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F.bruary 20, 1947 TORRANCE HERALD vish Women Luncheon; tivities Told Sisterhood of the South Jewish Community center luncheon meeting at the of Mrs. Samuel Green- District Chairman To Speak At Fern Avenue PTA Meeting Mrs. Daniel J. Dalley, home service chairman for Tenth Dis trict PTA, an exceptionally fine Legion Auxiliary Plans Dinner Party For Many Guests Dinner Party At Grubb Home Marks Two Anniversaries _ 1007 S. Catalina ave., 19,1t S%.m W<t Cnum y befCo bf ! -«^-" P"*«» at the regu-1 Andrew's Parish house. new members were introduced I lar meeting of Fern avenue; Invitations have been issued,' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rittmiller, | and reservations are being ac-1 of 1621 Madrid ave., were c copied for the membership din- plimcnted on the occasion ot scheduled for 6:30 o'clock their 56th wedding anniversary *\aii-1 ter, of this city. At the last day, Feb. 26. Th Community ha^ Redondo ^eadf " ' nClUde P311" speaker, will be featured on the Monday evening, Feb. 24 in St., and her 78th birthday, when fam- ily members gathered Sunday at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Special guests will be Nettie by President Mrs. Mitchell Kan- j PTA, at 2:00 o'clock Wednes- ! Babcock and members of her program also winning team, members who'Gr" bb. of 16*0 Beech ave. otic selections} have joined this year and who' At the dinner table, decorated Interesting and enlightening talks on Sisterhood activities were given by Mrs. Morton Bauman and Mrs. Green of Temple Is-. rael of Hollywood. _* The next meeting of the Sis- ferMood will take, place on r ^Wednesday Feb. 26 at South i ~-3»y Community hall at 1 p.m. All Jewish persons are cordially tlnvtted to attend. For further Information call Mrs. Kanter, . Torrance 1674-W. DIANA LEE STECKER VISITS GRANDMOTHER Mr. and Mrs. L e r o y Earl Stecker and their baby, Diana Lee, have been visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary -Towler, 1828 Andreo ave. They will leave this week for their home in Portland. by a group of Fern avenue stu- j will be Initiated following thi dinner; also Margaret Warwick, dents. and jonquils, places were set The recipient of two PTA Ilfe|l9th District president; Bernice for the honor guests and Mr. membership awards will be re-1 Graves, her secretary; Beatrice ! and Mrs - Frank Gillies, of Hen- district parliaments-1 scl - N- Dakota; Mr. and Mrs vealed during the meeting, it is j Trumbull, reported. Ten will be served and a so- cial hour will follow the busl- By MARY VONDERAHE VFW Auxiliary At Valentine Tea; Meetings Planned Honoring mothers and their babies, a delightful Valentine tea was given -by. the V.F.W. Woman's Club Sets Date For Annual Spring Carnival With the 'successful completion projects, high. of cent lighted by the presentation of Geraldine Larsen and her family in a delightful, evening program of magical mysteries, members of Toirance Woman's Club are Diana Lee Sleeker, Sandra 'Sue j out lining plans for the third an Auxiliary of Post 3251, at the home of Mrs. Hilma Malin on the afternoon of Feb. 14. Small guests honored were: Leigh Leighton, i nunl spring carnival scheduled Bonnie Mae Leatherman, Rob-' ert Lee Roy Sullivan, Eddie FIT berg Danny Emory Karstelta Curler, i R. Each March 15. At. a recent ;lub meeting, Mrs Smith, as general chair- plans and rlan- Alice Newbanks district Gus Rittmilltr and family, On- ] honored guest was given a gaily named her committees for the '. ., ^ , ' .,, i (orin- i-mr v i-ioii-n T?r,i'ino wrapped gift with best wi.shcs various attractions, as follows: membership chairman; Alice j £r°, Guy K^ Clare, Rpl ! "?! fron^nc Auxiliary. Group pic. | Bingo, with prizes, promises to Plaog, new national chairman; i Hills; Harold Rittmiller, Gerald Veda Hawks, president Redondo Grubb and Linda; Charles Grubb Beach unit American Legion j and the hosts, all of this city. Auxiliary and Audie Mrdglin, ] A decorated cake, appropriately Inscribed, was cut and a rec- ording of the group's singing Many beautiful personal gifts were presented. past president of Torrance unit. Dinner will be served by the losing team, headed by Mable.! wlas DRUNK DRIVER Roy J. Gossett, 44, 21964 S. Denker ave., pleaded guilty to driving-a motor vehicle in-Tor- rance while under the influence \WliarrtsV_ of alcohol last week and was I A^refrrcsentative of the un(t ] The celebrants' son-m-law and fined $125 in Torrance City will attend a two-day child wcl- j daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gillies, court. Gossett's driver's license i fare convention at Mission Inn, i left next day for their home in suspended for' the ensuing I Riverside, on Saturday and Sun-1 North Dakota following three 30 days. I day Feb. 22 and 23. i weeks' visit here. NOW! A Cay february \ ^ T~~"i:~vTH»r-Trah l5Bn»ijjL.ij , n , HI muiii""" ^ tin, Warburton, Florence Ma Frankie Brown and Irei turcs were taken. [ bc a popular feature of th The Valentine motif was fol-1 fair and there will be a country lowed throughout with floral ' store, a garden booth, book stall, decorations, arranged by the'cherry tree, with intriguing hostess and delicious refresh-. packages for everyone, a sale of ments prepared and i-crved by I'oola'cK foods and baked goods, an apron sale, a white elephant booth, a gift shop, a grab bag. In addition, a cleverly decorat- oci cake, with special appeal for younger children, will bc given away as well as an attractive Sewing club members are hand-made wool afghan and a asked to meet Thursday Feb. handsome all-wool blanket. Use- 20 at the home of Mrs. Crab- ful and attractive pot holders tree, 728 Sartori ave., on the will be sold; there will be an following Thursday, Feb. 27, the;ever-popular fortune telling group will meet at the home of booth; pop corn and homemade Mabel Weigand, 2408 Andreo candy will be dispensed and Wilkes. The next regular meeting will be held at Civic auditorium on Feb. 17 at 8 p.m. avenue. * * * END OF MONTH from ffittav fill Next Saturday EIGHT GAY BAYS OF SELLING TWO (2) FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! 38 REGULAR S22.95 DRESSES 2 for Reg. $19.95 12 Only ALL-WOOL TOPPER COATS S| 2 88 E.O.M. SPECIAL: Reg. $19.95 DRESSES Reg. 17.95 DRESSES Reg. 12.95 DRESSES Reg. 8.95 DRESSES 2 for $19.95 2 for 17.95 2 for 12.95 2 for 8.95 Regular $2.98 & $3.98 WHITE DRESSY BLOUSES E.O.M. SPECIAL 1.98 Reg. $5.00 Koret 100% Wool JERSEY BLOUSES SPORT SKIRTS... Reg. $3.98 2-Wey Stretch GIRDLES.......... Reg. $3.95 Brushed Rayon BED JACKETS $298 $398 S)99 OPEN A GAY 30-60-90.DAy CHARGE ACCOUNT OR USE OUR SPECIAL BUDGET TERMS. 1319 Royal Neighbors Launch Membersjiip^ lc^r^ll^^A:P*rvT§ef"-^r: Torrance Camp No. 8908, Royal Neighbors of America was host- ess to the Bay District, RNA, held recently in Torrance Wo- man's clubhouse. Oracle Mar- garet Stavcns extended a cordial welcome to representatives of Lomita, San Pedro, Culver City, Ocean Pai't and Redondo camps. Following the initiation of can- didates District Deputy Mayme Kirchncr, of Culver City, con- ducted the meeting and outlined the "Key Campaign" and its every hour, on the hour, valu- able prizes will be given away. For family groups and indi- viduals who plan to enjoy an informal supper. at the club- to salad, coffee' and" b't LOVELY BRIDE . . . Edward H. Mayer and his bride, the former Mi» Margo Batoviky, whose marriage wat solemn'ned recently in Palm Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Mayer will live here. Brownie Troop Is Entertained dames L. C. Miller and W. Neelynds and will be served the dining room by Mrs. C. Rippy and her committee. * * * Junior Clubwomen Note Fifth Birthday The fifth birthday of the Ji ior Woman's club was the ccntive .for a most amusing a; merits. She explained that the interesting program In the clu F camp securing the largest num- ber of members would be gn?- sented with a dime bank and key. Redondo will be hostess camp for the spring convention and a large class of candidates will then be presented. Oracle Bralncr, of Redondo camp, discussed matters ol f in- terest to the group. Marie Bankston, vice oracle of the Bay District, who was\to Wednesday evening last week. Guests Included hu bands of the members and Se ior club members and their h bands. Guest speaker for the occ sion, who was presented by Mr* Don Moshos, was Monroe Ma ning, humorist deluxe who pr scnted an hour's program amusing incidents that ha happened in the theater. Servings of decorated birt have presided at the Tor^nce i day cake tea and coffee v?e nfceting is recovering from a ! enjoyed after the program Hos recent illness, it was reported. The memoiy of Neighbor Ber- j we"> L- tha Stevenson was honored with | cncrson, esses included Mmes. O. L. Cri McCoy, C. H. Hu E. Wilson, H. a resolution and draping of the camp charter. A social hour followed and re- freshments were served. High- lighting the affair was a de- lightful program presented by students of the Three Arts Stu- dio. * * * Disabled Veterans To Nominate Officers, Delegates Monday Tri-Cities Chapter No. 63, D.A. V. will meet at Civic audito- rium at 8:00 p.m. Monday, Feb. 'rius, speaking on the deput .uxiliary police activities as we 24. A disc"uss7on" oFccrtaln~ In- as general information rega dividual disability cases will be | ing^^he department heard. Nomination of officers Mann, Harold Lonn, the Mis: Bevcrly Holmes and Shlrley P terson. * * * PLANS SECTION MEET Mrs. Edgar Holland wil hostess at the Feb. 21 sectio meeting of the Friday Momln Study club. The meeting co vcnes at 1:30 p.m. Lt. Don Draper of the Poll department will be the epeak< on the "Know Your Communit; and delegates to the State con- vention at Long Beach, and the National convention at Las Ve- gas,. Nev., also will be on the Ida. Wives and children of veterans are invited. * * * Thursday Club At Valentine Luncheon n Mrs. Folts' Home Valentine decorations were uicd for the attract.vply ai--! luncheon table artangi.'d Mrs. G. Madsen, club membc Thursday in the home oi' Mi-3. E.hci Folts, 917 Cota a/-:. Guests, members of a n rgdnized neighborhood ne Mesdames Fern Mall will tell of her travels in Sout Afcrica, showing costume jew ry and authentic dolls of tha country. Members wishing to atten Tnay telephone Mrs. Hollam Mrs. Robert E. Carson or Mrs Elmer Rlggs for reservations * * * DINNER PARTY AT IIARSHBARGER HOME Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harshbar gcr were dinner hosts at the! home, 1104 Acacia ave., on Sat urday evening. An arrangement of pink an .. hite camellias centered th ly ! dining table set for Messrs. an '.'Mmcs. Walter Randig and Doi l's ' othy, Kenneth Campbell cggy Webb, Genevicvc Vanrk-r- i Eva Lynn, all of Wost Los An nool, Stelma Norris, Margaret Ke] es and Mrs L " Stewart and Peggy Peck. Thejvcntura adies spent the afternoon sew- * * * " Mrs. Ada Kalina* will enter- ain the club at her-home, 1028 Cota ave., on Thursday Feb. 27, vhen a pot luck luncheon will e enjoyed. was ng oi ine dinner a feature of the last the Big Ten club when me bei-s were entertained Friday at -- - i tne home of Mr. and Mrs. Dicli UTIIERAN LADIES I Seward, 1211 El Prado. PLAN MEETING | Bingo was the diversion witii The lU'bckah circle of First! Mr. mid Mrs. Wayne Morse utheran church will meet at' house prize winners. 10 home of Mrs. J. L. Boucher, | Following the social porc'on 618 Crenshuw blvd., on Friday j of the affair a brief buslnes: L-ning Feb. 21, at 7:30 o'clock, i M.-:w.on was held. ACCORDION Instruction and Band Practice BETTIE THOMAS Associated with RICHARDS-MARTIN SCHOOL OF DANCING 1915 GRAMERCX AVE. PH. TORRANCE 8II-W In rites recently performed in Palm Springs Miss, Margo Ba- tovsky became the bride of Mr. Members of Brownie Troo No". 576, sponsored by Torram elementary P.T.A., were deligh fully entertained Tuesday afti noon at the Engracia aven home of their leader, Mrs. A. Curtiss. Assisting with part arrangements were Mosdam Charles Barra and Bernard Lee At an attractively appointee Valentine table a decorated cak and other refreshments were served to about 22 Brownies Lollypop favors were provider for the girls and an cxchang of Valentines was featured. *»< * * CAMFFIKE GIRLS PLAN OPEN HOUSE, TEA The Harbor Area Campflre Girls' association will hold open house silver tea from 1:3 to 5:00 o'clock Saturday, Feb 22 in the Dana Strand Com munity building, 401 Hawaiia ave., Wllmington. The Torrance Gardens area will participate in entcrtalnmea and an exhibit from 1:30 ft* 2:30 o'clock. Also particlpatin will be Mrs. Agnes Wagner's Campflre group from Hammei on Tract, sponsored by 18611 street school PTA. Everyone i invited. * * * C.E. United Brethren lan Benefit Dinner -or Thursday, March 6 The auxiliary of Central Evan gclical United Brethren wil sponsor a benefit dinner to b served In Guild Hall, Mareeline at Arlington ave., on Thursday evening, March 6. The dinner lad been set tentatively for Feb. 27, It Is reported. Everyone is Invited. For re servatlons please call Mrs. Alice Bpeheger at Torrance 604 not ater than March 3. * * * I Scouts Plan Celebration Of ; 5th Anniversary The members of Girl Scout 'roop 184, sponsored by the Christian church, will present a rogram at the church Sunday venlng, Feb. 23, at 7 o'clocK. As the first step toward good ublic relations understanding, ic girls will dedicate the pro- ram to their sister Scouts all ver the world. Everyone is in- 'ted, particularly Girl Scouts .nd Brownies of Torrance. A oclal hour will follow in the ocial rooms of the church. geles. Rev. Ernest G. Hogarth, of the Episcopal church at Palm Springs, read the nuptial ser- vice. \ Beautifully'attired in a beige gabardine suit with brown ac- cessories complemented by a corsage of orchids, the bride was attended by Mrs. Bcverly Winatt, of Palm Springs. Er-_ nest Dunling of Palm .Springs attended the bridegroom as best man. _ Upon thrir return from if honeymoon at Twonty-nlncH Palms, Mr. and Mrs. , Mayer were honored at a reception for about 50 relatives and friends the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Batovsky, of 1324 W. Carson st. Mrs. Mayer, who was grad- uated from Torrance high ichool and completed a business :u'ursc at Frank Wlggins Trade' ichool, is a clerk-typist at/Los Angeles County Harbor fOcn- lospital. Her husband* a f Mrs. Kntherinc Mayer, of 1188 Denker ave., is employed with a Los Angeles firm. They will live here. * * * 18BTH STREET P.T.A. PLANS BUNCO PARTY bunco party to be spoil soi-ed by the 180th street school PTA will he held from 11:30 o 2:0b oVlock Tuesday, Feb. 2.1, n the home of Mrs. HL<|ITM» Armstrong, 20110 North ElliollU St., Hammcrton Tract. A 5l" hnrge will cover the uncheon cost and provide pleas- fternoon entertainment. Ev- eryone is' irvited. Torrance Herald Established, Jan. 1, 1914. Published Every Thursday Grover-C. YVhyte Editor-Publisher E. B. Br Torrance, Calif. ne 444 Adjudicated a Legal Newspaper By Superior Court, Los Angeles County. Entered as second class mat- er, January 30, 1914. at post fflcc, Torrance, -Calif., under ,ct of March 3, 1879. Official Newspaper of City of Torrance Subscription Rates J Anywhere In Los Angeles County* 12.00 per year Outside Los Angeles County tS on r««r vp«r NUTRI TONIC MACHINE PERMANENT HALLIWELL OIL MACHINELESS PERMANENT STYLIZED HAIR CUT INCLUDED $6.50 MYRTLE MELZ, formerly Of Alice's Beauty Shop, NOW associated with us, EMMA ROBERTS HKAUTY VU.<>\ Complete Permanent and Cold Wave Service 1313 Sartori Ave. Phone Torrance 806

DRESSES - charter. A social hour followed and re freshments were served. High lighting the affair was a de lightful program presented by students of the Three

Mar 12, 2021



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Page 1: DRESSES - charter. A social hour followed and re freshments were served. High lighting the affair was a de lightful program presented by students of the Three

F.bruary 20, 1947 TORRANCE HERALD

vish Women Luncheon;

tivities ToldSisterhood of the South

Jewish Community centerluncheon meeting at theof Mrs. Samuel Green-

District Chairman To Speak At Fern Avenue PTA Meeting

Mrs. Daniel J. Dalley, home service chairman for Tenth Dis trict PTA, an exceptionally fine

Legion Auxiliary Plans Dinner Party For Many Guests

Dinner Party At Grubb Home Marks Two Anniversaries

_ 1007 S. Catalina ave., 19,1t S%.mW<tCnumybefCobf ! -«^-" P"*«» at the regu-1 Andrew's Parish house.

new members were introduced I lar meeting of Fern avenue;

Invitations have been issued,' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rittmiller, | and reservations are being ac-1 of 1621 Madrid ave., were c copied for the membership din- plimcnted on the occasion ot

scheduled for 6:30 o'clock their 56th wedding anniversary


ter, of this city. At the last day, Feb. 26. Th

Community ha^ Redondo ̂ eadf " 'nClUde P311"

speaker, will be featured on the Monday evening, Feb. 24 in St., and her 78th birthday, when fam­ ily members gathered Sunday at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry

Special guests will be Nettie

by President Mrs. Mitchell Kan- j PTA, at 2:00 o'clock Wednes- ! Babcock and members of herprogram also winning team, members who'Gr"bb. of 16*0 Beech ave.

otic selections} have joined this year and who' At the dinner table, decorated

Interesting and enlightening talks on Sisterhood activities were

given by Mrs. Morton Baumanand Mrs. Green of Temple Is-.rael of Hollywood.

_* The next meeting of the Sis- ferMood will take, place on

r ^Wednesday Feb. 26 at South i ~-3»y Community hall at 1 p.m.

All Jewish persons are cordially tlnvtted to attend. For further

Information call Mrs. Kanter, . Torrance 1674-W.


Mr. and Mrs. L e r o y EarlStecker and their baby, Diana Lee, have been visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary

-Towler, 1828 Andreo ave. They will leave this week for their home in Portland.

by a group of Fern avenue stu- j will be Initiated following thi dinner; also Margaret Warwick,dents. and jonquils, places were set

The recipient of two PTA Ilfe|l9th District president; Bernice for the honor guests and Mr. membership awards will be re-1 Graves, her secretary; Beatrice ! and Mrs - Frank Gillies, of Hen-

district parliaments-1 scl- N- Dakota; Mr. and Mrsvealed during the meeting, it is j Trumbull, reported.

Ten will be served and a so­ cial hour will follow the busl-


VFW Auxiliary At Valentine Tea; Meetings Planned

Honoring mothers and their babies, a delightful Valentine tea was given -by. the V.F.W.

Woman's Club Sets Date For Annual Spring Carnival

With the 'successful completion projects, high.of cent

lighted by the presentation of Geraldine Larsen and her family in a delightful, evening program of magical mysteries, members of Toirance Woman's Club are

Diana Lee Sleeker, Sandra 'Sue j out lining plans for the third an

Auxiliary of Post 3251, at the home of Mrs. Hilma Malin on the afternoon of Feb. 14.

Small guests honored were:

Leigh Leighton, i nunl spring carnival scheduledBonnie Mae Leatherman, Rob-' ert Lee Roy Sullivan, Eddie FITberg Danny

Emory KarsteltaCurler, i R.


March 15. At. a recent ;lub meeting, Mrs

Smith, as general chair- plans and

rlan- Alice Newbanks district Gus Rittmilltr and family, On- ] honored guest was given a gaily named her committees for the'. ., ^ , ' .,, i (orin- i-mr v i-ioii-n T?r,i'ino wrapped gift with best wi.shcs various attractions, as follows:

membership chairman; Alice j £r°, Guy K^ Clare, Rpl ! "?! fron^nc Auxiliary. Group pic. | Bingo, with prizes, promises toPlaog, new national chairman; i Hills; Harold Rittmiller, Gerald Veda Hawks, president Redondo Grubb and Linda; Charles Grubb Beach unit American Legion j and the hosts, all of this city. Auxiliary and Audie Mrdglin, ] A decorated cake, appropriately

Inscribed, was cut and a rec­ ording of the group's singing

Many beautiful personal gifts were presented.

past president of Torrance unit. Dinner will be served by the

losing team, headed by Mable.! wlas


Roy J. Gossett, 44, 21964 S. Denker ave., pleaded guilty to driving-a motor vehicle in-Tor­ rance while under the influence \WliarrtsV_ of alcohol last week and was I A^refrrcsentative of the un(t ] The celebrants' son-m-law and fined $125 in Torrance City will attend a two-day child wcl- j daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gillies, court. Gossett's driver's license i fare convention at Mission Inn, i left next day for their home in

suspended for' the ensuing I Riverside, on Saturday and Sun-1 North Dakota following three30 days. I day Feb. 22 and 23. i weeks' visit here.

NOW! A Cay february \^ T~~"i:~vTH»r-Trah l5Bn»ijjL.ij , n , HI muiii""" ^

tin,Warburton, Florence Ma

Frankie Brown and Irei

turcs were taken. [ bc a popular feature of thThe Valentine motif was fol-1 fair and there will be a country

lowed throughout with floral ' store, a garden booth, book stall, decorations, arranged by the'cherry tree, with intriguing hostess and delicious refresh-. packages for everyone, a sale of ments prepared and i-crved by I'oola'cK foods and baked goods,

an apron sale, a white elephant booth, a gift shop, a grab bag.

In addition, a cleverly decorat- oci cake, with special appeal for younger children, will bc given away as well as an attractive

Sewing club members are hand-made wool afghan and a asked to meet Thursday Feb. handsome all-wool blanket. Use- 20 at the home of Mrs. Crab- ful and attractive pot holders tree, 728 Sartori ave., on the will be sold; there will be an following Thursday, Feb. 27, the;ever-popular fortune telling group will meet at the home of booth; pop corn and homemade Mabel Weigand, 2408 Andreo candy will be dispensed and

Wilkes.The next regular meeting will

be held at Civic auditorium on Feb. 17 at 8 p.m.

avenue.* * *

END OF MONTHfrom ffittav fill Next Saturday EIGHT GAY BAYS OF SELLING


38 REGULAR S22.95


Reg. $19.95 12 Only




Reg. $19.95 DRESSES

Reg. 17.95 DRESSES

Reg. 12.95 DRESSES

Reg. 8.95 DRESSES

2 for $19.95

2 for 17.95

2 for 12.95

2 for 8.95

Regular $2.98 & $3.98



Reg. $5.00 Koret 100% Wool

JERSEY BLOUSES SPORT SKIRTS...Reg. $3.98 2-Wey Stretch

GIRDLES..........Reg. $3.95 Brushed Rayon


$298 $398 S)99








Royal Neighbors Launch Membersjiip^ lc^r^ll^^A:P*rvT§ef"-^r:

Torrance Camp No. 8908, Royal Neighbors of America was host­ ess to the Bay District, RNA, held recently in Torrance Wo­ man's clubhouse. Oracle Mar­ garet Stavcns extended a cordial welcome to representatives of Lomita, San Pedro, Culver City, Ocean Pai't and Redondo camps.

Following the initiation of can­ didates District Deputy Mayme Kirchncr, of Culver City, con­ ducted the meeting and outlined the "Key Campaign" and its

every hour, on the hour, valu­ able prizes will be given away.

For family groups and indi­ viduals who plan to enjoy an informal supper. at the club-

to salad, coffee' and" b't

LOVELY BRIDE . . . Edward H. Mayer and his bride, the former Mi» Margo Batoviky, whose marriage wat solemn'ned recently in Palm Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Mayer will live here.

Brownie Troop Is Entertained

dames L. C. Miller and W. Neelynds and will be served the dining room by Mrs. C. Rippy and her committee.

* * *

Junior Clubwomen Note Fifth Birthday

The fifth birthday of the Ji ior Woman's club was the ccntive .for a most amusing a;

merits. She explained that the interesting program In the clu F

camp securing the largest num­ ber of members would be gn?- sented with a dime bank and key.

Redondo will be hostess camp for the spring convention and a large class of candidates will then be presented.

Oracle Bralncr, of Redondo camp, discussed matters olf in­ terest to the group.

Marie Bankston, vice oracle ofthe Bay District, who was\to

Wednesday evening last week. Guests Included hu bands of the members and Se ior club members and their h bands.

Guest speaker for the occ sion, who was presented by Mr* Don Moshos, was Monroe Ma ning, humorist deluxe who pr scnted an hour's program amusing incidents that ha happened in the theater.

Servings of decorated birthave presided at the Tor^nce i day cake tea and coffee v?e nfceting is recovering from a ! enjoyed after the program Hos recent illness, it was reported.

The memoiy of Neighbor Ber- j we"> L- tha Stevenson was honored with | cncrson,

esses included Mmes. O. L. Cri McCoy, C. H. Hu E. Wilson, H.

a resolution and draping of the camp charter.

A social hour followed and re­ freshments were served. High­ lighting the affair was a de­ lightful program presented by students of the Three Arts Stu­ dio.

* * *Disabled VeteransTo Nominate Officers,Delegates Monday

Tri-Cities Chapter No. 63, D.A.V. will meet at Civic audito­ rium at 8:00 p.m. Monday, Feb.

'rius, speaking on the deput .uxiliary police activities as we

24. A disc"uss7on" oFccrtaln~ In- as general information rega dividual disability cases will be | ing^^he department heard. Nomination of officers

Mann, Harold Lonn, the Mis: Bevcrly Holmes and Shlrley P terson.

* * *

PLANS SECTION MEETMrs. Edgar Holland wil

hostess at the Feb. 21 sectio meeting of the Friday Momln Study club. The meeting co vcnes at 1:30 p.m.

Lt. Don Draper of the Poll department will be the epeak< on the "Know Your Communit;

and delegates to the State con­ vention at Long Beach, and the National convention at Las Ve- gas,. Nev., also will be on the

Ida. Wives and children of veterans are invited.

* * *

Thursday Club At Valentine Luncheon n Mrs. Folts' HomeValentine decorations were

uicd for the attract.vply ai--! luncheon table artangi.'d

Mrs. G. Madsen, club membc

Thursday in the home oi' Mi-3.E.hci Folts, 917 Cota a/-:.

Guests, members of a n rgdnized neighborhood ne Mesdames Fern Mall

will tell of her travels in Sout Afcrica, showing costume jew ry and authentic dolls of tha country.

Members wishing to attenTnay telephone Mrs. HollamMrs. Robert E. Carson or MrsElmer Rlggs for reservations


Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harshbar gcr were dinner hosts at the! home, 1104 Acacia ave., on Sat urday evening.

An arrangement of pink an .. hite camellias centered th

ly ! dining table set for Messrs. an '.'Mmcs. Walter Randig and Doi

l's ' othy, Kenneth Campbellcggy Webb, Genevicvc Vanrk-r- i Eva Lynn, all of Wost Los An

nool, Stelma Norris, Margaret Ke]es and Mrs L " Stewart and Peggy Peck. Thejvcntura adies spent the afternoon sew- * * *"

Mrs. Ada Kalina* will enter- ain the club at her-home, 1028

Cota ave., on Thursday Feb. 27, vhen a pot luck luncheon will e enjoyed.

was ng oi

ine dinnera feature of the last the Big Ten club when me bei-s were entertained Friday at

-- - i tne home of Mr. and Mrs. Dicli UTIIERAN LADIES I Seward, 1211 El Prado.

PLAN MEETING | Bingo was the diversion witii The lU'bckah circle of First! Mr. mid Mrs. Wayne Morse utheran church will meet at' house prize winners. 10 home of Mrs. J. L. Boucher, | Following the social porc'on 618 Crenshuw blvd., on Friday j of the affair a brief buslnes:

L-ning Feb. 21, at 7:30 o'clock, i M.-:w.on was held.

ACCORDIONInstruction and Band Practice

BETTIE THOMASAssociated with


In rites recently performed in Palm Springs Miss, Margo Ba- tovsky became the bride of Mr.

Members of Brownie Troo No". 576, sponsored by Torram elementary P.T.A., were deligh fully entertained Tuesday afti noon at the Engracia aven home of their leader, Mrs. A. Curtiss. Assisting with part arrangements were Mosdam Charles Barra and Bernard Lee

At an attractively appointee Valentine table a decorated cak and other refreshments were served to about 22 Brownies Lollypop favors were provider for the girls and an cxchang of Valentines was featured.

*»< * *


The Harbor Area Campflre Girls' association will hold open house silver tea from 1:3 to 5:00 o'clock Saturday, Feb 22 in the Dana Strand Com munity building, 401 Hawaiia ave., Wllmington.

The Torrance Gardens area will participate in entcrtalnmea and an exhibit from 1:30 ft* 2:30 o'clock. Also particlpatin will be Mrs. Agnes Wagner's Campflre group from Hammei on Tract, sponsored by 18611

street school PTA. Everyone i invited.

* * *

C.E. United Brethren lan Benefit Dinner -or Thursday, March 6

The auxiliary of Central Evan gclical United Brethren wil sponsor a benefit dinner to b served In Guild Hall, Mareeline at Arlington ave., on Thursday evening, March 6. The dinnerlad been set tentatively for

Feb. 27, It Is reported.Everyone is Invited. For re

servatlons please call Mrs. AliceBpeheger at Torrance 604 notater than March 3.

* * *

I Scouts Plan Celebration Of

; 5th AnniversaryThe members of Girl Scout

'roop 184, sponsored by the Christian church, will present a

rogram at the church Sunday venlng, Feb. 23, at 7 o'clocK. As the first step toward good

ublic relations understanding, ic girls will dedicate the pro- ram to their sister Scouts all ver the world. Everyone is in- 'ted, particularly Girl Scouts .nd Brownies of Torrance. A oclal hour will follow in the ocial rooms of the church.

geles. Rev. Ernest G. Hogarth, of the Episcopal church at Palm Springs, read the nuptial ser­ vice. \ Beautifully'attired in a beige gabardine suit with brown ac­ cessories complemented by a corsage of orchids, the bride was attended by Mrs. Bcverly Winatt, of Palm Springs. Er-_ nest Dunling of Palm .Springs attended the bridegroom as best man. _

Upon thrir return from if honeymoon at Twonty-nlncH Palms, Mr. and Mrs. , Mayer were honored at a reception for about 50 relatives and friends

the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Batovsky, of 1324 W. Carson st.

Mrs. Mayer, who was grad­ uated from Torrance high ichool and completed a business :u'ursc at Frank Wlggins Trade' ichool, is a clerk-typist at/Los Angeles County Harbor fOcn-

lospital. Her husband* a f Mrs. Kntherinc Mayer,

of 1188 Denker ave., is employed with a Los Angeles firm. They will live here.

* * *


bunco party to be spoil soi-ed by the 180th street school PTA will he held from 11:30 o 2:0b oVlock Tuesday, Feb. 2.1, n the home of Mrs. HL<|ITM»

Armstrong, 20110 North ElliollU St., Hammcrton Tract. A 5l"

hnrge will cover the uncheon cost and provide pleas-

fternoon entertainment. Ev­ eryone is' irvited.

Torrance HeraldEstablished, Jan. 1, 1914.

Published Every ThursdayGrover-C. YVhyteEditor-Publisher

E. B. Br

Torrance, 444

Adjudicated a Legal Newspaper By Superior Court, Los

Angeles County. Entered as second class mat­

er, January 30, 1914. at post fflcc, Torrance, -Calif., under ,ct of March 3, 1879.

Official Newspaper of City of Torrance

Subscription Rates J Anywhere In Los Angeles County*

12.00 per yearOutside Los Angeles County

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