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DRUG S ' ANl gzDj9 ~. DOCT}R HUOOP'L.AWD'N COLOEBRAfl OGBR MAN B1TTRB, preparedby MADaf. .M.JAOK SON, PInLvIAtr PA. •ilI W eoecteally acre Liver Oomplalnt4 DUlpepsl, J5and[ie y Iroolo or N evous l)yebByt Disoeses of th Kidney, and d ll dssoel arsiog fromo diotrdered Liveo or tiooach. Such am Cormtipa- tion, Inward Pilot, Flines.s or Blood tothe H Htd, Asidity of the itomaoh, NMuoa, laortburn, Disgust fop Food, Fullness or Weighlt in the Stonmch, Sour Mrnotaonslsnko lg or Flutteri gat the PFit ofthestimoho . Swmlmingg oftho Head Horrled sod ditficult Breathing, Fuitorig at the ileart, Choah- Intg or souoortioig Mnoalont when inlytio posture. Dim- acsoof VIolo• Dots or Webh hforo the Bight. Fever sod Dal Pain inthe Head. Deficinoy ofPeropirltlon. Yellow- ones of the Skhin aond By,,, Poln In ohs Old,,Book, Chest, Limbs, etc., etc, Sudden Fhohes of Htot, Borning ton the Flesh, Con. stent Imttouingo of itoll srd rtDeprelon clipS birs, etc. The proprletor oIn alliog thetitentioo of thoe phllc to this reoarotion, does so with a fefllo of the utmoot cofitdencetn to virt•oe and .adrpion to th. d.iseases ot rhioh it ls r.o.. mended it s no sew and ontried stleol but one that has stood the teot of a ten ealrs' trial behore the Amoriloao peole, and its repaitlon andae is unrivalled by an similar prepartioon es tent. The testimony lIn its favor given bythe most prominent and well known physoelnmo aodIndolduaol in alil Irts of the couhtry is immense, and a careful peoisal of tie Aimanoo pubh dlshed 'ootally by tile proprietor, and to behadgratis o an of his Ageots. eotot bht shlsly the most sketial lhot this remedy is rellJ deserving the great celebrity It has ohtaioed. Priucipooliflce and sanufactory, No. 6 ARCH street,Phil. odslphio. Fo. 'IBTIMONY FROM LOUISIANA. The German Bitters saperior to all preparotlonsnowt in te JiCSoon, it., August it. 184. Dear Sir--I feel boud to express moy grtoiictatoo to you for the incalculable benefit I have dervedrom the use of two hot ties of your iotrmon tittors. Ihave found them to e alil you - recommend them to be, sod chotroully recommend them o the poublic a tl sfe and teo remedy for the tlhey are In. tended for anod perior to all other prepratons inow in tuse. Very tespeetoully, ytors. ft. ii)PPBNHIM FR. THE BITTERS ALL THEY ARE REPRESON'o' D TO BRE J10arOt , Io., AtougtO1, 1lo. DorSlr--I have utoed your serman rhttoer, andl tud them sIl they tre oreonted to be, and choeroflly reoommoend them to the public ts all excellent medicine. RelpctfoIhllo youro. W. F. FAULKNER. L. MAYEa nays: H ,ltonoooo La., May 23, toS. Yoour O tGerman Bitts s a overy volop blo medicno. have disrposoed of all Ireceoived from you. anod wish anew supply itm- .ediaoely. Do. RAYBOLD QUAIL sWoo yat: . Jos 10 TatxtrY, Ira., Tfune 90, 186. Ihave for the last year used the (Gesrman itters prepared by ou, on mpotyiracte extenively. It will shortiy be the only .edicineof the kind tillt can bereadily nold here, andl ho- lieve that in less than one year there will be mort sold In this icinpty than in any other part of the 0ountry. Da. RAl otsays. Foo1ooo, Lto.., Joo,4, 1802. Potur sorman o ittt have boecome very popular here,and I wish afresh suply immediately. i. A. ADAO & o O. a. on a., Jnn 21. Your Bitters gvle universal satisfaction to oallwho haveo toed them. Yo sloold h bear In mind that theose itters tre entirely pegs- table, thereby pooI shma advantages over most of the prepare ions re ommem edfor simi ar dlsoxtse+ Soid by llrooggisto and Sltorhe pers in every town and village i the United States and Coetds. And b J. WRIGHT & CO., aul6 lvdWkA New Orleans. [EONLY WVAY TO TFACTS FOIL PAR•NT•--TII- OSILY W-k TO .1 b"'fileand overrome adi-sens i tobegin att lhe foundation anal recno", the reuse. Flence, pdatentsalve been treated fur a ore. vritety or diaeroeo wltretorpoloblh he been tie soleotcet -'it h tbot ieos t. I0A.FAINESTdOCK'S CILOEIRATEI) V RMIPU iit I, the mlldest lnd most ofetuol remedy for this ide -pro, l dtlc.te: Noewtrk, N. J.March, 2, 1854. ..Jlootto. 0I. A. Solo tooslthlh Co.: 1eut lemn--t)n Satto'ay Lt, I tlIve a oItl ot A Fhtne. I tothk's Velotifo. eo myo.,on, ttrec yearson , nll. od theo htoo I i the day oo oased ogdlao onmber o amolt woormt. I lhouold think thee, we e .,eve .a t onlmnl of t ietm It hen Improved b,'hellt'h vorytmuth. I atu rcteotnonditlto the publicatthe I+t meodlciuit ftr exiplng wioros tbaot I knowh of. IC EllIdPINTTNA COLESi, 25 Blroad street. whooti' tiototleoo,otd retatil by ll tohe prtOcoipal druggiito ttod ct nry mintor Il cnt rolrtghol.t tile Ulnted Statet t mol ImbW, SWPCIGIETot Co04.18 iATALtGcE il OF ENUINE * ad opular' Family Medicineo, which they oper to spply DrugIIt ,lood o Ciler to tPropriotor's lowest wholsolo prices. ' Gienerl lepnt t Special Agency, No. 151 tp 21 Chartre; otreet, New Cr!i-ti+v Ia. VR tMIPCUES. Htbhrd'l Wild Itherry, 'iner'". Cnoadio, iooe,ordduno'oto.tHpry tlne, S.n'W., H t•, ing,• \'egepti eDVlopalsi Perry Dd1 o i'to, Guttey' Vcootahtl,oat',oopot Iiyootoaod's ii, rmtt . oGxygenatod t. A. Flaolustoos, Colotne Woer, ituy Water, )lr~orn'le Pmidix a ar"r Ifeun Firn. IOA iSAN "tot (IOU 01 REM-J•I.'s 0.00ily \thhte. WDIIb.t' t OAPS ANt) CREAMS, Whxtar'r BSO-m o! WiidChemn Law's ]frow Winor, Ilntoltt ' ptotho. .lJoute'o tothmiol, palto, dwlotot •edhted Cantitei ,' o Iluo•gln.o, Ahout , Ttilot aod o ml, l Wi~l.'a W ld Cherry n~d Tar, Shavlr. cretm, ald Co;u-mbnd-" lcheoek's Pulmonoe hyrup, oild,-scriptiocn. :i e . Es?:. hnrd t 'nii Syrup. PILLS. lo htool;:,w'l E'tpeoto h .o, bt's Indl.n Veeile, 1i.:0'- l t, , torh 'sl if e, r I, th , , tiwov-' s-yrl ,otWldotboorry, thrrt.on'. I ,Nt',, hot Itoodon rt'hrr) lh:ordo+, [Ptarr'. h S sppingt io, Champi . tsltovr 'x ii l'atu , I oVroo tt ult ' ,t t i t t. 't odtol - 'tffo n t rg, o ,lto'Tl. Sronntlve, It,' lKo,, toodue At..-o'-ogu Wintr'"oooio rrlr' ICOijll A tob(t oto ltto'o Rit.r. i lrrwr t andot Ttl , o•,i od Ilra. tardliner'l rwrt, ilt,,ord'o. h•toi blootuo, P ter'l , Sta,/ler'x Cherry Ezp,:etorar', Spener'x V'evtnela, Conk's, ; Lol•dSon'o•ot .. :i.. . o .lo '. 'lo..... Itohy's..... Otr. Roses ot.. C•'x, ti.\o.baa' Poot h -- !.1,cLoan'olltrcngtll~t iih,;•{',+edi T.l 'a t:r lltlr I'+lrlttive, 4AitSA IVA +L~tAB. Jll.holo+' .t' e, lio mperoo lor. John lsll.k,,r't•, I.r-e otod Tr '.o. Lottot Joot tdtoottohb T. I. T tu-enO'sd. Gilbert's Altl-bihoun, B.ek- Sond•ot', Mtt, h t oPldJdob To nott d'oo srtly'!)lod. Itm.ulddhy'e Pitt, Carpunc,;r'., our *•v •t.ibl4+, Ebs F'u'B, W~lol~r otot iio~~~'ooott Todio, tos htioroi ]yav I+ Femato lbb bunaker'., .n Il'rx I .' ma , tora'lh'b n'erorAoto to IS ulrlot's l odn o Som,tlvt C, i.o,,dtn', Ag ",• IIlhv,; ay's, Ouyott'i Yellow Dock. Ilaltteo ' Aitiol. - :'cpt t, PI, ASTE.•. G ordon's.I ,.fmn"w IT.Ivnr. Well. Stron;;lhenint, iAiTt. ,11 1-1 ,. lweu' SitrIen'thening. Phalo's Ragtic blt•lhior', , Jew Devid's or olil.ot , Gih'too Intoto mo nel's totl s ledpono's. Ollard',.Ioo t'es tt h el'st K,+pp'e Idian, Jayne' Anmericn. E'at Indla, eI 11 Port1CELIA 1',. .j riI'oc 'x APor rlt% . Dr. Murse'a Invigorating Cor. G rt ottotoo'tAdhesive. lu1h.a001's.rmic"e dbil, . LINIM) ttNT ,. Thlott's ExtrtOct, Url.e., n'h. talrvnic (1)• Lilmcnt Tarrant s Aperienl, Ualtnanu Mlustnit+ 7'lnrr,+mI E~lixir of Rhubarb. Farrei'lArabian. ttrtr'S•pStlh Mlolure, itutoer', N terve ted Bl.o, iother', Retoe, HttoTo,,tho't ot otthe Ap% oto'ro l"os Aueir Poowto , titooe•'oh. .Khiddtrot cTp oro, Howe', Nei r+" Ind Bo.l,. Tlnmp•olt's r~va FiWter, E lnt.,r,,, Rotto's N o .. ,is Atot, l; rlnc+x ]t[]liuK'. A •trhlgrot, BItrtine'x HorSe, ty"tUt'x LEife Iial m _-ercbhntl's Garg]hlff+ k •itn'JI En l Fixi-r off Opium, Clhero ea. KnwyxHuyHh. Jayne'. it :Heday's E.olIvn t, AGUE REMEDIES, ate. rtor o'sI ltdoeltbl Ink, Otoo.d'o Indltan o lltogotu, r'o itdy 1raoces., KItooool'Od'tt. to o lio, t)r. Fitcho' ShttlderBricest l '.mith'a Touic Sy rnip, 11r. Fitch'. ,n llug Tl... 'yntoo-'oO Tonic, li Roe's PreIrPti ooIl , ;,rtloo o 'eoril'uget, Witer'" Arcttum Extroct, Oodialhl Ptrio'ooo T.'.oenoor'o Speoitic Vgbie,()/,';N(; ESetr'i . y•rhll:cl' thelron, hermon's t touult sld Worm, Dr. Fittlch'o 'trepatotlons Bryan's l'tlmlC \'otort, Morteo's (tompoundSyruop f ~ocoek'r Pulme \Vttto Taoer Yl ohw Dok, ' HAIR PtI'EPYAAT[ON9. PerryWi.vs 'nFab Killer, lott:rr-.O'Tri'pherooo s lortl ret') ihalomttic Co-: otyleo't I ) erotn Fnd, lortture't Cordld Bllttero, hto]'x Iir lttioootrtotro, lyer'o Iltro-t of Rotck Rose, JaynSlaxtr Tonic,; (onsm ' 'scpleillc, .. oiyo I)lou•en't VW+o 1 tlle 1r. Wnrd's o poeliOo, t .o' l Iot)rotso Haiarp oono it, phalFl'tS I'hlectuary, lilnool', OtU ll•trle, Seer'. oiedil.ut Oldrido t t's Bolm oft'u tonrnbbth , r ordopo tlt , rti Redway's Chvire .la Ilaim. Tlrlhntlon'• :llxam, PANtO:EAS. It. lottrn', rreporatlons, tooiol'oQill1,1ot'oo, litoman't Ilopo otttllno oludotn V"otable, IDr. JIynoeo'o Fotoly Medicneos, I.noioooloy o r ett \etern. Setlttot n Soolo Powodrt, (Ittil'tllONT 1 AAN SALYtE. Eppig'o Fluid KExtlract Rucho, ttty'ott l lh'o toofttetr lo ci t rttil ,I Proot-tor Ilollowtov' oinlttment Jnot Codiol tAokt ler't Atll-ooo:iO,,,, Ilrd's -o Fit, Trook't MagicStlvo, Iryor's Wliton's Deott o- 0,0, Ote., lale, Iaidy'x [,'nive 9o"p, Grayt larrison's Speifict Kirhylt' C:lotoura Drlops, Trhsk's lagoetic, ,)dttk o itAl' C(hole' t . rll, L.oudoon' All- iLeli n g Rotola. ploti,' Iletoothtt Rmedy,. OIIlS. toot sixtute, Ruohton'l Cod ILovet Oil, Dr. Ilcthitt's Utorlne Cstholl- cNialr'o Acoostit, tSetrpO'so t [';rtis, Harte. fCowantn'n Iflont riptice BOTTORS. Iotudeu't i'tporottons, Itofl'it'o Pbooonil, Sltke's Ado.t Itoghton'o Pepsin. WO[,F'E"S AR(1IIATI{; SC1IDIIfDA SrCJtNAPPR. htto t t to-oolood ol clnt tod , dIaler i a o tltit he 'rtiic•tx coliltt onthe totve '•ahll, will nlt tt ttotheiro . anrty; [}y ctliling nr .nPnhll g their nr, trs .s aove, Ierlee will b e fonnd thil~t extensive ttr-ortmxlt of (txI)-UIS$ I' AT INT "•IDICIS)[NES lthe Untited S•atesn antat t he lowestprlces. Plttaso ddr+ts. .J. WRIItlIIT A CO,. GEONUINE DI)IED INIt WhARF IOiUSE, n24 .f 5 No,. Ol tolnd II (ONl t•t'ttro.t. N't-Ortean SfIA yN )AGASSlN i .NAlN UI - I.yyy"yydy, t tautI fnrt, L Cilr l SlutUrv werpCnllle d to \)III: gl H.(iI ItAN, of Nn, 3154 cr. t nree4 XPW Orlenn* nlldr the datO ofI).tItm rl h, bMf,,,yyyy fnr buI mg . eo^iMC .donllilli neyyPe. -R:;;rrd Vu tinkilrg ul SGT'EN URBOP TitH PL(ESPSN d61 I.[. It worlylyl l it ely by .atlm! d, ynyyt, andyy.ithout th aid .t. lli..ytth tryk 21, Itr01111 P no -r., l hnr or I 1 ,lyr ironP in ;;le Interior. M1. It lrver rt"4,ih on u vtoppa);e of the mill to loco !-,thee ilb.FFMSMI ltt~l'T Wil llNF 4th, 7'L,+ I~n...:,ar i_" never tUMlrtA or Ynchxd .:'ter it .1 rrive 5th1. Ithoyall.J1 the llSlrl and mnk on Mom. nlt h tl . run til. mill ,m ine, +t strum bnlll I t ,ter s, 'I'A a 1) llly C'2rl C 'Phli is thu onlyr illll il! III1IIha, tlilll0!l i)C O!) lll Lll/n/lllla ,yoii In II' IIl. yrII. l tII vll)nll-it'1"- ll,, 72 ttt.,,,,.;, TIIIMKY MI 1.1.1. .1.1 tlyItl lt tI2Hl of it2 JOSrIFII ,lllM tll,& lt wl~r~lm,,. ue,;llrlhe do. l t F. aproc ,the,NII,1 ir of2 other l .rHttl~~ iT lllcl th le contlrary or. "m'elt "Mkli of lrnlde," knowun I.o bp 1.1Id,, 1, ,hand w ho makei teem, E1IOUt d Dul t ClliE s l I II o t1eb112 p icn , ot u h Ir NO lnlS Htill beg - mnllvl; xnd a~ll prialn nsii hnvusuh nlltllurity wil be fully o IMn 1121 I2P aIt pltm bed .,, . and 0 CM !1Y il'tcvll F'lirl Ce~ is n, tllpliinbkl InnI train of hrltlevnnto ;illfr L . llllar. and C I++cnlll, to rnntur o ulrll to 1r. -" tlol It. ia I~ to bol l c lrlftn , Juir n the on+lcl trlain of kttle. XV I 1 2, Flc.. w 6 o t.1 l, nIubbIZ .I I Illi. .. nl II 121.11. ', ld JHW 5 Rl lN3T1tr y.. i, Iw tlrittnnyy iCl{7': ;a' t'FI-i'Ht1E FII RI H111'\ WILL OPERN F:\-1 v Ro~lil~lill-. III;I1I of t'oinm,,n xl liar )()Tmllll Ft re vinov, 1bI 7 to 3 n',"lov;: , i:":ln curio, ml 1'L' liI)\\Yl thle III, of N esmbercr PllllllFri\Iltlllil(.\'1'!: -. r Iltu rillernr f Iiipil* will 1, im- " in dcnmr. For lpildiIi~il IIC ~ dorre a apply It trlltoill, rill.a he~ir r ri ilii~ill ~1I~t elll I)Pvll h lllvl.Ii from in45's X e'clpk .o 1 1'. \I, oldIP UI t,, IICUNICI rUSSI-lli II .,]1- I t'l 'i vsert iligT '1 k *fL'LISlil ' llien and~ d' _ 4nili:; iallic* ' Hre", Trllnhr Iranl Fnmllar I'rnnk-,- :or F ti oprprio TrnvvclilRg Iudin ltublx Coot., Ulunlcn, 11, W. REYNOLDI ((. III!11 G i Cann *tnet. ,1 1, 2 Ainrnrlill street. W rlISIY-2+'0 Lill, id M. yythanlela and IIourlron, 2W) Io dl odIom;;hhInr . ol2. h7 cO. 24 :3 T'I'o-itoilial rtref, C00F'j SI1-- 5110bolc Ir"ah. I. store anld f "r anon byy mli: 15n~hnn~ironlo-v s rrt. LGI1IM:S WA HFEI10USU: COMPA N T 11 XVIE A s rrullre oom tar oliror Iror~ercn I xllin balkor in bn6n. A. F. [;OI'IIHAN & I1 AIJ. Agents,. Tl .111+S-lIE tit- !;ar r 1n :1, f,, .ale b 3311 - 1X I ociea *r I "ii. .(u l n h Wu_{ :it 'f Ch nunivnlillRI Itlet. jIIf,,; v-, bil. I1 JI b!.1, It, lIt1Id, Innuhjl and fm t~le by J~ii~l'll I..\N111- t 00., roLL 33 T:-uuuiougi ts h rrot... tuRGS AND MMEDICINES. 1. N. J ISOUON, Wholesale Dru(ggtst, No. 12 Magaiue stOreet- HIavng reclived a new and extensive sek of freh DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, BURGICAL. INSTRUMENTS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, etc., etc., repect- fully Informs the merohaLts, pl a o ter. and physlcians Ltht he is prepared to supply tIemwith every article In the drug l]n they may require, all of the purest quality, at aT reasonable pricns as hey can bepurchsed inthe city. Among the articles already on hand andcoming in store are tihe following: 2000 ounces Sulphate Quinine, French and American. 200 pounds Blue Moss, English andAmerican. 200 " Calomel, " 20 " Me.rcual Ointment. S00 " Hondurus Sarsaparilla 150 " bs Turkey Opium, M0 ounces Sllphate andAcetate Mophsne. p 25 " Otto Rose. In 5O cak 1Sal. th 50kegs sup. Curbh.oda. I 10 " OGerman Wash Ble. I acs Indligo, Ctaraces andManills di 20 sise Curcuma, light. 15 ak. Pot. and eartluh. Ti 10half barrels Saleratus. ti' 15basrel. pure Custor Oil. I" PsurIaH Bark. ,1o " Copperae. 2 " pom Salts. 10 " FlourSulphur. ft 10 " Roll "Y 2 bales Seona, East India andAlexandria. 00pounds Gum Arabic seleet, fineand sorT. 25 jars Carb Ammoira. 10 oarbo.s Aq. " 10 " Spirit Nitre. 25 " Sulph. Nitric andMarlauc Acid. 100 pounds Acetic Acid. 500 " Tartaric " 100ounces Tarlun " 1000 pounds Arrow 11.o1, American. 51 " " Bermuda. 200 " Asafetlid, in c ns. 200 " Ba0lam Copavla.o 00 " 0 oldldl.ed. 20kegs Pearl Barley. 15 " best Turkey Opium. 50ounces Sulphate and Acetate Morphine. 20) " Wild Chlerry " 10barrels ReneT0d Camphor. 50hoxes C'tlse Sosp. 0s)pounds Coyenne Pepper. o 10gros. Copavia Capsules. 2 casks Chloride Lime. sl o poends C 0 T oroform, P. sod W. lobarrels Cream Tartar. . 2 .. Fo.Buehu. 100 pouods Lubella Seed. 2 barrels Ua UraL. 2 .. umr yrhb. 0 2 .. oSugar Iend. White. S.. alerian Boolt. 10 .. Tapioca. 2 .nomile FlowersRom. and German. 5 .. Scotch Snff, in bladders. 120 dozen Lorillard Maceaboy Snuff. 21I0 .. Roome's .. and Scotch Sc t 200 .. Ourrett'. .. .. F N4) pounds White Wa.. 50 Ioovcr' P'owoders. l lT) Nl assorted Herbs. 25 keg, Refined Salt Petre. 5 eanes British Lustre, superior article, 1 b., Cooper's Isinglass. 5 bales Hlll . 50 pound, Iodide Pot ob. T) o2ll2c• Nitrate Sil2er. , 2 ease, Man .. Flke an. d sorts. Scann kMagnenia. calcl.ned, Eg. 2c 1 le . .. e-h. 1u .. Retied Borax. 2 gross Hlenry's Calcinedi M.gnes . 25polund ' (Oil )ergam hat. . W .. M..Peppermint. 11) .. I.. A r, i•,e 0. . 2U .. .. 2I0,-e. 25 .. ,.. r loCed'nr. 10 . c0u, ,b0 . W .. .. Blt'wk Pepper. So...h . Amo Rds. p R 25 . h,,pborous, inpound buttl.. 1 . Seldld zit To d e fs, l. k0 Sugar o0 O.)o•s. 5 ,. ea Powders. Sbas.• oomo R,. ih rlnk Getian o ren ; 2 bales leuoree. e 5 case~ Ln ire Ca l ll. and S nd•i .y. ,Took.i kegsr fresh.B lotl d ron I)oop cit c k li•" 1tn, re P nt; 0.n1 tC)sko; PiLpe ,lay.s; Dl .. WVhiting. J "l5 o .e o Ptu ; o 0 cri S0toe.; White I )ead i ChromeYellow;oo VerAt ilion T Chrome Green ; P rus . olllo Pari s Green toteh llo in Yellow OchreT ; I N ed .l ead . 12000 na B. pladG.; I lTurky ber F ; Vandyke rllo wn; B Drop Mak ; Bhmok Paint ; Patent Dryer~ ; litharge; I .paT l T arnish *TP 2 2Linseed Oil Coach Spirits Turpentine Ployolo)2R03 ( 10TT; TOoolo 0ooooP,; apAo l, and Whhe(iptle0 'C0o 00; Tanners'Oil 2T; ) White Demar Varnish oo Neaofoot. Black mlr atber ; Saiolrn . Asphltum Lard aint 1ruh.o tesn; Whale; Black Writing Ik ; Syringes, large assortm ent; 0Cotto Brakes' Ink : Trusses .. tC . old Lea . Bt Supporters ~eant ~is' Gohd Foil; pot erl' Scales; laiers' Diamonds; Powder LBoxs; Medicine Che Tts; Pill Buse,, wood and paper; Medical Saddle lIgo Srterifi,atore; Pyans' yase ; T Toooth For op ; dAmputting n strumeots; 'Thumb and Spring aureles; Po 'ke. C aes; So olt and Catheterso ; gi rly% Ilonpro'ed Bireat Pumlps 2 Peroon'erY. t0.. o I rr+ou. sO o for o llaudkerhlc ; oWeoght'o .. '"o . op ood F tlarb•: Ex tracts; C 0olga 0.020t3ups 3 Fi 0ee Sonp 0 S : So ll Sbav • Creams ; 020.0 000 ollooo 0300l 0\'302ir hiquidGlue; R, Tooth CFR'h Is;O0 00T Cl1th B00 0 rshes ; Lyon', 110 ' harino Bu'flo 0OrOP Ngt s Cyombs urn t lt Wesing (llthb : Paint l.iose o; Tlul sinarenlt Soap Btalls:; Brry'oTrieoi lero us; Ilatel's Irneive Soup; Yera, IotiSnl; thinee 0 0P0der 00; Ihnu l's 0hulk B0d0. Ah0'r0Ta. Tooth Pste0; . Dr. lOWrOu's Trott, Speci i Tc Cold -ream; 10.00r000 lob 0)oisot Roe Wip O alveNCE : 11aenh an ' 0, 10)OHt ooomaes DRINTOOR'S o' h o.e GLOAT'S Oi C OS, OTApRllO' 005 l;ps .H0.,N . (oOT tn02,'BiTter30302 l o , O) 5000.02 TA,1020 - 0 S 000 t,0000 FOOT 000 0', Foo I'I o. S1 'p W NE ho 0 0,0\lANIo'S Tooonit Jo1R o o )I.• 0 [)0. Febriiu)N , A.( l:u U N IEXANDE'f 1" .l'~iob atrrtph . SSUIMPLE SOLUTION OF A BOIENTIFIC MEDICAL PROBLEH. F RADWAY'S RELIEFI Will prevent sad cure the most MALIGNANTFEVERS, whether contagiou s or non- touttloos, Infectious or simple, with the same afety, rapidity and efficacy, that it drives o.t and ex- pel. from the system the most simple diseases, or relieve, as it al- ways does, TIlE MOST TORTURING OFPAINSAND ACIIHES. Phystnl s give Calomel, orBlue Pill, for ninety nine com- plalnt out of one hundred. It isn seldom a prescription is given, but that Meracury or Calomel forms the principal medical part of the name. Infact, It is one of the mostpopular andpositive laws among the medical fvy, "lmth when they do not know what to give a patient, or canot clearly obtain a satisfaetory dlgestis or the disease of the patient, tbgti, Calomel" Now, TOR.'--either of them--proeesses a greater variety or vlrtse, than Mercury In any form, and is capable of restoring tohealth where Calonel woulteonsign its victims to death. FEVERS. There is In every section of our outulry, at the present time, greater prevalence of Fevers than usual. Amongthe most fatal and general, wenotice that Yellow Fevever, lihip ve Fever Typhhs Fever, Cytb ret Fevert , Nervous Fever, Congestive Fever, Brauin Fever, Bone Fever, Lung Fever, etc.. Are the m lt prevalent. The regular faculty in their treatment of Fevers, make but little progress. The same fearful loss of life followsthe present practice aninthe "good old times,'. when to be sick with a pain inthe toe was deemed sumelent "to lay the victim up fur a week." PREVENTIVE. The experienceof Dr. Frederick B. Page, of Edwards' Depot MisA., with RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, as apreventive of Yellow and other infections Fevers, together with the experience of hundreds of people whohave been cured of the most mnllg- nant Fevers, I)Dysenteric, Cholerayand uther dangerousdiseles, should inlduce every planter to keep astock of this great remedy always on their plantations. With RADWAY'S READY RE- OLIEF rIEGULtATORS, you will save the livesof your peo- ple. Sudden deathl, eitherby peistential diseases or organic de- rangement, will never occur when the human system is under the life.renewing influence of Radway's Ready Relief and Be- gul-tors. We refer the reader to the fallowing extract from a letter writ- ten byDr. Frederick B.Page, to William Rufus Page, M.D., of Norfolk, Va., dtring the late yellow fever epidemic at that city : There is a popular remedy now much ill vogue, for various purtoes ,of health and comfort, which I am disposed earnestly to reeommtd at a disinreeil ,gli aent onthis oecatlon. It is RADWAY'S READI)Y Rt IEF '. is muchsuperior totiit Eau(dat ive ot ttSpall, so hiversally used by the French Creoles. It sfouli be tue, by the nurses and attendants about tile ickl as wish Ibr the fiands IId feL-aI fw drops IS it, at the Isame tie. biog drank In water occasionally tlhrough theR day, poor fortifier 'o-tomar, etc., during the exr•tnce of tihe epidecic. It is a highly refreshing and eAxhrrtrting agent, rled Gitteiinlct hnt and tf used il, aeison, will siye a multitude o il ,optf. dShlmon, oftie 'ark Jane Shore, says : I ETROPOLITNl Il OT ih, o New York, August 1st, 1556. While Iying Iff St. Jago de Cub,,, at of my seamen were down sick with the feer;: botll of my males tead nty9elf were tired ont with nursin, ;one di. at dh ter I t was suddenly eizcd tihil pai h In my hOad and eye, drtille•, giddineS,, Neld illi., dredful rling in my bonesmill• oterfrighAl l mptonso' yellow feoter. Elvr moment I felt mself I trwu tr gweaker, until Iwas i Inabli to ris,: flum ychairt; Ithen thugilt ,hat RIlay'. IRaulm oRelyrf whichl ahlaysl emdry with me wolld be of servi(,e to m. ;1 toank dewn a table d spoonful, nt my ruates bot ha Ntm t o eibe n frel y withOil; in lnteen minutues oI t ak .nthe hlr lp,,l, l and s on every &iptenrt miCle•s fo ,i ioursn T'h, nates serig whale a Iir'le lthe Rdy Retlief wnls doir• y Rhh er, avo ih t allthe irk lmen. Ine tihe b uxl er w o ha kn r Ice ef. wetook Ilgefo~e of t o ilar is aind rol wua edAy s :.A wl { ilt., [ ap iipn l th eReR e) Relir rand Rt 1.1uA- tors to twenty ge.n oethel n lcub w oo WC]0 neii".I witlh yellow fever eery one ofrthlrm awusn.a'ed. RI.'•Snor , t.N, Master of thle In 'l; Jane shre. RAh DWAY'S ILREAltYY RIAIW , EAF i, a ]ir,-saving and a llfnirensiug nemedy-. Ithas saved life wlen all oiher rnlelievie failed, and lts checked the mou terri- ble pesileco whun aIothller i,Lernse pros rd ucle ycs. In the W est InI- aln South Ailno iea, where lheohrenr doec to.- to lt rw mote thin fie cmes om toftweh,C Ivdwaey'n Ready Relief nod Regulators lwnys curmes twehle ras, of Yel- low Fe acr and all other Feee. out of every do-,n. Even in the moat rf.ectieu. plat'es of the tropics, Rutdway's Ready Re- lief and Rlt,+nlaxt e wouldrede t m r ow life and flesh ell1hh ever"y -llgl victim of Yelloaw. ilious., Twphll, Ship and other Radways Rte Renly Relief in a1Fevershas been fllet hally tried ad smic tor ""preen. 'the llr-saving powers of Radwny's Ready Relief and Regol- Ina"rs is manifested inthe most wonderful and satisfactory de- l in the trerilent of lFevers. Even i ourown Iatltndes it pa: ist Inea t'at' or C.ongad.,i• e, Rllllus, or Typihu- Fevers ; under the te,eleent ofIRadway'a Ready Rehief and Regulators sa(1t one paand ha s1 thartyet died.t We refer the readlr to 1 extract from theIoura•L (TenlU . Seel lidwtv' -advcrtliment i anotler column. Ilii mied- rieP• ,sill r iou n•o mernl. d, suet we like to advet'tise stubr. \We hlure kn-lnScarlet Feer tobe cured by his Realldy ]telier. State. a %w sear- ago, RIwaykv'I "IRliefr w::, II"d Witlh sncecs in nlany ra•es,. \le lave tried it oursehles, and know it will du. In rases of Bilions Fever, wewill c nsrantes that Itadway's Ready Relief and Rtegnlaters will utr any- ll o, if taken before the Patient it beyond the rach.. of medicine. GEN ERRAL NYE'S TESTI•(NY. Gne-ral Nye, an emhlpent lawyer in Yasoo City, s'ays that: "I am conlalent tlat Radway', Reedy Relief saved mne from the yellow fever. Whenever I would feel cool chills creeplng over me, he-dache, pain in my Leund anll bholllderx, wearioss in nmy litha, and other yellow fever symptoms, I would take down a table spoonful of Radway's lR.eady Relief, and a good, large doe. of Regulators, and bathe myself all over with theReady Relief. In a few hours I would be enti"ely free from the dis- tressing snyiptolms, u.uI felt nmyself proof agahlft Yellow Fever mud other disrenre." Inr c. ,e of A-gnu and Fever, Radway'a Ready Relief and Regnlntors hive ilever, to our klnow, ledge, railed in one biasance of bnink Ong the shills, and erndlPating everyparticleof Agule pnni. frorm thle svstem. It will prevent those iiviugin disie s witere the ,gue prevaii from its atnlackn 151 NF.G ROES IN MISSbISSIPI'I. PiFrlmmu Money, Esq., one of the wealthiett planters in MlIs. Msippi, works over one hundred negres on the boattin hinds of ]lii";**ippi, a district of c<ountry iniected with the Aglue. Radh-ay's Ready Relief atnd Regulalor, are the only medicine, nsedllo 1llhi Ipl aulitUll biefore the I'e2ady lteher' an urse),I from Iwentr to thirty negroes would be outhe sick list all ihe time. Sline M1r. Beley haul eirnhtlted tile Relier and Regula- tors amonlg his negroes, ihe hads nma iua one hollr'e "%•l kof ta Ie- gro fronmlesikess. It i Illpaossible for the .\nr poslonsl to re- Ready Reher nlllt ltelaln eors. P.\INS AND ACIIES. CIIII.DR1EN'S CO)IPIIAINTS. In r:,,e ofwhoeprlg-eotgbah, mcaeels, sacrletfever, croup, loouenmess ofthe bowels, chelerr ihlfanutln atd clholela Inorbue, snlail pox. anld all le1vees, R.\DWAY'S REALLY IIEII.P alld REGUIA-T/i',S huid ble used. Under the infl uence of these life-gsving remedles, your children cannot die, but will live .,,d becmne struong, llsound, hearty and healthy. Tbere are may falnlmilies who use no other medicine, or ever think of sueding for udoctor. RAILWAYSItIiEE and IRE. ;111, 1Tt01t, for all geueral dimurders, I thte only medicine N oTICr- IH AVIE fIARI) FOR 909599 (!':E I4AS Ibttrtthabe hrnolkdI by ooo pie uuc _.-f ul r-ti it who:9 nII))ired to buy im.I , tevCI 111 ",1 w'Il the I x", on thr. 1".1-~rrr or Pualtclhnr~r iii l Iepmlo . lll~l ei bnuIIe iR fail of t lilll n. etc . laoax t~ no rm 11 1 1 l-t ? i mu llr ;ne t tie I . 0 I 11 t till 11 hR b cun-I .lIr r IioIIIoh IA e +II I u1, IWII lO 1)19 919 N 11, 91 M1ItII 2b i 1)o , 111?. i ;+; ! (11 no lln~u nil n). bi r e iin my l1lmIfi Ltllil(l it 111d I)L 5 (.I nu ther ne ;run no to ,lon unti I -- of he otulrraadaaly ul s ). I rllIW not ne ~l n a ern m of my ~. I. but 1 `., 0. an, ro"I 3 0.w .u. my hose II. AAIIIIihe .5 Cu-. 120-e nCod hl b .n fat ha la w-,; I o.ils elya E .) O. 1S Clt3L _ U. 1S1 I.,I., t: e u-, , in u t Lr BRIDGE WATER MINERAL PAINT, FOR WOOD, BRICK ANDOPTHERBUILDINGS, Steamboats, Ships, s llroad Can, DEPOTS, AND ALL OUT-DOOR WORK -Almo, for all kinds of- IRON WORE,ABOVE AND UNDER WATER. G. C. BOGERT d& CO., Agents, No. 72 Camp street, N. O. The superior qutlitles ofthe BRIDGERWATER PAINT uso soextensively known, and its reputoUon sofavorably stoh- lished, that the Agents do oat deem It necmary to enter Into any lengthened description otits merits, andwill, therefore only point out afew of ts prominent properties, and referdilret to selected testimonials from parties, for the mot part, well known in thin vicinity. For covering Roofs, either Tin, Iron, Zinc, Paper, Canvm or Wood, it will be found invaluable, a- the bending, shrinking oo carping of the material upon which it Is setd, does not aRfect the Paint. In twenty four hoarsIt dores, and in four weeks It becomesa perfeot Olate. As a FIRE and WATER-PRO(W Paint. it will be found superior to any other, and o perfect pro- ection to bulldiner against sprkls, cinders, etc. It great BODY, ELASTICITY. FLEXRIBILITY andADHESIVE properties, superior to any mineral substance For DECKSofSTEAMERS, either Wood or Oaneot, it has norival, as tnot only dries readily, but becomes su hard as stone In acomparatively short time, forming acoating perfectly SPARK and CINDER PROOF. The great body of the Paint, which hasastonishd ail ptlntera whohave uIed it. makes it the helt and cheapest coverlag for WOOD, TIN, CANVAS or lUSLiIN ROOFS. For every deseription of SHIP PAINTING, obther Wood or Iron, aboe or under the water, it will be found unsurpassed, and it s especially recommended for decks of vesels. The r ti0lates annexed on this point are most convincing. For RAIIROAD CARS,PF.POTS, BRIDGES ANDALl, OUT-DOOR WORK, it has bensuccesr ully used at the North and ha proven of inealculable service in durablllty, o well as in the protection It affords ngalut leaks, andinjury to the cars from the eeets of falling sparks and cinders. For tile purpooeo for which the Paint is recommended, it is UNEQUALED, and ts value tfor PLANTATION use, for TEAMBIIOATS, etc., etc., is INCALCUI.ABLE, beides being CHEAPER than ANY other PAINT in tthe COUNTRY. Its peculiar qualitiea must securd ts generl use in the South; and EVERY PLANTER, BUILDERand S3rEAMBOAT OWNER will by single trial, be jpvlnced of the superior advantagss of the bRIEGEWATERRPAINT, on the score of eonomy, dn- rahililtyad protectivr properties over all other mineral sub- DIRECTIONS: The quantity of oil required to reduce it to a proper consist- ency for ouse, depends upon the absorbing chlaracter oft the sur face to which it Is pplled. Great care should be observnd to sweep clean the surface before painting. In applying it to can as, it is better to use A or siing arst, a it preven the decay- ing of the cloth, and makes asmooth, hard body, ire and water proof. One hmudredpounds covers a suae oftwo thouand square feet with two coats. In mixing with raw linseed oil, one pound of Litharge should be used to five gallons of oil. Wth the boiled oil sodrier Os Ieees-ary. The BIRIDGERWATER MINERAL, can also be used for Fonces, Barns, etc., byaubstituting liome for oil. Tlhu : One- twentieth lime, WELrLSc, xceoD,then mix with tile Bineral nnd reduce toaonsitency for use by adding water. Apply with n ordinary white-wash brush. Selected Certltnotoe. L'ertificate of the New Orleans Underwriters. The ut)dsigncr d Underwriters, having confldetce in the BIIIPGIWAI1IR PAINT, for the covering of shingle roofs and Ifram buildings, will, at lltimet, give thoe fire riskl a preference wherehe Brildgewater Paint is used. 1,. MA'I 'H 0S, Ageont San toutul Inonrance Companty. T.A. ADAIS., Pres' Cescent .. .. A. tlIoLTtClR, Pr.'t o ... o. J. PtEttlt.RTON. Pres't NN. I. t:DWARTI 0O()14EN, Agent Gelneal 5Ihltt.l CIIAS lBI(l S. Algent LIverpool and Lodon .. SANI,. . AS.11TON, Agent Delaware Mutual.l Certificate of John F. Miller, of .ltlakapas. New Ibrha, Attlohpat. Morch Il, 1852. IT utly last, I was indlucel to atp;l r tio BRII)E(:WA••1K .11n ElR. .PAlIT to my Stugar loeuse, all in every respectit tro etceededt my etpuctati ,, and tile ropreoplttin ot made hytho .tg,'teo, Mit oro.14. C. It)GERT SO 'O. I octtrfully add my totimt ttoto tlte uttltlotl-olt. olt rtlbrtced inthe Agent's tircltar, and recotmo elo thle same to Pl.ltwrs anoti otlcrt ast the best ,tire itlld alter'rotletor I havt e ever kotwn. \t here 1 hoo app!it, it, Itas cx00okt l to tlle sun tinee lot Jul", anld i;•t.. ttltlo blsterend nor oacked, and loe tormedo a oltd metalllic .urface whith has ptoved entirely Impervioto. (Stagoed) JOi1N F. MIILLEIR. New Ilolrio, Attakapa. httth 24, 186. Tbe opitlon entertoioted ht me of te Bltl II0O G'ItA'TI. PAINT, to expreottdill the above cltifieto e it 1852, has hbeen rl,,lU ,, etl ti nmod sincO. I -on ider it the ms•, valuable ,glltl known, and combines allthe -tlu cItoaimed o it ib tith Aentst. t(Signedl J01N F. 5IILIrI. Certificateso ofMaosters of Vessels, Shlp Car- poenters, etc. Certificate of Hughes - IValette. New Orleans, t ar,h 4, 185. Wehave nsed the Itlltgewater lineral Poointo for lwhich ii. It. Itcrt l Io. arergel l to forthept fLivBYe year. on t teamootol ot aud o tihe Iof i.l,a try , lock, an o Iht e tlo d etvery to)portutity of jI udttg of oltitrioltl a d t blt e ind petolt tte t paintt. h t olur tqolon, it isperiorl to t any we have ever seen when ap ,bd, Ireish work. anld i, in ["ereree r rt tlol what i[ it l pooeo:tlttd ll be. In a sthort timeit hlemot s peo ttotl o ' tl ain vet Ipo "xgreat b~odyl atl elatielty, Fut r dekot ot otf o oelt, rtlraol ca ,. tidgeol, depots, mtllovtv deoertritol of pudntmng fthat is exposed,tl o tile wcather,thle Bridgewater I nint ICe consld i nv uabl e. (Siguedlo InUoflSt e AI.LETTII CO., Aget' tf he Lo uci.a ly o Certifiate of WOm. C. Templtocon. 0. C. Ilcgerl--l)ar sir I hove useld tour tRItDtGEWAThR PAINT ott tote detck. of tny stictmotihtt ald httvillg fIlly tetedl itsn *nlue, 1".e!r:'u y iccomnlend its ulse as tie best alId nlolt eemnolnleal paintT[have eve"r used. 1 ales findit nteUlleqlnd 1',r nhltttng decks -e-tred witll ealva.o beingdurable, impervious oo water, and a protection •gtinot fire. (1igued) W.C. TEMPI.ETON. Certificate of Capt. Hall, bark Hiawatha. New Orlenst, Dee. IT, 186. I have 0-edtheBridlgewater Paitl -, tle delcks ald Ihoutk es t tile tark llioO-,.tlo.o andfind it sperfior to any aint I ever used. I racnlomer l it tomosteraofvetsoel, doi,t.dry fo'r 1deok,. In , llloe isot oy deekt h leked, and tile llridgewtettr hoing stroneiy rolnlenlldd, l applied two coats, oitte .whih tio e) line bIto prfctly ti11gh, al IIve not e oedol c ttlking t or paintin.tll (Signued) D)AVID. }I. IALL, bMater bark tli-ai,'th. Certificate of Calpt. Gale, of ship R. 1. Shepherd. New torions. IDec. 18. 18i6, Illvono nedl the Bridgewater Paitt. ,t decks and otler parts of ylo v osel, for tonlt timle polot, I chelrflly etndorseitt merits, anl consider It thie bestprhmt for durability and protee- tion thlt I lh " ever ailed. (tlgtled) t dl lo IES ih.P. lMaster of.hip R. D.Shtpherd. Certificlate of Capt. Hiller, of ship Tirrell, Net Orloatots, Mareh t, 181, I h tvs inen lilG tie BIrlideolot r t ieralo Ptit t ot l tile o liout of my thip, tor tile past two yeart, tld rotullder it a IntsL 0110-t, ftot sea-oiong ta•sels. I t eunlcttond it no onelo o iihollt helit lion bOtt for eonemv and ito uudoltoted protoctlive o unli- t es. (,,fgned,) THOMAS G. llILE<!R. Certificate of Capt. R. 'Tucker, of ship Helen MIeGaw. New Otrleans, Mealt 2,11 S5i. I have teoted the lrl'tgewater ]ltat, fnorwlich G. tl. gert t Co,. are t geut. , in vari tl t wa y , on m y shit It o r the pao t two years, and havefonud it ll every 'm'eet eupe: h r toanly paint I hnere r S cll. It is, ll i n yllT llli Inlluu l(bl . dl trldc runt t'teetivctsnlbrsullnc, Illld I rueCmlwelld it to llltter. for ships' ute inprferenlttc toany other. (St-gued) R. TLK tiht, iMaster of ship IMelta tLettaw. Certificate of Capt. St. ('air Tboomasson, of the Steamer Mahnolioa. New Od coo, nece2, 1001. ttooloo polotod the Cos rictoo, dock .Il' oloooo "ngoosoooooo A, )looo.Iio, under ,n' coClnoll. ooolo)Ooo the I00011ooOOOA3'C' lAINT0 I looofhlllo raonmoml It rnrhx icoo.,,) 000lice,. amtoo)ololoooi oootn Iriai~,i r~mmn hxpd h) ooiy ho'_ lll(llt to anIY mineral paint 11 lrlOI thle I'+,Ulie, and beliee i. to 1 Iowl .. oeooiroly rnert":oo o my e after tllooe laOU1,U o. (sigt 0,) 0.l01101CdHA.SON. Certificate of Capt. IJWilliam rtoon, of Towboat porlppoip T Il~v oad thle IIIIIGESY I P~il, ' rrlll!Jlhfn i O. (", ROG N: k 1111. areagenlx, on thea ha rrielle an k of thee towoboat ' okolroioool The pooO oio)1)the b1en anom 0 r) e ehoCe oc nnra od Uio)r cooona,,l faloo upoooo n ho nadn l f'aat wlr~lirver In about four w Uaka it nceame n per fort .Into, .,at [ nn, x LiliiJied of ita I)ber-aill all ,hl, qanliliia il,;-ariYto luas i ~ ofldwly oooolto Ooiona1."atonro ndo 10 h, d," rn. I o nllodenll "bun endml thle Drilgewhar I aint f'ur ther igneIlj) 1Y\I. JIliu 'Y captain or TUwbuO)t Pi)Tptli.a. New O)ient0l F00b. 4,)1154. }tooingc hoothle I.ootoiohomtly ICucl OooooeCl with tir0 ouito D : , )W lh\' 00)t1t 1'A [NTau Oooat 0) tLo' thooh.wu stood, topnr0),0,of will 0)010).0 0)ro n al m ill oI g and~o 0...". oIteoooool.Wehat'ly aa 00)00IIR)0,. VAO. 'I'1'0 t t tIIOAI tAolal 00,h ard. J. 11. WIlItN Y & T & g-,,, Lo), b0) ,)l try o - 0 Co Certificate of Capt. Thos. Moot, of Ship oct/nfod. T Imnve anrr theu IIRII)(IFWmATN:R 11.1 INI' the tlt ilOi) lllk a 1, lu lira deck. and con (i(ill\.ll IIITp LIIII f thle shlill 11\fftd, 000)00100000000 a)d coon),. of O)'00011c 0p0l 000 t)e0)000 ofthe 1l unll mr lil III1I . and r m r, l(lll it to nhl~ p I1IIt.I. Ill C eo r tif i tca t o f W i n. S. A d a m s, M a str e o f S h ip J o . N,", OIl~nan , INC. 8,1x12. Iiavr~ nced the 111111 Fit MINERAL PAINT1 I'rlZ~1 on lira iron work ol` tlle ,.hip lu-r l l l 1u1III. , ha h ,"l I.,,t I--,i~ Illll 11II thlilat i i 1 ,,,r tored tl hil a n, I1 yli alIIILl lllinl ool i oo) kbul l eaiU~rlo tu.0 0 water. 10000. Certflicate of Woo. Cutts Master of Slip Charlet N,"w rl~ll' ' x Iv 20.1+5!t, bli-l l-NTrl-hr arl~~l n of my ,hip n f611i L ear ,. D ,-3r (ht i ,t~o","l OOno)I0.not)010000000 10` 0))i)00)I'Wtn 1 araal' I reap o. c. 10000)00 000 S~ock CoO, 00o0l,0 ooI O,y c' 0)o0)imoooCO~Oln m eemr ,t Cpo)ld m0t0) )IA.\N OC)C')0Il,:3)IU.)C. CoC 000 001) 10 p.OroO, nnl'hot 0 tu W.. .u)' ~ t.,OCoeo elop )Oooohn~i 3p Cer'tificate oj Capt. T. L. Carpjeneoro,of ShipsEsliz~a- belt I)enioon. Ooooo, 1:.,!, 1 000:0i lCC. tO0) ,0 )0 orooo . 1, n0.C0)13i C s the llr ."f 00)0n . Ica tC00001)l 013 0. t )0 it; 00,0 nup", b)l v ' a d000~r '0.oOfCOC . 3vcr ,~""a. I ioooorhoper ooo.C mote o ido.,Ieolan ~ray o r, 0000lllcllll 100tl)00000 00OoOOOloO~oOloO.OiOOO 10) CC 0000) I~ Lb AI.).. 00.00)030l":U akC.Mor of.h)ipliri:beth tDcnoCon. Certificate of J. II. Whiling, Master of Bae!: Yost * Ae Blado. Xe Or Clolco. y 1t 01A52. The I0C000000WATER Fir. 0000l C 0t' er Pool ko PINT, having bee~ lxa-ongrl r rlrmnl.rlllr t. Inr. 1 wall iudnlle e Io apply it to I dr rlrr+ ul' Iny vi,ncliland it gir.Ln,. W ier 'l .dli\ (acti~ll tllnl, an~y mblrr It A haveo VP.VCIIIOII I eUlmmrdl it to ,hill I~xll. nII b""hn(Ve it rill (when llpenprly .Ilgli lrl: pto ventr lUltr of Ilerkx nll~l prn~civp title wolo". 7 -,U ier ita ralunUlllO IlitII)varc forxhlip owIIEI title ,tcn1( 11 r18 r1 r toantC tiro Bridgewater A line LI llillt in P:, ten~acl to :miv th. r,. Certificate of J. H. Ashley, Master of Schooner L. F. Rugrrs, ecOa ChoOC00r "0)1. N'. Io 00 0a," u:,ol 00000 tl) 00 Xl i' ,00v bk)0o000 T . du COk, 1 tIoNaver lend ooo J. Uo. ASolo YL Y, 011)0 Cetolat o H Ahtj atoo Stwsee BnEIDGEWATER PA. I Certificates of Rairo eers, etc. I SsVf Pnto, Der. 17, 151. " I have usned the B IRIDOcWATR PAINT O oo thebholdtnr, under my ehargge st Weat Pete, uld hvstefnd thalt aimy expeetatfns. I hsranohalweoh in naddi~mytJmnim y anto the good ql9nties of the paint, deemfngR I tth beat art 0 I bm eeveruued.. R. 0. OMITHI Lieut. andQuarter Ihater U. . M toitary Aademy. Certificate of Olivtr H. Lee, Superqtendwat of Hud- son Rier Rairoad. Hr dona River R.lrol O MRce,Nor Yok. Jnone, 1 2. Thsl. ttoertify that I hoeMthB RIDGEWATEkPAINT 0 on roofs of era, on s metal roofof Depot bu ldleg and on iran 71 work generally. , at tosme extent on wo work. and have n hetatton In aynog that. hsth.. taing the price nrdo ronlMre- ratlonIt is the beOat rticle for the tres I hae nsom with whtich I am acqaninted. It seema toposaaa drablitty and adhelsve- neos, and fully mes my expectatlons.. OI TALR II. LtP,. o Late p cI rlntendeot of H. t.. Rlltd. D _r. Lee to now oretry IL 1. R I. ailroad. A Certifieate of D. C. McCulnum, ALt. Engineer N. Y. and Erie Railroad. Enrgineer' Omee, Oswego, reCh 1A852. Hevlng oto wa extent ued theerenl Minnl Pat• which Dt have been before the publifor evertl yesa. part, and ndtOng C none of them wott, i my topinton, they ere recommended to he. I wa induced very reluctantly t tryO the IIRIDEt WATR PAINT. I have aintled everal Bridge ol the Ne. Tyo and rea Raflirod with this article, andhave ound it to oo mo th e superioto any oathle ofIthe hod nor In T. ee- (lgnoed) D. 0. MftofLiU., Aitaitant Englieer, N. Y.and E. RIairoad. Cert flcate of G. H. ar leott, Brvdret Leints t - ant Colonel New York Atsenal. New York Arsenal.Oct. 1851.1 eiong advlte.d b oae of the iast painter In the ilty of New York to uae the IIRIDGteWATFR PAINT inp tereo nct to I aony otherupon the Ordonolce Bnlldlnot ien tmy chbrt on Oo- ermor's Iolnd. I dd to, and found It slitht tr nwr recoenoded tobe. The hold ln e, which areof brick, spea forthemeolvea. andtlteheerfolty tgveaytosthmooytn hhalf of thetl rtueof ( the paint, deeming tt supnooerior to ny . s n G(. IcTALCOTT, Bt. Lt. CoL Certltleate of B. N. Alexander. of the•nlted State; . m lwtary d Academy. " UR.C. Mftatry Adedmy .inn. ', 1852. I have nand the BRID0GWATER PAINT otn some of the buildhing under my osperrito. atWet Ponit, andIeheerfu Ty add my testimony as toits dnrhbityond ehuneo. In forc. I stll recommtend it to my friendand se itmyself. B. 0. ALIIXANDIR..t. ng. U. S. A. Painters' Certificates. New Ynrk Nov.] 18ll. I have been Unsog Bridgewater P•int or the ltt sixmonths. In preference to oy other mionerl, andIn no Instanre hhve I heen disapol- nted in att qttalities. I painted the Ordnance ltuitlngs, on Covernor's Iloand, with It, and I haveno helto- lion on sayng it covered thehrhek and Ite stucco workbetter tlhanany paint couled hae stoed.. RADCLIPFF CARMAN, Painter andDealerIn Polnto, 85Barclay street. New York, Oct. 1t51. i The ondersetgnedt, hoavng beon Indrced by recommendatlon toI se trhe Bridgewater Paint on the roof oftheir oiteo. whteh wo In so leaky a conditon that during sPorms ofany extentthe roin come tltooghin stream. In severmlpolae,, are happy to state that by one single etot of ths paint tile offie has beenrendered perfectly dry and tight. FARRARt BELLONI,. Cot. Ninth and Htoyoooot sotcets. tNewYork. Det. 30 1851.I We crtlfy that wehave uoted the tBridttwater Mtnerl Point ttd are O atitled from oar own observation that t Isfully equai to any paint of te hoond now inuset FARRINGTON A CLARK, Painters andDealers,. 210 Eighth Aveuec. Cerftifcate of Jooolo BReton, Painter, 132 Camp SI., Note Orleant. i hNew Orleans. Feb. 6,1852. I h vo usedthe riditgnr Paintott to hr tooet five months on bric, anedlterita buhldingj, and on ti. shingle and eanva trooft., nttd in eery tttancet ho hgiven the fullest stlltfectim. From tetts and eoperimeutt madt under my immoolate dtree- tion, I cantestif to its being proof agalntt the effects of sttrks and tlootdt, ands prottction soottl ooT.eke I tonsodtt it far too portor to artly mineral paint I have everseen. andinvaltatleror all outt o otytr prposes ; pyO oing qulitict that particularly re. JOSEPHII BENSON, Painter. No. 132 Camp street. Tile attention of Plantert is particularly di.ected to the fol Weo the undersigned, totton Faeton nod Cooomlixotn Me,. chants,doeheer'ully rttommendt the tirtodewtter Paint for the I purpoes net ,orth In the Agent'a Circular, ard believe we are serving tit inte:ettt 0 f plantersby calling their attention to it, aculiar enduring and protyctive y tt alitto. I'AYNO k HARRtSON, lGEO. M.PINLtCARD t hoo.. Utt('tiANON, CtORROLL A CO., WARD l N JONAS,, WATT A Dl.ttoAULl,Et, Lt lLL, McEEWOAN CO.,. i In addition to the above incontrovertible teotimolyof the typerlorityof the BRID GEWATER PAINT.the Agent. have in Iheir poncesnion innmtmrable certiicates, which may be seen on application nttheirofice. 0 The Agents doom ittheir dtt,y as well for the protoctioof the ptublic as f, r the rhorteo r of the ll-eat:der Pant',to e0n-0 lion all interested against the impostion that hat boen practiced, to a con~iderabe extent, tba ptu t'ear. O(win2 tos cutup , •- 100tion of aues, the ompany havOte tot bren enableo tokeep n, supply equaol to thle demnd, and it Is within tie POSITIVE KNOWItIoDoEt of the Aotto. thot or0ol0o minert l uot ,tlanreo hato behen 0oit topartiso OUT Oe TIHE CITY, 0, the Bride- " water Point. I order to ,prevnt any tllturo doltapointmett, w e wotld u'.gest that orders be tent direct to no. or to of tcrrespondyntslere, with instnletionl to purchase ONLY of othe Agents. Forthe future, weshall be regularly s!ypplied tnd SwFill he ahle to fill nrdehrn toany rxtc,lt. 0, I N EVI) 0.0\TI0 ON 1N P'RI. TototO--Fotall slmo ntntrr 1000). ('.0011; tont o01hn $S04t, tixty dryw ; $.0o0,tad otipwtod., f foeyr mohth's crtd t for topprooed city aorrrpoe.00. For 0:0 dry, ill paekagesho of 350 pouno, ,by- G. C. BOGEtT & CO.. Agento forthe stateo of Lnu oot 0a, d-t li-i-rinnli Xlebhnln and T.-n DISSOLUTION. ISSIS UTIOO 7-THF: C1 'A RTNIi6.11 P HEKF:TOO lore evistiug between thue undernigned under the frm of ,Tacob, Dal~boval .t Cn. i} this d d unihnoleed by Inllclltll consent. the xettleluent of which will be attended to by thh firm of F. Jncob, Dun,umier &2 Co. F. rAIAGB, ' E. DA~)VAT, g.I)USS4U1IEN R. C oPAllTN glmsF1 lP--TlIF NDgRSII NEDT AVE eel :ll.Il bitrluri~l for cnrryi nK oi tllu IWsmel'l Pro- duce, l l~nmmisx nnmud111 .... o. 47 ands , drr he rttyl o '. JA(:COB I)f'SS UMIEBS CO., Nun. 46. 67 anld 48 Old L1evee, corner of Collti etrect. F. JA t) B, E.DU&SUMIER. New Orleans, March 2, 1457. m3 NJOTICE--THEI• COI'ARTNERUSLIP HUERETIOFORE es exiogu der the style of FEARN. DONEGAN & CO., issolved hy tle dlL of' IAMES H. \WEAKLEY au,(d tile lrithdrawal ofM. W.S'TgI.:IE. Either of the sltrvvivn part. ers is autolmSued to o e the name oftile frm ihr tiquftdtiotu. ft. current liabilities will be protmted hy JAMES ID. DONE- OAN. M. I. STEIIIIq. November 86,1856. JAMES H. DUNEOAN. 1 A11IES R. DONEG.kN WII,h, CONTINUE THE Cotton Paettnrae , lnd s tou mmbsxiO btlsin 0,S i New O)rle-ni in hisowll name and for hlsuewn IOonuL Office ,a hertofort, 5I:mmandlet *trret. New Orleans, N November 8, ISSM. d3 DIKBISO L'T'I '\OJ-lH IRM LVI L(AIYIINa, IUN" VAN ,k tCO. Is thi* ily dylrolvdh bn moutul cotaent, and .ill be coutiluud for purpoasa of lqllidation only. SA11. W. R&WIINS, Jtly 1, 1]6 L. H. DUNCAN. COPARTNER3111P--TIIE UNDERSIGNED) HIAVE formed a co-partnernlbp tider the st'lu of DUNCA\N A ].elAN, tonncceed the Iato firm nof almns, Dntenu t Co.~ Ior tl, tlrpoeof rrr.saetinK a CO(ITT))N FAt•,TORAOI A N;) O i'NE1,1Al, (C)IT)SSION BUSINESS, endare fuly author. iced to liquidntu the bllainola of Lthair predecessors I,. 11. DU'NtAN. Jul51, 1854. rGEe. WM. LOIG N, Jr. -On retlrlng from tile Commissioan Buhux*. , T tabe great ,plre;•re in tendering miy hl'eror thanks to the patrons of the l:::e firm of Hawlin, 1)llh!imn k (!:o~ and mt tils same timebeg 1o ail.4 attentioll totlle carll of thbir a'lteeJ* 'lr Ma, esrs. uuet n - [,ogul, and to solicit for thom a coatuatlllo,'n of past favor:. .y-l s•At W'. RAWtINS. MITR. EID VARDTOBY HASTL(IS DAY BECOIME IY . • rldi l with mon tile Express and Conlrllralon Bi- ,iness The Illblnllcswill ihlllnoldluted under the xtyl, and fUrm of S. TONY, Jr., a, IIROTIIIR. .3 SIMEONTOBY, J. rCO-PAR TNERSIII P--WV: TAVEl TIIIS DAY AS. I - u oelated Olurelve+ tllldr the xlt le sll lirm of S. TORY. Jr. s Re~., for the ii rpuse of conduelinm:g a 1ily :xpre• mnd m("oi. muieiot 1t-hbrts. S1AOEO TOBY11. Jr., EDWARD TORY. New Orliemn, Nvo.mhe 1, 1456.--n3 N TICE--TrIlE PA RI:TNER SI IPOP WIIIIJAM, It 11 & , CO., of NewYork. is [lt., day dli•,olred hylllllttlll- Colt . i tlt. hrilllr nrlr-tllnr in x~hI ltnri xvd to ono til Inmle of tile flm ii th liqnhhllhln •ti Its nlhirs. WIT" ,d AM IlOIE, Decetber 3L1 1J,,. JAMY ROBB. T lr E CO-PAdtqPNERSHIP OF g OBR lieGe & \VIGSI)N, of LIvelpuol, is tllus day .Ivelcd hy mutall t1rnt. K.:th ),tnriler I, authorized to istte tha lTn-e of theirta i}i the liquidation of itn UT•rfa,. WlLIIAM OleE. December 3 ISM. CHARLES IBiTIIUNE WILSON. C•I•I .I BkETItTTNEAVILSON J. IIAMTL- C'ITON \VI-(Nand TIIOMAS L. II \I.,,EI'2 havethia day rlrenul toebdrltlid witb asplartlners. Tile boll,-illu to hteCul- dn:elli I IIINew ^)rlellnx litde tie xtrle of .I:7 MES RtOI•II .4 ::o.,ai h,.rretl'o; e; ill.s' Y.l" uluder 'hatof 1101tl.II\L- lIIC I'T A• CO ;,hd ill iii ver loI of Bt. dWII,5OIN, 11AhLLETT ,E I ,I,'l'esiml g~ti th "I, f, n1. 1o.lllqoll et' the i ,te IL. \el o , I-)., and1 pf \\. Kl. Millbt,, tt E JAMES 1:111: trll NewO)rlean , ,tl'llr 1,I 1 7. .ill . ullE lg 'll.l O F J. C. BAGAN &CO. TA T'1S, - ciry dlaru ivel3 i "y nI0IU I n l."onellt, anr It. P. W '[,St) . CO)., are succusnnora to tho above fim. J.C. RA AN,. \,.w Orl.::•. Decrmb,"r I, 1•68.--"113 R. P. W IdON.1 NOTIC E-vPIIi,~: t;(IIL'AWNERSlIP I1Cli'OPoI:gOOI e.irl;ll.- Iilltwreen ]r. • ai~n li Wood rood .Ur. C', . •. l dr+l•t~l nmlhl it I .•TI Ui l Fre t' Woo 1~., ivridls dulv d,,. xnil'.i hve muted Oll mm-. E•imher punlrt y will xiu lal th•n forile. purll il lignlidhltiqll mild M'r. •Fn -Lis •'-d will ('Oltimll lhn t ui s Il [ o5, n Ilb oll ow alllt w itbh ttt aUy ialterationll i hu'be nialme of theu rloue. FI,\NCiS W.)00. U. O..NDI2:RSON. NewOrleans, January 12, 1:7E.--Ill2 CI)PARTI`NEItS 1P NOTICE--TIT E SI'lIR I.- "l'r I 'V thi tlt)"S 1.o, wadI• op~nlr"ut -hip unlde'r lh,"lirml of ell nI)nn ::YB,toong o& o )I"B~SN', P81r hopuorho~t nd Xll•l1 r:i " the |;O11011 ~lOli n1u8 lhll'ooIk A.0) y MondllCle l Ir. I). A. Ogdenl. .). A. 1)1111E , C. G. ANDE. SO(N'. New tr •li •la , 1ary 12177.7--ll 3 JO1N kY'L i• CO* N,S. tJ LIBE1I;B'ri SrRiY . NEVW YO )RK I:ITY, hate Irmw tih Agency ofthielellrebte l ulau- DaI)OIFUS MEl(O , CO., .• c •ousn: France, and offer this su parinr Ilad ,vol-lIknlwn muake ofPRINTED ,1AtVY:T 'I.' 4\V'N3-; L'r"RAIt,:S, etc., fur aedeon the non[ favw ra) ]eterns. ]xia• CO L.LLlO[11O. CO.1L--OE' YOUR S ifi I ( 'lCo ''LL phturo vml btlell hu be ,lnlr t)uy ge: yull (lr•l4, nt Lbt I Itl)" ile, Noa I 18 re+,nn , bl e I I Oap +l 1 :I I : o, ]J•t ( i li,"re where I, always o,. hmrl at the iaw :er lloteh ill 'h,' nion'he 1;4o.d 1l eply ul' bunt Pitto +,tlr, Kowlllh .,llt AII•ri•"I Caelll- A -l~l~ r~ltil, by- tonn n1. h he a nd, 1,l l ee Ol.lrlhi) tCn . llaino remonved fronm ou old mtmnd 77t7ll7romhlll• street. to 18 elaT1 Ke Plae., o1r I'riendJ -. l eustomern will be prompt. ly attemled to iby l, Wrhlg their orders at 15 Exehaxnge Plrce, or at ollr Coal Yard, No. 1'6 6hrgzI.uo street, corner Notre Dame, op' ,itf Alfred KIe:tar.). Warelo ls e. iP. 0.---Aleo, Oak, Ash an,Plfe Wond. 8 , P.H.WIhIARD.AEint. -}OhLOS & CO..NO. 52 SIlVIILEm STE: ;rC:OR- D Itr, ' E11:%llAllg Aly, h, ve tho horlor to ,,frorm hlleir frig. 1, andl tc pslbhc tlhet they hven Jlur opaendl at Ihair eturse , I brv,. a l)El'itr( tF' F'UNNITUItE:, of every dA,•acip tou, 'le A n ix 'm1r i+l1.n d ,ti, Ch ,ir, uI : o ril,' , Srfl+s, Fl",V:c~lll,: 4hI .,, lt r is :~ O il Sp g S.inr, ,•e•: I'.' : i t,, r:-,- '[",. Iv:cdert+l kn it,,pst, ,llg Fur- lturt', i L..1 ex t': mtl.,., ILIwt! tatke i , n.t r I.t".. The• b n,!•, by c• :,•I 0110u50), t4s-).t 'Jt*L .10 o teio poublic Ip-roan 5. 'I"P I ' ,•. ee,,.,*.m•2:•3C 1_ t NSI. Blank ofLotd~lfIka,Swsooreero4'Cos0,oRoy W, W. Mgoey r....... R. M. )hrr ie..........' ............. I. .... Cashier. H.B.COs0 ....................... - Notry. Ofoofog DpT...............o".b*oro d W~ Dlaosant Days................ .... Maaqad T~mb)l. JJanlsiana Stat nheB k " arof CTho.y '0aLwo0l Cmll. J. M.1 p s.................. m dnj. Biehrd RelD................... . . A.~ aet ....................... a r Dllotno ot..... ... Wsd .4&etord/.p 'roek of Loulilana State Bank, No. 11Coop 'W~~i. IT.Avry............... ....... ..... .. PreddestL N.J. ............................ ca e. A.C bkpeljl............. :. otary. Dhonoog Days.............. ......... Tonodoysoasd Thdoyo. Dlrullo Daya .......................... Ted. Tmrd/ Canal Bank, corner of o(gaane d Nutheostreeos. H. A. Rhhbon ........................i.. t. AlfOIl0d H. Keno .......................... O e. Tbhe. Soyol ............................. tay Oferiog Popa . ................. Tuesday)sod rdy/ Dooont Doys.....................Wodondy ad StOrdays. Citizens' Bank, orner .of oyl sld Coomhous. stonto. JO.D.Dar.sge.. .... Pnslde.0 E D le ..... .................... ... P . ueoA .. . A. nd ........................-- Ntay Otfering nays .............. .......... MondelM.nId Friday/. MmaDIacttDaa..........................Tntedyand Fidays Moebanie.' and Trader.' Bank, No. 101 Canal 0. 0. Dudley .............. ppon desidt. Oaatave Crustc..:........................,...Caaher H OCBCenu................ N...N....... flOoott DIyp. . W;..d..Tdlloloe;.jSud.p. nixount nays ....................... Wdv rdsm Bthzsys Union Bank, No. l1 Cane1straet. Alfrod Pnn I.... Pred O.A. Frer.... ...... .CshJier. T.0. Stok.... ........................... .s.No. Offeri i Dag...................... oodsyy" hwd.M.yo Dihcoool .......................... Toy. Fdday. flank of New Orleans, No. IN8 Caop streeO, opp1.10. W.Ird. ...................... Prenidoot W. P.(ledo .......... o........ Cah.Ieo. W. ILg Pot.Pt.... .. T .ot ar1 D .. ootD ......... Wotoesdf .. od SotordT. Southern Bank, No. 10 St. Chorlsonot. d Rod- ld ......................... Preiden. J. L. WO....................... 001h.1.,. liaonntteys............... To...l.. old Oo doys. 01101,. Ds ............... o.... M.lfdaoy.aod lodays. New Orleans Savings Instltitlon, Cooal .*nt. W. N. Mears.. .................. Preidnt. .D.1 Withs.................... Treasure. S.Jones r................. 0...0.007. PRIVATE BANKS AND EXCHANGE DEALER.S. JAMESO NOON A CO., Noa. 6R Cd~ 0 and 5l Camp street B. NICHOLSON AO., Corner Eoobbogrrlley and Canal treet SAMUEL SMITH CO.,. Corner Coopoand Oovolsloratr. JUDSON A CO.~rn (mss.,.m Conet CoooI.troat,. BROWN, JOHNSTON A CO.. BENOIST, 8HAW CON No. dl Crompsle.L MENANO, TESSON A CO., BANK 00 COMXOCp THOMAS H. BARKICO, nr str C orne Comp sdOnd Oaretreeto. H.-W. CONNEN&SON0. A. B. OIORNILLS CO.. Coner Cmp and Commnn otosts. INSURANCE COMPAAN IEAS. HOME DUITUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, North4mst cadner Natchez andCamp streets. A. Brother ................................... Pre dent. John R. Shaw .............................. Vice Pres't. J. .Wheeler .............................. Seretary. MERCHANTS' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 103 Canol street. J. Pemberton ................... ............ President. Jules Dolhonde .............................. Secretary. NEW ORLEANS INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 106 Canal Atreet. I.. l ares ................................. Secretary. CRESCENT MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Corner Camp and Commerhinl Place. Thomns A. Ada ............................. Peidet. eorge .l ............................... V Pre't. . J. soni ....... ......................... e retry. LOUISIANA IUTUAL.INSURANCE COMPANY, South east corner Camp and Natcez .treetrs. C. blrigg........ ............ i...........Pre nt. A.tC'rriers ............................. Vice-President. H. P. ,hmvier.................. ..... Secretary. SAUN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Corner Camp Common .treets. Thomas SlD .............................. Preident. James,). Deuegre ........................ Vice president Jme Edwards .......................... Secietary. SCITIZENS' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 3 Cs. rondelet street. Omr ta l br ...... ......................... President. A. SchreLber............................... etary. DEL.AWARF. MUTUAl INSURANCR COMPANY of Phll delpNia, corner Camp and travier streets. W . \W . raricr .................................. Agent. PROVINCIAL, INSUIRANCE COMPANY. Also, UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE ANNUITY and Trust (omlpny, No,. 9 Campstreet. H. I)eoe ............................ Gene.I Agent. :TENNESSEF. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE COM- puny, corner St. Charles andPerdido streets. Perkins . Co .................... . . . Agents. IIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AND LIFE INSU- r:lce Company, No. 73 St. Charles street. A.I.,anra, U.Rodewald, T. yrne.:.. ... . Directors. . V. Ogden.,................... . . . Agent. MONARCII INSURANCE COMPANY of London, No. I U lon street. . .W. ri ....................... . . Ae........ HOME INSURANCE of New York, corner of Camp and Or a- vier streets. R. \. Falyne .................................. Agent.L NEW YORi LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY; sad ,ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, corn 0 er of Camp and Poydres street. Lattilg, Hltchcock Co ....................... Agents. ISTATE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMI'ANY of Phitdel pIhi, a.d CO.iMONWIEALTII IMSCRANCE COMPANY of HarDtl' bore, Penn.. No. 9• street. I,,L,. AA.,Labn,,n d Co .. C ................. Agents. RAILROAD COMPANIES. NEW ORIE1ANS, JIACKSON AND GREAT NORTHERN Railr~,ad Company.--Depot, cornerof Calliope and Clar, streets. John Culh d .................... I............President. R. R. ('herls.............................. . Office, 45Caurondelet street. NEW ORILEANS,lOPEIOUSAS AND GREAT WESTERN RailroadCompany.--Ferry, foot of St. Anne street, Depot at Algiers. W. I. Hewes .............................. President, A. it. Seeger .............................. Vice PreF't. Otfce, corner Exchange Alleyand Uienville street. NEW ORL.EANS AND PONTCIIARTRAIN RAILROAD Company--Depot corner Elysian Fields and Victoria streets. W.H. ery............................... .President. . H. Ooodwyn ..................... Sr....... Iretary. Ot6e. Vletoria sitreet, near Ithe depot. NEW ORLEANS AND CARROLLTON RAILROAD- .e- pot, earner Itaronne andPerdido streets ; LAFAYETTEHORSE-CAR RAILROAD-Depot, 18 Be. ronne street ; CARROIT(N AND LAIE RAILROAD-- DepotS, TivolI George Culrrie Dnnc.................. President. Albert G. Bbanehard ............ ........... Secretary. Orate, No. 13ltaronne street. MEXICAN GULF RAILROAD-Depot, corner of Oodchll- dren tnd Elysian Fieldls streets. W.O. BakewnI ................... E........ utor. Oilce, No. S0 Uommon street. COTTON PRESSES. A LABSAMA, Curner of Tehoanpitonls and Robin streets. FA\CTORS', Garner TchmtpStoEllaand Henderson .tenets. PRESET'S, St. SMhty'e streat, betwsen Perdido andPpdrat. LOUISIANA, Tuorner St. Thum.. aend Broill street.. MIISSISOIPIlI, Uo.neTth pudtonlns asd Ricltud str0et1. RILIAMAIT. uorner Tcho ,fi toiI1s ad Market streets. MERCHANTS', Newn Let e andLouis- treet.. ORLEANS, Corner I.os and HoMgnnc atreete. PLANTERS', C~orner Ansnuniation and Richard atreete. SZTIANSICI'S, Corner Leve ond Clouet lstree, Third Dstict. SIIIPPERiS', Corlll fldS son andNeLI.ellOatreete. UNION. Clorner New Levee and RoEigRonatreets. WOOS.S, Corner and Robertson streets. TEXAS. Vaorner of l'Tchmtpount nd Orange arrests. LEVEE STEAM COTTON PRESS, I.'dee 'treet, betwween t. Ferdinand Ind .Iosattgt PIAUEtreees, Third Dis~trict. PICAYU~NE, Levee street, oppotitn Post 198, Third Dbtrirk INOFPENSDIeNT I.1ee nlrd RIEignac streets. NEW COTTON PRESS, Tawls at it g t between sonlegntand CloEosst.S CRRURCHES. BAPTIST: V. U IIlsnnI.n, spc. Blis,. CATHOIIIII Alplnll,,1 -'l AoI, bnder Ills and kllnle I. Immaculate~a Conception-Hnro llrleonCanalll. SI. LouIshISIl l Sas'1,"' - R EIs t Cyua.t, St. All' mny-lIlulprr. c. ert li Sit. Alphlunrc-1. h lnlfi,-, h. Lilve Oak and Laurel. St. A I;Cil'illr- -B_ m: frond, . . St. t'lllldde Wit. Ibllrlioloiuntt-V\' lclrc, b. Brpulllad BasrthelemyJ, M 6t.J hn IS-Ptist-Drcndra, , ssx. Clio md Callllape. S It. .P111l11A11111-Rt 1. lpIi ind Ii lce. St. lI st i 1-t'ondl* n ;. I t, i. St. g]rt---lo ,p S, C b. Irivn Oak and Laurel. P. I I-rlts., b_ CJulio iad DGiroS. St. I'elel--\liuriii'). b. t'unlmltt add Grammes.. St. Thrn".r,-l0, p, app.11 jnnctiou with Prytnnia. St. .'ill~- ~ I F'Erdimmd.d Si. ii'h" a uI '*l--lir nlec. Nonleegal. h': sulfur !ouvnult-BUeblv the city. CRPRISTIAN : C:lllp, r. `Hclno roe. pl.ITTRLTANT F:1'IS( I'II.E St. Pew".. cethIPI1S1111,)S Rspla L'Eh t Prot-snw l Ft r Pl.6 ai Ramportic. I Christ Chulrch-Canal, E Dauphine. St. Illlke'blrel. rHFlct od Ils , At.I s.., *puada UNITSli 11.A1 I.E X~ol Ulivo~-~pca FOT1 atrtT'te,~ b. liacchllsnnd Dryades. METHODIST:T Canmdriclr t, S . Tfetla and Sits Fairiry Ito ul.c, t'hesrant. Piet t, c. unC:L~imen. \fnri-Ltr, h. Itlrrnrlfle and Coati. Cnnifrel n. Jnciollo, . Nn. St. 'rnhrtr t PRESBYTERIAN:: I'rJ'titia, c. C:lio. 0,-rlv. lv, . RaRilroad. (wontr. Franklin. Full-l, n, J.IephinellP I'cymnia, r Jasephiila. }innhgy, Coup,u. I. Cadic GERM. EVAN,;.: Pruteatant-Phill. c. Chippewa. I'ro~reatei-Clio, L. Alx~llurild NayadaQ U~NITARIAN: Ulit,. h. 1'rJnli::l .old Dryadda. Tel lpirh re. n. h'n? ullr+. yutwrpa U.Bttcehw au1 DryulM. And light l asbl he wias •l r yn She comes, she omes! th And down the l1ddsn Her laughter wakesme d I wolled out, I followed eat MAnd tracked eery gba eqr But songs that traveled In ittfl waves of music Declaredabe wuas a merry I wondered at her chagefiw• m n, When sfltealng throgt tt ed, I saw her o lMltlgleithg tI , In dalliance wi the "mrthfl lowes _', I wandered on o before- I saw herd net gsl 'as sgi , Mirrored within a uy fountail, And every suite nd e.e glance Declared she inns a pretty l O'er mountains wild the sokoer ,. - The rocks were hang with your bones uthe women mta Come Apmr with her " ri e. Wora n. The Hartfen eord Caurat has a few ihnwg a 1. What makes a wetuar, nowa-day? Intelligince? geodloh-a? Amind awhere nt the hio a •,dw • . Sepies oetirets o; Y tor f lh i esmidy the world- Your hoes make women great I All would be grt, all don't ike A conrseO edoeatlon; choosit, atndy, look-st what ar ian, Wompired with ints tide. ovk,and ho nd Old such toread werethem and then do When earth wua robed ing ife, Snd•al ,atln ig s brea Were going out fromyBo Tohrnd ohe wgent and laid hleym down IgThe horridtrack aroe hipe train had goofne re, And soe hey not, the o rnfu daglC,e, When ove and I are to d o And ilver evening has replaced A mor and noonof god? -• Love atood alone 'mid yeuthfbl jy, Bat now by saorrow tried, It sits, and calmly lookato heaven, With Angels at its side. Here are a few verses which have on old scrap book, and should be template committing suicide. We such to rend them and then dolikewise-lrW~ ninda: The landlord naw a carving knife, One day, end ip hisnin. Another time the railread car Were going oat from HBos Ton,ssed he went and laid him dawn The horrid track arees. But as it happened for to chance, The train had gone before, And no he rose, with mosrnful glance, d To think of death once more. Then he mode op his mind to droan, And anoght the river's brim; But there no-foot, and changed bin Because be eoul~nl emims! Clippiega. A mirror is the only toleratedmedium of upon woman's beauty, and it is the lat carded. A rapid mind .eontinnally struggles, a fer limps; bht a great mind selects the surest upon this it stands. Recreation is a second creation when wearineeeas almost annihilated one's spirits. It is the breathing of the soul, which otherwise would be stiflel with continualbusiness, Every ie, great or small, is the brink of a preci- pice, the depth of which nothing hbut Omaleseisnce can fathom. Philosophers say that shutting4 . the sense of hearing more acute. for the many closed eyes that o ,S. ur churches. A HususAv LEARNuS A LITtLI inin the Eastern District of B lat, made a compllint against his and neglecting bher family. The ease was e•xamiad before a justice and dismissed. The counsel for thl wire sued the husband for his rqes, and on Friday, be- sore the same coes, obtained a verdict in fib favor. FOLLOWING FAsHION.-Sald a judicious father, "Do notimagine,my daughter, that yon are agreea- ble or attractivewwhen year pereon is exposed, or when you aid nature by artifiofa means Twoclames of persons may •ze on you, to be sure--the immora` andlicentious with familiarity; the reflectig and serious, with sadness. Will you consent toinch sean tiny? Follow fashion no farther than fashon follown propriet . Never let your mantaumaker d your morals.' A character, like a kettle once msn d wants mending. There is an old saw which says that co•sthe true philusopher's satone. Browusays,"Itrtvarylik ely. fr nobody has ever foondthethe one or the othr. An elderly gentleman was attacked in broad deay light yesterday, by a dreadful toothache. No arcest was made, as usual. EPITAPH. Here lies the tongue of Godfrey Lill, Which always lied, and lies here still. " Shall I help you to some of the tomattasses," in- quired a young exqnisite of a venerable physician, as hesat opposite to himat one of our hotel tables " No sir, I thank you," replied the learned savant, " but I'll trouble you for some or the potatussas, if you please." Pictures! pictures! hang your walls with pictures. Let the children remember the sweet engravings of home. Cherish that innocent love of the heautiful. During the last war, a Quaker was on board an American ship engaged in close combat with an enemy. He preserved his peace principles calmlj until he saw'a atoat Briton elimbiai up the vesel by a rope whiohbhung overboard. Seizing the hatchet he looked over the side of the ship and remarked- " Friend, if thee wants that piece of rope thee may have is," when, suiting the deed to the word, he out offthe rope, and down went the poor fellow to his long watery home. Cross street, in Exeter, N. H.,has been changed,by vote of the town, to Casa street, in compliment to General Lewis Cass, who was born in a house on that street; and it is nrobable that his mother,adanghter of Theophilus Gilman, was horn in the same house. General Cans's fither learnt the blacksmith's trade, and was afterwards a major in the United States Army. "How shall I take this coat apart?" asked an in- dustriouswile of her young husband. She was a seamstress. "Why," said he, "you ought to know, for you madeitforme. I should say do it pretty much as you put it together, for as you sew, so scha you rip, you know!" A Chinese boy who is learning English, came across the passage in his Testament, " We have piped auto you and ye have not danced ;" and rendered it thus : " We have toot, toot to you, what's the matter you nojump '" A farmertold his man, who was thoroughly Irish, to run into the pasture andoatch in ox. " I mean the off one; I will manage the other myself," he said. Pat ran todoas he was bidden, but soddenly pausedwith the exclamation, " He is a reasonable man, anyhow. Bedad and how am Ito know which is the orphan 1" There are two kinds of bores in this world-the rich and the poor. You can free yourself of the latter by lending him five dollars. You can free your- self of the other by attempting to borrow twenty dollars of him. Try it on. It is said of Daniel Webster, that hen he once ar rived at the Girard House, from a hot, dusty, exibae ing ride from Washington, the servant, pouring more water into his glass than proportion admitted, beeat claimed,with a voice and look that John Philip .em- ble, as Coriolanus, might have rebuked the Voeiseia with-" •oy, don't inundate the brandy!" Mr. Kenny, thepopular dramatist,in drinking a glass of wine, inadvertently swallowed. a abstance which nearly choked him. A friend seeing his df tress, anxious to proclaim to his companion the ea stateof the case, exclaimed, " It is a cork gone the wrongs way!" " I don't know whether it is the way to Curk," said a wag who was present," but it seemo a very likely way to kill Kenny."


Apr 01, 2018



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Page 1: DRUG S - · DRUG S ' ANl gzDj9 ~. DOCT}R MAN B1TTRB, preparedbyHUOOP'L.AWD'N COLOEBRAfl

DRUG S ' ANl gzDj9 ~.DOCT}R HUOOP'L.AWD'N COLOEBRAfl OGBRMAN B1TTRB, preparedbyMADaf. .M. JAOK SON, PInLvIAtr PA.•ilI W eoecteally acre Liver Oomplalnt4 DUlpepsl, J5and[ie yIroolo or N evous l)yebByt Disoeses of th Kidney, and d lldssoel arsiog fromo diotrdered Liveo or tiooach.

Sucham Cormtipa-

tion, Inward Pilot,Flines.s or Blood to the H

Htd, Asidity of the itomaoh,NMuoa, laortburn, Disgust fop Food,Fullness or Weighlt in the Stonmch, Sour

Mrnotaonslsnko lg or Flutteri gat the PFitofthestimoho . Swmlmingg oftho Head Horrled

sod ditficult Breathing, Fuitorig at the ileart, Choah-Intg or souoortioig Mnoalont when in lytio posture. Dim-

acso of VIolo• Dots or Webh hforo the Bight. Fever sod DalPain in the Head. Deficinoy of Peropirltlon. Yellow-

ones of the Skhin aond By,,, Poln In ohs Old,, Book,Chest, Limbs, etc., etc, Sudden Fhohes of

Htot, Borning ton the Flesh, Con.stent Imttouingo of itollsrd rtDeprelonclipS birs, etc.

The proprletor oIn alliog the titentioo of thoe phllc to thisreoarotion, does so with a fefllo of the utmoot cofitdencetnto virt•oe and .adrpion to th. d.iseases ot rhioh it ls r.o..mendedit s no sew and ontried stleol but one that has stood the

teot of a ten ealrs' trial behore the Amoriloao peole, and itsrepaitlon anda e is unrivalled by an similar prepartioon estent. The testimony lIn its favor given by the most prominentand well known physoelnmo aod Indolduaol in alil Irts of thecouhtry is immense, and a careful peoisal of tie Aimanoo pubhdlshed 'ootally by tile proprietor, and to be had gratis o anof his Ageots. eotot bht shlsly the most sketial lhot thisremedy is rellJ deserving the great celebrity It has ohtaioed.

Priucipooliflce and sanufactory, No. 6 ARCH street, Phil.odslphio. Fo.

'IBTIMONY FROM LOUISIANA.The German Bitters saperior to all preparotlonsnowt in te

JiCSoon, it., August it. 184.Dear Sir--I feel boud to express moy grtoiictatoo to you for

the incalculable benefit I have dervedrom the use of two hotties of your iotrmon tittors. I have found them to e alil you

-recommend them to be, sod chotroully recommend them o thepoublic a tl sfe and teo remedy for the tlhey are In.tended for anod perior to all other prepratons inow in tuse.

Very tespeetoully, ytors. ft. ii)PPBNHIM FR.THE BITTERS ALL THEY ARE REPRESON'o' D TO BRE

J10arOt , Io., Atougt O1, 1lo.Dor Slr--I have utoed your serman rhttoer, andl tud themsIl they tre oreonted to be, and choeroflly reoommoend themto the public ts all excellent medicine.

RelpctfoIhllo youro. W. F. FAULKNER.L. MAYEa nays:

H ,ltonoooo La., May 23, toS.Yoour O tGerman Bitts s a overy volop blo medicno. have

disrposoed of all I receoived from you. anod wish anew supply itm-.ediaoely.Do. RAYBOLD QUAIL sWoo yat: . Jos 10TatxtrY, Ira., Tfune 90, 186.

I have for the last year used the (Gesrman itters prepared byou, on mpotyiracte extenively. It will shortiy be the only.edicineof the kind tillt can be readily nold here, andl ho-

lieve that in less than one year there will be mort sold In thisicinpty than in any other part of the 0ountry.

Da. RAl otsays. Foo1ooo, Lto.., Joo,4, 1802.Potur sorman o ittt have boecome very popular here, and I

wish a fresh suply immediately.i. A. ADAO & o O. a. on a., Jnn 21.

Your Bitters gvle universal satisfaction to oall who haveo toedthem.Yo sloold h bear In mind that theose itters tre entirely pegs-

table, thereby pooI shma advantages over most of the prepareions re ommem ed for simi ar dlsoxtse+

Soid by llrooggisto and Sltorhe pers in every town and villagei the United States and Coetds. And b

J. WRIGHT & CO.,aul6 lvdWkA New Orleans.

[EONLY WVAY TOTFACTS FOIL PAR•NT•--TII- OSILY W-k TO.1 b"'fileand overrome adi-sens i tobegin att lhe foundationanal recno", the reuse. Flence, pdatentsalve been treated fur aore. vritety or diaeroeo wltretorpoloblh he been tie sole otcet-'it h tbot ieos t. I0 A. FAINESTdOCK'S CILOEIRATEI)V RMIPU iit I, the mlldest lnd most ofetuol remedy for thiside -pro, l dtlc.te:

Noewtrk, N. J. March, 2, 1854...Jlootto. 0I. A. Solo tooslthl h Co.:1eut lemn--t)n Satto'ay Lt, I tlIve a oItl ot A Fhtne. I

tothk's Velotifo. eo myo.,on, ttrec yearson , nll. od theo htoo Ii the day oo oased ogdlao onmber o amolt woormt. I lhouold

think thee, we e .,eve .a t onlmnl of t ietm It hen Improvedb,'hellt'h vorytmuth. I atu rcteotnonditlto the publicattheI+t meodlciuit ftr exiplng wioros tbaot I knowh of.

IC EllIdPINTTNA COLESi, 25 Blroad street.whooti' tiototleoo,otd retatil by ll tohe prtOcoipal druggiito ttod ct

nry mintor Il cnt rolrtghol.t tile Ulnted Statet t mol ImbW,

SWPCIGIETot Co04.18 iATALtGcE il OF ENUINE* ad opular' Family Medicineo, which they oper to spply

DrugIIt ,lood o Ciler to t Propriotor's lowest wholsolo prices. 'Gienerl lepnt t Special Agency, No. 151 tp 21 Chartre;

otreet, New Cr!i-ti+v Ia.VR tMIPCUES. Htbhrd'l Wild Itherry,

'iner'". Cnoadio, iooe,ordduno'oto.tHpry tlne,S.n'W., H t•, ing,• \'egepti e DVl opalsiPerry Dd1 o i'to, Guttey' Vcootahtl, oat',oopot

Iiyootoaod's ii, rmtt . oGxygenatod

t. A. Flaolustoos, Colotne Woer, ituy Water,)lr~orn'le Pmidix a ar"r Ifeun Firn.

IOA iSAN "tot (IOU 01 REM-J•I. 's 0.00ily \thhte.W DIIb.t' t OAPS ANt) CREAMS,

Whxtar'r BSO-m o! WiidChemn Law's ]frow Winor,Ilntoltt ' ptotho. .lJoute'o tothmiol,

palto, dwlotot •edhted Cantitei ,' o Iluo•gln.o, Ahout , Ttilot aod o ml,

l Wi~l.'a W ld Cherry n~d Tar, Shavlr. cretm, ald Co;u-mbnd-"lcheoek's Pulmonoe hyrup, oil d,-scriptiocn.:i e .Es?:. hnrd t 'nii Syrup. PILLS.lo htool;:,w'l E'tpeoto h .o, bt's Indl.n Veeile,1i.:0'- l t, , torh 'sl if e, r I, th , ,

tiwov-' s-yrl ,ot Wldotboorry, thrrt.on'. I ,Nt',, hot Itoodonrt'hrr) lh:ordo+, [Ptarr'. h S sppingt io, Champi .

tsltovr 'x ii l'atu , I oVroo tt ult ' ,t t it t. 't odtol - 'tffo n t rg, o ,lto'Tl. Sronntlve,

It,' lKo,, toodue At..-o'-ogu Wintr'"oooiorrlr' ICOijll A tob(t oto ltto'o

Rit.r. i lrrwr t andot Ttl , o•,i od

Ilra. tardliner'l rwrt, ilt,,ord'o. h•toi blootuo, P ter'l ,Sta,/ler'x Cherry Ezp,:etorar', Spener'x V'evtnela, Conk's, ;Lol•dSon'o•ot .. :i.. . o .lo '. 'lo..... Itohy's.....Otr. Roses ot.. C•'x, ti.\o.baa' Poot h

-- !.1,cLoan'olltrcngtll~t iih,;•{',+edi T .l 'a t:r lltlr I'+lrlttive,4A itSA IVA +L~tAB. Jll.holo+' .t' e, lio mperoo

lor. John lsll.k,,r't•, I.r-e otod

Tr '.o. Lottot Joot tdtoottohb

T. I. T tu-enO'sd. Gilbert's Altl-bihoun, B.ek-

Sond•ot', Mtt, h toPldJdob To nott d'oo srtly' !)lod. Itm.ulddhy'e Pitt,

Carpunc,;r'., our *•v •t.ibl4+, Ebs F'u'B,W~lol~r otot iio~~~'ooott

Todio, tos htioroi ]yav I+ Femato lbbbunaker'., .n Il'rx I .' ma ,

tora'lh'b n'erorAoto to IS ulrlot's l odn o Som,tlvt C,i.o,,dtn', Ag ",• IIlhv,; ay's,

Ouyott'i Yellow Dock. Ilaltteo ' Aitiol. - :'cpt t,PI, ASTE.•. G ordon's.I ,.fmn"w IT.Ivnr.

Well. Stron;;lhenint, iAiTt. ,11 1-1 ,.lweu' SitrIen'thening. Phalo's Ragtic blt•lhior', ,

Jew Devid's or olil.ot , Gih'too Intoto mo nel's totls ledpono's. Ollard',.Ioo t'es tt h el'stK, +pp'e Idian, Jayne' Anmericn. E'at Indla,

eI 11 Port1CELIA 1',..j riI'oc 'x APor rlt% . Dr. Murse'a Invigorating Cor.

G rt ottotoo'tAdhesive.

lu1h.a001's.rmic"e dbil, .

LINIM) ttNT ,. Thlott's ExtrtOct,

Url.e., n'h. talrvnic (1)• Lilmcnt Tarrant s Aperienl,Ualtnanu Mlustnit+ 7'lnrr,+mI E~lixir of Rhubarb.

Farrei'lArabian. ttrtr'S•pStlh Mlolure,itutoer', N terve ted Bl.o, iother', Retoe,

HttoTo,,tho't ot otthe Ap%oto'ro l"os Aueir Poowto ,titooe•'oh. .Khiddtrot cTp oro,

Howe', Nei r+" Ind Bo.l,. Tlnmp•olt's r~va FiWter,E lnt.,r,,, Rotto's N o .. ,is Atot,l; rlnc+x ]t[]liuK'. A •trhlgrot,

BItrtine'x HorSe, ty"tUt'x LEife Iial m_-ercbhntl's Garg]hlff+ k •itn'JI En l Fixi-r off Opium,

Clhero ea. KnwyxHuyHh.Jayne'. it :Heday's E.olIvn t,

AGUE REMEDIES, ate. rtor o'sI ltdoeltbl Ink,Otoo.d'o Indltan o lltogotu, r'o itdy 1raoces.,KItooool'Od'tt. to o lio, t)r. Fitcho' Shttlder Bricest l

'.mith'a Touic Sy rnip, 11r. Fitch'. ,n llug Tl...'yntoo-'oO Tonic, li Roe's PreIrPti ooIl ,;,rtloo o 'eoril'uget, Witer'" Arcttum Extroct,

Oodialhl Ptrio'ooo T.'.oenoor'o Speoitic

Vgbie,()/,';N(; ESetr'i . y •r hll:cl' th elron,hermon's t touult sld Worm, Dr. Fittlch'o 'trepatotlonsBryan's l'tlmlC \'otort, Morteo's (tompound Syruop f~ocoek'r Pulme \Vttto Taoer Yl ohw Dok, 'HAIR PtI'EPYAAT[ON9. PerryWi.vs 'nFab Killer,

lott:rr-.O'Tri'pherooo s lortl ret') ihalomttic Co-:

otyleo't I ) erotn Fnd, lortture't Cordld Bllttero,hto]'x Iir lttioootrtotro, lyer'o Iltro-t of Rotck Rose,JaynS laxtr Tonic,; (onsm ' 'scpleillc,.. oiyo I)lou•en't VW+o 1 tlle 1r. Wnrd's o poeliOo,

t .o' l Iot)rotso Haiarp oono it, phalFl'tS I'hlectuary,lilnool', OtU ll•trle, Seer'. oiedil.utOldrido t t's Bolm oft'u tonrnbbth , r ordopo tlt , rtiRedway's Chvire .la Ilaim. Tlrlhntlon'• :llxam,

PANtO:EAS. It. lottrn', rreporatlons,tooiol'oQill1,1ot'oo, litoman't Ilopootttllno oludotn V"otable, IDr. JIynoeo'o Fotoly Medicneos,

I.noioooloy o r ett \etern. Setlttot n Soolo Powodrt,(Ittil'tllONT 1 AAN SALYtE. Eppig'o Fluid KExtlract Rucho,

ttty'ott l lh'o toofttetr lo ci t rttil ,IProot-tor Ilollowtov' oinlttment Jnot CodioltAokt ler't Atll-ooo:iO,,,, Ilrd's -o Fit,Trook't MagicStlvo, Iryor's Wliton's Deott o- 0,0, Ote.,

lale, Iaidy'x [,'nive 9o"p,Grayt larrison's Speifict Kirhylt' C:lotoura Drlops,Trhsk's lagoetic, ,)dttk o itAl' C(hole' t . rll,L.oudoon' All- iLeli

ng Rotola. ploti,' Iletoothtt Rmedy,.

OIIlS. toot sixtute,Ruohton'l Cod ILovet Oil, Dr. Ilcthitt's Utorlne Cstholl-cNialr'o Acoostit, tSetrpO'so t[';rtis, Harte. fCowantn'n Iflont riptice

BOTTORS. Iotudeu't i'tporottons,Itofl'it'o Pbooonil, Sltke's Ado.t Itoghton'o Pepsin.

WO[,F'E"S AR(1IIATI{; SC1IDIIfDA SrCJtNAPPR.htto t t to-oolood ol clnt tod , dIaler i a o tltit he

'rtiic•tx coliltt onthe totve '•ahll, will nlt tt ttotheiro .anrty; [}y ctliling nr .nPnhll g their nr, trs .s aove, Ierlee will

be fonnd thil~t extensive ttr-ortmxlt of (txI)-UIS$ I' AT INT

"•IDICIS)[NES lthe Untited S•atesn antat t he lowest prlces.Plttaso ddr+ts. .J. WRIItlIIT A CO,.

GEONUINE DI)IED INIt WhARF IOiUSE,n24 .f 5 No,. Ol tolnd II (ONl t•t'ttro.t. N't-Ortean

SfIA yN )AGASSlN i .NAlN UI - I.yyy"yydy, ttautI fnr t, L Cilr l SlutUrv werp Cnllle d to \)III: gl H. (iI

ItAN, of Nn, 31 54 cr. t nree4 XPW Orlenn* nlldr the datOofI).tItm rl h, bMf,,,yyyy fnr buI mg . eo^iMC .donllilli neyyPe.

-R:;;rrd Vu tinkilrg ul SGT'EN URBOP TitH PL(ESPSN d61

I.[. It worlylyl l it ely by .atlm! d, ynyyt, andyy.ithout th aid

.t. lli..ytth tryk

21, Itr01111 P no -r., l hnr or I 1 ,lyr ironP in ;;le Interior.

M1. It lrver rt"4,ih on u vtoppa);e of the mill to loco !-,thee

ilb.FFMSMI ltt~l'T Wil llNF

4th, 7'L,+ I~n...:,ar i_" never tUMlrtA or Ynchxd .:'ter it .1 rrive

5th1. Ithoyall.J1 the llSlrl and mnk on Mom. nlt h tl .run til. mill ,m ine, +t strum bnlll I t ,ter s, 'I'A a 1) llly C'2rl C

'Phli is thu onlyr illll il! III1II ha, tlilll0!l i)C O!) lll Lll/n/lllla

,yoii In II' IIl. yrII. l tII vll)nll-it'1"- ll,,72 ttt.,,,,.;,

TIIIMKY MI 1.1.1. .1.1 tlyItl lt tI2Hl of it2JOSrIFII ,lllM tll,& ltwl~r~lm,,. ue,;llrlhe do. l t F. aproc ,the,NII,1 ir of2

other l .rHttl~~ iT lllcl th le contlrary or. "m'elt"Mkli of lrnlde," knowun I.o bp 1.1Id,, 1, ,hand w ho makeiteem, E1IOUt d Dul t ClliE s l I

II o t1 eb112 p icn , ot u h Ir NO lnlS Htill beg

- m nllvl; xnd a~ll prialn nsii hnvusuh nlltllurity wil be fully

o IMn 1121 I2P aIt pltm bed .,, .and 0 CM!1Y il'tcvll F'lirl Ce~ is n, tllpliinbkl InnI train of hrltlev nn to

;illfr L . llllar. and C I++cnlll, to rnntur o ulrll to 1r.-" tlol It. ia I~ to bol l c lrlftn , Juir n the on+lcl trlain of kttle.

XV I12, Flc.. w 6 o t.1 l, nIubbIZ .I I Illi. .. nl II 121.11. ', ld

JHW 5 Rl lN3T1tr y.. i, Iw tlrittnnyy

iCl{7': ;a' t'FI-i'Ht1E FII RI H111'\ WILL OPERN F:\-1

v Ro~lil~lill-. III;I1I of t'oinm,,n xl liar )()Tmllll Ft re vinov, 1bI 7 to3 n',"lov;: , i:":ln curio, ml 1'L' liI)\\Yl thle III, of N esmbercr

PllllllFri \Iltlllil(.\'1'!: -.r Iltu rillernr f Iiipil* will 1, im-

" in dcnmr. For lpildiIi~il IIC ~ dorre a apply It trlltoill,rill.a he~ir r ri ilii~ill ~1I~t elll I)Pvll h

lllvl.Ii from in 45's X e'clpk .o 1 1'. \I, oldIP UI

t,, IICUNICI rUSSI-lli II.,]1- I t'l 'i vsert iligT '1 k *fL'LI Slil ' llien and~

d' _ 4nili:; iallic* ' Hre", Trllnhr Iranl Fnmllar

I'rnnk-,- :or F ti oprprio TrnvvclilRg Iudin ltublx Coot., Ulunlcn,

11, W. REYNOLDI ((.III!11 G i Cann *tnet.

,1 1, 2 Ainrnrlill street.

W rlISIY-2+'0 Lill, id M. yythanlela and IIourlron, 2W)Io dl odIom;;hhInr . ol2. h7 cO.

24 :3 T'I'o-itoilial rtref,

C00F'j SI1-- 5110 bolc Ir"ah. I. store anld f "r anon byy

mli: 15 n~hnn~ironlo-v s rrt.

LGI1IM:S WA HFEI10USU: COMPA N T 11 XVIEA s rrullre oom tar oliror Iror~ercn I xllin balkor in bn6n.A. F. [;OI'IIHAN & I1 AIJ. Agents,.

Tl .111+S-lIE tit- !;ar r 1n :1, f,, .ale b3311 - 1X I ociea *r I "ii. .(u l n h

Wu_{ :it 'f Ch nunivnlillRI Itlet.

jIIf,,; v-, bil. I1 JI b!.1, It, lIt1Id, Innuhjl and

fm t~le by J~ii~l'll I..\N111- t 00.,roLL 33 T:-uuuiougi ts h rrot...

tuRGS AND MMEDICINES.1. N. J ISOUON, Wholesale Dru(ggtst, No.

12 M agaiue stOreet-

HIavng reclived a new and extensive sek of freh DRUGS,MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, BURGICAL.INSTRUMENTS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, etc., etc., repect-fully Informs the merohaLts, plao

ter. and physlcians Ltht he isprepared to supply tIem with every article In the drug l]n theymay require, all of the purest quality, at aT reasonable pricns ashey can be purchsed in the city. Among the articles already onhand and coming in store are tihe following:

2000 ounces Sulphate Quinine, French and American.200 pounds Blue Moss, English and American.200 " Calomel, "20 " Me.rcual Ointment.S00


Hondurus Sarsaparilla

150 " bs Turkey Opium,M0 ounces Sllphate and Acetate Mophsne. p25 " Otto Rose. In5O cak 1Sal. th50 kegs sup. Curbh.oda. I10 " OGerman Wash Ble.I acs Indligo, Ctaraces and Manills di

20 sise Curcuma, light.15 ak. Pot. and eartluh. Ti

10 half barrels Saleratus. ti'15 basrel. pure Custor Oil.I" PsurIaH Bark.

,1o " Copperae.2 " pom Salts.10 " Flour Sulphur. ft10 " Roll "Y2 bales Seona, East India and Alexandria.

00 pounds Gum Arabic seleet, fine and sorT.25 jars Carb Ammoira.10 oarbo.s Aq. "10 " Spirit Nitre.25 " Sulph. Nitric and Marlauc Acid.

100 pounds Acetic Acid.500

" Tartaric "

100ounces Tarlun "1000 pounds Arrow 11.o1, American.51 " " Bermuda.200 " Asafetlid, in c ns.200 " Ba0lam Copavla.o00 " 0 oldldl.ed.

20 kegs Pearl Barley.15 " best Turkey Opium.50 ounces Sulphate and Acetate Morphine.20) " Wild Chlerry "10 barrels ReneT0d Camphor.50 hoxes C'tlse Sosp.0s) pounds Coyenne Pepper. o10 gros. Copavia Capsules.2 casks Chloride Lime. sl

o poends C0

T oroform, P. sod W.lo barrels Cream Tartar. .2 .. Fo. Buehu.

100 pouods Lubella Seed.2 barrels Ua UraL.2 .. umr yrhb. 0

2 .. oSugar Iend. White.S.. alerian Boolt.

10 .. Tapioca.2 .nomile Flowers Rom. and German.

5 .. Scotch Snff, in bladders.120 dozen Lorillard Maceaboy Snuff.21I0 .. Roome's .. and Scotch Sc t200 .. Ourrett'. .. .. FN4) pounds White Wa..50 Ioovcr' P'owoders.

l lT) Nl assorted Herbs.

25 keg, Refined Salt Petre.5 eanes British Lustre, superior article,1 b., Cooper's Isinglass.5 bales Hlll .50 pound, Iodide Pot ob.T) o2ll2c• Nitrate Sil2er. ,2 ease, Man .. Flke an. d sorts.Scann kMagnenia. calcl.ned, Eg.2c 1 le ... e-h.

1u .. Retied Borax.2 gross Hlenry's Calcinedi M.gnes .

25 polund ' (Oil )ergam hat. .

W .. M.. Peppermint.

11) .. I.. A r, i•,e 0. .2U .. .. 2I0,-e.

25 .. ,.. r loCed'nr.

10 . c0u, ,b0 .

W .. .. Blt'wk Pepper.So...h .Amo Rds. p R

25 . h,,pborous, in pound buttl..

1 . Seldld zit To d e fs, l.

k0 Sugar o0 O.)o•s.

5 ,. ea Powders.

Sbas.• oomo R,. ih

rlnk Getian o ren ;

2 bales leuoree.

e 5 case~ Ln ire Ca l ll. and S nd•i .y.,Took.i kegsr fresh.B lotl d ron

I)oop cit c k li•" 1tn, re P nt;0.n1 tC)sko; PiLpe ,lay.s;

Dl .. WVhiting.

J "l5 o .e o Ptu ; o 0 cri S0toe.;White I )ead i Chrome Yellow;oo

VerAt ilion T Chrome Green ;

P rus . olllo Pari s Green

toteh llo in Yellow OchreT ;I N ed .l ead . 12000 na B. pladG.;

I lTurky ber F ; Vandyke rllo wn;

B Drop Mak ; Bhmok Paint ;

Patent Dryer~ ; litharge;

I .paT l T arnish *TP 2 2Linseed OilCoach Spirits Turpentine

Ployolo)2R03 ( 10TT; TOoolo 0ooooP,;

apAo l, and Whhe(iptle0 'C0o 00; Tanners' Oil 2T; )

White Demar Varnish oo Neaofoot.Black mlr atber ; Saiolrn .Asphltum Lard

aint 1ruh.o tesn; Whale;

Black Writing Ik ; Syringes, large assortm ent;

0Cotto Brakes' Ink : Trusses .. tC .

old Lea . Bt Supporters~eant ~is' Gohd Foil ; pot erl' Scales;laiers' Diamonds; Powder LBoxs;

Medicine Che Tts; Pill Buse,, wood and paper;

Medical Saddle lIgo Srterifi,atore;

Pyans' yase ; T Toooth For op ;

dAmputting n strumeots; 'Thumb and Spring aureles;

Po 'ke. C aes; So olt and Catheterso ;gi rly% Ilonpro'ed Bireat Pumlps

2 Peroon'erY. t0.. o

I rr+ou. sO o for o llaudkerhlc ;oWeoght'o .. '"o . op ood

F tla rb•: Ex tracts;

C 0olga 0.020t3ups 3

Fi 0ee Sonp 0 S : So ll

Sbav • Creams ;

020.0 000 ollooo 0300l 0\'302ir

hiquid Glue;

R, Tooth CFR'h Is;O0 00T

Cl1th B00 0 rshes ;

Lyon', 110 ' harino

Bu'flo 0OrOP Ngt s Cyombsurn t lt Wesing (llthb :

Paint l.iose o;

Tlul sinarenlt Soap Btalls:;Brry'o Trieoi lero us;Ilatel's Irneive Soup;

Yera, IotiSnl; thinee 0 0P0der 00;

Ihnu l's 0hulk B0d0. Ah0'r0Ta. Tooth Pste0;.Dr. lOWrOu's Trott, Speci i Tc

Cold -ream;

10.00r000 lob 0)oisot

Roe Wip O alveNCE :11aenh an ' 0, 10)OHt ooomaes


C OS, • OTApRll O' 005 l;ps

.H0.,N . (oOT tn02,'BiTter30302 l o ,

O) 5000.02 TA,1020 -0 S 000 t,0000

FOOT 000 0', Foo I'I o. S1 'p W NE ho 0

0,0\lANIo'S TooonitJo1R o o )I.• 0 [)0. Febriiu)N ,

A.( l:u U N IEXANDE'f 1" .l'~iob atrrtph .



RADWAY'S RELIEFIWill prevent sad curethe most MALIGNANT FEVERS, whether contagiou s or non-

touttloos, Infectious or simple, with the same afety,rapidity and efficacy, that it drives o.t and ex-

pel. from the system the most simplediseases, or relieve, as it al-

ways does,


Phystnl s give Calomel, or Blue Pill, for ninety nine com-plalnt out of one hundred. It isn seldom a prescription is given,but that Meracury or Calomel forms the principal medical part ofthe name. In fact, It is one of the mostpopular and positivelaws among the medical fvy, "lmth when they do not knowwhat to give a patient, or canot clearly obtain a satisfaetory

dlgestis or the disease of the patient, tbgti, Calomel" Now,

TOR.'--either of them--proeesses a greater variety or vlrtse,than Mercury In any form, and is capable of restoring to healthwhere Calonel woulteonsign its victims to death.

FEVERS.There is In every section of our outulry, at the present time,

greater prevalence of Fevers than usual. Among the mostfatal and general, we notice that

Yellow Fevever,lihip ve FeverTyphhs Fever,

Cytb ret Fevert ,Nervous Fever,Congestive Fever,

Brauin Fever,Bone Fever,

Lung Fever, etc..Are the m lt prevalent. The regular faculty in their treatmentof Fevers, make but little progress. The same fearful loss oflife follows the present practice an in the "good old times,'.when to be sick with a pain in the toe was deemed sumelent "tolay the victim up fur a week."


The experienceof Dr. Frederick B. Page, of Edwards' DepotMisA., with RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, as a preventive ofYellow and other infections Fevers, together with the experienceof hundreds of people who have been cured of the most mnllg-nant Fevers, I)Dysenteric, Cholerayand uther dangerousdiseles,should inlduce every planter to keep astock of this great remedyalways on their plantations. With RADWAY'S READY RE-OLIEF rIEGULtATORS, you will save the livesof your peo-ple. Sudden deathl, eitherby peistential diseases or organic de-rangement, will never occur when the human system is underthe life.renewing influence of Radway's Ready Relief and Be-gul-tors.We refer the reader to the fallowing extract from a letter writ-

ten by Dr. Frederick B. Page, to William Rufus Page, M. D.,of Norfolk, Va., dtring the late yellow fever epidemic at that

city :

There is a popular remedy now much ill vogue, for variouspurtoes ,of health and comfort, which I am disposed earnestlyto reeommtd at a disinreeil ,gli aent on this oecatlon. It isRADWAY'S READI)Y Rt IEF '. is much superior to tiitEau (dat ive ot ttSpall, so hiversally used by the FrenchCreoles. It sfouli be tue, by the nurses and attendants abouttile ickl as wish Ibr the fiands IId feL-aI fw drops IS it, atthe Isame tie. biog drank In water occasionally tlhrough theRday, poor fortifier 'o-tomar, etc., during the exr•tnce of tiheepidecic. It is a highly refreshing and eAxhrrtrting agent, rled

Gitteiinlct hnt and tf used il, aeison, will siye a multitude oil ,optf. dShlmon, of tie 'ark Jane Shore, says :

I ETROPOLITNl Il OT ih, oNew York, August 1st, 1556.

While Iying Iff St. Jago de Cub,,, at of my seamen weredown sick with the feer;: botll of my males tead nty9elf weretired ont with nursin, ; one di. at dh ter I t was suddenly eizcd

tihil pai h In my hOad and eye, drtille•, giddineS,, Neld illi.,dredful rling in my bonesmill• oterfrighAl l mptonso'yellow feoter. Elvr moment I felt mself I trwu tr g weaker,until I was i Inabl i to ris,: flum y chairt; Ithen thugilt ,hatRIlay'. IRaulm o Relyrf whichl ahlaysl emdry with me wolldbe of servi(,e to m. ; 1 toank dewn a table d spoonful, nt myruates bot ha Ntm t o eibe n frel y withOil; in lnteen minutuesoI t ak .nthe hlr lp,,l, l and s on every &iptenrt miCle•s fo ,iioursn T'h, nates serig whale a Iir'le lthe Rdy Retlief wnls

doir• y Rhh er, avo ih t allthe irk lmen. Ine tihe b uxl er w oha kn r Ice ef. wetook Ilge fo~e of t o ilar is aind rolwua edAy s :. A wl { ilt., [ ap iipn l th e ReR e) Relir rand Rt 1.1uA-tors to twenty ge.n oethel n lcub w oo WC]0 neii".I witlh yellowfever eery one ofrthlrm awusn.a'ed. RI.'•Snor , t.N,

Master of thle In 'l; Jane shre.RAh DWAY'S ILREAltYY RIAIW , EAFi, a ]ir,-saving and a llfnirensiug nemedy-. It has saved life

wlen all oiher rnlelievie failed, and lts checked the mou terri-ble pesileco whun aI othller i,Lernse pros rd ucle ycs.In the W est InI- aln South Ailno iea, where lhe ohrenr doecto.- to lt rw mote thin fie cmes om t of tweh,C Ivdwaey'nReady Relief nod Regulators lwnys curmes twehle ras, of Yel-low Fe acr and all other Feee. out of every do-,n. Even inthe moat rf.ectieu. plat'es of the tropics, Rutdway's Ready Re-lief and Rlt,+nlaxt e wouldrede t m r ow life and flesh ell1hhever"y -llgl victim of Yelloaw. ilious., Twphll, Ship and other

Radways R te Renly Relief in a1 Fevershas been fllet hally triedad smic tor ""preen.

'the llr-saving powers of Radwny's Ready Relief and Regol-Ina"rs is manifested in the most wonderful and satisfactory de-l in the trerilent of lFevers. Even i ourown Iatltndes it

pa: ist Inea t'at' or C.ongad.,i• e, Rllllus, or Typihu- Fevers ; underthe te,eleent of IRadway'a Ready Rehief and Regulators sa(1tone paand ha s1 thartyet died.t

We refer the readlr to 1 extract from the Ioura•L (TenlU .

Seel lidwtv' -advcrtliment i anotler column. Ilii mied-rieP• ,sill r iou n•o mernl. d, suet we like to advet'tise stubr. \Wehlure kn-ln Scarlet Feer to be cured by his Realldy ]telier.

State. a %w sear- ago, RIwaykv'I "IRliefr w::, II"d Witlh sncecsin nlany ra•es,. \le lave tried it oursehles, and know it will du.

In rases of Bilions Fever, we will c nsrantes that Itadway'sReady Relief and Rtegnlaters will utr any- ll o, if taken beforethe Patient it beyond the rach.. of medicine.

GEN ERRAL NYE'S TESTI•(NY.Gne-ral Nye, an emhlpent lawyer in Yasoo City, s'ays that: "I

am conlalent tlat Radway', Reedy Relief saved mne from theyellow fever. Whenever I would feel cool chills creeplng overme, he-dache, pain in my Leund anll bholllderx, wearioss in nmylitha, and other yellow fever symptoms, I would take down atable spoonful of Radway's lR.eady Relief, and a good, largedoe. of Regulators, and bathe myself all over with the ReadyRelief. In a few hours I would be enti"ely free from the dis-tressing snyiptolms, u.uI felt nmyself proof agahlft Yellow Fevermud other disrenre."Inr c. ,e of A-gnu and Fever, Radway'a Ready Relief and

Regnlntors hive ilever, to our klnow, ledge, railed in one biasanceof bnink Ong the shills, and erndlPating every particle of Agulepnni. frorm thle svstem. It will prevent those iiviugin disie switere the ,gue prevaii from its atnlackn

151 NF.G ROES IN MISSbISSIPI'I.PiFrlmmu Money, Esq., one of the wealthiett planters in MlIs.Msippi, works over one hundred negres on the boattin hindsof ]lii";**ippi, a district of c<ountry iniected with the Aglue.Radh-ay's Ready Relief atnd Regulalor, are the only medicine,nsedllo 1llhi Ipl aulitUll biefore the I'e2ady lteher' an urse),Ifrom Iwentr to thirty negroes would be ou the sick list all ihetime. Sline M1r. Beley haul eirnhtlted tile Relier and Regula-tors amonlg his negroes, ihe hads nma iua one hollr'e "%•l k of ta Ie-gro fronmlesikess. It i Illpaossible for the .\nr poslonsl to re-

Ready Reher nlllt ltelaln eors.P.\INS AND ACIIES.


In r:,,e of whoeprlg-eotgbah, mcaeels, sacrlet fever, croup,loouenmess of the bowels, chelerr ihlfanutln atd clholela Inorbue,snlail pox. anld all le1vees, R.\DWAY'S REALLY IIEII.P alldREGUIA-T/i',S huid ble used. Under the infl uence of theselife-gsving remedles, your children cannot die, but will live .,,dbecmne struong, llsound, hearty and healthy.Tbere are may falnlmilies who use no other medicine, or everthink of sueding for u doctor. RAILWAYS ItIiEE and IRE.;111, 1Tt01t, for all geueral dimurders, I thte only medicine

N oTICr- IH AVIE fIARI) FOR 909599 (!':E I4ASIbttrtthabe hrnolkdI by oo o pie uuc_.-f ul r-ti it who:9 nII))ired to buy im.I , tevCI 111 ",1

w'Il the I x", on thr. 1".1-~rrr or Pualtclhnr~r iii l Iepmlo . lll~l ei

bnuIIe iR fail of t lilll n. etc .lao ax t~ no rm 11 1 1 l-t ? i

mu llr ;ne t tie I .0 I 11 t till 11 hR bcun-I .lIr r IioIIIoh IA

e +II I u1, IWII lO 1)19 919 N 11, 91 M1ItII 2b i 1)o , 111?. i ;+; ! (11

no lln~u nil n). bi r e iin my l1lm Ifi Ltllil(l it 111d I)L 5 (.I

nu ther ne ;run no to ,lo n unti I -- of he otulrraadaaly ul s ). I rllIW

not ne ~l n a ern m of my ~. I. but 1 `., 0. an, ro"I3 0.w .u. my hose II. AAIIIIihe .5 Cu-. 120-e nCod hl b .n

fat ha la w-,; I o.ils elya E .) O. 1S

Clt3L _ U. 1S1 I.,I., t: e u-, , in u t Lr


Steamboats, Ships, s llroad Can,DEPOTS, AND ALL OUT-DOOR WORK

-Almo, for all kinds of-IRON WORE, ABOVE AND UNDER WATER.

G. C. BOGERT d& CO., Agents,

No. 72 Camp street, N. O.The superior qutlitles of the BRIDGERWATER PAINT uso

so extensively known, and its reputoUon so favorably stoh-lished, that the Agents do oat deem It necmary to enter Intoany lengthened description ot its merits, and will, thereforeonly point out a few of ts prominent properties, and referdilretto selected testimonials from parties, for the mot part, wellknown in thin vicinity.

For covering Roofs, either Tin, Iron, Zinc, Paper, Canvm orWood, it will be found invaluable, a- the bending, shrinking oocarping of the material upon which it Is setd, does not aRfectthe Paint. In twenty four hoars It dores, and in four weeks Itbecomesa perfeot Olate. As a FIRE and WATER-PRO(WPaint. it will be found superior to any other, and o perfect pro-ection to bulldiner against sprkls, cinders, etc.

It great BODY, ELASTICITY. FLEXRIBILITYand ADHESIVE properties, superior to any mineral substance

For DECKS of STEAMERS, either Wood or Oaneot, it hasno rival, as tnot only dries readily, but becomes su hard asstone In a comparatively short time, forming a coating perfectlySPARK and CINDER PROOF. The great body of the Paint,which hasastonishd ail ptlntera who have uIed it. makes itthe helt and cheapest coverlag for WOOD, TIN, CANVAS orlUSLiIN ROOFS.For every deseription of SHIP PAINTING, obther Wood orIron, aboe or under the water, it will be found unsurpassed,and it s especially recommended for decks of vesels. The rti0lates annexed on this point are most convincing.For RAIIROAD CARS, PF.POTS, BRIDGES AND ALl,

OUT-DOOR WORK, it has ben succesr ully used at the Northand ha proven of inealculable service in durablllty, o well asin the protection It affords ngalut leaks, and injury to the carsfrom the eeets of falling sparks and cinders.For tile purpooeo for which the Paint is recommended, it is

UNEQUALED, and ts value tfor PLANTATION use, forTEAMBIIOATS, etc., etc., is INCALCUI.ABLE, beides being

CHEAPER than ANY other PAINT in tthe COUNTRY. Itspeculiar qualitiea must securd ts generl use in the South; andEVERY PLANTER, BUILDERand S3rEAMBOAT OWNERwill by single trial, be jpvlnced of the superior advantagssof the bRIEGEWATERRPAINT, on the score of eonomy, dn-rahililtyad protectivr properties over all other mineral sub-

DIRECTIONS:The quantity of oil required to reduce it to a proper consist-

ency for ouse, depends upon the absorbing chlaracter oft the surface to which it Is pplled. Great care should be observnd tosweep clean the surface before painting. In applying it to canas, it is better to use A or siing arst, a it preven the decay-ing of the cloth, and makes a smooth, hard body, ire and waterproof. One hmudredpounds covers a suae of two thouandsquare feet with two coats.

In mixing with raw linseed oil, one pound of Litharge shouldbe used to five gallons of oil. Wth the boiled oil so drier OsIeees-ary.The BIRIDGERWATER MINERAL, can also be used forFonces, Barns, etc., by aubstituting liome for oil. Tlhu : One-twentieth lime, WELrLSc, xceoD,then mix with tile Bineral nndreduce to a onsitency for use by adding water. Apply withn ordinary white-wash brush.

Selected Certltnotoe.L'ertificate of the New Orleans Underwriters.

The ut)dsigncr d Underwriters, having confldetce in theBIIIPGIWAI1IR PAINT, for the covering of shingle roofs

and Ifram buildings, will, at lltimet, give thoe fire riskl apreference where he Brildgewater Paint is used.1,. MA'I 'H 0S, Ageont San toutul Inonrance Companty.T.A. ADAIS., Pres' Cescent .. ..A. tlIoLTtClR, Pr.'t o ...o.J. PtEttlt.RTON. Pres't NN. I.t:DWARTI 0O()14EN, Agent Gelneal 5Ihltt.lCIIAS lBI(l S. Algent LIverpool and Lodon ..SANI,. . AS.11TON, Agent Delaware Mutual.l

Certificate of John F. Miller, of .ltlakapas.New Ibrha, Attlohpat. Morch Il, 1852.

IT utly last, I was indlucel to atp;l r tio BRII)E(:WA••1K.11n ElR. .PAlIT to my Stugar loeuse, all in every respect ittro etceededt my etpuctati ,, and tile ropreoplttin ot madehytho .tg,'teo, Mit oro. 14. C. It)GERT SO 'O. I octtrfullyadd my totimt ttoto tlte uttltlotl-olt. olt rtlbrtced in the Agent'stircltar, and recotmo elo thle same to Pl.ltwrs anoti otlcrt astthe best ,tire itlld alter 'rotletor I havt e ever kotwn. \t here 1hoo app!it, it, Itas cx00okt l to tlle sun tinee lot Jul",anld i;•t.. ttltlo blsterend nor oacked, and loe tormedo a oltdmetalllic .urface whith has ptoved entirely Impervioto.

(Stagoed) JOi1N F. MIILLEIR.

New Ilolrio, Attakapa. httth 24, 186.Tbe opitlon entertoioted ht me of te Bltl II0O G'ItA'TI.

PAINT, to expreottd ill the above cltifieto e it 1852, has hbeenrl,,lU ,, etl ti nmod sincO. I -on ider it the ms•, valuable

,glltl known, and combines all the -tlu cItoaimed o it ib tithAentst. t(Signedl J01N F. 5IILIrI.

Certificateso ofMaosters of Vessels, Shlp Car-poenters, etc.

Certificate of Hughes - IValette.New Orleans, t ar, h 4, 185.

We have nsed the Itlltgewater lineral Poointo for lwhich ii. It.Itcrt l Io. are rgel

lto for the pt fLivBYe year. on t teamootol ot aud

o tihe Iof i.l,a try , lock, an o Iht e tlo d etvery to)portutity ofjI udttg of oltitrioltl a d t blt e ind petolt tte t paintt.

h t olur tqolon, it isperiorl to t any we have ever seen whenap ,bd, Ireish work. anld i, in ["ereree r • rt tlol what i[it l pooeo:tlttd ll be. In a sthort time it hlemot s peo ttotl o ' tlain vet Ipo "xgreat b~odyl atl elatielty, Fut r dekot ot otf ooelt, rtlraol ca ,. tidgeol, depots, mtll ovtv deoertritol of

pudntmng fthat is exposed,tl o tile wcather, thle Bridgewater I nintICe consld i nv uabl e.

(Siguedlo InUoflSt e AI.LETTII CO.,Aget' tf he Lo uci.a ly o

Certifiate of WOm. C. Templtocon.0. C. Ilcgerl--l)ar sir I hove useld tour tRItDtGEWAThR

PAINT ott tote detck. of tny stictmotihtt ald httvillg fIlly tetedlitsn *nlue, 1".e!r:'u y iccomnlend its ulse as tie best alId nlolteemnolnleal paint T [have eve"r used. 1 ales find it nteUlleqlnd 1',rnhltttng decks -e-tred witll ealva.o being durable, impervious

oo water, and a protection •gtinot fire.(1igued) W. C. TEMPI.ETON.

Certificate of Capt. Hall, bark Hiawatha.New Orlenst, Dee. IT, 186.

I have 0-ed the Bridlgewater Paitl -, tle delcks ald Ihoutk es ttile tark llioO-,.tlo.o andfind it sperfior to any aint I ever used.I racnlomer l it to mosteraof vetsoel, doi,t.dry fo'r 1deok,. In, llloe isot oy deekt h leked, and tile llridgewtettr hoing stroneiyrolnlenlldd, l applied two coats, oitte .whih tio e) line bItoprfctly ti11gh, al IIve not e oedol c ttlking t or paintin.tll(Signued) D)AVID. }I. IALL, bMater bark tli-ai,'th.

Certificate of Calpt. Gale, of ship R. 1. Shepherd.New torions. IDec. 18. 18i6,

Illvono nedl the Bridgewater Paitt. ,t decks and otler partsof ylo v osel, for tonlt timle polot, I chelrflly etndorse ittmerits, anl consider It thie best prhmt for durability and protee-tion thlt I lh " ever ailed.

(tlgtled) t dl lo IES ih.P. lMaster of .hip R. D. Shtpherd.

Certificlate of Capt. Hiller, of ship Tirrell,Net Orloatots, Mareh t, 181,

I h tvs inen lilG tie BIrlideolot r t ieralo Ptit t ot l tile o lioutof my thip, tor tile past two yeart, tld rotullder it a IntsL 0110-t,hie ftot sea-oiong ta•sels. I t eunlcttond it no onelo o iihollthelit lion bOtt for eonemv and ito uudoltoted protoctlive o unli-t es. (,,fgned,) THOMAS G. llILE<!R.

Certificate of Capt. R. 'Tucker, of ship HelenMIeGaw.

New Otrleans, Mealt 2,11 S5i.I have teoted the lrl'tgewater ]ltat, fnorwlich G. tl. gertt Co,. are t geut. , in vari tl t wa y , on m y shit It o r the pao t two

years, and have fonud it ll every 'm'eet eupe: h r to anly paint Ihnere r S cll. It is, ll

in yllT llli Inlluu l(bl . dl trldc

runt t'teetivct snlbrsullnc, Illld I rueCmlwelld it to llltter. forships' ute in prferenlttc to any other.

(St-gued) R. TLK tiht,iMaster of ship IMelta tLettaw.

Certificate of Capt. St. ('air Tboomasson, of theSteamer Mahnolioa.

New Od coo, nece 2, 1001.ttooloo polotod the Cos rictoo, dock .Il' oloooo "ngoosoooooo

A, )looo.Iio, under ,n' coClnoll. ooolo)Ooo the I00011ooOOOA3'C'lAINT0 I looofhlllo raonmoml It rnr hx icoo.,,) 000lice,.

amtoo)ololoooi oootn Iriai~,i r~mmn hxpd h) ooiy ho'_lll(llt to anIY mineral paint 11 lrlOI thle I'+,Ulie, and beliee i. to 1

Iowl oeooiroly rnert":oo o my e after tllooelaOU1, U o. (sigt 0,) 0.l 01101CdHA.SON.

Certificate of Capt. IJWilliam rtoon, of Towboatporlppoip

T Il~v oad thle IIIIIGESY I P~il, ' rrlll!Jlhfn

i O. (", ROG N: k 1111. are agenlx, on thea ha rrielle an k of theetowoboat ' okolroioool The pooO oio)1)the b1en anom 0 r) e ehoCe

oc nnra od Uio)r cooona,,l faloo upoooo n ho nadn l

f'aat wlr~lirver In about four w Uaka it nceame n per fort .Into,

.,at [ nn, x LiliiJied of ita I)ber-aill all ,hl, qanliliia il,;-ariY to

luas i ~ ofldwly oooolto Ooiona1."atonro ndo 10 h,d," rn. I o nllodenll "bun endml thle Drilgewhar I aint f'ur ther

igneIlj) 1Y\I. JIliu 'Y captain or TUwbuO)t Pi)Tptli.a.

New O)ient0l F00b. 4,)1154.

}tooingc hoothle I.ootoiohomtly ICucl OooooeCl with tir0

ouito D : ,

)W lh\' 00)t1t 1'A [NTau Oooat 0) tLo' thooh.wustood, topnr0),0,of will 0)010).0 0)ro n al m ill oI gand~o 0...". oIteoooool.Wehat'ly aa

00)00IIR)0,. VAO. 'I'1'0 t t tIIOAI tAolal 00,h ard.J. 11. WIlItN Y & T & g-,,, Lo), b0) ,)l try o -0 Co

Certificate of Capt. Thos. Moot, of Ship oct/nfod.

T Imnve anrr theu IIRII)(IFWmATN:R 11.1 INI' the tlt ilOi) lllka 1, lu lira deck. and con (i(ill\.ll IIITp LIIII f thle shlill 11\fftd,000) 00100000000 a)d coon),. of O)'00011c 0p0l 000 t)e0)000

of the 1l unll mr lil III1I .and r m r, l(lll it to nhl~ p I1IIt.I. Ill

C eo r tif i tca t o f W i n. S. A d a m s, M a str e o f S h ip J o .

N,", OIl~nan , INC. 8,1x12.Iiavr~ nced the 111111 Fit MINERAL PAINT1 I'rlZ~1 on

lira iron work ol` tlle ,.hip lu-r l l l 1u1III. , ha h ,"l I.,,t I--,i~Illll 11II thlilat i i 1 ,,,r to red tl hil a n, I1 yli alIIILl lllinl

ool i oo) kbul l eaiU~rlo tu.0 0 water. 10000.

Certflicate of Woo. Cutts Master of Slip Charlet

N,"w rl~ll' ' x Iv 20.1+5!t,

bli-l l-NTrl-hr arl~~l n of my ,hip n f611i L ear ,. D ,-3r

(ht i ,t~o ","l OOno)I0.not)010000000 10` 0))i)00)I'Wtn 1 araal' I

reap o. c. 10000)00 000 S~ock CoO, 00o0l,0

ooI O,y c' 0)o0)imoooCO~Oln m eemr ,t Cpo)ld m0t0)

)IA.\N OC)C')0Il,:3)IU.)C. CoC 000 001) 10 p.OroO, nnl'hot 0 tu

W.. .u)' ~ t.,OCoeo elop )Oooohn~i 3pCer'tificate oj Capt. T. L. Carpjeneoro,of Ships Esliz~a-

belt I)enioon.Ooooo, 1:.,!, 1 000:0i lCC. tO0) ,0 )0 orooo . 1, n0.C0)13i C s the llr ."f

00)0n .Ica tC00001)l 013 0. t )0 it; 00,0 nup", b)l v ' a d000~r '0.oOfCOC

. 3vcr ,~""a. I ioooorhoper ooo.C mote o ido.,Ieolan ~ray o r,0000lllcllll 100tl)00000 00 OoOOOloO~oOloO.OiOOO 10) CC 0000) I~ Lb

AI.).. 00.00)030l":U akC.Mor of .h)ip liri:beth tDcnoCon.

Certificate of J. II. Whiling, Master of Bae!: Yost* Ae Blado.

Xe Or Clolco. y 1t 01A52.The I0C000000WATER Fir. 0000l C 0t' er Pool ko PINT,

having bee~ lxa-ongrl r rlrmnl.rlllr t. Inr. 1 wall iudnlle e Ioapply it to I dr rlrr+ ul' Iny vi, ncliland it gir.L n,. W ier 'l .dli\(acti~ll tllnl, an~y mblrr It A have o VP.VCIIIOII I eUlmmrdl itto ,hill I~xll. nII b""hn(Ve it rill (when llpenprly .Ilgli lrl: ptoventr lUltr of Ilerkx nll~l prn~civp title wolo". 7 -,U ier itaralunUlllO IlitII)varc for xhlip owIIEI title ,tcn1( 11 r18 r1 r to antCtiro Bridgewater A line LI llillt in P:, ten~acl to :miv th. r,.

Certificate of J. H. Ashley, Master of Schooner L.F. Rugrrs,

ecOa ChoOC00r "0)1. N'. Io 00 0a," u:,ol 00000 tl) 00 Xl i' ,00v bk)0o000T .du COk, 1 tIoNaver lend ooo J. Uo. ASolo YL Y, 011)0

Cetolat o H Ahtj atoo Stwsee

BnEIDGEWATER PA. ICertificates of Rairo eers, etc. I

SsVf Pnto, Der. 17, 151. "I have usned the B IRIDOcWATR PAINT O oo thebholdtnr,

under my ehargge st Weat Pete, uld hvstefnd thalt it ane..redaimy expeetatfns. I hsranohalweoh in naddi~mytJmnim yanto the good ql9nties of the paint, deemfngR I tth beat art 0I bm eeveruued.. R. 0. OMITHI

Lieut. and Quarter Ihater U. . M toitary Aademy.

Certificate of Olivtr H. Lee, Superqtendwat of Hud-son Rier Rairoad.

Hr dona River R.lrol O MRce, Nor Yok. Jnone, 1 2.Thsl. ttoertify that I hoeMthB RIDGEWATEkPAINT 0

on roofs of era, on s metal roof of Depot bu ld leg and on iran 71work generally. , at to sme extent on wo work. and have nhetatton In aynog that. hsth.. taing the price nrdo ronlMre-ratlon It is the beOat rticle for the tres I hae nsom with whtichI am acqaninted. It seema to posaaa drablitty and adhelsve-neos, and fully mes my expectatlons..

OI TALR II. LtP,. oLate p cI rlntendeot of H. t.. Rlltd. D_r. Lee to now oretry IL 1. R I. ailroad. A

Certifieate of D. C. McCulnum, ALt. Engineer N.Y. and Erie Railroad.Enrgineer' Omee, Oswego, reCh 1A852.

Hevlng oto wa extent ued theerenl Minnl Pat• which Dthave been before the publi for evertl yesa. part, and ndtOng Cnone of them wott, i my topinton, they ere recommended tohe. I wa induced very reluctantly t tryO the IIRIDEt WATRPAINT. I have aintled everal Bridge ol the Ne. Tyo andrea Raflirod with this article, and have ound it to oo mo th e

superioto any oathle ofIthe hod nor In T. ee-(lgnoed) D. 0. MftofLiU.,

Aitaitant Englieer, N. Y. and E. RIairoad.

Cert flcate of G. H. ar leott, Brvdret Leints t-

ant Colonel New York Atsenal.New York Arsenal.Oct. 1851.1

eiong advlte.d b oae of the iast painter In the ilty of NewYork to uae the IIRIDGteWATFR PAINT inp tereo nct to Iaony otherupon the Ordonolce Bnlldlnot ien tmy chbrt on Oo-ermor's Iolnd. I dd to, and found It slitht tr nwr recoenodedto be. The hold ln e, which are of brick, spea for themeolvea.andtlteheerfolty tgveaytosthmooytn hhalf of thetl rtueof (the paint, deeming tt supnooerior to ny .s n

G(. Ic TALCOTT, Bt. Lt. CoL

Certltleate of B. N. Alexander. of the•nltedState; . m lwtary d Academy. "

UR.C. Mftatry Adedmy .inn. ', 1852.I have nand the BRID0GWATER PAINT otn some of the

buildhing under my osperrito. at Wet Ponit, and I eheerfu Tyadd my testimony as to its dnrhbity ond ehuneo. In forc.

I stll recommtend it to my friend and se it myself.B. 0. ALIIXANDIR. .t. ng. U. S. A.

Painters' Certificates.New Ynrk Nov. ] 18ll.

I have been Unsog Bridgewater P•int or the ltt six months.In preference to oy other mionerl, and In no Instanre hhve Iheen disapol- nted in att qttalities. I painted the Ordnanceltuitlngs, on Covernor's Iloand, with It, and I have no helto-lion on sayng it covered the hrhek and Ite stucco work bettertlhanany paint couled hae stoed..

RADCLIPFF CARMAN, Painter and Dealer InPolnto, 85 Barclay street.

New York, Oct. 1t51. iThe ondersetgnedt, hoavng beon Indrced by recommendatlon toIse trhe Bridgewater Paint on the roof of their oiteo. whteh wo

In so leaky a conditon that during sPorms of any extent the roincome tltoogh in stream. In severmlpolae,, are happy to statethat by one single etot of ths paint tile offie has been renderedperfectly dry and tight. FARRAR t BELLONI,.

Cot. Ninth and Htoyoooot sotcets.

tNewYork. Det. 30 1851.IWe crtlfy that we have uoted the tBridttwater Mtnerl Point

ttd are O atitled from oar own observation that t Is fully equaito any paint of te hoond now in uset

FARRINGTON A CLARK, Painters and Dealers,.210 Eighth Aveuec.

Cerftifcate of Jooolo BReton, Painter, 132 Camp SI.,Note Orleant.

i hNew Orleans. Feb. 6,1852.I h vo used the riditgnr Paintott to hr tooet five months on

bric, anedlterita buhldingj, and on ti. shingle and eanvatrooft., nttd in eery tttancet ho hgiven the fullest stlltfectim.From tetts and eoperimeutt madt under my immoolate dtree-tion, I can testif to its being proof agalntt the effects of sttrksand tlootdt, ands prottction soottl ooT.eke I tonsodtt it far tooportor to artly mineral paint I have ever seen. and invaltatle rorall outt o otytr prposes ; pyO oing qulitict that particularly re.

JOSEPHII BENSON, Painter.No. 132 Camp street.

Tile attention of Plantert is particularly di.ected to the fol

Weo the undersigned, totton Faeton nod Cooomlixotn Me,.chants, do eheer'ully rttommendt the tirtodewtter Paint for the Ipurpoes net ,orth In the Agent'a Circular, ard believe we areserving tit inte:ettt 0 f planters by calling their attention to it,

aculiar enduring and protyctive y tt alitto.I'AYNO k HARRtSON,

lGEO. M. PINLtCARD t hoo..Utt('tiANON, CtORROLL A CO.,




i In addition to the above incontrovertible teotimoly of the

typerlority of the BRID GEWATER PAINT. the Agent. havein Iheir poncesnion innmtmrable certiicates, which may be seenon application nt their ofice.0 The Agents doom it their dtt,y as well for the protoctio of

the ptublic as f, r the rhorteo r of the ll-eat:der Pant', to e0n-0lion all interested against the impostion that hat boen practiced,to a con~iderabe extent, tba ptu t'ear. O(win2 to s cutup , •-100tion of aues, the ompany havOte tot bren enableo to keep n,supply equaol to thle demnd, and it Is within tie POSITIVEKNOWItIoDoEt of the Aotto. thot or0ol0o minert l uot ,tlanreohato behen 0oit to partiso OUT Oe TIHE CITY, 0, the Bride- "water Point. I order to ,prevnt any tllturo doltapointmett,w e wotld u'.gest that orders be tent direct to no. or to

of tcrrespondyntslere, with instnletionl to purchase ONLY ofothe Agents. For the future, we shall be regularly s!ypplied tnd

SwFill he ahle to fill nrdehrn to any rxtc,lt.0, I N EVI) 0.0\TI0 ON 1N P'RI. TototO--Fotall slmo ntntrr

1000). ('.0011; tont o01hn $S04t, tixty dryw ; $.0o0,tad otipwtod.,f foeyr mohth's crtd t for topprooed city aorrrpoe.00.

For 0:0 dry, ill paekagesho of 350 pouno, ,by-G. C. BOGEtT & CO..

Agento for the stateo of Lnu oot 0a,d-t li-i-rinnli Xlebhnln and T.-n

DISSOLUTION.ISSIS UTIOO 7-THF: C1 'A RTNIi6.11 P HEKF:TOOlore evistiug between thue undernigned under the frm of,Tacob, Dal~boval .t Cn. i} this d d unihnoleed by Inllclltll consent.

the xettleluent of which will be attended to by thh firm of F.Jncob, Dun,umier &2 Co. F. rAIAGB,

' E. DA~)VAT,g. I)USS4U1IEN R.


eel :ll.Il bitrluri~l for cnrryi nK oi tllu IWsmel'l Pro-duce, l l~nmmisx nn mud 111 .... o. 47 ands , drr he rttyl o

'. JA(:COB I)f'SS UMIEB S CO., Nun. 46. 67 anld 48 Old L1evee,

corner of Collti etrect. F. JA t) B,


New Orleans, March 2, 1457. m3


es exiogu der the style of FEARN. DONEGAN & CO.,is solved hy tle dlL of' IAMES H. \WEAKLEY au,(d tilelrithdrawal of M. W. S'TgI.:IE. Either of the sltrvvivn part.

ers is autolmSued to o e the name of tile frm ihr tiquftdtiotu.ft. current liabilities will be protmted hy J AMES ID. DONE-OAN. M. I. STEIIIIq.

November 86,1856. JAMES H. DUNEOAN.

1 A11IES R. DONEG.kN WII,h, CONTINUE THECotton Paettnrae , lnd s tou mmbsxiO btlsin 0,S i New O)rle-ni

in hisowll name and for hlsuewn IOonuL Office ,a hertofort,5I:mmandlet *trret.

New Orleans, N November 8, ISSM. d3

DIKBISO L'T'I '\OJ-lH IRM L VI L(AIYIINa, IUN"VAN ,k tCO. Is thi* ily dylrolvdh bn moutul cotaent, and

.ill be coutiluud for purpoasa of lqllidation only.

SA11. W. R&WIINS,Jtly 1, 1]6 L. H. DUNCAN.

COPARTNER3111P--TIIE UNDERSIGNED) HIAVEformed a co-partnernlbp tider the st'lu of DUNCA\N A

].elAN, to nncceed the Iato firm nof almns, Dntenu t Co.~Ior tl, tlrpoeof rrr.saetinK a CO(ITT))N FAt•,TORAOI A N;)

O i'NE1,1Al, (C)IT)SSION BUSINESS, endare fuly author.iced to liquidntu the bllainola of Lthair predecessors

I,. 11. DU'NtAN.

Jul51, 1854. rGEe. WM. LOIG N, Jr.

-On retlrlng from tile Commissioan Buhux*. , T tabe great

,plre;•re in tendering miy hl'eror thanks to the patrons of thel:::e firm of Hawlin, 1)llh!imn k (!:o~ and mt tils same time beg1o ail.4 attentioll to tlle carll of thbir a'lteeJ* 'lr Ma, esrs. uuet n- [,ogul, and to solicit for thom a coatuatlllo,'n of past favor:..y-l s•At W'. RAWtINS.

MITR. EID VARDTOBY HASTL(IS DAY BECOIMEIY . • rldi l with mon tile Express and Conlrllralon Bi-,iness The Illblnllcswill ihlllnoldluted under the xtyl, and fUrmof S. TONY, Jr., a, IIROTIIIR.


rCO-PAR TNERSIII P--WV: TAVEl TIIIS DAY AS. I- u oelated Olurelve+ tllldr the xlt le sll lirm of S. TORY. Jr. sRe~., for the ii rpuse of conduelinm:g a 1ily :xpre• mnd m("oi.muieiot 1t-hbrts. S1AOEO TOBY11. Jr.,

ED WARD TORY.New Orliemn, Nvo.mhe 1, 1456.--n3

N TICE--TrIlE PA RI:TNER SI IP OP WIIIIJAM, It 11& , CO., of New York. is [lt., day dli•,olred hy lllllttlll- Colt

. i tlt. hrilllr nrlr-tllnr in x~hI ltnri xvd to ono til Inmle of tile flmii th • liqnhhllhln •ti Its nlhirs. WIT" ,d AM IlOIE,

Decetber 3L1 1J,,. J AMY ROBB.

T lr E CO-PAdtqPNERSHIP OF g OBR lieGe &\VIGSI)N, of LIvelpuol, is tllus day .Ivelcd hy mutall

t1rnt. K.:th ),tnriler I, authorized to istte tha lTn-e of theirtai}i the liquidation of itn UT•rfa,.




rlrenul toebdrltlid witb as plartlners. Tile boll,-illu to hte Cul-dn:elli I III New ̂ )rlellnx litde tie xtrle of .I:7 MES RtOI•II .4::o.,ai h,.rretl'o; e; ill.s' Y.l" uluder 'hatof 1101tl. II\L-lIIC I'T A• CO ;,hd ill iii ver loI of Bt. dWII,5OIN, 11AhLLETT ,E

I ,I,'l'esiml g~ti th "I, f, n1. 1o.lllqoll et' the i ,te IL. \el o ,I-)., and1 pf \\. Kl. Millbt,, tt E JAMES 1:111: trll

New O)rlean , ,tl'llr 1,I 1 7. .ill .

ullE lg 'll.l • OF

J. C. BAGAN &CO. TA T'1S,- ciry dlaru ivel3 i "y nI0IU I n l."onellt, anr It. P. W '[,St) .CO)., are succusnnora to tho above fim. J. C. RA AN,.

\,.w Orl.::•. Decrmb,"r I, 1•68.--"113 R. P. W IdON.1


e.irl;ll.- Iilltwreen ]r. • ai~n li Wood rood .Ur. C', .•. ldr+l•t~l nmlhl it I .•TI Ui l Fre t' Woo 1~., iv ridls dulv d,,.xnil'.i hve muted Oll mm-. E•imher punlrt y will xiu lal th•n forile.purll il lignlidhltiqll mild M'r. •Fn -Lis •'-d will ('Oltimll lhn t ui s

Il [ o5, n Ilb oll ow alllt w itbh ttt aUy ialterationll i hu'be nialme oftheu rloue. FI,\NCiS W.)00.

U. O.. NDI2:RSON.New Orleans, January 12, 1:7E.--Ill2

CI)PARTI`NEItS 1P NOTICE--TIT E SI'lIR I.-"l'r I 'V thi tlt)"S 1.o, wad I• op~nlr"ut -hip unlde'r lh," lirml of

ell nI)nn ::YB,toong o& o )I"B~SN', P81r ho puorho~t nd Xll•l1 r:i " the

|;O11011 ~lOli n1u8 lhll'ooIk A. 0) y MondllCle l Ir. I). A.Ogdenl. .). A. 1)1111E ,C. G. ANDE. SO(N'.

New tr •li •la , 1ary 12 177.7--ll 3JO1N kY'L i• CO* N,S. tJ LIBE1I;B'ri SrRiY . NEVWYO )RK I:ITY, hate Irmw tih Agency of thielellrebte l ulau-

DaI)OIFUS MEl(O , CO.,.• c •ousn: France,

and offer this su parinr Ilad ,vol-lIknlwn muake of PRINTED,1AtVY:T 'I.' 4\V'N3-; L'r"RAIt,:S, etc., fur aede on the non[favw ra) ]e terns. ]xia•

CO L.LLlO[11O. CO.1L--OE' YOUR S ifi I ( 'lCo''LL phturo vml btlell hu be ,lnlr t)uy ge: yull (lr•l4, nt LbtI Itl)" ile, Noa I 18 re+,nn


ble I

I Oap +l 1 :I I : o, ]J•t ( ili,"re where I, always o,. hmrl at the iaw :er lloteh ill 'h,' nion'he

1;4o.d 1l eply ul' bunt Pitto +,tlr, Kowlllh .,llt AII•ri•"I Caelll-A -l~l~ r~ltil, by- tonn n1. h he a nd, 1,l l ee Ol.lrlhi) tCn .

l laino remonved fronm ou old mtmnd 77 t7ll7romhlll• 18 elaT1 Ke Plae., o1r I'riendJ -.l eustomern will be attemled to iby l, Wrhlg their orders at 15 Exehaxnge Plrce, orat ollr Coal Yard, No. 1'6 6hrgzI.uo street, corner Notre Dame,op' ,itf Alfred KIe:tar.). Warelo ls e.iP. 0.---Aleo, Oak, Ash an, Plfe Wond.8 , P. H. WIhIARD. AEint.

-}OhLOS & CO.. NO. 52 SIlVIILEm STE: ;r C:OR-D Itr, ' E11:%llAllg Aly, h, ve tho horlor to ,,frorm hlleirfrig. 1, andl tc pslbhc tlhet they hven Jlur opaendl at Ihair eturse, I brv,. a l)El'itr( tF' F'UNNITUItE:, of every dA,•acip tou,

'le A n i x 'm1r i+l 1.n d ,ti, Ch ,ir, uI : o ril,' , Srfl+s, Fl",V:c~lll,: 4hI .,, lt r is :~ O il Sp g

S.inr, ,•e•: I'.' : i t,, r:-,- '[",. Iv:cdert+l kn it,,pst, ,llg Fur-lturt', i L..1 ex t': mtl.,., ILIwt! tatke i , n .t r I.t".. The• b n,!•, byc• :,•I 0110u50), t4s-).t 'Jt*L .10 o teio poublic Ip-roan 5.

'I"P I ' ,•. ee,,.,*.m•2:•3C

1_ t NSI.Blank ofLotd~lfIka,Swsooreero4'Cos0,oRoy

W, W. Mgoey r.......R. M. )hrr ie..........' ............. I. .... Cashier.H.B.COs0 ....................... - Notry.

Ofoofog DpT...............o".b*oro d W~Dlaosant Days................ .... Maaqad T~mb)l.JJanlsiana Stat nheB k " arof CTho.y

'0aLwo0l Cmll.J. M.1 p s.................. m dnj.Biehrd RelD................... . .A.~ aet ....................... a r

Dllotno ot..... ... Wsd .4&etord/.p'roek of Loulilana State Bank, No. 11 Coop

'W~~i. IT.Avry............... ....... ..... .. PreddestLN.J. ............................ ca e.A. C bkpeljl............. :. otary.

Dhonoog Days.............. ......... Tonodoysoasd Thdoyo.Dlrullo Daya .......................... Ted. Tmrd/Canal Bank, corner of o(gaane d Nutheostreeos.

H. A. Rhhbon ........................i.. t.AlfOIl0d H. Keno .......................... O e.Tbhe. Soyol ............................. tay

Oferiog Popa . ................. Tuesday)sod rdy/Dooont Doys.....................Wodondy ad StOrdays.Citizens' Bank, orner .of oyl sld Coomhous. stonto.

JO.D.Dar.sge.. .... Pnslde.0E D le ..... .................... ... P .

ueoA .. .A. nd ........................-- NtayOtfering nays .............. .......... MondelM.nId Friday/.MmaDIacttDaa..........................Tntedyand Fidays

Moebanie.' and Trader.' Bank, No. 101 Canal0. 0. Dudley ..............ppon desidt.Oaatave Crustc..:........................,...CaaherH OCBCenu................ N...N.......

flOoott DIyp. . W;..d..Tdlloloe;.jSud.p.nixount nays ....................... Wdv rdsm BthzsysUnion Bank, No. l1 Cane1straet.

Alfrod Pnn I.... PredO. A. Frer.... ...... .CshJier.T.0. Stok.... ........................... .s.No.

Offeri i Dag...................... oodsyy" hwd.M.yoDihcoool .......................... Toy. Fdday.flank of New Orleans, No. IN8 Caop streeO, opp1.10.

W.Ird. ...................... PrenidootW. P.(ledo ..........o........ Cah.Ieo.

W. ILg Pot.Pt.... .. T .ot ar1D ..ootD ......... Wotoesdf .. od SotordT.Southern Bank, No. 10 St. Chorlsonot.

d Rod- ld ......................... Preiden.J. L. WO....................... 001h.1.,.

liaonntteys............... To...l.. old Oo doys.01101,. Ds ...............o.... M.lfdaoy.aod lodays.New Orleans Savings Instltitlon, Cooal .*nt.

W. N. Mears.. .................. Preidnt..D.1 Withs.................... Treasure.S.Jones r................. 0...0.007.


JAMESO NOON A CO.,Noa. 6R Cd~ 0 and 5l Camp street

B. NICHOLSON AO.,Corner Eoobbogrrlley and Canal treetSAMUEL SMITH CO.,.Corner Coopoand Oovolsloratr.

JUDSON A CO.~rn(mss.,.m Conet CoooI.troat,.BROWN, JOHNSTON A CO..

BENOIST, 8HAW CONNo. dl Crompsle.L




C orne Comp sdOnd Oaretreeto.


Coner Cmp and Commnn otosts.


cadner Natchez and Camp streets.A. Brother ................................... Pre dent.John R. Shaw .............................. Vice Pres't.J. .Wheeler .............................. Seretary.


J. Pemberton ................... ............ President.Jules Dolhonde .............................. Secretary.


I.. l ares ................................. Secretary.CRESCENT MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Corner

Camp and Commerhinl Place.Thomns A. Ada ............................. Peidet.

eorge .l ............................... V Pre't.. J. soni ....... ......................... e retry.

LOUISIANA IUTUAL. INSURANCE COMPANY, Southeast corner Camp and Natcez .treetrs.

C. blrigg........ ............ i...........Pre nt.A.tC'rriers ............................. Vice-President.H. P. ,hmvier.................. ..... Secretary.


Thomas SlD .............................. Preident.James,). Deuegre ........................ Vice presidentJme Edwards .......................... Secietary.


Omr ta l br ...... .........................President.A. SchreLber............................... etary.

DEL.AWARF. MUTUAl INSURANCR COMPANY of PhlldelpNia, corner Camp and travier streets.

W . \W . raricr .................................. Agent.PROVINCIAL, INSUIRANCE COMPANY.


Trust (omlpny, No,. 9 Campstreet.H. I)eoe ............................ Gene.I Agent.

:TENNESSEF. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE COM-puny, corner St. Charles and Perdido streets.

Perkins . Co .................... . . . Agents.IIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AND LIFE INSU-

r:lce Company, No. 73 St. Charles street.A. I.,anra, U. Rodewald, T. yrne.:.. ... . Directors.

. V. Ogden.,................... . . . Agent.MONARCII INSURANCE COMPANY of London, No. I

U lon street...W. ri ....................... . . Ae........

HOME INSURANCE of New York, corner of Camp and Ora -

vier streets.R. \. Falyne .................................. Agent.L


0er of Camp and

Poydres street.Lattilg, Hltchcock Co ....................... Agents.


CO.iMONWIEALTII IMSCRANCE COMPANY of HarDtl'bore, Penn.. No. 9• street.

I,,L,. AA.,Labn,,n d Co ..C ................. Agents.

RAILROAD COMPANIES.NEW ORIE1ANS, JIACKSON AND GREAT NORTHERNRailr~,ad Company.--Depot, corner of Calliope and Clar,streets.

John Culh d ....................I............President.R. R. ('herls.............................. .


RailroadCompany.--Ferry, foot of St. Anne street, Depotat Algiers.

W. I. Hewes .............................. President,A. it. Seeger .............................. Vice PreF't.

Otfce, corner Exchange Alley and Uienville street.NEW ORL.EANS AND PONTCIIARTRAIN RAILROAD

Company--Depot corner Elysian Fields and Victoria streets.W.H. ery............................... .President.

. H. Ooodwyn ..................... Sr....... Iretary.Ot6e. Vletoria sitreet, near Ithe depot.NEW ORLEANS AND CARROLLTON RAILROAD- .e-

pot, earner Itaronne and Perdido streets ;LAFAYETTE HORSE-CAR RAILROAD-Depot, 18 Be.ronne street ;


George Culrrie Dnnc.................. President.Albert G. Bbanehard ............ ........... Secretary.

Orate, No. 13 ltaronne street.

MEXICAN GULF RAILROAD-Depot, corner of Oodchll-dren tnd Elysian Fieldls streets.

W. O. BakewnI ................... E........ utor.Oilce, No. S0 Uommon street.


Curner of Tehoanpitonls and Robin streets.FA\CTORS',

Garner TchmtpStoEllaand Henderson .tenets.PRESET'S,

St. SMhty'e streat, betwsen Perdido and Ppdrat.LOUISIANA,

Tuorner St. Thum.. aend Broill street..MIISSISOIPIlI, Tth pudtonlns asd Ricltud str0et1.RILIAMAIT.

uorner Tcho ,fi toiI1s ad Market streets.MERCHANTS',

Newn Let e and Louis- treet..ORLEANS,

Corner I.os and HoMgnnc atreete.PLANTERS',

C~orner Ansnuniation and Richard atreete.SZTIANSICI'S,

Corner Leve ond Clouet lstree, Third Dstict.SIIIPPERiS',

Corlll fldS son and NeL I.ellO atreete.UNION.

Clorner New Levee and RoEigRonatreets.WOOS.S,

Corner and Robertson streets.TEXAS.

Vaorner of l'Tchmtpount nd Orange arrests.LEVEE STEAM COTTON PRESS,

I.'dee 'treet, betwween t. Ferdinand Ind .IosattgtPIAUEtreees, Third Dis~trict.

PICAYU~NE,Levee street, oppotitn Post 198, Third Dbtrirk

INOFPENSDIeNTI.1ee nlrd RIEignac streets.

NEW COTTON PRESS,Tawls at it g t between sonlegntand CloEosst.S


V. U IIlsnnI.n, spc. Blis,.CATHOIIIII

Alplnll,,1 -'l AoI, bnder Ills and kllnle I.Immaculate~a Conception-Hnro llrle on Canalll.

SI. LouIshISIl l Sas'1,"' - R EIs t Cyua.t,St. All' mny-lIlulprr. c. ert liSit. Alphlunrc-1. h lnlfi,-, h. Lilve Oak and Laurel.St. A I;Cil'illr- -B_ m: frond, . . St. t'llllddeWit. Ibllrlioloiuntt-V\' lclrc, b. Brpulllad BasrthelemyJ, M

6t.J hn IS-Ptist-Drcndra, , ssx. Clio md Callllape.S It. .P111l11A11111-Rt 1. lpIi ind Ii lce.St. lI st i 1-t'ondl* n ;. I t, i.St. g]rt---lo ,p S, C b. Irivn Oak and Laurel.

P. I I-rlts., b_ CJulio iad DGiroS.St. I'elel--\liuriii'). b. t'unlmltt add Grammes..St. Thrn".r,-l0, p, app.11 jnnctiou with Prytnnia.St. .'ill~- ~ I F'Erdimmd.dSi. ii'h" a uI '*l--lir nlec. Nonleegal.h': sulfur !ouvnult-BUeblv the city.CRPRISTIAN :

C:lllp, r. `Hclno roe.

pl.ITTRLTANT F:1'IS( I'II.ESt. Pew".. cethIPI1S1111,)S RsplaL'Eh t Prot-snw l Ft r Pl.6 ai Ramportic. I

Christ Chulrch-Canal, E Dauphine.

St. Illlke'blrel. rHFlct odIls , At.I s.., *puadaUNIT Sli 11.A1 I.EX~ol Ulivo~-~pca

FOT1 atrtT'te,~ b. liacchllsnnd Dryades.METHODIST:T

Canmdriclr t, S . Tfetla and SitsFairiry Ito ul. c, t'hesrant.

Piet t, c. unC:L~imen.\fnri-Ltr, h. Itlrrnrlfle and Coati.

Cnnifrel n. Jnciollo, . Nn.St. 'rnhrtr t


I'rJ'titia, c. C:lio.0,-rlv. lv, . RaRilroad.(wontr. Franklin.Full-l, n, J.IephinellPI'cymnia, r Jasephiila.

}innhgy, Coup, u. I. CadicGERM. EVAN,;.:

Pruteatant-Phill. c. Chippewa.I'ro~reatei-Clio, L. Alx~llurild NayadaQ


Ulit,. h. 1'rJ nli::l .old Dryadda.Tel lpirh re. n. h'n? ullr+.yutwrpa U.Bttcehw au1 DryulM.

And light

l asbl he wias •l r ynShe comes, she omes! th

And down the l1ddsn

Her laughter wakesme d

I wolled out, I followed eatMAnd tracked eery gba eqrBut songs that traveled

In ittfl waves of musicDeclaredabe wuas a merry

I wondered at her chagefiw• m n,When sfltealng throgt tt ed,I saw her o lMltlgleithg tI ,In dalliance wi the "mrthfl lowes _',

I wandered on o before-I saw herd net gsl 'as sgi ,

Mirrored within a uy fountail,And every suite nd e.e glanceDeclared she inns a pretty l

O'er mountains wild the sokoer ,. • -The rocks were hang with

your bones uthe women mtaCome Apmr with her " ri e.

Wora n.

The Hartfen eord Caurat has a few ihnwg a 1.What makes a wetuar, nowa-day?

Intelligince? geodloh-a?Amind awhere nt the hio a •,dw • .

Sepies oetirets o;Y tor f lh i esmidy the world-Your hoes make women great I

All would be grt, all don't ikeA conrse O edoeatlon;

choosit, atndy, look-st what ar ian,Wompired with ints tide.

ovk, and ho nd Old

such to read werethem and then doWhen earth wua robed ing ife,

Snd•al ,atln ig s brea

Were going out fromyBo

Tohrnd ohe wgent and laid hleym downIgThe horrid track aroehipe train had goofne re,

And soe hey not, the o rnfu daglC,e,When ove and I are to d o

And ilver evening has replacedA mor and noonof god? -•Love atood alone 'mid yeuthfbl jy,

Bat now by saorrow tried,It sits, and calmly lookato heaven,

With Angels at its side.

Here are a few verses which haveon old scrap book, and should betemplate committing suicide. Wesuch to rend them and then dolikewise-lrW~ninda:

The landlord naw a carving knife,One day, end ip hisnin.

Another time the railread carWere going oat from HBos

Ton,ssed he went and laid him dawnThe horrid track arees.

But as it happened for to chance,The train had gone before,

And no he rose, with mosrnful glance,d To think of death once more.

Then he mode op his mind to droan,And anoght the river's brim;

But there no-foot, and changed bin

Because be eoul~nl emims!


A mirror is the only tolerated medium ofupon woman's beauty, and it is the latcarded.

A rapid mind .eontinnally struggles, a fer •limps; bht a great mind selects the surestupon this it stands.

Recreation is a second creation when wearineeeasalmost annihilated one's spirits. It is the breathingof the soul, which otherwise would be stiflel withcontinual business,

Every ie, great or small, is the brink of a preci-pice, the depth of which nothing hbut Omaleseisncecan fathom.

Philosophers say that shutting4 .the sense of hearing more acute.for the many closed eyes that o ,S. urchurches.

A HususAv LEARNuS A LITtLIinin the Eastern District of Blat, made a compllint against hisand neglecting bher family. The ease was e•xamiadbefore a justice and dismissed. The counsel for thlwire sued the husband for his rqes, and on Friday, be-sore the same coes, obtained a verdict in fib favor.

FOLLOWING FAsHION.-Sald a judicious father,"Do not imagine,my daughter, that yon are agreea-ble or attractivewwhen year pereon is exposed, orwhen you aid nature by artifiofa means Twoclamesof persons may •ze on you, to be sure--the immora`andlicentious with familiarity; the reflectig andserious, with sadness. Will you consent toinch seantiny? Follow fashion no farther than fashon follownpropriet . Never let your mantaumaker d yourmorals.'

A character, like a kettle once msn dwants mending.

There is an old saw which says that co•sthetrue philusopher's satone. Browusays,"Itrtvarylik nobody has ever foondthethe one or the othr.

An elderly gentleman was attacked in broad deaylight yesterday, by a dreadful toothache. No arcestwas made, as usual.

EPITAPH.Here lies the tongue of Godfrey Lill,Which always lied, and lies here still.

" Shall I help you to some of the tomattasses," in-quired a young exqnisite of a venerable physician, ashe sat opposite to himat one of our hotel tables " Nosir, I thank you," replied the learned savant, " butI'll trouble you for some or the potatussas, if youplease."

Pictures! pictures! hang your walls with pictures.Let the children remember the sweet engravings ofhome. Cherish that innocent love of the heautiful.

During the last war, a Quaker was on board anAmerican ship engaged in close combat with anenemy. He preserved his peace principles calmljuntil he saw'a atoat Briton elimbiai up the vesel bya rope whiohbhung overboard. Seizing the hatchet helooked over the side of the ship and remarked-" Friend, if thee wants that piece of rope thee mayhave is," when, suiting the deed to the word, he outoff the rope, and down went the poor fellow to hislong watery home.

Cross street, in Exeter, N. H.,has been changed, byvote of the town, to Casa street, in compliment toGeneral Lewis Cass, who was born in a house on thatstreet; and it is nrobable that his mother,adanghterof Theophilus Gilman, was horn in the same house.General Cans's fither learnt the blacksmith's trade,and was afterwards a major in the United StatesArmy.

"How shall I take this coat apart?" asked an in-dustriouswile of her young husband. She was aseamstress. "Why," said he, "you ought to know,for you madeitforme. I should say do it prettymuch as you put it together, for as you sew, so schayou rip, you know!"

A Chinese boy who is learning English, cameacross the passage in his Testament, " We have pipedauto you and ye have not danced ;" and rendered itthus : " We have toot, toot to you, what's the matteryou no jump '"

A farmer told his man, who was thoroughly Irish,to run into the pasture andoatch in ox. " I meanthe off one; I will manage the other myself," hesaid. Pat ran to doas he was bidden, but soddenlypaused with the exclamation, " He is a reasonableman, anyhow. Bedad and how am Ito know whichis the orphan 1"

There are two kinds of bores in this world-therich and the poor. You can free yourself of thelatter by lending him five dollars. You can free your-self of the other by attempting to borrow twentydollars of him. Try it on.

It is said of Daniel Webster, that hen he once arrived at the Girard House, from a hot, dusty, exibaeing ride from Washington, the servant, pouring morewater into his glass than proportion admitted, beeatclaimed, with a voice and look that John Philip .em-ble, as Coriolanus, might have rebuked the Voeiseiawith-" •oy, don't inundate the brandy!"

Mr. Kenny, the popular dramatist, in drinking aglass of wine, inadvertently swallowed. a abstancewhich nearly choked him. A friend seeing his dftress, anxious to proclaim to his companion the eastateof the case, exclaimed, " It is a cork gone thewrongs way!" " I don't know whether it is the wayto Curk," said a wag who was present," but it seemoa very likely way to kill Kenny."