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Dresden Elementary School August 2016 Dear Dresden Families, Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! We are excited to see all of our Dresden students come back to us for another year of new learning. We are in our 2 nd year of implementing the Leader in Me initiative where we are creating a leadership culture by teaching effective habits that drive the school community. The philosophy of the Leader in Me is that the collective behavior of its people is how the community of learners relate with each other. It is manifested in the values norms, language, and systems of the school. Many factors go into creating a “leadership culture”. In addition to integrating the 7 Habits (see second page of this letter or visit our website-it has a new look! –at The Leader in Me emphasizes a leadership environment, shared leadership and leadership events. Everyone is expected to be a leader in the school and opportunities for students to be leaders are provided. Events are opportunities to nurture and honor the greatness in each individual. It is our goal to make the school culture at Dresden very empowering. A place where the people in the community of the school feel inspired and enabled to perform at their very best at all times. Stay tuned for additional information on the Leader in Me at Dresden. We will offer a parent night where parents can come and learn more about the habits later this year. If you want to learn more right now you can visit the website at and/or read the book that inspired the Franklin Covey partnership with bringing the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to the schools. The Leader in Me by Stephen Covey is available to borrow through our office or to buy on Please read the attached Back to School issue of the Dresden Dispatch thoroughly. It contains important infor- mation for the 2016-17 school year. There will be an updated version each month posted online. Hard copies will not be sent home, however, are available on request or in the office. This year a new process will be used to communicate elementary student class assignments. To provide a more convenient and secure system, schedules will be shared with parents directly through School Messenger, the PowerSchool portal and a new district APP. This year, we are changing the way we communicate classroom assignments for our students. To provide this information to you in a more convenient and secure manner, we will be e-mailing the classroom assignment to you directly using the e-mail addresses on file. The assignment will also be shared through the PowerSchool parent portal and through a customized APP that will be

Dresden Elementary School · Dresden Elementary School August 2016 Dear Dresden Families, Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! We are excited to see all of our Dresden students come

Jun 17, 2020



Welcome message from author
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Page 1: Dresden Elementary School · Dresden Elementary School August 2016 Dear Dresden Families, Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! We are excited to see all of our Dresden students come

Dresden Elementary School

August 2016

Dear Dresden Families,

Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! We are excited to see all of our Dresden students come back to us for

another year of new learning. We are in our 2nd year of implementing the Leader in Me initiative where we

are creating a leadership culture by teaching effective habits that drive the school community.

The philosophy of the Leader in Me is that the collective behavior of its people is how the community of

learners relate with each other. It is manifested in the values norms, language, and systems of the school.

Many factors go into creating a “leadership culture”. In addition to integrating the 7 Habits (see second page

of this letter or visit our website-it has a new look! –at The Leader in Me emphasizes a

leadership environment, shared leadership and leadership events. Everyone is expected to be a leader in the

school and opportunities for students to be leaders are provided. Events are opportunities to nurture and honor

the greatness in each individual. It is our goal to make the school culture at Dresden very empowering. A

place where the people in the community of the school feel inspired and enabled to perform at their very best

at all times. Stay tuned for additional information on the Leader in Me at Dresden. We will offer a parent

night where parents can come and learn more about the habits later this year. If you want to learn more right

now you can visit the website at and/or read the book that inspired

the Franklin Covey partnership with bringing the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to the schools. The

Leader in Me by Stephen Covey is available to borrow through our office or to buy on

Please read the attached Back to School issue of the Dresden Dispatch thoroughly. It contains important infor-

mation for the 2016-17 school year. There will be an updated version each month posted online. Hard copies

will not be sent home, however, are available on request or in the office.

This year a new process will be used to communicate elementary student class assignments. To provide a

more convenient and secure system, schedules will be shared with parents directly through School Messenger,

the PowerSchool portal and a new district APP.

This year, we are changing the way we communicate classroom assignments for our students. To provide this

information to you in a more convenient and secure manner, we will be e-mailing the classroom assignment to

you directly using the e-mail addresses on file. The assignment will also be shared through the PowerSchool

parent portal and through a customized APP that will be

Page 2: Dresden Elementary School · Dresden Elementary School August 2016 Dear Dresden Families, Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! We are excited to see all of our Dresden students come

available through Utica Community Schools (the APP will be available to download beginning August 22).

We will no longer be posting entire classroom lists on the doors of our school.

The assignments will be e-mailed to all parents on Wednesday, August 31. Beginning on Thursday, September

1 the information will be available on PowerSchool and the district’s customized APP. If your e-mail address

has changed over the past few months, please contact the school office.

Please join us on Thursday, September 1st for our 2nd Annual “Sneak Peak” where we will open the school

from 4:00-5:00 and you and your child can see where his/her classroom will be and meet the teacher. Our An-

nual PTO Welcome Back Picnic will also be on this day from 5:00-6:00. So, plan on coming to Dresden and

kicking off the new school year together on September 2nd. Hope to see you here!

Our first day of school is a half day on Tuesday, September 6th. Dismissal time on all half days is at 12:04

p.m. The first full day of school is Wednesday, September 7th, and the school lunch is Popcorn Chicken.

Our annual Curriculum Night/Open House will be held on Tuesday, September 27th at 6:30 p.m. We look for-

ward to seeing you all on this very special evening. A Title I parent meeting begins at 6:00pm in the gym.

Anyone interested in the learning more about the benefits of being a Title I school should plan on attending.

The Curriculum Night is an opportunity for parents to attend, listen to their child’s teacher talk about the

school year and ask questions. We ask that children do not attend this parent night.

Please assist us in making sure that your child’s day starts on a positive note by talking with them about fol-

lowing these few guidelines. Children walking to school or receiving rides from parents/friends should arrive

at school no earlier than 8:50 a.m. As students arrive, teachers are on duty outside and inside the building to

answer your questions and to assist students who may need help. Prior to that time, children are to be super-

vised by their parents or will remain on the bus until the first bell rings. In order to make the first day drop off

run smoothly, all teachers will be outside with a sign and class list. Find your teacher and hug your child

goodbye. Teachers will take the students into the building once the bell rings at 9:00.

If you have any other questions that were not answered in this letter or the attached Dresden Dispatch, please

feel free to contact our office at your convenience at (586) 797-4500.


Mrs. Jami Wood, Principal

Page 3: Dresden Elementary School · Dresden Elementary School August 2016 Dear Dresden Families, Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! We are excited to see all of our Dresden students come
Page 4: Dresden Elementary School · Dresden Elementary School August 2016 Dear Dresden Families, Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! We are excited to see all of our Dresden students come

Your students’ attendance

is very important to his/her

education and success

here at Dresden. Howev-

er, if your child needs to be

absent, please call the at-

tendance line and include

in your message; child’s

name (spell the last name),

teacher, grade, and reason

for absence (specific ill-

ness, vacation, funeral,


(586) 797-4599

It is available 24 hours

7 days a week.

supervision on the play-

ground before school, stu-

dents should not use the play-

ground equipment. Teachers

will allow students to enter

assigned doors at 8:50 and

supervise then until school

begins at 9:00.

Our UCS parent and student

handbook states, “general

supervision begins 10 minutes

before the start of school.” At

Dresden , that means students

should arrive at school no

earlier than 8:50AM. Stu-

dents should not come to

school before this time, un-

less enrolled in School Age

Child Care. Since there is no

If you need to pick up your

child(ren) earlier than our

regular time, you will have to

sign them out in the office.

Children will be dismissed

only to their parents or those

listed on their emergency

cards. All children will be

called to the office when

someone arrives to take

them out of school.

Early Arrival Early Dismissal

Volunteers and Visitors

office. You will also need

to wear a visitor badge

and be prepared to show

your ID if you are going

into the school. Please go

directly to the classroom

you are volunteering in.

We love having volunteers

and visitors here at Dres-

den! In order to keep our

students in a continuously

safe environment, we ask

that you please come into

the office and sign in at the

counter, then sign out be-

fore you leave. If you

have not filled out a Volun-

teer Background Check

form, please do so in the

Page 4

9:00 AM-3:50 PM

Lunch/ Recess

Half day dismissal

12:04 PM

Office Hours:

8:00 AM—4:30 PM


School Day Attendance

Page 5: Dresden Elementary School · Dresden Elementary School August 2016 Dear Dresden Families, Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! We are excited to see all of our Dresden students come

We are always in need of

lunchroom and recess su-

pervisors, These are paid

positions from 11:30-12;30

each day. Lunch Aides

work in our lunch room and

on the playground supervis-

ing students and ensuring

their safety, If you are

interested, or know of any-

one who might be, please

call Michelle at (586) 797-


If your student re-

quires medication, in-

cluding over the coun-

ter medication, during

the school hours UCS

requires a medical

plan signed by a doc-

tor be on file in the of-

fice . These forms can

be attained in the front



Utica Community Schools is pleased to introduce Family Connection linked with Naviance™ – a compre-

hensive website that your child can use to make plans about colleges and careers.

Family Connection allows your child to:

Research colleges

Research and apply for scholarships

Research careers

Prepare for the ACT test

Set academic and career goals for the future Build a resume

Tenth and eleventh grade students will receive their login and password information

in the month of January. Please discuss this exciting new opportunity with your

child. Look for additional information regarding this

district initiative.

Lunchtime Aides Needed! Medication Plans

Page 5

“The UCS Community Education department is introducing a new website that features an easy to use on-line registration system. Please visit”

Page 6: Dresden Elementary School · Dresden Elementary School August 2016 Dear Dresden Families, Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! We are excited to see all of our Dresden students come

Utica Community Schools is committed to promoting the safe and effective use of technology. Through our district’s K-12 digital citizenship initiatives, we are providing students with information that promotes the proper use of digital content and tools.

A tool that families can use to help protect their children is the Michigan Child Protec-tion Registry. This free service from the State of Michigan protects children’s e-mail, cell phone numbers and Instant Messaging addresses from receiving inappropriate, adult-themed material.

The registry can be accessed by visiting In addition, par-ents can click on the Protect MI Child icon, which will soon appear on the district and school Web sites for direct access to the registry.

New Federal Guidelines Set for Snacks Sold in School New federal mandated snack and beverage standards were im-

plemented effective July 1, 2014 in school districts nationwide. This will impact snacks sold by the district and through

school fundraisers. In accordance with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act and the United States Department of Agricul-

ture (USDA), Utica Community Schools has implemented the required nutrition standards for all snacks sold in school by

all parties, including parent/student organizations, teachers, boosters, fundraisers and the Food and Nutrition Services de-

partment. These standards for snack sales are in effect from any time before school through one-half hour (30 minutes)

after school. through the rest of the day. The standards do not apply to foods brought from home for personal con-

sumption or to foods provided to students at no cost (i.e. approved special events).

The standards do not apply to items sold beginning 30 minutes after school through the rest of the day. The standards do

not apply to foods brought from home for personal consumption or to foods provided to students at no cost (i.e. ap-

proved special events).

Page 7: Dresden Elementary School · Dresden Elementary School August 2016 Dear Dresden Families, Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! We are excited to see all of our Dresden students come

Birthday Treats

Due to the increased focus on keeping our students healthy, we will continue with our goal of pro-

moting healthier choices. This year we will not be accepting birthday treats into our classrooms or

school. Please keep in mind that this means no food items will be distributed to classmates if your

child celebrates a birthday during the school year. As adults, we will certainly acknowledge children

who are celebrating a birthday in the same way as usual (for example: a song, a crown, a sticker, a

visit to the Principal.) In addition, teachers can provide suggestions for items other than food/treats

to pass out to classmates. Some popular suggestions have been; a book for the class, a board

game for indoor recess, a ball or jump rope for outdoor recess, individual pencils, stickers or eras-

ers to name a few. Thank you in advance for your adherence to this prac-

tice. It is our belief that this change will become a welcome one once we rec-

ognize the benefits to all our Dresden Dragons.

Page 8: Dresden Elementary School · Dresden Elementary School August 2016 Dear Dresden Families, Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! We are excited to see all of our Dresden students come

Th Sept 1 Back to School Picnic/ Sneak Peek 4-6pm

T Sept 6 First Day of School 1/2 day dismissal at 12:04pm

W Sept 14 PTO Meeting 6:30pm

F Sept 16 Kona Ice Truck for completed summer packets

W Sept 21 Picture Day

T Sept 27 Curriculum Night 6:30pm

W Oct 12 Boston Market Restaurant Night 4-9pm

W Oct 19 PTO Meeting 6:30pm

Th Oct 20 Rink Night 6-8pm

Su Oct 23 Trunk or Treat 6-8pm

F Oct 28 Bingo Night 6-8pm

M Oct 31 1/2 day dismissal at 12:04pm for records

W Nov 2 PTO Meeting 6:30pm

Th Nov 17 1/2 day dismissal at 12:04pm for conferences

F Nov 18 Piada Restaurant Night

Nov 23-27 Thanksgiving Break

M-F Dec 5-9 Santa Shop

Th Dec 22 5th Grade Heritage Day 1:30-3:00

Dec 23-Jan 3 Winter Break

W Jan 4 Classes resume

W Jan 11 PTO Meeting 6:30pm

M Jan 16 No School MLK Day

Th Jan 19 & 20 1/2 day dismissal at 12:04pm for records

M Feb 6 Rojo Mexican Bistro Lakeside Mall Restaurant

W Feb 9 Rink Night 6-8pm

W Feb 15 PTO Meeting 6:30pm

Feb 20-26 Mid-winter break

T Feb 28 2nd Grade Field Trip to Macomb Center of Performing


F Mar 3 Bingo Night 6pm

T Mar 14 Dave and Buster Restaurant Night 5-9

W March 15 PTO Meeting 6:30pm

F March 24 Daddy Daughter Dance

Dresden Elementary Calendar

Page 9: Dresden Elementary School · Dresden Elementary School August 2016 Dear Dresden Families, Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! We are excited to see all of our Dresden students come

W March 30 2nd Grade Wax Museum 1:30-2:30

W March 30 Rink Night 6-8pm

F March 31 1/2 day dismissal at 12:04pm for records

April 3-9 Spring Break

M April 10 4th Grade Field Trip to Lansing

F April 14 No school for Good Friday

W April 26 PTO Meeting 6:30pm

F April 28 Mother Son Bowling 6-8pm

W May 17 PTO meeting 6:30pm

W May 24 Rink Night 6-8

May 26 & 29 No School Memorial Day

S May 27 Deneweth’s Fundraiser Day

M June 5 6th Grade Field Trip to Camp Copneconic

W June 7 Menchie’s Restaurant Night

W June 7 PTO Meeting 6:30pm

Th June 15 Last day of School ½ day 12:04 dismissal

Page 10: Dresden Elementary School · Dresden Elementary School August 2016 Dear Dresden Families, Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! We are excited to see all of our Dresden students come
Page 11: Dresden Elementary School · Dresden Elementary School August 2016 Dear Dresden Families, Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! We are excited to see all of our Dresden students come

You are invited to celebrate back to school with the entire UCS commu-nity at a special night of baseball at Jimmy John’s field on Friday, August 26th. The UCS Back to School night will allow district residents and sup-

porters to receive a special food and ticket package and watch the hometown Utica Unicorns take on the Eastside Diamond Hoppers at a 7:05 p.m. matchup at the new field, on Auburn Road in downtown Utica. For tickets, visit and enter the promo code UTI-CASCHOOLS in all capital letters. We hope to see you there.

Page 12: Dresden Elementary School · Dresden Elementary School August 2016 Dear Dresden Families, Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! We are excited to see all of our Dresden students come
Page 13: Dresden Elementary School · Dresden Elementary School August 2016 Dear Dresden Families, Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! We are excited to see all of our Dresden students come