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Жирију за доделу награде за достигнућа у математичким наукама 13. Српског математичког конгреса Предмет: Предлог за доделу награде за достигнућа у математичким наукама Поштовани, слободни смо да предложимо да се награда за достигнућа у математичким наукама 13. Српског математичког конгреса додели др Драгану Стевановићу. У складу са правилима за награду, кандидујемо др Драгана Стевановића првенствено на основу његових 35 самосталних научних радова и 2 самостална поглавља у научним монографијама из списка који следи, али и на основу осталих научних радова и стручних достигнућа. Списак самосталних радова др Драгана Стевановића (у заградама је дат број цитата): 1. (цитиран 35 пута) D. Stevanović, On the Randić index and Diameter of Chemical Graphs, in: Recent Results in the Theory of Randić Index (I. Gutman, B. Furtula, eds.), MathemaGcal Chemistry Monographs, Vol. 6, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, 2008, pp. 49-55. 2. (цитиран 24 пута) D. Stevanović, Hosoya polynomial of composite graphs , Discrete Math. 235 (2001), 237-244. 3. (цитиран 20 пута) D. Stevanović, Laplacian-like energy of trees, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 61 (2009), 407-417. 4. (цитиран 15 пута) D. Stevanović, The largest eigenvalue of nonregular graphs, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 91 (2004), 143-146. 5. (цитиран 15 пута) D. Stevanović, Bounding the largest eigenvalue of trees in terms of the largest vertex degree, Linear Algebra Appl. 360 (2003), 35-42. 6. (цитиран 13 пута) D. Stevanović, Research Problems from the Aveiro Workshop on Graph Spectra, Linear Algebra Appl. 423 (2007), 172-181. 7. (цитиран 12 пута) D. Stevanović, Maximizing Wiener index of graphs with *xed maximum degree, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 60 (2008), 71-83. 8. (цитиран 10 пута) D. Stevanović, Energy and NEPS of graphs, Linear MulGlinear Algebra 53 (2005), 67-74. 9. (цитиран 9 пута) D. Stevanović, Graphs with palindromic independence polynomial , Graph Theory Notes of New York 34 (1998), 31--36 10. (цитиран 6 пута) D. Stevanović, Clique polynomials of threshold graphs , Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektr. Fak, Ser. Mat. 8 (1997), 84-87. 11. (цитиран 4 пута) D. Stevanović, Applica/ons of graph spectra in quantum physics , in: Selected topics on applicaGons of graph spectra (D. Cvetković, I. Gutman, eds.), CollecGon of Papers Vol. 14 (22), MathemaGcal InsGtute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, 2011, pp. 85- 112. 12. (цитиран 3 пута) D. Stevanović, 4-Regular integral graphs avoiding ±3 in the spectrum, Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektr. Fak, Ser. Mat. 14 (2003), 99-110. 13. (цитиран 2 пута) D. Stevanović, Large sets of noncospectral graphs with equal Laplacian energy, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 61 (2009), 463-470. 14. (цитиран 2 пута) D. Stevanović, Distance regularity of composi/ons of graphs , Appl. Math. Leaers 17 (2004), 337-343.

Dragan Stevanović

Jan 29, 2017



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Page 1: Dragan Stevanović

Жирију за доделу

награде за достигнућа у математичким наукама

13. Српског математичког конгреса

Предмет: Предлог за доделу награде за достигнућа у математичким наукама


слободни смо да предложимо да се награда за достигнућа у математичким наукама 13. Српског

математичког конгреса додели др Драгану Стевановићу.

У складу са правилима за награду, кандидујемо др Драгана Стевановића првенствено на основу

његових 35 самосталних научних радова и 2 самостална поглавља у научним монографијама из

списка који следи, али и на основу осталих научних радова и стручних достигнућа.

Списак самосталних радова др Драгана Стевановића (у заградама је дат број цитата):

1. (цитиран 35 пута) D. Stevanović, On the Randić index and Diameter of Chemical Graphs, in: Recent

Results in the Theory of Randić Index (I. Gutman, B. Furtula, eds.), MathemaGcal Chemistry

Monographs, Vol. 6, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, 2008, pp. 49-55.

2. (цитиран 24 пута) D. Stevanović, Hosoya polynomial of composite graphs, Discrete Math. 235

(2001), 237-244.

3. (цитиран 20 пута) D. Stevanović, Laplacian-like energy of trees, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput.

Chem. 61 (2009), 407-417.

4. (цитиран 15 пута) D. Stevanović, The largest eigenvalue of nonregular graphs, J. Combin. Theory,

Ser. B 91 (2004), 143-146.

5. (цитиран 15 пута) D. Stevanović, Bounding the largest eigenvalue of trees in terms of the largest

vertex degree, Linear Algebra Appl. 360 (2003), 35-42.

6. (цитиран 13 пута) D. Stevanović, Research Problems from the Aveiro Workshop on Graph Spectra,

Linear Algebra Appl. 423 (2007), 172-181.

7. (цитиран 12 пута) D. Stevanović, Maximizing Wiener index of graphs with *xed maximum degree,

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 60 (2008), 71-83.

8. (цитиран 10 пута) D. Stevanović, Energy and NEPS of graphs, Linear MulGlinear Algebra 53 (2005),


9. (цитиран 9 пута) D. Stevanović, Graphs with palindromic independence polynomial, Graph Theory

Notes of New York 34 (1998), 31--36

10. (цитиран 6 пута) D. Stevanović, Clique polynomials of threshold graphs, Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektr.

Fak, Ser. Mat. 8 (1997), 84-87.

11. (цитиран 4 пута) D. Stevanović, Applica/ons of graph spectra in quantum physics, in: Selected

topics on applicaGons of graph spectra (D. Cvetković, I. Gutman, eds.), CollecGon of Papers Vol. 14

(22), MathemaGcal InsGtute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, 2011, pp. 85-


12. (цитиран 3 пута) D. Stevanović, 4-Regular integral graphs avoiding ±3 in the spectrum, Univ.

Beograd. Publ. Elektr. Fak, Ser. Mat. 14 (2003), 99-110.

13. (цитиран 2 пута) D. Stevanović, Large sets of noncospectral graphs with equal Laplacian energy,

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 61 (2009), 463-470.

14. (цитиран 2 пута) D. Stevanović, Distance regularity of composi/ons of graphs, Appl. Math. Leaers

17 (2004), 337-343.

Page 2: Dragan Stevanović

15. (цитиран 2 пута) D. Stevanović, Nonexistence of some 4-regular integral graphs, Univ. Beograd.

Publ. Elektr. Fak, Ser. Mat. 10 (1999), 81-86.

16. (цитиран 1 пут) D. Stevanović, Two spectral characteriza/ons of regular, bipar/te graphs with *ve

eigenvalues, Linear Algebra Appl. 435 (2011), 2612-2625.

17. (цитиран 1 пут) D. Stevanović, Counterexamples to conjectures on graphs with greatest edge-

Szeged index, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 64 (2010), 603-606.

18. (цитиран 1 пут) D. Stevanović, An algorithm for construc/ng graphs with given eigenvalues and

angles, Filomat 13 (1999), 1-13.

19. D. Stevanović, Remarks on dynamic load balancing of integer loads and integral graphs, Appl. Math.

Comput. 226 (2014), 38-43.

20. D. Stevanović, Comment on ``Subgraph centrality in complex networks'', Phys. Rev. E 88 (2013),


21. D. Stevanović, Comparing the Zagreb indices of the NEPS of graphs, Appl. Math. Comput. 219

(2012), 1082-1086.

22. D. Stevanović, Oriented incidence energy and threshold graphs, FILOMAT 25 (2011), issue 2, 1-8.

23. D. Stevanović, Remarks on Fowler-Manolopoulos predictor of fullerene stability, MATCH Commun.

Math. Comput. Chem. 66 (2011), 285-292.

24. D. Stevanović, Resolu/on of AutoGraphiX conjectures rela/ng the index and matching number of

graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 433 (2010), 1674-1677.

25. D. Stevanović, Approximate energy of dendrimers, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 64

(2010), 65-73.

26. D. Stevanović, Large sets of long distance equienerge/c graphs, Ars Math. Contemp. 2 (2009), 35-


27. D. Stevanović, All graphs in which each pair of dis/nct ver/ces has exactly two common neighbours,

Math. Bohemica 130 (2005), 101-105.

28. D. Stevanović, Bipar/te density of cubic graphs: case of equality, Discrete Math. 283 (2004), 279-


29. D. Stevanović, Note on a ques/on of Karimi, Lewinter and Stau;er, Graph Theory Notes of New York

46 (2004), 43-44.

30. D. Stevanović, Maximal planar biregular graphs, Graph Theory Notes of New York 46 (2004), 45-48.

31. D. Stevanović, A Note on a Conjecture due to Gutman, Graph Theory Notes of New York 46 (2004),


32. D. Stevanović, Remarks on graphs with majority of eigenvalues at most -1, Linear Algebra Appl. 367

(2003), 337-340.

33. D. Stevanović, On the components of NEPS of connected bipar/te graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 356

(2002), 67-78.

34. D. Stevanović, On the number of maximal independent sets of ver/ces in star-like ladders, Fibonacci

Quarterly 39 (2001), no. 3, 211-213.

35. D. Stevanović, An/podal graphs of small diameter, Filomat 15 (2001) 79-83.

36. D. Stevanović, When can the components of NEPS be almost cospectral?, Linear Algebra Appl. 311

(2000), 35-44.

37. D. Stevanović, When is NEPS of graphs connected?, Linear Algebra Appl. 301 (1999), 137-144.

Сви ови научни радови др Драгана Стевановића су веома квалитетни и објављени у добрим

часописима. Докази о цитираности ових научних чланака се могу наћи у приложеној потврди

Универзитетске библиотеке ”Светозар Марковић” о броју цитата.

Др Драган Стевановић је рођен 20. јула 1974. године, тако да у години конгреса пуни 40 година

живота. У периоду од 1998. до новембра 2013. био је запослен на Природно-математичком

факултету (у звањима од асистента-приправника до редовног професора), а од децембра 2013.

запослен је на Математичком институту САНУ у звању научног саветника.

Page 3: Dragan Stevanović

Др Драган Стевановић се бави истраживањима у области спектралне теорије графова, као и

применама спектара графова у рачунарству и проучавању комплексних мрежа. У досадашњој

научној каријери, Драган Стевановић је објавио 97 чланака у научним часописима и 5 поглавља у

научним монографијама који су до средине 2013. године цитирани укупно 578 пута (без аутоцитата).

Од тога је следећих 9 чланака цитирано укупно 239 пута (без аутоцитата):

• (цитиран 38 пута) K. Balinska, D. Cvetković, Z. Radosavljević, S. Simić, D. Stevanović, A survey on

integral graphs, Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektr. Fak, Ser. Mat. 13 (2002), 42–65

• (цитиран 35 пута) D. Stevanović, On the Randić index and Diameter of Chemical Graphs, in: Recent

Results in the Theory of Randić Index (I. Gutman, B. Furtula eds.), MathemaGcal Chemistry

Monographs, Vol. 6, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, 2008, pp. 49–55

• (цитиран 28 пута) AIM Minimum Rank—Special Graphs Work Group (18 аутора укључујући

Драгана Стевановића), Zero forcing sets and the minimum rank of graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 428

(2008), 1628–1648

• (цитиран 26 пута) B. Zhou, D. Stevanović, A Note on Zagreb Indices, MATCH Commun. Math.

Comput. Chem. 56 (2006), 571–578

• (цитиран 24 пута) D. Stevanović, A. Ilić, On the Laplacian coe?cients of unicyclic graphs, Linear

Algebra Appl. 430 (2009), 2290–2300

• (цитиран 24 пута) D. Stevanović, Hosoya polynomial of composite graphs, Discrete Math. 235

(2001), 237–244

• (цитиран 22 пута) M. Bašić, M. Petković, D. Stevanović, Perfect state transfer in integral circulant

graphs, Appl. Math. Leaers 22 (2009), 1117–1121

• (цитиран 22 пута) A. Ilić, D. Stevanović, On comparing Zagreb indices, MATCH Commun. Math.

Comput. Chem. 62 (2009), 681–687

• (цитиран 20 пута) D. Stevanović, Laplacian-like energy of trees, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput.

Chem. 61 (2009), 407–417

Поред објављивања научних радова, др Драган Стевановић је посвећен и повећању угледа српске

математике у светској математичкој јавности кроз бројне научне активности, као што су:

• чланство у уређивачком одбору угледног математичког часописа Linear Algebra and its


• гостујућа уредништва у специјалним бројевима математичких часописа Linear Algebra and Its

Applica/ons и Discrete Applied Mathema/cs,

• организација и председништво програмским одбором међународне конференције

Applica/ons of Graph Spectra in Computer Science у Институту CRM у Барселони, која је одржана

од 16-20. јула 2012. године,

• позвана предавања на девет међународних и две националне конференције,

• предавања која је држао у оквиру научних семинара на 12 иностраних универзитета на

четири различита континента,

• учествовање у комисији за одбрану докторске дисертације кандидата Dajie Liu на Техничком

универзитету у Делфту, Холандија, у марту 2013. године,

• учествовање у комисији за оцену урађене докторске дисертације кандидата Marsha Elizabeth

Minchenko на Монаш универзитету, Аустралија, у јануару 2014. године,

• научну сарадњу са више од педесет иностраних математичара, хемичара, физичара и

инжењера, која је резултирала објављивањем 62 заједничка чланка у научним часописима.

Page 4: Dragan Stevanović

У прилогу овог предлога достављамо:

• детаљан CV др Драгана Стевановића са списком његових научних радова,

• званичну потврду Универзитетске библиотеке ”Светозар Марковић” о броју цитата са списком

радова који цитирају дела др Драгана Стевановића,

• копију личне карте др Драгана Стевановића са датумом рођења, као и

• потврду Природно-математичког факултета Универзитета у Нишу о радном односу у периоду

од 2000-2013.

Сви научни чланци др Драгана Стевановића доступни су на

Подносиоци предлога,

Проф. др Драгош Цветковић, с.р.

редовни члан САНУ

Проф. др Иван Гутман, с.р.

редовни члан САНУ

Проф. др Слободан Симић, с.р.

научни саветник

Проф. др Љубиша Кочинац, с.р.

редовни професор у пензији

Page 5: Dragan Stevanović

Curriculum Vitae

Dragan Stevanovic

February 5, 2014

Home: Ktitor 35, 18000 Nis, Serbiatel: +381 18 212 516, fax: +381 18 533 014

E-mail: [email protected]

Web site:

O�ce: Mathematical Institute, Serbian Academy of Science and ArtsKnez Mihajlova 36, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Born: July 20, 1974, Nis, Serbia, YugoslaviaFamily status: Married to Sanja since June 25, 2000

Son Djordje born on May 5, 2003Daughter Milica born on July 17, 2006


Ph.D. in Mathematics, 2000.Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Nis, Serbia, YUThesis title: Some compositions of graphs and integral graphs.Thesis advisor: Professor Dragos Cvetkovic.

M.Sc. in Mathematics, 1998.Faculty of Philosophy, Nis, Serbia, YUThesis title: Construction of graphs with given eigenvalues and angles.Thesis advisor: Professor Dragos Cvetkovic.

B.S. in Mathematics, 1996.Faculty of Philosophy, Nis, Serbia, YUAverage grade 9.89 (out of 10)



Page 6: Dragan Stevanović

Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, Belgrade, SerbiaResearch Professor, December 2013 –

Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technology, Koper, SloveniaVisiting Professor, October 2007 –

Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Nis, SerbiaFull Professor, July 2008 – November 2013Associate Professor, September 2004 – June 2008Assistant Professor, September 2000 – August 2004Teaching Assistant, October 1999 – August 2000

Faculty of Economics, Belgrade, SerbiaAssociate Professor, September 2004 – September 2006, part-timeAssistant Professor, October 2003 – August 2004, part-time

Forschungsschwerpunkt Mathematisierung, University of Bielefeld, GermanyPostdoctoral researcher, February 2002–August 2003

Faculty of Philosophy, Nis, Serbia, YUTeaching Assistant, October 1997 – September 1999

Ei SiGraf, Nis, Serbia, YU (representative of Silicon Graphics Inc.)Programmer, September 1993 – December 1995, part-time


Linear Algebra and its ApplicationsAssociate Editor, 2014–

Discrete Applied MathematicsGuest editor for Special Issue“Applications of Graph Spectra in Computer Science”, 2012–2014

Linear Algebra and its ApplicationGuest editor for Special Issue dedicated to70th birthday of Dragos Cvetkovic, 2010–2011

FILOMATEditorial Board Member, 2008–2013

Matematicki VesnikEditorial Board Member, 2010–

Journal of Mathematical NanoscienceEditorial Board Member, 2011–

Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science SeriesEditorial Board Member, 2010–

Facta Universitatis, Series Mathematics and Informatics


Page 7: Dragan Stevanović

Editorial Board Member, 2008–Spectral Graph Theory Home Page, http://www.sgt.pep.ufrj.brEditor of Open Problems Section, 2005–


Coordinator of CRM Advanced Course on Combinatorial Matrix TheoryCRM, Barcelona, July 14–18, 2014.

Coordinator, Scientific Committee Chair and Organizing Committee Co-chair ofCRM Conference on Graph Spectra Applications in Computer ScienceCRM, Barcelona, July 16–20, 2012.

Organized Minisymposium on Graph Spectra and its Applicationsat the 7th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory,Bled, Slovenia, June 19–25, 2011.

Co-organized (with Vlado Nikiforov) Minisymposium on Spectral Graph Theoryat the 16th ILAS Conference, Pisa, Italy, June 21–25, 2010.

Open Problems Session Chair at the Spectral Graph Theory Workshop in Rio,Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 1–4, 2008.

Organized Working Group Using the spectral graph theory techniques tosearch for strongly regular and distance regular graphs at the5th Linear Algebra Workshop, Kranjska Gora, May 27–June 5, 2008.

Co-organized (with Slobodan Simic) Minisymposium on Spectral Graph Theoryat the 6th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory,Bled, Slovenia, June 24–30, 2007.

Open Problems Session Chair at the Aveiro Workshop on Graph Spectra,Aveiro, Portugal, April 10–12, 2006.


Serbian Ministry of Education and Science Grant No. 174033Project leader: Dragos Cvetkovic, duration: 2011–2014

Grants for PhD students under my supervision at the University of PrimorskaSlovenian Research Agency, Young Researcher Programme1. Recipient: Alexander Vasilyev, duration: 2011–20142. Recipient: Pawel Petecki, duration: 2012–20153. Recipient: Tatiana Romina Hartinger, duration: 2013–2016

USA-Slovenian Bilateral Research Project No. BI-US/13-14-020“Resolving the conjecture on almost cospectrality of the components of NEPS of graphs”


Page 8: Dragan Stevanović

Project leader in Slovenia: Dragan StevanovicProject leader in USA: Richard Brualdi, duration: 2013–2014

Serbian-Slovak Bilateral Research Project“Applications and study of integral graphs”Project leader in Serbia: Dragan StevanovicProject leader in Slovakia: Pavel Hic, duration: 2010–2013

Slovenian-Montenegrian Bilateral Research Project“Modern topological indices in mathematical chemistry and their computer modelling”Project leader in Slovenia: Dragan StevanovicProject leader in Montenegro: Zana Kovijanic, duration: 2010–2011

Slovenian Agency for Research, Programme P1-0285Project leader: Dragan Marusic, duration: 2008–2013

Slovenian-Serbian Bilateral Research Project No. BI-RS/05-09-008Project leader in Slovenia: Dragan MarusicProject leader in Serbia: Dragan Stevanovic, duration: 2008–2009

Serbian Ministry of Science, Technology and Development Grant No. 144015GProject leader: Dragos Cvetkovic, duration: 2006–2010

Serbian Ministry of Science, Technology and Development Grant No. 1389Project leader: Dragos Cvetkovic, duration: 2002–2005

Serbian Ministry of Science, Technology and Development Grant No. 1227Project leader: Miroslav Ciric, duration: 2002–2005

Serbian Ministry of Science and Technology Grant No. 04M03BProject leader: Stojan Bogdanovic, duration: 1996–2001


DAAD Intensive Course “Graph Spectra and Applications”, duration: August 28–September 3, 201220 classes course taught in Hotel Breza, Spa of Vrnjci by myself and Robert Elsasser (Salzburg)for 20 students from Western Balkan countries and Romania

WUS Austria eLearning project No. eLP 001/2006Project leader: Dragan Stevanovic, duration: May 2006–April 2007

TEMPUS CD-JEP 16160–2001Project leader: Claudio Moraga, duration: 2002–2005


University of Primorska, Koper, SloveniaScientific Excellence Award, 2011


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Ministry of Science and Technology of SerbiaResearch Merit Award, 2004

International Conference FILOMAT 2001Award for best young Serbian algebraists

Ministry of Science and Technology of SerbiaGraduate Fellowship, 1997 – 1998


Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Nis, SerbiaOrganizer of one-day promotion of Computer Science studiesamong high-school students awarded at mathematical and informatics competitions, 2010–2013(with visible results: number of student applications doubled in 2010 and in 2011 each)

Head of Institute for Computer Science, 2009–Coauthor of an accredited study programs (1st, 2nd and 3rd level) in Computer Science, 2008Head of Cathedra for Informatics, 2004–2007

Euro-Mediterranean University, Piran, SloveniaRegistered expert for ENPI 2009 project, 2010

Mathematical Society of Serbia, Nis branchChair, 2004–2007

Yugoslav Committee for high-school mathematical competitionsMember, 1997–2000

Serbian Committee for high-school mathematical competitionsMember, 1997–2000


Grant proposals referee for funding agencies:

American Mathematical Society, 2013Kuwait Foundation for Advancement of Science, 2013Slovak Ministry of Science, 2011

Ad-hoc referee of 15-20 manuscripts per annum for:⇧ Linear Algebra Appl. ⇧ Linear Multilinear Algebra ⇧ European J. Combin. ⇧ Graphs and Combin. ⇧Discrete Math. ⇧ Discrete Appl. Math. ⇧ Ars Combin. ⇧ MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. ⇧Appl. Math. Letters ⇧ Appl. Math. Comput. ⇧ Comput. Math. Appl. ⇧ Math. Model. ⇧ Acta Math.Sinica ⇧ Electronic J. Linear Algebra ⇧ Publ. Inst. Math. (Belgrade) ⇧ Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektr.Fak, Ser. Mat. ⇧ FILOMAT (Nis) ⇧ DIMACS Series in Discrete Math. and Theor. Comp. Sci. ⇧ . . .


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Lectures and seminars (not conference lectures) held at:⇧ Rutgers University, USA (2001) ⇧ University of Bielefeld, Germany (2002) ⇧ GERAD, Montreal,Canada (2004, 2007) ⇧ Mathematical Institute of Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia(2004, 2008, 2014) ⇧ University of Tilburg, Netherlands (2005) ⇧ Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,Brazil (2005, 2008) ⇧ Fluminense Federal University, Niteroi, Brazil (2005) ⇧ San Diego State University,USA (2006) ⇧ Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (2006) ⇧ Institute of Mathematics, Physics andMechanics, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2007) ⇧ University of Messina, Italy (2010) ⇧ Technical University Delft,The Netherlands (2013) ⇧ University of Salzburg, Austria (2013) ⇧ University of Wisconsin-Madison,USA (2013)


Tatiana Romina Hartinger, in progressPh.D. student under “Young Researcher Programme”

Pawel Petecki, in progressPh.D. student under “Young Researcher Programme”

Aleksandar Vasilyev, in progressPh.D. student under “Young Researcher Programme”

Aleksandar Ilic, 2011Ph.D. Thesis: Extremal problems and algorithms for graph invariantsbased on eigenvalues and distances

Milan Basic, 2011Ph.D. Thesis: Some problems of graph theory in quantum networksand nondeterministical automata, co-mentored with Miroslav Ciric

Marko Milosevic, 2008Ph.D. Thesis: Application of spectral methods in the search for strongly regular graphs

Ivan Stankovic, 2010M.Sc. Thesis: Computer–assisted search for conjectures on energy of graphs

Vladimir Brankov, 2006M.Sc. Thesis: Computer–assisted search for conjectures in graph theory


Dajie Liu, TU Delft, The Netherlands, 2013Marsha Minchenko, Monash University, Australia, 2014


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Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Nis, SerbiaSeminar in Algebraic Graph Theory, doctoral level, 2008–Seminar in Algebraic Combinatorics, doctoral level, 2008–Spectral Graph Theory, master level, 2012–Discrete Structures II, bachelor level, 36 hours, 2008 –Discrete Mathematics, bachelor level, 36 hours, 2001 – 2008Combinatorial Optimization, bachelor level, 36 hours, 2003 – 2009Data Structures & Algorithms, bachelor level, 20 hours, 2001 – 2007Relational Database Systems, bachelor level 20 hours, 2001 – 2007Algebra I, bachelor level, 36 hours, 2002 – 2003

Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technology, Koper, SloveniaNumber Theory, bachelor level, 75 hours, 2012–Discrete Mathematics II, bachelor level, 45 hours, 2008–Mathematical Topics in a Foreign Language, bachelor level, 45 hours, 2007–Graph Theory, bachelor level, 30 hours, 2010Combinatorics, bachelor level, 30 hours, 2010Combinatorial Matrix Theory, master level, 30 hours, 2009

Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin”, Zrenjanin, SerbiaGraph Theory, bachelor level, 30 hours, 2010

Faculty of Economics, Belgrade, SerbiaProgramming languages, master level, 45 hours, 2003 – 2006


Page 12: Dragan Stevanović




• L. Feng, G. Yu, A. Ilic, D. Stevanovic, The signless Laplacian spectral radius of bounded degreegraphs on surfaces, submitted to Acta Math. Sin., Eng. Ser.

• S. Majstorovic, D. Stevanovic, Graphs with the largest eigenvalue of modularity matrix equal tozero, submitted to Electron. J. Linear Algebra

• M. Pokorny, P. Hıc, D. Stevanovic, M. Milosevic, Distance integral graphs, submitted to DiscreteMath.

• D. Stevanovic, I. Gutman, M.U. Rehman, On Spectral Radius and Energy of Complete MultipartiteGraphs, submitted to Ars Math. Contemp.


97. N. Milosavljevic, D. Stevanovic, Detour index of hexagonal chains, MATCH Commun. Math.Comput. Chem. 72 (2014), 137–152.

96. A. Vasilyev, D. Stevanovic, MathChem: a Python package for calculating topological indices,MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 71 (2014), 657–680.

95. D. Stevanovic, Remarks on dynamic load balancing of integer loads and integral graphs, Appl.Math. Comput. 226 (2014), 38–43.


94. D. Stevanovic, Comment on “Subgraph centrality in complex networks”, Phys. Rev. E 88 (2013),026801.

93. P. Hıc, M. Pokorny, D. Stevanovic, Remarks on Q-integral complete multipartite graphs, LinearAlgebra Appl. 439 (2013), 2029–2037.

92. D. Stevanovic, M. Milosevic, P. Hic, M. Pokorny, Proof of a conjecture on distance energy ofcomplete multipartite graphs, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 70 (2013), 157–162.


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91. L. Feng, G. Yu, A. Ilic, D. Stevanovic, The signless Laplacian spectral radius of graphs on surfaces,Linear Multilinear Algebra 61 (2013), 573–581.

90. Z. Vukicevic-Kovijanic, D. Stevanovic, Bicyclic graphs with extremal values of PI index, DiscreteAppl. Math. 161 (2013), 395–403.


89. D. Stevanovic, Comparing the Zagreb indices of the NEPS of graphs, Appl. Math. Comput. 219(2012), 1082–1086.

88. G.H. Fath-Tabar, A.R. Ashrafi, D. Stevanovic, Spectral Properties of Fullerenes, J. Comput.Theor. Nanos. 9 (2012), 327–329.

87. D. Stevanovic, M. Petkovic, M. Basic, On the Diameter of Integral Circulant Graphs, Ars Combi-natoria 106 (2012), 495–500.

86. M. Milosevic, T. Reti, D. Stevanovic, On the Constant Di↵erence of Zagreb Indices, MATCHCommun. Math. Comput. Chem. 68 (2012), 157–168.

85. D. Stevanovic, M. Milanic, Improved Inequality between Zagreb Indices of Trees, MATCH Commun.Math. Comput. Chem. 68 (2012), 147–156.


84. P. Van Mieghem, D. Stevanovic, F. Kuipers, C. Li, R. van de Bovenkamp, D. Lu and H. Wang,Decreasing the spectral radius of a graph by link removals, Phys. Rev. E 84 (2011), 016101.

83. I. Gutman, P. Rowlinson, S. Simic, D. Stevanovic, E.R. van Dam, Editorial: Dragos Cvetkovic,70, Linear Algebra Appl. 435 (2011), 2321–2333.

82. D. Stevanovic, Two spectral characterizations of regular, bipartite graphs with five eigenvalues,Linear Algebra Appl. 435 (2011), 2612–2625.

81. D. Stevanovic, Oriented incidence energy and threshold graphs, FILOMAT 25 (2011), issue 2, 1–8.

80. D. Stevanovic, Remarks on Fowler-Manolopoulos predictor of fullerene stability, MATCH Com-mun. Math. Comput. Chem. 66 (2011), 285–292.

79. A. Ilic, D. Stevanovic, L. Feng, G. Yu, P. Dankelmann, Degree distance of unicyclic and bicyclicgraphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 159 (2011), 779–788.



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78. D. Stevanovic, Resolution of AutoGraphiX conjectures relating the index and matching number ofgraphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 433 (2010), 1674–1677.

77. M. Aouchiche, P. Hansen, D. Stevanovic, A sharp upper bound on algebraic connectivity usingdomination number, Linear Algebra Appl. 432 (2010), 2879–2893.

76. D. Stevanovic, Counterexamples to conjectures on graphs with greatest edge-Szeged index, MATCHCommun. Math. Comput. Chem. 64 (2010), 603–606.

75. D. Stevanovic, A. Ilic, Distance spectral radius of trees with fixed maximum degree, Electron. J.Linear Algebra 20 (2010), 168–179.

74. D. Stevanovic, Approximate energy of dendrimers, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 64(2010), 65–73.

73. P.W. Fowler, D. Stevanovic, M. Milosevic, Counterexamples to a conjecture of Dias on eigenvaluesof chemical graphs, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 63 (2010), 727–736.

72. A. Ilic, S. Klavzar, D. Stevanovic, Calculating the degree distance of partial Hamming graphs,MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 63 (2010), 411–424.

71. A. Ilic, A. Ilic, D. Stevanovic, On the Wiener index and Laplacian coe�cients of graphs with givendiameter or radius, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 63 (2010), 91–100.

70. A. Ilic, D. Stevanovic, The Estrada index of chemical trees, J. Math. Chem. 47 (2010), 305–314


69. D. Stevanovic, N.M.M. de Abreu, M.A.A. de Freitas, C. Vinagre, R. Del Vecchio, On the orientedincidence energy and decomposable graphs, Filomat 23 (2009), 239–245

68. A. Ilic, D. Stevanovic, Constructions of hamiltonian graphs with bounded degree and diameterO(log n), Appl. Math. Letters 22 (2009), 1715–1720

67. D. Stevanovic, A. Ilic, C. Onisor, M.V. Diudea, LEL—a newly designed molecular descriptor, ActaChim. Slov. 56 (2009), 410–417

66. D. Stevanovic, S. Stevanovic, On relation between spectra of graphs and their digraph decomposi-tions, Publ. Inst. Math (Belgrade) 85 (99) (2009), 47–54

65. D. Stevanovic, A. Ilic, On the Laplacian coe�cients of unicyclic graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 430(2009), 2290–2300


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64. P. Hansen, D. Stevanovic, M. Aouchiche, Variable Neighborhood Search for Extremal Graphs. 17.Further Conjectures and Results about the Index, Discussiones Mathematicae—Graph Theory 29(2009), 15–38

63. D. Stevanovic, M. Milosevic, A spectral proof of the uniqueness of strongly regular graph withparameters (81, 20, 1, 6), European J. Comb. 30 (2009), 957–968

62. M. Basic, M. Petkovic, D. Stevanovic, Perfect state transfer in integral circulant graphs, Appl.Math. Letters 22 (2009), 1117–1121

61. D. Stevanovic, G. Indulal, The distance spectrum and energy of the compositions of regular graphs,Appl. Math. Letters 22 (2009), 1136–1140

60. D. Stevanovic, Large sets of long distance equienergetic graphs, Ars Math. Contemp. 2 (2009),35–40

59. A. Ilic, D. Stevanovic, On comparing Zagreb indices, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.62 (2009), 681–687

58. D. Stevanovic, Large sets of noncospectral graphs with equal Laplacian energy, MATCH Commun.Math. Comput. Chem. 61 (2009), 463–470

57. I. Stankovic, M. Milosevic, D. Stevanovic, Small and not so small equienergetic graphs, MATCHCommun. Math. Comput. Chem. 61 (2009), 443–450

56. D. Stevanovic, Laplacian-like energy of trees, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 61(2009), 407–417

55. D. Stevanovic, I. Stankovic, M. Milosevic, More on the Relation between Energy and LaplacianEnergy of Graphs, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 61 (2009), 395–401


54. M. Aouchiche, F.K. Bell, D. Cvetkovic, P. Hansen, P. Rowlinson, S. Simic, D. Stevanovic, VariableNeighborhood Search for Extremal Graphs, 16. Some Conjectures Related to the Largest Eigenvalueof a Graph, European J. Oper. Res. 191 (2008), 661–676

53. AIM Minimum Rank—Special Graphs Work Group (18 authors including D. Stevanovic), Zeroforcing sets and the minimum rank of graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 428 (2008), 1628–1648

52. D. Stevanovic, Maximizing Wiener index of graphs with fixed maximum degree, MATCH Commun.Math. Comput. Chem. 60 (2008), 71–83


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51. D. Stevanovic, M. Aouchiche, P. Hansen, On the spectral radius of graphs with a given dominationnumber, Linear Algebra Appl. 428 (2008), 1854–1864

50. P. Hansen, D. Stevanovic, On Bags and Bugs, Discrete Appl. Math. 156 (2008), 986–997, extendedabstract appears as Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 19 (2005), 111–116

49. D. Stevanovic, P. Hansen, The minimum spectral radius of graphs with a given clique number,Electron. J. Linear Algebra 17 (2008), 110–117


48. D. Stevanovic, N.M.M. de Abreu, M.A.A. de Freitas, R. Del-Vecchio, Walks and Regular IntegralGraphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 423 (2007), 119–135

47. D. Stevanovic, Research Problems from the Aveiro Workshop on Graph Spectra, Linear AlgebraAppl. 423 (2007), 172–181


46. V. Brankov, P. Hansen, D. Stevanovic, Automated conjectures on upper bounds for the largestLaplacian eigenvalue of graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 414 (2006), 407–424

45. B. Zhou, D. Stevanovic, A Note on Zagreb Indices, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.56 (2006), 571–578

44. V. Brankov, D. Cvetkovic, S. Simic, D. Stevanovic, Simultaneous editing and multilabelling ofgraphs in system newGRAPH, Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektr. Fak, Ser. Mat. 17 (2006), 112–121

43. D. Stevanovic, V. Brankov, Some trees characterized by eigenvalues and angles, Publ. Inst. Math.(Belgrade) 79(93) (2006), 19–27


42. D. Stevanovic, Energy and NEPS of graphs, Linear Multilinear Algebra 53 (2005), 67–74

41. D. Stevanovic, I. Stankovic, Remarks on hyperenergetic circulant graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 400(2005), 345–348

40. S. Grunewald, D. Stevanovic, Semiharmonic bicyclic graphs, Appl. Math. Letters 18 (2005),1228–1238


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39. D. Stevanovic, All graphs in which each pair of distinct vertices has exactly two common neighbours,Math. Bohemica 130 (2005), 101–105


38. D. Cvetkovic, D. Stevanovic, Spectral moments of fullerene graphs, MATCH Commun. Math.Comput. Chem. 50 (2004), 63–72

37. J. Koolen, V. Moulton, D. Stevanovic, The structure of spherical graphs, European J. Comb. 25(2004), 299–310

36. D. Stevanovic, The largest eigenvalue of nonregular graphs, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 91 (2004),143–146

35. D. Stevanovic, Distance regularity of compositions of graphs, Appl. Math. Letters 17 (2004),337–343

34. D. Stevanovic, Bipartite density of cubic graphs: case of equality, Discrete Math. 283 (2004),279–281

33. V. Brankov, D. Stevanovic, I. Gutman, Equienergetic chemical trees, J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 69(2004), 549–554

32. I. Gutman, D. Stevanovic, S. Radenkovic, S. Milosavljevic, N. Cmiljanovic, Dependence of Total⇡-Electron Energy on Large Number of Non-Bonding Molecular Orbitals, J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 69(2004), 777–782

31. A. Dress, S. Grunewald, D. Stevanovic, Semiharmonic graphs with fixed cyclomatic number, Appl.Math. Letters 17 (2004), 623–629

30. A. Dress, D. Stevanovic, A Note on a Theorem of Horst Sachs, Ann. Combinatorics 8 (2004),487–497

29. D. Stevanovic, Note on a question of Karimi, Lewinter and Stau↵er, Graph Theory Notes of NewYork 46 (2004), 43–44

28. D. Stevanovic, Maximal planar biregular graphs, Graph Theory Notes of New York 46 (2004),45–48

27. D. Stevanovic, A Note on a Conjecture due to Gutman, Graph Theory Notes of New York 46(2004), 25–26



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26. P. Fowler, P. Hansen, D. Stevanovic, A Note on the Smallest Eigenvalue of Fullerenes, MATCHCommun. Math. Chem. 48 (2003), 37–48

25. D. Stevanovic, Bounding the largest eigenvalue of trees in terms of the largest vertex degree, LinearAlgebra Appl. 360 (2003), 35–42

24. D. Stevanovic, Remarks on graphs with majority of eigenvalues at most �1, Linear Algebra Appl.367 (2003), 337–340

23. A. Dress, D. Stevanovic, Ho↵man-type identities, Appl. Math. Letters 16 (2003), 297–302

22. D. Cvetkovic, D. Stevanovic, Graphs with the smallest eigenvalue at least �p3, Publ. Inst. Math.

(Belgrade) 73 (87) (2003), 39–51

21. S. Simic, D. Stevanovic, Two new and shorter proofs in graph theory, Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektr.Fak, Ser. Mat. 14 (2003), 94–98

20. D. Stevanovic, 4-Regular integral graphs avoiding ±3 in the spectrum, Univ. Beograd. Publ.Elektr. Fak, Ser. Mat. 14 (2003), 99–110

19. D. Stevanovic, V. Brankov, An Invitation to newGRAPH, Rendiconti del Seminario Matematicodi Messina, Serie II, Tomo XXV, Volume 9 (2003), 211–216


18. I. Gutman, D. Vidovic, D. Stevanovic, Chemical applications of the Laplacian spectrum. VI. Onthe largest Laplacian eigenvalue of alkanes, J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 67 (2002), No.6, 407–413

17. D. Cvetkovic, P. Rowlinson, P. Fowler, D. Stevanovic, Constructing fullerene graphs from theireigenvalues and angles, Linear Algebra Appl. 356 (2002), 37–56

16. D. Stevanovic, On the components of NEPS of connected bipartite graphs, Linear Algebra Appl.356 (2002), 67–78

15. K. Balinska, D. Cvetkovic, Z. Radosavljevic, S. Simic, D. Stevanovic, A survey on integral graphs,Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektr. Fak, Ser. Mat. 13 (2002), 42–65

14. P. Hansen, H. Melot, D. Stevanovic, Integral Complete Split Graphs, Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektr.Fak, Ser. Mat. 13 (2002), 89–95



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13. D. Stevanovic, Hosoya polynomial of composite graphs, Discrete Math. 235 (2001), 237–244

12. D. Stevanovic, On the number of maximal independent sets of vertices in star-like ladders, Fi-bonacci Quarterly 39 (2001), no. 3, 211–213

11. D. Stevanovic, Antipodal graphs of small diameter, Filomat 15 (2001) 79–83


10. D. Stevanovic, When can the components of NEPS be almost cospectral?, Linear Algebra Appl.311 (2000), 35–44

9. D. Cvetkovic, K. Ivanov, D. Stevanovic, A catalogue of bicyclic graphs on 8 vertices, Univ. Beograd.Publ. Elektr. Fak, Ser. Mat. 11 (2000), 79–92


8. D. Stevanovic, When is NEPS of graphs connected?, Linear Algebra Appl. 301 (1999), 137–144

7. D. Stevanovic, I. Gutman, Hosoya polynomials for trees with up to 10 vertices, Zbornik radovaPrirodno-matematickog fakulteta u Kragujevcu 21 (1999), 111–119

6. D. Stevanovic, Nonexistence of some 4-regular integral graphs, Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektr. Fak,Ser. Mat. 10 (1999), 81–86

5. D. Stevanovic, An algorithm for constructing graphs with given eigenvalues and angles, Filomat13 (1999), 1–13


4. D. Stevanovic, Graphs with palindromic independence polynomial,Graph Theory Notes of New York 34 (1998), 31–36

3. D. Cvetkovic, S. Simic, D. Stevanovic, 4-Regular integral graphs, Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektr.Fak, Ser. Mat. 9 (1998), 89–102


2. D. Stevanovic, Some new recursive algorithms and heuristics for the maximum clique problem,XXIV Yugoslav Symposium on Operations Research, Becici, 1997, 191–194


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1. D. Stevanovic, Clique polynomials of threshold graphs, Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektr. Fak, Ser.Mat. 8 (1997), 84–87


• D. Stevanovic, A. Vasilyev, MathChem, a Python package for calculation of topological indices inmathematical chemistry, available for download from

• D. Stevanovic, V. Brankov, D. Cvetkovic, S. Simic, newGRAPH, a system for visualization andinteractive modification of graphs and automatic recalculation of graph invariants, available fordownload from


• J. Manojlovic, D. Ilic, M. Ristic, D. Stevanovic, M. Milosevic, Problembook in mathematics forentry-level exam preparation (in Serbian, problembook), University of Nis, Nis, 2011

• D. Stevanovic, M. Ciric, S. Simic, V. Baltic, Discrete Mathematics—Basics of Combinatorics andGraph Theory (in Serbian, university textbook), Mathematical Society of Serbia, Belgrade, 2008

• N.M.M. de Abreu, R.R. Del-Vecchio, C.T.M. Vinagre, D. Stevanovic, Introduction to SpectralGraph Theory with Applications (in Portuguese), Notes in Applied Mathematics, Volume 27,Brazilian Society for Applied and Computational Mathematics, Sao Carlos, 2007

• D. Stevanovic, V. Baltic, M. Milosevic, Discrete Mathematics—Basics of Combinatorics and GraphTheory (in Serbian, problembook with full solutions), Mathematical Society of Serbia, Belgrade,2004


• D. Stevanovic, A. Ilic, Spectral properties of distance matrix of graphs, in: Distance in MolecularGraphs—Theory (I. Gutman, B. Furtula eds.), Mathematical Chemistry Monographs, Vol. 12,University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, 2012, pp. 139–176

• D. Stevanovic, Applications of graph spectra in quantum physics, in: Selected topics on applicationsof graph spectra (D. Cvetkovic, I. Gutman eds.), Collection of Papers Vol. 14 (22), MathematicalInstitute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, 2011, pp. 85–112


Page 21: Dragan Stevanović

• D. Stevanovic, On the Randic index and Diameter of Chemical Graphs, in: Recent Results inthe Theory of Randic Index (I. Gutman, B. Furtula eds.), Mathematical Chemistry Monographs,Vol. 6, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, 2008, pp. 49–55

• P. Hansen, M. Aouchiche, G. Caporossi, H. Melot, D. Stevanovic, What Forms Do InterestingConjectures Have in Graph Theory?, in: DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and TheoreticalComputer Science, Vol. 69: Graphs and Discovery (S. Fajtlowicz, P.W. Fowler, P. Hansen, M.F.Janowitz, F.S. Roberts eds.), American Mathematical Society, 2005, 231–252

• D. Stevanovic, G. Caporossi, On the (1, 2)-spectral spread of fullerenes, in: DIMACS Series inDiscrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 69: Graphs and Discovery (S.Fajtlowicz, P.W. Fowler, P. Hansen, M.F. Janowitz, F.S. Roberts eds.), American MathematicalSociety, 2005, 365–370


• J.J. Molitierno, Applications of Combinatorial Matrix Theory to Laplacian Matrices of Graphs,MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem 68 (2012), 957–958.



11. International Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Biology, Max Planck In-stitute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, August 26–27, 2013. Talk: Principaleigenvector potpourri

10. Computers in Scientific Discovery 6, Portoroz, Slovenia, August 21–25, 2012. Talk: Spectralapproaches to community detection

9. 7th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory, Bled, Slovenia, June 19–25, 2011. Talk:Eigenvector approach to spectral radius minimization

8. 46th Czech-Slovak Conference on Graph Theory, Sachticka, Slovakia, June 6–10, 2011. Talk:Maximum decrease in the largest adjacency eigenvalue of a graph by edge deletions


Page 22: Dragan Stevanović

7. Mini Conference on Discrete Mathematics “Tomo is Sixty”, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 26–27, 2009.Talk: Play with the principal eigenvector of decorated graphs

6. Spectral Graph Theory Workshop in Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 1–4, 2008. Talk:Laplacian coe�cients and Laplacian-like energy of graphs

5. Algebraic Combinatorics at the Adriatic Coast III, Koper, Slovenia, May 16–17, 2008. Talk: Starcomplements and strongly regular graphs

4. ARCC Workshop on Spectra of families of matrices described by graphs, digraphs, and sign pat-terns, Palo Alto, CA, USA, October 23–27, 2006. Talk: Energy of graphs: a few open problemsand some suggestions

3. Spectra of Graphs and Applications, Belgrade, Serbia, September 5, 2006. Talk: Further nonexis-tence results on integral graphs

2. Workshop on Graph Theory and Computational Biology, Shanghai, China, March 5–10, 2006.Talk: Bioinformatics and Spectra of Graphs

1. Mathematics and its Applications in Biology and Chemistry, Bielefeld, Germany, October 9–10,2003. Talk: newGRAPH: a graph theorist’s little helper


19. Seventh Czech-Slovak International Symposium on Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms an Applications,Kosice, Slovakia, July 7–13, 2013. Talk: Spectral radius of rooted product of graphs

18. CRM Conference on Applications of Graph Spectra in Computer Science, Barcelona, Spain, July 16–20, 2012. Talk:Spectral approaches to community detection

17. SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Valencia, Spain, June 18–22, 2012. Talk: Graph bisection from theprincipal normalized Laplacian eigenvector

16. 16th ILAS Conference, Minisymposium on Combinatorial Linear Algebra, Pisa, Italy, June 21–25, 2010. Talk:Integral, square-integral graphs and perfect state transfer

15. 6th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory, Bled, Slovenia, June 24–30, 2007. Talk: Minimum spectralradius of graphs with a given maximum clique size

14. Aveiro Workshop on Graph Spectra, Aveiro, Portugal, April 10–12, 2006. Talk: Maximum Cut and Spectra ofGraphs

13. Workshop Computers in Scientific Discovery III, Ghent, Belgium, February 6–10, 2006. Poster: Graph TheoryEducation with newGRAPH

12. 2nd Brazillian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization, Angra dos Reis, Brazil, April27–29, 2005. Talk: On bags and bugs


Page 23: Dragan Stevanović

11. Workshop Computers and Discovery II, Montreal, Canada, June 2–5, 2004. Talk: Using newGRAPH in researchand teaching

10. International Conference on Spectral Graph Theory, Messina, Italia, October 3–7, 2003. Talk: Computer-AssistedResearch in Graph Theory

9. 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 18–22, 2003. Talk:Computer-Assisted Research in Graph Theory

8. Graph Invariants in Chemistry, Bielefeld, Germany, April 25–26, 2002. Talk: On applications of spectral graphtheory in chemistry

7. DIMACS Working Group on Computer-Generated Conjectures from Graph Theoretic and Chemical Databases I,Piscataway, New Jersey, USA, November 10–17, 2001. Talk: Computer-Aided Research of Integral Graphs

6. Filomat 2001, Nis, Yugoslavia, August 26–30, 2001. Talk: Almost cospectrality of the components of NEPS ofconnected, bipartite graphs

5. 2nd Euroworkshop on Algebraic Graph Theory, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 9–13, 2001. Talk: Constructingfullerene graphs from their eigenvalues and angles

4. Conference on Geometric Combinatorics, Kotor, Yugoslavia, August 28–September 3, 1998. Talk: Some treescharacterized by eigenvalues and angles

3. Conference of Ph.D. Students in Computer Science, Szeged, Hungary, July 18–22, 1998. Talk: Constructing graphswith given eigenvalues and angles

2. Fifth Czech-Slovak International Symposium on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Algorithms and Applications,Prague, Czech Republic, July 7–11, 1998. Talk: Hosoya polynomial of composite graphs

1. XXIV Yugoslav Symposium on Operations Research, Becici, Yugoslavia, October 7–10, 1997. Talk: Some newrecursive algorithms and heuristics for the maximum clique problem


Page 24: Dragan Stevanović

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Page 25: Dragan Stevanović


Библиографија цитираних радова

из базe података

Stevanovic D., ARS COMBINATORIASTEVANOVIC D, ARS COMBIN IN PRESSSTEVANOVIC D, ARS COMBINA IN PRESS, P51910STEVANOVIC D, 2008, ARS COMBINA IN PRESS Record 1 of 4 Title: Characterization of quantum circulant networksAuthor(s): Basic, M (Basic, Milan)Source: QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 34510.1007/s11128-012-0381-z Published: JAN 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 4 Title: On the chromatic number of integral circulant graphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan)Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Pag150 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2010.04.041 Published: JUL 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 4 Title: Some classes of integral circulant graphs either allowing or not Author(s): Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Petkovic, MD (Petkovic, Marko D.)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 22 Issue: 10 Pages: 160910.1016/j.aml.2009.04.007 Published: OCT 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 4 Title: On the clique number of integral circulant graphsAuthor(s): Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 22 Issue: 9 Pages: 140610.1016/j.aml.2008.12.004 Published: SEP 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D, 2011, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V435 Record 1 of 1 Title: Regular bipartite graphs with three distinct nonAuthor(s): Koledin, T (Koledin, Tamara); Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 8 Pages: 3336DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.12.036 Published: APR 15 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

26. јун 2013.


Библиографија цитираних радова

из базe података Web of Science 2003-2013. године


Title: Characterization of quantum circulant networks having perfect state transferAuthor(s): Basic, M (Basic, Milan) Source: QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 345

z Published: JAN 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the chromatic number of integral circulant graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan) Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Pag150 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2010.04.041 Published: JUL 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Some classes of integral circulant graphs either allowing or not allowing perfect state transferAuthor(s): Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Petkovic, MD (Petkovic, Marko D.) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 22 Issue: 10 Pages: 160910.1016/j.aml.2009.04.007 Published: OCT 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the clique number of integral circulant graphs Author(s): Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)

MATICS LETTERS Volume: 22 Issue: 9 Pages: 140610.1016/j.aml.2008.12.004 Published: SEP 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stevanovic D, 2011, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V435, P2612, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2011.04.032

Title: Regular bipartite graphs with three distinct non-negative eigenvalues Author(s): Koledin, T (Koledin, Tamara); Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 8 Pages: 3336DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.12.036 Published: APR 15 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Библиографија цитираних радова

. године

having perfect state transfer

Source: QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 345-364 DOI:

Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Pages: 144-

allowing perfect state transfer

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 22 Issue: 10 Pages: 1609-1615 DOI:

MATICS LETTERS Volume: 22 Issue: 9 Pages: 1406-1411 DOI:

, P2612, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2011.04.032

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 8 Pages: 3336-3349

укупно цитата: 578


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Van Mieghem P, 2011, PHYS REV E, V84, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.84.016101MIEGHEM P, 2011, PHYS REV E, V84, P101 Record 1 of 7 Title: On least eigenvalues and least eigenvectors of real symmetric matrices and graphsAuthor(s): Xing, RD (Xing, Rundan); Zhou, B (Zhou, Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 5 Pages: 2378DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.09.035 Published: MAR 1 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 7 Title: Random line graphs and a linear law for assortativityAuthor(s): Liu, DJ (Liu, Dajie); Trajanovski, S (Trajanovski, Stojan); Van Mieghem, P (Van Mieghem, Piet) Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 87 Issue: 1 Article Number: 012816 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.87.012816 Published: JAN 31 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 7 Title: Epidemics in networks with nodal selfAuthor(s): Van Mieghem, P (Van Mieghem, Piet); Cator, E (Cator, Eric)Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 86 Issue: 1 Article Number: 016116 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.016116 Part: 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 7 Title: Bounds for the spectral radius of a graph when nodes are removedAuthor(s): Li, C (Li, Cong); Wang, HJ (WangSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 1 Pages: 31910.1016/j.laa.2012.02.023 Published: JUL 1 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 7 Title: Second-order mean-field susceptibleAuthor(s): Cator, E (Cator, E.); Van Mieghem, P (Van Mieghem, P.)Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 85 Issue: 5 Article Numb10.1103/PhysRevE.85.056111 Part: 2 Published: MAY 14 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 7 Title: A New Network Immunization Strategy Better than the EGPAuthor(s): Niu, CX (Niu Changxi); Li, LM (Li Lemin)Source: CHINA COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 9 Issue: 5 Pages: 90----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 7 Title: The N-intertwined SIS epidemic network modelAuthor(s): Van Mieghem, P (Van Mieghem, Piet)Source: COMPUTING Volume: 93 Issue: 210.1007/s00607-011-0155-y Published: DEC 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ilic A, 2011, DISCRETE APPL MATH, V159, P779, DOI 10.1016/j.dam.2011.01.013 Record 1 of 7 Title: On the reciprocal degree distance of graphsAuthor(s): Hua, HB (Hua, Hongbo); Zhang, SG (Zhang, Shenggui)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 710.1016/j.dam.2011.11.032 Published: MAY 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић em P, 2011, PHYS REV E, V84, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.84.016101

MIEGHEM P, 2011, PHYS REV E, V84, P101

Title: On least eigenvalues and least eigenvectors of real symmetric matrices and graphsAuthor(s): Xing, RD (Xing, Rundan); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 5 Pages: 2378DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.09.035 Published: MAR 1 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Random line graphs and a linear law for assortativity Author(s): Liu, DJ (Liu, Dajie); Trajanovski, S (Trajanovski, Stojan); Van Mieghem, P (Van Mieghem,

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 87 Issue: 1 Article Number: 012816 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.87.012816 Published: JAN 31 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

demics in networks with nodal self-infection and the epidemic thresholdAuthor(s): Van Mieghem, P (Van Mieghem, Piet); Cator, E (Cator, Eric) Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 86 Issue: 1 Article Number: 016116 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.016116 Part: 2 Published: JUL 30 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Bounds for the spectral radius of a graph when nodes are removed Author(s): Li, C (Li, Cong); Wang, HJ (Wang, Huijuan); Van Mieghem, P (Van Mieghem, Piet)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 1 Pages: 31910.1016/j.laa.2012.02.023 Published: JUL 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

field susceptible-infected-susceptible epidemic thresholdAuthor(s): Cator, E (Cator, E.); Van Mieghem, P (Van Mieghem, P.) Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 85 Issue: 5 Article Number: 056111 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.85.056111 Part: 2 Published: MAY 14 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: A New Network Immunization Strategy Better than the EGP Strategy Author(s): Niu, CX (Niu Changxi); Li, LM (Li Lemin) Source: CHINA COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 9 Issue: 5 Pages: 90-99 Published: MAY 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

intertwined SIS epidemic network model Author(s): Van Mieghem, P (Van Mieghem, Piet) Source: COMPUTING Volume: 93 Issue: 2-4 Special Issue: SI Pages: 147

y Published: DEC 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ilic A, 2011, DISCRETE APPL MATH, V159, P779, DOI 10.1016/j.dam.2011.01.013

Title: On the reciprocal degree distance of graphs Hongbo); Zhang, SG (Zhang, Shenggui)

Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 7-8 Pages: 115210.1016/j.dam.2011.11.032 Published: MAY 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић em P, 2011, PHYS REV E, V84, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.84.016101

Title: On least eigenvalues and least eigenvectors of real symmetric matrices and graphs

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 5 Pages: 2378-2384

Author(s): Liu, DJ (Liu, Dajie); Trajanovski, S (Trajanovski, Stojan); Van Mieghem, P (Van Mieghem,

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 87 Issue: 1 Article Number: 012816 DOI:

infection and the epidemic threshold

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 86 Issue: 1 Article Number: 016116 DOI:

, Huijuan); Van Mieghem, P (Van Mieghem, Piet) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 1 Pages: 319-323 DOI:

susceptible epidemic threshold

er: 056111 DOI:

99 Published: MAY 2012

4 Special Issue: SI Pages: 147-169 DOI:

Ilic A, 2011, DISCRETE APPL MATH, V159, P779, DOI 10.1016/j.dam.2011.01.013

8 Pages: 1152-1163 DOI:

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Record 2 of 7 Title: ON THE DEGREE DISTANCE OF SOME COMPOSITE GRAPHSAuthor(s): Hua, HB (Hua, Hongbo)Source: BULLETIN OF THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume: 85 Issue: 1 Pages: 164-171 DOI: 10.1017/S0004972711002711 Publishe----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 7 Title: GENERALIZED DEGREE DISTANCE OF TREES, UNICYCLIC AND BICYCLIC GRAPHSAuthor(s): Hamzeh, A (Hamzeh, Asma); Iranmanesh, A ((Hossein-Zadeh, Samaneh); Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.)Source: STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABESPublished: 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 7 Title: On the Sum of Powers of Normalized Laplacian Eigenvalues of GraphsAuthor(s): Bozkurt, SB (Bozkurt, S. Burcu); Bozkurt, D (Bozkurt, Durmus)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COVolume: 68 Issue: 3 Pages: 917----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 7 Title: Relations between Zagreb Coindices and Some DistanceAuthor(s): Hua, HB (Hua, Hongbo); Zhang, SG (Zhang, Shenggui)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 1 Pages: 199-----------------------------------------------Record 6 of 7 Title: Sharp Upper Bounds for Multiplicative Zagreb IndicesAuthor(s): Liu, JZ (Liu, Jingzhong); Zhang, QH (Zhang, Qianhong)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 1 Pages: 231----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 7 Title: Ordering Connected Graphs Having Small Degree Distances. IIAuthor(s): Tomescu, I (Tomescu, Ioan); Kanwal, S (Kanwal, Salma)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 67 Issue: 2 Pages: 425 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEVANOVIC D., 2011, SELECTED TOPICS APPL, P85STEVANOVIC D, SELECTED TO IN PRESS Record 1 of 4 Title: GRAPH SPECTRAL TECHNIQUES IN COMPUTER SCIENCESAuthor(s): Arsic, B (Arsic, Branko); Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.); Skaric, M (Skaric, Milan) Source: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Pages: 130 DOI: 10.2298/AADM111223025A Published: APR 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 4 Title: PERFECT STATE TRANSFER ON QUOTIENT GRAPHSAuthor(s): Bachman, R (Bachman, Rachel); Predette, E (Predette, Eric); Fuller, J (Fuller, Landry, M (Landry, Michael); Opperman, M (Opperman, Michael); Tamon, C (Tamon, Christino); Tollefson, A (Tollefson, Andrew)Source: QUANTUM INFORMATION & COMPUTATION Volume: 12 Issue: 3Published: MAR 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић


171 DOI: 10.1017/S0004972711002711 Published: FEB 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: GENERALIZED DEGREE DISTANCE OF TREES, UNICYCLIC AND BICYCLIC GRAPHSAuthor(s): Hamzeh, A (Hamzeh, Asma); Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, Ali); Hossein

Zadeh, Samaneh); Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.) Source: STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI CHEMIA Volume: 57 Issue: 4 Pages: 73


Title: On the Sum of Powers of Normalized Laplacian Eigenvalues of GraphsAuthor(s): Bozkurt, SB (Bozkurt, S. Burcu); Bozkurt, D (Bozkurt, Durmus)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 3 Pages: 917-930 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Relations between Zagreb Coindices and Some Distance-Based Topological IndicesAuthor(s): Hua, HB (Hua, Hongbo); Zhang, SG (Zhang, Shenggui)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 1 Pages: 199-208 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Sharp Upper Bounds for Multiplicative Zagreb Indices Author(s): Liu, JZ (Liu, Jingzhong); Zhang, QH (Zhang, Qianhong)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 1 Pages: 231-240 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ng Connected Graphs Having Small Degree Distances. II Author(s): Tomescu, I (Tomescu, Ioan); Kanwal, S (Kanwal, Salma)


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEVANOVIC D., 2011, SELECTED TOPICS APPL, P85 STEVANOVIC D, SELECTED TO IN PRESS

Title: GRAPH SPECTRAL TECHNIQUES IN COMPUTER SCIENCES Arsic, B (Arsic, Branko); Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.);

Source: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Pages: 130 DOI: 10.2298/AADM111223025A Published: APR 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: PERFECT STATE TRANSFER ON QUOTIENT GRAPHS Author(s): Bachman, R (Bachman, Rachel); Predette, E (Predette, Eric); Fuller, J (Fuller, Landry, M (Landry, Michael); Opperman, M (Opperman, Michael); Tamon, C (Tamon, Christino); Tollefson, A (Tollefson, Andrew) Source: QUANTUM INFORMATION & COMPUTATION Volume: 12 Issue: 3


Др Драган П. Стевановић



BOLYAI CHEMIA Volume: 57 Issue: 4 Pages: 73-85

Title: On the Sum of Powers of Normalized Laplacian Eigenvalues of Graphs


opological Indices





Arsic, B (Arsic, Branko); Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.);


Author(s): Bachman, R (Bachman, Rachel); Predette, E (Predette, Eric); Fuller, J (Fuller, Jessica); Landry, M (Landry, Michael); Opperman, M (Opperman, Michael); Tamon, C (Tamon, Christino);

Source: QUANTUM INFORMATION & COMPUTATION Volume: 12 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 293-313

Page 28: Dragan Stevanović


Record 3 of 4 Title: State transfer on graphs Author(s): Godsil, C (Godsil, Chris)Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 312 Issue: 1 Special Issue: SI Pages: 12910.1016/j.disc.2011.06.032 Published: JAN 6 2012 Conference Title: Conference on Algebraic Graph TheoryConference Date: JUN, 2009 Conference Location: Dubrovnik, CROATIAConference Host: Inter Univ Ctr----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 4 Title: Graph spectra in Computer ScienceAuthor(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, S (Simic, Slobodan)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND IDOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.11.035 Published: MAR 15 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEVANOVIC D, 2010, MATCH COMMUN MATH CO Record 1 of 1 Title: A Unified Approach to Extremal Trees with Respect to GeometricSzeged Indices Author(s): Hua, HB (Hua, Hongbo); Zhang, SG (Zhang, Shenggui)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 691----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D, 2010, ELECTROSTEVANOVIC D, 2009, ELECT J LINEAR UNPUB Record 1 of 15 Title: On the maximal distance spectral radius of graphs without a pendent vertexAuthor(s): Bose, SS (Bose, Surya Sekhar); Nath, M (Nath, Milan); Paul, S (Paul, Somnath)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 11 Pages: 4260DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2013.01.019 Published: JUN 1 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 15 Title: On distance spectral radius of graphsAuthor(s): Wang, YN (Wang, Yanna); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 8 Pages: 3490DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.12.024 Published: APR 15 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 15 Title: On the extremal properties of the average eccentricityAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APP2885 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2012.04.023 Published: NOV 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 15 Title: Distance spectral spread oAuthor(s): Yu, GL (Yu, Guanglong); Zhang, HL (Zhang, Hailiang); Lin, HQ (Lin, Huiqiu); Wu, YR (Wu, Yarong); Shu, JL (Shu, Jinlong)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 1610.1016/j.dam.2012.05.015 Published: NOV 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Godsil, C (Godsil, Chris) Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 312 Issue: 1 Special Issue: SI Pages: 12910.1016/j.disc.2011.06.032 Published: JAN 6 2012 Conference Title: Conference on Algebraic Graph Theory

Conference Location: Dubrovnik, CROATIA Conference Host: Inter Univ Ctr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Graph spectra in Computer Science Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, S (Simic, Slobodan) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 434 Issue: 6 Pages: 1545DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.11.035 Published: MAR 15 2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEVANOVIC D, 2010, MATCH COMMUN MATH CO, V64

Title: A Unified Approach to Extremal Trees with Respect to Geometric-Arithmetic, Szeged and Edge


Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 691-704 Published: 2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stevanovic D, 2010, ELECTRON J LINEAR AL, V20, P168 STEVANOVIC D, 2009, ELECT J LINEAR UNPUB

Title: On the maximal distance spectral radius of graphs without a pendent vertexAuthor(s): Bose, SS (Bose, Surya Sekhar); Nath, M (Nath, Milan); Paul, S (Paul, Somnath)

ource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 11 Pages: 4260DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2013.01.019 Published: JUN 1 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On distance spectral radius of graphs Author(s): Wang, YN (Wang, Yanna); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 8 Pages: 3490DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.12.024 Published: APR 15 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the extremal properties of the average eccentricity Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar) Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 28772885 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2012.04.023 Published: NOV 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Distance spectral spread of a graph Author(s): Yu, GL (Yu, Guanglong); Zhang, HL (Zhang, Hailiang); Lin, HQ (Lin, Huiqiu); Wu, YR (Wu, Yarong); Shu, JL (Shu, Jinlong) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 16-17 Pages: 2474

Published: NOV 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 312 Issue: 1 Special Issue: SI Pages: 129-147 DOI:

TS APPLICATIONS Volume: 434 Issue: 6 Pages: 1545-1562

Arithmetic, Szeged and Edge


Title: On the maximal distance spectral radius of graphs without a pendent vertex Author(s): Bose, SS (Bose, Surya Sekhar); Nath, M (Nath, Milan); Paul, S (Paul, Somnath)

ource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 11 Pages: 4260-4278

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 8 Pages: 3490-3503

LICATIONS Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 2877-

Author(s): Yu, GL (Yu, Guanglong); Zhang, HL (Zhang, Hailiang); Lin, HQ (Lin, Huiqiu); Wu, YR (Wu,

17 Pages: 2474-2478 DOI:

Page 29: Dragan Stevanović


Record 5 of 15 Title: On the distance spectral radius of cactiAuthor(s): Bose, SS (Bose, Surya Sekhar); Nath, M (Nath, Milan); PauSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 9 Pages: 2128DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.06.008 Published: NOV 1 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 15 Title: On the distance spectral radius of some graphsAuthor(s): Zhang, XL (Zhang, Xiaoling)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 7 Pages: 1930DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.04.036 Published: OCT 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 15 Title: Distance spectral radius of digraphs with given connectivityAuthor(s): Lin, HQ (Lin, Huiqiu); Yang, WH (Yang, Weihua); Zhang, HL ((Shu, Jinlong) Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 312 Issue: 11 Pages: 184910.1016/j.disc.2012.02.023 Published: JUN 6 2012 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 15 Title: Clique number and distance spectral radii of graphsAuthor(s): Zhai, MQ (Zhai, Mingqing); Yu, GL (Yu, Guanglong); Shu, JL (Shu, Jinlong)Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 104 Pages: 385----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 15 Title: On the distance spectral radius of bipartite graphsAuthor(s): Nath, M (Nath, Milan); Paul, S (Paul, Somnath)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 5 Pages: 1285DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.07.031 Published: MAR 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 15 Title: Some graft transformations and its applications on the distance spectral radius of a graphAuthor(s): Yu, GL (Yu, Guanglong); Jia, HC (Jia, Huicai); Zhang, HL (Zhang, Hailiang); Shu, JL (Shu, Jinlong) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 25 Issue: 3 Pages: 3110.1016/j.aml.2011.09.007 Published: MAR 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 15 Title: Distance spectral radius of graphs with r pendent verticesAuthor(s): Bose, SS (Bose, Surya Sekhar); Nath, M (Nath, Milan); Paul, S (Paul, Somnath)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 11 Pages: 2828DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.04.041 Published: DEC 1 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 12 of 15 Title: Some graft transformations and its application on a distance spectrumAuthor(s): Yu, GL (Yu, Guanglong); Wu, YR (Wu, Yarong); Zhang, YJ (Zhang, Yajie); Shu, JL (Shu, Jinlong) Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 311 Issue: 20 Pages: 211710.1016/j.disc.2011.05.040 Published: OCT 28 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 15 Title: Distance spectra and distance energy of integral circulant graphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 5 Pages: 1005DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.04.034 Published: OCT 15 2010

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: On the distance spectral radius of cacti Author(s): Bose, SS (Bose, Surya Sekhar); Nath, M (Nath, Milan); Paul, S (Paul, Somnath)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 9 Pages: 2128DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.06.008 Published: NOV 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the distance spectral radius of some graphs Author(s): Zhang, XL (Zhang, Xiaoling) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 7 Pages: 1930DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.04.036 Published: OCT 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Distance spectral radius of digraphs with given connectivity Author(s): Lin, HQ (Lin, Huiqiu); Yang, WH (Yang, Weihua); Zhang, HL (Zhang, Hailiang); Shu, JL

Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 312 Issue: 11 Pages: 1849-10.1016/j.disc.2012.02.023 Published: JUN 6 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Clique number and distance spectral radii of graphs Author(s): Zhai, MQ (Zhai, Mingqing); Yu, GL (Yu, Guanglong); Shu, JL (Shu, Jinlong)Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 104 Pages: 385-392 Published: APR 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the distance spectral radius of bipartite graphs Author(s): Nath, M (Nath, Milan); Paul, S (Paul, Somnath)

AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 5 Pages: 1285DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.07.031 Published: MAR 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ansformations and its applications on the distance spectral radius of a graphAuthor(s): Yu, GL (Yu, Guanglong); Jia, HC (Jia, Huicai); Zhang, HL (Zhang, Hailiang); Shu, JL (Shu,

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 25 Issue: 3 Pages: 3110.1016/j.aml.2011.09.007 Published: MAR 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Distance spectral radius of graphs with r pendent vertices ose, SS (Bose, Surya Sekhar); Nath, M (Nath, Milan); Paul, S (Paul, Somnath)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 11 Pages: 2828DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.04.041 Published: DEC 1 2011


Title: Some graft transformations and its application on a distance spectrumAuthor(s): Yu, GL (Yu, Guanglong); Wu, YR (Wu, Yarong); Zhang, YJ (Zhang, Yajie); Shu, JL (Shu,

Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 311 Issue: 20 Pages: 2117-10.1016/j.disc.2011.05.040 Published: OCT 28 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

tle: Distance spectra and distance energy of integral circulant graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 5 Pages: 1005DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.04.034 Published: OCT 15 2010

Др Драган П. Стевановић

l, S (Paul, Somnath) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 9 Pages: 2128-2141

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 7 Pages: 1930-1941

Zhang, Hailiang); Shu, JL

-1856 DOI:

Author(s): Zhai, MQ (Zhai, Mingqing); Yu, GL (Yu, Guanglong); Shu, JL (Shu, Jinlong) 392 Published: APR 2012

AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 5 Pages: 1285-1296

ansformations and its applications on the distance spectral radius of a graph Author(s): Yu, GL (Yu, Guanglong); Jia, HC (Jia, Huicai); Zhang, HL (Zhang, Hailiang); Shu, JL (Shu,

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 25 Issue: 3 Pages: 315-319 DOI:

ose, SS (Bose, Surya Sekhar); Nath, M (Nath, Milan); Paul, S (Paul, Somnath) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 11 Pages: 2828-2836

Title: Some graft transformations and its application on a distance spectrum Author(s): Yu, GL (Yu, Guanglong); Wu, YR (Wu, Yarong); Zhang, YJ (Zhang, Yajie); Shu, JL (Shu,

-2123 DOI:

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 5 Pages: 1005-1014

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 14 of 15 Title: Distance spectral radius of trees with given matching numberAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMAT10.1016/j.dam.2010.06.018 Published: AUG 28 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 15 of 15 Title: On Distance Spectral Radius Author(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 261----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fowler PW, 2010, MATCH-COMMUN MATH CO, V63, P727 Record 1 of 1 Title: Cubic polyhedral Ramanujan graphs with face size no larger than sixAuthor(s): Sikiric, MD (Sikiric, Mathieu Dutour); FowleSource: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 49 Issue: 4 Pages: 84310.1007/s10910-010-9782-3 Published: APR 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ilic A, 2010, MATCH-COMMUN MATH CO, V63, P411 Record 1 of 9 Title: ON THE DEGREE DISTANCE OF SOME COMPOSITE GRAPHSAuthor(s): Hua, HB (Hua, Hongbo)Source: BULLETIN OF THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume: 85 Issue: 1 Pages: 164-171 DOI: 10.1017/S0004972711002711 Published: FEB 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 9 Title: On the Sum of Powers of Normalized Laplacian Eigenvalues of GraphsAuthor(s): Bozkurt, SB (Bozkurt, S. Burcu); Bozkurt, D (Bozkurt, Durmus)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 3 Pages: 917------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 9 Title: Sharp Upper Bounds for Multiplicative Zagreb IndicesAuthor(s): Liu, JZ (Liu, Jingzhong); Zhang, QH (Zhang, Qianhong)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 1 Pages: 231----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 9 Title: Ordering Connected Graphs Having Small Degree Distances. IIAuthor(s): Tomescu, I (Tomescu, Ioan); Kanwal, S (Kanwal, Salma)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 67 Issue: 2 Pages: 425-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 9 Title: On the eccentric distance sum of graphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Yu, GH (Yu, Guihai); Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS Volume: 381 Issue: 2 Pages: 590-600 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2011.02.086 Published: SEP 15 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Distance spectral radius of trees with given matching number Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 158 Issue: 16 Pages: 179910.1016/j.dam.2010.06.018 Published: AUG 28 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On Distance Spectral Radius and Distance Energy of Graphs Author(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)


------------------------------------------------------------ COMMUN MATH CO, V63, P727

Title: Cubic polyhedral Ramanujan graphs with face size no larger than six Author(s): Sikiric, MD (Sikiric, Mathieu Dutour); Fowler, PW (Fowler, Patrick W.)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 49 Issue: 4 Pages: 843

3 Published: APR 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



10.1017/S0004972711002711 Published: FEB 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the Sum of Powers of Normalized Laplacian Eigenvalues of GraphsBozkurt, SB (Bozkurt, S. Burcu); Bozkurt, D (Bozkurt, Durmus)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 3 Pages: 917-930 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Sharp Upper Bounds for Multiplicative Zagreb Indices Author(s): Liu, JZ (Liu, Jingzhong); Zhang, QH (Zhang, Qianhong)



Title: Ordering Connected Graphs Having Small Degree Distances. II cu, Ioan); Kanwal, S (Kanwal, Salma)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 67 Issue: 2 Pages: 425-437 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the eccentric distance sum of graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Yu, GH (Yu, Guihai); Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS Volume: 381 Issue: 2

10.1016/j.jmaa.2011.02.086 Published: SEP 15 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

ICS Volume: 158 Issue: 16 Pages: 1799-1806 DOI:


r, PW (Fowler, Patrick W.) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 49 Issue: 4 Pages: 843-858 DOI:


Title: On the Sum of Powers of Normalized Laplacian Eigenvalues of Graphs




Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Yu, GH (Yu, Guihai); Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS Volume: 381 Issue: 2

10.1016/j.jmaa.2011.02.086 Published: SEP 15 2011

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Record 6 of 9 Title: Network Analysis Using a Novel Highly Discriminating Topological IndexAuthor(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Varmuza, K (Varmuza, Kurt); Dehmer, M (Dehmer, Matthias) Source: COMPLEXITY Volume: 16 Issue: 6 Pages: 32JUL-AUG 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 9 Title: The Maximal Gutman Index of Bicyclic GraphsAuthor(s): Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua); Liu, WJ (Liu, Weijun)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 66 Issue: 2 Pages: 699----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 9 Title: On the Degree Distance of C4C8 NanotubesAuthor(s): Chen, SB (Chen, Shubo); Liu, WJ (Liu, Weijun)Source: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE Volume: 7 Issue: 6 Pages: 1136-1142 DOI: 10.1166/jctn.2010.1464 Published: JUN 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 9 Title: Shell-Polynomials and ClujAuthor(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Ashrafi, AR (Ashrafi, Ali Reza)Source: ACTA CHIMICA SLOVENICA Volume: 57 Issue: 3 Pages: 559----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ilic A, 2010, MATCH-COMMUN MATH CO, V63, P91 Record 1 of 11 Title: EDGE-GRAFTING THEOREMS ON PERMANENTS OF THE LAPLACIAN MATRICES OF GRAPHS AND THEIR APPLICATIONSAuthor(s): Li, SC (Li, Shuchao); Li, Y (Li, Yan); Zhang, XX (Zhang, Xixi)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 26 Pages: 282013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 11 Title: On the second maximal and minimal Wiener index of unicyclic graphs with given girthAuthor(s): Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua); Ilic, A (IlicSource: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 104 Pages: 13----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 11 Title: The Harary index of trees Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Yu, GH (Yu, Guihai); Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua)Source: UTILITAS MATHEMATICA Volume: 87 Pages: 21----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 11 Title: On the Laplacian coefficients of trees with a perfect matchingAuthor(s): Tan, SW (Tan, ShangSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 3 Pages: 59510.1016/j.laa.2011.07.038 Published: FEB 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 11 Title: On the Laplacian Coefficients and Laplacianm Pendent Vertices Author(s): Pai, XY (Pai, Xinying); Liu, SY (Liu, Sanyang)Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS Article Number: 404067 DOI: 10.1155/2012/404067 Published: 2012

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Network Analysis Using a Novel Highly Discriminating Topological Indexs): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Varmuza, K (Varmuza, Kurt);

Source: COMPLEXITY Volume: 16 Issue: 6 Pages: 32-39 DOI: 10.1002/cplx.20363 Published:


Title: The Maximal Gutman Index of Bicyclic Graphs Author(s): Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua); Liu, WJ (Liu, Weijun)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 66 Issue: 2 Pages: 699-708 Published: 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Degree Distance of C4C8 Nanotubes Author(s): Chen, SB (Chen, Shubo); Liu, WJ (Liu, Weijun) Source: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE Volume: 7 Issue:

1142 DOI: 10.1166/jctn.2010.1464 Published: JUN 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Polynomials and Cluj-Tehran Index in Tori T(4,4) S[5,n] Author(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Ashrafi, AR (Ashrafi, Ali Reza)

CTA CHIMICA SLOVENICA Volume: 57 Issue: 3 Pages: 559-564 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




Title: On the second maximal and minimal Wiener index of unicyclic graphs with given girthAuthor(s): Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Yu, GH (Yu, Guihai)Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 104 Pages: 13-22 Published: APR 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Yu, GH (Yu, Guihai); Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua)Source: UTILITAS MATHEMATICA Volume: 87 Pages: 21-31 Published: MAR 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the Laplacian coefficients of trees with a perfect matching Author(s): Tan, SW (Tan, Shang-wang); Song, TM (Song, Tian-mei)

: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 3 Pages: 59510.1016/j.laa.2011.07.038 Published: FEB 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

On the Laplacian Coefficients and Laplacian-Like Energy of Unicyclic Graphs with n Vertices and

Author(s): Pai, XY (Pai, Xinying); Liu, SY (Liu, Sanyang) Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS Article Number: 404067 DOI:

404067 Published: 2012

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Network Analysis Using a Novel Highly Discriminating Topological Index s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Varmuza, K (Varmuza, Kurt);

39 DOI: 10.1002/cplx.20363 Published:



564 Published: 2010


Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 26 Pages: 28-48 Published: JAN

Title: On the second maximal and minimal Wiener index of unicyclic graphs with given girth , Aleksandar); Yu, GH (Yu, Guihai)

22 Published: APR 2012

Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Yu, GH (Yu, Guihai); Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua) 31 Published: MAR 2012

: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 3 Pages: 595-617 DOI:

Like Energy of Unicyclic Graphs with n Vertices and

Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS Article Number: 404067 DOI:

Page 32: Dragan Stevanović


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 11 Title: Laplacian coefficients of trees with a given bipartitionAuthor(s): Lin, WQ (Lin, Weiqi); Yan, WG (Yan, WeiSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 1 Pages: 15210.1016/j.laa.2011.01.011 Published: JUL 1 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 11 Title: Note on the Minimal Wiener Index of Connected Graphs With n Vertices and Radius rAuthor(s): You, ZF (You, Zhifu); Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 66 Issue: 1 Pages: 343----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 11 Title: Eccentric Connectivity Index of Chemical TreesAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 731----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 11 Title: Trees with minimal Laplacian coefficientsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 59 Issue: 8 Pages: 27762783 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2010.01.047 Published: APR 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 11 Title: Laplacian coefficients of trees with given number of leaves or vertices of degree twoAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Ilic, MSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2195DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.014 Published: NOV 1 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 11 Title: On the ordering of trees by the Laplacian coefficientsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2203DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.022 Published: NOV 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ilic A, 2010, J MATH CHEM, V47, P305, DOI 10.1007/s10910 Record 1 of 13 Title: An edge grafting theorem on the Estrada index of graphsAuthor(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 161 Issue: 110.1016/j.dam.2012.07.014 Published: JAN 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 13 Title: On the extremal properties of the average eccentricityAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 28772885 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2012.04.023 Published: NOV 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Laplacian coefficients of trees with a given bipartition Author(s): Lin, WQ (Lin, Weiqi); Yan, WG (Yan, Weigen) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 1 Pages: 15210.1016/j.laa.2011.01.011 Published: JUL 1 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Note on the Minimal Wiener Index of Connected Graphs With n Vertices and Radius rAuthor(s): You, ZF (You, Zhifu); Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 66 Issue: 1 Pages: 343-344 Published: 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Eccentric Connectivity Index of Chemical Trees Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 731-744 Published: 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

with minimal Laplacian coefficients Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar) Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 59 Issue: 8 Pages: 27762783 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2010.01.047 Published: APR 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Laplacian coefficients of trees with given number of leaves or vertices of degree twoAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Ilic, M (Ilic, Milovan) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2195DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.014 Published: NOV 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the ordering of trees by the Laplacian coefficients Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2203DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.022 Published: NOV 1 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ilic A, 2010, J MATH CHEM, V47, P305, DOI 10.1007/s10910-009-9570-0

Title: An edge grafting theorem on the Estrada index of graphs and its applications

Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 161 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 13410.1016/j.dam.2012.07.014 Published: JAN 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the extremal properties of the average eccentricity Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar) Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 2877

a.2012.04.023 Published: NOV 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 1 Pages: 152-162 DOI:

Title: Note on the Minimal Wiener Index of Connected Graphs With n Vertices and Radius r



Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 59 Issue: 8 Pages: 2776-

Title: Laplacian coefficients of trees with given number of leaves or vertices of degree two

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2195-2202

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2203-2212

and its applications

2 Pages: 134-139 DOI:

Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 64 Issue: 9 Pages: 2877-

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Record 3 of 13 Title: The Estrada index of unicyclic graphsAuthor(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 9 Pages: 3149DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.10.020 Published: MAY 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 13 Title: On maximum Estrada indices of graphs with given parametersAuthor(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Xing, RD (Xing, Rundan)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 9 Pages: 3767DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.12.031 Published: MAY 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 13 Title: More on Laplacian estrada indices of treesAuthor(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin) Source: FILOMAT Volume: 26 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 13 Title: The Estrada index of treesAuthor(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2462-2467 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.01.041 Published: NOV 15 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 13 Title: New upper bounds for Estrada index of bipartite graphsAuthor(s): Fath-Tabar, GH (FathSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2607-2611 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.01.034 Published: NOV 15 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 13 Title: On the Estrada and Laplacian Estrada indices of graphsAuthor(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Liu, ZZ (Liu, Zhongzhu)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 8 Pages: 2065DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.03.057 Published: OCT 15 2011 --------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 13 Title: ON THE ESTRADA INDEX OF GRAPHS WITH GIVEN NUMBER OF CUT EDGESAuthor(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 22 Pages: 586JUN 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 13 Title: On the number of P-vertices of some graphsAuthor(s): Andelic, M (Andelic, Milica); da Fonseca, CM (da Fonseca, C. M.); Mamede, R Ricardo) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 434 Issue: 2 Pages: 51410.1016/j.laa.2010.09.017 Published: JAN 15 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 13 Title: On Estrada index of trees Author(s): Zhang, JB (Zhang, Jianbin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Li, JP (Li, Jianping)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 434 Issue: 1 Pages: 21510.1016/j.laa.2010.08.025 Publis----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: The Estrada index of unicyclic graphs Author(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 9 Pages: 3149DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.10.020 Published: MAY 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On maximum Estrada indices of graphs with given parameters Author(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Xing, RD (Xing, Rundan)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 9 Pages: 3767

.031 Published: MAY 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: More on Laplacian estrada indices of trees

Source: FILOMAT Volume: 26 Issue: 1 Pages: 197-207 Published: JAN 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: The Estrada index of trees Author(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)

LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI 2467 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.01.041 Published: NOV 15 2011


Title: New upper bounds for Estrada index of bipartite graphs Tabar, GH (Fath-Tabar, G. H.); Ashrafi, AR (Ashrafi, A. R.)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI 11 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.01.034 Published: NOV 15 2011


Title: On the Estrada and Laplacian Estrada indices of graphs (Du, Zhibin); Liu, ZZ (Liu, Zhongzhu)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 8 Pages: 2065DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.03.057 Published: OCT 15 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



vertices of some graphs Author(s): Andelic, M (Andelic, Milica); da Fonseca, CM (da Fonseca, C. M.); Mamede, R

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 434 Issue: 2 Pages: 51410.1016/j.laa.2010.09.017 Published: JAN 15 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Author(s): Zhang, JB (Zhang, Jianbin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Li, JP (Li, Jianping)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 434 Issue: 1 Pages: 21510.1016/j.laa.2010.08.025 Published: JAN 1 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 9 Pages: 3149-3159

Author(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Xing, RD (Xing, Rundan) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 9 Pages: 3767-3772

207 Published: JAN 2012

LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI 2467 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.01.041 Published: NOV 15 2011

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI

11 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.01.034 Published: NOV 15 2011

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 8 Pages: 2065-2076


Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 22 Pages: 586-592 Published:

Author(s): Andelic, M (Andelic, Milica); da Fonseca, CM (da Fonseca, C. M.); Mamede, R (Mamede,

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 434 Issue: 2 Pages: 514-525 DOI:

Author(s): Zhang, JB (Zhang, Jianbin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Li, JP (Li, Jianping) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 434 Issue: 1 Pages: 215-223 DOI:

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Record 12 of 13 Title: The Minimal Estrada Index of Trees with Two Maximum Degree VerticesAuthor(s): Li, J (Li, Jing); Li, XL (Li, XuelSource: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 799------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 13 Title: LAPLACIAN ESTRADA INDEX OF TREESAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 769----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D., 2010, DISTANCE MOL GRAPHS, V12, P139 Record 1 of 1 Title: Distance spectral radius of digraphs with given connectivityAuthor(s): Lin, HQ (Lin, Huiqiu); Yang, WH (Yang, Weihua); Zhang, HL (Zhang, Hailiang); Shu, JL (Shu, Jinlong) Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 312 Issue: 11 Pages: 184910.1016/j.disc.2012.02.023 Published: JUN 6 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ilic A., 2010, DISCRETE APPL MATH, V158, P681 Record 1 of 1 Title: Some Formulae for the Zagreb Indices of GraphsAuthor(s): Cangul, IN (Cangul, Ismail Naci); Yurttas, A (Yurttas, Aysun); Cevik, AS (Cevik, Ahmet Sinan)Editor(s): Simos TE; Psihoyios G; Tsitouras C; Anastassi ZSource: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (ICNAAM 2012), VOLS A AND B Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings Volume: 1479 Pages: Published: 2012 Conference Title: International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM)Conference Date: SEP 19-25, 2012Conference Location: Kos, GREECE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D, 2009, FILOMAT, V23, P243, DOI 10.2298/FIL0903243S Record 1 of 1 Title: A Survey on the LaplacianAuthor(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Huang, YF (Huang, Yufei); You, ZF (You, Zhifu)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 66 Issue: 3 Pages: 713-------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D, 2009, ACTA CHIM SLOV, V56, P410STEVANOVIC D, ACTA CHIM S IN PRESS Record 1 of 11 Title: ON SUM OF POWERS OF THE SIGNLESS LAPLACIAN EIGENVALUES OF GRAPHSAuthor(s): Liu, MH (Liu, Muhuo); Liu, BL (Liu, Source: HACETTEPE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS Volume: 41 Issue: 4 Pages: 527-536 Published: AUG 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: The Minimal Estrada Index of Trees with Two Maximum Degree VerticesAuthor(s): Li, J (Li, Jing); Li, XL (Li, Xueliang); Wang, LS (Wang, Lusheng)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 799-810 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: LAPLACIAN ESTRADA INDEX OF TREES Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 769-776 Published: 2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stevanovic D., 2010, DISTANCE MOL GRAPHS, V12, P139

Title: Distance spectral radius of digraphs with given connectivity (Lin, Huiqiu); Yang, WH (Yang, Weihua); Zhang, HL (Zhang, Hailiang); Shu, JL

Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 312 Issue: 11 Pages: 1849-10.1016/j.disc.2012.02.023 Published: JUN 6 2012

----------------------------------------------------------------- Ilic A., 2010, DISCRETE APPL MATH, V158, P681

Title: Some Formulae for the Zagreb Indices of Graphs Author(s): Cangul, IN (Cangul, Ismail Naci); Yurttas, A (Yurttas, Aysun); Togan, M (Togan, Muge); Cevik, AS (Cevik, Ahmet Sinan) Editor(s): Simos TE; Psihoyios G; Tsitouras C; Anastassi Z Source: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (ICNAAM 2012), VOLS A AND B Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings Volume: 1479 Pages: 365-367 DOI: 10.1063/1.4756139

Conference Title: International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM)25, 2012

Conference Location: Kos, GREECE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stevanovic D, 2009, FILOMAT, V23, P243, DOI 10.2298/FIL0903243S

Title: A Survey on the Laplacian-Energy-Like Invariant Liu, Bolian); Huang, YF (Huang, Yufei); You, ZF (You, Zhifu)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 66 Issue: 3 Pages: 713-730 Published: 2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stevanovic D, 2009, ACTA CHIM SLOV, V56, P410 STEVANOVIC D, ACTA CHIM S IN PRESS


536 Published: AUG 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: The Minimal Estrada Index of Trees with Two Maximum Degree Vertices



(Lin, Huiqiu); Yang, WH (Yang, Weihua); Zhang, HL (Zhang, Hailiang); Shu, JL

-1856 DOI:

Togan, M (Togan, Muge);


Conference Title: International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM)




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Record 2 of 11 Title: On Laplacian-energy-like invariant of a graphAuthor(s): Wang, WZ (Wang, Weizhong); Luo, YF (Luo, Yanfeng)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 2 Pages: 71310.1016/j.laa.2012.03.004 Published: JUL 15 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 11 Title: Estimating the Laplacian EnergyAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECSCIENCES Volume: 67 Issue: 6JUL 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 11 Title: The Laplacian-energy like of graphsAuthor(s): Zhu, BX (Zhu, Bao-Xuan)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 9 Pages: 160410.1016/j.aml.2011.04.010 Published: SEP 2011 ------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 11 Title: A Survey on the LaplacianAuthor(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Huang, YF (Huang, Yufei); You, ZF (You, Zhifu)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTVolume: 66 Issue: 3 Pages: 713----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 11 Title: On the Laplacian coefficients of bicyclic graphsAuthor(s): He, CX (He, Chang-Xiang); Shan, HY (Shan, HaiSource: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 310 Issue: 23 Pages: 340410.1016/j.disc.2010.08.012 Published: DEC 6 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 11 Title: Trees with minimal Laplacian coefficientsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 59 Issue: 8 Pages: 27762783 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2010.01.047 Publis----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 11 Title: Shell-Polynomials and ClujAuthor(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Ashrafi, AR Source: ACTA CHIMICA SLOVENICA Volume: 57 Issue: 3 Pages: 559----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 11 Title: CORRELATING STUDY OF NEW Author(s): Pop, ML (Pop, Monica L.); Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABESPublished: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 11 Title: Laplacian coefficients of trees with given number of leaves or vertices of degree twoAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Ilic, M (Ilic, Milovan)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2195DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.014 Published: NOV 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

like invariant of a graph Author(s): Wang, WZ (Wang, Weizhong); Luo, YF (Luo, Yanfeng) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 2 Pages: 71310.1016/j.laa.2012.03.004 Published: JUL 15 2012


Title: Estimating the Laplacian Energy-Like Molecular Structure Descriptor Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan) Source: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION A-A JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES Volume: 67 Issue: 6-7 Pages: 403-406 DOI: 10.5560/ZNA.2012


energy like of graphs Xuan)

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 9 Pages: 160410.1016/j.aml.2011.04.010 Published: SEP 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: A Survey on the Laplacian-Energy-Like Invariant Author(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Huang, YF (Huang, Yufei); You, ZF (You, Zhifu)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTVolume: 66 Issue: 3 Pages: 713-730 Published: 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the Laplacian coefficients of bicyclic graphs Xiang); Shan, HY (Shan, Hai-Ying)

Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 310 Issue: 23 Pages: 3404-10.1016/j.disc.2010.08.012 Published: DEC 6 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Trees with minimal Laplacian coefficients Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar) Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 59 Issue: 8 Pages: 27762783 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2010.01.047 Published: APR 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Polynomials and Cluj-Tehran Index in Tori T(4,4) S[5,n] Author(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Ashrafi, AR (Ashrafi, Ali Reza) Source: ACTA CHIMICA SLOVENICA Volume: 57 Issue: 3 Pages: 559-564 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: CORRELATING STUDY OF NEW MOLECULAR GRAPH DESCRIPTORSAuthor(s): Pop, ML (Pop, Monica L.); Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI CHEMIA Volume: 55 Issue: 4 Pages: 19


Title: Laplacian coefficients of trees with given number of leaves or vertices of degree twoAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Ilic, M (Ilic, Milovan)

EAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2195DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.014 Published: NOV 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 2 Pages: 713-721 DOI:

A JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL 406 DOI: 10.5560/ZNA.2012-0027 Published: JUN-

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 9 Pages: 1604-1607 DOI:

Author(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Huang, YF (Huang, Yufei); You, ZF (You, Zhifu) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY

-3412 DOI:

Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 59 Issue: 8 Pages: 2776-

564 Published: 2010

MOLECULAR GRAPH DESCRIPTORS Author(s): Pop, ML (Pop, Monica L.); Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)

BOLYAI CHEMIA Volume: 55 Issue: 4 Pages: 19-25

Title: Laplacian coefficients of trees with given number of leaves or vertices of degree two

EAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2195-2202

Page 36: Dragan Stevanović


Record 11 of 11 Title: On Laplacian Like Energy of TreesAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Krtinic, D (Krtinic, Djordje); Ilic, M (Ilic, Milovan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 111----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEVANOVIC D, 2009, NOUVEL SERIE, V85, P47 Record 1 of 1 Title: Dinormal graphs Author(s): Klein, DJ (Klein, Douglas J.); Rosenfeld, VR (Rosenfeld, VladSource: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 49 Issue: 7 Pages: 1256DOI: 10.1007/s10910-011-9812----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D, 2009, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V430, P2290, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2008.12.006 Record 1 of 24 Title: EDGE-GRAFTING THEOREMS ON PERMANENTS OF THE LAPLACIAN MATRICES OF GRAPHS AND THEIR APPLICATIONSAuthor(s): Li, SC (Li, Shuchao); Li, Y (Li, Yan); Zhang, XX Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 26 Pages: 282013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 24 Title: Some results on signless Author(s): Mirzakhah, M (Mirzakhah, Maryam); Kiani, D (Kiani, Dariush)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 9 Pages: 2243DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.05.022 Published: NOV 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 24 Title: On Laplacian-energy-like invariant of a graphAuthor(s): Wang, WZ (Wang, Weizhong); Luo, YF (Luo, Yanfeng)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLI10.1016/j.laa.2012.03.004 Published: JUL 15 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 24 Title: Comparison between KirchhoffAuthor(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.); Xu, KX (Xu, Kexiang); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 9 Pages: 3661DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.01.002 Publis----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 24 Title: The coefficients of Laplacian characteristic polynomials of graphsAuthor(s): Qiu, W (Qiu, Wei); Yan, WG (Yan, WeigSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 7 Pages: 2474DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.12.020 Published: APR 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 24 Title: On the Laplacian Coefficients and Laplacianm Pendent Vertices Author(s): Pai, XY (Pai, Xinying); Liu, SY (Liu, Sanyang)Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS Article Number: 404067 DOI: 10.1155/2012/404067 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

On Laplacian Like Energy of Trees Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Krtinic, D (Krtinic, Djordje); Ilic, M (Ilic, Milovan)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 111-122 Published: 2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEVANOVIC D, 2009, NOUVEL SERIE, V85, P47

Author(s): Klein, DJ (Klein, Douglas J.); Rosenfeld, VR (Rosenfeld, Vladimir R.)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 49 Issue: 7 Pages: 1256

9812-9 Published: AUG 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

c D, 2009, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V430, P2290, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2008.12.006



Title: Some results on signless Laplacian coefficients of graphs Author(s): Mirzakhah, M (Mirzakhah, Maryam); Kiani, D (Kiani, Dariush) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 9 Pages: 2243DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.05.022 Published: NOV 1 2012


like invariant of a graph Author(s): Wang, WZ (Wang, Weizhong); Luo, YF (Luo, Yanfeng) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 2 Pages: 71310.1016/j.laa.2012.03.004 Published: JUL 15 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Comparison between Kirchhoff index and the Laplacian-energy-like invariantAuthor(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.); Xu, KX (Xu, Kexiang); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 9 Pages: 3661DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.01.002 Published: MAY 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: The coefficients of Laplacian characteristic polynomials of graphs Author(s): Qiu, W (Qiu, Wei); Yan, WG (Yan, Weigen) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 7 Pages: 2474DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.12.020 Published: APR 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the Laplacian Coefficients and Laplacian-Like Energy of Unicyclic Graphs with n Vertices and

Author(s): Pai, XY (Pai, Xinying); Liu, SY (Liu, Sanyang) Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS Article Number: 404067 DOI: 0.1155/2012/404067 Published: 2012


Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Krtinic, D (Krtinic, Djordje); Ilic, M (Ilic, Milovan) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY

imir R.) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 49 Issue: 7 Pages: 1256-1262

c D, 2009, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V430, P2290, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2008.12.006


Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 26 Pages: 28-48 Published: JAN

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 9 Pages: 2243-2251

CATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 2 Pages: 713-721 DOI:

like invariant Author(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.); Xu, KX (Xu, Kexiang); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 9 Pages: 3661-3671

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 7 Pages: 2474-2479

Like Energy of Unicyclic Graphs with n Vertices and

Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS Article Number: 404067 DOI:

Page 37: Dragan Stevanović


Record 7 of 24 Title: On the Laplacian coefficients and LaplacianAuthor(s): Tan, SW (Tan, ShangSource: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 60 Issue: 9 Pages: 107110.1080/03081087.2011.643473 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 24 Title: A Unified Approach to Extremal Multiplicative Zagreb Indices for Trees, Unicyclic and Bicyclic Graphs Author(s): Xu, KX (Xu, Kexiang); Hua, HB (Hua, Hongbo)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 1 Pages: 241----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 24 Title: Trees, Unicyclic, and Bicyclic Graphs Extremal with Respect to Multiplicative Sum ZagrebAuthor(s): Xu, KX (Xu, Kexiang); Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 1 Pages: 257----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 24 Title: Ordering of trees with fixed matching number by the Laplacian coefficientsAuthor(s): He, SS (He, Shushan); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 5 Pages: 1171DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.02.050 Published: SEP 1 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 24 Title: The Laplacian-energy like of graphsAuthor(s): Zhu, BX (Zhu, Bao-Xuan)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 9 Pages: 160410.1016/j.aml.2011.04.010 Published: SEP 2011 -----------------------------------------------Record 12 of 24 Title: Laplacian coefficients of trees with a given bipartitionAuthor(s): Lin, WQ (Lin, Weiqi); Yan, WG (Yan, Weigen)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 1 10.1016/j.laa.2011.01.011 Published: JUL 1 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 24 Title: On the Laplacian coefficients of unicyclic graphs with presAuthor(s): Tan, SW (Tan, ShangSource: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 311 Issue: 810.1016/j.disc.2010.12.022 Published: MAY 6 2011 --------------------------------------------------------------------Record 14 of 24 Title: A Survey on the LaplacianAuthor(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Huang, YF (Huang, Yufei); You, ZF (You, Zhifu)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 66 Issue: 3 Pages: 713----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 15 of 24 Title: On the Laplacian coefficients of bicyclic graphsAuthor(s): He, CX (He, Chang-Xiang); Shan, HY (Shan, HaiSource: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 310 Issue: 23 Pages: 340410.1016/j.disc.2010.08.012 Published: DEC 6 2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: On the Laplacian coefficients and Laplacian-like energy of bicyclic graphs(Tan, Shang-Wang)

Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 60 Issue: 9 Pages: 107110.1080/03081087.2011.643473 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: A Unified Approach to Extremal Multiplicative Zagreb Indices for Trees, Unicyclic and Bicyclic


Issue: 1 Pages: 241-256 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Trees, Unicyclic, and Bicyclic Graphs Extremal with Respect to Multiplicative Sum ZagrebAuthor(s): Xu, KX (Xu, Kexiang); Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 1 Pages: 257-272 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Ordering of trees with fixed matching number by the Laplacian coefficientsAuthor(s): He, SS (He, Shushan); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao)

rce: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 5 Pages: 1171DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.02.050 Published: SEP 1 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

energy like of graphs Xuan)

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 9 Pages: 160410.1016/j.aml.2011.04.010 Published: SEP 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Laplacian coefficients of trees with a given bipartition Author(s): Lin, WQ (Lin, Weiqi); Yan, WG (Yan, Weigen) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 1 10.1016/j.laa.2011.01.011 Published: JUL 1 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the Laplacian coefficients of unicyclic graphs with prescribed matching numberAuthor(s): Tan, SW (Tan, Shang-wang) Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 311 Issue: 8-9 Pages: 582-10.1016/j.disc.2010.12.022 Published: MAY 6 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: A Survey on the Laplacian-Energy-Like Invariant Author(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Huang, YF (Huang, Yufei); You, ZF (You, Zhifu)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 66 Issue: 3 Pages: 713-730 Published: 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the Laplacian coefficients of bicyclic graphs Xiang); Shan, HY (Shan, Hai-Ying)

Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 310 Issue: 23 Pages: 3404-10.1016/j.disc.2010.08.012 Published: DEC 6 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

like energy of bicyclic graphs

Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 60 Issue: 9 Pages: 1071-1092 DOI:

Title: A Unified Approach to Extremal Multiplicative Zagreb Indices for Trees, Unicyclic and Bicyclic


Title: Trees, Unicyclic, and Bicyclic Graphs Extremal with Respect to Multiplicative Sum Zagreb Index


Title: Ordering of trees with fixed matching number by the Laplacian coefficients

rce: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 5 Pages: 1171-1186

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 9 Pages: 1604-1607 DOI:

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 1 Pages: 152-162 DOI:

cribed matching number

-594 DOI:

Author(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Huang, YF (Huang, Yufei); You, ZF (You, Zhifu) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY

-3412 DOI:

Page 38: Dragan Stevanović


Record 16 of 24 Title: The Laplacian spectral radius for unicyclic graphs with given independence numberAuthor(s): Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua); Yu, GH (Yu, Guihai); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 410.1016/j.laa.2010.04.023 Published: OCT 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 17 of 24 Title: Trees with minimal Laplacian coefficientsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 59 Issue: 8 Pages: 27762783 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2010.01.047 Published: APR 2010 --------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 18 of 24 Title: Untitled Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 3-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 19 of 24 Title: The Laplacian-energy Like Invariant is an Energy Like InvariantAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 85----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 20 of 24 Title: On Laplacian Like Energy oAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Krtinic, D (Krtinic, Djordje); Ilic, M (Ilic, Milovan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 111----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 21 of 24 Title: Ordering trees by the Laplacian coefficientsAuthor(s): Zhang, XD (Zhang, XiaoSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 12 Pages: 2414DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.04.018 Published: DEC 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 22 of 24 Title: Laplacian coefficients of trees with given number of leaves or vertices of degree twoAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Ilic, M (Ilic, Milovan)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2195DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.014 Published: NOV 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 23 of 24 Title: On the ordering of trees by the Laplacian coefficientsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2203DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.022 Published: NOV 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 24 of 24 Title: On incidence energy of a graphAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Kiani, D (Kiani, Dariush); Mirzakhah, M (Mirzakhah, Maryam); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 8 Pages: 1223DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.04.019 Published: SEP 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: The Laplacian spectral radius for unicyclic graphs with given independence numberAuthor(s): Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua); Yu, GH (Yu, Guihai); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 5 Pages: 93410.1016/j.laa.2010.04.023 Published: OCT 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Trees with minimal Laplacian coefficients hor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)

Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 59 Issue: 8 Pages: 27762783 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2010.01.047 Published: APR 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


-6 Published: 2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------

energy Like Invariant is an Energy Like Invariant Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris)

ICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 85-96 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On Laplacian Like Energy of Trees Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Krtinic, D (Krtinic, Djordje); Ilic, M (Ilic, Milovan)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 111-122 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Ordering trees by the Laplacian coefficients Author(s): Zhang, XD (Zhang, Xiao-Dong); Lv, XP (Lv, Xia-Ping); Chen, YH (Chen, YaSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 12 Pages: 2414DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.04.018 Published: DEC 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Laplacian coefficients of trees with given number of leaves or vertices of degree twoAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Ilic, M (Ilic, Milovan) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2195

.1016/j.laa.2009.07.014 Published: NOV 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the ordering of trees by the Laplacian coefficients eksandar)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2203DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.022 Published: NOV 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On incidence energy of a graph Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Kiani, D (Kiani, Dariush); Mirzakhah, M (Mirzakhah, Maryam);

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 8 Pages: 1223OI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.04.019 Published: SEP 1 2009


Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: The Laplacian spectral radius for unicyclic graphs with given independence number Author(s): Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua); Yu, GH (Yu, Guihai); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)

33 Issue: 5 Pages: 934-944 DOI:

Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 59 Issue: 8 Pages: 2776-


Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris) ICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY

Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Krtinic, D (Krtinic, Djordje); Ilic, M (Ilic, Milovan) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY

Ping); Chen, YH (Chen, Ya-Hong) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 12 Pages: 2414-2424

Title: Laplacian coefficients of trees with given number of leaves or vertices of degree two

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2195-2202

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2203-2212

Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Kiani, D (Kiani, Dariush); Mirzakhah, M (Mirzakhah, Maryam);

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 8 Pages: 1223-1233

Page 39: Dragan Stevanović


Stevanovic D, 2009, EUR J COMBIN, V30, P957, DOI 10.1016/j.ejc.2008.07.021STEVANOVIC D, EUR J COMB Record 1 of 2 Title: Star complements in regular graphs: Old and new resultsAuthor(s): Rowlinson, P (Rowlinson, Peter); TayfehSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2230-2242 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.04.022 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 2 Title: AN EXAMPLE OF USING STAR COMPLEMENTS IN CLASSIFYING STRONGLY REGULARGRAPHS Author(s): Milosevic, M (Milosevic, Marko)Source: FILOMAT Volume: 22 Issue: 2 Pages: 53----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Basic M, 2009, APPL MATH LETT, V22, P1117, DOI 10.1016/j.aml.2008.11.005 Record 1 of 22 Title: Characterization of quantum circulant networks having perfect state transferAuthor(s): Basic, M (Basic, Milan)Source: QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 34510.1007/s11128-012-0381-z Published: JAN 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 22 Title: CONVOLUTIONS OF RAMANUJAN SUMS AND INTEGRAL CIRCULANT GRAPHSAuthor(s): Le, TA (Le, T. A.); Sander, JW (Sander, J. W.)Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY Volume: 8 Issue: 7 Pages: 1777DOI: 10.1142/S1793042112501023 Published: NOV 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 22 Title: The maximal energy of classes of integral circulant graphsAuthor(s): Sander, JW (Sander, J. W.); Sander, T (Sander, T.)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 1310.1016/j.dam.2012.04.017 Published: SEP 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 22 Title: GRAPH SPECTRAL TECHNIQUES IN COMPUTER SCIENCESAuthor(s): Arsic, B (Arsic, Branko); Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.); Skaric, M (Skaric, Milan) Source: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Pages: 130 DOI: 10.2298/AADM111223025A Published: APR 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 22 Title: State transfer on graphs Author(s): Godsil, C (Godsil, Chris)Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 312 Issue: 1 Special Issue: SI Pages: 12910.1016/j.disc.2011.06.032 Published: JAN 6 2012 Conference Title: Conference on Algebraic Graph TheoryConference Date: JUN, 2009 Conference Location: Dubrovnik, CROATIAConference Host: Inter Univ Ctr

Др Драган П. Стевановић Stevanovic D, 2009, EUR J COMBIN, V30, P957, DOI 10.1016/j.ejc.2008.07.021STEVANOVIC D, EUR J COMB IN PRESS

Title: Star complements in regular graphs: Old and new results Author(s): Rowlinson, P (Rowlinson, Peter); Tayfeh-Rezaie, B (Tayfeh-Rezaie, Behruz)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2242 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.04.022 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory

04, 2008 e Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL

Conference Host: Mil Inst Engn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Author(s): Milosevic, M (Milosevic, Marko) Source: FILOMAT Volume: 22 Issue: 2 Pages: 53-57 Published: OCT 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

LETT, V22, P1117, DOI 10.1016/j.aml.2008.11.005

Title: Characterization of quantum circulant networks having perfect state transferAuthor(s): Basic, M (Basic, Milan) Source: QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 345

z Published: JAN 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY Volume: 8 Issue: 7 Pages: 1777DOI: 10.1142/S1793042112501023 Published: NOV 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: The maximal energy of classes of integral circulant graphs Author(s): Sander, JW (Sander, J. W.); Sander, T (Sander, T.) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 13-14 Pages: 201510.1016/j.dam.2012.04.017 Published: SEP 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: GRAPH SPECTRAL TECHNIQUES IN COMPUTER SCIENCES Branko); Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.);

Source: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Pages: 130 DOI: 10.2298/AADM111223025A Published: APR 2012


Author(s): Godsil, C (Godsil, Chris) Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 312 Issue: 1 Special Issue: SI Pages: 12910.1016/j.disc.2011.06.032 Published: JAN 6 2012 Conference Title: Conference on Algebraic Graph Theory

Conference Location: Dubrovnik, CROATIA Conference Host: Inter Univ Ctr

Др Драган П. Стевановић Stevanovic D, 2009, EUR J COMBIN, V30, P957, DOI 10.1016/j.ejc.2008.07.021

Rezaie, Behruz) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2242 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.04.022 Published: APR 15 2010


57 Published: OCT 2008

LETT, V22, P1117, DOI 10.1016/j.aml.2008.11.005

Title: Characterization of quantum circulant networks having perfect state transfer

Source: QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 345-364 DOI:


Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY Volume: 8 Issue: 7 Pages: 1777-1788

14 Pages: 2015-2029 DOI:

Branko); Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.);


Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 312 Issue: 1 Special Issue: SI Pages: 129-147 DOI:

Page 40: Dragan Stevanović


--------------------------------------------Record 6 of 22 Title: New results on the energy of integral circulant graphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 218 IDOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2011.08.094 Published: DEC 1 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 22 Title: Some results for the periodicity and perfect stateAuthor(s): Zhou, J (Zhou, Jiang); Bu, CJ (Bu, Changjiang); Shen, JH (Shen, Jihong)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P184 Published: SEP 20 2011 -------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 22 Title: Integral Cayley graphs defined by greatest common divisorsAuthor(s): Klotz, W (Klotz, Walter); Sander, T (Sander, Torsten)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 IPublished: APR 21 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 22 Title: On the automorphism group of integral circulant graphsAuthor(s): Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P68 Published: MAR 31 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 22 Title: Graph spectra in Computer ScienceAuthor(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, S (Simic, Slobodan)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 434 Issue: 6 Pages: 1545DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.11.035 Publishe----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 22 Title: Perfect State Transfer in Quantum Walks on GraphsAuthor(s): Kendon, VM (Kendon, Vivien M.); Tamon, C (Tamon, ChrisSource: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Pages: 422-433 DOI: 10.1166/jctn.2011.1706 Published: MAR 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 12 of 22 Title: Further results on the perfect state transfer in integral circulant graphsAuthor(s): Petkovic, MD (Petkovic, Marko D.); Basic, M (Basic, Milan)Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 300312 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2010.11.005 Published: JAN 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 22 Title: Graphs for small multiprocessor interconnection networksAuthor(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Davidovic, T (Davidovic, Tatjana); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 217 Issue: 6 Pages: 2468DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2010.07.058 Published: NOV 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 14 of 22 Title: Distance spectra and distance energy of integral circulant graphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 5 Pages: 1005DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.04.034 Published: OCT 15 2010

Др Драган П. Стевановић ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: New results on the energy of integral circulant graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 218 Issue: 7 Pages: 3470DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2011.08.094 Published: DEC 1 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Some results for the periodicity and perfect state transfer Author(s): Zhou, J (Zhou, Jiang); Bu, CJ (Bu, Changjiang); Shen, JH (Shen, Jihong)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P184


Title: Integral Cayley graphs defined by greatest common divisors Author(s): Klotz, W (Klotz, Walter); Sander, T (Sander, Torsten) Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P94


Title: On the automorphism group of integral circulant graphs (Basic, Milan); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)

Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P68


Title: Graph spectra in Computer Science Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, S (Simic, Slobodan) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 434 Issue: 6 Pages: 1545DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.11.035 Published: MAR 15 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Perfect State Transfer in Quantum Walks on Graphs Author(s): Kendon, VM (Kendon, Vivien M.); Tamon, C (Tamon, Christina) Source: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE Volume: 8 Issue:

433 DOI: 10.1166/jctn.2011.1706 Published: MAR 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Further results on the perfect state transfer in integral circulant graphs Author(s): Petkovic, MD (Petkovic, Marko D.); Basic, M (Basic, Milan) Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 300

DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2010.11.005 Published: JAN 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Graphs for small multiprocessor interconnection networks vic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Davidovic, T (Davidovic, Tatjana); Ilic, A (Ilic,

Aleksandar); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 217 Issue: 6 Pages: 2468DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2010.07.058 Published: NOV 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Distance spectra and distance energy of integral circulant graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 5 Pages: 1005DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.04.034 Published: OCT 15 2010

Др Драган П. Стевановић

ssue: 7 Pages: 3470-3482

Author(s): Zhou, J (Zhou, Jiang); Bu, CJ (Bu, Changjiang); Shen, JH (Shen, Jihong) Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P184

ssue: 1 Article Number: P94

Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P68

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 434 Issue: 6 Pages: 1545-1562


Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 300-

vic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Davidovic, T (Davidovic, Tatjana); Ilic, A (Ilic,

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 217 Issue: 6 Pages: 2468-2480

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 5 Pages: 1005-1014

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 15 of 22 Title: On the chromatic number of integral circulant graphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan)Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Pages: 144150 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2010.04.041 Publis----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 16 of 22 Title: Perfect state transfer in integral circulant graphs of nonAuthor(s): Basic, M (Basic, Milan); PetSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 1 Pages: 14910.1016/j.laa.2010.01.042 Published: JUN 15 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 17 of 22 Title: On the possible orders of a basis for a finite cyclic groupAuthor(s): Dukes, P (Dukes, Peter); Hegarty, P (Hegarty, Peter); Herke, S (Herke, Sarada)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 17 Issue: 1 Published: MAY 25 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 18 of 22 Title: PERFECT STATE TRANSFER, INTEGRAL CIRCULANTS, AND JOIN OF GRAPHSAuthor(s): Angeles-Canul, RJ (AngelesOpperman, MC (Opperman, Michael C.); Paribello, CC (Paribello, Christopher C.); Russell, MC (Russell, Matthew C.); Tamon, C (Tamon, Christino)Source: QUANTUM INFORMATION & COMPUTATION Published: MAR 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 19 of 22 Title: Triply Equienergetic GraphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); BasSource: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 189---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 20 of 22 Title: The energy of unitary cayley graphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 10 Pages: 1881DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.025 Published: OCT 15 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 21 of 22 Title: Some classes of integral circulant graphs either allowing or not allowing perfect state transferAuthor(s): Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Petkovic, MD (Petkovic, Marko D.)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 22 Issue: 10 Pages: 160910.1016/j.aml.2009.04.007 Published: OCT 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 22 of 22 Title: On the clique number of integral circulant graphsAuthor(s): Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 22 Issue: 9 Pages: 140610.1016/j.aml.2008.12.004 Published: SEP 2009 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the chromatic number of integral circulant graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan) Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Pages: 144150 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2010.04.041 Published: JUL 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Perfect state transfer in integral circulant graphs of non-square-free orderAuthor(s): Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Petkovic, MD (Petkovic, Marko D.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 1 Pages: 14910.1016/j.laa.2010.01.042 Published: JUN 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the possible orders of a basis for a finite cyclic group Author(s): Dukes, P (Dukes, Peter); Hegarty, P (Hegarty, Peter); Herke, S (Herke, Sarada)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 17 Issue: 1


Title: PERFECT STATE TRANSFER, INTEGRAL CIRCULANTS, AND JOIN OF GRAPHSnul, RJ (Angeles-Canul, Ricardo J.); Norton, RM (Norton, Rachael M.);

Opperman, MC (Opperman, Michael C.); Paribello, CC (Paribello, Christopher C.); Russell, MC (Russell, Matthew C.); Tamon, C (Tamon, Christino) Source: QUANTUM INFORMATION & COMPUTATION Volume: 10 Issue: 3


Title: Triply Equienergetic Graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 189-200 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: The energy of unitary cayley graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 10 Pages: 1881DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.025 Published: OCT 15 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Some classes of integral circulant graphs either allowing or not allowing perfect state transferAuthor(s): Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Petkovic, MD (Petkovic, Marko D.) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 22 Issue: 10 Pages: 160910.1016/j.aml.2009.04.007 Published: OCT 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the clique number of integral circulant graphs Milan); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 22 Issue: 9 Pages: 140610.1016/j.aml.2008.12.004 Published: SEP 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Pages: 144-

free order

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 1 Pages: 149-163 DOI:

Author(s): Dukes, P (Dukes, Peter); Hegarty, P (Hegarty, Peter); Herke, S (Herke, Sarada) Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 17 Issue: 1 Article Number: R79


Opperman, MC (Opperman, Michael C.); Paribello, CC (Paribello, Christopher C.); Russell, MC

Volume: 10 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 325-342


Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 10 Pages: 1881-1889

Title: Some classes of integral circulant graphs either allowing or not allowing perfect state transfer

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 22 Issue: 10 Pages: 1609-1615 DOI:

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 22 Issue: 9 Pages: 1406-1411 DOI:

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Stevanovic D, 2009, APPL MATH LETT, V22, P1136, DOI 10.1016/j.aml.2008.11.007 Record 1 of 8 Title: Distance spectral spread of a graphAuthor(s): Yu, GL (Yu, Guanglong); Zhang, HL (Zhang, Hailiang); Lin, HQ (Lin, Huiqiu); Wu, YR (Wu, Yarong); Shu, JL (Shu, Jinlong)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 1610.1016/j.dam.2012.05.015 Published: NOV 2012 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 8 Title: Distance spectral radius of graphs with r pendent verticesAuthor(s): Bose, SS (Bose, Surya Sekhar); Nath, M (Nath, Milan); Paul, S (Paul, Somnath)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 11 Pages: 2828DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.04.041 Published: DEC 1 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 8 Title: Distance spectra and distance energy of integral circulant graphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 5 Pages: 1005DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.04.034 Published: OCT 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 8 Title: Distance spectral radius of trees with given matching numberAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATIC10.1016/j.dam.2010.06.018 Published: AUG 28 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 8 Title: Untitled Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 3-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 8 Title: Triply Equienergetic GraphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 189----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 8 Title: On Distance Spectral Radius and Distance Energy of GraphsAuthor(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIOVolume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 261----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 8 Title: Distance spectrum of graph Author(s): Indulal, G (Indulal, Gopalapillai)Source: ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Pages: 93SPR-SUM 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић Stevanovic D, 2009, APPL MATH LETT, V22, P1136, DOI 10.1016/j.aml.2008.11.007

Title: Distance spectral spread of a graph Author(s): Yu, GL (Yu, Guanglong); Zhang, HL (Zhang, Hailiang); Lin, HQ (Lin, Huiqiu); Wu, YR (Wu,

ng); Shu, JL (Shu, Jinlong) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 16-17 Pages: 247410.1016/j.dam.2012.05.015 Published: NOV 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Distance spectral radius of graphs with r pendent vertices Author(s): Bose, SS (Bose, Surya Sekhar); Nath, M (Nath, Milan); Paul, S (Paul, Somnath)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 11 Pages: 2828DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.04.041 Published: DEC 1 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Distance spectra and distance energy of integral circulant graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 5 Pages: 1005DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.04.034 Published: OCT 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Distance spectral radius of trees with given matching number Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 158 Issue: 16 Pages: 179910.1016/j.dam.2010.06.018 Published: AUG 28 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


-6 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

e: Triply Equienergetic Graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)



Title: On Distance Spectral Radius and Distance Energy of Graphs Author(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 261-280 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Distance spectrum of graph compositions Author(s): Indulal, G (Indulal, Gopalapillai) Source: ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Pages: 93


Др Драган П. Стевановић Stevanovic D, 2009, APPL MATH LETT, V22, P1136, DOI 10.1016/j.aml.2008.11.007

Author(s): Yu, GL (Yu, Guanglong); Zhang, HL (Zhang, Hailiang); Lin, HQ (Lin, Huiqiu); Wu, YR (Wu,

17 Pages: 2474-2478 DOI:

Author(s): Bose, SS (Bose, Surya Sekhar); Nath, M (Nath, Milan); Paul, S (Paul, Somnath) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 11 Pages: 2828-2836

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 5 Pages: 1005-1014

S Volume: 158 Issue: 16 Pages: 1799-1806 DOI:


Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY


Source: ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Pages: 93-100 Published:

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Ilic A, 2009, MATCH-COMMUN MATH CO, V62, P681 Record 1 of 22 Title: Extremal Properties of the Zagreb Eccentricity IndicesAuthor(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: CROATICA CHEMICA ACTA VolumPublished: OCT 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 22 Title: The Modified Zagreb Indices of Nanotubes and Dendrimer NAuthor(s): Hao, JX (Hao, Jianxiu)Source: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE Volume: 9 Issue: 5 Pages: 727-730 DOI: 10.1166/jctn.2012.2086 Published: MAY 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 22 Title: On reformulated Zagreb indicesAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 3 Pages: 20410.1016/j.dam.2011.09.021 Published: FEB 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 22 Title: Some Connectivity Indices and Zagreb Index of Polyhex NanotubesAuthor(s): Farahani, MR (Farahani, Mohammad Source: ACTA CHIMICA SLOVENICA Volume: 59 Issue: 4 Pages: 779----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 22 Title: Novel Degree-based Molecular DescriptorAuthor(s): Doslic, T (Doslic, Tomislav); Reti, T (Reti, Tamas)Source: ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA Volume: 9 Issue: 4 Pages: 17-----------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 22 Title: On the Relationships between the First and Second Zagreb IndicesAuthor(s): Reti, T (Reti, Tamas)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 1 Pages: 169----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 22 Title: On the Zagreb indices equalityAuthor(s): Abdo, H (Abdo, Hosam); Dimitrov, D (Dimitrov, Darko); Gutman, ISource: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 110.1016/j.dam.2011.10.003 Published: JAN 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 22 Title: On a Relation Between the Zagreb IndicesAuthor(s): Stevanovic, S (Stevanovic, Sanja)Source: CROATICA CHEMICA ACTA Volume: 84 Issue: 1 Pages: 17Published: MAY 2011 -----------------------------------------------Record 9 of 22 Title: On the Zagreb index inequality of graphs with prescribed vertex degreesAuthor(s): Andova, V (Andova, Vesna); Bogoev, S (Bogoev, Saso); Dimitrov, D (Dimitrov, Darko); Pilipczuk, M (Pilipczuk, Marcin); Skrekovski, R (Skrekovski, Riste)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 159 Issue: 8 Pages: 85210.1016/j.dam.2011.01.002 Published: APR 28 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић COMMUN MATH CO, V62, P681

Title: Extremal Properties of the Zagreb Eccentricity Indices Author(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: CROATICA CHEMICA ACTA Volume: 85 Issue: 3 Pages: 359-362 DOI: 10.5562/cca2020


Title: The Modified Zagreb Indices of Nanotubes and Dendrimer Nanostars Author(s): Hao, JX (Hao, Jianxiu) Source: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE Volume: 9 Issue:

730 DOI: 10.1166/jctn.2012.2086 Published: MAY 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On reformulated Zagreb indices Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 3 Pages: 204

Published: FEB 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Some Connectivity Indices and Zagreb Index of Polyhex Nanotubes Author(s): Farahani, MR (Farahani, Mohammad Reza) Source: ACTA CHIMICA SLOVENICA Volume: 59 Issue: 4 Pages: 779-783 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

based Molecular Descriptors with Increased Discriminating PowerAuthor(s): Doslic, T (Doslic, Tomislav); Reti, T (Reti, Tamas) Source: ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA Volume: 9 Issue: 4 Pages: 17----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the Relationships between the First and Second Zagreb Indices Author(s): Reti, T (Reti, Tamas)



Title: On the Zagreb indices equality Author(s): Abdo, H (Abdo, Hosam); Dimitrov, D (Dimitrov, Darko); Gutman, ISource: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 110.1016/j.dam.2011.10.003 Published: JAN 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On a Relation Between the Zagreb Indices Author(s): Stevanovic, S (Stevanovic, Sanja) Source: CROATICA CHEMICA ACTA Volume: 84 Issue: 1 Pages: 17-19 DOI: 10.5562/cca1579


Title: On the Zagreb index inequality of graphs with prescribed vertex degreesAuthor(s): Andova, V (Andova, Vesna); Bogoev, S (Bogoev, Saso); Dimitrov, D (Dimitrov, Darko);

(Pilipczuk, Marcin); Skrekovski, R (Skrekovski, Riste) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 159 Issue: 8 Pages: 85210.1016/j.dam.2011.01.002 Published: APR 28 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad) 362 DOI: 10.5562/cca2020


Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 3 Pages: 204-209 DOI:

783 Published: 2012

s with Increased Discriminating Power

Source: ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA Volume: 9 Issue: 4 Pages: 17-30 Published: 2012


Author(s): Abdo, H (Abdo, Hosam); Dimitrov, D (Dimitrov, Darko); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan) 2 Pages: 1-8 DOI:

19 DOI: 10.5562/cca1579

Title: On the Zagreb index inequality of graphs with prescribed vertex degrees Author(s): Andova, V (Andova, Vesna); Bogoev, S (Bogoev, Saso); Dimitrov, D (Dimitrov, Darko);

Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 159 Issue: 8 Pages: 852-858 DOI:

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Record 10 of 22 Title: Theorems about Zagreb Indices and Modified Zagreb IndicesAuthor(s): Hao, JX (Hao, Jianxiu)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 659----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 22 Title: Comparing Variable Zagreb Indices of GraphsAuthor(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Zhang, M (Zhang, Meng); Huang, YF (Huang, Yufei)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 671----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 12 of 22 Title: Some Bounds on GA(1) Index of GraphsAuthor(s): Mogharrab, M (Mogharrab, M.); FathSource: MATCH-COMMUNICATVolume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 33----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 22 Title: Some Observations on ComparingAuthor(s): Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris); Andova, V (Andova, Vesna); Dimitrov, D (Dimitrov, Darko)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 66 Issue: 2 Pages: 627----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 14 of 22 Title: A Survey on Comparing Zagreb IndicesAuthor(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); You, ZF (You, ZhiSource: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 581----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 15 of 22 Title: Graph Classes (Dis)satisfying the Zagreb Indices InequalityAuthor(s): Andova, V (Andova, Vesna); Cohen, N (Cohen, Nathann); Skrekovski, R (Skrekovski, Riste) Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 647----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 16 of 22 Title: Note on PI and Szeged indicesAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING Volume: 52 Issue: 91576 DOI: 10.1016/j.mcm.2010.06.022 Published: NOV 2010 --------------------------------------------------Record 17 of 22 Title: Zagreb, Harary and hyperAuthor(s): Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volu10.1016/j.aml.2010.04.017 Published: AUG 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 18 of 22 Title: Note on the Comparison of the First and SecoAuthor(s): Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir); Graovac, A (Graovac, Ante)Source: ACTA CHIMICA SLOVENICA Volume: 57 Issue: 3 Pages: 524-------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Theorems about Zagreb Indices and Modified Zagreb Indices Author(s): Hao, JX (Hao, Jianxiu)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 659-670 Published: 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

aring Variable Zagreb Indices of Graphs Author(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Zhang, M (Zhang, Meng); Huang, YF (Huang, Yufei)



Title: Some Bounds on GA(1) Index of Graphs Author(s): Mogharrab, M (Mogharrab, M.); Fath-Tabar, GH (Fath-Tabar, G. H.)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 33-38 Published: 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Some Observations on Comparing Zagreb Indices Author(s): Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris); Andova, V (Andova, Vesna); Dimitrov, D (Dimitrov, Darko)



Title: A Survey on Comparing Zagreb Indices Author(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); You, ZF (You, Zhifu)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 581-593 Published: 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Graph Classes (Dis)satisfying the Zagreb Indices Inequality Author(s): Andova, V (Andova, Vesna); Cohen, N (Cohen, Nathann); Skrekovski, R (Skrekovski,

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 647-658 Published: 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

on PI and Szeged indices Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar) Source: MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING Volume: 52 Issue: 91576 DOI: 10.1016/j.mcm.2010.06.022 Published: NOV 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Zagreb, Harary and hyper-Wiener indices of graphs with a given matching numberAuthor(s): Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 23 Issue: 8 Pages: 94310.1016/j.aml.2010.04.017 Published: AUG 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Note on the Comparison of the First and Second Normalized Zagreb Eccentricity IndicesAuthor(s): Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir); Graovac, A (Graovac, Ante) Source: ACTA CHIMICA SLOVENICA Volume: 57 Issue: 3 Pages: 524-528 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић


Author(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Zhang, M (Zhang, Meng); Huang, YF (Huang, Yufei) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY


Author(s): Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris);



Author(s): Andova, V (Andova, Vesna); Cohen, N (Cohen, Nathann); Skrekovski, R (Skrekovski,


Source: MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING Volume: 52 Issue: 9-10 Pages: 1570-

Wiener indices of graphs with a given matching number

me: 23 Issue: 8 Pages: 943-948 DOI:

nd Normalized Zagreb Eccentricity Indices

528 Published: 2010

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Record 19 of 22 Title: A Simple Approach to Order the First Zagreb Indices of Connected GraphsAuthor(s): Liu, MH (Liu, Muhuo)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 425----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 20 of 22 Title: On Comparing Zagreb Indices of GraphsAuthor(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 433----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 21 of 22 Title: Comparing Zagreb Indices of Cyclic GraphsAuthor(s): Caporossi, G (Caporossi, Gilles); Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir) Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 441----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 22 of 22 Title: EXTREMAL PROPERTIES OF ZAGREB COINDICES AND DEGREE DISTANCE OF GRAPHSAuthor(s): Hossein-Zadeh, S (HosseinR.) Source: MISKOLC MATHEMATICAL NOTES Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Pages: 129----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D, 2009, MATCH-COMMUN MATH CO, V61, P463 Record 1 of 2 Title: The Laplacian-energy Like Invariant is an Energy Like InvariantAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 85----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 2 Title: Triply Equienergetic GraphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 189-----------------------------------------------------------------------Stankovic I, 2009, MATCH-COMMUN MATH CO, V61, P443 Record 1 of 3 Title: New results on the energy of integral circulant graphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 218 Issue: 7 Pages: 3470DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2011.08.094 Published: DEC 1 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 3 Title: The energy of a type of latticeAuthor(s): Ye, LZ (Ye, Luzhen) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 2 Pages: 14510.1016/j.aml.2010.08.034 Published: FEB 2011 --------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: A Simple Approach to Order the First Zagreb Indices of Connected GraphsAuthor(s): Liu, MH (Liu, Muhuo)



Title: On Comparing Zagreb Indices of Graphs Author(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 433-440 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Indices of Cyclic Graphs Author(s): Caporossi, G (Caporossi, Gilles); Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic,

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 441-451 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: EXTREMAL PROPERTIES OF ZAGREB COINDICES AND DEGREE DISTANCE OF GRAPHSZadeh, S (Hossein-Zadeh, S.); Hamzeh, A (Hamzeh, A.); Ashrafi, AR (Ashrafi, A.

Source: MISKOLC MATHEMATICAL NOTES Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Pages: 129----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


energy Like Invariant is an Energy Like Invariant Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 85-96 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Triply Equienergetic Graphs ndar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 189-200 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Title: New results on the energy of integral circulant graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 218 Issue: 7 Pages: 3470DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2011.08.094 Published: DEC 1 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: The energy of a type of lattice

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 2 Pages: 14510.1016/j.aml.2010.08.034 Published: FEB 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: A Simple Approach to Order the First Zagreb Indices of Connected Graphs



Author(s): Caporossi, G (Caporossi, Gilles); Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic,



Source: MISKOLC MATHEMATICAL NOTES Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Pages: 129-137 Published: 2010

Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris) COMPUTER CHEMISTRY


Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 218 Issue: 7 Pages: 3470-3482

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 2 Pages: 145-148 DOI:

Page 46: Dragan Stevanović


Record 3 of 3 Title: Triply Equienergetic GraphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 189----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D, 2009, MATCH-COMMUN MATH CO, V61, P407 Record 1 of 20 Title: On Laplacian-energy-like invariant of a graphAuthor(s): Wang, WZ (Wang, Weizhong); Luo, YF (Luo, Yanfeng)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 2 Pages: 71310.1016/j.laa.2012.03.004 Published: JUL 15 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 20 Title: The coefficients of Laplacian characteristic polynomials of graphsAuthor(s): Qiu, W (Qiu, Wei); Yan, WG (Yan, Weigen)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.12.020 Published: APR 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 20 Title: On the Laplacian coefficients of trAuthor(s): Tan, SW (Tan, ShangSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 3 Pages: 59510.1016/j.laa.2011.07.038 Published: FEB 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 20 Title: New Results on the Incidence Energy of GraphsAuthor(s): Zhang, JB (Zhang, Jianbin); Li, JP (Li, Jianping)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIOVolume: 68 Issue: 3 Pages: 777----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 20 Title: On the Laplacian Coefficients am Pendent Vertices Author(s): Pai, XY (Pai, Xinying); Liu, SY (Liu, Sanyang)Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS Article Number: 404067 DOI: 10.1155/2012/404067 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 20 Title: On the Laplacian coefficients and LaplacianAuthor(s): Tan, SW (Tan, ShangSource: LINEAR & MULTILINEA10.1080/03081087.2011.643473 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 20 Title: Ordering of trees with fixed Author(s): He, SS (He, Shushan); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 5 Pages: 1171DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.02.050 Published: SEP 1 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Triply Equienergetic Graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 189-200 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


ke invariant of a graph Author(s): Wang, WZ (Wang, Weizhong); Luo, YF (Luo, Yanfeng) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 2 Pages: 71310.1016/j.laa.2012.03.004 Published: JUL 15 2012


Title: The coefficients of Laplacian characteristic polynomials of graphs Author(s): Qiu, W (Qiu, Wei); Yan, WG (Yan, Weigen) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 7 Pages: 2474DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.12.020 Published: APR 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the Laplacian coefficients of trees with a perfect matching Author(s): Tan, SW (Tan, Shang-wang); Song, TM (Song, Tian-mei) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 3 Pages: 59510.1016/j.laa.2011.07.038 Published: FEB 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: New Results on the Incidence Energy of Graphs Author(s): Zhang, JB (Zhang, Jianbin); Li, JP (Li, Jianping)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 3 Pages: 777-803 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the Laplacian Coefficients and Laplacian-Like Energy of Unicyclic Graphs with n Vertices and

Author(s): Pai, XY (Pai, Xinying); Liu, SY (Liu, Sanyang) Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS Article Number: 404067 DOI: 10.1155/2012/404067 Published: 2012


Title: On the Laplacian coefficients and Laplacian-like energy of bicyclic graphsAuthor(s): Tan, SW (Tan, Shang-Wang) Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 60 Issue: 9 Pages: 107110.1080/03081087.2011.643473 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Ordering of trees with fixed matching number by the Laplacian coefficientsAuthor(s): He, SS (He, Shushan); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 5 Pages: 1171DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.02.050 Published: SEP 1 2011


Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 2 Pages: 713-721 DOI:

Volume: 436 Issue: 7 Pages: 2474-2479

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 3 Pages: 595-617 DOI:


Like Energy of Unicyclic Graphs with n Vertices and

Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS Article Number: 404067 DOI:

like energy of bicyclic graphs

R ALGEBRA Volume: 60 Issue: 9 Pages: 1071-1092 DOI:

matching number by the Laplacian coefficients

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 5 Pages: 1171-1186

Page 47: Dragan Stevanović


Record 8 of 20 Title: The Laplacian-energy like of graphsAuthor(s): Zhu, BX (Zhu, Bao-Xuan)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 9 Pages: 160410.1016/j.aml.2011.04.010 Published: SEP 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 20 Title: Laplacian coefficients of trees with a given bipartitionAuthor(s): Lin, WQ (Lin, Weiqi); Yan, WG (Yan, Weigen)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 1 Pages: 15210.1016/j.laa.2011.01.011 Published: JUL 1 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 20 Title: On the Laplacian coefficients of unicyclic graphs with prescribed matching numberAuthor(s): Tan, SW (Tan, ShangSource: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 311 Issue: 810.1016/j.disc.2010.12.022 Published: MAY 6 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 20 Title: A Survey on the LaplacianAuthor(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Huang, YF (Huang, Yufei); You, ZF (You, Zhifu)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 66 Issue: 3 Pages: 713----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 12 of 20 Title: Eccentric Connectivity Index of Chemical TreesAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAVolume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 731----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 20 Title: On the Laplacian coefficients of bicyclic graphAuthor(s): He, CX (He, Chang-Xiang); Shan, HY (Shan, HaiSource: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 310 Issue: 23 Pages: 340410.1016/j.disc.2010.08.012 Published: DEC 6 2010 --------------------------------------------------------------Record 14 of 20 Title: Trees with minimal Laplacian coefficientsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 59 Issue: 8 Pages: 27762783 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2010.01.047 Published: APR 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 15 of 20 Title: The Laplacian-energy Like Invariant is an Energy Like InvariantAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 85----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 16 of 20 Title: On Laplacian Like Energy of TreesAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Krtinic, D (Krtinic, Djordje); Ilic, M (IlicSource: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 111----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

energy like of graphs Xuan)

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 9 Pages: 160410.1016/j.aml.2011.04.010 Published: SEP 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

placian coefficients of trees with a given bipartition Author(s): Lin, WQ (Lin, Weiqi); Yan, WG (Yan, Weigen) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 1 Pages: 15210.1016/j.laa.2011.01.011 Published: JUL 1 2011


Title: On the Laplacian coefficients of unicyclic graphs with prescribed matching numberAuthor(s): Tan, SW (Tan, Shang-wang)

THEMATICS Volume: 311 Issue: 8-9 Pages: 582-10.1016/j.disc.2010.12.022 Published: MAY 6 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

an-Energy-Like Invariant Author(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Huang, YF (Huang, Yufei); You, ZF (You, Zhifu)



Title: Eccentric Connectivity Index of Chemical Trees Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 731-744 Published: 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the Laplacian coefficients of bicyclic graphs Xiang); Shan, HY (Shan, Hai-Ying)

Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 310 Issue: 23 Pages: 3404-10.1016/j.disc.2010.08.012 Published: DEC 6 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Trees with minimal Laplacian coefficients Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)

MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 59 Issue: 8 Pages: 27762783 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2010.01.047 Published: APR 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

energy Like Invariant is an Energy Like Invariant Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 85-96 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On Laplacian Like Energy of Trees Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Krtinic, D (Krtinic, Djordje); Ilic, M (Ilic, Milovan)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 111-122 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 9 Pages: 1604-1607 DOI:

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 1 Pages: 152-162 DOI:

Title: On the Laplacian coefficients of unicyclic graphs with prescribed matching number

-594 DOI:

Author(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Huang, YF (Huang, Yufei); You, ZF (You, Zhifu) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY


-3412 DOI:

MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 59 Issue: 8 Pages: 2776-

Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY


Page 48: Dragan Stevanović


Record 17 of 20 Title: Laplacian coefficients of trees with given number of leaves or vertices of degree twoAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Ilic, M (Ilic, Milovan)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2195DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.014 Published: NOV 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 18 of 20 Title: On the ordering of trees by the Laplacian coefficientsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2203DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.022 Published: NOV 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 19 of 20 Title: On incidence energy of a graphAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Kiani, D (Kiani, Dariush); Mirzakhah, M (Mirzakhah, Maryam); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 8 Pages: 1223DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.04.019 Published: SEP 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 20 of 20 Title: On Incidence Energy of GraphsAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Kiani, D (Kiani, Dariush); Mirzakhah, M (Mirzakhah, Maryam)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 573----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D, 2009, MATCH-COMMUN MATH CO, V61, P395 Record 1 of 6 Title: Energy of generalized line graphsAuthor(s): Lang, WW (Lang, Weiwei); WSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 9 Pages: 2386DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.05.023 Published: NOV 1 2012 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 6 Title: Bounds for the signless Laplacian energyAuthor(s): Abreu, N (Abreu, Nair); Cardoso, DM (Cardoso, Domingos M.); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Martins, EA (Martins, Enide A.); Robbiano, M (Robbiano, Maria)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2365-2374 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.10.021 Published: NOV 15 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 6 Title: Energy of line graphs Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Robbiano, M (Robbiano, Maria); Martins, EA (Martins, Enide Andrade); Cardoso, DM (Cardoso, Domingos M.); Medina, L (Medina, Luis); Rojo, O (Rojo, Oscar)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATDOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.05.009 Published: DEC 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 6 Title: The Laplacian energy of random Author(s): Du, WX (Du, Wenxue); Li, XL (Li, Xueliang); Li, YY (Li, Yiyang)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS Volume: 368 Issue: 1 Pages: 311-319 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2010.02.051 Published: AUG 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Laplacian coefficients of trees with given number of leaves or vertices of degree twoAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Ilic, M (Ilic, Milovan) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2195

/j.laa.2009.07.014 Published: NOV 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the ordering of trees by the Laplacian coefficients dar)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2203DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.022 Published: NOV 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On incidence energy of a graph Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Kiani, D (Kiani, Dariush); Mirzakhah, M (Mirzakhah, Maryam);

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 8 Pages: 1223DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.04.019 Published: SEP 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On Incidence Energy of Graphs Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Kiani, D (Kiani, Dariush); Mirzakhah, M (Mirzakhah, Maryam)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 573-580 Published: 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Title: Energy of generalized line graphs Author(s): Lang, WW (Lang, Weiwei); Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 9 Pages: 2386DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.05.023 Published: NOV 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Bounds for the signless Laplacian energy Author(s): Abreu, N (Abreu, Nair); Cardoso, DM (Cardoso, Domingos M.); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Martins, EA (Martins, Enide A.); Robbiano, M (Robbiano, Maria)

ND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI 2374 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.10.021 Published: NOV 15 2011


Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Robbiano, M (Robbiano, Maria); Martins, EA (Martins, Enide Andrade); Cardoso, DM (Cardoso, Domingos M.); Medina, L (Medina, Luis); Rojo, O (Rojo, Oscar)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 7 Pages: 1312DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.05.009 Published: DEC 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: The Laplacian energy of random graphs Author(s): Du, WX (Du, Wenxue); Li, XL (Li, Xueliang); Li, YY (Li, Yiyang) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS Volume: 368 Issue: 1

319 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2010.02.051 Published: AUG 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Laplacian coefficients of trees with given number of leaves or vertices of degree two

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2195-2202

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2203-2212

Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Kiani, D (Kiani, Dariush); Mirzakhah, M (Mirzakhah, Maryam);

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 8 Pages: 1223-1233

Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Kiani, D (Kiani, Dariush); Mirzakhah, M (Mirzakhah, Maryam) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 9 Pages: 2386-2396

Author(s): Abreu, N (Abreu, Nair); Cardoso, DM (Cardoso, Domingos M.); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan);

ND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI 2374 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.10.021 Published: NOV 15 2011

Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Robbiano, M (Robbiano, Maria); Martins, EA (Martins, Enide Andrade); Cardoso, DM (Cardoso, Domingos M.); Medina, L (Medina, Luis); Rojo, O (Rojo, Oscar)

IONS Volume: 433 Issue: 7 Pages: 1312-1323

Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS Volume: 368 Issue: 1 319 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2010.02.051 Published: AUG 1 2010

Page 49: Dragan Stevanović


Record 5 of 6 Title: Applications of a theorem by Ky Fan in the theory of graph energyAuthor(s): So, W (So, Wasin); Robbiano, M (Robbiano, Maria); de AbMaria); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2163-2169 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.01.006 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on SConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 6 Title: The Laplacian-energy Like Invariant is an Energy Like InvariantAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 85----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aouchiche M., 2009, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, V29 Record 1 of 1 Title: A survey of automated conjectures in spectral graph Author(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, M.); Hansen, P (Hansen, P.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2293-2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aouchiche M, 2008, EUR J OPER RES, V191, P661, DOI 10.1016/j.ejor.2006.12.059 Record 1 of 13 Title: A survey of Nordhaus-Gaddum type relationsAuthor(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, Mustapha); Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 161 Issu466-546 DOI: 10.1016/j.dam.2011.12.018 Published: MAR 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 13 Title: The efficiency and stability of R&D Author(s): Konig, MD (Koenig, Michael D.); Battiston, S (Battiston, Stefano); Napoletano, M (Napoletano, Mauro); Schweitzer, F (Schweitzer, Frank)Source: GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR Volume: 75 Issue: 2 Pages: 69410.1016/j.geb.2011.12.007 Published: JUL 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 13 Title: Connected graphs with maximal QAuthor(s): Chang, TC (Chang, TingSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2451-2461 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.02.018 Published: NOV 15 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 13 Title: On the spectral radius of quasiAuthor(s): Geng, XY (Geng, Xianya); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.06.007 Published: DEC 15 2010

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Applications of a theorem by Ky Fan in the theory of graph energy Author(s): So, W (So, Wasin); Robbiano, M (Robbiano, Maria); de Abreu, NMM (Maia de Abreu, Nair Maria); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2169 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.01.006 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory

04, 2008 Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL Conference Host: Mil Inst Engn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

energy Like Invariant is an Energy Like Invariant Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 85-96 Published: 2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aouchiche M., 2009, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, V29

Title: A survey of automated conjectures in spectral graph theory Author(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, M.); Hansen, P (Hansen, P.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010 hop on Spectral Graph Theory

04, 2008 Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL Conference Host: Mil Inst Engn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

EUR J OPER RES, V191, P661, DOI 10.1016/j.ejor.2006.12.059

Gaddum type relations Author(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, Mustapha); Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 161 Issue: 4-5 Special Issue: SI Pages:

546 DOI: 10.1016/j.dam.2011.12.018 Published: MAR 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: The efficiency and stability of R&D networks Author(s): Konig, MD (Koenig, Michael D.); Battiston, S (Battiston, Stefano); Napoletano, M (Napoletano, Mauro); Schweitzer, F (Schweitzer, Frank) Source: GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR Volume: 75 Issue: 2 Pages: 694

2.007 Published: JUL 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Connected graphs with maximal Q-index: The one-dominating-vertex caseAuthor(s): Chang, TC (Chang, Ting-Chung); Tam, BS (Tam, Bit-Shun) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI

2461 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.02.018 Published: NOV 15 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the spectral radius of quasi-k-cyclic graphs Author(s): Geng, XY (Geng, Xianya); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 8DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.06.007 Published: DEC 15 2010

Др Драган П. Стевановић

reu, NMM (Maia de Abreu, Nair

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI 2169 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.01.006 Published: APR 15 2010

Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI 2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010

EUR J OPER RES, V191, P661, DOI 10.1016/j.ejor.2006.12.059

Author(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, Mustapha); Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre) 5 Special Issue: SI Pages:

Author(s): Konig, MD (Koenig, Michael D.); Battiston, S (Battiston, Stefano); Napoletano, M

Source: GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR Volume: 75 Issue: 2 Pages: 694-713 DOI:

vertex case

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI 2461 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.02.018 Published: NOV 15 2011

Author(s): Geng, XY (Geng, Xianya); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.) Issue: 8-10 Pages: 1561-1572

Page 50: Dragan Stevanović


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 13 Title: Some notes on the threshold graphsAuthor(s): Andelic, M (Andelic, Milica); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 310 Issue: 1710.1016/j.disc.2010.04.022 Published: SEP 28 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 13 Title: FROM ASSORTATIVE TO DISSORTATIVE NETWORKS: THE ROLE OF CAPACITY CONSTRAINTS Author(s): Konig, MD (Koenig, Michael D.); Tessone, CJ (Tessone, Claudio J.); Zenou, Y (Zenou, Yves) Source: ADVANCES IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS Volume: 13 Issue: 4 Pages: 48310.1142/S0219525910002700 Published: AUG 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 13 Title: A survey of automated conjectures in spectral graph theoryAuthor(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, M.); Hansen, P (Hansen, P.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2293-2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn-----------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 13 Title: Connected graphs of fixed order and size with maximal index: Some spectral boundsAuthor(s): Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.); Belardo, F (Belardo, Francesco); Li Marzi, EM (Li Marzi, Enzo Maria); Tosic, DV (Tosic, Dejan V.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2361-2372 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.043 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 13 Title: Graphs with maximal signless Laplacian spectral Author(s): Chang, TJ (Chang, TingSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 7 Pages: 1708DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.11.027 Published: MAR 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 13 Title: On the reduced signless Laplacian spectrum of a degree maximal graphAuthor(s): Tam, BS (Tam, Bit-Shun); Wu, SH (Wu, ShuSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 7 Pages: 1734DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.11.031 Published: MAR 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 13 Title: Variable neighbourhood search: methods and applicationsAuthor(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Mladenovic, N (Mladenovic, Nenad); Perez, JAM (Moreno Perez, Jose A.) Source: ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume: 175 Issue: 1 Pages: 36710.1007/s10479-009-0657-6 Published: MAR 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Some notes on the threshold graphs : Andelic, M (Andelic, Milica); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)

Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 310 Issue: 17-18 Pages: 224110.1016/j.disc.2010.04.022 Published: SEP 28 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Author(s): Konig, MD (Koenig, Michael D.); Tessone, CJ (Tessone, Claudio J.); Zenou, Y (Zenou,

Source: ADVANCES IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS Volume: 13 Issue: 4 Pages: 48310.1142/S0219525910002700 Published: AUG 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

rvey of automated conjectures in spectral graph theory Author(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, M.); Hansen, P (Hansen, P.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory

04, 2008 Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL Conference Host: Mil Inst Engn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Connected graphs of fixed order and size with maximal index: Some spectral boundsAuthor(s): Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.); Belardo, F (Belardo, Francesco); Li Marzi, EM (Li Marzi,

(Tosic, Dejan V.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2372 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.043 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory

04, 2008 Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL Conference Host: Mil Inst Engn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Graphs with maximal signless Laplacian spectral radius Author(s): Chang, TJ (Chang, Ting-Jung); Tam, BS (Tam, Bit-Shun) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 7 Pages: 1708DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.11.027 Published: MAR 15 2010


Title: On the reduced signless Laplacian spectrum of a degree maximal graphShun); Wu, SH (Wu, Shu-Hui)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 7 Pages: 1734DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.11.031 Published: MAR 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Variable neighbourhood search: methods and applications Author(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Mladenovic, N (Mladenovic, Nenad); Perez, JAM (Moreno

Source: ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume: 175 Issue: 1 Pages: 3676 Published: MAR 2010


Др Драган П. Стевановић

18 Pages: 2241-2248 DOI:


Author(s): Konig, MD (Koenig, Michael D.); Tessone, CJ (Tessone, Claudio J.); Zenou, Y (Zenou,

Source: ADVANCES IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS Volume: 13 Issue: 4 Pages: 483-499 DOI:

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Published: APR 15 2010

Title: Connected graphs of fixed order and size with maximal index: Some spectral bounds Author(s): Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.); Belardo, F (Belardo, Francesco); Li Marzi, EM (Li Marzi,

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI 2372 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.043 Published: APR 15 2010

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 7 Pages: 1708-1733

Title: On the reduced signless Laplacian spectrum of a degree maximal graph

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 7 Pages: 1734-1756

Author(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Mladenovic, N (Mladenovic, Nenad); Perez, JAM (Moreno

Source: ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume: 175 Issue: 1 Pages: 367-407 DOI:

Page 51: Dragan Stevanović


Record 12 of 13 Title: More on "Connected (n, m)index" Author(s): Pavlovic, L (Pavlovic, Ljiljana); Lazic, M (Lazic, Mirjana); Aleksic, T (Aleksic, Tatjana)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 157 Issue: 13 Pages: 293810.1016/j.dam.2009.02.014 Published: JUL 6 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 13 Title: Variable neighbourhood search: methods and applicationsAuthor(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Mladenovic, N (Mladenovic, Nenad); Moreno (Moreno Perez, Jose A.) Source: 4OR-A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Pages: 319-360 DOI: 10.1007/s10288----------------------------------------------------------------------------Barioli F, 2008, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V428, P1628, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2007.10.009BARIOLI F, 2008, LINEAR ALGEBRA ITS A, P1628 Record 1 of 28 Title: Bounds for minimum semidefinite rank from superpositions and cutsetsAuthor(s): Beagley, J (Beagley, Jonathan); Mitchell, LH (Mitchell, Lon H.); Narayan, SK (Narayan, Sivaram K.); Radzwion, E (Radzwion, Eileen); Rimer, SP (Rimer, Sara P.); Tomasino, R (Tomasino, Rachael); Wolfe, J (Wolfe, Jennifer); Zimmer, AM (Zimmer, Andrew M.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI Pages: 4041-4061 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.07.012 Published: MAY 15 2013 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 28 Title: Acyclic matrices with a small number of distinct eigenvaluesAuthor(s): Nair, R (Nair, Reshmi); Shader, BL (Shader, Bryan L.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI Pages: 4075-4089 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.08.029 Published: MAY 15 2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 28 Title: Parameters Related to TreeAuthor(s): Barioli, F (Barioli, Francesco); Barrett, W (Barrett, Wayne); Fallat, SM (Fallat, Shaun M.); Hall, HT (Hall, H. Tracy); Hogben, L (HogbeP (van den Driessche, P.); van der Holst, H (van der Holst, Hein)Source: JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY Volume: 72 Issue: 2 Pages: 14610.1002/jgt.21637 Published: FEB 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 28 Title: A new lower bound for the positive semidefinite minimum rank of a graphAuthor(s): Zimmer, AM (Zimmer, Andrew M.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPDOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.09.001 Published: FEB 1 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 28 Title: ZERO FORCING NUMBER, MAXISUBDIVIDED GRAPHS Author(s): Catral, M (Catral, Minerva); Cepek, A (Cepek, Anna); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Huynh, M (My Huynh); Lazebnik, K (Lazebnik, Kirill); Peters, T (Peters, Travis); Young, M (Young, Michael)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 23 Pages: 906NOV 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: More on "Connected (n, m)-graphs with minimum and maximum zeroth

Author(s): Pavlovic, L (Pavlovic, Ljiljana); Lazic, M (Lazic, Mirjana); Aleksic, T (Aleksic, Tatjana)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 157 Issue: 13 Pages: 293810.1016/j.dam.2009.02.014 Published: JUL 6 2009


Title: Variable neighbourhood search: methods and applications Author(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Mladenovic, N (Mladenovic, Nenad); Moreno

A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Pages: -008-0089-1 Published: DEC 2008

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barioli F, 2008, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V428, P1628, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2007.10.009BARIOLI F, 2008, LINEAR ALGEBRA ITS A, P1628

Title: Bounds for minimum semidefinite rank from superpositions and cutsetsBeagley, J (Beagley, Jonathan); Mitchell, LH (Mitchell, Lon H.); Narayan, SK (Narayan,

Sivaram K.); Radzwion, E (Radzwion, Eileen); Rimer, SP (Rimer, Sara P.); Tomasino, R (Tomasino, Rachael); Wolfe, J (Wolfe, Jennifer); Zimmer, AM (Zimmer, Andrew M.)

ce: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI 4061 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.07.012 Published: MAY 15 2013


Title: Acyclic matrices with a small number of distinct eigenvalues Author(s): Nair, R (Nair, Reshmi); Shader, BL (Shader, Bryan L.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI

4089 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.08.029 Published: MAY 15 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Parameters Related to Tree-Width, Zero Forcing, and Maximum Nullity of a GraphAuthor(s): Barioli, F (Barioli, Francesco); Barrett, W (Barrett, Wayne); Fallat, SM (Fallat, Shaun M.); Hall, HT (Hall, H. Tracy); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Shader, B (Shader, Bryan); van den Driessche, P (van den Driessche, P.); van der Holst, H (van der Holst, Hein) Source: JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY Volume: 72 Issue: 2 Pages: 14610.1002/jgt.21637 Published: FEB 2013


Title: A new lower bound for the positive semidefinite minimum rank of a graphAuthor(s): Zimmer, AM (Zimmer, Andrew M.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 3 Pages: 1095DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.09.001 Published: FEB 1 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Author(s): Catral, M (Catral, Minerva); Cepek, A (Cepek, Anna); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Huynh, M (My Huynh); Lazebnik, K (Lazebnik, Kirill); Peters, T (Peters, Travis); Young, M (Young, Michael)



Др Драган П. Стевановић

graphs with minimum and maximum zeroth-order general Randic

Author(s): Pavlovic, L (Pavlovic, Ljiljana); Lazic, M (Lazic, Mirjana); Aleksic, T (Aleksic, Tatjana) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 157 Issue: 13 Pages: 2938-2944 DOI:

Author(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Mladenovic, N (Mladenovic, Nenad); Moreno Perez, JA


Barioli F, 2008, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V428, P1628, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2007.10.009

Title: Bounds for minimum semidefinite rank from superpositions and cutsets Beagley, J (Beagley, Jonathan); Mitchell, LH (Mitchell, Lon H.); Narayan, SK (Narayan,

Sivaram K.); Radzwion, E (Radzwion, Eileen); Rimer, SP (Rimer, Sara P.); Tomasino, R (Tomasino,

ce: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI 4061 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.07.012 Published: MAY 15 2013

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI 4089 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.08.029 Published: MAY 15 2013

Width, Zero Forcing, and Maximum Nullity of a Graph Author(s): Barioli, F (Barioli, Francesco); Barrett, W (Barrett, Wayne); Fallat, SM (Fallat, Shaun M.);

n, Leslie); Shader, B (Shader, Bryan); van den Driessche,

Source: JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY Volume: 72 Issue: 2 Pages: 146-177 DOI:

Title: A new lower bound for the positive semidefinite minimum rank of a graph

LICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 3 Pages: 1095-1112


Author(s): Catral, M (Catral, Minerva); Cepek, A (Cepek, Anna); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Huynh, M (My Huynh); Lazebnik, K (Lazebnik, Kirill); Peters, T (Peters, Travis); Young, M (Young, Michael)

ource: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 23 Pages: 906-922 Published:

Page 52: Dragan Stevanović


Record 6 of 28 Title: Propagation time for zero forcing onAuthor(s): Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Huynh, M (My Huynh); Kingsley, N (Kingsley, Nicole); Meyer, S (Meyer, Sarah); Walker, S (Walker, Shanise); Young, M (Young, Michael)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 1310.1016/j.dam.2012.04.003 Published: SEP 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 28 Title: Vertex and edge spread of zero forcing number, maximum nullity, and minAuthor(s): Edholm, CJ (Edholm, Christina J.); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Huynh, M (My Huynh); LaGrange, J (LaGrange, Joshua); Row, DD (Row, Darren D.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 12 Special Issue: SI Pages: 4352-4372 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.10.015 Published: JUN 15 2012 Conference Title: Workshop on Theory and Applications of Matrices described by PatternsConference Date: JAN 31-FEB 05, 2010Conference Location: Banff, CANADA----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 28 Title: On the graph complement conjecture for minimum rankAuthor(s): Barioli, F (Barioli, Francesco); Barrett, W (Barrett, Wayne); Fallat, SM (Fallat, Shaun M.); Hall, HT (Hall, H. Tracy); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); van der Holst, H (van der Holst, Hein)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 12 SpePages: 4373-4391 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.12.024 Published: JUN 15 2012 Conference Title: Workshop on Theory and Applications of Matrices described by PatternsConference Date: JAN 31-FEB 05, 2010Conference Location: Banff, CANADA----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 28 Title: A technique for computing the zero forcing number of a graph with a cutAuthor(s): Row, DD (Row, Darren D.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 12 Special Issue: SI Pages: 4423-4432 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.05.012 Published: JUN 15 2012 Conference Title: Workshop on Theory and Applications of Matrices described by PatternsConference Date: JAN 31-FEB Conference Location: Banff, CANADA----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 28 Title: On the minimum rank of the third power of a starlike treeAuthor(s): Shen, XL (Shen, Xiaoling); Hou, YP (Hou, Yaoping); Sheng, L (Sheng, Li)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 12 Special Issue: SI Pages: 4503-4511 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.08.045 Published: JUN 15 2012 Conference Title: Workshop on Theory andConference Date: JAN 31-FEB 05, 2010Conference Location: Banff, CANADA----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 28 Title: Minimum rank of outerplanar graphsAuthor(s): Sinkovic, J (Sinkovic, John); Kempton, M (Kempton, Mark)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 9 Pages: 3701DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.01.008 Published: MAY 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Propagation time for zero forcing on a graph Author(s): Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Huynh, M (My Huynh); Kingsley, N (Kingsley, Nicole); Meyer, S (Meyer, Sarah); Walker, S (Walker, Shanise); Young, M (Young, Michael)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 13-14 Pages: 19910.1016/j.dam.2012.04.003 Published: SEP 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Vertex and edge spread of zero forcing number, maximum nullity, and minAuthor(s): Edholm, CJ (Edholm, Christina J.); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Huynh, M (My Huynh); LaGrange, J (LaGrange, Joshua); Row, DD (Row, Darren D.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 12 Special Issue: SI

4372 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.10.015 Published: JUN 15 2012 Conference Title: Workshop on Theory and Applications of Matrices described by Patterns

FEB 05, 2010 Conference Location: Banff, CANADA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the graph complement conjecture for minimum rank ioli, F (Barioli, Francesco); Barrett, W (Barrett, Wayne); Fallat, SM (Fallat, Shaun M.);

Hall, HT (Hall, H. Tracy); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); van der Holst, H (van der Holst, Hein)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 12 Spe

4391 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.12.024 Published: JUN 15 2012 Conference Title: Workshop on Theory and Applications of Matrices described by Patterns

FEB 05, 2010 Conference Location: Banff, CANADA


Title: A technique for computing the zero forcing number of a graph with a cutAuthor(s): Row, DD (Row, Darren D.)

AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 12 Special Issue: SI 4432 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.05.012 Published: JUN 15 2012

Conference Title: Workshop on Theory and Applications of Matrices described by PatternsFEB 05, 2010

Conference Location: Banff, CANADA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the minimum rank of the third power of a starlike tree oling); Hou, YP (Hou, Yaoping); Sheng, L (Sheng, Li)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 12 Special Issue: SI 4511 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.08.045 Published: JUN 15 2012

Conference Title: Workshop on Theory and Applications of Matrices described by PatternsFEB 05, 2010

Conference Location: Banff, CANADA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

of outerplanar graphs Author(s): Sinkovic, J (Sinkovic, John); Kempton, M (Kempton, Mark) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 9 Pages: 3701DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.01.008 Published: MAY 1 2012


Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Huynh, M (My Huynh); Kingsley, N (Kingsley, Nicole); Meyer, S (Meyer, Sarah); Walker, S (Walker, Shanise); Young, M (Young, Michael)

14 Pages: 1994-2005 DOI:

Title: Vertex and edge spread of zero forcing number, maximum nullity, and minimum rank of a graph Author(s): Edholm, CJ (Edholm, Christina J.); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Huynh, M (My Huynh);

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 12 Special Issue: SI 4372 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.10.015 Published: JUN 15 2012

Conference Title: Workshop on Theory and Applications of Matrices described by Patterns

ioli, F (Barioli, Francesco); Barrett, W (Barrett, Wayne); Fallat, SM (Fallat, Shaun M.); Hall, HT (Hall, H. Tracy); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); van der Holst, H (van der Holst, Hein) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 12 Special Issue: SI

4391 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.12.024 Published: JUN 15 2012 Conference Title: Workshop on Theory and Applications of Matrices described by Patterns

Title: A technique for computing the zero forcing number of a graph with a cut-vertex

AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 12 Special Issue: SI 4432 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.05.012 Published: JUN 15 2012

Conference Title: Workshop on Theory and Applications of Matrices described by Patterns

oling); Hou, YP (Hou, Yaoping); Sheng, L (Sheng, Li) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 12 Special Issue: SI

4511 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.08.045 Published: JUN 15 2012 Applications of Matrices described by Patterns

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 9 Pages: 3701-3720

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Record 12 of 28 Title: Zero forcing sets and bipartite circulantsAuthor(s): Meyer, SA (Meyer, Seth A.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 4 SpPages: 888-900 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.09.022 Published: FEB 15 2012 Conference Title: Conference of the Coimbra Meeting on 0Conference Date: JUN 17-19, 2010Conference Location: Coimbra, PORTUGALConference Host: Univ Coimbra, Dept Math (DMUC)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 28 Title: Lower bounds for minimum semidefinite rank from orthogonal removal and chordal supergrAuthor(s): Mitchell, LH (Mitchell, Lon H.); Narayan, SK (Narayan, Sivaram K.); Zimmer, AM (Zimmer, Andrew M.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 3 Pages: 52510.1016/j.laa.2011.07.004 Published: FEB 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 14 of 28 Title: On the rank spread of graphsAuthor(s): Sciriha, I (Sciriha, Irene); da Fonseca, CM (da Fonseca, C. M.)Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Pages: 7310.1080/03081087.2011.567389 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 15 of 28 Title: The minimum semidefinite rank of the complement of partial kAuthor(s): Sinkovic, J (Sinkovic, John); van der Holst, H (van der Holst, Hein)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 434 Issue: 6 Pages: 1468DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.11.013 Published: M----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 16 of 28 Title: MINIMUM SEMIDEFINITE RANK OF OUTERPLANAR GRAPHS AND THE TREE COVER NUMBER Author(s): Barioli, F (Barioli, Francesco); FNarayan, SK (Narayan, Sivaram K.)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 22 Pages: 102011 -----------------------------------------------------------------Record 17 of 28 Title: A note on universally optimal matrices and field independence of the minimum rank of a graphAuthor(s): Huang, LH (Huang, LiangSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 3 Pages: 58510.1016/j.laa.2010.03.027 Published: SEP 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 18 of 28 Title: Zero forcing parameters and minimum rank problemsAuthor(s): Barioli, F (Barioli, Francesco); Barrett, W (Barrett, Wayne); Fallat, SM (Fallat, Shaun M.); Hall, HT (Hall, H. Tracy); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Shader, B (Shader, Bryan); van den Driessche, P (van den Driessche, P.); van der Holst, H (van der Holst, Hein)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 2 Pages: 40110.1016/j.laa.2010.03.008 Published: AUG 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Zero forcing sets and bipartite circulants Author(s): Meyer, SA (Meyer, Seth A.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 4 Sp

900 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.09.022 Published: FEB 15 2012 Conference Title: Conference of the Coimbra Meeting on 0-1 Matrix Theory and Related Topics

19, 2010 Conference Location: Coimbra, PORTUGAL

nference Host: Univ Coimbra, Dept Math (DMUC) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Lower bounds for minimum semidefinite rank from orthogonal removal and chordal supergrAuthor(s): Mitchell, LH (Mitchell, Lon H.); Narayan, SK (Narayan, Sivaram K.); Zimmer, AM (Zimmer,

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 3 Pages: 52510.1016/j.laa.2011.07.004 Published: FEB 1 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the rank spread of graphs Author(s): Sciriha, I (Sciriha, Irene); da Fonseca, CM (da Fonseca, C. M.)

MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Pages: 7310.1080/03081087.2011.567389 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ite rank of the complement of partial k-trees Author(s): Sinkovic, J (Sinkovic, John); van der Holst, H (van der Holst, Hein)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 434 Issue: 6 Pages: 1468DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.11.013 Published: MAR 15 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Author(s): Barioli, F (Barioli, Francesco); Fallat, SM (Fallat, Shaun M.); Mitchell, LH (Mitchell, Lon H.); Narayan, SK (Narayan, Sivaram K.) Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 22 Pages: 10


Title: A note on universally optimal matrices and field independence of the minimum rank of a graphAuthor(s): Huang, LH (Huang, Liang-Hao); Chang, GJ (Chang, Gerard J.); Yeh, HG (Yeh, Hong

INEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 3 Pages: 58510.1016/j.laa.2010.03.027 Published: SEP 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ero forcing parameters and minimum rank problems Author(s): Barioli, F (Barioli, Francesco); Barrett, W (Barrett, Wayne); Fallat, SM (Fallat, Shaun M.); Hall, HT (Hall, H. Tracy); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Shader, B (Shader, Bryan); van den Driessche,

(van den Driessche, P.); van der Holst, H (van der Holst, Hein) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 2 Pages: 40110.1016/j.laa.2010.03.008 Published: AUG 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 4 Special Issue: SI 900 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.09.022 Published: FEB 15 2012

1 Matrix Theory and Related Topics

Title: Lower bounds for minimum semidefinite rank from orthogonal removal and chordal supergraphs Author(s): Mitchell, LH (Mitchell, Lon H.); Narayan, SK (Narayan, Sivaram K.); Zimmer, AM (Zimmer,

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 3 Pages: 525-536 DOI:

MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Pages: 73-92 DOI:

Author(s): Sinkovic, J (Sinkovic, John); van der Holst, H (van der Holst, Hein) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 434 Issue: 6 Pages: 1468-1474


allat, SM (Fallat, Shaun M.); Mitchell, LH (Mitchell, Lon H.);

Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 22 Pages: 10-21 Published: JAN

Title: A note on universally optimal matrices and field independence of the minimum rank of a graph Hao); Chang, GJ (Chang, Gerard J.); Yeh, HG (Yeh, Hong-Gwa)

INEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 3 Pages: 585-594 DOI:

Author(s): Barioli, F (Barioli, Francesco); Barrett, W (Barrett, Wayne); Fallat, SM (Fallat, Shaun M.); Hall, HT (Hall, H. Tracy); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Shader, B (Shader, Bryan); van den Driessche,

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 2 Pages: 401-411 DOI:

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Record 19 of 28 Title: On minimum rank and zero forcing sets of a graphAuthor(s): Huang, LH (Huang, LiangSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 11 Pages: 2961DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.01.001 Published: JUN 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 20 of 28 Title: Techniques for determining the minimum rank of a small graphAuthor(s): DeLoss, L (DeLoss, Laura); Grout, J (Grout, Jason); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); McKay, T (McKay, Tracy); Smith, J (Smith, Jason); Tims, G (Tims, Geoff)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 11 Pages: 2995DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.01.008 Published: JUN 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 21 of 28 Title: Minimum rank of skew-symmetric matrices described by a graphAuthor(s): Allison, M (Allison, Mary); Bodine, E (Bodine, Elizabeth); DeAlba, LM (DeAlba, Luz Maria); Debnath, J (Debnath, Joyati); DeLoss, L (DeLoss, Laura); Garnett, C (Garnett, Colin); Grout, J (Grout, Jason); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Im, B (Im, Bokhee); Kim, H (Kim, Hana); Nair, R (Nair, Reshmi); Pryporova, O (Pryporova, Olga); Savage, K (Savage, Kendrick); Shader, B (Shader, Bryan); Wehe, AW (Wehe, Amy Wangsness) Group Author(s): IMA-ISU Res Grp MinSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 10 Pages: 2457DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.10.001 Published: MAY 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 22 of 28 Title: Minimum rank problems Author(s): Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 8 Special Issue: SI Pages: 1961-1974 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.05.003 Published: APR 1 2010 Conference Title: 15th Conference of the InternationalConference Date: JUN 16-20, 2008Conference Location: Cancun, MEXICO----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 23 of 28 Title: Lower bounds in minimum rank problemsAuthor(s): Mitchell, LH (Mitchell, Lon H.); Narayan, SK (Narayan, Sivaram K.); Zimmer, AM (Zimmer, Andrew M.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 1 Pages: 43010.1016/j.laa.2009.08.023 Published: JAN 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 24 of 28 Title: Extremal Non-Bonding OrbitalsAuthor(s): Sciriha, I (Sciriha, Irene)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 751----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 25 of 28 Title: UNIVERSALLY OPTIMAL MATRICES AND FIELD INDEPENDENCE OF THE MINIMUM RANK OF A GRAPH Author(s): Dealba, LM (Dealba, Luz M.); Grout, J (Grout, Jason); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Mikkelson, R (Mikkelson, Rana); Rasmussen, K (Rasmussen, Kaela)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 18 Pages: 403JUL 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: On minimum rank and zero forcing sets of a graph Author(s): Huang, LH (Huang, Liang-Hao); Chang, GJ (Chang, Gerard J.); Yeh, HG (Yeh, HongSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 11 Pages: 2961DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.01.001 Published: JUN 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Techniques for determining the minimum rank of a small graph Author(s): DeLoss, L (DeLoss, Laura); Grout, J (Grout, Jason); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); McKay, T (McKay, Tracy); Smith, J (Smith, Jason); Tims, G (Tims, Geoff)

A AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 11 Pages: 2995DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.01.008 Published: JUN 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

symmetric matrices described by a graph Author(s): Allison, M (Allison, Mary); Bodine, E (Bodine, Elizabeth); DeAlba, LM (DeAlba, Luz Maria); Debnath, J (Debnath, Joyati); DeLoss, L (DeLoss, Laura); Garnett, C (Garnett, Colin); Grout, J (Grout, Jason); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Im, B (Im, Bokhee); Kim, H (Kim, Hana); Nair, R (Nair, Reshmi); Pryporova, O (Pryporova, Olga); Savage, K (Savage, Kendrick); Shader, B (Shader, Bryan); Wehe,

ISU Res Grp Minimum Rank Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 10 Pages: 2457DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.10.001 Published: MAY 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Author(s): Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 8 Special Issue: SI

1974 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.05.003 Published: APR 1 2010 le: 15th Conference of the International-Linear Algebra-Society

20, 2008 Conference Location: Cancun, MEXICO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Lower bounds in minimum rank problems Author(s): Mitchell, LH (Mitchell, Lon H.); Narayan, SK (Narayan, Sivaram K.); Zimmer, AM (Zimmer,

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 1 Pages: 430.08.023 Published: JAN 1 2010


Bonding Orbitals Author(s): Sciriha, I (Sciriha, Irene)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 751-768 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Author(s): Dealba, LM (Dealba, Luz M.); Grout, J (Grout, Jason); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Mikkelson, R (Mikkelson, Rana); Rasmussen, K (Rasmussen, Kaela)

OURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 18 Pages: 403


Др Драган П. Стевановић

Hao); Chang, GJ (Chang, Gerard J.); Yeh, HG (Yeh, Hong-Gwa) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 11 Pages: 2961-2973

Author(s): DeLoss, L (DeLoss, Laura); Grout, J (Grout, Jason); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); McKay, T

A AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 11 Pages: 2995-3001

Author(s): Allison, M (Allison, Mary); Bodine, E (Bodine, Elizabeth); DeAlba, LM (DeAlba, Luz Maria); Debnath, J (Debnath, Joyati); DeLoss, L (DeLoss, Laura); Garnett, C (Garnett, Colin); Grout, J (Grout, Jason); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Im, B (Im, Bokhee); Kim, H (Kim, Hana); Nair, R (Nair, Reshmi); Pryporova, O (Pryporova, Olga); Savage, K (Savage, Kendrick); Shader, B (Shader, Bryan); Wehe,

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 10 Pages: 2457-2472

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 8 Special Issue: SI 1974 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.05.003 Published: APR 1 2010


Author(s): Mitchell, LH (Mitchell, Lon H.); Narayan, SK (Narayan, Sivaram K.); Zimmer, AM (Zimmer,

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 1 Pages: 430-440 DOI:



Author(s): Dealba, LM (Dealba, Luz M.); Grout, J (Grout, Jason); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie);

OURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 18 Pages: 403-419 Published:

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Record 26 of 28 Title: ON THE MINIMUM RANK OF NOT NECESSARILY SYMMETRIC MATRICPRELIMINARY STUDY Author(s): Barioli, F (Barioli, Francesco); Fallat, SM (Fallat, Shaun M.); Hall, HT (Hall, H. Tracy); Hershkowitz, D (Hershkowitz, Daniel); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Van der Holst, H (Van der Holst, Hein); Shader, B (Shader, BryanSource: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 18 Pages: 126FEB 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 27 of 28 Title: An upper bound for the minimum ranAuthor(s): Berman, A (Berman, Avi); Friedland, S (Friedland, Shmuel); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Rothblum, UG (Rothblum, Uriel G.); Shader, B (Shader, Bryan)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 429 Issue: 7 Pages: 1629DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2008.04.038 Published: OCT 1 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 28 of 28 Title: Orthogonal representations, minimum rank, and graph complementsAuthor(s): Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 428 Issue: 11DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2007.12.004 Published: JUN 1 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D, 2008, MATCH-COMMUN MATH CO, V60, P71 Record 1 of 12 Title: On the second maximal and minimal Wiener index of unicyclic graphs with given girthAuthor(s): Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Yu, GH (Yu, Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 104 Pages: 13----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 12 Title: Wiener indices of trees and monocyclic graphs withAuthor(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin) Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY Volume: 112 Issue: 6 Pages: 1598-1605 DOI: 10.1002/qua.23167 Published: MAR 15 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 12 Title: Minimum Detour Index of Bicyclic GraphsAuthor(s): Du, CJ (Du, Chunjuan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 1 Pages: 357----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 12 Title: Maximum Wiener Index of Unicyclic Graphs with Fixed Maximum DegreeAuthor(s): Dong, H (Dong, Hui); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 103 Pages: 407----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 12 Title: DEGREE DISTANCE OF UNICYCLIC GRAPHSAuthor(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Source: FILOMAT Volume: 24 Issue: 4 Pages: 95----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић


Author(s): Barioli, F (Barioli, Francesco); Fallat, SM (Fallat, Shaun M.); Hall, HT (Hall, H. Tracy); Hershkowitz, D (Hershkowitz, Daniel); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Van der Holst, H (Van der Holst, Hein); Shader, B (Shader, Bryan) Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 18 Pages: 126


Title: An upper bound for the minimum rank of a graph Author(s): Berman, A (Berman, Avi); Friedland, S (Friedland, Shmuel); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Rothblum, UG (Rothblum, Uriel G.); Shader, B (Shader, Bryan) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 429 Issue: 7 Pages: 1629DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2008.04.038 Published: OCT 1 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Orthogonal representations, minimum rank, and graph complements Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 428 Issue: 11DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2007.12.004 Published: JUN 1 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Title: On the second maximal and minimal Wiener index of unicyclic graphs with given girthAuthor(s): Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Yu, GH (Yu, Guihai)Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 104 Pages: 13-22 Published: APR 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Wiener indices of trees and monocyclic graphs with given bipartition

Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY Volume: 112 Issue: 6 Pages: 1605 DOI: 10.1002/qua.23167 Published: MAR 15 2012


Title: Minimum Detour Index of Bicyclic Graphs Author(s): Du, CJ (Du, Chunjuan)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 1 Pages: 357-370 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Maximum Wiener Index of Unicyclic Graphs with Fixed Maximum DegreeAuthor(s): Dong, H (Dong, Hui); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)

COMBINATORIA Volume: 103 Pages: 407-416 Published: JAN 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Source: FILOMAT Volume: 24 Issue: 4 Pages: 95-120 Published: DEC 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић


Author(s): Barioli, F (Barioli, Francesco); Fallat, SM (Fallat, Shaun M.); Hall, HT (Hall, H. Tracy); Hershkowitz, D (Hershkowitz, Daniel); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie); Van der Holst, H (Van der Holst,

Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 18 Pages: 126-145 Published:

Author(s): Berman, A (Berman, Avi); Friedland, S (Friedland, Shmuel); Hogben, L (Hogben, Leslie);

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 429 Issue: 7 Pages: 1629-1638

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 428 Issue: 11-12 Pages: 2560-2568

Title: On the second maximal and minimal Wiener index of unicyclic graphs with given girth Guihai)

22 Published: APR 2012



Title: Maximum Wiener Index of Unicyclic Graphs with Fixed Maximum Degree

416 Published: JAN 2012

120 Published: DEC 2010

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Record 6 of 12 Title: On the Wiener Index of GraphsAuthor(s): Wu, XY (Wu, Xiaoying); Liu, HQ (Liu, Huiqing)Source: ACTA APPLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE Volume: 110 Issue: 2 Pages: 53510.1007/s10440-009-9460-2 Published: MAY 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 12 Title: DETOUR INDEX OF A CLASS OF UNICYCLIC GRAPHSAuthor(s): Qi, XL (Qi, Xuli); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)Source: FILOMAT Volume: 24 Issue: 1 Pages: 292010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 12 Title: Maximum Wiener Index of Trees with Given Degree SequenceAuthor(s): Zhang, XD (Zhang, XiaoSource: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 661----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 12 Title: Generalized Schultz Index and Its Edge VersionsAuthor(s): Khormali, O (Khormali, Omid); Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, Ali); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Ahmadi, A (Ahmadi, Ali) Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 783----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 12 Title: MINIMUM WIENER INDICES OF TREES AND UNICYCLIC GRAPHS OF GIVEN MATCHING NUMBER Author(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 101-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 12 Title: On the extremal Wiener polarity index of trees with a given diameterAuthor(s): Deng, HY (Deng, Hanyuan); Xiao, H (Xiao, Hui); Tang, FF (Tang, Fenfang)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 257----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 12 of 12 Title: THE EDGE VERSIONS OF THE WIENER INDEXAuthor(s): Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, Ali); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Khormali, O (Khormali, Omid); Mahmiani, A (Mahmiani, Anehgaldi)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 663----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D, 2008, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V428, P1854, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2007.10.024 Record 1 of 7 Title: The least eigenvalue of a graph with a given domination numberAuthor(s): Zhu, BX (Zhu, Bao-Xuan)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 11 Pages: 2713DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.06.007 Published: DEC 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: On the Wiener Index of Graphs Author(s): Wu, XY (Wu, Xiaoying); Liu, HQ (Liu, Huiqing) Source: ACTA APPLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE Volume: 110 Issue: 2 Pages: 535

2 Published: MAY 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: DETOUR INDEX OF A CLASS OF UNICYCLIC GRAPHS Author(s): Qi, XL (Qi, Xuli); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo) Source: FILOMAT Volume: 24 Issue: 1 Pages: 29-40 DOI: 10.2298/FIL1001029Q Published: APR


Title: Maximum Wiener Index of Trees with Given Degree Sequence Author(s): Zhang, XD (Zhang, Xiao-Dong); Liu, Y (Liu, Yong); Han, MX (Han, Min

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 661-682 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

neralized Schultz Index and Its Edge Versions Author(s): Khormali, O (Khormali, Omid); Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, Ali); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan);





Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 101-112 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the extremal Wiener polarity index of trees with a given diameter Author(s): Deng, HY (Deng, Hanyuan); Xiao, H (Xiao, Hui); Tang, FF (Tang, Fenfang)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 257-264 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

EDGE VERSIONS OF THE WIENER INDEX Author(s): Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, Ali); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Khormali, O (Khormali, Omid); Mahmiani, A (Mahmiani, Anehgaldi)


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stevanovic D, 2008, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V428, P1854, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2007.10.024

t eigenvalue of a graph with a given domination number Xuan)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 11 Pages: 2713DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.06.007 Published: DEC 1 2012


Др Драган П. Стевановић

Source: ACTA APPLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE Volume: 110 Issue: 2 Pages: 535-544 DOI:

40 DOI: 10.2298/FIL1001029Q Published: APR


Author(s): Khormali, O (Khormali, Omid); Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, Ali); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan);




Author(s): Deng, HY (Deng, Hanyuan); Xiao, H (Xiao, Hui); Tang, FF (Tang, Fenfang) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY

Author(s): Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, Ali); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Khormali, O (Khormali, Omid);


Stevanovic D, 2008, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V428, P1854, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2007.10.024

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 11 Pages: 2713-2718

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Record 2 of 7 Title: The Laplacian spectral radius of graphs with given matching numberAuthor(s): Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua)Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 96 Pages: 257----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 7 Title: A survey of automated conjectures in spectral graph theoryAuthor(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, M.); Hansen, P (HSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2293-2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 200Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 7 Title: Variable neighbourhood search: methods and applicationsAuthor(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Mladenovic, N (Mladenovic, Nenad); Perez, JAM (Moreno Perez, Jose A.) Source: ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume: 175 Issue: 1 Pages: 36710.1007/s10479-009-0657-6 Published: MAR 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 7 Title: On the Energy of Trees with Given Domination NumberAuthor(s): He, CX (He, Chang-Xiang); Wu, BF (Wu, BaoSource: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 169----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 7 Title: The least eigenvalue of graphs with given connectivityAuthor(s): Ye, ML (Ye, Miao-Lin); Fan, YZ (Fan, YiSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 430 Issue: 4 Pages: 1375DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2008.10.031 Published: FEB 1 200----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 7 Title: Variable neighbourhood search: methods and applicationsAuthor(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Mladenovic, N (Mladenovic, Nenad); (Moreno Perez, Jose A.) Source: 4OR-A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Pages: 319-360 DOI: 10.1007/s10288---------------------------------------------------------------------Hansen P, 2008, DISCRETE APPL MATH, V156, P986, DOI 10.1016/j.dam.2007.05.044HANSEN P, 2005, ELECT NOTES DISCRETE, V19, P111, DOI 10.1016/j.endm.2005.05.016 Record 1 of 7 Title: Maximizing the signless Laplacian spectraAuthor(s): Wang, JF (Wang, Jianfeng); Huang, QX (Huang, Qiongxiang)Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 59 Issue: 7 Pages: 73310.1080/03081087.2010.499363 Published: 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 7 Title: On the spectral radius of tricyclic graphs with a fixed diameterAuthor(s): Geng, XY (Geng, Xianya); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao)Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 59 Issue: 1 Pages: 41DOI: 10.1080/03081080903257630 Published: 2011

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: The Laplacian spectral radius of graphs with given matching number Author(s): Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua) Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 96 Pages: 257-262 Published: JUL 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: A survey of automated conjectures in spectral graph theory Author(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, M.); Hansen, P (Hansen, P.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory

04, 2008 Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL Conference Host: Mil Inst Engn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Variable neighbourhood search: methods and applications Author(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Mladenovic, N (Mladenovic, Nenad); Perez, JAM (Moreno

Source: ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume: 175 Issue: 1 Pages: 3676 Published: MAR 2010


Title: On the Energy of Trees with Given Domination Number Xiang); Wu, BF (Wu, Bao-Feng); Yu, ZS (Yu, Zhen

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 169-180 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

e of graphs with given connectivity Lin); Fan, YZ (Fan, Yi-Zheng); Liang, D (Liang, Dong)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 430 Issue: 4 Pages: 1375DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2008.10.031 Published: FEB 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Variable neighbourhood search: methods and applications Author(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Mladenovic, N (Mladenovic, Nenad);

A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Pages: -008-0089-1 Published: DEC 2008

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hansen P, 2008, DISCRETE APPL MATH, V156, P986, DOI 10.1016/j.dam.2007.05.044HANSEN P, 2005, ELECT NOTES DISCRETE, V19, P111, DOI 10.1016/j.endm.2005.05.016

Title: Maximizing the signless Laplacian spectral radius of graphs with given diameter or cut verticesAuthor(s): Wang, JF (Wang, Jianfeng); Huang, QX (Huang, Qiongxiang) Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 59 Issue: 7 Pages: 73310.1080/03081087.2010.499363 Published: 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the spectral radius of tricyclic graphs with a fixed diameter Author(s): Geng, XY (Geng, Xianya); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao)

AR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 59 Issue: 1 Pages: 41DOI: 10.1080/03081080903257630 Published: 2011

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Published: JUL 2010

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI 2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010

Author(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Mladenovic, N (Mladenovic, Nenad); Perez, JAM (Moreno

Source: ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume: 175 Issue: 1 Pages: 367-407 DOI:


Zheng); Liang, D (Liang, Dong) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 430 Issue: 4 Pages: 1375-1379

Author(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Mladenovic, N (Mladenovic, Nenad); Moreno Perez, JA


Hansen P, 2008, DISCRETE APPL MATH, V156, P986, DOI 10.1016/j.dam.2007.05.044 HANSEN P, 2005, ELECT NOTES DISCRETE, V19, P111, DOI 10.1016/j.endm.2005.05.016

l radius of graphs with given diameter or cut vertices

Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 59 Issue: 7 Pages: 733-744 DOI:

AR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 59 Issue: 1 Pages: 41-56 Article Number:

Page 58: Dragan Stevanović


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 7 Title: A survey of automated conjectures in spectral graph theoryAuthor(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, M.); Hansen, P (Hansen, P.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2293-2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn-----------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 7 Title: Asymptotic results on the spectral radius and the diameter of graphsAuthor(s): Cioaba, SM (Cioaba, Sebastian M.); van Dam, ER (van Dam, Edwin R.); Koolen, JH (Koolen, Jack H.); Lee, JH (Lee, JaeSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 2DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.09.016 Published: JAN 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 7 Title: Maximizing the spectral radius of bicyclic graphs with fixed girthAuthor(s): Zhai, MQ (Zhai, Mingqing); Wu, YR (Wu, Yarong); Shu, JL (Shu, Jinlong)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 5DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.03.021 Published: AUG 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 7 Title: Graphs with given diameter maximizing the spectral radiusAuthor(s): van Dam, ER (van Dam, E. Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 426 Issue: 2DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2007.05.026 Published: OCT 15 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 7 Title: Automated results and conjectures on average distance in graphsAuthor(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, Mustapha); Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre)Editor(s): Bondy A; Fonlupt J; Fouquet JL; Fournier JC; Alfonsin JLRSource: Graph Theory in Paris: PROCEBERGE Book Series: TRENDS IN MATHEMATICS Pages: 216_3 Published: 2007 Conference Title: International Conference on Graph Theory held in Memory of Claude Berge (GT04)Conference Date: JUL, 2004 Conference Location: Paris, FRANCE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D, 2008, ELECTRON J LINEAR AL, V17, P110 Record 1 of 4 Title: The smallest Laplacian spAuthor(s): Guo, JM (Guo, Ji-Ming); Li, JX (Li, Jianxi); Shiu, WC (Shiu, Wai Chee)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 4 Pages: 1109DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.04.016 Publi----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

rvey of automated conjectures in spectral graph theory Author(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, M.); Hansen, P (Hansen, P.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory

04, 2008 Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL Conference Host: Mil Inst Engn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Asymptotic results on the spectral radius and the diameter of graphs Author(s): Cioaba, SM (Cioaba, Sebastian M.); van Dam, ER (van Dam, Edwin R.); Koolen, JH (Koolen, Jack H.); Lee, JH (Lee, Jae-Ho)

e: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 2DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.09.016 Published: JAN 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

le: Maximizing the spectral radius of bicyclic graphs with fixed girth Author(s): Zhai, MQ (Zhai, Mingqing); Wu, YR (Wu, Yarong); Shu, JL (Shu, Jinlong)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 5

a.2009.03.021 Published: AUG 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Graphs with given diameter maximizing the spectral radius Author(s): van Dam, ER (van Dam, E. R.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 426 Issue: 2DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2007.05.026 Published: OCT 15 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Automated results and conjectures on average distance in graphs Author(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, Mustapha); Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre)Editor(s): Bondy A; Fonlupt J; Fouquet JL; Fournier JC; Alfonsin JLR Source: Graph Theory in Paris: PROCEEDINGS OF A CONFERENCE IN MEMORY OF CALUDE BERGE Book Series: TRENDS IN MATHEMATICS Pages: 21-36 DOI: 10.1007/978

Conference Title: International Conference on Graph Theory held in Memory of Claude Berge (GT04)

Conference Location: Paris, FRANCE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stevanovic D, 2008, ELECTRON J LINEAR AL, V17, P110

Title: The smallest Laplacian spectral radius of graphs with a given clique numberMing); Li, JX (Li, Jianxi); Shiu, WC (Shiu, Wai Chee)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 4 Pages: 1109DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.04.016 Published: AUG 15 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Published: APR 15 2010

Author(s): Cioaba, SM (Cioaba, Sebastian M.); van Dam, ER (van Dam, Edwin R.); Koolen, JH

e: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 722-737

Author(s): Zhai, MQ (Zhai, Mingqing); Wu, YR (Wu, Yarong); Shu, JL (Shu, Jinlong) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 5-7 Pages: 716-723

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 426 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 454-457

Author(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, Mustapha); Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre)


Conference Title: International Conference on Graph Theory held in Memory of Claude Berge (GT04)

ectral radius of graphs with a given clique number Ming); Li, JX (Li, Jianxi); Shiu, WC (Shiu, Wai Chee)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 4 Pages: 1109-1122

Page 59: Dragan Stevanović


Record 2 of 4 Title: A survey of automated conjectures in spectral graph theoryAuthor(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, M.); Hansen, Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2293-2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 4 Title: Semiregular trees with minimal Laplacian spectral radAuthor(s): Biyikoglu, T (Biyikoglu, Tuerker); Leydold, J (Leydold, Josef)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2335-2341 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.014 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 4 Title: The minimum spectral radius of graphs with a given independence numberAuthor(s): Xu, MM (Xu, Mimi); Hong, Y (Hong, Yuan); Shu, JL (Shu, Jinlong); Zhai, MQ (Zhai, Mingqing) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 5DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.03.055 Published: AUG 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gutman I, 2008, RECENT RESULTS THEORGutman I., 2008, MATH CHEM MONOGR, V6GUTMAN I, 2008, MATH CHEM MONOGRAPHSSTEVANOVIC D, 2008, RECENT RESULTS THEOR, P49 Record 1 of 35 Title: On a Conjecture about the Randic Index and DiameterAuthor(s): Zhang, M (Zhang, Meng); Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 433----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 35 Title: Relations Between the ProductAuthor(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: CROATICA CHEMICA ACTA Volume: 85 Issue: 3 Pages: 363Published: OCT 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 35 Title: ON THE EDGE VERSION OF GEOMETRICAuthor(s): Mahmiani, A (Mahmiani, Anehgaldi); Khormali, O (Khormali, Omid); Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, A.) Source: DIGEST JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS AND BIOSTRUCTURES Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Pages: 411-414 Published: APR----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: A survey of automated conjectures in spectral graph theory Author(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, M.); Hansen, P (Hansen, P.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory

2008 Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL Conference Host: Mil Inst Engn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Semiregular trees with minimal Laplacian spectral radius Author(s): Biyikoglu, T (Biyikoglu, Tuerker); Leydold, J (Leydold, Josef) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2341 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.014 Published: APR 15 2010 : Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory

04, 2008 Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL Conference Host: Mil Inst Engn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: The minimum spectral radius of graphs with a given independence numberAuthor(s): Xu, MM (Xu, Mimi); Hong, Y (Hong, Yuan); Shu, JL (Shu, Jinlong); Zhai, MQ (Zhai,

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 5DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.03.055 Published: AUG 1 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gutman I, 2008, RECENT RESULTS THEOR Gutman I., 2008, MATH CHEM MONOGR, V6


Title: On a Conjecture about the Randic Index and Diameter Author(s): Zhang, M (Zhang, Meng); Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 433-442 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ions Between the Product- and Sum-connectivity Indices Author(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad) Source: CROATICA CHEMICA ACTA Volume: 85 Issue: 3 Pages: 363-365 DOI: 10.5562/cca2052


Title: ON THE EDGE VERSION OF GEOMETRIC-ARITHMETIC INDEX Author(s): Mahmiani, A (Mahmiani, Anehgaldi); Khormali, O (Khormali, Omid); Iranmanesh, A



Др Драган П. Стевановић

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI 2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI 2341 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.014 Published: APR 15 2010

Title: The minimum spectral radius of graphs with a given independence number Author(s): Xu, MM (Xu, Mimi); Hong, Y (Hong, Yuan); Shu, JL (Shu, Jinlong); Zhai, MQ (Zhai,

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 5-7 Pages: 937-945


365 DOI: 10.5562/cca2052

Author(s): Mahmiani, A (Mahmiani, Anehgaldi); Khormali, O (Khormali, Omid); Iranmanesh, A


Page 60: Dragan Stevanović


Record 4 of 35 Title: The harmonic index for graphsAuthor(s): Zhong, LP (Zhong, Lingping)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 25 Issue: 3 Pages: 56110.1016/j.aml.2011.09.059 Published: MAR 2012 --------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 35 Title: On the Additive Version of the Connectivity IndexAuthor(s): Nikolic, S (Nikolic, Sonja); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad); Turk, SI (Turk, Sanja Ivanis)Editor(s): Simos TE; Maroulis GSource: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING 2009 (ICCMSE 2009) Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings Volume: 1504 Pages: 342-350 DOI: 10.1063/1.4771727 Published: 2012 Conference Title: 7th International Conferenc(ICCMSE) Conference Date: SEP 29-OCT 04, 2009Conference Location: Rhodes, GREECE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 35 Title: ON THE MODIFIED RANDIC INDEX OF TREES, UNICYCLIC GRAPHS AND BICYCLIC GRAPHS Author(s): Li, JP (Li, Jianping); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)Source: MISKOLC MATHEMATICAL NOTES Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Pages: 415----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 35 Title: Computing Topological Indices by Pulling a Few StringsAuthor(s): Doslic, T (Doslic, Tomislav); Loghman, A (Loghman, Amir); Badakhshian, L (Badakhshian, Leila) Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 67 Issue: 1 Pages: 173----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 35 Title: On Sum-Connectivity Index of Bicyclic GraphsAuthor(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)Source: BULLETIN OF THE MALAYSIAN MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES SOCIETY Volume: 35 Issue: 1 Pages: 101-117 Published: 2012 --------------------------------------------Record 9 of 35 Title: Sharp upper bounds on Zagreb indices of bicyclic graphs with a given matching numberAuthor(s): Li, SC (Li, Shuchao); Zhao, Q (Zhao, Qin)Source: MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODEL2879 DOI: 10.1016/j.mcm.2011.07.007 Published: DEC 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 35 Title: Bond additive modeling 10. Ucatacondensed fluoranthenes Author(s): Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir); Durdevic, J (Durdevic, Jelena)Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 515 Issue: 110.1016/j.cplett.2011.08.095 Published: OCT 17 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 35 Title: On Randic Indices of Trees, Unicyclic Graphs, and Bicyclic GraphsAuthor(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY Volume: 111 Issue: 12 Pages: 2760-2770 DOI: 10.1002/qua.22596 Published: OCT 2011

Др Драган П. Стевановић

harmonic index for graphs Author(s): Zhong, LP (Zhong, Lingping) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 25 Issue: 3 Pages: 56110.1016/j.aml.2011.09.059 Published: MAR 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the Additive Version of the Connectivity Index Author(s): Nikolic, S (Nikolic, Sonja); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad); Turk, SI (Turk, Sanja Ivanis)Editor(s): Simos TE; Maroulis G


350 DOI: 10.1063/1.4771727 Published: 2012 Conference Title: 7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Science and Engineering

OCT 04, 2009 Conference Location: Rhodes, GREECE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Author(s): Li, JP (Li, Jianping); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo) Source: MISKOLC MATHEMATICAL NOTES Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Pages: 415


Title: Computing Topological Indices by Pulling a Few Strings Author(s): Doslic, T (Doslic, Tomislav); Loghman, A (Loghman, Amir); Badakhshian, L (Badakhshian,

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 67 Issue: 1 Pages: 173-190 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Connectivity Index of Bicyclic Graphs Author(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo) Source: BULLETIN OF THE MALAYSIAN MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES SOCIETY Volume: 35

117 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Sharp upper bounds on Zagreb indices of bicyclic graphs with a given matching numberAuthor(s): Li, SC (Li, Shuchao); Zhao, Q (Zhao, Qin) Source: MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING Volume: 54 Issue: 112879 DOI: 10.1016/j.mcm.2011.07.007 Published: DEC 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Bond additive modeling 10. Upper and lower bounds of bond incident degree indices of

Author(s): Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir); Durdevic, J (Durdevic, Jelena) Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 515 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 186

.2011.08.095 Published: OCT 17 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On Randic Indices of Trees, Unicyclic Graphs, and Bicyclic Graphs Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)

Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY Volume: 111 Issue: 12 Pages: 2770 DOI: 10.1002/qua.22596 Published: OCT 2011

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 25 Issue: 3 Pages: 561-566 DOI:

Author(s): Nikolic, S (Nikolic, Sonja); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad); Turk, SI (Turk, Sanja Ivanis)


e on Computational Methods in Science and Engineering


Source: MISKOLC MATHEMATICAL NOTES Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Pages: 415-427 Published: 2012

Author(s): Doslic, T (Doslic, Tomislav); Loghman, A (Loghman, Amir); Badakhshian, L (Badakhshian,



Title: Sharp upper bounds on Zagreb indices of bicyclic graphs with a given matching number

LING Volume: 54 Issue: 11-12 Pages: 2869-

pper and lower bounds of bond incident degree indices of

3 Pages: 186-189 DOI:


Page 61: Dragan Stevanović


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 12 of 35 Title: The General Sum-Connectivity Indices of Benzenoid Systems and PhenylenesAuthor(s): Ma, FY (Ma, Feiying); Deng, HY (Deng, Hanyuan)Source: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE Volume: 8 Issue: 9 Pages: 1878-1881 DOI: 10.1166/jctn.2011.1896 Published: SEP 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 35 Title: ON THE SUM-CONNECTIVITY INDEXAuthor(s): Wang, SL (Wang, Shilin); Source: FILOMAT Volume: 25 Issue: 3 Pages: 29----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 14 of 35 Title: Sharp bounds for Zagreb indices of maximal outerplanar graphsAuthor(s): Hou, AL (Hou, Ailin); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao); Song, LZ (Song, Lanzhen); Wei, B (Wei, Bing)Source: JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION Volume: 22 Issue: 2 Pages: 252DOI: 10.1007/s10878-010-9288----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 15 of 35 Title: Sharp bounds on the zerothAuthor(s): Li, SC (Li, Shuchao); Zhang, MJ (Zhang, Minjie)Source: MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING Volume: 53 Issue: 92004 DOI: 10.1016/j.mcm.2011.01.030 Published: MAY 2011 -----------------------------------------------------------Record 16 of 35 Title: On ordinary generalized geometricAuthor(s): Eliasi, M (Eliasi, Mehdi); Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, Ali)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 4 Pages: 58210.1016/j.aml.2010.11.021 Published: APR 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 17 of 35 Title: On the general sum-connectivity index of treesAuthor(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 3 Pages: 40210.1016/j.aml.2010.10.038 Published: MAR 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------Record 18 of 35 Title: Survey on Geometric-Arithmetic Indices of GraphsAuthor(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 595----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 19 of 35 Title: Master Connectivity Index and Master Connectivity PolynomialAuthor(s): Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad); Nikolic, S (Nikolic, Sonja); Lucic, B (Lucic, Bono); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)Source: CURRENT COMPUTERPublished: DEC 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 20 of 35 Title: Which generalized Randic indices are suitable measures of molecular branchingAuthor(s): Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 158 Issue: 18 Pages: 205610.1016/j.dam.2010.08.013 Published: NOV 28 2010 --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Connectivity Indices of Benzenoid Systems and PhenylenesAuthor(s): Ma, FY (Ma, Feiying); Deng, HY (Deng, Hanyuan) Source: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE Volume: 8 Issue:

1881 DOI: 10.1166/jctn.2011.1896 Published: SEP 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CONNECTIVITY INDEX Author(s): Wang, SL (Wang, Shilin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: FILOMAT Volume: 25 Issue: 3 Pages: 29-42 Published: SEP 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

rp bounds for Zagreb indices of maximal outerplanar graphs Author(s): Hou, AL (Hou, Ailin); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao); Song, LZ (Song, Lanzhen); Wei, B (Wei, Bing)Source: JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION Volume: 22 Issue: 2 Pages: 252

9288-8 Published: AUG 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Sharp bounds on the zeroth-order general Randic indices of conjugated bicyclic graphsor(s): Li, SC (Li, Shuchao); Zhang, MJ (Zhang, Minjie)

Source: MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING Volume: 53 Issue: 92004 DOI: 10.1016/j.mcm.2011.01.030 Published: MAY 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On ordinary generalized geometric-arithmetic index Author(s): Eliasi, M (Eliasi, Mehdi); Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, Ali) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 4 Pages: 58210.1016/j.aml.2010.11.021 Published: APR 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

connectivity index of trees Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 3 Pages: 40210.1016/j.aml.2010.10.038 Published: MAR 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Arithmetic Indices of Graphs Author(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 595-644 Published: 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

er Connectivity Index and Master Connectivity Polynomial Author(s): Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad); Nikolic, S (Nikolic, Sonja); Lucic, B (Lucic, Bono); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo) Source: CURRENT COMPUTER-AIDED DRUG DESIGN Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Pages: 235


Title: Which generalized Randic indices are suitable measures of molecular branchingAuthor(s): Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 158 Issue: 18 Pages: 205610.1016/j.dam.2010.08.013 Published: NOV 28 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Connectivity Indices of Benzenoid Systems and Phenylenes


Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad) 42 Published: SEP 2011

Author(s): Hou, AL (Hou, Ailin); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao); Song, LZ (Song, Lanzhen); Wei, B (Wei, Bing) Source: JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION Volume: 22 Issue: 2 Pages: 252-269

order general Randic indices of conjugated bicyclic graphs

Source: MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING Volume: 53 Issue: 9-10 Pages: 1990-

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 4 Pages: 582-587 DOI:

Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 3 Pages: 402-405 DOI:

Author(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY

Author(s): Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad); Nikolic, S (Nikolic, Sonja);

me: 6 Issue: 4 Pages: 235-239

Title: Which generalized Randic indices are suitable measures of molecular branching?

Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 158 Issue: 18 Pages: 2056-2065 DOI:

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Record 21 of 35 Title: Bond-additive Modeling. 3. Comparison between the Productconnectivity Index Author(s): Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: CROATICA CHEMICA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 22 of 35 Title: Sum-connectivity index of molecular treesAuthor(s): Xing, RD (Xing, Rundan); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 48 Issue: 3 Pages: 58310.1007/s10910-010-9693-3 Published: OCT 2010 ---------------------------------------------------Record 23 of 35 Title: On the Maximum Zagreb Indices of Graphs with k Cut VerticesAuthor(s): Zhao, Q (Zhao, Qin); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao)Source: ACTA APPLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE Volume: 111 Issue: 1 Pages: 9310.1007/s10440-009-9534-1 Published: JUL 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 24 of 35 Title: On the Extremal Zagreb Indices of Graphs with Cut EdgesAuthor(s): Feng, YQ (Feng, Yanqin); Hu, X (Hu, Xia); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao)Source: ACTA APPLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE Volume: 110 Issue: 2 Pages: 66710.1007/s10440-009-9467-8 Published: MAY 20----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 25 of 35 Title: Estimating the higher-order Randic indexAuthor(s): Yero, IG (Yero, Ismael G.); RodriguezGutman, I (Gutman, Ivan) Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 489 Issue: 110.1016/j.cplett.2010.02.052 Published: APR 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 26 of 35 Title: Minimum sum-connectivity indices of trees and unicyclic graphs of a given matching numberAuthor(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY V10.1007/s10910-009-9604-7 Published: FEB 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 27 of 35 Title: On general sum-connectivity indexAuthor(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 47 Issue: 1 Pages: 21010.1007/s10910-009-9542-4 Published: JAN 2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------Record 28 of 35 Title: A new geometric-arithmetic indexAuthor(s): Fath-Tabar, G (Fath-(Gutman, Ivan) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 47 Issue: 1 Pages: 47710.1007/s10910-009-9584-7 Published: JAN 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

additive Modeling. 3. Comparison between the Product-connectivity Index and Sum

Author(s): Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad) ACTA Volume: 83 Issue: 3 Pages: 349-351 Published: OCT 2010


connectivity index of molecular trees (Xing, Rundan); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)

Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 48 Issue: 3 Pages: 5833 Published: OCT 2010


Title: On the Maximum Zagreb Indices of Graphs with k Cut Vertices Author(s): Zhao, Q (Zhao, Qin); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao) Source: ACTA APPLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE Volume: 111 Issue: 1 Pages: 93

1 Published: JUL 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

n the Extremal Zagreb Indices of Graphs with Cut Edges Author(s): Feng, YQ (Feng, Yanqin); Hu, X (Hu, Xia); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao) Source: ACTA APPLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE Volume: 110 Issue: 2 Pages: 667

8 Published: MAY 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

order Randic index Author(s): Yero, IG (Yero, Ismael G.); Rodriguez-Velazquez, JA (Rodriguez-

Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 489 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 11810.1016/j.cplett.2010.02.052 Published: APR 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

connectivity indices of trees and unicyclic graphs of a given matching numberAuthor(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 47 Issue: 2 Pages: 842

7 Published: FEB 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

connectivity index s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)

Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 47 Issue: 1 Pages: 2104 Published: JAN 2010


arithmetic index -Tabar, Gholamhossein); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris); Gutman, I

Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 47 Issue: 1 Pages: 4777 Published: JAN 2010


Др Драган П. Стевановић

connectivity Index and Sum-

351 Published: OCT 2010

(Xing, Rundan); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 48 Issue: 3 Pages: 583-591 DOI:

Source: ACTA APPLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE Volume: 111 Issue: 1 Pages: 93-106 DOI:

Source: ACTA APPLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE Volume: 110 Issue: 2 Pages: 667-684 DOI:

-Velazquez, Juan A.);

3 Pages: 118-120 DOI:

connectivity indices of trees and unicyclic graphs of a given matching number Author(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)

olume: 47 Issue: 2 Pages: 842-855 DOI:

Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 47 Issue: 1 Pages: 210-218 DOI:

Tabar, Gholamhossein); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris); Gutman, I

Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 47 Issue: 1 Pages: 477-486 DOI:

Page 63: Dragan Stevanović


Record 29 of 35 Title: Randic Matrix and Randic EnergyAuthor(s): Bozkurt, SB (Bozkurt, S. Burcu); Gungor, AD (Gungor, A. Dilek); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Cevik, AS (Cevik, A. Sinan) Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 239----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 30 of 35 Title: Randic Spectral Radius and Randic EnergyAuthor(s): Bozkurt, SB (Bozkurt, S. Burcu); GungorSource: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 321------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 31 of 35 Title: On extended connectivity indicesAuthor(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Pages: 1172DOI: 10.1007/s10910-008-9500----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 32 of 35 Title: On a novel connectivity indexAuthor(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Pages: 1252DOI: 10.1007/s10910-008-9515----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 33 of 35 Title: Comparison between the sumhydrocarbons Author(s): Lucic, B (Lucic, Bono); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 475 Issue: 110.1016/j.cplett.2009.05.022 Published: JUN 16 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 34 of 35 Title: ON RANDIC INDICES OF CHEMICAL TREES AND CHEMICAL UNICAuthor(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 131----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 35 of 35 Title: ON A CONJECTURE ON RANDIC INDICESAuthor(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTVolume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 143----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D, 2007, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V423, P119, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2006.11.026 Record 1 of 4 Title: Automorphism groups of rational circulant graphsAuthor(s): Klin, M (Klin, Mikhail); Kovacs, I (Kovacs, Istvan)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Article Number: P35 Published: FEB 7 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Randic Matrix and Randic Energy Author(s): Bozkurt, SB (Bozkurt, S. Burcu); Gungor, AD (Gungor, A. Dilek); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan);



Title: Randic Spectral Radius and Randic Energy Author(s): Bozkurt, SB (Bozkurt, S. Burcu); Gungor, AD (Gungor, A. Dilek); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 2 Pages: 321-334 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On extended connectivity indices Author(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Pages: 1172

9500-6 Published: NOV 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On a novel connectivity index Author(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Pages: 1252

9515-z Published: NOV 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Comparison between the sum-connectivity index and product-connectivity index for benzenoid

Author(s): Lucic, B (Lucic, Bono); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 475 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 14610.1016/j.cplett.2009.05.022 Published: JUN 16 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: ON RANDIC INDICES OF CHEMICAL TREES AND CHEMICAL UNICAuthor(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)



Title: ON A CONJECTURE ON RANDIC INDICES Author(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTVolume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 143-154 Published: 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stevanovic D, 2007, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V423, P119, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2006.11.026

Title: Automorphism groups of rational circulant graphs Author(s): Klin, M (Klin, Mikhail); Kovacs, I (Kovacs, Istvan) Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Article Number: P35


Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Bozkurt, SB (Bozkurt, S. Burcu); Gungor, AD (Gungor, A. Dilek); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan);



Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Pages: 1172-1180

Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Pages: 1252-1270

connectivity index for benzenoid

Author(s): Lucic, B (Lucic, Bono); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo) 3 Pages: 146-148 DOI:

Title: ON RANDIC INDICES OF CHEMICAL TREES AND CHEMICAL UNICYCLIC GRAPHS Author(s): Du, ZB (Du, Zhibin); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)



Stevanovic D, 2007, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V423, P119, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2006.11.026

Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Article Number: P35

Page 64: Dragan Stevanović


Record 2 of 4 Title: Graphs for small multiprocessor interconnection networksAuthor(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Davidovic, T (Davidovic, Tatjana); Ilic, A (Ilic,Aleksandar); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 217 Issue: 6 Pages: 2468DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2010.07.058 Published: NOV 15 2010 --------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 4 Title: A survey of automated conjectures in spectral graph theoryAuthor(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, M.); Hansen, P (Hansen, P.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special IssPages: 2293-2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 4 Title: Graphs with integral spectrumAuthor(s): Ahmadi, O (Ahmadi, Omran); Alon, N (Alon, Noga); Blake, IF (Blake, Ian F.); Shparlinski, IE (Shparlinski, Igor E.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 430 Issue: 1 Pages: 54710.1016/j.laa.2008.08.020 Published: JAN 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D, 2007, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V423, P172, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2006.11.027 Record 1 of 13 Title: On the seidel integral complete multipartite graphsAuthor(s): Lv, SM (Lv, Sheng-mei); Wei, L (Wei, Liang); Zhao, HX (Zhao, HaiSource: ACTA MATHEMATICAE APPLICATAE SINICAPages: 705-710 DOI: 10.1007/s10255----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 13 Title: The efficiency and stability of R&D networksAuthor(s): Konig, MD (Koenig, Michael D.); Battiston, S (Battiston, Stefano); Napoletano, M (Napoletano, Mauro); Schweitzer, F (Schweitzer, Frank)Source: GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR Volume: 75 Issue: 2 Pages: 69410.1016/j.geb.2011.12.007 Published: JUL 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 13 Title: Spectral distances of graphsAuthor(s): Jovanovic, I (Jovanovic, Irena); Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 5 Pages: 1425DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.08.019 Published: MAR 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 13 Title: A NOTE ON STRONGLY REGULAR GRAPHS AND (k, tau)Author(s): Carvalho, P (Carvalho, Paula)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA VoluPublished: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Graphs for small multiprocessor interconnection networks Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Davidovic, T (Davidovic, Tatjana); Ilic, A (Ilic,Aleksandar); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 217 Issue: 6 Pages: 2468DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2010.07.058 Published: NOV 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: A survey of automated conjectures in spectral graph theory Author(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, M.); Hansen, P (Hansen, P.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Iss

2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory

04, 2008 Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL Conference Host: Mil Inst Engn


Title: Graphs with integral spectrum Author(s): Ahmadi, O (Ahmadi, Omran); Alon, N (Alon, Noga); Blake, IF (Blake, Ian F.); Shparlinski, IE

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 430 Issue: 1 Pages: 54710.1016/j.laa.2008.08.020 Published: JAN 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ovic D, 2007, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V423, P172, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2006.11.027

Title: On the seidel integral complete multipartite graphs mei); Wei, L (Wei, Liang); Zhao, HX (Zhao, Hai

ICAE APPLICATAE SINICA-ENGLISH SERIES Volume: 28 Issue: 4 710 DOI: 10.1007/s10255-012-0126-x Published: OCT 2012


e efficiency and stability of R&D networks Author(s): Konig, MD (Koenig, Michael D.); Battiston, S (Battiston, Stefano); Napoletano, M (Napoletano, Mauro); Schweitzer, F (Schweitzer, Frank) Source: GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR Volume: 75 Issue: 2 Pages: 69410.1016/j.geb.2011.12.007 Published: JUL 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

tral distances of graphs Author(s): Jovanovic, I (Jovanovic, Irena); Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 5 Pages: 1425DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.08.019 Published: MAR 1 2012


Title: A NOTE ON STRONGLY REGULAR GRAPHS AND (k, tau)- REGULAR SETSAuthor(s): Carvalho, P (Carvalho, Paula) Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 25 Special Issue: SI Pages: 3


Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Davidovic, T (Davidovic, Tatjana); Ilic, A (Ilic,

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 217 Issue: 6 Pages: 2468-2480

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI 2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010

Author(s): Ahmadi, O (Ahmadi, Omran); Alon, N (Alon, Noga); Blake, IF (Blake, Ian F.); Shparlinski, IE

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 430 Issue: 1 Pages: 547-552 DOI:

ovic D, 2007, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V423, P172, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2006.11.027

mei); Wei, L (Wei, Liang); Zhao, HX (Zhao, Hai-xing) ENGLISH SERIES Volume: 28 Issue: 4

Author(s): Konig, MD (Koenig, Michael D.); Battiston, S (Battiston, Stefano); Napoletano, M

Source: GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR Volume: 75 Issue: 2 Pages: 694-713 DOI:

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 436 Issue: 5 Pages: 1425-1435


me: 25 Special Issue: SI Pages: 3-8

Page 65: Dragan Stevanović


Record 5 of 13 Title: On conjectures involving second largest signless Laplacian eigenvalue ofAuthor(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 11 Pages: 3018DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.01.005 Published: JUN 1 2010 --------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 13 Title: Towards a spectral theory of graphs based on the signless Laplacian, IIAuthor(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: Pages: 2257-2272 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.05.020 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 13 Title: Integral graphs and (kappa, tau)Author(s): Carvalho, P (Carvalho, Paula); Rama, P (Rama, Paula)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2409-2417 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.032 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 13 Title: TOWARDS A SPECTRAL THEORY OF GRAPHS BASED ON THE SIGNLESS LAPLACIAN, IIIAuthor(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)Source: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Pages: 156-166 DOI: 10.2298/AADM1000001C Published: APR 2010 -------------------------------------------Record 9 of 13 Title: Graphs with maximal signless Laplacian spectral radiusAuthor(s): Chang, TJ (Chang, TingSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.11.027 Published: MAR 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 13 Title: On the reduced signless Laplacian spectrum ofAuthor(s): Tam, BS (Tam, Bit-Shun); Wu, SH (Wu, ShuSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 7 Pages: 1734DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.11.031 Published: MAR 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 13 Title: On the Conjecture for Certain Laplacian Integral Spectrum of GraphsAuthor(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.); Lee, SG (Lee, SangSource: JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 10610.1002/jgt.20412 Published: FEB 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: On conjectures involving second largest signless Laplacian eigenvalue ofAuthor(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 11 Pages: 3018DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.01.005 Published: JUN 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Towards a spectral theory of graphs based on the signless Laplacian, IIAuthor(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2272 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.05.020 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory

04, 2008 Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL

Mil Inst Engn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Integral graphs and (kappa, tau)-regular sets Author(s): Carvalho, P (Carvalho, Paula); Rama, P (Rama, Paula)

INEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI 2417 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.032 Published: APR 15 2010

Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory 04, 2008

n: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL Conference Host: Mil Inst Engn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: TOWARDS A SPECTRAL THEORY OF GRAPHS BASED ON THE SIGNLESS LAPLACIAN, IIIhor(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)

Source: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Pages: 166 DOI: 10.2298/AADM1000001C Published: APR 2010


Title: Graphs with maximal signless Laplacian spectral radius Author(s): Chang, TJ (Chang, Ting-Jung); Tam, BS (Tam, Bit-Shun) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 7 Pages: 1708DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.11.027 Published: MAR 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the reduced signless Laplacian spectrum of a degree maximal graphShun); Wu, SH (Wu, Shu-Hui)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 7 Pages: 1734DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.11.031 Published: MAR 15 2010


Title: On the Conjecture for Certain Laplacian Integral Spectrum of Graphs Author(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.); Lee, SG (Lee, Sang-Gu); Cheon, GS (Cheon, GiSource: JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 10610.1002/jgt.20412 Published: FEB 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: On conjectures involving second largest signless Laplacian eigenvalue of graphs

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 11 Pages: 3018-3029

Title: Towards a spectral theory of graphs based on the signless Laplacian, II Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)

432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI 2272 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.05.020 Published: APR 15 2010

INEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI 2417 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.032 Published: APR 15 2010

Title: TOWARDS A SPECTRAL THEORY OF GRAPHS BASED ON THE SIGNLESS LAPLACIAN, III hor(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)


Issue: 7 Pages: 1708-1733

a degree maximal graph

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 7 Pages: 1734-1756

Gu); Cheon, GS (Cheon, Gi-Sang)

Source: JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 106-113 DOI:

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Record 12 of 13 Title: Developments on spectral characterizations of graphsAuthor(s): van Dam, ER (van Dam, Edwin R.); Haemers, WH (Haemers, Willem H.)Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 309 Issue: 3 Pages: 57610.1016/j.disc.2008.08.019 Published: FEB 28 2009 Conference Title: International Workshop on Design Theory, Graph Theory and Computational Methods (IPM Combinatorics II)Conference Date: APR 22-27, 2006Conference Location: Tehran, IRAN-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 13 Title: SOME RESULTS ON Q-INTEGRAL GRAPHSAuthor(s): Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran)Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 90 Pages: 321--------------------------------------------------------------Brankov V, 2006, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V414, P407, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2005.10.017 Record 1 of 6 Title: Sharp upper bounds on the spectral radius of the signless Laplacian matrix of a graphAuthor(s): Maden, AD (Maden, Sinan) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 219 Issue: 10 Pages: 5025DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2012.11.039 Published: JAN 15 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 6 Title: The spectrum and the signless Laplacian spectrum of coronaeAuthor(s): Cui, SY (Cui, Shu-Yu); Tian, GX (Tian, GuiSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 7 Pages: 1692DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.05.019 Published: OCT 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 6 Title: Bounds for the (Laplacian) spectral radius of graphs with parameter alphaAuthor(s): Tian, GX (Tian, Gui-Xian); Huang, TZ (Huang, TingSource: CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 56710.1007/s10587-012-0030-9 Published: JUN 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 6 Title: A survey of automated conjectures in spectral graph theoryAuthor(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, M.); Hansen,Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2293-2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

ts on spectral characterizations of graphs Author(s): van Dam, ER (van Dam, Edwin R.); Haemers, WH (Haemers, Willem H.)Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 309 Issue: 3 Pages: 576-586 DOI: 10.1016/j.disc.2008.08.019 Published: FEB 28 2009

e Title: International Workshop on Design Theory, Graph Theory and Computational Methods (IPM Combinatorics II)

27, 2006 Conference Location: Tehran, IRAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

INTEGRAL GRAPHS Author(s): Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran) Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 90 Pages: 321-335 Published: JAN 2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brankov V, 2006, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V414, P407, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2005.10.017

Title: Sharp upper bounds on the spectral radius of the signless Laplacian matrix of a graph A. Dilek (Gungor)); Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.); Cevik, AS (Cevik, A.

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 219 Issue: 10 Pages: 5025DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2012.11.039 Published: JAN 15 2013


Title: The spectrum and the signless Laplacian spectrum of coronae Yu); Tian, GX (Tian, Gui-Xian)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 7 Pages: 1692DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.05.019 Published: OCT 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Bounds for the (Laplacian) spectral radius of graphs with parameter alphaXian); Huang, TZ (Huang, Ting-Zhu)

Source: CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 5679 Published: JUN 2012


Title: A survey of automated conjectures in spectral graph theory Author(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, M.); Hansen, P (Hansen, P.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory

, 2008 Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL Conference Host: Mil Inst Engn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): van Dam, ER (van Dam, Edwin R.); Haemers, WH (Haemers, Willem H.) 586 DOI:

e Title: International Workshop on Design Theory, Graph Theory and Computational

335 Published: JAN 2009

Brankov V, 2006, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V414, P407, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2005.10.017

Title: Sharp upper bounds on the spectral radius of the signless Laplacian matrix of a graph A. Dilek (Gungor)); Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.); Cevik, AS (Cevik, A.

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 219 Issue: 10 Pages: 5025-5032

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 7 Pages: 1692-1703

Title: Bounds for the (Laplacian) spectral radius of graphs with parameter alpha

Source: CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL Volume: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 567-580 DOI:

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI 2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010

Page 67: Dragan Stevanović


Record 5 of 6 Title: Bounds on the index of the signless Author(s): Oliveira, CS (Oliveira, Carla Silva); de Lima, LS (de Lima, Leonardo Silva); de Abreu, NMM (Maia de Abreu, Nair Maria); Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 158 Issue: 4 Special Issue: S360 DOI: 10.1016/j.dam.2009.06.023 Published: FEB 28 2010 Conference Title: 6th Cologne/Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (TW 2007) Conference Date: MAY 29-31, 2007Conference Location: Twente, NETHERLANDSConference Host: Univ Twente ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 6 Title: Bounds for the Laplacian spectral radius of graphsAuthor(s): Liu, HQ (Liu, Huiqing); Lu, M (Lu, Mei)Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 58 Issue: 1 Pages: 11310.1080/03081080802450021 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zhou B, 2006, MATCH-COMMUN MATH CO, V56, Record 1 of 26 Title: On reformulated Zagreb indicesAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 3 Pages: 20410.1016/j.dam.2011.09.021 Published: FEB 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 26 Title: Sharp Upper Bounds for Multiplicative Zagreb IndicesAuthor(s): Liu, JZ (Liu, Jingzhong); Zhang, QH (Zhang, Qianhong)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 1 Pages: 231----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 26 Title: On the Zagreb indices equalAuthor(s): Abdo, H (Abdo, Hosam); Dimitrov, D (Dimitrov, Darko); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 110.1016/j.dam.2011.10.003 Published: JAN 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 26 Title: Relationship between the eccentric connectivity index and Zagreb indicesAuthor(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch); Trinajstic, N (TrinajstSource: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 17581764 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2011.06.017 Published: AUG 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 26 Title: On the Zagreb index inequality of graphs with prescribed vertex degreesAuthor(s): Andova, V (Andova, Vesna); Bogoev, S (Bogoev, Saso); Dimitrov, D (Dimitrov, Darko); Pilipczuk, M (Pilipczuk, Marcin); Skrekovski, R (Skrekovski, Riste)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 159 Issue: 8 Pages: 85210.1016/j.dam.2011.01.002 Published: APR 28 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Bounds on the index of the signless Laplacian of a graph Author(s): Oliveira, CS (Oliveira, Carla Silva); de Lima, LS (de Lima, Leonardo Silva); de Abreu, NMM (Maia de Abreu, Nair Maria); Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 158 Issue: 4 Special Issue: S360 DOI: 10.1016/j.dam.2009.06.023 Published: FEB 28 2010 Conference Title: 6th Cologne/Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (TW

31, 2007 Conference Location: Twente, NETHERLANDS


Title: Bounds for the Laplacian spectral radius of graphs Author(s): Liu, HQ (Liu, Huiqing); Lu, M (Lu, Mei)

AR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 58 Issue: 1 Pages: 11310.1080/03081080802450021 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Title: On reformulated Zagreb indices Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 3 Pages: 20410.1016/j.dam.2011.09.021 Published: FEB 2012


Title: Sharp Upper Bounds for Multiplicative Zagreb Indices Author(s): Liu, JZ (Liu, Jingzhong); Zhang, QH (Zhang, Qianhong)

ATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 1 Pages: 231-240 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the Zagreb indices equality Author(s): Abdo, H (Abdo, Hosam); Dimitrov, D (Dimitrov, Darko); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 110.1016/j.dam.2011.10.003 Published: JAN 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Relationship between the eccentric connectivity index and Zagreb indicesAuthor(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, N.) Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 17581764 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2011.06.017 Published: AUG 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the Zagreb index inequality of graphs with prescribed vertex degreesAuthor(s): Andova, V (Andova, Vesna); Bogoev, S (Bogoev, Saso); Dimitrov, D (Dimitrov, Darko); Pilipczuk, M (Pilipczuk, Marcin); Skrekovski, R (Skrekovski, Riste) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 159 Issue: 8 Pages: 85210.1016/j.dam.2011.01.002 Published: APR 28 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Oliveira, CS (Oliveira, Carla Silva); de Lima, LS (de Lima, Leonardo Silva); de Abreu, NMM

Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 158 Issue: 4 Special Issue: SI Pages: 355-

Conference Title: 6th Cologne/Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (TW

AR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 58 Issue: 1 Pages: 113-119 DOI:

Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 3 Pages: 204-209 DOI:


Author(s): Abdo, H (Abdo, Hosam); Dimitrov, D (Dimitrov, Darko); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan) 2 Pages: 1-8 DOI:

Title: Relationship between the eccentric connectivity index and Zagreb indices

Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 1758-

Title: On the Zagreb index inequality of graphs with prescribed vertex degrees Author(s): Andova, V (Andova, Vesna); Bogoev, S (Bogoev, Saso); Dimitrov, D (Dimitrov, Darko);

Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 159 Issue: 8 Pages: 852-858 DOI:

Page 68: Dragan Stevanović


Record 6 of 26 Title: Graph Classes (Dis)satisfying the Zagreb Indices InequalityAuthor(s): Andova, V (Andova, Vesna); Cohen, N (Cohen, Nathann); Skrekovski, R (Skrekovski, Riste) Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 647----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 26 Title: Some properties of the reformulated Zagreb indicesAuthor(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 48 Issue: 3 Pages: 71410.1007/s10910-010-9704-4 Published: OCT 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 26 Title: On general sum-connectivity indexAuthor(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 47 Issue: 1 Pages: 21010.1007/s10910-009-9542-4 Published: JAN 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 26 Title: On reverse degree distanceAuthor(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY10.1007/s10910-009-9568-7 Published: JAN 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 26 Title: Estimating the Wiener Index by Means oAuthor(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 647----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 26 Title: Comparing Zagreb Indices of Cyclic GraphsAuthor(s): Caporossi, G (Caporossi, Gilles); Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir) Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 441----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 12 of 26 Title: On extended connectivity indicesAuthor(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Pages: 1172DOI: 10.1007/s10910-008-9500----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 26 Title: On a novel connectivity indexAuthor(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 IssueDOI: 10.1007/s10910-008-9515----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 14 of 26 Title: Bounds on Harary index Author(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Pages: 1377DOI: 10.1007/s10910-009-9522

Др Драган П. Стевановић

itle: Graph Classes (Dis)satisfying the Zagreb Indices Inequality Author(s): Andova, V (Andova, Vesna); Cohen, N (Cohen, Nathann); Skrekovski, R (Skrekovski,



Title: Some properties of the reformulated Zagreb indices Author(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 48 Issue: 3 Pages: 714

4 Published: OCT 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

connectivity index Author(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 47 Issue: 1 Pages: 210

4 Published: JAN 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On reverse degree distance Author(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 47 Issue: 1 Pages: 268

7 Published: JAN 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Estimating the Wiener Index by Means of Number of Vertices, Number of Edges, and DiameterAuthor(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)



Title: Comparing Zagreb Indices of Cyclic Graphs Author(s): Caporossi, G (Caporossi, Gilles); Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic,

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 441-451 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

extended connectivity indices Author(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Pages: 1172

9500-6 Published: NOV 2009 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On a novel connectivity index Author(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Pages: 1252

9515-z Published: NOV 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Author(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, N.)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Pages: 1377

9522-8 Published: NOV 2009

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Andova, V (Andova, Vesna); Cohen, N (Cohen, Nathann); Skrekovski, R (Skrekovski,


Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 48 Issue: 3 Pages: 714-719 DOI:

Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 47 Issue: 1 Pages: 210-218 DOI:

Volume: 47 Issue: 1 Pages: 268-275 DOI:

f Number of Vertices, Number of Edges, and Diameter


Author(s): Caporossi, G (Caporossi, Gilles); Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic,


Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Pages: 1172-1180

: 4 Pages: 1252-1270

Ch.); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, N.) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Pages: 1377-1393

Page 69: Dragan Stevanović


--------------------------------------------------------------Record 15 of 26 Title: ON THE LAPLACIAN ESTRADA INDEX OF A GRAPHAuthor(s): Li, JX (Li, Jianxi); Shiu, WC (Shiu, Wai Chee); Chang, A (Chang, An)Source: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 3 Issue: 147-156 DOI: 10.2298/AADM0901147L Published: APR 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 16 of 26 Title: On Harary index Author(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Cai, XC (Cai, XiaSource: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 44 Issue: 2 Pages: 61110.1007/s10910-007-9339-2 Published: AUG 2008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 17 of 26 Title: On reciprocal molecular topological indexAuthor(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 44 Issue: 1 Pages: 23510.1007/s10910-007-9306-y Published: JUL 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 18 of 26 Title: Estimating the Zagreb indices and the spectral radius of trianglegraphs Author(s): Yamaguchi, S (Yamaguchi, Seiichi)Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 458 Issue: 410.1016/j.cplett.2008.05.009 Published: JUN 17 2008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 19 of 26 Title: Zagreb M-1 index, independence number and connectivity in graphsAuthor(s): Hua, H (Hua, Hongbo)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Pages: 45----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 20 of 26 Title: On the largest eigenvalue of the distance matrix of a connected graphAuthor(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 447 Issue: 410.1016/j.cplett.2007.09.048 Published: OCT 25----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 21 of 26 Title: Comparing the Zagreb indicesAuthor(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir)Source: CROATICA CHEMICA Conference Title: 21st Dubrovnik International Course and ConferenceConference Date: JUN 19-24, 2006Conference Location: Dubrovnik, CROATIA-----------------------------------------------Record 22 of 26 Title: Estrada index of acyclic moleculesAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris); Glisic, B (Glisic, Biljana); Markovic, V (Markovic, Violeta); Vesel, A (Vesel,Source: INDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY SECTION ATHEORETICAL & ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 Issue: 5 Pages: 723MAY 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: ON THE LAPLACIAN ESTRADA INDEX OF A GRAPH Author(s): Li, JX (Li, Jianxi); Shiu, WC (Shiu, Wai Chee); Chang, A (Chang, An)Source: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 3 Issue:

156 DOI: 10.2298/AADM0901147L Published: APR 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Author(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Cai, XC (Cai, Xiaochun); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 44 Issue: 2 Pages: 611

2 Published: AUG 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On reciprocal molecular topological index Author(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 44 Issue: 1 Pages: 235

y Published: JUL 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Estimating the Zagreb indices and the spectral radius of triangle- and quadrangle

Author(s): Yamaguchi, S (Yamaguchi, Seiichi) Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 458 Issue: 4-6 Pages: 39610.1016/j.cplett.2008.05.009 Published: JUN 17 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 index, independence number and connectivity in graphs Author(s): Hua, H (Hua, Hongbo)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Pages: 45-56 Published: 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

largest eigenvalue of the distance matrix of a connected graph Author(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad) Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 447 Issue: 4-6 Pages: 38410.1016/j.cplett.2007.09.048 Published: OCT 25 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Comparing the Zagreb indices Author(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir)

ACTA Volume: 80 Issue: 2 Pages: 165-168 Published: JUN 2007 Conference Title: 21st Dubrovnik International Course and Conference

24, 2006 Conference Location: Dubrovnik, CROATIA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Estrada index of acyclic molecules Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris); Glisic, B (Glisic, Biljana); Markovic, V (Markovic, Violeta); Vesel, A (Vesel, Aleksander) Source: INDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY SECTION A-INORGANIC BIOTHEORETICAL & ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 Issue: 5 Pages: 723


Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Li, JX (Li, Jianxi); Shiu, WC (Shiu, Wai Chee); Chang, A (Chang, An) Source: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Pages:

ochun); Trinajstic, N (Trinajstic, Nenad) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 44 Issue: 2 Pages: 611-618 DOI:

Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 44 Issue: 1 Pages: 235-243 DOI:

and quadrangle-free connected

6 Pages: 396-398 DOI:


6 Pages: 384-387 DOI:

168 Published: JUN 2007

Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris); Glisic, B (Glisic, Biljana); Markovic, V


Page 70: Dragan Stevanović


Record 23 of 26 Title: Upper bounds for the Zagreb indices and the spectral radius of seriesAuthor(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo) Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY Volume: 107 Issue: 4 Pages: 875-878 DOI: 10.1002/qua.21223 Published: MAR 15 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 24 of 26 Title: Relating Estrada index with spectral radiusAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Radenkovic, S (Radenkovic, Slavko); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris); Mansour, T (Mansour, Toufik); Schork, M (Schork, Matthias)Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 72 Issue: 12 Pages: 13211327 DOI: 10.2298/JSC0712321G Published----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 25 of 26 Title: Remarks on zagreb indicesAuthor(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo) Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISVolume: 57 Issue: 3 Pages: 591----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 26 of 26 Title: Estimating the zagreb and the general randic indicesAuthor(s): Liu, B (Liu, Bolian); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 57 Issue: 3 Pages: 617----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BRANKOV V, 2006, U BEOGRAD PUBL ELEKT, V17, P112 Record 1 of 2 Title: MULTIPROCESSOR INTERCONNECTION NETWORKS WITH SMALL TIGHTNESSAuthor(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Davidovic, T (Davidovic, Tatjana)Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OIssue: 5 Pages: 941-963 DOI: 10.1142/S0129054109006978 Published: OCT 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 2 Title: ON A CLASS OF MAXIMAL REFLEXIVE thetaAuthor(s): Rasajski, M (Rasajski, Marija)Source: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Pages: 241-250 Published: APR 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEVANOVIC D, 2006, PUBL I MATH BEOGRAD, V79, P19, DOI 10.2298/PIM0693019S Record 1 of 1 Title: On the power of combinatorial and spectral invariantsAuthor(s): Furer, M (Furer, Martin)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2373-2380 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.019 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Upper bounds for the Zagreb indices and the spectral radius of series-

Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY Volume: 107 Issue: 4 Pages: 878 DOI: 10.1002/qua.21223 Published: MAR 15 2007


Title: Relating Estrada index with spectral radius Ivan); Radenkovic, S (Radenkovic, Slavko); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris);

Mansour, T (Mansour, Toufik); Schork, M (Schork, Matthias) Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 72 Issue: 12 Pages: 13211327 DOI: 10.2298/JSC0712321G Published: 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Remarks on zagreb indices

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISVolume: 57 Issue: 3 Pages: 591-596 Published: 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Estimating the zagreb and the general randic indices (Liu, Bolian); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY

Volume: 57 Issue: 3 Pages: 617-632 Published: 2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRANKOV V, 2006, U BEOGRAD PUBL ELEKT, V17, P112


963 DOI: 10.1142/S0129054109006978 Published: OCT 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


250 Published: APR 2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------

STEVANOVIC D, 2006, PUBL I MATH BEOGRAD, V79, P19, DOI 10.2298/PIM0693019S

Title: On the power of combinatorial and spectral invariants Author(s): Furer, M (Furer, Martin) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2380 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.019 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory

04, 2008 e Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL

Conference Host: Mil Inst Engn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

-parallel graphs


Ivan); Radenkovic, S (Radenkovic, Slavko); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris);

Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 72 Issue: 12 Pages: 1321-



Title: MULTIPROCESSOR INTERCONNECTION NETWORKS WITH SMALL TIGHTNESS Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Davidovic, T (Davidovic, Tatjana)

F FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume: 20 963 DOI: 10.1142/S0129054109006978 Published: OCT 2009



STEVANOVIC D, 2006, PUBL I MATH BEOGRAD, V79, P19, DOI 10.2298/PIM0693019S

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI 2380 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.019 Published: APR 15 2010

Page 71: Dragan Stevanović


Stevanovic D, 2005, LINEAR MULTILINEAR A, V53, P67, DOI 10.1080/03081080410001714705 Record 1 of 10 Title: EQUIENERGETIC SELF-Author(s): Indulal, G (Indulal, G.); Vijayakumar, A (Vijayakumar, A.)Source: CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL Volume: 58 Issue: 4 Pages: 911Published: DEC 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 10 Title: Constructing pairs of equienergetic and nonAuthor(s): Bonifacio, AS (Bonifacio, Andreas S.); Vinagre, CTM (Vinagre, Cybele T. M.); de NMM (de Abreu, Nair Maria Maia)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 21 Issue: 4 Pages: 33810.1016/j.aml.2007.04.002 Published: APR 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 10 Title: Distance equienergetic graphsAuthor(s): Ramane, HS (Ramane, H. S.); Gutman, I (Gutman, I.); Revankar, DS (Revankar, D. S.)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 60 Issue: 2 Pages: 473----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 10 Title: On a pair of equienergetic graphsAuthor(s): Liu, J (Liu, Jianping); Liu, B (Liu, Behan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 59 Issue: 2 Pages: 275--------------------------------------------Record 5 of 10 Title: Energies of some non-regular graphsAuthor(s): Indulal, G (Indulal, G.); Vijayakumar, A (Vijayakumar, A.)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 42 Issue: 3 Pages:10.1007/s10910-006-9108-7 Published: OCT 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 10 Title: On spectral moments and energy of graphsAuthor(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); de la Pena, JA (de la Pena, Jose Antonio); Rada, J (Rada, Juan); Mendoza, L (Mendoza, Leonel)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 57 Issue: 1 Pages: 183----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 10 Title: Construction of equienergetic graphsAuthor(s): Ramane, HS (Ramane, H. S.); Walikar, HB (Walikar, H. B.)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MVolume: 57 Issue: 1 Pages: 203----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 10 Title: Laplacian energy of a graphAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, I); Zhou, B (Zhou, B)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 414 Issue: 1 Pages: 2910.1016/j.laa.2005.09.008 Published: APR 1 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић Stevanovic D, 2005, LINEAR MULTILINEAR A, V53, P67, DOI 10.1080/03081080410001714705

-COMPLEMENTARY GRAPHS Author(s): Indulal, G (Indulal, G.); Vijayakumar, A (Vijayakumar, A.) Source: CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL Volume: 58 Issue: 4 Pages: 911


Title: Constructing pairs of equienergetic and non-cospectral graphs Author(s): Bonifacio, AS (Bonifacio, Andreas S.); Vinagre, CTM (Vinagre, Cybele T. M.); de NMM (de Abreu, Nair Maria Maia) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 21 Issue: 4 Pages: 33810.1016/j.aml.2007.04.002 Published: APR 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Distance equienergetic graphs Author(s): Ramane, HS (Ramane, H. S.); Gutman, I (Gutman, I.); Revankar, DS (Revankar, D. S.)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 60 Issue: 2 Pages: 473-484 Published: 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

pair of equienergetic graphs Author(s): Liu, J (Liu, Jianping); Liu, B (Liu, Behan)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 59 Issue: 2 Pages: 275-278 Published: 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

regular graphs Author(s): Indulal, G (Indulal, G.); Vijayakumar, A (Vijayakumar, A.) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 42 Issue: 3 Pages:

7 Published: OCT 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On spectral moments and energy of graphs ); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); de la Pena, JA (de la Pena, Jose Antonio);


Volume: 57 Issue: 1 Pages: 183-191 Published: 2007 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Construction of equienergetic graphs Author(s): Ramane, HS (Ramane, H. S.); Walikar, HB (Walikar, H. B.)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 57 Issue: 1 Pages: 203-210 Published: 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Laplacian energy of a graph Gutman, I (Gutman, I); Zhou, B (Zhou, B)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 414 Issue: 1 Pages: 2910.1016/j.laa.2005.09.008 Published: APR 1 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић Stevanovic D, 2005, LINEAR MULTILINEAR A, V53, P67, DOI 10.1080/03081080410001714705

Source: CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL Volume: 58 Issue: 4 Pages: 911-919

Author(s): Bonifacio, AS (Bonifacio, Andreas S.); Vinagre, CTM (Vinagre, Cybele T. M.); de Abreu,

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 21 Issue: 4 Pages: 338-341 DOI:

Author(s): Ramane, HS (Ramane, H. S.); Gutman, I (Gutman, I.); Revankar, DS (Revankar, D. S.) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY


Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 42 Issue: 3 Pages: 377-386 DOI:

); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); de la Pena, JA (de la Pena, Jose Antonio);



Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 414 Issue: 1 Pages: 29-37 DOI:

Page 72: Dragan Stevanović


Record 9 of 10 Title: Chemical graph theory - The mathematical connectionAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Editor(s): Sabin JR; Brandas E Source: ADVANCES IN QUANTUM CHEMISTRY, VOL 51 Book Series: ADVANCES IN QUANTUM CHEMISTRY Volume: 51 Pages: 125-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 10 Title: On a pair of equienergetic graphsAuthor(s): Indulal, G (Indulal, G); Vijayakumar, A (Vijayakumar, A)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 55 Issue: 1 Pages: 83----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D, 2005, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V400, P345, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2005.01.001 Record 1 of 16 Title: ON THE ENERGY OF 3-CIRCULANT GRAPHSAuthor(s): Zhou, HQ (Zhou, Houqing); Zhou, Q (Zhou, Qi)Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 108 Pages: 297----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 16 Title: Integral circulant graphs of prime power order with maximal energyAuthor(s): Sander, JW (Sander, J. W.); Sander, T (Sander, T.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 12 Pages: 3212DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.05.039 Publishe----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 16 Title: All primitive strongly regular graphs except four are hyperenergeticAuthor(s): Panigrahi, P (Panigrahi, Pratima); MSource: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 12 Pages: 199510.1016/j.aml.2011.05.026 Published: DEC 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 16 Title: THE ENERGY OF INTEGRAL CIRCULANT GRAPHS WITH PRIME POWER ORDERAuthor(s): Sander, JW (Sander, J. W.); Sander, T (Sander, T.)Source: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Pages: 2236 DOI: 10.2298/AADM110131003S Published: APR 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 16 Title: The energy of a type of latticeAuthor(s): Ye, LZ (Ye, Luzhen) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 2 Pages: 14510.1016/j.aml.2010.08.034 Published: FEB 2011 -----------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 16 Title: Triply Equienergetic GraphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 189----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 16 Title: The energy of unitary cayley graphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 10 Pages: 1881DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.025 Published: OCT 15 2009

Др Драган П. Стевановић

The mathematical connection Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)

Source: ADVANCES IN QUANTUM CHEMISTRY, VOL 51 Book Series: ADVANCES IN QUANTUM CHEMISTRY Volume: 51 Pages: 125-138 DOI: 10.1016/S0065-3276(06)51003----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On a pair of equienergetic graphs Author(s): Indulal, G (Indulal, G); Vijayakumar, A (Vijayakumar, A)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 55 Issue: 1 Pages: 83-90 Published: 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stevanovic D, 2005, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V400, P345, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2005.01.001

CIRCULANT GRAPHS Author(s): Zhou, HQ (Zhou, Houqing); Zhou, Q (Zhou, Qi) Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 108 Pages: 297-304 Published: JAN 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Integral circulant graphs of prime power order with maximal energy Author(s): Sander, JW (Sander, J. W.); Sander, T (Sander, T.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 12 Pages: 3212DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.05.039 Published: DEC 15 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: All primitive strongly regular graphs except four are hyperenergetic Author(s): Panigrahi, P (Panigrahi, Pratima); Mohapatra, RN (Mohapatra, R. N.)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 12 Pages: 199510.1016/j.aml.2011.05.026 Published: DEC 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: THE ENERGY OF INTEGRAL CIRCULANT GRAPHS WITH PRIME POWER ORDERAuthor(s): Sander, JW (Sander, J. W.); Sander, T (Sander, T.)

APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Pages: 2236 DOI: 10.2298/AADM110131003S Published: APR 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

he energy of a type of lattice

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 2 Pages: 14510.1016/j.aml.2010.08.034 Published: FEB 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Triply Equienergetic Graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)



Title: The energy of unitary cayley graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)

AR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 10 Pages: 1881DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.025 Published: OCT 15 2009

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Source: ADVANCES IN QUANTUM CHEMISTRY, VOL 51 Book Series: ADVANCES IN QUANTUM 3276(06)51003-2 Published: 2006


Stevanovic D, 2005, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V400, P345, DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2005.01.001

304 Published: JAN 2013

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 12 Pages: 3212-3232

ohapatra, RN (Mohapatra, R. N.) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 12 Pages: 1995-1997 DOI:



Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Issue: 2 Pages: 145-148 DOI:

Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY

AR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 10 Pages: 1881-1889

Page 73: Dragan Stevanović


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 16 Title: On the Energy of Unitary Cayley GraphsAuthor(s): Ramaswamy, HN (Ramaswamy, H. N.); Veena, CR (Veena, C. R.)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 16 Issue: 1 Article Number: N24 Published: JUL 24 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 16 Title: REMARKS ON SOME GRAPHS WITH LARGE NUMBER OF EDGESAuthor(s): So, WS (So, Wasin) Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 351----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 16 Title: Kneser Graphs and their Complements are HyperenergeticAuthor(s): Akbari, S (Akbari, S.); Moazami, F (Moazami, F.); Zare, S (Zare, S.)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 361----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 16 Title: On the average energy of circulant graphsAuthor(s): Blackburn, SR (Blackburn, Simon R.); Shparlinski, IE (Shparlinski, Igor E.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 428 Issue: 8DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2007.11.003 Published: APR 15 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 12 of 16 Title: The energy of graphs and matricesAuthor(s): Nikiforov, V (Nikiforov, Vladimir)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS Volume: 326 Issue: 2 Pages: 1472-1475 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2006.03.072 Published: FEB 15 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 16 Title: On spectral moments and energy of graphsAuthor(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); de la Pena, JA (de la Pena, Jose AntoniRada, J (Rada, Juan); Mendoza, L (Mendoza, Leonel)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 57 Issue: 1 Pages: 183-------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 14 of 16 Title: Laplacian energy of a graphAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, I); Zhou, B (Zhou, B)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 414 Issue: 1 Pages: 2910.1016/j.laa.2005.09.008 Published: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 15 of 16 Title: On the energy of some circulant graphsAuthor(s): Shparlinski, I (Shparlinski, I)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 414 Issue: 1 Pages: 37810.1016/j.laa.2005.10.020 Published: APR 1 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 16 of 16 Title: On a pair of equienergetic graphsAuthor(s): Indulal, G (Indulal, G); Vijayakumar, A (Vijayakumar, A)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 55 Issue: 1 Pages: 83

Др Драган П. Стевановић ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

n the Energy of Unitary Cayley Graphs Author(s): Ramaswamy, HN (Ramaswamy, H. N.); Veena, CR (Veena, C. R.)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 16 Issue: 1 Article Number: N24



COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 351-359 Published: 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

er Graphs and their Complements are Hyperenergetic Author(s): Akbari, S (Akbari, S.); Moazami, F (Moazami, F.); Zare, S (Zare, S.)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 361-368 Published: 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the average energy of circulant graphs Author(s): Blackburn, SR (Blackburn, Simon R.); Shparlinski, IE (Shparlinski, Igor E.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 428 Issue: 8DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2007.11.003 Published: APR 15 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: The energy of graphs and matrices Author(s): Nikiforov, V (Nikiforov, Vladimir) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS Volume: 326 Issue: 2

1475 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2006.03.072 Published: FEB 15 2007 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On spectral moments and energy of graphs Author(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); de la Pena, JA (de la Pena, Jose AntoniRada, J (Rada, Juan); Mendoza, L (Mendoza, Leonel)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 57 Issue: 1 Pages: 183-191 Published: 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Laplacian energy of a graph Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, I); Zhou, B (Zhou, B) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 414 Issue: 1 Pages: 2910.1016/j.laa.2005.09.008 Published: APR 1 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the energy of some circulant graphs Author(s): Shparlinski, I (Shparlinski, I) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 414 Issue: 1 Pages: 37810.1016/j.laa.2005.10.020 Published: APR 1 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On a pair of equienergetic graphs Author(s): Indulal, G (Indulal, G); Vijayakumar, A (Vijayakumar, A)


Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Ramaswamy, HN (Ramaswamy, H. N.); Veena, CR (Veena, C. R.) Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 16 Issue: 1 Article Number: N24



Author(s): Akbari, S (Akbari, S.); Moazami, F (Moazami, F.); Zare, S (Zare, S.) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY

Author(s): Blackburn, SR (Blackburn, Simon R.); Shparlinski, IE (Shparlinski, Igor E.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 428 Issue: 8-9 Pages: 1956-1963

Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS Volume: 326 Issue: 2 1475 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2006.03.072 Published: FEB 15 2007

Author(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); de la Pena, JA (de la Pena, Jose Antonio);


Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 414 Issue: 1 Pages: 29-37 DOI:

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 414 Issue: 1 Pages: 378-382 DOI:


Page 74: Dragan Stevanović


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D, 2005, DIMACS SER DISCRET M, V69, P365 Record 1 of 2 Title: Spectral Properties of Fullerene GraphsAuthor(s): Doslic, T (Doslic, Tomislav); Tamas, R (Tamas RetiSource: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 66 Issue: 3 Pages: 733----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 2 Title: A survey of automated conjectures in spectral graph theoryAuthor(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, M.); Hansen, P (Hansen, P.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2293-2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hansen P, 2005, DIMACS SER DISCRET M, V69, P231HANSEN P, 2005, DIMACS SERIES DISCRE, P231 Record 1 of 4 Title: Variable neighbourhood search: methods Author(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Mladenovic, N (Mladenovic, Nenad); Perez, JAM (Moreno Perez, Jose A.) Source: ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume: 175 Issue: 1 Pages: 36710.1007/s10479-009-0657-6 Published: MAR 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 4 Title: Variable neighbourhood search: methods and applicationsAuthor(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Mladenovic, N (Mladenovic, Nenad); Mo(Moreno Perez, Jose A.) Source: 4OR-A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Pages: 319-360 DOI: 10.1007/s10288-----------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 4 Title: Facet defining inequalities among graph invariants: The system GraPHedronAuthor(s): Melot, H (Melot, Hadrien)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 156 Issue: 10 Pages: 187510.1016/j.dam.2007.09.005 Published: MAY 28 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 4 Title: Automated results and conjectures on average distance in graphsAuthor(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, Mustapha); Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre)Editor(s): Bondy A; Fonlupt J; Fouquet JL; Fournier JC; Alfonsin JLRSource: Graph Theory in Paris: PROCEEDINGS OF A CONFERENCE IN MEMORY OF CALUDE BERGE Book Series: TRENDS IN MATHEMATICS Pages: 216_3 Published: 2007 Conference Title: International Conference on Graph Theory held in Memory of Claude Berge (GT04)Conference Date: JUL, 2004 Conference Location: Paris, FRANCE----------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Stevanovic D, 2005, DIMACS SER DISCRET M, V69, P365

Title: Spectral Properties of Fullerene Graphs Author(s): Doslic, T (Doslic, Tomislav); Tamas, R (Tamas Reti)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 66 Issue: 3 Pages: 733-742 Published: 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

rvey of automated conjectures in spectral graph theory Author(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, M.); Hansen, P (Hansen, P.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory

04, 2008 Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL Conference Host: Mil Inst Engn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hansen P, 2005, DIMACS SER DISCRET M, V69, P231 HANSEN P, 2005, DIMACS SERIES DISCRE, P231

Title: Variable neighbourhood search: methods and applications Author(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Mladenovic, N (Mladenovic, Nenad); Perez, JAM (Moreno

Source: ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume: 175 Issue: 1 Pages: 3676 Published: MAR 2010


Title: Variable neighbourhood search: methods and applications Author(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Mladenovic, N (Mladenovic, Nenad); Mo

A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Pages: -008-0089-1 Published: DEC 2008


Title: Facet defining inequalities among graph invariants: The system GraPHedronAuthor(s): Melot, H (Melot, Hadrien) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 156 Issue: 10 Pages: 1875

j.dam.2007.09.005 Published: MAY 28 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Automated results and conjectures on average distance in graphs (Aouchiche, Mustapha); Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre)

Editor(s): Bondy A; Fonlupt J; Fouquet JL; Fournier JC; Alfonsin JLR Source: Graph Theory in Paris: PROCEEDINGS OF A CONFERENCE IN MEMORY OF CALUDE BERGE Book Series: TRENDS IN MATHEMATICS Pages: 21-36 DOI: 10.1007/978

Conference Title: International Conference on Graph Theory held in Memory of Claude Berge (GT04)

Conference Location: Paris, FRANCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић


Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Published: APR 15 2010

Author(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Mladenovic, N (Mladenovic, Nenad); Perez, JAM (Moreno

Source: ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Volume: 175 Issue: 1 Pages: 367-407 DOI:

Author(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Mladenovic, N (Mladenovic, Nenad); Moreno Perez, JA


Title: Facet defining inequalities among graph invariants: The system GraPHedron

Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 156 Issue: 10 Pages: 1875-1891 DOI:

(Aouchiche, Mustapha); Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre)

Source: Graph Theory in Paris: PROCEEDINGS OF A CONFERENCE IN MEMORY OF CALUDE OI: 10.1007/978-3-7643-7400-

Conference Title: International Conference on Graph Theory held in Memory of Claude Berge (GT04)

Page 75: Dragan Stevanović


CVETKOVIC D, 2004, MATCH COMMUN MATH CO, V50, P62 Record 1 of 2 Title: FULLERENES VIA THEIR AUTOMORPHISM GROUPSAuthor(s): Kutnar, K (Kutnar, Klavdija); Marusic, D (Marusic, Dragan); Janezic, D Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 267----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 2 Title: On cyclic edge-connectivity of fullerenesAuthor(s): Kutnar, K (Kutnar, Klavdija); Marusic, D (Marusic, Dragan)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 156 Issue: 10 Pages: 166110.1016/j.dam.2007.08.046 Published: MAY 28 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D, 2004, J COMB THEORY B, V91, P143, DOI 10.1016/j.jctb.2003.12.002 Record 1 of 15 Title: On the signless Laplacian spectral radius of Author(s): Ning, WJ (Ning, Wenjie); Li, H (Li, Hao); Lu, M (Lu, Mei)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 5 Pages: 2280DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.10.024 Published: MAR 1 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 15 Title: Spectral radius and Hamiltonian graphsAuthor(s): Lu, M (Lu, Mei); Liu, HQ (Liu, Huiqing); Tian, F (Tian, Feng)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS VoluDOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.05.021 Published: OCT 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 15 Title: Bounds for the spectral radius of a grapAuthor(s): Li, C (Li, Cong); Wang, HJ (Wang, Huijuan); Van Mieghem, P (Van Mieghem, Piet)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 1 Pages: 31910.1016/j.laa.2012.02.023 Published: JUL 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 15 Title: Some bounds on the largest eigenvalues of graphsAuthor(s): Li, SC (Li, Shuchao); Tian, Y (Tian, Yi)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETT10.1016/j.aml.2011.09.009 Published: MAR 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 15 Title: THE LAPLACIAN SPECTRAL RADIUS OF GRAAuthor(s): Li, JX (Li, Jianxi); Shiu, WC (Shiu, Wai Chee); Chang, A (Chang, An)Source: CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL Volume: 60 Issue: 3 Pages: 835Published: SEP 2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 15 Title: A function on bounds of the spectral radius of graphsAuthor(s): Hu, SB (Hu, Shengbiao)Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 96 Pages: 115----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић CVETKOVIC D, 2004, MATCH COMMUN MATH CO, V50, P62

Title: FULLERENES VIA THEIR AUTOMORPHISM GROUPS Author(s): Kutnar, K (Kutnar, Klavdija); Marusic, D (Marusic, Dragan); Janezic, D

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 267-282 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

connectivity of fullerenes Author(s): Kutnar, K (Kutnar, Klavdija); Marusic, D (Marusic, Dragan) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 156 Issue: 10 Pages: 166110.1016/j.dam.2007.08.046 Published: MAY 28 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stevanovic D, 2004, J COMB THEORY B, V91, P143, DOI 10.1016/j.jctb.2003.12.002

Title: On the signless Laplacian spectral radius of irregular graphs Author(s): Ning, WJ (Ning, Wenjie); Li, H (Li, Hao); Lu, M (Lu, Mei) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 5 Pages: 2280DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.10.024 Published: MAR 1 2013


Title: Spectral radius and Hamiltonian graphs Author(s): Lu, M (Lu, Mei); Liu, HQ (Liu, Huiqing); Tian, F (Tian, Feng) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 7 Pages: 1670DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.05.021 Published: OCT 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Bounds for the spectral radius of a graph when nodes are removed Author(s): Li, C (Li, Cong); Wang, HJ (Wang, Huijuan); Van Mieghem, P (Van Mieghem, Piet)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 1 Pages: 31910.1016/j.laa.2012.02.023 Published: JUL 1 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Some bounds on the largest eigenvalues of graphs Author(s): Li, SC (Li, Shuchao); Tian, Y (Tian, Yi) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 25 Issue: 3 Pages: 32610.1016/j.aml.2011.09.009 Published: MAR 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: THE LAPLACIAN SPECTRAL RADIUS OF GRAPHS Author(s): Li, JX (Li, Jianxi); Shiu, WC (Shiu, Wai Chee); Chang, A (Chang, An)Source: CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL Volume: 60 Issue: 3 Pages: 835


Title: A function on bounds of the spectral radius of graphs Author(s): Hu, SB (Hu, Shengbiao) Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 96 Pages: 115-128 Published: JUL 2010


Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Kutnar, K (Kutnar, Klavdija); Marusic, D (Marusic, Dragan); Janezic, D (Janezic, Dusanka) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY

Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 156 Issue: 10 Pages: 1661-1669 DOI:

Stevanovic D, 2004, J COMB THEORY B, V91, P143, DOI 10.1016/j.jctb.2003.12.002

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 5 Pages: 2280-2288

me: 437 Issue: 7 Pages: 1670-1674

Author(s): Li, C (Li, Cong); Wang, HJ (Wang, Huijuan); Van Mieghem, P (Van Mieghem, Piet) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 1 Pages: 319-323 DOI:

ERS Volume: 25 Issue: 3 Pages: 326-332 DOI:

Author(s): Li, JX (Li, Jianxi); Shiu, WC (Shiu, Wai Chee); Chang, A (Chang, An) Source: CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL Volume: 60 Issue: 3 Pages: 835-847

128 Published: JUL 2010

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Record 7 of 15 Title: ON lambda(1)-EXTREMAL NONAuthor(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Huang, YF (Huang, Yufei); You, ZF (You, Zhifu)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA NOV 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 15 Title: The spectral radius of irregular graphsAuthor(s): Shi, LS (Shi, Lingsheng)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 1DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.02.023 Published: JUL 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 15 Title: MATRIX NORMS AND RAPID MIXING FOR SPIN SYSTEMSAuthor(s): Dyer, M (Dyer, Martin); Goldberg, LA (Goldberg, Leslie Ann); Jerrum, M (Jerrum, Mark)Source: ANNALS OF APPLIED PROBABILITY Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Pages: 7110.1214/08-AAP532 Published: FEB 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 15 Title: A note on the largest eigenvalue of nonAuthor(s): Liu, B (Liu, Bolian); Li, G (Li, Gang)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 17 Pages: 542008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 15 Title: On the largest eigenvalue of nonAuthor(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Shen, J (Shen, Jian); Wang, XM (Wang, Xinmao)Source: JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B Volume: 97 Issue: 6 Pages: 10101018 DOI: 10.1016/j.jctb.2007.02.008 Published: NOV 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 12 of 15 Title: The spectral radius and the maximum degree of irregular graphsAuthor(s): Cioaba, SM (Cioaba, Sebastian M.)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: Published: MAY 23 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 15 Title: Extreme eigenvalues of nonregular graphsAuthor(s): Cioaba, SM (Cioaba, (Nikiforov, Vladimir) Source: JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B Volume: 97 Issue: 3 Pages: 483DOI: 10.1016/j.jctb.2006.07.006 Published: MAY 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 14 of 15 Title: Bounds on the (Laplacian) spectral radius of graphsAuthor(s): Shi, LS (Shi, Lingsheng)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 422 Issue: 2DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2006.12.003 Published: APR 15 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 15 of 15 Title: Eigenvectors and eigenvalues of nonAuthor(s): Zhang, XD (Zhang, XD)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 409 Pages: 7910.1016/j.laa.2005.03.020 Published: NOV 1 2005 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

EXTREMAL NON-REGULAR GRAPHS Author(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Huang, YF (Huang, Yufei); You, ZF (You, Zhifu)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 18 Pages: 735


Title: The spectral radius of irregular graphs Author(s): Shi, LS (Shi, Lingsheng) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 1DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.02.023 Published: JUL 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: MATRIX NORMS AND RAPID MIXING FOR SPIN SYSTEMS Author(s): Dyer, M (Dyer, Martin); Goldberg, LA (Goldberg, Leslie Ann); Jerrum, M (Jerrum, Mark)Source: ANNALS OF APPLIED PROBABILITY Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Pages: 71

lished: FEB 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: A note on the largest eigenvalue of non-regular graphs Author(s): Liu, B (Liu, Bolian); Li, G (Li, Gang)



Title: On the largest eigenvalue of non-regular graphs Author(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Shen, J (Shen, Jian); Wang, XM (Wang, Xinmao)Source: JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B Volume: 97 Issue: 6 Pages: 10101018 DOI: 10.1016/j.jctb.2007.02.008 Published: NOV 2007


Title: The spectral radius and the maximum degree of irregular graphs Author(s): Cioaba, SM (Cioaba, Sebastian M.) Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Article Number: R38


Title: Extreme eigenvalues of nonregular graphs Author(s): Cioaba, SM (Cioaba, Sebastian M.); Gregory, DA (Gregory, David A.); Nikiforov, V

Source: JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B Volume: 97 Issue: 3 Pages: 483DOI: 10.1016/j.jctb.2006.07.006 Published: MAY 2007


Title: Bounds on the (Laplacian) spectral radius of graphs Author(s): Shi, LS (Shi, Lingsheng) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 422 Issue: 2DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2006.12.003 Published: APR 15 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Eigenvectors and eigenvalues of non-regular graphs Author(s): Zhang, XD (Zhang, XD) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 409 Pages: 7910.1016/j.laa.2005.03.020 Published: NOV 1 2005


Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Huang, YF (Huang, Yufei); You, ZF (You, Zhifu) Volume: 18 Pages: 735-744 Published:

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 189-196

Author(s): Dyer, M (Dyer, Martin); Goldberg, LA (Goldberg, Leslie Ann); Jerrum, M (Jerrum, Mark) Source: ANNALS OF APPLIED PROBABILITY Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Pages: 71-107 DOI:


Author(s): Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Shen, J (Shen, Jian); Wang, XM (Wang, Xinmao) Source: JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B Volume: 97 Issue: 6 Pages: 1010-

14 Issue: 1 Article Number: R38

Sebastian M.); Gregory, DA (Gregory, David A.); Nikiforov, V

Source: JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B Volume: 97 Issue: 3 Pages: 483-486

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 422 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 755-770


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Stevanovic D, 2004, APPL MATH LETT, V17, P337, DOI 10.1016/S0893 Record 1 of 2 Title: Edge regular graph productsAuthor(s): Frelih, B (Frelih, Bostjan); Miklavic, S (MiklSource: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 20 Issue: 1 Article Number: P62 Published: MAR 24 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 2 Title: Distance spectrum of graph compositionsAuthor(s): Indulal, G (Indulal, Gopalapillai)Source: ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Pages: 93SPR-SUM 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Brankov V, 2004, J SERB CHEM SOC, V69, P549, DOI 10.2298/JSC0407549B Record 1 of 12 Title: New results on the energy of integral circulant graphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 218 Issue: 7 Pages: 3470DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2011.08.094 Published: DEC 1 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 12 Title: E-L Equienergetic GraphsAuthor(s): Liu, JP (Liu, Jianping); Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 66 Issue: 3 Pages: 971----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 12 Title: Distance spectra and distance energy of integral circulant graphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue:DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.04.034 Published: OCT 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 12 Title: Triply Equienergetic GraphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 189-----------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 12 Title: Graphs equienergetic with edgeAuthor(s): Li, CK (Li, Chi-Kwong); So, WS (So, Wasin)Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 57 Issue: 7 Pages: 68310.1080/03081080802253730 Published: OCT 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 12 Title: EQUIENERGETIC AND ALMOSTAuthor(s): Miljkovic, O (Miljkovic, Olga); Furtula, BSlavko); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 451------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић Stevanovic D, 2004, APPL MATH LETT, V17, P337, DOI 10.1016/S0893-9659(04)00016

Title: Edge regular graph products Author(s): Frelih, B (Frelih, Bostjan); Miklavic, S (Miklavic, Stefko) Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 20 Issue: 1 Article Number: P62


e spectrum of graph compositions Author(s): Indulal, G (Indulal, Gopalapillai) Source: ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Pages: 93

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brankov V, 2004, J SERB CHEM SOC, V69, P549, DOI 10.2298/JSC0407549B

Title: New results on the energy of integral circulant graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 218 Issue: 7 Pages: 3470DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2011.08.094 Published: DEC 1 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

L Equienergetic Graphs Author(s): Liu, JP (Liu, Jianping); Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian)



Title: Distance spectra and distance energy of integral circulant graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue:DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.04.034 Published: OCT 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Triply Equienergetic Graphs Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 189-200 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Graphs equienergetic with edge-deleted subgraphs Kwong); So, WS (So, Wasin)

Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 57 Issue: 7 Pages: 68380802253730 Published: OCT 2009


Title: EQUIENERGETIC AND ALMOST-EQUIENERGETIC TREES Author(s): Miljkovic, O (Miljkovic, Olga); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris); Radenkovic, S (Radenkovic, Slavko); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 451-461 Published: 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић 9659(04)00016-3

Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 20 Issue: 1 Article Number: P62

Source: ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Pages: 93-100 Published:

Brankov V, 2004, J SERB CHEM SOC, V69, P549, DOI 10.2298/JSC0407549B

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 218 Issue: 7 Pages: 3470-3482


Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 5 Pages: 1005-1014

Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY

Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 57 Issue: 7 Pages: 683-693 DOI:

(Furtula, Boris); Radenkovic, S (Radenkovic,


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Record 7 of 12 Title: MINIMAL LEL-EQUIENERGETIC GRAPHSAuthor(s): Liu, JP (Liu, Jianping); Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Radenkovic, S (Radenkovic, Slavko); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan) Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 471----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 12 Title: On distance energy of graphsAuthor(s): Indulal, G (Indulal, Gopalapillai); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Vijayakumar, A (Vijayakumar, Ambat) Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 60 Issue: 2 Pages: 461----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 12 Title: Distance equienergetic graphsAuthor(s): Ramane, HS (Ramane, H. S.); Gutman, I (Gutman, I.); Revankar, DS (Revankar, D. S.)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 60 Issue: 2 Pages: 473----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 12 Title: On a pair of equienergetic graphsAuthor(s): Liu, J (Liu, Jianping); Liu, B (Liu, Behan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 59 Issue: 2 Pages: 275-----------------------------------------------Record 11 of 12 Title: Construction of equienergetic graphsAuthor(s): Ramane, HS (Ramane, H. S.); Walikar, HB (Walikar, H. B.)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 57 Issue: 1 Pages: 203----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 12 of 12 Title: Topology and stability of conjugated hidrocarbons. The dependence of total pion molecular topology Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, I)Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 70 Issue: 3 Pages: 441DOI: 10.2298/JSC0503441G Published: 2005 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gutman I, 2004, J SERB CHEM SOC, V69, P777, DOI 10.2298/JSC0410777GGUTMAN I, 2004, J SERB CHEM SOC, V69, P779 Record 1 of 4 Title: Estrada index of acyclic moleculesAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris); Glisic, B (Glisic, Biljana); Markovic, V (Markovic, Violeta); Vesel, A (Vesel, Aleksander)Source: INDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY SECTION ATHEORETICAL & ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 Issue: 5 Pages: 723MAY 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 4 Title: Total pi-electron energy and Laplacian enerAuthor(s): Radenkovic, S (Radenkovic, Slavko); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 72 Issue: 12 Pages: 13431350 DOI: 10.2298/JSC0712343R Published: 2007

Др Драган П. Стевановић

EQUIENERGETIC GRAPHS Author(s): Liu, JP (Liu, Jianping); Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Radenkovic, S (Radenkovic, Slavko); Gutman, I

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 471-478 Published: 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

stance energy of graphs Author(s): Indulal, G (Indulal, Gopalapillai); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Vijayakumar, A (Vijayakumar,

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 60 Issue: 2 Pages: 461-472 Published: 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Distance equienergetic graphs Author(s): Ramane, HS (Ramane, H. S.); Gutman, I (Gutman, I.); Revankar, DS (Revankar, D. S.)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 60 Issue: 2 Pages: 473-484 Published: 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

r of equienergetic graphs Author(s): Liu, J (Liu, Jianping); Liu, B (Liu, Behan)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 59 Issue: 2 Pages: 275-278 Published: 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Construction of equienergetic graphs Author(s): Ramane, HS (Ramane, H. S.); Walikar, HB (Walikar, H. B.)



Title: Topology and stability of conjugated hidrocarbons. The dependence of total pi

Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, I) Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 70 Issue: 3 Pages: 441DOI: 10.2298/JSC0503441G Published: 2005 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gutman I, 2004, J SERB CHEM SOC, V69, P777, DOI 10.2298/JSC0410777GGUTMAN I, 2004, J SERB CHEM SOC, V69, P779

clic molecules Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris); Glisic, B (Glisic, Biljana); Markovic, V (Markovic, Violeta); Vesel, A (Vesel, Aleksander) Source: INDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY SECTION A-INORGANIC BIO

ETICAL & ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 Issue: 5 Pages: 723


electron energy and Laplacian energy: How far the analogy goes?Author(s): Radenkovic, S (Radenkovic, Slavko); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan) Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 72 Issue: 12 Pages: 13431350 DOI: 10.2298/JSC0712343R Published: 2007

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Liu, JP (Liu, Jianping); Liu, BL (Liu, Bolian); Radenkovic, S (Radenkovic, Slavko); Gutman, I


Author(s): Indulal, G (Indulal, Gopalapillai); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Vijayakumar, A (Vijayakumar,


Author(s): Ramane, HS (Ramane, H. S.); Gutman, I (Gutman, I.); Revankar, DS (Revankar, D. S.) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY



Title: Topology and stability of conjugated hidrocarbons. The dependence of total pi-electron energy

Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 70 Issue: 3 Pages: 441-456

Gutman I, 2004, J SERB CHEM SOC, V69, P777, DOI 10.2298/JSC0410777G

Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris); Glisic, B (Glisic, Biljana); Markovic, V


gy: How far the analogy goes?

Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 72 Issue: 12 Pages: 1343-

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 4 Title: Construction of equienergetic graphsAuthor(s): Ramane, HS (Ramane, H. S.); Walikar, HB (Walikar, H. B.)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND Volume: 57 Issue: 1 Pages: 203----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 4 Title: Topology and stability of conjugated hidrocarbons. The on molecular topology Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, I)Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 70 Issue: 3 Pages: 441DOI: 10.2298/JSC0503441G Published: 2005 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dress A, 2004, APPL MATH LETT, V17, P623, DOI 10.1016/j.aml.2004.04.002 Record 1 of 2 Title: Bicyclic graphs with exactly two main eigenvaluesAuthor(s): Hu, ZQ (Hu, Zhiquan); Li, SC Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 10 Pages: 1848DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.022 Published: OCT 15 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 2 Title: Unicyclic graphs with exactly two main eigenvaluesAuthor(s): Hou, YP (Hou, Yaoping); Tian, F (Tian, Feng)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 19 Issue: 11 Pages: 114310.1016/j.aml.2005.11.025 Published: NOV 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DRESS A, 2004, ANN COMB, V8, P487 Record 1 of 3 Title: Retarded regular graphs are regular or semiregularAuthor(s): De La Pena, JA (De La Pena, Jose A.); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Rada, J (Rada, Juan)Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 56 Issue: 5 Pages: 50710.1080/03081080701365759 Published: 2008 -------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 3 Title: Homomorphisms, representations and characteristic polynomials of digraphsAuthor(s): Deng, AP (Deng, Aiping); Sato, I (Sato, Iwao); Wu, YK (Wu, Yaokun)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2007.01.010 Published: JUN 1 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 3 Title: Characteristic polynomials of ramified uniform covering digraphsAuthor(s): Deng, AP (Deng, Aiping); Sato, I (Sato, Iwao); Wu, YK (Wu, Yaokun)Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 28 Issue: 4 Pages: 1099DOI: 10.1016/j.ejc.2006.04.001 Published: MAY 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Construction of equienergetic graphs Author(s): Ramane, HS (Ramane, H. S.); Walikar, HB (Walikar, H. B.)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 57 Issue: 1 Pages: 203-210 Published: 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Topology and stability of conjugated hidrocarbons. The dependence of total pi

Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, I) Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 70 Issue: 3 Pages: 441DOI: 10.2298/JSC0503441G Published: 2005

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Dress A, 2004, APPL MATH LETT, V17, P623, DOI 10.1016/j.aml.2004.04.002

Title: Bicyclic graphs with exactly two main eigenvalues Author(s): Hu, ZQ (Hu, Zhiquan); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao); Zhu, CF (Zhu, Chunfeng)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 10 Pages: 1848DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.022 Published: OCT 15 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Unicyclic graphs with exactly two main eigenvalues Author(s): Hou, YP (Hou, Yaoping); Tian, F (Tian, Feng) Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 19 Issue: 11 Pages: 1143

5.11.025 Published: NOV 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRESS A, 2004, ANN COMB, V8, P487

Title: Retarded regular graphs are regular or semiregular a Pena, JA (De La Pena, Jose A.); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Rada, J (Rada, Juan)

Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 56 Issue: 5 Pages: 50710.1080/03081080701365759 Published: 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Homomorphisms, representations and characteristic polynomials of digraphsAuthor(s): Deng, AP (Deng, Aiping); Sato, I (Sato, Iwao); Wu, YK (Wu, Yaokun)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 423 Issue: 2DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2007.01.010 Published: JUN 1 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

als of ramified uniform covering digraphs Author(s): Deng, AP (Deng, Aiping); Sato, I (Sato, Iwao); Wu, YK (Wu, Yaokun)Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 28 Issue: 4 Pages: 1099DOI: 10.1016/j.ejc.2006.04.001 Published: MAY 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић


dependence of total pi-electron energy

Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 70 Issue: 3 Pages: 441-456

Dress A, 2004, APPL MATH LETT, V17, P623, DOI 10.1016/j.aml.2004.04.002

(Li, Shuchao); Zhu, CF (Zhu, Chunfeng) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 10 Pages: 1848-1857

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 19 Issue: 11 Pages: 1143-1147 DOI:

a Pena, JA (De La Pena, Jose A.); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Rada, J (Rada, Juan) Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 56 Issue: 5 Pages: 507-509 DOI:

Title: Homomorphisms, representations and characteristic polynomials of digraphs Author(s): Deng, AP (Deng, Aiping); Sato, I (Sato, Iwao); Wu, YK (Wu, Yaokun)

APPLICATIONS Volume: 423 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 386-407

Author(s): Deng, AP (Deng, Aiping); Sato, I (Sato, Iwao); Wu, YK (Wu, Yaokun) Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 28 Issue: 4 Pages: 1099-1114

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Fowler PW, 2003, MATCH-COMMUN MATH CO, P37FOWLER PW, 2003, MATCH COMMUN MATH CO, V48, P37 Record 1 of 7 Title: ODD CYCLE TRANSVERSALS AND Author(s): Faria, L (Faria, Luerbio); Klein, S (Klein, Sulamita); Stehlik, M (Stehlik, Matej)Source: SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 26 Issue: 3 Pages: 1458DOI: 10.1137/120870463 Published: 2012----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 7 Title: On the Diameter and Related Invariants of Fullerene GraphsAuthor(s): Andova, V (Andova, Vesna); Doslic, T (Doslic, Tomislav); Krnc(Luzar, Borut); Skrekovski, R (Skrekovski, Riste)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 1 Pages: 109-------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 7 Title: On the vertex degree indices of connected graphsAuthor(s): Doslic, T (Doslic, Tomislav); Reti, T (Reti, Tamas); Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir)Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volu10.1016/j.cplett.2011.07.040 Published: AUG 25 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 7 Title: Spectral Properties of Fullerene GrapAuthor(s): Doslic, T (Doslic, Tomislav); Tamas, R (Tamas Reti)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 66 Issue: 3 Pages: 733--------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 7 Title: CaGe - a Virtual Environment for Studying Some Special Classes of Plane Graphs Author(s): Brinkmann, G (Brinkmann, Gunnar); Friedrichs, OD (Friedrichs, Olaf Delgado); Lisken, S (Lisken, Sebastian); Peeters, A (Peeters, Adriaan); Van Cleemput, N (Van Cleemput, Nicolas)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Pages: 533----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 7 Title: Bipartivity of fullerene graphs and fullerene stabilityAuthor(s): Doslic, T (Doslic, T) Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 412 Issue: 410.1016/j.cplett.2005.07.013 Published: SEP 5 2005 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 7 Title: Enumerating molecules Author(s): Faulon, JL (Faulon, JL); Visco, DP (Visco, DP); Editor(s): Lipkowitz KB; Larter R; Cundari TRSource: REVIEWS IN COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY, VOL 21 Book Series: REVIEWS IN COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 21 Pages: 209Published: 2005 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић COMMUN MATH CO, P37


Title: ODD CYCLE TRANSVERSALS AND INDEPENDENT SETS IN FULLERENE GRAPHSAuthor(s): Faria, L (Faria, Luerbio); Klein, S (Klein, Sulamita); Stehlik, M (Stehlik, Matej)Source: SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 26 Issue: 3 Pages: 1458DOI: 10.1137/120870463 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the Diameter and Related Invariants of Fullerene Graphs Author(s): Andova, V (Andova, Vesna); Doslic, T (Doslic, Tomislav); Krnc, M (Krnc, Matjaz); Luzar, B (Luzar, Borut); Skrekovski, R (Skrekovski, Riste)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 1 Pages: 109-130 Published: 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the vertex degree indices of connected graphs Author(s): Doslic, T (Doslic, Tomislav); Reti, T (Reti, Tamas); Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir)Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 512 Issue: 4-6 Pages: 28310.1016/j.cplett.2011.07.040 Published: AUG 25 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Spectral Properties of Fullerene Graphs Author(s): Doslic, T (Doslic, Tomislav); Tamas, R (Tamas Reti)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 66 Issue: 3 Pages: 733-742 Published: 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

a Virtual Environment for Studying Some Special Classes of Plane Graphs Author(s): Brinkmann, G (Brinkmann, Gunnar); Friedrichs, OD (Friedrichs, Olaf Delgado); Lisken, S (Lisken, Sebastian); Peeters, A (Peeters, Adriaan); Van Cleemput, N (Van Cleemput, Nicolas)



Title: Bipartivity of fullerene graphs and fullerene stability

Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 412 Issue: 4-6 Pages: 3360.1016/j.cplett.2005.07.013 Published: SEP 5 2005


Author(s): Faulon, JL (Faulon, JL); Visco, DP (Visco, DP); Roe, D (Roe, D) Editor(s): Lipkowitz KB; Larter R; Cundari TR Source: REVIEWS IN COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY, VOL 21 Book Series: REVIEWS IN COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 21 Pages: 209-286 DOI: 10.1002/0471720895.ch3


Др Драган П. Стевановић

INDEPENDENT SETS IN FULLERENE GRAPHS Author(s): Faria, L (Faria, Luerbio); Klein, S (Klein, Sulamita); Stehlik, M (Stehlik, Matej) Source: SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 26 Issue: 3 Pages: 1458-1469

, M (Krnc, Matjaz); Luzar, B


Author(s): Doslic, T (Doslic, Tomislav); Reti, T (Reti, Tamas); Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir) 6 Pages: 283-286 DOI:


a Virtual Environment for Studying Some Special Classes of Plane Graphs - an Update Author(s): Brinkmann, G (Brinkmann, Gunnar); Friedrichs, OD (Friedrichs, Olaf Delgado); Lisken, S (Lisken, Sebastian); Peeters, A (Peeters, Adriaan); Van Cleemput, N (Van Cleemput, Nicolas)


6 Pages: 336-340 DOI:

Source: REVIEWS IN COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY, VOL 21 Book Series: REVIEWS IN 286 DOI: 10.1002/0471720895.ch3

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Stevanovic D, 2003, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V360, P35, DOI 10.1016/S0024 Record 1 of 17 Title: Mysteries around the graph Laplacian eigenvalue 4Author(s): Nakatsukasa, Y (Nakatsukasa, Yuji); Saito, N (Saito, Naoki); Woei, E (Woei, Ernest)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 8 Pages: 3231DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.12.012 Published: APR 15 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 17 Title: MATRIX NORMS AND RAPID MIXING FOR SPIN SYSTEMSAuthor(s): Dyer, M (Dyer, Martin); Goldberg, LA (Goldberg, Leslie Ann); Jerrum, M (Jerrum, Mark)Source: ANNALS OF APPLIED PROBABILITY Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Pages: 7110.1214/08-AAP532 Published: FEB 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 17 Title: The least eigenvalue of graphs with given connectivityAuthor(s): Ye, ML (Ye, Miao-Lin); Fan, YZ (Fan, YiSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 430 Issue: 4 Pages: 1375DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2008.10.031 Published: F----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 17 Title: On the Spectral Radius of Bistarlike TreeAuthor(s): Wu, TZ (Wu, Tingzeng); Hu, SB (Hu, Shengbiao)Editor(s): Xu CQ; Xu GH; Zhang JLSource: PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MATRIX ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, VOL 3 Pages: 24Conference Title: 3rd International Workshop on Matrix Analysis and ApplicationsConference Date: JUL 09-13, 200Conference Location: Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 17 Title: Laplacian spectral radius of trees with given maximum degreeAuthor(s): Yu, AM (Yu, Aimei); Lu, M (Lu, Mei)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 429 Issue: 8DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2008.05.028 Published: OCT 16 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 17 Title: The Laplacian spectral radii of trees with degree sequencesAuthor(s): Zhang, XD (Zhang, XiaoSource: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 308 Issue: 15 Pages: 314310.1016/j.disc.2007.06.017 Published: AUG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 17 Title: New upper bounds on the spectral radius of unicyclic graphsAuthor(s): Rojo, O (Rojo, Oscar)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 428 Issue: 4 Pages: 75410.1016/j.laa.2007.08.005 Published: FEB 1 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 17 Title: An explicit formula for eigenvalues of Bethe trees and upper bounds on the largest eigenvalue of any tree Author(s): Rojo, O (Rojo, Oscar); Robbiano, M (Robbiano, Maria)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 427 Issue: 1 Pages: 13810.1016/j.laa.2007.06.024 Published: NOV 1 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић Stevanovic D, 2003, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V360, P35, DOI 10.1016/S0024

Title: Mysteries around the graph Laplacian eigenvalue 4 s): Nakatsukasa, Y (Nakatsukasa, Yuji); Saito, N (Saito, Naoki); Woei, E (Woei, Ernest)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 8 Pages: 3231DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.12.012 Published: APR 15 2013


Title: MATRIX NORMS AND RAPID MIXING FOR SPIN SYSTEMS Author(s): Dyer, M (Dyer, Martin); Goldberg, LA (Goldberg, Leslie Ann); Jerrum, M (Jerrum, Mark)Source: ANNALS OF APPLIED PROBABILITY Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Pages: 71

AAP532 Published: FEB 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

igenvalue of graphs with given connectivity Lin); Fan, YZ (Fan, Yi-Zheng); Liang, D (Liang, Dong)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 430 Issue: 4 Pages: 1375DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2008.10.031 Published: FEB 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the Spectral Radius of Bistarlike Tree Author(s): Wu, TZ (Wu, Tingzeng); Hu, SB (Hu, Shengbiao)

H; Zhang JL Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MATRIX ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, VOL 3 Pages: 24-28 Published: 2009 Conference Title: 3rd International Workshop on Matrix Analysis and Applications

13, 2009 Conference Location: Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Laplacian spectral radius of trees with given maximum degree Aimei); Lu, M (Lu, Mei)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 429 Issue: 8DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2008.05.028 Published: OCT 16 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: The Laplacian spectral radii of trees with degree sequences Author(s): Zhang, XD (Zhang, Xiao-Dong) Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 308 Issue: 15 Pages: 3143-10.1016/j.disc.2007.06.017 Published: AUG 6 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: New upper bounds on the spectral radius of unicyclic graphs Author(s): Rojo, O (Rojo, Oscar) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 428 Issue: 4 Pages: 75410.1016/j.laa.2007.08.005 Published: FEB 1 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: An explicit formula for eigenvalues of Bethe trees and upper bounds on the largest eigenvalue of

Author(s): Rojo, O (Rojo, Oscar); Robbiano, M (Robbiano, Maria) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 427 Issue: 1 Pages: 13810.1016/j.laa.2007.06.024 Published: NOV 1 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић Stevanovic D, 2003, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V360, P35, DOI 10.1016/S0024-3795(02)00442-1

s): Nakatsukasa, Y (Nakatsukasa, Yuji); Saito, N (Saito, Naoki); Woei, E (Woei, Ernest) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 8 Pages: 3231-3246

Author(s): Dyer, M (Dyer, Martin); Goldberg, LA (Goldberg, Leslie Ann); Jerrum, M (Jerrum, Mark) Source: ANNALS OF APPLIED PROBABILITY Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Pages: 71-107 DOI:

Zheng); Liang, D (Liang, Dong) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 430 Issue: 4 Pages: 1375-1379


Conference Title: 3rd International Workshop on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 429 Issue: 8-9 Pages: 1962-1969

-3150 DOI:

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 428 Issue: 4 Pages: 754-764 DOI:

Title: An explicit formula for eigenvalues of Bethe trees and upper bounds on the largest eigenvalue of

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 427 Issue: 1 Pages: 138-150 DOI:

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Record 9 of 17 Title: The largest eigenvalue of unicyclic graphsAuthor(s): Hu, SB (Hu, Shengbiao)Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 307 Issue: 2 Pages: 28010.1016/j.disc.2006.06.023 Published: JAN 28 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 17 Title: Investigation on the spectrum of graph G(l)Author(s): Yin, SH (Yin, Shuhua)Editor(s): SanchezTorrubia MGSource: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH WSEAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EACTIVITIES: E-ACTIVITIES: NETWORKING THE WORLD Book Series: ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING Pages: 60Conference Title: 6th WSEAS International Conference on EConference Date: DEC 14-16, 2007Conference Location: Puerto de la Cruz, SPAIN------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 17 Title: Ordering trees by their largest eigenvaluesAuthor(s): Lin, WS (Lin, Wenshui); Guo, XF (Guo, Xiaofeng)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 418 Issue: 2DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2006.02.035 Published: OCT 15 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 12 of 17 Title: The spectra of some trees and bounds for the largest eigenvalue of any treeAuthor(s): Rojo, O (Rojo, O) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 414 Issue: 1 Pages: 19910.1016/j.laa.2005.09.018 Published: APR 1 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 17 Title: On the spectral radius of trees with fixed diameterAuthor(s): Guo, JM (Guo, JM); Shao, JY (Shao, JY)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS10.1016/j.laa.2005.08.008 Published: FEB 1 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 14 of 17 Title: Ordering trees by their Laplacian spectral radiiAuthor(s): Yu, AM (Yu, AM); Lu, M (Lu, M); Tian, F (Tian, F)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 405 Pages: 4510.1016/j.laa.2005.02.043 Published: AUG 1 2005 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 15 of 17 Title: Improved bounds for the largest eigenvalue of treesAuthor(s): Rojo, O (Rojo, O) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 404 Pages: 29710.1016/j.laa.2005.02.023 Published: JUL 15 2005 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 16 of 17 Title: The index of trees with specified maximum degreeAuthor(s): Simic, SK (Simic, SK); Tosic, DVSource: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 54 Issue: 2 Pages: 351----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: The largest eigenvalue of unicyclic graphs iao)

Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 307 Issue: 2 Pages: 280-284 DOI: 10.1016/j.disc.2006.06.023 Published: JAN 28 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Investigation on the spectrum of graph G(l) Author(s): Yin, SH (Yin, Shuhua)



Conference Title: 6th WSEAS International Conference on E-ACTIVITIES 16, 2007

Conference Location: Puerto de la Cruz, SPAIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Ordering trees by their largest eigenvalues Author(s): Lin, WS (Lin, Wenshui); Guo, XF (Guo, Xiaofeng) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 418 Issue: 2DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2006.02.035 Published: OCT 15 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: The spectra of some trees and bounds for the largest eigenvalue of any tree

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 414 Issue: 1 Pages: 19910.1016/j.laa.2005.09.018 Published: APR 1 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the spectral radius of trees with fixed diameter Author(s): Guo, JM (Guo, JM); Shao, JY (Shao, JY) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 413 Issue: 1 Pages: 13110.1016/j.laa.2005.08.008 Published: FEB 1 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

r Laplacian spectral radii Author(s): Yu, AM (Yu, AM); Lu, M (Lu, M); Tian, F (Tian, F) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 405 Pages: 4510.1016/j.laa.2005.02.043 Published: AUG 1 2005


Title: Improved bounds for the largest eigenvalue of trees

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 404 Pages: 297a.2005.02.023 Published: JUL 15 2005


Title: The index of trees with specified maximum degree Author(s): Simic, SK (Simic, SK); Tosic, DV (Tosic, DV)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 54 Issue: 2 Pages: 351-362 Published: 2005 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

284 DOI:


Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 418 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 450-456

Title: The spectra of some trees and bounds for the largest eigenvalue of any tree

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 414 Issue: 1 Pages: 199-217 DOI:

APPLICATIONS Volume: 413 Issue: 1 Pages: 131-147 DOI:


Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 404 Pages: 297-304 DOI:


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Record 17 of 17 Title: Sharp lower bounds on the Laplacian eigenvalues of treesAuthor(s): Das, KC (Das, KC) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 384 Pages: 15510.1016/j.laa.2004.01.012 Published: JUN 1 2004 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dress A, 2003, APPL MATH LETT, V16, P297, DOI 10.1016/S0893 Record 1 of 3 Title: On graphs with given main eigenvaluesAuthor(s): Shi, LS (Shi, Lingsheng)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 22 Issue: 12 Pages: 187010.1016/j.aml.2009.06.027 Published: DEC 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 3 Title: Hoffman polynomials of nonnegative irreducible matrices and strongly connected digraphsAuthor(s): Wu, YK (Wu, YK); Deng, AP (Deng, AP)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 414 Issue: 1 Pages: 13810.1016/j.laa.2005.09.012 Published: APR 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 3 Title: A note on Hoffman-type identities of graphsAuthor(s): Hou, YP (Hou, YP); Tian, F (Tian, F)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPL10.1016/j.laa.2004.12.017 Published: JUN 1 2005 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CVETKOVIC D, 2003, PUBL I MATH BEOGRAD, V73, P39, DOI 10.229 Record 1 of 1 Title: Graphs for which the least eigenvalue is minimal, IAuthor(s): Bell, FK (Bell, Francis K.); Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Rowlinson, P (Rowlinson, Peter); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 429 Issue: 1 Pages: 23410.1016/j.laa.2008.02.032 Published: JUL 1 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SIMIC SK, 2003, U BEOGRAD PUBL ELE M, V14, P94 Record 1 of 1 Title: Towards a spectral theory of graphs based on the signless Laplacian, IIAuthor(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: Pages: 2257-2272 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.05.020 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEVANOVIC D, 2003, U BEOGRAD PUBL ELEKT, V14, P99 Record 1 of 3 Title: Integral Quartic Cayley Graphs on Abelian GroupsAuthor(s): Abdollahi, A (Abdollahi, A.); Vatandoost, E (Vatandoost, E.)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P89 Published: APR 14 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Sharp lower bounds on the Laplacian eigenvalues of trees

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 384 Pages: 15510.1016/j.laa.2004.01.012 Published: JUN 1 2004

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dress A, 2003, APPL MATH LETT, V16, P297, DOI 10.1016/S0893-9659(03)80047

Title: On graphs with given main eigenvalues Author(s): Shi, LS (Shi, Lingsheng)

LIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 22 Issue: 12 Pages: 187010.1016/j.aml.2009.06.027 Published: DEC 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

omials of nonnegative irreducible matrices and strongly connected digraphsAuthor(s): Wu, YK (Wu, YK); Deng, AP (Deng, AP) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 414 Issue: 1 Pages: 13810.1016/j.laa.2005.09.012 Published: APR 1 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

type identities of graphs Author(s): Hou, YP (Hou, YP); Tian, F (Tian, F) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 402 Pages: 14310.1016/j.laa.2004.12.017 Published: JUN 1 2005 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CVETKOVIC D, 2003, PUBL I MATH BEOGRAD, V73, P39, DOI 10.2298/PIM0373039C

Title: Graphs for which the least eigenvalue is minimal, I Author(s): Bell, FK (Bell, Francis K.); Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Rowlinson, P (Rowlinson, Peter); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 429 Issue: 1 Pages: 23410.1016/j.laa.2008.02.032 Published: JUL 1 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Title: Towards a spectral theory of graphs based on the signless Laplacian, IIAuthor(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2272 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.05.020 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory

04, 2008 Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL

il Inst Engn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEVANOVIC D, 2003, U BEOGRAD PUBL ELEKT, V14, P99

Title: Integral Quartic Cayley Graphs on Abelian Groups Abdollahi, A (Abdollahi, A.); Vatandoost, E (Vatandoost, E.)

Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P89


Др Драган П. Стевановић

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 384 Pages: 155-169 DOI:


LIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 22 Issue: 12 Pages: 1870-1874 DOI:

omials of nonnegative irreducible matrices and strongly connected digraphs

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 414 Issue: 1 Pages: 138-171 DOI:

ICATIONS Volume: 402 Pages: 143-149 DOI:


Author(s): Bell, FK (Bell, Francis K.); Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Rowlinson, P (Rowlinson,

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 429 Issue: 1 Pages: 234-241 DOI:

Title: Towards a spectral theory of graphs based on the signless Laplacian, II Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)

432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI 2272 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.05.020 Published: APR 15 2010

Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P89

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Record 2 of 3 Title: SOME RESULTS ON Q-INTEGRAL GRAPHSAuthor(s): Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran)Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 90 Pages: 321---------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 3 Title: Q-integral graphs with edgeAuthor(s): Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.); Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran)Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 308 Issue: 20 Pages: 462510.1016/j.disc.2007.08.055 Published: OCT 28 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEVANOVIC D, 2003, RENDISTEVANOVIC D, 2003, NEWGRAPHSTEVANOVIC D, NEWGRAPHSTEVANOVIC D, NEWGRAPH EXPERT SYST Record 1 of 7 Title: On the spectral radius of quasiAuthor(s): Geng, XY (Geng, Xianya); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao); Simic, SK (SimSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 8DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.06.007 Published: DEC 15 2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 7 Title: Bounds and conjectures for the signless Laplacian index of graphsAuthor(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Lucas, C (Lucas, Claire)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 12 Pages: 3319DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.01.027 Published: JUL 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 7 Title: Old and new results on algebraic connectivity of graphsAuthor(s): de Abreu, NMM (de AbrSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 423 Issue: 1 Pages: 5310.1016/j.laa.2006.08.017 Published: MAY 1 2007 Conference Title: Aveiro Workshop on Graph SpectraConference Date: APR 10-12, 2006Conference Location: Aveiro, PORTUGALConference Host: Univ Aveiro, Math Dept----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 7 Title: Maximal reflexive cacti with four cycles: The approach via Smith grapAuthor(s): Rasajski, M (Rasajski, M.); Radosavljevic, Z (Radosavljevic, Z.); Mihailovic, B (Mihailovic, B.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2530-2543 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.04.023 Published: NOV 15 2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 7 Title: On determination of caterpillars with four terminal vertices by their Laplacian spectrumAuthor(s): Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2035DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.041 Published: NOV 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

INTEGRAL GRAPHS Author(s): Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran) Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 90 Pages: 321-335 Published: JAN 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

integral graphs with edge-degrees at most five Author(s): Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.); Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran) Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 308 Issue: 20 Pages: 4625-10.1016/j.disc.2007.08.055 Published: OCT 28 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEVANOVIC D, 2003, RENDICONTI SEMINAR 2, V25, P211 STEVANOVIC D, 2003, NEWGRAPH STEVANOVIC D, NEWGRAPH STEVANOVIC D, NEWGRAPH EXPERT SYST

Title: On the spectral radius of quasi-k-cyclic graphs Author(s): Geng, XY (Geng, Xianya); Li, SC (Li, Shuchao); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 8DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.06.007 Published: DEC 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Bounds and conjectures for the signless Laplacian index of graphs Author(s): Hansen, P (Hansen, Pierre); Lucas, C (Lucas, Claire) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 12 Pages: 3319

16/j.laa.2010.01.027 Published: JUL 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Old and new results on algebraic connectivity of graphs Author(s): de Abreu, NMM (de Abreu, Nair Maria Maia) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 423 Issue: 1 Pages: 5310.1016/j.laa.2006.08.017 Published: MAY 1 2007 Conference Title: Aveiro Workshop on Graph Spectra

12, 2006 cation: Aveiro, PORTUGAL

Conference Host: Univ Aveiro, Math Dept ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Maximal reflexive cacti with four cycles: The approach via Smith graphsAuthor(s): Rasajski, M (Rasajski, M.); Radosavljevic, Z (Radosavljevic, Z.); Mihailovic, B (Mihailovic,

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI 2543 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.04.023 Published: NOV 15 2011


Title: On determination of caterpillars with four terminal vertices by their Laplacian spectrumAuthor(s): Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2035DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.041 Published: NOV 1 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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335 Published: JAN 2009

-4634 DOI:

ic, Slobodan K.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 8-10 Pages: 1561-1572

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 12 Pages: 3319-3336

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 423 Issue: 1 Pages: 53-73 DOI:

hs Author(s): Rasajski, M (Rasajski, M.); Radosavljevic, Z (Radosavljevic, Z.); Mihailovic, B (Mihailovic,

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI 2543 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.04.023 Published: NOV 15 2011

Title: On determination of caterpillars with four terminal vertices by their Laplacian spectrum

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 11 Pages: 2035-2048

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Record 6 of 7 Title: On some forests determined by their Laplacian or signless Laplacian spectrumAuthor(s): Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.); Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran)Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 58 Issue: 1 Pages: 171178 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2009.04.005 Published: JUL 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 7 Title: GrInvIn in a nutshell Author(s): Peeters, A (Peeters, Adriaan); Coolsaet, K (Coolsaet,Gunnar); Cleemput, N (Cleemput, Nicolas Van); Fack, V (Fack, Veerle)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Pages: 47110.1007/s10910-008-9420-5 Published: FEB 2009 Conference Title: Conference on 20 Years of Molecular Topology in ClujConference Date: SEP 25-30, 2006Conference Location: Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gutman I, 2002, J SERB CHEM Record 1 of 15 Title: On graphs whose Laplacian index does not exceed 4.5Author(s): Wang, JF (Wang, Jianfeng); Belardo, F (Belardo, Francesco); Huang, QX (Huang, QiongXiang); Marzi, EML (Marzi, Enzo M. Li)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 4 Special Issue: SI Pages: 1541-1550 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.02.043 Published: FEB 15 2013 Conference Title: 16th Conference of the InternationalConference Date: JUN 21-25, 2010Conference Location: Pisa, ITALY----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 15 Title: The smallest Laplacian spectral radius of graphs with a given clique numberAuthor(s): Guo, JM (Guo, Ji-Ming); Li, JX (Li, Jianxi); Shiu, WC (Shiu, Wai Chee)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 4 Pages: 1109DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.04.016 Published: AUG 15 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 15 Title: Graph realizations associated with minimizing the maximum eigenvalue of the LaplacianAuthor(s): Goring, F (Goering, Frank); Helmberg, C (Helmberg, Christoph); ReisSource: MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING Volume: 131 Issue: 110.1007/s10107-010-0344-z Published: FEB 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 15 Title: The Laplacian spectral radius for unicyclic graphs with given independence numberAuthor(s): Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua); Yu, GH (Yu, Guihai); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 5 Pages:10.1016/j.laa.2010.04.023 Published: OCT 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 15 Title: The Laplacian spectral radii of unicyclic and bicyclic graphs withvertices Author(s): Guo, JM (Guo JiMing)Source: SCIENCE CHINA-MATHEMATICS Volume: 53 Issue: 8 Pages: 213510.1007/s11425-010-3132-6 Published: AUG 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: On some forests determined by their Laplacian or signless Laplacian spectrumAuthor(s): Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.); Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran) Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 58 Issue: 1 Pages: 171

1016/j.camwa.2009.04.005 Published: JUL 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Author(s): Peeters, A (Peeters, Adriaan); Coolsaet, K (Coolsaet, Kris); Brinkmann, G (Brinkmann, Gunnar); Cleemput, N (Cleemput, Nicolas Van); Fack, V (Fack, Veerle) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Pages: 471

5 Published: FEB 2009 onference on 20 Years of Molecular Topology in Cluj

30, 2006 Conference Location: Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gutman I, 2002, J SERB CHEM SOC, V67, P407, DOI 10.2298/JSC0206407G

Title: On graphs whose Laplacian index does not exceed 4.5 Author(s): Wang, JF (Wang, Jianfeng); Belardo, F (Belardo, Francesco); Huang, QX (Huang, QiongXiang); Marzi, EML (Marzi, Enzo M. Li) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 4 Special Issue: SI

1550 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.02.043 Published: FEB 15 2013 Conference Title: 16th Conference of the International-Linear Algebra-Society (ILAS)

25, 2010 Conference Location: Pisa, ITALY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: The smallest Laplacian spectral radius of graphs with a given clique numberMing); Li, JX (Li, Jianxi); Shiu, WC (Shiu, Wai Chee)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 4 Pages: 1109DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.04.016 Published: AUG 15 2012


Title: Graph realizations associated with minimizing the maximum eigenvalue of the LaplacianAuthor(s): Goring, F (Goering, Frank); Helmberg, C (Helmberg, Christoph); ReisSource: MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING Volume: 131 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 95

z Published: FEB 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: The Laplacian spectral radius for unicyclic graphs with given independence numberAuthor(s): Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua); Yu, GH (Yu, Guihai); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 5 Pages:10.1016/j.laa.2010.04.023 Published: OCT 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: The Laplacian spectral radii of unicyclic and bicyclic graphs with n vertices and k pendant

Author(s): Guo, JM (Guo JiMing) MATHEMATICS Volume: 53 Issue: 8 Pages: 21356 Published: AUG 2010


Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: On some forests determined by their Laplacian or signless Laplacian spectrum

Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 58 Issue: 1 Pages: 171-

Kris); Brinkmann, G (Brinkmann,

Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Pages: 471-477 DOI:

SOC, V67, P407, DOI 10.2298/JSC0206407G

Author(s): Wang, JF (Wang, Jianfeng); Belardo, F (Belardo, Francesco); Huang, QX (Huang,

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 4 Special Issue: SI 1550 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.02.043 Published: FEB 15 2013

Society (ILAS)

Title: The smallest Laplacian spectral radius of graphs with a given clique number Ming); Li, JX (Li, Jianxi); Shiu, WC (Shiu, Wai Chee)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 437 Issue: 4 Pages: 1109-1122

Title: Graph realizations associated with minimizing the maximum eigenvalue of the Laplacian Author(s): Goring, F (Goering, Frank); Helmberg, C (Helmberg, Christoph); Reiss, S (Reiss, Susanna)

2 Pages: 95-111 DOI:

Title: The Laplacian spectral radius for unicyclic graphs with given independence number Author(s): Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua); Yu, GH (Yu, Guihai); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 5 Pages: 934-944 DOI:

n vertices and k pendant

MATHEMATICS Volume: 53 Issue: 8 Pages: 2135-2142 DOI:

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Record 6 of 15 Title: On conjectures involving second largest signless Laplacian eigenvalue of graphsAuthor(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 11 Pages: 3018DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.01.005 Published: JUN 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 15 Title: HYPER-WIENER INDEX OF SYMMETRIC YAuthor(s): Yazdani, J (Yazdani, Javad); Bahrami, A (Bahrami, Amir)Source: DIGEST JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS AND BIOSTRUCTURES Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Pages: 479-481 Published: SEP 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 15 Title: The Laplacian spectral radius of a graph under perturbationAuthor(s): Guo, JM (Guo, Ji-Ming)Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIO720 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2007.02.009 Published: SEP 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 15 Title: Alkanes with greatest Estrada indexAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris); Markovic, V (Markovic, Violeta); Glisic, B (Glisic, Bijana) Source: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION ASCIENCES Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 495----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 15 Title: Total pi-electron energy and Laplacian energy: How far the analogy goes?Author(s): Radenkovic, S (Radenkovic, Slavko); Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 72 Issue: 12 Pages: 13431350 DOI: 10.2298/JSC0712343R Published: 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 15 Title: On the Laplacian spectral radius of trees with fixed diameterAuthor(s): Guo, JM (Guo, Ji-Ming)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 419 Issue: 2DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2006.06.004 Published: DEC 1 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 12 of 15 Title: On Laplacian eigenvalues of a graphAuthor(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, B) Source: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION ASCIENCES Volume: 59 Issue: 3 Pages: 181----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 15 Title: Chemical applications of the Laplacian spectrum. VII. Studies of the Wiener and Kirchhoff indices Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, I); Vidovic, D (Vidovic, D); Furtula, B (FurSource: INDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY SECTION ATHEORETICAL & ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 42 Issue: 6 Pages: 1272JUN 2003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: On conjectures involving second largest signless Laplacian eigenvalue of graphsAuthor(s): Das, KC (Das, Kinkar Ch.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 11 Pages: 3018DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.01.005 Published: JUN 1 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


481 Published: SEP 2009 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: The Laplacian spectral radius of a graph under perturbation Ming)

Source: COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 54 Issue: 5 Pages: 709720 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2007.02.009 Published: SEP 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Alkanes with greatest Estrada index Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris); Markovic, V (Markovic, Violeta);

Source: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION A-A JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES Volume: 62 Issue: 9 Pages: 495-498 Published: SEP 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

electron energy and Laplacian energy: How far the analogy goes?Author(s): Radenkovic, S (Radenkovic, Slavko); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan) Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 72 Issue: 12 Pages: 13431350 DOI: 10.2298/JSC0712343R Published: 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the Laplacian spectral radius of trees with fixed diameter Ming)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 419 Issue: 2DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2006.06.004 Published: DEC 1 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On Laplacian eigenvalues of a graph



Title: Chemical applications of the Laplacian spectrum. VII. Studies of the Wiener and Kirchhoff

Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, I); Vidovic, D (Vidovic, D); Furtula, B (Furtula, B)Source: INDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY SECTION A-INORGANIC BIOTHEORETICAL & ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 42 Issue: 6 Pages: 1272


Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: On conjectures involving second largest signless Laplacian eigenvalue of graphs

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 11 Pages: 3018-3029



NS Volume: 54 Issue: 5 Pages: 709-

Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Furtula, B (Furtula, Boris); Markovic, V (Markovic, Violeta);


electron energy and Laplacian energy: How far the analogy goes?

Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 72 Issue: 12 Pages: 1343-

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 419 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 618-629


Title: Chemical applications of the Laplacian spectrum. VII. Studies of the Wiener and Kirchhoff


THEORETICAL & ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 42 Issue: 6 Pages: 1272-1278 Published:

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Record 14 of 15 Title: Hyper-Wiener index and Laplacian spectrumAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, I)Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 68 Issue: 12 Pages: 949DOI: 10.2298/0352-51390312949G Pub----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 15 of 15 Title: Relation between the Laplacian and the ordinary characteristic polynomialAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, I)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Issue: 47 Pages: 133-140 Published: JAN 2003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cvetkovic D, 2002, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V356 Record 1 of 3 Title: FULLERENES VIA THEIR AUTOMORPHISM GROUPSAuthor(s): Kutnar, K (Kutnar, Klavdija); Marusic, D (Marusic, Dragan); Janezic, D (Janezic, Dusanka)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 267----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 3 Title: On cyclic edge-connectivity of fullerenesAuthor(s): Kutnar, K (Kutnar, Klavdija); Marusic, D (Marusic, Dragan)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 156 Issue: 10 Pages: 166110.1016/j.dam.2007.08.046 Published: MAY 28 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 3 Title: Elliptic integral evaluations of Bessel moments and applicationsAuthor(s): Bailey, DH (Bailey, David H.); Borwein, JM (Borwein, Jonathan M.); Broa(Broadhurst, David); Glasser, ML (Glasser, M. L.)Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AArticle Number: 205203 DOI: 10.1088/1751----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Balinska K., 2002, U BEOGRAD PUBL ELE M, V13, P42BALINSKA K, 2002, IN PRESS U BEOGRAD M, V13BALINSKA KT, 2002, PUBL ELEKTROTEHN FAK, V13, P42 Record 1 of 38 Title: Circulant digraphs integral over number fieldsAuthor(s): Li, F (Li, Fei) Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 313 Issue: 6 Pages: 82110.1016/j.disc.2012.12.025 Published: MAR 28 2013 --------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 38 Title: Q-integral complete r-partite graphsAuthor(s): Zhao, GP (Zhao, Guopeng); Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Li, K (Li, Ke)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 3 Pages: 1067DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.09.009 Published: FEB 1 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 38 Title: Distance Powers and Distance Matrices of Integral Cayley Graphs over Abelian GroupsAuthor(s): Klotz, W (Klotz, Walter); Sander, T (Sander, Torsten)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 19 Issue: 4 Article Number: P25 Published: NOV 8 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Wiener index and Laplacian spectrum Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, I) Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 68 Issue: 12 Pages: 949

51390312949G Published: 2003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Relation between the Laplacian and the ordinary characteristic polynomialAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, I)


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cvetkovic D, 2002, LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL, V356, P37, DOI 10.1016/S0024

Title: FULLERENES VIA THEIR AUTOMORPHISM GROUPS Author(s): Kutnar, K (Kutnar, Klavdija); Marusic, D (Marusic, Dragan); Janezic, D (Janezic, Dusanka)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 267-282 Published: 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

connectivity of fullerenes Author(s): Kutnar, K (Kutnar, Klavdija); Marusic, D (Marusic, Dragan) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 156 Issue: 10 Pages: 166110.1016/j.dam.2007.08.046 Published: MAY 28 2008


Title: Elliptic integral evaluations of Bessel moments and applications Author(s): Bailey, DH (Bailey, David H.); Borwein, JM (Borwein, Jonathan M.); Broa(Broadhurst, David); Glasser, ML (Glasser, M. L.) Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL Volume: 41 Issue: 20 Article Number: 205203 DOI: 10.1088/1751-8113/41/20/205203 Published: MAY 23 2008

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Balinska K., 2002, U BEOGRAD PUBL ELE M, V13, P42 BALINSKA K, 2002, IN PRESS U BEOGRAD M, V13 BALINSKA KT, 2002, PUBL ELEKTROTEHN FAK, V13, P42

raphs integral over number fields

Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 313 Issue: 6 Pages: 821-823 DOI: 10.1016/j.disc.2012.12.025 Published: MAR 28 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

partite graphs Author(s): Zhao, GP (Zhao, Guopeng); Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Li, K (Li, Ke)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 3 Pages: 1067DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.09.009 Published: FEB 1 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Distance Powers and Distance Matrices of Integral Cayley Graphs over Abelian GroupsAuthor(s): Klotz, W (Klotz, Walter); Sander, T (Sander, Torsten) Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 19 Issue: 4 Article Number: P25


Др Драган П. Стевановић

Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 68 Issue: 12 Pages: 949-952

Title: Relation between the Laplacian and the ordinary characteristic polynomial


, P37, DOI 10.1016/S0024-3795(02)00280-X

Author(s): Kutnar, K (Kutnar, Klavdija); Marusic, D (Marusic, Dragan); Janezic, D (Janezic, Dusanka) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY

Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 156 Issue: 10 Pages: 1661-1669 DOI:

Author(s): Bailey, DH (Bailey, David H.); Borwein, JM (Borwein, Jonathan M.); Broadhurst, D

MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL Volume: 41 Issue: 20 8113/41/20/205203 Published: MAY 23 2008

823 DOI:

Author(s): Zhao, GP (Zhao, Guopeng); Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Li, K (Li, Ke) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 3 Pages: 1067-1077

Title: Distance Powers and Distance Matrices of Integral Cayley Graphs over Abelian Groups

Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 19 Issue: 4 Article Number: P25

Page 88: Dragan Stevanović


Record 4 of 38 Title: On the seidel integral complete multipartite graphsAuthor(s): Lv, SM (Lv, Sheng-mei); Wei, L (Wei, Liang); Zhao, HX (ZSource: ACTA MATHEMATICAE APPLICATAE SINICAPages: 705-710 DOI: 10.1007/s10255-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 38 Title: GRAPH SPECTRAL TECHNIQUES IN COMPUTER SCIENCESAuthor(s): Arsic, B (Arsic, Branko); Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.); Skaric, M (Skaric, Milan) Source: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHE30 DOI: 10.2298/AADM111223025A Published: APR 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 38 Title: The non-bipartite integral graphs with sAuthor(s): Chung, T (Chung, Taeyoung); Koolen, J (Koolen, Jack); Sano, Y (Sano, Yoshio); Taniguchi, T (Taniguchi, Tetsuji) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2544-2559 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.04.006 Published: NOV 15 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 38 Title: CONTROLLABLE GRAPHS WITH LEAST EIGENVALUE AT LEASTAuthor(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Rowlinson, P (Rowlinson, Peter); Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran); Yoon, MG (Yoon, MyungSource: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Pages: 165-175 DOI: 10.2298/AADM110909022C Published: OCT 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 38 Title: Infinitely many pairs of cospectral integral regular graphsAuthor(s): Wang, LG (Wang Li-gong); Sun, H (Sun Hao)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS26 Issue: 3 Pages: 280-286 DOI: 10.1007/s11766--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 38 Title: Integral Cayley graphs defined by greatest common divisorsAuthor(s): Klotz, W (Klotz, Walter); Sander, T (Sander, Torsten)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P94 Published: APR 21 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 10 of 38 Title: Integral Quartic Cayley Graphs on Abelian GroupsAuthor(s): Abdollahi, A (Abdollahi, A.); Vatandoost, E (Vatandoost, E.)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P89 Published: APR 14 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 38 Title: Graph spectra in Computer ScienceAuthor(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, S (Simic, Slobodan)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 434 Issue: 6 Pages: 1545DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.11.035 Published: MAR 15 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: On the seidel integral complete multipartite graphs mei); Wei, L (Wei, Liang); Zhao, HX (Zhao, Hai

Source: ACTA MATHEMATICAE APPLICATAE SINICA-ENGLISH SERIES Volume: 28 Issue: 4 710 DOI: 10.1007/s10255-012-0126-x Published: OCT 2012


Title: GRAPH SPECTRAL TECHNIQUES IN COMPUTER SCIENCES Author(s): Arsic, B (Arsic, Branko); Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.);

Source: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Pages: 130 DOI: 10.2298/AADM111223025A Published: APR 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

bipartite integral graphs with spectral radius three Author(s): Chung, T (Chung, Taeyoung); Koolen, J (Koolen, Jack); Sano, Y (Sano, Yoshio); Taniguchi,

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI 0.1016/j.laa.2011.04.006 Published: NOV 15 2011


Title: CONTROLLABLE GRAPHS WITH LEAST EIGENVALUE AT LEAST-2kovic, Dragos); Rowlinson, P (Rowlinson, Peter); Stanic, Z (Stanic,

Zoran); Yoon, MG (Yoon, Myung-Gon) Source: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Pages:

175 DOI: 10.2298/AADM110909022C Published: OCT 2011 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Infinitely many pairs of cospectral integral regular graphs gong); Sun, H (Sun Hao)

Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS-A JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES SERIES B Volume: 286 DOI: 10.1007/s11766-011-2180-1 Published: SEP 2011


Title: Integral Cayley graphs defined by greatest common divisors Author(s): Klotz, W (Klotz, Walter); Sander, T (Sander, Torsten) Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P94


Title: Integral Quartic Cayley Graphs on Abelian Groups Author(s): Abdollahi, A (Abdollahi, A.); Vatandoost, E (Vatandoost, E.) Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P89


omputer Science Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, S (Simic, Slobodan) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 434 Issue: 6 Pages: 1545DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.11.035 Published: MAR 15 2011


Др Драган П. Стевановић

hao, Hai-xing) ENGLISH SERIES Volume: 28 Issue: 4

Author(s): Arsic, B (Arsic, Branko); Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.);

MATICS Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-

Author(s): Chung, T (Chung, Taeyoung); Koolen, J (Koolen, Jack); Sano, Y (Sano, Yoshio); Taniguchi,

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 435 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI 0.1016/j.laa.2011.04.006 Published: NOV 15 2011

2 kovic, Dragos); Rowlinson, P (Rowlinson, Peter); Stanic, Z (Stanic,



Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P94

Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P89

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 434 Issue: 6 Pages: 1545-1562

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Record 12 of 38 Title: Gaussian integral circulant digraphsAuthor(s): Xu, Y (Xu, Ying); Meng, JX (Meng, Jixiang)Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 311 Issue: 1 Pages: 4510.1016/j.disc.2010.09.019 Published: JAN 6 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 38 Title: Some constructions of integral graphsAuthor(s): Mohammadian, A (Mohammadian, A.); TayfehSource: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 59 Issue: 11 Pages: 126910.1080/03081087.2010.496784 Published: 2011 --------------------------------------------------------------------Record 14 of 38 Title: Graphs for small multiprocessor interconnection networksAuthor(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Davidovic, T (Davidovic, Tatjana); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 217 Issue: 6 Pages: 2468DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2010.07.058 Published: NOV 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 15 of 38 Title: Distance spectra and distance energy of integral circulant graphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 5 Pages: 1005DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.04.034 Published: OCT 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 16 of 38 Title: New Classes of Integral Trees of Diameter 4Author(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Liu, XD (Liu, Xiaodong)Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volu----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 17 of 38 Title: Integral Cayley graphs over abelian groupsAuthor(s): Klotz, W (Klotz, Walter); SanderSource: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 17 Issue: 1 Article Number: R81 Published: MAY 25 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 18 of 38 Title: Towards a spectral theory of graphs based on the signless Laplacian, IIAuthor(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2257-2272 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.05.020 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 19 of 38 Title: A survey of automated conjectures in spectral graph theoryAuthor(s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, M.); Hansen, P (Hansen, P.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2293-2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on SpectraConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Gaussian integral circulant digraphs Author(s): Xu, Y (Xu, Ying); Meng, JX (Meng, Jixiang) Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 311 Issue: 1 Pages: 45-50 DOI: 10.1016/j.disc.2010.09.019 Published: JAN 6 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Some constructions of integral graphs (Mohammadian, A.); Tayfeh-Rezaie, B (Tayfeh

Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 59 Issue: 11 Pages: 126910.1080/03081087.2010.496784 Published: 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Graphs for small multiprocessor interconnection networks Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Davidovic, T (Davidovic, Tatjana); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)

ce: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 217 Issue: 6 Pages: 2468DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2010.07.058 Published: NOV 15 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Distance spectra and distance energy of integral circulant graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 5 Pages: 1005DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.04.034 Published: OCT 15 2010


Title: New Classes of Integral Trees of Diameter 4 Author(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Liu, XD (Liu, Xiaodong) Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 96 Pages: 203-220 Published: JUL 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Integral Cayley graphs over abelian groups Author(s): Klotz, W (Klotz, Walter); Sander, T (Sander, Torsten) Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 17 Issue: 1 Article Number: R81


e: Towards a spectral theory of graphs based on the signless Laplacian, IIAuthor(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2272 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.05.020 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory

04, 2008 e Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL

Conference Host: Mil Inst Engn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: A survey of automated conjectures in spectral graph theory s): Aouchiche, M (Aouchiche, M.); Hansen, P (Hansen, P.)

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI 2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010

Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory 04, 2008

Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL Conference Host: Mil Inst Engn

Др Драган П. Стевановић

50 DOI:

Rezaie, B (Tayfeh-Rezaie, B.) Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 59 Issue: 11 Pages: 1269-1279 DOI:

Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Davidovic, T (Davidovic, Tatjana); Ilic, A (Ilic,

ce: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Volume: 217 Issue: 6 Pages: 2468-2480

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 433 Issue: 5 Pages: 1005-1014

220 Published: JUL 2010

Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 17 Issue: 1 Article Number: R81

e: Towards a spectral theory of graphs based on the signless Laplacian, II Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, Dragos); Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2272 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.05.020 Published: APR 15 2010

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI 2322 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.015 Published: APR 15 2010

Page 90: Dragan Stevanović


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 20 of 38 Title: Infinite families of Q-integral graphsAuthor(s): de Freitas, MAA (de Freitas, Maria Aguieiras A.); de Abreu, NMM (de Abreu, Nair M. M.); Del-Vecchio, RR (Del-Vecchio, Renata R.); Jurkiewicz, S (Jurkiewicz, Samuel)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS VolumPages: 2352-2360 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.029 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 21 of 38 Title: Integral graphs and (kappa, tau)Author(s): Carvalho, P (Carvalho, Paula); Rama, P (Rama, Paula)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2409-2417 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.032 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 22 of 38 Title: Integral complete multipartite graphs Ka1.p1,a2.p2,..., with s=Author(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Wang, Q (Wang, Qi)Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 310 Issue: 4 Pages: 81210.1016/j.disc.2009.09.016 Published: FEB 28 2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Record 23 of 38 Title: Triply Equienergetic GraphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 189----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 24 of 38 Title: The 3-dimensional cube is the only periodic, connected cubic graph with perfect state trAuthor(s): Severini, S (Severini, Simone)Editor(s): Weigert S Source: QUANTUM GROUPS, QUANTUM FOUNDATIONS, AND QUANTUM INFORMATION: A FESTSCHRIFT FOR TONY SUDBERY Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series Volume: 254 Article Number: 012012 DOI: 10.1088/1742Conference Title: Conference on Quantum Groups, Quantum Foundations, and Quantum Information - A Festschrift for Tony SudberyConference Date: SEP 29-30, 2008Conference Location: York, ENGLANDConference Host: Univ York ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 25 of 38 Title: The energy of unitary cayley graphsAuthor(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 10 Pages: 1881DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.025 Published: OCT 15 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

integral graphs Author(s): de Freitas, MAA (de Freitas, Maria Aguieiras A.); de Abreu, NMM (de Abreu, Nair M. M.);

Vecchio, Renata R.); Jurkiewicz, S (Jurkiewicz, Samuel)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2360 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.029 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory

04, 2008 Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL

: Mil Inst Engn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Integral graphs and (kappa, tau)-regular sets Author(s): Carvalho, P (Carvalho, Paula); Rama, P (Rama, Paula)

: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI 2417 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.032 Published: APR 15 2010

Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory 04, 2008

Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL Conference Host: Mil Inst Engn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Integral complete multipartite graphs Ka1.p1,a2.p2,..., with s=5, 6Author(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Wang, Q (Wang, Qi) Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 310 Issue: 4 Pages: 812-818 DOI: 10.1016/j.disc.2009.09.016 Published: FEB 28 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Triply Equienergetic Graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan)



dimensional cube is the only periodic, connected cubic graph with perfect state trAuthor(s): Severini, S (Severini, Simone)


12 DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/254/1/012012 Published: 2010 Conference Title: Conference on Quantum Groups, Quantum Foundations, and Quantum Information

A Festschrift for Tony Sudbery 30, 2008

Conference Location: York, ENGLAND


Title: The energy of unitary cayley graphs Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 10 Pages: 1881DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.025 Published: OCT 15 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): de Freitas, MAA (de Freitas, Maria Aguieiras A.); de Abreu, NMM (de Abreu, Nair M. M.); Vecchio, Renata R.); Jurkiewicz, S (Jurkiewicz, Samuel)

e: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI 2360 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.06.029 Published: APR 15 2010

: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI 2417 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.032 Published: APR 15 2010

5, 6

818 DOI:

Author(s): Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Basic, M (Basic, Milan); Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY

dimensional cube is the only periodic, connected cubic graph with perfect state transfer


6596/254/1/012012 Published: 2010 Conference Title: Conference on Quantum Groups, Quantum Foundations, and Quantum Information

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 431 Issue: 10 Pages: 1881-1889

Page 91: Dragan Stevanović


Record 26 of 38 Title: Some families of integral graphsAuthor(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Broersma, H (Broersma, Hajo); Hoede, C (Hoede, Cornelis); Li, XL (Li, Xueliang); Still, G (Still, Georg)Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 308 Issue: 24 Pages: 638310.1016/j.disc.2007.12.010 Published: DEC 28 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 27 of 38 Title: NEW SUFFICIENT CONDITIONS FOR INTEGRAL COMPLETE 3Author(s): Hic, P (Hic, Pavel); Pokorny, M (Pokorny, Milan); Cernek, P (Cernek, Pavol)Source: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 2 Issue: 2 Pages: 276-284 DOI: 10.2298/AADM0802276H Published: OCT 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 28 of 38 Title: Integral complete multipartite graphsAuthor(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Liu, XD (Liu, Xiaodong)Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 308 Issue: 17 Pages: 386010.1016/j.disc.2007.07.084 Published: SEP 6 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 29 of 38 Title: Indexing through laplacian spectraAuthor(s): Demirci, MF (Demirci, M. (Veltkamp, Remeo C.) Source: COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING Volume: 110 Issue: 3 Pages: 312325 DOI: 10.1016/j.cviu.2007.09.012 Published: JUN 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 30 of 38 Title: Indecomposable Laplacian integral graphsAuthor(s): Grone, R (Grone, Robert); Merris, R (Merris, Russell)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 428DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2007.09.025 Published: APR 1 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 31 of 38 Title: Constructing fifteen infinite classes of Author(s): Wang, L (Wang, Ligong); Hoede, C (Hoede, Cornelis)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Article Number: R8 Published: JAN 1 2008 ----------------------------------------------Record 32 of 38 Title: On encodings of spanning treesAuthor(s): Hurlbert, GH (Hurlbert, Glenn H.)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 155 Issue: 18 Pages: 259410.1016/j.dam.2007.07.014 Published: NOV 1 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 33 of 38 Title: SOME NEW INTEGRAL GRAPHSAuthor(s): Indulal, G (Indulal, G.); Vijayakumar, A (Vijayakumar, A.)Source: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Pages: 420-426 DOI: 10.2298/AADM0702420I Published: OCT 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Some families of integral graphs Author(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Broersma, H (Broersma, Hajo); Hoede, C (Hoede, Cornelis); Li, XL (Li, Xueliang); Still, G (Still, Georg) Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 308 Issue: 24 Pages: 6383-10.1016/j.disc.2007.12.010 Published: DEC 28 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: NEW SUFFICIENT CONDITIONS FOR INTEGRAL COMPLETE 3-PARTITE GRAPHSr(s): Hic, P (Hic, Pavel); Pokorny, M (Pokorny, Milan); Cernek, P (Cernek, Pavol)

Source: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 2 Issue: 2 Pages: 284 DOI: 10.2298/AADM0802276H Published: OCT 2008


Title: Integral complete multipartite graphs Author(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Liu, XD (Liu, Xiaodong) Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 308 Issue: 17 Pages: 3860-10.1016/j.disc.2007.07.084 Published: SEP 6 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Indexing through laplacian spectra Author(s): Demirci, MF (Demirci, M. Fatih); van Leuken, RH (van Leuken, Reinier H.); Veltkamp, RC

Source: COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING Volume: 110 Issue: 3 Pages: 312325 DOI: 10.1016/j.cviu.2007.09.012 Published: JUN 2008


Title: Indecomposable Laplacian integral graphs Author(s): Grone, R (Grone, Robert); Merris, R (Merris, Russell) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 428 Issue: 7 Pages: 1565DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2007.09.025 Published: APR 1 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Constructing fifteen infinite classes of nonregular bipartite integral graphsAuthor(s): Wang, L (Wang, Ligong); Hoede, C (Hoede, Cornelis) Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Article Number: R8


Title: On encodings of spanning trees Author(s): Hurlbert, GH (Hurlbert, Glenn H.) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 155 Issue: 18 Pages: 2594

7.07.014 Published: NOV 1 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: SOME NEW INTEGRAL GRAPHS Author(s): Indulal, G (Indulal, G.); Vijayakumar, A (Vijayakumar, A.)

rce: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Pages: 426 DOI: 10.2298/AADM0702420I Published: OCT 2007


Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Broersma, H (Broersma, Hajo); Hoede, C (Hoede, Cornelis); Li,

-6391 DOI:

PARTITE GRAPHS r(s): Hic, P (Hic, Pavel); Pokorny, M (Pokorny, Milan); Cernek, P (Cernek, Pavol)


-3870 DOI:

Fatih); van Leuken, RH (van Leuken, Reinier H.); Veltkamp, RC

Source: COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING Volume: 110 Issue: 3 Pages: 312-

Issue: 7 Pages: 1565-1570

nonregular bipartite integral graphs

Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Article Number: R8

Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 155 Issue: 18 Pages: 2594-2600 DOI:


Page 92: Dragan Stevanović


Record 34 of 38 Title: Integral trees of diameter 6Author(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Broersma, H (Broersma, Hajo); Hoede, C (Hoede, Cornelis); Li, XL (Li, Xueliang); Still, G (Still, Georg)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 155 Issue: 10 Pages: 125410.1016/j.dam.2006.10.014 Published: MAY 15 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 35 of 38 Title: Three classes of bipartite integral graphsAuthor(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Sun, H (Sun, Hao)Editor(s): Akiyama J; Chen WYC; Kano M; Li X; Yu QSource: Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics and Graph Theory Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume: 4381 Pages: 206Conference Title: 7th China-Japan Conference on Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics and Graph Theory Conference Date: NOV 22-24, 2005Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINAConference Host: NW Polytech Univ-----------------------------------------------------------------------Record 36 of 38 Title: Graph theoretical results obtained by the support of the expert system "GRAPH" survey Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, D); Simic, S (Simic, S)Editor(s): Fajtlowicz S; Fowler PW; Hansen Source: Graphs and Discovery Book Series: DIMACS SERIES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCES Volume: 69 Pages: 39Conference Title: DIMACS-WorkingTheoretic and Chemical DatabasesConference Date: NOV 12-16, 2001Conference Location: New Brunswick, NJConference Host: Rutgers Univ--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 37 of 38 Title: Integral complete r-partite graphsAuthor(s): Wang, LG (Wang, LG); Li, XL (Li, XL); Hoede, C (Hoede, C)Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 283 Issue: 110.1016/j.disc.2004.02.011 Published: JUN 6 2004 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 38 of 38 Title: A graph and its complement with specified spectral propertiesAuthor(s): Petrovic, M (Petrovic, M); Radosavljevic, Z (RadosavljeviSource: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 51 Issue: 4 Pages: 40510.1080/0308108031000108287 Published: DEC 2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D, 2001, DISCRETE MATH, V235, P237, DOI 10.1016/S0012 Record 1 of 24 Title: Moments in graphs Author(s): Dalfo, C (Dalfo, C.); Fiol, MA (Fiol, M. A.); Garriga, E (Garriga, E.)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 161 Issue: 6 Pages: 76810.1016/j.dam.2012.10.024 Published: APR 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Integral trees of diameter 6 Author(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Broersma, H (Broersma, Hajo); Hoede, C (Hoede, Cornelis); Li, XL (Li, Xueliang); Still, G (Still, Georg) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 155 Issue: 10 Pages: 125410.1016/j.dam.2006.10.014 Published: MAY 15 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Three classes of bipartite integral graphs Ligong); Sun, H (Sun, Hao)

Editor(s): Akiyama J; Chen WYC; Kano M; Li X; Yu Q Source: Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics and Graph Theory Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume: 4381 Pages: 206-215 Published: 2007

Japan Conference on Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics and Graph

24, 2005 Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA Conference Host: NW Polytech Univ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Graph theoretical results obtained by the support of the expert system "GRAPH"

Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, D); Simic, S (Simic, S) Editor(s): Fajtlowicz S; Fowler PW; Hansen P; Janowitz MF; Roberts FS Source: Graphs and Discovery Book Series: DIMACS SERIES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCES Volume: 69 Pages: 39-70 Published: 2005

Working-Group Meeting on Computer-Generated Theoretic and Chemical Databases

16, 2001 Conference Location: New Brunswick, NJ Conference Host: Rutgers Univ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

partite graphs Author(s): Wang, LG (Wang, LG); Li, XL (Li, XL); Hoede, C (Hoede, C) Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 283 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 231-10.1016/j.disc.2004.02.011 Published: JUN 6 2004 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: A graph and its complement with specified spectral properties Author(s): Petrovic, M (Petrovic, M); Radosavljevic, Z (Radosavljevic, Z); Simic, S (Simic, S)Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 51 Issue: 4 Pages: 40510.1080/0308108031000108287 Published: DEC 2003 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stevanovic D, 2001, DISCRETE MATH, V235, P237, DOI 10.1016/S0012-365X(00)00277

Author(s): Dalfo, C (Dalfo, C.); Fiol, MA (Fiol, M. A.); Garriga, E (Garriga, E.)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 161 Issue: 6 Pages: 76810.1016/j.dam.2012.10.024 Published: APR 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Broersma, H (Broersma, Hajo); Hoede, C (Hoede, Cornelis); Li,

Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 155 Issue: 10 Pages: 1254-1266 DOI:

Source: Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics and Graph Theory Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN

Japan Conference on Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics and Graph

Title: Graph theoretical results obtained by the support of the expert system "GRAPH" - An extended

Source: Graphs and Discovery Book Series: DIMACS SERIES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND 70 Published: 2005

Generated Conjectures from Graph

-241 DOI:

c, Z); Simic, S (Simic, S) Source: LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA Volume: 51 Issue: 4 Pages: 405-419 DOI:


Author(s): Dalfo, C (Dalfo, C.); Fiol, MA (Fiol, M. A.); Garriga, E (Garriga, E.) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 161 Issue: 6 Pages: 768-777 DOI:

Page 93: Dragan Stevanović


Record 2 of 24 Title: Additively weighted Harary index of some composite graphsAuthor(s): Alizadeh, Y (Alizadeh, Yaser); Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, Ali); Doslic, T (Doslic, Tomislav) Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 313 Issue: 1 Pages: 2610.1016/j.disc.2012.09.011 Published: JAN 6 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 24 Title: FURTHER RESULTS ON DISTANCEAuthor(s): Tavakoli, M (Tavakoli, M.); Rahbarnia, F (RahbaSource: UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST SCIENTIFIC BULLETINMATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS Volume: 75 Issue: 1 Pages: 77--------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 24 Title: Hosoya Polynomial of Hierarchical Product of GraphsAuthor(s): Eliasi, M (Eliasi, Mehdi); Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, Ali)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISVolume: 69 Issue: 1 Pages: 111Conference Title: 4th Iranian Conference and Workshop on Mathematical Chemistry (FCWMC)Conference Date: FEB 22-24, 2010Conference Location: Tehran, IRANConference Host: Tarbiat Modares Univ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 24 Title: Wiener index of some graph operationsAuthor(s): Eliasi, M (Eliasi, Mehdi); Raeisi, G (Raeisi, Ghaffar); Taeri, B (Taeri, Bijan)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 9 Pages: 133310.1016/j.dam.2012.01.014 Published: JUN 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 24 Title: Some inequalities for the atomAuthor(s): Fath-Tabar, GH (FathA. R.); Graovacc, A (Graovacc, A.)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 15910.1016/j.dam.2011.04.019 Published: AUG 6 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 24 Title: Computation of the edge Wiener indices of the Author(s): Azari, M (Azari, Mahdieh); Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, Ali)Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 100 Pages: 113-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 24 Title: The hyper-Wiener index of the generalized hierarchical product of graphsAuthor(s): Eliasi, M (Eliasi, Mehdi); Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, Ali)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 159 Issue: 8 Pages: 86610.1016/j.dam.2010.12.020 Published: APR 28 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 24 Title: On partitionable, confidentially connected and unbreakable graphsAuthor(s): Talmaciu, M (Talmaciu, M.); Nechita, E (Nechita, E.)Source: ANALELE STIINTIFICE ALE UNIVERSITATII OVIDIUS CONSTANTAVolume: 19 Issue: 1 Pages: 263------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Additively weighted Harary index of some composite graphs Author(s): Alizadeh, Y (Alizadeh, Yaser); Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, Ali); Doslic, T (Doslic,

Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 313 Issue: 1 Pages: 26-34 DOI: 9.011 Published: JAN 6 2013


Title: FURTHER RESULTS ON DISTANCE-BALANCED GRAPHS Author(s): Tavakoli, M (Tavakoli, M.); Rahbarnia, F (Rahbarnia, F.); Ashrafi, AR (Ashrafi, A. R.)Source: UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST SCIENTIFIC BULLETINMATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS Volume: 75 Issue: 1 Pages: 77-84 Published: 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Hosoya Polynomial of Hierarchical Product of Graphs Author(s): Eliasi, M (Eliasi, Mehdi); Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, Ali)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISVolume: 69 Issue: 1 Pages: 111-119 Published: 2013 Conference Title: 4th Iranian Conference and Workshop on Mathematical Chemistry (FCWMC)

24, 2010 Conference Location: Tehran, IRAN Conference Host: Tarbiat Modares Univ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Wiener index of some graph operations Author(s): Eliasi, M (Eliasi, Mehdi); Raeisi, G (Raeisi, Ghaffar); Taeri, B (Taeri, Bijan)

ce: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 9 Pages: 133310.1016/j.dam.2012.01.014 Published: JUN 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

inequalities for the atom-bond connectivity index of graph operationsTabar, GH (Fath-Tabar, G. H.); Vaez-Zadeh, B (Vaez-Zadeh, B.); Ashrafi, AR (Ashrafi,

A. R.); Graovacc, A (Graovacc, A.) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 159 Issue: 13 Pages: 132310.1016/j.dam.2011.04.019 Published: AUG 6 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Computation of the edge Wiener indices of the sum of graphs Author(s): Azari, M (Azari, Mahdieh); Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, Ali) Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 100 Pages: 113-128 Published: JUL 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Wiener index of the generalized hierarchical product of graphsAuthor(s): Eliasi, M (Eliasi, Mehdi); Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, Ali) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 159 Issue: 8 Pages: 866

1016/j.dam.2010.12.020 Published: APR 28 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On partitionable, confidentially connected and unbreakable graphs u, M (Talmaciu, M.); Nechita, E (Nechita, E.)

Source: ANALELE STIINTIFICE ALE UNIVERSITATII OVIDIUS CONSTANTAVolume: 19 Issue: 1 Pages: 263-273 Published: 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Alizadeh, Y (Alizadeh, Yaser); Iranmanesh, A (Iranmanesh, Ali); Doslic, T (Doslic,

34 DOI:


84 Published: 2013


Conference Title: 4th Iranian Conference and Workshop on Mathematical Chemistry (FCWMC)

Author(s): Eliasi, M (Eliasi, Mehdi); Raeisi, G (Raeisi, Ghaffar); Taeri, B (Taeri, Bijan) ce: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 160 Issue: 9 Pages: 1333-1344 DOI:

bond connectivity index of graph operations Zadeh, B.); Ashrafi, AR (Ashrafi,

Issue: 13 Pages: 1323-1330 DOI:

128 Published: JUL 2011

Wiener index of the generalized hierarchical product of graphs

Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 159 Issue: 8 Pages: 866-871 DOI:


Page 94: Dragan Stevanović


Record 10 of 24 Title: Some New Results on DistanceAuthor(s): Behmaram, A (Behmaram, A.); YousefiR.) Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 39----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 11 of 24 Title: The Zagreb coindices of graph operationsAuthor(s): Ashrafi, AR (Ashrafi, A. R.); Doslic, T (Doslic, T.); Hamzeh, A (Hamzeh, A.)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 158 Issue: 15 Pages: 157110.1016/j.dam.2010.05.017 Published: AUG 6 2010----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 12 of 24 Title: ON THE DISTANCE-BASED TOPOLOGICAL INDICES OF FULLERENE AND FULLERENYL ANIONS HAVING DENDRIMER UNITSAuthor(s): Arezoomand, M (AreSource: DIGEST JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS AND BIOSTRUCTURES Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Pages: 713-722 Published: DEC 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 13 of 24 Title: On Wiener-type polynomials of thorn graphsAuthor(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir)Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMOMETRICS Volume: 23 Issue: 1110.1002/cem.1258 Published: NOV----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 14 of 24 Title: Kirchhoff index of composite graphsAuthor(s): Zhang, HP (Zhang, Heping); Yang, YJ (Yang, Yujun); Li, CW (Li, Chuanwen)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS10.1016/j.dam.2009.03.007 Published: JUL 6 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 15 of 24 Title: Omega polynomial and its use in Author(s): Diudea, M (Diudea, M. V.); Cigher, S (Cigher, S.); Vizitiu, A (Vizitiu, A. E.); Florescu, M (Florescu, M. S.); John, P (John, P. E.)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Pages: 31610.1007/s10910-008-9408-1 Published: FEB 2009 Conference Title: Conference on 20 Years of Molecular Topology in ClujConference Date: SEP 25-30, 2006Conference Location: Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 16 of 24 Title: SCHULTZ POLYNOMIALS OF COMPOSITE GRAPHSAuthor(s): Eliasi, M (Eliasi, Mehdi); Taeri, B (Taeri, Bijan)Source: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 2 Issue: 2 Pages: 285-296 DOI: 10.2298/AADM0802285E Published: OCT 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 17 of 24 Title: DISTANCE IN ZIGZAG POLYHEX NANOTORUSAuthor(s): Eliasi, M (Eliasi, Mehdi); Taeri, B (Taeri, Bijan)Source: JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL & COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 7 Issue: 5 Pages: 1029-1039 DOI: 10.1142/S0219633608004313 Published: OCT 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Some New Results on Distance-Based Polynomials Author(s): Behmaram, A (Behmaram, A.); Yousefi-Azari, H (Yousefi-Azari, H.); Ashrafi, AR (Ashrafi, A.

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 65 Issue: 1 Pages: 39-50 Published: 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

greb coindices of graph operations Author(s): Ashrafi, AR (Ashrafi, A. R.); Doslic, T (Doslic, T.); Hamzeh, A (Hamzeh, A.)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 158 Issue: 15 Pages: 157110.1016/j.dam.2010.05.017 Published: AUG 6 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


722 Published: DEC 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

type polynomials of thorn graphs Author(s): Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Vukicevic, D (Vukicevic, Damir) Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMOMETRICS Volume: 23 Issue: 11-12 Pages: 60010.1002/cem.1258 Published: NOV-DEC 2009


Title: Kirchhoff index of composite graphs Author(s): Zhang, HP (Zhang, Heping); Yang, YJ (Yang, Yujun); Li, CW (Li, Chuanwen)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 157 Issue: 13 Pages: 291810.1016/j.dam.2009.03.007 Published: JUL 6 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Omega polynomial and its use in nanostructure description Author(s): Diudea, M (Diudea, M. V.); Cigher, S (Cigher, S.); Vizitiu, A (Vizitiu, A. E.); Florescu, M (Florescu, M. S.); John, P (John, P. E.) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Pages: 316

1 Published: FEB 2009 Conference Title: Conference on 20 Years of Molecular Topology in Cluj

30, 2006 on: Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA


Title: SCHULTZ POLYNOMIALS OF COMPOSITE GRAPHS Author(s): Eliasi, M (Eliasi, Mehdi); Taeri, B (Taeri, Bijan)

e: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 2 Issue: 2 Pages: 296 DOI: 10.2298/AADM0802285E Published: OCT 2008


e: DISTANCE IN ZIGZAG POLYHEX NANOTORUS Author(s): Eliasi, M (Eliasi, Mehdi); Taeri, B (Taeri, Bijan) Source: JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL & COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 7 Issue: 5

1039 DOI: 10.1142/S0219633608004313 Published: OCT 2008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Azari, H.); Ashrafi, AR (Ashrafi, A.


Author(s): Ashrafi, AR (Ashrafi, A. R.); Doslic, T (Doslic, T.); Hamzeh, A (Hamzeh, A.) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 158 Issue: 15 Pages: 1571-1578 DOI:



12 Pages: 600-604 DOI:

Author(s): Zhang, HP (Zhang, Heping); Yang, YJ (Yang, Yujun); Li, CW (Li, Chuanwen) Volume: 157 Issue: 13 Pages: 2918-2927 DOI:

Author(s): Diudea, M (Diudea, M. V.); Cigher, S (Cigher, S.); Vizitiu, A (Vizitiu, A. E.); Florescu, M

Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Pages: 316-329 DOI:


Source: JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL & COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 7 Issue: 5 1039 DOI: 10.1142/S0219633608004313 Published: OCT 2008

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Record 18 of 24 Title: Extension of the Wiener index and Wiener polynomialAuthor(s): Eliasi, M (Eliasi, Mehdi); Taeri, B (Taeri, Bijan)Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS Volume: 21 Issue: 9 Pages: 91610.1016/j.aml.2007.10.001 Published: SEP 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 19 of 24 Title: Vertex-Weighted Wiener Polynomials for Composite GraphsAuthor(s): Doslic, T (Doslic, Tomislav)Source: ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Pages: 66AUG 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 20 of 24 Title: Hosoya polynomial of zigzag polyhex nanotorusAuthor(s): Eliasi, M (Eliasi, Mehdi); Taeri, B (Taeri, Bijan)Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 73 Issue: 3 Pages: 311DOI: 10.2298/JSC0803311E Published: 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 21 of 24 Title: The Hosoya-Wiener polynomial of weighted treesAuthor(s): Zmazek, B (Zmazek, Blaz); Zerovnik, J (Zerovnik, Janez)Source: CROATICA CHEMICA ACTA Volume: 80 Issue: 1 Pages: 75------------------------------------------------------Record 22 of 24 Title: Omega polynomial in tubular nanostructuresAuthor(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Cigher, S (Cigher, Simona); Vizitiu, AE (Vizitiu, Aniela E.); Ursu, O (Ursu, Oleg); John, PE (John, Source: CROATICA CHEMICA ACTA Volume: 79 Issue: 3 Pages: 445Conference Title: 19th Dubrovnik International Course and Conference on the Interfaces Among Mathematics, Chemistry and Computer Sciences (MATH/CHEM/COMP 2Conference Date: JUN 20-25, 2005Conference Location: Dubrovnik, CROATIA----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 23 of 24 Title: On generalization of the HosoyaAuthor(s): Zmazek, B (Zmazek, Blaz); Zerovnik, J (Zerovnik, Janez)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 55 Issue: 2 Pages: 359-----------------------------------------------------------------Record 24 of 24 Title: Distance counting in tori Author(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, MV); Parv, B (Parv, B); John, PE (John, PE); Ursu, O (Ursu, O); Graovac, A (Graovac, A) Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN Issue: 49 Pages: 23-36 Published: SEP 2003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEVANOVIC D, LINEAR ALGEBRA ITS A, V360, P35 Record 1 of 1 Title: A multipartite version of the Turan problem Author(s): Nagy, ZL (Nagy, Zoltan Lorant)Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P46 Published: FEB 21 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: Extension of the Wiener index and Wiener polynomial Author(s): Eliasi, M (Eliasi, Mehdi); Taeri, B (Taeri, Bijan)

EMATICS LETTERS Volume: 21 Issue: 9 Pages: 91610.1016/j.aml.2007.10.001 Published: SEP 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Polynomials for Composite Graphs Author(s): Doslic, T (Doslic, Tomislav) Source: ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Pages: 66


Title: Hosoya polynomial of zigzag polyhex nanotorus Author(s): Eliasi, M (Eliasi, Mehdi); Taeri, B (Taeri, Bijan) Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 73 Issue: 3 Pages: 311DOI: 10.2298/JSC0803311E Published: 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Wiener polynomial of weighted trees Author(s): Zmazek, B (Zmazek, Blaz); Zerovnik, J (Zerovnik, Janez) Source: CROATICA CHEMICA ACTA Volume: 80 Issue: 1 Pages: 75-80 Published: MAY 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Omega polynomial in tubular nanostructures Author(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Cigher, S (Cigher, Simona); Vizitiu, AE (Vizitiu, Aniela E.); Ursu, O (Ursu, Oleg); John, PE (John, Peter E.) Source: CROATICA CHEMICA ACTA Volume: 79 Issue: 3 Pages: 445-448 Published: NOV 2006 Conference Title: 19th Dubrovnik International Course and Conference on the Interfaces Among Mathematics, Chemistry and Computer Sciences (MATH/CHEM/COMP 2005)

25, 2005 Conference Location: Dubrovnik, CROATIA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On generalization of the Hosoya-Wiener polynomial or(s): Zmazek, B (Zmazek, Blaz); Zerovnik, J (Zerovnik, Janez)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 55 Issue: 2 Pages: 359-362 Published: 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Author(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, MV); Parv, B (Parv, B); John, PE (John, PE); Ursu, O (Ursu, O);


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEVANOVIC D, LINEAR ALGEBRA ITS A, V360, P35

version of the Turan problem - density conditions and eigenvaluesAuthor(s): Nagy, ZL (Nagy, Zoltan Lorant) Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P46


Др Драган П. Стевановић

EMATICS LETTERS Volume: 21 Issue: 9 Pages: 916-921 DOI:

Source: ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Pages: 66-80 Published:

Source: JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 73 Issue: 3 Pages: 311-319

80 Published: MAY 2007

Author(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Cigher, S (Cigher, Simona); Vizitiu, AE (Vizitiu, Aniela E.);

448 Published: NOV 2006 Conference Title: 19th Dubrovnik International Course and Conference on the Interfaces Among



Author(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, MV); Parv, B (Parv, B); John, PE (John, PE); Ursu, O (Ursu, O);


density conditions and eigenvalues

Source: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Article Number: P46

Page 96: Dragan Stevanović


Cvetkovic D., 2000, U BEOGRAD PUBL ELE M, V11, P79 Record 1 of 2 Title: Bicyclic graphs with small positive index of inertiaAuthor(s): Yu, GH (Yu, Guihai); Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua); Wang, Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 5 Pages: 2036DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.09.031 Published: MAR 1 2013 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 2 Title: Graph theoretical results obtained by the support of the expert system "GRAPH" survey Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, D); Simic, S (Simic, S)Editor(s): Fajtlowicz S; Fowler PW; Hansen P; Janowitz MF; Roberts FSSource: Graphs and Discovery Book Series: DIMACS SERIES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCES Volume: 69 Pages: 39Conference Title: DIMACS-WorkingTheoretic and Chemical DatabasesConference Date: NOV 12-16, 2001Conference Location: New Brunswick, NJConference Host: Rutgers Univ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEVANOVIC D, 1999, U BEOGRAD PUBL ELE M, V10, P81 Record 1 of 2 Title: SOME RESULTS ON Q-INTEGRAL GRAPHSAuthor(s): Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran)Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 90 Pages: 321----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 2 Title: Q-integral graphs with edgeAuthor(s): Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.); Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran)Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 308 Issue: 20 Pages: 462510.1016/j.disc.2007.08.055 Published: OCT 28 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEVANOVIC D, 1999, FILOMAT NIS, V13, P1 Record 1 of 1 Title: Graph theoretical results obtained by the support of the expert system "GRAPH" survey Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, D); Simic, S (Simic, S)Editor(s): Fajtlowicz S; Fowler PW; Hansen P; Janowitz MF; Roberts FSSource: Graphs and Discovery Book Series: DIMACS SERIES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCES Volume: 69 Pages: 39Conference Title: DIMACS-WorkingTheoretic and Chemical DatabasesConference Date: NOV 12-16, 2001Conference Location: New Brunswick, NJConference Host: Rutgers Univ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић Cvetkovic D., 2000, U BEOGRAD PUBL ELE M, V11, P79

Title: Bicyclic graphs with small positive index of inertia Author(s): Yu, GH (Yu, Guihai); Feng, LH (Feng, Lihua); Wang, QW (Wang, Qingwen)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 5 Pages: 2036DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2012.09.031 Published: MAR 1 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Graph theoretical results obtained by the support of the expert system "GRAPH"

Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, D); Simic, S (Simic, S) Editor(s): Fajtlowicz S; Fowler PW; Hansen P; Janowitz MF; Roberts FS Source: Graphs and Discovery Book Series: DIMACS SERIES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCES Volume: 69 Pages: 39-70 Published: 2005

Working-Group Meeting on Computer-Generated Conjectures from Graph oretic and Chemical Databases

16, 2001 Conference Location: New Brunswick, NJ Conference Host: Rutgers Univ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


INTEGRAL GRAPHS Author(s): Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran) Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 90 Pages: 321-335 Published: JAN 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

integral graphs with edge-degrees at most five Author(s): Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.); Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran)

MATHEMATICS Volume: 308 Issue: 20 Pages: 4625-10.1016/j.disc.2007.08.055 Published: OCT 28 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEVANOVIC D, 1999, FILOMAT NIS, V13, P1

Title: Graph theoretical results obtained by the support of the expert system "GRAPH"

Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, D); Simic, S (Simic, S) Editor(s): Fajtlowicz S; Fowler PW; Hansen P; Janowitz MF; Roberts FS

rce: Graphs and Discovery Book Series: DIMACS SERIES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCES Volume: 69 Pages: 39-70 Published: 2005

Working-Group Meeting on Computer-Generated Conjectures from Graph ic and Chemical Databases

16, 2001 Conference Location: New Brunswick, NJ Conference Host: Rutgers Univ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

QW (Wang, Qingwen) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 438 Issue: 5 Pages: 2036-2045

Title: Graph theoretical results obtained by the support of the expert system "GRAPH" - An extended

Source: Graphs and Discovery Book Series: DIMACS SERIES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND 70 Published: 2005

Generated Conjectures from Graph

335 Published: JAN 2009

-4634 DOI:

Title: Graph theoretical results obtained by the support of the expert system "GRAPH" - An extended

rce: Graphs and Discovery Book Series: DIMACS SERIES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND 70 Published: 2005

Generated Conjectures from Graph

Page 97: Dragan Stevanović


STEVANOVIC D, 1998, NOTES, V34, P31STEVANOVIC D, 1998, GRAPH THEORY NOTES N, V34, P31 Record 1 of 9 Title: Cluj CJ and PIv PolynomialsAuthor(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Ghorbani, M (Ghorbani, Modjtaba); Ashrafi, AR (Ashrafi, Ali R.)Source: CROATICA CHEMICA ACTA Volume: 83 Issue: 3 Pages: 283----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 9 Title: Building Graphs Whose Independence PolynomiAuthor(s): Mandrescu, E (Mandrescu, Eugen)Source: GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS Volume: 25 Issue: 4 Pages: 54510.1007/s00373-009-0857-5 Published: NOV 2009 --------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 9 Title: Cluj polynomials Author(s): Diudea, M (Diudea, Mircea V.)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Pages: 29510.1007/s10910-008-9406-3 Published: FEB 2009 Conference Title: Conference on 20 Years of Molecular Topology in ClujConference Date: SEP 25-30, 2006Conference Location: Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 9 Title: Omega polynomial and its use in nanostructure descriptionAuthor(s): Diudea, M (Diudea, M. V.); Cigher, S (Cigher, S.); Vizitiu, A (Vizitiu, A. E.); Florescu, M (Florescu, M. S.); John, P (John, P. E.)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Vo10.1007/s10910-008-9408-1 Published: FEB 2009 Conference Title: Conference on 20 Years of Molecular Topology in ClujConference Date: SEP 25-30, 2006Conference Location: Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 5 of 9 Title: Omega and related counting polynomialsAuthor(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Cigher, S (Cigher, Simona); John, PE (John, Peter E.)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Pages: 237----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 9 Title: Omega polynomial in twisted ((4,8)3)R toriAuthor(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 60 Issue: 3 Pages: 935Conference Title: 1st Meeting of the EuropeanConference Date: OCT 23-26, 2007Conference Location: Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић OTES, V34, P31


Title: Cluj CJ and PIv Polynomials Author(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Ghorbani, M (Ghorbani, Modjtaba); Ashrafi, AR (Ashrafi, Ali R.) Source: CROATICA CHEMICA ACTA Volume: 83 Issue: 3 Pages: 283-289 Published: OCT 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Building Graphs Whose Independence Polynomials Have Only Real RootsAuthor(s): Mandrescu, E (Mandrescu, Eugen) Source: GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS Volume: 25 Issue: 4 Pages: 545

5 Published: NOV 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Author(s): Diudea, M (Diudea, Mircea V.) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Pages: 295

3 Published: FEB 2009 ference Title: Conference on 20 Years of Molecular Topology in Cluj

30, 2006 Conference Location: Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Omega polynomial and its use in nanostructure description Author(s): Diudea, M (Diudea, M. V.); Cigher, S (Cigher, S.); Vizitiu, A (Vizitiu, A. E.); Florescu, M (Florescu, M. S.); John, P (John, P. E.) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Pages: 316

1 Published: FEB 2009 Conference Title: Conference on 20 Years of Molecular Topology in Cluj

30, 2006 Conference Location: Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA


Title: Omega and related counting polynomials Author(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Cigher, S (Cigher, Simona); John, PE (John, Peter E.)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Pages: 237-250 Published: 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

polynomial in twisted ((4,8)3)R tori Author(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.)

COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 60 Issue: 3 Pages: 935-944 Published: 2008 Conference Title: 1st Meeting of the European-Society-of-Mathematical-Chemistry

26, 2007 Conference Location: Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Ilic, A (Ilic, Aleksandar); Ghorbani, M (Ghorbani,

289 Published: OCT 2010

als Have Only Real Roots

Source: GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS Volume: 25 Issue: 4 Pages: 545-556 DOI:

Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Pages: 295-308 DOI:

Author(s): Diudea, M (Diudea, M. V.); Cigher, S (Cigher, S.); Vizitiu, A (Vizitiu, A. E.); Florescu, M

lume: 45 Issue: 2 Pages: 316-329 DOI:

Author(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Cigher, S (Cigher, Simona); John, PE (John, Peter E.) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY



Page 98: Dragan Stevanović


Record 7 of 9 Title: Omega polynomial in twisted (4,4) toriAuthor(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, M. V.); Vizitiu, AE (Vizitiu, A. E.); Gholaminezhad, F (Gholaminezhad, F.); Ashrafi, AR (Ashrafi, A. R.) Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 60 Issue: 3 Pages: 94Conference Title: 1st Meeting of the EuropeanConference Date: OCT 23-26, 2007Conference Location: Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA----------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 9 Title: Cluj and related polynomials applied in correlating studiesAuthor(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Vizitiu, AE (Vizitiu, A. E.); Janezic, D (Janezic, Dusanka)Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING Volume: 47 Issue: 3 Pages: 864-874 DOI: 10.1021/ci600482j Published: MAY----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 9 of 9 Title: Independence polynomials and the unimodality conjecture for very wellregularizable, and perfect graphsAuthor(s): Levit, VE (Levit, Vadim E.); Mandrescu, E (Mandrescu, Eugen)Editor(s): Bondy A; Fonlupt J; Fouquet JL; Fournier JC; ASource: Graph Theory in Paris: PROCEEDINGS OF A CONFERENCE IN MEMORY OF CALUDE BERGE Book Series: TRENDS IN MATHEMATICS Pages: 2437400-6_19 Published: 2007 Conference Title: International Conference on Graph TConference Date: JUL, 2004 Conference Location: Paris, FRANCE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CVETKOVIC D, 1998, U BEOGRAD PUBL ELE M, V9, P103CVETKOVIC D, 1998, U BEOGRADE PUBL ELEK, V9, P89 Record 1 of 8 Title: Star complements in regular graphs: Old and new resultsAuthor(s): Rowlinson, P (Rowlinson, Peter); TayfehSource: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2230-2242 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.04.022 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph TheoryConference Date: DEC 01-04, 2008Conference Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILConference Host: Mil Inst Engn----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 8 Title: Some families of integral graphsAuthor(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong);XL (Li, Xueliang); Still, G (Still, Georg)Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 308 Issue: 24 Pages: 638310.1016/j.disc.2007.12.010 Published: DEC 28 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 8 Title: Some Star Complements for the Second Largest Eigenvalue of a GraphAuthor(s): Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran)Source: ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Pages: 126DEC 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

isted (4,4) tori Author(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, M. V.); Vizitiu, AE (Vizitiu, A. E.); Gholaminezhad, F (Gholaminezhad,


Volume: 60 Issue: 3 Pages: 945-953 Published: 2008 Conference Title: 1st Meeting of the European-Society-of-Mathematical-Chemistry

26, 2007 Conference Location: Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Cluj and related polynomials applied in correlating studies Author(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Vizitiu, AE (Vizitiu, A. E.); Janezic, D (Janezic, Dusanka)Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING Volume: 47 Issue: 3 Pages:

874 DOI: 10.1021/ci600482j Published: MAY-JUN 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Independence polynomials and the unimodality conjecture for very wellregularizable, and perfect graphs Author(s): Levit, VE (Levit, Vadim E.); Mandrescu, E (Mandrescu, Eugen) Editor(s): Bondy A; Fonlupt J; Fouquet JL; Fournier JC; Alfonsin JLR Source: Graph Theory in Paris: PROCEEDINGS OF A CONFERENCE IN MEMORY OF CALUDE BERGE Book Series: TRENDS IN MATHEMATICS Pages: 243-254 DOI: 10.1007/978

Conference Title: International Conference on Graph Theory held in Memory of Claude Berge (GT04)

Conference Location: Paris, FRANCE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CVETKOVIC D, 1998, U BEOGRAD PUBL ELE M, V9, P103 CVETKOVIC D, 1998, U BEOGRADE PUBL ELEK, V9, P89

Title: Star complements in regular graphs: Old and new results Author(s): Rowlinson, P (Rowlinson, Peter); Tayfeh-Rezaie, B (Tayfeh-Rezaie, Behruz)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2242 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.04.022 Published: APR 15 2010 Conference Title: Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory

04, 2008 e Location: Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL

Conference Host: Mil Inst Engn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Some families of integral graphs Author(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Broersma, H (Broersma, Hajo); Hoede, C (Hoede, Cornelis); Li, XL (Li, Xueliang); Still, G (Still, Georg) Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 308 Issue: 24 Pages: 6383-10.1016/j.disc.2007.12.010 Published: DEC 28 2008


Title: Some Star Complements for the Second Largest Eigenvalue of a GraphAuthor(s): Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran) Source: ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Pages: 126


Др Драган П. Стевановић

Author(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, M. V.); Vizitiu, AE (Vizitiu, A. E.); Gholaminezhad, F (Gholaminezhad,



Author(s): Diudea, MV (Diudea, Mircea V.); Vizitiu, AE (Vizitiu, A. E.); Janezic, D (Janezic, Dusanka) Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING Volume: 47 Issue: 3 Pages:

Title: Independence polynomials and the unimodality conjecture for very well-covered, quasi-

Source: Graph Theory in Paris: PROCEEDINGS OF A CONFERENCE IN MEMORY OF CALUDE 254 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-7643-

heory held in Memory of Claude Berge (GT04)

Rezaie, Behruz) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 432 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI

2242 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.04.022 Published: APR 15 2010

Broersma, H (Broersma, Hajo); Hoede, C (Hoede, Cornelis); Li,

-6391 DOI:

Title: Some Star Complements for the Second Largest Eigenvalue of a Graph

Source: ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Pages: 126-136 Published:

Page 99: Dragan Stevanović


Record 4 of 8 Title: Q-integral graphs with edgeAuthor(s): Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.); Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran)Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 308 Issue: 20 Pages: 462510.1016/j.disc.2007.08.055 Published: OCT 28 2008 -------------------------------------------Record 5 of 8 Title: Indecomposable Laplacian integral graphsAuthor(s): Grone, R (Grone, Robert); Merris, R (Merris, Russell)Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 428 Issue: 7 PagDOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2007.09.025 Published: APR 1 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 8 Title: Integral trees of diameter 6Author(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong)XL (Li, Xueliang); Still, G (Still, Georg)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 155 Issue: 10 Pages: 125410.1016/j.dam.2006.10.014 Published: MAY 15 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 7 of 8 Title: Three classes of bipartite integral graphsAuthor(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Sun, H (Sun, Hao)Editor(s): Akiyama J; Chen WYC; Kano M; Li X; Yu Source: Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics and Graph Theory Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume: 4381 Pages: 206Conference Title: 7th China-Japan Conference on Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics and Graph Theory Conference Date: NOV 22-24, 2005Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINAConference Host: NW Polytech Univ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 8 of 8 Title: Graph theoretical results obtained by the support of the expert system "GRAPH" survey Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, D); Simic, S (Simic, S)Editor(s): Fajtlowicz S; Fowler PW; Hansen P; Janowitz MF; Roberts FSSource: Graphs and Discovery Book Series: DIMACS STHEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCES Volume: 69 Pages: 39Conference Title: DIMACS-WorkingTheoretic and Chemical DatabasesConference Date: NOV 12-16, 2001Conference Location: New Brunswick, NJConference Host: Rutgers Univ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

integral graphs with edge-degrees at most five Author(s): Simic, SK (Simic, Slobodan K.); Stanic, Z (Stanic, Zoran) Source: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 308 Issue: 20 Pages: 4625-10.1016/j.disc.2007.08.055 Published: OCT 28 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Indecomposable Laplacian integral graphs Author(s): Grone, R (Grone, Robert); Merris, R (Merris, Russell) Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 428 Issue: 7 PagDOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2007.09.025 Published: APR 1 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Integral trees of diameter 6 Author(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Broersma, H (Broersma, Hajo); Hoede, C (Hoede, Cornelis); Li, XL (Li, Xueliang); Still, G (Still, Georg) Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 155 Issue: 10 Pages: 125410.1016/j.dam.2006.10.014 Published: MAY 15 2007


Title: Three classes of bipartite integral graphs Author(s): Wang, LG (Wang, Ligong); Sun, H (Sun, Hao) Editor(s): Akiyama J; Chen WYC; Kano M; Li X; Yu Q Source: Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics and Graph Theory Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume: 4381 Pages: 206-215 Published: 2007

Japan Conference on Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics and Graph

24, 2005 Conference Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA Conference Host: NW Polytech Univ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

obtained by the support of the expert system "GRAPH"

Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, D); Simic, S (Simic, S) Editor(s): Fajtlowicz S; Fowler PW; Hansen P; Janowitz MF; Roberts FS Source: Graphs and Discovery Book Series: DIMACS SERIES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCES Volume: 69 Pages: 39-70 Published: 2005

Working-Group Meeting on Computer-Generated Conjectures from Graph Theoretic and Chemical Databases

16, 2001 Conference Location: New Brunswick, NJ Conference Host: Rutgers Univ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

-4634 DOI:

Source: LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 428 Issue: 7 Pages: 1565-1570

; Broersma, H (Broersma, Hajo); Hoede, C (Hoede, Cornelis); Li,

Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 155 Issue: 10 Pages: 1254-1266 DOI:

Source: Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics and Graph Theory Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN

Japan Conference on Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics and Graph

obtained by the support of the expert system "GRAPH" - An extended


Generated Conjectures from Graph

Page 100: Dragan Stevanović


STEVANOVIC D, 1998, THESIS U NIS NIS Record 1 of 1 Title: Graph theoretical results obtained by the support of the expert system "GRAPH" survey Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, D); Simic, S (Simic, S)Editor(s): Fajtlowicz S; Fowler PW; Hansen P; Janowitz MF; Roberts FSSource: Graphs and Discovery Book Series: DIMACS SERIES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCES Volume: 69 Pages: 39Conference Title: DIMACS-WorkingTheoretic and Chemical DatabasesConference Date: NOV 12-16, 2001Conference Location: New Brunswick, NJConference Host: Rutgers Univ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stevanovic D., 1997, U BEOGRAD PUBL ELE M, V8, P84STEVANOVIC D, 1997, PUBL ELEKTROTEHN F M, V8, P84 Record 1 of 6 Title: On Circulants Uniquely Characterized by their Independence PolynomialsAuthor(s): Brown, J (Brown, Jason); Hoshino, R (Hoshino, Richard)Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 104 Pages: 363----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 2 of 6 Title: On the Independence Polynomial of an Antiregular GraphAuthor(s): Levit, VE (Levit, Vadim E.); Mandrescu, E (Mandrescu, Eugen)Source: CARPATHIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS Volume: 28 Issue: 2 Pages: 279Published: 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 3 of 6 Title: Cluj polynomials Author(s): Diudea, M (Diudea, Mircea V.)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Pages: 29510.1007/s10910-008-9406-3 Published: FEB 2009 Conference Title: Conference on 20 Years of Molecular Topology in ClujConference Date: SEP 25-30, 2006Conference Location: Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 4 of 6 Title: Omega polynomial and its use in nanostructure descriptionAuthor(s): Diudea, M (Diudea, M. V.); Cigher, S (Cigher, S.); Vizitiu, A (Vizitiu, A. E.); Florescu, M (Florescu, M. S.); John, P (John, P. E.)Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Pages10.1007/s10910-008-9408-1 Published: FEB 2009 Conference Title: Conference on 20 Years of Molecular Topology in ClujConference Date: SEP 25-30, 2006Conference Location: Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA---------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић STEVANOVIC D, 1998, THESIS U NIS NIS

Graph theoretical results obtained by the support of the expert system "GRAPH"

Author(s): Cvetkovic, D (Cvetkovic, D); Simic, S (Simic, S) Editor(s): Fajtlowicz S; Fowler PW; Hansen P; Janowitz MF; Roberts FS Source: Graphs and Discovery Book Series: DIMACS SERIES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCES Volume: 69 Pages: 39-70 Published: 2005

Working-Group Meeting on Computer-Generated Conjectures from Graph retic and Chemical Databases

16, 2001 Conference Location: New Brunswick, NJ Conference Host: Rutgers Univ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Title: On Circulants Uniquely Characterized by their Independence PolynomialsAuthor(s): Brown, J (Brown, Jason); Hoshino, R (Hoshino, Richard) Source: ARS COMBINATORIA Volume: 104 Pages: 363-374 Published: APR 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: On the Independence Polynomial of an Antiregular Graph thor(s): Levit, VE (Levit, Vadim E.); Mandrescu, E (Mandrescu, Eugen)

Source: CARPATHIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS Volume: 28 Issue: 2 Pages: 279


Author(s): Diudea, M (Diudea, Mircea V.) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Pages: 295

3 Published: FEB 2009 on 20 Years of Molecular Topology in Cluj

30, 2006 Conference Location: Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

and its use in nanostructure description Author(s): Diudea, M (Diudea, M. V.); Cigher, S (Cigher, S.); Vizitiu, A (Vizitiu, A. E.); Florescu, M (Florescu, M. S.); John, P (John, P. E.) Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Pages

1 Published: FEB 2009 Conference Title: Conference on 20 Years of Molecular Topology in Cluj

30, 2006 Conference Location: Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Graph theoretical results obtained by the support of the expert system "GRAPH" - An extended

Source: Graphs and Discovery Book Series: DIMACS SERIES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND 70 Published: 2005

Generated Conjectures from Graph

Title: On Circulants Uniquely Characterized by their Independence Polynomials

374 Published: APR 2012

Source: CARPATHIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS Volume: 28 Issue: 2 Pages: 279-288

Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Pages: 295-308 DOI:

Author(s): Diudea, M (Diudea, M. V.); Cigher, S (Cigher, S.); Vizitiu, A (Vizitiu, A. E.); Florescu, M

Source: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Pages: 316-329 DOI:

Page 101: Dragan Stevanović


Record 5 of 6 Title: On the roots of independence polynomials of almost all very wellAuthor(s): Levit, VE (Levit, Vadim E.); Mandrescu, E (Mandrescu, Eugen)Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 156 Issue: 4 Pages: 47810.1016/j.dam.2006.06.016 Published: FEB 15 2008 Conference Title: 3rd Workshop on Interdisciplinary Applications of Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Algorithms Conference Date: MAY 27-29, 200Conference Location: Haifa, ISRAELConference Host: Univ Haifa ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record 6 of 6 Title: Independence polynomials and the unimodality conjecture for very wellregularizable, and perfect graphsAuthor(s): Levit, VE (Levit, Vadim E.); Mandrescu, E (Mandrescu, Eugen)Editor(s): Bondy A; Fonlupt J; Fouquet JL; Fournier JC; Alfonsin JLRSource: Graph Theory in Paris: PROCEEDINGS OF A CONFERENCE IN MEMORY OF CALUDE BERGE Book Series: TRENDS IN MATHEMATICS Pages: 2437400-6_19 Published: 2007 Conference Title: International Conference on Graph Theory held iConference Date: JUL, 2004 Conference Location: Paris, FRANCE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEVANOVIC D, LIN ALGEBRA IN PRESS Record 1 of 1 Title: On Incidence Energy of GraphsAuthor(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Kiani, D (Kiani, Dariush); Mirzakhah, M (Mirzakhah, Maryam)Source: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 573----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Др Драган П. Стевановић

Title: On the roots of independence polynomials of almost all very well-covered graphsAuthor(s): Levit, VE (Levit, Vadim E.); Mandrescu, E (Mandrescu, Eugen)

LIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 156 Issue: 4 Pages: 47810.1016/j.dam.2006.06.016 Published: FEB 15 2008 Conference Title: 3rd Workshop on Interdisciplinary Applications of Graph Theory, Combinatorics and

29, 2003 Conference Location: Haifa, ISRAEL


Title: Independence polynomials and the unimodality conjecture for very wellregularizable, and perfect graphs Author(s): Levit, VE (Levit, Vadim E.); Mandrescu, E (Mandrescu, Eugen) Editor(s): Bondy A; Fonlupt J; Fouquet JL; Fournier JC; Alfonsin JLR Source: Graph Theory in Paris: PROCEEDINGS OF A CONFERENCE IN MEMORY OF CALUDE BERGE Book Series: TRENDS IN MATHEMATICS Pages: 243-254 DOI: 10.1007/978

Conference Title: International Conference on Graph Theory held in Memory of Claude Berge (GT04)

Conference Location: Paris, FRANCE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEVANOVIC D, LIN ALGEBRA IN PRESS

Incidence Energy of Graphs Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Kiani, D (Kiani, Dariush); Mirzakhah, M (Mirzakhah, Maryam)



Др Драган П. Стевановић

covered graphs

LIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 156 Issue: 4 Pages: 478-491 DOI:

Conference Title: 3rd Workshop on Interdisciplinary Applications of Graph Theory, Combinatorics and

Title: Independence polynomials and the unimodality conjecture for very well-covered, quasi-

Source: Graph Theory in Paris: PROCEEDINGS OF A CONFERENCE IN MEMORY OF CALUDE 254 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-7643-

n Memory of Claude Berge (GT04)

Author(s): Gutman, I (Gutman, Ivan); Kiani, D (Kiani, Dariush); Mirzakhah, M (Mirzakhah, Maryam) COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY