[i] = 0; }

DS Lab Manual

Jul 20, 2016



Raghavendra Apv
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AIM:To write a java program for implementing Breadth First Search Algorithm.

ALGORITHM:Step 1:Start the program.Step 2:Initialize all vertices to the ready state.Step 3: Put the starting vertex A in queue and change the status of A in waiting state.Step 4: Repeat the step until queue is empty.Step 5: Examine each neighbor j of N

i. If status j=1(Ready state).add j in near of queue and reset the status. ii. Unstate j=2 (Waiting State or Processed state)

Step 6:Finally the processed or accessed node will be displayed.Step 7:Stop the program.

CODING:import*;class bfs1{public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException{

int i,n,j,k;System.out.println("No. of vertices :") ; BufferedReader br= new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(;n =Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());int q[] = new int[10];int m[] = new int[10];int a[][] = new int[10][10];for (i=0; i<10; i++){

m[i] = 0;}System.out.println("\n\nEnter 1 if edge is present, 0 if not");for (i=0; i<n; i++){

System.out.println("\n");for (j=i; j<n; j++){

System.out.println("Edge between " + (i+1) + " and " + (j+1)+ ":" );a[i][j]=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());a[j][i]=a[i][j];


}System.out.println("\nOrder of accessed nodes : \n");q[0] = 0; m[0] = 1;


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int u; int node=1; int beg1=1, beg=0; while(node>0) { u=q[beg];beg++; System.out.println(" " +(u+1)); node--; for(j=0;j<n;j++) { if(a[u][j]==1) { if(m[j]==0) { m[j]=1; q[beg1]=j; node++;

beg1++; } } } } } }OUTPUT:C:\>java\jdk1.7.0\bin>javac bfs1.javaC:\>java\jdk1.7.0\bin>java bfs1No of vertices: 6Enter 1 if edge is present, 0 if notEdge between 1 & 1:0Edge between 1 & 2:1Edge between 1 & 3:1Edge between 1 & 4:0Edge between 1 & 5:1Edge between 1 & 6:0Edge between 2 & 2:0Edge between 2 & 3:0Edge between 2 & 4:0Edge between 2 & 5:0Edge between 2 & 6:1

Edge between 3 & 3:0Edge between 3 & 4:1Edge between 3 & 5:0Edge between 3 & 6:0Edge between 4 & 4:0

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Edge between 4 & 5:1Edge between 4 & 6:1

Edge between 5 & 5:0Edge between 5 & 6:1

Edge between 6 & 6:0Order of accessed nodes: 123564

RESULT:Thus the java program for Breadth First Search Algorithm has been executed



AIM:To write a java program for implementing Depth First Search Algorithm.

ALGORITHM:Step 1:Start the program.Step 2:Initialize all vertices to the ready state.Step 3:If edge is present give it as 1.if not present then give it as zeroStep 4:Put the starting vertex A in Stack and change the status of A in waiting state.Step 5:Repeat the step until Stack is empty.Step 6:Finally the processed or accessed node will be displayed.Step 7:Stop the program.CODING:import*; class dfs { static void dfs(int a[][], int m[], int i, int n) { int j; System.out.println("\t" + (i+1)); m[i] = 1; for(j=0; j<n; j++) if(a[i][j]==1 && m[j]==0) dfs(a,m,j,n); }

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public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { int n, i, j; System.out.println("No. of vertices : "); BufferedReader br= new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(; n =Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); int m[]= new int[n]; int a[][] = new int[n][n]; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { m[i] = 0; } System.out.println("\n\nEnter 1 if edge is present, 0 if not"); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { System.out.println("\n"); for (j=i; j<n; j++) { System.out.println("Edge between " + (i+1) + " and " + (j+1)+ " : "); a[i][j] =Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); a[j][i]=a[i][j]; } a[i][i] = 0; } System.out.println("\nOrder of accessed nodes : \n"); for (i=0; i<n; i++) if (m[i]==0) dfs(a,m,i,n); } } OUTPUT:C:\>java\jdk1.7.0\bin>javac dfs.javaC:\>java\jdk1.7.0\bin>java dfsNo of vertices: 5Enter 1 if edge is present, 0 if notEdge between 1 & 1:0Edge between 1 & 2:1Edge between 1 & 3:0Edge between 1 & 4:0Edge between 1 & 5:0

Edge between 2 & 2:0Edge between 2 & 3:1Edge between 2 & 4:0Edge between 2 & 5:1

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Edge between 3 & 3:0Edge between 3 & 4:1Edge between 3 & 5:1Edge between 4 & 2:1Edge between 4 & 3:1Edge between 4 & 4:0Edge between 4 & 5:0Edge between 5 & 3:1Edge between 5 & 4:0Edge between 5 & 5:0Order of accessed nodes: 12435

RESULT:Thus the java program for Depth First Search Algorithm has been executed successfully.


AIM:To write a java program to implement the dijikstra's single source shortest path


ALGORITHM:Step 1: Start the program.Step 2: Import the java packages and declare the necessary variables.Step 3: Construct a graph with vertices and path between vertices with its corresponding

weight.Step 4: Label the starting node with a 0.Step 5: For each edge connecting to the starting node and choose the edge with least

value.Step 6: Repeat steps 4 & 5 until the node you are trying to reach (the destination node) .Step 7: Retrace the shortest route backwards through the network back to your start node.

You've found the path of least weight.Step 8: Then,print the shortest path of the graph .Step 9: Stop the program.

CODING:import*;import java.util.*;class graph

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{ int v,e,w,a,b;int d[],p[],visited[];int m[][];void creategraph(){Scanner kbd=new Scanner(;System.out.println("Enter the no.of nodes:");v=kbd.nextInt();System.out.println("Enter the no.of paths:");e=kbd.nextInt();m=new int[v+1][v+1];for(int i=1;i<=v;i++){for(int j=1;j<=v;j++)m[i][j]=0;}for(int i=1;i<=e;i++){System.out.println("Enter node 1:");a=kbd.nextInt();System.out.println("Enter node 2:");b=kbd.nextInt();System.out.println("Enter weight:");w=kbd.nextInt();m[a][b]=m[b][a]=w;}for(int i=1;i<=v;i++){for(int j=1;j<=v;j++)System.out.println(m[i][j]+"");System.out.println();}}void calldj(){d=new int[v+1];p=new int[v+1];visited=new int[v+1];for(int i=1;i<=v;i++){p[i]=visited[i]=0;}for(int i=1;i<=v;i++){d[i]=32762;}di();

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}void di(){ int current,dest,source;Scanner kbd=new Scanner(;System.out.println("Enter the destination:");dest=kbd.nextInt();current=1;visited[current]=1;d[current]=0;while(current!=dest){ int dc=d[current];for(int i=1;i<=v;i++){ if(m[current][i]!=0&& visited[i]!=1){ if(m[current][i]+dc<d[i]){d[i]=m[current][i]+dc;p[i]=current;}}} int min=32762;for(int i=1;i<=v;i++){ if(visited[i]!=1&& d[i]<min){min=d[i];current=i;}}visited [current]=1;}System.out.println("shortest path is:"+d[dest]);}} class dij{public static void main(String args[]){graph g=new graph();g.creategraph();g.calldj();}}

OUTPUT:C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop>javac dij.javaC:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop>java dij


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2 86

3 7 9

Enter the no.of nodes: 5Enter the no.of paths: 6Enter node 1: 1Enter node 2: 2Enter weight: 2Enter node 1: 2Enter node 2: 4Enter weight: 3Enter node 1: 1Enter node 2: 5Enter weight: 6Enter node 1: 5Enter node 2: 4Enter weight: 7Enter node 1: 1Enter node 2: 3Enter weight: 8Enter node 1: 3Enter node 2: 4Enter weight: 902806






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60070Enter the destination: 4shortest path is: 5


Thus, the java program for Dijikstra’s single source shortest path algorithm has been implemented and executed.


AIM: To write a java program for the implementation of Network flow problem using max-flow and min-cut theorem.

ALGORITHM:Step 1: Start the process.Step 2: Import the necessary packages.Step 3: Declare the class Network Flow Problem and declare the various variable used.Step 4: Declare a constructor and method of BFS.Step 5: Declare the method NF(), which takes the graph source and destination node as input.Step 6: The NF() produces flow graph and residual graph as its output.Step 7: Declare the print() which prints min-cut for network.Step 8: Declare the main method, which gets the graph matrix as input from user.Step 9: Print max-flow and min-cut as output for given graph.Step 10: Stop the process.

CODING:import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.HashSet;import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.LinkedList;import java.util.Queue;

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import java.util.Scanner;import java.util.Set;public class NetworkFlowProb{private int[] parent;private Queue<Integer> queue;private int numberOfVertices;private boolean[] visited;private Set<Pair> cutSet;private ArrayList<Integer> reachable;private ArrayList<Integer> unreachable;public NetworkFlowProb (int numberOfVertices){this.numberOfVertices = numberOfVertices;this.queue = new LinkedList<Integer>();parent = new int[numberOfVertices + 1];visited = new boolean[numberOfVertices + 1];cutSet = new HashSet<Pair>();reachable = new ArrayList<Integer>();unreachable = new ArrayList<Integer>();}public boolean bfs (int source, int goal, int graph[][]){boolean pathFound = false;int destination, element;for (int vertex = 1; vertex <= numberOfVertices; vertex++){parent[vertex] = -1;visited[vertex] = false;}queue.add(source);parent[source] = -1;visited[source] = true;while (!queue.isEmpty()){element = queue.remove();destination = 1;while (destination <= numberOfVertices){if (graph[element][destination] > 0 && !visited[destination]){parent[destination] = element;queue.add(destination);visited[destination] = true;}destination++;

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}}if (visited[goal]){pathFound = true;}return pathFound;}public int networkFlow (int graph[][], int source, int destination){int u, v;int maxFlow = 0;int pathFlow;int[][] residualGraph = new int[numberOfVertices + 1][numberOfVertices + 1];for (int sourceVertex = 1; sourceVertex <= numberOfVertices; sourceVertex++){for (int destinationVertex = 1; destinationVertex <= numberOfVertices; destinationVertex++){residualGraph[sourceVertex][destinationVertex] = graph[sourceVertex][destinationVertex];}}while (bfs(source, destination, residualGraph)){pathFlow = Integer.MAX_VALUE;for (v = destination; v != source; v = parent[v]){u = parent[v];pathFlow = Math.min(pathFlow, residualGraph[u][v]);}for (v = destination; v != source; v = parent[v]){u = parent[v];residualGraph[u][v] -= pathFlow;residualGraph[v][u] += pathFlow;}maxFlow += pathFlow;}for (int vertex = 1; vertex <= numberOfVertices; vertex++){if (bfs(source, vertex, residualGraph)){reachable.add(vertex);}else{unreachable.add(vertex);

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}}for (int i = 0; i < reachable.size(); i++){for (int j = 0; j < unreachable.size(); j++){if (graph[reachable.get(i)][unreachable.get(j)] > 0){cutSet.add (new Pair(reachable.get(i), unreachable.get(j)));}}}return maxFlow;}public void printCutSet (){Iterator<Pair> iterator = cutSet.iterator();while (iterator.hasNext()){Pair pair =;System.out.println(pair.source + "-" + pair.destination);}}public static void main (String...arg){int[][] graph;int numberOfNodes;int source;int sink;int maxFlow;Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;System.out.println("Enter the number of nodes");numberOfNodes = scanner.nextInt();graph = new int[numberOfNodes + 1][numberOfNodes + 1];System.out.println("Enter the graph matrix");for (int sourceVertex = 1; sourceVertex <= numberOfNodes; sourceVertex++){for (int destinationVertex = 1; destinationVertex <= numberOfNodes; destinationVertex++){graph[sourceVertex][destinationVertex] = scanner.nextInt();}}System.out.println("Enter the source of the graph");source= scanner.nextInt();System.out.println("Enter the sink of the graph");sink = scanner.nextInt();

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NetworkFlowProb networkFlowProb = new NetworkFlowProb(numberOfNodes);maxFlow = networkFlowProb.networkFlow(graph, source, sink);System.out.println("The Max flow in the graph is " + maxFlow);System.out.println("The Minimum Cut Set in the Graph is ");networkFlowProb.printCutSet();scanner.close();}}class Pair{public int source;public int destination;public Pair(int source, int destination){this.source = source;this.destination = destination;}public Pair(){}}OUTPUT:C:\Users\Admin>javac NetworkFlowProb.javaC:\Users\Admin>java NetworkFlowProbEnter the number of nodes: 5Enter the graph matrix0 20 31 0 01 0 0 21 00 2 0 30 00 0 0 0 750 0 0 0 0Enter the source of the graph 1Enter the sink of the graph5The Max flow in the graph is 51The Minimum Cut Set in the Graph is1-31-2RESULT: Thus the java program for implementation of Network flow problem using max-flow min-cut theorem has been executed and output was verified successfully.

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AIM:To implement hill climbing algorithm using the elevator problem using Java


ALGORITHM:Step 1: Start the program.Step 2: Create class as elevator with functions optimize_floors() floors_walked(),reconstruct_path() and print_matrix().Step 3: Get floor to reach as an input.Step 4: Finally find the path between floors, each floor is considered as small local maximum. Step 5: Calculate cost for reaching the destination.Step 6: End the program.

CODING:import java.util.*;class elevator{

static final int NFLOORS = 25;static final int MAX_RIDERS = 50;static final int MAXINT = 100007;static int stops[] = new int [MAX_RIDERS];static int nriders, nstops;static int m[][] = new int [NFLOORS+1][MAX_RIDERS];static int p[][] = new int [NFLOORS+1][MAX_RIDERS];

static int optimize_floors(){

int cost,laststop;for(int i=0;i<=NFLOORS;i++){


}for(int j=1;j<=nstops;j++)

for(int i=0;i<=NFLOORS;i++){

m[i][j]=MAXINT;for(int k=0;k<=i;k++){


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}laststop = 0;for(int i=1;i<=NFLOORS;i++)

if(m[i][nstops]<m[laststop][nstops])laststop = i;

return laststop;}

static int floors_walked(int previous,int current){

int nsteps=0;for(int i=1;i<=nriders;i++)

if(stops[i]>previous&&stops[i]<=current)nsteps+=Math.min(stops[i]-previous, current-stops[i]);

return nsteps;}

static void reconstruct_path(int lastfloor, int stops_to_go){

if (stops_to_go > 1)reconstruct_path( p[lastfloor][stops_to_go], stops_to_go-1);


static void print_matrix(int m[][]){

for (int j=0; j<=nstops; j++){

for (int i=0; i<=NFLOORS; i++)System.out.printf("%3d",m[i][j]);



static public void main(String[] args){

int laststop;Scanner sc = new Scanner(;nriders = sc.nextInt();nstops = sc.nextInt();for (int i=1; i<=nriders; i++)

stops[i] = sc.nextInt();for (int i=1; i<=nriders; i++)

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System.out.printf("%d\n",stops[i]);laststop = optimize_floors();print_matrix(m);System.out.printf("\n");print_matrix(p);System.out.printf("cost = %d\n",m[laststop][nstops]);reconstruct_path(laststop,nstops);

}}OUTPUT:C:\Users\Admin>javac elevator.javaC:\Users\Admin>java elevator

123 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 2 1 0 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3Cost=003RESULT: Thus the java program for hill climbing algorithm using the elevator problem has been executed and output was verified successfully.


AIM:To write a java program for implementing dynamic programming concept using longest

common subsequnce.

ALGORITHM:Step 1:Start the program.Step 2:Enter the String 1 and String 2 for the comparison.Step 3:Calculate the length of the String using length () for both String.Step 4:Compare String 1 and String 2 using compare () string syntax.

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Step 5:By implementing the value of both m and n compare each character in String.Step 6:Finally display the output as common String.Step 7:Stop the program.

CODING:import*; import java.lang.*; class lcs { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { int i,j,k,m,n; BufferedReader br= new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(; System.out.println("Enter the 1st string "); String x=br.readLine(); System.out.println("Enter the 2nd string "); String y=br.readLine(); m=x.length(); n=y.length(); int l[][]=new int[m+1][n+1]; for(i=0;i<=m;i++) l[i][0]=0; for (j=1;j<=n;j++) l[0][j]=0; for (i=1;i<=m;i++) { for (j=1;j<=n;j++) { if (x.charAt(i-1)==y.charAt(j-1)) l[i][j]=l[i-1][j-1] + 1; else if((l[i-1][j]>l[i][j-1])) l[i][j]=l[i-1][j]; else l[i][j]=l[i][j-1]; } } char common[]=new char[l[m][n]]; for (k=0,i=m,j=n; i>0 && j>0;) { if (x.charAt(i-1)==y.charAt(j-1)) { common[k++] = x.charAt(i-1); i--;

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j--; } else if(l[i-1][j] >= l[i][j-1]) i--; else j--; } String common1 = new String(common); StringBuffer common2 = new StringBuffer(common1); System.out.println("the longest common subsequence is "+common2.reverse()); } } OUTPUT:Enter the 1st StringAnithaEnter the 2nd StringSusheelaLongest Common Subsequence is haRESULT:

Thus the program for implementing dynamic programming concept using longest common subsequence is executed successfully and the output is achieved.


AIM:To write a java program to implement recursive backtracking algorithm by N-Queens


ALGORITHM:Step 1: Start the program.Step 2: Import the java packages and declare the necessary variables.Step 3: Get the number of queens to be placed.Step 4: Implement the function “enumerate” which recursively backtracks and places the queens.Step 5: Check that Queens should not be placed in same row, same column and in same diagonal.Step 6: Print the all possible solutions.Step 7: Stop the program.

CODING:import*;public class Queens{

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public static boolean isConsistent(int[] q,int n){

for(int i=0;i<n;i++){

if(q[i]==q[n])return false;

if((q[i]-q[n])==(n-i))return false;

if((q[n]-q[i])==(n-i))return false;

}return true;

}public static void printQueens(int[] q)

{ int N=q.length;for(int i=0;i<N;i++){

for(int j=0;j<N;j++){ if(q[i]==j)System.out.print("Q");elseSystem.out.print("*");}System.out.println();



public static void enumerate1(int N){ int[]a=new int[N];enumerate(a,0);}

public static void enumerate(int[]q,int n){ int N=q.length;if(n==N)


{for(int i=0;i<N;i++)


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public static void main(String[]args)throws IOException{ System.out.printf("Enter the Number of Queens:");

BufferedReader br= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;int N = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());enumerate1(N);}


OUTPUT:Enter the Number of Queens: 4

* Q * ** * * Q Q * * ** * Q ** * Q *Q * * ** * * Q* Q * *

RESULT:Thus, the java program for N-Queens problem using recursive backtracking algorithm

has been executed successfully.


AIM: To write a java program for the implementation of Randomized algorithms using Primality Testing .

ALGORITHM:Step 1: Start the process.Step 2: Import the necessary packages and declare the variables needed.Step 3: Declare the constructors for the Random class which computes value for a temporary state.Step 4: Declare the class primality and its method,

1.1 If value of I is 0 then return 1.1.2 Assign X is equal to (a,i/2,n) if x is 0 then return o.1.3 Assign y is equal to (x*x) %n, where y is 1, x not equal to 1 to n-1,

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then return 0.1.4 If i/2 not equal two, then assign y to a*y*n,return y.

Step 5: Check whether the number is generated are not.Step 6: If it is prime, print it as output.Step 7: Stop the process.

CODING:import*;import java.util.*;class Random{private static final int A = 48271;private static final int M = 2147483647;private static final int Q = M / A;private static final int R = M % A;int state;public Random( ){this( (int) ( System.currentTimeMillis( ) % Integer.MAX_VALUE ) );}public Random( int initialValue ){if( initialValue < 0 )initialValue += M;state = initialValue;if( state <= 0 )state = 1;}public int randomInt( ){int tmpState = A * ( state % Q ) - R * ( state / Q );if( tmpState >= 0 )state = tmpState;elsestate = tmpState + M;return state;}public long randomLong( long low, long high ){long longVal = ( (long) randomInt( ) << 31 ) + randomInt( );long longM = ( (long) M << 31 ) + M;double partitionSize = (double) longM / ( high - low + 1 );return (long) ( longVal / partitionSize ) + low;}}class Primality

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{private static long witness( long a, long i, long n ){if( i == 0 )return 1;long x = witness( a, i / 2, n );if( x == 0 ) return 0;long y = ( x * x ) % n;if( y == 1 && x != 1 && x != n - 1 )return 0;if( i % 2 != 0 )y = ( a * y ) % n;return y;}public static final int TRIALS = 5;public static boolean isPrime( long n ){Random r = new Random( );for( int counter = 0; counter < TRIALS; counter++ )if( witness( r.randomLong ( 2, n - 2 ), n - 1, n ) != 1 )return false;return true;}public static void main( String [ ] args ){for( int i = 101; i < 200; i += 2 )if( isPrime( i ) )System.out.println( i + " is prime" );}

OUTPUT:C:\Java\jdk1.6\bin >java Primality101 is prime103 is prime107 is prime109 is prime113 is prime127 is prime131 is prime137 is prime139 is prime149 is prime151 is prime157 is prime163 is prime

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167 is prime173 is prime179 is prime181 is prime191 is prime193 is prime197 is prime199 is primeRESULT: Thus the java program for Randomized algorithm using Primality Testing has been executed and output was verified successfully.



To write a java program for the implementation of concurrent queue using Producer-Consumer Problem.


Step 1: Start the program.Step 2: Import the necessary packages and declare the necessary variables.Step 3: Class prod which extends thread and declare a run() which print the produced item.Step 4: Declare the main method and create object for each thread.Step 5: Invoke the threads.Step 6: Print the output.Step 7: Stop the process.


import java.util.*;import*;public class ConsumerProducer {public static void main (String [] args) {Buffer buf = new Buffer();Thread prod = new Producer(10, buf);Thread cons = new Consumer(10, buf);prod.start();cons.start();try {prod.join();cons.join();

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} catch (InterruptedException e) {return;}}}class Buffer {private int contents;private boolean empty = true;public synchronized void put (int i) throws InterruptedException {while (empty == false) {try { wait(); }catch (InterruptedException e) {throw e;}}contents = i;empty = false;System.out.println("Producer: put..." + i);notify();}public synchronized int get () throws InterruptedException {while (empty == true) {try { wait(); }catch (InterruptedException e) {throw e;}}empty = true;notify();int val = contents;System.out.println("Consumer: got..." + val);return val;}}class Producer extends Thread {private int n;private Buffer prodBuf;public Producer (int m, Buffer buf) {n = m;prodBuf = buf;}public void run() {for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {try {Thread.sleep( (int) Math.random() * 10);} catch (InterruptedException e) {return;}try {prodBuf.put(i + 1); //starting from 1, not 0} catch (InterruptedException e) {return;}}}}

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class Consumer extends Thread {private int n;private Buffer consBuf;public Consumer (int m, Buffer buf) {n = m;consBuf = buf;}

public void run() {int value;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {try {value = consBuf.get();} catch (InterruptedException e) {return;}try {Thread.sleep( (int) Math.random() * 100);} catch (InterruptedException e) {return;}}}}


C:\Users\admin\Desktop>javac ConsumerProducer.javaC:\Users\admin\Desktop>java ConsumerProducerProducer: put...1Consumer: got...1Producer: put...2Consumer: got...2Producer: put...3Consumer: got...3Producer: put...4Consumer: got...4Producer: put...5Consumer: got...5Producer: put...6Consumer: got...6Producer: put...7Consumer: got...7Producer: put...8Consumer: got...8Producer: put...9Consumer: got...9Producer: put...10Consumer: got...10RESULT :

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Thus, the java program for Producer-Consumer problem has been implemented and output was verified successfully.


AIM: To write a java program for the implementation of concurrent stacks using various locking and synchronization mechanisms.


Step 1: Start the Program.Step 2:Declare the variables needed.Step 3:Declare the necessary functions stackimpl(),isempty(),isfull(),push(),pop().Step 4: Perform the synchronization to the stack created.Step 5: Stop the Program.

CODING:import java.util.*;import*;class StackImpl { private Object[] stackArray; private int topOfStack;

public StackImpl(int capacity) { stackArray = new Object[capacity]; topOfStack = -1; }

public synchronized boolean push(Object element) { if (isFull()) return false; ++topOfStack; try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) { } stackArray[topOfStack] = element; return true; }

public synchronized Object pop() { if (isEmpty()) return null; Object obj = stackArray[topOfStack]; stackArray[topOfStack] = null; try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) { } topOfStack--; return obj; }

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public boolean isEmpty() { return topOfStack < 0; } public boolean isFull() { return topOfStack >= stackArray.length - 1; }}public class Mutex { public static void main(String[] args) {

final StackImpl stack = new StackImpl(20);

(new Thread("Pusher") { public void run() { for(;;) { System.out.println("Pushed: " + stack.push(2008)); } } }).start();

(new Thread("Popper") { public void run() { for(;;) { System.out.println("Popped: " + stack.pop()); } } }).start();

System.out.println("Exit from main()."); }}

OUTPUT:Exit from main ().Popped: nullPopped: nullPopped: nullPushed: truePopped: 2008Pushed: truePopped: 2008Pushed: truePopped: 2008RESULT :

Thus, the java program for various locking and synchronization mechanisms has been implemented and output was verified successfully.


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To write a java program to develop a simple applications involving concurrency.

ALGORITHM:Step 1: Start the program.Step 2: Import the necessary packages and declare the variables needed.Step 3: Declare the class MyCollection.Step 4: Declare a synchronized method remove() to remove element from the list.Step 5: Declare a synchronized method add() to end our element to the list.Step 6: Declare the class my class which randomly display the process .Step 7: Declare the class which has main method to invoke different threads.Step 8: Stop the program.


import java.util.*;class MyCollection{private List<Integer> buffer= new ArrayList<Integer>(400);public synchronized Integer remove(){int c;while (buffer.size() == 0) {try {this.wait();System.out.println("Waiting or new numbers to be pushed");} catch (InterruptedException e) {}}c = buffer.remove(buffer.size()-1);return c;}public synchronized void add(int x) {this.notify();buffer.add(x);}public synchronized void show(){

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System.out.println(buffer);}}class MyProcess implements Runnable{private MyCollection col;private int num;private static int counter = 1;public MyProcess (MyCollection s) {col = s;num = counter++;}public void run() {for (;;){System.out.println("MyProcess ID : " + num);int y=(int)(Math.random()*10)/3;if(y==1){col.remove();}else if(y==2){col.add((int)(Math.random()*10));}else{;}try{Thread.sleep((int)(Math.random() * 300));} catch (InterruptedException e){}}}}public class SyncTest1{public static void main(String[] args){MyCollection ds = new MyCollection();MyProcess p1 = new MyProcess(ds);

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Thread tp1 = new Thread (p1);tp1.start();MyProcess p2 = new MyProcess(ds);Thread tp2 = new Thread (p2);tp2.start();MyProcess p3 = new MyProcess(ds);Thread tp3 = new Thread (p3);tp3.start();MyProcess p4 = new MyProcess(ds);Thread tp4 = new Thread (p4);tp4.start();}}OUTPUT:

C:\Users\Admin>java SyncTest1MyProcess ID : 1MyProcess ID : 2MyProcess ID : 3MyProcess ID : 4[1, 1, 5]MyProcess ID : 1MyProcess ID : 1MyProcess ID : 3[1]MyProcess ID : 2MyProcess ID : 4MyProcess ID : 4MyProcess ID : 1MyProcess ID : 3Waiting or new numbers to be pushedMyProcess ID : 2[]MyProcess ID : 4MyProcess ID : 4MyProcess ID : 3MyProcess ID : 2[]MyProcess ID : 1Waiting or new numbers to be pushedMyProcess ID : 4MyProcess ID : 2Waiting or new numbers to be pushedMyProcess ID : 3MyProcess ID : 4Waiting or new numbers to be pushed

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MyProcess ID : 1[]MyProcess ID : 4MyProcess ID : 1[]MyProcess ID : 2MyProcess ID : 3[]MyProcess ID : 3[]MyProcess ID : 1[]MyProcess ID : 3[]MyProcess ID : 1Waiting or new numbers to be pushedMyProcess ID : 4Waiting or new numbers to be pushedMyProcess ID : 2[]MyProcess ID : 1[]MyProcess ID : 3MyProcess ID : 1MyProcess ID : 2Waiting or new numbers to be pushedMyProcess ID : 4MyProcess ID : 2[]MyProcess ID : 3Waiting or new numbers to be pushedMyProcess ID : 3MyProcess ID : 2Waiting or new numbers to be pushedMyProcess ID : 1MyProcess ID : 4[]MyProcess ID : 2MyProcess ID : 4[]MyProcess ID : 4[]MyProcess ID : 4[]MyProcess ID : 4[]

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MyProcess ID : 4Waiting or new numbers to be pushedMyProcess ID : 4[]MyProcess ID : 3Waiting or new numbers to be pushedMyProcess ID : 4[]MyProcess ID : 4Waiting or new numbers to be pushedMyProcess ID : 4[]MyProcess ID : 3MyProcess ID : 1[9]MyProcess ID : 2MyProcess ID : 3MyProcess ID : 2MyProcess ID : 4[]MyProcess ID : 1[]MyProcess ID : 4[]MyProcess ID : 4Waiting or new numbers to be pushedMyProcess ID : 4Waiting or new numbers to be pushedMyProcess ID : 3[]MyProcess ID : 1MyProcess ID : 4Waiting or new numbers to be pushedMyProcess ID : 1[]MyProcess ID : 2MyProcess ID : 3MyProcess ID : 2MyProcess ID : 4MyProcess ID : 3MyProcess ID : 1[]MyProcess ID : 1Waiting or new numbers to be pushedMyProcess ID : 2MyProcess ID : 1

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Waiting or new numbers to be pushedMyProcess ID : 4[]MyProcess ID : 1MyProcess ID : 4[]MyProcess ID : 4

RESULT: Thus the java program for develop a simple applications involving concurrency has been implemented and output was verified successfully.