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DRINKING WATER at a at the correct time maximizes it’s benefits on the body. Here are the tips on when to drink water from sunrise to sundown: Two (2) glasses of water after waking up – helps activate internal organs. One (1) glass of water 30 minutes before a meal – helps digestion. One (1) glass of water before taking a bath – helps lower blood pressure. One (1) glass of water before going to bed – avoids stroke or heart attack. So, since the recommended daily intake of water is at least ten (10) glasses of water a day, the remaining three (5) glasses could be taken in between these suggested time. (Note: 8 glasses of water is not enough to rehydrate this summer.) Benefits of Drinking Water and its Functions in the Body: -75% of brain is water -regulates body temperature -83% of body’s blood is water -removes body waste -cushions bone, 75% of muscles are water -helps body absorb nutrients -protects and cushions vital organ -help convert food into energy
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Page 1: DRINKING WATER at a at the Correct Time Maximizes It

DRINKING WATER at a at the correct time maximizes it’s benefits on the body. Here are the tips on when to drink water from sunrise to sundown:

Two (2) glasses of water after waking up – helps activate internal organs.

One (1) glass of water 30 minutes before a meal – helps digestion.

One (1) glass of water before taking a bath – helps lower blood pressure.

One (1) glass of water before going to bed – avoids stroke or heart attack.

So, since the recommended daily intake of water is at least ten (10) glasses of water a day, the remaining three (5) glasses could be taken in between these suggested time.

(Note: 8 glasses of water is not enough to rehydrate this summer.)

Benefits of Drinking Water and its Functions in the Body:-75% of brain is water-regulates body temperature-83% of body’s blood is water-removes body waste-cushions bone, 75% of muscles are water-helps body absorb nutrients-protects and cushions vital organ-help convert food into energy-moistens oxygen for breathing-helps carries nutrients and oxygen to cells-helps to maintain normal kidney function

There, enjoy the benefits of drinking water, which has no equal in terms of diluting toxins in our body.

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Source: Adopted from "Correct Time to Drink Water" by Abdul Matin Sattar Khan

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Studying and understanding the anti-aging food pyramid is a must if you want to implement a diet of preventing signs of age.

1. First, at the base of the anti-aging food pyramid, you need to make sure that you are drinking pure filtered or alkaline water

every day.

This means making sure you are getting your 10-12 glasses at least. Begin in the morning with 2 glasses of water to purify and hydrate your body from the overnight dehydration. Remember

the more water you drink, the better you will feel.

Tip: Bring a water bottle around with you during the day, and drink water whenever you feel thirsty.

2. On a daily basis, make sure you are eating 8-10 portions of low glycemic index whole fruits (like apples, bananas and blueberries)

and leafy green vegetables that are grown above ground, like spinach and kale.

Tip: Avoid fruit juices which are high in sugar and low in fiber. Avoid vegetables that grow underground such as potato, yam, and carrots because they behave like high glycemic index type

carbohydrates and leads to sugar imbalance. Generally speaking, the more colorful the vegetable, the more anti-oxidant is inside

and the better it is for you.

3. Your carbohydrates intake should comprise primarily of whole grain cereal, barley, and oats. These are low glycemic index food

that converts into sugar once inside your body at a slow and steady pace. Reduce high glycemic carbohydrates intake such as

rice, wheat, bread, pasta, and rice which converts into sugar quickly once taken in and cause a rise in blood sugar level.

Sustained intake of high glycemic food leads to obesity and adult onset diabetes and is a leading cause of aging. You don't have to

avoid all grains, as it is a good source of energy. The key is to take good grains and avoid bad grains.

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4. Legumes, organic eggs, and nuts are excellent source of protein.

Tip: Take note of organic egg's appearance. The brighter yellow the yolk, the healthier the diet the chicken was fed, which means a healthier you. In addition to this, use olive oil for cooking and avoid vegetable oils or peanut oils, which can contain higher fat


5. Twice per week eat deep sea cold water fish (such as salmon or tuna) and free range poultry. Chicken is pure protein and fish are

full of omega 3 fatty acid which help your body with cellular regeneration.

Tip: Stay away from fresh water or costal water fish which can be contaminated.

6. Finally, in order to complete a balanced anti-aging diet, allow yourself a splurge once a week, Red meat such as beef together with small amounts of desserts (such as cakes and ice creams).

Tip: Make sure that the meat is very lean. Try to take in beef that comes from cattle that are grass fed instead of grain fed in their

diet. Eat something sweet that is good for you, like dark chocolate which is full of antioxidants.

Olive Oil should be used in preparation of food. It contains mono-unsaturated fat . Stay away from polyunsaturated fat that comes after processing, such as corn oil, safflower oil, and sunflower oil. The commercialization processes changes the structure of the fat and makes it harmful for the body. Avoid trans-fat that is found in

margarine, cookies, and pastries as much as possible. It is the worse type of fat, much worse than the saturated fat you find in

red meat.


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WATERMELON Health Benefits

The more we study watermelon, the more we realize just how incredible this fruit really is.

It’s full of antioxidants shown to reduce the inflammation that contributes to diabetes, asthma, atherosclerosis, colon cancer, and arthritis - but that’s not all.

Other beneficial ingredients in watermelon are known as Phytonutrients - which are naturally occurring compounds that are bioactive and able to trigger healthy reactions within our body.

1. Asthma – The antioxidants, such as Citrulline in watermelon can reduce toxins in the body. Some of these toxins are believed to trigger asthma attacks.

2. Arthritis – Watermelon is rich in Vitamin C and Beta-Carotenes. Both have anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve the symptoms of arthritis.

3. Bladder Problems – Containing 92% water, this melon acts as a natural diuretic that cleanses your kidney and bladder.

4. High Cholesterol – The cleansing properties of watermelon may also reduce the risk of clogged arteries. The fruit is also believed to increase HDL (good cholesterol levels).

5. Constipation – A glass of watermelon juice can naturally eliminate waste and promote proper digestion.

6. Bloating – Again, the diuretic effect of watermelon can eliminate water retention. It is especially recommended for women who retain fluids during menstruation or pregnancy.

7. Heart Disease – Watermelon contains Folic acid and Citrulline that works in tandem with other essential vitamins. Some research indicates that these vitamins may reduce the risk of a

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heart attack, stroke and colon cancer.

8. Itchy Skin – As the water from the melon cleanses your system, it can flush out the toxic waste that cause some forms of itchiness.

9. Prostate Cancer – The Lycopene in watermelon has been extensively reported to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

10. Blemishes – Watermelon can also be used as a beauty aid to reduce skin blemishes. Simply rub your skin with a small piece of watermelon. Leave the juice on for 10 minutes before rinsing.

Source: Lumhs Online Clinical Discussion Forum

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7 Healing Foods to fight common Cold

Here is a list of foods which are best for fighting common Cold

1. Chicken soup

why: It’s been called nature’s penicillin and is at the top of the list for its curative powers. Hot chicken soup helps clear clogged


2. Hot and spicy food

why? : chilis or spicy sauces to help ease congestion. Cook Indian or other ethnic foods that contain these ingredients, or simply add

a spicy sauce to foods for extra zip

3. Garlic

why: This fragrant bulb contains a flavoring agent called alliin which acts as a decongestant. Garlic is also believed to act as an

antioxidant and destroy free-radicals, the active oxygen molecules that damage cells

4. FluidsWhy: To keep you liquefied.

5. Citrus fruits

why: Reach for citrus fruits to increase your vitamin C intake. Drink orange juice for breakfast, snack on half a grapefruit, or add

tangerine slices to a lunchtime salad. Getting an increased amount of vitamin C is especially important if you smoke, as smoking increases both your risk of catching a cold and your

body's need for this protective vitamin.

6. Ginger

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why: Many people find fresh ginger root helps treat the coughing and fever that often accompany colds and flu. Try making a

ginger tea:

7. Vitamin C sources

why: Citrus fruits aren't the only foods high in vitamin C. Potatoes, green peppers, strawberries and pineapple can help as your daily

cold-fighting food arsenal.

Source: Lumhs Online Clinical Discussion Forum

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Health Benefits:- Increased Immune Function- Reduced Risk of Lung, Stomach, Colon & Prostate Cancer- Protection Against Heart Disease- Slowing Aging- DNA Repair and Protection- Helps in Detoxification- Lowers risk of of of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)- Alzheimer's Protection- Osteoporosis Protection- Prevention of Epileptic Seizures- Prevention of Alopecia (Spot Baldness)- Rheumatism, Gout, Arthritis, Renal calculi, Skin diseases, Eczema, hardening and de-colorization of skin are also removed from the body due to cabbage consumption.- is anti-inflammatory vegetable, drinking its juice retrieved from the stems, is an effective remedy against ulcers.

How to choose Cabbage: Look for cabbages that have smooth, shiny, leaves. Avoid any cabbages with wilted leaves or black discolorations.

Climate and origin: The current origin of cabbage is unknown, though it is thought to be from Europe. Thriving in colder temperatures, cabbage is grown in temperate climates.

Taste: Cabbage has an earthy taste and crunchy texture when raw.

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12 Health Benefits of Tomatoes

1. Lycopene can help detoxify! – Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that gives tomatoes their characteristic red color. Lycopene also helps scoop up free radicals from the body. Free radicals can hasten oxidation of important cell proteins, hastening the aging process and damaging your cells.Lycopene takes out free radicals and helps to slow down the aging process. Take note, though: although ketchup is high in lycopene, some additives such as salt or food coloring might not make ketchup an ideal thing to drink down. Always consume tomatoes in moderation!

2. Lower cancer risk – The lycopene in tomatoes can also help lower your risk of developing colorectal, cervical, or prostate cancer. Research has shown that lycopene can lower the risk of stomach, esophageal, mouth, and pharyngeal cancer as well.Tomatoes also contain high levels of coumaric and chlorogenic acid, which can combat the carcinogens found in cigarette smoke.

3. Lower risk of heart disease – Tomatoes have also been found to decrease your risk for developing heart disease. Recent research has shown that 9-oxo-octadecadienoic acid in tomato decreases the levels of fat and cholesterol in the bloodstream. Increased levels of fat and cholesterol don’t just thicken your arterial walls. They can even lead to type-2 diabetes.

4. Lower risk of osteoporosis – Tomatoes also have a fair amount of vitamin K and calcium, both of which contribute to bone growth and sustenance. As you grow older, the calcium stores of your body deplete faster, both as a result of age and to meet the needs of your immune system. Without an external source of calcium that you can easily absorb, you could develop osteoporosis.

5. Lower risk of skin damage due to UV light or age – The combination of lycopene and vitamins in tomato actually does wonders for your skin. Exposure to ultraviolet light can hasten skin aging, making your skin unevenly colored, wrinkled, and

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leathery.Eating tomatoes can slow down this process, and help add a healthy glow to your skin.

6. Lower risk of cognitive dysfunction – As you grow older, you could also find it harder to remember things or think clearly. The vitamins in tomatoes help keep your brain healthy and can also lower your risk of developing cognitive dysfunction.

7. Lower risk of macular degeneration – Your body will inevitably fall apart as you grow older, but the speed at which it does so depends on a lot of factors, including your diet.One sign of aging is macular degeneration, or the degeneration of the tissues of your eyes, which can lead to blindness. Research has shown that the vitamins in tomatoes can help lower your risk of developing macular degeneration as you get older.

8. Help in weight loss – Tomatoes, in general, fight inflammation. In general, lower inflammation in your body helps weight loss hormones to work properly. One such hormone is leptin, which can help regulate food intake and appetite.Your body produces leptin naturally, but it can work only under the right circumstances. Tomatoes can help leptin work properly and aid you in losing weight.

9. Reduce risk of asthma and other lung disorders – Research has shown that tomatoes can lower your risk of developing asthma, as well as the damage brought about by asthma. It can also help reduce your risk for developing lung disorders.This might be due to the high levels of vitamins and antioxidants present in tomatoes, which, together, help your body regenerate cells quicker.

10. Add immune system boost with vitamin C – Tomatoes are also high in vitamin C. Vitamin C helps boost your immune system, allowing you to fight off infections faster and more efficiently. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant which helps detoxify your body when taken at the right doses.

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11. Can help control sugar levels – We’ve already talked about tomatoes as lowering your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. But did you know that tomatoes can still help you keep your blood sugar levels low when you have diabetes? This is because tomatoes contain chromium, which aids in regulating blood sugar.

12. Better hair and skin! – Tomatoes are rich in both Vitamin C and Vitamin A. Vitamin A contributes to stronger keratin, making your hair stronger and shinier. The vitamins in tomatoes also aid in keeping your connective tissues healthier – that includes your eyes, bones, teeth, and skin.

Not only are tomatoes nutritious, they’re probably the most versatile food to cook! You can eat them raw and fresh in your salad. You can cook up a big batch of spaghetti sauce and release all the lycopene in your tomatoes. You can chop up tomatoes for some salsa, or add them to grilled cheese sandwiches. You can puree tomatoes for hearty tomato soup, or simmer meat and vegetables in it for a filling stew.

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-It is a balanced vegetable packed with nutrients, making it a powerfood.-Very good source of vitamin K, the B vitamin folate, vitamin C, and vitamin A.-Filled with B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 and B6).-Excellent source of folacin.-Full of the minerals manganese, copper, phosphorus, potassium and selenium.-Good source of fiber (3 grams per 5.3 oz. serving).-Even has some protein (3 grams per 5.3 oz. serving).-It contains no cholesterol or fat.-Very low in sodium.-Less than 4 calories per spear.

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Fruit Salad Tree

Did you know?

There is a tree which can grow up to 7 different fruits and they call it The Fruit Salad Tree!

The Fruit Salad Tree was created as a cost effective means to grow multiple species of fruit. Variations of the tree have been designed for all climate types. Here the are four different types of Fruit Salad Trees:

1. Stonefruit which grows peaches, plums, nectarines, apricots and peach cots

2. Citrus which grows a winter and summer orange, mandarins, lemons, limes, grapefruits, tangelos and pomelos

3. Multi-apples only

4. Multi-nashi fruit only


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Benefits of Different kinds of Tea:1. Green Tea - boosts metabolism, helps burn calories effectively2. White Tea - prevents cancer3. Chamomile Tea - fights diabetes and vision problems4. Hibiscus Tea - lowers blood pressure5. Black Tea - protects lungs and also protecting them from outside toxins and even second hand smoke6. Oolong Tea - lowers cholesterol

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Which Sleep Position is healthiest?Find out a sleeping Position that suits your Body.

1. The Best: Back position

Good for: Preventing neck and back pain, reducing acid reflux, minimizing wrinkles, maintaining perky breasts.

Bad for: Snoring

The scoop: Sleeping on your back makes it easy for your head, neck, and spine to maintain a neutral position. You're not forcing any extra curves into your back, says Steven Diamant, a chiropractor in New York City. It's also ideal for fighting acid reflux, says Eric Olson, M.D., co-director of the Mayo Clinic Center for Sleep Medicine in Rochester, Minnesota: "If the head is elevated, your stomach will be below your esophagus so acid or food can't come back up."Back-sleeping also helps prevent wrinkles, because nothing is pushing against your face, notes Dee Anna Glaser, M.D., a professor of dermatology at Saint Louis University. And the weight of your breasts is fully supported, reducing sagginess.

Consider this: "Snoring is usually most frequent and severe when sleeping on the back," Olson says.

Perfect pillow: One puffy one. The goal is to keep your head and neck supported without propping your head up too much.

2. Next Best: Side position

Good for: Preventing neck and back pain, reducing acid reflux, snoring less, sleeping during pregnancy

Bad for: Your skin and your breasts

The scoop: Side-sleeping is great for overall health -- it reduces snoring and keeps your spine elongated. If you suffer from acid reflux, this is the next best thing to sleeping on your back.

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Now for the downside: "Sleeping on your side can cause you to get wrinkles," Glaser says. Blame all that smushing of one side of your face into the pillow. This pose also contributes to breast sag, since your girls are dangling downward, stretching the ligaments, says Health magazine's Medical Editor Roshini Rajapaksa, M.D.Consider this: If you're pregnant, sleep on your left side. It's ideal for blood flow.

Perfect pillow: A thick one. "You need to fill the space above your shoulder so your head and neck are supported in a neutral position," says Ken Shannon, a physical therapist at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.

3. Not Ideal: Fetal position

Good for: Snoring less, sleeping during pregnancy

Bad for: Preventing neck and back pain, minimizing wrinkles, maintaining perky breasts

The scoop: Outside of your mother's uterus, resting in a tight fetal pose isn't a great idea. When you snooze with your knees pulled up high and chin tucked into your chest, you may feel it in the morning, especially if you have an arthritic back or joints, Olson says."This curved position also restricts diaphragmatic breathing," adds Dody Chang, a licensed acupuncturist with the Center for Integrative Medicine at Greenwich Hospital in Connecticut. And if you make this your nightly pose, you may bring on premature facial wrinkles and breast sag.Consider this: Just straighten out a bit -- try not to tuck your body into an extreme curl.

Perfect pillow: One plump pillow -- the same as side position, to give your head and neck support.

4. The Worst: Stomach position

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Good for: Easing snoring

Bad for: Avoiding neck and back pain, minimizing wrinkles, maintaining perky breasts

The scoop: "Stomach-sleeping makes it difficult to maintain a neutral position with your spine," Shannon explains. What's more, the pose puts pressure on joints and muscles, which can irritate nerves and lead to pain, numbness, and tingling.

"Think about the soreness you'd feel if you kept your neck turned to one side for 15 minutes during the day," Diamant explains. In this position you have your head to one side for hours at a time. You won't necessarily feel it the next day, but you may soon start to ache.

Consider this: Do you snore? "Stomach-sleeping may even be good for you," Olson says. Facedown keeps your upper airways more open. So if you snore and aren't suffering from neck or back pain, it's fine to try sleeping on your belly.

Perfect pillow: Just one (and make it a thin one) or none at all.

Source: Mindy Berry Walker,

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