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Dr. Jürgen Breuer, Worms_ Bliggers Umbehang_ the Nibelungenlied 1. Understanding of the Nibelungenlied

Feb 29, 2016



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    Dr. Jrgen Breuer, Worms:

    Bliggers Umbehang: The Nibelungenlied 1. Understanding of the Nibelungenlied

    The Nibelungenlied describes in 38 Aventiuren, adventures,


    the history of

    Royal Family of the Burgundians. Residence of the three kings Gunther, Gernot and

    Giselher and their beautiful sister Kriemhild is Worms, the capital


    This epic was in spite of a relatively simple plot structure of the German

    Research, especially the German, a variety of problems on the one hand

    leaves the quantity of manuscripts to the prevalence in the later Middle Ages

    Close, on the other hand, the author does not mention.


    The time of origin in 1200 is hard to specify precisely. Detectable


    Covers, inner literary chronological relations and the

    Rhyme technique give a frame of 1180 - 1210. Historical time references to

    Staufer rule sound, but have more the character of the update

    older fables of the Burgundians, their kings and the Empire. The Dissemination

    the manuscripts scattered throughout the late Middle Ages; first

    the medieval reception focused on the surroundings of Lake Constance,

    in the 15th century but are also found in the Rhine-Frankish and in

    Dutch space copies that of a large-scale distribution

    Suggest song.

    After the retrieval of the Nibelungenlied in Hohenems arose from the

    Romance out under the umbrella of a nationally oriented German in 19th

    Century the tendency to study the linguistic work of art on the

    to limit German philology.

    The idea of poetic and creative soul of the people left the German to

    Language history, textual criticism and mythology limit. (...) Under the care

    students Lachmann came philology as textual criticism to full bloom.

    Man lost in individual questions, albeit in the with unusual

    Passion led Nibelungen dispute whose leader Karl Mllenhoff, Franz

    Pfeiffer and Karl Bartsch were the among the presented little things

    Struggle for the freedom of research raged.

    Since the German nation-building in 1871, the Nibelungenlied was on the other hand


    Manuscript C, manuscript B has by dividing a Aventiure more.


    The research results on the Nibelungenlied and the action are summarized and listed in


    Bumke: The four versions derNibelungenklage`, 1996, ibid

    Page 2


    Available as a political ambitions field. The political use of constellations

    changed for the Nibelungenlied in the 19th century of sophisti-

  • republican to royalist reactionary and then sat down on the first

    World War and its coping continued in Nazism. Chancellor

    von Blow coined in 1909 the term of unquestioning loyalty; Paul von Hindenburg

    compared with Germany's defeat Siegfried's murder; Hermann Gring

    appointed in 1943 to the struggle of the Nibelungen.

    The romantic approaches and the orientation of the German in the

    Wilhelmine period to the north have a to this day

    created irrational cycle of legends which the Nibelungenlied and its

    are contemporary reception does not do justice. Sigurd is not Siegfried and

    Hgni not Hagen. So make the Nibelungenlied excited Reuse and

    Neudichtungen a special reception strand (Raupach 1834 Geibel 1861

    Hebbel 1862), who has worked back to the understanding of the Nibelungenlied. The

    is still regarded mainly for predominantly fed from Nordic sources new

    Mythologizing of the substance in Richard Wagner's Ring des Nibelungen (1863).

    Here the path of the historian is taken back to the sources: the

    Consideration of the kingdom of the Franks under the Merovingian dynasty, the

    Carolingian, the Salian and finally the Staufer royal court in Worms

    allows the term of the Nibelungs and the Burgundians historically plausible

    to make and to also mention the poet of the Nibelungenlied ..

    Page 3


    2. The contents

    Part One (16 Aventiuren)

    In the land of the Burgundians to Worms on the Rhine, there is King Gunther. His

    Brothers Gernot and Giselher stand by his side. Among many other nobles

    including Hagen of Tronje and Volker von Alzey the wake of three

    Brothers. These do not have a sister, the beautiful Kriemhild to the Siegfried

    advertises of Xanten, the case as a heroic and invulnerable dragon slayer

    the Burgondenknigen is already known.

    Siegfried is Kriemhild get to wife, he must Gunther helps

    beautiful and exceptionally strong Brunhild to overcome Queen of Iceland,

    and as a wife to win. Using its Alberich the dwarf wrested

    Stealth defeated Brunhild Siegfried, invisible to the Gunther's side fighting.

    Any return to Worms, where double wedding is celebrated.

    Siegfried and Kriemhild spend in Xanten ten happy years until on

    Invitation Gunther and greisem accompanied by Siegfried's father Siegmund

    come back to Worms. Here come the two queens front of the cathedral

    reveals in dispute, and Kriemhild, Brunhild that time not by Gunther, but

    has been defeated by Siegfried. For their revenge win Brunhild Hagen, who

    the pretext of wanting to protect Siegfried, Kriemhild of the only

    Siegfried's vulnerable spot undergoes. At a fountain at the Odenwald

    pierced him Hagen from behind with his spear.

    Part Two (11 Aventiuren):

    Kriemhilds hatred of Hagen is heightened when this her from Siegfried

    inherited and transported to Worms Nibelungen Treasure takes away and in

    Rhine sunk. After years of mourning she takes the advertising of Hun

    Etzel, presented by Margrave Rdiger von Bechelaren, and attracts the

    Hunnenhof. After marriage in Vienna and moving into Etzel's castle

    she reigns as queen over the Huns and gives Etzel also a son

  • named Ortlieb. Your revenge for the murder of Siegfried but they will not forget.

    After 13 years, she invites her brothers with their retinue to a feast. Despite the

    Warning Hagens decide the kings, the invitation to follow; in the

    Border region they are hosted by hospitable Margrave Rdiger; here

    it comes with even the engagement between the daughter and Rdiger Gotelinds

    Giselher and exchange of gifts before the Burgundians to Etzel

    Burg continue riding.

    Part Three (11 Aventiuren):

    Page 4


    The Burgundians, now also known as Nibelung, come under Hagens and

    Volkers guide to Etzel's court. Volker and Hagen take a hostile

    Attitude towards Kriemhild, which in Hagen hands Siegfried's sword

    Balmung sees and finally demands the Nibelung treasure. Volker and

    Hagen demonstrate their opposition. Kriemhild succeeds after futile

    Try finally, Bldel, brother Etzel to gain revenge for their plan:

    But this loses by Hagens brother Dankwart life before the

    Burgundian squire be slain; on this news heads Hagen

    the young prince Ortlieb. In combat all Burgundians fall to Hagen

    and Gunther, who was captured by Dietrich von Bern and before Kriemhild

    to be brought. You can kill Gunther to get out of the hiding place of Hagen

    To learn Nibelung treasure; when he is silent, she kills him by hand and

    then the old Hildebrand, the armorer Dietrich, with the sword

    struck down.

    This is the downfall of the dynasty of the Burgundians, the seizure after

    the Nibelung treasure and the sword Balmung also called Nibelungen


    All manuscripts of the Nibelungenlied is a second, Christian-oriented

    Narration added, the action: The messenger Werbel and Swmmel report in

    Passau and in Worms from the demise of the Nibelungen at Etzel's court.

    3. The "Nibelungen" in the epic

    The name Nibelung does not appear in Nibelungenlied for a single song figure

    but he referred to in the first part of the treasure owners who subdues Siegfried,

    namely the king's sons and Schilbung Nibelung, in the second part it is then

    to identify the Nibelungen with the Burgundians; it is said in verse


    The Snellen Burgundians themselves hoben UZ

    d waiting Uupper in the countryside a Michel.

    beidenthalp the mountains weinde WIP and you.

    SWI there ir volc getaete, si fuoren vroelche dan.

    The Nibelunges helde Komen with in Dan

    halspergen in tsent. ze Hs si heten ln

    vil manige nice vrouwen, di si geshen never m

    Sfrides the wounds did Kriemhilde WE.

    Page 5


    Burgundians and Nibelungen be quite regionally differentiated. Siegfried is

    in the first part of the Lord of the Nibelungs, his wife Kriemhild lays claim

  • on the treasure as dowry. Here at the start to Etzel's court include

    Nibelungen with the Burgundians to force. If then in the sequence when train

    to Etzel's court the Wormser Army Group under Hagens leadership as Nibelungen

    is called (NL 1712; 1723; 1734; 1867; 1897; 2172), then marked the

    Poet, that dominion over the Nibelungenland after Siegfried's death at the

    Burgundians has passed. Siegfried, throughout as the hero of the Netherlands

    called, is after defeating dwarf Alberich as the ruler of the

    Seen Nibelungen and also the stronghold of the Nibelungen based (NL 736).

    The varied use of the term "Nibelungen", even for the

    People that Siegfried by the killing of kings Schilbung and Nibelung and

    Overcoming the dwarf Alberich has conquered, then the Wormser Heeres-

    Reck or association which comes under Hagens guide to Etzel's court should be,

    explain, as the symbol of the sword and the Balmung Nibelungenhort. The

    both Nibelungen kings passed this sword Siegfried for rent (NL 91) and

    by means of this sword succeeds Siegfried to slay the kings, Alberich

    defeat and win the Nibelungenhort.

    Siegfried used this sword successfully against the Danes and Saxons (NL

    205), he used it even in the hunt (NL 952). After the murder of Siegfried

    Hagen carries this sword that he won on a bad kind (NL 1795), he sets it

    against Hildebrand (NL 2302) and to Dietrich von Bern (NL 2347) a. The same

    Sword Balmung is the poet than the sword, or the Nibelungen

    designated (NL 2344 u. 2345). Hagen is in spite of the sword of Dietrich

    tied up and loses his life.

    Looking at the sword as the symbol of kingship in the Middle Ages,

    as required by the symbolism of the imperial regalia, then the in epic

    process illustrated quite plausible: Siegfried wins by the "borrowed"

    or donated sword of Nibelung the power and stronghold, by the

    young Nibelungen kings slays; Hagen takes over as the murderer of Siegfried

    Sword and power and adds thereby the Nibelungen in the retinue of

    Burgundians a. The popular or dynasty name Nibelungen comes in

    two ways to the Burgundians over: you have the sword, and also the

    Treasure, that all political power, through their crimes received, they are allowed to

    boast of the name of the Nibelungen, but go to this fame because of their

    Excessiveness, its unmaze, based. The Hagen ultimately also benefits the

    Sword of the Nibelungen, Balmung, with whom he still met Hildebrand crucial

    nothing more than Dietrich ties him with strong arms.

    The Nibelungen sword Balmung corresponds Nibelungenhort. View this design

    pervades as consistent as the sword of the overall action of the

    Epic (NL 87, 771, 1113, 1268, 1320, 1738, 1739). The Hort owner Siegfried

    Page 6


    seems plagued by any scruples, acquired the treasure by homicide to

    have, but he appears unconcerned on without actually legitimize its possession

    to. Likewise, Hagen goes to the nursery to unlawfully and sunk him

    Finally, in the Rhine. Finally Kriemhild beheads her adversary Hagen

    the sword Balmung because this is not the hiding place of the Nibelung treasure


    4. The Nibelungen as Carolingian historian

    It appears from the statement Song forth little sense, the name "Nibelungen" on

  • to relate historical individual personalities. The Nibelungs are rather than

    People to capture parallel as the root or as an aristocratic group to the song historically;


    The insignia, sword and treasure became violently Siegfried, then

    After his assassination Hagen or Burgondenknige. Since the acquisition of

    Treasure and the sword are the Burgundians called Nibelungen.

    The two described in connection with the Nibelung operations:

    Treasury division and transfer of the sword, are the historian as Reich divisions

    and change of dynasty familiar in the history of the Franks. We can in

    inform the two main sources of Frankish history:

    Gregory of Tours (538-594) reported in the "Ten Books History" from

    Reich division principle of the Merovingian and the so-called. Fredegar continued this

    Historiography by "The Four Books of Chronicles" continues until the year

    736. This is mainly the realm of the Merovingian and divisions

    its managers, the Carolingian Meier and the Treasure Theme:


    Let the names of the authors of the sequels Fredegar's Chronicle

    listen up :. Count Hildebrand of Burgundy, brother or half-brother of Karl

    Martell - this is the grandfather of Charlemagne - was responsible for the second

    Continuation of the historic opera 736-751.


    His son, Count of Burgundy Nibelung dictated the history of the Carolingian

    751-768 his clerk. Is the highlight of their time

    the change of dynasty of the Merovingians to the Carolingians, also Pippinids


    Herwig Wolfram: Introduction to: The four books of the Chronicles of the so-called

    Fredegar (Baron

    from Stone Memorial Edition IV a), p.6: "must Particular emphasis of the work


    his interest in the royal treasury (eg, IV 85), taxation (II 37, III 80, IV 24) and for the

    Theory of international relations (eg, IV 87) shall apply. "


    Ibid. P.8: "Hildebrand, who was so against his half-brother remained completely loyal,


    Possessions in nearby Melun and probably at Autun. About the place where these

    pippinidisch-nibelungische house story was written, no further details can be

    determined, but

    they too may have been written in Metz. "

    Page 7



    Still Count Hildebrand reported: "At this time, on the Council and the

    Sent an embassy to the consent of all the Franks the apostolic seat

    and after the papal verdict became known, was the

    illustrious Pippin, as of old, the order requires, by selection

    all francs together with the Queen to the throne of the kingdom Bertrada

    set, which initiated him the bishops and the leading men of the kingdom to him

    subdued. "


  • When the last Merovingian king Childeric III. 751 was sent to the monastery and

    the Carolingian had taken over the kingdom, began the

    History of Count Nibelung. In the franc history states:

    "Up to this point was the vir inluster Count Hildebrand, the uncle of the king


    Pippin, the story or the action of the franc to record carefully. From

    Here the recording took place under the supervision of the vir inluster Nibelung, the

    Son of Hildebrand, who was a Graf also. "


    The change of dynasty of the Merovingians to the Carolingians falls accordingly with

    the change of history together. These so-called. Conti Nationes

    Fredegarii Count Nibelung are the main source of Franconia

    History until today is of particular importance.



    Continuationes 33 / p.299.


    Continuationes 34 / S.301.


    Herwig Wolfram: Introduction to: The four books of the Chronicles of the so-called

    Fredegar (Baron

    from Stone Memorial Edition IV a), p.9: This Conti Nationes Fredegarii are a source


    History until today is of particular importance: "The fact that her performance but so


    Charles Martel and Pippin is aimed, of course is related to the character of a house


    together. But precisely because here the opinion of the distinguished Carolingian about


    is reproduced, the Conti Nationes Fredegarii for us of extraordinary value. Especially

    noteworthy is the embossed of Old Testament ideas conception of kingship, as

    it shows in all sequels. "

    Page 8


    5. The origin of the Nibelungen

    Now the the side branch of the Carolingian entstamme ends of the author

    Conti Nationes Fredegarii Hildebrand and Nibelung no accident called

    Individual personalities, but they were members of an important

    Family group and were among the Frankish Great.

    The question of the historical Nibelungen leads far back to the time of

    Beginnings or the origin of the Carolingian dynasty. The secured

    Family tradition called Arnulf, bishop of Metz and Pippin the Elder as

    derenAhnherren that decision in the struggle for power in Austrasia, the

    Frankish Eastern Empire, 613 the rebellion against the Queen Brunhild - as

    Westgotin wife of Merovingian Siegbert I, then widow - spearheaded. The

    Rebellion succeeded, Brunhild was executed, it is in Autun, the former

    Buried capital of Burgundy.


    A century later, the Pippinids secured the final power: Karl

  • Martell, the grandfather of Charlemagne, and his half-brother Count Hildebrand

    of Burgundy, the father of the historian Nibelung, politically negotiated

    and militarily in common:

    So it is to the victories of Charles Martel: "The Saracens gathered their enemy

    Army and invaded the heavily fortified and lying on a hill town

    Avignon one; This uprising they ravaged the area. On the other hand sent

    the excellent dux Karl his brother whom dux Childebrand, a capable

    Man with other duces and comites with an army contingent in that area. They

    came very quickly to this city, pitched tents and occupied at all

    Sides the area around the city; they besieged the heavily fortified city and

    drew up a battle line, to the great warrior Karl them succeeded and the

    called City attack; he put walls around, struck camp and aggravated the

    Enclosure. As with Jericho, they attacked with war cries and sounds of tubas

    with siege equipment and rope ladders urban and house walls on, invaded

    this well-fortified town, and put them on fire; They took the army of their

    Enemies caught, slaughtered and threw them down and brought the city with

    Success returned to their violence. "


    The battles against the Arabs to Avignon, the 738 in favor of the Franks

    could be finished, show the consensual military and political

    Actions by Charles Martel and his half-brother Count Hildebrand, the

    Progenitor of the Nibelungen. In Tours / Poitiers 732 and 738 in Avignon was the


    Ibid. P.12 f.


    Fredegar continuationes 20 / p.289 f.

    Page 9


    Banned Sarazenengefahr

    With the attainment of kingship over the Franks in 751 Hildebrand has

    Son, Count Nibelung, the historiography until the coronation of Charlemagne

    adopted; He therefore enjoyed the special confidence of the dynasty


    The monastery took Nivelles in the Carolingian dynasty and its religious-

    political claim a key role; you can be the assumption

    not quite close that Count Hildebrand his son after this monastery

    named or conversely an ancestor of the dynasty the name for this

    Monastery was because the dynasty of the historical Nibelungen decreed in the 8th and


    Century on top of functions in the Frankish kingdom nobility.



    Nibelungenlied makes especially the Burgundian branch of historical

    Nibelungen interesting, with Hildebrand II., Son of Count I. Nibelung,

    attaches. . Hildebrand II son Ekkard had three sons; Besides Dietrich

    Richard, the righteous, Duke of Burgundy, and Boso, Count of Vienne, of

    particular importance: Richards son Rudolf became king of France. His

    Brother Boso, Count of Vienne, 879 could be to the king of Lower Burgundy

    crown. His son Ludwig III., The blind, 901 even reached the imperial,

  • but was captured by his adversary Berengar in Italy 905

    and blinded. Important in the overview of this genealogy Nibelungian

    Family branch is finally a Rudolf I. of Upper Burgundy, which there 888

    Another Burgundian kingdom founded. He was on his sister

    Adelheid the brother of Richard, the righteous.

    Around 900 there were therefore three adjacent control or Kingdoms with the

    Name Burgundy, two furnished as Carolingian successor states

    Kingdoms in Lower Burgundy under King Boso and his son Ludwig III.,

    Upper Burgundy under King Rudolph I (the Burgundian Guelph), and the

    West Frankish duchy of Burgundy under Richard the righteous of Burgundy,

    his son Rudolf was then 923 elected and anointed king of Francia.

    All three Burgundian kings Nibelungen, the first two (or Boso

    Ludwig III. of Lower Burgundy, and Rudolf, king of Francia) directly in

    male line descended from Count Nibelung, the third, the Welf Rudolf

    I. of Upper Burgundy, about his sister Adelheid with the historical

    Nibelungen marriage.

    Around this time, therefore, we find a trinity of Burgundy kings who made

    the sex of the Nibelungs come. Ins Nibelungenlied is this

    Triple structure of the Burgundian kings added. Simultaneously, the

    Statement of the song saying that from the Burgundians in the second part of the epic

    Be Nibelungen.


    For the following cf. Laetitia Boehm:. History of Burgundy, aaOl

    Page 10


    6. Worms as Burgunden- and Nibelungen town

    But how is it now to refer to as the capital of Worms

    Burgondenreichs and simultaneously act as a center of the whole epic?

    After the efforts of the Emperor Otto I to Burgundy and his marriage

    Adelheid, daughter of King Rudolph II. of Upper Burgundy, sister

    Conrad I., King of Burgundy, eventually joined the Salian Konrad II. And

    Henry III. . 1032 - Rudolf III, King of Burgundy, had passed away - the heritage:

    The Salian whose old grave Lege is located in the Worms Cathedral, the kings were

    of Burgundy. This Burgundian kingdom was then in the next century -

    with all three Burgundian part rich - by marriage to Beatrix of Burgundy

    the Staufer Friedrich Barbarossa and his son Henry VI .; the

    Pfalzgrafschaft Burgundy received Heinrichs brother Otto. During his lifetime, the


    the triumvirate of the Kings of Burgundy illuminate new; this had in Worms

    her favorite residence.

    The term of the Nibelungen thus comprises a total of the generations of

    Burgundian sexes, ranging from the Pippinids Hildebrand and

    Nibelung, Count of Burgundy, on the three kings Boso of Vienne, Rudolph

    II. Of Upper Burgundy and Rudolph I of France, and finally the dynasty

    Salian, based in Worms and in the follow-up to the Staufer Friedrich

    Barbarossa and Henry VI. Is the sinking of the Nibelungen at Etzel's court

    multiple matches: First 907 in the disastrous Battle of

    Pressburg, as a large part of the Carolingian aristocracy with the Margrave

    Luitpold died and the Ostmark was lost to the Hungarians; but also quite

  • Currently in failed crusade 1189/90 whose output historically the

    Decline of the Staufer dynasty initiated. With the events of

    Vlkerwanderungszeit 436/7 has the story of the song probably has little in common,

    because then came the Huns of Aetius to Burgundy, in the song draw

    Burgundians in the opposite direction to the Huns to Etzel's court.

    Page 11


    7. The Nibelungenlied and the literary tradition of the chanson de geste

    The setting of the scene of the epic by the poet in the first

    Stanzas of the Nibelungenlied is known: Kriemhild and her brothers grow in

    Burgundy on. The brothers Kriemhilds Gunther, Gernot and Giselher are there

    Kings. Make the song with their followers and the people first, the

    "Burgundians", then in the second part of the song - especially in the doomsday

    scenario -

    the Nibelung represents.

    For this is the peculiar historical parallel that the Count Nibelung -

    Historian of the Carolingian to the throne seizure of Charlemagne -

    Graf was in Burgundy, in the ancient capital of Autun, where the historical

    Brunhilde prevailed and received her tomb.

    Research has in France and in Germany before the Second World War

    diverse energy it used historical evidence for the presence

    the tribe of the Burgundians in Worms and Mainz area under King

    Gundahar find 406-436. A comparison of the historical

    Circumstances of the procedures in the Nibelungenlied is but not very productive

    remained: Neither is the historic environment of this time to reasonably safe

    open, still refer acting narrative characters and plot episodes

    specifically on this phase of the migration period. This is already alone from the

    Life and work of Queen Brunhilde clear that as supreme ruler

    in Autun and Worms not in the first half of the 5th century, but in the

    second of the 6th century has gone down in the history of Burgundy.

    The Paris Nibelungenlied researcher Jean Fourquet writes 1998:

    "For 70 years (1926-1996) I read the Nibelungenlied as the legend of the

    Burgondenuntergang, 437. No one seemed to indicate that Theodoric

    had not yet been born around 437, Attila still autocrat (and in

    eastern empire). But it was possible that the knowledge that the Burgundians

    a (relatively short) time on the left bank of the middle Rhine

    had been settled, had penetrated in scholarly circles, about about Rome

    the Arelat, and claims of the then vast state Bourgogne on the

    then "Staufer" Rhineland seemed justified. Frederick I was the king

    crowned of Burgundy in 1178. I content myself with, this possibility

    to point: the paraphrase (or paraphrase, rechristening) would be 1189

    been made at the time when the Emperor Frederick I, a mighty

    Heere Executive Board, which gathered in Regensburg, 1190 via Passau, on the

    Danube to reach Hungary. The Nibelungenlied-poet knows the spot

    unions at the exact route. Had the Empress Beatrice, Comtesse de Bourbon

    Gogne that Friedrich had married 1156, be aware of any buoch Kriemhilde,

    Page 12


  • the at this time (1150-1160) was born? They stayed like the Imperial Palace to Speyer.

    As Beatrixens father, Renaud III. Died, Friedrich was solemnly "roi de

    Bourgogne "crowned, in Arles (1178). New studies would be needed,

    to elicit whether someone knew in Arelat that the Rhineland once by the

    Burgundians had been settled ... "

    Fourquet makes it clear that the poet of the late 12th century with

    Burgundy and the Burgondenknigen another time and space rule

    thinks than previously thought. This perspective is already reflected in the

    Text structure: The poet does not mention in the initial verses the

    Tribe, but the region or territory, the kingdom or the country:

    Kriemhild growing in Burgundy (NL 2); as zen Burgundians something ir lant genant


    5). He pays primarily probably his supreme mistress the attached

    Respect, the Queen and Empress Beatrix of Burgundy, as well as his master

    Frederick Barbarossa, who was crowned in Arles in 1188 as King of Burgundy.

    This refers to the representation of Burgondenknige, its splendor and its

    But destruction is not only the end time of the Staufer Empire, the Burgundy as

    valuable part of the empire was involved and was ruled from Worms, but

    Rather, the development of the imperial power, from the sword and Hort

    Nibelungen up to the downfall of the Burgundians at Etzel's court. The historic

    Process of developing Burgundy, the author politically from his perspective

    interpreted, thus becomes a fable of the epic. Therefore the poet sums in


    verse what is happening as the Nibelunge not or Nibelunge Liet together.

    A survey of the literary landscape to the time of origin of the

    Nibelungenlied, so can be found in France a comprehensive literary tradition

    epic poetry:


    These older chansons de geste relating to military

    Events and the kings and vassals clans to the time of Charlemagne, but

    on whose ancestors as Charles Martel and Pippin and his descendants

    Louis the Pious to Charles III. (Gen. The Fool). The content

    aristocratic rulers and vassal clans and their conflicts to display

    brought total based on historical models.


    The French literary genre of chanson de geste was before the


    This art form unfolded with the Chanson de Roland (1090 originated) and the Gormont

    et Isembart

    (1068-1104). Then came the Chanson de Guillaume (1110-1120), Le Couronnement


    Louis (1131-1137), Moniage Guillaume (1160-1180), Le Voyage de Charlemagne


    1130 and 1150), Girart de Roussillon (1146-1149), the crusade cycles Chanson

    dAntioche, Les Chetifs, La

    Conqute de Jerusalem (1177-1181); also with unsecured dating Aiol, Raoul de

    Cambrai and the

    Lorraine epics Garin le Loherain, Renaut de Montauban and Gerbert de Metz (to

    1185). To see dating.

    Michael Heintze: king, hero and clan, S.21-29.

  • 12

    See below p

    Page 13


    Emergence of the Nibelungenlied distribution in German-speaking countries. Best

    Example of this is the transfer of Roland song by the priest Konrad in

    the German language; This describes the work and (9079-9083):

    I haisze the phaffe Chunrat.

    So iz at the Beech gescribin stat

    in franc hissing tongues

    I han iz in the latine bedwngin,

    Danne gekeret in di tutiske.

    (I am the priest Konrad.

    What in French

    written down in the book is,

    I have into Latin

    and then translated into German)

    The translation into German, the same time a transformation towards

    the crusade idea, was preceded by a Latin version. The present

    German version is probably originated in 1172


    and as follows Herzog

    Henry the Lion dedicated (9017-9034):

    Nu we wnschen all geliche

    the Duchess Hain Riche

    DAZ got the lone.

    di di matteria is scone.

    di sueze we have of the:

    DAZ buoch he hiz before wearing,

    gescriben ze the Karlingen.

    the siege di noble Duke held,

    Aine Richen chuoniges barn.

    (We wish all

    Duke Heinrich

    God's reward.

    The project is magnificent.

    The kindness we have from him,

    commissioned for this book he gave,

    written about the Carolingian.

    This required the noble duchess,

    the daughter of a wealthy king.)


    Dieter Kartschoke: The dating of the German "Chanson de Roland", Stuttgart 1965


    Treatises 9)

    Page 14


    Addressed in the dedication of the epic not only Henry but also

  • whose second wife Mathilde, daughter of King Henry II. of England. This

    demanded the testimony of Conrad the epic about the family of the Carolingian, daz

    buoch he hiz submit that gescriben ze the Karlingen. the siege di noble Duke held.

    Against this background the question is literary, because if not the

    Aventiuren the Nibelungenlied a chanson de geste, or as William

    Wanted to characterize W.Kibler for later modern form, a chanson

    daventures represent.


    Subject of the epic would be the fate of the clan

    the Nibelungen. There are many indications for such an assumption. First offers

    the final stanza of the poem, the events collectively, the Notice on

    the illustrious family of the historical Nibelungen:

    Ine chan iu niht modestly what sider as geschach,

    wan knights and vrowen you weep properly,

    represents knehte to di noble, Ir love friunde dead.

    since DAZ has Maere an end: diz is the Nibelunge not.

    (Version B)

    Ine say iu nu niht mers of the Grozen not -

    who were erslagen since that time Lazen dead -

    as ir is geviengen DINCH at the Huns diet.

    hie has DAZ Maere an end: DAZ is the Nibelunge Liet.

    (Version C)

    The version C suppressed stronger than B the program: Not the concept of necessity

    the Nibelungen, which is currently in the final part of the Kampftod of stretching,

    can summarize the events of the epic, but only the lapidary sentence daz

    is the Nibelunge Liet , this is the Chanson daventure des Nibelungen .

    Another indication that a chanson de geste is present, provides the determination,

    that in the historical dynasty of the Nibelung family so many names with the

    Heroes of the Nibelungenlied agree that this is the French

    Research in 1934 was striking:


    "In a discussion about the place of

    Origin of the Nibelungen, the legendary hero of the Germanic epic has,

    Recently Henri Grgoire's name Nibelung of the monastery of Nivelles

    derived and assumed that the Burgundian Nibelungen legend their


    See William W. Kibler. "La ". In: Essor et Fortune de la chanson

    de geste dans

    lEurope et Lorient latin. Actes du Congrs International de IXe Socit pour Rencesvals

    ltude of

    popes Romanes. Padoue-Venise, 29 aot-4 septembre 1982 (Modena, 1984), vol. 2,



    Levillain, Les Nibelungen historiques, S. 345, A.3: "Dans une dicussion rcente

    laquelle a donn lieu

    lorigine des Nibelungen, les Hros lgendaires de Lpope germanique, M. Henri

    Grgoire fait ce venir

    nom de Nibelung de celui de Nivelles et suppose que les Nibelungen Burgondes de La

    Legende ont

  • emprunt leur dnomination aux Nibelungen francs de qui ne lhistoire seraient, ent fait

    que les

    Pippinides. "

    Page 15


    Designation would have borrowed from the Frankish Nibelungen history that in

    Reality which were Pippinids ".

    Thanks to the comprehensive investigation of Michael Heintze to the Chanson de

    gesture and their education cycles appear set the criteria under which the

    Compared Aventiuren the Nibelungenlied with those of the French role models

    can be. In the Nibelungenlied the life of the hero appear

    and his death, the relationship between king and vassal, the loss of the model

    Features of Karlknigtums, the conflict between the king and vassal and the

    Family education on the part of the royal family, the Feudalsippen and



    Heintze succeeds, a kind of genealogy of literary figures

    form of chansons, inspired by historical models and by the

    Clan structure is marked.

    With its presentation of the royal family and their marriage practices followed by the

    Nibelungenlied poet the system of chansons de geste in the way they the

    Adel world at least since 1150 was familiar.


    In Girart de Roussillon and Raoul de

    Cambrai are the motives of the clan feud and the conflict between the king and

    Vassal already worked out in detail.

    This called royal clan arrange the rest of us either as figures

    foreign royal house or a vassal to groups, but not in a system

    the subservience but as broadly balanced consultants and opponents.

    Even Rumold, the chef, is a consultant and even as Landverweser

    taken the kings seriously.

    It therefore appears in the Nibelungenlied, a far-reaching structural relationship

    gesture with the above-cited Chansons de French origin. Important

    Common features are the conflict motives of rulers and

    Vassal families, the marriage and the resulting therefrom dynastic

    Claims and especially the common historical reference room, namely the

    Environment of Charlemagne, who speak as the ideal ruler figure the mirror image

    the successful or unsuccessful political actions of his predecessors or

    Representing successors in kingship.

    Under no circumstances should the differences with the prescribed in France

    Be overlooked song structures: the center and the starting point of all

    Aventiuren is the city of Worms, thus an eastern seaward position of the

    Frankish Empire. The Aventiuren can - with a few exceptions - no


    See Michael Heintze. King, hero and clan. Studies on the Chanson de geste of the 13th

    and 14th

    Century and its cycles Education (Studia Romanica, Ed.. Kurt Baldinger, Klaus

    Heitmann, Ulrich

    Molk. 76.Heft). Heidelberg 1991st

  • 17

    Ibid., P.207 ff.

    Page 16


    Hero image to, but rather an anti-image: Gunther overcomes Brunhild by cunning,

    Siegfried has on fraud in part, Hagen killed Siegfried sneaky, Bldel slays

    the unarmed miners, Kriemhild let the brother beheaded, kills the

    Hagen is bound, as a woman of Hildebrand cut to pieces, etc.

    The outstanding feature of the epic is thus its independence both in

    selecting praised family and the place of action; In addition, the

    very skeptical assessment of heroism and domination symbols Note

    example of Nibelungenschatz and Nibelungen sword. This prohibits from

    outset assessing the Nibelungenlied as ancient Germanic heroic epic;

    such an interpretation does not appear even by a naive

    Language comprehension forth possible because even Siegfried enters the Wormser Hof


    courtly sense not as a hero but as a brawny usurper on. And is

    Gunther - hanging on the nail - a hero? Even the figure of the ideal knight

    Rdiger, like the Dietrichs by participating in the unjust

    Extermination Kriemhilds questioned.

    Among the variety of Nibelungenlied manuscripts has the handwriting of a

    the Bodmer Library - it dates from the 15th century - one in Geneva

    Curiosity: The first 5 are Aventiuren by a prose introduction as follows

    Text replaced:

    Since you tzalt of Christ gepurde sibenn / hundertt iar afterward Inn vietzistenn the IAR


    because what pipanus Vonn frannkchreich Romisch / augostus the hueb to Ram VND


    / To Genn chostanntinapell Vonn ungeharsam the Rmr / VND verswuer he never

    is kham. He also satztt zee / Vogt ann his place Herdietreich chunig betw gottlanntt

    because / the man called tzeitt Herdietreich of pernn Pey because tzeiten / lives of the


    Romans Boetzius because herdietreich Vieng vumb / The DAZ he vast the Romr before

    the deadline with

    his weishaitt / v and was geuangen vunntz to seinenn death agony herdietrichs / zeitenn


    romischenn vogtz the auennteur / dec vergienng pueches Vonn because rekchenn VND


    kreymhilldenn /


    This historical distortion initially appears incomprehensible to the historian:

    Although the statement is correct, that Theodoric (Dietrich), called from Bern

    (Verona) his Roman contemporaries Boethius 510 consul and later

    to magister palatii appointed him eventually accuse, imprison and after a long

    Executed prison was; but the personality of Pippin the Younger, the 751 of the

    Merovingian kingship took over, does not fit in this time level. How should

    of the centuries earlier deceased Ostrogoth as Vogt Roman

    have used? Now called the writer of the 15th century created


  • The Nibelungenlied. Parallel printing of manuscripts A, B and C together with readings

    of other

    Manuscripts. Ed. By. Michael S. Batts, Tbingen 1971 S.795.

    Page 17


    Handwriting expressly only the year 740, in which this is all done and the

    Aventiure the book have played by the stretching and of Kriemhild itself.

    One might therefore hold him for a historically ignorant, the on

    Lives of these three personalities are difficult or impossible

    was informed and as tumber copyists whose assignment could not afford.

    In contrast, however, the talks completely correct allocation of Theodoric and Boethius

    and the correct political assessment of the position of Pippin in the middle of

    8th century.

    It does not appear therefore rather advised that historically the incorrect assignment

    Schreiber imputable, but the structuring of the Nibelungenlied itself

    due. Because acting in song characters can indeed partially with

    historical figures are compared, such as Dietrich von Bern

    Theodoric the Great, died 526, King Etzel the Hun

    Attila, died 453, King Gunther with the Burgundian king Gundahar, the 437

    fell against the Hun auxiliaries of Aetius; likewise, a comparison of the

    Bishop Pilgrim of Passau possible with the historic Pilgrim of Passau, the

    991 died.

    The examples show that any attempt to the song as historical figures

    Refer to personalities on a single time level, to fail

    is doomed. We must therefore separate them from the ideas, the

    Nibelungenlied tell the downfall of the Burgundy Empire 437 in Mainz and

    Wormser room because the Burgundians or Nibelungs pull of the Worms

    Hunland while historically the Huns, the Burgundian kingdom of Worms

    Have overrun space.

    Back to our clerk as amended A: He has the events surrounding Kriemhilds

    Revenge on the time of the first Carolingian king Pepin, father of Charlemagne

    Great respect. The literary representation of the deeds of the ancestors of Charlemagne

    Great, the great emperor himself and his descendants was the Carolingian

    12th century quite common; in old French-speaking countries we call it

    as chansons of geste , for the Middle High German-speaking countries has been the

    Connection to the Karlsepik reluctantly accepted. The German research

    19th and 20th century has especially the Nibelungenlied a special position

    as the German epic par assigned; I quote de Boor:

    Only with the Nibelungenlied takes the heroes Roman visible in front of us, but now

    once in a so full, proud unfolding that we once towering at a summit

    the seal are. From the shapeless fog lore loser centuries he dives

    up, large and clear. And it seems even bigger because he is lonely. The Nibelungenlied

    is the only epic of Staufer heyday that we possess. It alone has us

    the classical type represented.



    History of German Literature, ed. v. Helmut de Boor and Richard Newald, Vol. 2,


  • Page 18


    Here is unlike de Boors position of trying to be daring, to

    Fog to clear lore loser centuries. Nibelungs work at their

    Year of King Pippin survey and represents the Carolingian entitled to

    the power is in Swiss francs in a positive way. The Nibelungenlied of outgoing

    12th century could thus very elegant, in the wake of the French

    Literary movement, the res gestae Pippin of his ancestors and his descendants

    build by the author, the sources of the so-called. Fredegar and Count

    Nibelung ausntzte and the family unit a sideline of Pippinids

    epic brought to representation whose members there in the time of the kingdom division

    elected the descendants of Charlemagne even Burgundian kings


    The writer as amended a) was the relationship of the Nibelungenlied to the

    Chronicle of the Counts of Burgundy Nibelung, the reign of Pepin the

    describes, probably still present. Results for the modern reader the Nibelungenlied

    However, the difficulty of the relationship between fictional figure and

    establish historical personality and its function for the song statement

    to make it plausible. First, it should be noted that the figures of the song

    Nibelungenlied as Dietrich von Bern, Kriemhild and Brunhild, and Gunther

    Hagen, Etzel and Hildebrand were so very fact typed or idealized,

    that they are taken from the various historical layers of time and of them

    accurate historical context in which they have worked, is missing. You will receive in

    the fictitious

    Space on the now simultaneous levels of action of the song attributes her

    external appearance, their speech and their actions that with only partially

    which the historical personality match. This ideal type

    Properties are largely based on the requirements of the courtly world the 12th century.

    Matched century and can according to the ethical and moral

    Standpoint of the poet or writer in positive or negative direction

    be varied. The chansons de geste take figures from already

    the present seal, but also chronicles vitae and documents

    Organize their attributes and their behaviors but is often

    changed. An example of this is the Song of Roland, whose French

    Submission by the priest Konrad and Karl Stricker in the design

    the figures and was significantly restructured in the statement of the action, so

    that from the various versions of the historical persons and events

    little more can be identified.

    Yet Karl are the Great and his companions by the authors of the chansons

    been seen as historical entities, but less precise in analysis

    their historical thinking and acting, as in the political understanding of time

    Christian-oriented imperial politics of the 12th century, to which instruments

    1953 p.152.

    Page 19


    the seal was well as the history, the official documents

    and the artistic design of the imperial idea, such as the

    Karlsschrein in Aachen. At the historical model, idealized and stylized, has

    so the Karlsepik the late 12th and early 13th century in

  • Can unfold Germany.

    The Nibelungenlied seems at first - despite the introduction of the quoted

    Manuscript A - against the classification in the tradition of the chanson de geste to

    . lock The reason for this is the course of action that a few figures

    heroically represents; Siegfried does not occur even at Wormser Hof in courtly sense

    as a hero, but as a brawny usurper on. Even the figure of the ideal

    Knight Rdiger, like the Dietrichs by participating in the unjust

    Extermination Kriemhilds questioned. The view of the French

    But literature after 1150 also explains such a presentation: In Girart de

    Roussillon (1146-1149), in Raoul de Cambrai and in Garin of the Loherain

    Topics of the clan feud and the conflict between the king and vassal already

    detail worked out; Again, the kingdom is rather negative light.

    Another argument for the classification of the Nibelungenlied in the tradition

    the chansons de geste provides the naming of the characters and their song

    Handlungsort: the historian Worms presents itself already in Carolingian

    Time as a city within the meaning of the Burgundians Nibelungenlied poet.



    numerous gift certificates in favor of the Reich abbeys Fulda and Lorsch in

    the reign of Charles we are the names of the nobility in the Worms area

    knowledgeable; we find in a deed in favor of Fulda

    22.3.785 four names of Nibelungenlied figures before, including the name

    the exhibitor Kriemhild of Worms that those certificate together with Walther

    and Siegfried signed. Part of Schenkungsguts stemming from the inheritance

    the Ute, who is also mentioned in the document text.


    Kriemhild is not therefore

    only fictional character of the Nibelungenlied, but belonged to the Carolingian

    Nobility in Wormsgau the time of Charlemagne.


    How Kriemhild are almost all

    Nibelungenlied name in the Codex Reichsabtei Fulda and in the Lorsch Codex

    recorded, in documents that concern at the Wormser space and


    Friedrich Zorn reports: It has but Charlemagne the time his government in any part of

    its imperial

    royal household had rather then just allhie to Worms. because you lieset that he in any

    city, as often as he for war and

    shops of the empire has to because such can bring (then dasmals the Emperor pulled in

    rich round and not to

    had a place sttige royal household), have been more and dwelt longer than has in this

    city (...) (Wormser Chronicle

    Edited by Friedrich Zorn, with the additions of Franz Berthold Flersheim. v. William


    , Stuttgart 1857 reprint Amsterdam


    P.24. See also Ingrid Heidrich. Bishops and their churches in Speyer, p.188 - 190,



  • Codex Diplomaticus Fuldensis, ed. v. Ernst Friedrich Johann Dronke. Reprint of Issue


    Aalen 1962; (CF No.81).


    See. Kriemhild to the documents in the Codex Laureshamensis, 3 vol. Ed. v. Karl


    Darmstadt 1933, no. 321, 636, 1464, 2748th

    Page 20


    majority fall into the reign of Charlemagne. The documentary

    Finding is surprising: So Alberich example, in the song of the eunuchs of the Kings in

    Nibelungenland, mentioned in the Codex of Fulda 30 times, 12 times in the Lorsch


    The name of the Marquis Eckewart is in Fulda records 34 times, in the

    Lorsch certificates times called 38. Hagen (Hagino or Hagano), occurs in 29

    Certificates to the monastery of Fulda and 7 certificates of Lorsch Abbey; his

    Owned hotel is located near Worms. The name Dietrich takes the Codex of

    Fulda the top position with 70 nominations, the 25 in the Lorsch Codex

    correspond. Siegfried, partially urkundend than Graf, can be found in Fulda in

    45facher, in Lorsch in 39facher nomination. Not so often, but earlier in time,

    we meet Sigemunt, in the song of the father of Siegfried, in the certificates to: 15 times

    Codex of Fulda, 11 times in the Lorsch Codex. Rdiger is 28 certificates for

    Fulda and 33 represented for Lorsch. But even minor characters like Rumolt, Ramunc,

    Ortwin, Ortliep, Nibelunc, Nntwin, Wolfhart, Witege, Wolfprant, Wolfwin,

    Sigelint etc. can be found in the documents of the two monasteries.


    The explanation makes sense that the poet of the Nibelungenlied his characters

    deliberately provided with the name of the nobility of the time in Charles Wormser


    has; he has the document material, the chronicles, annals and the

    Refer literary works of the imperial monasteries.


    Breuer / Breuer: With Spaeher speech (see n. 15), p. 21

    Page 21


    The poet and Worms

    The choice of the historical Nibelungen clan and derived from it

    Burgundy kings, to which finally the Salian and Hohenstaufen also include

    could, as the epic figures demanded by the author of the Nibelungenlied

    detailed insight into the history of Burgundy since Nibelung I and in the

    Empire History of the Franks. The motive, Worms the scene of the action

    to choose, however, seems not only by the frequent residence of

    Burgundy kings Frederick Barbarossa and Henry VI. due in Worms

    be, but to surrender more of the person of the poet himself.

    Not only the action, Appendix all manuscripts of the Nibelungenlied leads,

    back to Worms. Worms already qualifies therefore as Nibelungen town,

    that at the same time as the Nibelungenlied originated, a descendant of the Counts

    Nibelung of Autun same name provost and treasurer of the

  • Worms cathedral was. This left a number of inscriptions on spell

    Tapestries in the cathedral mount, whose texts in the Chronicon Wormatiense

    have been handed down.


    Updating the old Maeren prepared in the 12th century

    therefore no difficulty because - as mentioned above - the Carolingian or

    Nibelungen were the models for the rule in the Staufer period.

    The poet of the Nibelungenlied was with the Nibelungen and the Carolingians

    and their rich historical position of power in the closest relation. Users attended

    him the manuscript of the history of Gregory of Tours (+ 594) and the Chronicle

    the so-called Fredegar with the sequels of the Burgundian Count

    Hildebrand and Nibelung (to the coronation of Charlemagne 768) in the monastery

    Lorsch accessible.


    Who can be eligible for the authorship in question?

    Among the followers of Frederick Barbarossa and Henry VI. is the

    Minstrel Bligger II of Steinach (Neckarsteinach), whose epic work -. The

    'Umbehang' - highly praised by his contemporaries Gottfried von Strassburg and

    Rudolf von Ems - has been missing


    , Bligger of Steinach is the nephew of

    Wormser bishop Konrad von Steinach, who headed the diocese from 1150 to 1171

    and was responsible for the cathedral building.


    Bliggers ancestors have the


    See. The inscriptions of the city of Worms. Ed. Rdiger Fuchs (The German

    inscriptions, ed. Vd

    Academies of Sciences Dusseldorf, Gttingen, Heidelberg, Mainz, Munich and Austria

    Academy of Sciences in Vienna. 29. Bd., Mainzer Series 2 Vol.), Wiesbaden 1991, p 21



    See. The Franks. Pioneer in Europe. Catalogue Vol. II, Mannheim / Mainz 1996, p 950



    See text Godfrey, S.


    . See Gerold Bnnen, cathedral and city (see note 14), p. 14 ff - Andreas Urban

    Friedmann:. The Diocese

    from the Roman period to the high Middle Ages. In: The Bishopric of Worms. From

    Roman times until the resolution

    1801 ed. v. Friedhelm Jrgen Meier (contributions to Mainz church history, ed. v.


    Page 22


    Mitvollzogen rise of the historical Nibelungen as Bligger of

    Steinach the kingdom of Burgundy kings.


    Bligger II. Of Steinach, a noble lord of the Middle Ages in the Neckar valley,

  • was already in his lifetime his contemporaries as the ideal figure

    high medieval chivalry.

    This reputation owed Bligger three special characteristics:

    Politically, he was the ruling dynasty of the Staufer close so that he in

    several documents of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and in many testimonies

    by his son, Emperor Henry VI. was named personally; this was completely

    uncommon for followers, adorned no earldom and not the

    high clergy belonged. Like his friend Friedrich von Hausen

    Bligger was introduced in the imperial court of the Staufer personally and had therefore

    direct contacts with the spiritual and clear dignitaries of the empire.

    Bliggers influence on the farm grew after the death of Frederick Barbarossa and

    the accession of his son, Henry VI. considerably, he

    signed the imperial charters together with the Counts of Leiningen, of

    Jrgen Meier, 5 vol.), Pp 13-43, here p 35 ff.


    The attempt by the lawyers Peter Honegger, to identify Bligger as Nibelungenlied Poets


    Honegger: Bligger of Steinach as a writer and Rudolf von Montfort as an arranger of

    the Nibelungenlied . In: "Waz

    sider as geschach ". American-German Studies on the Song of the Nibelungs. Text and

    Reception. Ed. by Werner

    Wunderlich and Ulrich Mller. Gppingen 1992 , pp 9-54), could all

    too easily by

    his critics Werner Hoffmann: Bligger of Steinach as a poet of the Nibelungenlied? For

    Peter Honegger

    new thesis . In: Journal of German Studies 112 (1993), pp 434-441, as a "product of

    Dilettantism be dismissed in pejorative sense of the word. " The Bermerkung: "There is

    no question that

    Honegger well versed in the historical evidence on the Steinacher ", identifies the

    Helplessness of the reviewers in assessing the certificate location. The same

    uncertainties that

    the non-historian Honegger to speculation, for example, the possible authorship

    Bliggers III. from

    Harfenbergstrasse leaves, enticing, has Uwe Mewes: Documentary evidences of

    Minstrels in the 12th century on

    Example Bliggers of Steinach . In: Literary interest education in the Middle Ages. Ed.

    By. Joachim Heinzles.

    Stuttgart 1993 (= Germanistische symposia, Report Volume 14), p 75-105; largely

    dispelled, his

    "Historical" approach to capture the certifications of the poet in Regestenform but lacks


    ultimate consequence of the assignment of the certificate ends groups. - The suspect in

    Bligger of

    Steinach to see the author of the Nibelungenlied, condenses a certainty if we

    Consider occurrence of his ancestors in the Association of historical Nibelungen. It

    allows us the

    unusual name with his tone level, the family in the context of their family

    trace. Still Lorscher certificate of 951 shows the shape Blitger and corresponds herewith


  • According to the usual level of about 150 years older than deeds in favor of Fulda. By

    contrast, offers one of the

    oldest document of 771 the volume level Durchblicker or Bliker , for 773 states Blicger

    ; recorded for 805

    the Lorsch codex similar for the oldest documents Blicger or Durchblicker . The version


    Finally, the author uses the Lorsch Chronicle when he the deed of gift from the year


    lists in which the entire clan urkundet affected by the change in ownership. The naming

    of Bligger

    or Durchblicker derives therefore not of Blic = shine, flash, but on Blide = joy, and the

    Second Omen ger .

    Page 23


    Hohenberg, of Zweibrcken, the Burgrave of Nuremberg, the Counts of

    Castle and the influential Reichsministerialen as the lords of Bolanden.

    Father Bligger I. is considered the founder of the later palatine monastery Schnau

    his brother Konrad, Bliggers uncle had, for 21 years (1150-1171) the

    Wormser held Episcopate.

    From his dynastic ago Bligger II appears. Also as a knight without blemish

    He was high and blame-free birth, a so-called Homo liber , and difference

    is hereby by the so-called ministerials, and the church

    Empire Service were. This freedom was after the High Middle Ages from birth

    where she was by the princes, the earls, dukes and kings

    accepted and based on ancient family rights that partly to the time

    Charlemagne and his ancestors go back. The exercise of these

    Of course freedom as a knight at the imperial court also demanded a corresponding

    Owned equipment and the Owner World Burg rights, on the Bligger II. And his

    Who has ancestors.

    The third quality Bliggers II., However, was in a time when there of to the expansion

    Staufer world domination went that ended in ruin, his literary fame.

    Besides the three poems that have come down to us in the "Manesse", has Bligger II.

    written a great epic, the contemporary poet Gottfried von Strassburg

    and Rudolf von Ems has caused admiration. Gottfried thinks that Bligger

    on the poet Olymp next Hartmann von Aue and Heinrich von Veldeke

    must stand, because in his " Umbehang "on a linguistic and conceptual

    Way amazement value bar. A " Umbehang "is in the High Middle Ages

    Tapestry, such as the famous Bayeux Tapestry, which at 70 meters

    Length the conquest of England by the Normans is artfully. Bligger

    was therefore the author of such a picture book, divided into Aventiuren which itself

    the historical events dedicated, and as Rudolf von Ems in

    his expressed Alexanderroman (V. 3205-3218), all the poets in the world

    could no longer accomplish.

    However, so far Bliggers was epic work, the " Umbehanc ", thought to be lost; only

    Minstrel was observed Bligger, although those three poems in the

    Manessischen handwriting less the minstrelsy as the political

    Belong Spruchdichtung.

    All three surviving Bligger texts deal in a kind of philosophical

    Discussion with chivalrous and courtly positions of the nobility, with the virtues

  • and vices. In the first poem min old swaere it comes to envy ( the halides )

    asks saved from Bligger and his stand. The second song is

    the beauty of the Rhine, the beautiful b the Rine addressed, where he - Bligger -

    unfortunately can not bore and which is so dear to him as the city of Damascus the

    pagan Sultan Saladin, the most important and successful opponent of

    Crusaders was: 1174, the year of death of King Amalric I of Jerusalem,

    Page 24


    Saladin occupied Damascus.


    The name Amalric used in Hagen

    Nibelungenlied on the advice of the mermaids on the Danube to the ferryman to

    Crossing entice (B 1545, 1549). The third traditional song Bliggers

    acts of the political hardening that the staete risk than domination virtue.

    Bligger announced a political objective that the for statement

    Nibelungen doom fits: Anyone who follows a good target without mercy and

    It is shameless, the inserts the hardness very fast great harm and eternal

    Shame about ( Swer ne milte guote s pfligt and there b ne schame, the wirfet si

    (hardness) in vil

    swinder art in damage and in an eternal vicious ). The milte as a virtue of the ruling


    required by Bligger, but no longer found in the court system; they

    is through the herte replaced, which leads to eternal condemnation. Bliggers political

    Spruchdichtung thus unfolds a program that the ruling class in the form

    to bind a requirement catalog in the virtues tries a claim

    In the Middle Ages only on the basis of equality of origin precisely with

    those in power could be provided. Thus seems Bliggers third text the

    Contents of the Nibelungenlied to interpret and critically to illuminate, because the

    Song literary figures appear with a few exceptions such as Rdiger or

    Rumolt on the implementation of these hardness ( Hertel) programmed especially

    Hagen and

    Volker, but even before Siegfried and mistresses ( frouwen) the Court,

    Kriemhild and Brunhild later.

    Since his great epic is lost, has the honorary citizen of the idyllic

    Town Neckarsteinach, Bligger II., As a politician and poet in the

    Public of the 20th century has received little attention and only in its

    Time been the cult figure of a knight. The Hinterburg as a "family seat" of

    Steinacher is a popular destination of many guests that the

    Four castle town especially in summer like to by boat, train or car

    Heidelberg visit. The Knight Aura continues, because apart from the castles

    frequently visited the guest the late Gothic Protestant church with charming

    Grave painting, for example, that of the country malicious Ulrich V. of Steinach, who

    after his death

    1369 well supported and fiercely alive on his sword, beside the

    David Kopf, before the Steinacher harp emblem, the visitor

    Wehrhaftigkeit his family announced.

    The triple quality of the nobles to be highly noble descent, as a knight on

    to have great political influence and as a poet, the courtly world

    impress, justifies the delightful task, the family Bliggers II. and their

  • Take a closer look at ancestors. Even Emperor Henry VI. was

    Poet, and his songs are recorded in the Manesse. The advantages and

    Descendants of the emperor has opened up the history, its

    literary work is more mentioned in passing, although the royal

    Attention to the seal on the farm just is so fascinating, because here the


    H. Eberhard Mayer: History of the Crusades, S. 114th

    Page 25


    Feature poetic civilization with the power politics of the Staufer dynasty


    The political significance of Bliggers Steinach at the end of 12th century

    Of course you can not compare with the ruling dynasties, they must

    but not be underestimated, because the supreme lord were the claim

    also detects the literature as their vassals. Conversely, just the

    poetic activity impressed the royal courts, as exemplified at work

    Walters is visible from the Vogelweide whose origin we do not to this day

    know whose political seal us but the dispute over the well-being

    the empire impressively presented.

    Bligger of Steinach had better conditions than Walther: His

    most important work, the " Umbehang seems "highly praised by his contemporaries,

    Although at first glance not known. But the origin and meaning

    his family in the Worms area are relatively well documented in records; already the

    rare unusual name Irritating to investigate where this family of

    higher nobility because actually comes from and how it to be the major influence on

    Wormser bishopric and the Staufer royal court arrived. In our case

    actually it pays to do some genealogical research because

    Peculiarity of the name and the political groups to the

    Our ancestors Bliggers far lead us back to the Franconian history.

    Such a review can not of course in the way the present-day

    Genealogy take place, the birth and death date with first and last name

    presupposes, but we must be content with the Association of the extended family,

    whose members are named Bligger in this or related case,

    since last name or nickname are the exception before 1200. Nevertheless shows

    the genealogy in the event of our Knight Bligger of Steinach as

    surprisingly productive, because it us on the trail of the enigmatic epic,

    " Umbehangs "leads, which brought the poet of his time to marvel.

    Page 26


    III. The strange name Bligger and its variations in the levels of five

    Centuries The traditional in chronicles and documents According to state the name Bligger are

    important information to clarify the origin of Bliggers Steinach as carrier

    this name closely linked to the Empire monasteries Lorsch and Fulda

    stood and in a number of different of old documents as Schenker or

    Signatories are called. The spelling of the name is different in

    Variations from each other.

    A document of the monastery Lorsch from 951 shows the shape Blitger and fits

  • hereby the most common spelling, as earlier in the 150 year

    was issued certificates of the monastery of Fulda in use. One of the oldest

    Certificates of 771, however, provides the sound level Durchblicker or Bliker , in 773

    says Blicger ; 805 records of Lorsch codex similar for the oldest

    Records the name variant Blicger or Durchblicker . The letters Bligger

    Finally, the author uses the Lorsch Chronicle


    When he the

    Deed of gift from the year 1165 quoted in the whole of

    Bills receivable affected clan uncertificated. The naming of " Bligger "or

    " Sighted "is thus a slurring of Blidger and derives not from " Blic "=

    Shine, flash off, but by " trebuchet "= joy.


    Probably the earliest surviving Us

    Form of the name is Blidegarius , a high aristocratic judges of this name

    693 lived in the Merovingian court.


    The abundance of orthographic variants of the same name is to



    to order by the voice trunks. It refers the second

    Root syllable of Bligger name on the trunk " even ", the word has the meaning

    " armor ". The 693-called name -Blide Garius has roughly an equivalent in

    Name Frede-Garius , but also on behalf of Garo-Man or Garo-Wart . The

    Root syllable Gar has then in Middle High German to Ger changed as

    the development Gerbertus from Garbertus exemplifies.


    The so

    familiar names as Gerhard and Gerold are on the old root syllable Gar



    CL 158th


    The derivation of Walther Mller and Karl Krauss: Neckarsteinach, his masters, the city

    and the

    Castles, p.7; turns out to be too daring: "Blicger, Bligger probably means of flashing or

    flashing device, the Lightning Spear. "


    MG. DD. reg. Franc. e stirpe Merow. ed. by K. Pertz ,, No.66 / P.58.


    E. Frstemann: Altdeutsches name book (Vol I, personal names.)


    See. The names register in the Regesta Alsatiae I, S.477 f.

    Page 27


    The use of these two stem syllables of the name Bligger , same Blide and

    even referenced on behalf system Merovingian to the naming of

    Noble families, the paternal their descendants both the family name

    and maternal wanted to come.

  • The investigation of the sound level of the Bligger -Namens, composed of Blidegarius

    has developed, however, should still

    more Leitnamenentsprechungen in

    Include Wormser space to capture the United Federation of Family: So

    have personalities with the name Bliddrut, Pliddrut, Blidhrut, Blihrud or

    Blidgart or Blidhilt, Blidilo (Bldel) Bliding, Blidman, Blidmot, Blidolf, Blidrat,


    Blidwin .


    That in the Worms area as Schenker or its co-signatories in

    Text of the Fulda and Lorsch shall be mentioned secure

    kinship with one another or a common ancestor. The

    Lorsch codex complements those names group still with Bilifried, Biligart, Bilihilt,

    Bilitrud .


    Finally, yet another variant name is in this group of people

    included, although it differs at first sound, namely the name

    " Plectrude ". A deed of Ardrad , son of Plectrude favor of

    Burgundian monastery Flavigny from the year 878 is of Blitgerius



    The looming here kinship, closed from the

    Name relationship within the same document, takes us back to the wife

    Carolingian Pippin the Middle named Plektrude that of the beginning

    8th century was famous for its promotion of the monastery Echternach.

    Plektrude, latin Plectrudis , signed the deed of donation of 714

    the name variant Blittrudis and is continuous as in the text of the act

    Blittrudis referred



    Bliggers name and his noble free status thus provide information about the ancestors.

    We are dealing with the historians known phenomenon that the

    Nachbenennungen - regardless of different spellings - the structures

    are the families visible with other families of the Carolingian

    Adel Association spread the pippinidischen or Carolingian domination

    have operated. Access to the Carolingian rule areas in Europe

    related tasks of the royal family related families in the new

    occupied or vacant spaces. Only the members of the Carolingian

    Aristocracy were in the 8th and 9th centuries capable of comprehensive


    CF, Register, p. 8


    LC German, Vol. VI, S. 22nd


    Cart. Flav. No.24 / S.73-75.


    MG. DD. reg. Franc. e stirpe Merow. ed. by K. Pertz, No.6 / p.95 fv2.3.714.

    Page 28


  • Land donations to the imperial monasteries as Fulda and Lorsch to notarize

    leave. Bliggers ancestors lined up already a century earlier in the policy

    the Carolingian monastery foundations, but are also in product awards

    favor Lorsch and Fulda instrumental.

    They thus were paternal and maternal to Carolingian

    Imperial aristocracy. A look at the deeds of gift in favor of

    Empire monasteries Fulda and Lorsch is rewarding and opens up further prospects: In

    is a document of Alberich in favor of the monastery of Fulda in the year 803

    a Bligger ( Blidger ) in the list of witnesses,


    just as in another of 807, in

    the also Hagen ( Hagining ) before Bligger ( Blidger appear in the list of witnesses).


    Bligger ( Blidger ) also signed a certificate without date, in an estate of

    Dienheim (at Oppenheim) is left to the monastery of Fulda.


    819 he testifies

    the donation of a Gertrude favor Fulda: The name Bligger ( Blidger) is

    behind the two ends certificate Folcmar and Amalric .


    Finally signed

    Bligger ( Blidger ) 824 before Dietrich ( Theoderic ) and Herrat ( Herirat ) the donation

    a commodity by Dieter ( Theotger ).


    In Lorsch codex of Leitname Bligger becomes even clearer for different

    Time levels comprehensible. The oldest deed, the " donatio Blikeri "favor

    of Lorsch Abbey dates back to 771st


    Two years later, 773 confirmed

    Berolf the donation in Speyergau for the salvation of his uncle Bligger

    ( Blicger ). A descendant of this Bligger signed at the time of Conrad the Red -

    This is the son of Otto the Great, of the 955 Lechfeld against

    Hungary has fallen and was buried in the Worms Cathedral - in the county

    in 951 the donation of a Adalhard in " Sahsenheim ".


    That Bligger ( Blitger )

    recalls the almost 200 years younger deed of Bishop Gunther von Speyer,

    concerning goods in Hausen and Michelbuch (Odenwald), the " Liberi ", the

    High outdoor Ernst von Sachsenheim ( Ernest of Sahsenheim ) and his brother

    Bligger of Steinach ( Bliggerus de Steinahe ) signed.


    The ancestors of the

    Edelfreien family Bliggers - in documents until the time of Charlemagne

    trace - had in the area of today Ltzelsachsen,


    CF no. 214 / P.113.


    CF no. 243 / p.125 f.


    CF no. 328 / S.160.

  • 42

    CF no. 379 / p.171 f.


    CF no. 428 / p.191.


    LC 2734th


    LC 428th


    SpUB I, 89 / p.98 f.

    Page 29


    Grosachsen or Hohensachsen on the mountain road possessions and were

    For this reason alone the Lorsch Abbey very close.

    The image of the document situation demands an explanation, why the family unit

    the ancestors of Bliggers Steinach has been able to so fully in the

    Donations for each other distant imperial monasteries and Lorsch

    Fulda to participate. The space required extensive land holdings had in

    Spread the Carolingian domination have been so acquired only once.

    This raises the question of the position of the family in the nobility of the Association

    Carolingian, the Ottos, including the Salian and Hohenstaufen. The above

    called oldest document with the entry of Bligger ( Blidegarius ) in

    Assize of the year 693 is a first indication that the family in

    the emerging royal power to Association of Pippinids was involved and

    has mitbesetzt in the 8th century by the Metz area from the Wormsgau at least.

    Page 30


    Page 31


    V. Bliggers ancestors in the imperial service of Charlemagne According to their origin from the Carolingian nobility members joined the

    Bligger family in the 8th and 9th century in major political functions

    in favor of the Carolingian dynasty. Also applies to this family unit

    as for others who were at the time of the Carolingian rule in the second row that

    the individual description of the family history in terms of genealogy

    the basis of documents and chronicles is impossible. Nevertheless, the

    Family Association Bligger and their relatives can be detected:

    On the one hand allows the Frankish kingdom church policy under Charlemagne

    and his successors, on the basis of documents and the chronicles of

    To appoint Reich monasteries the imperial nobility, stands out for its donations eg

    identified by name in the monasteries Fulda or Lorsch as landowners.

    The Frankish expansion and the church policy related, the

    Bligger family from the very beginning supported. Had started with this program

    the wife of Pippin the Middle Plectrude or Blittrudis by

    Donations to the monastery Echternach or at Monastery Susteren on the Meuse

    in favor of the reformer Willibrord

  • 47


    Similarly, the family supported the 8th century, the facilities of the

    Klosters Weienburg in Alsace


    , Even more comprehensively they participated in the

    Foundations of the noble families in favor of the monastery Gorze near Metz, in


    Alsace, Lorsch near Worms and Fulda in Hesse. It can be more

    Set goods Complex, from which the donations of family branches

    could take place. Thus the will of Bligger points ( Blitcharius ) in favor of

    Gorze monastery from the year 769 to the county Verdun, in which the goods

    Family in brewing Ville ( Berulfi villas were)


    ; in the same county Verdun

    mediating a donation of Bligger ( Blitharius ), the not with the

    is above the same, the place Maizeray concerning.


    From the ownership structure

    and the donation goal here we have the two Bligger but at the same

    To include extended family.

    These family donations is not so much the ownership structure, but rather the

    exposed position of ancestors Bliggers the contribution for the establishment Koster

    significant under Chrodegang of Metz. Chrodegang, already 741 trainee Karl

    Martel, 742 bishop of Metz, 753 Messenger Pippin III. to Pope Stephen II, 754


    MG. DD. reg. Franc. e stirpe Merow. ed. by K. Pertz, No.3 / p.92 FV 20.1.702; No. 4 /

    S.93 FV

    13.5.706; . No. 5 / P.94 FV 13.5.706; No.6 / p.95 FV 2.3.714.


    At 718 Doll, Trad. Wiz. 227 / S.454; to 766 Doll, Trad. Wiz. 103 / S.308 f.


    UB Gorze 18 / S.42.


    UB Gorze 16 / S.38.

    Page 32


    as the successor of St. Boniface Archbishop and Metropolitan of Austrasia, was one

    the most influential personalities in the narrow court. His foundation of

    Gorze 749 and the establishment of Lorsch 765 are its main power for

    securing the rule of the Carolingian and the surrounding families.

    Monks from Gorze populated Lorsch, the wealthy in the Metz area

    Noble families also act as Schenker for Lorsch.

    Just one year after the founding Blidhild and Gauzrot goods so sold in

    Monsheim or Monzernheim to Lorsch


    , 767 gives Blifrid Good in Glatt Home

    to Lorsch


  • , 769 give Rudwin and his wife Plihtrud goods in Reilsheim

    Heidelberg at Lorsch.


    This is followed by Blidolf with a donation in Saulheim in

    Year 771


    , The same year Bligger with Good in Untereisesheim in Neckarsulm


    , Plidroch

    and his wife also Blitrud goods in Neckarsulm


    and finally 773

    Berolf with a donation in Bchingen bei Landau in Speyergau to salvation

    his uncle Bligger ( Blicger ).


    This last gift is particularly

    interesting because the context of the Testament above Bliggers

    ( Blicharii ) in brewing Ville, the villa Berulfi , in favor of the monastery Gorze is clear.

    Berulf belonged to Bliggers family unit; the place word of Gorze donation

    arises ago by the ancestors; He is also well off as in Speyergau,

    like other members of the extended family in Bligger Wormsgau. The origin of these

    Noble family from the area Verdun - Metz confirmed again.

    Among the early donations in favor of the monastery Lorsch are here

    two other named initially by the goods in Odenheim in Kraichgau

    Volker and his wife Blidhild in 776


    , Three years later, shows the

    Father of Charlemagne, Count Gerold, in favor by a gift

    of Lorsch in that place Odenheim that by his side

    Have passed family relations with the Bliggersippe.


    If one includes the large

    Donation Gerold and his wife Emma in favor of the Lorsch monastery on

    1.7.784, goods in Eich, Mettenheim and Osthofen near Worms, in Bergheim


    LC 1087th


    LC 3282nd


    LC 2588th


    LC No 1510.


    LC 2734th


    LC of 2009.


    LC 2121st


    LC 2229th

  • 59

    LC 2310th

    Page 33


    Heidelberg, Planck city and from villages in Sickingen and Bruchsal

    concerning, with a


    , Then shows how systematically the kingdom monastery from the

    Family associations was supported around Charlemagne.

    With the donation of the Bligger ( Blicger ) and his wife Wolfenburg of goods in

    Dorfelden (in Bad Vilbel)


    confirmed that the shares owned by the

    Extended family of Bliggers ancestors with whom they brought in Lorsch,

    have mainly located in the Main-Rhein-Neckar area. Here, however, the

    Position of the family in no way abandoned in Metzer space as later

    Documents show the benefit of Gorze.


    The relations of Bligger family to the Abbey of Fulda, by Boniface at

    12.3.744 founded, developed relatively late and not as intense as the

    Reichsabtei Lorsch. Two donations of the year 771 and 773 of goods in

    Pfeddersheim and Roxheim in Worms also signed Blidtrut, in the second

    Case as the wife of Rotbold (probably Ratbold).


    This, however, remain the two

    single donations before achieving the immunity of the abbey opposite the

    Archbishop Lul of Mainz (754-786). After attainment of the status of

    Reich monastery, from which the Carolingian since 777 operated the Saxons mission

    are the donations of Bligger extended family frequently: Biligart and her son

    donated goods in Heppenheim an der Wiese and in Mainz at the monastery



    , In the year 800 gave Consecrated Blidtrud goods in Uelversheim on

    this monastery.


    In subsequent years, 803-824, witnessed a Bligger ( Blidger )

    Donations his relatives in Boppard, Neidlingen, Dienheim, Rosdorf

    and close to the monastery of Fulda.


    Apparently the family had in the room

    to Fulda itself little possession legal backing.

    The family unit is the name Bligger has thus massively in the expansion of

    Monasteries Gorze and Lorsch involved and thus the rule of the first fuse

    Carolingian kings supported. Within the realm of church program

    Archbishop Chrodegang and his brother Gundeland - Abt in Gorze and Lorsch

    - We experience the Bligger family as a support of the Carolingian ambitions. Less


    LC 1880th


  • LC 3014/3766.


    See. UB Gorze, 50 / p.90, 51 / p.90 (848), 57 / p.101 f. (856), 58 / p.103 (857) and 85 /

    p.154 (898).


    UB Fulda, Stengel, 55 / p.90 et seq. And 63 / p.110 f.


    UB Fulda, stalk, 215 / p.315 f. And 89 / p.164 f., The latter deed of 779th


    UB Fulda, stalk, 263 / S.371 f.


    CF 214 / P.113, 243 / p.125 f., 328 / p.160, 379 / p.171 f., 428 / p.191.

    Page 34


    clearly, but also visible, this is in the Alsatian abbeys

    Weienburg and Murbach and the expansion of the imperial abbey of Fulda. The

    possession comprehensive legal resources in the area of the county Verdun

    and Meuse and the Moselle and the Rhine-Main-Neckar region abundant

    were made this extensive foundations.

    VI. The political tasks of Bligger family after the time of Charlemagne

    Great The period after the founding of the imperial monasteries in the course of the expansion


    Is Carolingian in Saxony, Thuringia, Bavaria, in the Ostmark and in Italy

    Certificate poorer than the time of the great gifts of the Carolingian

    Clan association. On the other hand, it can be expected that the most important

    Noble families of the Carolingian domination association least sporadically

    must be recorded on the basis of documents and chronicles. But this case proves

    just now the incipient regionalization of Burkundungen and

    Historiography as an obstacle, the Carolingian contrary to the

    Method is, members of his own family United Association throughout Europe

    use to secure the rule.

    The members of Bligger extended family can be found, of course, even in the rare

    becoming instruments of abbeys Gorze Lorsch and as a signatory of

    Gift or purchase records.


    But their political function can also be

    gather outside: So Bligger occurred ( Blitgarius ) as Vicomte ( vicecomes ) and judges

    under Count Dietrich ( Thierry = Theodoric )