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dry Dock Alappy Project Report -13 - Keralaports for houseboats at Alappuzha.pdf · Name"of"Project" Dry"docking"and"repair"yard"for"houseboats"at" Alappuzha" Project"Details" Tourism!

Apr 21, 2018



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1. CHAPTER 1 - GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 5 1.1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 6 1.2. THE CONSULTANTS - KITCO LTD ................................................................................ 10 2. CHAPTER 2 - LOCATIONAL ATTRACTIONS - ALAPPUZHA .............................................. 12 2.1. ALAPPUZHA – AN OVERVIEW ....................................................................................... 13 2.1.2. GEOGRAPHY AND CLIMATE ....................................................................................... 14 2.1.3. CONNECTIVITY .......................................................................................................... 15 3. CHAPTER 3 – PROJECT RATIONAL & DEMAND SIDE ...................................................... 16 3.1. TOURISM – KERALA AN OVERVIEW ............................................................................. 17 3.1.1. FOREIGN TOURIST ARRIVAL TO KERALA ................................................................ 19 3.1.2. DISTRICT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF FOREIGN TOURIST VISITS ........................... 21 FOREIGN TOURIST ARRIVAL – HOUSE BOAT CLASSIFICATION WISE IN 2010 ... 22 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTY TYPE WISE ARRIVAL OF FOREIGN TOURISTS 2010 ........................................................................................................................ 23 3.1.3. DOMESTIC TOURIST VISITS IN KERALA ................................................................. 24 MAIN SOURCE MARKETS OF DOMESTIC TOURISTS ................................................ 25 DISTRICT WISE DOMESTIC TOURIST VISITS ......................................................... 26 DOMESTIC TOURIST ARRIVAL – HOUSE BOAT CLASSIFICATION WISE IN 2010 27 3.1.4. PROPERTY TYPE WISE ARRIVAL OF DOMESTIC TOURISTS .................................... 28 3.2. EARNINGS FROM TOURISM IN KERALA ...................................................................... 30 3.3. DEMAND ARISING THROUGH LEGAL FRAME WORK ................................................... 31 4. CHAPTER 4 - THE PROJECT & TECHNICAL ASPECTS ..................................................... 36 4.2. HOUSE BOAT – THE STRUCTURE & FACILITIES ......................................................... 38 4.3. TECHNICAL PARAMETERS ............................................................................................. 38 4.3.1. BOAT REPAIR SYSTEM .............................................................................................. 38 4.3.2. TYPES OF DRY DOCK ................................................................................................. 39 SLIPWAY ..................................................................................................................... 39 FLOATING DOCK ........................................................................................................ 40 BOAT LIFT .................................................................................................................. 40 GRAVING DOCK ......................................................................................................... 41 4.3.3. PLANNING OF REPAIR-YARD FACILITIE .................................................................. 42 DESIGN BOAT SIZE ................................................................................................... 42 PLANNING APPROACH ............................................................................................... 42 DETAILS OF PROJECT FACILITIES ........................................................................... 43 DRY DOCK FACILITIES .............................................................................................. 43 AFLOAT REPAIR BERTH ............................................................................................. 44 WORKSHOP FACILITY ................................................................................................ 44 POWER SUPPLY .......................................................................................................... 45 SECURITY ARRANGEMENTS ...................................................................................... 45 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ................................................................................... 45 5. CHAPTER 5 - PROJECT COST AND FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY ........................................ 46 5.1. PROJECT COST .............................................................................................................. 47 5.2. CALCULATION OF ANTICIPATED REVENUE ................................................................. 48 5.3. O & M EXPENSES .......................................................................................................... 50 5.4. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ............................................................................................. 50 5.5. PAY BACK PERIOD ........................................................................................................ 50 5.7. PROJECT INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN (PIRR) ........................................................... 51 6. CHAPTER 6 – INVESTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................. 52 7. ANNEXURE ......................................................................................................................... 54

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Executive  Summary    

Name  of  Project   Dry  docking  and  repair  yard  for  houseboats  at  Alappuzha  

Project  Details  

Tourism   is   a   fast   growing   industry   in   Kerala.  Backwaters   and   houseboats   in   Alappuzha  attract   a   large   number   of   tourists.   More   than  thousand   houseboats   operate   in   the   area.  Kerala  Inland  Vessel  Rules,  2010  regulates  their  operation   in   order   to   ensure   the   safety   of  tourists.    The  rules  mandates  for  dry  docking  for  inspection   and   repairs   of   hull   once   in   24  months.  The  capacity  of  the  existing  dry  docking  facility   being   inadequate   in   term   of   size   and  number,  there  is  potential  for  the  development  of   a   dry   docking   facility   for   larger   category   of  houseboats.  The  proposal  is  to  develop  facilities  for  dry  docking  vessels  up  to  36  m  in  length  ,  6m  wide  and  draft  of  1.5  m.  The  facilities  comprise  of   dry   dock   facilities,   afloat   repair   berth   and  workshop.    

Location   Alappuzha  

Proposed  Capacity   Dry  docking  of  3  to  4  vessels  at  a  time  and  193  vessels  per  annum.    

Period  of  Implementation  

24  months  


a   Investment   Rs.  440.63  lakhs  

b   Revenue  streams  

Dry-­‐docking   charges,   Rent   from   occupation   of  dock,  Rent  from  afloat  repair  berth.  

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c  Internal  Rate  of  Return  


d   Payback  period  

5  years  


Timely   repairs   and   certification   with   minimum  idling  of  houseboats.   Increased  employment  potential.   Availability   of   facility   for   ensuring   safety   of  houseboats. Ensuring  competitive  repair  cost.  

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1. Chapter 1 - General

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1.1. Introduction

With the Arabian Sea in the west, the Western Ghats in the east and

networked by 44 r ivers, Kera la enjoys unique geographica l features that

have made i t one of the most sought after tour is t dest inat ions in As ia.

The land of Kera la is b lessed with equable c l imate, a long shore l ine with

serene beaches, t ranqui l s t retches of emera ld backwaters, lush h i l l

s tat ions and exot ic wi ld l i fe , waterfa l ls , sprawl ing p lantat ions and paddy

f ie lds. The ayurvedic health hol idays, enchant ing art form, magica l

fest iva ls and h istor ic and cu l tura l monuments in the land of Kera la are

complementary attract ions for nat ional and internat ional tour is ts .

The Or ig in of Kera la has been l inked to a legend dat ing back to Satya

Yug. Accord ing to th is legend, Kera la rose up from the sea when Lord

Parasurama threw his axe into i t and the sea receded to br ing up th is

narrow str ip of land from the sea. Lord Parasurama, be l ieved to be the

s ixth avatar of Lord Mahavishnu, threw his axe from Gokarnam southward

across the ocean in rage and in repentance for h is act ions of k i l l ing

Kshatr iyas. The land of Kera la emerged from the waters of the Arabian

Sea with the b less ing of Varuna-the God of Oceans and Bhumidevi- the

Goddess of Earth. The sobr iquet “God’s own Country” thus bestows

i tse l f on Kera la.

The Western Ghats, border ing the eastern boundary of the State, form an

a lmost cont inuous mounta in wal l , except near Pa lakkad where there is a

natura l mounta in pass known as the Pa lakkad Gap. The average e levat ion

of the Ghats is about 1,500 meters above sea leve l , occas ional ly soar ing

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to peaks of 2000 to 2500 meters. From the Ghats, the land s lopes to the

west on to the p la ins, into an unbroken coast l ine.

The str ip of h i l ls and va l leys on the eastern edge, c lose to the Ghats,

compr ises of steep mounta ins and deep va l leys, covered with dense

forests . A lmost a l l the r ivers of the state or ig inate here. There are 44

r ivers in the state, of which 41 or ig inate from the Western Ghats and f low

towards west into the Arabian Sea. Only three tr ibutar ies of the r iver

Cauvery or ig inate in Kera la and f low east into the ne ighbour ing States.

In the Mid land P la ins of centra l reg ion, the h i l ls are not very steep and

the va l leys are wide. The va l leys have been developed as paddy f ie lds

and the e levated lands and h i l l s lopes are converted into estates of

rubber, f ru i t t rees and other cash crops l ike pepper, arecanut and

tap ioca. Tea and coffee estates have cropped up in the h igh ranges

dur ing the last two centur ies.

The Coasta l Be l t s tr ip is comparat ive ly p la in. Extens ive paddy f ie lds, th ick

groves of coconut t rees and p icturesque backwaters, interconnected with

canals and r ivers, are the features of th is reg ion. No wonder, A lappuzha

an o ld seaport town of th is reg ion is known as the 'Venice of the East' .

The name Alappuzha is der ived from the geographica l pos i t ion and

phys ica l features of the p lace. I t means the land between the sea and

network of r ivers f lowing into i t .

A lappuzha is an important tour is t dest inat ion in India. Backwaters of

A lappuzha are wor ld famous and are the most popular tour is t attract ion in

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Kera la. I t connects Kumarakom and Kochi towards north and Kol lam to

the South. The Nehru Trophy Boat Race, he ld annual ly on the Punnamada

Lake, in A lappuzha, is the most compet i t ive and popular of the boat races

in India, which attracts both domest ic and internat ional tour is ts in large


The average e levat ion is 1 meter (3.3 feet) . A lappuzha covers an area of

1,414 square k i lometers and is f lanked by 2,195 square k i lometers of

Vembanad Backwater System, where the magnif icent union of s ix major

r ivers, which spread out extens ive ly before jo in ing the 80 ki lometer

coasta l l ine of the d istr ic t . The town of A lappuzha is cr isscrossed by a

system of canals . Nat ional waterway 3 passes through Alappuzha,

connect ing Kochi on the North and Kol lam on the South v ia Backwater


The sh immer ing water of vast expanse of the Vembanad Backwater

System, surrounded by the never-ending panorama of lush green paddy

f ie lds, tower ing coconut trees, and the interconnect ing canals in the

town, attract domest ic and internat ional tour is ts in large numbers for

cru is ing in Houseboats . Today A lappuzha has become a ‘must seen’

backwater tour is t dest inat ion, attract ing severa l thousands of tour is ts

each year. A lappuzha is a lso famous for i ts beaches, mar ine products,

and co ir industry.

From mere two houseboats in the ear ly N inet ies, the number of

houseboats has now gone up more than 1000. Many of the present

houseboats are a ir - condit ioned. At present, A lappuzha has emerged as a

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hub of the houseboat industry with a major i ty of them operat ing in the

backwaters around Alappuzha i tse l f .

As the domest ic and internat ional tour is ts are very much attracted in

cru is ing in houseboats in the backwaters, i t is very important to take

adequate measures to ensure the safety of tour is ts . R ight ly ident i fy ing

the growing interest of tour is t towards houseboat cru is ing, the

Government of Kera la has brought the operat ion of Houseboats under the

ambit of “The Kerala Inland Vessel Rule, 2010” (IV Rule). Accord ing

to the IV Rule, the inspect ion of vesse l by a surveyor in dry-dock or

s l ipway once in every 24 months is mandatory. Hence i t is essent ia l that ,

a l l repairs are carr ied out before the above sa id statutory inspect ion.

Current ly , the dry-dock ing fac i l i t ies ava i lab le near A lappuzha are

inadequate. Hence, the Kera la Ports Department proposes to create

addit ional fac i l i ty for the same at A lappuzha with pr ivate part ic ipat ion.

With th is regard, the Kera la Ports Department entrusted KITCO Ltd with

the task of preparat ion of feas ib i l i ty report on Dry-dock Fac i l i ty at

A lappuzha.

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1.2. The Consultants - KITCO LTD

KITCO was establ ished in 1972 as the f i rs t Technica l Consultancy

Organisat ion in India to promote entrepreneursh ip and industr ia l

development in Kera la by Industr ia l Development Bank of India (IDBI),

Government of Kera la, Kera la State Industr ia l Development Corporat ion,

Kera la F inanc ia l Corporat ion, 7 Publ ic Sector Banks, Industr ia l F inance

Corporat ion of India and ICICI Bank. The Wor ld Bank and the As ian

Development Bank has empanel led KITCO as the ir consultant.

KITCO’s act iv i t ies cover a broad spectrum of consultancy serv ices f rom

conceptual izat ion, des ign, est imat ion, tender ing and implementat ion of

project to i ts operat ion and maintenance. This enables KITCO to

undertake projects of any magnitude on a “Concept to Commiss ion ing

bas is” . The Project Consultancy Div is ion of KITCO prepares Deta i led

Project Reports , Feas ib i l i ty Reports , Appra isa l Reports and undertakes

Market Studies, Rev iva l & Rehabi l i tat ion Studies, etc . KITCO’s Deta i led

Engineer ing Div is ion offers P lanning and Des ign in Arch i tecture, C iv i l ,

Structura l , E lectr ica l and Mechanica l engineer ing and a lso in spec ia l ized

areas l ike HVAC, F i re F ight ing, Inter ior Des ign, Water Supply, Ef f luent

Treatment, etc .

KITCO’s c l ients inc lude A irports Author i ty of India, Cochin Internat ional

A irport Ltd. , Cochin Spec ia l Economic Zone, Madras Export Process ing

Zone, Spices Board, Rai l V ikas Nigam Ltd. , Cochin Port Trust , Nat ional

D iary Development Board, H industan Latex Ltd. , Mar ine Products Export

Development Author i ty , Indian Rare Earths Ltd. , Kochi Ref iner ies Ltd. ,

Kera la Feeds Ltd. , Roads and Br idges Development Corporat ion of Kera la

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Ltd. , Department of Sc ience and Technology, Govt . of Ind ia apart f rom

var ious departments of the Govt. of Kera la and a large number of ent i t ies

in both the publ ic and pr ivate sectors.

KITCO employs more than 150 h ighly competent and exper ienced

spec ia l is ts in var ious branches of engineer ing, f inance, economics,

informat ion technology and management. I t a lso has a panel of spec ia l is t

consultants in f ie lds re lated to i ts act iv i t ies . Dur ing 39 years of i ts

ex is tence, KITCO has prepared more than 3000 project reports and

implemented more than 500 projects and in the process has earned an

except ional reputat ion for competence, re l iab i l i ty and qual i ty .

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2. Chapter 2 - Locational Attractions - Alappuzha

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2.1. Alappuzha – An overview Alappuzha is an important tourist destination in India. Backwaters of

Alappuzha are world famous and is the most popular tourist attraction in

Kerala. It connects Kumarakom and Cochin towards north and Quilon to

the South.

Nehru Trophy Boat Race, held annually on the Punnamada Lake, in

Alappuzha, is the most competitive and popular of the boat races in India,

which attracts both domestic and international tourists in large numbers.

Apart from Backwaters

some other attractions in

Alappuzha are Alappuzha

Beach (offering one of the

most beautiful views of

the Arabian Sea), Ambalappuzha Sri Krishna Temple, Edathua Church,

Krishnapuram Palace etc. Coir is the most important commodity

manufactured in Alappuzha.

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2.1.2. Geography and Climate Alappuzha is located at 9.54°N 76.40°E. The average elevation is 1 metre

(3.3 ft) Alappuzha covers an area of 1,414 square kilometres and is

flanked by 2,195 square kilometres of Vembanad Lake, where one can

witness the magnificent union of six major rivers which spread out

extensively before joining the 80 km

coast line of the district. The town of

Alappuzha is crisscrossed by a system

of canals, which is a part of the

National Waterway 3.

Owing to its proximity to the sea, the

climate of Alappuzha is humid and hot

during the summer. Although the

place remains fairly cool and pleasant

during the months of October and November. The average monthly

temperature is 25 o C. The district also gets the benefit of two good

monsoons as in the case of other parts of the

state. Alappuzha experiences a long monsoon

season with heavy showers as both the

Southwest monsoon and Northeast monsoon

influences the weather of Alappuzha. The South-west monsoon affects the

climate in between the months from June to September. On the other

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hand the North-east monsoon rings rain from October to November. The

average rainfall received by the region is 2763 mm.

2.1.3. Connectivity Alappuzha can be accessible through air, rail, road and water. Cochin

International Airport which is 86 kilometres to the North is the nearest

airport to the district. Thiruvananthapuram International Airport located

159 kilometres to the South is the other airport that links the district with

other countries. International

tourists utilize this facility to

reach Alappuzha.

One major rail line passes through Alappuzha. The railway station is about

4 kilometres away from the center of the town. Alappuzha Railway Station

is linked by rail to cities like Trivandrum, Cochin, Chennai, Bokaro and

Mumbai. A total of four trains originate from Alappuzha to Cities like

Kannur, Chennai, Dhanbad, and Tatanagar. Since Alappuzha is a prime

location many trains to important cities like Banglore, Manglore, Calicut,

Amritsar passes through this station.

Alappuzha is also well connected by National Highway NH 47 to other major

cities like Kochi, Thrissur, Kollam and Trivandrum.

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3. Chapter 3 – Project Rational & Demand Side

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Kera la, the Gods own country, is one of the important dest inat ions for

domest ic and internat ional tour is ts . A lappuzha 'Venice of the East' i s

one of the most va luable d iamonds in the neck lace. The major attract ion

in A lappuzha is the houseboat cru ise through the backwaters. I t is

important to prov ide utmost safety to a l l tour is ts dur ing the ir journey in

houseboats. Therefore, per iod ic inspect ion and repair of houseboats is

essent ia l to avoid any breakdown or fa i lures dur ing the journey. The

proposed Dry-Dock fac i l i ty at A lappuzha is p lanned to g ive infrastructura l

support for houseboat repair . Hence, the importance of the project is

d i rect ly l inked to the tour ism industry in the Sate of Kera la spec i f ica l ly in

A lappuzha.

3.1. Tourism – Kerala an Overview

Tour ism has p layed a major ro le in the economic development of var ious

countr ies a l l over the wor ld. Even some of the countr ies l ike Maur i t ius,

Mald ives, Thai land, etc thr ive main ly on tour ism. The revenues from

Wor ld Travel & Tour ism are projected to surpass USD 15 tr i l l ion by the

year 2020. Present ly Ind ia accounts for less than 1% of the wor ld tour ism

revenues. Acknowledging the tour ism potent ia l of the country and the

ro le i t can p lay in the overa l l economic development, Government of Ind ia

started g iv ing spec ia l at tent ion to the tour ism sector . The launching of

“Incredib le India” Campaign and promot ing the trad it iona l va lue of

“Ath i th i Devo Bhava”, Ind ia has now become one of the major tour is t

dest inat ions of the wor ld of fer ing a var iety of natura l tour ism spots with

d i f ferent c l imat ic condit ions a l l over the country. The fore ign tour is t

arr iva ls in India dur ing 2010 were 5.58 mi l l ion, a growth rate of 8.1%

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over the prev ious year. The fore ign exchange earn ings a lso recorded a

growth of 18.07% to reach a f igure of Rs.64,889 crores.

The Nat ional Geographic Travel ler adjudges Kera la as one of the ten

paradises of the wor ld and i t is famous espec ia l ly for i ts ecotour ism

in i t iat ives. I ts unique cu l ture and tradi t ions, coupled with i ts var ied

demography, has made Kera la one of the most popular tour is t

dest inat ions in the wor ld. With the fastest growth rate, the tour ism

industry is a major contr ibutor to the state 's economy.

Unt i l the ear ly 1980s, Kera la was a h i therto unknown dest inat ion, with

most tour ism c ircu i ts concentrated around the north of the country.

Aggress ive market ing campaigns launched by the Department of Tour ism

and Kera la Tour ism Development Corporat ion—the Government agenc ies

that oversees tour ism prospects of the state—la id the foundat ion for the

growth of the tour ism industry. In the decades that fo l lowed, Kera la

Tour ism was able to transform i tse l f into one of the n iche hol iday

dest inat ions in India. The tag l ine Kera la- God's Own Country was

adopted in i ts tour ism promot ions and became synonymous with the

state. Today, Kera la Tour ism is a g lobal super brand and regarded as one

of the dest inat ions with the h ighest brand reca l l .

Popular attract ions in the state inc lude the beaches at Kovalam, Chera i ,

Bekal and Varka la; the h i l l s tat ions of Munnar, Nel l iampath i , Ponmudi and

Wayanad; and nat ional parks and wi ld l i fe sanctuar ies at Per iyar and

Erav iku lam Nat ional Park. The "backwaters" reg ion - an extens ive network

of inter lock ing r ivers, lakes, and canals that centre on A lappuzha,

Kumarakom, and Punnamada - a lso see heavy tour is t t raf f ic . Her i tage

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s i tes, such as the Padmanabhapuram Palace, Thr ipoonithura Hi l l Pa lace

and Mattancherry Pa lace are a lso important tour is t dest inat ions. C i t ies

such as Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram are popular centres for shopping

and trad i t ional theatr ica l performances. The state 's tour ism agenda

promotes eco log ica l ly susta ined tour ism, which focuses on the loca l

cu l ture, wi lderness adventures, vo lunteer ing and personal growth of the

loca l populat ion. Ef forts are taken to min imise the adverse ef fects of

t rad i t iona l tour ism on the natura l env ironment, and enhance the cu l tura l

integr i ty of loca l people.

Kera la has an act ive tour ism industry, which has been accepted as one of

the most su i ted industr ies for Kera la. As per the ‘Kera la Tour ism Stat is t ics

2010’ publ ished by Department of Tour ism, the Fore ign Tour is t arr iva l to

Kera la dur ing the year 2010 was 6,59,265. I t showed an increase of

18.31% over the prev ious year. Domest ic Tour ist arr iva l to Kera la dur ing

the year 2010 was 85,95,075. I t shows an increase of 8.61 % over the

prev ious year. Fore ign exchange earn ings for the year 2010 were

Rs.3797.37 Crores. This recorded an increase of 33.09 % over the

prev ious year. Tota l Revenue ( inc lud ing d irect & ind irect means) f rom

Tour ism dur ing 2010 was Rs.17,348 Crores, showing an increase of

31.12% over the prev ious year ’s f igure. In India, Fore ign Tour is t Arr iva l

dur ing 2010 was 5.58 mi l l ion with a growth rate of 8.10% as compared to

the prev ious year.

3.1.1. Foreign Tourist Arrival to Kerala

Fore ign tour is t v is i ts in Kera la dur ing 2010 were 659,265 as compared to

557,258 in the prev ious year and thus reg istered an increase of about

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18.31 percent. Fore ign tour is t arr iva ls s ince 1999 in Kera la are g iven

be low.

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I t can be seen that, there is a steady increase of fore ign tour is ts arr iva l

in Kera la at the rate of about 20% per annum except dur ing the recess ion

in 2009

3.1.2. District wise distribution of foreign tourist visits

The d istr ic t -wise d istr ibut ion of fore ign tour is t v is i ts in Kera la dur ing

2004 to 2010 is g iven be low.

Ernakulam distr ic t rece ived the h ighest share of fore ign tour is t v is i ts

dur ing 2009 and 2010 fo l lowed by Tr ivandrum. A lappuzha was in the

fourth pos i t ion in respect of rece iv ing fore ign tour is ts .

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22 Foreign Tourist arrival – House Boat Classification Wise in 2010

The House Boat c lass i f icat ion wise arr iva l of fore ign tour is ts in 2010 is

prov ided be low.

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House Boat with No c lass i f icat ion rece ived 60.2 percent of fore ign tour is ts

who chose House Boat as accommodat ion. Least favor i te c lass i f icat ion

among the House Boat c lass i f icat ion is Green Palm, which rece ived only

0.4 percent of fore ign tour is t arr iva ls among the other categor ies. Percentage distribution of property type wise arrival of foreign tourists 2010

Out of the tota l fore ign tour is t arr iva ls to A lappuzha 27.60% have stayed

in houseboats. This data shows the importance of houseboats in the

A lappuzha tour ism.

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3.1.3. Domestic Tourist Visits in Kerala As per the publ ished data of Domest ic tour is t v is i ts in Kera la by the

Tour ism Department, dur ing 2010 were about 8.60 mi l l ion domest ic

tour is ts v is i ted the State. The same dur ing 2009 was 7.91 mi l l ion. There

has been a moderate increase in domest ic tour is t v is i ts in a l l the prev ious

ten years except dur ing 2005. The year wise d istr ibut ion of domest ic

tour is t v is i ts to Kera la is shown below.

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25 Main Source Markets of Domestic Tourists The or ig in of tour is ts State wise is shows that out of 8.60 mi l l ion

domest ic tour is t v is i ts , 6.10 mi l l ion v is i ts (71.03 percent) were made by

the Kera l i tes, Tami l Nadu contr ibuted 13.02 percent of the domest ic

tour is t v is i ts fo l lowed by Karnataka with a share of 6.46 percent and

Maharashtra with a share of 3.38 percent. The other major source

markets are Andhra Pradesh (1.99 percent) , Delh i (1.46 percent) , Gujarat

(0.50 percent) and West Bengal (0.38 percent) . The state wise tour is t

v is i ts a long with the percentage share are g iven in be low.

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26 District Wise Domestic Tourist Visits The h ighest share of domest ic tour is t v is i ts is recorded by Ernakulam

distr ic t in a l l the years s ince 2004. Dur ing 2010, the share of Ernakulam

distr ic t was 23.13 percent. The second largest share of domest ic tour is t

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v is i ts is recorded in Thr issur d istr ic t . The The d istr ic t – wise domest ic

tour is t v is i ts s ince 2004 are g iven be low. Domestic Tourist arrival – House Boat Classification Wise in 2010

Among the House Boat c lass i f icat ion wise arr iva l of domest ic tour is ts in

2010, House Boat with No c lass i f icat ion rece ived 68.5 percent of domest ic

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tour is ts who chose House Boat as accommodat ion. Least favor i te

c lass i f icat ion among the House Boat c lass i f icat ion is Green Pa lm which

rece ived only 0.2 percent of domest ic tour is t arr iva ls among the other

categor ies. The deta i ls are prov ided be low.

3.1.4. Property Type Wise Arrival of Domestic Tourists The property wise domest ic tour is t arr iva ls are prov ided in the fo l lowing

tab le.

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3.2. Earnings From Tourism in Kerala The earn ings are increas ing steadi ly over the years. Only in 2009 % of

change became negat ive. The earn ing from tour ism dur ing 2001 to 2010

is prov ided be low.

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The Statistics shows that 41,977 foreign tourist and 1,83,416

domestic tourists visited Alappuzha during 2010. Out of the total

2,25,393 tourist arrived, 39,348 stayed in houseboats. The vast

expanse of backwaters and surrounding scenic beauty viewed

from a houseboat is the major attraction in Alappuzha for tourists.

Development of Facil it ies and institutional framework for ensuring

pleasant tourism without compromising the safety wil l attract

more tourists to the district. It is very important to ensure safety

in al l the tourist ’s mode and places. The proposed houseboat dry

docking facil ity for repair and inspection wil l support the

Alappuzha tourism industry as a whole.

3.3. Demand Arising Through Legal Frame Work In exerc ise of the powers conferred by sect ion 19(1), 19 R, 29(1), 30, 30

A, 52(1), 53(1), 54 (1), 54(b) and 67(1) of the In land Vesse ls Act , 1917

(Centra l Act 1 of 1917) and in supersess ion of the Travancore Publ ic

Canals and Publ ic Ferr ies Rules, 1100 ME, issued under the Publ ic Canals

and Publ ic Ferr ies Act , 1096, the Cochin Publ ic Canals and Backwaters

Navigat ion Rules, 1114 ME issued under the Cochin Publ ic Canals and

Backwaters Navigat ion Act , 1092 and the Canals and Publ ic Ferr ies Rules,

1917 issued under the Canals and Publ ic Ferr ies Act , 1890, to the extent

they apply to mechanica l ly propel led vesse ls and the In land Vesse ls

Survey and Registrat ion (Kera la) Rules, 1999 issued,1999 the Government

of Kera la had formulated and issued “Kerala Inland Vessel Rules

2010” .

Part 1 of the Kera la In land Vesse l Rules 2010, st ipu lates the condit ions

regard ing Survey & Registrat ion requirements as fo l lows.

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Types of Survey-

1. Every vesse l to which the prov is ions of the Act apply sha l l be

subjected to the surveys spec i f ied be low;

1.1. A survey before the vesse l is put in serv ice.

1.2. A periodical survey once in every twelve months.

1.3. Addit ional surveys as occas ion demands.

2. The survey before the vesse l is put in serv ice shal l inc lude a complete

inspect ion of the hul l , machinery and equipments to ensure that

arrangements, mater ia l , scant l ings of hul l , main and auxi l iary

machinery, l i fe-sav ing appl iances, f i re appl iances and other

equipments fu l ly comply with the requirements under the Act and

these Rules as are appl icab le in i ts case prov ided that the bottom of

the vesse l which has been surveyed or examined by a surveyor before

the vesse l is launched may be exempted unless the surveyor has

spec ia l reasons for cons ider ing i t necessary.

3. The per iod ica l survey of the vesse l sha l l inc lude an inspect ion of the

whole of the hul l , machinery and equipments to ensure that hul l ,

machinery and equipments are in sat is factory condit ion and f i t for the

serv ice for which the vesse l is intended and that she compl ies with

the requirements under th is Act and these ru les as are appl icab le in

i ts case.

4. All Vessels shall be inspected once in every twenty four

months by a surveyor in a dry dock or on a sl ipway such that

al l portions of hull external can be examined during the hours

of daylight

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Prov ided that a vesse l may be exempted from inspect ion in a dry dock

or a s l ip way only where the approved c lass i f icat ion soc iety

conduct ing the per iod ica l survey of the vesse l does not ins is t for the


5. No survey of the externa l hu l l sha l l be carr ied out dur ing the hours of

darkness unless spec ia l ly author ized in any except ional case by

the competent author i ty .

6. The per iod of va l id i ty of a cert i f icate of survey shal l be twelve months

from the date of survey.

7. A survey e i ther genera l or part ia l , accord ing to the c i rcumstances

shal l be made

7.1. The eff ic iency or competence of i ts equipments has changed or

whenever a request for extens ion of cert i f icate of survey is

be ing cons idered,

7.2. Every t ime a defect is d iscovered or an acc ident occurs which

af fects the safety of the vesse l ,

8. The survey shal l be conducted in such a way to ensure that the

necessary repairs or renewals have been ef fect ive ly made, that the

mater ia l and workmanship of such repairs or renewals are in a l l

respects sat is factory and that the vesse l is f i t for the serv ice for

which she is intended.

Categorization of Vessels - For the purpose of survey in land vesse ls is

be ing c lass i f ied into two categor ies as fo l lows.

Category A

• Vesse ls dr iven with more than 300 HP in board engine

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• Passenger Vessels/House Boats with deck above the free

board deck

• Vesse ls with F ibre Reinforced P last ic hul l hav ing a passenger

capac i ty of more than 25

• Vesse ls other than houseboats of more than 24m length

• Hovercrafts and Hydro fo i ls

• House Boats of length more than 30 m. with no upper deck.

Category B

• Al l mechanica l ly propel led vesse ls not inc luded in Category A.

Category A vesse ls sha l l be required to be bui l t under the c lass survey

of c lass i f icat ion soc iety as may be spec i f ied by the Government and

Category B vesse ls bu i l t e i ther under c lass survey of c lass i f icat ion soc iety

or under the inspect ion of State Survey author i ty , ass is ted by cert i f ied

Naval Arch i tects or Mar ine Engineers for approval of drawings, stage

survey etc .

There are about 1,000 houseboats plying in the Alappuzha

backwaters. As per the Kerala Inland Vessel Rules 2010, periodic

inspection of vessels in a dry dock / sl ipway in every 24 months is

mandatory. Hence, in an year minimum of 500 vessels need to be

docked for inspection. Further, to comply with the inspection

requirements these vessels need to carry out repair and

maintenance before inspection. In addition, over and above the

normal inspection, repairs may be required during the normal

operation also.

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At present there are f ive Repairyards for House Boat at Alappuzha

with a total capacity of docking 19 boats at a t ime. It is reported

that in certain yards several boats are drydocked in the same dock

simultaneously and the boats have to wait for completing the

repairs of al l other boats docked, for f loating out of the dock. The

average docking time is about 30 days. As such the existing

capacity is 110 - 120 boats per annum. Hence it is essential to

establish additional multi faci l ity dry-docks in Alappuzha.

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4. Chapter 4 - The Project & Technical Aspects

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Per iod ica l inspect ion and carry ing out necessary repairs and prevent ive

maintenance works are essent ia l for ensur ing the safety and pro longed

serv ice l i fe of houseboats. The hul l of the Boat is a lways exposed to

water with extreme temperature condit ions and hence constant ly

subject ing i t to a h igh ly corros ive env ironment. Further the overhaul ing

of boats invo lves repairs of mechanica l and e lectr ica l systems,

rep lacement of corroded parts , etc . Inspect ion and repaint ing of under

water part of the boats are carr ied out in a dry dock. As the dry dock is a

cost ly fac i l i ty , the above water repairs are usual ly done outs ide the dock

at an Af loat repair Berth.

The t ime required for repair of the boat is an important f inanc ia l concern

for the boat owner. As the dock ing per iod be ing of id l ing, there wi l l be

loss of earn ing for the boat dur ing per iod of dock ing repair . The longer

the t ime required for repair of boat, the more would be the loss.

Therefore the owner ’s interest is to choose a fac i l i ty with low cyc le t ime

even i f the cost is l i t t le h igher compared to the yards with cheaper repair

tar i f f , which take longer cyc le t ime.

With th is regard Kera la Ports Department is intending to develop a Dry-

Dock ing fac i l i ty at A lappuzha for houseboats in A lappuzha with pr ivate

part ic ipat ion.

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4.2. House Boat – The Structure & Facilities The houseboats are innovat ive

adaptat ions of the trad i t ional cargo

carr iers loca l ly known as

‘kettuva l lams’ . Jo in ing wooden p lanks

with co ir-ropes and coconut husk

f ibres, stuf fed in between, makes the

Hul l . Then, the st icky res in co l lected

from cashew nut she l ls dur ing process ing is appl ied on the long- last ing

coconut f ibre and the b ind ing ropes made with i t , sea l ing the gap

between the wooden p lanks. There are spec ia l ized art isans with th is

technica l sk i l l in Kera la to bui ld a wide var iety of houseboats. The roof of

Kera la houseboats are usual ly made us ing bamboo, cane, arecanut tree

stems, and other eco-fr iendly natura l mater ia ls . The framework can be

made with bamboo poles. Sp l i t bamboo, th inned and smoothened is

woven into mats and is used as roof cover. I t is made waterproof, and

wi l l last for severa l years. The shape of the roof d i f fers accord ing to the

des ign. Houseboats are of var ious s izes and fac i l i t ies . The s izes of

houseboats vary f rom smal l ones with s ing le bedroom to large ones

having up to s ix bedrooms. There are houseboats for ho ld ing conferences

upto 100 seat ing capac i ty . Major i ty of the houseboats are a ir -condit ioned.

They are a lso fu l ly equipped for cooking and serv ing food.

4.3. Technical Parameters

4.3.1. Boat Repair System An appropr iate boat repair system compr ises of berth fac i l i t ies for af loat

repairs and dry dock for repairs of the under water surfaces and gears.

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Dry dock is h igh ly capita l intens ive fac i l i ty and therefore, the boat is

normal ly reta ined in the dry dock for an opt imum per iod required for

complet ing the repairs of under water surfaces and gears

4.3.2. Types of Dry Dock There are 4 types of dry dock systems - S l ipway, F loat ing Dock , Boat

L i f t and Grav ing Dock. These systems are eva luated in the context of the

present requirements. Slipway Conceptual ly , s l ipway is the s implest among the var ious boat/sh ip repair

systems. S l ipway is a s lop ing base with a ra i l and a carr iageway

connected to a winch. The ra i l extends deep in to the water so that

sett l ing i t into the carr iageway can l i f t the boat. Then the carr iageway is

pu l led us ing the winch so that the boat is hauled out of the water to the

land area. With s ide sh i f t ing arrangements, mult ip le boats can be

attended concurrent ly .

In a s l ipway vesse ls are carr ied on crad les, which in turn moves on ra i ls .

The cradle has length of ha l f to one th ird length of vesse l . Therefore a

substant ia l port ion of vesse l overhangs without support . But, because of

the unique construct ional features of House Boats, overhang beyond 1.5m

is not normal ly a l lowed. This would require longer crad le, which wi l l in

turn increase the length of s l ipway and a lso depth requirement at

waters ide end of s l ipway beyond economica l cons iderat ions. The

requirement of mainta in ing a larger water depth cont inuous ly by dredging

and the ted ious operat ion involved are the other major d isadvantages of

th is system. A substant ia l land area is required for haul ing and s ide

sh i f t ing. Hence a s l ipway is not recommended for the present purpose.

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40 Floating Dock Float ing Dock is usual ly a f loat ing structure of stee l with b i lge and keel

b locks on i ts top and moored to a jetty. The structure is lowered in to the

water to required depth by f i l l ing water in i ts ba l last tanks. Once the boat

is proper ly pos i t ioned over the b locks, the water in the ba l last tanks are

pumped out which ra ises the dock br ing ing the boat a long with i t above

the water leve l . The F loat ing Dock can be sh i f ted from one p lace to

another as required. This type of system is su i ted for medium type

vesse ls in v iew of the l imitat ion in s ize of such f loat ing structure and i ts

operat ion. The F loat ing Dock requires more water depth to be mainta ined

by dredging compared to other systems and hence more idea l where deep

natura l depth at waterfront is ava i lab le. H igh leve l of maintenance is

required for the dock structure and i ts operat ion is more complex

requir ing h igher degree of sk i l ls . Apart f rom the above, for smal l s ize

vesse ls , which are now under cons iderat ion the unit cost of dock, wi l l be

h igh s ince f loat ing pontoon is to be made for fu l l - length support and i t

should have min imum depth for ins ide access and maintenance s ince

water is intermit tent ly f i l led for lower ing dur ing dock ing. Hence the

f loat ing dock system is not recommended for the present purpose. Boat Lift Boat L i f t is the latest system that combines the concepts of other dock

systems so that the d isadvantages are min imised. L ike in F loat ing Dock,

Ship L i f t a lso invo lves lower ing of a structure – a large e levator in th is

case us ing hoist ing machinery and pos i t ion ing the vesse l and l i f t ing i t to

the ground leve l . Further, with the he lp of haulage system and ra i l

mechanism, the vesse l could be transferred to a yard on land for repairs .

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With a proper system of t ransfer t racks and park ing bays, a number of

boats can be moved and independent ly parked for dry dock repairs ,

prov ided suff ic ient land area is ava i lab le for the same. The operat ion of

Ship L i f t requires h igher degree of sk i l ls . The maintenance costs are a lso

h igh. In India, a l though sh ip l i f t has been insta l led in some of sh ip repair

yards, ind igenous technology is on ly in the develop ing stage. Hence th is

system is not recommended. Graving Dock Graving Dock is usual ly a rectangular bay created at waterfront with

water t ight gates at i ts entrance. The gate is opened to let the water to

f i l l the bay so that the sh ip can be f loated into the bay fu l l of water. The

gates at the entrance, which are now behind the sh ip, are c losed and the

water in the bay is pumped out us ing large pumps. The c iv i l works

invo lved in the construct ion of a Grav ing Dock is cons iderable and spec ia l

emphas is is required for the bottom s lab and s ide reta in ing wal l . Th is is

due to the requirement for keeping the dock f loor at lower leve l and

empty ing i t for g iv ing access to the bottom of vesse l in dry condit ion. In

v iew of requirement for dry-dock ing severa l vesse ls at a t ime, an

innovat ive system having one chamber at a lower leve l l ike a grav ing

dock and addit ional chambers with bottom leve l above the genera l water

leve l of the area is cons idered.

In th is case, vesse l wi l l f i rs t enter the chamber with lower f loor leve l and

then s ide sh i f ted or t ransferred to the adjacent chambers based on the

pr inc ip les of hydro l i f t , by pumping in and ra is ing water leve l . A l l

chambers are prov ided with gate for ho ld ing water at required leve l

dur ing the transfer of vesse ls . After the transfer and pos i t ion ing of

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vesse l , water wi l l be re leased for keeping the vesse l in dry condit ion. As

the construct ion of addit iona l chamber can be done with i ts f loor at

h igher leve l the cost of construct ion and maintenance of the dock wi l l be

comparat ive ly less.

4.3.3. Planning of Repair-yard Facilitie Design Boat size More than thousand houseboats are in operat ion in the A lappuzha

Backwaters system. Out of th is , more than 800 boats are with length

more than 20m, which require Grav ing dock l ike, repair system. Based on

the deta i ls obta ined from the Boat owner ’s assoc iat ion in A lappuzha,

there are a number of boats with 36m length and 6m width. The draft of

the boat var ies f rom 1.10m to 1.40m. As the draft is a wide ly vary ing

factor and i t is an important factor in the dry-dock ing, des ign boat s ize is

se lected with the fo l lowing d imensions. Planning Approach For the opt imum ut i l isat ion of the fac i l i t ies in a yard, repairs of severa l

vesse ls wi l l have to be carr ied out s imultaneous ly so that the d i f ferent

categor ies of works wi l l be in progress at d i f ferent locat ions and sk i l led

workers in d i f ferent d isc ip l ines could be ef fect ive ly ut i l i sed cont inuous ly .

The layout of the dock should a lso be that the vesse l could be taken out

of the dock soon after the complet ion of i ts repairs . A lso, more number of

boats can be inspected at one v is i t of the inspect ion party. The common

cost would a lso be shared by a number of boats. A l l these wi l l br ing in

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cost ef fect iveness to the users. The yard should a lso be capable for

future expans ion only with a margina l cost .

After cons ider ing a l l the above factors, i t is proposed to develop a

fac i l i ty , which can accommodate three boats in normal course and four

boats on spec ia l cases. Details of Project Facilities The yard is for undertak ing the repairs of vesse ls which require grav ing

dock fac i l i ty for dry-dock ing. The proposed fac i l i t ies compr ise of dry-dock

fac i l i ty , af loat repair berths, workshop fac i l i t ies , power supply etc. Br ief

descr ipt ion of these fac i l i t ies is presented be low. Dry Dock Facilities Dry-dock fac i l i t ies have an entry chamber of 40m x 10m, a Repair bed of

40m x 10m and two repair chambers each of 40m x 10m. These fac i l i t ies

have been des igned to accommodate the largest boat (36m long x 6m

wide) with 2m c learance on a l l s ides for access for repair works from a l l

s ides. The f loor leve l of the entry chamber is 1.5m below the lowest

water leve l (Chart Datum – CD) so that vesse ls with draft upto 1.5m can

be taken for repairs with t ida l advantage of 0.50m. The bottom leve ls of

Repair bed and Repair chambers are 1.0m above CD. The top leve l of the

s idewal ls of a l l chambers and repair bed is at 4.0m above CD and water

can be impounded up to th is leve l by pumping, for l i f t ing the boats for i ts

t rans i t between the Entry chamber and Repair bed / Repair chambers.

The entry chamber is prov ided with two gates, one gate with top leve l at

4.0m above CD for impounding water for boat t rans i t between chambers

and the other gate with top leve l at 2.0m above CD for de-water ing the

entry chamber for us ing i t as Grav ing Dock in case of emergency. The

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Repair Chambers are prov ided with independent gates so that the boat

dock ing in other areas can be done when a vesse l is in the Repair

chamber. A l l gates are of Mitre type and of stee l construct ion. Three

Numbers low head h igh d ischarge pumps each of 150 Cu.m per hour

capac i ty are proposed for water impounding. The water d ischarged from

the dock wi l l be channel ised through the dock entrance for avo id ing

s i l tat ion. The deta i ls are shown in the attached drawings.

Three vesse ls can be docked at a t ime, one in the Repair bed and two in

the Repair chambers. In emergency cases the entry chamber can a lso be

used for dock ing for short per iod. Afloat Repair Berth A 40m long x 6m wide berth is proposed cont iguous to the shore l ine for

the berth ing of the boats for af loat repairs . Double banking can berth 3

to 4 boats. Workshop Facility As per the estab l ished pract ices, the boat owners have the opt ion to

ut i l i se the repair fac i l i t ies in the Repair-yard after dry-dock ing the vesse l

to make the ir own arrangements for the repairs . Therefore min imum

fac i l i t ies are prov ided in the workshop attached to the repair yard.

Accord ingly, a workshop bui ld ing of 15m x 7m is proposed. Essent ia l

machiner ies and equipment are a lso inc luded in the proposal which

compr ises of the fo l lowing.

a. Lathe : 1 No

b. Wood work ing Lathe : 1 No

c. Portab le Gr ind ing Machine : 1 No

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d. Manual Meta l Arc Weld ing : 2 Nos

e. Gas Cutter : 1 No

f . Tool K i t : 1 No

g. Pu l ley B lock with Tr ipod : 1 No Power supply Power supply arrangements have been p lanned with due cons iderat ion to

the requirements of the outs ide repair contractors d irect ly engaged by

the boat owners. Source of supply is f rom the KSEB gr id. Security Arrangements Compound wal l w ith gate is proposed for the secur i ty of the yard. Implementation Schedule The ant ic ipated implementat ion schedule for the project is prov ided

be low.

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5. Chapter 5 - Project Cost and Financial Feasibility

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5.1. Project Cost

The est imated tota l project cost and ant ic ipated year wise fund

requirement schedule are prov ided be low;

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Note: I t has been assumed that the ent i re fund wi l l be mobi l ised as

equity capita l , as the debt equity rat io may vary for each investors,

hence no interest has been taken in to cons iderat ion.

The land wi l l be prov ided by the Government on lease bas is .

5.2. Calculation of Anticipated Revenue

Revenue stream comprises of the fo l lowing:

• Drydock ing charges cover ing both in and out operat ion

• Rent for occupat ion of Drydock

• Rent for occupat ion of af loat repair berth

The revenue is arr ived based on the fo l lowing assumpt ions.

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5.3. O & M Expenses

The operat ion and maintenance expenses are est imated at current pr ice is

as fo l lows.

5.4. Financial Statements

The Projected Balance Sheet, Prof i t and Loss Account and Statement

showing Cash from Operat ion & Cash f low Statement are prov ided as

Annexure I to III .

5.5. Pay Back Period

The Pay Back Per iod of the project is about 4.5 years f rom the date of

commencement of operat ion.

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5.7. Project Internal Rate of Return (PIRR)

As the economic l i fe of a Vesse l is about 20 years the IRR is ca lcu lated

for the same per iod. Hence, The project y ie lds a PIRR of 23.72% for a

per iod of 20 years. The PIRR is without cons ider ing any terminal va lue

for the assets. The ca lcu lat ion of PIRR is prov ided as Annexure IV.

Note: The above f inanc ia l ind icators are worked out without

cons ider ing the lease charges to Government of Kera la the land.

Government of Kera la may f ix lease charges based on the

fa i r/commerc ia l va lue of the land.

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6. Chapter 6 – Investor’s Responsibilities

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The fo l lowing dut ies and respons ib i l i t ies have to be taken up by the

investor who takes up the project;

A. Required L icenses/Approvals f rom concerned Department /

Author i t ies .

B. Should conduct a l l necessary studies for re-conf i rming v iab i l i ty of

the project

C. Al l approvals , l icenses, sanct ions, etc . f rom the author i t ies should

be obta ined as and when required

D. Should comply a l l the regulat ions of the State and Centra l


E. Al l fac i l i t ies inc lud ing land and water area should be obta ined or

created through own means

F. The fac i l i t ies should be open for inspect ion by any Government

author i t ies at any t ime

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Annexure - I - Projected Balance Sheet

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Annexure - II - Projected Profit & Loss Account

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Annexure - III – Cash From Operation & Cash Flow Statement

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Annexure - IV – IRR

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