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Dowsing & Energy Healing As we heal ourselves we heal the planet for Personal and Planetary Ascension by Tyhson Banighen, M.A. Intuitive, Energy Detective, Master Dowser & Instructor, Diviner & Geomancer, Exorcist, Licensed Spiritual Healer. Licensed Sound Coach, Usai & Atlantean Reiki Master, Heart Resonance Advanced Practioner Master Class © Revision Oct 2012 This material may not be copied in part or in whole, distributed or sold without the permission of the author Note: The information in this document is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prevent or treat any disease or illness, mental or physical. For diagnosis and treatment of any disease, please consult a licensed practitioner.
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  • Dowsing & Energy Healing

    As we heal ourselves we heal the planet for Personal and Planetary Ascension

    by Tyhson Banighen, M.A. Intuitive, Energy Detective, Master Dowser & Instructor, Diviner &

    Geomancer, Exorcist, Licensed Spiritual Healer. Licensed Sound Coach, Usai & Atlantean Reiki Master, Heart Resonance Advanced

    Practioner Master Class

    Revision Oct 2012

    This material may not be copied in part or in

    whole, distributed or sold without the permission of the author

    Note: The information in this document is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prevent or treat any disease or illness, mental or physical. For diagnosis and treatment of any disease, please consult a licensed practitioner.

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    I would like to thank all the Master Dowsers on whose shoulders we stand and the Guides, Angels and Elementals that assist us when we dowse. Together we are co-creating a new future and therefore a new world.

    Contents Short History of Dowsing ..........................................................................................................................................8

    Biblical ..................................................................................................................................................................8

    Divining in the period of religious persecution (16th & first half of the 17th C) ...................................................8

    Theory of attraction ..............................................................................................................................................8

    Divining rod used for criminal investigation .........................................................................................................9

    Introduction of the pendulum ..............................................................................................................................9

    Scientific studies in the 19th century: ..................................................................................................................9

    Working with Energy ................................................................................................................................................9

    Stances ................................................................................................................................................................... 10

    Magician ............................................................................................................................................................ 10

    Sorcerer ............................................................................................................................................................. 10

    Alchemist ........................................................................................................................................................... 10

    Brain States ............................................................................................................................................................ 11

    Brainwave Interference ......................................................................................................................................... 12

    Enter the Alpha State ............................................................................................................................................ 15

    Choose Your Light Team ........................................................................................................................................ 15

    Ground Yourself ..................................................................................................................................................... 15

    Program Your Pendulum ....................................................................................................................................... 16

    The programming steps are: ............................................................................................................................. 16

    Knowing beyond the limits of the rational mind ................................................................................................... 16

    Create Your Dowsing System................................................................................................................................. 17

    The Law of One (or do no harm) ........................................................................................................................... 20

    When you dowse ask that the answer be for the highest good for all concerned according to the Law of One, the original law of Creation, which is the Supreme Law. ...................................................................................... 24

    We are all one. When one is harmed, all are harmed. When one is helped, all are healed. Therefore, in the name of who I AM, I am one with all; I ask that ONLY THAT WHICH IS THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL CONCERNED happen here and now, and through all time and space. I give thanks that this is done. SO BE IT! ...................... 24

    Love Conquers All .............................................................................................................................................. 24

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    The Basic Dowsing Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 25

    Prepare .............................................................................................................................................................. 25

    Invocation .......................................................................................................................................................... 25

    Protection .......................................................................................................................................................... 25

    System Activation .............................................................................................................................................. 25

    Permission to Proceed ....................................................................................................................................... 25

    So in summary to begin a Dowsing Session state something like, In Touch with my Higher Self, I call on my Light Team, for protection and assistance, and I invoke the Law of One. I activate the system and I ask permission to proceed. May I? Can I? Should I? And is there any reason not to proceed? ............................ 26

    Vortex Technology ................................................................................................................................................. 26

    The Law .................................................................................................................................................................. 28

    To clear non Beneficial Energy (soul binding energy) ........................................................................................... 28

    The Void (the center still point of the vortex) ....................................................................................................... 28

    To Bring in New Higher Dimensional Energy (soul liberating energy) .................................................................. 28

    Word Usage ........................................................................................................................................................... 28

    Verb Usage ............................................................................................................................................................ 29

    Chart Dowsing ....................................................................................................................................................... 29

    Baseline Clearing Questions .................................................................................................................................. 31

    Deep Clearing ........................................................................................................................................................ 32

    Deep Clearing (Clears Questions 1-21) Updated January 11, 2012....................................................................... 32

    To clear anything in your field use the following wording: I translate, transmute, transform, transfigure, release and repair all original causes, core beliefs and effect related to (fill in the blank with what you want to clear) and I do so throughout all time space and dimensional matrices both known or unknown. I declare it so and so it is. Thank you. I establish that my trigger point is my third eye. When I touch my finger to my third eye I undertake and complete a deep clearing. I declare it is so. It is done thank you. ................................................ 37

    Soul Retrieval ......................................................................................................................................................... 38

    Check List for Body Health ..................................................................................................................................... 38

    The Assemblage Point ........................................................................................................................................... 40

    What creates the need to have an AP adjustment? ......................................................................................... 40

    Symptoms of AP Misalignment ......................................................................................................................... 40

    What are the results of an AP adjustment? ...................................................................................................... 41

    Radionics ................................................................................................................................................................ 46

    Paper Radionics Chart ....................................................................................................................................... 46

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    Bovis Scale ......................................................................................................................................................... 47

    Bovis Scale Values .............................................................................................................................................. 48

    David Hawkins Scale: Power vs. Force ................................................................................................................... 52

    Ian Lungold's Scale of Emotions ............................................................................................................................ 53

    Sanjeevinis Healing Fragrances ............................................................................................................................. 53

    The Pendulum Charts ............................................................................................................................................ 53

    Vitamins ................................................................................................................................................................. 55

    Turning Human Genes on or off ............................................................................................................................ 55

    Merkaba ................................................................................................................................................................ 55

    Merkaba Activation ........................................................................................................................................... 55

    Activating Your Light Body and Ascension ........................................................................................................ 55

    Working with Elementals, Divas and Other Kingdoms .......................................................................................... 56

    Elemental I ......................................................................................................................................................... 56

    Working with Elementals .................................................................................................................................. 56

    Fire Salamanders ........................................................................................................................................ 56

    Water Undines ............................................................................................................................................ 56

    Water and Emotions ...................................................................................................................................... 56

    Divining the art of water dowsing ............................................................................................................... 58

    The Water Recipe .......................................................................................................................................... 58

    Earth Gnome ....................................................................................................................................................... 59

    Air -Sylphs .............................................................................................................................................................. 59

    Working with Mother Earth .................................................................................................................................. 59

    Feng Shui Geomancy .......................................................................................................................................... 60

    Geopathic Earth Energy Lines ............................................................................................................................ 61

    Geoprosperous rather than Geopathic ............................................................................................................. 62

    Curry Lines ......................................................................................................................................................... 63

    Hartmann Net or Hartmann Lines ..................................................................................................................... 63

    Schumann Waves .............................................................................................................................................. 64

    Black Lines ......................................................................................................................................................... 64

    Ley Lines ............................................................................................................................................................ 64

    Planetary Grid System ....................................................................................................................................... 64

    Curry Lines ......................................................................................................................................................... 66

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    Hartmann Net or Hartmann Lines ..................................................................................................................... 66

    Schumann Waves .............................................................................................................................................. 67

    Black Lines ......................................................................................................................................................... 68

    Crystalline Grid .................................................................................................................................................. 68

    Christ Grid .......................................................................................................................................................... 68

    Geopathic Stress or Geoprosperous .................................................................................................................. 68

    Hormesis Curve.................................................................................................................................................. 68

    Sacred Sites ........................................................................................................................................................ 69

    Changing Noxious Earth Energies ...................................................................................................................... 69

    Living in harmony with Nature .............................................................................................................................. 69

    Sacred Geometry ................................................................................................................................................... 70

    Dowsing Underground .......................................................................................................................................... 71

    Water Divining (Dowsing for water) .................................................................................................................. 71

    Map Dowsing to Find Missing People or Objects .................................................................................................. 72

    Geomantic Agriculture (Brief overview) ................................................................................................................ 72

    Remedies (homeopathic) and Tinctures (flower or gem essences) ...................................................................... 73

    Hands on Energy Healing Techniques ................................................................................................................... 73

    Footnotes ............................................................................................................................................................... 73

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    Things may have been slower in the good old days, but rapid change is afoot. We are in the midst of a major transformation a personal and planetary upgrade which some call ascension. With an evolutionary influx of light from the cosmos solar flares, global warming and solar system warming our bodies have to deal with more inner light. We become en-lightened and ascension occurs. Those higher levels of consciousness move us towards unity consciousness the realization that we are all one. The separation of the self from other is an illusion. There is no detached observer so the basis of our scientific methodology is flawed. Another ascension symptom is that time appears to be speeding up as we approach 2012. It feels like we have less time to do more of whatever it is we feel is necessary to get done. We are stressed. Time, being a mental construct of our three dimensional brain, is forced to speed up to deal with the technological explosion of information. Our way of life is destroying the planet. The health of our planet and our own health is in jeopardy. The old ways of being like, father knows best, American supremacy, might makes right, the virtue of selfishness, Capitalism, competition, scarce resources, survival of the fittest, fiat money, debt economy, etc. are no longer sustainable. Increased light exposes the shadow parts of ourselves and society that no longer serve us. We are forced to change.

    As we move towards a new world order, will it be the iron fists of a few controlling the many, or will it be the realization that we are all one, that homeland security and our own freedom depends on all being free. With each thought, word, action and purchase we create the new unity consciousness which causes the old order to yield to the new. The evolution of consciousness waits for no man. Our future depends on the choices we make in this moment, so lets choose wisely.

    In this small book the 21st century dowser, geomancer, diviner and energy detective Tyhson Banighen, will help you choose wisely by introducing you to the practice of dowsing, and the use of various tools of the trade: a pendulum, bobber, Y or L rods and radionics. Dowsing can be used to discover the many different levels and aspects of your current physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being and the health and well-being of the planet. Dowsing is a sacred art. It is a way to connect to your Higher Self which is the all-knowing, all-seeing part of yourself that is beyond the limits of space, time and the third dimension of physical reality.

    Dowsing is an inner process, a conversation between the rational and intuitive, the masculine and feminine aspects of yourself, or the right and left hemispheres of the brain synergistically communicating with each other. The intellects possess the question and the intuitive aspect connects with your Higher Self to provide the answer. The dowsing tool that is used is but a passive witness to this process - something that our physical body can use to bring its deep, unspoken awareness of the All or Higher Self to the conscious awareness of the alert mind. All things give off energetic radiation. Our own senses can feel and measure these energies. The dowsing tool becomes a communication device between the conscious and subconscious parts of the mind. A dowsing instrument receives information from the vibrations and energy waves emitted by people, places, thoughts and things like metal, and dowsing as an investigative tool has been used for centuries. For instance, dowsing has been found on cave drawings estimated to be over 8000 years old. The practice of dowsing, either by pendulum or rod was used in the time of Queen Cleopatra, whose own advisors used it extensively.i In sixteenth century Europe it was used to discover minerals and treasures and in the eighteenth century physicians used a science known as Radiesthesia to make diagnosis and more

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    recently it has been used to discover oil, gas and minerals.

    This small book will assist you to become a skilled practitioner in the art and science of dowsing. You will learn how to uplift and empower that which is out-of-balance, blocked or limited, in yourself or others whether it be in your home or business and their environs. You can use dowsing to increase your efficiency in working with any other energy healing modality such as working with crystals, gems, minerals, light technologies, grid matrices, nutritional guidance and support to name a few.

    Regards Tyhson Banighen, M.A. Paradise Point, B.C.

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    Short History of Dowsing

    Biblical One of the oldest tools in dowsing is the Y-rod or L-Rod. In the Bible Psalm 23:1-6 RSV, Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. "And thou shalt take this rod [mat-taw] in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs." (Exodus 4:17 KJV) The staff was most likely a measuring device as well as walking stick or a Shepherds crook. Moses held up his rod and the waters of the Red Sea parted allowing for the Israelites to escape. Possibly then the rod was a tool like a wand for projecting or discovering energy fields, which is what we now use rods for in dowsing.

    According to BARRETT the birthplace of the modern divining rod must be sought in Germany, probably in the Harz district. He gave also an explanation of the possible source of the use of a divining rod. In olden times people believed that metallic ores attracted certain trees which drooped their branches over the place where ores were to be found. A branch was cut from the tree and held in the hands to see whether it would droop; forked branches were used for convenience. From: 1949: S.W.

    Tromps Psychical Physics: "A Scientific Analysis of Dowsing, Radiesthesia and Kindred Divining Phenomena", pp 291-294:

    Divining in the period of religious persecution (16th & first half of the 17th C) During the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1(1558-1603) German miners were imported into England to lend impetus to the industry in Cornwall. They probably introduced the divining rod into England. At the end of the 17th century it spread all over Europe and aroused great controversy amongst scientists. A great number of the opponents of dowsers, such as Agricola, adopted their attitude, not for scientific reasons, but because they associated dowsing with satanic practices. This belief partly resulted from the fact that most dowsers in the Middle Ages surrounded their practices with ceremonies and formulae of highly pious character. The following formula cited by GAETZSCHMANN may serve as an example: "In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, I adjure thee, Augusta Carolina, that thou tell me, so pure and true as Mary the Virgin was, who bore our Lord Jesus Christ, how many fathoms is it from here to the ore?"

    Theory of attraction

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    The believers in divining explained dowsing on the principle of "sympathy" or "attraction and repulsion". The then recently discovered phenomena of magnetism and gravity supported this interpretation. They were forced to surround their practices with a religious atmosphere, as in those times anyone found engaged in mysterious works was in danger of being charged with sorcery and being burned to death. One of the leading characters in the 17th century was Baron de Beausoleil (Jean-Jacques de Chatelet, 1576-1643) one of the foremost authorities on mining; he travelled all over Europe and America. Because of his use of divining rods he was charged with sorcery and imprisoned in 1642, where he died shortly afterwards.

    Divining rod used for criminal investigation

    In 1602 an incident occurred in the south of France that added greatly to the notoriety of the divining rod. This incident was the arrest and identification of a criminal through the agency of a peasant of Dauphiny, named JACKQUES AYMAR, who claimed the ability to trace fugitives by the use of divining rods. AYMAR soon became notorious throughout Europe. In 1701 the Holy Inquisition issued a decree against the further use of divining rods in criminal prosecution, as it was considered still to be an instrument invented by Satan.

    Introduction of the pendulum In the beginning of the 19th century another type of divining rod was introduced (used previously during magic experiments), the so-called magic pendulum . It consisted of a finger ring or piece of metal, etc., attached to the end of a cord and suspended from the hand. In the beginning of the 18th century it was use for locating well sites.

    Scientific studies in the 19th century: In 1812 MICHEL EUGENE CHEVREUL made an investigation into the subject on behalf of the Academy of Science in 1854 and concluded that the whole phenomenon was the result of involuntary muscular movements in the hand, induced by mental processes. MICHAEL FARADY, in 1854 explained table turnings during spiritualistic sances in a similar manner. At the end of the 19th century several important studies on the divining rod appeared. In about 1875, CHARLES LATIMER in the USA concluded that the movements of the rods depended on electric currents transmitted from the ground through the body, thus inducing a magnetic field between the rod and the ground.

    In 1891 W.F. BARRETT, Professor of Physics at the Royal College of Science in Ireland undertook a very laborious investigation on dowsing in the interest of the Society for Psychical Research in London. BARRETT came to the following conclusion: "the movements of the rod or forked twig is due to unconscious muscular action arising from subconscious and involuntary suggestion impressed on the mind of the dowser, and this subconscious suggestion may be merely an autosuggestion or a suggestion derived through the senses from the environment, but in a certain number of cases it appears to be due to a subconscious perceptive power commonly called clairvoyance."

    Working with Energy

    We create the world we live and we draw to ourselves what we need to learn. Graduation depends on

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    successfully claiming our own sovereignty. We do not need to be the victims of fate or succumb to the will of the lesser gods. We are all creator gods in training on the third dimension which is the school of polarity. Each word, thought, deed and action has a consequence. This is how we learn. The paradox is the lesser gods who demand obedience and inflict pain also appear to be teachers of ultimate freedom. (Jehovah in the bible is a good example of a vengeful god.)

    Ye shall obey my commands no matter how unreasonable they may be, and you will do so till the day when you become brave and powerful enough to say no to me. At that point you will become qualified to take control of your own destiny.ii

    There are various ways to deal with what comes your way. Dark forces use fear, doubt separation to control. The highest integrity obtainable is to deal with each situation with love, integrity to release ourselves, with forgiveness and gratitude for the lessons learned from the dark force, block or obstruction that confront us.


    There are different stances we can take when dowsing. Each stance creates a different intent and therefore a different result. For example:

    The egotistical warriors stance comes from the world view of us against them or action and reaction. If it is used against the dark forces it is like declaring war so if you choose this stance be prepared for a reaction. If you use your pendulum to scramble, deactivate or neutralize energies this might be a good stance for clearing cancer, but be aware of negative kickback. The true spiritual warrior's strength or power comes from the heart not the force of the ego's will.

    Magician The magicians stance like Merlins was I use my wand of power to command the forces of nature. Usually not a good idea to command anything but if you are redirecting hurricanes or tornadoes it might be appropriate.

    Sorcerer The Sorcerers s stance like Alistair Crowleys was I call forth or conjurer the elemental forces. Conjuring anything can result in all sorts of energy turning up either of the light or dark so be aware.

    Alchemist The Alchemists stance like John Daltons was I translate transmute and transform all non-beneficial entities, energies or beings. Transmutation of energy is based on the belief that all of creation is seeking the Light or perfection, so to transmute the dark is to provide it with the opportunity to become the light.

    Whatever stances you choose to take remember to always come from your heart.

    Magic is a space within the heart; we are the Magi, and we the activators of that space. Alchemy and magic are intertwines. Alchemy is the process of the inner working of transmutation, and magic is the outer appearance of transmutation. Magic is concerned with spiritual matter, and alchemy with physical matter. We magi are alchemists adept in the ways

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    of magic ...Our story - your story brings you strength and joy. We know this, for we are you...iii

    We inhabit the third dimension of duality which is a place of learning. Graduation is to rise above the dualistic trap and to see it just as the eternal play of yin and yang - light and dark. We can let go of our emotional entrapment as it is neither right nor wrong nor good nor bad, but it just is. It is like the universal breath of life. As we breathe out we expel what is used and breathe in the new. The force of the breath in leads to the force of the breath out giving and receiving life.

    The universe is energy in the form of a super mind, which at lower frequencies appears to condense into a material world. Matter, energy and mind are variations in frequencies of the super mind. Because space, time and dimensions are coordinates that all simultaneously exist, they can be eternally redeemed and transformed by intention with the aid of a dowsing tool such as a pendulum, Y-rod, L-rod or bobber (hereafter collectively referred to as a pendulum). A pendulum is like a sensitive antenna that is directly connected to your Higher Self.

    Some people shy away from using a pendulum because they feel they need to listen directly to their inner guidance. If you have that underlying belief then your pendulum is no longer going to give you an accurate reading. I listen to my inner guidance and I use a pendulum as both systems are mutually compatible. To receive inner guidance or to use a pendulum requires an inner stillness or alpha brain state that puts the rational mind on hold as you download the guidance or use the pendulum. Both systems provide direct access to your Higher Self. Raymon Grace says that if you raise your vision (gaze upward about 20 degrees) and others suggesting tilting back 10 degrees. Either way you will calm the mind and enter the calm meditative Alpha brain state. While in Alpha create a physical trigger that you can use to bring yourself back to this state spontaneously. For example placing the tip of the tongue behind the top teeth is a good one.iv

    Brain States

    The Alpha brain state at 10 hertz connects you with the planetary intelligence grid and the Christ Consciousness Grid which is where all healing originatesv. A pendulum can be used as a precision tool to measure and change frequencies that coupled with guidance allows you to make whole brain decisions. Whole brain decisions combine both the rational left-brain that you use to pose the question (remember the answer is only as good as the question posed) and the intuitive right brain that you access by means of the pendulum or guidance to provide the answer. Delta is the brain wave signal of the subconscious, the seat from which your intuition arises and it is your conscious connection to your Higher Self. Love or heart centered thinking is intuitive and also right brained oriented. The beauty of using a pendulum is that it requires you to access the full range of brain patterns from 30 Hz to 4 Hz. Brainwaves Cycles per

    sec. Auric Field Octave

    Function Higher Mental Activity Perception Problem Solving High Level information processing

    Gamma 30 to 100 Hz

    Normal waking left brain mind centered awareness Wide awake alert Alertness, active, busy Cognition Concentration

    Beta 30 to 13 Hz Physical Body

    C-4th Octave Neuro-Muscular Physical

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    Heart centered right brain awareness Relaxation Visualization Creativity

    Alpha 12 to 7 Hz Emotional Body

    C-5th Octave Nutritional Emotional

    Transcendental Meditation levels and lucid dreaming Meditation Intuition Memory Lucid Dreaming

    Theta 7 to 4 Hz Mental Body

    C-6th Octave Biochemical Mental

    Zen state of awareness which a dowser dips into Detached Awareness Sleep Stage 3

    Delta 4 to 2 Spiritual (Causal) Body

    C-7th Octave Bioelectical

    Associated with healing Sleep Stage 4 Restorative aspects of sleep where dreams occur. Train yourself to remain awake while reaching the Delta state to experience even deeper levels of meditation and awareness.

    Delta x 2 to 0 Hz Higher Self Oversoul Blueprint

    C-8th Octave Genetic

    Brain Patterns chartaristic of dowsers as measured on the Mind Mirror, by Edith M. Jurka, M.D. , Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. The Mind Mirror is an instrument designed by Dr.C. Maxwell Cade FIE, F.I. Physics, Fl. Bio. The Mind Mirror consists of two electroencephalographs which record both sides off the barin simultaneously . The brain frequency analysis consists of 14 different frequency ranges from 075 to 38 hz. Five original patterns were established. When checking dowsers a sixth and different pattern emerged.

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    My interpretation is that a dowser is unique in how he uses his/her whole brain while dowsing. The rational left side of the brain that is awake in beta is used to formulate the questions, yet the answer comes from the deep aspects of the intuitive right side of the brain that is delta or delta x that is connected to the Higher Self or through to Source.

    Dr, Cade says that concerning the very high delta amplitude in all dowsers it correlates with higher levels of consciousness and a reaching out to the unknown. Certainly this is the essence of what a dowser does reach out for interpretation is that the delta frequencies are absent in the 5th pattern of yogis whose practice does not include a search. The increased beta amplitude of theta in the different dowsers reflects in some way a degree of spirituality for want of a better word. It may be that this tends to increase in such a person as he or she lives longer.vii

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    Brainwave Interference

    The above graph is only just part of the 35,000 interrupters we have to deal with on a daily basis.

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    Enter the Alpha State To move immediately into the alpha state, When I raise my vision (gaze upward about 20 degrees or tilt back 10 degrees) and calm the mind prior to using my pendulum I enter the Alpha brain state and I am connected to the planetary intelligence and the Christ Consciousness Grids, the source of all healing. You can also create a physical trigger, which in my case is to place the tip of my tongue behind my top teeth; I enter the Alpha brain state. If my mind wanders I can bring it back to the Alpha state by using my triggerviii.

    Choose Your Light Team Your Light Team are those beings you choose to work with when receiving guidance or using a dowsing instrument. Call on them to provide you with assistance and protection. From the Overworlds you can call on the angelic forces such as guardian angels, spirit guides, spirit doctors, Ascended Masters, Archangels, various Councils of Light, the Seraphim and other heavenly beings, planetary beings and stars beings to name a few. Also, because we are multidimensional beings that live in many dimensions simultaneously some of which are past lives it would be helpful to include guides from other kingdoms and times. In our Hibernia incarnation we experienced relationships with the titans, giants and shinning ones which in this age are our Underworld ancestors that can be accessed in this time frame, the elemental earth kingdom beings such as the Green Man, landscape devas and guardians of sacred sites. In our Lemurian times we inhabited etheric bodies and communed directly with the plant kingdom and moved in and out of the faery air realm. In our Atlantean times we communed and sought our power from the crystal mineral kingdom and in our Egyptian times we communed and aspired to become gods that were part human and part animal. As indigenous peoples we had animal totems and spirits.ix You can ask your Light Team to bring together any other beings that are appropriate to assist us with the work you are called to do. It is a good idea to ask and write out who is on your Light Team and to review it periodically. Remember you want those that are 100% from the light to join your Light Team. If you have a request that needs ongoing work you can direct your Light Team if they agree to carry on while you do other things. Remember if you do not ask for assistance you dont receive.

    Ground Yourself

    Our negative emotions cause disease. When we ground ourselves we can access more light through our crown chakras. As more light enters our bodies our DNA undergoes transmutation from being carbon based to becoming silicon based in order to carry more light. As we increase our capacity to run light we begin to create our light bodies as we move towards en-lighten-ment. As we run more light or electrical energy we need to increase our ground. If we don't increase our ground we will burn out like running a 220 volt electrical appliance that has only a 110 volts ground. The best way to ground is to visualize a shaft of light running from above our crown down through your spine and the perineum or base chakra into the center of the earth while breathing deeply. It is important to clear and ground periodically. It is also a good idea to put a note on the back of your entrance door that states, Re-member, Clear and Ground before you leave to go about your day to day activities.

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    Program Your Pendulum

    Your pendulum is a living entity. Your working agreement with this entity should be as clear as possible. If it is a crystal pendulum then you are programming the crystal.

    The programming steps are: 1. Pick up the pendulum. Cup it in your hand. 2. Blow on it and say I imbue this pendulum with my breath of life, three times. 3. Now program the pendulum by swinging it straight out from your belly button and say,

    when I ask my Higher Self a question and the answer is yes my pendulum will swing this way. State this aloud three times while swinging the pendulum back and forth.

    4. Next, swinging the pendulum horizontally side to side say, when I ask my Higher Self a question and the answer is no my pendulum will swing this way. State aloud three times while swinging the pendulum side to side.

    5. Now test the pendulum, start by swinging it back and forth halfway between yes and no, which is a 45% diagonally. Ask the question and swing the pendulum and it will either move to a yes or to a no. If it does not move. It may mean the question needs to be reframed or the answer is neither yes nor a no but is neutral.

    6. Now ask questions to make sure you are getting the correct answer for both a yes and a no. 7. If you are not getting a correct answer then start over and reprogram the pendulum. 8. If it still does work correctly proceed on in this manual and once you have undertaken a

    deep clearing then reprogram the pendulum once again and to see if now works correctly. 9. If your pendulum still does not work contact me at [email protected]

    Knowing beyond the limits of the rational mind

    I now use my pendulum to communicate with 3 aspects of my being.

    1. Higher Self (Oversoul) 2. Inner Shaman 3. Elemental I

    My Higher Self always knows what is the highest and best for me and all concerned and is in full knowledge of my lifes goals and purpose, past and future life goals and purpose and is connection directly to my Oversoul and to Source that knows all. My Inner Shaman knows how to respectfully approach all levels of Beingness or consciousness from rocks, trees, plants, animals, elementals, fairies, etc. to co-creatively and respectively work with them. My Elemental I knows all and manages all the operating systems of my body and their connection to my well-being and the well-being of all life forms.

    mailto:[email protected]

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    Create Your Dowsing System Affirmations and clear intentions can be used to make up your own personal pendulum system or agreement which will help improve the accuracy of our answers (called The System for short). Here are some suggestions to create your own System:

    1. When I use my pendulum, I only want to receive answers from my Higher Self, My Inner Shaman or My Elemental I. But lets just start with My Higher Self. 2. My pendulum is a tool I use to make whole brain decisions. 3. My rational brain possesses the question and my intuition or Higher Self answers through the pendulum. 4. My pendulum provides a direct link from my Higher Self. 5. My Higher Self is assisted by My Light Team or Spirit Team (my Guardian Angel(s), Spirit Guides and Spirit Doctors that both protect me and assist me during all my pendulum sessions.) 6. I only call on those beings that are 100% from the light to work on my Light Team. 7. I use my pendulum to only serve the higher good according to the Law of One. 8. My mind will always reject all suggestions and subliminal messages that are non-beneficial to me. 9. I am always aware of all attempts to adversely manipulate my mind and I take appropriate action to prevent or avoid danger. 10. I am always aware of any non-beneficial frequencies within my field and I take appropriate action to prevent or avoid danger. 11. I am always aware of any negative forces within my energy field. 12. I am always aware of any danger to family, friends, country, and myself and take the appropriate actions to prevent or avoid the danger. 13. My mind and body will always adjust to the most appropriate energy level for my health. 14. I am always at the right place at the right time to meet the right people to assist me in my undertakings. 15. I attract to me people, circumstances and events to enhance my life (to bring me prosperity etc.). 16. I think only positive thoughts. 17. I have the ability to create any trigger mechanism to immediately reach an alpha or relaxed state of mind. 18. I am a sovereign being. 19. To all non-beneficial beings entering my auric being I direct unconditional love down through my crown chakra and out through my heart and magnifying it a million times I direct the energy towards them so they can become light beings. 20. With each breath I am aware of my divine role in this incarnation and I am enlightened by my full memory of my past incarnations. 21. With each breath I infuse my being with cosmic love and bliss and with each out breath I breathe out all fear and doubt. 22. My every word thought, word and deed is of a constructive nature. 23. I infuse all substances (food, water and air) with Reiki healing energy to bring it to a level that is the most beneficial for my whole being - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. 24. I create the world I live in so all events and people that come into my life are really a

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    reflection of my need for my own inner healing; therefore I state, I am sorry (for manifesting this in my life and calling you or the event forth) and I love you,(which grants self love so I can love others), Forgive me (which grants myself and others forgiveness), Thank you (which grants gratitude for the lesson that we are all one)x 25. I release all of who I am not in order to be all of who I am. 26. I am a powerful abundant creator being and share my abundance with others. 27. Design and fill in your own affirmations.xi

    Dowsing Tools

    Pendulums - come in all sorts of materials, shapes and sizes and some are designed for specific uses. The Ptah Pendulum Was developed by John Madgwick Living who was educated at the Royal

    Military Academy, Sandhurst, and the Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham. He was commissioned as an officer in the Corps of Royal Engineers, and was taught Dowsing at the School of Military Engineering, Chatham. John Living has been a Member of the Institute of Royal Engineers, Member of the Institute of Engineers, Jamaica, Member of the Institute of Civil Engineers (and a Chartered Civil Engineer) in the United Kingdom, and a Professional Engineer registered in the Provinces of Ontario and Alberta, in Canada.

    He has more than 55 years experience of dowsing, was the Executive Secretary (and a co-founder) of the Holistic Intuition Society. He is a member of the Canadian Society of Questers, the Canadian Society of Dowsers, and the American Society of Dowsers.

    The Ptah Pendulum was developed as a environmental and personal aura clearing tool. John Living found that the Osiris Pendulum has a special ability to locate not good energies in a persons aura, and when used in extraction mode (an anti-clockwise circle) it removed such energies. But there was a problem - they tended to go into the hand of the Healer/Dowser who was using the Pendulum ! To overcome this, John attached his Osiris Pendulum to the extract end of one of the Healing Coils developed by Slim Spurling.

    This converted the energies that were removed into being good energies - and thus prevented deleterious effects from being experienced by the Healer/Dowser, giving instead a beneficial effect. The next step was to attach one of Slims Coils to a cord, so as to make a Pendulum. This was even more powerful in extracting not good energies and converting them to being good, but did not have

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    the ability of the Osiris Pendulum in locating problems in auras. An effort was made to get the Osiris Pendulum, designed on geometric theory, to teach the Slims Coil Pendulum its skill in locating problems in auras - and this was successful ! The Isis Pendulum has the gift of putting good energies into the recipient in a similar way, so a cord was attached to the output end of one of Slims Coils to make a Pendulum that put good energy into a person - and again this was a success !

    Then the thought was received Why not combine them into a dual purpose Pendulum ? - and so the Ptah Pendulum was developed. John Living has tested this on himself and on a number of other people who needed Healing - with excellent results.

    He has used it to locate and Heal not good energies in the land, such as curses and other bad medicine, and understands that it is one of the most powerful Healing devices that exists. When working with the Healing Angels and other Healing Energies John uses the Ptah Pendulum to clear energies that are causing problems as a preliminary step to reduce the work needed to be done by the Healing Energies / Angels.

    All the Ptah Pendulums are blessed with the abilities of the Osiris and Isis Pendulums, and have been made with True Holy Love.

    This is how John has programed the Ptah Pendulums.

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    Bobbers - act like horizontal Pendulums - operated by the spring instead of by gravity. The Retractable Bobber is extended for use, and when retracted fits in your coat pocket. The Bendable Bobber has a longer spring than the Retractable Bobber, giving greater sensitivity, and bends to fit in your pocket.

    L-Rods -made from bronze or copper welding rods, some with wooden bead handles having low-friction inserts and lead-free pewter beads as bearings and as caps on ends. Y-Rods are used primarily for dowsing water and the ones available are made by Glen Livingston out of plastic. Originally they were made from forked willow branches as there was a belif that the willow had an affinity to water and like would attact like.

    Energy Tools

    Love Living" Energy Rings Most powerful in the plane of the ring, giving expanding columns of 'Chi' / 'Orgone' Healing energy above and below the ring. The #20 Ring is ideal as a Neck Ring - stops headaches and migraines, and can give help for those who have head problems such as Alzheimer's, M.S., and Parkinson's. These Rings have been found excellent to both clear and empower Crystals used for Healing

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    Love Living" Bracelets are versions of the Energy Rings that are worn on your wrist; these increase the Radiance of your blood so that viruses, etc, do not like the environment - and help you keep well! They are encased in clear and unmarked vinyl so that your skin and clothes do not get stained by the copper and have lead-free pewter beads at the ends to make them very sturdy. They meld-in with the colour of your skin, so are not very noticeable - suitable for a man to wear! They can be washed safely.

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    Love Living" Energy Globes are a combination of Energy Rings (to attract) and a coil of the Ptah Pendulum (to Heal) that attracts energies that need to be Healed, Heals them, and sends them out as Love Energy. People who are clairvoyant report seeing these as very bright lights; they have been found to be effective over a large distance, to improve relationships in and around the home, and be most beneficial in business and Healing places.

    The Tiny Ptah Pendulum Set -We have designed a tiny version of the Ptah Pendulum especially for use with Healing Charts used for Distant Healing.

    The only difference in using it is that you hold the Tiny Ptah Pendulum by the loop at the end of the coils, where the cord is fixed. This Tiny Ptah Pendulum Set is supplied in a brushed aluminum container for safe keeping, and includes a glass bead Pendulum and a Message/Logarithmic Chart.

    The card is the same size as the standard business card, and is made of a very durable vinyl which should last for many years.

    Orgone or Chi Generators

    A Brief History of Orgone Research In the 1930's and 1940's, Dr. Wilhelm Reich was able to detect and measure the existence of etheric energy (life energy, chi, etc.), which he called orgone, using a modified geiger counter. Dr. Reich determined that stacking alternating layers of fiberglass (an organicsubstance) and steel wool (an inorganic substance) would actually attract and collect orgone/etheric energy of both the life-beneficial positive form (which Reich

    called "OR" or "POR") and harmful negative etheric energy ("deadly orgone" or "DOR").'glossary.html?popup=1?popup=1#etheric-energy','glossary','width=400,height=200');'glossary.html?popup=1?popup=1#etheric-energy','glossary','width=400,height=200');'glossary.html?popup=1#orgone','glossary','width=400,height=200');'glossary.html?popup=1#or','glossary','width=400,height=200');'glossary.html?popup=1#or','glossary','width=400,height=200');'glossary.html?popup=1#dor','glossary','width=400,height=200');'glossary.html?popup=1#dor','glossary','width=400,height=200');

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    He constructed large boxes called orgone accumulators or "oracs" using this simple layering principle and was able to successfully heal his patients of various ailments, including various forms of cancer, by having them sit inside the box for periods of time. The Advancements of Orgonite Reich built his research lab, dubbed Orgonon, in rural Maine, USA, as this location was at the time very isolated from sources of "deadly orgone," which his accumulators would collect indiscriminantly. Operating an orgone accumulator near sources of DOR (such as nuclear power plants, radio towers, etc.) has the potential of harming anyone receiving treatment inside it, so geographical location was and is an important factor for orgone accumulator operation. In 2000, a couple named Don and Carol Croft discovered through some Internet research and empirical observation that mixing catalyzed organic fiberglass resin with inorganic metal shavings, poured into small molds such as paper cups and muffin pans, would produce a substance which would attract

    etheric energy similarly to Reich's accumulators. Carol Croft, gifted with a keen sense of discrete energies, realized the significance of this finding and took it a step further by adding small quartz crystals to the mixture for their ability to efficiently collect, transmute and emit etheric energy. This addition to the resin/metal matrix creates a substance which functions as a self-driven, continuously-operating, highly efficient DORPOR (negative to positive) energy transmutation factory. When orgonite is within range of a source of

    DOR/negative energy, it will efficiently and continuously transform it into POR/positive energy as it is being transmitted, which essentially creates positive energy transmitters out of any and all emitters of harmful negative energy, which are totally defenseless against the effect. The resin in orgonite shrinks during the curing process, permanently squeezing the quartz crystal inside which creates a well-known piezoelectric effect inside the crystal, meaning its end-points become polarized electrically. It is believed this is also what causes the orgonite to function so effectively as a positive energy generator. Thus orgonite represents a very significant improvement over Reich's early work with orgone accumulators, since Reich's "oracs" attract deadly orgone energy as well as positive and do nothing to transmute it into a purely beneficial form, which orgonite does inherently and continuously. Within a year of this development, Don began publishing reports of his and his wife's experiences in, among other things, the tactical deployment of small pieces of orgonite near any and all sources of DOR, or life-negative energy, such as cellphone towers, nuclear power plants, underground bases and natural Earth energy gridlines and vorticies. Don included in his reports the specific life-positive,'glossary.html?popup=1#orgone-accumulator','glossary','width=400,height=200');'glossary.html?popup=1#orgone-accumulator','glossary','width=400,height=200');

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    cleansing, healing, confirming effects they would notice following such "gifting" activities, causing Don to strongly encourage his readers to replicate his efforts in their own communities.

    The Dowsing and Energy tools above are designed by John Living unless otherwise noted and are assembled by Tyhson Banighen. The orgon or chi generators and Y-Rods are created by Glen Livingston. All the Dowsing and Energy tools can be ordered from the Holistic Intuition Society The Law of One (or do no harm) When you dowse ask that the answer be for the highest good for all concerned according to the Law of One, the original law of Creation, which is the Supreme Law.

    We are all one. When one is harmed, all are harmed. When one is helped, all are healed. Therefore, in the name of who I AM, I am one with all; I ask that ONLY THAT WHICH IS THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL CONCERNED happen here and now, and through all time and space. I give thanks that this is done. SO BE IT!

    Love Conquers All True dominion over creation is the birthright of the Children of Light. Nowhere is this more clearly demonstrated than when negative beings of the feeling realm are commanded with the clarity and purity of flowing feelings of Love, Respect, and Gratitude and the Divine Virtues and The Law of One. The Law of One is the original law of creation, and all other laws in all other dimensions come from it. The Law of One overrides all lesser laws and is encoded in the life force and DNA of every created being. As a Child of Light chooses clear pure flowing love instead of fear in relating to negative beings in the feeling world, the utterance of The Law of One brings about instantaneous ripples of change in the Web of Life, so that no one is hurt and all are helped. "Judge not. Love conquers all." This is The Law of One; memorize it so thoroughly that you speak it even in dreams. Use it whenever protection is needed for you or for others. This law can be invoked for any situation, large or small, near or far.

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    Summon ALL beings, visible and invisible, known or unknown to you, that are involved, and say to them:

    When this law is spoken out loud or even in the silence, remembrance is sudden and swift in all beings, negative and positive. This law activates Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Divine Consciousness and Divine Flowing Feelings of the greatest clarity and perfect purity as the entire powers act together to bring about the highest good of all. Use this law often. Use it retroactively or proactively, in the past, present, or future. You may also ask us (the angelic kingdom) to invoke this law.xii


    The Basic Dowsing Procedure

    Clear Yourself - Before each session clear yourself and your dowsing instruments and the area. (Measured on the percentage scale with 100% being total cleared.) Enter the Alpha State - Cast your eyes upward or use your trigger to enter the Alpha state. Check the compatibility of your Light Team with the clients Light Team. (Measured by percentage with 100% is ideal). Check your hydration level (Measured by percentage with 100% being ideal) waterxiii is the carrier of information as well necessary to nourish and cleanse the toxins from the body.

    Invocation If you are a Reiki practitioners say the symbols by name and/or mentally draw them. In My Holy Name, In My Divine Truth or In Touch with my Higher Self.

    Protection I call on my Light Team, for protection and to increase my ground and I invoke the Law of One

    System Activation I activate The System

    Permission to Proceed I ask for permission in the following manner: May I? asks Do I have permission? Can I? asks Do I have the ability? Should I asks Is this an appropriate time or issue to be dowsing about?xiv Is there any other reason not to proceed? (If NO, then have water and take a break before asking again)

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    Is it in the highest good of all involved to dowse for _______ at this time?

    So in summary to begin a Dowsing Session state something like the following:

    In Touch with my Higher Self, I call on my Light Team, for protection and assistance, and I invoke the Law of One. I activate the system and I ask permission to proceed. May I? Can I? Should I? And is there any reason not to proceed?

    If you have received permission to proceed then you are can begin a dowsing session. As you continue to use these dowsing procedures you will gain confidence. Repetition of the procedure will impregnate your auric field and it will become easier and quicker to access your Higher Self therefore receive accurate dowsing answers. Over time your dowsing sessions will be accompanied by a flow of intuitive knowing called guidance. As you step further into the universal flow the manifestation of your thoughts will become more instantaneous. You will find yourself at the right place at the right time for miracles to occur in your life.

    Vortex Technology There are two basic kinds of motion within a vortex created by spinning a pendulum. When you spin the pendulum counterclockwise it creates a centrifugal action that spins the energy outward and when you spin the pendulum clockwise you create a centripetal energy that brings energy in. As a centripetal (clockwise) vortex approaches the center, the maximum amount of energy becomes theoretically infinite (not taking into account energy loss through friction, sound, waste, heat, etc.) creating a black hole. All levels of the physical world from atoms to galaxies and beyond are spinning vortexes which are expanding or contracting, birthing or dying. When two vortexes come together they create a null point, zero point, black hole or gateway to another dimension.

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    The Law


    To clear non Beneficial Energy (soul binding energy)

    In order to spin out

    any unwanted old reality that is due to the illusion of separation, spin the pendulum counterclockwise and say, I translate, transmute, transform and release all non-beneficial influences and attractors (then state the wording of the question being worked on) and with the assistance of my Light Team I clear this throughout all space, time and dimensions both known and unknown including all original cause(s), core belief(s) and effect(s), and I declare it so and so it is. Thank you Gratitude is an important vibration to express with a thank you. Note: Please do not banish entities or non-beneficial forces. Ask your Light Team to provide them with assistance to heal or to go towards the Light.

    The Void (the center still point of the vortex)

    A void is created once you have transmuted and cleared away the non beneficial energies. The center is still point between the two vortexes. It is the point in space time where the past and the future dissolve into the eternal now. The next step is to fill the void with by bringing higher dimensional energy.

    To Bring in New Higher Dimensional Energy (soul liberating energy)

    To bring in a new reality spin the pendulum clockwise, spinning in

    As the pendulum starts to come to rest and if it was an intense clearing you can say, and I seal your being (the client) from any further non-beneficial influences and I declare it so and so it is. Thank you.

    and say, With the assistance of my Light Team I fill this void with higher dimensional energies such as: use the ones most appropriate to the situation such as unconditional love, self love, self worth, joy, grace, bliss, acceptance, forgiveness, abundance, prosperity, etc..

    Word Usage

    I try and use the term non beneficial entity or energy instead of the term negative entity or energy. I dont know if the entity or energy is good or bad as it might its right and useful place in the universal scheme of things, so I try and use the terms negative and positive like non judgmental electrical charges. If I set up my auric field to repel negative energies I am always in defensive mode reflecting these energies away. What I resist persists. It is much more effective to set up my auric field as a transmutational field that converts all non beneficial (negative) into positive (beneficial) energies. Now everyone and everything that comes into my energy field can be transmuted just by my presence.

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    Verb Usage

    The verbs we use in our dowsing work express our intent and each carries a different vibrational intensity. Here are the results when using a scale of 0 to 100% with 100% being the ideal verb to use to deal with non beneficial or dark energies:

    to neutralize 30%. to harmonize 70% to deactivate 40% to balance 80% to recalibrate 50% to translate 100 % to reverse 50% to transmute 100% to clear 50% to transform 100% to scramble 70% to transfigure 100%

    To work with cancer none of these words will have any effect except the last 4 which have a 40% positive healing effect. So I asked, are there other verbs or emotions that are more effective to deal with cancer? I received the following. Emotions are the power behind the intent that causes manifestation to occur on the third dimension.

    to release 60% (verb) to be grateful 100% (emotion) to forgive 80% (verb) to have gratitude 100%. (emotion)

    The last three have a clockwise spin whereas all the others have a counterclockwise spin which means for cancer, spin out counter clockwise using the words to translate, to transmute and to transform and then fill the void with new energy by spinning in clockwise forgiveness of self, gratefulness and gratitude for the learning experience of cancer. I encourage you to test the power of other action verbs, intentions and emotions for yourself.

    Chart Dowsing

    Percentage scale If you do not have a circle chart available you can draw a circle or use a line chart or use the fingers of your hand. 0 to 1 is 10%, 1 to 2 is 20% and so on.


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    A healthy human is 24 on the inner scale which 2400 (add another zero to the outside numbers) A lower rate is attributable to dis-ease.

    An ideal home is halfway between 21 and 22 or 2150.

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    Baseline Clearing Questions

    Use the following questions to establish a base line. Write the base line numbers down so you can track the amount being cleared as the dowsing session progresses. You can use the positive or negative percentage scales. For example to determine the negative impact you may want to use the negative scale.

    1. What is their Protection Level is measured on a scale of 0 to100% with 100% being ideal? (If weak, say less than 60%, check the persons spirituality scale-using question 9. Also proceed and use the Deep Clearing wording below before proceeding further. Clearing periodically is like taking a spiritual shower. Once cleared spin in and repeat the follow phrase, I choose to alter my energy field to transmute all negative or non-beneficial energies now and forever more. Also, it is very important to increase your protection field in bars, hospitals, grave yards, funeral homes or any other place where you can pick non-beneficial hitchhiking entities. The human energy fields around the body are like layers of an onion so you can and should periodically clear the various levels mental, emotional, spiritual bodies as well as the physical.

    2. To what Degree are they Grounded measured on a scale of 0 to100% with100% being ideal?

    3. Life Force or Pranic Flow measured on a scale of 0 to100% with 100% being ideal? 4. Check their Hydration level measured on a scale of 0 to100% with 100% being ideal? Water

    is the carrier of information as well as nourishing the body and cleansing toxins from the body. 5. Energy Level of Person on the thousands scale. Ideal is 2400 or higher, 1900 or less is

    depression, less than 1800 can result in diseases. Remember as you change locales your energy level will change accordingly, so best to check if you enter a new house, building or location.)

    6. Command Center Brains efficiency in communicating to glands and organs measured in Megahertz? Ideal 60 to 68 MHz has now changed as of 03/07 to 67 to 87 MHz. Please check for current rates.

    7. Energy Level of Home measured on the thousands scale 2150 or higher is ideal. If 1900 or less, once cleared, then spin in and include the following phrase, I declare this house and surrounding property a safe zone that repels all harmful energies.

    8. Balance with Earth energies measured on a scale of 0 to 100% with 100% being ideal? This tests the effects of the Photon belt and the speeding up of time as explained in the Mayan calendar. We create our own worldxvii

    9. What is the persons Spirituality Level measured on a 0 to 100 minus scale? (0 is balanced, -5% the person is self-centered, -10% the person is a likely dishonest or using drugs, at 15% the person has major problems and should be checked to see if they are grounded. See question 2 or check whether have negative entities or energetic patterns (see questions 1 through 4 below or do a Deep Clearing).

    10. What is their Overall Health measured on a 0 to 100% scale and if less than 100% then check individually their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

    11. Are they connected to their Higher Selves measured on a 0 to 100% scale with 100% being ideal?

    12. What is their Integrity Level or their Ability to Tell the Truth measured on a 0 to 100% scale with 100% being telling the Truth.xviii

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    Deep Clearing A Deep Clearing includes question 1 through 21. I suggest you proceed question by question only unless you want to know more about how the dark forces operate. Personally, I do not care how they operate; I just don't want them in my life or anyone elses.

    1. Are there any energies, entities, or beings less than 100% pure light in or around their being? 2. Non beneficial entities within the energy field? (How many? Use the Light Team to assist with

    their removal to the Light and the removal of the pattern on the physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual level that is attracting them.)

    3. Non beneficial entities or energetic patterns in or around the home. (How many? Use the Light Team to assist with their removal and to remove the pattern that is attracting them.)

    4. Demonic forces (How many? Use the Light Team to assist with their removal and to remove the pattern that is attracting them.)

    5. Non-beneficial energetic patterns effecting person such as fear, trauma, circular no-win thinking, etc.

    6. Non-beneficial Spirit guides. 7. Compatibility of clients Spirit guides. 8. Poltergeists. 9. Non-beneficial archetypes. 10. Hexes, curses, spells, black magic, bad medicine, witchcraft, family curses, prehistoric curses

    on person or home. 11. Spirit of victimization or co-dependency. 12. Psychic cords attached to clients (Thought forms that affect the chakras and therefore the

    clients health check for level of negativity. Psychic cords can be cut from aura by sweeping the hand or a crystal through the aura.)

    13. Psychic cords attached from client to others. 14. Implants or probes. 15. Vows, contracts or agreements in this or past lives such as poverty, chastity and obedience. 16. Beliefs, thoughts, memories inherited, self imposed or by association (Determine what % of

    influence on emotions or health and then neutralize the ill effects.) 17. Brainwashed or other mental programs. 18. What are the effects of heritage, culture and religion ? (Jewelry or objects clear all historical

    pieces). 19. Check for any lost soul attachments from others attached to the client. 20. Are there multiple souls inhabiting the clients body? If yes, are there any non-beneficial souls?

    To what degree if any is the soul entity contributing to schizophrenia?xix 21. Any aspects of the soul that are still stuck in the Piscean Age energies or in a past life?xx

    For periodic updates to this Deep Clearing protocol visit Deep Clearing (Clears Questions 1-21) Updated September 19, 2012

    Before proceeding check with your pendulum on a scale of 0 to 100% with 100% being clear to see how clear you are. If not 100% then clear by spinning the pendulum anticlockwise and state aloud:

    In my Holy Name I declare I am light only light. I undertake this action throughout all levels of consciousness and throughout all time, space and dimensions both known and unknown. I

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    undertake this Deep Pendulum Clearing as a benevolent act and I allow all non-beneficial energies, attachments, intrusions, alterations from all sources whether beings or any or all other life forms that have entered my aura, my consciousness, subconscious or unconscious mind or physical brain to be removed translated, transformed, transmuted and transfigured throughout all levels and layers of reality into more harmonious frequencies of Light. With the assistance of Prime Creator I hereby remove and release myself from any and or all other sources that are not aligned 100% with pure divine light including but not limited to the following:

    Note: You can proceed to clear all the following or dowse to determine which numbers apply to you or the client. This list is reviewed and updated twice a year and the latest version which is dated is under Articles on my web site

    1. All egoistic beliefs and thought forms that bind me to the illusion of duality and to the Piscean Age of Darkness.

    2. All attachments that produce pain, suffering, illness and death. 3. All implants in around or through the multi-dimensional aspects of my body and chakras. 4. All programs of revenge and retribution running in this or any other lifetime. 5. All government and alien technology. 6. All containment fields used by reptilians. 7. All hooks. 8. All Negative ETs, Reptilians, shadows and their minions, their programs, networks and

    installations. 9. All holographic non beneficial inserts of Artificial Hierarchies of Light or the Dark, Ascended

    Masters, Guides, Angels, Helpers, Gurus etc. 10. All mind grids, plugins and any or all alien technologies. 11. All mind control agents or technologies. 12. Any and all foreign objects, inserts, frequencies and aspects that are in, around or through my

    being. 13. All intercessors, holographic inserts between me and Prime Creator. 14. All fears, pre-soul life agreements, vows or contracts that I may have taken or agreed to.

    15. All illnesses, injuries, and the illusion of aging and any discordant energy inherited from my soul group.

    16. All attachments to a certain outcome or false expectations due to poor self-image, from loved one, material possessions or goods from any and all sources.

    17. All and all illusions that results in pain, psychic pain, psychic attacks, programs of suffering, programs of self-sacrifice, programs of pain.

    18. All programs from any sources including but not limited to clearing modalities, books, manuals or teachings that I have encountered. (List them out Negative ETs, Ron, Petra, Adam, Marduk and their overlords, agents or minions).

    19. All non-beneficial programs, beliefs, inserts, karmic links from any sexual encounters.

    20. All fears pain, doubts, old belief systems, vows, cording, knotting, dark entities & alien implants or any other type of attacks or interrupters that ultimately may alter or have altered my DNA.

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    21. All programs, blocks and interference on every level and layer of my being and all concentric circles and take it down.

    22. All intercessors, middle men, traffickers of my body or intrusion from this or any source into my seven levels of being

    23. All firewalls, looping time cycles of interference, holographic inserts, unauthorized software or other downloads or reboots, defragmentation, viruses and any and all fail safe mechanism that prevent healing and wholeness.

    24. All mind grids.

    25. All dark entity crystals.

    26. All damage to organs and glands and DNA and RNA mitochondria and trailers.

    27. All mold, bacteria and infection.

    28. All contracts (such as karmic), vows (such as Masonic, Freemason or any other vows that bind the heart, mind, body or soul), commitments, agreements or pre soul or over soul life agreements.

    29. All holds from any and all sources or structures known and unknown including but not limited to legal, satanic, negative reptilian or negative ETs.

    30. All curses and vows and all dark entity crystals and anything that holds them in place from clearing.

    31. All links, cross links, connections, attachments, energy hooks, energy links, energy drains, connections to send fear to me.

    32. All hardware and software and trafficking equipment.

    33. All fusing agents.

    34. All heavy metals.

    35. All robotic energies and entities.

    36. All diabolic infestations and spores.

    37. All infections and diseases.

    38. All psychic back doors or any and all entry points. I assign guardians of 100% pure light to protect and keep all gates closed and clear of interference and infiltration.

    39. Cancel all negative systems, feedback loops, backups, firewalls running in around or through the body, its energy fields, multidimensional realities or the original soul or incarnational blueprints.

    40. I request and grant myself Karmic Absolution with the assistance of the Karmic board of 100% pure light.

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    41. All destruct universes, the Annu grid and Annu shield.

    42. All negative collective consciousness or hive mentalities from any and all sources including but not limited to the Orion Galaxy.

    43. All pins, needles, darts and infections.

    44. All toxic streams of energy of mind, body, spirit, soul and all gates and endocrine system.

    45. All cords and hooks and soul ties and psychic ties from the etheric, astral bodies and chakras, subtle bodies and in-between subtle bodies.

    46. All Annunaki/Hybrid Matrixes, from all satanic realms, from False Hierarchy of Light, from all robotic energies and entities from all beings known and unknown connected to the psychic realm and all realms and programs and networks and associated with any of that all links and cross links that are not from sources of 100% pure light.

    47. All blocks to direct permanent healing.

    48. All links, crosslinks, talons, hooks, energy drains from sinister forces.

    49. All discarnate and implant technology.

    50. All concepts of disease, suffering and poverty, chastity and obedience as being a necessary part of my path back to the light.

    51. All jump gates, time travel, transporter technology, teleportation, magic, dimensional travel, resonance travel, walk through walls technology, implant technology, sleep ray technology, radionics, witness wells, remote viewing capability and QXCI.

    52. All senders, any fractional sender, any reverse fractal sender, any living machine sender, any living fractal machine sender, or any reverse fractal living machine sender, cannot send me any or all programs, downloads, negative content, to me or my children or family of origin anywhere I am.

    53. All Controllers, Handlers, sub-handlers and mischiefs, military controllers, military handlers or any other name known or unknown.

    54. All magical and deceptive devices including sorcery, spells, curses, black magic, bad medicine, family curses, prehistoric curses, voodoo, shamans, hexes, incantations, any negative influences from witches, vampires, demons, monsters, wizards, and stealers, liars, tricksters, shape shifters, false prophets, rulers, overlords, and any and all others that would block or divert me on my path to the light.

    55. All limitations that would prevent my DNA from full activation including but not limited to the following: chemtrails, HARP, any karmic cords, ties or attachments, electronic barriers, technical devices, deception matrices, project double mirror, negative carrier waves or mind control frequencies delivered on Radio, Shortwave, TV signals, AC/DC, microwave or on any other inhibiting frequencies known or unknown, any transferred or implanted digressive genetic codes, crystal gene matrix distortions, out of sequence genetic codes, aggressive karmic genetic imprints, contaminated genetic codes, holographic inserts, unwanted implants and magical

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    intentions and all non beneficial devices, toxins, mind melts. Energy field dampeners, Borg technology, allow attractor fields, holes in the aura, life drain spells, scalar technology, distorted reality agreements, inappropriate manufactured dimensional bodies, ability blocking devices, harmful Wernicksxxi commands (I first remove booby traps, then deactivate Wernick commands and I then permanently remove them) and any and all devices from any and all sources.

    56. I also revoke all non-beneficial seals, covenants or vows that I may have taken in this or any other past life on this or on any other space, time or dimension.

    57. All negative energies attached to master number activations such as 11-11 and 12-12, etc. or any inhibiting frequencies as well as any and all other DNA genetic dampening devices from any origin including my soul group, my contacts, church and religion, race, state, country, family, planet, rulers and governments, solar system, galaxy, and universe and any and all alternative universes, planets, worlds, in this or any other time, space or dimensions or in this or any other lifetime or multidimensional reality that would inhibit the full activation of my DNA, the development of my crystal gene matrix structure and my light body.

    58. I give my cells permission to release any and all non-beneficial energies held in their genetic code or matrixes that may have been derived from any space, time, or dimension either know or unknown.

    And in conclusion and in my Holy Name I now revoke and deny permission for any and all non-beneficial intrusions into my energy fields from any and all sources. I transform, translate, transmute, transfigure, heal and repair the above stated actions and any other not yet stated non-beneficial thought forms and energies in, around or through my being and I do so throughout all time space and dimensional matrices both known or unknown including deleting all original causes, core beliefs, past and present life traumas and effects. I call one soul heal here and now and I retrieve, heal and repair any and all aspects of my fragmented soul. I remove all infection and I bring all healing crisis associated with these actions to a successful conclusion such that I am pain free and any damage is now fully repaired. I declare it so and so it is. Thank you.

    Spinning the pendulum clockwise I state aloud: With the assistance of Prime Creator I translate, transmute, transform, and transfigure heal and repair all that I have stated and replace it with Prime Creators love, light and tone. I am now reborn anew in this moment. I ask for assistance to create Elohim shields of protection, cosmic swat team and masters of light. I invoke the Law of One. I declare I am not a victim. I now create a new reality and I invoke this reality into this now moment with each every breath that I take. With this breath and each subsequent breath I take full control of my life with each right thoughts, words, deed and action. I encapsulate all non beneficial energies, entities or beings and send them to the light. I hereby close, seal, and permanently lock closed all inter-dimensional gates and doorways or any other intrusions into my energy field, multidimensional realities, chakras and soul blueprint or my present incarnational or any other blueprint that is not 100% of the pure light. Locate all missing soul parts from this life and all past lives from the beginning of time and bring them back. I cleanse them, heal them, fill them with the Light, and integrate them with my soul. I clamp the cords to any soul parts that cannot be brought back at this time. I clean, heal and shield my soul with violet light of St. Germain (100% of the divine light) and I declare it so and so it is. My brain is clear, rebooted, repatterned and balanced and my DNA and etheric, emotional and mental bodies are in harmony and balance with my original blue print. With each Deep Clearing I spiritually cleanse myself and

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    my protection level is increased such that my auric field repels all psychic attacks or repossession attempts. I fill the void with higher dimensional energies and I now grant love, forgiveness and freedom to any and all including myself if I participated in inhibiting my or others DNA activation or obstructed my own or others soul paths. In addition I now call in the higher dimensional energies to translate, transmute, transform and transfigure, anchor, repair, purify, assemble and activate my DNA and genetic structure to the full limit of what my body, energy structures, soul matrices and over souls can hold in each moment. I grant myself the full memory of all lifetimes and the remembrance of the purpose and the work for which I have come to planet earth and in my Holy Name I declare it so, and so it is. Thank you.

    Now check on a scale of 0 to 100% with 100% being clear to see how clear you are. If you are not 100% then clear yourself again. Sometimes it takes 3 times to fully clear. The above wording can be placed in a plastic sleeve. On the reverse side or on another piece of paper list all persons, things or places that you would like to clear each time you clear yourself. You may place this sheet under your paper radionics chart and broadcast it 365/24/7. Ask Archangel Michael, Saint Germain and your Light Team to please assist you in taking care of this clearing request and then express gratitude that it has been done.

    Note: In a small percentage of cases if you are unable to clear to 100% then an exorcism of possession is the next step

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